Summary of educational activities on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech in the preparatory group for children with special needs. "On a visit to autumn

Correctional and educational tasks:- learn to complete a sentence according to its meaning;

Learn to make sentences based on two basic words;

- activate and expand children’s vocabulary on the topic “Autumn”;

Strengthen children’s ability to select several actions for the name of an object;

Correctional and educational tasks: development of coordination of movements, spatial orientation, fine motor skills of the fingers, development of thinking.

Equipment: pictures of the seasons, a mailbox, envelopes, subject pictures on the topics being studied, a ball, a cardboard tree, subject pictures with images of 1 to 10 signs of autumn.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment. Form one after another as directed by the speech therapist. Vlad will stand behind Masha. Nastya in front of Rostislav. Arina is behind Artem. Etc. Then the speech therapist asks questions: Vlad, who are you behind? Who are you ahead of, Nastya? Between whom Vadim do you stand? Who are you standing behind, Masha? Who are you standing next to, Roma? Etc.

2. Main part.

Speech therapist: Remember guys, what seasons do you know? (Correct). Now we will play the game “Close the picture.” Here are pictures that depict the seasons. We will cover winter with white squares, spring with green, summer with red, autumn with yellow. In each row you must find one picture that does not make sense. And put it on the typesetting canvas.

Speech therapist: Look at the panel. All pictures, with what season?

(Children: Autumn). Today we will be with you, talking about autumn.

Game "Mail".

Speech therapist: The mail arrived this morning and you need to receive an envelope for everyone. There are pictures pasted on your chairs. The postman will give you envelopes with letters in accordance with the stickers on your chairs. (The postman takes envelopes with stickers from the mailbox and names the street based on the image of the envelope (Klenovaya Street, etc., streets based on the names of leaves from trees and bushes.) and gives the envelope at the address, the child opens the envelope and takes out a subject picture on the topic “Autumn.”

Speech therapist: To whom the postman gives the envelope, the child takes out a picture and says what his object does. (The envelopes contain pictures: sun, clouds, rain, wind, grass, leaves, bear, hare, hedgehog, swallow, squirrel) For example: sun in autumn (what does it do?) - shines, rises, shines, falls, illuminates, does not warm.

Game "Magic Tree".

Speech therapist: Remember, guys, we read the work of K. Chukovsky

"Miracle tree." And we have the same miracle tree - various objects will grow on it. They all relate to the theme of autumn. (Pictures are laid out in front of the children. The speech therapist makes a riddle about one of the objects shown in the picture. Children guess and find the corresponding picture and “hang” this picture on a tree and name the quantity:

Fluffy cotton wool

Floating somewhere.

The lower the cotton wool -

The closer the rain comes.

Child.Cloud (Takes a picture and counts: one cloud, two clouds, three clouds, four clouds, five clouds)

The speech therapist makes riddles about an umbrella, the sun, a mushroom, a tree, a leaf, a squirrel, a hedgehog, a bear, a raincoat, galoshes, and a rowan tree.

Physical exercise. Game "Sentence Completion".

Speech therapist: Guys, now we’ll play with the ball. To whom I throw the ball, he finishes the sentence.

Birds fly south (when?.)…..The sun hid behind the clouds, it became…(how?) After the rain it became (how?)…A strong wind rose, with melting snow (how?)….Animals change the color of their fur coat (when ?)…. Etc.

Speech therapist: You have pictures that came in envelopes. I will give you one more picture each and you will make up sentences using these two words: wind - leaves, sun - sky, leaves - branches, ice - puddle, wind - leaves, apples - trees, vegetables - garden bed, rubber boots - puddles, etc. .d.

Bottom line. Our journey ends. Correct me if this judgment is not correct, and if it is correct, then tell me that it is correct: The sun is round, and the oak leaf is green. In autumn the wind is strong and the sun is warm, etc.

Title: Notes of a teacher-speech therapist in a preparatory group for children with general speech underdevelopment on the lexical and grammatical structure of speech on the topic “Autumn”
Nomination: Lesson notes, ECD/speech therapist classes

Position: teacher-speech therapist
Place of work: Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Child Development Center, Kindergarten No. 36, Kurganinsk
Location: Krasnodar region, Kurganinsk city, Rosa Luxemburg street

Oksana Ivannikova

Direct educational activities on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech in a compensatory preparatory group for children with special needs development

Structural unit “Kindergarten “Center for Correction and Development of Children”

GBOU secondary school No. 18, Novokuibyshevsk, Russia

Speech therapist teacher: Ivannikova O. A.

Topic: “Visiting autumn.”

Program content: Goal: expand and activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Autumn”. Educational objectives: expand ideas about the changes that occur in nature in the fall; practice forming relative adjectives; practice the formation of cognate words; exercise in the selection of words-actions, words-signs; practice using simple prepositions with, in, under; develop involuntary memory and thinking.

Methodological support: Slide presentation “Visiting autumn”, pictures depicting trees and leaves, pictures - symbols “sun”, “wind”, “rain”, “trees”, “leaves”, “animals”, “birds” .

Progress of educational activities:

I. Organizational moment.

You need to start every new day in a good mood. And so that the mood is good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and pass on to each other that spark of warmth and love that lives in our hearts. Feel how kindness flows from palm to palm through our hands. Feel how a spark of kindness ignites in our hearts. Let her accompany us throughout the lesson. Let's smile and wish each other good morning and a joyful mood.

II. Main part.

1. Introduction to the topic.

Speech therapist:

Guess the riddle:

Every day, the wind is sharper Tearing leaves from the branches in the forest... Every day, it’s early evening, And everything brightens later.

The sun hesitates, as if

No strength to rise...

That's why morning rises above the earth Almost at lunchtime. (I. Mazin).

Speech therapist:

What time of year is this poem talking about?


This poem talks about autumn. Slide 1.

Speech therapist:

How did you guess that the poet was describing autumn? What signs of autumn are mentioned in this poem?


The sun shines less. Cold wind is blowing. Leaves fall. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. It's getting colder outside.

Speech therapist:

You have completed the task correctly and here is a gift of “sunshine” that will warm you along the way. After each completed task, the speech therapist teacher gives the children a picture - a symbol and places it on the board. Children make up a sentence about the sun in autumn.


The sun shines in the fall and warms less, it becomes cold.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist:

Today in class I invite you to go on a journey. We will go “Visiting Autumn” and find out what changes occur in nature in the fall, in the life of animals and birds.

3. Studying new material.

1) Speech therapist:

The first station of our journey is “Lesnaya”. Slide 2.

The old forest man has prepared the first task and riddle for you:

In the spring and summer everyone saw him dressed, and in the fall all the shirts were torn off the poor thing.

Speech therapist:

How did you guess that this was a forest?


In summer and spring, green leaves grow on trees in the forest, and in autumn they fall. Slide 3.

2) Speech therapist:

A cold wind blows in autumn. He plucks leaves from the trees. The leaves are spinning and falling to the ground.

Speech therapist:

What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall?


Leaf fall. Speech therapist:

From what two simple words is the word leaf fall formed?


Leaves are falling.

Speech therapist:

Let's count the autumn leaves that the wind has torn from the trees.

3) Finger gymnastics “Autumn”. The wind flew through the forest,

Smooth, flowing movements of the palms. The wind counted the leaves: Here is an oak one,

Bend one finger on both hands.

Here is a maple one, Here is a carved rowan tree, Here is a golden one from a birch tree, Here is the last leaf from an aspen tree

The wind blew it onto the path.

Calmly place your palms on the table.

N. Nishcheva.

4) The speech therapist places pictures of trees on the typesetting canvas.

Speech therapist:

Do you recognize the trees that grow in the forest? Name them. The speech therapist lays out cards with pictures of tree leaves in front of the children.

Speech therapist:

And here are the leaves of these trees. Guess which tree the leaf fell from and what it is called. Children take turns going to the typesetting canvas, pointing and naming the trees.


This leaf fell from the maple tree. This is a maple leaf.

Material: leaf of birch, aspen, rowan, linden, poplar, oak, spruce and pine cone.

5) Speech therapist:

Choose words - signs for the word “leaves”. What kind of leaves?


The leaves are yellow, green, redder, multi-colored, dry, rustling, beautiful.

Speech therapist:

You correctly named the leaves of the trees (a picture is presented with the symbol “wind” and the speech therapist invites the children to choose action words for the word “wind”. Wind (what it does) -

6) Game “Similar words”. Slide 4. A “tree of related words” appears on the slide.

Speech therapist:

Here is a tree, very strange looking. Name the picture, choose the words “relatives”.

Speech therapist:

Choose related words with the same root for the word “forest”. If children find it difficult to find words on their own, the speech therapist helps them with leading questions. This slide is controlled by a mouse click; after the correct answer, a picture appears on the slide depicting the named related word.

Speech therapist:

What is this? (Forest.)

Speech therapist:

There is a big forest, and a small one... (a forest.)

Speech therapist:

A person who looks after the forest... (forester.)

Speech therapist:

A path in the forest, what a... (forest.)

Speech therapist:

The man who cuts down the forest... (lumberjack)

Speech therapist:

Name one complex word instead of two simple ones: the forest grows (forester.) Speech therapist:

Equipment that transports timber? (Timber carrier.)

Speech therapist:

You have completed the task, you will receive a picture (“trees”) for this. Children make up a sentence with the word “trees”.


The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. It's time for us to continue our journey.

7) Station “Forest Dwellers”. Slides 5, 6, 7 are controlled by a system of hyperlinks, the correct answer is highlighted using animation, and if the answer is incorrect, the picture is deleted and you are asked to complete the task correctly. Slide 5. Speech therapist:

We arrived at the Forest Dwellers station.

Speech therapist:

The forest dwellers are busy and in a hurry, in the fall they are preparing for a cold and long winter.

Speech therapist:

Name which animal hibernates in the fall and sleeps until spring?


The hedgehog and the bear hibernate in the fall and sleep until spring. Slide 6.

Speech therapist:

About whom they say that “his feet feed him.”


In winter, the wolf is “fed by his legs.”

Speech therapist:

What do the words “feet feed” mean? Explain this expression.


If a wolf runs fast, it will catch prey. If he has fast legs, he won't go hungry.

Speech therapist:

Which of these animals changes their coat color for the winter?


The hare and the squirrel change the color of their fur coat.

Speech therapist:

Why is this happening?


The hare changes its coat so that in winter it is not visible in the snow.

Speech therapist:

Well done guys, you learned about what changes happen in the lives of animals in the fall. (Hands over a picture - the symbol “animals”). Children make up a sentence with the word “animals”.


Animals are preparing for winter: the hare and squirrel change the color of their coats, the bear and hedgehog hibernate.

Speech therapist:

The forest inhabitants have prepared a riddle for you:

He makes noise in the field and in the forest, But he doesn’t get into the house And I don’t go anywhere, While he’s walking.

Speech therapist:

Go out into the clearing, start games with the rain.

III. Physical exercise. Exercise for coordinating speech with movements “Rain”. To us on a long thin leg

The rain is bouncing along the path. In a puddle - look, look!

He blows bubbles. The bushes became wet,

The flowers became wet. Wet gray sparrow

Dries the feathers quickly.

The speech therapist helps the children with a picture - a symbol (“rain”) Speech therapist:

Choose words - signs for the word rain. What kind of rain?


Autumn, cold, strong, torrential, drizzling. Children make up a sentence with the word “rain”.


In autumn it often drizzles.

8) D/game “Who hid and where?” Slide 8.

Speech therapist:

It started to rain in the forest. The forest animals were afraid of the rain and decided to hide in their houses. Tell me which of the animals was hiding where.


The bear hid in a den. The squirrel was hiding in a hollow. The fox hid in a hole. The wolf hid in the lair. The hare hid under a bush.

9) Feathered Friends station. Slide 8.

Speech therapist:

Our journey continues. So we arrived at the station of feathered friends and find out what changes occur in the life of birds in the fall.

Speech therapist:

Name the birds?


Swallow, rook, lark, starling, magpie.

Speech therapist:

Which of these birds does not fly south?


The magpie does not fly south.

Speech therapist:

What are the names of birds that fly to warm countries?


Birds that fly to warm countries are called migratory.

Speech therapist:

What are the names of the birds that stay with us?

Children: Wintering birds remain with us.

Speech therapist:

You have completed this task. Gives children a symbol picture (birds). Children make up a sentence with the word “birds”. Children:

Migratory birds fly south.

10) D/i “Autumn, what are you like?”

You have learned a lot about autumn, tell us, what is autumn like? Children:

Autumn is beautiful, golden, cold...

Speech therapist: If it's cold outside, then it's autumn...



Material: if sad - sad, windy - windy, beautiful - beautiful, sad - sad, gloomy - gloomy, cloudy - cloudy, rainy - rainy, wet - wet, dirty - dirty, damp - damp, dull - dull, beautiful - beautiful .

11) Children's stories “Autumn has come.” Children make up stories about autumn using reference pictures-symbols.

Speech therapist:

Our journey has come to an end, we visited the autumn forest, learned about how animals and birds prepare for winter in the fall, what changes occurred in nature in the fall. Differentiated assessment of children's activities.

The lesson helps in a fun way to systematize ideas about autumn changes in nature, to form ideas about the periods of autumn, to replenish the active vocabulary of nouns with diminutive suffixes, and complex words for pupils of the preparatory speech therapy group. The author's manual "Logo-book" is used.

Correctional and educational goals. Generalization and systematization of ideas about autumn changes in nature. Formation of ideas about the periods of autumn and their characteristic features. Replenishing the active dictionary with nouns with diminutive suffixes (oak, birch), complicated words (leaf fall). Expanding the understanding of the figurative meaning of the word golden (Golden autumn). Improving the grammatical structure of speech (selection of homogeneous definitions, agreement of nouns with adjectives in gender, case, number).

Corrective and developmental goals. Development of all senses and improvement of the ability to perceive objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality through all senses. Development of coherent speech, visual perception, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements with speech.

Educational goals. Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, independence, activity, initiative, responsibility. Fostering love and respect for nature.

Equipment . A basket with colorful leaves of different trees, an easel, 3 pictures depicting early, golden and late autumn, 2nd page of the “Logo Book”, drawings with overlaid images of leaves according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. (Announcing the topic of the lesson. Creating an emotional background. Replenishing the active vocabulary with nouns with diminutive suffixes.)

The speech therapist meets the children at the door of the office, where P. Tchaikovsky’s “Autumn Song” is quietly playing, with a basket in his hands. The basket is filled with colorful leaves from different trees. The speech therapist raises the basket to the level of the children's faces and invites them to smell the autumn leaves, and then asks the children to choose one leaf for each and walk with it to the table.

Speech therapist. The one who remembers the name of the tree from which the leaf he took fell will sit down and name this tree affectionately.

1st child. Birch.

2nd child. Oak.

3rd child. Topolek.

4th child. Aspen.

Children complete the speech therapist’s assignment and take turns sitting at the table.

Speech therapist. Well done. You completed my task. Place your papers on the table. Tell us what they look like, feel like, and smell like. Choose as many words as possible that answer the question “What are autumn leaves?”

Children. Autumn leaves are colorful, carved, smooth, cool, fragrant.

Speech therapist. Right. Fading autumn leaves smell very delicious. Today we will continue the conversation about autumn, about why autumn is called golden, we will find out what periods are distinguished in autumn, how they differ from each other.

2. Conversation about autumn based on the personal experience of children. (Expanding ideas about autumn changes in nature. Forming ideas about the periods of autumn and their characteristic features. Forming ideas about the figurative meaning of the word (Golden autumn). Improving the grammatical structure of speech (selection of homogeneous definitions, agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, case, number).)

The speech therapist scatters the remaining leaves in a basket on the table.

Speech therapist. Which month of autumn ends?

1st child. September ends.

Speech therapist. What month will come after it?

2nd child. After September comes October.

Speech therapist. Which month ends autumn?

3rd child. November ends autumn.

Speech therapist. Right. September is usually called early in the fall. The beginning of October, the first ten days of this month, is called gold in the fall. And the time from the second half of October to the end of autumn is called late in the fall. These periods of autumn have many differences. For example, in early autumn it is often warm during the day but cold at night. In early autumn there are still many flowers, fruits and vegetables are ripening, the leaves on the trees are just beginning to change color. Many insects have not yet disappeared; migratory birds are just beginning to prepare to fly to warmer climes. Then the most beautiful period of autumn begins, golden autumn. Look at the leaves scattered on the table and think about why autumn is called golden.

Children. The leaves on the trees become multi-colored: red, yellow, scarlet, crimson. When you look at an autumn forest or park from afar, it seems golden.

Speech therapist. Right. I really liked the explanation you gave. In golden autumn there are also clear sunny and fairly warm days. In autumn, grasses also change their color, turn yellow and begin to dry out. There are fewer flowers. Insects are gradually disappearing. Migratory birds begin to fly away. And when the forest loses its foliage and the trees become bare, late autumn will come, the saddest time, when there are no more flowers, the grass has dried up, insects have hidden, and birds have flown away. This period of autumn is the coldest, with almost no sunny days, frequent rains and cold winds.

3. Exercise "Periods of autumn". (Development of visual perception and attention, the ability to generalize, coherent speech).

The speech therapist sweeps the leaves into a basket and hangs three pictures depicting early, golden and late autumn on an easel.

Speech therapist. Look at the paintings and determine which of them depicts early autumn, which shows golden autumn, which shows late autumn. You can consult, and then arrange the pictures on the board in that order.

Children perform the speech therapist's assignment.

Speech therapist. Well, you made me happy by completing the task perfectly. What helped you complete the task correctly? Tell me.

Children tell what signs they paid attention to while completing the task.

1st child. The first picture shows children in the park. The sky is gray and covered with clouds. But the leaves on the trees and the grass are still green, and there are many flowers in the flowerbed. The children are dressed in light jackets. So I thought it was early autumn.

2nd child. In the second picture we see trees covered with colorful leaves. They seem to be burning in the sun. This picture could have been called "Golden Autumn".

3rd child. In the third picture we see bare trees, a gray sky, boys and girls are dressed in warm jackets. The artist depicted the saddest autumn season - late autumn.

4. General articulation gymnastics. (Development of articulatory motor skills).

The speech therapist asks the children to pick up a mirror and invites them to do several articulatory gymnastics exercises

A tongue in a thicket. Show how the tongue crawls between dense trees (teeth). Lips in a smile. Slowly stick out your tongue, biting it all over the surface.

We climb through the windbreak. Lips in a smile. The “wide” tongue is forcefully squeezed outward between the teeth so that the upper incisors scrape along the back of the tongue. Teeth marks on the tongue are paths in the forest.

A squirrel's tail flashes. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Turn your tongue, which sticks out strongly from your mouth, to the right and left so that its tip touches the corners of your mouth. The jaws and lips are motionless.

Very tasty lingonberries. Let's enjoy lingonberries again. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Using the tip of your tongue, lick your upper lip from one corner of your mouth to the other. Lick your lower lip. Movements should be smooth, the lower jaw motionless.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Lick both lips, making circular movements with your tongue.

Let's brush our teeth. The squirrel treated us to nuts. We ate them, now we’ll “clean” our teeth. “Clean” with your tongue first the upper, then the lower teeth. After this, make circular movements with your tongue. Make sure that the jaws do not move and the lips do not move apart.

5. Mobile exercise "Fog". (Coordination of speech with movement. Development of a sense of rhythm, the prosodic side of speech).

The speech therapist invites the children to go to the carpet.

The fog hung in wisps They squat and perform rhythmic
Garden and yard strikes with the edge of the palm and fists
by floor.
Catch the fog with your hands Rhythmically clenching and unclenching fists
I took it with my palm
and squeezed tightly
But he's as quick as a cat They run their fingers across the floor.
he took it and ran away
Fog hangs over the river They stand up, raise their arms and shake them from
and breathes as if alive side to side
Like a white sheep with a curly head. They clasp their hands above their heads.
And little horns on this head,
But in the morning there were only drops on the grass.

6. Working with the “Logo-book” (Development of fine motor skills, coherent speech. Reinforcing the concepts of “Golden Autumn”, leaf fall)

The speech therapist hangs page 2 from the “Logo Book” on the board.

Speech therapist. Guys, now let's create our own picture. Let's depict golden autumn. In front of you are parts of the picture (on the table are leaves made of fabric of different colors, “crowns” of different colors, grass, snowdrifts, flowers, the sun, clouds).

Now, each of you will come to the table, take one of the parts of the picture that corresponds to the “golden autumn” period, and attach it to the page of the book. Each of you will explain your choice.

1st child. I chose and attached the yellow "crown" of the tree because it seemed to be golden and resembled iridescent yellow leaves in the sun.

2nd child. I attached multi-colored leaves to the tree - yellow, burgundy and green, because in the golden autumn everything is cast in different colors.

3rd child. I attached yellow and green grass, because in the golden autumn, the grass is already beginning to turn yellow.

4th child. I attached the sun and cloud. The sun, because in the golden autumn the sun still shines brightly, although it no longer warms like in the summer. And a cloud, because in the golden autumn there are also cloudy days.

Speech therapist. You did a very good job of explaining your choice. Well done.

Now explain to me what leaf fall is.

Children. Leaf fall is when leaves fall from trees in the fall.

Speech therapist. Let's depict leaf fall in our picture. What do I need to do?

Children. Remove the leaves and place them in the grass.

Speech therapist. Well done. You did a very good job on this task.

7. Finger gymnastics. (Development of fine motor skills)

The speech therapist offers children to do exercises for their fingers.

8. Work based on the riddle picture “What do you see?” (Development of visual perception, visual gnosis. Prevention of written speech disorders).

The speech therapist gives each child a picture - a riddle with superimposed images of leaves.

Speech therapist. The last game today is the picture puzzle "What do you see?" Each of you has a picture on the table with leaves hidden on it. You must name one leaf at a time and circle it

1st child: I see a maple leaf.

2nd child. I see a birch leaf.

Outlines the image with a pencil.

3rd child. And I saw an oak leaf.

Outlines the image with a pencil.

4th child. Only the rowan leaf was not named. Here he is. Outlines the image with a pencil.

Speech therapist. Well done. It was a very difficult task. You did a great job with it.

9. End of class. (Assessment of children's work.)

The speech therapist asks the children to remember the main stages of the lesson, talk about what new they learned, what they were interested in doing, and then evaluates their work.

When preparing the summary, the following literature was used:

  1. Nishcheva N.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment. - St. Petersburg: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2007.

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| abstract | lesson notes | subgroup classes | subgroup lesson notes | class notes | formation | personality formation | lexico-grammatical | funds | folk remedies | language | Russian language | development | speeches | parts of speech | lexical | lexical meaning | subject | both this and that | autumn | autumn 2011 | periods | glacial period | autumn | children's | kindergarten | Speech therapist's page| Summary of a subgroup lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and speech development Lexical topic Autumn Periods of autumn Kindergarten

"Pictures of Autumn." Getting to know the signs of autumn.

The speech therapist shows the children one subject picture at a time and pronounces the beginning of a sentence. Children must complete it based on the picture. They then repeat the entire sentence.

It happens in autumn... (rain).

It happens in autumn... (leaf fall).

It happens in autumn... (cold).

It happens in autumn... (wind).

In autumn there are... (vegetables).

In autumn there are... (fruits).

In autumn there are... (mushrooms).

In autumn there are... (yellow leaves).

In autumn there are... (red leaves).

"Fall has come". Memorizing a poem. The speech therapist reads a poem, displaying the “gifts” of autumn on the board.

Autumn, autumn has come to us!

She brought us gifts:

yellow leaves,

Delicious mushrooms,

Vegetables and fruits,

Bread products!

Development of coherent speech

Writing a story "Autumn" according to reference subject pictures.

"Autumn has come. Katya and dad went into the forest. In the forest the trees are yellow and red. There are a lot of leaves on the ground. Dad found mushrooms. Katya put them in the basket. It’s nice to be in the forest in the fall!”

Sensory development

« Let's trace the leaf."

Each child has a sheet of paper and a natural birch or linden leaf on the table. Children put it on paper and trace the outline with a pencil. The speech therapist's instructions:

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo,

I'll find a pencil.

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo,

I'll circle the leaf.

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh,

My leaf is small.

Blow-blow-blow, blow-blow-blow,

Wind, wind, don't blow!

Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay,

You, leaf, don't fly away!

Children, together with a speech therapist, repeat the beginning, after which they begin to work.

Working on the sound side of speech

“Repeat the nursery rhymes.”

The yellow leaf flew into the little garden.

The birds flew and sang songs.

Dima is very, very happy: he saw the leaves fall.

“Repeat friendly words”:

leaves - mushrooms;

fruits - products;

tomato - fly agaric;

leaf fall - snowfall;

titmouse birds.

Physical education-logorhythmics

Children imitate rain by tapping their index fingers on the table to the beat of a poem. "Autumn".

Rain, rain

All day

Drumming on the glass.

The whole earth

The whole earth

Got wet from the water...

Y. Akim

Thematic cycle “Vegetables”

(fourth week)

Children must learn: names of main vegetables; their color, shape and taste; general word vegetables; where vegetables grow.

Lexico-grammatical games and exercises

"Basket with vegetables." Formation of phrasal speech skills.

There is a basket of vegetables on the table. The children take turns coming up to her, choosing a vegetable, showing it to the children and saying: “There is a tomato in the basket.”

"Tiny vegetables." Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

I have a tomato, and Tanya has... (tomato) because he... (small, baby).

I have a cucumber, and Masha... (cucumber) because he... (small, baby).

I have carrots, and Kolya... (carrot) because she... (small, baby). And so on.

“The children learned vegetables.” Learning a rhyming miniature.

There are four pictures on the board (onion, carrot, tomato, fly agaric). Children must find the extra item.

One two three four,

Children learned vegetables:

Onions, carrots, tomatoes,

But not a vegetable - fly agaric!

"On the table or in the table." Drawing up proposals. Practical mastery of prepositions in speech on And V, differentiation of these prepositions.

The speech therapist takes two vegetables, puts one on the table, and the other in the table (table drawer) and comments, highlighting prepositions with articulation: “The tomato is on the table, and the carrot is in the table.” Children repeat the sentence after the speech therapist, and try to compose the next sentence themselves. If necessary, a speech therapist helps.

Development of coherent speech