Hungary education. Studying and obtaining higher education in Hungary

Academic year

From September to June-July. Two-time admission: classes begin in September and January. Higher educational institutions and the “Law on a Unified Examination”. Hungary has switched to a pan-European education system. When entering universities, the law on a single exam applies to all applicants. Hungarian applicant to last year gymnasiums in the month of February must submit an application - an application with a list of universities desired for admission. The applicant’s points accumulated over the last 2 years of study at the gymnasium and grades for the last state exams are summarized and entered into the database of the computer competition system of all universities in Hungary. Computer system selects future students for these universities. If an applicant does not get into one university, he ends up in another, where his passing scores correspond to admission, unless, of course, the applicant indicated a number of universities he would like to enroll in. Very reasonable system, because the applicant does not lose a year for the next attempt at admission, but becomes a student in the chosen specialty. Studying for a bachelor's degree is 4 years. Plus 2-3 years for a master's degree. A person receives a university education. Valid in all universities point system tests and exams, according to the principle: “More points - more money" The scholarship is calculated based on the points scored per semester. If you do poorly on an exam: “Pay and take it again.”

Hungary has over two dozen universities, whose history goes back several hundred years, and many institutes and colleges. And among them is the first in Europe Technical The University of Economics(1782), Semelveysky medical University(1769), Budapest University of Humanities. Lorand Eötvös University, (1367), “Conservatory of Music”, the city of Szeged (1880), Academy of Arts (1871), and many others. These educational institutions are famous for their traditions, famous alumni, among whom there are many outstanding scientists and Nobel laureates. The quality and level of teaching in Hungarian universities are worthy of recognition in the world, their diplomas are recognized in all European countries (except Greece), and Medical Universities are recognized in the USA. For example, Semelweis Medical University and Pecs Medical University, with military medical faculty directly related to American practice. Universities cooperate very closely on the exchange of teachers with practicing students starting from the 6th year.

In the 1990s, new foreign universities: Oxford Brookes University-Oxford brookes University, McDaniel College, Budapest Campus /"McDaniel"/ (Western Maryland /USA/-mother college), CEU-Central European University them. Sorosa. These are universities organized with the support of leading English or American universities. Given the growing need for new personnel and specialties, these universities offer applicants programs in management and marketing, banking, advertising, tourism, communication sciences and information technology.

Studying for master's degrees is popular, there is no age limit for admission. MBA training is popular at the end of the week. The student receives a certificate relatively cheaply and quickly, international standard from Oxford or CEU, etc. After which new career opportunities open up, the necessary student connections are acquired, and English speech, horizons in business contacts around the world are expanding. Conditions for entry into Hungary - Visa-TM 5. Students must have a foreign passport, the expiration date of which is at least six months beyond the validity of the visa, and an invitation from the educational institution, with which they must apply to the consular section of the Hungarian Embassy in the country of their permanent residence to obtain a TM-5 student visa. To obtain a residence permit for the duration of your studies, you must obtain study visa TM-5 in one of the consular sections of the Hungarian Embassy, ​​which are located for Russians in Moscow and St. Petersburg, for Ukrainians in Kyiv and Uzhgorod, and for Belarusians in Warsaw. The visa is issued on the basis of an invitation from a higher or preparatory educational institution, by its official representatives this is the Anglo-Hungarian Preparatory Center “Sources of Knowledge”, which is located in Budapest.

Programs and languages

The study programs are aligned with international standards, and students at various universities can obtain bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees depending on the duration of the program and the results of their studies. Bachelor's degree: 4 years. A master's degree is equal to two or three years - this is a completed university education. And if the student is capable, he is invited to study leading to a doctorate: Doctor of Philosophy. Teaching is conducted in Hungarian, English, German and French, even in Russian there is a faculty. In international (English and American) universities, the practice of studying several foreign languages ​​is common. For example, any Hungarian or foreign graduate, receiving a bachelor's degree in Hungary, knows 3-4 languages ​​in different degrees.

Many universities take exams in foreign languages ​​for their students during their studies, this is included in compulsory program training with the issuance of a diploma, where the level from intermediate to higher is precisely defined - a special (on the topic) foreign language. Admission rules for a foreign student. The requirements for admission are close to those of Russian universities. All Russian certificates and diplomas are valid in Hungary and do not require confirmation. This document must be translated into English, certified by a notary, and entered into any university where education is conducted in a foreign language. Russian program high school allows applicants to successfully enter Hungarian universities. When enrolling in certain programs where teaching is in foreign languages, you must provide a document certifying your level of language proficiency or pass the appropriate exam at the university. Requirements for knowledge of the English language range from 550 points on the TOEFL scale for applicants for a bachelor's degree to 650 points for applicants for a master's degree. But if the applicant does not have sufficient knowledge of English, German language, there is the opportunity to freely enroll in the preparatory faculty of the chosen university or university. In Hungary, admission to universities is two times: September and January. Therefore, if a student excellent results in a foreign language, he can officially take entrance exams in December and study in the 1st year of his favorite University from January. Applicant for a master's program, good student already in January receives a master's topic or passes exams (based on the requirements of the university). Preparatory faculties practice the fastest possible admission to the first year of their university. There is no point in keeping a successful and diligent student preparatory faculty. And the most interesting thing is that when studying at the preparatory faculty there is no difference between a freshman student and a preparatory student: all classes are held in a stream general lectures And group classes foreign language.

Training courses

There are three types of university preparation courses:

1. Preparatory courses at the universities themselves. Their main advantage is exact knowledge university requirements, because Future applicants are taught by the same teachers who will administer the entrance exams.

2. Language classes. These courses allow you to learn Hungarian or foreign language to the level required for admission and study in this language.

3. Comprehensive courses. This kind preparatory education includes both linguistic and special training for all entrance exams specific university. For Russian-speaking applicants, such courses are offered English-Hungarian Preparatory Center“Sources of Knowledge” (Budapest).

Training expenses

Training costs are significantly lower than in England or America. Prices can be found on the Russian-Hungarian website. When entering, all universities have a paid admission system for foreigners: submitting to the admissions committee costs 135 euros, the exam costs 200 euros, and books cost another 400-600 euros per year. In part, students use a system of photocopier (free) use of books and lectures. The initial exam is free, but you will have to pay for the repeat exam. Students are not prohibited from working part-time. Many students work in foreign companies or in Hungarian companies after learning Hungarian(initial degree), so sometimes attending lectures is free. Freedom of choice and independence reigns in universities: every student must balance their learning abilities with their work. The student himself decides which subjects he will study in the “major” program, i.e. performing the main program and the “minor”, additional program according to the chosen profile of study and specialization. The average student balances joys perfectly student life, and it is quite rich and varied, and student work is for the benefit of education.

Currency unit
and household expenses

Hungarian forint ($1 - 209 HUF, 1 euro - 270 HUF). Many universities have their own dormitories. This is 100 - 150 euros per month. The same price for renting a room. Rent an apartment for a group of students of 2-4 people, perhaps then you will save costs on utility bills. This is approximately 55 euros or more for a one-room apartment. Each university has a student cafe, where the food is plentiful, tasty and inexpensive - 10 euros per week. Food in Hungary is not expensive and of high quality. Fruits vegetables all year round available to everyone: dollar/kg.

Safety and life of youth

Budapest is the safest capital in Europe. The attitude towards foreigners is calm and friendly, since out of 10 million indigenous population, up to 40 million foreign tourists visit Hungary per year. The country has many immigrants from among students from all over the world, many foreigners migrate to obtain a residence permit with families, finding themselves physical work, but more often they organize companies and work in family business. Hungary is located in the center of Europe, a member Pan-European Union Therefore, Hungarian, English, German and Chinese are the most common languages ​​in everyday life. Exercises in gyms are popular among young people; healthy image life. Young people are sober and cheerful, they prefer nightlife and discos, likes to go to bars and cafes. In every town, especially in Budapest, visitors can enjoy numerous cafes, restaurants, pubs and other establishments. Various alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails and beer are popular. They love to sit in tsukrazdas, where the variety of cakes and ice cream will not leave the most seasoned aesthete resistant to temptation. Respectful and decent relationships between boys and girls are noted by all foreigners. Respect for elders, universal love for children, worship family traditions, love for home, for pets (dogs) and the noticeable love of the entire Hungarian population for weekends and vacations. Hungary is a tourist country, with an excellent base for water treatment in numerous swimming pools, where wellness and sports are developed.


Budapest has all types of public transport - metro, trams, buses and trolleybuses, trains. All types of transport are convenient and comfortable (there is air conditioning in summer, heating in winter), they run on schedule and do not create problems for life. True, the cost of travel on any transport, including commuter electric trains, is about a dollar. There are cheap travel tickets for students and pensioners: 10 euros per month. Taxi - from 1 euro/km. up to 1.5 euro/km. Car rental from small but economical simple class, to large and high class- 30 - 70 euros per day. Buying a car is possible from 800 euros - used, but in good condition up to 5500 euros - new, but small-sized, for example, Suzuki. They are not expensive and comfortable. You just have to pay for various insurances systematically, but this is necessary for your safety. Obedience to road rules reigns on the roads, all drivers are very polite and accidents are created only by the driver himself, who violates the driving rules. The decency and discipline of Hungarian drivers is explained by the fact that the police are not standing at every turn, but if a careless motorist commits a violation and an identikit is recorded, then punishment is inevitable. The violator will be subject to a fine of such a size that it will discourage violating for a long time. There is a dry law on the roads. Penalties must be strictly followed.

Studying in Hungary is good chance achieve high quality new level your education. There are a considerable number of educational institutions in this country that will provide an excellent knowledge base. Studying in Hungary is quite affordable for Russian students; the main thing is to know the language well and have good academic performance. Education in Hungary for Kazakhstanis is available under the same conditions.

Children's language programs: schools and summer camps

Education of children in Hungary is possible in different options:

  • Courses at a language school. You can choose the right time during the holidays and go to Hungary to improve your English.
  • Additional courses for children studying in Hungary. These are evening and weekend classes to improve your language proficiency for better understanding school curriculum in Hungary.
  • Summer language camps. This is a way not only to improve your English, but also to have a great rest. There is a lot to see in Hungary!

For children to study in Hungary, the cost starts from 500 euros.

Language courses for adults

Education in Hungary for adults is possible on the basis of specialized language schools. You can study English or Hungarian - depending on the task. There are many different programs: general course, professional course, a specialized course, a program for beginners, etc. Classes are held with varying durations and intensity.

For many who wanted to study abroad, Hungary became ideal option. This is a European country with a high level of education. Native-speaking teachers are invited. The Hungarian language will be useful for business contacts and life in this country, as well as for studying at a university. The cost of training in Hungary is low compared to England and the USA (if you are interested in English courses).

Secondary education in Hungary for Russian students

The education system in Hungary involves a 12-year program, after which you can enter a university. Children will be taught in such a way that they will be able to enter any university not only in Hungary, but also in Europe as a whole. At the age of 6 years, children begin to attend primary school. There are several training options: 8+4, 6+6, 4+8 (primary+secondary).

Free education in Hungary is possible for Hungarian children who are citizens of the state. There are private services for foreign children. international schools. There is also a Russian school at the Russian Embassy in Hungary.

Studying at a university: getting a bachelor's degree

Education at universities in Hungary is carried out on on a paid basis. About the advantages of Hungarian higher education I can talk for a long time: yes famous universities With rich history. The training system corresponds international standards: The undergraduate program lasts 3-4 years.

Studying at a university in Hungary is convenient because there are basic and additional disciplines. The student has the right to choose what is interesting to him and will be more useful. That is why Hungarian universities produce first-class professionals in their field.

Disciplines are taught primarily in Hungarian. Studying in English in Hungary is also possible. To do this, upon admission you need to write a corresponding application.

Master's in Hungary

Master's studies in Hungary last 2-3 years. To enter, you must have a diploma of completed higher education (obtaining a bachelor's degree).

Cost of education. Scholarships and grants

It is not possible to enter a university for free education, but there are international grants for studying in Hungary for those applicants who have truly distinguished themselves. It is also possible to receive various scholarships. But for this you need to try and have scientific publications, make maximum progress in the subjects you study. The cost of studying at universities in Hungary ranges from 4-8 thousand euros per year. IN different universities– different pricing.

Advantages of studying in Hungary

Let's list the most important advantages of studying in this country:

  • Cost: the cost of studying in Hungary is not as high as in England, Germany and a number of other countries.
  • Prestige of educational institutions and quality of education. Diplomas are valued all over the world.
  • Popularity. Everyone who studied in Hungary leaves only positive reviews.
  • Advantages educational system. The choice of disciplines by students, the quality of teaching and internships in largest companies give an excellent start in professional activity.

If you are interested in studying in Hungary, the forum will help you choose, because... students share their impressions and talk about their studies.

Contact LogosStudyGroup:

  • We will select the best option for studying in Hungary.
  • We will tell you how much it costs to study in Hungary.
  • We will help you with the preparation of all documents for the university.
  • We will send you to a good language school if you need to improve your English (or learn Hungarian).

· We will speed up the process of obtaining a visa and prepare documents.

Studying in Hungary is available not only to EU citizens, but also to foreigners. The diploma will allow the graduate to build a successful career in Europe or beyond.

Study in this country

Education in Hungary meets international European standards. School lasts 12 years. After graduation, you can get a secondary specialized or higher education.


  • Wide choice of educational institutions;
  • European quality;
  • Russian documents confirming the level of education are recognized as valid in the Hungarian system;
  • In Hungary you will be offered a large selection of educational programs;
  • Training is conducted in English;
  • Affordable price, even by Russian standards;
  • Opportunity for internship in leading European companies;
  • Educational institutions in Hungary work closely with the best universities in Europe and the world;
  • Opportunity to visit other countries through an exchange program;
  • Preparatory courses in Hungary help foreign applicants significantly increase their chances of admission.

Most Hungarian universities accept foreigners. Russians will not have to confirm their diplomas or certificates. It is enough to translate the content into English and have the translation certified by a notary.

For foreign citizens The cost of studying in Hungary depends on the chosen direction. Considered the most expensive medical education. If a student studies “good” and “excellent”, and GPA above 4.5, then he may be given a discount on the semester fee.

The most common languages ​​of instruction in Hungary are:

  • Hungarian;
  • English;
  • German.

Majority foreign applicants in Hungary chooses training programs in English. Prospective students must pass the exam (550 points) or (5.5). Some institutes offer training in Russian and French. Completing such programs will cost you significantly more.

Hungarians are committed to improving quality educational services. All educational institutions undergo mandatory accreditation. Their goal is to get reliable information about the level of preparation of students, the volume of subjects studied, the qualifications of teachers. Hungarian diplomas are highly valued in Europe and other parts of the world. Graduates can find work in any country. Medical degrees are recognized even in the USA.

Education system

In the Hungarian system there is five-point scale ratings. For local citizens, all classes are conducted in the official national language. The Hungarian authorities allow the creation educational institutions representatives of national minorities. There are German, Croatian, and Romanian educational institutions in the country, classes in which are conducted in the languages ​​of these peoples.

The education system in Hungary consists of the following levels:

  1. Preschool;
  2. Average;
  3. Higher.

Preschoolers are considered to be persons under six years of age. Kindergartens are open for them. You can visit them from 3 years old. For parents who want to send their child to government agencies earlier, the nursery is open. They accept children over 5 months old.

Visit kindergarten in Hungary it is compulsory from the age of 5. During the year they must study preparatory programs, upon completion of which children are given certificates of readiness to enter school.

Parents pay only for meals; the rest of the expenses are covered by the state. There are always places in kindergartens. Parents will only need to provide a birth certificate, insurance policy and documents confirming the child’s place of residence.

Secondary education system

The system includes 2 stages:

  • Elementary;
  • Average.

In total they study for 12 years. The secondary education system in Hungary involves 8 years of primary school and 4 years of secondary school. But parents can change this order if they wish and choose the formula 4+8 or 6+6.

Children until May 31st current year turned 6 years old, must enter primary school. Obtaining a certificate is mandatory and free. The state bears the main expenses. However, parents must purchase textbooks for their children at their own expense.

Start school year falls on the first working day of September. Children study 5 days a week. The duration of each lesson is 45 minutes. During the school year, children are given time to rest. Autumn and spring break last a week, winter 10 days, and summer about 2.5 months. The school year ends in mid-June.

To assess knowledge, it is provided five-point system ratings. It is used from 4th grade. Until this time, students do not receive grades in the usual sense. It is believed that such a system does not cause psychological trauma, because kids avoid comparisons with each other. Parents receive progress reports writing. Teachers describe the level of knowledge in detail.

At the end of secondary institutions, all schoolchildren undergo certification. Graduates take compulsory subjects and exams that are required for admission to the chosen educational institution. The list of subjects required for the certificate includes Hungarian, literature, history, mathematics, and a foreign language.

A student has the right to receive specialized secondary education after 8 years of primary school.

A graduate can enter:

  1. Vocational school;
  2. Technical College;
  3. Gymnasium.

The school is a general education institution. Graduates officially receive a certificate confirming their secondary education and have the opportunity to continue their studies at the university.

The technical school is also educational institution, but after graduation you cannot go to university.

Each gymnasium has its own training profile. The student can choose any one, depending on his preferences. Graduates take the same compulsory subjects as regular schoolchildren.

Higher education system

The higher education system in Hungary consists of 3 levels:

  • Bachelor's degree (3 - 4 years);
  • Master's degree (2 - 3 years);
  • Doctoral studies.

Completing a master's degree is equivalent to a full-fledged higher education. Only best students. The duration of training depends on the direction. Usually it is 4 years. Future doctors study the longest. They are awarded a bachelor's degree only after 6 years.

Applicants are offered a wide choice of areas of training. They can study humanities or technical sciences, devote themselves to the study of art, become managers or businessmen.

Higher education can be obtained at colleges or universities. Most of them are state-owned. There are also private ones. Everyone operates on the basis of a license issued by authorized government agencies. College education lasts about 3 years. Graduated from any higher education institution educational institution have initial degree bachelor's degree At the same time, a college graduate’s diploma is valued significantly less than a university diploma.

Hungarians can enter universities without entrance exams. To do this they must have enough high marks for final tests. Foreigners take exams upon admission and confirm their level of English proficiency. Current requirements for enrollment in Hungarian universities can be found in the service that deals with the education of foreigners. It's called the National Higher Education Admissions Office.

Entrance examinations can be conducted in written form or orally. Some universities allow retakes. Almost each of them has its own standards, in accordance with which they are developed. exam questions. They are usually based on information given in schools. The list of topics is published in advance on the websites.

If existing knowledge is not enough, you can undergo training programs. The courses are aimed at adapting the applicant and teaching him the required skills. If he does well in the program, he may be accepted into university ahead of schedule. Freshmen and preparatory course participants are enrolled in the same group and attend the same classes.

Three types of pre-entry preparation programs have been developed for applicants:

  1. Courses at universities. Applicants work with teaching staff chosen university or college, study the requirements of teachers, get acquainted with the life of the institution. Such programs are especially popular in medical universities;
  2. Language courses. Preparation is aimed at learning Hungarian or English to the level required for admission;
  3. Complex classes. Students are simultaneously taught the languages ​​and subjects they will need to successfully enroll in university.

Available full-time, part-time, remote forms training. Scholarships are awarded to students who have achieved particular success in their studies. Their size and terms of accrual depend on the direction.

Students must attend classes included in the educational program. There is an opportunity to choose additional items yourself.

The process includes theoretical and practical training. Everyone attends lectures and seminars and performs laboratory work. Students actively discuss selected topics with teachers and lead discussions.

After passing state and final exams and defending his dissertation, the graduate receives a scientific degree. He is given a diploma confirming his level of knowledge. Hungarian diplomas are recognized in all EU countries, with the exception of Greece.

Education in Hungary is similar to European standards. It is compulsory from the age of 8 until the age of majority (18 years). Current standards include studying at preschool kindergartens, eight years old primary schools, four-year secondary, then higher education.

Not only persons with citizenship of the country, but even some other categories that meet certain conditions have the right to study in all of the above organizations. Hungarian diplomas higher universities receive European status, and organizations have the right to issue state and international documents.

Junior education

Children aged 3 - 6 years can enroll in kindergartens, but if the mother needs to work, nurseries are provided in the Hungarian Republic. They can accommodate a baby older than 20 weeks. If the child’s parents have the status of a Eurozone citizen, a temporary or permanent refugee, an immigrant, a person who has received protection or does not have citizenship, then only food costs must be paid for the child’s stay in the nursery. Increased payment has been introduced for citizens of the state.

The education system in Hungary allows you to take a child who has reached the right age, V preschool group based on the following documents:

  • Documents confirming the location (residence) of the child;
  • Medical policy;
  • Birth certificate.

Registration for such institutions is usually made in May, but at the request of the child’s representatives, this can be done throughout the entire school year. With absence free seats in a group, the child may be refused, but upon reaching 5 years of age, the state will be obliged to provide the opportunity to attend a preparatory group.

Staying in the kindergarten, teaching children by teachers and monitoring them is paid for by the state. Parents are only charged for food costs.

School education

Based on the Law on compulsory education In the republic, all children of suitable age are required to attend school, and their parents are required to provide conditions and take care of their education. This applies to both citizens of the state and foreigners who can study in local schools, If:

  • Have the status of temporary and permanent refugees, have applied for this status, and have also received protection from the Hungarian Republic;
  • Have the rights to free movement and stay in the state;
  • Possess a residence permit or immigrant status, as well as a temporary permit to stay in a given country;
  • When the family has been in the country for more than one year (if less than 12 months, then at the request of the parents, taking into account the conditions described above).

A child must enroll in school upon reaching school age– no earlier than 6, but no later than 8 years. Compulsory education in Hungary continues until he reaches adulthood. It is free, but the necessary manuals and textbooks are purchased by parents themselves. The exception is private fee-paying schools.

Primary schools operate according to their own designed curriculum and schedule based on a single state (main) one. Moreover, all classes are conducted on state language. Exceptions are language schools for national minorities, where subjects are taught in their native languages.

Intermediate and final certifications are held at the end of the semester and academic year, which lasts from September to mid-June (185 school days). During educational period children of the Hungarian Republic have the right to rest during the autumn-spring, winter and summer holidays, as well as on public holidays.

Schools can organize summer educational camps; schoolchildren's parents pay for tuition and meals.

Secondary education

This training in the country can be obtained in 12 state and 9 colleges supported by various foundations, and in addition in 26 institutions under church patronage. In addition, there are several gymnasiums. Such studies in Hungary are also available to both citizens of the republic and other persons, subject to certain conditions and documents.

After graduating from school in Hungary, parents and the student can choose an institution for the next level. You can enroll in several institutions at once according to the degree of importance. Both parents must sign the application for admission.

A necessary condition for admission to institutions is successful completion Unified State Exam at school. If a student cannot cope with the task, then he must be enrolled in district schools where such children are accepted.

Foreigners who were unable to get certified due to poor knowledge of the state. language are left for re-learning in the 8th grade.


Gymnasiums teach the basics of general education and prepare students for obtaining a matriculation certificate required at the next level or entering the workforce. Minimum term The duration of training there is 4 years, the maximum is 8 years. The duration of study at the gymnasium depends on the age of the applicant.


Here students receive primary vocational training, and upon delivery required exams, in addition to the matriculation certificate, you can also get a specialty.

Professional institute

Schools are responsible for studying, acquiring practical, theoretical knowledge, skills and fundamentals of vocational guidance. After studying here, students receive diplomas instead of a matriculation certificate.

At the end of the first two types of institutions, students take five examinations (written and oral) for a matriculation certificate. Among them: state language and literature, foreign language, history, mathematics, as well as one more subject to choose from. Depending on your desire, you can choose an intermediate or higher level.

Higher education

Higher education in Hungary can be obtained at 18 public and 1 private universities. Basically, they are concentrated in the capital, about 50% of educational institutions are located in Budapest. Upon completion, diplomas are issued and one of the academic degrees is obtained.

The education system in Hungary at universities is divided into levels:

  • Basic training – up to 4 years;
  • Study in specialty – 2 years;
  • Training on academic degree- 3 years.

In addition, you can also acquire higher professional education or take advanced training courses.

Admission to higher institutions is made only on the basis of a matriculation certificate, a diploma of secondary education or equivalent foreign documents (for applicants from other countries). Sometimes you have to take additional exams.

Depending on the number of passing points scored by the applicant, training is possible on a paid or free basis. If the score is high, then the tuition of the student undergoing the competition is paid for by the state. This applies to the following categories:

  • Citizens of Hungary;
  • People with refugee status who have received state protection;
  • Immigrants;
  • Having a residence permit;
  • Foreigners studying in international treaty between universities.

For everyone else, only paid education is available.

Education for Russians in Hungary

The best higher educational institutions in the state are open to anyone who wishes to receive an education there. State system very loyal to foreigners, all of them can apply for scholarships.

It is easy for Russian applicants to adapt to the country, since previously the education system was under Soviet influence, the Russian language was compulsory there, the five-point grading system was preserved, which greatly facilitates the learning process even now. However, there is a significant difficulty - teaching is carried out in the state language, and Hungarian is considered one of the most difficult.

A citizen of Russia has the right to receive any higher paid education after going through some bureaucratic procedures and providing the necessary documents.

There are about sixty universities and colleges in Hungary. Many universities in Hungary are famous for their centuries-old traditions: among them the University of Pécs, founded 645 years ago, in 1367, the first (!) in Europe Budapest Technical University of Economics (1782), Budapest Medical University named after the “savior of mothers” Semmelweis (1769 ), Budapest University of Humanities named after Loránd Eötvös, (1635), Academy of Music (Conservatory), founded by Franz Liszt, University city ​​of Szeged (1880), Academy of Arts (1871), one of the best economic universities Europe Corvinus University and many others. These educational institutions are famous for their famous graduates, including many prominent scientists and Nobel laureates: the discoverer of vitamin C Albert St. Dördy, the inventor of holography Dennis Gabor, the “father” of cybernetics John von Neumann, the creator hydrogen bomb Edward Teller, the creator of the science of stress, Hans Selye, and ErnoRubik, who gave the world his famous cube.

The world highly values ​​the quality and level of education in Hungarian universities. Hungarian universities work closely with other universities around the world within the framework of international exchange teachers and students.

All universities in Hungary are independent institutions, all of them have state accreditation, regardless of their form of ownership.

Today, Hungarian education in the field of medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacology is especially highly valued, it is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as throughout the European Union. Besides medical specialties Hungarian universities offer applicants programs in all regions modern science and technology: economics, management, banking, journalism, marketing, technical specialties‚ information technology‚ everyone humanities, as well as specialties in the arts. T only in Budapest Polytechnic University There are more than 500 students from the USA and England. Many Russians believe that better education in America, but it turns out that the Americans themselves know something better...

Question: how are diplomas from Hungarian universities valued in the world?

Answer: diplomas from Hungarian universities are recognized by all European countries, the USA and Canada, because universities Hungary is well known outside the country traditionally high quality training of specialists and a high level of teaching. Deep integration of Hungary into many European structures , including the European Union, and accession to the Bologna Convention of 1999 required universities to bring educational programs to international requirements, which means studying in Hungary creates the preconditions for successful career in any country .

Question: What is the structure of Hungarian higher education?

Answer: study programs at Hungarian universities comply with international standards ; depending on the specialty, academic performance and duration of study students can receive bachelor's, master's and doctorate. Duration of training for bachelor's program- 3-4 years, for a master's degree - 2-3 years. Capable students can continue their studies in the Ph.D. degree program.

Question: how is the learning process organized?

Answer: the disciplines studied are divided into basic “major” and additional “minor”. The student himself chooses which subjects he will study as part of the main program, and which ones as an additional one and as a specialization.
At all levels of study, students can expect an intense educational process: seminars and lectures, many laboratory work And practical classes, consultations, independent work in library. Classes are often held interactively, scientific debates and discussions are organized. This long tradition Learning through communication has been going on since the Middle Ages. Sun e universities in Hungary are equipped modern technology, information technologies are widely used in teaching.

An important part of training is practical ka, which takes place at leading Hungarian and international companies.

Question: Can a student work part-time while studying?

Answer: During their studies, students can earn extra money. Many work for foreign or Hungarian companies.

Question: is it possible to get a deferment from the army?

Answer: about the grounds for postponing conscription into the armed forces Russian Federation is studying abroad. Students can get a certificate in Russian about studying at a foreign educational institution full-time.

Question: how much does it cost to study and live in Hungary?

Answer: when saving High Quality education and quality of life in the country (based on the results of 2011, Hungary ranks 18th in the world in terms of quality of life), prices in Hungary are noticeably lower than in many EU countries.

The cost of training depends on the chosen specialty. Typically, medical and legal specialties the most expensive (5600 - 8000 euros per year). It is possible to get an education at the institute from 2900 euros per year, while studying at the university will have to be paid from 4000 euros per year.

The cost of renting housing is from 200 euros per month, food per month will cost from 150 euros.

Question: How safe is Hungary?

Answer: Hungary - one of the most dangerous countries of Europe and the world. Locals They treat foreigners calmly and kindly, since tourism is very developed in Hungary: the number of tourists per year exceeds the population of the country.

Healthy and healthy food is popular among young people sober image life, training in gyms. Relations between girls and boys are respectful and decent. Hungarians are distinguished by their respect for elders, love for children, adherence to family traditions, love of home and pets. The entire population prefers on weekends leisure and sports.

Question: is it possible to continue education in another country after graduating from a Hungarian university?

Answer: since a Hungarian diploma is recognized as equivalent to a diploma from any other country, the graduate can continue his education at any other university in the world. However, many Hungarian universities cooperate with universities in other countries, so a student has the opportunity to receive two diplomas in Hungary: Hungarian and British or American.

Question: Do I need to learn Hungarian to enter a university?

Answer: for foreign students Universities organize study programs in English. To enter the university, you must provide an international certificate of knowledge of the English language. However, education in Hungarian is much cheaper.

Question: Do I need to take entrance exams?

Answer: There are no entrance exams for most universities; it is enough to provide a document of education (school completion certificate, secondary or higher education diploma special education). However, some universities conduct exams to test knowledge in mathematics (at the Faculty of Economics) or Chemistry (at the Medical University) in the scope of the school curriculum in EU countries.

Question: are there preparatory courses for entering universities in Hungary?

Answer: Some universities organize preparatory courses for foreigners. On them the listener will be able not only to master English language to the extent necessary for training, but also the basics of humanitarian and natural sciences. The cost of courses is from 5,000 to 8,000 euros per year. Center pre-university training"Alexandra" organizes preparatory courses for 3,600 euros per year.

Question: How to get a student visa?

Answer: obtaining a visa to study in Hungary requires submitting a package of documents, including a certificate of enrollment in a university and payment of tuition, provision of a place in a dormitory (or an apartment rental agreement with a copy of the certificate of ownership of the apartment), as well as documents confirming sources of financing (account statement from a Hungarian bank or a statement from parents with an obligation to pay all expenses).

Question: where will the student live while studying?

Answer:it depends on the preferences and desires of the student. Some universities have their own dormitories, but many prefer to rent housing for several people, which is much cheaper. The cost of renting a two-room apartment is on average 200-250 euros per month, so renting such an apartment for four would not be expensive for students.

Question: Are Hungarian provincial universities listed?

Answer: There are no differences in the quality of education or living conditions in Hungary between the capital and other cities. Therefore, any diploma will be accepted by employers with equal respect.