Intercession about a person from the positive side. How to write a petition - sample drafting

Sample petitions can be found on any legal website. However, before downloading this or that document, you need to think carefully. Sample petitions posted in the public domain do not reflect the nuances of a particular case. Therefore, we advise you to contact a lawyer for advice just in case.

However, in general, petition writing samples have a uniform and logical algorithm, regardless of the specific application.


There are no special requirements for applying for an employee award. It is submitted to the main manager by the head of the department to a specific subordinate. Despite the lack of a clear form, it is still necessary to indicate:

  • characteristics of the employee, both work and personal;
  • description of merit.

So, how to write a petition. Sample: “Employee A. A. Ivanov has proven himself on the positive side. During his work selling household appliances, the department's profits increased by 30%. A. A. Ivanov has been working in the organization for more than a year, approaches his work responsibly, and enjoys the respect and authority of his colleagues. Based on the above, I apply for encouragement this employee extraordinary prize. Director of the Branch, A. A. Petrov.”

Sample applications for awards look approximately the same. There must be a mandatory description of the merit for which, in the applicant's opinion, the person should be awarded.

How to write a petition to the court: sample

In litigation, the parties are endowed with initiative. This means that everyone is given the right to go to court in order to carry out procedural actions that should lead to an objective consideration. A petition is a written request for a clearly stated purpose.

The principle of judicial motions

There are many different requirements in a lawsuit. It makes no sense to list them all in one article. We will list some sample applications for common understanding paintings. Let us say right away that there is no correct, established form.

Each application has its own nuances. However, in general there are general principles:

  • There is no single approved form or sample.
  • It is not necessary to cite laws in your application. If the requirement does not contradict procedural legislation, it must be considered without fail. However, a reference to legal norms will give legal weight to the document. The court will understand that the applicant knows what he is doing.
  • Specifics. The principle of precision and clarity in jurisprudence has not been canceled. Take, for example, a petition to call a witness. It is necessary to indicate everyone’s right to a fair trial, write that the witness is ready to testify, his appearance is guaranteed, he is waiting in the corridor. Then it will be more difficult to justify the refusal. The court will have to call a witness, otherwise it will be interpreted as a violation of the principle of independence of judicial proceedings.
  • Lead time. Ideal option will file a petition long before the trial, for example, to request evidence, for a forensic examination, to call a witness, etc. If this is delayed until last day, then the court may interpret the requirements as an abuse of right and refuse.
  • Before the trial, it is better to have several prepared and open forms. It is unknown how the process will go. Oral statements are often not reflected in the case. Having several pre-prepared petitions, including those that are directly opposite, can protect against “surprises.” For example, about disqualifying a judge, about ordering an examination, about requesting new evidence. It must be remembered that if the court rejected a particular requirement, this can be referred to in the appeal and requested again. If there were no motions in the first instance, but they are needed in the case, then the second instance will most likely refuse to join.

In addition to the universal principles, there are separate rules for certain types of petitions. Let's give a couple of examples.

Reinstatement of the deadline: sample of writing a petition

The most common request is to restore the term, since people do not always know that they have become parties to legal disputes. In addition, there are objective cases when a party was unable to submit the necessary applications, complaints, petitions (illness, business trip, etc.).

So, how to write a petition? A sample application for reinstatement is presented below.

"Mamontovsky District Court Altai Territory made a decision on civil case No. 223/16 dated 10.10.2016 on the recovery from me, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, born 09.09.1988, in favor of OJSC “Creditor”, the amount under the loan agreement dated 05.10.2015 in the amount of 15,190.34 rubles, as well as a state duty of in the amount of 456 rubles.

I only learned about this decision on November 22, 2015, as I was on a business trip. Copies of the order and time sheet are attached. As a result, I missed the deadline to submit appeal on this decision. Based on the above, I request that the missed deadline for filing an appeal be restored. Along with this petition, I am filing an appeal in accordance with procedural law.”

This type has a number of features:

  • It is submitted to the court where the case will be heard. The exception is the cassation authority.
  • Along with the application for restoration, it is necessary to submit the document whose permission to submit must be obtained.

You need to know these points. If you find a sample of writing a petition without appropriate explanations, you may miss something.

Request for evidence

A petition to request evidence must contain a list necessary documents. In addition, it must writing it should be stated how they will affect the case at hand. If this is not the case, then the chance of rejection will be higher. How to write a petition correctly? The sample will help you with this.

"In the production of Volzhsky district court Samara region There is a civil case No. 764/2016. In order to objectively consider the case, I ask you to request the following copies of documents from the defendant:

  • job description;
  • time sheet;
  • employment contract.

These documents contain my work time, place, nature of my work. Therefore, they can prove that my dismissal was illegal.”


Sample petitions will not help in the case on their own if you do not know some of the nuances. Therefore, we still advise you to contact lawyers to draft and submit them.

How to write a petition?

Sample documents


The procedure for terminating a residential lease agreement.

State executive authorities of the Russian Federation

Termination of the purchase and sale agreement

Addendum to the appeal

Violation employment contract


A petition is a written official appeal containing a request or demand. The application is submitted for consideration and decision.

Some claims are sent to court. Their goal is to restore the rule of law. Others are prepared for presentation at the place of work (for example, a proposal for bonuses and awards). In this article we will look at how to correctly draft and write a petition.

To resolve the issue related to writing a petition, you only need to:

  • Request a consultation via form.
  • Take advantage online chat in the lower right corner.
  • Call:

☎ for Moscow and Moscow Region: 8 0 495 118-24-82

☎ for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region: 8 812 425-67-81

Why is a petition required?

The skill of drawing up petitions may be required not only by lawyers, who have to address them to different authorities: the judicial authority, the prosecutor's office, as well as preliminary investigation authorities, etc. It is in the form of a petition that a letter is written to the education department about providing a place for a child in a preschool institution, or more precisely in kindergarten. The appeal will also be needed to encourage a particularly distinguished employee or to remove a previously imposed penalty from an offender who has already redeemed his guilt.

How to write a petition to the court correctly

The form of appeal addressed to the court does not depend on the type of trial - whether it is a criminal case or a civil dispute, the petition is drawn up in compliance with the norms of the relevant branch of law.

It is best to contact a lawyer with a question about how to draw up and write a petition to the court. The details and components of the appeal remain unchanged regardless of its subject:

  1. name of the court;
  2. data of the chairman of the court (or a specific judge, if he is known to you);
  3. information about the applicant;
  4. description of the subject of the petition and the evidence base in favor of its satisfaction;
  5. formation of put forward demands to the defendant. These demands constitute a form of request to the judge;
  6. the price of the claim is presented;
  7. regulatory and legal basis for the application (link to legislation, regulations and other sources of law);
  8. date and signature of the applicant.

Attached are copies of all documentation that accompanies the petition. A complete list is provided.

How to properly submit a petition to the head of an enterprise

Compared to a petition to the court, an appeal to the head of the organization does not have such stringent requirements. That is, the appeal is submitted in free form, but the use of profanity. However, nevertheless, it is official, therefore it has certain signs business correspondence.

So, in the header you need to indicate to whom exactly it is addressed and from whom:

  • Business name;
  • position of chief;
  • his full name;
  • server position;
  • Full name of the applicant.

The main text contains a request to management. It is not necessary to present a cash equivalent, only if this is a request for payment.

A petition to a manager, for example, may be a request to encourage an employee. IN in this case, the director himself determines the level of bonuses.

The appeal to the manager is certified by the signature of the applicant. After registration, the application is registered at the reception.

Important! Before drawing up a petition, it is advisable to find a sample to write in advance and study all the points - in the future this will help to avoid mistakes and the need for corrections.

To correctly write a petition, it is better to contact experienced lawyers.

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How to properly file a petition for an employee

A petition is a formal request.

IN civil practice this document has wide use in cases where a person requires additional protection of his rights or obtaining special kind privileges.

Reasons for receiving an application may include situations such as:

Consideration of the issue of deprivation of a driver's license;

Proceedings for an offence;

Promotion or salary increase (bonus);

Providing a voucher for treatment;

Providing a ticket for a child to a summer camp, etc.

This document can become a significant contribution to solving acute problems life situations any employee of the enterprise, regardless of his position, length of service and work experience.

An application for an employee is drawn up by the personnel service of the enterprise or the immediate superior, certified by the signature of the head of the organization.

A petition is, first of all, a guarantee from the organization for its employee. It must truthfully reflect the positive characteristics of a person, that is, the totality of the employee’s moral and business qualities. Depending on the final goal, the application must indicate the employee’s length of service and list it professional quality, describe in detail the contribution to the work and social life enterprises (when deciding on a position increase, salary, reward). Or focus on housing conditions and financial situation, if the purpose of the application is to receive compensation or subsidies.

Sample application form. Step-by-step instruction.

1. The petition is drawn up on the official letterhead of the enterprise, indicating bank details, address, telephone, INN, OGRN if it is intended for an external organization.

2.On the right top corner You must indicate the position, full name of the manager, and the full name of the company.

3. Below in the middle of the sheet, write the word “petition” in small letters.

4. In the text of the petition, indicate the reasons for the appeal, disclose the essence of the request, and also give full information about the person for whom intercession is made.

Design example

To the director of MDDU "Romashka"

ZZZ LLC, in connection with the return to work of employee Maria Ilyinichna Ivanova, earnestly requests to provide a place in kindergarten for her child Sasha Ivanov.

Director A.A. Stepanov

The petition must be brief and convincing. How the problem is more serious, the more positive characteristics and important circumstances must be reflected in the document.

  • Archive (1,167)
    • Forms (1,167)
  • Uncategorized (0)
  • Document forms (100)
    • Autobiographies (1)
    • Acts (5)
    • Banking (2)
    • Accounting (1)
    • Contracts (29)
    • Personnel (15)
    • Cash (1)
    • Business trips (8)
    • Notary (8)
    • Letters (2)
    • Orders (5)
    • Shopping (15)
    • Characteristics (8)

Most businesses, regardless of their organizational form those engaged in processing or resale of natural products purchase them for their own.

A lease agreement for buildings and structures is a documentary agreement under which the lessor transfers real estate to the tenant for temporary use.

The essence and features of the gift agreement The Declaration of Human Rights provides for the ownership of property. The processes are based on the work of the legislative framework. Installed.

Contract agreement with an individual A contract with an individual, which is concluded for an organization, can become a replacement for an employment contract with an individual.

Currently, there is an increase in the frequency of transactions related to the purchase and sale of land property. The conclusion of a transaction should be approached with maximum responsibility.

An advance report on funds spent by an employee on a business trip is a document confirming that the employee has spent the advance payment issued. This is one of several.

Based on an application for registration of an object (objects) of taxation with tax on the gambling business and an application for the issuance of a certificate of registration of gambling objects.

The dismissal order was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On approval unified forms primary accounting documentation for labor accounting.

The procurement act in the OP-5 form is used for the purchase of products from the population. It is drawn up in two copies at the time of purchase of agricultural products from the population.

The work order for piecework in form 414-APK is used to record work performed in construction, industrial, auxiliary and other production by the group.

The issuance of weapons permits is carried out by the Licensing and Permitting Department, usually located at the police station. In order to obtain a license to purchase.

A letter of inquiry is one of a series of business letters written to obtain something official information or documents. The text of the request letter must contain:

How to write a petition correctly? Examples and samples of different petitions

Petitions, sample which could not be found on the global network does not exist, but difficulties in compiling this document still arise. What petitions exist, how to draw them up and where to find the correct competent sample - all necessary information to answer these questions is presented below. There are also step-by-step instructions for checking the relevance of the found ones. sample applications.

What is a petition and when is it required?

The concept of “petition” from the point of view of law means nothing more than a request addressed to state or other bodies having the authority to consider and resolve it.

At the same time, the skills of drawing up petitions may be needed not only by lawyers, who, by virtue of their profession, have to send them to various authorities: the court, the prosecutor’s office, the preliminary investigation authorities, and so on. It is by petition that a letter is drawn up to the education department about allocating a place for a child in a preschool institution, that is, in a kindergarten. A petition will also be required in order to reward a particularly distinguished employee or to remove a previously imposed penalty from an employee who has committed a fine but has already redeemed himself.

Petitions to the court: how to write a petition correctly, sample

The form of the petition addressed to the court does not depend on the type of litigation - whether it is a civil dispute or a criminal case, the petition must be drawn up in compliance with the norms of the relevant branch of law. A petition to the court may contain requests for payment of state fees in installments, deferment court session, calling a witness, inviting an interpreter, clarifying or changing the claims - in a word, the number of options is incalculable (For more details, see Sample petitions to the court. How to write a petition to the court correctly?).

With a question about how to write a petition to court, it is best to turn to proven thematic Internet resources, where you can also view and download a sample that is most suitable for a particular case. The details and elements of the application remain unchanged regardless of its subject:

  • name of the court;
  • data of the chairman of the court (or a specific judge, if known);
  • applicant details;
  • description of the subject of the petition and arguments in favor of its satisfaction;
  • regulatory and legal basis for the application (reference to laws, regulations and other sources of law);
  • date of application.

How to write a petition about encouraging (rewarding) an employee, where to get a sample

Rewarding, encouragement, removal of a previously imposed penalty, and sometimes even promotion - all these, of course, pleasant moments are often preceded by the receipt of appropriate petitions to higher authorities. Who exactly should draw up such petitions depends on the business practices of each specific organization.

As a rule, this is the responsibility of HR department employees, but HR managers often shift it onto the shoulders of the employees themselves, who are subject to bonuses or other types of incentives. And at the same time they do not always provide adequate example of a petition.

Therefore, before compiling petition, sample It’s best to find it in advance and study each item - later this will help avoid procrastination and the need for endless corrections. This can be done by asking the appropriate query in search engines.

So, a petition regarding employee incentives should be addressed to the first head of the institution. The form of compilation is free, but descriptions of the employee’s merits, his personal and work characteristics. The operative part sets out the conclusions as succinctly as possible, that is, in fact, the essence of the petition is to award, bonus, recommend for a higher position, etc.

How to write a letter of petition, do you need a sample?

Letter of petition in essence, it is no different from an ordinary petition: details, form, drafting style - all this is absolutely identical, the only difference is in the name. It is generally accepted that letter of petition so called because it is usually sent by mail. However, a regular petition can be served in the same way.

Nevertheless, it is precisely this term - “ letter of petition" - most often referred to as requests affecting everyday issues:

  • admission of a child to a kindergarten or school not located at the place of residence;
  • issuance of a cash loan by a credit institution (many banks require borrowers to submit an application from an employer);
  • encouraging an employee if the initiative comes from citizens (for example, a request from a patient to encourage an employee of a medical institution who has shown high level professionalism in providing medical care) etc.

In such situations, wondering how to write a petition, sample it is not at all necessary to search - it is enough to present all the arguments in the form of a free story. But it is recommended to adhere to the official style and avoid non-literary and colloquial expressions. However, it is still worth observing the basic standards of office work:

  • indication of the addressee of the letter in the upper right corner of the sheet;
  • address to the addressee, accepted by business customs: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich, …»;
  • availability of complete personal and contact information of the author letters of petition;
  • clear and concise listing of arguments;
  • if necessary, a reference to regulatory legal acts confirming the arguments of the petition.

In case letter of petition presupposes compliance established sample(for example, a petition to the education department), it is better to request this sample from the addressee. There are no templates adopted at the legislative level, so each institution can establish own standards and demand their compliance. Of course, deviation from such a self-proclaimed form cannot be grounds for invalidating the application, but flawlessly following it will help save a lot of time and nerve cells.

Application writing samples: how to find the right one

Internet search results for the query " how to write a petition sample“Unfortunately, you can’t always trust. To understand whether a particular template or sample is relevant at the time of the search, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • study the sample and determine whether it contains references to regulatory sources (laws, regulations, by-laws, etc.);
  • if there are any, check their relevance by setting the appropriate search query(Name normative act);
  • study the specific rule of law indicated in the sample (it is possible that at the time of the search it had undergone changes).

Important: in all cases when searching sample application(regardless of its subject and addressee) it is best to resort to the help of several sources.

Writing petitions and their samples. How to write correctly

What is a petition and where is it used? A petition is an appeal by a participant in a trial to a judge, which indicates a request to perform certain procedural actions.

The ability to draw up a petition is necessary not only for the lawyer who sends it to various judicial authorities. For example, applications can also be sent to the education department with a request to allocate a place for a preschooler in kindergarten. There is a need to fill out of this document and when rewarding especially distinguished employees.

Actually, the only difference between a petition and an application is that the former take place only in the judicial process

On the global network today you can find samples of writing a petition for different cases Despite this, difficulties still arise when writing this document.

Court motions

Answering the question: “What is a motion in court?” Let's move on to studying its writing and the features of filing a lawsuit. A participant in the case has the right to submit a written or oral petition to the court. Petition to in writing can be submitted between meetings or during the meeting.

The petition in court acts as an evidentiary basis, a request for postponement or termination judicial proceedings, requests to call a new witness, etc.

Experienced lawyers advise submitting your petition in writing, since orally it may be ignored by the court and not be included in the minutes of the court hearing. The document must fall directly into the hands of the judge, only in this way will he be able to familiarize himself with it in detail and decide whether to approve it or reject it.

Writing a petition to the court

How to write a petition to the court? The substance of the request, which is directly relevant to the case, can be documented through a petition. You can submit and submit a petition at any stage of the legal process. In fact, the petition can be about anything, however, it is important that it is granted by the judge. The chances of document approval increase significantly when it is correct drafting and design.

There is no unified sample petition; each participant independently presents his appeal. There are no uniform requirements for drawing up this document, however, the Department legal protection Experts have developed recommendations that help to effectively and efficiently file petitions in court. Following these recommendations, the petition must contain the following parts:

  • the water part, in which it is necessary to indicate the details of the court, the defendant and the plaintiff;
  • the main part, which accurately and concisely states the facts of the case that require explanation and proof, and also states a clear request to the judge;
  • an application containing all the necessary documents.

The number of copies of petitions and documents attached to them must be equal to the number of persons who are part of the participants in the court case.

In almost any Internet resource you can find a sample petition to the court on different topics. It is necessary to take into account that there are no identical lawsuits, each has its own characteristics, so even if you find a template that seems suitable at first glance on the Internet, it is important to study it in detail.

To write a petition yourself, you can use the sample petitions on our website.

Right to file a petition

The following persons have the right to submit a petition to the court:

  • suspects, accused, their representatives in criminal cases;
  • all participants in civil proceedings;
  • citizens facing administrative charges, lawyers and experts participating in this case;
  • citizens and any organizations wishing to protest to supervisory authorities court decisions, which have already been officially confirmed;
  • convicts who can submit an application for pardon.

When the question arises: “How to write a petition?” It is recommended to take existing samples as a basis, describe your situation in them, or you can contact a lawyer who, with a 100% guarantee, will draw up the document correctly.

Main types of petitions

The plaintiff, lawyer or defendant can submit a petition both before the start of the trial and during it. Before the start of the meeting, petitions are submitted through the office. A sample petition to the court can be found on our website.

In order to facilitate the process of drawing up applications, they have been divided into the following categories:

  • petitions for examination, including a request to conduct an examination or consider its results;
  • statements during execution, which are submitted to the court after decision taken in a case that has already entered into force;
  • petitions for legal costs relating to the payment of state fees or other costs associated with the legal proceedings;
  • applications for restoration of the deadline, which include a request to appeal the actions of a judge, filing a complaint against a court decision, requests to restore cases of limitation.

All other application forms that do not have their own category are presented on our website.

Consideration of the application by a judge

There is no exact sequence in which a judge will consider a petition. However, it is worth noting that the petition can be considered either in a special meeting room or in the presence of all participants in the case. Such simple issues as inviting a new witness or interpreter are resolved without going to the deliberation room. When requesting an examination, the judge retires to a special conference room.

After examining the petition, the court makes a decision to grant or reject it. Even if a refusal was received, you can file a complaint about the incorrect court decision to higher authorities. A sample of how to write a petition is provided by law firms, which, in turn, can help not only draw it up correctly, but also formalize it.

Incorrect and incorrect drafting of a petition results in its rejection, which causes loss of time or loss in court. Below are tips from lawyers on drawing up different types applications that can increase your chances of winning:

  • How to write a petition to reschedule a court hearing?

It is impossible to list all existing petitions, since all legal proceedings are different and each of them has its own individual characteristics. The Code does not provide for an established petition form, despite this, petitions are actively used in court cases and draw attention to procedural violations.

Sample petitions for various life situations are posted on the Internet, but citizens still encounter difficulties when drawing up this document. Below we will talk about important issues regarding this document.

Besides important information, in this article you will learn how to write a petition to the court correctly and get acquainted with step by step instructions to check the relevance of sample applications found on the Internet.

  • Petition and its purpose
  • How to write a petition for employee incentives, sample

Petition and its purpose

From a legal point of view, the concept of “petition” means a request that is addressed to the authorities state power or other structures empowered to review and resolve it.

Not only lawyers who, by virtue of their professional activity you have to send the document to different authorities: the prosecutor's office, the court, the preliminary investigation authorities, etc. In some cases, citizens also cannot do without the skills of drawing up a petition, which may be needed at any time.

For example, an application must be submitted to the education department in order for your child to be allocated a place in a preschool institution - kindergarten. In order to reward a distinguished employee, you will also need the ability to correctly write a petition to the court. Or, on the contrary, when a penalty was imposed on the employee who committed misconduct, which he eventually atoned for and now needs to be lifted - in this case, a petition is also written.

How to write a petition to the court?

If your petition is addressed to the court, then the form of the document has no relationship with the type of trial. That is, it does not matter whether a criminal case is being considered or a civil dispute - the petition must be drawn up in compliance with the norms of the relevant legal field.

Options for drafting a document can be very different - their number is difficult to count. It can be:

  • Request to call a witness.
  • Request for payment of state fees in installments.
  • A petition to change the requirement of the statement of claim or clarify it.
  • On adjournment of the court hearing.
  • Request to invite a translator.

There are many options, but how to write a correct petition to the court for your specific case should be based on a legally competent sample. If you are faced with the acute question of how to write a petition to the court, then it is better to use the help of proven resources on the Internet on the relevant topic, where you can find a sample that is most suitable for a particular case.

There are a number of elements that will remain the same regardless of the subject of the petition:

  • Requisites.
  • Name of the judicial authority.
  • Applicant details.
  • Description of the subject of the petition. Reasons for granting the request.
  • Justifications for the application in accordance with legal regulations. This includes by-laws, links to relevant laws, and other legal sources.
  • Date on which the petition was filed.

An example of how to write a petition for an award or incentive for an employee

During the work process there may be different situations when you need to encourage, reward or remove a penalty that was previously imposed on an employee. You can launch these pleasant procedures by drawing up a corresponding petition to higher authorities. Each enterprise has its own business customs - it will depend on them who exactly should draw up the request document.

Download sample

applications for employee incentives in .DOC format

In most cases, this function falls on the shoulders of the HR department employees, but it happens that the task is shifted onto the shoulders of the employees themselves, who receive bonuses or other types of incentives.

In this case, no one can guarantee that the HR manager will provide a well-written sample application that is adequate for your situation.

For this reason, it is recommended to find and study a sample application in advance, which will allow you to avoid delays and endless corrections of the document in the future. To do this, you just need to ask the appropriate query in search engines.

If the petition concerns incentives for an employee, it must be addressed to the first manager of the company. You can use a free form of presentation when compiling a paper, but there are a number of points that must be taken into account:

  • Labor characteristics of the employee.
  • Description of his merits.
  • Personal characteristics of the employee.

The resolution of the petition must briefly state the conclusions from the above. In other words, the final essence of the document is to give bonuses, recommend for a higher position, reward, etc.

What is a petition letter and how to write it?

At its core, a petition letter does not differ significantly from a regular petition, since the details, drafting style, and form remain absolutely identical.

There is only one difference - in the name. It is believed that the letter of petition received its name for the reason that in most cases it is sent to the addressee via postal services. Although a regular petition can also be delivered in this way.

This is precisely the term “petition letter”, however, in most cases, requests related to everyday issues are called, including:

  • Encouragement of the employee in the case when the citizen desires it. For example, such a petition can be written by a patient medical institution in relation to an employee who showed high professionalism in providing medical care.
  • Admitting a child to school or preschool, located not at the place of residence.
  • Issue Money credit institution. A number of banks in practice use the following option: they require the borrower to submit a corresponding application from the employer.

In this case, you don’t really need a sample for drawing up a petition - it is permissible to present arguments in free form. But don't forget about the official business style and that it is better not to use colloquial and literary expressions - after all, this is a petition.

Office standards should also not be ignored:

  • In the upper right corner of the sheet you need to register the addressee of the letter.
  • You need to start your petition with the following address, which is accepted by business customs: “Dear Pyotr Venediktovich, I ask you...”.
  • Availability of complete contact and personal information of the author of the petition letter.
  • A brief and clear list of arguments.
  • If necessary, you need to provide a link to legal acts that support the arguments of the petition letter.

There are situations when a letter of petition must be in a certain format (for example, a petition to the education department). In this case, it is recommended to request a sample from the addressee. There are no accepted templates at the legislative level, and for this reason, each institution has the right to establish its own standards and demand that they be followed.

It should be noted that if a citizen makes some deviations from the form adopted by the institution, then this fact cannot be a basis for invalidating the letter of petition.

But it’s still better to use a “self-proclaimed” sample in order to save nerves and time on disputes that no one needs.

How to choose the correct application format?

If you are puzzled about how to write a petition and are looking for a suitable sample, then it is not a fact that you will immediately come across a sample online that you can trust. First you need to figure out whether a particular sample or template is relevant at the time of the search. To determine this, follow a number of steps that do not require much effort:

  • Study the sample petition and see if it contains references to regulatory sources (bylaws, regulations, laws).
  • If there are such links, then you need to find out the degree of their relevance. To do this, you need to enter the name of the regulatory act in the search engine.
  • Study the specific legislative norm that is written in the sample. It may be that at the time of the search it changed.

It is important to know that when searching for a sample petition, it is wiser to use several sources. This rule applies to any subject of the petition and the addressee.

A petition (sample) is a document containing a written request for action. How to write a petition to the court, because the chances of a positive response increase with the correct preparation of the document. The sample application presented in the article will help you figure out what data should be present in the paper and what is the procedure for filling out the document.

A petition is one type of request. In order for the paper to be accepted, it must be drawn up correctly. The document can be used during legal proceedings or sent to other government agencies. It is sent to the official and can be used when considering a case or forming a protocol. For this reason, it is important to know how to write a petition correctly and study a sample petition.

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How to write a petition

People, when faced with the need to file a petition for the first time, ask themselves: how to draw up a petition? It should be remembered that this is not just a letter.


The type of court case does not affect the specifics of drafting the paper. When preparing a document, you must follow current regulations.

For a positive answer, a person needs to fill out a request using competent, legally correct samples. The form of a formal request may change, but some basic elements remain the same. Petition (sample) must contain the following data:

  1. The name is indicated in the upper right corner government agency, in which the request of the originator of the document is written.
  2. Factual circumstances.
  3. The essence of the problem.
  4. Passport details.
  5. Arguments proving the applicant's case.
  6. Links to regulations that allow you to satisfy the request.
  7. Date of compilation and signature with transcript.

If you have questions about the constituent elements, you can contact a professional. He will tell you how to write a petition correctly and answer any questions you may have.

What requests can you make?

The ability to express requests through a petition in court is enshrined in a whole list of legal acts. To get acquainted with them, you need to study:

  • Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation;
  • Agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation;
  • Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

The list of requests that can be addressed to the court through a petition is extensive. A person has the opportunity to ask for:

  • postponing the trial;
  • provision of necessary documentation from various authorities;
  • appointment of examination;
  • inviting the right people;
  • inviting witnesses to testify;
  • involvement of third parties in the case;
  • rehabilitation of missed deadlines;
  • replacing the defendant;
  • clarification or modification of the requirements that were originally contained in the claim;
  • providing copies of documents.

The choice of the article of law on which the official request is based depends on the type of legal process. A petition in court can be based on any rule. The main task of the paper is to satisfy the request. The chances of a positive answer increase with the correct preparation of the document.

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Design nuances

How to write a petition to the court? When compiling it, you need to take into account the basic rules. When writing an application, it is not necessary to provide references to laws. However, experts recommend referring to regulations. This will confirm the arguments, and refusal of the request will be unlikely.


The request part must be clearly stated. An official request should not contain phrases that have an ambiguous interpretation. It should be remembered that the petition to the court must be prepared in 2 copies.

Features of writing a petition for incentives

With the help of a petition, you can ask for encouragement - a reward for merit or a promotion. In order for a citizen to receive what he expected, he must send the completed document to management.

The form of the formal request varies by organization. Usually, the responsibilities for drafting are assigned to employees of the personnel department, but they often shift it to the employees themselves. Guarantees that the manager will give correct sample paper doesn't exist. For this reason, a person wishing to receive an incentive must independently familiarize himself with the finished version of the application. A ready-made paper template will help you figure out how to write a request for encouragement. It must contain the following data:

  • address of the head of the organization;
  • description of the specialist’s merits;
  • employee characteristics;
  • the essence of the request;
  • date and signature.

Before drawing up a document, you should carefully study each point. The paper can be designed in free form, but all its components must comply with established rules.

How to correctly write a petition to the court, sample

To correctly write a petition to the court, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic nuances of writing it.

A petition written in the form of a letter is no different from a classic paper. The only difference is that this variety the document is sent to the recipient by mail

The list of issues that a letter may cover is extensive. Typically, an official request contains the following requests:

  • on the child’s enrollment in an educational institution;
  • about lending money;
  • on providing a specialist with incentives for certain services to the company.

If the document is sent by mail, arguments can be given in free form. However, experts advise sticking to a formal writing style and following generally accepted standards:

  • the address should be placed at the top of the paper on the right;
  • the document must contain the applicant’s address and contact information;
  • it is necessary to indicate references to laws that are relevant in this moment.

Different organizations set their own requirements for letter formatting. Deviation from them does not lead to refusal, but following the nuances will save time.

Selecting a suitable sample

If a person is wondering how to write a petition to the court, a sample will make the task easier. However, not all versions of the document that can be found on the Internet comply with established writing rules. Before choosing you must:

  • study the sample;
  • read links to laws;
  • check the relevance of links.

A lawyer can help you understand how to correctly write a petition to the court. The petition is an important document. Whether it will be approved depends on the correctness of the design. To understand how to write a letter, it is good to study the sample. It will help you figure out what data should be present on the paper.

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from 16/01/2019

In the process of considering civil cases, the parties are endowed with initiative, which means the right to file petitions in court. A petition, or statement, is a written request to carry out certain procedural actions that are important for the proper resolution of civil claims, labor claims, family claims and all others. The persons involved in the case may petition the court orally, but it is better to prepare such documents in writing and attach them to the case materials.

Types of petitions to court

The outcome of the case often depends on the initiative of the party, understanding of the essence and prospects of the case under consideration, knowledge of the basic rules of judicial proceedings. Therefore, on the website you can find examples of petitions for presenting evidence to the court, obtaining assistance in obtaining it, and ordering various types of examinations.

Separate types of petitions are applications for the restoration of missed deadlines. The rules of substantive law give a party to the case a period within which to appeal to the court. For example, when filing a labor claim for reinstatement at work, it is a month. Procedural deadlines have also been established (Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation), for example, the deadline for filing comments on the protocol, filing an appeal, private complaint, etc. A life circumstances may turn out differently. By turning to applications for restoration of deadlines, you can justify the validity of the reason for missing deadlines and protect your rights.

During the consideration of the case, you can exercise the right to postpone trial, admit the claim, clarify the requirements, challenge the judge, expert, etc. All these procedural actions must be formalized by filing a corresponding petition with the court. Using our website, it will not be difficult to prepare them yourself.

Filing and consideration of petitions in court

A written petition may be submitted (or an oral one) directly during the consideration of the case. Some petitions can be filed simultaneously with filing a statement of claim (for securing a claim), others during the trial and after the end of the trial.

The petition is resolved by satisfying it or refusing to satisfy it, about which a court ruling is made. For some types of petitions to the court, for example, to call witnesses, the decision on its consideration by the court is entered into the protocol. A private complaint may be filed with the court against the court's decision based on the results of consideration of the petitions.