Causes of impaired speech accuracy. Stylistic errors

Violation of word order in a sentence

IN syntactic stylistics: syntactic speech error.

Educational dictionary stylistic terms. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University. O. N. Laguta. 1999.

See what “violation of the order of words in a sentence” is in other dictionaries:

    Word order- Word order is a specific arrangement of words in a sentence or syntactic group. Structural types P.S. differ in the following oppositions: progressive, or sequential (the defining word follows the qualifying word: “read a book”), ... ... Linguistic encyclopedic Dictionary

    INVERSION- (lat.). Transformation in general and especially transformation. sugars into glucose and fructose. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. INVERSION [lat. inversio inversion, rearrangement] 1) linguistic. changing the usual order... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    English language- Self-name: English, the English language Countries: distributed throughout the world... Wikipedia

    Inversion in literature- This term has other meanings, see Inversion. Inversion in literature (from Latin inversio, turning over, rearrangement) is a violation of the usual word order in a sentence. IN analytical languages(for example, English, ... ... Wikipedia

    Stylistic paradigmatics- is a set of multi-level units that make up the stylistic resources of the language and provide the speaker with the opportunity to choose to carry out an act of communication in accordance with the goals of communication and the whole complex of extralinguistic... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    Inversion- violation of accepted colloquial speech word order and thus normal intonation; the latter with I. is characterized by a larger number of pauses than usual. With I. 1. the words change places (“He passes the doorman with an arrow” Pushkin; “Or the souls are strangled ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    inversion- And. and. inversion f. lat. inversio reversal, transposition. 1. Violation of the usual word order in a sentence for semantic and stylistic purposes. BAS 1. Enjambements, complicated inversions, assonances that suddenly deceive rhyme expectations... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Annex 1- Non-primitive prepositions Punctuation for phrases with non-primitive prepositions General rules Adverbial phrases can be introduced into a sentence using non-prime (derivative) prepositions - simple (thanks to, in spite of, as a result of,... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

    Inversion- I Inversion (from Latin inversio, turning over, rearranging) a change in the usual word order in a sentence. I., as a rule, is used to highlight a rearranged element of a sentence or to give the entire sentence special meaningGreat Soviet Encyclopedia

    Inversion- Wiktionary has an article “inversion” Inversion: Inversion in logic (from the Latin inversio, turning over, rearranging) turning over... Wikipedia


  • Modern Russian language. Word order and actual division of sentences, I. I. Kovtunova. The book establishes the patterns of word order in the modern Russian literary language. Describes the norms of word order in phrases and the conditions under which violation is allowed... Buy for 474 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Modern Russian language. Word order and actual division of sentences, I.I. Kovtunova. The book establishes the patterns of word order in the modern Russian literary language. Describes the norms of word order in phrases and the conditions under which violations are allowed...

Keys: 1 – capable; 2 – faster; 3 – meaningless.

1. Mark the row in which there are no errors in the formation of the word form.

1) this drawing is more beautiful;

2) better;

3) in the best way;

4) drive faster.

2. Form degrees of comparison from adjectives: high , sad , small , quiet .

3) Insert comparative adjectives instead of dots. Form them into compound comparative and superlative forms.

And Ivan began shouting to them:

“It’s a shame, brothers, to steal!

Even though you are Ivan...,

Yes, Ivan, you...:

He didn’t steal your horses!”

Approximate topics of projects/reports: Language of the media, speech of a modern native speaker (different social groups).

Lesson No. 4.

    Topic: “Norms for using verb forms”

    Forms of work:

Reasons for variation in verb forms; difficult cases of abundant and deficient forms of the verb; synonymy of the imperative form of the verb; fluctuation of types of tense forms of the verb.

1. Both verbs do not form the 1st person present or future simple tense in the series

1) convince, rinse;

2) to do wonders, please;

3) sit, prowl;

4) serve, whip.

2. Indicate in which row both verbs do not form the 1st person form of the present or future simple tense

1) blow, think;

2) convince, write;

3) confuse, go;

4) to appear, to dare.

3. Indicate in which row both verbs do not form the 1st person form of the present or future simple tense

1) convince, bring;

2) win, leave;

3) feel, cherish;

4) vacuum, do weird things.

Keys: 1-2; 2-4; 3-4.

    Self-control on situational tasks. Situational tasks on the topic.

Find errors, correct them.

    Young specialists are sent to practice.

    Do not damage the furniture by placing a hot kettle on the table.

    It is necessary to focus on the most important issues.

    We need to help young people grow and show their abilities.

    The meeting elects a commission and (authorizes) it to draw up a draft resolution [fill in the correct form].

    Scroll practical skills on the topic being studied.

– be able to apply standards in practice;

– be able to correct contexts with erroneous use of word forms.

Lesson No. 5.

    Subject: " Qualities of “good” speech. Speech accuracy and its disorders. Semantic accuracy speeches »

    Forms of work:

– Preparation for practical classes.

– Preparation of materials for research work.

List of questions for self-study on the topic of the practical lesson: Speech accuracy; factual accuracy; conceptual precision; impaired speech accuracy;

    Self-monitoring test tasks this topic:

1. What communicative quality of speech presupposes the ability to consistently, consistently, and convincingly formulate the expressed content?

1) accuracy of speech;

2) expressiveness of speech;

3) appropriateness of speech;

4) logic of speech.

2. What communicative quality of speech presupposes the correspondence of the content plan to the reflected reality and is manifested in the ability to find adequate verbal expression?

1) accuracy of speech;

2) expressiveness of speech;

3) appropriateness of speech;

4) logic of speech.

3. What communicative quality of speech requires compliance not only with linguistic, but also ethical standards?

1) richness of speech;

2) purity of speech;

3) appropriateness of speech;

4) expressiveness of speech.

4. What refers to paralinguistic means of expression?

2) phonetic euphony;

3) use stylistic figures;

4) facial expressions, gestures, pantomime.

Keys: 1-4; 2-1; 3-2; 4-4.

    Self-control on situational tasks. Situational tasks on the topic with standard answers.

1. Business game “Hotelkeeper”.

2. Instead of dots, insert the right word or phrase, motivate your choice.

1. On the site of a small factory... ( erected, built, created) a large woodworking plant. 2. Depending on the specific conditions, the installation may be... ( built, assembled, created, installed) both outdoors and indoors. 3. Already in September the farmer became... ( ship, deliver, dispatch, hand over) green onions to stores in the capital. 4. Technologist Kalinina suggested... ( remake, transform, modernize, renew, change) design of two... ( large, large, powerful, enormous) horizontal boring machines. 5. At the carpet factory in... ( past, past, past) year production has improved. Already... ( released, manufactured, produced, made) 867 sq. meters... ( products, carpets and runners, rugs).

    List of practical skills on the topic being studied.

– be able to find errors in the semantic accuracy of the use of words in texts;

– be able to correct contexts with erroneous use of words.

Lesson No. 6.

1. Topic: “Logicality of speech. Basic laws of logic"

2. Forms of work:

– Preparation for practical classes.

– Preparation of materials for research work.

List of questions for self-study on the topic of the practical lesson: consistency of speech; basic laws of logic; compliance of speech with the laws of logic; violation of the logic of the narrative;

3. Self-control on test tasks on this topic:

1. What can a violation of word order lead to?

1) to ambiguity, distortion of meaning;

2) to violation stylistic compatibility;

3) to violation lexical compatibility;

4) to a violation of grammatical compatibility.

2. What can the listing of heterogeneous concepts in one row lead to?

3) to impaired speech accuracy;

4) to a violation of the purity of speech.

3. What can result from frequent misuse of any word?

1) to a violation of the logic of speech;

2) to violation of the appropriateness of speech;

3) to impaired speech accuracy;

4) to a violation of the purity of speech.

4. Name the reason for the speech error in the description given to the student by the curator: The student has a headache, but, unfortunately, he does not use his full potential.

1) violation of word compatibility;

2) violation of word order;

3) violation of style;

4) the use of a phraseological unit in a meaning that is unusual for it.

One of the meanings of the word communication - “message in formation by one person to another or a number of persons; communication". Since the act of communication involves the addresser (the creator of information) and the addressee / addressees (the recipients of information), it is important to determine what communicative qualities the speaker’s speech must have in order for the addressee to correctly decode it, adequately perceive it and be interested in receiving information.

The communicative qualities of speech that have the best impact on the addressee, taking into account the specific situation and in accordance with the goals and objectives, include:







Logical speech presupposes the ability to consistently, reasonedly, and consistently present the expressed content. What are the reasons for the violation of the logic of speech? These include:

violation of word order;

assertion of mutually exclusive concepts or those that do not correspond to reality;

comparison of logically heterogeneous concepts;

association as homogeneous words denoting unrelated or intersecting concepts.

Accuracy is determined by the ability to think clearly and clearly, knowing knowledge of the subject of conversation and the laws of the Russian language. What reasons make speech inaccurate? Let's name the most common ones:

      using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it;

      polysemy or homonymy not eliminated by the context, giving rise to ambiguity;

      mixing paronyms;

      speech redundancy (pleonasm, tautology) or speech failure.

Here's whatmeasures of mixing paronyms were given by A. M. Gorky: “Proseik writes: he clickedankle wickets insteadlatch . When B. Pilnyak writes that “his daughter is three years oldagebeforemother drove”, you need to convince Pilnyak thatage Andheight Notsame".

In order for speech to be accurate, it is necessary, first of all, to know well what you want to say. If the speaker does not know the subject of the conversation well, then he may make mistakes, confuse facts, distort events, and violate the logic of the narrative.

There is another reason that also makes the speech inaccurate. This is bad and insufficient knowledge Russian language and its features.

Everything that surrounds us, that is known or invented, everything that people want to ask or tell about, has a name. Therefore, than more people knows words, the richer his language, the more accurately he expresses his thoughts.

AND Sometimes the incorrect use of a word, leading to inaccuracy of speech, becomes widespread, is often repeated, and is found in the speech of speakers on radio and television. For example, among geographical terminology there is the wordepicenter . It is derived from the Greek.epi meaning “above”, “above” +center.Its meaning is "the area on the Earth's surface located directly above the source, or hypocenter, of an earthquake." Therefore, the epicenter is related to, depends on, the hypocenter. Wordhypocenterderived from Greek.hipo meaning “below”, “bottom”, “under” +centerand means “the source of an earthquake in the depths earth's crust, where the movements occurred and where they originated from aftershocks" So is it correct to say: “the epicenter of events was...”, “at the epicenter of events,” “at the epicenter of the fire”? Events, natural disasters, uprisings have a center, not an epicenter.

Precision of speech requires careful attention to homonyms and paronyms (for more details, see pp. 45-46).

Huge lexicon The Russian language, from the point of view of the sphere of use, is divided into two large groups - vocabulary unlimited use (common words that are understandable to all speakers of a given language in all cases:bread, family, city, garden, sun, moon, tableand so on.) and vocabulary limited use (words used in a certain area - professional, territorial, social, and therefore understandable to a limited circle of native speakers: professionalisms, dialectisms, jargon, terms).

To make speech understandable, it is necessary to limit the use of words located on the periphery vocabulary language and do not have the quality of communicative significance.

What are words? limited scope use? Let us briefly describe them.

Professionalisms – words and expressions used by people of the same profession (journalists, miners, military, builders, etc.). In most cases, they do not belong to official, legalized names. They are characterized by greater detail in the designation special concepts, tools, production processes, material.

Thus, in the speech of carpenters and joiners, a plane, a tool for planing boards, has varieties: jointer, humpback, sherhebel, bear, road worker, shavings, planing, tongue and groove, kalevka, zanzubel.

Dialectal vocabulary – words that are limited territorially, understandable only to residents of a given locality, hamlet, hamlet, village, village(for details see page 9) .

N for example:bispoy -“gray-haired, silvery” (in the dialects of the Arkhangelsk region);goiter -“there is” (in Ryazan dialects);cook -“to hit hard, to pound” (in Kaluga dialect).

Jargons – words and expressions belonging to any jargon (for more details see page 10).

Terms – these are words that are the exact designation of a specific concept of any special field of science, technology, art, public life etc.

Vocabulary of a limited scope of use requires thoughtful handling. It is not necessary to completely exclude it from your speech. If you have to communicate in a narrowly professional environment, then you can freely use the accepted rules in your speech. special words and professionalism. But if you are not sure that all listeners are familiar with special vocabulary and terms, then each non-common word should be explained.

A English educator, greatest philosopher of matterleaf John Locke believed that the one who uses words withoutclear and unchanging meaning, he introduces himself and others intowandering. And anyone who does this intentionally is a liar.home of truth and knowledge.

Wealth speech indicates the erudition of the speaker, his high intelligence. Wealth individual language makes it possible to diversify speech, give it accuracy and clarity, and avoid repetitions, both lexical and syntactic.

The richness of any language lies in the richness of its vocabulary. Some researchers believe that the active vocabulary of a modern person does not exceed 7-8 thousand different words; according to others, it reaches 11-13 thousand words. People in linguistically intensive professions, for example, teachers, politicians, lawyers, doctors, managers, need to have as large a vocabulary as possible and constantly take care of its replenishment.

The richest source of replenishment of individual vocabulary is synonymy. Synonyms attract the writer or speaking topic that they, differing in shades of meaning or stylistic coloring, allow us to formulate a thought with extreme precision, give speech a conversational or bookish character, and express positive or negative expression. For example, the word brave has the following synonyms : brave, courageous, courageous, daringcue, fearless, fearless, undaunted, valiantnoble, heroic; heroic(colloquial);daring, recklesssingable(high);impudent(set high);decisive(Vmaking a decision);not timid(ornot a cowardly) ten,about two heads.

Purity speech presupposes, first of all, the absence in it of those linguistic elements, which are outside the literary language. This communicative quality of speech limits the use of those foreign words, the meaning of which is unclear to many. In addition, it prohibits the use slang, colloquial and dialectal words, as well as those words and expressions that are rejected by the concepts of morality.

They also violate the purity of speech speech cliches and clericalisms.

Speech stamps - words and phrases that, due to frequent use, have become a popular and boring standard linguistic unit.

Stationery – words and phrases that are typical for common business documents outside the official business style.

Expressiveness of speech – this is a communicative quality that presupposes figurativeness and emotionality of the statement. The expressiveness of speech depends on many conditions: from strictly linguistic to extralinguistic. TO linguistic means of expression include trails (comparison, metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, etc.), stylistic figures (antithesis, inversion, repetition, etc.), phonetic euphony , variety of grammatical forms, proverbs, sayings, phraseological units and winged words . TO extralinguistic means of expression include facial expressions, gestures and pantomime. They serve to clarify thoughts and enliven speech.

Of course, all the elements we have listed do not exhaust the entire variety of expressive means of Russian speech. When resorting to them, we should not forget that all these “flowers of eloquence,” as the prominent master of Russian judicial eloquence P. S. Porokhovshchikov (P. Sergeich) called them, are good only when they seem unexpected to the listener. They cannot and do not need to be memorized, they can only be absorbed into oneself along with in folk speech, developing and improving speech culture, speech taste and flair.

Appropriateness of speech – a mandatory communicative quality of good speech, which involves not only linguistic flair – ability to select Right words, intonation, even the topic of conversation, but also internal tact, that is, the appropriateness of speech is not only the concept of a culture of speech, but also a culture of behavior.

There are 3 types of appropriateness of speech: stylistic, situational-contextual, personal-psychological.

Style appropriateness takes into account the fact that each functional style has its own linguistic means that are inappropriate in another style. Thus, words used in a formal business style are inappropriate in a conversational style.

Situational-contextual relevance dictates the use of language material depending on the communication situation, taking into account the age of the addressee of the speech, interests, level of training, etc. Lectures on the same topic for different age categories, of course, should differ from each other.

Personal-psychological relevance presupposes internal politeness, tact, and the ability to take into account the individual psychological characteristics of the interlocutor.

So, the correctness of our speech, the accuracy of the language, the clarity of formulations, the skillful use of terms, foreign words, the successful use of figurative and expressive means language, proverbs and sayings, catchwords, phraseological expressions, the wealth of individual vocabulary increase the effectiveness of communication and enhance the effectiveness of the spoken word.


L.A. Vvedenskaya et al. Russian language and speech culture: examination answers. Series “Passing the Exam.”/ L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva. – Rostov n/Don: “Phoenix”, 2003 – 288 p. (pp. 71 – 81).

QUESTIONS for self-test.

    Is it possible to equate correct speech with good speech?

    What could be the reason for a violation of the logic of speech?

    What is meant by accuracy of speech?

    What is evidence of the richness of speech?

    What elements violate the purity of speech?

    What is meant by expressiveness of speech?

Assignments for independent work.

Exercise 1. Describe the speech of one of the famous politicians, noting the communicative qualities inherent in him or absent in his speech. Illustrate them with examples from your observations.

Test 1. Assumes the ability to consistently, consistently, and reasonedly formulate the expressed content, such communicative quality of speech as

    speech accuracy;

    expressiveness of speech;

    appropriateness of speech;

    logic of speech.

Test 2. Assumes compliance of the content plan with the reflected reality and is manifested in the ability to find an adequate verbal expression of such communicative quality of speech as

    speech accuracy;

    expressiveness of speech;

    appropriateness of speech;

    logic of speech.

Test 3. It assumes compliance not only with linguistic, but also with ethical standards, such communicative quality of speech as

    richness of speech;

    purity of speech;

    appropriateness of speech;

    expressiveness of speech.

Test 4. Extralinguistic means of expression include

    use of tropes;

    phonetic euphony;

    use of stylistic figures;

    facial expressions, gestures, pantomime.

Test 5. Violation of word order can lead to

    ambiguity, distortion of meaning;

    violation of stylistic compatibility;

    violation of lexical compatibility;

    violation of grammatical compatibility.

Test 6. Listing heterogeneous concepts in one row can lead to violation

    consistency of speech;

    appropriateness of speech;

    accuracy of speech;

    purity of speech.

Test 7. Frequent use of any word inappropriately can lead to violation

    consistency of speech;

    appropriateness of speech;

    accuracy of speech;

    purity of speech.

Test 8. Cause of occurrence speech error in the description given to the student by the curator:The student has a headache, but, unfortunately, he does not use his full potential - is

    violation of word compatibility;

    violation of word order;

    violation of style;

    the use of a phraseological unit in a meaning that is unusual for it.

Test 9. Cause communication failure offers:The rally participants strictly discussed the terrorists - is

    violation of style;

    violation of word order;


    mixing of paronyms.

Test 10.The reason for the violation of the logic of speech in a sentence:Vadim, without saying anything, immediately began to tell his story - is

    comparison of logically heterogeneous concepts;

    connection of logically heterogeneous concepts;

    assertion of mutually exclusive concepts;

    incorrect word order.

Test 11. The reason for the ambiguity of the sentence:Vladimir persuaded Marya Gavrilovna to secretly sign - is

    polysemy of the word;

    violation of lexical compatibility;

    violation of word order.

Test 12. In the phrase:Here began a tedious discussion of modern poetry - broken

    speech accuracy;

    expressiveness of speech;

    consistency of speech;

    purity of speech.

Test 13. The reason for the violation of speech purity in the phrase:I can't reach a consensus in my family - is the use

    foreign words;

    colloquial words;

    slang words;

    speech stamps.

Test 14. The reason for the violation of speech purity in the phrase:I fully support your project - is the use

    foreign words;

    colloquial words;

    slang words;

    speech stamps.

Test 15. The reason for the communicative failure of the sentence:He came home with a baby and a runny nose - is

    incorrect use of homogeneous members;

    wrong choice verb form;

    comparison of logically incomparable phenomena;

    violation of word order.

One of the meanings of the word communication- “communication of information by one person to another or a number of persons; communication". Since the act of communication involves the addresser (the creator of information) and the addressee / addressees (the recipients of information), it is important to determine what communicative qualities the speaker’s speech must have in order for the addressee to correctly decode it, adequately perceive it and be interested in receiving information.

The communicative qualities of speech that have the best impact on the addressee, taking into account the specific situation and in accordance with the goals and objectives, include:

  • logic,
  • accuracy,
  • clarity,
  • wealth,
  • variety of speech,
  • purity,
  • expressiveness,
  • relevance.

Accuracy is determined by the ability to think clearly and clearly, knowledge of the subject of conversation and the laws of the Russian language. What reasons make speech inaccurate? Let's name the most common ones:

the use of words in a meaning that is unusual for them;

polysemy not eliminated by the context, giving rise to ambiguity;

mixing paronyms,


Here are some examples of mixing paronyms given by A. M. Gorky: “The prose writer writes: he clicked the ankle of the gate instead of the latch. When B. Pilnyak writes that “in three years the daughter caught up with her mother in age,” Pilnyak needs to be convinced that age and height are not the same thing.”

Accuracy of speech is the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly. In order for speech to be accurate, it is necessary, first of all, to know well what you want to say. If the speaker does not know the subject of the conversation well, then he may make mistakes, confuse facts, distort events, and violate the logic of the narrative.

There is another reason that also makes the speech inaccurate. This is poor and insufficient knowledge of the Russian language and its features.

Everything that surrounds us, that is known or invented, everything that people want to ask or tell about, has a name. Therefore, the more words a person knows, the richer his language, the more accurately he expresses his thoughts. And vice versa, the more limited the speaker’s vocabulary, the poorer his language, the more often he makes inaccuracies in speech, uses words in a meaning that is unusual for them, and mixes up homonyms, homophones, and paronyms.

Sometimes the incorrect use of a word, leading to inaccurate speech, becomes widespread, is often repeated, and is found in the speech of speakers on radio and television. For example, among geographical terminology there is a word epicenter. It is derived from the Greek.epiin the meaning of “above”, “above” + center. Its meaning is "the area on the Earth's surface located directly above the source, or hypocenter, of an earthquake." Therefore, the epicenter is related to, depends on, the hypocenter. The word hypocenter is derived from the Greek.hipoin the meaning of “below”, “from below”, “under” + center and means “the source of an earthquake in the depths of the earth’s crust, where movements occurred and where tremors come from.” So is it correct to say: “the epicenter of events was...”, “at the epicenter of events,” “at the epicenter of the fire”? Events, natural disasters, uprisings have a center, not an epicenter.

Accuracy of speech requires careful attention to homonyms, homophones, and paronyms. What are they?

Homonyms - words that are identical in spelling and pronunciation, but different in meaning. For example: outfit- “direction to work” and outfit- "cloth", key- “source” and key- "master key".

Homophones differ from homonyms in that they only have the same sound, for example: forests and fox.

Paronyms are words that have different meanings, but are similar in spelling and sound, for example : quorum - forum, excavator - escalator. Paronyms can be words of the same root ( clerical error And unsubscribe), and multi-rooted ( bison, a large wild forest bull, and wapiti, large East Siberian deer). Failure to distinguish such words makes speech inaccurate.

What will schoolchildren draw if the teacher tells them: “Draw a meadow”? The word meadow in the meaning of “a piece of land covered with grass and flowers” ​​coincides in sound with the homonyms onion - “garden plant” and onion - “weapon”. Therefore, some can draw a man shooting an arrow, others an onion, and still others a meadow covered with daisies.

The sentences “While playing, he forgot about his glasses” and “The boy was sent for grenades” are also ambiguous. This is explained by the fact that the words glasses and grenades have homonyms in Russian.

The intelligibility of speech is related to its effectiveness, efficiency and depends on the nature of the words used. In order for speech to be understandable, it is necessary to limit the use of words that are on the periphery of the vocabulary of the language and do not have the quality of communicative universal significance. These include: highly specialized terms; foreign words that are not widely used; professionalisms, that is, words and expressions used by people of the same profession.

Using scientific term, a foreign word, dialectism, you need to be sure that they are understandable to listeners. IN otherwise It is necessary to give appropriate explanations of the meanings of the words used.

The English enlightener, the greatest materialist philosopher John Locke believed that those who use words without a clear and unchangeable meaning mislead themselves and others. And anyone who does this deliberately is an enemy of truth and knowledge.

The huge vocabulary of the Russian language, from the point of view of the scope of use, is divided into two by linguists: large groups– vocabulary unlimited use (common words, understandable to all speakers of a given language in all cases: bread, family, city, garden, sun, moon, table, etc.) and vocabulary limited use (words used in a certain area - professional, territorial, social, and therefore understandable to a limited circle of native speakers; these include professionalisms, dialectisms, jargons, terms).

What are words with a limited scope of use? Let us briefly describe them.

Professionalisms are words and expressions used by people of the same profession (journalists, miners, military personnel, builders, etc.). In most cases, they do not belong to official, legalized names. They are characterized by great detail in the designation of special concepts, tools, production processes, and materials.

Thus, in the speech of carpenters and joiners, a plane, a tool for planing boards, has varieties: jointer, humpback, sherhebel, medvedka, road worker, shavings, planing, tongue and groove, kalyovka, zanzubel.

Dialectal vocabulary - words that are limited in territorial terms, understandable only to residents of a given locality, farmstead, village, village, village.

For example: bispoy - “gray-haired, silvery” (in the dialects of the Arkhangelsk region); zobat - “to eat” (in Ryazan dialects); zhvarit - “to hit hard, to pound” (in the Kaluga dialect).

Jargons are words and expressions belonging to some jargon. In modern linguistic literature, the word jargon is usually used to designate various branches of the national language, which serve as a means of communication for different social groups. The emergence of jargons is associated with the desire of people to oppose themselves to society or other social groups, to isolate themselves from them, using the means of language. For example: ladle, son(young soldier); skulls, laces(parents); bundes, froms, frons(foreigners), etc.

Terms are words that are the exact designation of a specific concept of any special field of science, technology, art, social life, etc. Terms are quite often found in the speech of people of different specialties; engineers, doctors, economists, lawyers, teachers, agronomists, etc. However, not everyone and not always use them skillfully.

Vocabulary of a limited scope of use requires thoughtful handling. It is not necessary to completely exclude it from your speech. If you have to communicate in a narrowly professional environment, then you can freely use the special words and professionalisms accepted there in your speech. But if you are not sure that all listeners are familiar with special vocabulary, terms, then each non-common word should be explained.

The richness of speech testifies to the speaker’s erudition and high intelligence. The richness of individual language makes it possible to diversify speech, give it precision and clarity, and avoid repetitions, both lexical and syntactic.

What determines the richness of a language, including the language of an individual?

The richness of any language lies in the richness of its vocabulary. Some researchers believe that active dictionary modern man does not exceed 7-8 thousand different words, according to others, it reaches 11-13 thousand words. People in linguistically intensive professions, for example, teachers, politicians, lawyers, doctors, managers, need to have as large a vocabulary as possible and constantly take care of its replenishment.

The richest source of replenishment of individual vocabulary is synonymy. Synonyms attract the writer or speaker because they, differing in shades of meaning or stylistic coloring, allow extreme precision formulate a thought, give speech a conversational or literary character, express positive or negative expression. For example, word brave has the following synonyms: brave, courageous, courageous, daring, fearless, fearless, undaunted, valiant, heroic; heroic(colloquial); daring, fearless(high); impudent(set high); decisive(in decision making); not timid(or not cowardly) ten, about two heads.

“Weed” words do not carry any semantic load and are not informative. They not only clog up speech, but also make it difficult to perceive and distract attention from the content of the statement. In addition, unnecessary words have a psychological effect on listeners and irritate them.

The expressiveness of speech enhances the effectiveness of the speech: vivid speech arouses interest among listeners, maintains attention to the subject of conversation, and has an impact on the mind, feelings, and imagination of listeners. Special artistic techniques, visual and expressive means of language, traditionally called paths(comparison, metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, etc.) and figures(antithesis, inversion, repetition, etc.), as well as proverbs, sayings, phraseological expressions, catchwords.

However, they do not exhaust the entire variety of expressive means. native speech. When resorting to them, we should not forget that all these “flowers of eloquence,” as the prominent master of Russian judicial eloquence P. S. Porokhovshchikov (P. Sergeich) called them, are good only when they seem unexpected to the listener. They cannot and do not need to be memorized, they can only be absorbed along with folk speech, developing and improving speech culture, speech taste and flair.

So, the correctness of our speech, the accuracy of the language, the clarity of the wording, the skillful use of terms, foreign words, the successful use of figurative and expressive means of language, proverbs and sayings, popular words, phraseological expressions, the wealth of individual vocabulary increases the efficiency of communication and enhances the effectiveness of the spoken word.

Communicative expediency is the most important category of speech culture.


L.A. Vvedenskaya et al. Russian language and speech culture: examination answers. Series “Passing the Exam.”/ L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva. – Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2003 – 288 p. (pp. 71 – 81).

QUESTIONS for self-test

Is it possible to put an equal sign between correct speech and good speech?

What is meant by accuracy of speech?

What is evidence of the richness of speech?

What elements violate the purity of speech?

What is meant by expressiveness of speech?

What is meant by logical speech?

Tasks for independent work

Task 1. Define each communicative quality: Logicality of speech is... Purity of speech is... etc.

Task 2. Characterize the speech of one of the famous politicians, noting the communicative qualities inherent in him or absent in his speech. Illustrate them with examples from your observations.


Test 1. What communicative quality of speech presupposes the ability to consistently, consistently, and convincingly formulate the expressed content?

  1. Speech accuracy;
  2. expressiveness of speech;
  3. appropriateness of speech;
  4. logic of speech.

Test 2. What communicative quality of speech presupposes compliance of the content plan with the reflected reality and is manifested in the ability to find adequate verbal expression?

  1. Speech accuracy;
  2. expressiveness of speech;
  3. appropriateness of speech;
  4. logic of speech.

Test 3. What communicative quality of speech requires compliance with not only linguistic, but also ethical standards?

  1. Richness of speech;
  2. purity of speech;
  3. appropriateness of speech;
  4. expressiveness of speech.

Test 4. What refers to paralinguistic means of expression?

  1. Trails;
  2. phonetic euphony;
  3. use of stylistic figures;
  4. facial expressions, gestures, pantomime.

Test 5. What can a violation of word order lead to?

  1. To ambiguity, distortion of meaning;
  2. to a violation of stylistic compatibility;
  3. to violation of lexical compatibility;
  4. to violation of grammatical compatibility.

Test 6. What can result from listing heterogeneous concepts in one row?

  1. To a violation of the logic of speech;
  2. to violation of the appropriateness of speech;
  3. to impaired speech accuracy;
  4. to a violation of the purity of speech.

Test 7. What can result from frequent misuse of any word?

  1. To a violation of the logic of speech;
  2. to violation of the appropriateness of speech;
  3. to impaired speech accuracy;
  4. to a violation of the purity of speech.

Test 8. Name the reason for the speech error in the description given to the student by the curator: The student has a headache, but, unfortunately, he does not use his full potential.

  1. Violation of word compatibility;
  2. violation of word order;
  3. violation of style;
  4. the use of a phraseological unit in a meaning that is unusual for it.

Test 9. What is the reason for the communicative failure of the sentence: The rally participants strictly discussed the terrorists.

  1. Violation of style;
  2. violation of word order;
  3. pleonasm;
  4. non-distinction of paronyms.

Test 10. Which linguistic phenomenon violates the logic of speech in a sentence: The composition of Turkmen fairy tales has much in common with European fairy tales.

  1. Comparison of logically heterogeneous concepts;
  2. substitution of a concept due to incorrect use of words;
  3. assertion of mutually exclusive concepts;
  4. violation of word order.

a) consistency of speech;

b) appropriateness of speech;

c) accuracy of speech;

d) cleanliness of speech. +

Test 8. The reason for the occurrence of a speech error in the description given to the student by the curator: The student has a headache, but, unfortunately, he does not use his full potential - is

a) violation of the compatibility of words;

b) violation of word order;

c) violation of style; +

d) use of a phraseological unit in a meaning that is unusual for it.

Test 9. The reason for the communicative failure of the sentence: The rally participants strictly discussed the terrorists - is

a) violation of style;

b) violation of word order;

c) pleonasm;

d) mixing of paronyms. +

Test 10. The reason for the violation of the logic of speech in a sentence: Vadim, without saying anything, immediately began to tell his story - is

a) comparison of logically heterogeneous concepts;

b) connection of logically heterogeneous concepts;

c) assertion of mutually exclusive concepts; +

d) incorrect word order.

Test 11. The reason for the ambiguity of the sentence: Vladimir persuaded Marya Gavrilovna to secretly sign - is

a) polysemy of the word; +

c) violation of lexical compatibility;

d) violation of word order.

Test 12. In the phrase: This is where the tedious discussion began modern poetry - broken

a) accuracy of speech;

b) expressiveness of speech;

c) consistency of speech;

d) clarity of speech. +

Test 13. The reason for the violation of speech purity in the phrase: I can't reach a consensus in my family- is the use

a) foreign words; +

b) colloquial words;

c) slang words;

d) speech stamps.

Test 14. The reason for the violation of speech purity in the phrase: I fully support your project - is the use

a) foreign words;

b) colloquial words;

c) slang words;

d) speech stamps. +

Test 15. The reason for the communicative failure of the sentence: He came home with a baby and a runny nose- is

a) misuse homogeneous members; +

b) incorrect choice of verb form;

c) comparison of logically incomparable phenomena;

d) violation of word order.

TESTS on the topic " Functional styles modern Russian literary language»

Test 1. The statement is not true:

a) Functional style is a type of common language.

b) Functional style is a type of literary language.+

c) Functional styles are historically established and socially conscious systems speech means used in a particular area of ​​communication.

d) Functional language styles are so named because they do essential functions, being a means of communication.

Test 2. The statement is erroneous: The following book styles are distinguished:

a) official business;

d) journalistic.

Test 3. Not applicable book style speeches

a) official business;

b) scientific;

c) colloquial and everyday; +

d) journalistic.

a) scientific;

b) artistic; +

c) journalistic;

d) official business.

Test 5. Such style features, How informality, ease and expressiveness verbal communication characteristic of the style

a) official business;

b) scientific;

c) colloquial and everyday; +

d) journalistic.

Test 6. Basic language function conversational style is

a) accumulative;

b) cognitive;

c) communicative; +

d) aesthetic.

Test 7. Such a trait as

a) informality and ease of speech;

b) spontaneity and automaticity;

c) accuracy and logic of speech; +

d) ordinary content.

Test 8. The following statement is incorrect:

a) Conversational style is greatly influenced by the situation of speech.

b) This allows the statement to be extremely short.

c) Compression, simplification – necessary condition for the existence of a conversational style.

d) The main form of existence of the conversational style is the monologue form. +