Speech development tools for preschool children. Means of speech development for children

The most important means of speech development is communication. Communication is the interaction of two (or more) people, aimed at coordinating and uniting their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result (M.I. Lisina).

Communication is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of human life, which simultaneously acts as: a process of interaction between people; information process (exchange of information, activities, results, experience); a means and condition for the transfer and assimilation of social experience; the attitude of people towards each other; the process of mutual influence of people on each other; empathy and mutual understanding of people (B.F. Parygin, V.N. Panferov, B.F. Bodalev, A.A. Leontyev, etc.).

In Russian psychology, communication is considered as a side of some other activity and as an independent communicative activity. The works of domestic psychologists convincingly show the role of communication with adults in the general mental development and development of the child’s verbal function.

Speech, being a means of communication, appears at a certain stage in the development of communication. The formation of speech activity is a complex process of interaction between a child and people around him, carried out using material and linguistic means. Speech does not arise from the very nature of the child, but is formed in the process of his existence in the social environment. Its emergence and development are caused by the needs of communication, the needs of the child’s life. Contradictions that arise in communication lead to the emergence and development of the child’s linguistic ability, to his mastery of ever new means of communication and forms of speech. This happens thanks to the cooperation of the child with the adult, which is built taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the child. Analysis of children's behavior shows that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of speech; they begin to speak only in a communication situation and only at the request of an adult. Therefore, the technique recommends talking to children as much and as often as possible.

Emerging in communication, speech first appears as an activity divided between an adult and a child. Later, as a result of the child’s mental development, it becomes a form of his behavior. The development of speech is associated with the qualitative side of communication.

Speech acquisition is one of the most difficult areas in child psychology, as well as pedagogy. After all, initially children do not even have the opportunity to concentrate on anything, and only after 1-2 years they manage to master the most complex system of signs - language. The means of speech development in preschool children are very diverse. In this case, the main formation of speech occurs during communication with the adults around the baby. Communication also has a direct relationship with objective and cognitive activity. In addition, thanks to the mastery of speech, a restructuring of the child’s psyche occurs; he begins to be aware of what is happening around him.

Speech development tools for preschool children

The existing methodology involves such means of speech development in children as:

— teacher’s speech, cultural language environment;

- communication between children and adults;

— teaching native speech as part of classes;

- reading fiction;

- appeal to various arts.

Each of them has its own, larger or smaller role in the development of the child’s speech.

Communication as the most important means of speech development in children

Communication is the most important of all existing means of speech development. At its core, it represents interaction between people, which is aimed at coordinating their efforts to achieve a common goal or build relationships.

The main means of communication is speech. But it arises only at a certain stage of communication. At the same time, the formation of speech activity is a complex process, involving interaction between the child and the people around him. The formation of speech occurs during the child’s existence in a social environment against the background of the realization of the need for communication.

Due to the fact that contradictions arise during communication, the child develops language abilities, the baby masters more and more new forms of speech. But this happens only with the cooperation of the child with the adults around him.

Experts say that the presence of adults is an excellent incentive to use speech. This is why it is so important to talk to your children as much and as often as possible. Moreover, the nature, as well as the content of such communication, acts as a determining factor for the level and content of speech development of any child. At the same time, verbal communication in the case of preschool children occurs against the background of a variety of activities.

Teacher's speech and special activities as a means of speech development in preschool children

In turn, the teacher’s speech must certainly have a culture of sound structure. It should also be characterized by content and goodwill in tone. The teacher's speech can be pointing and evaluating. Within the framework of the cultural language environment, the most favorable environment for the development of children is created. At the same time, children are characterized by active imitation of adults, adopting from them all the subtleties of word usage, pronunciation, and even the construction of individual phrases. At the same time, imperfections in the speech of adults, as well as errors in it, children also tend to copy, which should also be taken into account.

As part of special speech classes, targeted work on speech is carried out. Therefore, they assume the speech activity of each of the children. Moreover, such activities require a variety of activities for children.

Fiction and art as a means of speech development in preschool children

In addition to the main means of speech development in children, there are also auxiliary ones. However, they are also important. In particular, fiction is the most important source of speech development for any child. But its impact largely depends on the existing level of speech development. One way or another, in the early stages it is difficult to overestimate the role of fairy tales in the development of a child.

All kinds of art have an emotional impact on children. However, it also acts as a stimulus for language acquisition. This point involves a verbal interpretation of works of various genres, as well as a verbal explanation of them.

In other words, the development of speech in preschool children involves the use of several basic techniques in various combinations. At the same time, specific tasks in the speech development of children, along with age characteristics, are the determining factors in the choice of techniques and methods of speech work with children.

Modern technologies for speech development of preschool children

One of the main indicators of the level of development of a child’s mental abilities is the richness of his speech, so it is important for us, teachers, to support and ensure the development of the mental and speech abilities of preschoolers.

Currently, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education, the educational field “Speech Development” includes:

· mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;

· enrichment of the active vocabulary;

· development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;

· development of speech creativity;

· development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

· acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

· formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

The development of speech in children in the present tense is an urgent problem, which is due to the importance of coherent speech for preschoolers.

The teacher's story sample is used as the main teaching technique. But experience shows that children reproduce the teacher’s story with minor changes, the stories are poor in expressive means, the vocabulary is small, and there are practically no simple common and complex sentences in the texts.

But the main disadvantage is that the child does not construct the story himself, but repeats what he has just heard. During one lesson, children have to listen to several monotonous stories of the same type.

For children, this type of activity becomes boring and uninteresting, they begin to get distracted. It has been proven that the more active a child is, the more he is involved in activities that interest him, the better the result. The teacher needs to encourage children to engage in speech activity, and it is also important to stimulate speech activity in the process of free communication.

When working with children, it is necessary to pay great attention to speech development and find effective gaming technologies for the speech development of children.

The concept of “game technologies for speech development” includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games that have a set learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result.

It became obvious that it is necessary to change the way the teacher works in classes on the development of speech of preschoolers. Such means are speech development technologies. To form and activate coherent speech in preschoolers, the following technologies are used:

· Technology “ABC of Communication” L.N. Shipitsyna,

· Technology “Development of dialogical communication” A.G. Arushanova,

· “Training in writing creative stories”,

· TRIZ technology,

· Modeling,

· Mnemonics,

· Technologies for teaching figurative speech:

Technology for teaching children how to make comparisons

Technology for teaching metaphors

Technology for teaching riddles

· Syncwine technology

· Fairytale therapy (writing fairy tales for children),

· Articulation and finger gymnastics,

· Logorhythmics,

· Mini-dramatization, staging

Technology "ABC of Communication"

The ABC of Communication technology allows you to develop interpersonal communication skills with adults and peers. The technology is aimed at developing children's understanding of the art of human relationships. “The ABC of Communication” is a collection of specially designed games and exercises aimed at developing children’s emotional and motivational attitudes towards themselves, others, peers and adults, creating the experience of adequate behavior in society, contributing to the best development of the child’s personality and preparing him to life.

"Development of dialogical communication"

The fundamental components of the problem of speech development in preschool children, according to A.G. Arushanova, is dialogue, creativity, knowledge, self-development. The technology is aimed at developing communicative competence, which is based on the child’s ability to communicate with people around him using verbal and non-verbal means.


Technology such as sign-symbolic activity (modeling) has become widely used in teaching children. This technique helps teachers visually identify elementary connections and relationships between objects and objects of reality.

Modeling is a way in which speech reality can be presented in visual form. A model is a diagram of a phenomenon that reflects its structural elements and connections, the most significant forms, aspects and properties of the object. In models of coherent speech utterances, this is their structure, content (properties of objects in the description, relationships between characters and the development of events in the narrative), means within a textual connection.

In speech development classes, children learn to retell, compose creative stories, compose fairy tales, and invent riddles and fables.

Modeling can be an integral part of each lesson.

Modeling methods:

1.Object modeling (children’s drawings of plot fragments of heroes, objects for games; plane theaters; flannelgraph; illustrations of stories, fairy tales, poems)

2. Subject - schematic modeling (text structure - a circle divided into sectors (beginning, middle, end); theaters of geometric shapes)

3. Graphic modeling (structures of a descriptive story about toys, transport and others; diagrams for stories, poems; sets of diagrams for a graphic plan; children's diagrams).

Using modeling in storytelling has a positive effect on children's speech.


Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech.

Mnemonics is a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity by forming additional associations, organizing the educational process in the form of a game. The main “secret” of mnemonics is very simple and well known. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain records this relationship. And later, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all previously connected images.

Mnemonics helps develop:

Associative thinking

Visual and auditory memory

Visual and auditory attention


In order to develop certain skills and abilities in children from a very early age, so-called mnemonic tables (diagrams) are introduced into the learning process.

Mnemonic tables-diagrams serve as didactic material in the work on the development of coherent speech in children.

Mnemonic tables are used for:

Enrichment of vocabulary,

When learning to write stories,

When retelling fiction,

When memorizing poetry.

A mnemonic table is a diagram that contains certain information. Like any work, it is built from simple to complex.

Mnemonic tables can be subject-specific, subject-schematic and schematic. If the children have mastered the subject model, then the task becomes more complicated: they are given a subject-based schematic model. This type of mnemonic table includes a smaller number of images. And only after this a schematic mnemonic table is given.

For children of primary and secondary preschool age, it is necessary to give colored mnemonic tables, because Children retain certain images in their memory: a yellow chicken, a gray mouse, a green Christmas tree. And for older preschoolers - black and white. Older preschoolers can participate in drawing and coloring themselves.

Technologies for teaching figurative speech

Technology for teaching children how to make comparisons

Teaching preschool children how to make comparisons should begin at the age of three. Exercises are carried out not only during speech development classes, but also in free time.

Comparison model:

· the teacher names an object;

· denotes its sign;

· determines the value of this attribute;

· compares this value with the value of a characteristic in another object.

For example:

Chicken (object No. 1);

By color (sign);

Yellow (attribute value);

The same yellow (attribute value) in color (attribute) as the sun (object No. 2).

In early preschool age, a model of making comparisons based on color, shape, taste, sound, temperature, etc. is developed.

At first glance, the phrase uttered by the teacher thus seems cumbersome and somewhat ridiculous, but it is the repetitions of such a long combination that allow children to understand that a sign is a more general concept than the meaning of a given sign.

For example:

“The ball is round in shape, the same round in shape as an apple.”

Until the age of four, the teacher encourages children to make comparisons based on given characteristics. While on a walk, the teacher invites the children to compare the temperature of the cool wind with some other objects. An adult helps the child make up phrases like: “The wind outside is as cool in temperature as the air in the refrigerator.”

In the fifth year of life, training becomes more complicated:

· in the phrase being composed, the sign is not pronounced, but only its meaning is left (dandelions are yellow, like chickens);

· in comparisons, the characteristic of the second object is enhanced (the pillow is soft, the same as freshly fallen snow).

At this age, children are given more independence when making comparisons, and initiative in choosing a feature to be compared is encouraged.

At an older age, children learn to independently make comparisons based on the criteria specified by the teacher. The teacher points to an object (tree) and asks to make comparisons with other objects (color, shape, action, etc.). In this case, the child himself chooses any meanings of this attribute.

For example:

“The tree is golden in color, like coins” (the teacher set the color attribute, and its meaning - golden - was chosen by the child).

Technology for teaching children to compose metaphors.

Metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another based on a feature common to both compared objects.

The goal of the teacher: to create conditions for children to master the algorithm for composing metaphors. If a child has mastered the model of composing a metaphor, then he can independently create a metaphorical phrase.

First, it is advisable to use the simplest algorithm for composing a metaphor.

1. Take object 1 (rainbow). A metaphor will be drawn up about him.

2. It exhibits a specific property (multi-colored).

3. Select object 2 with the same property (flower meadow).

4. The location of object 1 is determined (the sky after rain).

5. For a metaphorical phrase, you need to take object 2 and indicate the location of object 1 (Flower meadow - the sky after the rain).

6. Make up a sentence with these words (the flower heavenly meadow shone brightly after the rain).

It is not necessary to tell children the term “metaphor”. Most likely, for children these will be mysterious phrases or messengers from the Queen of Beautiful Speech.

For example:

Children are invited to look at a picture of a winter landscape where bullfinches sit on snow-covered fir trees.

Task: create a metaphor for these birds.

Work with children should be organized in the form of discussion. A sheet of paper can be used as a guide, on which the teacher indicates the sequence of mental operations.

What kind of birds are depicted on the snow-covered fir trees?

Bullfinches (the teacher writes the letter “C” on a piece of paper and places an arrow to the right).

What are they like?

Round, fluffy, red (the teacher specifies “red-breasted” and puts the letter “K” on a piece of paper).

What else happens with such red barrels or red breast?

Cherries, apples... (the teacher places an arrow to the right of the letter “K” and draws an apple).

So what can we say about bullfinches, what are they like?

Bullfinches are red-breasted, like apples.

Where are the bullfinches?

On snow-covered fir trees (the teacher puts an arrow down from the letter “C” and draws a schematic picture of a fir tree).

Let's now combine these two words (the teacher circles the images of an apple and a spruce with his hand in a circular motion).

Say these two words in a row!

Apples of snow-covered fir trees.

Who will write me a sentence with these words?

Apples appeared on snow-covered fir trees in the winter forest. The apples of the winter forest delighted the skiers' eyes.

Technology for teaching children how to write riddles.

Traditionally, in preschool childhood, working with riddles is based on guessing them. The correct answer of a gifted child to a specific riddle is very quickly remembered by other children. If the teacher asks the same riddle after some time, then most of the children in the group simply remember the answer.

When developing a child’s mental abilities, it is more important to teach him to compose his own riddles than to simply guess familiar ones. In the process of composing riddles, all the child’s mental operations develop, and he receives joy from verbal creativity.

A.A. Nesterenko developed models for composing riddles. Teaching children how to write riddles begins at the age of 3. However, at this age it will be a collective speech product, composed together with adults. Older children compose independently, in a subgroup, or in pairs.

When working with preschool children, three main models of composing riddles are used. Training should proceed as follows.

The teacher hangs up one of the signs with a picture of a model for composing a riddle and invites the children to make up a riddle about an object.

What happens the same?

An object (samovar) is chosen to compose a riddle. Next, the children give figurative characteristics according to the characteristics specified by the teacher.

What color is the samovar? - Brilliant.

The teacher writes this word in the first line on the left side of the table.

What samovar does it do? - Hissing (fill in the second line on the left side of the table).

What is its shape? - round (fill in the third line on the left side of the table).

The teacher asks the children to make comparisons based on the listed values ​​of the signs and fill in the right lines of the table:

For example: shiny - a coin, but not a simple one, but a polished coin.

The plate might look like this:

After filling out the tablet, the teacher offers to read the riddle, inserting the connectives “How” or “But not” between the lines of the right and left columns.

Reading the riddle can occur collectively by the entire group of children or by any one child. The folded text is repeated repeatedly by all children.

The final riddle about the samovar: “Shiny, like a polished coin; hissing, like an awakened volcano; a round, but not ripe watermelon.”

Recommendations: it is advisable to denote the value of the attribute on the left side of the table with a word with a clearly marked first letter, and on the right side a sketch of the object is acceptable. This allows you to train children's memory: a child, who cannot read, remembers the first letters and reproduces the word as a whole.

Work on teaching children to write riddles continues using the following models: in comparison with the actions of an object (“Puffs like a brand new little train”), in comparing one object with some other object, finding common and different between them (“Like an umbrella, but on thick leg").

For example:

Light green, like spring grass.

Humming like a flying bee.

Oval but not thick zucchini. (Vacuum cleaner).

Walking, but not a person.

It flies, but not an airplane.

It croaks, but not a crow. (Jackdaw)

Green like grass.

Hairy like a bear.

Prickly, but not a cactus. (Spruce).

Limericks are used to develop verbal creativity. Typically, this poem consists of 5 lines. Limericks are created by a group of children, where the teacher plays the leading role. We start such classes with children 4–5 years old. From the above rhyme with the addition of the following we have a limerick:

Once upon a time there lived a snowman,

Red as a light.

He flew to our kindergarten

And he pecked at the grains on the feeder.

This is how we take care of the birds.

In the process of composing poems, children not only develop verbal creativity, they learn to draw conclusions, morality, and take care of their health, their loved ones, and “feathered friends.”

Syncwine technology

Sinkwine is a new technology in the development of speech in preschool children. Cinquain is a five-line poem without rhyme.

Sequence of work:

· Selection of words and objects.

· Selection of action words that this object produces.

· Differentiation of the concepts “words - objects” and “words - actions”.

· Selection of words - attributes to the object.

· Differentiation of the concepts “words - objects”, “words - actions” and “words - signs”.

· Work on the structure and grammatical design of sentences.

Articulation and finger gymnastics

The use of articulatory gymnastics plays an important role in the development of children's speech. Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of movements of the organs involved in the speech process. Articulatory gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds - phonemes - and the correction of sound pronunciation disorders of any origin; it includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, practicing certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

The famous teacher Sukhomlinsky said: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips.” Finger gymnastics is the performance of poems or stories using the fingers. This training of finger and hand movements is a powerful means of developing a child’s thinking. At the time of this training, the performance of the cerebral cortex increases. That is, with any motor training, it is not the hands that are exercised, but the brain.

First of all, fine finger motor skills are associated with speech development. In the brain, the motor and speech centers are the closest neighbors. And when the fingers and hands move, excitement from the motor center spreads to the speech centers of the brain and leads to a sharp increase in the coordinated activity of the speech zones.


“Logorhythmics” in its expanded version sounds like “speech therapy rhythmics,” that is, the elimination of speech deficiencies with the help of movements. Simply put, any exercise that combines speech and rhythmic movements is logorhythmics! During such exercises, correct speech breathing develops, an understanding of tempo, rhythm, expressiveness of music, movements and speech is formed, the ability to transform and move expressively in accordance with the chosen image, thereby demonstrating and developing one’s creative abilities.

Learning to write creative stories

Teaching creative storytelling occupies a special place in the formation of coherent speech in preschool children. Children should be taught coherent statements that are characterized by independence, completeness, and a logical connection between their parts. Writing a story is a more complex activity than retelling. The child must determine the content and choose the speech form of the narrative in accordance with the given topic. A serious task is to systematize the material, present it in the required sequence, according to the plan (the teacher’s or his own). Stories can be descriptive or plot-based. In this regard, three categories of stories can be distinguished:

1. A story based on perception (about what the child sees at the time of the story);

2. Story from memory (about what was perceived before the moment of the story);

3. A story based on imagination (invented, based on fictional material, on the transformation of existing ideas)

The technology is designed to teach children how to write two types of stories:

· realistic text;

· text of a fantastic nature.

Separately, we can highlight teaching children creative storytelling using paintings using the technology of T.A. Tkachenko, which is the use of plot pictures as a visual support when teaching creative storytelling. The classification of types of creative storytelling proposed by the author deserves attention:

1. Compiling a story with the addition of subsequent events.

2. Compiling a story with a replacement object.

3. Compiling a story with a replacement character.

4. Compiling a story with the addition of previous events.

5. Compiling a story with the addition of previous and subsequent events.

6. Compiling a story with the addition of an object.

7. Compiling a story with the addition of a character.

8. Compiling a story with the addition of objects and characters.

9. Compiling a story with a change in the result of the action.

10. Compiling a story with a change in the time of action.

Each of the proposed types of creative stories contains a direction for changing the plot. This technique also works well when developing creative storytelling skills based on familiar fairy tales. The type of creative story is the basis for transforming the plot of a fairy tale.

TRIZ technology

Skillful use of TRIZ techniques and methods (the theory of inventive problem solving) successfully helps to develop inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, and dialectical thinking in preschoolers.

The main working mechanism of TRIZ is the algorithm for solving inventive problems. The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. The teacher should not give ready-made knowledge, reveal the truth to him, he should teach him to find it. If a child asks a question, there is no need to immediately give a ready answer. On the contrary, you need to ask him what he himself thinks about it. Invite him to reasoning. And with leading questions, lead the child to find the answer himself. If he does not ask a question, then the teacher must indicate the contradiction. Thus, he puts the child in a situation where he needs to find an answer, i.e. to some extent repeat the historical path of knowledge of an object or phenomenon.

Main stages of the TRIZ methodology

1. Search for the essence (Children are presented with a problem or question that needs to be solved.) And everyone is looking for different solutions, for what is the truth.

2. “The Mystery of the Double.” At this stage we identify a contradiction: good-bad

For example, the sun is good or bad. Good - it warms, bad - it can burn.

3. Resolution of these contradictions (with the help of games and fairy tales).

For example, you need a large umbrella to hide under it from the rain, but you also need a small one so that you can carry it in your bag. The solution to this contradiction is a folding umbrella.

Fairy tale therapy

To develop the speech of preschool children, a technique called fairytale therapy is used. Developing a preschooler’s speech through fairy tale therapy is the most effective and accessible way for him to improve his speaking abilities. Fairytale therapy allows you to solve the following problems:

· Development of speech through retellings, third-person stories, shared storytelling and storytelling in a circle, as well as composing your own fairy tales.

· Identification of the child’s creative abilities and assistance in their development.

· Reduced levels of aggressiveness and anxiety. Development of communication abilities.

· Training in overcoming fears and difficulties.

· Development of the ability to competently express emotions.

When composing fairy tales, you can use the following techniques:

· “Salad from fairy tales” (mixing different fairy tales);

· “What will happen if... (the plot is set by the teacher);

· “Changing the character of the characters (a fairy tale in a new way);

· “Introduction of new attributes and heroes into the fairy tale.”

Dramatization games

Dramatization games have an effective impact on the development of children's speech. In the game of dramatization, dialogues and monologues are improved, and speech expressiveness is mastered. In dramatization play, the child strives to explore his own capabilities in transformation, in the search for something new, and in combinations of the familiar. This reveals the peculiarity of dramatization games as a creative activity, an activity that promotes the development of children’s speech. And finally, the game - dramatization is a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child, which corresponds to a personality-oriented approach in working with preschool children.

The above technologies have a significant impact on the speech development of preschool children. Modern educational technologies can help in the formation of an intellectually courageous, independent, original-thinking, creative individual who can make non-standard decisions.

The speech of preschool children is best developed through play. Play is the form of activity by which a child lives and breathes, and therefore is most understandable to him. There are many games for developing speech and teaching reading and writing. They should definitely be used in classes on speech development for preschoolers.

Thanks to games with peers and family communication, children’s mental abilities intensively develop. When introducing your child to joint work around the house, in the garden, in the garden, you talk to him: “Here we will plant cucumbers...”, “Raspberries will ripen on this bush.” By communicating, you help the words “take on flesh.”

As the child’s experience enriches and new observations emerge, his mental abilities develop and speech develops. He learns to compare, find similarities and differences between objects, and draw conclusions.

His speech is enriched with new words. By the age of five, the child constructs long and quite complex phrases, talks a lot and willingly about what he saw and heard. He can remember and summarize the information received.

Children's brains have an excellent ability to absorb information. The baby greedily remembers what interests him. He loves being read fairy tales, poems, short stories about animals, plants, and girls and boys like himself.

The child listens to them many times and remembers them. If you read or speak hastily or inattentively, your child will correct you. Then he becomes interested in one story and wants to read it himself. Comparing the story he heard with the pictures in the book, he “reads” the book, carefully following the letters that he does not yet know.

By the age of three, having realized himself as a person, he will learn to say “I”. Later, having become involved in group games, he will replenish his vocabulary with the pronouns “you” and “he”. During games, children talk a lot and willingly, noisily imitate their playmates, older family members, and characters from films they have seen.

The girls talk to the dolls: they caress, scold, teach (just like their mother). The boys shout at the cars, urge them on, order them to move.

At 3-4 years old, you can already talk with a child and conduct a dialogue. He will talk continuously, in a hurry. You need to try to speak to him in an even, calm voice in order to calm him down and “extinguish” unnecessary haste. By the age of five, a child’s speech should be fully developed. Difficulties may arise only with some sounds (for example, “r”, “l”).

Even in the old days, tongue twisters were invented - a type of colloquial speech with repetition and rearrangement of the same letters or syllables that are difficult to pronounce. It is necessary to practice tongue twisters with your child and, if necessary, moderate the haste of his speech. Children love these funny and short rhymes.

The child must pronounce all sounds correctly and be able to clearly express his thoughts. If he is not given a certain sound (especially “r”), he completely omits it or pronounces it incorrectly, it is not recommended to correct him or force him to repeatedly pronounce various words that contain the unsuccessfully pronounced sound. It is important to speak correctly and clearly in front of the child, and usually he copes with his own shortcomings.

The pronunciation of sounds, according to experts, is corrected independently until the age of five. If this does not happen, you should contact a speech therapist. The sooner this is done, the better it will be for the future student. Experience shows that children who pronounce individual sounds incorrectly also write incorrectly. By the age of 6, almost all pronunciation deficiencies can be corrected.

It is very important to teach your child to listen carefully, grasp the meaning of what he hears and answer appropriate questions. Therefore, you should not strive to read more to your child. It is better to talk with him more often about what he read, teach him to retell what he heard, accurately express his thoughts, and express his attitude towards what he read. It is also useful to exercise a child’s memory by asking him to memorize short poems, nursery rhymes, and jokes.

Speaking about nursery rhymes and jokes, we should move on to such an indispensable means of speech development as folklore. Vividly, figuratively, aptly, this type of oral poetry reflects life in its diversity, the centuries-old wisdom of generations.

All kinds of nursery rhymes and jokes must be used in speech therapy classes, because they use sound combinations - tunes that are repeated many times, with different intonations, with changes in stress, rhythm, speed and volume of the melody.

A great way to teach your child the names of birds, their habits, habits and songs is to get acquainted with funny teasers, calls and stoneflies about birds. Using their example, a child is able to first feel and then realize the beauty of his native language and the creative imagery of our speech.

Using proverbs and sayings in their speech, children learn to understand metaphors, the ambiguity of words, and methods of personification. This is very important for speech-language children. The figurative meaning of expressions is most often not available to them. We need to work hard and systematically to understand the meaning of proverbs, sayings, and phraseological units.

Guessing, and then independently inventing riddles, also has a positive effect on speech development. Here the ability to identify the most essential features of an object is formed.

Gray, toothy,

Prowls through the forests,

Looking for calves and lambs.

Riddles develop the ability to analyze, compare, and generalize.

He has legs, but not like a cat.

He has a hat, but not like dad.

To develop coherent speech, it is desirable to develop in children the ability to come up with short stories based on plot pictures, and to compose them correctly. An adult can push a child’s thought in the right direction with a leading question.

To develop the speech of preschoolers, it is advisable to practice such a task as coming up with the end of a half-read story, the reading of which was interrupted at an interesting point. Such an effective means of developing children's imagination forces the child to think logically and encourages activity.

There is no need to read and tell children something new every time. They eagerly welcome works they have read previously, actively remember and try to suggest what will happen next, and correct if the narrator has made some inaccuracy. At the same time, the child learns to be highly active.

Music and singing lessons are also very useful for children’s speech development. Singing allows you to breathe properly, which is indispensable for working on stuttering, speech and voice tempo disorders. By diligently singing the syllables in words, the child has the opportunity to hear all the sounds, especially in weak positions, and feel the rhythmic pattern of the word, which contributes to the development of phonemic hearing.

Singing is widely used in working with autistic children. Music can evoke an emotional response in such children. Emphasis on vowel sounds, a slow tempo, and repeated sound combinations allow autistic children to remember words and pronounce them. Lullabies that are very good for these purposes are:


You, little dog, don't bark,

Whitepaw, don't whine,

Don't wake up our Katya.

Thus, we examined the means of developing the speech of preschool children. Children's brains have an excellent ability to absorb information. The baby greedily remembers what interests him. He loves being read fairy tales, poems, short stories about animals, plants, and girls and boys like himself. The child listens to them many times and remembers them.

We also found out that there are many ways to develop a preschooler’s speech. Even in the old days, tongue twisters, poems, nursery rhymes, jokes, teasers, and chants were invented. By inviting your child to memorize them, you develop his memory. Using proverbs and sayings in their speech, children learn to understand metaphors, the ambiguity of words, and methods of personification. To develop coherent speech, it is desirable to develop in children the ability to come up with short stories based on plot pictures, and to compose them correctly. To develop the speech of preschoolers, it is advisable to practice such a task as coming up with the end of a half-read story, the reading of which was interrupted at an interesting point. Singing is also widely used in children's work.

But still, the most important way to develop a child’s speech is play. A child grows up playing all his life. With the game he learns about the whole world around him. Therefore, play is given great importance in the development of a child’s speech, his upbringing and growing up.

Good day, dear readers! I would like to discuss with you another burning topic - means of developing the speech of preschool children. After all, we all dream that children will immediately learn to explain themselves in sentences, with the right words and with the right endings. But with the right approach, you can significantly speed up the process of speech development! How? Using special means!

Speech is the most important socialization skill for a child.

Agree, until the first conscious words and statements it is difficult to perceive a screaming lump as a person with his own thoughts and desires, but a talking child is already a worthy interlocutor with whom you can and should talk about literally everything.

The child himself also needs the ability to speak, helping him communicate with family, friends, and peers in the garden. This way we will help our kids master speech faster!

Methodological tools

Teachers have long determined which means are most effective in speech development, these are:

  • conversation with adults;
  • speech of a kindergarten teacher;
  • special classes, for example, with a speech therapist or lessons on early development methods;
  • reading fiction;
  • art classes.

Communication with family

This is the simplest, but very effective means of developing speech skills. Do not think that until the baby says the first word, you can treat him as a beautiful but soulless toy. I, having read smart books, talked to my child literally from the maternity hospital like crazy, describing my thoughts, actions, intentions.

And this yielded results - the child began to speak quite early, and correctly and clearly, apparently, the long months of developing a passive vocabulary had an effect. The baby listens, words and sentences are stored in his memory, and then emerge as needed.

When the child begins to speak his first words, there is no need to relax, there is still a lot of, but interesting work ahead. We talk to him as often as possible, talking about surrounding objects and actions, calling names, colors, characteristics of things, asking leading questions, playing with him.

  • reading poetry, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales;
  • sing simple and catchy songs with him, as musical works train breathing, help cope with stuttering, form correct phonemic hearing, and develop a speech rate;
  • recite simple poems or riddles with him that involve pronouncing the right word, read the first part to the baby, and let him say the last word, remember, and choose. If the child finds it difficult, you can suggest the first part of the required word;
  • watch and read colorful fairy tales with your child, pointing your finger at the mentioned characters and objects as the story progresses; dialogues need to be read in different intonations, you can even copy the voices of animals and people;
  • use finger games, it has been proven that these interesting, memorable poems and songs, when combined with certain gestures, not only help develop memory, but also accelerate the development of speech, and playing them is very interesting even for adults, you know, it’s addictive!

With that, I’ll say goodbye to you, subscribe to our blog, see you soon!