Basic means of children's speech development. Methods, techniques and technologies for speech development in preschool children

preschooler pedagogical speech consciousness

The most important condition for full mental development is the timely correct acquisition of speech by the child.

In a preschool institution, the development of children's speech is carried out by teachers in different types of activities: in direct educational activities, and also exercises are carried out, the purpose of which is the development sound side speech and enrichment of children's vocabulary; Games and exercises are conducted to develop the grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech.

Educators use the opportunity to correctly and clearly name an object, parts of an object, characterize its features and qualities in different types of activities (on a walk, in a group, during various routine processes, in a game). At the same time, teachers clearly formulate the task and accurately pose questions. This allows you to maintain the relationship between understanding and using words, which in turn improves children’s ability to accurately and completely express thoughts and increases the effectiveness of verbal communication.

To maximize children's speech, teachers conduct games whose purpose is to involve children in conversation in a certain topic and allow you to express your thoughts on a number of questions posed by an adult. In games, children take on certain roles, but do not play them, but pronounce them. Teachers strive to realize such qualities of speech as accuracy, correctness, coherence, and expressiveness. They pay special attention to the development of children’s understanding of speech by practicing following verbal instructions. Children show great interest in the way they speak: “... the child is not alien to curiosity in relation to the physiology of pronunciation. He wonders which organs are involved in pronunciation, and is even ready to experiment in this direction” (Gvozdev A.N.).

Teachers are active participants and organizers of verbal communication between older children. They invite the child to tell other children about his news, attract children’s attention to the questions and statements of other children, encouraging them to answer them and speak out.

In a conversation with a child, educators pay attention to the content and form of the message and delicately correct grammatical errors. In their free time from classes, teachers work individually with the child, developing that side speech development which causes difficulties for the child. Educators provide children with the opportunity to talk about what they saw during a walk, on the way to kindergarten, using questions of motivation, observation, and actively respond to the manifestation of word creation, the child’s play with words, because this allows you to develop figurative speech.

Teachers try to give children examples of correct literary speech, they try to ensure that the speech is clear, clear, colorful, complete, grammatically correct, expressive, and concise. Include a variety of speech patterns speech etiquette. “Speak to children slowly, in accessible, understandable language, avoiding difficult, incomprehensible expressions, but in impeccably correct and literary language, not at all imitating the sweet, but always incorrect manner of children’s speech” (E.I. Tikheyeva).

Using proverbs and sayings in their speech, with the help of adults, older children preschool age They learn to clearly, concisely, and expressively express their thoughts and feelings, coloring their speech with intonation; they develop the ability to creatively use words, the ability to figuratively describe an object, and give it a vivid description.

Guessing and inventing riddles also has an impact on the diversified development of the speech of an older preschooler. The use of various means of expressiveness to create a metaphorical image in a riddle (the device of personification, the use of polysemy of words, definitions, epithets, comparisons, special rhythmic organization) contributes to the formation of figurative speech of an older preschooler.

Riddles enrich children's vocabulary due to the polysemy of words, help them see the secondary meanings of words, and form ideas about the figurative meaning of a word. They help to master the sound and grammatical structure of Russian speech, forcing one to focus on the linguistic form and analyze it, which is confirmed in the research of F.A. Sokhina.

A riddle is one of the small forms of oral folk art, in which the most vivid, characteristic features objects or phenomena. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to independently draw conclusions, inferences, and the ability to clearly identify the most characteristic, expressive signs object or phenomenon, the ability to vividly and succinctly convey images of objects, develops in children a poetic view of reality.

The use of riddles in working with children contributes to the development of their speech skills - evidence and speech - description. To be able to prove is not only to be able to think correctly, logically, but also to correctly express one’s thought, putting it into precise form. verbal form. Speech - proof requires special speech patterns, grammatical structures, and special composition that are different from description and narration. Typically, preschoolers do not use this in their speech, but it is necessary to create conditions for their understanding and mastery.

In order for preschoolers to quickly master the descriptive form of speech, it is recommended to draw their attention to the linguistic features of the riddle, teach them to notice beauty and originality artistic image, understand what speech means it is created by, develop a taste for precise and figurative words.

So, through riddles, preschoolers develop sensitivity to language, they learn to use various means, select the right words and gradually master the figurative system of language.

Lullabies also develop the speech of older preschoolers and enrich their speech due to the fact that they contain a wide range of information about the world around them, primarily about those objects that are close to people’s experience and attract with their appearance. The grammatical variety of lullabies contributes to the development of the grammatical structure of speech and forms phonetic perception. Lullabies allow you to memorize words and forms of words, phrases, and master the lexical side of speech.

Folk songs, nursery rhymes, and nursery rhymes are also excellent speech material that can be used in speech development classes. With their help, you can develop phonemic hearing.

In preschool urgent task speech development in older preschool age is also the development of diction. It is known that children’s speech and motor organs do not yet work sufficiently coordinated and clearly. Some children are characterized by excessive haste, unclear pronunciation of words, and “swallowing of endings.” Another extreme is also observed: an excessively slow, drawn-out manner of pronunciation of words. Special exercises help children overcome such difficulties by improving their diction.

For diction exercises, proverbs, sayings, songs, riddles, and tongue twisters are indispensable materials. Small forms of folklore are laconic and clear in form, deep and rhythmic. With their help, children in preschool institutions learn clear and loud pronunciation and go through school artistic phonetics. According to the apt definition of K.D. Ushinsky, proverbs and sayings help “break the child’s language into the Russian way.”

The purpose of diction exercises is varied. They can be used to develop flexibility and mobility speech apparatus child, for the formation of the correct pronunciation of speech sounds, for mastering the pronunciation of difficultly combined sounds and words, for the child’s mastery of intonation riches and different tempos of speech. All this can be found in folk pedagogy. For example, with the help of small forms of folklore, children learn to express one or another intonation: grief, tenderness and affection, surprise, warning.

It is important that when performing diction exercises there is a reality. Only in this case will the child’s speech sound natural and expressive.

Nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings are the richest material for the development of sound culture of speech. By developing a sense of rhythm and rhyme, we prepare the child for further perception poetic speech and form the intonational expressiveness of his speech.

According to A.P. Usova “verbal Russian folk art contains poetic values." Its influence on the development of children's speech is undeniable. With the help of small forms of folklore, it is possible to solve almost all problems in the methodology of speech development, and along with the basic methods and techniques of speech development of older preschoolers, this rich material of verbal creativity of the people can and should be used. Therefore, preschool institutions in the system of work on the development of speech of the older preschooler pay Special attention forms of small folklore.

Basic means of developing children's speech in preschool educational institution

The effectiveness and quality of work on speech development depend on the organization of the educational environment, the culture of verbal communication and the professionalism of teachers, who, together with children, are subjects of the pedagogical process, participants in interaction.

Educational environment for preschoolers– this is a multidimensional educational space, including the pedagogical environment of a preschool institution, the conditions of family education, and possibly cultural institutions. The pedagogical environment is designed to solve the problems of teaching and upbringing, and the development of the child’s personality. In a preschool educational institution, the environment is built on the principle of expanding the zones of current and proximal development, the principle of humanization, satisfying cognitive and other needs, and developing the child’s personality in conditions appropriate to his age.

The subjects of interaction in the pedagogical environment are children and teachers; in the process of interaction, the position of the teacher is determined, his professional competencies, in general - his personality. In system preschool education a wide variety of variable models of the development environment with different software, material and technical equipment subject environment, using new technologies, in particular, multimedia, computer, art-pedagogical, non-traditional.

The common characteristics with all the diversity of content and technologies are integrity developmental environment, which is determined by the purpose of education, basic principles, and professional activities of the teacher; integrativeness, is determined by the content of education and the pedagogical technologies used, effective in solving the problems of education, training, development, correction; variability, suggesting the possibility of changing content and educational technologies in order to optimize an individually differentiated approach, organization individual work, in small groups, creative groups, in pairs.

IN educational environment groups of a preschool institution, in accordance with the program requirements and the age of the children, zones are created for effective interaction between the teacher and children, free independent activity of children in order to satisfy their interests and cognitive needs: a play corner, a sports corner, for visual arts, for observation natural phenomena, for development fine motor skills hands, speech therapy corner, for working with books, illustrations and other areas that develop the sensory, intellectual and motor spheres. A developing pedagogical environment is a necessary condition for organizing the meaningful life of children in a preschool institution and meeting the needs of children in various types of activities.

TO speech development tools in an educational environment include different kinds activities: household, labor, fine arts, constructive, gaming, musical, artistic and speech, theatrical, educational and some others.

Various types of art are also part of the educational environment: music, painting, theater - effective means of aesthetic education and the development of communicative culture.

Methods and techniques for speech development

The role of training in speech development was substantiated by their research and developed systems of the classics of domestic methodology: K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheyeva, A.P. Usova, E.A. Flerina, O.I. Solovyova, A.A. Penevskaya, M.M. Horsemeat. IN preschool system education, teaching aids and practical guides A.M. Borodich, F.A. Sokhina, M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashina, L.E. Zhurova, O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina, V.V. Gerbova, N.A. Starodubova, A.I. Maksakova, A.G. Arushanova. Preschool speech therapy uses advances in speech development techniques along with special speech therapy technologies. Methodological issues are reflected in the program of the special speech therapy training preschoolers and textbooks famous scientists, representatives of modern speech therapy: T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, N.A. Cheveleva, V.I. Seliverstova, M.F. Fomicheva, V.K. Vorobyova, T.V. Volosovets and other researchers special technique, methodological systems, speech therapy tools for speech development, forms of organization speech work with kids.

Methods and techniques, technologies and techniques are integral part means of teaching correct speech, cultivating interest in linguistic phenomena, developing in children all structural components of the language system and speech functions, correcting developmental deficiencies and speech defects, preventing secondary deviations that affect the development of personality, the success of further schooling. For the method of speech development, important concepts are speech skill and speech ability, since their formation is the goal of the method.

Speech skill- this is a speech act that has reached a sufficient degree of automation, and in some cases - perfection; the ability to perform a particular speech action in an optimal way, with the least amount of time and energy.

Speech skills can be classified depending on the approaches to their analysis (linguistic, psycholinguistic, pedagogical, ontogenetic, speech therapy). From the standpoint of considering forms of speech, we can distinguish skills external speech having a sound expression, that is, oral speech; speech skills of internal speech related to internal pronunciation (“speech to oneself”) while maintaining the structure of external speech, the structure of generating a speech utterance, and internal programming. By didactic means speech skills related to various aspects are formed speech system(phonetic, phonemic, lexical, grammatical, prosodic), functions of language and speech (social, intellectual, personal). This is reflected in the program objectives for the development and education of correct speech: the formation of skills in normative sound pronunciation, word and phrase formation, inflection, analysis of the elements of spoken speech, the use of means of speech expressiveness, satisfaction of communicative, cognitive needs and interests, and a culture of communicative behavior.

Classic psycholinguistics A.A. Leontyev, characterizing the formation of human linguistic ability, considered skills as a process of “folding speech mechanisms”, and skills as the process of using these mechanisms for various purposes. Skills are stable and transferable to new conditions, to new language units and their combinations. Speech skills include combining linguistic units and using them in various communication situations. According to modern researchers (S.N. Tseitlin, E.I. Shapiro, V.A. Pogosyan, M.A. Elivanova), speech skill- this is a person’s ability to carry out one or another speech action in the context of solving communicative problems on the basis of developed skills and acquired knowledge. The inextricable unity of skills and abilities, their ability to transform into each other ensures “continuity in the progressive development of one in nature and only conditionally divided at the stage of the learning process” (V.A. Buchbinder).

Traditionally distinguished four types of speech skills:

1. The ability to listen (audition), that is, to perceive and understand spoken speech in its sound design.

2. The ability to speak, that is, to express thoughts, feelings, manifestations of will orally in the process verbal communication using linguistic means.

3. The ability to express one’s thoughts, feelings, and will in writing.

Methodological categories "speech skill" And "speech skill" relate to psychological concepts “speech operation”, “speech action”. Speech operation and speech actions are included in the structure of the integral act speech activity.

The system of methods and techniques is aimed at the formation of speech activity, all components of the child’s speech system: phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic, word-formation, text. Method- this is a way of interaction between a teacher and children, ensuring their development of speech skills and abilities.

It is possible to use various criteria to classify speech development methods.

Classification of methods

1. Methods for forming the main components of the speech system:

1.1. Methods of lexical work;

1.2. Methods for forming correct sound pronunciation;

1.3. Development methods phonemic processes;

1.4. Methods for the development of tempo-rhythmic organization of speech;

1.5. Educational methods and intonation expressiveness speeches;

1.6. Methods of forming the grammatical (morphological and syntactic) structure of speech;

1.7. Methods of forming coherent (dialogical and monological) speech;

1.8. Methods of introducing children to fiction;

1.9. Methods of preparing preschool children to master literacy.

2. Methods for forming the basic functions of language and speech:

2.1. Methods for the development of social functions of speech (function of communication, function of mastering social experience, function of familiarization with cultural values);

2.2. Methods for the development of intellectual functions (nominations or naming; indication or designation of objects, objects, phenomena, reality; generalization in the process of mastering concepts; mediation of higher mental functions; satisfaction of cognitive interests and needs);

2.3. Personal development methods significant functions(reflection, self-expression, self-actualization, morerealization);

2.4. Development methods aesthetic function language and speech (formation of standards in the field of language, cultivation of interests in fiction, poetic word; formation of motivation and activity in artistic and speech activity).

3. Methods of organizing speech activity:

3.1. Methods for creating motivation for learning your native language;

3.2. Methods for managing children's attention in the classroom;

3.3. Methods for activating the speech activity of preschool children in the learning process;

3.4. Methods of monitoring the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities in the learning process;

3.5. Methods of planning and predicting the results of raising and teaching children correct speech;

3.6. Search or method of creating problem situations in the learning process. This method can be called heuristic, activating the process independent search, achieving results in unconventional ways, demonstrating creativity.

3.7. Communicative method. This method in equally can be classified into the second and third groups of classifications. Application communicative method involves the formation in children of motivation for speech utterance, the necessary linguistic means to achieve the goals of communication, the possibilities and conditions for using language means in a communicative situation, and the child’s speech activity in communication conditions.

4. Methods that correspond to the didactic goals of the classes:

4.1. Methods of communicating new material;

4.2. Methods of consolidating knowledge, automating skills, developing skills;

4.3. Methods of generalization and systematization of knowledge;

4.4. Methods of monitoring the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities.

5. Methods corresponding to the forms of organization of speech work:

5.1. Frontal work methods;

5.2. Methods of working in pairs, in small groups;

5.3. Methods of individual work.

6. Methods corresponding to pedagogical tasks:

6.1. Teaching methods;

6.2. Educational methods;

6.3. Development methods;

6.4. Correction methods.

7. Methods corresponding to the methods and means of interaction between the teacher and children:

7.1. Visual methods (observation);

7.2. Verbal methods (story, conversation, reading works of children's literature);

7.3. Practical methods (didactic game, modeling, productive activities, subject-based practical activities, art-pedagogical methods).

The selection of methods for speech work with children is carried out in accordance with the goals, objectives of training, education, development, taking into account conceptual framework reflected in the principles of speech development methods. More effective, as experience shows, is the optimal combination of methods and techniques in speech work with preschoolers in the classroom. In classes and various types of activities, not only well-known various techniques can be used, but also original ones.

Reception can be considered as part of the method, a pedagogical action within the framework of the method, for example, when using the conversation method, a combination of verbal and visual techniques can be used (showing and examining a picture, demonstrating objects, various types of questions, instructions from the teacher, assessing children's speech). Traditionally, three groups of techniques are used.

Verbal techniques:

· speech sample;

· explanation;

· instructions (training, organizing);

· reflected repetition (repeated pronunciation);

· conjugated pronunciation;

· reminder;

· remark;

· questions (reproductive, search-problem, leading, prompting);

· assessment of children's speech (educational and educational nature of the assessment).

Visual techniques:

· demonstration of objects, actions;

· consideration of subject matters plot paintings;

· comparison, juxtaposition of objects, pictures, plot pictures;

· visual modeling (working with various models, signal cards);

· work with models, maps, plans, observations on excursions.

Practical techniques:

· modeling;

· practical actions with objects;

· experiments and experiments in order to understand the properties of objects;

· performance practical tasks according to the teacher’s instructions;

· labor actions.

Basic requirements for didactic material:

· compliance with software requirements;

· appropriate for the age of children;

· corresponds to children's interests, must be attractive to preschoolers;

· compliance with aesthetic requirements;

· compliance with health safety requirements.

Various applications different means The development of children's speech is possible only in a rich, rich educational environment. In speech work with children, thematic sets of toys, a variety of didactic board-print games, musical toys and some children's musical instruments, construction sets, sets for visual activities, aids for the development of fine motor skills, sets for flonegraph, sets of subject pictures, plot pictures and series of paintings of varying complexity, albums, photographs, articulation profiles, various materials for modeling, various materials for encouraging, stimulating the activity of children (chips, pictures, flags, stars).

The effectiveness of work on speech development is determined by many factors, one of them is the methodologically competent selection of didactic and speech material for classes with children. It must not only meet program requirements, but also be interesting for children and present something new. Particularly carefully selected subject dictionary for classes, a combination of visual, verbal, practical methods and techniques is determined. Multifunctional use recommended visual aids, the use of one manual to solve several didactic problems. It is necessary to provide for a gradual, consistent complication of the presented verbal and visual material, the possibility of children memorizing, and firmly consolidating skills. The speech development of preschool children in modern conditions takes place in various forms using gaming, art-pedagogical, communication, and sometimes new non-traditional technologies.

Integrated classes. Experience shows effectiveness integrated classes. This type of lesson implements an activity-based approach, involves combining various types of activities, and using a variety of means of speech training. An example would be combining the means of fiction and drawing with the aim of developing coherent speech; combination of musical and visual activities with speech.

Complex classes. The effectiveness of complex classes is indicated by F.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova. The system-forming core is the unity of content. Solving various didactic tasks is possible within the framework of thematic unity. For example, the theme “Autumn” can combine the tasks of various areas of the program for the upbringing and education of preschool children. Practical teachers conduct combined, mixed, combined, final, testing, reporting new material, consolidating what has been learned, and other types depending on the learning objectives.

The requirements for the quality of speech development of preschoolers remain unchanged. The conditions for the effectiveness of a teacher’s speech work with children are:

1. Thorough preparation for the lesson:

· setting goals and objectives;

· planning a lesson, predicting its results;

· usage methodological literature;

· selection of speech material in accordance with the program, preparation of the necessary handouts and demonstration material;

· determination of the teaching method or combination of methods and techniques;

· writing notes and outlines depending on experience;

2. Correspondence of didactic material to age and individual characteristics children.

3. Determining the form of speech work that is adequate to the purpose, program content, and, if possible, consistent with the interests of the children.

4. Developmental and educational nature of speech work with children: along with the tasks of speech development and education speech culture the problems of mental, moral, aesthetic education are solved.

5. Positive emotional background of the lesson, favorable psychological environment, pedagogical tact and culture of communication between the teacher and children.

6. Clear organization of classes, thoughtful regulations: favorable hygienic and aesthetic conditions.

7. The structure of the lesson corresponds to the goals and objectives, establishing the relationship between the parts of the lesson.

8. Optimal change of activities during the lesson, planning a dynamic break for children.

9. Combination of frontal and individual work in the classroom, providing individual assistance to children.

10. Correct " pedagogical speech» teacher.

11. Providing constant feedback from the child to the teacher during the lesson, reinforcing the material.

12. Monitoring at all stages of work the quality of children’s education and the effectiveness of their assimilation of program material.

Related information.

Good day, dear readers and readers! I would like to discuss with you another burning topic- means of speech development for preschool children. After all, we all dream that children will immediately learn to explain themselves in sentences, with the right words and with the right endings. But with the right approach, you can significantly speed up the process of speech development! How? Using special means!

Speech is most important skill child socialization.

Agree, until the first conscious words and statements it is difficult to perceive a screaming lump as a person with his own thoughts and desires, but a talking child is already a worthy interlocutor with whom you can and should talk about literally everything.

The child himself also needs the ability to speak, helping him communicate with family, friends, and peers in the garden. This way we will help our kids master speech faster!

Methodological tools

Teachers have long determined which means are most effective in speech development, these are:

  • conversation with adults;
  • speech of a kindergarten teacher;
  • special classes, for example, with a speech therapist or lessons on early development methods;
  • reading fiction;
  • art classes.

Communication with family

This is the simplest, but very effective means of developing speech skills. Do not think that until the baby says the first word, you can treat him as a beautiful but soulless toy. I, having read smart books, talked to my child literally from the maternity hospital like crazy, describing my thoughts, actions, intentions.

And this yielded results - the child began to speak quite early, and correctly and clearly, apparently, the long months of developing a passive vocabulary had an effect. The baby listens, words and sentences are stored in his memory, and then emerge as needed.

When the child begins to speak his first words, there is no need to relax, there is still more to come, but interesting job. We talk to him as often as possible, talking about surrounding objects and actions, calling names, colors, characteristics of things, asking leading questions, playing with him.

  • reading poetry, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales;
  • sing simple and catchy songs with him, as musical works train breathing, help cope with stuttering, form correct phonemic hearing, and develop a speech rate;
  • recite simple poems or riddles with him that involve pronouncing the right word, read the first part to the baby, and let him say the last word, remember, and choose. If the child finds it difficult, you can suggest the first part of the required word;
  • watch and read colorful fairy tales with your child, pointing your finger at the mentioned characters and objects as the story progresses; dialogues need to be read in different intonations, you can even copy the voices of animals and people;
  • use finger games, it has been proven that these interesting, memorable poems and songs, when combined with certain gestures, not only help develop memory, but also accelerate the development of speech, and playing them is very interesting even for adults, you know, it’s addictive!

With that, I’ll say goodbye to you, subscribe to our blog, see you soon!

Speech acquisition is one of the most difficult areas in child psychology, as well as pedagogy. After all, initially children do not even have the opportunity to concentrate on anything, and only after 1-2 years they manage to master the most complex system of signs - language. The means of speech development in preschool children are very diverse. In this case, the main formation of speech occurs during communication with the adults around the baby. Communication also has a direct relationship with the subject and cognitive activity. In addition, thanks to the mastery of speech, a restructuring of the child’s psyche occurs; he begins to be aware of what is happening around him.

Speech development tools for preschool children

The existing methodology involves such means of speech development in children as:

- teacher’s speech, cultural language environment;

- communication between children and adults;

- education native speech within the framework of classes;

- reading fiction;

- appeal to various arts.

Each of them has its own, larger or smaller role in the development of the child’s speech.

Communication as the most important means of speech development in children

Communication is the most important of all existing means of speech development. At its core, it represents interaction between people, which is aimed at coordinating their efforts to achieve common goal or building relationships.

The main means of communication is speech. But it arises only at a certain stage of communication. At the same time, the formation of speech activity is a complex process, involving interaction between the child and the people around him. The formation of speech occurs during the baby’s existence in social environment against the backdrop of realizing the need for communication.

Due to the fact that contradictions arise during communication, the child develops language abilities, the baby masters more and more new forms of speech. But this happens only with the cooperation of the child with the adults around him.

Experts say that the presence of adults is an excellent incentive to use speech. This is why it is so important to talk to your children as much and as often as possible. Moreover, the nature, as well as the content of such communication, acts as a determining factor for the level and content of speech development of any child. At the same time, verbal communication in the case of preschool children occurs against the background of a variety of activities.

Teacher's speech and special activities as a means of speech development in preschool children

In turn, the teacher’s speech must certainly have a culture of sound structure. It should also be characterized by content and goodwill in tone. The teacher's speech can be pointing and evaluating. Within the framework of the cultural language environment, the most favorable environment for children's development. At the same time, children are characterized by active imitation of adults, adopting from them all the subtleties of word usage, pronunciation, and even the construction of individual phrases. At the same time, imperfections in the speech of adults, as well as errors in it, children also tend to copy, which should also be taken into account.

As part of special speech classes, targeted work on speech is carried out. Therefore, they assume the speech activity of each of the children. Moreover, such activities require a variety of activities for children.

Fiction and art as a means of speech development in preschool children

In addition to the main means of speech development in children, there are also auxiliary ones. However, they are also important. In particular, fiction is the most important source of speech development for any child. But its impact largely depends on the existing level of speech development. One way or another, in the early stages it is difficult to overestimate the role of fairy tales in the development of a child.

All kinds of art have an emotional impact on children. However, it also acts as a stimulus for language acquisition. This point involves a verbal interpretation of works of various genres, as well as a verbal explanation of them.

In other words, the development of speech in preschool children involves the use of several basic techniques at once. various combinations. Wherein specific tasks in the speech development of children, along with the characteristics of age, are the determining factors in the choice of techniques and methods of speech work with children.

In the methodology, it is customary to highlight the following means of children’s speech development:

· communication between adults and children;

· cultural language environment, teacher’s speech;

· teaching native speech and language in the classroom;

· fiction;

· various types of art (fine, music, theater).

Let's briefly consider the role of each tool.

The most important means of speech development is communication. Communication is the interaction of two (or more) people aimed at coordinating and combining their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve overall result(M.I. Lisina). Communication is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of human life, which simultaneously acts as: a process of interaction between people; information process(exchange of information, activities, their results, experience); a means and condition for the transfer and assimilation of social experience; the attitude of people towards each other; the process of mutual influence of people on each other; empathy and mutual understanding of people (B.F. Parygin, V.N. Panferov, B.F. Bodalev, A.A. Leontyev, etc.).

IN domestic psychology communication is considered as a side of some other activity and as an independent communicative activity. The works of domestic psychologists convincingly show the role of communication with adults in the general mental development and development of the child’s verbal function.

Speech, being a means of communication, appears at a certain stage in the development of communication. The formation of speech activity is difficult process interaction of the child with people around him, carried out using material and linguistic means. Speech does not arise from the very nature of the child, but is formed in the process of his existence in the social environment. Its emergence and development are caused by the needs of communication, the needs of the child’s life. Contradictions that arise in communication lead to the emergence and development of the child’s linguistic ability, to his mastery of ever new means of communication and forms of speech. This happens thanks to the cooperation of the child with the adult, which is built taking into account age characteristics and the baby's capabilities.

Isolation of an adult from the environment and attempts to “cooperate” with him begin very early in the child. The German psychologist, an authoritative researcher of children's speech, W. Stern, wrote back in the last century that “the beginning of speech is usually considered the moment when the child first utters sounds associated with the awareness of their meaning and the intention of the message. But this moment has a preliminary history that essentially begins from day one.” This hypothesis has been confirmed by research and experience in raising children. Turns out, human voice the child distinguishes immediately after birth. He separates the adult's speech from the ticking of the clock and other sounds and reacts with movements in unison with it. This interest and attention to the adult is the initial component of the prehistory of communication.

Analysis of children's behavior shows that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of speech; they begin to speak only in a communication situation and only at the request of an adult. Therefore, the technique recommends talking to children as much and as often as possible.

In preschool childhood, several forms of communication between children and adults consistently appear and change: situational-personal (direct-emotional), situational-business (subject-based), extra-situational-cognitive and extra-situational-personal (M. I. Lisina).

First, direct emotional communication, and then business cooperation, determine the child’s need for communication. Emerging in communication, speech first appears as an activity divided between an adult and a child. Later, as a result of the child’s mental development, it becomes a form of his behavior. The development of speech is associated with the qualitative side of communication.

In studies conducted under the leadership of M. I. Lisina, it was established that the nature of communication determines the content and level of speech development of children.

The characteristics of children's speech are associated with the form of communication they have achieved. Move to more complex forms communication is associated: a) with an increase in the proportion of extra-situational statements; b) with an increase in general speech activity; c) with an increase in the share of social statements. A study by A.E. Reinstein revealed that with a situational-business form of communication, 16.4% of all communicative acts are carried out using non-verbal means, and with a non-situational-cognitive form - only 3.8%. With the transition to non-situational forms of communication, the vocabulary of speech and its grammatical structure are enriched, and the “attachment” of speech to a specific situation decreases. Children's speech of different ages, but located at the same level of communication, are approximately the same in complexity, grammatical form and development of sentences. This indicates a connection between the development of speech and the development of communicative activity. Important concludes that for speech development it is not enough to offer the child a variety of speech material - it is necessary to set new communication tasks for him, requiring new means of communication. It is necessary that interaction with others enriches the content of the child’s need for communication (See Communication and speech, speech development in children in communication with adults / Ed. M. I. Lisina - M., 1985)

Therefore, the organization of meaningful, productive communication between teachers and children is of paramount importance.

Speech communication in preschool age is carried out in different types of activities: in play, work, household, educational activities and acts as one of the sides of each type. Therefore, it is very important to be able to use any activity to develop speech. First of all, speech development occurs in the context of leading activity. In relation to children early age the leading one is the subject activity. Consequently, the focus of teachers should be on organizing communication with children during activities with objects.

In preschool age, play is of great importance in the speech development of children. Her character is determined speech functions, content and means of communication. All types of play activities are used for speech development.

In a creative role-playing game, communicative in nature, differentiation occurs between the functions and forms of speech. Dialogue speech is improved in it, and the need for coherent monologue speech arises. Role-playing contributes to the formation and development of the regulating and planning functions of speech. New needs for communication and leading gaming activities inevitably lead to intensive mastery of the language, its vocabulary and grammatical structure, as a result of which speech becomes more coherent (D. B. Elkonin).

But not every game has a positive effect on children's speech. First of all, it must be a meaningful game. However, although role-playing game activates speech, it does not always contribute to mastering the meaning of the word and improving grammatical form speech. And in cases of relearning, it reinforces incorrect word usage and creates conditions for returning to the old ones. irregular shapes. This happens because the game reflects children’s familiar life situations, in which incorrect speech stereotypes previously developed. The behavior of children in play and the analysis of their statements allow us to draw important methodological conclusions: children’s speech improves only under the influence of an adult; in cases where “relearning” occurs, you must first develop a strong skill in using the correct designation and only then create conditions for including the word in children’s independent play.

The teacher’s participation in children’s games, discussion of the concept and course of the game, drawing their attention to the word, a sample of concise and precise speech, conversations about past and future games have a positive effect on children’s speech.

Outdoor games influence the enrichment of vocabulary and the development of sound culture. Dramatization games contribute to the development of speech activity, taste and interest in artistic expression, expressiveness of speech, artistic speech activity.

Didactic and printed board games are used to solve all speech development problems. They consolidate and clarify vocabulary, skills quick selection most the right word, changes and formations of words, practice composing coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech.

Communication in everyday life helps children learn the everyday vocabulary necessary for their life, develops dialogical speech, and fosters a culture of speech behavior.

Communication in the process of labor (everyday, in nature, manual) helps to enrich the content of children's ideas and speech, replenishes the dictionary with the names of tools and objects of labor, labor actions, qualities, and results of labor.

Communication with peers has a great influence on children’s speech, especially from 4–5 years of age. When communicating with peers, children more actively use speech skills. The greater variety of communicative tasks that arise in children’s business contacts creates the need for more diverse speech means. In joint activities, children talk about their plan of action, offer and ask for help, involve each other in interaction, and then coordinate it.

Communication between children of different ages is useful. Association with older children puts children in favorable conditions for the perception of speech and its activation: they actively imitate actions and speech, learn new words, master role-playing speech in games, the simplest types of stories based on pictures, and about toys. The participation of older children in games with younger children, telling fairy tales to children, showing dramatization, telling stories from their experience, inventing stories, acting out scenes with the help of toys contribute to the development of content, coherence, expressiveness of their speech, and creative speech abilities. It should be emphasized, however, that positive influence Such unification of children of different ages for speech development is achieved only under the guidance of an adult. As the observations of L.A. Penevskaya showed, if you leave it to chance, elders sometimes become too active, suppress the kids, begin to speak hastily, carelessly, and imitate their imperfect speech.

Thus, communication is the leading means of speech development. Its content and forms determine the content and level of children's speech.

However, an analysis of practice shows that not all educators know how to organize and use communication in the interests of children’s speech development. An authoritarian style of communication is widespread, in which instructions and orders from the teacher predominate. Such communication is formal in nature, devoid of personal meaning. More than 50% of the teacher’s statements do not provoke a response from children; there are not enough situations conducive to development explanatory speech, speech-proof, reasoning. Mastering culture, a democratic style of communication, the ability to provide so-called subject-subject communication, in which interlocutors interact as equal partners, is professional responsibility teacher kindergarten.

A means of developing speech in in a broad sense is the cultural linguistic environment. Imitating the speech of adults is one of the mechanisms for mastering the native language. Internal mechanisms of speech are formed in a child only under the influence of systematically organized speech of adults (N. I. Zhinkin). It should be borne in mind that by imitating those around them, children adopt not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, and phrase construction, but also those imperfections and errors that occur in their speech. Therefore, the teacher’s speech is subject to high requirements: content and at the same time accuracy, logic; appropriate for the age of the children; lexical, phonetic, grammatical, orthoepic correctness; imagery; expressiveness, emotional richness, richness of intonation, leisurelyness, sufficient volume; knowledge and compliance with the rules of speech etiquette; correspondence between the teacher’s words and his deeds.

In the process of verbal communication with children, the teacher also uses non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomimic movements). They perform important functions: help to emotionally explain and remember the meaning of words. The corresponding well-aimed gesture helps to assimilate the meanings of words (round, big) associated with specific visual representations. Facial expressions and phonation help clarify the meaning of words (cheerful, sad, angry, affectionate.) associated with emotional perception; contribute to deepening emotional experiences, memorizing material (audible and visible); help bring the learning environment in the classroom closer to that of natural communication; are role models for children; perform along with language means important social, educational role (I.N. Gorelov).

One of the main means of speech development is training. This is a purposeful, systematic and planned process in which, under the guidance of a teacher, children master a certain range of speech skills and abilities. The role of education in a child’s mastery of his native language was emphasized by K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheeva, A. P. Usova, E. A. Flerina and others. E. I. Tikheyeva, the first of K. D. Ushinsky’s followers, used the term “teaching their native language” in relation to preschool children. She believed that "systematic training and methodological development speech and language should form the basis of the entire system of education in kindergarten.”

From the very beginning of the formation of the methodology, teaching the native language is considered widely: as a pedagogical influence on children’s speech in everyday life and in the classroom (E. I. Tikheeva, E. A. Flerina, later O. I. Solovyova, A. P. Usova, L. A. Penevskaya, M. M. Konina). As for everyday life, this refers to promoting the child’s speech development in the joint activities of the teacher with the children and in their independent activities.

The most important form of organizing speech and language teaching in the methodology is considered to be special classes in which certain tasks of children’s speech development are set and purposefully solved.

The need for this form of training is determined by a number of circumstances.

Without special training sessions, it is impossible to ensure the speech development of children at the proper level. In-class training allows you to complete the tasks of all sections of the program. There is not a single section of the program where there is no need to organize the entire group. The teacher purposefully selects the material that children have difficulty mastering and develops those skills and abilities that are difficult to develop in other types of activities. A.P. Usova believed that the learning process introduces into the speech development of children such qualities that normal conditions develop poorly. First of all, these are phonetic and lexico-grammatical generalizations, which form the core of a child’s linguistic abilities and play a primary role in language acquisition, sound and word pronunciation, construction of coherent statements, etc. Not all children spontaneously, without the targeted guidance of an adult, develop language generalizations, but this leads to a lag in their speech development. Some children only master elementary forms colloquial speech, find it difficult to answer questions, do not know how to tell stories. And on the contrary, in the learning process they acquire the ability to ask questions and tell stories. “Everything that previously belonged to the qualities of a “creative” personality, was attributed to special talent, during training becomes the property of all children” (A.P. Usova). Classes help to overcome spontaneity, solve problems of speech development systematically, in a certain system and sequence.

Classes help realize the possibilities of speech development in preschool childhood, favorable period for language acquisition.

During classes, the child’s attention is purposefully fixed on certain linguistic phenomena, which gradually become the subject of his awareness. In everyday life, speech correction does not give the desired result. Children who are carried away by some other activity do not pay attention to speech patterns and do not follow them,

In kindergarten, compared to the family, there is a deficit in verbal communication with each child, which can lead to delays in the speech development of children. Classes, when organized methodically, help to a certain extent compensate for this deficiency.

In the classroom, in addition to the teacher’s influence on the children’s speech, the children’s speech interacts with each other.

Team learning increases general level their development.

The uniqueness of classes in the native language. Classes on speech development and teaching the native language differ from others in that the main activity in them is speech. Speech activity is associated with mental activity, with mental activity. Children listen, think, answer questions, ask them themselves, compare, draw conclusions and generalizations. The child expresses his thoughts in words. The complexity of the classes lies in the fact that children are simultaneously engaged in different types of mental and speech activity: speech perception and independent speech operation. They think about the answer, select from their vocabulary the right word that is most suitable in a given situation, form it grammatically, and use it in a sentence and coherent statement.

The peculiarity of many classes in the native language is the internal activity of children: one child tells, the others listen, outwardly they are passive, internally active (they follow the sequence of the story, empathize with the hero, are ready to complement, ask, etc.). This activity is difficult for preschool children because it requires voluntary attention and inhibition of the desire to speak out.

The effectiveness of classes in the native language is determined by how fully all the program tasks set by the teacher are implemented and ensures that children acquire knowledge and develop speech skills and abilities.

Types of classes in the native language.

Classes in the native language can be classified as follows: depending on the leading task, the main program content of the lesson:

· classes on the formation of a dictionary (inspection of the premises, familiarization with the properties and qualities of objects);

· classes on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech (didactic game “Guess what is missing” - the formation of plural nouns of the gender case);

· classes on developing the sound culture of speech (teaching correct sound pronunciation);

· classes on teaching coherent speech (conversations, all types of storytelling),

· classes on developing the ability to analyze speech (preparation for learning to read and write),

· classes on familiarization with fiction.

Depending on the use of visual material:

· classes in which objects are used real life, observations of phenomena of reality (examination of objects, observations of animals and plants, excursions);

· classes using visual aids: with toys (looking at, talking about toys), pictures (conversations, storytelling, didactic games);

· classes of a verbal nature, without relying on clarity (general conversations, artistic reading and storytelling, retelling, word games).

Depending on the stage of training, i.e. depending on whether a speech skill (skill) is being formed for the first time or is being consolidated and automated. The choice of teaching methods and techniques depends on this (at the initial stage of teaching storytelling, joint storytelling between the teacher and the children and a sample story are used, at later stages - a plan for the story, its discussion, etc.).

Close to this is the classification according to didactic purposes (by type school lessons), proposed by A. M. Borodich:

· classes on communicating new material;

· classes to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities;

· classes on generalization and systematization of knowledge;

· final, or accounting and verification, classes;

· combined classes (mixed, combined).

(FOOTNOTE: See: Borodin A. M. Methods of developing children's speech. - M., 1981. - P. 31).

Complex classes have become widespread. An integrated approach to solving speech problems, an organic combination of different tasks for the development of speech and thinking in one lesson are important factor increasing learning effectiveness. Complex classes take into account the peculiarities of children’s language acquisition as unified system heterogeneous linguistic units. Only interconnection and interaction of different tasks lead to the correct speech education, to the child’s awareness of certain aspects of language. Research carried out under the guidance of F.A. Sokhin and O.S. Ushakova led to a rethinking of their essence and role. This does not mean a simple combination of individual tasks, but their interrelation, interaction, mutual penetration on a single content. The principle of uniform content is leading. “The importance of this principle is that children’s attention is not distracted by new characters and manuals, but grammatical, lexical, phonetic exercises; hence the transition to constructing a coherent statement becomes natural and easy for the child” (Ushakova O. S. Development of coherent speech // Psychological and pedagogical issues of speech development in kindergarten / Edited by F. A. Sokhin and O. S. Ushakova. - M., 1987. P.23-24.)

Such types of work are integrated that are ultimately aimed at developing coherent monologue speech. Central location The lesson focuses on the development of monologue speech. Vocabulary and grammar exercises, work on developing the sound culture of speech are associated with completing tasks for constructing monologues different types. Combining tasks into complex lesson can be carried out in different ways: coherent speech, vocabulary work, sound culture speeches; coherent speech, vocabulary work, grammatical structure of speech; coherent speech, sound culture of speech, grammatically correct speech.

Example lesson in senior group: 1) coherent speech - inventing the fairy tale “The Adventure of the Hare” according to the plan proposed by the teacher; 2) vocabulary work and grammar - selection of definitions for the word hare, activation of adjectives and verbs, exercises for agreeing adjectives and nouns in gender; 3) sound culture of speech - practicing clear pronunciation of sounds and words, selecting words that are similar in sound and rhythm.

Complex solution of speech problems leads to significant changes in the speech development of children. The methodology used in such classes ensures high and average level speech development of the majority of learning children, regardless of their individual abilities. The child develops search activity in the field of language and speech, and develops a linguistic attitude towards speech. Education stimulates language games, self-development of language ability, manifested in the speech and verbal creativity of children (See: Arushanova A.G., Yurtaikina T.M. Forms of organized teaching of the native language and the development of speech in preschoolers//Problems of speech development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren/ Edited by A. M. Shakhnarovich. - M., 1993.)

Lessons dedicated to solving one problem can also be built comprehensively, on the same content, but using different teaching methods.

For example, a training session correct pronunciation the sound sh may include: a) showing and explaining articulation, b) an exercise in pronunciation of an isolated sound, c) an exercise in connected speech - retelling a text with a frequently occurring sound sh, d) repeating a nursery rhyme - an exercise for practicing diction.

Integrative classes, built on the principle of combining several types of children's activities and different means of speech development, received a positive assessment in practice. As a rule, they use different types of art, the child’s independent speech activity, and integrate them according to a thematic principle. For example: 1) reading a story about birds, 2) group drawing of birds and 3) telling children stories based on the drawings.

Based on the number of participants, we can distinguish frontal classes, with the whole group (subgroup) and individual ones. The smaller the children, the more space should be given to individual and subgroup activities. Frontal classes with their obligatory, programmed, regimented nature are not adequate to the tasks of forming verbal communication as subject-subject interaction. At the initial stages of education, it is necessary to use other forms of work that provide conditions for involuntary motor and speech activity of children (See: Arushanova A.G., Yurtaikina T.M. Forms of organized teaching of the native language and the development of speech of preschoolers // Problems of speech development of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren / Edited by A. M. Shakhnarovich. - M., 1993. - P. 27.)

Classes on speech development and teaching the native language must meet didactic requirements, justified in general didactics and applied to classes in other sections of the kindergarten program. Consider these requirements:

1. Thorough preliminary preparation to class.

First of all, it is important to determine its objectives, content and place in the system of other classes, connections with other types of activities, teaching methods and techniques. You should also think over the structure and course of the lesson, and prepare appropriate visual and literary material.

Correspondence of the lesson material to the age-related capabilities of the mental and speech development of children. Children's educational speech activities should be organized at a sufficient level of difficulty. Training should be developmental in nature. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine children's perception of the intended material. The children's behavior tells the teacher how to change the pre-planned plan, taking into account their behavior and reactions.

Educational nature of the lesson (principle of educational training). During the classes, a complex of problems of mental, moral, and aesthetic education is solved.

The educational influence on children is ensured by the content of the material, the nature of the organization of training and the interaction of the teacher with children.

Emotional character classes. The ability to assimilate knowledge, master skills and abilities cannot be developed in young children through coercion.

Great importance has their interest in activities, which is supported and developed through entertainment, games and gaming techniques, imagery and colorful material. The emotional mood in the lesson is also ensured by the trusting relationship between the teacher and the children, psychological comfort children in kindergarten.

The structure of the lesson should be clear. It usually has three parts - introductory, main and final. In the introductory part, connections are established with past experience, the purpose of the lesson is communicated, and appropriate motives for upcoming activities are created, taking into account age. In the main part, the main objectives of the lesson are solved, various teaching techniques are used, and conditions are created for active speech activity of children. Final part should be short and emotional. Its goal is to consolidate and generalize the knowledge gained in the lesson. Here are used artistic word, listening to music, singing songs, round dancing and outdoor games, etc.

A common mistake in practice is mandatory and not always appropriate, often formal assessments of children’s activities and behavior.

An optimal combination of the collective nature of learning with an individual approach to children. An individual approach is especially needed for children who have poorly developed speech, as well as those who are uncommunicative, silent or, conversely, overly active and unrestrained.

2. Proper organization of classes.

The organization of the lesson must meet all hygienic and aesthetic requirements for other classes (lighting, air purity, furniture according to height, location of demonstration and handout visual material; aesthetics of the room, aids). It is important to ensure silence so that children can correctly hear the teacher's speech patterns and each other's speech.

Relaxed forms of organizing children are recommended that help create a trusting atmosphere of communication, in which children see each other’s faces and are close range from the teacher (psychology notes the importance of these factors for the effectiveness of verbal communication).

Taking into account the results of the lesson helps to monitor the progress of learning, children’s assimilation of the kindergarten program, provides feedback, and allows you to outline paths further work with children both in subsequent classes and in other activities.

Connection of the lesson with subsequent work on speech development. To develop strong skills and abilities, it is necessary to consolidate and repeat the material in other classes, in games, work, and in everyday communication.

Classes in different age groups have their own characteristics.

In younger groups, children do not yet know how to study in a group, and do not relate to themselves the speech addressed to the whole group. They do not know how to listen to their comrades; A strong irritant that can attract children's attention is the teacher's speech. These groups require extensive use of visualization, emotional techniques learning, mostly playful, surprise moments. The children are not given a learning task (no information is given - we will study, but the teacher offers to play, look at a picture, listen to a fairy tale). Classes are subgroup and individual. The structure of the classes is simple. At first, children are not required to give individual answers; the teacher’s questions are answered by those who want to, all together.

In the middle group, the nature of learning activities changes somewhat. Children begin to become aware of the features of their speech, for example, the features of sound pronunciation. The content of classes becomes more complicated. In the classroom, it becomes possible to set a learning task (“We will learn to correctly pronounce the sound “z”). The requirements for the culture of verbal communication are increasing (speaking in turns, one at a time, and not in chorus, if possible in phrases). New types of activities are appearing: excursions, teaching storytelling, memorizing poetry. The duration of classes increases to 20 minutes.

In the senior and preparatory groups for school, the role of compulsory frontal classes of a complex nature increases. The nature of activities is changing. More verbal classes are conducted: various types of storytelling, analysis of the sound structure of a word, the composition of sentences, special grammatical and lexical exercises, and word games. The use of visualization is taking on other forms: paintings are being used more and more - wall and tabletop, small, handouts. The role of the teacher is also changing. He still leads the lesson, but he promotes greater independence in children’s speech and uses speech patterns less often. Getting more complicated speech activity children: collective stories, retellings with restructuring of the text, reading in faces, etc. are used. In the preparatory group for school, classes are closer to lessons school type. The duration of classes is 30–35 minutes. At the same time, we should not forget that these are children of preschool age, so we must avoid dryness and didacticism.

Conducting classes in a mixed age group is more difficult, since different educational tasks are being solved at the same time. Exist the following types classes: a) classes that are conducted with each age subgroup separately and are characterized by content, methods and teaching techniques typical for a particular age; b) classes with partial participation of all children. In this case, younger students are invited to class later or leave earlier. For example, during a lesson with a picture, all children participate in looking at it and talking. For the most difficult questions the elders answer. Then the kids leave the lesson, and the older ones talk about the picture; c) classes with the participation of all children in the group at the same time. Such classes are conducted on interesting, emotional material. This can be dramatization, reading and storytelling with visual material, filmstrips. In addition, classes are possible with the simultaneous participation of all students on the same content, but with different educational tasks based on taking into account the speech skills and abilities of the children. For example, in a lesson on a painting with a simple plot: the younger ones are active in looking, the middle ones write a description of the painting, the older ones come up with a story.

A teacher of a mixed-age group must have accurate data on the age composition of children, know well the level of their speech development in order to correctly identify subgroups and outline the tasks, content, methods and techniques of teaching for each (For examples of classes in different-age groups, see: Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development with children 4–6 years old. – M., 1987; Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development with children 2–4 years old. – M., 1993.)

In the early 90s. A discussion ensued, during which classes as a form of organized education for preschoolers were sharply criticized. The following disadvantages of the classes were noted: learning in the classes is the main object of attention of the teacher to the detriment of other types of activities; training sessions are not related to children’s independent activities; the regulation of classes leads to formal communication between the teacher and the children, a decrease and suppression of children’s activity; The teacher’s relationship with children is built on an educational and disciplinary basis; for the teacher, the child is an object of influence, and not an equal partner in communication; frontal classes do not ensure the activity of all children in the group; they use the school uniform of the organization; teaching the native language is little aimed at developing communicative activities; in many classes there is no motivation for speech; Reproductive teaching methods (based on imitation of a model) predominate.

Some authors believe that special classes on speech development should be abandoned, leaving them only in senior and preparatory school groups as classes in preparation for learning to read and write. The problems of speech development need to be solved in other classes, in the process of live communication between the teacher and the children (and the joint activities of the children themselves), the child’s story telling to an interested listener, and not in special classes on retelling a given text, describing objects, etc. (Mikhailenko N. Ya., Korotkova N. A. Guidelines and requirements for updating the content of preschool education. - M., 1991.)

We cannot agree with this point of view; it contradicts scientific data about the role and nature of teaching native speech. Without detracting from the importance of communication between the teacher and children, we emphasize once again that whole line speech skills and abilities that form the basis of language ability are formed only in the conditions of special training: the development of the semantic side of the word, the assimilation of antonymic, synonymous and polysemic relationships between words, the mastery of coherent monologue speech skills, etc. In addition, an analysis of the shortcomings of the organization and methodology of classes shows not about their inexpediency, but about the need to improve them, to increase the level of professional training of the teacher. A kindergarten teacher must master a methodology for conducting classes that corresponds to general didactic and methodological principles, and the ability to interact with children, taking into account their characteristic form of communication.

Speech development is also carried out in classes in other sections of the kindergarten program. This is explained by the very nature of speech activity. The native language serves as a means of teaching natural history, mathematics, music, visual arts, and physical education.

Fiction is the most important source and means of developing all aspects of children's speech and a unique means of education. It helps to feel the beauty of the native language and develops figurative speech. The development of speech in the process of familiarization with fiction takes great place V common system working with children. On the other hand, the impact of fiction on a child is determined not only by the content and form of the work, but also by the level of his speech development.

Fine arts, music, theater are also used for the benefit of children's speech development. Emotional impact works of art stimulates language acquisition and evokes a desire to share impressions. IN methodological research The possibilities of the influence of music and fine arts on the development of speech are shown. The importance of verbal interpretation of works and verbal explanations to children for the development of imagery and expressiveness of children's speech is emphasized.

Thus, various means are used to develop speech. The effectiveness of influencing children's speech depends on the correct choice of means of speech development and their relationship. In this case, a decisive role is played by taking into account the level of development of children’s speech skills and abilities, as well as the nature of the language material, its content and the degree of proximity to children’s experience.

For assimilation different materials a combination of different means is required. For example, when mastering lexical material that is close to children and associated with everyday life, direct communication between children and adults in everyday activities comes to the fore. During this communication, adults guide the process of children's vocabulary acquisition. Skills correct use words are clarified and consolidated in a few classes that simultaneously perform the functions of verification and control.

When mastering material that is more distant from children or more complex, the leader is educational activities in the classroom, appropriately combined with other activities.