Pyatigorsk Institute of Foreign Languages ​​passing grade. Department of Foreign Languages

>PSLU (Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University)

PSLU (Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University) - faculties, professions, courses, exams, official website

Presented by PSLU (Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University) - faculties, professions, courses, exams, official website.

PSLU is one of the oldest and best language universities in Russia. The university was founded in 1939 in the form of a pedagogical institute. In 1961 it was transformed into a pedagogical institute of foreign languages. Today, the main directions of the university are linguistics and international relations.

On the basis of PSLU there are 10 Educational Institutes and Higher Schools. Among them:

Institute of International Relations
- Institute of Linguistics, Communication Management and Information Technologies
- Institute of International Service, Tourism and Foreign Languages
- Institute of Translation Studies and Multilingualism
- Institute of Francophonie and Sports and Tourism Management
- Institute of Human Sciences
- Institute of Germanic languages, international marketing and innovation
- Institute of Spanish Studies, Intercultural, Social and Information and Computer Technologies
- Higher School of Literature, European and Oriental Languages
- Higher School of Political Governance and Innovation Management

Each Educational Institute and Higher School has its own departments. In total, the university has more than 30 departments.

At Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University you can get the following specialties: Organization of work with youth, Linguistics, Journalism, Translation and translation studies, Philosophy, Oriental and African studies, Psychological and pedagogical education, Business informatics, Arts and humanities, Literary creativity, Theology, Management, Tourism and hotel business, Innovation, Quality Management, State and municipal administration, Economics and many others.

In addition to basic higher education, at PSLU you can undergo pre-university training or receive additional education. There are also postgraduate and doctoral studies at the university. A distinctive characteristic of the university is the presence of an educational center for foreign citizens. Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University has branches in Stavropol, Novorossiysk and Karachay-Cherkessia.

The infrastructure at PSLU is no less developed. The university has a huge sports complex, including gyms, an artificial climbing wall, and outdoor and indoor sports grounds. As well as two sports and recreation centers - “Dakhmurts” (in the mountains of Karachay-Cherkessia) and Anchor Gap (on the Black Sea coast) and the sanatorium-preventorium “Nut Grove”. The university's buildings include eight academic buildings, five student dormitories, sports grounds and the Big Break student canteen.