Plan of the creative group for mate plus. “Use of materials “Mate: plus”

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Sergeeva Olga Borisovna

“Use of materials “Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten" for the formation of mathematical abilities in children of senior preschool age"

At the present stage of development of preschool education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the main feature of the organization of educational activities is the departure from educational activities (classes), increasing the status of play as the main activity of preschool children; inclusion of effective forms of working with children in the process.

The concept of preschool education, guidelines and requirements for updating the content of preschool education outline a number of fairly serious requirements for the cognitive development of preschoolers, part of which is the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. In this regard, I became interested in the problem: how to ensure the mathematical development of children that meets the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. While studying and analyzing various mathematical technologies, I became interested in the program “Mate: Plus. Mathematics in kindergarten”, as it is an excellent tool that fills children’s world with the joy of communicating with a mathematician and supports their desire for knowledge and increases their motivation to learn new things.Preschoolers consolidate all acquired knowledge and skills in mathematical development with the help of kit materials, which are used not only in direct educational activities, but also in joint activities with the teacher and independently. All the material in the kit helps teach children the ability to distinguish, highlight, and name a variety of objects, numbers, geometric shapes, and directions. They have the opportunity to form new knowledge and introduce children to methods of action. Each game in the set has a specific task of improving children’s mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) concepts.Systematic work with children improves general mental abilities: logic of thought, reasoning and action, ingenuity and intelligence, spatial concepts.

Goal of the work: use of materials from the program “Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten" in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers.

1. Create a content-rich environment for the implementation of productive, exciting, educational and creative joint activities of the teacher with children in the process of formationelementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers using materials "Mate: plus;
2. Develop and implement a system of classes and didactic games for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts using materials “Mate: Plus”;
Increase the effectiveness of the learning process through the use of “Mate: Plus” materials, which contribute not only to the formationelementary mathematical conceptsin pupils, but also in the development of play and creative activity;
4. Promote the manifestation of independence and cooperation of students during individual and subgroup work.

To work more effectively with children at the initial stage, it was important to organize an educational space with a variety ofmaterials "Mate: plus", which corresponds to the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education: information content, accessibility, variability - and will ensure the playful, cognitive, research and creative activity of children, and will help them in self-expression.

For this purpose, equipment from the “Mate: Plus” set was purchased for a subgroup of children: game cards, bears, geometric figures, a scoreboard with markings and 20 cubes, construction cubes, mosaic cubes, dice, chips, tubes for chips, plot playing fields.

The equipment has the advantages: it is portable, lightweight, and the child can work with it individually at any time in any part of the group room.

The Mate Plus program covers all the mathematical content necessary for preschoolers. It helps form ideas about space and shape, quantities and measurements, set, numbers, mathematical operations and much more. Children experiment with basic geometric shapes; playing with blocks and mirrors to create patterns, explore patterns and symmetry. In exciting games, they master the number series and learn to compare numbers and quantities.

With fun, unexpected activities, preschoolers discover that math is all around them. At the same time, it is important that children learn everything new with pleasure and in their favorite form - in play.

In my work I solve issues of the formation of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification).I include work on improving these processes in every lesson on FEMP.

To show how to play with the material "Mate: Plus"

increase motivation to complete a task, thereby arousing children’s interest in masteringmental operations, I’ll give an example of working with geometric shapes and bear figures.

Colored geometric shapes are suitable for a wide variety of geometric experiments. With their help, you can not only practice the ability to sort and compare shapes, but also create large geometric shapes and patterns. Geometric shapes can be superimposed on each other, trying to combine them with each other, comparing their areas and getting a first idea of ​​the angles.

You can also introduce children to the world of geometric shapes with the help of educational games, which can be used both in children’s educational activities and in their free time. Such games include:"Shapes", "Geometric mosaic", “A Whole from Parts”, “Beads”, “Put in a Box” and others. These games are aimed at developing children's spatial imagination. They develop visual perception, voluntary attention, memory and imaginative thinking, and also reinforce the names of colors and geometric shapes.

The bear figurines are available in three different colors and three sizes. They are used for educational games in all sections: for example, to develop the skills of comparing and sorting (classifying), copying arrangement patterns (sequences), and mastering spatial concepts. You can arrange the bears by dictation, using a sample card, or you can do a mirror arrangement. Bear figurines are also used for recounting, counting on the one-to-one principle, comparing quantities (more, less), and for performing arithmetic operations with objects.
At the organizational stage of working with this materialI interest children with the help of playful motivation - “what is in the bag?” I suggest putting your hand in the bag and saying what is hidden there. This helps develop fine motor skills of the hands and tactile sensations. Children examine the figures, describe them, determine the color and say what object in the surrounding world this figure resembles.

At this stage, children are offered the following tasks:

Games to develop tactile memory. Task: find two figures of the same shape in a fabric bag by touch.

Lay out the patterns and draw them on a piece of triangular-lined paper.

Lay out the figure according to the sample on the card. The work is complicated by the fact that the cards differ in three levels of complexity: a picture of colored figures, an outline picture, a silhouette picture.

At the next stage of working with geometric shapes, children learn to superimpose geometric shapes on top of each other, try to combine them with each other, compare their areas, and get their first ideas about angles.

Children are offered the following tasks:

Continue the pattern: lay out and continue the pattern.

Lay out patterns that mirror the sample.

The final stage is aimed at sorting the cards into three levels, coming up with a wide variety of patterns. Here children show imagination and imagination.

When working with bear figures onorganizational stage of children alsoI interest you with the help of playful motivation - “what is in the bag?” I suggest putting your hand into the bag and saying what is hidden there. This promotes the development of fine motor skills of the hands and tactile sensations.

Children are offered:
- look at the figures,

Sort them by color or size: learn to correctly use comparative concepts, use them in speech and learn to justify their answers.

Arrange bears by size: compare figures, learn to correctly use comparative concepts, use them in speech and learn to justify their answers.

Games to develop tactile memory: find by touch in the bag and pull out two bears of the same size.

Continue the given sequence.

Remember the order of the bears: cover each bear with a paper cup and use a card to try to find the corresponding bear under the cup.

Arrange the bears in a mirror image.

At the next stage, children are offered the following tasks:

Arrange the bears according to the cards: children learn one-to-one relationships, counting objects, recognizing quantities without counting, imagining quantities in their minds, learning to relate number to quantity.

Arrange the bears in a pattern: Children learn and take into account spatial relationships.

Arrange bears by dictation: children reinforce spatial concepts, recognize and take into account spatial relationships.

Mirror the arrangement of the bears: arrange the bears in a mirror image in relation to the card, the correctness of the execution is checked using a mirror, or you need to find a mirror card and check the result on it.

The final stage is aimed at performing arithmetic operations, children learn to solve problems.

Based on the material from the “Mate: Plus” program set, I developed my own didactic games:

- “What figures are missing?” Purpose: to consolidate ideas about geometric figures, to find distinctive features.

- “Tell me about the figure” Purpose: to teach children to determine the spatial arrangement of figures on a plane.

- “Arrange the figures in a row” Goal: consolidation of knowledge about geometric figures, development of memory and attention.

- “Count it up” Purpose: to train children in quantitative counting within 10, to correlate the number of objects with the number.

- “Who lives in the house” Goal: to teach how to correlate the number of objects with the size of the house, the color of the number. The game develops attention, logical thinking, and consolidates children's knowledge of the concepts of “big”, “small”, and about primary colors.

- “Count it” Goal: to consolidate counting skills within 10, to correlate the number and quantity of objects.

- “Sudoku” Goal: development of observation, logical thinking, fixation of the colors of the spectrum, orientation on the microplane.

Thus, the use of the material “Mate: Plus” in classes and in children’s independent activities has a beneficial effect on the assimilation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers and helps to increase the level of mathematical development of children.

Basic knowledge of mathematics as defined by modern

requirements are mainly absorbed by children, but deepening and

differentiation of individual work with each child. Updating and qualitative improvement of the system of mathematical development of preschoolers allows us to look for the most interesting forms of work, which contributes to the development of elementary mathematical concepts.

Didactic games give a great charge of positive emotions,

Help children consolidate and expand their knowledge of mathematics.

MBDOU "Kindergarten named after. Yu.A. Gagarin"

Innovation platform of the federal state budgetary scientific institution "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education"

Russian Academy of Education

(Order No. 36 of September 23, 2016)

Theme of innovation

"Modernization of mathematics education

at the preschool level of general education in accordance

with the Concept of development of mathematical education in Russia on the basis of a comprehensive program of mathematical development “Mate: Plus”, ensuring continuity between levels of general education.”

From September 23, 2016 MBDOU "Kindergarten named after. Yu.A. Gagarin" is a pilot site testingeducational and methodological complex “Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten" . Dates: September 2016 – June 2019 Educational activities With using the materials of the educational and methodological complex “Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten"conducted on the basis of the senior group “Dragonflies”, teachers: Panyushkina Alexandra Viktorovna , Dydoleva Yulia Ivanovna, preparatory group “Ladushki”, teachers: Shandyga Margarita Anatolyevna, Shargaeva Marina Vladimirovna, preparatory group “Luchiki”, teachers: Skakunova Irina Valerievna, Shibanova Elena Timofeevna.Activity Coordinator innovative site deputy manager L.F. Andreeva.

Areas of activity of the innovation platform

Innovative activities are aimed at modernizing mathematics education at the preschool level of general education in accordance with modern regulatory requirements and the provisions of the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in Russia.

The purpose of innovation activity

Improving the quality of mathematics education in the early stages of children’s development, ensuring the success of mastering mathematics programs in primary school, based on the Mathematics Education Development Program “Mate: Plus” using materials from the educational and methodological complex “Mate: Plus. Mathematics in kindergarten."

Stages of the innovation platform:

1.Organizational stage activities of the federal network innovation platform: October 2016 - June 2017;

2. ABOUT main stage activities: September 2017–December 2019;

3. The final stage activities: January 2020 - September 2020

“Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten" - mathematical complex

new generation for the development of mathematical thinking in children from 4 to 8 years old.

Educational and methodological complex “Mate: plus. Mathematics in Kindergarten" is an integral science-based complex that includes methodological, educational, developmental aids, diagnostic and game materials for the development of mathematical education in an organization that carries out educational activities at the preschool level. The educational and methodological materials of the complex combine the best examples of the Russian traditional system of mathematical education, which have received international recognition, with materials from modern international programs for the development of mathematical competencies.

UMK "Mate:plus. Mathematics in kindergarten" is:

-individual approach to each child;

- performance and a sense of success in children with different abilities;

-obtaining basic mathematical experience necessary for further education at school according to new programs;

-mastering mathematical concepts in games and projects;

-games and tasks of varying complexity, including for gifted children;

Materials of the educational and methodological complex “Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten" make it possible to ensure the implementation of the Concept for the development of mathematics education in Russia and are fully consistent with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Work with children in the course of innovative activities is based on the principles of differentiated learning in accordance with the results of pedagogical monitoring of the individual development of each child. As a result of the work of the innovation platform, all participants in innovation activities should develop a stable understanding that “there are no children incapable of mathematics,” and the formation of mathematical competencies occurs along individual trajectories.

For testing UMK "Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten" at preschool educational institution The following conditions have been created:

· a working group has been created onexperimental testing and implementation of teaching materials“Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten".

· the participation of teachers in webinars of the National Education Publishing House LLC was organized;

· the developing subject-spatial environment is updated, providing the opportunitymastering mathematical concepts in games and projects.

Testing work continues!

Deputy Head L.F. Andreeva

Winner regional competition of methodological developments of teaching staff of the Smolensk region implementing the Federal State Educational Standard

Skakunova Irina Valerievna,

teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten named after Yu.A. Gagarin"

Topic: “Mathematical education of preschool children

in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard based on the comprehensive mathematical development program “Mate: Plus”



"Mathematical education of preschool children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education based on the comprehensive mathematical development program "Mate: Plus"

Prepared by: Andreeva L.F.

Seminar - workshop

"Intellectual development of preschool children in the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts"



- Motivate teachers to update the content of preschool education;

- To improve the professional skills of preschool teachers in developing elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education"

Educational and methodological seminars for preschool teachers

according to the program for the development of mathematical education “Mate: plus”

using materials from the educational and methodological complex

“Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten

District workshop m

Topic: “Modernization of mathematics education at the preschool level of general education in accordance with the Concept for the development of mathematics education in Russia on the basis of a comprehensive program of mathematical development “Mate: Plus”, ensuring continuity between levels of general education”

(from the experience of MBDOU "Kindergarten named after Yu.A. Gagarin"innovation platform of the federal state budgetary scientific institution "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education" of the Russian Academy of Education).

Target: increasing the professional competence of preschool teachers and managers, implementing continuity in the field of mathematics education between levels of general education, systematizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions, actively introducing innovative forms and methods of teaching, studying the experience of MBDOU “Kindergarten named after. Yu.A. Gagarin"innovation platform of the federal state budgetary scientific institution "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education" of the Russian Academy of Education.

Participants: heads, deputy heads, preschool teachers, elementary school teachers in Gagarinsky district .

Employees of the kindergarten named after Yu.A. Gagarin shared the interim results of their activities with teachers of preschool educational institutions and primary schools in the Gagarin district at a seminar-workshop on December 14, 2017.

Inna Osipenko
How to organize joint activities using Mate Plus materials

How organize joint activities using materials« Mate plus»

Many mathematical abilities in most children develop in preschool age in everyday communication with peers and adults. But for the development of some abilities in ordinary life there are too few clear examples, so special attention is paid to them and they are thoroughly studied. It happens that children do not show interest in a certain range of knowledge and even avoid them.

When building activities I take into account the current level of knowledge of the children, as well as the children’s preferences regarding working in a group (individual, small group or large group).

At first we just posted materials for free access.

After all the guys met and tried to play with box materials« Mate+» , I posted a few cards for the kids to get them interested.

Kostya was the first to convert attention: “Vanya, look at the pictures!”. They began to look at them, and other children joined them. Afterwards they turned to me asking what kind of cards they were. I explained to the kids that each card was an instruction for the game and showed how to play. Games aroused more interest "Number Battle", "Cross out all the numbers", "Who is bigger? Who is smaller?, "Pull out a card", “Display the dice results”, "Drawing cards with dice", “Post the quantity, find out the quantity”. The most remarkable thing was that during the game, other guys were added to the playing group. In the process, they coped, made mistakes, and helped each other. If a dispute arose in the game regarding the number of objects or in the choice of numbers, they contacted me.

Watching the children, I noticed that the children count every day who came first to kindergarten and who came second. It became almost a ritual-competition. But they lose count of eight and ten. I found in the current situation mathematical way to solve this Problems: Roman came first, and I suggested that he start a list of the guys present using digital stamps (some children can write names). We met everyone, and Roma proudly showed the list and reported that he was first, Dasha second, etc. In this way, the guys consolidated the skill of ordinal counting.

Vanya, Danil, Roma and Artyom prefer working in a small group, as they feel more comfortable, and prefer playing with cars over board games. I organized the game"Delivery building materials» , which involved building blocks and mosaic cubes. The dispatcher gave an invoice indicating the quantity, and the driver collected and sent the order. Based on the fact that children love to play outdoor games "Hide and Seek", I modified it with using chips, digital stamps and bear figurines. On the lined sheet she schematically indicated a hint - where the chips or bears are located. Children found, determined their number and put a stamp with the corresponding number.

So, unbeknownst to themselves, during the game, children add, count, and solve various kinds of logical problems; learn the properties and relationships of objects, the variety of geometric shapes. They are happy to be involved in solving simple and more complex creative problems. tasks: find, guess, reveal a secret, make changes in type, establish correspondence, model, group, express mathematical relations. Performing such exercises arouses keen interest in children, promotes independent thinking, and most importantly, the development of methods of cognition.

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