Standard working hours per month established by Russian legislation. Fill small chunks of time with things that make you happy

To optimize the production process and obtain greater benefits, it is necessary to calculate the number of man-hours spent on the production of one unit. This indicator is used by the accounting department and statistics department of the enterprise and indicates the length of time one person spends at work. It can be used to calculate the total labor productivity at a given enterprise for one unit of time.

The simplest calculation formula looks like this:

K x T = Hh, where Hh is man-hours, K is the number of workers taking part in the production process, and T is the time spent on work.

K (number of employees) x T (working time) = Hh (man-hours)

Let's give an example

Let's say at a factory in production process 100 people are involved. We must calculate the number of man-hours for the month of June. There are 24 working days in June. For an eight-hour workday, the formula would look like this:

100 (person) x (8 (hours per day) x 24 (working days)) = 19,200 man-hours

  • Calculating man-hours can become more complicated if employees do not work full time, go on vacation, go on a business trip, study, or get sick. In this case, you should not calculate full working days, but only hours actually worked.
  • It often happens that company employees work part-time, for example, mothers who use a staggered schedule or those hired for a four-hour work day. In this case, the calculation of man-hours is calculated specifically for each employee. Then the data is summarized.
  • In order for the calculation of man-hours to be accurate, it is necessary to maintain a working time sheet in which all data for each employee is entered. Time of arrival and departure from work, actual time worked. For example, it happens that a team of workers is on site, but cannot work due to untimely delivery of materials.
  • You can calculate this indicator for each permanent employee, provided that he works whole month 8 hours a day. If you work five days, you get: 21 working days multiplied by eight hours = 168 man-hours per day. Typically, this formula is used for normal working hours.
  • If an organization employs ten people, then general meaning man-hours per day will be equal to 80. If you multiply this value by 21 working days, it turns out that there are 1680 man-hours this month.
  • The total number of man-hours can be formed from the number of hours actually worked by all employees of the organization. For example, 30 man-hour. - this could be the time worked by one person for 30 hours, or two who worked 15 hours, or 3 who worked 10 hours.

Product output for this period can be calculated more accurately if we subtract breaks for lunch, waiting for the delivery of materials, repairing broken equipment, staff absences for personal needs, etc. These data can be calculated accurately, or we can resort to an average value, which is practiced much more often.

Hour is a unit of time equal to 60 minutes, 3600 seconds or 1/24 of a day. Abbreviated Russian designation: h, international: h. The word "hour" comes from the verb "chayati", which means "to wait".

A week is a unit of time equal to seven days (days). Abbreviated Russian designation: week, in English language-wk. It consists of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The calendar week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. Translated from ancient Greek, “week” means “non-working day” or “holiday”.

The combination of seven days into one week is associated with the period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth, which is known to be approximately 28 days. 28 was divided by 4, by the number of moon phases available (new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon), resulting in 7 days.

Translation formulas

There are 168 hours in one week, 1/168 of a week in one hour.

How to convert weeks to hours

To convert weeks to hours, you need to multiply the number of weeks by 168.


For example, in order to find out how many hours there are in 3 weeks, you need 3*168 = 504 hours.

How to convert hours to weeks

To convert hours to weeks, you need to divide the number of hours by 168.


The very concept of working time implies the period during which the employee fulfills his labor obligations in accordance with the contract concluded with him and the principles internal regulations. This definition also includes other time periods named in Labor Code working hours.

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Legislative norms

According to Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the norm cannot exceed 40 hours per week. In cases where the employer, following the law, must establish a reduced work time, approved 24, 35 or 36 hours per week.

The RV norm is necessary for establishing, as well as for payment, on weekends and holidays.

RV standards

The following time standards are distinguished:

  • Work week. It may consist of five days (Saturday and Sunday are days off), or six, but its duration should normally be 40 hours, or with a shortened time period - 24, 35 or 36.
  • Change. The concept of a work shift includes the time after which workers engaged in the same labor process replace each other. It happens during the day and at night. When working in shifts, sometimes such a nuance arises as the inability to reduce the duration of the shift when it is provided for (for example, on a holiday). Then this time is considered overtime and is paid in accordance with overtime standards or compensated by the provision. Payment for the night shift (from 22.00 to 06.00) occurs at increased size, which is approved by the employer.
  • Working day. The time during the day during which work is performed. Normally equal to 8 hours.
  • Accounting period. Time worked for a calendar period (for example, a quarter or a month, but not more than a year). This period allows you to compare the hours with the standards established by law. This peculiar shape control over the RV norm.
  • Occupancy limit. Occupancy limit, statutory. An example would be . The number of hours worked in this case cannot exceed half of the daily wage rate per month. At 40 hours working week in October 2019, part-time work should not take more than 84 hours.

RV accounting is selected in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise.

Rules and examples of working time calculation

Working time calculation takes into account a large number of factors, but the main one is the work schedule. It can be daily, weekly and cumulative. The latter assumes a shift schedule.

In addition, when accounting for radioactive substances, the following are provided:

  • type of working week: five-day, six-day;
  • daily duration of work;
  • the time when the work was started and completed;
  • breaks;
  • sequence of working days with non-working days;
  • number of shifts in 24 hours;
  • the presence of holidays, when the working day is reduced.

Calculation per month

In general, the calculation of RP for a month during a five-day period is carried out using the following formula:

Ntotal = Prv: 5 x Krd – 1 h. x Kppd, where:

  • Ntot - RV norm;
  • Prv - duration of RT per week (40.35, 36 or 24);
  • Krd - number of working days in the period (month, year);
  • Kppd - the number of pre-holiday days.

For example:

There are 21 working days in October 2019. This means that with a 40-hour week it will be: 40: 5 x 21 - 0 = 168 hours. At 36 hours: 36: 5 (days) x 21 = 151.2 hours. Hence the conclusion is this: the maximum working time in October 2019 should not exceed 168 hours.

Six days

A six-day week also cannot exceed 40 hours in total.

Let's take the same October with a six-day week. There will be 26 working days, the norm is 168 hours. 168 divided by 26 equals approximately 6 and a half hours a day. But in the Russian Federation, during a six-day working week, a 7-hour duration of work time is used, and before the weekend it is reduced to 5 hours.

In anticipation holiday on a five-day week the working day is reduced by one hour, on a six-day week the working day cannot be more than five hours.

Number of working days between dates (formula)

Excel has a function called NETWORKDAYS. Its arguments are the start and end dates. These are required values ​​to enter. And also an optional argument - holidays. When entering data about holidays, these days are excluded from the calculation.

Calculation of RF for 2019

It is taken as a basis production calendar. Here you need to take into account that it is a leap year, and there are 366 days in it. Of these, there are 247 working days. There are 119 weekends and holidays. There are only two pre-holiday days this year.

Calculating using the formula (if a 40-hour work week is taken), it turns out: 8 * 366 - 2 = 1974 hours.

If we take into account a week consisting of 36 hours, then the year will be 1776.4 hours. And with a 24-hour week, there are correspondingly 1183.6 hours of RT.

Calculation for shift schedule

With such a schedule it is often used.

Summarized accounting is used for shift schedules, sliding days off and approval.

The need for such accounting arises in cases where the required norm, for example, 40 hours a week, is not maintained. But it is leveled off over a certain accounting period - it can be 1 month (which is more convenient), a quarter or a year.


Driver Yu.P. Ivanov, who works at Petra LLC, where summarized accounting has been introduced, and a quarter is taken for calculation, worked 447 hours from January to March inclusive of 2019.

Of them:

  • 118 hours in January;
  • 145 hours in February;
  • 184 hours in March.

This driver is an employee with a 40-hour work week. This means that the norm for the first quarter is 447 hours, where:

  • 120 hours - January;
  • 159 hours - February;
  • 168 hours - March.

From the calculations it is clear that the norm was not exceeded.

Calculation of RV on a business trip

The business traveler carries out an official assignment, and not his own specific assignment employment contract function.

In accordance with this, the time spent by the employee in is not the working time defined in Article 91 of the Labor Code.

Duration of RT in in this case is determined based on several factors:

  • nature of the job assignment;
  • fulfillment conditions;
  • operating mode of the receiving party.

If you are hired on a business trip on weekends or holidays, these days must be marked and paid accordingly.

Calculation of RR with a schedule of days in three

This schedule is classified as either shift work or work in flexible schedule. In this case, the standard of 40 hours per week cannot be met. Therefore, hours exceeding the norm will be considered overtime, and their number will be determined at the end of the accounting period.

Here it is more convenient to choose a period for accounting equal to one year. Then the processing will be compensated by the shortfall.

Calculation in case of partial bet

For a normal work week (40 hours), the calculation is made as follows:

  • If 0.75 of the rate is taken into account, then 40 * 0.75 = 30 hours per week. For a five-day period, divide 30 by 5, and it turns out that the daily norm is 6 hours. To calculate the number of hours per month, you need 30: 5 * (number of working days in calendar month). For example, in February 2019 there are 20 working days. So 30: 5 * 20 = 120 hours.
  • 0.25 rate: 40 * 0.25 = 10 hours. It must be taken into account that working time can be distributed either 5 days for 2 hours, or 2 days for 5 hours. Next, we also take February: divide 10 by 5 and multiply by 20. It turns out 40 hours per month.
Bid Hours per week Hours per month (for example, February 2019)
0.3 rates 12 48
0.4 rates 16 64
0.5 bets 20 80
0.6 rates 24 96

To all employees who care about compliance own rights in the workplace, you need to know how many hours in a week are allocated by law for work.

The concept of working time

Workers are those periods of time during which employee fulfills his duties established by the employment contract. This includes keeping records of the time worked by each employee.

The start and end times of the working day, lunch and other breaks are set arbitrarily, but the total number of hours in a week that an employee spends on is regulated. The time that an employee spends on the road does not apply to the worker.

In addition to the time actually worked, the time spent on military duty, jury duty, or other actions provided for by the Labor Code is considered a worker.

How many hours are there in a week? The correct answer to a question depends on what you mean. IN calendar week- 168, but how many hours in? The answer to this question will vary depending on the category of worker, because in addition to the normal one, there are shortened and part-time working hours.

Normal work week

The maximum number of hours per week that an employer can set for subordinates is 40 hours. This duration work week is called normal and applies to the majority of workers. Neither the form of ownership of the employer nor his legal status cannot be the reason for changing this norm. The type of employment (permanent, temporary work) also does not matter.

At the same time, the law provides overtime work, which is calculated in the number of hours worked in excess of the required forty. For overtime, the employee must receive increased pay.

If an employee is employed at several enterprises at once, then employers are not responsible for time worked in excess of 40 hours, unless the norm is violated within the enterprises themselves.

For example, employee Alexander works 40 hours a week in company A, and works part-time for 10 hours in company B. In total, he works 50 hours every week, but within both enterprises his working time does not exceed 40 hours, so the 10 hours worked above will not be considered processing.

Another example: Elena works 45 hours in company A, and works part-time for 15 hours in company B. At the first workplace, she overworks 5 hours, and at the second, her working hours do not exceed the norm.

The working week can consist of 5 or 6 days, and a rotating schedule is also allowed. Ultimately, the only thing that matters is how many hours are worked in a week.

Length of the shortened week

A reduced schedule is provided for minors, disabled people and some other categories of workers. At the same time, minors receive payment in accordance with production, and other categories of workers receive full pay.

A shortened week may have different durations depending on the age, ability of the employee and working conditions:

  • 12 hours - for students who have not yet turned 16 years old;
  • 24 hours - for other persons who are not yet sixteen;
  • 17.5 hours - for students who are already 16 but not yet 18;
  • 35 hours - for disabled people (1st and 2nd grade) and workers from 16 to 18 years old who do not study anywhere;
  • 36 hours - for teachers, educators and those who work in hazardous conditions;
  • 39 hours - for doctors.

A shortened week differs from a part-time week in that payment is calculated as for a full week (with the exception of employees who are under 18 years of age). With a shortened week, payment corresponds to production.

Partial week

Part-time work can be established for any employee by mutual agreement with the employer. But there are cases in which the employer cannot refuse to approve the employee for part-time work. Examples: an employee has a young child, is a minor himself, or is caring for a sick relative. We are obliged to accommodate the pregnant woman as well.

You can negotiate for any amount of time within a standard week. Time can be reduced by reducing the number of hours in one day or both.

Time worked in excess of the established amount will be considered even if the total number of hours does not exceed 40.

How many hours do they work abroad?

How many hours per week should those officially employed abroad work? In the vast majority of countries, the amount of time allocated for work is comparable to the same parameter in Russia. A standard week ranges from 35 hours in England and France to 48 hours in Germany, Italy, Ireland and many other countries. The relevant regulations are detailed in the laws of each country.

But how many hours in a week can you work without losing productivity? Henry Ford once answered this question: exactly 40 hours.

We publish tips on restructuring your life schedule from “The Book of Lost Time” by Laura Vanderkam. “You have more time than you think,” says the author, who has published the best-selling books “What Are the Most successful people manage to get it done before breakfast" and "What the most successful people do on weekends." The writer has three children, writes for leading American publications (Fortune, Fast Company, USA Today) and directs a choir.

Every week is your 168 hours

Put aside for a moment the responsibilities and problems you currently have. Imagine a completely empty weekly calendar with 168 hour columns.

If this is a new concept to you, I encourage you to spend a few hours thinking about it. When I made a table with 168 cells, my first thought was: if I start with clean slate and add all the main components, 168 is a surprisingly large number. In 168 hours there is definitely time to sleep 8 hours a day (56 hours a week) and work 50 hours a week if you so desire. That comes out to 106 hours in total, leaving 62 hours a week for other things.

Write down where your time was spent

If you want to make the most of your 168 hours in the future, it helps to know how you're spending them now. To do this, you can use the table below, download it from, create your own, create a document in text editor or write down your actions in a small notebook. Try to fill out the fields in as much detail as possible. Both “work” and “call prospect” are acceptable, but the latter will give you more information to analyze. Start whenever you want, but keep the time within 168 hours in mind. If you feel like the week you've recorded is unusual, you can start over, but "typical" weeks are rare.

Analyze your data

Once you have a week or more of raw data, divide it into several categories. Write down how much time you spend per day and per week on all the main categories that matter to you (each includes travel time):

1. Self-care (with subcategory “Sleep”) 2. Food and drink 3. Housework 4. Purchasing goods and services 5. Pet care 6. Caring for and helping others 7. Work and work-related activities 8. Activities related to education 9. Organizational, civic and religious activities 10. Leisure and sports 11. Phone calls, mail and email 12. Other activities

Make a list of 100 things you dream about.

What would you like to accomplish in your 168 hours? Write down as many things as you can that you would like to accomplish in your life. Among the activities listed there, are there any that challenge you and captivate you to the point where time passes by? Does it make you happy essence these activities? Write it all down. Over the next six months, start thinking about ways in which you can incorporate these things into your life's work, change that work, or find a team or organization that will be more supportive of you.

Are you happy at work?

We spend a significant portion of our 168 hours at work, so it's important that it suits us. To find out if a job is right for you, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is my work related to my internal motivation(things that I liked as a child or that I would do for free)? 2. Does my job provide sufficient autonomy? 3. Do I regularly need to solve problems at the limit of my capabilities? 4. Do my work environment, organization, and colleagues enable me to perform at my best? 5. If I answered “no” to any of these questions, what can I change? Next week? Next year? 6. Can I create myself suitable job in my organization? Or in another organization? Or will you have to act on your own?

If you are quite sure that the job is right for you, try asking yourself the following question: If I were suddenly offered a large amount for never dealing with the “core” of my work, how would I feel about this proposal? If yes, then it's time to ask additional question. If you broke the bank and were still able to do your job substantively, what parts of it would you keep? If you never had to work against your will again, what would you do more of and what would you push off your plate? Take time to think about these questions and write down these tasks and the changes you would make.

Put your tasks on the calendar with the exact time of their completion

Once you understand what the ideal situation looks like, you can begin to change the work component of 168 hours to bring it closer to the ideal. On Sunday evening or before the start of the work week, sit down and make a list of achievable tasks that you need to do to make progress towards your career goals. And then you need to do the most important thing: schedule them, knowing exactly how long they will take.

According to Stephanie Vikoski, managing partner in the New York office of Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP, many people "don't know how long it takes to take the subway from midtown to south Manhattan, even though they take that route every day." Vikoski, a bankruptcy attorney, has it down to a science. She always thinks “when to start to get things done, taking into account not only today, but also throughout the week.” For example, if she needs to submit documents by 3:00 p.m., and she can’t start until the day of delivery, but knows that it will take four hours, then she should start at 9:00 a.m. Why not at 11.00? “I always leave a buffer,” Vikoski says. Another client may call, and then she can give him five minutes right away or much more - after 15:00. If she finishes before 3 p.m., she starts calling back or relaxes a little (“I spend way, way too much time on the Internet,” she admits).

Make time for unimportant things

I recently met a woman who told me that she sets aside a time slot on Friday mornings to make the necessary, but not the most important, calls. When someone asks to set up a time for him, she connects the assistant and says: “We will definitely contact you. Is Friday right for you? For the assistant, this is a code - it means that the case is not a priority and such calls can be scheduled for the Friday block one after another.

Schedule a few “time-wasting” breaks a day, or when you find yourself surfing aimlessly, make a note in your notepad and force yourself to come back to current case. Make a game out of it. If you can cut the number of tags in half, reward yourself with a 30-minute visit to Facebook.

Work until the point of diminishing returns

To work for an hour, you need to arrive on site - even if you work from home - understand what needs to be done now, and start solving the problem. All of these activities require effort, which means that if you work an hour a week, you won't achieve much. But the second, third and fourth hours are more productive. Every hour provides additional benefits: you understand projects, arrive at optimal working condition, you begin to look for new opportunities. At some point, these benefits stop accumulating as work intensity drops. But until this moment everyone extra hour gives a huge return.

For this book and other projects, I talked to hundreds of people about careers and learned that in most fields it is very difficult to feel progress—to know that you are developing mastery, finding new opportunities, and making a name for yourself—if you work less than 30 hours out of 168.

Don't be intimidated by multitasking

If you combine activities that require different areas brain, especially if one does not require active mental activity, you can both improve your relationships with others and fill your day meaningful things- or in general fit more enjoyable activities into one day. It happens naturally when having lunch with a friend. You talk while eating (and you have to eat anyway). This combination is much easier and better for the relationship than talking to a friend during a conference call or while simultaneously posting photos on Facebook. Time flies faster with a running or training partner. Review what you plan to do for 168 hours and think about where there are opportunities to combine them. Even a phone call while washing dishes can help maintain a relationship.

Plan time with children

It is necessary to organize work taking into account the children's routine. It is best to distribute your working hours so as to free up chunks of your day. To do this, you need to do this: make the hours between 17:00 and 20:00 (or 17:30 and 20:30, or 18:00 and 21:00 if you have night owl children) sacred. This is family time. Highlight it in your planner and use it to focus on the things that matter most to you with your kids. At the same time, set aside several evenings a week, from 20:00 to 22:00 or 23:00, when the children are already in bed, to work.

Use your leisure time effectively

Once you have a spreadsheet that shows you how you spend your 168 hours, find time that you can reserve for leisure. It is necessary to plan the duration of each lesson as accurately as possible. The jog will take an hour, but the painting lesson will take longer. Determine what and how many times a week you will do.

When planning your weekend, you need to change your approach because often you are not carving out time, but deciding how to spend your unstructured hours. Some families turn their weekends into a cavalcade of children's competitions and activities. Other people don't plan anything and their weekends are consumed by TV, the Internet, or ineffective bouts of work activity (like checking email on their smartphone every hour). Balance is important here because there is no reason to plan every minute.

Fill small chunks of time with things that make you happy

To spend your time meaningfully, it's worth going back to the "100 Things I Dream About List" and selecting elements of some activities to fit into your day. Make two lists - one with activities that last half an hour or more and one with activities that last 10 minutes or less. Then figure out how to make both options as easy as taking a smoke break or watching a bit of a TV show.

Follow the schedule

Review your current situation regularly (eg every 168 hours) to ensure the weeks are progressing as they should. If something is wrong, take one of the 168 hours to figure out how to enter everything possible changes. This is much more effective than toiling through the other 167. This last step is important because it takes real discipline to create the life you want in 168 hours.