Fantasy word electronic library. Fantasy e-books

What could be better than good science fiction? This genre remains consistently popular among both young and older people. The near and vast future, unknown worlds allow a person to forget the realities of reality and plunge into the dreamy-romantic world of the unknown. Outstanding works by Bradbury, Asimov, Clarke, Sheckley, Simak and other “pillars” of the genre can be found on the Online Books website. Now you can read science fiction without registration from your phone or tablet anywhere and at a convenient time.

Violating the boundaries of reality: reading science fiction online

This genre contains an element of something extraordinary; it allows for a violation of the world we are all familiar with. Modern science fiction consists of many subgenres:

  1. Magic realism.
  2. Horror (horror).
  3. Scientific.
  4. Utopia.
  5. Dystopia.
  6. Fantasy and many others.

Perhaps the most popular subgenre of fiction read online is science fiction. It began to develop at the beginning of the 20th century with the release of H.G. Wells’ novels “The Time Machine,” “War of the Worlds,” and “The Invisible Man.” At that time, science fiction tried to anticipate the development of scientific thought, especially the development of science and technology, and space exploration. Often the heroes of works are transported to the future and deal with advanced technologies, inventions and unknown phenomena. The Soviet school of science fiction writers is represented by world-famous writers - Mikhail Bulgakov, Alexander Belyaev, Alexey Tolstoy, Vladimir Obruchev.

The world of wizards, knights and dragons: read fantasy online for free

Fantasy is a subgenre of science fiction that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. It is based on fairy-tale and mythological motifs. Unlike classic science fiction, the new worlds imagined are inhabited by characters who are quite similar to people. Another difference is that fantasy does not aim to explain the world in scientific terms. Often the existence of this world is not stated at all by the author. Unlike a fairy tale, miracles are described by the genre as something natural, for example, as the laws of nature.

At its core, fantasy is a historical adventure novel, all the events in which take place in a fictional world that is very similar to the Middle Ages. To a large extent, this is a continuation of Chinese, Japanese and Korean epics, novels and stories with a large share of the supernatural component. Novels about knights also had an influence on the development of the genre.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien made a great contribution to the development of the movement. Along with him, the leading writers of the genre are Zelazny, Perumov, Farmer. The first works of the genre, according to critics, are.

Fantasy is a very young genre. It arose at the beginning of the twentieth century, some of the first works in this genre are: “The Daughter of the King of Elfland” (1924) by Lord E. Dunsany, “Conan” by R.E. Howard, The Chronicles of Narnia (1950-1956) K.S. Lewis, "The Tales of Manuel" by J.B. Cabell. The genre was greatly influenced by the work of J.R.R. Tolkien. Research and debate around fantasy continues, and very vigorously. It is possible that Fantasy will soon become a separate literary genre. In the meantime, this is a genre of fantasy literature. But if the main attribute of science fiction is technology, then the main attribute of fantasy, of course, has become magic.

Currently, most researchers define fantasy as a subgenre of science fiction. A distinctive feature of fantasy is the presence of magic and supernatural elements. Despite all their similarities with science fiction, they are distinguished by the fact that the plot of fantasy is not scientifically feasible even in the most distant future.

Fantasy is distinguished by the complex structure of the worlds in which the action takes place. These other worlds may be in the past or present; similar to earthly ones, existing in parallel and simultaneously with real time, on Earth, not on Earth, outside the time of space.

Fantasy storylines revolve around the battle between good and evil and usually end with the defeat of the latter. The main character often has magical abilities that help him in the fight against evil, or magical objects of unprecedented power: rings, swords, amulets, etc. Fantasy worlds are inhabited by mythical (dragons, unicorns, elves, gnomes, etc.) and paranormal (vampires, werewolves, etc.) creatures.
Currently, the two most popular subgenres are epic fantasy, such as Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, and urban fantasy, such as Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments series.

Our site offers its visitors to read online fantasy books that have become classics and loved by millions of readers around the world.

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In any case, we tried very hard to ensure that online fantasy books find their way to the hearts and minds of their many fans.
Most of all, fantasy works resemble a historical adventure novel, the action of which takes place in a fictional fantasy world, similar to the real world of the Middle Ages. Fantasy heroes encounter supernatural phenomena and creatures that are similar to mythical ones, familiar to everyone from early childhood from fairy tales.

Rush towards a black dwarf billions of light years away from Earth, piloting a starship as fast as thought. Or wander along with polar explorers to the mysterious Sannikov Land. Hunt saber-toothed tigers in the scorching deserts of the past. Track down bloodthirsty mutants in ambush... The dream becomes so close and achievable when you open a book with the word “Fantasy” on the cover.

Literature of foresight, the fruit of a fevered imagination, a bridge to the foggy distance of the future - this is how science fiction novels have been called by admirers and detractors of the genre. Science fiction has always caused heated debate. Because she never left indifferent those who, out of idleness or keen interest, read about incredible adventures.

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It’s very easy to discuss what you’ve read, express your cherished opinion, and find interlocutors who are as passionate about science fiction as you are on our forum. Its doors are always open to admirers of dream literature. Come, don't be shy. Modern science fiction is worth talking and writing about. Especially when there are reliable and loyal friends nearby.

Sections of modern fiction

The desire to invent new and new worlds gradually led to the fact that the Universe of science fiction began to be divided into many separate galaxies. There was a genre stratification of a huge literary layer. Heroes who know no fear () fight against myriads of enemies, striking the reader with their imagination and ingenuity. Such books are based on a description of active action in a fictional setting. Consonant with action books, the tradition of which dates back to ancient epics. Poetic tales of classical myths and legends inspired authors to create a number of books united by the concept. Books about fictional life in other worlds can tell about cities and countries in which life is subordinated to reason and strict social harmony. Such novels were left behind by great utopian dreamers who cherished the desire to make humanity happy with justice and wealth. The works are genres and try to accurately predict the near future of humanity. Futuristic motifs also appear in style novels. It is interesting that some attempts, as the history of literature shows us, were crowned with complete success. Suffice it to recall utopian, science fiction novels, etc.

If a daring crime has occurred on some planet and the hero must at all costs identify the criminal, know: you have it in your hands. Popular adventures written in the and genres are similar in content. In these books, the heroes may not be people at all, but robots or monsters created by the cybernetic genius of scientists. But, strangely, all these mythical monsters and robots experience human emotions. That’s why, it seems, stories about cybermonsters excite readers. No writer can maintain a completely serious tone. Bored with very detailed and dry descriptions of distant worlds, science fiction writers decide to make a joke. And then magnificent novels of the genres are born - , . All these wonderful books will be provided to its readers who decide. You can never part with the best examples of science fiction genres even on the road; once is enough, or you will always have enough reading material in your mobile phone.

Flights of fancy and richness of imagination are most clearly manifested by the authors of science fiction and fantasy in their respective works. Something most incredible, a fantastic assumption, factor or phenomenon, impossible (at least not yet encountered) in our real world, can be taken as an element or even a basis. Fantasy is sometimes classified as one of the genres of science fiction, others still consider the difference between them to be serious, and still others note that often these two movements are too closely intertwined to make it worth separating them so categorically.

Science fiction is still based on theoretically possible things. Most often, it is directed to the future, as if imagining what the development of civilization can reach. Cosmic passions often rage here, amazing new technologies are described, hitherto unknown worlds are discovered, etc. At the same time, science fiction tries to substantiate things, phenomena and events from the point of view of science and show that this option may well be realized.

Fantasy is more similar to fairy tales, myths, secrets and legends.

There is a place for magic, fairy-tale characters and spirits, incredible superpowers and similar supernatural manifestations. Often it is expressed by some kind of representation of heroic deeds in a slightly different reality, similar to life in the Middle Ages. The result is a historical adventure story in a fictional world where incredible creatures roam and miraculous phenomena occur. At the same time, there is often a place for magic there. It can have a mystical-philosophical or heroic slant, be black or humorous.

Some may find in science fiction dreams of the future, when flights of fancy envision what the world can be like and what can be achieved. There are predictions about the impact of the actions of contemporaries on the world of the future, even warnings about disasters. Well, sometimes you want to plunge into the world of dragons and sorcerers, elves and other mythical creatures, without wondering whether it is possible (or knowing for sure that it is impossible). Mysterious past and unpredictable future, other planets and parallel worlds, alternative

Fantasy can easily be called one of the main genres that appeals to adults, youth and teenagers. Incredible magical worlds, magical spells, confused people with incredible inner strength, amazing creatures and bright adventures are contained in almost every book in this direction. The stories themselves are not based on any scientific assumptions; they are completely invented by the author, who allows himself to translate the most unimaginable ideas and plans into literary reality. The writer understands that with proper implementation, his creations will be able to conquer many readers and turn into a real bestseller.

In addition to the fantasy world and exciting adventures, many writers focus on the love story of the heroes. Moreover, in this case, intergalactic and interspecies relationships are possible, and the characters themselves will face obstacles that you probably won’t find in modern or historical novels about love. Some books are designed specifically for a female audience, so familiarity with fantasy reality itself fades into the background, giving way to tender and touching feelings. Others are intended for a more serious reader who will be interested not only in the creation of the universe itself, but will also become an active participant in the struggle for power or for life. Unlike science fiction, fantasy books do not aim to explain surrounding events using proven facts as a basis. Here the characters use magic and quite often are not devoid of humor, so enjoying such creations becomes much more pleasant, because they lift your spirits and allow you to get rid of the baggage of negative emotions.

New releases in the world of fantasy immediately arouse interest among fans of the genre, so you can find electronic versions of works in fb2 and txt formats almost immediately after the publications appear on bookstore shelves. New novels are presented on special websites, both by Russian and foreign writers. It is worth noting that domestic writers today surprise with their approach to writing. Their storylines, bright turns of events and humorous narratives become a real reason for pride in Russian fantasy, because some of the authors are known all over the world.

It is also very encouraging that in order to maximize enjoyment of the best stories of the above genre, it is not necessary to spend money on purchasing a paper copy in a store. You can simply use an Android or iOS device and read online or download for free without registration exactly the book that has a promising description. Since files in fb2, txt, epub, pdf and rtf formats are available for download, there should be no problems with correct opening. Thanks to the existence of such devices, everyone has the opportunity, at a time and place convenient for themselves, to begin reading fantasy, which will be able to transport a person to another reality, filled with incredible characters and amazing events.