Otherwise it's better. See what “at the same time” is in other dictionaries


conjunction and clause member

1. Union. Syntactic constructions appended with the words “otherwise” are separated by punctuation marks (usually commas).

Tell them not to dare follow us, otherwise they will be severely punished. V. Obruchev, Plutonia.

2. Sentence member(circumstance). Does not require punctuation.

The robber announced his intention to immediately march on our fortress; invited Cossacks and soldiers to his gang, and exhorted the commanders not to resist, threatening execution otherwise . A. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


See what “otherwise” is in other dictionaries:

    otherwise- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    otherwise- ▲ in case opposite otherwise. otherwise (union. run, # you'll be late). otherwise. not that. otherwise (hurry up, # you'll be late) ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    otherwise- Unism. If it is the other way around, the opposite of what is needed, what is required. The son of the poet A. Pushkin asked to put the grave mound in order. Otherwise, Grigory Alexandrovich said, he will transport his father’s ashes to Mikhailovskoye... Educational phraseological dictionary

    Otherwise- Book Otherwise. Julia wrote: “Pavel! Come to daddy this very second; otherwise you will never see me” (Pisemsky. Mattress) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    otherwise- see nasty I; union.; book Otherwise, otherwise. The task must be completed, otherwise strict action will be taken... Dictionary of many expressions

    Otherwise- conjunction 1. Used when connecting sentences (in the second of which the action or event could have occurred if the real action or event of the first sentence had not served as an obstacle to it), corresponding in meaning to the following: otherwise... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Otherwise (and otherwise)- NASTY 1, oh, oh (book). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    America's Got Talent (season 2)- Terry Fator with his doll Julie... Wikipedia

« Besides" - ALWAYS separated by commas (both at the beginning and in the middle of a sentence).

« More likely” in the meaning “very likely, most likely” - is separated by commas (Of course, it’s all because of the cognac and the steam room, otherwise he would most likely have remained silent.).
In the meaning of “quickest” - NO (This is the most likely way to get to the house.).

« Quicker" If it means “better, more willingly”, then WITHOUT commas. For example: “She would rather die than betray him.” Also WITHOUT commas, if it means “better to say.” For example: “making some remark or rather an exclamation.”
BUT! A comma is needed if this is an introductory word expressing the author’s assessment of the degree of reliability of this statement in relation to the previous one (in the meaning of “most likely” or “most likely”). For example: “He cannot be called an intelligent person - rather, he is on his own mind.”

« Of course», « Certainly" - the word of course is NOT set off with commas at the beginning of the response, pronounced in a tone of confidence, conviction: Of course it is!
In other cases, a comma is REQUIRED.

Expressions " All in all», « generally"SEPARATED in the meaning of "in short, in a word", then they are introductory.

« First of all” stand out as introductory in the meaning of “firstly” (First of all, he is a fairly capable person).
These words do NOT stand out in the meaning of “first, first” (First of all, you need to contact a specialist).
A comma after “a”, “but”, etc. is NOT needed: “But first of all, I want to say.”
When clarifying, the entire phrase is highlighted: “There is hope that these proposals, primarily from the Ministry of Finance, will not be accepted or will be changed.”

« at least», « at least” - are isolated only when inverted: “This issue has been discussed at least twice.”

« in its turn" - is not separated by a comma in the meaning of “for our part”, “in response when it’s our turn.” And the quality of introductory ones is isolated.

« literally" - not introductory, not separated by commas

« Hence" If the meaning is “therefore, therefore, it means,” then commas are needed. For example: “So you, therefore, are our neighbors.”
BUT! If it means “therefore, as a result of this, based on the fact that,” then the comma is needed only on the left. For example: “I found a job, therefore we will have more money”; “You are angry, therefore you are wrong”; “You can’t bake a cake, so I’ll bake it.”

« Least" If it means “the least”, then without commas. For example: “At least I’ll wash the dishes”; “He made at least a dozen mistakes.”
BUT! If in the meaning of comparison with something, emotional assessment, then with a comma. For example: “At a minimum, this approach involves control,” “To do this, you need, at a minimum, to understand politics.”

« that is, if», « especially if" - a comma is usually not needed

« That is" is not an introductory word and is not separated by commas on both sides. This is a conjunction, a comma is placed before it (and if in some contexts a comma is placed after it, then for other reasons: for example, to highlight a certain isolated construction or subordinate clause that comes after it).
For example: “There are still five kilometers to the station, that is, an hour’s walk” (a comma is needed), “There are still five kilometers to the station, that is, if you walk slowly, an hour’s walk (a comma after “that is” is placed to highlight the subordinate clause "if you go slowly")

« Anyway" are separated by commas as introductory words if they are used to mean "at least".

« Besides», « Besides», « besides everything (other things)», « besides everything (other)» are separated as introductory ones.

BUT! " Besides that" - conjunction, comma is NOT needed. For example: “In addition to not doing anything himself, he also makes claims against me.”

« Thereby», « thanks to», « thanks to this" And " along with that" - a comma is usually not required. Segregation is optional. The presence of a comma is not an error.

« Especially" - WITHOUT a comma.

« Especially when», « especially since», « especially if" and so on. - a comma is needed before “even more so”. For example: “Such arguments are hardly needed, especially since this is a false statement”, “especially if it is meant”, “rest, especially since a lot of work awaits you”, “you shouldn’t sit at home, especially if your partner invites you to the dance."

« Moreover" - is highlighted with a comma only in the middle of the sentence (on the left).

« Nevertheless" - a comma is placed in the middle of the sentence (on the left). For example: “He has decided everything, however, I will try to convince him.”
BUT! If “but nevertheless”, “if nevertheless”, etc., then commas are NOT needed.

If " however” in the meaning of “but”, then the comma on the right side is NOT placed. (An exception is if this is an interjection. For example: “However, what a wind!”)

« In the end" - if in the meaning "in the end", then the comma is NOT placed.

« Really» is NOT separated by commas in the meaning “in fact” (that is, if this is a circumstance expressed by an adverb), if it is synonymous with the adjective “valid” - “real, genuine”. For example: “The bark itself is thin, not like oak or pine, which are really not afraid of the hot rays of the sun”; “You are really very tired.”

« Really"can act as an introductory and SEPARATE. The introductory word is characterized by intonation isolation - it expresses the speaker’s confidence in the truth of the reported fact. In controversial cases, the author of the text decides on the placement of punctuation marks.

« Because of" - a comma is NOT needed if it is a conjunction, that is, if it can be replaced with “because.” For example: “As a child, he underwent a medical examination because he fought in Vietnam,” “maybe it’s all because I love when a person sings” (a comma is needed, because replace with “because” it is forbidden).

« Anyway" A comma is needed if the meaning is “be that as it may.” Then this is introductory. For example: “She knew that, one way or another, she would tell Anna everything.”
BUT! The adverbial expression “one way or another” (the same as “in one way or another” or “in any case”) does NOT require punctuation. For example: “War is necessary one way or another.”

Always WITHOUT commas:
at first sight
it seems
for sure
More or less
in addition
in the (eventual) end
in the end
as a last resort
best case scenario
at the same time
in some cases
through thick and thin
as a result
due to this
after all
in this case
in the same time
in this regard
at most
just in case
in case of emergency
if possible
as far as possible
with all that
with (all) desire
on occasion
the biggest
at the very least
as if
in addition
to top it off
I guess
by the proposal
by decree
by decision
as if

The comma is NOT included
at the beginning of a sentence:
“Before... I found myself...”
"Before as…"
"In order to…"
"Instead of…"
“Especially since...”
“Despite the fact that...” (at the same time - separately); There is NO comma before “what”.

« Finally" in the meaning of "finally" - is NOT separated by commas.

« And this despite the fact that..."- a comma is ALWAYS placed in the middle of a sentence!

« Based on this, …"- a comma is placed at the beginning of the sentence. BUT: “He did this based on...” - a comma is NOT placed.

« After all, if... then..." - a comma is NOT placed before "if", since the second part of the double conjunction - "then" - comes next. If there is no “then”, then a comma is placed before “if”!

« Less than two years..." - a comma is NOT placed before “what”, because This is NOT a comparison.

Comma before " HOW" is placed only in case of comparison.

“Politicians such as Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov...” - a comma is added because there is a noun "policy".
BUT: “...politicians such as Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov...” - a comma is NOT placed before “how”.

Commas are NOT used:
“God forbid”, “God forbid”, “for God’s sake” - are not separated by commas, + the word “God” is written with a small letter.

BUT: commas are placed in both directions:
“Thank God” in the middle of the sentence is highlighted with commas on both sides (the word “God” in this case is written with a capital letter) + at the beginning of the sentence - highlighted with a comma (on the right side).
“By God” - in these cases, commas are placed on both sides (the word “God” in this case is written with a small letter).
“Oh my God” - separated by commas on both sides; in the middle of the sentence, “God” - with a small letter.

If the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged to another place in the sentence without disturbing its structure (usually this happens with conjunctions “and” and “but”), then the conjunction is not included in the introductory construction - a comma is NEEDED. For example: “Firstly, it became dark, and, secondly, everyone was tired.”

If the introductory word cannot be removed or rearranged, then a comma is NOT placed after the conjunction (usually with the conjunction “a”). For example: “She simply forgot about this fact, or maybe she never remembered it,” “..., and therefore, …”, “..., and maybe …”, “..., and therefore, …”.

If the introductory word can be removed or rearranged, then a comma is NEEDED after the conjunction “a”, since it is not associated with the introductory word, i.e., welded combinations such as “and therefore”, “and however”, “and therefore” are not formed. or maybe”, etc. For example: “She not only didn’t love him, but maybe even despised him.”

If at the beginning of the sentence there is a coordinating conjunction (in the connecting meaning) (“and”, “yes” in the meaning of “and”, “too”, “also”, “and that”, “and that”, “yes and”, “ and also”, etc.), and then an introductory word, then a comma in front of it is NOT needed. For example: “And really, you shouldn’t have done that”; “And perhaps it was necessary to do something differently”; “And finally, the action of the play is ordered and divided into acts”; “Besides, other circumstances have come to light”; “But of course, everything ended well.”

It happens rarely: if at the beginning of a sentence there is a connecting conjunction, and the introductory construction is highlighted intonationally, then commas are NEEDED. For example: “But, to my great chagrin, Shvabrin decisively announced...”; “And, as usual, they remembered only one good thing.”

Main groups of introductory words and phrases
(set off by commas + on both sides in the middle of the sentence)

1. Expressing the speaker’s feelings(joy, regret, surprise, etc.) in connection with the message:
to annoyance
to amazement
to joy
to shame
to the surprise
to horror
bad luck
for joy
for luck
the hour is not exactly
there's no point in hiding
by misfortune
strange affair
amazing thing
what good, etc.

2. Expressing the speaker’s assessment of the degree of reality of what is being communicated(confidence, uncertainty, assumption, possibility, etc.):
without any doubts
may be
in fact
there must be
it would seem
May be
is not it
in all probability
I guess
in fact
of course
goes without saying
tea, etc.

3. Indicating the source of what is being reported:
They say
they say
they say
In your
according to...
I remember
In my
in our opinion
according to legend
according to information...
according to…
according to rumors
according to message...
in your opinion
report, etc.

4. Indicating the connection of thoughts, the sequence of presentation:
All in all
secondly, etc.
in particular
The main thing
For example
by the way
By the way
by the way
by the way
vice versa
For example
I repeat
I emphasize
more than that
on the other side
On the one side
that is
thus, etc.
as it were
whatever it was

5. Indicating techniques and ways of formatting expressed thoughts:
or rather
generally speaking
in other words
if I may say so
if I may say so
in other words
in other words
in short
better to say
to put it mildly
in a word
simply put
in a word
as a matter of fact
if I may say so
so to speak
to be precise
what is it called, etc.

6. Representing appeals to the interlocutor (reader) in order to attract his attention to what is being reported, to instill a certain attitude towards the facts presented:
do you believe
do you believe
do you see
you see)
let's say
do you know)
Do you know)
believe me
do you understand
do you understand
let's say
agree, etc.

7. Measures indicating an assessment of what is being said:
at least, at least - are isolated only when inverted: “This issue was discussed twice, at least.”
the biggest
at the very least

8. Showing the degree of normality of what is being reported:
It happens
it happened
as usual
according to custom

9. Expressive statements:
All jokes aside
between us it will be said
just between you and me
need to say
it won't be said as a reproach
according to conscience
in fairness
admit say
to speak honestly
funny to say

Stable expressions with comparison (without commas):
poor as a church mouse
white as a harrier
white as a sheet
white as snow
fight like a fish on ice
pale as death
shines like a mirror
the disease vanished as if by hand
fear like fire
wanders around like a restless person
rushed like crazy
mumbles like a sexton
ran in like crazy
lucky, as a drowned man
spins like a squirrel in a wheel
visible as day
squeals like a pig
lies like a gray gelding
everything is going like clockwork
everything is as chosen
jumped up as if scalded
jumped up as if stung
stupid as a plug
looked like a wolf
goal like a falcon
hungry as wolf
as far as heaven from earth
shaking as if with a fever
trembled like an aspen leaf
he's like water off a duck's back
wait like manna from heaven
wait like a holiday
lead a cat and dog life
live like a bird of heaven
fell asleep like the dead
frozen like a statue
lost like a needle in a haystack
sounds like music
healthy as a bull
know like crazy
have at one's fingertips
fits like a cow's saddle
goes next to me like it's sewn on
like he sank into the water
roll around like cheese in butter
sways like a drunk
swayed (swayed) like jelly
handsome as god
red like a tomato
red as a lobster
strong (strong) like an oak
screams like a catechumen
light as a feather
flies like an arrow
bald as a knee
it's raining cats and dogs
waves his arms like a windmill
rushing around like crazy
wet as a mouse
gloomy as a cloud
dropping like flies
hope like a stone wall
people like sardines in a barrel
dress up like a doll
you can't see your ears
silent as the grave
dumb as a fish
rush (rush) like crazy
rush (rush) like crazy
rushing around like a fool with a written bag
runs around like a chicken and an egg
needed like air
needed like last year's snow
needed like the fifth spoke in a chariot
Like a dog needs a fifth leg
peel off like sticky
one like a finger
remained broke like a lobster
stopped dead in his tracks
razor sharp
different as day from night
different as heaven from earth
bake like pancakes
turned white as a sheet
turned pale as death
repeated as if in delirium
you'll go like a darling
remember your name
remember like in a dream
get caught like chickens in cabbage soup
hit like a gun on the head
sprinkle like a cornucopia
similar as two peas in a pod
sank like a stone
appear as if by command of a pike
loyal like a dog
stuck like a bath leaf
fall through the ground
good (useful) like milk from a goat
disappeared as if into the water
just like a knife to the heart
burned like fire
works like an ox
understands oranges like a pig
disappeared like smoke
play it like clockwork
grow like mushrooms after the rain
grow by leaps and bounds
drop from the clouds
fresh like blood and milk
fresh as a cucumber
sat as if chained
sit on pins and needles
sit on coals
listened as if spellbound
looked enchanted
slept like a log
rush like hell
stands like a statue
slender as a Lebanese cedar
melts like a candle
hard as a rock
dark as night
accurate as a clock
skinny as a skeleton
cowardly as a hare
died like a hero
fell as if knocked down
stubborn as a sheep
stuck like a bull
tired as a dog
cunning like a fox
cunning like a fox
gushes like a bucket
walked around like a daze
walked like a birthday boy
walk on a thread
cold as ice
skinny as a sliver
black as coal
black as hell
feel at home
feel like you're behind a stone wall
feel like a fish in water
staggered like a drunk
It's like being executed
as clear as two and two is four
clear as day, etc.

Do not confuse with homogeneous members

1. The following stable expressions are not homogeneous and therefore are NOT separated by a comma:
neither this nor that;
neither fish nor fowl;
neither stand nor sit;
no end or edge;
neither light nor dawn;
not a sound, not a breath;
neither for yourself nor for people;
neither sleep nor spirit;
neither here nor there;
for no reason about anything;
neither give nor take;
no answer, no hello;
neither yours nor ours;
neither subtract nor add;
and this way and that;
both day and night;
both laughter and grief;
and cold and hunger;
both old and young;
about this and that;
in both.

(General rule: a comma is not placed inside complete phraseological expressions formed by two words with opposite meanings, connected by a repeated conjunction “and” or “nor”)

2. NOT separated by commas:

1) Verbs in the same form, indicating movement and its purpose.
I'll go for a walk.
Sit down and rest.
Go take a look.
2) Forming a semantic unity.
Can't wait.
Let's sit and talk.

3) Paired combinations of a synonymous, antonymous or associative nature.
Seek the truth.
There is no end.
Honor and praise to all.
Let's go.
Everything is covered.
It's nice to see.
Questions of purchase and sale.
Greet with bread and salt.
Tie hand and foot.

4) Compound words (interrogative-relative pronouns, adverbs that contrast something).
For some people, but you can’t.
It’s somewhere, somewhere, and everything is there.

1. If the introductory word is at the beginning of a separate phrase, commas are placedbefore the introductory word And after the entire isolated turnover. There is no comma after the introductory word(in other words, the comma, which was supposed to “close” the introductory word, is moved to the end of the isolated phrase).

Little by little, everyone joins their company, having completed quite important household activities, such as: talking with their doctor about the weather and about a small pimple that has popped up on their nose, learning about the health of horses and their children, however showing great talents... N. Gogol, Nevsky Prospekt. ...Vera Nikolaevna felt awe in love before her master - in general, not at all like Ivan the Terrible, maybe even the admiration of a loyal subject. V. Kataev, Grass of oblivion. I, too, am used to writing down my thoughts on anything, particularly on cigarette boxes. K. Paustovsky, Golden Rose. ...Regarding gold, which Cagliostro mined without any labor from all other metals, for example from copper, turning them into gold with the touch of his hands, Stroganov also had a low opinion. Yu. Tynyanov, Citizen Ocher.

2. If the introductory word is inside a separate phrase, it separated by commas on both sides, while the signs at the beginning and end of a separate revolution are preserved.

Overcome by these bitter thoughts, not entirely fair, however, and inspired by Anikanov’s letter that excited him, Travkin came out of the barn into the cold dawn. E. Kazakevich, Zvezda. This is my essay - or rather a lecture– has neither a definite form nor a chronological structure, which I do not recognize... V. Kataev, My Diamond Crown.

3. If the introductory word is at the end of a separate phrase, commas are placed before separate turnover And after him. There is no comma before the introductory word.

And instead of a speck, another road appeared ahead, that is, not really a road, just a scratch on the earth, groove rather. V. Astafiev, This is how I want to live. We decided to go somewhere for the holidays, to Kyiv for example.

Introductory sentences have meanings close to the meanings of introductory words and combinations. They are separated by commas, or, much less frequently, by a dash:She led me as they said in the old days, the mysterious power of predestination.V. Kataev, Holy Well.Now,How befits real state, Shvambrania needed to acquire a history. L. Cassil, Conduit and Schwambrania.How it's common to say in newspaper reports, “its walls have seen” many famous people. K. Paustovsky, Golden Rose. ...They sit here on pain of death and - what's worse- in the pouring rain.E. Kazakevich, Zvezda.

Note. Introductory words and combinations of words:

A) indicate the degree of reliability of a message or fact: without a doubt, certainly, indisputably, or rather, truly, probably (very likely), apparently, apparently, beyond any doubt, perhaps, in fact, in essence, really, must be, I think, naturally, known, it seems, it seemed, it would seem, as you see, as you can see, of course, maybe, maybe, probably, I hope, one must think, undoubtedly, it turns out, doesn’t it, it turned out, obviously, apparently, in all likelihood, perhaps, truly, I believe, in fact (in fact), essentially, honor, truth, right, right word, of course, by itself, therefore, by the hour, whatever you say (speak);

b) indicate the degree of normality of what is being said: happens, happened, as usual, as always, as usual, as usual, happens, happened ;

V) express an emotional assessment of what is being reported: a sinful deed, a well-known deed, as if unfortunately, as luck would have it, oddly enough, to chagrin, to amazement, fortunately, unfortunately, to chagrin, to regret, to joy, unfortunately, to shame, to surprise, to misfortune, for joy, for happiness, in some way, the sky is the limit, there’s nothing (What) to be honest, unfortunately, fortunately, a strange thing, an amazing thing, what good ;

G) contain an indication of the source of the message: I see, they say, I think, it is known, as they said, as is known, as I believe, as I remember, as I remember, as heard, in your opinion, in your opinion (whom, whose), I remember, I remember, in my opinion, by concept (whose), according to proverb, according to legend, according to reasoning (whose), according to information (whose), according to (whose), according to rumors, for reasons (whose), reportedly (whose), in your opinion, in your opinion (whose), they say, I hear, I hear, from the point of view, apparently ;

d) characterize the way of expressing thoughts: or rather, he is guilty, generally speaking, roughly speaking, in other words, in other words, in other words, as they say, as they say, however you say it, however you like, in short, in short, it’s easy to say, it’s better to say, by the way, you can say, to put it mildly, to put it mildly, on the contrary, in one word, frankly speaking, in expression, simply to say, frankly speaking, in a word, in a word, in fact, in fact, with permission to report, with permission to say, so to speak, what is called ;

e) indicate the expressive nature of the statement: to say without flattery, if to tell the truth, except for jokes, between us, between us, be it said, between us, to speak, the truth must be told, it must be confessed, it must be said, it must not be said at night, there is nothing to say, to one’s heart, truly, according to to tell the truth, to tell the truth, to tell the truth, according to conscience, in fairness, to tell the truth, to tell the truth, to admit, I confess, frankly, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you straight, to tell between us, to tell the truth, to tell the truth, it’s funny to say , I assure you, honestly ;

and) indicate the relationship between the parts of the statement: to top it all off, in the end, at the same time, in general, on the whole, in general, firstly, secondly, thirdly(etc.), in any case, however, in particular, it turns out, the main thing, the main thing, mainly, means, so, as noted, as indicated, for example, in addition, by the way, by the way, for example, to say, by the way, by the way , finally, (as) for example, on the contrary, on the contrary, in one word, I repeat, I emphasize, in addition to this, first of all, approximately to say, moreover, at the same time, in addition, therefore, with all that, on the one hand, on the other hand , for its part, therefore, therefore, nevertheless ;

h) call for attention: believe (whether), see (whether), you see (whether), imagine (those), you know, you understand, if you want, if you want, mind you (those) to yourself, you know (whether), You know (whether), you can do as you wish (to myself) imagine, you won't believe it, you won't believe it, believe it (those), please have mercy (those), remember (whether), you understand (whether), listen (those), imagine (those), imagine (those) forgive me (those) me, do (those) please tell me (those) please agree ;

And) express a limitation or clarification of a statement: without exaggeration, to one degree or another, at least, at least .

Comma after conjunctionis put, if the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged to another place in the sentence without disturbing its structure.

I only learned that he was once a coachman for an old childless lady, ran away with the three horses entrusted to him, and disappeared for a whole year And, there must be, having become convinced in practice of the disadvantages and disasters of a wandering life, he returned on his own, but already lame... I. Turgenev, Singers. However, Volodya, seeing how difficult it was for the boy, did not swear at all, A, vice versa, said something encouraging. Yu. Vizbor, Alternative peak Klyuch . Before leaving, I took the list out from under the glass and, with extreme pressure, scratched out the word “Volobuy” with my rainbow pen. I decided to do this because it was shaggy with paper fluff. And, Means, he had already been scratched with a claw before me... K. Vorobyov, Here comes a giant. She suffered for a very long time after separation, But, as is known, time heals any wounds.

If it is impossible to remove the introductory word (i.e., the conjunction is included in the introductory construction, forming a single combination with it), then a comma after the conjunction not placed(usually this happens with a union A).

“You don’t bother me at all,” he objected, “if you please shoot yourself, but by the way, as you please; your shot remains behind you; I am always ready at your service." A. Pushkin, Shot. You, it seems, then loved the Portuguese, // Maybe, you left with the Malay. A. Vertinsky, Where are you now... The grass in our clearing, yellowed and withered, still remained alive and soft, free from play, people tinkered on it. or better yet, lost guys. V. Rasputin, French lessons. Does the gas appear randomly or not, is it associated with cyclones, which means Whether it is possible to predict based on this criterion is a question that requires clarification. A. Gladilin, Forecast for tomorrow.

The introductory word is usually does not separate punctuation mark from the connecting conjunction at the beginning of the sentence.

And indeed , during these four years, while I have been serving in the gymnasium, I feel how strength and youth are leaving me drop by drop every day. A. Chekhov, Three Sisters. “No, life is still wise, and we must obey its laws,” he said thoughtfully. – And besides, life is Beautiful". A. Kuprin, Lenochka. And generally speaking , now that he was a little distracted from the thought of the loss of the violin and began to consider what exactly was stolen from him from his personal belongings, household property, some kind of shy awkwardness appeared in him... A. and G. Weiner, Visit to the Minotaur. On the second floor there was a soft carpet in the corridor, and Dmitry Alekseevich felt the closeness of his superiors. And indeed, he immediately saw a thick glass sign: “Director.” V. Dudintsev, Not by bread alone. In 1925, he seemed to still have some time left. Yes besides, he has already done something worthwhile. D. Granin, Zubr.

First of all, perhaps, I would like to say how important it really is to put commas correctly. Their absence will show everyone that you are an illiterate mediocrity who slept in Kamchatka all your school years. But, similarly, their excess will say even more: you are not just an illiterate type, you have also acquired a Rastignac complex, and, in general, claim to be a literate person.

Now let's learn the rules:

An introductory word is a word (or phrase) that is part of a sentence, but does not enter into a syntactic relationship with its members. As a rule, it expresses the speaker’s attitude to the statement, its assessment, and provides information about the source of the message or connection with the context.

  1. If the introductory word is either at the beginning or at the end of a separate phrase, then it is not distinguished from the phrase by any signs.
  2. If the introductory word is in the middle of a turn, then it is separated by commas on a common basis.
  3. Introductory words standing before the comparative (with the conjunction “how”) or target (with the conjunction “so that”) phrases are highlighted on a common basis.
  4. Introductory words are separated from the preceding coordinating conjunction if the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged to another place in the sentence without disturbing its structure.
  5. If there are two introductory words next to each other, they are separated by a comma.

Expressions that are always written WITHOUT commas:


First of all, don't overuse commas.

at first sight

At first glance, a comma is needed here. Nope.

it seems

It looks like you need to put a comma here. But it's not necessary.

for sure

I probably want to put a comma here. Control yourself.


Similarly, a comma is not needed in this case.

More or less

More or less clear? No need for extra commas.


Literally at every opportunity, some people use commas.

in addition

In addition, some people try to argue about the need for commas.

in the end

Ultimately, too many commas is funnier than not having enough commas.

best case scenario

At best, the extra commas are laughable.


In any case, do not overuse commas.

at the same time

Each extra comma also speaks of a person’s lack of confidence in his literacy.


In general, it is better to omit a comma than to use an extra one.


Extra commas are mostly added by illiterate people with ambitions.


Extra commas are especially annoying in short sentences.

in some cases

An extra comma can in some cases cause a reaction of what the heck.

through thick and thin

By all means, get rid of extra commas.


Subsequently, some were abandoned by their wives for using an extra comma.


Otherwise you will become a slave to commas.

Still, commas are not the most important thing. Cats are more important, for example.

in this case

In this case, commas are generally in tenth place.

in the same time

At the same time, commas have their own timid charm.


In general, it is already clear that with commas everything is not easy.

in this regard

The solution in this regard is simple - be careful with commas.


Mainly because commas are not needed everywhere.


Often commas are not needed, that's the point.


It is extremely wrong to sculpt commas according to the “let it be” principle.

at most

Abusing commas is stupid at best.


Meanwhile, some scatter commas throughout the text in an even layer.

just in case

Let's repeat it again just in case - fewer commas!

in case of emergency

As a last resort, put an end to it.

if possible

Try not to build long sentences if possible.

as far as possible

Whenever possible, write briefly and without commas.


Short sentences are still read better than long ones. It will get even worse.


Today, the negative effect of extra commas on the ecology of the world’s oceans has been practically proven.


Approximately three out of fifteen commas in the Russian language are placed incorrectly.

with all that

with (all) desire

No matter how hard we try, we won’t be able to remember all the rules of punctuation.

on occasion

On occasion, you can even talk about commas on a date.


However, such a conversation will not come as a surprise.


Punctuation issues also make sense to many.

the biggest

At most they will not understand you.

at the very least

At the very least you will delight everyone.


A person with good punctuation is almost irresistible.


In general, there is no need for a comma here.


Maybe we can do without a comma.

as if

As if a comma is required here.

in addition

In addition, they also try to add commas.

to top it off

To top it off, some try to use commas more often.

I guess

Perhaps you want to put a comma here too?

by decision

According to linguists, a comma is not needed.

as if

It looks like a comma is needed here. But oops.


By tradition, some people use a comma. No need.


Apparently a comma is needed here. But no.

The list is taken from the channel “Pasha and his procrastination”. Processing and cheerful nonsense in the examples of Igor Subbotin.

A person is weak, and therefore constantly needs self-affirmation.

Today we have a communication failure, we are already working on this, everything will get better very soon.

These statements are united by using the same combination. And in each case it is different. Let's look into this problem together.

There is no need for a comma between words

“In this regard” - is a comma necessary between words?

The placement of this punctuation mark between words in this combination depends on some features of the syntactic structure. If the sentence is simple, you cannot use a comma. For example:

  • I was suspected in connection with this criminal.
  • Mr. Eliot caught his footman in connection with this deceiver.
  • You need to adjust your affairs in connection with this situation.

A comma is needed between words

Let's consider cases when the question: “Is a comma needed in the phrase “In this regard”?” we will answer: “We need it.”

When we are dealing with the combination “in connection with this,” we must analyze all possible cases of placing a comma. It's worth practicing this. Next, we offer you special texts that can be used specifically for this purpose.

Text No. 1

Read the text. What role does this combination play?

Few people know that the first abbreviations, or abbreviations, appeared a long time ago - along with writing. Abbreviations, which were present in large quantities in the text, were a necessity, since the material on which the books were written was expensive. Even more expensive was the work of a copyist, who worked for months on just one book; in connection with this, standard abbreviations began to appear, which every educated person should have known. These were usually proper names of famous people, frequently used verbs, and the most famous biblical and church words.

There were two ways to abbreviate: either by the first and last letter (in this case, a special title was placed above the abbreviation), or instead of the word, only one letter remained.

Answer to the question: this is a conjunction that connects the main clause and the subordinate clause with the meaning of the consequence.

Text No. 2

Read the text. Find this combination and determine its role in the sentence.

Despite the fact that in our time the language differs in many ways from Old Church Slavonic, they still have the same function - they pursue the goal of saving space and time. After all, it is much faster and easier to use a short abbreviation of three letters than to write out a long definition or name consisting of several, sometimes very complex, words.

However, the use of such abbreviations requires taking into account subtleties and overcoming certain difficulties. In particular, you need to determine the gender of abbreviations and be able to decline them. There are unchangeable words, for example, MGU, OOO and the like, but there are also such stable abbreviations that in people’s minds they have the status of a whole word and change accordingly. In this regard, difficulties arise in using abbreviations. You can avoid these difficulties by remembering one simple rule: gender is determined by the main word: MSU - university (masculine gender), UN - organization (feminine gender).

Answer to the question: with a pronoun.

Text No. 3

Read the text. Find the desired combination and determine its role in the sentence.

I am an MTS subscriber, and I often have interruptions in connection, so I contacted the nearest office of the mentioned provider. But they couldn’t help me there either. Then I came to another salon, a young man worked there who didn’t know anything normally. The only adequate employee was in the third salon. Having heard about interruptions in communication, I turned to someone by phone with this question. Soon everything got better. But still, since then I have deciphered MTS as “in some places I can hear you.”

Answer to the question: in this text there are two cases of using the combination, in both of them the words are independent: “in connection” is a noun, “with this” is a demonstrative pronoun.