English language knowledge system. Advanced level - level of fluency in English C1

So, what are the levels, what level of language proficiency do you personally need (depending on your goals), and how much time will you have to spend to achieve this level? For convenience, we will focus on English, as the most popular language, and in which there is the most developed system of various tests and international exams. We will conditionally assess the level of English language proficiency on a twelve-point scale. At many English language courses abroad, and at decent courses in our country, the formation of study groups occurs precisely in accordance with these levels.

0 - "zero level" of English

Full Beginner. Many people immediately begin to say: “yes, yes, this is just about me!” I learned something at school, but I don’t remember anything at all! Complete zero!" No! If you learned something at school, then it no longer has anything to do with you. Those who have never learned English and don’t even know the alphabet have a zero level. Well, if, for example, you studied German or French at school, but never encountered English.

1 Elementary. Elementary English level

I have no experience using English. Some simple words and expressions are understandable, while others can be difficult to guess. I have the vaguest idea about grammar. In general, this is a typical level for a graduate of a post-Soviet school, who twice a week pretended to study some “topics”, but in fact copied mathematics under his desk. In case of urgent need, some words still pop up in your head - “passport, taxi, how-to”, but a coherent conversation does not work out. To reach this level from scratch, it is enough to take a decent English course abroad for 3-4 weeks, approximately 80-100 hours of study. By the way, about all the calculations (weeks, hours, etc.) - these are average figures for the bulk of students with normal abilities (which is approximately 80%), ten percent of linguistically gifted students will learn everything much faster, and ten percent will need more time and efforts to achieve the same result. There are no people who are generally incapable of learning languages ​​- I declare this categorically. If you speak Russian, you can speak any other language, you just need to put in some effort and spend some time. So, I wrote, and I myself felt sad: whatever one may say, a month or a month and a half at language courses abroad successfully replaces five years of language study in our regular high school... well, that’s, of course, if it’s a C grade. If you diligently complete your homework for five years, you can achieve much greater success and rise to a higher level.

2 – Upper-Elementary. Highest elementary level

Have knowledge of simple grammatical structures of the English language. It is possible to maintain a conversation on a familiar topic - but, unfortunately, the number of familiar topics is very limited. There is an understanding of simple sentences and speech structures - especially if they speak slowly and clarify what is said with gestures.

We can call this level a “living wage” for a tourist who is relatively independent of guides and translators. Add 80-100 training hours to the previous level. By the way, in most decent language courses in Russia, one level is approximately 80 hours, that is, if you study twice a week for 4 academic hours, then this is about 10 weeks, two to three months. Abroad, you can complete three weeks of intensive training.

3 – Pre-Intermediate. Lower intermediate level

You can carry on a conversation on a familiar topic. Knowledge of English grammar is quite good, although vocabulary is limited. You can pronounce fairly coherent sentences with virtually no errors if you covered this topic in class. This sometimes leads to a paradoxical situation if you have to communicate with foreigners - it seems to them that you speak English quite well, and they happily begin to explain something to you at a normal pace, excitedly waving their hands. But you, having laid out everything you knew, realize that you no longer understand a damn thing, and you feel out of place.

At this level, you can already try to pass some kind of language test, although there will be no practical benefit from this. This level approximately corresponds to the result of 3-4 when passing the IELTS exam, 39-56 points when passing the TOEFL iBT, you can try to pass the Cambridge PET exam (Preliminary English Test).

If you need advice on how to most effectively and quickly improve your level of foreign language proficiency, please contact us! We help everyone, regardless of region or country of residence.
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Many people often hear the phrase: “My friend (brother, wife, etc.) speaks perfect English.” But, firstly, everyone’s concept of perfection is different, and secondly, a variety of tests will help you find out how perfect you really are in this matter. Determining your English level– this is where its study begins or continues. It is necessary to determine your language level, if only to find out how far you have progressed in this process. In addition, this will be needed if you decide to teach, so that the teacher can understand where to start learning.

How to determine your English proficiency level

  • Beginner
  • Elementary
  • Pre-Intermediate
  • Intermediate
  • Upper Intermediate
  • Advanced

So, determining the level of English begins with the level “ Beginner ", or zero. This is exactly the level that those who have never studied English have. This is the level that will give you an idea of ​​the English language and equip you with basic knowledge. By the way, many course teachers determine exactly how much time you will need to master the English language. If you hear exact deadlines, leave immediately. To master a language means to embrace the immensity. You can master a language to some extent, but you cannot acquire something that is beyond your control - a living organism. After all, language is a living organism that is constantly growing and constantly changing.

Elementary - you can explain yourself on the most basic topics, but, alas, with little. If you have received this level in testing after many months of study, do not despair. The rule applies: spend little, get little! And if this level is a reward, then you are getting closer to the next level...

There are certain difficulties in determining the level of English Pre-Intermediate . Like everything in the world, this level is relative. The reason for this is that the line between this level and the next is too thin, but, nevertheless, it is believed that students with this level should not only adequately use English in familiar situations, but also should not get lost in unfamiliar ones.

Intermediate . You can understand English and communicate effectively in real-life situations, but still sometimes have difficulty doing so.

Upper-Intermediate . You will be able to use English more or less successfully in different situations. This level of knowledge is for those who plan to start working or studying abroad.

Level Advanced involves using English almost to the same extent as Russian, but sometimes making minor errors.

On our website you can determine your level of language proficiency by passing the following tests:

  • A comprehensive test to determine the level of English on our school website

English language levels are, in fact, a system that allows you to assess how well a person speaks the language, that is, the very result of learning. There are several classifications, they can be systematized according to:

The Russian simple version has only three levels of knowledge. This:

  • elementary
  • average
  • high

However, such a classification is rather amateurish, and it is not suitable for professionals looking for work. The employer, reviewing all kinds of resumes, seeks to identify not only theoretical knowledge, but also the practical degree of training. Therefore, the applicant usually indicates the following levels:

  1. Using a dictionary
  2. Speaking skills
  3. Intermediate
  4. Fluent
  • Basic knowledge of Business English— basic knowledge of business English

International system for determining levels of knowledge

The international version is more complicated, it has a larger number of levels, due to the additional division of intermediate and advanced degrees of English proficiency. For convenience, each category is designated by a letter with a numerical index.
English proficiency scale So, below is the table Common European Framework of ReferenceCEFR(Common European Framework of Reference)

Language level Competencies
A 1 Beginner Elementary Knowledge of simple basics of the language:
  • alphabet
  • key rules and phrases
  • initial basic dictionary
A 2 Elementary Elementary
  1. Vocabulary and knowledge of basic grammar sufficient to construct simple phrases and sentences.
  2. Ability to write letters and talk on the telephone
B 1 Lower Intermediate Lower middle
  1. Ability to read and translate simple texts
  2. Clear and understandable speech
  3. Knowledge of basic grammar rules
B 2 Upper Intermediate Above average
  1. Understanding text on the fly and being able to discern its style
  2. Large vocabulary
  3. Ability to debate with different people with the least number of lexical errors
  4. Competent writing of formal and informal letters and reviews on various topics
C 1 Advanced 1 Great
  1. “Fluent”, almost error-free speech with correct intonation and use of any conversational style
  2. Ability to write texts expressing emotions, as well as complex narrative texts (research, essays, articles, essays, etc.)
C 2 Advanced 2
(Upper Advanced)
In excellence Everything is the same, but added:
  1. Your complete confidence and knowledge of absolutely all unknown “spots” of English grammar
  2. You are able to speak, read and write like a native speaker

Using this table, you can determine which category you will be trained in. For example, in order to get a job in some Call Center, you only need to reach level A 2 - elementary. But for you to teach someone English, A 2 is clearly not enough: for the right to teach, the minimum category is B 2 (above average).

Professional language classification scale

However, more often, when compiling a resume according to international standards, the following professional classification is used, in which the elementary level serves as the initial one, and there are actually three “near-intermediate” ones. Other scales use a 7-level division (in this case, the initial level is without a category).

In the following table we will take a closer look at exactly Intermediate(average)

Language level Corresponding
A 1
Same as in Beginner CEFR
Same as in Elementary CEFR
Pre-intermediate Below average (pre-average) A 2 Same as in Lower Intermediate CEFR
Intermediate Average B 1
  1. The ability to holistically perceive a text by ear and identify context from non-standard text
  2. The ability to distinguish between native and non-native languages, official and unofficial speech
  3. Conducting free dialogues in which:
    • clear, clear pronunciation
    • emotions are expressed
    • expresses one's opinion and learns someone else's
  4. Ability to write sufficiently competently, namely:
    • be able to fill out various documents (forms, resumes, etc.)
    • write postcards, letters, comments
    • freely express your thoughts and attitudes
Upper-Intermediate Above average B 2 Same as in Upper Intermediate CEFR
Advanced Great C 1 Same as in Advanced 1 CEFR
Proficiency Ownership in practice C 2 The same as in Advanced 2 CEFR, with the difference that knowledge is improved not with the help of textbooks, but in practice, mainly among native speakers.

As you can see, the concept of “level” is quite subjective: for some, initial or elementary is enough for training on an amateur scale, but for professionals Advanced may seem insufficient.
Level Proficiency is considered the highest, it is the most valuable and allows a highly qualified specialist to get a well-paid job abroad, and a student to get an education at a prestigious university or college.
In our native “penates” the average (Intermediate) is quite sufficient in order to:

  • understand language and communicate
  • watch films and read texts in English
  • conduct formal and informal correspondence

Testing your English level

How to determine what level of knowledge you are at? There are many tests, here is one of them
Testing your level of English How to climb a little higher on this ladder? Only through training!

This is a topic without borders. Visit our English Courses and Books and Textbooks sections and choose your favorite technique.

Levels of English proficiency according to the European scale

It is no secret that the American and British versions of the English language are somewhat different, and the international classification is more focused on the American version, since most foreigners study this easier version. However, American English is foreign to Europeans. Therefore, the European English Language Framework was created.
European Framework of Reference for English Languages

  1. A1 Level of survival (Breakthrough). Corresponds to the International Level Scale Beginner, Elementary. At this level you understand slow, clear English and can speak using familiar expressions and very simple phrases for everyday communication: in a hotel, cafe, shop, on the street. You can read and translate simple texts, write simple letters and greetings, and fill out forms.
  2. A2 Pre-threshold level (Waystage). Corresponds to the international Pre-Intermediate level. At this level you can talk about your family, your profession, personal hobbies and preferences in cuisine, music, and sports. Your knowledge allows you to understand announcements at the airport, advertising texts, store texts, inscriptions on products, postcards. You know how to conduct business correspondence, and you can also freely read and retell simple texts.
  3. B1 Threshold level. On the international scale it corresponds to the Intermediate level. You can already understand what is being discussed in radio and television programs. You know how to express your own opinion, you can justify your views, conduct business correspondence of average complexity, retell the content of what you read or saw, read adapted literature in English.
  4. B2 Threshold advanced level (Vantage). According to the international scale - Upper-Intermediate. You are fluent in spoken language in any situation and can communicate with a native speaker without preparation. You know how to speak clearly and in detail on a wide range of issues, convey your point of view, giving weighty arguments for and against. You can read unadapted literature in English, as well as retell the content of complex texts.
  5. C1 Level of professional proficiency (Effective Operational Proficiency). Corresponds to the international Advanced level. Now you understand various complex texts and can identify the subtext in them, you can express your thoughts fluently without preparation. Your speech is rich in linguistic means and the accuracy of their use in a variety of situations of everyday or professional communication. You can express yourself clearly, logically, and in detail on complex topics.
  6. C2 Level of mastery. According to the international scale - Proficiency. At this level, you can freely perceive any oral or written speech, you can summarize information received from different sources and present it in the form of a coherent and clearly reasoned message. You know how to fluently express your thoughts on complex issues, conveying the subtlest shades of meaning.

Strive for perfection!

Today, almost everyone strives or simply dreams of being fluent in a foreign language. It is for this reason that there are many courses and training lessons. If you still decide to use the help of specialists, then, first of all, you need to determine your level of knowledge. For what?

Know English proficiency levels very important. Based on your existing skills and abilities, you can choose the appropriate group so that the learning process is interesting, brings new knowledge, and you don’t spend your money on courses in vain. Specially designed tests to check the level of the English language cover its main aspects. The results are very useful and interesting to you. How? To choose directions, a group, set goals and determine desired results - this is why each of you needs a knowledge test.

What is it?

Like anyone test, You are given a task and several answer options. This may include:

— determination of the temporary form;
— insert a semantic or grammatical construction;
- finish the sentence;
- find an error, etc.

By using textbooks and reference books while taking the test, you are doing yourself a disservice. This result, whatever it may be, no one will know except you. Therefore, use only your existing knowledge.

Language proficiency levels can be divided into several groups. The first of them is Russified classification, which gives only a general idea of ​​​​the existing knowledge:

1. Beginner
2. Medium
3. Tall.

The second of them is more extended. This classification involves 4 levels and helps to more fully reveal existing knowledge. It is often used when filling out various forms, for example in a marriage agency, when applying for a visa. But, nevertheless, this method of determination is still not ideal.

1. With a dictionary;
2. Conversational level;
3. Average level;
4. Free use.

In this regard, the best classification is considered international. Let's take a closer look at all levels of knowledge of the English language, which allow us to most fully determine the existing skills and abilities.

1. Initial (A1 or Beginner) the level indicates an understanding of the basics of the language, the alphabet, sounds, and the ability to read the simplest sentences and words. At this stage, it is very difficult to perceive foreign language speech by ear.

2. Elementary (A2 or Elementary) .

Having this level, a student of English easily reads short texts and understands the main points. The same is true when perceiving speech aloud. Oral speech: presupposes the ability to briefly talk about oneself, about others, to talk about everyday topics, while presenting one’s speech and thoughts logically. It is important to note the phonetic side: not perfect pronunciation, but acceptable to be understood. Writing: the ability to write a request, a notice, to make a brief description of something in the simplest phrases.

3. Weak average level (B1 or Lower (Pre) Intermediate).

Understanding the main idea and meaning of the text, reading simple works. Oral communication: clear pronunciation, the ability to easily communicate on personal and non-personal topics, understand the question and answer accordingly, clearly express your feelings, desires and intentions. Written speech at this level assumes that the student knows how to describe a situation, person, place, express his opinion, write an official letter or request, and construct a grammatically correct sentence.

4. Intermediate level is given by secondary school and assumes the ability to read books, watch films, write, while observing the phonetic and grammatical norms of the language. It is quite easy to perceive foreign language speech by ear. The basics of vocabulary help to build communication not only at the level of question and answer, but also to express a personal attitude, one’s own opinion, to distinguish the general meaning of the speech of foreigners, to distinguish official information from unofficial.

5. Above average (B2 or Upper Intermediate) This level assumes some knowledge, which helps you feel confident when communicating. Knowledge of grammatical rules, norms, the ability to easily perceive information out loud from the first listening, distinguish between accents, talk on the phone, read magazines and books in a foreign language. Oral speech is based on the use of idioms, phrasal verbs, colloquial and formal lexical units. Some mistakes are acceptable.

6. Advanced (C1 or Advanced 1): excellent command of the language, free communication on any topic, easy comprehension of speech, knowledge of the intricacies of grammar.

7. Perfectly (C2 or Advanced 2 (Proficiency)) It’s not enough to say - to communicate freely. This stage presupposes proficiency in English, almost like a native one.

Having considered all levels of the English language, determine yours. But remember that this is only a conditional description. It’s still better to test your knowledge in a test that you can take online.