English-Russian dictionary. Examples of phrases, thematic dictionaries

Order of Preachers † Catholic Encyclopedia Order of Preachers As the Order of the Friars Preachers is the principal part of the entire Order of St. Dominic, we shall include under this title the two other parts of the order: the... ...Catholic encyclopedia

order- or|der1 W1S1 [ˈo:də US ˈo:rdər] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(for a purpose)¦ 2¦(arrangement)¦ 3¦(instruction)¦ 4¦(controlled situation)¦ 5 ¦(well organized state)¦ 6¦(for food or drink)¦ 7¦(for goods)¦ 8 be out of order 9 be in order … Dictionary of contemporary English

order- 1) In business and trade, making a request to deliver, sell, receive, or purchase goods or services; 2) In the securities and futures trade, instructions to a broker on how to buy or sell. The most common orders in futures markets are market... ... Financial and business terms

order- 1 noun 1 FOR A PURPOSE a) in order to do sth for the purpose of doing something: politicians who make promises simply in order to win more votes | In order to understand how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry. b)… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

order- or|der1 [ ɔrdər ] noun *** ▸ 1 way things are arranged ▸ 2 request by customer ▸ 3 when people obey laws ▸ 4 official instruction ▸ 5 well organized situation ▸ 6 the way things are ▸ 7 type/quality ▸ 8 group of people ▸ 9 group of plants/animals … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

order */*/*/- I UK [ˈɔː(r)də(r)] / US [ˈɔrdər] noun Word forms order: singular order plural orders 1) the way in which a set of things is arranged or done, so that it is clear which thing is first, second, third etc order of: You can… … English dictionary

order*/*/*/- [ˈɔːdə] noun I 1) the way in which a set of things is arranged or done so that it is clear which thing is first, second, third etc Please try to keep the pictures in order (= in the correct order). Some of the names on the list are out… Dictionary for writing and speaking English

order- orderable, adj. orderer, n. orderless, adj. /awr deuhr/, n. 1. an authoritative direction or instruction; command; mandate. 2. a command of a court or judge. 3. a command or notice issued by a military organization or a military commander to… … Universalium

order- I n. request for merchandise or services 1) to give, place, put in; make out, write out an order 2) to fill; take an order (has the waiter taken your order?) 3) to cancel an order 4) a prepublication; rush; shipping; side (esp. AE); standing... ... Combinatory dictionary

Order & Chaos Online- Developer(s) In house Publisher(s) Gameloft Platform(s) iOS, WebOS, Android ... Wikipedia

Order of the Phoenix (organization)- Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter association Some Order of the Phoenix members in the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film adaptation, from left to right: Alastor Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Albus Dumbledore … Wikipedia


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English-Russian translation ORDER

transcription, transcription: [ˈɔdə]

1) layer of society, social group

all classes of society, and the middle orders in particular - all classes of society and especially the middle layers

a) rank, degree of priesthood

greater, sacred, holy orders - clergy (these include bishops, presbyters (priests) and deacons)

minor orders - clergy, lower official positions (these include subdeacons, psalm-readers (sacristans) and sextons)

b) plural ordination

in deacon's orders - in the rank of deacon

to be in orders - to be a clergyman

to confer orders - to ordain

to take orders - become a clergyman

a) religious order

cloistered order, monastic order - monastic order

Franciscan order - Franciscan order

Masonic order - Masonic order

mendicant order - mendicant order

the Benedictine order - order of the Benedictines

b) knightly order

Knights Hospitallers - Order of the Hospitallers

Knights of the Round Table - Knights of the Round Table

the Knights Templars - Order of the Templars

4) insignia, order

Order of Merit - Order of Merit

5) architect. order

Composite order

Corinthian order

6) mat. order; multiplicity, degree

order of a radical - root exponent

7) natural squad; subclass

class, category

8) order, arrangement in a certain order; sequence, order (in time or space)

in order - in order

out of order - out of order

in numerical order - in numerical order

in alphabetical order - in alphabetical order

in chronological order - in chronological order

order of priorities - order (of events, etc.)

arrangement, organization, disposition

9) serviceability, order; good physical condition

good, shipshape order - complete order

His love of order made him always the most regular of men. “His love of order made him the most constant of all people.

in bad order, out of order - in malfunction

to get out of order - go bad

to put in order - put in order

10) order, system (according to which events, actions, etc. occur), routine (mainly in phrases like:)

order of nature - natural order

order of things - order of things

spiritual order - divine order

to call to order - call to order

to keep order - keep order

quiet, calm, tranquility, control, discipline

a) religious ceremony

b) order (of conducting a meeting, etc.); regulations; charter

order of business - agenda; agenda item

point of order - regulations, order of conduct

to be in order - to be acceptable according to procedure

12) system, government system

economic order - economic system

pecking order - unofficial hierarchy; established order of subordination

social order - social order

13) military build, construction

Extended order

Order of battle

14) prem. pl. order; order, order; instruction, prescription; team

one's orders American; military - orders received

by smb."s order - by someone's order

under the orders of... - under the command...

to give, hand down Amer. , issue an order - issue an order

to carry out, execute an order - carry out an order

to obey, take orders - obey orders

to cancel, countermand, rescind, revoke an order - cancel an order

to violate an order - to violate, not to carry out an order

direct order - direct order

doctor's orders - doctor's orders

written orders - written orders

a large order, big order, strong order, tall order sl. - difficult task, difficult task

We received an order to attack. - We received orders to attack.

Headquarters issued an order that the attack be (should be) resumed. - Headquarters issued an order to resume the attack.

I"m awfully sorry, you people, but orders are orders. - I’m very sorry, guys, but orders are orders.

Be under orders

command, dictate, instruction, mandate

Orders, requests and permission

15) warrant; permission; pass

admission by order - entry by pass

16) decompression order; Amer. ordering a la carte dish (in a restaurant, etc.)

to give, place, put in an order - to order

to make out, write out an order - make an order

to fill an order - fill out the order form

to take an order - take an order

Has the waiter taken your order? — Did the waiter take your order?

to cancel an order - cancel an order

rush order - urgent requirement

formal order - official order

to be fully engaged with orders - to be fully loaded with orders, to have a bunch of orders

In short order

Of the order of

Order of the boot

1) arrange in a certain order, arrange; put in order; mouth line up

ordering her hair, some coils of which had been loosened by her flight - putting in order your curls, disheveled from running

to order arms (a gun) - put (a gun) to your leg

arrange, put in order

a) manage, manage, regulate

regulate, direct, conduct, rule, govern, manage, settle

b) predetermine

So my lot was ordered. - So, my fate was predetermined.

3) order; prescribe; give orders, give instructions; prescribe, prescribe (medicine, etc.)

She ordered the dog to sit. — She ordered the dog to sit down.

The doctor had ordered as much fresh air as possible. — The doctor ordered me to spend as much time in the fresh air as possible.

to be ordered abroad - to be sent abroad

He belonged to the class whose business was to order rather than obey. “He belonged to the class that gave orders and did not obey them.

enjoin, command, bid, direct, instruction, charge

4) order (also order up)

Let's order dessert when the waitress comes back. - When the waitress returns, let's order dessert.

I ordered up two ham sandwiches. — I ordered two ham sandwiches.

request, ask for, book, engage

5) church ordain

just what the doctor ordered - what the doctor ordered; just what you need

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon. English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary. 2005

  • English-Russian dictionaries
  • English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary

More meanings of the word and translation of ORDER from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “ORDER” in dictionaries.

  • ORDER - I. ˈȯrdər, ˈȯ(ə)də(r noun (-s) Etymology: Middle French ordre, order, from Old French ordene, ordne, ordre, from Medieval ...
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • ORDER — — orderable, adj. - orderer, n. - orderless, adj. /awr"deuhr/ , n. 1. an authoritative direction or …
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • ORDER - I. ˈȯr-dər verb (or·dered; or·der·ing ˈȯr-d(ə-)riŋ) Etymology: Middle English, from ordre, noun Date: 13th century transitive verb 1. …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • ORDER - vi to give orders; to issue commands. 2. order noun a command; a mandate; a precept; a direction. 3.order...
    Webster English vocab
  • ORDER - / ˈɔːdə(r); NAmE ˈɔːrd-/ noun, verb ■ noun ARRANGEMENT 1. [ U, C ] the way in which ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • ORDER - I. or ‧ der 1 S1 W1 /ˈɔːdə $ ˈɔːrdər/ BrE AmE noun [Word Family: noun: order …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • ORDER - n. & v. --n. 1 a the condition in which every part, unit, etc. is in its right place; tidiness...
    English Basic Spoken Dictionary
  • ORDER - n. & v. n. 1 a the condition in which every part, unit, etc. is in its right place; tidiness...
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • ORDER - n. & v. --n. 1. a the condition in which every part, unit, etc. is in its right place; tidiness...
    Oxford English vocab
  • ORDER - I. SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTION USES /ɔ:(r)də(r)/ Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • ORDER — I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a court order (= an instruction that someone must do something) ▪ A …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • ORDER - INDEX: 1. order 2. in the correct order 3. in the wrong order 4. doing things one after the other ...
    Longman Activator English vocab
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • ORDER - order.ogg 1. ʹɔ:də n_I 1. order, sequence; arrangement, placement (in a certain order) alphabetical chronological order - alphabetical ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • ORDER - 1) order; orderliness || arrange 2) sequence 3) order 4) order; order; directive 5) architect. style; order 6) index (…
    Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
  • ORDER - 1) order; orderliness || arrange 2) sequence 3) order 4) order; order; directive 5) architect. style; order 6) index (mod); order (modes) 7) math. degree, order; ...
    Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • ORDER - 1) further order 2) order 3) order 4) command 5) multiplicity 6) order 7) order 8) sequence 9) serial 10) order 11) sequence 12) order 13) rank 14) arrange in order 15) dispose 16 ) arrangement 17) ordering 18) ...
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • ORDER - 1. ʹɔ:də n I 1. order, sequence; arrangement, placement (in a certain order) alphabetical chronological order - alphabetical chronological ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • ORDER - 1. noun. 1) layer of society, social group all classes of society, and the middle orders in particular - all classes of society and ...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • ORDER - 1) sequence; order; location 2) math. order; degree, rank, rank of number 3) command; command word; exercise; prescription; instructions; instruction 4) ...
    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation 2
  • ORDER - 1) sequence; order; location 2) math. order; degree, rank, rank of number 3) command; command word; exercise; prescription; instructions; instruction 4) task, production task; ...
    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation
  • ORDER - 1. _n. 1> order; subsequence; in order of size (importance, etc.) - by size (by degree of importance, etc.) ...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • ORDER - 1.n. 1. order; subsequence; in order of size (importance, etc.) - by size (by degree of importance, etc.) ...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - editor bed
  • ORDER - 1. noun. 1) order - advance order - firm order 2) order for delivery (purchase, sale, etc.) 3) social group (layer) 4) order, order, order negotiable ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics
  • ORDER - 1) order || put in order 2) order, order; instructions || order 3) order || order 4) ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics and Finance
  • ORDER - 1) order; prescription; order; indication; instructions | order; prescribe; dispose of; give directions, instructions 2) requirement | demand 3) order 4) order | order 5) ...
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  • ORDER - I noun. 1) order a) general. (sequence, arrangement, placement in a certain order) the order of the actions - sequence of actions ability of high order ...
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  • ORDER - I noun. 1) order a) general. (sequence, arrangement, placement in a certain order) the order of the actions - sequence of actions ability of high order ...
    New English-Russian explanatory dictionary on financial management
  • ORDER - 1. noun. 1) order, arrangement in a certain order in order ≈ in order out of order ≈ out of order...
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • ORDER - órdine, arrangement, regulation; condition, statu; (command) command, decrete; (class) rank, classe; (comm.) comende: (money ~) mandate; (decoration & eccl.) order. ...
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  • ORDER - ayo (Noun) han-ay;orderin;sugo;ug pakaon
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  • ORDER — I. verb (~ed; ~ing) Etymology: Middle English, from ordre, noun Date: 13th century transitive verb to put in ~ ; ...
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  • ORDER — I In Classical architecture, any of several styles defined by the particular type of column, base, capital, …
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  • ORDER - (n.) A command; a mandate; a precept; a direction.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • ORDER — (n.) That which prescribes a method of procedure; a rule or regulation made by competent authority; as, the rules and...
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  • ORDER - (n.) Conformity with law or decorum; freedom from disturbance; general tranquility; public quiet as, to preserve order in a community…
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  • ORDER — (n.) The customary mode of procedure; established system, as in the conduct of debates or the transaction of business; usage; ...
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  • ORDER - (n.) Right arrangement; a normal, correct, or fit condition; as, the house is in order; the machinery is out of …
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  • ORDER — (n.) Of periods of time or occurrences, and the like.
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accession order order on new acquisitions additional order additional order adjudication order court decision on declaring bankrupt adjudication order court decision on declaring insolvent adjudication order court decision on declaring an insolvent debtor administrative order administrative order order order; permission; pass; admission by order admission by pass adoption order court order on adoption advance order preliminary order alphabetical order ascending order ascending order ascending order ascending order wt. ordering in ascending order attachment order arrest warrant attachment order order of seizure of property back order debt order back order unfulfilled order back order reverse order banker order bank payment order banker order bank order for payment bankruptcy order bankruptcy order to be in order to be acceptable according to the procedure order pl church clergy; to be in (to take) orders to be (become) a clergyman; to confer orders to ordain order to direct; to be ordered abroad; to order (smb.) out of the country Amer. immediately, immediately; to be under military orders wait for an appointment book an order submit an order bulk order an order for a large consignment of goods bulk order large order bulk order wholesale order buying order an order from a client to a broker to buy by order by order by order by order cancel an order cancel an order cash order bearer draft cash with order cash settlement when issuing an order certified order of payment charging order order to foreclose on the debtor's share in the partnership check not to order check without the right to change hands by endorsement order order; check to (a person"s) order financial order check column-major order expansion by column committal order arrest warrant compensation order order of compensation compilation order wu. compilation order order pl church clergy; to be in (to take) orders to be (become) a clergyman; to confer orders to ordain consolidation order merger order contingent order conditional order court order court order court order court order court order court order custodianship order order for the safe storage of the client's valuables in the bank customer order client order delivery order order for delivery delivery order order for the release of goods from the warehouse delivery order order for the release of part of the cargo under the bill of lading delivery order order for delivery deportation order order for deportation descending order wt. descending order descending order descending order wt. order in descending order detention order arrest warrant dispatch an order send an order by courier dispatch order order of sending enforcement order order for enforcement (or collection) in court exclusion order court decision on deprivation of rights execution order wt. order of execution exemption order order of release (from smth.) export order expropriation order decree on deprivation of ownership of property fill an order fulfill an order financial provision order order on financial security firm order mandatory order forward order order for a period forward order urgent order forwarding order order for forwarding garnishee order court order to seize the debtor's money held by a third party garnishee order court order to seize the debtor's property order order, serviceability; to get out of order; in bad order; to put in order giro payment order payment order in the giro account system giro payment order payment order in the giro account system giro postal order postal order in the giro account system good working order condition of fitness for work good working order good condition of equipment higher order higher order order good physical condition; his liver is out of order he has a diseased liver hospital order law.punishment. order on forced placement in a hospital implementation order order on implementation in alphabetical (chronological) order; in order of size (importance, etc.) in ascending order order, serviceability; to get out of order; in bad order; to put in order in descending order in descending order order archit. order; tall (or large) order difficult task, difficult task; in order amer. appropriately in alphabetical (chronological) order; in order of size (importance, etc.) in order that; in order to; of the order of approximately in order that so that; in order to; of the order of approximately in running order in sequential order in short order quickly; Amer. immediately, immediately; to be under military orders wait for appointment in working order incoming order incoming order indexed order wt. indexing order insertion order order for an advertisement inspection order order to inspect a product inspection order order for inspection interim order temporary order interlocutory order preliminary order interlocutory order preliminary order interlocutory order court order on an interlocutory issue interlocutory order interim order of the court internal order internal order international economic order global economic order job order factory order job order order to an enterprise for the production of a batch of products judge's order order of a judge issued outside a court session judicial order court order order order; calm; to keep order maintain order; to call to order call to order; order!, order! to order! landing order customs permission to unload cargo large order large order large order mass order legal aid order order on legal protection legal order legal order legal order lexicographic order lexicographic order limited order order to a broker limited by long- terms term order long-term order mail order order for sending goods by mail mail order order for goods delivered by mail mail order postal transfer mail order amer. postal transfer maintenance order court order to collect alimony maintenance order court order to support the family make an order give an order marching order marching uniform; parade order marching order matrimonial order court order to pay alimony ministerial order administrative order money order money order money order money order money order payment order numerical order numerical order numerical order obtain an order to receive an order in order that with so that; in order to; of the order of approximately of this order in this order official order official order official order org.upr. official order order of the day fashion, fashion trend (in art, literature, etc.); to call to order amer. open(meeting); on a point of order to the order of conduct of the meeting order order; made to order; made to order; on order ordered, but not delivered one "s orders American military. orders received; under the orders of... under the command... open order of exchanges. unfulfilled and not canceled open order order of exchanges. non-market order from a client to a stockbroker order to give instructions order pl church. clergy; to be in (to take) orders to be (become) a clergyman; to confer orders; made to order; made to order; on order ordered but not delivered order order order amer. ordering an a la carte dish (in a restaurant) order order order order order insignia, order order instruction order serviceability order command order prescribe, prescribe (medicine, etc.) order prescribe order direct; to be ordered abroad; to order (smb.) out of the country to send (smb.) outside the country order to send order outfit order order (knightly, religious) order order, insignia order archit. order; tall (or large) order difficult task, difficult task; in order amer. properly order order; permission; pass; admission by order entry by pass order order; check to (a person's) order financial order check order order order give order order zool., bot. squad; subclass order written order for the payment of money order mat. order; degree order order (conducting a meeting, etc.) ; regulations; charter; order of business agenda order order; calm; to keep order maintain order; to call to order call to order; order!, order! to order! order order; calm; to keep order maintain order; to call to order call to order; order!, order! to order! order order; calm; to keep order maintain order; to call to order call to order; order!, order! to order! order order, good order; to get out of order to deteriorate; in bad order in malfunction; to put in order to put in order order order; sequence; order of priorities order (of events, etc.) order order, regulations order wt. order order order order sequence order decree order send order predetermine; order about command, push around order predetermine order court order order put in order order put in order order order, order; prescription order order, prescription, instruction, instruction order order order order from a client to a broker to buy or sell securities on certain conditions order order order to order; prescribe; dispose order order, prescribe, dispose, give instructions, give instructions order order order prescribe order section (rules of procedure of the Supreme Court of England) order section order wt. category order rank order arrange in a certain order order dispose of order order regulation order genus, grade; property; talent of another order order knightly or religious order order layer of society; social group; the lower orders common people order military. formation, order of battle; close (extended) order closed (dismembered) system order system, state structure; social order social order order demand order demand order instruction order wt. orderliness order good physical condition; his liver is out of order he has a diseased liver order predetermine; order about command, push around order for committal order of arrest order for committal order of detention order for compulsory admission to mental hospital order of compulsory placement in a mental hospital order for enforcement order of enforcement order for financial provision order of financing order for possession order for the possession of property order for production for inspection order for the production of products for inspection order for restitution of conjugal rights order for the restoration of conjugal rights order in advance submit a preliminary order Order in Council government decree (UK) Order in Council law issued on behalf of the English king and the privy council and passed through parliament without discussion of the order of approximation wt. order of approach order order (of conducting a meeting, etc.); regulations; charter; order of business agenda order of business order of consideration order of business agenda order of business order of consideration Order of Council government decree (UK) order of course inevitable court verdict order of discharge court order to restore the insolvent debtor's rights order of dismissal order dismissal order of magnitude wt. order of magnitude order of magnitude order of magnitude estimate order of magnitude order of mandamus court order to an official to fulfill the plaintiff's demands order of matrix order of matrix order of precedence order of precedence order of preference wt. preference order order order; subsequence; order of priorities order of priority (of events, etc.) order of priorities order of priority order of priorities order of ranking securities according to the order of satisfaction of claims in the event of bankruptcy of the debtor order of priorities order of priority vcht. order of priority priority: order order of urgency, priority; order of priority order of prohibition order to suspend previously approved actions order of prohibition court order prohibiting the disposal of property order of succession order of inheritance order of the day military. order by part or combination order of the day fashion, fashion trend (in art, literature, etc.); to call to order amer. open(meeting); on a point of order to the order of conduct of the meeting order of the day agenda order of the day agenda, order of the day order of the day order (by army) order to direct; to be ordered abroad; to order (smb.) out of the country to expel (someone) outside the country order to leave country to give an order to leave the country order to pay order payment order to pay costs order payment of costs order to sell order to sell repeat order repeat order; orders on hand eq. portfolio of orders orders: order on hand orders available order on hand remaining orders order on hand received orders marching order marching uniform; parade order formation for the parade part order part of the order party receiving order payment order payment order payment order order for payment pecking order unofficial hierarchy pecking order established order of subordination personal protection order (PPO) court order for the provision of personal protection place an order to submit order place an order place an order post-office order money transfer postal order money transfer by mail postal order postal order postal: order postal; postal card amer. post card; postal order money transfer by mail prerogative order prerogative court order preservation order order of protection probation order court order to assign a probation system to a criminal production order factory work order production order order of presentation (document, evidence, etc.) prohibition order restraining order property adjustment order order on the adjustment of property rights provisional court order temporary order of the court provisional court order temporary order of the court provisional order order of the executive body, subject to approval by Parliament provisional order order of the executive body, subject to approval by an act of Parliament public order public order public procurement order order on public procurement purchase order purchase order form of document used by the buyer when purchasing (smth. ) or order and which then, upon completion, is given or sent to the seller as an order order order, serviceability; to get out of order; in bad order; to put in order put: order (to a certain state or position); to put in order; to put an end (to smth.) to stop (smth.). random order random order ranking order ranking order order of arrangement receive an order to receive an order receive an order to accept an order receiving order a court order to open a competition receiving order a court order to appoint a successor to an insolvent person reengagement order an order for reinstatement at work regulatory order administrative order reinstatement order order for reinstatement to previous position repeat order additional order repeat order repeat order; orders on hand eq. portfolio of orders restore order restraining order restraining order routing order order for drawing up a route row-major order wt. deployment by line rush order urgent order sales order purchase order sample order trial order scale order order from a client to a broker with a price scale secrecy order secrecy mode secure an order ensure order sell-stop order an order from a client to an exchange firm to buy or sell on the best terms upon reaching a certain price level selling order order to sell separation order court order on separation of spouses servicing order wt. order of service short-range order a dish (in a restaurant, etc.) that does not require time to prepare short-range order Thu. short-range order order system, government structure; social order social order social order social order social order sort order sorting order speaking order order of speeches split order an order to make a purchase or sale of securities, divided into several transactions spread order an exchange order to conclude simultaneously two opposite transactions for an equal amount, but with different terms standing order order for regular production standing order standing order standing order standing order standing order military. standing order-instruction standing order pl parl. rules of procedure standing order order on regular payments standing order order; inner order rules; regulations; firm order for a specified quantity of goods (for periodic delivery to the store); permanent work order; order for the regular production of a certain product standing order order standing order firm order for a specified quantity of goods statutory order order provided for by law statutory order resolution having the force of law stock market order order to a stock broker stock market order order to a stock broker stop order instruction to the bank on suspension payment on a bill stop order an instruction to the bank to suspend payment on a check stop order an order to purchase securities at the best rate, but not higher than the rate specified by the client stop order a court order prohibiting the disposal of property stop-loss order a promise from the reinsurer to cover losses of the insured company in excess of the agreed upon amounts stop-loss order an order to sell securities at the best rate, but not lower than the rate specified by the client substantial order important order superior order order of a higher authority supervision order order of supervision surrender order order to transfer goods switch order order to buy or sell securities, which must be executed only after the execution of another order switch order an order to sell securities with the condition of using the proceeds to purchase other securities take an order accept an order order type, grade; property; talent of another order talent of another order order archit. order; tall (or large) order difficult task, difficult task; in order amer. properly trial order trial order one's orders American military orders received; under the orders of... under the command... unfilled order unfulfilled order verbal order oral order vesting order court order for the transfer of title (issued by the Chancery Department of the High court of justice) vesting order court order to transfer legal title winding up order order to liquidate a company witness order order to call a witness work order factory work order work order work order work order sequence of technological operations work order piecework work order

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  • English-Russian dictionary


    1. [ʹɔ:də] n (n)

    1. order, sequence; location, placement ( in a certain order )

    order; order; prescription Synonyms: command 1., instruction

    stratum of society, social group Synonyms: class 1.

    zool.; bot. squad; subclass Synonyms: class 1., category

    prescribe; give instructions; prescribe, prescribe Synonyms: command 2., bid 2., direct 3., instruction, charge 1.

    Order up Synonyms: request 2., book 2., engage 1.

    manage, manage, regulate Synonyms: regulate, direct 3., conduct 2., rule 2., govern, manage

    mouth predetermine Synonyms: ordain

    arrange in a certain order, put in order; put in order Synonyms: arrange

    Synonyms: order;order, instruction|bidding;order|command;command|request;demand|demand;demand|injunction;instructions|summons;summon (to court), ultimatum|instruction;instruction
    Synonyms: order no.
    1 organization, arrangement, grouping, disposition, form, structure, categorization, systematization or systemization, classification, codification, disposal, layout, array, sequence, Colloq set-up: The order of the library is of crucial importance if we are to find anything.
    2 organization, uniformity, regularity, system, pattern, symmetry, harmony, tidiness, orderliness, neatness: Some believe that there is an order of things in the universe, others that the universe tends to chaos.
    3 category, class, caste, level, kind, sort, rank, group, scale, importance, hierarchy, position, status, degree, Colloq pecking order: Gregory's musical talents are of a very high order.
    4 command, direction, directive, instruction, commandment, dictate, mandate, edict, behest, request, demand, ukase, decree, fiat, proclamation, pronouncement, pronunciamento; rule, regulation, law, ordinance, statute, requirement: The police have issued an order to surrender all hand guns.
    5 procedure, proceeding(s), discipline, conduct: The order of the meeting was breached by some rowdies.
    6 condition, state (of affairs): Please leave everything in the order in which you found it.
    7 purchase order, request, requisition, commitment, commission, instruction: We received a large order for office furniture.
    8 calm, peace, peacefulness, tranquility, quiet, serenity, law and order, discipline, lawfulness: After a brief commotion, order was restored.
    9 brotherhood, fraternity, sisterhood, sorority, fellowship, sodality, association, organization, society, guild, sect, company, community, lodge, body, knighthood: One of her ancestors was a Knight of the Teutonic Order.
    10 in order. a neat, clean, tidy shipshape, orderly, (well-)organized, ready, prepared, arranged: Is everything in order for the wedding tomorrow? b fitting, suitable, appropriate, correct, right, apt, called-for; required, demanded, needed: I think that an apology is in order for the way you behaved.
    11 in order that. so (that), with the aim or purpose that, to the end that: We invited him in order that you might meet him.
    12 in order. to, for the purpose of: In order to get there, you have to drive up the hill.
    13 out of order. a disordered, non-sequential, out of sequence, non-alphabetical, disorganized, unorganized, in disorder: The cards in this catalog are out of order and I cannot find anything. b unseemly, out of place, improper, uncalled-for, unsuitable, indecorous, Colloq chiefly Brit not cricket: Your remark about her religion was completely out of order. c out of commission, broken, in disrepair, non-functioning, non-functional, not working, broken-down, inoperative, out of kilter or Brit also kelter, Colloq (gone) haywire, kaput, bust(ed), US out of whack, on the fritz, shot; Slang on the blink, Brit wonky, gone phut: The telly is out of order again.

    14 direct, command, instruct, charge, tell, bid, require, enjoin; demand, order; force, make: The sergeant ordered the men to run around the drill field with full packs. The council ordered that garden rubbish should be packed in special bags.
    15 requisition, ask for, send (away) for, call for, apply for, reserve, engage, commission, contract for; purchase, buy: Have you ordered breakfast for tomorrow? Let's order a take-away from the Chinese restaurant.
    16 organize, systematize, arrange, classify, categorize, codify, lay out, sort (out), straighten (out or up): The bottles were ordered in neat rows along the wall.

    Phrases, idioms, phrasal verbs, slang, example sentences

    Examples of phrases, thematic dictionaries

    to call to order - a) call to order; the chairman had to ~ the meeting to order - the chairman had to call those gathered to order; b) Amer. open, meeting; the meeting is ~ed to order , I ~ the meeting to order - I declare the meeting open
    order on order of sculptured figures - row after row of sculptured figures

    be out of order (v pr)

    To be in a mess ¦ As usual, his toys are out of order. - As usual, his toys are lying around in a mess.
    3 bad, incorrect functioning (about a system, scheme; about human organs; society, etc.) ¦ My stomach is out of order - I have an upset stomach. ¦ I can't tell you the time - my watch is out of order - I can't tell you the time - the watch is broken.


    (a large (or tall) order)

    difficult task, not an easy task; excessive demand

    Dear Son: In your last letter you asked me to tell you something about my ancestry. That's a pretty tall order, Big Fellow. (E. Dennis, ‘Letters from Prison’) - Dear boy! In your last letter you ask me to tell you something about our ancestors. This, my friend, is quite a difficult task.

    ‘Me, I know everything. Remember that.’ Geoffrey Raymond lifted his eyebrows. ‘Everything?’ He whistled. ‘Whew! That's a tall order.’ (A. Christie, ‘The Murder of Roger Ackroyd’, ch. XXIII)

    Bullshit, just a piece of cake!

    That’s a crap, not an order! - This is bullshit, not an order!

    Fright, frump... (Slang)

    Mymra, kikimora

    This old fright has established her order here too! - This old mymra has established its own order here too!


    order (ˊɔ:də)


    1) order; subsequence;

    order of priorities ( events and so on. );

    in alphabetical (chronological) order;

    in order of size (importance, etc.)"

    2) order, instruction; prescription;"

    O. in Council a law issued on behalf of the English king and the privy council and passed through parliament without discussion;

    order of the day military order in part or connection (see also 14));

    one's orders American military orders received;

    under the orders of... under command...

    3) order, calm;

    to keep order;

    to call to order (see also 14));

    order!, order! parl. to order!

    4) layer of society; social group;

    the lower orders common people

    5) genus, variety; level; property;

    talent of another order

    6) order;

    made to order; made to order;

    on order ordered but not delivered;

    repeat order repeat order;

    orders on hand eq. portfolio of orders

    7) system, state structure;

    social order

    8) zool. , bot. squad; subclass

    9) knightly or religious order

    10) pl church. spiritual rank;

    to be in (to take) orders to be (become) a clergyman;

    to confer orders

    11) architect. order

    12) insignia, order

    13) mat. order; degree

    14) order ( conducting the meeting and so on. ); regulations; charter;

    order of business agenda;

    order of the day

    a) agenda;

    b) fashion, fashion trend ( in art, literature and so on. . (see also 2));

    to call to order amer. open ( meeting) (see also 3));

    on a point of order to the order of the meeting;

    to be in order to be acceptable according to procedure

    15) military formation, battle order;

    close (extended) order closed (dismembered) order;

    a) marching order;

    b) marching uniform;

    parade order

    16) warrant; permission; pass;

    admission by order

    17) warrant;

    check to (a person"s) order financial order check

    18) order, correctness;

    to get out of order;

    in bad order;

    to put in order

    19) good physical condition;

    his liver is out of order

    20) American ordering a la carte dish ( in a restaurant) tall( or large) order difficult task, difficult matter;

    in order amer. properly;

    in order that so that;"

    in order to;

    of the order of approximately;

    in short order quickly; Amer. immediately, immediately;

    to be under military orders be under orders

    2. v

    1) order; prescribe; dispose of

    to be ordered abroad;

    to order smb. send someone out of the country outside the country

    3) order

    4) put in order

    5) prescribe, prescribe ( medicine and so on. )

    6) predetermine

    order about to command, to push around

    ORDERTranslation and usage examples - suggestions
    2. Reaffirms that all Governments, in particular those of receiving countries, must recognize the vital importance of family reunification and promote its incorporation into national legislation in order to ensure protection of the unity of families of documented migrants;2. Reaffirms that all Governments, in particular Governments of receiving countries, must recognize the critical importance of family reunification and promote the inclusion of this provision in national laws in order to ensure the protection of family unity of documented migrants;
    Considering the major changes taking place on the international scene and the aspirations of all peoples to an international order based on the principles enshrined in the Charter, including promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all and respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, peace, democracy, justice, equality, rule of law, pluralism , development, better standards of living and solidarity,Considering the major changes taking place in the international arena and the desire of all peoples to establish an international order that is based on the principles enshrined in the Charter, including the promotion and development of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all and respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, peace , democracy, justice, equality, rule of law, pluralism, development, higher living standards and solidarity,
    4. Calls upon all States to cooperate fully, through constructive dialogue, in order to ensure the promotion and protection of all human rights for all and in promoting peaceful solutions to international problems of a humanitarian character and, in their actions towards that purpose, to comply strictly with the principles and norms of international law, inter alia, by fully respecting international human rights and humanitarian law;4. Calls upon all States to cooperate fully, through constructive dialogue, in ensuring the promotion and protection of all human rights for all and in promoting peaceful solutions to international problems of a humanitarian nature, and in their actions to achieve this goal to strictly comply with the principles and norms of international law, in particular through full compliance with international human rights and international humanitarian law;
    Taking note with interest of the initiatives taken at the national and international levels in order to end impunity,Noting with interest the initiatives taken at the national and international levels to combat impunity,
    55/107. Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order 55/107. Promoting a democratic and fair international order
    Reaffirming that everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Resolution 217 A (III). can be fully realizedReaffirming that everyone has the right to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Resolution 217 A (III). can be fully realized,
    Considering the major changes taking place on the international scene and the aspirations of all peoples for an international order based on the principles enshrined in the Charter, including promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all and respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, peace, democracy, justice, equality, the rule of law, pluralism, development, better standards of living and solidarity,Considering the major changes taking place in the international arena and the hopes of all peoples for the establishment of an international order based on the principles enshrined in the Charter, including the promotion and development of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all and respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, peace, democracy , justice, equality, legality, pluralism, development, better living conditions and solidarity,
    Resolved, on the eve of a new century and millennium, to take all measures within its power to secure a democratic and equitable international order , Determined, at the turn of the new century and millennium, to take all measures within our means to ensure a democratic and just international order,
    1. Affirms that everyone is entitled to a democratic and equitable international order ; 1. declares that everyone has the right to a democratic and fair international order;
    2. Also affirms that a democratic and equitable international order fosters the full respect for and realization of all human rights for all;2. Also declares that a democratic and just international order promotes full respect and realization of all human rights for all;
    3. Further affirms that a democratic and equitable international order requires, inter alia, the implementation of the following:3. Further declares that the establishment of a democratic and fair international order requires, inter alia, the implementation of the following:
    (e) The promotion of an international economy order based on equal participation in the decision-making process, interdependence, mutual interest, solidarity and cooperation among all States;e) promoting the establishment of an international economic order based on equal participation in decision-making, interdependence, mutual interests, solidarity and cooperation among all states;
    (i) The promotion of a free, just, effective and balanced international information and communication order, based on international cooperation for the establishment of a new equilibrium and greater reciprocity in the international flow of information, in particular, correcting the inequalities in the flow of information to and from developing countries;(i) Promoting a free, fair, efficient and balanced international order in the field of information and communication through international cooperation to bring about a new balance and greater reciprocity in the international flow of information, in particular by eliminating inequalities in the flow of information to and from developing countries;
    7. Recalls the proclamation by the General Assembly of the determination to work urgently for the establishment of a new international economy order based on equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, common interest and cooperation among all States, irrespective of their economic and social systems, which shall correct inequalities and redress existing injustices, make it possible to eliminate the widening gap between the developed and the developing countries and ensure steadily accelerating economic and social development and peace and justice for present and future generations;See resolution 3201 (S-VI).7. Recalls the declared determination of the General Assembly to immediately make efforts to establish a new international economic order based on justice, sovereign equality, interdependence, community of interests and cooperation of all States, regardless of their socio-economic systems, which should eliminate inequalities and end the current existing injustices, to bridge the widening gap between developed and developing countries and to ensure increasingly rapid economic and social development, peace and justice for present and future generations. resolution 3201 (S-VI);
    9. Urges States to continue their efforts, through enhanced international cooperation, towards the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order ; 9. Urges States to continue their efforts, through strengthening international cooperation, towards promoting the establishment of a democratic and just international order;


    1. (ʹɔ:də) n

    1. order, sequence; location, placement ( in a certain order)

    alphabetical ~ - alphabetical (chronological) order

    established ~ - established order

    the ~ of the seasons - sequence / change / of seasons

    the anticipated ~ of the events - the expected sequence of events

    in ~ - in order ( see also 2, 3, 2) And 5}

    line up in ~ of height - line up according to height

    not in the right /regular/ ~ - not in order, not in the usual order

    in ~ of size (merit, importance) - according to size (quality, significance)

    without ~ - in disarray, disorderly

    out of ~ - out of place, in the wrong (location) ( see also 2, 1) And 2), 5}

    he listed the states alphabetically but California was out of ~ - he listed the names of all states alphabetically, and only California was out of place

    2. 1) serviceability, order, good condition

    in (good /working, running/) ~ - in good working order, in good /working/ condition ( see also 1 And 3, 2)}

    your papers are in thorough ~ - your documents are in perfect order

    out of ~ - faulty; not ok ( see also 1 And 2, 2)}

    to get out of ~ - to deteriorate, become unusable; break down

    the watch is out of ~ - the watch is broken

    to put /to set/ in ~ - put in order

    to leave one's affairs in perfect ~ - leave your affairs in perfect order

    2) good (physical) condition

    good (bad) ~ - good (bad) condition

    moral (spiritual) ~ - moral (spiritual) state

    out of ~ - in poor condition ( see also 1, 2, 1) And 5}

    his stomach is out of ~ - he has a sick stomach

    3. 1) order, calm; routine

    public ~ - public order

    ~ of nature - natural order

    to change (to invert) the natural ~ - change (disturb) the natural order / move / ( something)

    to keep ~ - maintain order

    to call to ~ - call to order ( see also 5}

    to maintain (to preserve, to restore, to establish) peace and ~ - support (protect, restore, install) calm and order

    Order! Order! - attention please!; keep order!

    2) compliance with the law, rules

    in ~ - in obedience, in submission, under control ( see also 1, 2, 1) And 5}

    to keep smb. in ~ - to hold smb. subordinate

    keep your dog in ~ - hold your dog

    social ~ - social order

    to ruin the old ~ - destroy / destroy / the old system

    5. order of conduct ( meetings, etc.); rules of procedure, regulations

    ~ of service - serving order ( tennis)

    breach of ~ - violation of regulations

    sessional ~s - parl. rules that remain in force for one session

    standing ~s - parl. rules that remain in force for several sessions ( see also II 1, 1))

    on a point of ~ - according to the procedure, according to the rules of procedure / regulations /

    in ~ - a) in accordance with the rules, with the accepted order, with the current procedure; his question (request) is quite in ~ - his question (request) is quite legitimate; b) appropriate; natural; logical

    is it in ~ for me to ask you? - is it possible/appropriate/ to ask you?

    a visit to the place seemed in ~ - visiting this place seemed quite natural ( see also 1 And 3, 2)}

    out of ~ - a) does not comply with the rules, established order, accepted procedure; to rule the motion out of ~ - do not accept the offer ( for procedural reasons); b) inappropriate, inappropriate

    it was out of ~ to make such a tactless remark - this tactless remark was completely inappropriate

    criticism is not out of ~ - critical comments are allowed ( see also 1}

    to call to ~ - Amer. open meeting ( see also 3, 1)}

    to rise to (a point of) ~ - take the floor to the order of the meeting ( esp. interrupting the speaker)

    6. military construction, construction ( people, ships, planes)

    the ~ - position with the rifle “at the foot”

    battle /fighting/ ~ - battle order ( etc.~ of battle)

    open ~ - open (closed, scattered) build

    marching ~ - a) marching order; b) marching uniform

    ~ in line - deployed formation

    the aircraft flew in close ~ - the planes flew in close formation

    7. mat. order, degree

    relation of ~ - relation of order

    partial ~ - partial order; partial order relation

    8. architect order

    the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian ~s of Greek architecture - Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders of Greek architecture

    9. rare row

    ~ on ~ of sculptured figures - row after row of sculptured figures

    1. 1) order, instruction; instructions

    strict ~ - strict order

    sailing ~s - mor. order to go to sea

    sealed ~s - sealed order

    oral ~ - military verbal order

    standing ~s - military order-instruction ( about a permanent routine) {see also I 5)

    Order in Council - “royal order in council”, government decree

    one"s ~s - Amer. orders received

    by ~ of smb. - according to smb. order /instruction/

    under the ~ of... - under the command...

    under starter"s ~s - sport. in the “start” position

    whose ~s are you under? - under whose command are you?; who is your boss?

    to be under ~s - military a) wait for an appointment; b) receive an order

    ~nisi- legal a court order that is not final ( coming into force from a certain date, unless challenged)

    to give (to receive) ~s - give (receive) orders / orders /

    to issue (to execute) an ~ - issue (execute) an order

    to obey (to follow) ~s - obey (follow) instructions /order/

    my ~s are to let no one into the building - I was ordered not to let anyone into the building

    2) mouth measure, action

    to take ~ with - dispose of

    2. order; permission; pass; countermark

    ~ to view a house - permission to inspect the house

    admission by ~ - entrance with passes

    3. bill of exchange; check

    ~ payable at sight - bill of exchange to bearer

    payable to the ~ of N.- payable on a bill of exchange in the name of N.

    banker "s ~ - bank payment order

    money ~ - money transfer

    conformably to /with/ your ~ - in accordance with your bill

    check to (a person"s) ~ - order check

    to deliver goods upon /by/ ~ - deliver goods by receipt

    his ~ is negotiable - his bill can be assigned

    large ~ - big (significant, small, expensive) order

    repeat ~ - repeat order

    ~s for shoes (for iron, for coal) - orders for shoes (for iron, for coal)

    pressing /rush/ ~ - urgent order

    made to ~ - made to order

    pilot ~ - experimental batch ( products); trial order

    to give an ~ to smb. for smth. - do to smb. order for smth.

    to have smth. on ~ - order smth.

    to do smth. to ~ - to do sth. to order

    to get (to receive, to confirm) an ~ - to receive (accept, confirm) order

    to fill an ~ - fulfill / satisfy / order

    to withdraw (to decline, to cancel) an ~ - withdraw (reject, cancel) order

    to take an ~ for cotton - take an order for cotton

    5. Amer. portion, order ( in a restaurant)

    1. layer of society; social group

    the lower (the higher) ~s - the lower (higher) strata of society

    the clerical ~ - clergy

    the military ~ - military personnel, military

    the ~ of baronets - baronets

    all ~s and degrees of men - people of different classes

    2. military rank; rank, rank

    of the first ~ - highest rank

    3. insignia; order

    Order of the Bath - Order of the Bath

    ~ of Merit - Order of Merit

    Order of the Golden Fleece - Order of the Golden Fleece

    Order of the Garter - Order of the Garter

    to be awarded the ~ of ... - to be awarded the order...

    to wear the ~ of... - wear the order...

    4. gentlemen of the same (and the same) order

    5. knightly or religious order

    monastic ~ - monastic order

    the Franciscan Order - order of the Franciscans

    the Order of Masons - Masonic fraternity

    the Order of Knights Templars - order of the Templars

    6. society, organization ( individuals)

    what societies or ~s do you belong to? - are you a member of any societies? or organizations?

    7. church

    1) a group of clergy

    holy /full/ ~s - clergy

    minor ~s - church servants ( psalm-readers, readers, gatekeepers, etc.)

    the ~ of deacons (of priests, of bishops) - deacons (priests, bishops)

    2) pl ordination

    to be in (to take) ~s - to be (become) a clergyman

    to confer ~s - to ordain, ordain

    3) one of the nine orders of angels

    1. genus, variety; property

    talent of another ~ - talent of a different order

    quite a different ~ of ideas - completely different thoughts

    he had ability of a high ~ - he had excellent abilities

    2. zool. , bot. squad; subclass; order

    3. Amer. style; trend

    the new ~ in automobile designing - new form /new style/, in the design /in the design/ of cars

    4. Amer. agricultural condition of the tobacco leaf, moisture content of the tobacco leaves

    a large ~ - a difficult matter

    a tall ~ - difficult task, excessive demand

    in ~ that - in order to

    come in ~ that you may see him - come (those) to see him

    in ~ to - in order to

    of/in Amer. on/ the ~ of - approximately, about

    his income is in the ~ of 4000 a year - he has an income of about four thousand a year

    a house on the ~ of ours - a house similar to ours

    in short ~ - a) quickly; b) immediately, immediately, immediately

    we had to leave in short ~ - we had to urgently leave / leave /

    to get one "s walking ~s - to be thrown out of work

    to give smb. his marching ~s - a) put someone out. From the job; b) show smb. on the door

    2. (ʹɔ:də) v

    1. to order; dispose of

    to ~ silence - order to be silent; demand silence

    to ~ otherwise - dispose otherwise

    to ~ troops to advance (to retreat) - give the order to troops to advance (to retreat)

    he was ~ed to come - he was told to come

    she was ~ed away (here, out) - she was ordered to leave (come here, leave)

    stop ~ing me around - stop (me) commanding

    to be ~ed abroad - to be sent abroad

    to ~ a player off the field - remove a player from the field

    he was ~ed home - he was sent home

    3. prescribe, prescribe ( medicine, etc.)

    the doctor ~ed her mustard plasters - the doctor prescribed mustard plasters for her

    I was ~ed to stay in bed - I was told to lie in bed

    4. order

    to ~ a new suit - order a new suit

    to ~ dinner - order lunch

    5. tidy up

    to ~ one's affairs (household) - put your affairs in order (household)

    6. arrange, distribute ( in a certain order)

    7. Amer. agricultural condition tobacco leaves

    8. ordain

    9. book predetermine

    ~arms! - military"to the leg!" ( team)

    Translation of words containing ORDER, from English into Russian

    New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan

    orderly man military

    a) orderly;

    b) orderly ( in hospital);

    orderly officer