How to learn English in a short time. How long does it take to learn English from scratch? How to learn English in a short time

There is no secret method to learn a language in a month. If someone promises you a miracle, don't believe it. But the process can be accelerated in order to overcome the barrier in six months and finally speak English. Life hacker and experts from the online English school Skyeng share simple tips.

1. Study online

Online classes help you learn quickly. You can be too lazy to drive to the other end of the city in bad weather, but the Internet is always at hand. Adapting your schedule to the course schedule, making agreements with teachers, wasting time on the road - all this gets boring and slows down the process. Choose online courses. What makes life easier increases motivation.

Many, choosing between a cozy evening at home and a long trip to courses, decide that they can live without English.

Rid yourself of reasons to miss classes - create a convenient personal schedule. At Skyeng, teachers work in all time zones, so you can study whenever you want, even in the middle of the night.

Online classes are also good because all materials, texts, videos, dictionaries are collected in one place: in the application or on the website. And homework is checked automatically as you complete it.

2. Study at your leisure

Don't be limited by lesson time. Learning a language is not just about doing exercises. You can improve your skill by listening to songs and podcasts or reading English-speaking bloggers.

Everyone knows how important it is to watch movies and TV series with English subtitles, but not everyone knows that there are special educational applications for this. Skyeng online translators are linked to the app of the same name on your phone, so you can repeat new words at any time.

For example, if you install a special extension in the Google Chrome browser, you can read any text in English, and when you hover over a word or phrase, you can immediately see its translation. The same goes for subtitles for online cinemas. Each word individually can be translated directly as you watch. These words are added to your personal dictionary and sent to the mobile application, where you can repeat and memorize them in your free time.

Very often on the Internet, in magazines and newspapers, you can find advertisements about studying in English for a short period of time (2 weeks, month, year). Let's figure it out together whether this is real or not.

Method one

If you have the opportunity to go abroad to an English-speaking country, then feel free to go there. There you will be surrounded everywhere English language: every day there are programs in English, reading advertisements and announcements in English, you will certainly have friends with whom you will constantly talk. In this case, after about a year you will be able to speak well and understand everything that is said to you.

Method two

For those who are not ready to move to an English-speaking country, there is a large selection of courses in English. You can find these courses on the Internet or in a simple newspaper or magazine. But don’t think that if you regularly pay money for courses in English, and at the same time do not learn, you will not be able to understand English speech and speak freely. Yes, after the courses you will be able to read and maybe understand speech, but at least in order for people to understand you, you need constant practice.

Method three

If learning English is not truly inspiring, then you will end up learning any language either by stopping for a long time or by giving up entirely. It is important to organize your learning so that it brings pleasure (this, by the way, applies not only to learning languages).

1. Reading

Even if you have just started learning the language, immediately try to read a book in English. Let it be a simple book at first, for example:

Stop reading books in Russian completely, at least until the moment when your English reaches such a level that you can read completely without a dictionary. Be sure to use a dictionary when reading at first if some words are unclear to you.

2. Films and cartoons

First, start watching cartoons with subtitles for beginners learning English or for little ones. If something is not clear, pause and look in the dictionary. For example,

And only then watch films and TV series in the original English without translation.

3. TV and radio broadcasts

Listen to news in English. Turn on a channel like the BBC and let it blare in the background. Your subconscious will gradually absorb the English language while you go about your business.

4. Communication

Be sure to find opportunities to communicate with people who speak English as their first language. If there is no possibility of communication in reality, then the Internet will help with this. Use this opportunity to practice your spoken language. If you play online games, be sure to interact with English players. Correspond by email, etc.

How to quickly learn English or is it really possible to learn English in a short time?

You can learn English in a short time only if you immerse yourself completely in this process, surrender to your dream, and clearly form in your imagination the result of the process, and not just it with all the imaginary unpleasant consequences and difficulties.
Spend 8-12 hours studying every day. Find free minutes during breaks, while traveling or shopping. Be constantly interested in what you do, be energetic and attentive to your work.
The process of building something in the shortest possible time should be accompanied by unusual emotions. For you, the English language should turn into an obsession, an unbridled passion. Only 20% of success in this matter depends on the chosen teaching method, while as much as 80% of the positive result depends on fortitude.

Today, you can very often meet people who learned English at school, then continued to master it at university, but never learn to speak this language. Meanwhile, there are people who can speak a foreign language just a few months after they started studying it, and these are not polyglots at all. It is difficult for us, due to the fact that we have been studying foreign languages ​​for many years, to believe this, but in America such practices are the most popular. But how can you learn English in a short time and speak it fluently?


Proper motivation is the key to success. However, how can you motivate yourself? Only you can answer this question, since no one knows you better than yourself.
First of all, you need to decide what you need English for: class="strong"> career growth, traveling abroad, for communication, etc. There may be many options, but it is important to note that English is currently the most in demand in any industry. Knowing it, you have a better chance of getting a prestigious, highly paid position or, for example, navigating other countries without the help of translators.
It is very important in the process of learning English to constantly feed the motivation that was initially established so that it simply does not lose its relevance for you.

Reading and listening

Having decided to learn English in a short time, you don’t need to waste your time on insurmountable grammar, memorize new words, or try to speak immediately in a non-native language. The fastest way to understanding foreign speech lies in accessible and simple things: reading texts in the original and listening. Today there are extremely many sources for obtaining such materials - the Internet, books, audio recordings. American experts recommend starting with short stories, preferably with a light storyline. By reading such texts, one becomes accustomed to English speech, and it is much easier to remember the next portion of small words.

How to learn English in a short time?

Take your time, don't rush. You don’t need to demand sky-high results from yourself, much less miracles, however, you shouldn’t relax either. Study regularly, constantly listen to English speech, spend a lot of time reading books in the original, speak and write as much as possible. Only with constant training can you achieve the desired effect. Yes, at the initial stage everything will be very difficult, but after some time the process of mastering the language will become much easier, since you will begin to think and perceive information in English on a subconscious level.

“How long does it take to learn English?” - Absolutely all students ask our teachers this question. Your curiosity is quite understandable, if only because the student needs to estimate how long his training will last, how much money he will spend on classes. Let's try together to find out the answer to the question that concerns you.

Time is money, but without knowledge you won’t be able to make money. We admit, we (like you, probably) also appealed to the all-knowing Google, asking how many years or months it would take to learn English. We don’t know how our students are with their search skills, but we weren’t very lucky: the answers are vague, the points of view of philologists are diametrically opposed. And the most annoying thing is intrusive advertising like “Learn English in 16 hours / 10 days / 99 minutes.” You and I are adults of sound mind and strong memory. Still believe this advertising? Then we come to you to dot all the i’s.

Is it possible to learn English in a month/week/24 hours?

Some authors of “sprint” learning methods have the audacity to claim that you will completely master a foreign language in 9.99 hours if you pay $99.99/euro for the “new/unique/phenomenal/Hollywood” method. Do you believe that you can learn about 1,000,000 words in such a period? Or learn all the intricacies of using tenses, passive and active voice?

In order not to be unfounded, we conducted a survey among the teachers of our school and found out their opinion about such methods. It was interesting to know the opinion of experienced philologists. The statistics are disappointing: 50% of teachers burst into angry tirades on the topic of “quackery and ignorance when teaching students foreign languages,” the other 50% asked not to ask “strange” questions anymore. Of course, you say, teaching English is their bread and butter. On the one hand, you are right, but on the other, let's think logically. How long did it take you to study mathematics, history, biology? English also has its own formulas, rules and terminology!

We want to say right away that the phrase “learn a language” should be forgotten forever. Even you and I will never be able to fully learn the Russian language. Do you know what a punt is? This is the bottom of a wine bottle. And the glabella? The Inglex online school does not teach you obscene expressions; this word is used to describe the area of ​​the face between the eyebrows. And there are not dozens or even hundreds of such words unknown to us. With English, the situation is similar: words appear, are borrowed from other languages, slang expressions are added, etc. But we don’t bang our heads against the wall when we come across a Russian word that is unfamiliar to us. On the contrary, we rejoice in the knowledge we receive. How interesting it is to learn new words and then surprise your friends with your education! Don’t be afraid to learn even in old age and don’t torment yourself with the question “How long does it take to learn English, and why didn’t I do it in childhood?”

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young

Anyone who stops learning is an old man, no matter at twenty or eighty years old. And whoever continues to study remains young.

These techniques will be able to provide a certain vocabulary and some understanding of what kind of animal this foreign language is. Although some beginners who failed to learn English in 24 hours get upset and put themselves in the category of hopeless and incapable of languages. The shortest path is not always the right one, choose the right road.

In addition, knowledge acquired in an accelerated mode is not stored in long-term memory: what comes quickly also goes quickly. No matter how boring school lessons may seem to you, the method of slowly assimilating information still has its advantages. Find out what is hidden in “super-accelerated intelligence training methods” from our article “”.

There are other types of “well, very effective” methods of accelerated learning. For example, the advertised effect of the 25th frame and other techniques that act on the subconscious. Such methods of teaching are very interesting and tempting, but not only do they fail, but they can also be dangerous. At best, you will simply be shown flashing cards of words that will supposedly be remembered “by themselves, without effort on your part.” Big, big secret: everything we watch on TV is also shown at 25 frames per second (the PAL standard in Europe). Only we don’t notice this due to the smooth transition of images. What will happen if unfamiliar words flash before your eyes, 25 words per second? According to reviews (you can find them yourself on the Internet), this speed of information transfer quite quickly causes irritation and headaches. The most responsible manufacturers of these courses write on the boxes with discs that the technique is intended for people with a stable psyche. Children under 12-14 years of age are STRICTLY prohibited from using it. Frankly speaking, it is difficult to find an adult with a sufficiently stable psyche. Imagine, you will be studying after work, where your clients are pestering you, your bosses are nagging you, or a harmful system administrator is blocking your access to Odnoklassniki. What is the 25th frame here?!

We hope we've made you think about whether it's worth risking money, time and health.

Limit your speed wisely. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. You can, of course, sign up for accelerated courses, so-called intensive courses. Just keep in mind that you will have to immerse yourself in learning and work hard. Result? The result will be, but quite specific. In 10-20 lessons (the average duration of accelerated English courses) you can fill a small gap in knowledge, master specific vocabulary (for example, from the field of medicine), and prepare for an interview or business negotiations. We wrote in detail about intensive courses in the article “”. Carefully weigh the pros and cons before signing up.

How long does it take to learn English?

The answer to this question primarily depends on the level at which you want to master English. We recommend achieving at least an intermediate level of knowledge. Why? Read about this in our article “”. However, there is no limit to perfection, so we will describe in detail how long it will take the average person to learn a language.

To learn any language 80% requires 6 months, to learn 100% it takes 10 years

This is just a witty saying, but it is not too far from the truth. Let's clarify the timing.

To begin with, let us cite the widespread opinion that since a person mastered his native language in childhood in 3-4 years, then learning a foreign language will take even less time. But scientists have a different point of view. They insist that the child has an innate increased ability to perceive language. Upon reaching 3 years of age, this ability decreases several times.

The example of a child is interesting, but from a different perspective. There are children who perfectly express their thoughts already at 4-5 years old. And there are adults who, at 30 years old, cannot string together two words, and even cannot pronounce half the alphabet! What are we talking about such a person? Firstly, his parents did not work with him. Secondly, he himself does not make any effort to change anything, that is, he does not strive to develop and improve his speaking skills even regarding his native language. You can already guess what we want to say: choosing a good teacher and determination are important components of successful learning.

Based on our practice, to communicate confidently abroad, you need to learn English for at least 2 years if you are learning the language from scratch. You need to spend 6-9 months on each level of training, in detail. But this applies specifically to classes with a personal teacher, when the teacher works with you one-on-one. If you take courses, the time period increases slightly, because the teacher focuses on the weakest students in the group. About 80% of students learn the language at the speed we indicated, 10% learn English more slowly, another 10% learn English faster.

A little positive: there are no people incapable of languages!

Yes, if you were unable to master English using the accelerated method, do not rush to put yourself on the list of hopeless students. You just haven’t yet found your approach and “your” teacher who can present knowledge in an accessible way and help you believe in yourself.

Please note that the length of study depends not only on the teacher or your classmates, but also on you. Independent work outside of class will help you master the material faster and easier and practice it. With the help of various applications, video and audio lessons, you can increase your vocabulary, improve your listening comprehension and learn interesting facts about native speakers.

There is a concept of the magic thousand in teaching foreign languages. It is believed that exactly 1000 hours are needed to learn a new language. So count how many hours a month you study, find out how many years you need to learn English. When calculating, take into account the hours of independent work and subtract your absenteeism. This technique is applicable to any language. Just when calculating the period of study of Russian, Chinese, Arabic, add another 200-300 hours.

After completing 1000 hours of training, you will be able to speak fluently on general topics, watch films and read books in the original language. To master specific vocabulary and write scientific papers, you will need additional time.

Choose your pace and go towards your goal. In addition to all of the above, we would like to note that knowing 2500-3000 words and three simple tenses will allow you to understand 60-70% of English speech. This is just great! How long will it take to master such a volume of vocabulary? According to linguists, the optimal number of words you can learn in a week is 70-100. That is, the well-known method of learning 10 words a day is fully justified.

Now you know how long it takes to learn English. Well, we hope you weren't scared? Yes, it will be a long journey ahead of you, but we will help make it smooth and enjoyable! Read ours, maybe they will help you get around difficulties and overcome obstacles.

Our student told how in 1.5 years she reached the Upper-Intermediate level from the Pre-Intermediate level and went to live in Iceland!

The English language has turned from a useful skill into an essential skill when applying for a job, continuing education, and successful self-realization in various fields. The English-language information space dictates its own rules; literature and media in English generate a huge amount of information, the translation of which you simply do not have time to wait for. You either read primary sources in English, or take an outsider position firmly and for a long time. The choice is yours.

If you don't speak English, you should learn it as soon as possible. And here the question arises: what exactly are they, these “shortest deadlines”. On the one hand, we understand that we are unlikely to cope with this task in a couple of weeks, on the other hand, a year of study does not seem to us such a “shortest time”.

We’ll try to tell you how to quickly learn English. The standard period for studying English in courses is approximately 2 years. And everything will depend on what level you start learning at and what level you are ready to stop at. Linguists and people who are especially interested in language issues argue that a language should be studied throughout one’s life. But we'll talk about mere mortals.

There are 6 levels of English proficiency in total: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency. On average, you can complete one level of English in 3-4 months. Therefore, if you started learning English from scratch, then you can reach the Intermediate level in about six months. This is if you exercise in a group with intensity 2 times a week. If you choose a more intensive program, then it is quite possible to complete the course in 3-4 months.

English is quickly learned by those who need it “for yesterday.” If you are planning to enroll in a foreign university or move abroad, then an intensive program is your option. If you are not ready to attend English courses 4-5 times a week, you can try to quickly learn English at home. To do this you need to surround yourself with English.
Learning English quickly requires that you dedicate time to learning every day. You can read books in English, watch movies with or without subtitles, learn new words using applications on your smartphone. There are many ways to learn English. Let's talk about some of them.

An easy way to learn English - you go to school, choose an intensive program, study for 3 days a week, and don’t forget to do your homework. This method is suitable for those who are willing to devote a certain amount of time to studying. With this schedule, in about 2-3 months you can master the skill of fluent communication in English from scratch. It will not be possible to say that you know English perfectly, but you will be able to communicate in standard situations, enter into dialogues, and communicate at work.

English Learning Plan

The plan can be individual for each person. It is necessary to take into account the starting level of English, basic knowledge and peculiarities of information perception: some people remember information better from pictures, others by hearing. In addition, each person has their own goals. If you need to master, then it is better to focus on practicing oral communication; if written, then you should use writing simulators and read books in English.

If you dream of completing your English question in three months (and this period can be considered realistic), it is worth making a clear plan. You are promised to learn English in a month either by courses in which you will have to speak English at least 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, or by those who do not plan to provide you with such a result in principle.

How long does it take to learn English:

  • in 2-3 months – go from Elementary to Pre-Intermediate level, with great desire and diligence up to Intermediate. Studying at least 3 times a week for 1-2 hours, doing homework, reading books only in English, watching TV series, films and podcasts in English, repeating learned words every day.
  • in 5-6 months - going from scratch to Intermediate is more than realistic. By studying 2 times a week, doing homework, repeating words and attending a conversation club once a week. If you find a native speaker / and communicate with him regularly at least 1-2 times a week, perhaps complete the course earlier.
  • for 9-12 months – standard plan. And even when implementing this plan, it is necessary not to miss classes, repeat words, do homework, hone grammatical skills, and practice pronunciation. The question “how long can it take to learn English from scratch” can be answered exactly this way: 9-12 months or 1-2 years.
  • in 1-2 years – you can reach Intermediate. This is even too long a period, but many students are stuck at the Pre-Intermediate – Intermediate level for about this long. If you don’t do your homework or don’t immerse yourself in English anywhere other than lessons in courses, you increase the period of learning the language several times.

Still dreaming of learning English in a month? Let's not limit you: this is also possible. But, as a rule, this only happens when you move abroad and there is no possibility of communication in your native language. If the courses cannot isolate you from communication in Russian for a month, do not believe their promises to learn English in a month.

How to learn English in 3 months?

This deadline looks the most realistic and one of the most urgent. We'll try to make a plan and convince you that it's possible.

First month

This is a period of working with an English teacher or tutor. If you want to learn English in a super-short time, you should neglect group classes and study individually or in pairs. Why? Simply because you will be the one doing the talking 90% of the time in class. You will not have to wait for the rest of the students to speak (and there can be from 4 to 10 of them).

Every day you should memorize about 30 words. And remember well. It’s so good that they remain at least in the passive stock, and phrasal verbs go straight into the active stock. At this intensity, after 90% you will have a vocabulary of about 3000 words. This is quite enough for fluent communication in standard situations. Although an educated native speaker can have a vocabulary of 8,000 words or more. There is something to strive for.

Second month

You can already communicate in English. Ideally, a native speaker or even several can be involved in the communication process. Make it a rule: 3 times a week you should speak English with native speakers for about 1-2 hours + study with a teacher + repeat the material yourself. At the same time, you need to continue to learn new words and introduce them into your speech. Also read books in English for beginners. This not only expands your vocabulary, but also helps you remember standard phrases and sentence structure.

Third month

Actively read books in English. Dedicate at least an hour a day to this activity, write down and memorize unfamiliar words. If you are lucky enough to find a native speaker friend who is willing to communicate with you in English for at least 3 hours a day, consider yourself a lucky ticket. Every day, continue to learn 30 new words a day.

Yes, it is possible to learn English in 3 months. If you give it 4 hours every day.

We have compiled for you a selection of English courses in and. After studying for 1 to 3 months, you will feel a significant difference in your level of English proficiency.

Useful Resources

It is only in Remarque’s books that emigrant heroes learn English from reports of those killed during World War II in newspapers. And, by the way, they study quite successfully - the motivation is too strong. You can use a huge number of useful resources to study:

  • To memorize words:– an application for those who prefer Apple devices. You can learn new words using the spaced scribbling method. An alternative is if you are not a fan of apples.
  • For speaking practice: The Mixxer – a resource for communicating via Skype with native speakers
  • About resources for watching films in English -
  • Read books in English– you can on the resource
  • Check and practice pronunciation- possible on the channel
  • Audiobooks (and their text versions) in English can be found on the resource. All books are divided into levels from Elementary to Advanced.
We wish you success!