Sample of filling out an academic certificate of the year. Rules for issuing an academic certificate

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An academic certificate is one of the forms of documents that can be used to obtain an exemption from attending classes at an educational institution, as well as from exams. long time. The reasons for such release must be valid: medical or family reasons. If a woman is expecting the birth of a child, then this force majeure situation simply needs to be confirmed with a pregnancy certificate in order for the expectant mother to be able to calmly give birth to the baby.

But it won’t work out calmly, because a pregnant woman needs to go through a series of specialists, stand in queues, take tests and manage to simultaneously attend classes at an educational institution.

Everything will be nervous and restless for the woman until she applies to the website for academic leave. So, academic certificate, how to get it quickly and without problems? The procedure for obtaining the necessary medical document has been simplified so much that it can be done quickly even by very busy man. On home page you need to deposit necessary information for timely and accurate order fulfillment:

  • First and last name of the customer;
  • Name or number of the certificate form;
  • Customer contact details.
  • Additional data - filled in as necessary.

Features of the certificate for obtaining academic leave is that she should not be alone.

academic reference

All universities require 3 types of certificates: 095/u - confirmation of disability, 027/u - extract from the card and the conclusion of a clinical expert commission.

During the working day, a manager will contact you to clarify the details of the order, cost, production time, date and place of delivery of the certificate. Usually all orders are fulfilled the next day. If an urgent order needs to be completed, its details are discussed individually.

You can find out the cost of a certificate for granting academic leave on the website by clicking on the “Services and Prices” tab, where you will also find out the prices for certificates 027/у, 095/у. The certificate will be signed by real qualified specialists from Moscow clinics who have been cooperating with the website for issuing certificates for several years and are responsible for what they sign.

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Buy academic certificate

What is academic reference? This document indicates that the student has not fully completed the training course at the university, contains information about the period and form of training, disciplines studied and grades received. The form is issued only in two cases:

  • upon independent and conscious termination of studies at a university due to certain circumstances or due to transfer to another educational institution;
  • based on the decision of the dean’s office to expel a student from the first or second year for the reasons provided for in the charter educational institution violations or for late payment.

To obtain an academic certificate, a student who decides to stop studying on his own simply needs to contact the administration of the higher educational institution and submit an application with the corresponding request. For students expelled from the first or second year, the document is provided by the university management automatically, subject to successful completion of the certification period.

In what cases is it necessary to buy an academic certificate?

In some cases, receiving a document about incomplete higher education causes certain difficulties and it is easier for a student to turn to professionals for help and order its production. For example, if you want to transfer to another university, the student must provide a form with high marks which will increase loyalty admissions committee, but if the number of points is insufficient, it is easier to order the production of the document from professionals.

Also, the help of specialists is necessary if certain reasons the student was unable to successfully complete the session and the form cannot be issued. Employees of a specialized company will be able to solve such problems and produce a document on incomplete higher education for a specific period and with the necessary estimates. Some turn to professionals for help when necessary buy a certificate for academic leave. This document exempts you from training for a certain period of time on the grounds provided for Russian legislation. Often such a form is required to decide professional issues in the absence of the ability to independently pass initial course studying at a university.

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How to get an academic certificate

Cooperation with our organization will allow you:

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Only determined people successfully achieve their goals, modern pace life forces you to act quickly and judiciously, so you shouldn’t burden yourself unnecessary problems– trust real professionals and implement your plans.

Genuine academic transcript, price

If you need a genuine academic certificate, sample You can view products on the official website of our organization. We offer only high quality forms manufactured in accordance with established by law requirements and standards, with original seals and signatures. It’s easy to order the services of our company - contact our staff in any convenient way and tell us your wishes regarding the university, specialty and grades. The cost of the document is calculated individually and depends on the level of the educational institution. We do not require prepayment and accept payment for services provided only after checking the quality of the products by the customer.

How to get an academic certificate?

What is an academic transcript?

academic reference– this is a document confirming the fact of studying at an educational institution, if the training is not completed properly or a diploma is not received.

In accordance with paragraph 12 of Art. 60 Federal Law"On education in Russian Federation» dated December 29, 20012 No. 273-FZ for students who did not pass the final exams or passed unsatisfactorily, listened only to part educational course or expelled from an educational institution for other reasons, an academic certificate is issued.

An academic certificate is a document that lists the disciplines taken during the course of study, the number of hours spent on study and the grades obtained based on the results of studying the subjects.

Validity academic certificate is not legally established, since the certificate is only confirmation of the fact of training in certain subjects and cannot become outdated.

Issues academic certificate from the dean's office, to which you must apply with a personal application for the issuance of a certificate. Unfortunately, production time There is no such certificate established by law; it must be issued within a reasonable period of time, sufficient for the preparation of the document. If the issuance of a certificate is delayed, you can file a complaint with the education department, Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.

Having received the certificate in your hands, you need to check the correctness of the data specified in it. This applies to both personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, etc.) and data about studies.

In accordance with the law, each educational institution must independently develop and approve a form academic certificate due to the fact that since 2012 the state-issued certificate has been cancelled. The certificate must be in the form of an official document, it can be issued on a special form or a regular sheet. The presence of the official seal of the educational institution is not optional. The certificate must be signed by authorized persons, usually the rector, dean and secretary. The basic information of the certificate about the disciplines studied, the hours spent on it and the exam grades received must be readable and understandable, without double interpretations; usually this information is placed the entire length of the sheet in a table containing the corresponding columns.

An academic certificate is issued if it is impossible (temporary or permanent) to study at a university.

  1. First of all, the need to obtain academic certificate occurs when transferring from one educational institution to another.

    Academic certificate: sample, how to get it

    In this situation academic reference is needed not only to confirm past training, but also to compare the subjects studied with the subjects studied at the new university, the number of hours spent on studying with the time spent on studying a particular subject at the new educational institution.

  2. academic reference issued upon expulsion from an educational institution. If a student does not have time to pass any exam, then a certificate is not issued.

Issue academic certificate It is also required in cases where, due to family circumstances or other valid reasons, it is impossible to temporarily or permanently attend an educational institution. Circumstances may vary, but they must be truly respectful. Such valid reasons include: health status, the birth of a child, the need to care for a sick relative, moving, and so on. Most likely, the educational institution will require documents confirming the valid reason that will be stated.

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If it is impossible to continue studying, when transferring to another university and in some other situations, the student will need an academic certificate. Find out how to get it and what information the document must contain in this article.

The main purpose of the document is to confirm the fact of training at an educational institution in cases where for some reason it was not completed completely or it is assumed that training at this institution will not be completed at all. Help may be required for various reasons:

  1. Suspension of training due to health conditions (exacerbation of chronic illness, injuries due to accidents, etc.).
  2. Transfer to another university - in these cases, it is she who confirms the fact of completing 1 or 2 courses.
  3. Inability to continue mastering this specialty due to illness (for example, in the case of bronchial asthma it is impossible to work with chemicals, pollen and other materials, depending on the form of the disease).
  4. Suspension of studies due to family circumstances - death close relative, serious illness and the need for constant care for a family member, other problems.
  5. Interruption of studies due to pregnancy.
  6. The need to provide a document at the place of request (for example, to apply for social benefits, allowances, scholarships or to confirm the fact of study in another Educational establishment, if the student is studying in parallel at two institutions at once).

It is also issued if the student has already completed the 1st or 2nd year, but was expelled for any reason. However, if he has not passed a single exam with a satisfactory mark, he will not be given one. Thus, the document is issued only for those students who interrupt their studies for truly valid reasons and, moreover, have completely passed at least 2 sessions (the first two semesters of the first year).

The certificate of training should not be confused with this document. It can be obtained upon completion of training (enrollment), regardless of whether the session is passed, satisfactory grades are received or not.

Form and sample 2017 - 2018

An academic certificate is prepared and issued only on official letterhead. The original has the handwritten signature of the official, the rector and the secretary, as well as a blue seal. A blank form looks like this (can be made in orange and blue colors).

A sample of the actual certificate is presented below (front and back).

Thus, it always contains the following information:

  1. Details – a combination of series numbers and a unique number.
  2. Registration number – i.e. the number under which the paper is registered in the document management system of the office of the educational institution.
  3. Issue date in the format January 28, 2017.
  4. The full name of the university that issued it, for example “Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov".
  5. Name of the city where the institution is located (the code is indicated in accordance with the accepted OKATO classification).
  6. Full last name, first name, patronymic of the student, as indicated in the passport. If the student has foreign citizenship, then the data is indicated in Russian, for example, John Smith.
  7. The date of birth is written in the format April 1, 1995.
  8. The previous document that confirms the fact of receiving an education can be either a certificate (in most cases) or, for example, a diploma from another university, technical school, college, vocational school, etc.
  9. Next, the date of admission is indicated (in accordance with the enrollment order).
  10. Then the year of expulsion is given or the inscription “continues studying” is indicated (in cases where the student stops studying only for a while).
  11. Finally, on the reverse side there is full list disciplines (official full names) and grades for exams or tests (passed/failed) that the student passed during the entire period of study at this institution. Notes on the completed practice with the name of the course and results are also provided. state certification, if there was one already.

In the end reverse side provision is made for a division with additional information. It is not always filled in, but only when necessary:

  1. If the university was renamed during the period when the student studied there.
  2. If the student has mastered individual items in another institution (for example, he has already transferred to this one, and now intends to take an academic certificate).
  3. If the student studied under special programs– shortened and/or accelerated.

NOTE. A specific sample document is always established by internal requirements adopted by the administration. Contents, purpose and legal force do not change, but appearance may differ slightly. The reason is that since 2012, the single model approved by the Ministry of Education and Science has been abolished.

How to order

The issuance procedure is always specified in internal documents university - as a rule, in the methodological instructions. It can usually be seen on official page or in the dean's office.

IN general view The procedure for issuing an academic certificate is the same and looks like this:

  1. The student submits a written application, the form of which is located in the dean's office. The application is usually drawn up in the name of the rector.
  2. The application is usually accompanied by documents that confirm the need to issue a certificate - usually medical papers.
  3. The form is produced within several working days (usually 4-5), after which the student picks it up against signature. You are usually required to provide your passport for identification. It is also possible to pick up the paper to another person acting by proxy. The citizen must bring his passport and a valid power of attorney.
  4. The document must be endorsed by representatives of the administration (rector, vice-rector).

If it is assumed that you will need more than one original, but several, you need to take care of making a duplicate in advance. Usually it is ordered immediately, but it takes longer – up to 1 month.

The document is valid for 5 years from the day the order to expel the student was signed. Thus, a student can recover or get a job at another institution within 5 years - this period is always enough to navigate the situation and make the most appropriate decision.

Required documents to receive

Writing a regular application without providing any evidence of the need to interrupt (or stop studying) is not enough. In such cases, the form is refused. Therefore, it is important to bring documents that indicate medical contraindications to continuing your studies. Usually these are certificates of the established form.

Form 027/у

This is the name given to an extract from a patient’s card (his medical history). Issued if the patient was treated inpatiently or outpatiently (at home, following the instructions of the attending physician) for 14 days (and in some cases up to 25 days). It contains information:

  • about examinations by various specialists (therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist and others);
  • conclusions of doctors (specialists);
  • diagnostic results (ultrasound, MRI, tests, etc.);
  • features of the course of the disease, exacerbations and complications (if any);
  • anamnesis (history of the development of the disease);
  • conclusion of the attending physician (local therapist) with a confirmed diagnosis.

The form is always marked with a rectangular stamp belonging to the hospital, as well as a triangular stamp for issuing sick leave certificates.

Form 095/у

This is analog sick leave, but only for students and school students. The document confirms the fact of temporary disability due to the development of the disease. In this case, the period of illness must be at least 4 weeks (28 calendar days). The text must contain the following information:

  • number;
  • the date of issue is the day you consulted a doctor about the disease;
  • the student's last name, first name and patronymic are written in full;
  • The name of the university is allowed in an abbreviated form, for example, Moscow State University;
  • date of birth in digital format, for example, 08/02/1995;
  • short name of the diagnosis.

NOTE. This form also exempts you from all types of physical education for 1 month from the day the student resumes studies after discharge.

Circumstances may arise in a student’s life that make it impossible to continue further education. For a number of reasons: personal, family, financial, both depending on the student and beyond his control, he is forced to interrupt his educational process. In such cases, an academic certificate is issued with or without granting the student a leave of absence.

Registration of academic certificate

The reasons for issuing such a certificate can be very different.

Personal circumstances may include:

  • student illness;
  • moving to another place of residence;
  • transfer to another university.

For families:

  • birth of a child;
  • caring for a sick family member.

To financial:

  • lack of solvency if studies are carried out on a paid basis.

The reasons for applying for such a document can be very different. Not a single legal act provides an exact list of them, however, they must be respectful. The reasons may also not depend on the will of the student. If the birth of a child or a transfer to another university can somehow be planned, then a call for military service, or the illness of the student or his relatives who require care are unplanned circumstances arising from the outside.

A separate reason for issuing such a document is failure to comply qualifying exams, or they are rated “unsatisfactory”. In such cases, the student is expelled from the university. If a student has not passed any exam, then the document is not issued to him at all.

When transferring to another university, a similar document is also issued. In this case, the main thing is to reflect in the document the student’s performance in specific disciplines and the number of hours attended. Based on the issued paper, a program is drawn up for the student at the selected university extra change tests and exams taking into account the existing education, i.e. he will have to pass those tests and exams that he did not pass at the previous university, only after that he will be admitted to the main training program.

Thus, this certificate is issued in the following cases:

  • due to the student’s personal and family circumstances;
  • when transferring to another educational institution;
  • upon expulsion from the university for academic failure or poor performance.

The procedure for issuing an academic certificate is regulated by Order No. 455 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 2013. It is issued as in secondary specialized educational government institutions, and in higher educational state institutions. The certificate is issued on the basis of a written application from the student accompanied by documents on the occurrence of circumstances in connection with which leave is granted.

The submitted documents are reviewed by the university management within ten days, after which a leave order is issued to the student. The student gets acquainted with the order by signing it.
The basis for issuing an academic certificate upon expulsion is the score sheets of the final exams, which the student either did not pass or passed unsatisfactorily. At the same time, attaching an application for expulsion from the student is not mandatory; the grades will speak for themselves.

Each university has a sample of writing applications for different reasons.

How to get an academic certificate?

In order to obtain a certificate, you must write an application to the management of the university.

Please attach all supporting documents to your application:

  • in case of illness, medical documents are attached: the conclusion of the commission, the report;
  • in case of conscription for military service, a summons is submitted to the Military Commissariat;
  • At the birth of a child, a copy of the child’s birth certificate is attached;
  • if it is necessary to care for a sick relative, a confirmation document is attached medical document: certificate, act.

The submitted documents are reviewed by the management of the educational institution, and within ten days an order is issued to grant leave to the student, after which the document itself is issued to him.

How to obtain an academic certificate after expulsion? After the order to expel a student from the university has been made, he must submit an application to the rector with a request to issue such a document. After the document is received, you need to check the accuracy of all the data specified in it: grades in disciplines, number of hours attended. It must have a date, the signature of the rector and dean, as well as the seal of the institution.

Academic transcript validity period

The validity period of the certificate is determined depending on the case in which it was issued. In case of expulsion, the validity period is five years - this is the time during which the student can be reinstated for further education. In the event of personal and family circumstances the validity period is two years. It is for two years that a student can interrupt the educational process and then continue his studies.

How long does it take to complete an academic certificate? This is done within ten days from the moment the university receives an application from the student with supporting documents attached.

Restoration of academic certificate

Sometimes there are cases when issued certificates are lost or damaged by students. In these cases, you can restore the certificate or take a duplicate. You need to follow simple instructions.

You need to write a written request to the institute with a request to issue a duplicate, specify in it the circumstances of the loss or damage of the certificate, the month and year of deduction. Based on the journal for issuing certificates, orders for personnel will not amount to the institute a lot of work restore academic certificate. Documents are stored in the archives of the institution for at least 75 years.

How to obtain an academic certificate for transfer to another university

In order to obtain an academic certificate for transfer to another university, you must also, as for other reasons, submit an application accompanied by a supporting document. When transferring to another university, it is necessary to obtain written confirmation from the educational institution where the student wishes to continue his studies. Alternatively, at the institute where the student is transferring, you can write two applications for admission, one of them must be marked with the consent of the institute.

Academic certificate according to the law

An academic certificate is a document indicating that a student is on academic leave or has been expelled. In any case, the meaning of such a certificate is that the person’s educational process has been interrupted, is not completed, and requires completion. There is a connection between the implementation of the provision of leave and legislation, since all issues of this nature are clearly and precisely regulated by the law.

Each educational institution has a charter, which also sets out the rules for granting academic leave.

Application for issuing an academic certificate - sample

Sample application for issuance educational document available in the methodological department of each educational institution. A sample can also be found on educational Internet sites.

At the beginning of the statement it is written:

  • Name of the university,
  • FULL NAME. head of the university, his academic degree in the presence of,
  • FULL NAME. student indicating the course.

Then the essence of the application is written - a request to issue such a document. The reasons are stated. For example, in connection with a transfer to another university. Expelled on January 30, 2018. At the end there is a signature and date.


academic reference- This official document in strict in the prescribed form, which contains a list of academic disciplines studied for a certain period of study, indicating the grades received for the exams passed.

A document like academic reference, issued:

Students or listeners who have submitted a written application for the provision of an academic certificate (for example, when transferring to another university);

Students who were expelled from the first and second year. They are required to receive an academic certificate.

An academic certificate is not issued to those students, as well as listeners who were expelled from the university without completing their studies in the first semester, or who did not pass certification in any academic discipline during the intermediate certification upon completion of the first semester.

Students and listeners expelled from the university without passing exams and without completing the first semester receive another certificate, the form of which is established by the university. This document indicates only the list and results of examinations for admission to a higher educational institution, as well as the name of the specialty (area of ​​training) for which the listener or student was enrolled.

Validity academic certificate- 5 years.

The procedure for issuing and processing academic certificates

1. Basic provisions

1.1. Academic certificate is issued to students:

Expelled from any course and not completing their studies, including when transferring to another educational institution;

- when moving within an educational institution from specialty to specialty;

1.2. An academic certificate is not issued to students expelled from the College before the end of the first semester and/or who are not certified in any discipline during the intermediate certification after the first semester.

1.3. Students expelled from the College before the end of the first semester and/or not certified in any discipline during the intermediate certification after the first semester are issued a certificate of the established form indicating the list and results of current academic performance by month.

1.4. Duplicates of academic transcripts are issued to replace lost documents.

1.5. Persons who have changed their name (last name, patronymic) can exchange their existing academic certificate for an academic certificate with a new name (last name, patronymic). The exchange is made by decision of the college director based on the application of the person who changed his name (last name, patronymic), along with documents confirming the change in the name (last name, patronymic) of the person. The decision of the head of the educational institution, the person’s statement and documents confirming the change of name (last name, patronymic) are stored in the personal file of the college graduate. An academic certificate with the previous name (last name, patronymic) is confiscated by the educational institution and destroyed in the prescribed manner.

2. Filling out academic certificate forms

2.2. Signatures of the Chairman of the State certification commission, the head of the educational institution, the secretary are marked in documents with black ink, black paste or ink.

2.3. After filling out the document form, they must be carefully checked for the accuracy and error-freeness of the entries made in them. A document drawn up with errors is considered damaged and must be replaced.

2.4. Document forms damaged during filling out are destroyed in

2.5. The student's last name, first name and patronymic are indicated in full nominative case. The date of birth is written down indicating the day (in numbers), month (in words) and year (in four-digit numbers).

2.6. After the words “Document on previous level of education” the name of the education document (certificate of basic education) is indicated general education, certificate of secondary (complete) general education, primary diploma vocational education or a diploma of secondary vocational education) on the basis of which the person was enrolled in an educational institution, and the year of its issue.

If the document on the previous level of education was received abroad, its name translated into Russian and the name of the country in which this document was issued are indicated. In the personal file of a graduate who received previous education abroad, a certificate of equivalence of a document on the previous level of education is kept.

2.7. After the words “Entrance tests” the words are written: “passed” (“passed”), if this person passed the entrance tests for admission to an educational institution, or “not provided”, if this person was exempt from passing entrance examinations educational institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.8. After the words “Enrolled in” and “Completed studies in” the year of admission and year of completion of studies are indicated in four Arabic numerals, respectively, as well as the full official name of the educational institution (in the appropriate case). In this case, the educational institution to which the student entered and the educational institution from which he graduated are indicated. Other educational institutions in which the student could also study are not indicated. Next, an entry is made in brackets “full-time form” or “part-time (evening) form”, or “correspondence form”..

If the student began his studies at another educational institution and presented an academic certificate upon admission, after the words “Enrolled in” the date of admission and the full official name of the educational institution indicated in the submitted academic certificate are written.

2.9 After the words “Course papers (course design):” the topic is written without quotes coursework and/or course projects and a comma separated rating (in words).

2.10. After the words “Industrial (professional) practice:” the names of the practices, their duration in weeks are indicated without quotation marks, and a rating is given, separated by a comma. Assessments are entered in words, duration of practices - in numbers.

2.11. The names of disciplines are included in the certificate in accordance with curriculum. For each discipline included in the academic certificate, the total number of hours in numbers and the final grade (in words) are indicated. The names of disciplines (without code) and grades are given without abbreviations.

2.12. Disciplines passed by a student with an “unsatisfactory” grade, and disciplines (or part of a discipline) that the student attended but was not certified in during the interim certification are not included in the academic certificate.

2.13. After completing the list of disciplines studied, the word “Total” is written in the next line. In this line, in the “Total number of hours” column, the corresponding total amount is entered.

2.14. In the next line, the entry “Including classroom” is made and the total number of classroom hours allocated for the study of these disciplines by the curriculum for full-time training. If there are no classroom hours, after the words “Including classroom hours,” the entry “not provided” is made.

3. Accounting and storage of document forms

3.1. To register issued documents, the educational institution maintains special books (registration books), in which the following data is entered:

a) serial registration number;

b) last name, first name and patronymic of the person who received the academic certificate;

c) academic transcript form number;

d) date of issue of the academic certificate;

e) name of specialty;

f) name of the assigned qualification;

g) number of the order for the student’s expulsion.

3.2. After specifying the data in a special book (registration book), the signature of the head of the department (service) of the educational institution issuing the documents and the signature of the person who received the document are affixed.

3.3. Transferring document forms received by an educational institution to other educational institutions is not permitted.

3.4. Document forms are stored in educational institutions as strictly accountable documents and are recorded in a special register.

3.5. Copies of issued documents must be stored in the prescribed manner in the archives of the educational institution in the student’s personal file.

4. Basic documents submitted by the student to obtain an academic certificate

4.1 To obtain an academic certificate, the student must submit to the head of the department a set of documents, which includes, depending on the reasons for receiving the academic certificate, the following documents:

a) When transferring to another educational institution:

· a certificate of the established form from the educational institution where the student is transferring;

· a student’s personal application for termination of the contract due to transfer to another educational institution and an application for the issuance of an academic certificate;

b) Upon expulsion from college due to at will:

· a student’s personal statement to terminate the contract at his own request and an application for the issuance of an academic certificate;

· bypass sheet, drawn up in the prescribed manner.

c) When expelled from college on the initiative of the administration:

· student’s personal statement for the issuance of an academic certificate

d) While continuing to study at college:

· a student’s personal application for the issuance of an academic certificate with a note indicating continuation of studies at the college;

4.2.After submitting the student’s application, the head of the human resources department issues an order for the preparation and issuance of an academic certificate, which displays the following information:

The names of the relevant employees (head of department and curator) responsible for providing reliable information to fill out an academic certificate form;

The name of the secretary of the academic department responsible for the quality completion and execution of the academic certificate form;

- deadline for issuing an academic certificate to a student in the prescribed manner4

- monitoring the implementation of this order by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

5. Deadlines established by the college for issuing academic certificates and issuing them

5.1. Deadline for issuing an academic certificate, according to the Instructions on the procedure for entering, filling out and issuing state documents on secondary vocational education, approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated April 10, 1996 No. 6 and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2007 No. 80 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for issuing state-issued documents on secondary vocational education, filling out and storing the relevant document forms" - no later than 10 days after the date of the order to expel the student.

5.2 The student has issued an academic certificate in person (or confidant student upon presentation of a duly executed power of attorney) receives against signature in the book for issuing academic certificates.