How to quickly learn English at home. How to learn English at home from scratch and on your own

If you have never learned English or you once studied at school, but completely forgot everything, even the alphabet, and now you have decided to start learning English from scratch, then our advice on where to start and how to move may be useful to you. The first and most important thing is to understand how much you need the language, why you need it, and whether you have enough resources to learn the language.


Motivation should be your driving force; without it, you will not be able to practice the language daily for a long time. Without daily practice it is impossible to master this huge layer of knowledge. If there is no obvious motivation, but there is a burning desire to learn the language, then you should think about what knowledge of the language will give you - maybe it’s a new prestigious job or the opportunity to read specialized literature on topics that interest you, or maybe you travel a lot and want to fully communicate with people around the world or correspond with foreign friends.
Your motivation may still be in the subconscious. Try to extract it from there, it will play a decisive role in your successful progress in mastering the English language.

Choosing a teaching method

Your next step should be to choose teaching methods or teachers. Now students have access to very good language materials and a large number of teachers who are ready to study via Skype with students from all over the world. Ideal, of course, is to find a good teacher who is a native speaker. But not everyone can afford such opportunities, and some simply want to study independently and for free, at a convenient time, without any stress, according to their own schedule. Then you need to choose a system that you will follow.

Learning English from scratch takes time

Plan time for studying, you need to study every day, at least 15 - 20 minutes, but it’s better to set aside an hour for studying. In our selection of articles “English from scratch” you will find materials for beginners, audio recordings and videos, exercises, a large number of examples, explanations, as well as links to resources that will help you progress faster.

When choosing your study resources, make sure you like the materials. This is important, all polyglots talk about it. Interest plays a major role in language acquisition. It allows you to achieve more with less effort. Just imagine that you need to learn or translate a text on some boring topic for you, but you will fall asleep after the first phrase! On the contrary, if you come across an interesting book, you will definitely find time to read it. Go ahead, friends, devote your time and attention to the language, and you will raise your English from scratch to fluency. Good luck to all!

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Theoretical material

English is different from Russian. In English, compared to Russian, sentences are structured differently, articles are added, prepositions are used differently and there are more tenses than in Russian.

Thanks to our course, you will learn the 500 most frequently used words in the English language, be able to express your thoughts and read texts on general topics. The study of words takes place on the "Exercises" tab, and on this page we will talk about English grammar.



Article – this is a service word. It is placed before nouns (in English).

There are two articles in English - the indefinite and the definite. The article is not translated into Russian. There are no articles in Russian.

Indefinite article has two forms: a And an
Definite article has one form: the


Pretext – this is a functional part of speech, for example - in, on, under, above, near, etc.

There are three types of prepositions:

1. Prepositions of place- this is when we want to say that something is somewhere (on, in, near, under, behind, above, in front of, between, among);

(in (V),on (on the),at (V), behind (behind), under (under), near (near, near), above (above), between (between), among (among))

2. Prepositions of direction- this is when we want to say that something is moving somewhere (through, through, in, out, with, up, down, along, around);

(across (through),through (through),into (in (inside)), out , of (from), from(With), up (up), down (down), along (into the distance), round (around))

3. Prepositions of time- this is when we want to say that some action once was, is or will occur (before, before, after, during);

Word order in English sentences

In English sentences, unlike Russian ones, there must be a strict word order.

For example, in Russian we can say “I sent a telegram yesterday” or “I sent a telegram yesterday,” but in English this sentence should sound like this: “I sent a telegram yesterday.” Since English sentences have a strict word order.

Recently, to improve your career growth or to continue your studies abroad, learning English on your own has become popular. Of course, for many the question arises - where to find a good English tutorial, audio lessons and other materials that will effectively help you master a foreign language in a certain period of time. It is worth saying that learning English on your own is a long process, but everything is in your hands and you can make this process exciting and enjoyable.
So, you decided not to hire a tutor, not to pay money for courses or book tutorials, but to choose to learn English for free on your own using online lessons. It is worth saying that at first, most people fail to achieve any positive result and, naturally, they simply give up.

Stereotypes are what hinder English learning

These are the components that most people who decide to undergo self-study English course at home and advance at least a little in your knowledge:

  • the majority are confident that learning any foreign language on your own is a very difficult task;
  • many people learn a language but do not achieve the expected results;
  • most people reach a certain level of knowledge, say advanced, but it takes them years to learn;
  • many people think that they are simply not capable of learning a second language;

All of the above can be transformed into one single whole and conclude that learning English from scratch is a long and thorny path. However, there are also quick learning courses, that is, you can master the English language in just two months. Just give up traditional learning methods that are based on textbooks, cramming dictionaries, basic grammar, as well as boring and monotonous dialogues.
We are all familiar with this approach to learning a foreign language from school – if you are not going to read Shakespeare in the original, why “gnaw” on the grammar stone. User reviews indicate that the method of paid services remains school-based, only the learning process occurs in an accelerated mode, that is, you study English not two hours a week, but seven hours a day.

Correct methods are the key to success

Do you want to start learning English online? Leave books and lessons for later. First, you need to decide on the important aspects of your teaching methodology. That is, you must become your own teacher. The main thing is to put grammar aside in Kamchatka; you won’t need it if you just want to communicate with native speakers, listen to radio and television programs, of course, if you are not going to take an international exam to obtain a certificate. But this is not the main thing - no matter what method you use when mastering the language learning course at home, what is important is your positive mood during classes, and then a positive result will not be long in coming.
So, 3 main principles self-learning English from scratch:

  • motivation – you must really want to learn a foreign language;
  • the right method – try several teaching methods and choose the best one for yourself;
  • learning process - decide why you need knowledge of English - for everyday communication or for subsequent studies at prestigious foreign universities.

And most importantly, don’t “stand” in one place – constantly develop and improve your knowledge. Use the lessons posted on our website for this, because they are offered to you completely free of charge!

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! In today's article we will consider the following questions: advantages and disadvantages of learning English at home, And how can you learn English from scratch without leaving home?.

Each of us somewhere once learned English or any other foreign language: in kindergarten, school, university, and then tried English courses in our city. I had to spend extra time traveling between courses, home or work. Now, on the contrary, there is an alternative option - learning English at home.

Advantages and disadvantages of learning English at home

What comes to your mind when you hear: “Teaching English at home”? There may be 2 options: on one's own study English at home or invite tutor.

Let's look at the pros and cons of these options.

  • Irregular classes.

Today you are full of strength and energy and ready to read Agatha Christie’s novels in the original, and tomorrow you don’t want to do anything at all, let alone study English.

Self-study gives you freedom of action: if I want, I study, if I want, I watch TV. Such absences from classes do not bring anything good, haphazard lessons are ineffective, and you need to study English regularly.

  • Inconsistent curriculum.

We all perceive information differently: some read a lot of theory, others are given practical tasks, others only listen to podcasts in English. This is all good, of course, but when learning a language you need to train all skills equally: reading, speaking, writing and listening.

  • Problem with choosing educational materials.

On the Internet you can find a bunch of textbooks for learning English, but choosing a really worthwhile textbook is quite difficult. And you need to be able to work with any benefit. Take our word for it - it's not that easy to do.

  • Work on mistakes.

Before you start studying on your own, think about who will correct your mistakes and guide you in your learning. If there is no person next to you who knows English well, then there is a high probability that all efforts will be in vain.

  • Loss of motivation.

We start learning English with great enthusiasm, but after a few months we feel that we have reached a dead end. Disappointment sets in. “I’ve been learning this English for so long, but still no progress...”

All these disadvantages can be overcome if you start learning English at home, but with a teacher via Skype.

You will be able to choose a class schedule that is convenient for you and will not want to give up your studies. After all, you paid for the classes, and the person on the other side of the screen prepared for you the coolest materials that meet your requests and needs.

They will definitely work with you on your mistakes and point out weaknesses that still need to be worked on.

After half a year of classes, you will definitely feel progress - your vocabulary will expand, you will begin to perceive English speech by ear, you will no longer be embarrassed to speak English, or even begin to think in it!

How to learn English at home?

Self-learning is a difficult and time-consuming process, but it can be overcome.

So, first you need:

  • Organize your goals.

Decide clearly: what kind of English do you want to learn? Colloquial? Writing? Or do you just need to read it and understand it?

If you are going abroad to travel, then you need spoken English. If you want to move abroad and find a job there, then you need to be 100% proficient in all four aspects of the language: speaking, reading, writing and understanding.

  • Choose a professional teacher and a suitable textbook.

We can help you with this. On our website you will find a list of qualified teachers who can easily explain all the nuances of the English language. The textbook will be replaced by our educational platform ED Class. You just need to choose the appropriate course based on your goals.

This course will help you write a resume or CV and pass an interview in English. Also, the acquired skills will be useful in team work on projects, business correspondence, drafting technical specifications and other situations that require knowledge of the English language.

With this course, you will master business English topics that will be useful to any professional - from English styles and rules for writing business letters, to complex financial transactions and the basics of informal communication after negotiations.

This course is for everyone who wants to improve their communication skills in English. You will learn how to choose and order a trip, behave at the airport, order food in a restaurant, not get lost in a new city, see the sights and have a blast.

After completing this course, you will be able to overcome the language barrier and confidently communicate on topics: family, everyday life and its costs, stereotypes, work, travel, etc. You will also learn about common taboos abroad and be able to distinguish between British and American English.

This course will be an excellent assistant if you are planning to pass one of the oldest and most prestigious exams in the world. You will learn about the structure, how to prepare properly and get the necessary practice in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

The course will help you prepare for an interview in English. You will learn how to write a successful resume, as well as other life hacks that will help you make a favorable impression on the employer and get your dream job.

The course is aimed at teenagers from 12 to 18 years old. It is full of youth slang, funny phrases, fashionable words that modern youth use. We also did not forget about grammar material that corresponds to the child’s level and added some games to make the lessons not boring.

Additional self-study

If classes with a teacher are not enough for you, then you can always study additionally on our Online course or Online simulator, but spoken English will still not be enough, so do not forget to attend Conversation Clubs with a Russian-speaking teacher or a native speaker.


As you already understand, you can quickly learn English at home only under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

If you devote time to English every day, study hard, write, listen, communicate, without putting your studies on the back burner, then you will soon acquire a good stock of foreign words, competent speech and spelling. The main thing is to strive for the goal!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family