Methodological development of a "teacher's portfolio" for the highest category.

Certification of teaching staff is carried out in 3 stages: 1) preliminary, 1) written qualification exam, 3) making a decision on suitability for the position held.

Within the framework of this material, we will consider only stage 2 in terms of preparing lesson notes as a form of qualification test, since this is directly related to the specifics of the site. A link to the full text of the document is provided at the beginning of the article.

Preparation of lesson notes as a form of qualification test

There are 2 options for conducting a written qualification test to confirm compliance with the position held (at the choice of the certified teacher):

  1. preparing a summary of a lesson (lesson) on the subject he teaches in the current year;
  2. solving pedagogical situations.

Purpose of the written qualification test: Assessment of the level of development of professional pedagogical competencies, on the basis of which a judgment is made about the suitability of the teacher for the position held.

The teacher's task while writing a lesson summary - demonstrate mastery of the material on the subject being taught and a sufficient level of development of pedagogical competencies that allow him to effectively solve pedagogical problems in the implementation of the curriculum.

Document navigation:

General requirements for writing notes

  1. The teacher is asked to determine in advance the academic subject and program within which the written work will be performed.
  2. When conducting a written qualification test, the teacher is offered instructions containing the purpose of the work, the topic of the lesson on which a summary should be drawn up, and evaluation criteria. If necessary, the teacher has the right to exclude a number of topics presented in the program and, for subjective reasons, not desirable for him (no more than five).
  3. The time given to a certified teacher to write a lesson summary is 1.5 - 2 hours.
  4. The lesson summary should be related to the development of a new topic (new educational material).
  5. The outline involves reflecting the main stages of the lesson: organizational moment, questioning students on the material assigned for homework, explanation of new material, consolidation of educational material, homework assignment. When writing a summary, the teacher can skip certain stages or change the structure of the lesson in accordance with his individual vision of its construction.
  6. The teacher must know in advance the criteria by which his work will be assessed.

In the course of writing a written work, the teacher is asked to reveal the structure and substantive content of the lesson, formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson and its individual stages, demonstrate mastery of methods and techniques for motivating educational activities, organizing the educational activities of students, illustrating this with examples of taking into account the individual characteristics of students and specific characteristics of the class, in which the lesson will be held. The main stages of the lesson and their content are presented in the proposed outline for writing a lesson summary ().

Lesson outline diagram

Table 1.

Stages of workContents of the stage (to be filled in by the teacher)

Organizing time, including:

  • setting a goal that must be achieved by students at this stage of the lesson (what must be done by students in order for their further work in the lesson to be effective)
  • description of methods for organizing students’ work at the initial stage of the lesson, setting students up for learning activities, the subject and topic of the lesson (taking into account the real characteristics of the class with which the teacher works)


  • determining the goals that the teacher sets for students at this stage of the lesson (what result should be achieved by students);
  • determining the goals and objectives that the teacher wants to achieve at this stage of the lesson;
  • description of methods that contribute to solving set goals and objectives;
  • description of the criteria for achieving the goals and objectives of this stage of the lesson;
  • determining possible actions of the teacher if he or the students fail to achieve their goals;
  • a description of methods for organizing joint activities of students, taking into account the characteristics of the class with which the teacher works;
  • description of methods of motivating (stimulating) students' learning activity during the survey;
  • description of methods and criteria for assessing student responses during the survey.

This stage involves:

  • determining the goals and objectives that the teacher sets for himself at this stage of the lesson;
  • presentation of the main provisions of the new educational material that must be mastered by students;
  • description of forms and methods of presentation (presentation) of new educational material;
  • description of the main forms and methods of organizing individual and group activities of students, taking into account the characteristics of the class in which the teacher works;
  • a description of the criteria for determining the level of attention and interest of students in the educational material presented by the teacher;
  • description of methods of motivating (stimulating) students' educational activity during the development of new educational material


  • setting a specific educational goal for students (what result should be achieved by students at this stage of the lesson);
  • determining the goals and objectives that the teacher sets for himself at this stage of the lesson;
  • description of the forms and methods of achieving set goals during the consolidation of new educational material, taking into account the individual characteristics of the students with whom the teacher works.
  • a description of the criteria to determine the degree to which students have mastered new educational material;
  • a description of possible ways and methods of responding to situations when the teacher determines that some students have not mastered the new educational material.

Homework assignment, including:

  • setting independent work goals for students (what students should do while completing homework);
  • determining the goals that the teacher wants to achieve by assigning homework;
  • defining and explaining to students the criteria for successfully completing homework.

Evaluation of written work by an expert

The assessment of written work by an expert is carried out in accordance with the criteria presented in.

Criteria for assessing a teacher’s written work

Table 2.

Evaluated characteristicsCriteria for evaluation

The level of development of a teacher’s competence in the field of setting goals and objectives of teaching activities can be judged by the following criteria:

  • The teacher shares the topic of the lesson and the purpose of the lesson.
  • Goals are formulated in a form understandable to the student.
  • The goals set for students contribute to the formation of positive motivation and increased interest in learning activities.
  • The goals set for students contribute to the organization of individual and group activities.
  • The goals set for students contain criteria that allow them to independently assess the quality of the results obtained.
  • The tasks identified by the teacher specify the goal, representing an intermediate result that contributes to the achievement of the main goal of the lesson.
  • At the initial stage of the lesson, the teacher sets goals and objectives aimed at creating conditions for further effective work in the lesson (organizing the workspace, attracting students’ attention to the upcoming learning activity, the academic subject and topic of the lesson, etc.).
  • The goals and objectives of the survey are educational in nature; they correspond to the subject material presented by the teacher.
  • The goals and objectives set by the teacher contribute to the development of students’ cognitive abilities and the development of socially significant personality traits.
Competence in the field of motivating students

The level of development of a teacher’s competence in the field of motivating students to carry out educational activities can be judged based on the following criteria:

  • The teacher demonstrates to students the possibilities of using the knowledge they have mastered in practice.
  • The teacher demonstrates knowledge of techniques and methods aimed at developing student interest in the subject being taught and the topic of the lesson.
  • The teacher uses knowledge about the interests and needs of students in organizing educational activities, when setting educational goals and objectives, choosing methods and forms of work, etc.
  • The teacher uses pedagogical assessment as a method of increasing students' learning activity and learning motivation.
  • The teacher plans to use a variety of activities to make the students feel successful.
  • The teacher gives students the opportunity to independently pose and solve problems within the framework of the topic being studied.
Competence in the field of information basis of pedagogical activity

This competence consists of the following components: competence in the subject of teaching, competence in teaching methods, competence in the subjective conditions of activity.

Teacher competence in the subject of teaching reflects level of proficiency in educational material on the subject and can be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • When writing notes, the teacher demonstrates knowledge of the subject being taught.
  • The teacher is well versed in various sources (textbooks, educational and teaching aids, media aids, modern digital educational resources, etc.) on the subject taught, and can provide links to suitable sources.
  • When presenting the basic material on the subject in written work, the teacher reveals the connection of the new topic with previous and future topics in the taught subject.
  • The teacher sees and reveals the connection of his subject with other subjects of the school curriculum, the connection of theoretical knowledge with practical activities in which they are used.
  • The teacher presents the material in a form accessible to students in accordance with didactic principles.

Teacher competence in teaching methods reflects the methodological competence of the teacher, including mastery of modern information and communication technologies. The level of development of this competence can be judged based on the following criteria:

  • The teacher demonstrates mastery of modern teaching methods.
  • The methods presented in the notes correspond to the set goals and objectives, the content of the subject being studied, the topic of the lesson, the conditions and time allotted for studying the topic.
  • The teacher demonstrates the ability to work with various information resources and software and methodological systems, modern information and communication technologies, computer and multimedia technologies, and digital educational resources.

About the level of development teacher competence in subjective conditions of activity can be judged based on the following criteria:

  • When setting goals, choosing forms and methods of motivating and organizing educational activities, the teacher focuses on the individual characteristics and specifics of the relationships of students.
  • The methods presented in the summary are selected in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the students with whom he works.
  • The teacher plans work in such a way as to obtain information about the level of mastery of educational material by various students.
  • The teacher demonstrates mastery of methods of working with low-performing students.
Competence in curriculum development and pedagogical decision making

This competence consists of the following components: the ability to select and implement standard educational programs, the ability to develop your own program, methodological and didactic materials, the ability to make decisions in pedagogical situations.

About the level of development ability to select and implement standard educational programs, as well as develop your own program, methodological and didactic materials, taking into account the requirements of the main regulatory documents, can be judged based on the following criteria:

  • When preparing for a lesson, the teacher takes into account the requirements of the main regulatory documents that determine the content and results of educational activities in the subject: the state educational standard, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, basic educational programs of educational institutions, the content of the main textbooks and educational complexes on the taught subject, approved or recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, basic curricula, teaching materials, methodological and didactic materials on the subject taught, etc.
  • The lesson summary is compiled taking into account the pace of learning by students.
  • The lesson outline is compiled taking into account the stage-by-stage development (continuity) of educational material within the framework of the taught subject and program.
  • The teacher demonstrates the ability to make changes to existing didactic and methodological materials in order to achieve better results.
  • The teacher uses independently developed software, methodological or didactic materials on the subject.

About the level of development decision making skills in pedagogical situations can be judged based on the following criteria:

  • The teacher demonstrates the ability to argue for the solutions he proposes.
  • Pedagogical decisions reflected in written work are distinguished by their validity and appropriateness.
  • The teacher demonstrates the ability to adequately change the strategy of action if it is not possible to achieve the set goals.
Competence in the field of organizing educational activities.

The level of development of a teacher’s competence in the field of organizing educational activities can be judged based on the following criteria:

  • The teacher sets goals and objectives that structure and organize the activities of students at each stage of the lesson.
  • The teacher knows methods of organizing individual and joint activities of students aimed at solving set goals and objectives.
  • The teacher demonstrates mastery of methods and techniques for creating a working atmosphere in the classroom and maintaining discipline.
  • The teacher demonstrates the ability to establish cooperative relationships with students and the ability to conduct dialogue with them.
  • The teacher uses methods that encourage students to reason independently.
  • The teacher demonstrates the ability to incorporate new material into the system of students’ already mastered knowledge.
  • The teacher demonstrates the ability to organize students to search for additional information necessary to solve an educational problem (books, computer and media aids, digital educational resources, etc.).
  • The teacher can precisely formulate the criteria on the basis of which he evaluates student responses.
  • The teacher shows students the criteria based on which their answers are assessed.
  • The teacher knows how to combine methods of pedagogical assessment, mutual assessment and self-assessment of students.
  • The teacher uses methods that promote the formation of self-assessment skills of students' learning activities.

Note: the level of proficiency in educational material is assessed in accordance with the criteria presented within the framework of competence in the field of the information basis of pedagogical activity.

The expert makes a judgment about the level of development of each of the competencies within each stage of the lesson. The experts' judgments are entered into the table for assessing the teacher's written work, presented below ().

Scheme for assessing a teacher’s written work

Table 3.

CompetenciesIn the area of ​​personality. qualitiesIn the field of setting goals and objectives of teaching activities∑+
Quantity ratings
Lesson steps
Organizing time
Survey of students on homework assignments
Learning new educational material
Reinforcing educational material
Homework assignment
∑+ (sum+) / Quant. ratings
Bottom line Average value based on assessments of basic pedagogical competencies

During a qualitative assessment, the expert analyzes the outline presented by the teacher, considering each stage of the lesson in turn.

As part of the analysis of each stage of the lesson, the expert makes a judgment about the satisfactory or unsatisfactory level of development of certain basic pedagogical competencies. He enters the corresponding judgments into a table (), denoting them with a “+” sign in the case of a positive assessment or a “-” sign in the case of a negative one. The expert makes judgments only about those competencies that can be assessed in one or another part of the lesson. Not every lesson stage allows you to assess all competencies, so some of the table cells may remain blank. The expert makes his assessments based on the criteria for assessing written work presented in.

Processing of results (formula and data interpretation)

Based on the assessment results, all positive assessments are summed up separately for each of the basic pedagogical competencies and for each of their lesson stages. The resulting amount is divided by the total number of grades for the relevant competency or lesson stage.

If the final score is >=0.5, one can judge the satisfactory level of development of the corresponding indicator. If this score<0,5, уровень развития соответствующего показателя является неудовлетворительным.

The main assessments are those that reflect the level of development of basic pedagogical competencies. Based on them, the final score is calculated, which is the average value based on assessments of basic pedagogical competencies.

It is calculated using the following formula:

Where: PS- indicator of suitability for the position held

BOD- assessments on basic pedagogical competencies.

The final score can vary from 0 to 1 point. It is interpreted as follows:

From 0.5 to 1 point- suitability for the position held: the teacher has demonstrated mastery of the basic content of the subject and mastery of basic pedagogical competencies.

From 0 to 0.49 points- inconsistency with the position held: the teacher has not demonstrated knowledge of the subject and does not have sufficient basic pedagogical competencies.

Final assessments for each stage of the lesson are auxiliary and serve to prepare a high-quality expert opinion on the certified teacher, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of his activities for the purpose of subsequent development of individual professional development programs.

An example of assessing a teacher’s written work is presented in.

An example of assessing a teacher’s written work

Table 4.

CompetenciesIn the area of ​​personality. qualitiesIn the field of setting goals and objectives of teaching activitiesIn the field of motivation for educational activitiesIn the field of providing the information basis for activitiesIn the field of developing activity programs and making pedagogical decisionsIn the field of organization educational activities∑+
Quantity estimated
Lesson steps
Organizing time + + - + 0,75
Survey of students on homework assignments - - + + 0,5
Explanation of new educational material - - + + + 0,5
Reinforcing educational material + - - + + - 0,5
Homework assignment + + - 0,66
∑+ / Quant. ratings 0,66 0,4 0,4 1 0,66 0,75
Bottom line 0.645 - suitability for the position held

Expert opinion

Based on the results of assessing the written work, the expert writes a conclusion in which, based on the presented criteria (Table 2) and the final table of assessments (), he must reflect:

Level of proficiency in educational material: how fully the given topic of the lesson is covered.

Level of development of basic pedagogical competencies.

The effectiveness of the teacher’s work at individual stages of the lesson.

Based on the results of the expert assessment, proposals can be developed for an individual professional development program aimed at developing the most poorly represented pedagogical competencies.

It is important to note that making a decision about inadequacy for the position held is not irreversible for a teacher. In this case, the employer can provide training, advanced training for such a teacher and re-pass the certification procedure.

Answers to common questions

1. The methodology offers a significant number of criteria for assessing the lesson notes. How to use them?

These criteria allow for a detailed analysis of the presented notes from the point of view of the teacher’s mastery of the relevant subject content and basic competencies. Since the assessment of the lesson notes does not involve a score for each of the elements, the presented criteria can be considered as an important guideline for assessing and making recommendations. Let us remind you that the lesson notes are assessed by an expert using the “yes/no” system. “Yes” - compliance with the position held: the teacher has demonstrated mastery of the basic content of the subject and mastery of basic pedagogical competencies (the ability to set goals and objectives and effectively organize educational and pedagogical activities aimed at achieving them). “No” - inconsistency with the position held: the teacher has not demonstrated knowledge of the subject and does not have basic pedagogical competencies.

As a result of the certification, based on the presented criteria, the teacher is given recommendations for the development of those aspects that were not presented in the written qualifying work.

2. If in the lesson notes the teacher focused all his attention on revealing the content of the taught subject and practically did not demonstrate mastery of basic pedagogical competencies, then what conclusion should the experts make about his suitability for the position held?

A negative decision may be more likely to be made in the case where the teacher demonstrated an anti-pedagogical position when preparing the lesson notes.

Expert assessment of a teacher’s methodological development for compliance with the highest qualification category. Methodological development is a manual that reveals the forms, means, methods of teaching, elements of modern pedagogical technologies or the technologies themselves about teaching and upbringing in relation to a specific lesson topic, curriculum topic, course teaching in general . Methodological development can be both individual and collective work. It is aimed at professional and pedagogical improvement of a teacher or master of industrial training or the quality of training in educational specialties. Methodological development can be: * development of a specific lesson; * development of a series of lessons; * development of the program topic: * development of a private (author's) method of teaching the subject; * development of a general methodology for teaching subjects; * development of new forms, methods or means of training and education; * developments related to changes in the material and technical conditions of teaching the subject. There are quite serious requirements for methodological development. Therefore, before you start writing it, you must: 1. Carefully choose the topic for development. The topic must be relevant, known to the teacher, and the teacher must have accumulated some experience on this topic. 2. Determine the purpose of methodological development. 3. Carefully study the literature, teaching aids, positive experience on the chosen topic. 4. Draw up a plan and determine the structure of methodological development. 5. Determine the directions for future work. When starting work on drawing up a methodological development, it is necessary to clearly define its purpose. For example, the goal may be the following: determining the forms and methods of studying the content of the topic; disclosure of experience in conducting lessons on studying a particular topic of the curriculum; description of the types of activities of the teacher and students; description of the methodology for using modern technical and information teaching aids; connecting theory with practice in the classroom; use of modern pedagogical technologies or their elements in lessons, etc. Requirements for methodological development: 1. The content of methodological development must clearly correspond to the topic and purpose. 2. The content of methodological development should be such that teachers can obtain information about the most rational organization of the educational process, the effectiveness of methods and teaching techniques, forms of presentation of educational material, and the use of modern technical and information teaching aids. 3. Author's (private) methods should not repeat the content of textbooks and educational programs, describe the phenomena and technical objects being studied, or cover issues presented in general pedagogical literature. 4. The material should be systematized and presented as simply and clearly as possible. 5. The language of methodological development should be clear, concise, competent, and convincing. The terminology used must correspond to the pedagogical thesaurus. 6. Recommended methods, teaching techniques, forms and means of teaching should be substantiated by references to your teaching experience. 7. Methodological development must take into account the specific material and technical conditions of the educational process. 8. Orient the organization of the educational process towards the widespread use of active forms and methods of teaching. 9. Methodological development should address the question “How to teach.” 10. Must contain specific materials that a teacher can use in his work (task cards, UPD samples, lesson plans, instructions for laboratory work, diagram cards, tests, level-by-level tasks, etc.). Structure of methodological development General structure: 1 Abstract. 2. Contents. 3. Introduction. 4. Main part. 5. Conclusion. 6. List of sources used. 7. Applications. The annotation (3-4 sentences) briefly indicates what problem the methodological development is devoted to, what issues it reveals, and to whom it may be useful. The introduction (1-2 pages) reveals the relevance of this work, i.e. the author answers the question why he chose this topic and what is its place in the content of education. Methodological development of the program topic The main part may consist of the following sections: * characteristics of the topic; * planning the study of the topic; * recommendations on the organization and methodology of studying the topic. The characteristics of the topic indicate: - Educational goals and objectives of the topic; - Planning the topic and the number of hours allocated to study it; - Knowledge and skills that students must acquire or improve; - Place and role of the topic in the course; - Connection with previous or subsequent material, as well as intra-subject and inter-subject connections; - A didactic analysis of the content of the material is given; - The levels of study and assimilation of educational material are highlighted; - A comparative analysis of the quality of teaching using the proposed methodology with the methodology that was used by the teacher before using the proposed methodological development is possible. When planning a training topic, you must: 1. Think over the methodology for teaching the topic. 2. Select examples, illustrations, outline laboratory and practical classes, tests, excursions, etc. 3. Highlight the main issues that students must firmly grasp. 4. Analyze the educational capabilities of the educational material and the methodology used. In conclusion (1-2 pages) sums up the problematic issues that were posed by the teacher when starting to compile the methodological development. The structure of the methodological development of a theoretical teaching lesson. The main part can be divided into the following sections: 1. Methodological justification of the topic. 2. Methodological recommendations for conducting a lesson. 3. Lesson plan (with technological map). 4. Didactic material for the lesson (may not be included in the form of attachments). 5. List of literature (sources) for students. 6. List of literature for teachers. Recommended lesson plan: 1. Topic of the program. 2. Lesson topic. 3. Lesson type. 4. Type of lesson. 5. The goal is methodological. 6. Goals of education (training, upbringing, development). 7. Material and technical support of the lesson. 8. Intersubject and intrasubject connections. Approximate technological map of a lesson: Didactic structure of a lesson Methodological substructure of a lesson Signs of solving didactic problems Teaching methods Form of activity Methodological techniques and their content Teaching aids Methods of organizing activities The type of lesson is determined by the purpose of organizing the lesson, i.e. the purpose of its implementation. Type of theoretical training lessons (according to M.I. Makhmutov): * Lesson on studying new educational material. * Lesson to improve knowledge, skills and abilities. * Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge. * Lesson of control of knowledge, skills and abilities. * Combined. Types of practical training lessons (according to M.I. Makhmutov): * Lesson on the initial formation of skills. * Lesson on improving skills and abilities. * Lesson on completing complex tasks (works). The type of lesson is determined by the form of joint activity between the teacher and students, which dominates the lesson: 1. Lecture. 2. Conversation. 3. Independent work. 4. Practical work. 5. Laboratory work. 6. Conference. 7. Seminar. 8. Test. 9. Test. 10. Business game. 11. Excursion. 12. Mixed (several types of activities of approximately the same duration). The didactic structure of the lesson includes the following didactic tasks: 1. Motivation and stimulation of students’ activities, target setting, activation of the necessary knowledge. 2. Formation of new concepts and methods of action. 3. Application of concepts and methods of action. It is most effective when all three didactic tasks are solved in a lesson, but it can be different (this depends on the goals and type of lesson). Didactic methods (according to I.Ya. Lerner) 1. Information-receptive. 2. Reproductive. 3. Problematic: problematic presentation; heuristic; research. The form of activity depends on the method and methodological techniques used. For example: conversation, independent work, working with a book, watching a video, etc. Ways of organizing the activities of the teacher and students (according to Molchan L.L.): 1. Frontal. 2. Individual. 3. Pairs. 4. Collective. The goals of education are divided into the goals of training (formation of knowledge, skills and abilities), education (formation of views, beliefs, personality traits) and development (development of interests, thinking, speech, will, etc.). The methodological goal for each lesson involves creating conditions for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities; development of abilities; education of personality traits, etc. If the lesson is open, then the methodological goal depends on the purpose of inviting colleagues to this lesson. General requirements for the design of methodological development. 1. The total volume of methodological development must be at least 24 sheets of computer text (font 14). If the methodological development is the development of one lesson, then at least 10 sheets. 2. The volume of the main content is at least half of the entire manuscript. 3. The volume of applications is not limited, but they must correspond to the text (links to them in the text are required). 4. References to used literature in the text should be given in square brackets. 5. The list of sources used should contain 10-15 names. If the development is only practical in nature and does not require theoretical references, then the list of sources used can be omitted. 6. The number and volume of sections is not limited. Approximate scheme of methodological development: 1. Name of development. 2. Name and form of the event. 3. An explanatory note, which indicates the objectives of the event, the proposed method of implementation, the age of the children for whom the event is designed, the conditions for its implementation. 4. Equipment, design (technical means, text options, title and authors of musical works used in the script). 5. Methodological advice for the preparatory period (correct distribution of assignments). 6. Scenario plan, course of the event. 7. Scenario of the event, where all compositional plot parts, links to authors and names of sources with page indications are observed. 8. Methodological advice to organizers and directors (where it is better to hold the event, design options, ways to create an emotional mood, warnings against mistakes). 9. Methodological advice for the immediate aftereffect period (how to summarize, what to do to consolidate the result, etc.). 10. List of references. 11. Author of the development, position, place of work.

1. /Variable forms of certification of teaching staff/author’s curriculum.docx
2. /Variable forms of certification of teaching staff/master.docx
3. /Variable forms of certification of teaching staff/methodological development of a teacher.docx
4. /Variable forms of certification of teaching staff/experimental development.docx
5. /Variable forms of certification of teaching staff/pedagogical concept of a teacher.docx
6. /Variable forms of certification of teaching staff/pedagogical project.docx
7. /Variable forms of certification of teaching staff/textbook.docx
Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”
Expert assessment of the master class for compliance with the highest qualification category
Expert assessment of a teacher’s methodological development for compliance with the highest qualification category
Experimental work program
Pedagogical concept (in the middle of the sheet)
Expert assessment of a pedagogical project for compliance with the highest qualification category Problem
Expert assessment of a teaching aid developed by a teacher

Expert reviewteacher's methodological development

for compliance

highest qualification category

Methodological development is a manual that reveals the forms, means, methods of teaching, elements of modern pedagogical technologies or the technologies themselves about teaching and upbringing in relation to a specific lesson topic, curriculum topic, and teaching the course as a whole.

Methodological development can be both individual and collective work. It is aimed at professional and pedagogical improvement of a teacher or master of industrial training or the quality of training in educational specialties.

Methodological development can be:

  • developing a specific lesson;

  • developing a series of lessons;

  • development of the program theme:

  • development of a private (author's) method of teaching the subject;

  • development of a general methodology for teaching subjects;

  • development of new forms, methods or means of training and education;

  • developments related to changes in the material and technical conditions of teaching the subject.
There are quite serious requirements for methodological development. Therefore, before you start writing it, you must:

  1. Carefully approach the choice of development topic. The topic must be relevant, known to the teacher, and the teacher must have accumulated some experience on this topic.

  2. Determine the purpose of methodological development.

  3. Carefully study the literature, teaching aids, and positive experiences on the chosen topic.

  4. Draw up a plan and determine the structure of methodological development.

  5. Determine the directions for future work.
When starting work on drawing up a methodological development, it is necessary to clearly define its purpose. For example, the goal may be the following: determining the forms and methods of studying the content of the topic; disclosure of experience in conducting lessons on studying a particular topic of the curriculum; description of the types of activities of the teacher and students; description of the methodology for using modern technical and information teaching aids; connecting theory with practice in the classroom; use of modern pedagogical technologies or their elements in lessons, etc.

Requirements for methodological development:

4. The material should be systematized and presented as simply and clearly as possible.

5. The language of methodological development should be clear, concise, competent, and convincing. The terminology used must correspond to the pedagogical thesaurus.

7. Methodological development must take into account the specific material and technical conditions of the educational process.

8. Orient the organization of the educational process towards the widespread use of active forms and methods of teaching.

9. Methodological development should address the question “How to teach.”

10. Must contain specific materials that a teacher can use in his work (task cards, UPD samples, lesson plans, instructions for laboratory work, diagram cards, tests, level-by-level tasks, etc.).

Structure of methodological development

General structure:

1 Abstract.

3. Introduction.

4. Main part.

5. Conclusion.

6. List of sources used.

7. Applications.

The annotation (3-4 sentences) briefly indicates what problem the methodological development is devoted to, what issues it reveals, and to whom it may be useful.

The introduction (1-2 pages) reveals the relevance of this work, i.e. the author answers the question why he chose this topic and what is its place in the content of education.

Methodological development of the program theme

The main part may consist of the following sections:

  • characteristics of the topic;

  • planning the study of the topic;

  • recommendations on the organization and methodology of studying the topic.
The topic description indicates:

Educational goals and objectives of the topic;

Planning the topic and the number of hours allocated to study it;

Knowledge and skills that students must acquire or improve;

Place and role of the topic in the course;

Connection with previous or subsequent material, as well as intra-subject and inter-subject connections;

A didactic analysis of the content of the material is given;

The levels of study and assimilation of educational material are highlighted;

A comparative analysis of the quality of teaching using the proposed methodology with the methodology that was used by the teacher before using the proposed methodological development is possible.

When planning a training topic, it is necessary:

1. Think over the methodology for teaching the topic.

2. Select examples, illustrations, outline laboratory and practical classes, tests, excursions, etc.

3. Highlight the main issues that students must firmly grasp.

4. Analyze the educational capabilities of the educational material and the methodology used.

IN conclusion(1-2 pages) summarizes the problematic issues that were posed by the teacher when starting to compile a methodological development.

The structure of the methodological development of a theoretical training lesson.

The main part includes the following sections:

  1. Methodological justification of the topic.

  2. Methodological recommendations for conducting a lesson.

  3. Lesson plan (with technological map).

  4. Didactic material for the lesson (may not be included in the form of attachments).

  5. List of literature (sources) for students.

  6. List of literature for teachers.
Recommended Lesson Plan:

1. Theme of the program.

2. Lesson topic.

3. Lesson type.

4. Type of lesson.

5. The goal is methodological.

6. Goals of education (training, upbringing, development).

7. Material and technical support of the lesson.

8. Intersubject and intrasubject connections.
Approximate technological map of the lesson:

The type of lesson is determined by the purpose of organizing the lesson, i.e. the purpose of its implementation.

Type of theoretical training lessons (according to M.I. Makhmutov):

  • Lesson on learning new educational material.

  • Lesson to improve knowledge, skills and abilities.

  • Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

  • Lesson of control of knowledge, skills and abilities.

  • Combined.
Types of practical training lessons (according to M.I. Makhmutov):

  • Lesson on the initial formation of skills and abilities.

  • Lesson on improving skills and abilities.

  • Lesson on completing complex tasks (works).
The type of lesson is determined by the form of joint activity between the teacher and students, which dominates the lesson:

  1. Lecture.

  2. Conversation.

  3. Independent work.

  4. Practical work.

  5. Laboratory work.

  6. Conference.

  7. Seminar.

  8. Test.

  9. Test.

  10. Business game.

  11. Excursion.

  12. Mixed (several types of activities of approximately the same time).
The didactic structure of the lesson includes the following didactic tasks:

  1. Motivation and stimulation of student activity, goal setting, activation of necessary knowledge.

  2. Formation of new concepts and methods of action.

  3. Application of concepts and methods of action.
It is most effective when all three didactic tasks are solved in a lesson, but it can be different (this depends on the goals and type of lesson).

Didactic methods (according to I.Ya. Lerner)

1. Information-receptive.

2. Reproductive.

3. Problematic: problematic presentation; heuristic; research.

The form of activity depends on the method and methodological techniques used. For example: conversation, independent work, working with a book, watching a video, etc.

Ways to organize the activities of the teacher and students (according to Molchan L.L.):

1. Frontal.

2. Individual.

3. Pairs.

4. Collective.

The goals of education are divided into the goals of training (formation of knowledge, skills and abilities), education (formation of views, beliefs, personality traits) and development (development of interests, thinking, speech, will, etc.).

The methodological goal for each lesson involves creating conditions for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities; development of abilities; education of personality traits, etc. If the lesson is open, then the methodological goal depends on the purpose of inviting colleagues to this lesson.

General requirements for the design of methodological development.

  1. The total volume of methodological development must be at least 24 sheets of computer text (font 14). If the methodological development is the development of one lesson, then at least 10 sheets.

  2. The volume of the main content is at least half of the entire manuscript.

  3. The volume of applications is not limited, but they must correspond to the text (links to them in the text are required).

  4. References to used literature in the text should be given in square brackets.

  5. The list of sources used should contain 10-15 names. If the development is only practical in nature and does not require theoretical references, then the list of sources used can be omitted.

  6. The number and volume of sections is not limited.
Approximate scheme of methodological development:

1. Name of the development.

2. Name and form of the event.

3. An explanatory note, which indicates the objectives of the event, the proposed method of implementation, the age of the children for whom the event is designed, the conditions for its implementation.

4. Equipment, design (technical means, text options, title and authors of musical works used in the script).

5. Methodological advice for the preparatory period

(correct distribution of orders).

6. Scenario plan, course of the event.

7. Scenario of the event, where all compositional plot parts, links to authors and names of sources with page indications are observed.

8. Methodological advice to organizers and directors (where it is better to hold the event, design options, ways to create an emotional mood, warnings against mistakes).

9. Methodological advice for the immediate aftereffect period (how to summarize, what to do to consolidate the result, etc.).


Title page

List of main sections of the portfolio with pages:

    Criterion 2 – “Ensuring improved quality of education based on the effective use of modern educational technologies, improvement of teaching and educational methods” 4 page

    2 .1.1.My pedagogical philosophy.

    4 p.

    2.1.2. Justification for the choice of educational programs.

    7 pages

    Criterion 2 – “High results of students mastering educational programs” 24 pages.

    2 .2.1. Dynamics of students' educational achievements

    24 pp.

    2.2.2. Results of extracurricular activities of students

    26 pp.

    2.2.3. The results of the teacher’s activities in the field of socialization of students

    30 pp.

    2.2.4. Cognitive activity of students in the subject

    33 pp.

    3.1. Innovative activities of teaching staff

    40 pp.

    3.2. Results of dissemination of own teaching experience

    45 pp.

    3.3. Methodical work

    45 pp.

    Criterion 4 – “Professional and personal achievements of the teacher”

    4.1. Training

    50 pp.

    4.2. Certified achievements of a teaching worker

    51 pp.

    6. Supporting materials:

    1. 6.1. Copy of diploma

      6.2. Copy of the certification sheet

    1. 6.3. Lesson summary “General lesson on the topic “Stalinist modernization” in 9th grade (city competition), (see disk)

    1. 6.4. Development of an extracurricular event on the topic “So it was...”, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of BAM (see disk)

    1. 6.5. Lesson summary “Cult of personality. Mass repression" in 11th grade (see disk)

    1. 6.6. Feedback from colleagues, students, parents of students about the activities of the teaching staff (results of surveys, questionnaires).

    1. 6.7. Copy of work book

      6.8. Copy of divorce certificate

    1. 6.9. Copy of marriage certificate

    7. Self-assessment sheet.

    8. Expert assessment sheet.

    9. Petition (feedback) of the head of the educational institution.



Information about the certified employee:

Full NameKrylova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Place of work,position and date of appointment:municipal educational budgetary institution secondary school No. 6 of Tynda, Amur region , a history teacher; 08/25/1997

Professional education of a teaching worker:Higher. Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University in 1997, majoring in history, qualified as a teacher.

Total work experience: 20 years 5 months.

Teaching experience: 18 years 5 months.

Work experience in this position at this school: 16 years 7 months.

Previous qualification categories, their validity periods:

Availability of an academic degree: -

Contact phone numbers:office phone: 56-55-261, cell phone: 8-914-56-01-047

E-mail address:niutik0612@ mail. ru


N.N. Kuznetsova




Criterion 1 - “Ensuring the improvement of the quality of education based on the effective use of modern educational technologies, improving teaching and educational methods”

A bad teacher teaches the truth

a good one teaches you to find it.

A. Diesterweg

2.1.1. My educational philosophy.

Many thousands of years ago, God saw that the vices of people were multiplying and decided to help them himself. He called the high Spirits and said: “People have lost their way. What should I do? one of the Spirits proposed to inspire a prophetic dream on people, another - to send manna from heaven, the third - water from God. And only the fourth High Spirit said: “Put into every person a thirst for knowledge and give them a teacher.”

Every person at some point has to answer the questions: why do I live, what is dear to me, what is important, what can’t I do without? Reflecting on my path in life, I understand perfectly well that I cannot draw the line where my work ends and my personal life begins. This is probably my philosophy, my road, calling and leading to the happiness of teaching work, to endless life in the souls of my students. I'am a teacher!

Everything has its origins. The source, the life-giving spring of my pedagogical research, success and devotion to my chosen path was 1997, when I came to get a job. Who would have thought that this fateful meeting would change my whole life! But I had a dream that remained an unattainable dream... Maybe this is the joy of life, that not everything comes true, that you can dream in your soul, while remaining a child, and believe in a wonderful world without difficulties and problems? I had a choice. Life brought me together with wonderful people and professionals in their field - Lyubov Borisovna Shestak and Lyudmila Ivanovna Mastyugina. They taught me a lot, invested a piece of their soul and knowledge, they believed in me! A person feels confident, needed and significant when they believe in him, when they don’t tear him apart for mistakes or mistakes, but point them out and help him correct and overcome everything. And they helped and continue to help me. Everything I have achieved is thanks to them - my life-giving keys!

Like my mentors, I believe that the success of the school depends on the teacher, who must be a master of his craft and master the art of teaching perfectly. A school is a whole close-knit team of like-minded people, it’s each individual teacher and everyone taken together at once, it’s one big family, where joys and hardships are shared by everyone, where everyone walks shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, towards a great goal - raising children! It was my beloved teachers and mentors who revealed to me that friendly participation, lively, confidential communication with children is, perhaps, one of the main conditions for success and satisfaction from one’s work. A teacher should not “work with children,” but “live with them,” “share joys and sorrows, ups and downs, avoiding falsehood in relationships.”

The ancient Greek scientist Plato said: “If the shoemaker is a bad master, then the state will not suffer from this - the citizens will have slightly worse shoes, but if the teacher of children performs his duties poorly, then entire generations of ignorant and bad people will appear in the country.” What responsibility to society did the great sage place on the teacher!

Teaching is charisma, plus work, plus a protracted childhood. It requires a special character, takes up all a person’s time and, like the Kingdom of God, promises grace somewhere out there, in the foreseeable future. A teacher must sacrifice a lot and still be able to enjoy it. Ideally, it is not a person who chooses the teaching profession, but vice versa. The teachers found Korczak and Pirogov among the doctors. And St. Peter is among the fishermen. He denied three times, but gave in.

If we count the number of scientific terms, definitions, technologies, methods and systems introduced into pedagogy, we can confidently say that this science is now experiencing its greatest rise. And soon the country will literally be filled with giants of thought.

Not a single method, even an extremely ingenious one, can protect a child from a situation of failure in learning and in philistine philosophy. But the Teacher can restore the child’s faith in himself and in the world.

Years of working at school helped me to conclude: only someone who is passionate about something can inspire others. We must remember that our attitude towards our teaching is passed on to our children. A child cannot be deceived. He is very sensitive to falsehood and hypocrisy. I think that a teacher’s authority does not depend on the number of correct answers to tricky questions, at least not only on this. Having the courage to admit the limitations of one’s own knowledge is not evidence that the teacher is in search, he is also learning and doing it together with the student.

The posturing of a teacher who excitedly talks about morality, but in reality does not follow her examples in his relationship with his student, immediately arouses contempt among children. You cannot flirt with them, you need to respect and trust them.

What does it mean for me to be a teacher? Not an opportunity to teach children something, but to communicate with them every day, discovering new things. Children change, and I change along with them. I like to talk about the world through the eyes of children. Find joy and satisfaction in this. Think about your students. Empathize with their successes and failures. Bear responsibility for them, remembering what Lyubov Borisovna taught - Do no harm!

Yes, for me “teacher” is a profession, social position, hobby, work... For me, being a teacher means living. To paraphrase V.S. Vysotsky, I can say:

I don't like fatality

I never get tired of life

I don't like any time of year

When I spend it uselessly...

My time has come - Collect stones! Nowadays, much is so vulgarized, simplified and profane that it is absurd to assume that everything can be corrected by simply pressing a button. “I’ll press the button, the tape recorder will play, Beethoven’s music will sound - and you will turn into a cultured…” Only patience, small steps, joy from any, even tiny victory - together, hand in hand, a teacher can lead a child to Beethoven. If we slowly but surely do our job, think for ourselves and teach others to think, work, believing that they, our students, are still nice, decent and promising young people, we will help them become so.

The teacher remains in moral opposition to mass duping. “In a real tragedy, it is not the hero who dies - the chorus dies.” (I. Brodsky. from the Nobel lecture). Our job is to protect the choir. Our teachers taught us this. This is the only thing we can and must do.

It’s time to collect everything that I was taught and pass on the experience to others, as my dear mentors, my life-giving keys of life, did.

And my philosophy as a teacher is

A humane world to create with intelligence and beauty.

Then “wonderful discoveries” are the right path

Let him take the children to the future world of dreams!

2.1.2. Justification for choosing educational programs

The future of the school is not determined by the president of a particular country, not by the minister of education, or even by the teacher. Each participant in the educational process decides for himself whether to keep up with the future or...

The 21st century - the century of industrialization and informatization - sets new tasks and goals for the teacher.

    In modern world(intensive development of technology, space, nanotechnology, information and communication technologies)The education system should develop new qualities in students - initiative, innovation, mobility, flexibility, dynamism and constructiveness. In light of modern requirements, a professional must have a desire for self-education throughout his life, master new technologies and understand the possibilities of their use, be able to make independent decisions and be responsible for them to society and the state, adapt to the social and future professional sphere, solve problems and work in a team, be prepared for overload, stressful situations and be able to quickly overcome them, share the values ​​of a safe and healthy lifestyle.

In order to form a competent graduate in all potentially significant areas of vocational education and life itself, it is necessary to use active teaching methods and technologies that develop, first of all, the cognitive, communicative and personal activity of current schoolchildren.

In order for a teacher to be able to solve the problems of implementing the model of a 11th century graduate and making him competitive in the modern world, the teacher, in addition to knowledge of his subject and love for children, must have a number of significant qualities, such as: professionalism, competence, culture, discipline, hard work, creativity, communication , activity, erudition, passion, intelligence, decency, tact, listening skills, kindness, sense of humor, justice.

Main tasks I consider my teaching activity:

    development of interests, abilities, thinking, attention, imagination, memory, feelings, will, cognitive, research and practical skills; since developed thinking and other abilities allow a school graduate to expand his knowledge and improve himself;

    the formation of abilities for self-education, the need and skills for self-learning, in the use of information, since in the modern era knowledge quickly becomes outdated, and there is a need for the ability and willingness to constantly learn independently;

    creating a “success situation” for each student, taking into account his individual level of development.

    Formation of civil-patriotic consciousness, development of a sense of involvement in the destinies of the Fatherland, formation of a moral position.

    creating conditions for the formation of methods of scientific knowledge and the formation on this basis of ideas about the geopolitical picture of the world;

    ensuring the necessary level of assimilation of systematized knowledge in history and social studies, which will determine the adaptation of students to further education and life;

    formation of worldview, moral, aesthetic and other values ​​and qualities;

    formation of knowledge about the basics of production and labor organization in industry and management, development of skills in using technical devices.

In order to solve all the tasks, in addition to the personal qualities of the teacher, the material and technical base of the classroom is also necessary. At the moment, I am the head of the office-museum “The Highway of My Childhood,” which has all the necessary demonstration equipment for studying history and social studies. The office is equipped with a mobile computer class, a projector, an interactive whiteboard, the necessary digital educational resources, maps, tables and diagrams, and there is an Internet connection.

I carry out my teaching activities at all levels of education in accordance with

Based on the Model program of basic general education in the history of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 2008 and the author’s program “New history 7-8 grades.” edited by A.Ya. Yudovskaya and L.M. Vanyushkina. –M.: Education, 2013;

Based on the standards of basic general education on the history of the RF Ministry of Defense 2008 and on the basis of the Model program of basic general education on the history of the RF Ministry of Defense 2008 and the author’s program “History of Russia 6-9 grades.” edited by A.A. Danilov and L.G. Kosulina–M.; Education, 2013;

Based on the Federal Model Program of Basic General Education in the History of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 2008, the author’s program “History of Russia in grades 6-9.” A.A. Danilova and L.G. Kosulina.-M.: Education, 2013 and the author’s program “Recent history of foreign countries. 20-early 21 in: M.: Prosveshchenie, 2013;

Based on the standards of basic general education in social studies 2008. and a social studies program, authored by A.I. Kravchenko, created on the basis of standards and an exemplary program in social studies;

Based on the Model program of secondary (complete) general education at a basic level in history and the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education at a basic level, Moscow 2008;

Based on the Model program of secondary (complete) general education at the profile level in social studies, the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education at the profile level Moscow 2008 and the author’s program L.N. Bogolyubova, Yu.I. Averyanova M.: “Enlightenment » 2013;

The General History program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and is provided with teaching materials for grade 5 by authors D.D. Danilova, A.V. Kuznetsova, D.V.Liseytseva, V.A. Klokova, V.A. Rogozhkina, N.S. Pavlova, E.V. Sizova, S.M. Davydova, S.S. Kuznetsova and others.

- The social studies program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and is provided with teaching materials for the 5th grade by authors D.D. Danilova, E.V. Sizova, S.M. Davydova, A.A. Nikolaeva, L.N. Korpachevory, N.S. Pavlova, S.V. Parshina, M.E. Turchina.

Requirements of the federal state educational standard for basic general education (FSES LLC), approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of basic general education”;

Requirements of the federal component of the state standard of general education: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1067 of December 19, 2012 “On approval of federal lists of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education and having state accreditation for the 2013/14 academic year.”

The learning process is the organized interaction between teacher and students to achieve educational goals. I stimulate and organize active educational and cognitive activities of students to acquire knowledge, develop abilities, and develop views by adhering to the followingteaching principles :

    The principle of citizenship, which is aimed at humanizing education and allows satisfying social and personal needs;

    The principle of focusing training on solving the relationship between the tasks of education and the overall development of the student;

    The principle of scientificity (compliance of the content of education with the level of development of modern science and technology, the experience accumulated by world civilization, the orientation of the learning process towards the formation of a conceptual vision of the world in students and the creation of an adequate and realistic image of it.

    The principle of systematic and consistent learning;

    The principle of visualization of training, combination of various methods, as well as teaching aids, depending on the objectives and content of training;

    The principle of combining various forms of training depending on the objectives, content and teaching methods;

    The principle of creating the necessary conditions for learning;

    The principle of strength, awareness and effectiveness of the results of education, upbringing and development.

The real educational process is complex and diverse; it confronts the teacher with a whole range of problems that require solutions. Among them is the problem of choosing organizational forms and training methods that would allow achieving the best results in each specific situation.

Main directions In my activities I consider the following:

    improving the lesson as the main form of organizing the educational process, in form, structure and content;

    organization of research activities of students at all stages of training;

    involving students in various types of extracurricular activities in the subject;

    searching for gifted children and developing their abilities;

    self-improvement (growth of methodological skills, development of organizational skills, mastery of modern teaching technologies).

My work is based on the use of elements of V. Shubin’s technology “Three approaches to the study of history”:

I– use of gaming technologies (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin);

II- technologies for intensifying learning based on system-sign models (Firsov, V.F. Shatalov);

III- problem-based learning (M.M. Makhmutov, I.Ya. Lerner, Dewey).

My teaching activity includes the following components:

    A system of lessons of traditional and non-traditional forms of education, the goals of which are to expand the scope, structuring, integration, generalization of subject content, and transform the personal experience of each student. At the same time, each student has the right to independently choose and use the most significant ways for him to study the material. Here I have developed a series of unconventional lessons - lessons with elements of historical design, polylogues, where different points of view are expressed on the most important historical events and problems; combines the study of facts with the formation of skills in analysis and creative understanding of the problem. For example, a polylogue lesson in grade 10 “Mongol-Tatar invasion” - different points of view about the existence of the yoke in Rus'.

    System for monitoring and evaluating student activities: survey using cards; variant tasks; historical dictations; thematic tests with tasks of varying difficulty; tests.

To achieve the set goals and objectives of the lesson, I use practice-tested work at schoolthe following modern educational technologies:

Promotes the development of a creative personality with increased adaptive potential in a multi-stage education system, the development of an independent personality (self-control, self-government), socialization and specialization of education, work with gifted and capable children.

Project method

Development of research skills in the learning process in one lesson and in a series of lessons, in additional education, with subsequent presentation of the results of the work in the form of an abstract, report. Participation in school, city scientific and practical conferences.

Increasing student motivation for the subject; creating manuals used in lessons, moving projects beyond subject content to the level of socially significant results.

Interactive technologies

They open up real opportunities for building an educational system based on the principles of an open information space; create the basis for organizing independent activities of students in analyzing and summarizing the information array.

Research technology

Student activity related to finding an answer to a research problem with a previously unknown solution and presupposing the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field. The main result of research activity is an intellectual product that establishes one or another truth as a result of the research procedure and is presented in a standard form.

Technology of intensification of learning based on schematic and symbolic models

The target orientation of this technology is abouteducation of all children, with any individual characteristics, formation of educational skills.Conditions of education- this is repeated repetition, mandatory control, studying in large blocks, the use of supports, an indicative basis for activity, humanism, a conflict-free learning situation, opening prospects for correction, growth, success.

The result of the work is liberation created by the free choice of tasks, a system of reference signals that contribute to the rapid restoration of the studied material in memory, awareness of its structural and logical connections and at the same time the development of associative imaginative thinking, as well as perception, attention, imagination, oral and written speech.

Problem-based learning

Studentsbecome familiar with the objective contradictions of scientific knowledge and ways to solve them. They learn to think and creatively absorb knowledge.Rstudent independence develops.

Gaming technologies

CallYuThe participants have initiative, perseverance, creativity, imagination, and determination. AllowingYut solve issues of transfer of knowledge, skills, abilities; captivate, convince. OkazyvaYut educational impact on students.The ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena develops.In group activities, the result is perceived through the prism of overall success, identifying the success of the group or team as one’s own.

Level differentiation

Each student is involved in activities corresponding to the zone of proximal development. A respectful attitude towards each other and tolerance for the opinions of others are formed. Psychological comfort, a situation of success, and trust are created.Underachievement is prevented. DFor students, a step-by-step educational process, passing tests, and achieving advanced levels is possible.

Collaborative learning

(team, group work)

Mutual responsibility and the ability to learn according to one’s own capabilities with the support of one’s friends develop. The need to expand the training information base is being realized.

The use of group technologies organizes joint actions of students, which lead to the activation of educational and cognitive processes, develops students' communicative, mental, organizational, creative abilities, self-esteem and control.

Critical Thinking Technology

Formation of the ability to reason consistently, consistently and reasonably.

Activity approach

The activity approach involves opening up the entire range of possibilities to the child and creating in him an attitude towards a free but responsible choice of one or another opportunity. The principles of the activity approach in the educational process are effectively implemented through educational technology - educational and business games.

Health-saving technologies

Students learn to live together and interact effectively. They actively participate in the development of the culture of human relations, in the formation of health care experience, which is acquired through the gradual expansion of the sphere of communication and activity. Development of self-regulation (from external control to internal self-control) of the student. The formation of self-awareness and an active life position based on education and self-education, the formation of responsibility for one’s health, the life and health of other people.

Design and research technology

An educational technology that involves students solving a research, creative problem under the guidance of a teacher, during which the scientific method of cognition is implemented. Key competencies are formed in students. Achieving practical results, projects going beyond the scope of their subject content, moving to the level of socially significant results.


Portfolio technologyis a way of recording, accumulating and authentically assessing a student’s individual educational results during a certain period of his education. A portfolio allows you to take into account results in a variety of activities: educational, creative, social, communicative. This is a pre-planned and specially organized individual selection of materials and documents that demonstrates the student’s efforts, dynamics and achievements in various areas.


An effective technology that can significantly improve the effectiveness and quality of the educational process. Moderation technology involves certain stages of the lesson, each of which has its own goals, objectives and methods.

Counter force technology

The technology is aimed at personally oriented learning, developing students’ own vision of artistic images, developing the ability to comprehend the results of activities, and creating a favorable atmosphere of co-creation.

Integration of academic disciplines

An effective model for activating mental activity and developing teaching techniques, where reflexivity and critical thinking develop.

Technology is individualized

bath training

Ensuring personal self-development

Methodology of cooperation

Development of mutual responsibility, the ability to learn based on one’s own capabilities

Differentiated learning

Development of general educational skills and abilities of schoolchildren

Student-centered learning

Building learning on an active basis, through the student’s purposeful activities, taking into account his personal interest in this knowledge.

In lessons I pay special attention to organizing research activities, because I believe that independent activity helps students realize their creative potential. And in accordance with the new requirements for graduate training, greater emphasis is placed on the practical application of knowledge and the ability to use various technical devices.

The research approach to teaching consists of:

    in the introduction of general and specific methods of scientific research into the process of educational cognition at all its stages (from perception to application in practice);

    in the organization of educational and extracurricular scientific, educational, search and creative activities;

    in updating intra-subject, inter-subject, inter-cycle connections;

    in complicating the content and improving the procedural aspects of cognitive activity; in changing the nature of the relationship between student - teacher - student team towards cooperation.

L.S. Vygotsky wrote, “...learning is good only when it is the creator of development; it stimulates and brings to life a whole series of functions that are in the stage of maturation and lie in the zone of proximal development.” Research activities organized within the framework of the educational process involve the selection of a problem, its theoretical study, experimental activities, substantiation of scientific and methodological conclusions and recommendations.

Properly organized research activities enable the teacher to develop key competencies in students. Therefore, one of the areas of my methodological work is the organization of student research activities in history and social studies lessons.

I organize students’ research activities at three levels:educational and research, scientific research, search and creative (project).

The search and creative level involves the involvement of a relatively large number of schoolchildren. The subject matter is quite simple, varied and necessarily corresponds to the interests of the author of the work. Students' activities at this level come down to searching for information on a chosen topic and writing essays, completing projects, the final product of which is most often a presentation and layout. Design is carried out on the principles of naturalness, awareness, initiative, clarity, and cultural conformity.

While working on a project, the student critically processes various types of information, carrying out analysis, synthesis, and highlights the most important things. This level of research activity has its advantages, as it allows the inclusion of a large number of students in the work. And presentations and layouts are a good visual aid and are used at various stages of the lesson.

Education priorities have changed in the world recently. If previously knowledge in itself was valued, now general educational skills have taken first place: the ability to acquire and effectively use knowledge. The reasons are clear: currently, knowledge quickly becomes outdated or turns out to be insufficient, which means it is necessary to master ways of updating and replenishing it. His future self-determination depends on how a student can apply this knowledge and how competent he is in a broad out-of-school context. This is not only the ability to obtain and apply knowledge, it is communication skills, self-control and self-assessment skills, and the development of creative abilities.

The use of presentations and project research activities allows us to develop students’ intellectual and creative abilities, independence in acquiring knowledge, communication skills, and critical thinking.

At this stage I pay special attention to motivation, as a condition for the student to have a question or problem. In my lessons I use different ways to create motivation: problematic tasks, text that contains a contradiction; puzzles; pictures containing elements of the unknown; an impossible task or with a simple question “what do you know about...”. Students try to solve the problem, express a variety of hypotheses, and ask questions. Many interesting hypotheses are born as a result of attempts to find answers to one’s own questions. Hypotheses make it possible to see a problem in a different light, to look at the situation from a different perspective. Initially, hypotheses are neither true nor false - they are simply undefined. They should be confirmed and their likelihood assessed. How to do it? This needs to be thought through carefully.


Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

N.N. Kuznetsova


Research activities require significant efforts on the part of both the student and the teacher. Here we need not only the relevance and practical significance of the chosen topic, the research work must contain the author’s conclusions and logical conclusions, his own proposals, and independent interpretations of the results.

Children present the results of their work at annual school conferences; the best works, based on the results of the decision of the scientific and methodological council, are recommended for participation in city conferences.

Based on the experience of managing the research activities of schoolchildren, the stages of organization (choosing a topic for future scientific research; joint development of a research plan; working with literature and terminology; organization of consultations; putting forward a working hypothesis and analyzing the research results; development of guiding methodological literature; training in writing the results of research work; instilling the skill of public defense of research).

This approach is unusual, which initially confuses students raised in traditional educational systems. Once the initial feeling of helplessness due to the inability to copy a sample passes, students gradually discover that they are surrounded by many information systems that, when used skillfully, become tools for solving the task assigned to them. These include literary sources, help from adults, joint activities with friends, teacher consultations, and most importantly, practically inexhaustible personal opportunities to reason and fantasize. Sometimes we have to overcome the initial inertia of children who are accustomed to more passive forms of learning, but every small discovery they make while working on a project involves them in an interesting process of independent creativity and stimulates them to new searches and discoveries. As the work acquires the characteristics of completeness, students feel the product of their own labor more and more clearly.

Introducing children to scientific work in a school setting immediately solves several important pedagogical problems. With proper organization of research work, students develop analytical abilities, the need for creative activity, broaden their horizons, andare willing to express thoughts clearly and clearly, to defend their opinions. Speaking in front of an audience, students learn to argue, prove their point of view, debate, and participate in discussion. While doing research, students learn to observe scientific ethics and see how hard it is to obtain new knowledge. Scientific research activities give students the opportunity to realize that they belong to big science and introduce them to the methods of scientific and creative work.

Unlike Olympiads, the value of organizing school-based research work is increased by many positive aspects: a larger number of schoolchildren covered, the ability to choose a topic; “Immersion” in a topic, as the work must be completed over a period of months or years; the presence of homework, received not in an authoritarian form, but in the form of a distribution of responsibilities, including the supervisor himself.

It should be noted that there are graduates who have chosen science as their future profession and continue their studies in graduate schools or are teachers in higher specialized technical institutions.

The main task of students is to learn, which means “teaching oneself”; I, as a teacher, can and must create the best learning conditions for them.Teaching and learning is my task. Learn to think, comprehend the secrets of nature, learn to look and see, speak and express yourself. Learn from mistakes, rely on knowledge and believe in luck to move forward...


Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

N.N. Kuznetsova


Criterion 2 – “High results in students mastering educational programs”

2.2.1. Dynamics of students' educational achievements.

Over the years, my students have shown positive dynamics in their educational achievements: 100% academic success and high quality of knowledge.

Student performance results in history and social studies


N.N. Kuznetsova


From the diagrams and tables it follows that the quality of knowledge is falling in 2010-2011 (this is due to age characteristics), and in 2011-2012. increases from 55% to 82%. In 2012-2013 the increase was 4% (from 82% to 86%).


Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

N.N. Kuznetsova


Results of administrative tests in history in 2011


academic performance



Success threshold


9 a





9 b





8 a





8 b




8 in





7 in




5 a





5 B




Analysis of test papers shows that students master educational material at the level of the state standard from 63.6 to 96.2%.

Results of administrative tests in history in 2014

Results of the final certification of 9th grade graduates

Minimum number of points

( installed


Higher passage- no score

having time


social science



social science



Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

N.N. Kuznetsova


2.2.2. Results of extracurricular activities of students

Every year my students participate in school, city and all-Russian Olympiads in history, social studies, economics, law and win prizes.

All-Russian Olympiads and championships


April 2010


Diploma 1st and 2nd degree, certificate of participation – 11 students


April 2011


Diploma 1, 2, 3 degrees

Certificate of participation – 27 students


All-Russian “Youth Historical Championship”

April 2011


Diploma 2nd degree

Certificate of participation – 29 students


All-Russian “Youth Championship in Social Studies”




Diploma 2 and 3 degrees

Certificate of participation -48 students


All-Russian Olympiads in history and social studies in Biysk




Diplomas 2 and 3 degrees

Certificate of participation - 71 students


“Distance Olympiad in History”, “Distance Olympiad in Social Studies”

December 2013

International projectvideouroki. net

Diplomas 2 and 3 degrees, certificate of participation


Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

N.N. Kuznetsova


Copy is right.

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 of Tynda _________ N.N. Kuznetsova


Copy is right.

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

N.N. Kuznetsova


2.2.3. The results of the teacher’s activities in the field of socialization of students.

“Educators and teachers should know

who they need to educate or teach,

know not only the pedagogical material

who sits or runs under their leadership,

but also that mental and moral ideal,

to which they are obliged to bring these entrusted to them closer

little living futures."

IN. Klyuchevsky

To educate means to teach to live.”

A.S. Makarenko

Children are our future and the main task facing teachers, parents and doctors is to lay down the norms and rules of behavior with which the child will go into this difficult adult life, to raise a mentally and physically healthy child.

Education is a process of constant “creation” of personality. This is a feat of time. You need to devote a lot of effort and attention to this matter. It requires reflection, reading special books, conversations with parents. And most importantly, our children need to be truly loved very, very much. To build our whole life for this and to live by it. Only then can something work out.

The class in which I am now a class teacher was recruited from students from city schools at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. I began working with the class by studying the students’ personal files, conducting observations, conversations with primary school teachers and parents, the game “The World of My Hobbies,” and the dating game “Talk about myself.”

The main tasks of my educational work as a class teacher at the initial stage were: creating conditions for uniting the class team; awakening children's interest in themselves; assistance in the formation of adequate self-esteem.

The educational system of the class was based on the principles of focusing on the positive in the behavior and character of the child, trust and support, tolerance, and voluntariness.

From the first day we met, we all stayed for a long time after classes. The guys turned out to be responsive to kindness. They did homework together, helped each other, drew newspapers, prepared amateur performances, and just talked a lot.In our free time we went to libraries and nature.

My partners as a class teacher are the parent committee, subject teachers, additional education centers, a museum, PDN, libraries, etc.

Interaction with partners allows us to conduct events with the aim of broadening our horizons, fostering love for our small Motherland and teaching ways of constructive interaction.

Students' interest in educational and research activities has increased significantly compared to the previous year.

Students of the class took part in youth championships in various subjects, Internet Olympiads and showed good results.

Traditions play a major role in the education of students. My students take an active part in all school traditional events: first and last bell holidays, Teacher's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8th, Victory Day, Self-Government Day.

The classroom effectively develops student self-government. In the team, all students are divided into creative groups, each of which performs its own functional responsibilities at a certain period of time.

One of the tasks of educational work is the development of children's initiatives to help elderly and lonely people, war and labor veterans who need their care and attention.

In my work with students, I devote a lot of work to excursion work, this contributes to the development of aesthetic taste, creative abilities of students, and forms a culture of behavior in public places.

For the purpose of military-patriotic education of students and increasing the national significance of conscripting citizens for military service, the class went to the solemn event “Conscript Day”.

For the purpose of career guidance, getting to know the professions that can be obtained at FEGUPS and AGMA, students went on an excursion to our Tyndinsky branch, and also went to Blagoveshchensk in March 2014 to study at AGMA.Some of the students, after graduating from school, plan to enter this educational institution and connect their destiny with medicine and with our city, the city in which they were born.

We go on excursions to the city library, to the skating rink and go to nature.

Traditionally, we take an active part in city community cleanups to improve our hometown, and we clean the grounds of our school.

Diagnostics of the level of education of students, carried out among students in the class and their parents, showed that the average score for the class turned out to be quite high. Indeed, the students in the class are distinguished by a calm, balanced character and respond adequately to comments. In their free time they participate in various clubs and sections.

There are no students in the class who are registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate.


Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

N.N. Kuznetsova


2.2.4. Cognitive activity of students in the subject

The secret to training talent is

it’s to find him and quietly stand next to him.”

A. Einstein.

One of the main tasks of pedagogical activity is to create conditions for the formation of methods of scientific knowledge and the development on this basis of interests, abilities, thinking, attention, imagination, memory, feelings, will, cognitive, research and practical skills.

Purpose of the study: to substantiate and test the research skills of students in grades 5-11, the ability to work in a team, group.

Object of study : educational process in primary school.

Subject of study : research activities in the educational process in primary school.

Research objectives

-development of research skills;

- support for internal educational motivation based on the cognitive interest of students;

-formation of the foundations of research culture;

-involve children in searching and working with various sources and media;

-development of communication skills, cooperation.

Basic research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of research, observations, testing, analysis of project results, reflection.

Work results Research was presented at meetings of the historical and philological department of the school and the city methodological association of teachers of history and social studies. I apply the results obtained in my work.

Students under my guidance conduct mini-research, prepare projects and successfully present their work at school and city scientific and practical conferences.


Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

_________ N.N. Kuznetsova


BA number of lessons, tests, and independent works were developed for students in grades 5-11, multi-level electronic didactic and methodological manuals for students, and a number of presentations of media lessons were created.Rworkna number of creative tasks that contribute to the development of students' observation and independent thinking.

One of the most important ways to help me involve students in the world of history, to make the study of this subject more interesting and exciting, is to introduce creative elements into the educational process. Most of my students do research (see table below).


Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

_________ N.N. Kuznetsova


Copy is right.

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

_________ N.N. Kuznetsova


The most important thing in preparing and conducting extracurricular activities is to attract as many schoolchildren as possible to participate and become interested in them. In the process of informal communication, mutual understanding arises, the circle of friends expands, and any creative activity contributes to the development of positive qualities in students.

In my practice, I use various forms of extracurricular work: special courses, games, KVNs, quizzes.

Information about elective courses, additional educational courses over the past three years

I have developed work programs for clubs and special courses, which were reviewed at a meeting of the historical and philological department and approved at a meeting of the school’s MS.



"Days of military glory of Russia"


9, 11

“Social studies tasks”

Elective course



Elective course


"Economic Issues"

Elective course


Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

_________ N.N. Kuznetsova


The peculiarity of the courses is that they introduce a certain differentiation into the learning process of schoolchildren, i.e. Training is carried out according to various curricula and programs, taking into account the individual abilities, inclinations, and talents of children.

Every year, school students take part in games and competitions and show consistently high results.




1 place


1st, 3rd place

Essay competition in history and social studies


1, 2, 1 place

Scientific and practical conference for schoolchildren “Science Day”


2nd place

Competition "Armed Forces"




1 place

Competition “Experts of the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights”


2nd place

Competition “Experts of the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights”


2nd place

Competition "From Stalingrad to Kursk"


2nd place

Intellectual tournament “The power of the people in unity”


2nd place

Presentation competition “Consumer Rights”



Internet quiz “From child rights to human rights”



Social Studies Essay Competition


1 place

Scientific and practical conference for schoolchildren “Morals, language, and holy antiquity”


1 place


Game "Vivat Middle Ages"


1 place

Game "The Smartest"


2nd place

Game “First stage “Zarnitsa”


3rd place

Game "The Smartest"



Game "The Smartest"


1 place

Game “At the Theater of the Goddess Clio”


1 place

Game "Vivat Middle Ages"



Game "The Smartest"


1 place

Game "Zarnitsa" (theoretical stage)


3rd place

Game “At the Theater of the Goddess Clio”


1 nomination


Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

_________ N.N. Kuznetsova



Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Tynda

_________ N.N. Kuznetsova


Criterion 3 – “Results of the activity of a teaching worker in the professional community”

3.1.Innovative activities of teaching staff

I take part in the work of the city site “Teacher Unity”, in the work of the school’s creative group on the formation of universal educational activities, and actively use information and communication materials and website materials when conducting lessons and extracurricular activities.

In addition to organizing student research activities in history and social studies lessons with2010 I have been self-educating for years

To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:

1. Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, and search for means of its implementation. 2. Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events. (from Federal State Educational Standards)

Man is identical to himself. The teacher’s task is to help me realize this identity, discover it, understand how I develop and educate myself. Awareness of individuality comes through comparison with oneself: what do I know?, what don’t I know?, what have I gained? Knowledge is generated about the methods of self-construction, goal setting, reflection of the method: what am I doing?, for what?. The individual educational program for students involves: reflection, testing, next step, reflection again, testing, next step.

Red - you strive for leadership, you lack new conquests and victories. Perhaps at the moment you lack vivid emotional impressions. Orange is a sign of excitement of the nervous system. This means that you are ripe for some serious changes in life. Pink - you lack tenderness and lightness. You are probably a little tired of serious work, clear plans, and are drawn to something carefree. Blue - you dream of something romantic, sublime, distant. You want to be as open, truthful and at the same time understood as possible. Dark blue - you need strong relaxation and complete rest. Green – symbolizes the need for self-affirmation, a thirst for knowledge or a desire for career growth. Brown – lack of physical rest, you are looking for peace. You need homeliness, warmth and comfort.

MASTER CLASS is conducted by primary school teacher Mou “Duplyatskaya school named after. V.A. Kumskova" Altynova Irina Yakovlevna TOPIC: Techniques of student reflection in lessons in elementary school

The purpose of the master class is to increase the motivation of teachers to master the reflective activities of students.

What is reflection? Turning back Thinking about the internal state Self-knowledge Self-analysis

Classification of reflection techniques: 1. Reflection of mood and emotional state

Reflection of mood and emotional state

Cheerful bear Sad bear Reflection of mood and emotional state

Mood pendulum

2. Reflection of activity

"Ladder of Success"

Tree of success

3. Reflection on the content of educational material.

Techniques for reflecting the content of educational material I am... satisfied with my work in the lesson, not entirely satisfied, I am not satisfied because...

Today in class I... learned it was interesting it was difficult I liked my feelings the most...

Classification of reflection techniques: 3. Reflection of the content of educational material 2. Reflection of activity 1. Reflection of mood and emotional state

COLOR GRAMM relevance novelty usefulness interest high rating average rating low rating

Thanks to all!



I. For my master class, I chose a topic that has long interested me: “Reflection in lessons in elementary school.” In the second generation standards, special attention is paid to the following criteria (file 1).

And according to teachers (file 2).

And now, dear colleagues, I will ask you to evaluate your own emotional state using test strips. Take the strip whose color most appeals to you and attach it to the board with a magnet. Now evaluate your condition (file 3). And let's try to assess the state of the entire audience. Which stripes have the predominant color?

The topic of my master class is “Reflection”, and what is my goal today? (answers from master class participants). What's your goal? (answers from master class participants)


Psychologists especially emphasize that the formation and development of spiritual life is associated, first of all, with reflection.

What is reflection? The word reflection comes from the Latin reflexio - turning back.

The Dictionary of Foreign Words defines reflection as thinking about one’s internal state, self-knowledge.

The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language interprets reflection as introspection.

In modern pedagogy, reflection is understood as self-analysis of activities and their results.

Reflection is aimed at understanding the path traveled, at collecting into a common treasury what was noticed, thought out, and understood by everyone. Its goal is not just to leave the lesson with a fixed result, but to build a chain of meaning, to compare the methods and methods used by others with their own. Reflection can be carried out not only at the end of the lesson, as is commonly believed, but also at any stage.

Based on the functions of reflection, the following classification is proposed:

  1. reflection of mood and emotional state

(it is advisable to carry out at the beginning of the lesson in order to establish emotional contact or at the end of the activity)

What can be used?

This: face cards; showing thumbs up or down;

" Sun " - I succeeded, "sun and cloud" - I didn't succeed in everything, " cloud “-I didn’t succeed;

« joyful gnome"-everything is fine, "sad gnome" - not good;

« mood pendulum“- reflects the child’s mood.

  1. reflection of activity

(this type is acceptable at the stage of checking homework, defending project work; it makes it possible to comprehend the ways and techniques of working with educational material, searching for the most rational ones; and application at the end of the lesson will show the activity of each student)

What options?

This is: “ladder of success” " - the bottom step, the “little man” has his hands down - nothing worked for me; middle step, the “little man” has his arms spread to the sides - I had problems; the top step, the “little man” has his arms raised up - I succeeded;

"decorate the Christmas tree “- successfully completed the task - hung the ball, there were mistakes - the ball remained near the tree;

“tree of success” - green leaf – no errors, yellow leaf – 1 mistake, red leaf – 2-3 mistakes;

“Tree of Success” is my favorite option for reflection in the lesson.

(showing the “success tree” used in class)

It is more advisable to use all these options in grades 1-2, because Children love to play, they love everything bright and eye-catching.

But a child must make progress in his development. And in reflective activity there is such progress.

  1. reflection on the content of educational material

(used to identify the level of awareness of the content of what has been covered; the use of an unfinished sentence is effective: I didn’t know... - now I know...).

The beginning of a phrase is given, and the student finishes it. The child has the opportunity to choose the phrase that he needs at the moment:

Now, while presenting my material, I look at my notes. Realizing that even a child is unable to remember the above phrases, I found a very simple way out. I collected everything on one sheet of paper, put it in a file, and on each desk there is always a “Lesson Reflection Card.”

(showing the “Lesson Reflection Card” used in class)


The process of reflection must be multifaceted, since the assessment is carried out not only by the individual herself, but also by the people around her. Thus, reflection in the lesson is a joint activity of students and teachers, which makes it possible to improve the educational process, focusing on the personality of each student.

And now I offer you a creative task. It can be done individually or in pairs and groups. Come up with your own options for conducting reflection in grades 1-2. And everyone sitting here can evaluate your options with the help of “little men” (they are enclosed in envelopes).

The “little man” has his arms down – I didn’t like your version, the “little man” has his arms spread out to the sides – a good option, the “little man” has his arms raised up – a very interesting option.


Your envelopes contain two cards: green and red.If you liked my master class and youIf you use this in your work, show me the green card. Well, if all this doesn’t touch you at all, show the red card.