ZKR - sound culture of speech of preschoolers. Sounds Z, Z

Lesson objectives:

Strengthen the correct pronunciation and articulation of the sounds “z, z”;
- consolidate children’s skills in establishing correspondence between organs articulatory apparatus and the model of articulation of the corresponding sounds “з, з”;
- develop children’s ability to distinguish sounds in syllable series;
- develop phonemic awareness;
- continue to develop sound analysis and synthesis of words;
- consolidate the agreement of nouns with verbs, development of word formation skills;
- develop the ability to pronounce words, sentences with a given sound, and isolate them from the text;
- development of thinking, imagination;
- acquaintance with the letter “Z”, reading syllables, words, sentences.

Equipment: pictures of a starship, “star men”, castle, animals (zebra, bison, dragonfly, grasshopper, hare, jellyfish), birds (finch, nuthatch, kingfisher, robin), plants (strawberries, boletus), products (raisins, marshmallows ), objects (lock, nails, basket, curtain). Sound patterns, letters.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

What planet do we live on? (On the ground)
Who are we? (Earthlings, children of the Earth.)
And who lives on the stars? (Children of the stars.) They send us their favorite sounds “Z, Z”.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

The children of the stars send us star signals: z-z-z, z-z-z.

3. Characteristics of sounds by children.

When pronouncing the sound Z, the lips are half-opened in a smile, there is a small gap between the teeth, the wide tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is curved upward, a groove is formed along the middle part of the tongue, an air stream passes along the groove of the tongue between the teeth, the voice works.

The tongue is wide - lower,
The tip is closer to the lower teeth!
And with a ringing breeze
We'll say it loudly Zzzz...
It rings loudly,
Sounds loud in words!

Sound [Z] - consonant, hard, sonorous. Indicated by the symbol:

Sound [Зь] - consonant, soft, sonorous. Indicated by:

4. Development phonemic awareness.

The children of the stars invite us to visit. How will we go on our stellar journey? (On a starship)
Why is it called that? (Children's answers)
Determine the place of the sound “Z” in the word starship? (The “Z” sound in the word starship is at the beginning and middle of the word). The speech therapist shows a picture of a starship.

The speech therapist reads a poem:

We made a starship.
They decided to open the way to the stars.
Starship, starship,
Let's take off.

5. Pronunciation of the sounds “З”, “Зь” in syllables. Development of prosody.

Speech therapist. We are getting in touch with the inhabitants of the Star. You will pronounce syllables with different intonation, at the same time, you must remember the syllables in order and not rearrange them. Otherwise, the connection with the star will be interrupted.

ZA-zo-zu - say interrogatively;
Zya-ze-ze-zyu - say affirmatively"
Clink-clink-clink- say amazing;
Sound-call-call-say it joyfully.

6. Pronunciation of sounds in words.

Speech therapist. The star children ask us to take with us objects whose names contain the sounds “З, Зь”. Guys, what should we take? (Children name objects and determine the place of sound in a word).

Speech therapist. Guess what object I will take. Its name has two “A” sounds, the first “B” sound. Third "Z". This is...(vase). And I also want to take “zdi-gvo” with me. What is this? (Nails).

The speech therapist displays an image of a castle.
Speech therapist. Can we take the castle with us? The children explain that no. Because the castle is a building, it will not fit into the spaceship.

Speech therapist. Say the word so that the “O” sound becomes stressed. (Castle) How are these words similar? The children explain, and the speech therapist shows pictures of these objects.

Speech therapist. You can also take your animals with you. (Puts out pictures of animals, and children choose only those whose names contain the sounds “З, Зь”)

Speech therapist. Who can I take? (Bunny, goat, bison, bison, zebra, monkey, snake). Determine what sound “З, Зь” is in the word and its position in the word? Children can take insects, sea animals and birds (grasshopper, dragonfly, jellyfish, chaffinch, nuthatch, kingfisher, robin).

Speech therapist. Place it on top part of our starship are words with the sound “З”, and on the bottom - words with the sound “Зь”.

Speech therapist. Guys, let's take the Stars for a treat for the children... (marshmallows, raisins, strawberries). In these words you heard... (the sound “z”). Mushrooms probably don’t grow on Zvezda, so let’s take a mushroom, but only one whose name contains the sound “z” (Boletus). That's right, why is it called that? (They grow under birch trees).

Speech therapist. We took everything with you. What can all these items be called? (cargo). What will we do with our cargo? (we'll load it up). The compartment where the cargo will lie is called….(cargo).

7. Agreement of nouns with verbs.

Speech therapist. In the cargo compartment there is….(lock, latch, latch, deadbolt).
What are we going to do with the castle?..(close it)
Latch - let's latch
Let's close the valve.

8. Music is playing.

Speech therapist. We're going on a flight. Look, here is the Star.
Children saying the words:

We have reached the distant Star!
Our spaceship descend.
We are greeted by the children of the Stars!

The speech therapist displays pictures of Star Children.

9. Physical exercise.

We were flying high.
We were flying low.
We were flying far.
We were flying close.
We reached the Star.
Well done guys.

The recitation is accompanied by hand movements.

10. Sound-syllable analysis and synthesis of words.

Speech therapist. We will show you the objects that were brought from the earth. Find him. The name of the object has one syllable, the first sound is “z”, the second sound is “o”. What is this? (Umbrella). Change the word so that it has two syllables (Umbrella). Name an animal whose name has one syllable (bison). Name an animal whose name has four syllables and last syllable"na" (Monkey).

Speech therapist. Guys, let's introduce our star children to the sound analysis of words. Break down the word “vase” into sounds and characterize each sound (Working with sound patterns).

11. Introducing the letter “Z”

Speech therapist. Guess what word is hidden in two mixed up syllables - “zon” - “bi” (bison). Name the second syllable - Zon. Guys, one star boy’s name is Zon, and you can guess the girl’s name yourself if you combine the sounds - a, z, a (Aza). Let's put the names of our star friends out of letters. And in notebooks we will write sentences:

Aza has an umbrella. Zon has a bison.

12. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Our journey is coming to an end. Guys, we brought something delicious with us (Marshmallows, raisins). Let's treat our star children and try it ourselves.

Now board our spaceship and we are heading home to Earth.

Zhgutova Irina Vladimirovna,
teacher speech therapist.
Municipal budget
preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 1 compensating type

GBOU secondary school village. Clearance structural subdivision"Kindergarten "Rosinka"


directly educational activities

on the development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech

“Formation of ideas about the sounds “З” - “Зь”.

(senior group of compensating orientation).

Prepared and carried out

teacher speech therapist

highest qualification category

Sirotkina Snezhana Valerievna

village Roshchinsky

Explanatory note

Educational area "Cognition"

  1. Generalization of knowledge about the sounds and letters of the Russian language.

  2. Consolidating knowledge about sound-letter connections.

  3. Expansion of the subject dictionary, dictionary of features.

  4. Development phonemic hearing, attention.

  5. Reinforcing the skill grammatically correct design speech utterance.

  6. Development of coherent monologue speech.
Educational field "Communication".

Goals: mastery in constructive ways and means of interaction with other people through solving the following tasks:

  1. Developing the ability to communicate freely with adults and peers.

  2. Development of the ability to conduct dialogue with a speech therapist and peers in various forms and types of activities.

  3. Development of all components oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms.
Educational field "Physical education".

Goals: developing children's interest and value attitude for physical development classes:

  1. Consolidating the ability to perform exercises rhythmically, at a specified pace.

  2. Consolidation of execution skills finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, physical education.

  3. Development of long, smooth exhalation, consolidation of the pronunciation of vowel sounds.
Equipment and materials used in the lesson: individual schemes for sound-letter and syllabic analysis. Individual pictures with animals, mirrors, Su-Jok manual; interactive whiteboard, projector, “Sound Castles” manual, “Zoo” game.

Forms of organization of NOD : grammar games on interactive whiteboard; individual work With handouts; work in conditions problematic situation; general conversation.

Application innovative technologies– the use of ICT made it possible to interest and attract the attention of children. The children maintained motivation and interest throughout the lesson. The types of activities changed gradually. The children themselves were participants in playful moments and active assistants during the lesson. This made it possible to maintain a positive emotional mood in the children. The lesson consisted of stages, for each of which clear instructions were given.


  1. Org. Moment.
To the accompaniment of music, children enter the hall, stand in a circle, and greet guests.

Psychogymnastics are carried out: relaxation, mood for the lesson.

“We always speak beautifully, clearly and slowly.

We make sure to repeat what we taught in class.”

  1. Formation of ideas about sounds and letters.

- Guys, all children love to play. And you? Today we will play very Interesting games. Do you like fairy tales? Who remembers the fairy tale about magical land sounds, in which there are many different magical sound castles?
Children come to the board with hanging castles and talk about them.
- This is a red castle. Vowel sounds live in it. They can sing and are indicated in red.

- This is a blue castle. Hard consonant sounds live in it and are indicated in blue.

-This is a green castle. Soft consonant sounds live in it and are indicated in green.

- That's right, well done. Can we see sounds?

-No. We hear and pronounce sounds.

  1. Development of voice strength and smoothness of long exhalation.
- Let’s remember how we can sing vowel sounds.

Children, together with the speech therapist, sing vowel sounds (guessing the sound from the articulation of the speech therapist), changing the strength of the voice and the duration of exhalation and accompanying the singing with movements.

AAAAAAA... (hands slowly rise above your head)

A! (hands clasped, squats)

4. Self-massage biologically active points. Finger gymnastics.

Children, sitting on the carpet in a circle, perform self-massage and gymnastics exercises with Su-Jok.

“We rub our hands and warm them up.

And we wash our face with our warmth.

Rake rakes away all bad thoughts.

We quickly rub the ears up and down.

We bend them forward and pull them down by the lobes.

Now let’s stroke the cheeks with our fingers.

We rub our cheeks to puff up.

We rub our lips to make them smile.

Pull your chin down and bend it.

And then we run down the neck with our hands.”

“I have one friend, and his name is Su-Jok.

I’ll squeeze it faster, my fingers will become stronger.

Your fingers will become stronger and your head will become smarter!”
5. Development of motor skills of the articulatory apparatus. Carrying out articulation gymnastics with mirrors. The speech therapist reads the text and shows the movements. sitting behind round table, children perform movements according to the text:

Fat grandchildren came to visit

with them they are thin - just skin and bones.

Grandparents smiled at everyone

and they reached out to kiss everyone.

In the morning my lips woke up with a smile,

we brushed our upper teeth,

right and left, inside and outside,

We are also friends with the lower teeth.

We will press our lips together and rinse our mouths.

And we puff on the samovar as much as we can.

We'll put out saucers and give us pancakes.

We blow on the pancake, not on the cheeks, not past it.

We chew the pancake, wrap it and bite it.

We'll put the cups down so they can pour some tea.

Let's blow on our nose, we've cooled the tea.

Grandfather made a swing for his grandchildren,

We all managed to swing on them.

After the swing we played hide and seek:

hid in the attic and basement.

Grandfather rides his horse skillfully.

Voiced horseshoes get stuck on clay.

Here the horse slows down little steps

And at the edge of the forest we see mushrooms.
6. Introducing the sounds "Z-Z".

Working at the interactive whiteboard. Children look at a picture of a forest.

Then the speech therapist puts the children in a problem situation - to find out what new sounds will be learned in class.

Children with eyes closed, standing in a semicircle with their backs to the interactive whiteboard, listening to the sound of a large mosquito in the forest and a small mosquito. They guess that the new sounds in the lesson will be the sounds “З” and “Зь”. Give a description of these sounds.

The sound “Z” is a hard consonant, voiced.

The sound “Z” is a soft consonant, sonorous.

7. Determining the presence of a sound in a word .

Based on pictures on the board screen. Game "Fourth is odd".

- Guys, look carefully at the pictures and determine which of them does not have the sounds “З” and “Зь” in the name.

1. Umbrella, plane, goat, watermelons.

2. Basket, zebra, orange, strawberry.

3. Winter, giraffe, fence, teeth.

Children determine and themselves check the correctness of the completed task.

8. Differentiation of sounds by hardness and softness in words.

Game "Zoo".

There are empty animal cages on the easel.

- Guys, look, what is this?


-It seems to me that it is very uninteresting and sad. Why do you think?

-Animal cages are empty.

-Do you want this zoo to be fun and interesting for both children and adults?

- Look what a wonderful wonderful bag I have. It contains different pictures with animals.

Children choose pictures for themselves.

- Please note that all the cells are different in color - some are green, some are blue. Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Having determined the hardness and softness of the sound in the names of the animals, the children move them into the appropriate cages.

9. Physical education. "Green Song"

“In the green, green, green forest.

I carry a green leaf like a flag.

The green cone under the tree is silent.

A green song is playing somewhere.

Green grasshopper in green grass

Plays a green song for me!

10. Determining the place of a sound in a word.

The children sit at the tables. Based on clarity, together with a speech therapist, they determine the place of sound in words: bison, newspaper, castle, winter.

-You need to determine where the sound is in a word - at the beginning, middle or end, and lay out the corresponding diagram. Don't forget to clarify what kind of sound it is in terms of hardness and softness.
11.Determining the number of syllables in words.

- Guys, put the syllable houses in front of you. Who remembers the names of the animals that we placed in cages at the zoo?

Children remember the names, divide words into syllables using the clapping method and raise the corresponding house.

12. Introducing the letter.

The speech therapist shows the letter “Z” to the children and asks them to think about what this letter looks like.

Children's answers.

Examination of various stylized images of letters on the board screen.

Each child writes a letter with their finger on the interactive board (accompanied by music).

13. Summary of the lesson.

Did you guys like the games we played today? Which game did you like the most? What sounds were you familiar with?

You all did great, you were diligent and attentive today.

1. Filicheva T. B., Soboleva A. R. Speech development of a preschooler. – Ekaterinburg: Argo Publishing House, 1996.

2. Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly at 5-6 years old. 2009

3. Krupenchuk O.I., Vorobyova T.A. "We're correcting the pronunciation." 2010

4. Akimenko V. M. New speech therapy technologies: teaching aid. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2009.

5. Ammosova N. S. Self-massage of hands when preparing children with speech disorders to school: Speech therapist, No. 6, 2004.

6. Ivchatova L. A. Su-jok therapy in correctional and pedagogical work with children // Speech therapist - 2010. No. 1. 7. Krupenchuk O. I. Speech therapist lessons: Finger games / Krupenchuk O. I. - Litera, 2008

8. Svetlova I. Developing fine motor skills. – M., 2002.

9. Tsvintarny V.V. We play with our fingers and develop speech. – St. Petersburg. Publishing house "Lan", 2002.

Irina Artamonova

Individual speech therapy session on sound automation

Subject: Sound [Z]

Target: automation sound [З] in syllables, words and sentences.

Educational objectives:formation of the concept of the mechanism of education sound[Z] and its acoustic features; consolidation correct pronunciation sound[Z] in speech material (syllables, words, sentences).

Corrective tasks: development and improvement of articulatory motor skills; development of phonemic hearing and perception; development of lexical grammatical structure speeches; development mental processes- attention, memory, thinking.

Educational tasks: developing the ability to listen to the teacher, increasing the child’s self-esteem, improving his emotional well-being.

Equipment: mirror, articulatory gymnastics in pictures, picture - symbol sound [Z], articulatory pattern sound [Z], diagram-characteristic sound [Z], toy Bunny, counting sticks, identical pictures on icons, stars and cubes (watermelons, goat, rose, vase, umbrella, hare, truck, corn, birch, star, mnemonic tracks for making sentences.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: I want to start our lesson with wishes.

Always speak beautifully

Boldly and leisurely

Speak clearly, clearly

And, of course, take your time!

2. Introduction to the topic.

Speech therapist:

The mosquito rang loudly.

The ringing is piercing and thin.

I'll remember the sound, I won't forget.

Like a mosquito, I will ring.


Speech therapist: Which the sound you hear when does the mosquito ring? (sound [З]) .

3. Development of phonemic awareness. A game "Catch a mosquito".

The child claps his hands when he hears sound [З].

Sounds: M, Z, R, L, Z, B, D, Z, N, P, Z.

Syllables: MO, ZU, RY, LA, ZA, BU, YES, ZO.


4. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Do you want to learn how to ring as loudly as Komarik? (Yes). Then you need to do gymnastics for the tongue.

Exercises "Fence", "Window", "Spatula", "Pussy Lapping Milk", "Let's brush our teeth", "Swing", "Pussy is angry", "Let's put the ball in the goal".

5. Pronunciation isolated sound [Z]. Exercise "The mosquito is ringing".

The child runs his finger along a spiral, in the center of which a mosquito is depicted, and says for a long time sound [З].

6. Clarification of pronunciation sound[Z] using the articulatory pattern sound.

7. Automation sound [З] in syllables.

Speech therapist: Bunny came running to visit us. He is very sad. The fox kicked him out of the hut. Let's help Bunny and build him a new home. First you need to build a fence.

The child lays out multi-colored counting sticks according to the pattern and says syllables: za-zy-zo-zu, za-zy-zo-zu, za-zy-zo-zu, za-zy-zo-zu.

8. Automation sound [З] in words.

1). Speech therapist: We need to build a strong house for the Bunny from cubes. Choose cubes with pictures whose names include sound [З].

The child builds a house out of cubes and names the pictures sound [З].

2). Speech therapist: Bunny wants to show us the collection of badges that he collects. Picture icons. Name them.

The child takes icons out of the box and names the pictures.

Speech therapist: Let's count the badges.

Child: One icon, two icons, three icons, four icons, five icons, etc.

Speech therapist: Now name a pet, a tree, a flower, a vehicle, a dish.

3). Speech therapist: Let's help Bunny decorate his new home. Let's give these stars with pictures. Will talk So: This star with watermelons, this star with an umbrella, etc.

The child places stars with pictures on the table and names them.

9. Automation sound[Z] in sentences using mnemonic tracks.

Speech therapist: Now tell me about Bunny and his house. These picture paths will help you.

Child: Bunny has a new home. There is a fence around the house. There is a birch tree behind the fence. There is a vegetable garden near the fence. There are watermelons and corn in the garden. The bunny loves watermelons.

10. Summary classes.

Visual material for occupation.

Victoria Spiridonova
Summary of the lesson on preparation for teaching literacy preparatory group “Sounds [З], [Зь]. Letter Z"

Summary of a lesson in preparation for learning to read and write, preparatory group, topic “Sounds Z, Z. Letter Z."

Developed and compiled:

Spiridonova V. L. teacher-speech therapist

MBDOU "Kindergarten of Kamennogorsk"


consolidation of the sounds З, Зь. Introducing the letter Z.


correctional and educational:

Learn to characterize 3, 3 in a comparative aspect;

Develop spatial orientation skills;

correctional and educational:

Teach children to differentiate sounds in syllables and words;

Clarify and expand the vocabulary;

Learn to synchronize speech with movements;

correctional and educational:

To develop self-control of speech in children through oral, tactile-vibration and acoustic control.

Equipment: projector, screen, squared notebooks, pencils, copybooks.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

2nd slide. Teacher: sea ​​creatures invite us to play hide and seek. Do you agree? Then name the sea inhabitants, remember them, and now close your eyes. (one picture disappears from the screen) Open. Guess who's missing? (we play 4 times). Oh, look, all the sea animals are gone. Do you remember who stood behind whom? Then call them in order.

Children: name the sea creatures in the order in which they appeared on the screen.

2. Announcement of the topic.

3rd slide. Teacher: If you guess the riddle, you will find out who will come to visit us today.

What does all of this mean?

Daughter, but not crying;

Put you to bed -

Will sleep

A day, and two, and even five.

Dolls came to visit us. Their names are Zoya and Zina. Have you guessed what sounds we will remember today? (Sounds Z, Z)

I suggest giving bows to our dolls. But I don’t know who it is. Help me characterize the first sounds in the dolls' names.

3. Acoustic-articulatory image of sounds.

Pronouncing sounds 3, З in chorus and individually.

Comparative characteristics of sound articulation.

Sound 3 - lips in a smile; the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth; the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars; The air stream is cold and runs down the middle of the tongue.

Sound 3 – consonant, hard, sonorous. So we give Zoya a blue and yellow bow.

Sound Z - lips in a smile; the back of the tongue is arched.

The sound Z is a consonant, soft, sonorous. So we give Zina a green and yellow bow.

4. Development of phonemic hearing.

4th slide. Game "Help the dolls find friends."

Teacher: Do you know that when we go to bed all the toys come to life? Let's imagine that night has come, we have fallen asleep, and in our group the toys have come to life. I wonder who our guests will play with?

Children name the toy, determine the location of the sounds 3, Z in the word and say who will play with it, Zoya or Zina.

5th slide.

Teacher: Remember what toys came to life in the room and played with our dolls. See if there are any extra ones among them?

Children name the extra pictures and say which ones are missing.

6th slide. Physical exercise "Dolls"

The doll raises its hands

Up and down, up and down! (raise and lower your arms up)

And then she dances

Spin around, spin around! (turn around yourself)

After the dance to all the guys

Bow down, bow down! (bending forward)

7th slide. 5. Connection of sounds and letters.

Teacher: Children, look and remember which letter represents the sounds Z and Z.

This letter looks like B.

Head, tummy too.

Only on the left without a line

You draw the letter Z.

Teacher: What else does this letter look like?

Children name objects that this letter resembles.

Children print the letter in the copybook.

8th slide. 6. Reading syllables.

Teacher: I propose to show our dolls how we can read syllables.

Children read syllables.

7. Differentiation of sounds in syllables, words, sentences and texts.

9th slide. Game "Say the opposite".

Teacher: Our dolls decided to take a walk. Here they are walking along the path and talking.

Zina - Zi-zi-zi, and Zoya in response - zy-zy-zy. Zina ze-ze-ze, and Zoya in response - ze-ze-ze. Zina zya-zya-zya, and Zoya in response - for-for-for. Zina zyu-zyu-zyu, and Zoya in response - zu-zu-zu. (The teacher speaks for Zina, and the children speak for Zina. Then you can exchange swarms).

Teacher: While our dolls were walking, they lost their things. Tell me who lost the basket and who lost the umbrella.

The children name the object that Zina lost and explain why they think so. Then they name the item that Zoya lost and explain why they think so.

10th slide. Teacher: Before you start completing the tasks in your notebooks, I suggest you stretch your fingers.

Finger game"Toys".

We have toys: (Clapping).

Plastic rattles, (Shakes fists).

Soft fur bear, (Clench and unclench your fingers).

Colored rubber ball (Make a ball from your fingers).

Wooden cube (Make a square from fingers)

Tin soldier, (Palms “look” at each other).

Light inflatable ball (place your hands in a circle in front of you).

I love playing with you. (Clap their hands.)

11th slide. Teacher: Our doll Zina asks to write her name. Can we handle this request?

Children perform sound-letter analysis Zin's words on a checkered piece of paper. They divide this word into syllables and put stress on it.

12th slide. Teacher: And Zoya asked us to help her write the name of her favorite toy - goat. Shall we help Zoe?

Children perform sound-letter analysis of the word goat on a piece of paper in a cage. They divide this word into syllables and put stress on it.

Division into words.

Summary of the lesson and assessment of children’s activities.

Teacher: Describe the sounds 3, Зь. How are they different from each other?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a literacy lesson “Letter M. Sounds [m] - [m’]” MDOU kindergarten combined type No. 24 “Fairy Tale” Tambov Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in preparatory group Subject:.

Summary of a literacy lesson “Sounds [z]-[z’], [s]-[s’]. Letters z-s. Reading" (school preparatory group) Theme “Sounds Z-Z, S-S. Letters Z-S. Reading syllables, words." Objectives: 1. Promote development sound-letter analysis. 2. Promote development.

Summary of a literacy lesson in the preparatory group “Sounds [c], . Letter C"“Sounds [s], [s’]. Letter “C” Program content: Introduce new sounds [s], [s’] and the letter “C”. Continue to teach children phonics.

Summary of a literacy lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group “Sounds [B], [B’]. Letter B" Objectives: 1. Clarify the articulation of the sounds B, B’. 2. Describe the sounds B, B’. 3. Learn to differentiate the sounds B, B’ by ear and find.

Summary of a literacy lesson “Sounds [l], [l’]. Letter L. Prepositions" Objectives of the lesson: to introduce children to the letter L; develop conscious reading skills; promote the development of coherent speech; learn the rules.

E.V. Danilevskaya, speech therapist


Sounds [З], [Зь]. Letter Z.

Direct educational activities in the preparatory group



  • consolidation of knowledge about the sounds Z-Z, familiarization with the letter Z;
  • consolidate children's knowledge about hardness and softness of sounds;
  • improve the skill of isolating the sounds Z-Z from the composition of a word;
  • learn to make sentences using two pictures;
  • improve the skill of reading closed and open syllables;


  • develop phonemic awareness;
  • develop the skill of reading closed and open syllables;
  • develop thinking, fine motor skills, the ability to coordinate speech with movement;
  • practice children in coordinating numerals with nouns;


  • develop cooperation skills, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Educational area:



panels with removable diagrams, sound signals in blue and green, colored pencils in blue and green, pictures with diagrams of words, vowels and the letter Z; pictures for making sentences on the topic “Pets”.

Preliminary work:

development sound analysis and synthesis, an exercise in identifying the place of sound in a word, the development of lexical and grammatical categories.

Progress of educational activities

I.Organizational stage

Each child has cards on the table with images of 1 to 5 pets.

Speech therapist. Guys, name the animals depicted in front of you and tell me how many animals each of you has cards with.(I have a card with three goats. I have a card with two pigs, etc.)How to call these animals in one word?(Pets.)

II. Main part

1. Announcement of the topic.

Speech therapist. The sound eater stole sounds from the names of domestic animals “ko..a”, “ko..el”(pictures are displayed). What sounds did the Sound Eater steal?(Sounds Z, Z).

Today we will try to return the sounds Z and Z, we will continue to get acquainted with them and get acquainted with the letter Z.

2. Acoustic-articulatory image of sounds.

Speech therapist. The sound eater left us a letter in which he invites you to complete tasks to return the stolen sounds.

The first task says that you need to determine how the sounds Z and Z are pronounced and characterize them.

Pronouncing the sounds Z, Z. Observation of articulation with the connection of oral, acoustic and tactile-vibration control. Characteristics of the articulation of sounds З, Зь:

– lips in a smile;

– the teeth are brought together and create a barrier to the air stream;

– the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth;

– in the middle language goes strong, cold air stream;

Children characterize the sounds Z, Z:

Z – consonant, hard, voiced; denoted in blue;

Зь – consonant, soft, voiced; denoted in green.

Speech therapist. How did you determine that the sounds Z, Z are consonants?(When we pronounce them, the air stream meets an obstacle - teeth and tongue).

How did you determine that the sounds З, Зь are voiced?(When pronouncing the sounds Z, Z, we put our hand on the neck - it trembles.)

What common? (The sounds Z and Z are consonants and voiced.)

How are these sounds different?(The sound Z is hard, the sound Z is soft.)

3. Differentiation of sounds by hardness and softness in syllables.

Speech therapist. To return the sounds З, Зь to words, we need to be able to hear and distinguish these sounds. Take in right hand blue sound signal, and to the left - green. I will pronounce syllables with the sounds З, Зь. If you hear the sound Z in a syllable, what color signal will you raise?(Signal of blue color, because the sound Z is a consonant, hard.)If you hear the sound Z?(The signal is green because the sound Зз is a consonant, soft.)

Syllables: AZ, UZ, AZ, MA, ZI, WE, VA, TO, UZ, ZY, ZYA, AV, TU, ZYU, ZO, ZA, ZE.

(children show appropriate sound signals)

4.Formation of sound analysis (isolating the sounds З, Зь from the composition of a word).

Speech therapist. There is one more task for you from the Sound Eater. On your tables there are pictures with word patterns underneath. You need to determine the place of the sound in the word. (If the given sound is heard very first, then you need to fill in the first square; if the sound is heard last, then fill in the last square; if the sound is heard in the middle of the word, then fill in the middle square.)

(Children complete the task. Peer checking is carried out.)

5.Development of the ability to coordinate speech with movement. Physical education minute.

The speech therapist offers the children to rest after completing several tasks.

Children repeat words and perform movements in accordance with the text.

For-for-for - a goat is running in the garden.They show their horns and run in place.

Zu-zu-zu - we saw a goat in the garden.They look around into the distance.

Zy-zy-zy - the goat has a mustache.Draw a mustache using your hands.

6. Making sentences using two pictures.

Speech therapist. It's time to unravel the last riddle Sound eater. We will pair pictures with you and make sentences. Here is a proposal that I made based on my pictures(pictures depicting a meadow and goats are displayed): Goats are grazing in the meadow.

(Children make up sentences and voice them.)

Speech therapist. We have solved all the riddles of the Sound Eater. Now he will give us back the sounds Z and Z that he stole!

7.Introduction to the letter Z.

The speech therapist puts the letter Z on the board, explains to the children that the sounds Z and Z are designated by the letter Z, and reads a poem about the letter Z:

Look at this letter -

She's just like the number three!

(Children look carefully at the board, trace the letter Z with their finger in the air.)

8.Development of reading skills.

Speech therapist. What can we do with letters?(We can read, write.)Now that we are familiar with the letter Z, we can read the syllables with this new letter.(Children read the syllables in a chain: AZ, UZ, ZA, ZY, OZ, ZU.)

Now let’s insert the letter Z into the words “ko..a”, “ko..el” and read them.

III. Final part

1.Repetition of completed letters.

The speech therapist invites each child to go up to the board in turn, take one of the already familiar letters, name it and give it to a neighbor.

2. Answers to general questions on the topic.

What sounds did you continue to get acquainted with? Describe the sounds.

Which letter did you meet?

What do you remember most?

Which task was the most difficult?