Grammatical differences between the words virus ostrich plinth. Grammatical form is the external linguistic expression of grammatical meaning

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Tikhomirova E.A.

Analysis of the results of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language in 2011

According to the Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 2, 2009 No. 695 “On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren”, paragraph II.III), the Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language is held in four stages: school , municipal, regional and final. The first three stages, which are part of the structure of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in the Russian Language, are subordinated to its main goals - identifying and developing creative abilities in students, forming spiritual and moral qualities, interest in research activities, creating the necessary conditions to support gifted children, propaganda of scientific knowledge, preparation for participation in the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in the Russian language. In accordance with Order of the Federal Agency for Education No. 1163 of November 16, 2010, the third (regional) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language in the 2010/2011 academic year was held in the Tver region on January 29, 2011. No changes or additions to the tasks developed The Central Subject and Methodological Commission did not make any changes, which fully complies with the “Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren”. The substantive aspect of the Olympiad was entrusted to the jury, which was determined by order of the Tver Region Department No. 370/08 dated December 3, 2010 “On holding the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.” The jury consisted of 15 people with appropriate qualifications (candidates of philological sciences, associate professors of the Russian language department of Tver State University and teachers with the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”) and experience in conducting regional stages of the Russian language Olympiad for schoolchildren. According to the recommendations of the Central Subject-Methodological Commission for the Russian Language, the next day (January 30) an analysis of the Olympiad tasks (by class) was carried out; no appeals were received from the Olympiad participants. As part of the Olympiad (outside its official part), a tournament of Russian language experts and a career guidance meeting with representatives of the Faculty of Philology of Tver State University were held. 4 academic hours were allotted to complete the tasks of the Olympiad; the participants began work at 10.00, as recommended by the Central Subject and Methodological Commission. Each parallel (grades 9, 10, 11) received its own set of tasks, the jury members gave the necessary instructions, and distributed stamped notebooks and sheets for drafts. After completion of the work, notebooks and drafts were handed over to the chairman of the jury (E. A. Tikhomirova) to the organizing committee for encryption; decoding was carried out after the protocols were completed. Checking of works and determination of winners and runners-up were carried out in accordance with regulatory documents (separately in grades 9, 10 and 11) based on the answers provided by the Central Subject Methodology Commission; drafts were not reviewed. The verified works after the end of the regional stage were transferred to the organizing committee, which ensures the safety of the Olympiad materials (including the verified works of students) until the final stage of the Olympiad of the 2010/2011 academic year. For the first time, the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language was held on the basis of Tver State University. The person responsible for its implementation is S.N. Smirnov (as part of the organizing committee, the head of the working group) and his employees were able to resolve all organizational issues at a high level, without allowing a single failure in the regulations and in ensuring the conduct of the Olympiad and the work of the jury. Representatives from 36 municipalities took part in the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language; students from Andreapolsky, Vesyegonsky, Zharkovsky, Kimry, Penovsky, Rzhevsky, and Sandovsky districts did not take part in the Olympiad. Representatives of Messrs. Tver, Vyshny Volochek, Torzhok, Zubtsovsky, Likhoslavlsky, Staritsky, Nelidovsky districts (that is, 7 territories), took part in the Olympiad with full teams(9, 10, 11 grades).

Olympiads in Russian language

The regional stage of the Russian language Olympiad for schoolchildren was held in one round. During 4 academic hours, the Olympiad participants had to give written answers to questions: for 9th grade students - 9 questions, for 10th and 11th grade students - 10 questions each. Most of the Olympiad tasks were based on the school curriculum, but tasks were also proposed that required deeper knowledge that went beyond the school curriculum itself (especially in the history of the Russian language), which fully meets the requirements for the level of Olympiad tasks. The tasks offered to students in grades 9 - 11 are varied both in form and content and allow students to show not only knowledge of the norms of the Russian literary language, but also to demonstrate linguistic flair in solving extraordinary problems relating to the linguistic system of the Russian language in its past and present state . The tasks proposed to the Olympiad participants were based on several components: from text to language, from language to text, from text to text, from language to language, from language to the science of language. In tasks of the first type, a text, statement or word usage in speech was presented and it was necessary to make a conclusion about the properties of linguistic units as elements of the language system. In tasks of the second type, the initial conditions are rules, patterns, properties of linguistic units that must be applied to the proposed facts of speech. The type of tasks “from text to text” is traditionally associated with philological work with text, which involves a comparative analysis of texts or different interpretations of one text. There are quite a variety of structural-linguistic tasks aimed at finding patterns in the proposed examples and analyzing “difficult” units and categories of the Russian language. By completing tasks “from language to the science of language,” students must demonstrate their awareness of Russian linguistics.

Analysis of Olympiad tasks and the level of their implementation by students

9th grade

p/p Contents of the task Student difficulties
1 Name the words that influenced the shift of stress from the first syllable to the second in singular forms. words lip 55% of participants did not even try to complete the task, although it did not require knowledge of the history of the language, but the ability to think logically
2 Give examples and explain when the roots of words column, ton, operetta written without a double consonant We were able to select only 1-2 examples without giving explanations, which indicates an inconsistency in the topics of word formation and spelling
3 What was the meaning of the word in ancient times? handle(feed the elephants with the handles/grains/) The majority of students failed to complete the task because... the wording of the task itself did not involve identifying the roots and explaining their ancient and modern meaning with examples
4 How did the expression come about? on the verge of death whether it complies with the norms of literary language; if not, how to fix it Many participants failed to complete the task because... illustrative material (“The sword of Damocles, being on the brink of death is a symbol of danger”) provoked a search for an answer to the question in the expression “Sword of Damocles”, and not in the comparison of the expressions “hanging by a thread” and “being on the brink of ...”
5 Complete the rows with one of the words and justify your choice: lantern, elitist, artisanal, nightmarish. cobbler be careful cubist snobbish educational positive The participants were unable to determine the principle of distributing words into columns and supplement them, because they don't know the term compound suffix
6 virus, ostrich, plinth and how they manifest themselves 48% of participants failed, although the task corresponded to the level of the school curriculum. The difficulty arose probably due to ignorance of the term grammatical differences
7 What is common and different in the grammatical structure of sentences: I know what you are reading I saw him leaving I will ask when we return The answers showed a good knowledge of the syntax of the modern Russian language; Participants distinguish between conjunctions and allied words, seeing the difference in the grammatical structure of sentences and are able to explain.
8 Distribute the surnames Volkov, Kovalev, Vyazemsky into the groups identified by A.M. Selishchev. Name the branch of linguistics that studies proper names The task tests the ability to think logically and comment, but 60% of participants were unable to determine the principle of grouping and correctly distribute surnames
9 Read, translate Old Russian text and complete tasks The participants mostly coped with the translation and determination of the lexical meaning of the proposed words, but not all were able to select words with the same root

Grade 10

p/p Contents of the task Student difficulties
1 How to determine the unstressed ending (i/s or e) in the forms of gender, date. and sentence noun cases 1st cl. [schools], [works] 74% of participants received 0 points because they could not establish patterns associated with the alternation of paired hard/soft consonants. Maximum result – 3 points out of 10 possible
2 Determine the orthographic principle of writing words and indicate the morphemes that are most often influenced by this principle (transcription/transcribe)

Students were able to identify the principle, but could not find their own examples with the specified morphemes

3 The ancient meaning of the verb find and the noun derived from it finder(in the text) Difficulty was caused by determining the meaning of the root hod-, so 16% of participants were unable to explain the meaning of the noun
4 Determine the difference in the meaning of participles formed from a verb remove (extracted tooth - remote access) 50% of participants failed the task
5 Restore the original form of phraseological expressions, their meaning and sources (...and no other “highlights of the season!”) 43% of the participants failed the task; almost no one remembered the poem by V.V. Mayakovsky, where the expression “Shine - and no nails!” came from.
6 Distribute words according to morphemic composition and come up with a word according to the morphemic composition scheme 1 person failed the task
7 Identify grammatical differences between words microbe, syrup, cyclops

Ignorance of the linguistic term “grammatical differences” led to the substitution of the task and the identification of phonetic and spelling features

8 What types (based on the structure of the basis) are sentences The participants showed good knowledge of the syntax of a simple sentence. 5 people failed the task
9 Working with text: writing out and correcting errors The task did not cause any difficulties, 1 person failed the task
10 Read, translate the Old Russian text and complete tasks for it In general, we coped with the task, the difficulty was caused by determining the meaning of the word kiss and Old Russian language

Grade 11

p/p Contents of the task Student difficulties
1 Identify words based on the described articulation 96% of participants failed the task because... based on the proposed characteristics it is impossible to name the word
2 Which consonant can appear before the initial ABOUT and why

The answers are incomplete because... participants were unable to establish the cause of this linguistic phenomenon

3 Formulate spelling rules for writing words The difficulty was caused by the explanation of the grammatical nature of the rule
4 Old Russian meaning of the wordexercise (in text) The etymology task was difficult for most participants; only 1 person gave the correct and detailed answer
5 Determine the difference in the meaning of participles ( missed match - water passed through a filter)

Errors are associated with an unclear understanding of the relationship between the original and the derived word.

6 From what base and with the help of what suffix are dialect forms formed? nikogenichko and nikogusenka The task is difficult, because... based on dialect material; even having determined the productive stem and affixes, the participants were unable to answer the question about the unusualness of such formations
7 What are the grammatical differences between words bacteria, prairies, furies Ignorance of the term “grammatical differences” led to substitution of the task and identification of words with signs of other levels of the language system
8 Do adjectives have different grammatical properties? august, thickest, most holy

Instead of comparative analysis of degrees of comparison, participants focused on determining the lexical meaning and morphemic composition of words

9 Parse sentences by members Not distinguishing between inconsistent definitions and additions
10 Read and translate Old Russian text, complete tasks Errors are associated with the inability to conduct comparative historical analysis
According to the jury members, the Olympiad tasks of the regional stage of the Russian Language Olympiad are mainly aimed at identifying only the knowledge of the participants, the formation of linguistic, communicative and cultural competences is not checked, while the tasks are overloaded with questions on the history of the Russian language. The absence of tasks on vocabulary, word formation and linguistic analysis of the text is unlawful. The proposed tasks do not provide an opportunity to test students' creative abilities in creating their own texts.

Task results

Maximum points

Average score scored by participants

Maximum and minimum points scored by participants

Number of students who scored above

75% and over 50% points

5 students became winners and prize-winners, which is 7% of the number of participants in the regional stage of the Russian language Olympiad. The remaining participants scored less than 50% of the points required to be recognized as Olympiad winners. 80% of the winners and prize-winners (4 people) are students of gymnasiums and schools in Tver. All winners are students of educational institutions in Tver, one prize-winner is represented by MOU Maksatikhinskaya Secondary School No. 1.
  1. Analysis of the results of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history in 2011


    In accordance with Order of the Federal Education Agency No. 1163 of November 16, 2010, the regional stage of the All-Russian History Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2010/2011 academic year was held in the Tver region on February 1-2, 2011.

  2. Methodological recommendations for developing tasks for the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language in the 2011/2012 academic year Moscow 2011

  3. Methodological recommendations for developing tasks for the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language in the 2010/2011 academic year Moscow 2010


    knowledge of the semantic system of the modern Russian literary language, basic awareness of the origin of words and understanding of the patterns of historical development of the lexical meaning of a word;

  4. Methodological recommendations for developing tasks for the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in computer science in the 2010/2011 academic year Moscow 2010


    These methodological recommendations were prepared by the central subject-methodological commission on computer science and are aimed at helping municipal and regional methodological commissions in drawing up assignments for school and municipal

“Chemosynthesis of bacteria” - What do the inhabitants of these communities eat? Nitrifying bacteria - oxidize ammonia to nitrates. Back in 1887, Russian microbiologist S.N. Winogradsky discovered bacterial chemosynthesis. A number of bacterial species have the necessary enzyme systems. Anaerobic chemoautotrophs. Molecular oxygen that appeared in the Earth's atmosphere acted as a strong oxidizing agent.

“Difference between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants” - Questions for review. What are the main characteristics of dicotyledonous plants? Differences between monocots and dicotyledons. What is the root system called in dicotyledonous plants? What is the name of the type of leaf venation in dicotyledonous plants? The structure of the seed of monocots. Monocots. What are the main characteristics of monocots?

“Lesson of Bacteria” - Habitat of bacteria. Anthony van Leeuwenhoek. In hot springs In sultry deserts In the craters of volcanoes In the depths of the sea In the ultra-low temperatures of the Arctic and Antarctica. What are bacteria? I know that each of you is the smartest, most erudite student. In the air In water In soil In living or dead organisms.

“The structure and significance of bacteria” - Bacteria play a huge role both in the biosphere and in human life. Many bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen. Physiology of bacteria. The meaning of bacteria. Among bacteria there are many mobile forms. Flagella play a major role in locomotion. When favorable conditions occur, the spore germinates and a vegetative cell is formed.

“Bacteriological weapons” - Microbes and toxins are difficult to detect in the external environment. Fungi are unicellular and multicellular organisms. Unlike bacteria, viruses can grow and multiply only in living tissues. Fungi tolerate drying and exposure to sunlight well. Viruses. Bacteriological weapons are military devices equipped with biological agents.

“Bacteria Biology” - Disputes persist for decades. Similarities and differences between bacterial and plant cells. Reproduction of bacteria. Sizes of bacteria. Bacteria live in different natural conditions. Bacteria form spores to survive unfavorable conditions. Biology lesson. Living conditions for bacteria. 1. Cell wall 2. Capacity for photosynthesis 3. Size 4. Cytoplasm 5. Organelles 6. Nucleus.

GRADE 10 Question 1 Feminine nouns of the first declension for the genitive, dative and prepositional singular forms have only two endings - -и (-ы) and -е. In the absence of stress, these endings can sound exactly the same, for example: [from the bathhouse] (from the bathhouse), [in the bathhouse] (in the bathhouse). However, in approximately half of the cases, the form of a noun with an unstressed ending can be used to determine which ending it contains: for example, in the forms [school] [work], the ending is undoubtedly -e. How can this decision be made? Which nouns exactly?

11 GRADE Question 1 Read the dictionary entry of the following two sequences of articulations described by the famous linguist Academician L.V. Shcherba: 1) The tip of the tongue closes with the upper lip, then air accumulates behind the shutter and at the moment of explosion is carried out by an intensified jet... All this, of course, has a certain timbre, which, due to the small hole required to obtain a concentrated stream of air, may vaguely resemble a vowel. 2) It begins with a front-lingual deaf stop, simultaneously with the labial (these stops are obviously necessary for the accumulation of air: rolling sounds require a lot of air) and is resolved without explosion by a labial voiced tremulous consonant. All this, of course, receives one or another timbre coloring, which, naturally, can have a vaguely labial character. Which of these “words,” according to L.V. Shcherba, is often said by a seamstress? People of what profession often said the second word?

GRADE 10 Question 2 What orthographic principle does the spelling of words: transcription (for transcribed), suffix (for suffixed) follow? Which morphemes in modern Russian most often have variants under the influence of this principle? Give 3-4 examples of words with such morphemes.

GRADE 11 Question 2 In some (Western) dialects of the Russian language, in the nominative case forms of the third person personal pronoun, the consonant [j] ([th]) is pronounced before the initial o: yon, yona, yony. What other consonant can appear before the initial o in Russian and why? Why is [j] added to personal pronouns?

10 GRADE Question 3 What meaning, different from the modern one, was revealed in ancient times by the verb to find and the noun nakhodnik formed from it, which is found in the following context: In the [Russian] city [were] the nakhodnitsy (= nakhodniki) Varangians (= Varangians) ( The Tale of Bygone Years).

GRADE 10 Question 5 This sentence combines two well-known phraseological expressions. Restore their original appearance, meanings, indicate their sources. The soldiers demanded that they be shown foreign films... give Fairbanks and Mary Pickford, and no other “highlights of the season!” (G. Ryklin).

GRADE 10 Question 6 Words and tables are given that reflect the morphemic composition of some of these words: aircraft construction, bus, bus station, coffee-distributing, hardening, reforming, hard-layering, balancing, tea-forming 1) prefix | root | suffix | suffix | ending 2) root | connecting vowel | root | suffix | suffix | suffix | ending 3) root | root | suffix | suffix | ending 4) root | connecting vowel | root | suffix | suffix | ending 5) prefix | root | suffix | suffix | ending 6) root | prefix | root | suffix | suffix| ending 1. Find the word whose morphemic composition is shown in each of the tables (corresponds to the diagram). Be aware of zero morphemes. They are also designated in the diagrams as separate units. 2. Write down separately the words that do not fit into any table and indicate their morphemic composition. 3. Come up with a word that corresponds to the following morphemic composition scheme: prefix | prefix | prefix | root | suffix | suffix | ending

GRADE 11 Question 6 In the “Smolensk Regional Dictionary” there are examples of diminutive derivatives from all-Russian words: “Nikogenichko” is a diminutive of no one. Nikogenichko didn’t come, Nikogenichko didn’t come” (Dobrovolsky 1914: 487). 1. Explain from which stem and with the help of which suffix the forms nikogenichko and nikogusenka are formed. 2. What is unusual about such formations?

GRADE 10 Question 8 Are the sentences in each row of the same or different types of stem structure? 1. A. The lights were turned on in the house opposite. B. We don’t smoke here. B. They sit, remain silent and smoke. 2. A. Where did you come from? B. Mom washed the frame. Q. Something worries me. 3. A. Where are you going? B. We are in the forest. B. There is grass in the yard.

GRADE 10 Question 9 One of the memoirists parodied the early writing experiences of Sergei Dovlatov in this way: Last winter, being cold and not having my Vigon underpants and earflaps, I froze my toes and ears on my head. Write down the “mistakes of a beginning writer” that the memoirist noted and give an explanation for them.
GRADE 11 Question 9 Parse the sentences by members. 1. There was a note on the table asking me to go get some kefir and a ruble. 2. Nearby stood the remains of a small ancient fortress with a collapsed turret, on the ruins of which low, curly bushes had grown thickly. 3. Mom let me go, but didn’t tell me to fight.
GRADE 10 Question 10 Read the Old Russian text, translate it, complete the tasks for it. And behold, the pilgrim came to the city; I saw, the young man was glad to be flowing, bowed to them and kindly kissed them and asked where the essence came from and where to go. 1. What is the meaning of the adverb kindly in this context? 2. What is the meaning of the verb kiss in this context? 3. What part of speech is the word rad? Name its grammatical features.

All words in the Russian language are in one way or another subject to the rules and concepts associated with it. One such concept is grammatical form. Each of us, when starting to study the Russian language, is sure to encounter the rule in question.

Grammar is characterized by the presence of several definitions. In particular, the definition can be broad or narrower. Considering the concept in a narrow sense, it can be argued that grammatical form is a designation of a word form or a special state of a word, its form. At the same time, in a broader sense, the form of a word in the Russian language is a lexically identical state of identical expressions.

Word forms may differ in grammatical meanings (car - car, grandmother - grandmother, etc.). However, they are not considered separate lexemes (new words). On the contrary. It is believed that they form one of the paradigms of the great and powerful, the essence of which is that the given examples are word forms of one lexeme. The formal unity of a lexeme lies in the unity of the inflectional basis of its word forms. Although in practice one may encounter exceptions in the form of phonetic and morphological “doublets” (galosh - galosh, read - read). But here it is important to remember that lexical and grammatical meanings do not exist separately, but constantly interact.


A paradigm is a system that reflects the modification of the same word under the influence of grammatical categories. There are four main types of paradigm:

  • morphological with an unchanged part called the root;
  • lexical (homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, etc.);
  • word-formation - a system of forming words from one stem;
  • syntactic - a group of structures of different structure that express new syntactic meanings.

Language Tools

And grammatical form is a type of language tool that helps construct the meaning of words. Tools, considered as a semantic carrier, can be expressed using special forms: suffixes, affixes, endings, stress, prefixes.

In this way, you can indicate the gender, case and number of nouns, adjectives, participles and pronouns. Suffixes, in turn, are designed to reflect the form of the verb in the past tense, the form of participles and gerunds. Stress shows gender, number of nouns, forms of verb types. Prepositions are needed to indicate cases of nouns, numerals and pronouns.


If we talk about grammatical form in the narrow sense, then in this case we are generally talking about the variability of words. In Russian, this is usually understood as differences in modified words, but only in details (endings, individual words, etc.). For example, tea - tea, if only - if only. Or the words duplicate each other semantically: cakes - cakes (different stress), accountants - accountants, in the workshop - in the workshop.

Units of speech

If we combine concepts, then grammatical form is the combination of grammatical meaning with the means of its expression. The grammatical form can reflect several meanings at once.

Just as a house is built from bricks, speech is formed from words. They have their own phonetic structure and grammatical meaning. Sometimes they are pronounced the same, but have completely different meanings.

The grammatical meaning of a word is an averaged concept inherent in all words that is not related to the specific lexical meanings of these words. That is, this is an abstract, generalized understanding of words.

Grammatical form is, as noted a little above, a broad and voluminous concept. The categorical difference of a word can change by case. For example, Madagascar, Madagascar, Madagascar. In the following case, the change by time category is considered. For example, let's go, let's go, I'll go. Next we talk about changing the category of a person. For example, blossomed, blossomed, blossomed. Also in the Russian language, changes in the grammatical form of a word according to the category of mood are allowed. For example, work, work, would work.

The grammatical meaning of words has varying degrees of abstraction. Thus, nouns can have differences in cases. However, there are exceptions here, since not every noun can change its form by gender. For example, you can say altruist - altruist, climber - climber, teacher - teacher, actor - actress. But the words director, professor, conductor, musician always have a single (masculine) gender. At the same time, the exceptions in question have a case declension, like all other words.

Grammatical content

The grammatical form is a strictly defined grammatical content unique to this word. What is meant by this? For example, the word “restored” denotes a verb in the past form, an action in relation to a noun. The meaning of the word is conveyed by linguistic tools. To write the word form “window sill” in the instrumental case of the singular, you must use the ending -om.

singular present tense “krashu”, transformed using the ending -у. Another example: the verb “risk” with the ending -аt indicates an imperfective verb, and the noun “machine” with the help of the ending -а indicates that this word is certainly feminine and has a singular number.

Words denoting actions

The grammatical form of a verb in Russian is characterized by six categories: voice, mood, number, tense, person, gender. In addition, the language uses three types of verb moods:

  • imperative (eat, go, throw), that is, this is an expression of will;
  • indicative, an act committed in the current tense, permissible both in the present and in the planned (We are repairing. He will come tomorrow. The journalists did not find anyone);
  • the subjunctive denotes a desired action, which is quite possible and permissible (I wish she had called. I could have stayed at home. I would like to believe).

Only verbs in the past tense have markings. Here, the grammatical form of a word, for example, is strictly defined endings. For the masculine gender it is absent. For the feminine -a, and for the neuter gender - -o. For example, ran, ran, ran.


The basis of grammatical forms are considered to be linguistic signs necessary to indicate the grammatical meaning of a word. Grammatical forms are divided into word-forming and inflectional forms. The forms are lexical and grammatical. But in no case should you confuse related words with grammatical forms of words. These are different things.

Related words are united by a common root, but they are still different words! Home, homely, homeless, homely. If we talk about the correct grammatical form of the word “house”, then it would be, for example, at home, at home, at home, at home.

Forms with complexity

Grammatical forms are divided into complex and simple. As a rule, grammatical forms are created using linguistic signs - affixes, endings. Or they represent repeating linguistic instruments that are stable in certain variants. For example, the diminutive form is indicated using the suffixes -ok, -ek, -och. For example, a pot, son, granddaughter, flower.

Creating and transforming words is a complex and complex process. The paradigms of some words are considered complex. Such grammatical forms, both when learning a language and in practice, occur quite often. For example, the case paradigm of a noun is a symbiosis of singular and plural case word forms. A complete paradigm consists of no less than five partial paradigms.

Spelled differently than heard

It is worth knowing some features of grammatical forms . The letter “g” sounds like “v” in the masculine and neuter genitive endings of adjectives and pronouns. For example, mine, spicy, strong, fast. Or - in total, today. In ordinary conversation, some numerals are also pronounced differently than they are written. For example, one thousand (thousand), sixty (sheisyat), fifty (peysyat).

There are also special forms of words starting with two-, two-, or two-. You need to remember how to write correctly: two-headed, two-horned, couplet, two-year-old, two-volume, two-humped, two-volume, two-armed, two-kopeck. It is also worth remembering the correct pronunciation of words such as paid, paid, paid. And not paid, paid, paid.

Different shapes

The following types of grammatical forms are represented in the Russian language:

  • Syntactic. The syntactic word form was formed in ancient times. It is characterized by not one, but several methods of word formation, taking into account a wide variety of sounds and spellings of words. Often synthetic forms of words are used in artistic style, as they are considered more poetic, with a vivid image. Least used in scientific language. Sometimes, being transformed according to all the rules of the Russian language, words of a syntactic form acquire a dissonant or unpronounceable state, or they turn out to be excessively
  • Morphological. They, in turn, are divided into lexico-grammatical and inflectional forms.

The features of grammatical categories directly depend on which part of speech they belong to. So, for example, numerals are characterized only by case changes. Adjectives, adverbs and words that mean states have comparative degrees. Verbs have almost all categories. Pronouns are exclusively gender, number and case.


According to the rules of our rather complex language, the grammatical structure of speech is based, first of all, on certain laws and rules for the formation and transformation of words. To know these rules, it is necessary to study morphology, that is, everything that has to do with the paradigmatics of words, to know the abstract meanings of words. After all, the word is the basic unit of grammar. It combines the sound component, lexical meaning and formal grammatical specifics. And the grammatical form is nothing more than a linguistic sign that combines the material side and abstract meaning. And the semantic form is the grammatical meaning.