How to choose a university based on Unified State Exam subjects. How to choose subjects for the Unified State Exam

» Alla Noskova tells how USE score calculators work and how to use them correctly.

For those preparing for the main school exam

As planned, the Unified State Exam score calculator can show the probability of admission to a specific university and other universities. The calculator will calculate this probability using the points you scored for the Unified State Exam.

It is clear that the service can only draw conclusions based on data on last year’s passing scores of institutes. If the service contains correct information about this, then the calculator will accurately show the chances of the applicant last year.

This year the situation could change. It is influenced by reductions or increases in budget places, the demographic situation and even the university’s advertising campaign. But no other service or university management will still be able to guarantee admission in advance. Therefore, it is still worth using a good Unified State Exam calculator

What types of Unified State Exam calculators are there?

All Unified State Exam calculators can be divided into universal ones, which help compare information from different universities, and Unified State Exam calculators, which show results only for one university.

It is also necessary to distinguish the services “Unified State Examination Score Calculator” from the “Search for Specialties in Unified State Examination” subjects. The latter will indicate which exams will be needed for admission to which faculty, but will not show the number of passing points.

Which calculators can deceive

Pay attention to what year the information is used in the service. If you do not find mention of this anywhere, check the relevance of the data using several numbers of the selected university. If the calculator still shows up-to-date information, there will definitely be a mention of this on the site.

The best Unified State Exam calculators

These universal calculators allow you to compare scores at different universities; there is no doubt about the relevance of this data. Choose the service that is most convenient for you or use all at once to be sure.

The number of universities for comparison is 180;

Number of cities - 29;

Data on educational profiles (programs) is available;

There is an opportunity to compare within one university;

There is an opportunity to compare study options at different universities, but for the same profile.

The number of universities for comparison is 521;

Number of cities - 32;

There is data on specialties;

To use the service, you need to use the “Unified State Exam Subjects” filter.

The number of universities for comparison is 45;

Number of cities - 2;

There is data on specialties;

Data on educational profiles (programs) - no;

There is no possibility to compare within one university;

The ability to compare study options at different universities, but not for the same profile.

Number of universities available for comparison - 53

Number of cities - 11

Data on specialties - available

Data on educational profiles (programs) - no

Possibility to compare within one university - no

The ability to compare study options at different universities, but not for the same profile.

I hope that these services will help you more accurately decide which universities to apply to and increase your chances of admission.

Choosing a college or university is always a strategically important period. Previously, thick reference books “Where to go to study” helped with this, but now there are many detailed services. The Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam courses at LANCMAN SCHOOL talk about the best of them.

For those preparing for the main school exam

1. Website

This is, of course, one of the leaders among all navigators for Russian and foreign educational institutions. The search sections are very large: colleges, higher education institutions, preparatory courses, MBA courses, schools, kindergartens, courses for children and adults, studying abroad.

All information is conveniently grouped for you by forms of study (full-time, part-time, part-time, distance learning) and by location (location of the educational institution or courses). You can choose a university not only by direction or specialty, but also by subjects that you take in the Unified State Examination form. Just tick the required disciplines - and a list of all universities is in front of you.

Of course, the section “High school students and applicants” deserves special attention. Here we have collected as much information as possible about 4,000 Russian universities and colleges. You will learn everything about any of the 43 thousand training programs: description of the specialty, training conditions, passing scores, number of budget and paid places, cost of paid training, employment prospects for graduates.

2. Information resource Do the right thing

“Do the Right Thing” is a new resource made for applicants by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Of course, this is the most reliable and complete catalog of Russian universities. To successfully choose a higher education institution, you need to go through just three simple steps:

1. Select the form of study and specialty (for convenience, there are lists for each item).

2. Determine the location of the university.

3. Enter your Unified State Exam scores in the required subjects.

In addition to the catalog of universities, the website has an information section where you will find interesting information about the financing of Russian universities, employment prospects for graduates, as well as monitoring the effectiveness of universities.

You can download the Do the Right Thing app on Google Play and the App Store

3. Atlas of universities on the Yandex Unified State Examination website

Yandex Enlightenment does a lot for graduates and applicants. Among the latest resources we can note YouTube channel and Atlas of Universities.

The Atlas of Universities from Yandex is a very user-friendly catalog of higher educational institutions, which contains all the necessary information. The “Passing scores” section contains verified information about passing scores for the last two years for all educational institutions and specialties.

By the way, Yandex, together with the Higher School of Economics, monitored the competitive situation for admission to universities over the past two years and formulated the main conclusions as follows:

“There are more strong applicants: in 36% of universities, the majority of those admitted are excellent students; in only 13% of institutions, C students prevail among those admitted.

In 18 of the 21 universities participating in the state program “Project 5-100”, the majority of those enrolled are excellent students.

Every sixth university in Russia has at least one major in which it has attracted the strongest applicants in the country.

The country's leading universities - leaders in the quality of admission to budget places - have also enrolled the strongest "paying students". The reputation effect worked.

The average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled in leading technical universities has increased at a record level. Agricultural universities have noted the first positive changes in this indicator.

In terms of the quality of admission, that is, in terms of the average score of applicants, universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tomsk are leading by a large margin from the rest.

People are willing to pay for education: an increase in the price of education by an average of 16% did not affect either the demand for paid education or the average score of enrolled “paying students.”

Let's figure out how to choose a university and specialty using the website's capabilities

On this page you will learn how to select a university online according to any criteria.

Our entire website is detailed information about all universities in Russia, presented in a convenient form. However, even in such a form as, for example, in, it is difficult to select specialties, compare them, etc.

SO THAT YOU DON'T HURRY, WE DEVELOPED A FILTER that will show a selection of universities and specialties in them according to all the criteria you need : geographical, by Unified State Exam subjects, by cost of training, form of education, specialties and much more.

In order to select educational institutions, you must either open the filter, or read the section where you will find the Unified State Exam calculator, you can select a profession:

IT’S ALL SIMPLE HERE: to choose a university online, you must indicate the selection parameters you need in the “Conditions”, “Specialties”, “Geography”, “Unified State Exam” tabs. It is not necessary to fill out everything and click on the red “SELECT” button. You are required to fill in only those fields that will affect the selection.

For example, you need universities

1) full-time study
2) with the specialty "Jurisprudence"
3) in Moscow
4) for which the Unified State Exam requires Russian language, history, social studies
5) our Unified State Exam scores in these subjects are 215

Let's start opening the tabs one by one:

1) Conditions

In this tab, you can indicate the form of study, the cost of training per year (if it is not important, leave it as it is), the willingness to pass entrance examinations, the parameters of the university (only state, only with a military department, only with a dormitory).

2) Specialties

Here is a list of specialties. You can choose one or more specialties. If you do not fill in anything, the search will be performed in all directions.

3) Geography

Here you select the cities in which the search will be carried out. If empty, searches all.

4) Unified State Exam

Here we select the subjects that you are taking and the passing scores for them.

You can combine university selection online. For example, if you do not select a specialty/s, the search will be carried out in all, without selecting a city, you will launch a search in all cities, etc.

It is also important to note that all information about universities on the Internet is obtained from their websites and various sources. The best option is always to contact the university directly. Fortunately, we also have contact information for each university.

Enjoy it for your health!

If you are a high school student, it's time to think about where to go to study next. There are many universities, but you only need to choose one. How to do it right so you don’t regret it later? We have compiled a list of basic selection criteria that will help you decide.

Start your college search as early as possible, attend open days, and search for important information online

Basic criteria

1. Availability of a program of interest

If you have decided on a profession, then first you need find a university with your chosen specialty. Please note that specializations in the same area may differ at different universities. Study the programs carefully, look for the profile that you need. If you haven’t decided on your direction yet, choose a multidisciplinary university.

2. State or non-state

3. Availability of state accreditation

It’s easier to find a job with a state diploma

Important criteria

1. Budget places and competition

All universities in the country allocate a certain number of places: for budgetary and paid departments, for full-time or part-time courses. You can find out these numbers on our website in the Universities and Specialties section.” For comparison: « many places» - from 50 and above.« High competition» - from 25 and above. This is typical for most areas of training, except for medicine.

When choosing a university, adequately assess your chances of getting into the budget

2. Tuition fees

It is not always possible to enroll on a budget, so find out in advance the cost of studying at a paid department. Different programs usually have different prices. Lifehack: You can study at a top university relatively inexpensively using new or unpopular programs - look for them! AND specify how much the payment will increase every year taking into account inflation.

3. Availability of a hostel

If you are from out of town, this is one of the most important criteria. Find out if the university can provide housing for everyone. In some institutions there are few places in the dormitory; they are allocated on a competitive basis. Also find out payment amount, the condition of the buildings and the distance from them to the university.

Find out what living conditions are like in the hostel

5. Corruption

Corruption is rampant in some universities. To avoid running into such an educational institution, look for reviews online and monitor the news. Scandals of this kind are always covered in the press. Also look for thematic student communities on social networks, where information can be obtained from trusted individuals.

6. Number of cases

Some universities have several buildings in different locations. It is better when there are fewer of them, and they are close to each other. In this case, you will not have to travel to the other end of the city to get a certificate or to take a test. The smaller the buildings, the less often documents are lost and the more often they are signed, the better the communication with the management staff of the university.

7. Loyalty

In order not to drop out already from the first year, choose a university with a loyal attitude towards students. Find out what mistakes can lead to expulsion, whether it is possible to retake the exams, and how strict the teachers are. All this information can be found on student forums and thematic groups on social networks.

8. Teaching staff

The ideal option is when doctors of sciences and professors teach at a university, only a candidate of sciences can defend a master's thesis, and only a doctor of sciences can defend a candidate's dissertation. It is good if foreign lecturers are involved in teaching. It is always better to know about progressive foreign practices and not to get hung up on domestic approaches.

And a few more interesting points

Scholarship programs

Each institution has its own accrual system. Find out what the amount of payments is in a particular institution, whether it is possible to increase them for special academic achievements. Choose a university that definitely has scholarships if you plan to live at your own expense and separately from your parents.

International programs

A criterion for those who dream of overseas countries. In universities with international programs, it is possible to go on an internship either for free or for ridiculous money. In any case, it will be cheaper than using the services of agencies.

Master's programs

If you don't really like changes in life, then look for a university that has a large selection of master's programs. A master's degree is an excellent chance to delve deeper into science or change your field of study if you are disappointed in your choice of profession.

Accelerated programs

If you have the ability to quickly master information, you can switch to an accelerated program after 1 course. To do this you will need to undergo re-certification. And if you already have a college or technical school diploma, you can immediately enroll for a shortened period of study. This way you will save time and money, and get to work faster.

The choice of specialty is a key point for applicants. After all, the list of subjects for which you will need to prepare and pass the Unified State Exam depends on the chosen direction.

If you plan to connect your professional activity with air travel.

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List of compulsory disciplines that future psychologists must pass at the Unified State Exam.

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Universities offer a number of in-demand specialties, as well as creative professions that require additional knowledge and skills. Before choosing a future profession, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for admission to the chosen specialty, find out the list of exams and clarify information about internal entrance tests. Each university has the right to present its own individual requirements, which should be taken into account when choosing an educational institution. In this section, we have collected information about the most interesting and in-demand professions and reviewed the basic rules for entering these professions.

Choosing a specialty

Select the Unified State Exam subjects you are going to take

Find out the specialties that are right for you

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Education News

  • In Russia, testing of the state assessment test in the Chinese language began November 8, 2017, Wednesday
  • Scientists have calculated the age of the oldest spiral galaxy in Sun. November 7, 2017, Tuesday
  • The Russian Ministry of Education discussed the decline in children's tourism November 7, 2017, Tuesday
  • 10 rubles per week multiplied by the child’s age is the sum of karmas. November 2, 2017, Thursday
  • The “fool” on a schoolboy’s forehead cost the teacher 1 thousand rubles and his job Wednesday, November 1, 2017

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Quote of the Day

He who is happy himself does not wish harm to others.


Unified State Exam for 5!

No matter how long you put it off, you will have to prepare for the Unified State Exam, and it’s better to start early. Especially if you dream of passing exams in compulsory and selected subjects with 5 marks.

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Any adverb has features, something attractive. The difference is that one communicates with thousands of people, while the other covers a modest region.

Are internships abroad valuable knowledge or endless parties?

Marina Roshchina is a graduate of UrFU, graduated with honors from the Faculty of World Economics and International Business. Today he works at Sberbank, travels a lot and plans to get a law degree. As a third-year student, Marina participated.

(Issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor)

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Professions after 11 - list

List of professions after 11th grade

Not every graduate after high school continues his studies at further levels of education - there can be many reasons for this. Despite the barriers to obtaining higher qualifications, all boys and girls after 11th grade are already in demand in many areas, and all that is needed to find a job is desire. Below are approximate professions for children who have graduated from high school. The article will consider options only for permanent employment.

Professions after 11th grade - list for boys

For young men, a military profession is relevant, because in good health, an adult boy after graduating from school is obliged to serve in the army. After completing your mandatory service, your desire to continue working in the army is always welcome. In the present, the military is a fairly privileged category of the population: salary is at a fairly high level, the state provides housing, as well as early retirement.

Also, after a short training after school, the profession of a train, metro, tram, etc. driver becomes available. Very often, housing and various benefits are provided during the training.

  • Loader is an extremely difficult and in-demand profession, suitable only for guys, and strong ones at that. This is usually compensated for by slightly above average wages;
  • The work associated with logging is not easy and not the most profitable. Not everyone will want to get involved with her;

It becomes clear: such unskilled male labor is always difficult and harmful. At the same time, the payment is low.

List of professions for girls after 11

This applied to guys. But for girls there are also professions where it is very difficult to meet men. Often, to obtain such job profiles, it is necessary to undergo additional training, at least in the form of courses. Among the professions:

  • Beautician is a popular occupation among girls;
  • A massage therapist is often a well-paid, but still physical job that can be considered for a man. Training will not take a long time;
  • Hairdresser. It is more common to imagine hairdressers as women, although men with scissors and a comb are becoming more common;
  • Becoming a flight attendant is the dream of many girls. It is possible to fly after completing specialized courses. However, that's not all: appearance and many skills are important.

Dividing crafts into men's and women's, it is impossible to imagine their large number. 95 out of 100 professions are suitable for both boys and girls.

In-demand professions after 11th grade - list

A huge layer of professions is highly skilled labor. Secondary vocational and higher education is increasingly valued: simple operations are more often performed by automation. The list of professions is enormous.

A guy can choose to become a car mechanic after receiving the appropriate qualifications in college. There is no place for white-collar workers in this kind of work, but it is in great demand and, with an established client base, is profitable. Girls can choose a medical field. After receiving a diploma of secondary medical education, become a nurse or pharmacist.

Higher education can open the way to a great variety of prestigious professions. After completing a long and complex training, you will be able to occupy high positions in your specialty with increasing experience. Universities and institutes offer a range of specialties from engineers to lawyers, from a specialist in applied mathematics to an interior designer, from a physician to a diplomat and so on.

Among the most popular professions for boys and girls are:

  • Medical workers;
  • IT specialists;
  • Engineers from various fields of production;
  • Bank employees;
  • Builders;

It is almost impossible to tell which profession is right for you. But before choosing your vocation, it is recommended to study the labor market in your and other regions at least at a basic level. It would be a good idea to find out the forecast for the level of demand and supply for specific professions for several years in advance.

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Getting a job after 11th grade, without cronyism, is really only possible in a low-paying job. Given the unemployment rate, most employers prefer to hire specialists with experience and experience.

Getting a job after 11th grade, without cronyism, is really only possible in a low-paying job. Mostly as a waiter, loader, cleaner or janitor. Given the unemployment rate, most employers prefer to hire specialists with experience and experience.

It is advisable to combine work after 11th grade with study by correspondence or remotely. My sister's son studies and works in a mobile communications company. They have their own corporate settings in the Western style. He likes it and has prospects for growth. He passed the selection, testing, and work as an intern. The salary is not bad by our provincial standards.

I agree with everyone that if after 11th grade you go to work without cronyism, then you won’t have to count on a high job. It’s better to either go to study or have a goal for yourself and immediately after finishing 11th grade go to work hard. The choice, of course, is yours if you want to earn more then you need to develop.

For men, indeed, after serving in the Army, you can stay there for extended service under a contract. Providing housing at the place of duty. Great salary, further admission and study are encouraged. People generally retire at the age of 45, a year or two is taken into account. Possible transfer to a better or larger city, to a higher position. This is confidence, a career. Military personnel are not fired just like an ordinary employee can be fired. In addition, it is very rare that someone is fired, even when staffing is reduced, and they are offered transfer to another unit for further service. Discipline has not been lost in the Army and, in a sense, the Soviet Union is still in effect. And no one will be fired just like that.

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List of professions after 11th grade. Prestigious and in-demand professions

Today we will be presented with a list of professions after 11th grade. In general, after graduating from school, going somewhere will not be so difficult. But finding a job is already quite a big problem for modern schoolchildren and students. It is also important to choose a direction that will be prestigious and in demand in the future. This will help eliminate problems with employment. So, let's try to figure out what profession to choose after 11th grade.


The first option is to enroll in medical school and then study to become a doctor. Surgeons, pediatricians, and dentists are very popular now. True, for this you will have to spend about 7 years at a university and then undergo an internship.

However, if you are interested in in-demand professions after 11th grade, and at the same time, you understand biology and chemistry, then you can really study to become a doctor. There is a shortage of them now. To make your work profitable and prestigious, simply get a job in a private clinic upon graduation. And in this case, you don’t have to worry about your earnings, as well as the popularity of your direction. At a minimum, the years spent at the university will not be in vain.


And we continue our list of professions after 11th grade. In fact, in-demand professions may not be the most prestigious. And, especially, not highly paid. This is exactly what management is considered to be today. We are talking about the area that we are used to seeing - the lower echelon.

What it is? The thing is that all management is divided into 3 parts: top, middle and lower echelons. The first two are the real managers, the bosses. And the last thing is exactly what is so popular and in demand today in the labor market - the most ordinary, so to speak, junior managers. These include: sellers, cashiers, catering and fast food cafe workers, loaders, cleaners, and sales representatives. In principle, all those professions that a student or schoolchild can get a job in.

However, these are quite popular professions after 11th grade. You can study to be a manager, gain low-level work experience during your studies, and then move into a management position. So, don't be afraid of this specialty. Plus, enrolling in it is quite easy and simple.


Good professions after 11th grade, to be honest, should be decently paid. And just such places of work include engineering. Today Russia lacks personnel who will do this work. There are simple engineers and equipment installers here.

You can get such an education by enrolling in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. You will have to study long and hard in order to be able to find a normal job later. Unfortunately, this direction is not particularly popular among applicants. After all, engineers are often paid a rather small salary, which is not comparable with the responsibility and responsibilities in the workplace.


Our list of professions after 11th grade continues. To be honest, along with doctors and physicians, a teacher is a very popular position nowadays. Only among graduates this work is not particularly popular.

There are more and more people, including first-graders. Schools and kindergartens are growing before our eyes. But there is no one to teach children. In order to become a good teacher, you now need to get a pedagogical education, as well as get a second “tower” in the direction in which you want to work. That is, if it is chemistry and biology - medical, physics - physics and mathematics, mathematics / geometry - mathematical, and so on. With all this, you will be loaded up to your ears with work, and teachers’ salaries, as a rule, are meager. Only in private schools is a teacher a truly prestigious job.


Professions for girls after 11th grade, to be honest, are more popular and in demand. And they often pay much better than any other direction. If you are a girl who doesn’t know where to go to study after school, but at the same time, you want to get a “purely female profile” education, then you can go to school to become a cosmetologist. Or a manicurist.

These professions for girls after 11th grade are quite in demand. Yes, now there are a lot of such masters and cosmetologists. But clients are also arriving. Several masters will not have enough time for everything. So, cosmetology and manicure are quite popular and profitable areas. Especially if you are a private master, and also get a job in some private and good salon. Training in this area is shorter than in any other area. And there is almost no competition - each client (and there are many of them) chooses his own specialist. Try it, you won't regret it!

Office worker

Now the list of professions after 11th grade that can only be called in demand continues endlessly. However, there is another very necessary area in which new personnel are always required. This is an office job.

To be honest, many people want to work this way. However, to achieve this, you will have to obtain an economic or legal education. Sometimes students who have graduated from management also have the opportunity. And, congratulations, you will become the most ordinary office worker.

There are many such employees now, but there is a huge turnover of personnel in the labor market. And that’s why new “office plankton” is always needed. What will you have to do in your place? As a rule, work with documents, prepare reports, sometimes sell goods and services through telephone calls. In principle, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

But it’s worth warning right away - office workers are often burdened with someone else’s work. And they put pressure on us morally. Not everyone will agree to this. For this reason, after working in an office for some time, people move to another company. Or they quit altogether. So, when accepting a career as an office worker, you should prepare yourself for a lot of stress. If you can endure it, you will achieve heights in building a career, and will also begin to receive good wages. No? Then you will have to look for another job.

How to find yourself

If you cannot decide where to go to study, then the so-called profession test after 11th grade will help you. As a rule, all future school graduates take it. Around the beginning of the school year.

What will be in the test? A variety of questions that will illustrate your behavior in different situations, as well as show your abilities, skills, emotional stability and ambitions. After a clear analysis, psychologists will make a verdict on who and what profession is more suitable. Unfortunately, test results and the wishes of future applicants usually diverge. In general, listen to yourself - this is the only way you can choose the optimal profession for yourself.

Professions and subjects that need to be taken

Name of specialty groups

Optional items

Preschool education and upbringing

Pedagogy and methods of primary education

pedagogy and psychology

basic military training

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

Fine Arts and Drawing

1st creative exam

physical Culture and sport

1st creative exam

Fundamentals of Law and Economics

Kazakh language and literature

Russian language and literature

Foreign language: two foreign languages

Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction

Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian teaching languages

Social pedagogy and self-knowledge

Archeology and ethnology

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

Traditional musical art

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

Museum management and monument protection

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

5. Social sciences, economics and business

1st creative exam

State and local government

Public Relations

Archiving, document management and documentation support

Organization and regulation of labor

Physics and astronomy

7. Engineering science and technology

automation and control

Computer hardware and software

Mathematical and computer modeling

Geology and mineral exploration

Materials science and technology of new materials

Geodesy and cartography

Transport, transport equipment and technologies

Aviation equipment and technology

Marine engineering and technology

Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications

Chemical technology of inorganic substances

Chemical technology of organic substances

Technological machines and equipment (by industry)

Technology of woodworking and wood products (by area of ​​application)

Technology and design of light industry products

Food technology

Processing technology (by industry)

Production of building materials, products and structures

Life safety and environmental protection

Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)

Technology and design of textile materials

Mineral beneficiation

Pressure processing technology

Flight operation of aircraft and engines

Space engineering and technology

Pharmaceutical production technology

Engineering systems and networks

Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials

8. Agricultural Sciences

Technology of production of livestock products

Hunting and fur farming

Fisheries and industrial fishing

Water resources and water use

Agricultural machinery and technology

Forest resources and silviculture

Soil science and agrochemistry

Land reclamation, reclamation and protection of lands

Plant protection and quarantine

Energy supply for agriculture

Organization of transportation, movement and operation of transport

1st creative exam

Logistics (by industry)

Restaurant and hotel business

10. Military affairs and security

Information security systems

11. Health and social security (medicine)

Specialties of higher special education

13. Health and social security (medicine)

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

1st creative exam

Core subjects at UNT: 1. History, 2. Man. Society. Law

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Will there be questions from the school curriculum (zoology, botany, etc.) or questions from college (human anatomy, microbiology, etc.)?