Chat real life in the virtual world. Virtual life and human communication on the Internet

Hello everyone ^-^

Today I'll tell you why real life better than anime! :v:

Then there will be part 2: “Why anime is better than real life.”

:fire: Let's start! :fire:

After the massive spread of the Internet, many people lost touch with real life and plunged headlong into the Internet.

There are many examples of addiction to the World Wide Web, which has become a serious problem for humanity. But there is also positive sides, because some people have achieved serious success in virtual world.

Virtual or real life, which is better? A person can live without access to the Internet, even if he is addicted.

You can't live without real life.

At the very least, you won’t get enough food from pictures on the Internet. Although there is another opinion - you can order your food via the Internet, which partly makes virtual life acceptable.

Why is real life better?

Whatever the arguments, real life is much better and there are many reasons for this. At a minimum, sitting in front of a monitor will prevent you from continuing your family line, and this is one of the needs of a normal person.

There are many other reasons to spend time in real life most time:

Everything is not real - the people you communicate with, information, relationships, and so on. Perhaps our lives are brightened up by some moments and even remote communication brings emotions, but they are far from real. A waste of time - it happens every time you go to social media for a minute. networks, start watching entertaining videos or playing online. Even an ordinary meeting with real friends would be more useful. No censorship - which pleases some and is considered unacceptable for others. It's about not only about pornography, but also about false information. It’s easy to find some fabricated incriminating evidence online or stumble upon scammers. Health – sitting for hours in front of a monitor, few people think about health problems. You come across such thoughts when there is no turning back and you have to consult a doctor.

In general, it is better to live in reality, it is much more interesting. If you don’t think so, then you probably haven’t discovered all the delights yet.

When you ski down a mountain slope of 1500 meters, you are tied to a bun and launched into the water or lifted to a bird's eye view with a parachute, your opinion will definitely change.

:blush: ~Thanks for reading~ :blush:

Why does communication between people gradually turn from real to virtual? Communicating using a computer is much easier. The virtual world and communication on the Internet have become so popular that many people sometimes forget about real communication. A real meeting puts people in certain framework, requires direct emotional contact, and the Network is always at hand.

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Photo gallery: Virtual world and communication on the Internet

Press a couple of keys and you are already in the communication center. If you want to confirm your importance, you open a page on Odnoklassniki, look at how many people have visited it, and become convinced of your own relevance. In addition, just sitting and working (if the profession is related to a computer) is boring, and in order to structure time, people go into the virtual world and communicate on the Internet, where it is always safe, there are no obligations, you can imagine yourself to be anyone, fool others and even get an emotional drive from it.

What traps does the Internet set?

The World Wide Web of the virtual world and communication on the Internet is addictive and almost drug addiction from its users. People have an obsessive desire to access the Internet, but once on it, a person does not find the strength to leave the web pages. There are two main forms of the virtual world and communication on the Internet: chat addiction - from communication in chat rooms, forums, teleconferences, and email. And web addiction - from new doses of information (virtual surfing on sites, portals, etc.). And yet, the majority of Internet addicts are hooked on services related to communication. According to statistics, the most attractive characteristics of such contacts are: anonymity (86%), accessibility (63%), security (58%) and ease of use (37%). So the network is needed to receive social support, sexual satisfaction, the possibility of creating a virtual hero (creating a new self).

What is the essence of information dependence?

It is also called web addiction. Usually it affects people whose occupation involves processing and searching for information (journalists are the first at risk). They feel a constant lack of news, discomfort from the realization that at this moment something is happening somewhere, but they are not aware. The understanding that it is impossible to cover everything disappears. Intelligence has no limits: after one thought comes another, a third... In order to stop in time, you need to have in the middle a so-called cumulative sting - an alloy of willpower, spirit and purpose. It is formed in any activity. This is the ability to gather right moment, concentrate and direct all your efforts towards the implementation of a certain task. Information scatters attention, the sense of time is lost, chewing gum is thrown at the brain, which it mechanically chews. To prevent information from ultimately destroying consciousness, a mosaic of perception is necessary. I read a certain idea, was inspired by it and implemented it. You should not process all thoughts in a row, but only those that you like. And, if possible, bring them to life, and not just scroll through your head.

A person needs to be assessed from the outside, to receive confirmation of whether he is following the right path in life, and to compare himself with others. On a social network, a user creates his own personal page - a beautiful picture - a self-presentation. Children, husbands, vacations are put on display, wishes, congratulations, poems are written to each other, evaluations are collected - evidence of their beauty and happy life. Thus, the need for confirmation is satisfied self-importance. However, communication on social networks is symbolic. Few people respond to a proposal for a real meeting, and if a meeting does take place, it often turns out to be not as bright and beautiful as in the virtual world.

How does online communication differ from real communication?

What are the signs of Internet addiction?

The most eloquent: an obsessive desire to check your email, ignoring physiological needs for the sake of virtual surfing (forgot to eat, go to the toilet), staying on the Internet much longer than the time that was originally planned (I wanted to log in for half an hour, but was delayed for two). Experienced computer addicts forget about their family, friendship, and work responsibilities. Consequences: divorce, dismissal from work, academic failure. After leaving the Internet for a short time, they experience a kind of “hangover” - an extremely dense stream of consciousness and a feeling of anxiety, an irresistible desire to get back into the virtual world and communicate on the Internet.

What mental disorders can be provoked by the virtual world and communication on the Internet?

An adult seems to be like a seven-year-old child who wants to get what he wants right now. Another popular mental disorder is Munchausen syndrome. It is based on faking illness in order to attract attention and sympathy. Since no one on the Internet will ask you for a medical card, pretending to be sick is as easy as shelling pears.

Who is most at risk of becoming a computer addict?

How does the virtual world affect children's health and psyche?

A child under 7-10 years of age must develop physically—in play and movement. After the ten-year mark, the body’s forces concentrate on the development of metabolism, heart, lungs, and other important organs. And only after 14 years of age does acceptance shift to spirituality. Small children, glued to the monitor, are static. Instead of the physical progress expected at this age, there is an intellectual load - as a result, modern children grow old early. At the age of 13-14 today, vascular sclerosis, atherosclerosis and early cancers already appear. At the age of ten, a child can speak three languages ​​and the basics computer programming, but does not pass the banal test for physical development: walk smoothly along one floorboard and hit the target with the ball.

The virtual world and communication on the Internet are credited with a lot of merit as a means of learning and broadening one's horizons. Perhaps, with the right dosage, it will help raise children with superpowers?

Parents are touched by watching how their three-year-old child operates a laptop. In fact, all these skills are formed at a superficial level and will not be useful in any way in life. adult life. It is easier for adults to put a child at a computer and occupy him for a while than to form other values ​​in him. The idea that a computer develops and is necessary for school is nothing more than self-justification.

The USA conducted an experiment: children from the age of 5 were taught externally, and by the age of 12 they graduated full course secondary education. Their lives were followed for many years. It turned out that not one of them had a good fate: they were intellectually brilliant, but they lacked the strong-willed and emotional components. They didn't know who they were or what they wanted. After all, talent is 99% work and the ability to organize oneself, and only 1% depends on abilities.

Is it possible to derive rules for safe behavior for children at the computer?

Until the age of 10, a child lives in unity with the world; for him, the authority of his parents is absolute. After ten, children begin to separate themselves from the world around them, to wonder whether everything is so good in this life, to wonder: what is the past, what is the future. This is the age when you can get used to the computer. The correct dosage is no more than two hours a day: forty-five minutes at the computer, then a rest break. The computer should not be used as a means of encouragement. It is important not to shout, not to turn off the equipment from the network, but to develop self-control in the child. Set your alarm to certain time and place it nearby - this way the young user will develop a sense of responsibility for their actions. Often, computer addiction is created by parents themselves. After all, how is it going today? free time a young family: the father is playing some kind of shooting game, and the mother is communicating with her friends on Odnoklassniki. What remains for the child? Also sit down at the computer.

What problems with women's health Can a passion for computers, the virtual world and communication on the Internet turn into a passion?

Infertility and miscarriages are the companions of women chained to the monitor. Physical inactivity plus congestion in the pelvic area opens the door to all kinds of inflammation. Often information from the Internet causes neuroses in women, especially for young mothers who look for all the answers to their questions on the Internet. Today, all kinds of “mom” forums are popular, where other, equally unenlightened mothers (for some it would be useful to check their mental health) anonymously give advice to their “colleagues”. Some recommendations are reminiscent of dangerous experiments on your own children. Many anonymous people intimidate gullible interlocutors, giving their children terrible diagnoses in absentia. Mothers begin to beat themselves up, and a mass neurosis forms.

Popular today virtual Internet consultations. Without leaving your computer, you can find out your diagnosis, get detailed description treatment and immediately order medications from an online pharmacy. How safe are these diagnostic and treatment methods? appeared today new type Internet users - cyberchondriacs - are ardent fans of the Internet, collecting advice from specialists about their health from almost all corners of the Earth. They are confident in their existence terrible diseases which are nothing more than a figment of their imagination.

By what criteria can you distinguish an Internet resource?, who can be trusted, from the dubious?

There are several signs or “safe words” that can indicate an unscrupulous medical Internet resource. This is everything related to “energy-information” - information matrices, water, aura, biofield, wave genome, astral projections, bioresonance or “diagnosis of 40 doctors in half an hour”, removal of toxins and everything connected with them.

Today, the Internet provides ample opportunities for those who are looking for their other half. A lot of dating sites offer partners for every taste and color. How is the virtual search for your love different from the real one?

Correspondence can be reassuring, they say, here he is - the one and only. But meetings in real life often end in disappointment. But on the Internet these are just words with nothing behind them. Exchange of energies, attempts to understand oneself, others and this world - they are untenable in correspondence communication. If in life a person speaks about love with all his being, then on the Internet it is just letters and symbols.

What gaps in life do we compensate by going virtual?

To feel the fullness of being, a person must manifest himself in several areas of life. In creation, work - some constructive activity for the benefit of others, in caring for the body, which is improving and pays a hundredfold for the fact that it is healthy and is taken care of. In spirituality - the personality we acquire, the meanings we create, biography. In communication with other people that enriches and gives feedback: you live, you are recognized. And if we haven’t made this communication real, haven’t invested our emotions, our care into someone, we are left alone with our fear of death. Because before you die, it doesn’t matter what doctoral dissertations you wrote, it’s important who will be next to you so that you don’t feel lonely.

How to get rid of virtual addiction?

Life is arranged on energy balance"take-give". On the Internet we give our energy to no one knows where and why. The network sucks her up like a sponge. Life force We are given emotions, but not superficial ones, but aimed at acting. And emotions depend on the mood: “there are three of us.” The child of the mood needs to get together, put our emotions together, come up with some idea and get a fountain of energy to implement it. A person is able to throw himself into other areas of life, where there will be a lot of emotions, and he simply won’t remember about the computer. Energy is buried in real affairs, real actions and real connections. And the Internet can become an assistant in their search. Use the virtual world as a tool to expand your interests in real life (met, meet). Nothing can replace the luxury of communication, not virtual, but real.

The real world is represented by the material component in human life. And the man himself first of all, material, because he is born only with the needs of the body. Although this statement can be doubted, because emotional experiences- an invisible virtual entity, also inherent in a baby.

Virtual life- these are the possibilities of wireless contact, this is the release into the boundless space of your opinion, your thoughts, your experiences, your dreams.

Nowadays the virtual world is associated mainly with activities on the Internet. But a person’s internal morality, and his mental and emotional life also have a virtual essence.

With this one varying degrees- inharmonious development and a distortion of a person’s interests and behavior begins.

Both evoke sympathy.

Virtual life on the Internet has filled the void of those people who live a rich mental and emotional life, because the overcrowding of their consciousness requires an outlet. Understanding is required by those people who have conceived a business project, and by humanists - people of art and philosophy, and people involved in science, and people who have fallen into a psychological bind - everyone who has left the zone psychological comfort of one's own or not of one's own free will.

Virtual communication has even increased sensitivity nervous system person. Many can feel the energy of a virtual interlocutor. And this is also a significant step in the development of man himself.

The Internet has absorbed all thoughts, feelings, spiritual impulses, scattered them across the planet and helped to establish new connections, acquaintances, business contacts, and then set in motion material basis human life - his movement, movement of financial flows, trade parties, etc. significant, multifaceted and numerous. This shows how long and strong the vice was real world, where not too much attention was paid to the virtual invisible life of a person. This suggests that a person’s capabilities in terms of self-realization have now increased significantly.

Yes, it is impossible to say what comes first - matter or consciousness. They are so interconnected.

Of course, virtuality - feelings, for example, are inherent in plants, and even more so in animals. But, even if a person descended from a monkey, he still must develop in the direction of the priority invisible life of the mind and heart.

In general, life, both in the real and virtual world, is exciting, endless in learning and full of miracles. Future human discoveries will still give us amazing opportunities and joys of life. You should definitely take part in them!

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Currently exists a large number of people who cannot imagine life without the Internet or “surfing” on social networks and monitoring comments on their blog post. Modern Applications V mobile phones only actively contribute to the development of such dependence...

Moscow narcologists note that the contingent of their patients has now transformed from alcohol/drug addicts to the Internet - dependent people and ranges from 50 to 70% of total number patients, and the register for patient appointments is scheduled a year in advance.

Child psychologists are also sounding the alarm. According to the results of the experiment, which involved children from 12 to 18 years old, only three out of seventy children “withstood” to the end.

They were asked to refrain from using all kinds of gadgets, computers, TV, radio, music for 8 hours. During this time, they could occupy themselves with anything: from drawing and putting together puzzles to walking or sleeping.

However, the children's enthusiasm disappeared immediately at the beginning of the second or third hour. Many experienced aggression, fuss of movements, thoughts, speech; fear of loneliness and anxiety. On physically this was expressed in the form of nausea, dizziness, increased breathing, fever, causeless pain or a feeling of apparent pain throughout the body. Psychologists compared this to the withdrawal effect.

Many children, without waiting for the end of the experiment, turned on their phones and called their parents, friends, and classmates. The rest immersed themselves in the virtual world or turned on loud music.

The two boys who successfully completed the task were gluing all this time various models sailboats The third girl occupied herself with needlework with a break for lunch and a walk in the park.

Of course, each person is capable of answering the question for himself: is he dependent on various kinds Internet – entertainment or not. This article contains only some suggestions on how to get out of addiction if a person sees that he or his child has it.

For adults:

Do not limit yourself to gatherings and conversations on social networks or hobbies of computer games. Restriction further activates desire and generates aggression towards oneself: “Why am I like this? weak person? I can't do anything."

Only effective remedy in getting rid of Internet addiction: this is conscious observation of oneself, for example, during moments of virtual communication and analysis of the value of the exchanged information. Assessing the importance of this information and the amount of time spent on it is a direct path to getting rid of addiction. A person will simply gradually begin to understand whether he needs such communication, in what quantity he needs it - this will help him freely get out of addiction, without stress for the body and psyche. This does not mean that a person will not use the same social networks. He will simply be free from the illusion of the importance of what is happening in the virtual world.

Regarding children:

Here it is somewhat more complicated, since what is said in a commanding form: “Stop surfing the Internet, it’s time to do your homework!” most often it does not have any power to influence what is happening, but only aggravates the situation.

Based on the results of the experiment, a ban does not produce any results if children are not clearly explained why this or that is prohibited. At the same time, the essence of the experiment was not formulated entirely correctly - it was aimed at the child’s abilities and capabilities. He was accepted “weakly”, without offering any other game in return: “Can you be without computer games or communicating on social networks for 8 hours?” If every child were offered a collective play alternative to the same computer game– he wouldn’t even remember about his hardships.

It’s also worth thinking about: what attracts a child so much to the virtual world? Of course, many will answer: free communication - on the Internet you can create any image of yourself you want. The reasons for difficulties in live communication may be different, but their basis is often the same: the child feels the individuality of his inner world, but does not see how it can be applied in interaction with others. Perhaps he once tried to do this, but his manifestations were rejected or not understood by other children. Therefore, it is easier to go into the world of illusions - there you can create any image of yourself or be yourself, and the choice of interlocutors is much greater, as well as the likelihood of finding like-minded people.

Advice to parents in this situation: watch your child. Maybe, inner world the child just needs to be sent to the right direction. After all, the virtual world is a game. Create another game for your child that would be interesting and useful for him, and perhaps the addiction will disappear by itself. Start with him, for example, to study English language– Be your child’s friend and life partner.

Psychologists also remind us of healing power dialogue: the more often parents communicate with their children and not just actively nod their heads, but conduct a sincere dialogue with absolutely mature man on equal terms - the fewer understatements and difficulties arise in relationships.

In order for the child to listen to your opinion, psychologists also advise removing the scheme: owner - property. This happens because almost all parents consider their children THEIR OWN - they obviously have an image of a person who is not adapted to anything, in need of constant training and care. Modern parents actively form the child’s dependence on them, then suffering from the fact that the person cannot make a decision on his own in the future. However, in fact, today's children are significantly different from the previous generation high level awareness and presence own point perspective on what is happening.

For example, if mother is imperative form says what the child needs to do, she automatically blocks the freedom of choice for both herself and her child, knowingly believing that her position is the only correct one. At this point the dialogue disappears as only one person speaks. At the same time, the mother deprives the child of the opportunity to become an individual in the future and be responsible for his own actions, hindering her development with her authority.

Therefore, in this situation, it is preferable to focus on your feelings and emotions, for example: “Masha, I see how you spend a lot of time on the Internet - it makes me anxious.” Don't say anything else - leave room for reply child. Perhaps you will hear a reasoned answer in favor of using the Internet in exactly this quantity - do not rush to conclusions. You may not hear an answer. But if you say this really sincerely, then the child will definitely think about his actions - in fact, any person loves his parents very much, even if there is a cool relationship and he does not want to upset his loved ones. At this moment, you develop in your child the skills of awareness of his actions and taking responsibility for his actions.

It is also worth considering that the child does not need to say the same thing over and over again - next time just a glance will be enough. It also happens that the results are not immediately visible, but, you see, every person needs time to understand themselves from a new perspective. There is no need to put pressure on a person - be patient, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Until recently, computers were a luxury that few could afford. Nowadays, if not everyone, then quite a lot of people can have a computer. The Internet has poured into our lives in a strong wave, knocking down those unprepared for the problems it has brought us. Communication, work, dating, leisure and even sex on the Internet have become commonplace. Not many of the World Wide Web users will now be able to refuse it. On this basis, the question arises: is virtual life addictive and how dangerous is it for humans?
What is it that attracts ordinary people to virtual life? The answer is simple: a person’s failure in real life, a feeling of uselessness and loneliness. By creating a certain image for himself on the Internet that he would like, but for some reason could not, create in real life, a person experiences satisfaction from communication, games, blogs, websites, etc. He puts on the mask of the person he is not. was able to become in real life. No, of course, not all Internet users are like that. Few people see the Internet only as a leisure activity and prefer real communication to virtual communication. Those who for some reason cannot, or are not able to “make” themselves in real life, easily do it in the virtual world. After all, it is much easier and more convenient for them. Ugly man, can become handsome, modest, who never allowed himself to meet in real life, can become macho, an old man can become young again. Subsequently, few can get out of the virtual web as they get used to the image they created, get used to the role, and find like-minded people. The Internet gives such people exactly what they want: mutual understanding, communication and even virtual love. Gradually, a person moves away from real life, where, as he believes, there is nothing that he found in virtual life. Troubles at work, in the family, addiction - this is what awaits people who exchange real life for virtual life.

The new generation of youth, which is growing up, is more exposed to the influence of the Internet due to the emergence of numerous Internet games. After all, what child, and often what adult, would refuse to play? The number of people playing via the Internet is growing like mushrooms after rain. What are Internet games designed for? Of course, to generate income from the player, by involving the player’s real funds in the game. But how to get a person to invest money in the game? There is no need to force anyone, the person himself will give the money for the desire to continue the game he loves. Often these are colossal amounts, reaching up to a million rubles! And sometimes investing real money in the game only makes the situation worse. The player then simply feels sorry to quit the game because of the funds he invested in it. Sometimes a game captivates a person so much that a person does not notice the troubles associated with it. Troubles at school, at work, in the family, poor health due to constant lack of sleep. Soon a person will be more like a zombie, constantly sitting near the computer, completely.

It’s worth thinking about, do you need this? Can you get out of the great web and overcome your virtual addiction? Will you just spend your leisure time with friends or will you immerse yourself in this world? After all, in every person lives exactly the person you want to be. And the seemingly easy path of acquaintance or friendship, game or love, can later lead you to a dead end from which no one will help you find a way out. It’s not for nothing that the world that the Internet gives us is called virtual, because it is not real, but just a decoration. Behind this decoration there is no this, every day new, world, with its beauty and unknown. Or maybe it’s worth deleting game accounts, chats, magazines, turning off the computer and just trying to see all the beauty and uniqueness of this life? You decide.