Innovative technologies in speech therapy work. Innovative forms and technologies used in the correction of speech disorders in preschool children

Zabrodina A.Yu.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the work of a speech therapist teacher.

In any pedagogical system, “Pedagogical technology” is a concept that interacts with the didactic task. And if the didactic task expresses the goal of teaching and upbringing, then pedagogical technology expresses the ways and means of achieving them.
Modern speech therapy practice has in its arsenaltechnologies , aimed at timely diagnosis and the maximum possible correction of speech disorders.

These include technologies well known to specialists: speech therapy examination, correction of sound pronunciation, formation of speech breathing in case of various disorders of the pronunciation side of speech, development of the intonation side of speech, correction of the tempo-rhythmic side of speech, development of the lexico-grammatical side of speech, speech therapy massage.

Relevance: Being on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, speech therapy also uses in its practice, adapting to its needs, the most effective, non-traditional methods and techniques of related sciences.

They cannot be considered as independent in speech therapy; they become part of traditional, time-tested technologies. By helping to optimize the work of a speech therapist, introducing new ways of interaction between the teacher and the child, to create a favorable emotional background, they contribute to the inclusion of intact functions in the work and the activation of impaired functions.


In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of new things into the goals, content, methods and forms of education, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the child. The main criterion for the “innovativeness” of a technology is to increase the efficiency of the educational process through the use of this technology.

I actively use the following innovative health-saving technologies in my work:

    Development of interhemispheric interaction (use of kinesiological exercises)

    Technology “Combination of speech with coded finger movements”



    Su-Jok therapy

    Technology for modeling and playing fairy tales


The purpose of these technologies is not only to optimize the process of speech correction, but also to ensure the health of children.

1.Development of interhemispheric interaction (use of kinesiological exercises). Kinesiology is the science of brain development through certain motor exercises.It has been around for 2000 years and is used all over the world. Aristotle and Hippocrates used kinesiological exercises.

The unity of the brain consists of the coordinated activity of its two hemispheres, closely interconnected by a system of nerve fibers. Thanks to interhemispheric interactions, information is transferred from one hemisphere to the other, ensuring the integrity and coordination of the brain. Interhemispheric interaction can be developed using a set of special kinesiological exercises. For the child’s brain, any movement responds to the formation of a cascade of neural connections between the hemispheres and parts of the brain. Resistance to stress increases, mental activity improves, memory, attention, and speech improve. The process of learning to read and write is facilitated. According to the latest data from neurologists, what is important for successful learning is not treatment, but learning (I see, hear, feel).

For the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work, it is necessary to take into account certain conditions:

    classes are held in the morning;

    classes are held daily, without absences;

    classes are conducted in a friendly environment;

    Children are required to accurately perform movements and techniques;

    exercises are performed standing or sitting at a table;

I carry out a set of kinesiological exercises in daily morning five-minute sessions. Children accept these exercises very well and perform them with pleasure.

2. The next technology I wanted to talk about is “Combination of speech with coded finger movements.” "The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips...” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky.) Scientists studying the activity of the child’s brain and the child’s psyche note the great stimulating value of the hand function.

The drawing by Canadian neurologist W. G. Penfield, called “Penfield’s homunculus (man), shows the projection of the hand and fingers in the cerebral cortex. The large size of the hand projection and its proximity to the motor speech zone led scientists to the idea that training fine movements of the fingers would have a great influence on the development of speech.

INIn one of the orphanages, observations were made of children in the first weeks of life. Brain biocurrents were recorded from a group of six-week-old infants, then the right hand was passively trained in some of these children, and the left in others. After a month of training, high-frequency rhythms began to be noted in the area of ​​motor projections, and after two months - in the future speech zone, in the hemisphere opposite to the trained hand. These data directly indicate that speech areas are formed under the influence of impulses coming from the fingers. The facts obtained when teaching sound speech to deaf children are also convincing. Some of these children are taught to communicate from an early age using large gestures performed with the whole hand, others are taught the so-called dactyl (finger) alphabet, when letters are represented with the fingers and the child seems to “write” words. When deaf children come to school and begin learning sound speech, it turns out that those of them who “spoke” with large gestures can be taught with great difficulty - it takes many, many months; the same children who previously “talked” with their fingers are able to more easily master auditory speech. Teachers actively use the development of fine motor skills in practice - finger games, gymnastics, etc. Why am I interested in this innovative technology? Increasingly, not only sound pronunciation is disrupted in children, but also the syllabic structure of words. This technology combines the development of fine motor skills and work to eliminate violations of the syllabic structure of a word (which is often very difficult to correct). It is known that vowel sounds have a syllabic function. Pronouncing words in syllables in combination with movements of the fingers, symbolizing the movements of the lips when pronouncing vowel sounds, allows you to correct the syllabic structure of the word, develop the voice, auditory and visual perception and memory. Using this method, when pronouncing vowel soundsRelying on visual control makes it easier to pronounce words syllable by syllable, because it is easier for the child to remember each subsequent syllable in a word.

3. The next technology I wanted to focus on is “Modeling and playing fairy tales” (author T.A. Tkachenko) The goal is the formation of verbal means of communication, motivation for verbal communication. Promotes the emergence of motivation for verbal communication, the formation of primary pronunciation skills, the replenishment and activation of the vocabulary, the appearance of phrases in the child’s speech, and the elimination of agrammatisms in speech. This technology is especially effective when working with children with speech negativism, stuttering and non-speaking children. It also has elements of finger gymnastics, because... elements of finger or shadow theater may be present.

4. Health-saving technologies actively include various types of massage. New in the work of a speech therapist are:

    Sujok therapy - has high efficiency and safety. On the hands there is a system of highly active points corresponding to all organs and parts of the body. Their stimulation has a pronounced therapeutic and preventive effect. Improper use never causes harm to a person - it is simply ineffective. Massage can be carried out with seeds, nuts, and special massagers.

    auriculotherapy - ear massage. The auricle is equipped with many nerve endings; six nerves branch out in the ear, communicating with the central and autonomic parts of the nervous system and internal organs.

    hydrogymnastics – rolling, rolling, placing various objects in warm water, such as a rubber ball, massagers, small figures, etc.

Massage is combined with the telling of a poem (combination of speech and movement)

5. In addition to health-saving technologies, technology deserves special attention -"Didactic syncwine" . This pedagogical technology serves to develop the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech, since it is this aspect of speech in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech that differs significantly from the speech of normally developing peers and their vocabulary, both in quantitative and qualitative terms.
Experience working with this category of children shows that even after completing a course of speech correction and development, children with good diagnostic indicators have difficulties associated with the speed of updating existing knowledge and their own speech expression; they need more time to think and formulate an answer. Therefore, it is important to create conditions for its activation and actualization of one’s own statement. This technology does not require special conditions for use and fits organically into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories in preschoolers.

Cinquain is translated from French as “five lines,” a five-line stanza of a poem. Compiling a didactic syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most significant elements in information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly.
The relevance and feasibility of using didactic syncwine in speech therapy practice is explained by the fact that:
- Fits harmoniously into the work on the development of speech therapy; the use of syncwine does not violate the generally accepted system of influencing speech pathology and ensures its logical completeness.
- Contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary, clarifies the content of concepts.
- It is a diagnostic tool that allows the teacher to assess the child’s level of mastery of the material covered.
- It has the nature of a complex effect, not only develops speech, but contributes to the development of HMF (memory, attention, thinking).

Rules for compiling a didactic syncwine
the first line is one word, usually a noun, reflecting the main idea;
second line – two words, adjectives;
third line - three words, verbs describing actions within the topic;
the fourth line is a phrase of several words showing the attitude to the topic;
fifth line - words related to the first, reflecting the essence of the topic (this can be one word).
For example,

1. Doll
2. Beautiful, beloved.
3. Stands, sits, smiles.

4. My doll is the most beautiful.
5. Toy.

This technology can be used variably both in classes and by involving parents.

Considering that the leading activity for preschoolers is play, it is necessary to organize the correctional process in such a way that the child feels interest, novelty, an element of play and creativity. The use of new technologies in combination with traditional ones gives good results, along with correctional tasks they introduce variety, create a favorable emotional background, contribute to the inclusion of intact functions and activation of impaired functions, which helps to achieve good results in the correction of speech disorders.

Interactive technologies are not only a way to entertain children and teach them something in a playful way. This is also an excellent way to create an environment conducive to the recovery of people with various psychological and specific diseases and disabilities.

In particular, this applies to children suffering from speech development defects. Therefore, modern speech therapists are increasingly resorting to the use of innovative interactive technologies in working with such children.

Interactive technologies are the best assistant of any speech therapist!

It is worth remembering that work of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard implies some restrictions and responsibilities that the speech therapist must observe. Therefore, the program of training and work with children suffering from speech defects should be approached with all responsibility.

Unfortunately, the methods that private speech therapists practice do not always fit into the Federal State Educational Standard, so speech therapists working in preschool educational institutions have to come up with new ways of working with children in order to achieve positive results.

Fortunately, modern technologies have come to help the speech therapist. These include interactive programs that will help the child in an entertaining way, using the acquired experience, to correct defects and deviations in his speech.

Modern technologies in the work of a speech therapist help to significantly speed up the process of correcting defects and healing a child. Now children will be able, while playing, to completely get rid of their problems and become full-fledged members of society.

What is the benefit of interactive technologies in the work of a speech therapist?

Although such technologies are not yet widespread among speech therapists, the speech therapist of the future will be provided with a large number of diverse programs that will help him in his work and will greatly facilitate the achievement of positive results.

Interactive technologies and their role in speech therapy diagnosis and treatment are underestimated today. Their benefits are quite high, as it makes it easier for the speech therapist to work with the child in the first place, turning often necessary and long sessions into an interesting game that helps the child understand how to correctly pronounce certain sounds.

Special interactive complexes will simplify the work of a speech therapist, and will bring more joy and interest to children from their classes. Such complexes include, for example:

  • Speech therapy complex "Wunderkind" with multi-touch touch screen and microphone. This complex not only helps with the child’s speech development, but also instills in him the skills to use computer equipment. Any programs and games necessary for the child’s speech development are suitable for the speech therapy complex.

Programs designed specifically for speech therapists include the following games:

It is worth remembering that, in addition to the above games, the use of ICT in the work of a speech therapist involves the use of a huge number of different educational games. Such games-programs can greatly facilitate the work of the teacher and quickly achieve positive results.

The work of a speech therapist is not only working with children, but also working with parents!

It is worth remembering that the work of a speech therapist is reinforced at home. The child must consolidate the knowledge acquired from a speech therapist at home with the help of his parents. And interactive games in this case will be good helpers not only for the teacher, but also for parents.

A good speech therapist will always explain to parents that support from them is important for the child, and practicing at home will bring positive results closer. By showing parents how to work with interactive games, the speech therapist receives the support of the child’s family and achieves results faster than other teachers.

Using interactive games in the work of a speech therapist is the best way to find a common language with a child and expand your work experience without going beyond the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Experience as a speech therapist. Innovative technologies in speech therapy practice

Being on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, speech therapy uses in its practice, adapting to its needs, the most effective, non-traditional methods and techniques of related sciences that help optimize work
teachers - speech therapist.
Innovative technologies in speech therapy practice– this is only an addition to generally accepted, time-tested technologies (diagnostic technology, sound production technology, technology for the formation of speech breathing for various disorders of the pronunciation aspect of speech), This:
- new and more effective methods and tools, techniques that are the end result of the teacher’s intellectual activity;
- new ways of interaction between teacher and child;
- new stimuli that serve to create a favorable emotional background, promoting the inclusion of intact mental functions in work and the activation of impaired mental functions.
In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of new things into the goals, content, methods and forms of education, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the child.
The main criterion for the “innovativeness” of a technology is to increase the efficiency of the educational process through its application.
art - therapeutic technologies;
modern technologies of speech therapy and finger massage;
modern sensory education technologies;
body-oriented techniques;
“Su-Jok” – therapy;
information Technology.
Types of art therapy:
music therapy (vocal therapy, playing musical instruments);
iso-therapy (non-traditional drawing techniques);
kinesiotherapy (dance therapy, body-oriented therapy, logorhythmics, psycho-gymnastics);
fairytale therapy;
creative play therapy (sand therapy);
laughter therapy;
color therapy (chromotherapy).
“Art therapy” is a means of free self-expression.
In a special symbolic form: through drawing, games, fairy tales, music - we can help a person give vent to his strong emotions, experiences, and gain new experience in resolving conflict situations.
The main goal of art therapy is to develop a person’s self-expression and self-knowledge through creativity and to increase his adaptive abilities.
The goals of art therapy in working with children are to promote the formation of high vitality and harmonious relationships with the outside world, the development of mutual understanding between children, as well as between children and adults. Teach your child self-expression, the ability to manage their feelings, experiences, emotions.
Music therapy is a method of psychotherapy based on the emotional perception of music.
Depending on the melody, its rhythmic basis and execution, music can have a wide variety of effects.
Corrective tasks of music therapy:
normalization of neurodynamic processes of the cerebral cortex, normalization of biorhythm;
stimulation of auditory perception (activation of right hemisphere functions);
improvement of the general condition of children;
improving the quality of movements (expressiveness, rhythm, and smoothness develop);
correction and development of sensations, perceptions, ideas;
stimulation of speech function;
normalization of the prosodic side of speech (timbre, tempo, rhythm, expressiveness of intonation);
formation of word formation skills;
formation of the syllabic structure of a word.
Elements of music therapy
During a relaxing speech therapy massage, works that have a sedative effect are used, and during an active massage, works that have a tonic effect are used.
It is also possible to use tonic pieces of music during dynamic pauses and articulatory gymnastics.
Isotherapy techniques used for speech development:
"blotography" technique;
finger painting;
drawing with soft paper;
poke painting with a hard semi-dry brush;
drawing on glass;
drawing on semolina;
technique of drawing with leaves, sticks, pebbles, etc.;
cotton wool imprinting technique;
“cork impression” technique;
palm painting.
Body-oriented techniques:
All childhood experience is associated with the development and improvement of voluntary movements (dressing, eating, walking, playing, and, of course, speaking).
By paying attention to the development of the child’s motor sphere, we indirectly influence the development of mental properties. A child’s ability to control his bodily manifestations affects the development of his character, abilities and, of course, speech.
bioenergoplasty – combining the movements of the articulatory apparatus with the movements of the hand;
stretching - alternating tension and relaxation in different parts of the body, normalizes hypertonicity and hypotonicity of muscles;
relaxation exercises – promote relaxation, introspection, memories of events and sensations and are a single process;
breathing exercises – improve the rhythm of the body, develop self-control and volition.
Kinesiological exercises are a set of movements that allow you to activate interhemispheric interaction:
develop the corpus callosum
increase stress resistance,
improve mental activity,
help improve memory and attention,
facilitate the process of reading and writing,
improve both the mood and well-being of the person performing them.
Exercises such as “Fist – edge – palm”, “Bunny – ring – chain”, “House – hedgehog – castle”, “Bunny – goat – fork”, etc.
Speech therapy massage
Speech therapy massage is one of the speech therapy technologies, an active method of mechanical influence aimed at correcting various speech disorders.
The goal of speech therapy massage is not only to strengthen or relax articulatory muscles, but also to stimulate muscle sensations, which contributes to the clarity of kinesthetic perception. The kinesthetic feeling accompanies the work of all muscles. Thus, completely different muscle sensations arise in the oral cavity depending on the degree of muscle tension during the movement of the tongue and lips. The directions of these movements and various articulatory patterns when pronouncing certain sounds are felt.
Massage of the muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus helps to normalize muscle tone and thereby prepare the muscles to perform complex movements necessary for the articulation of sounds.
Performing speech therapy massage techniques requires a clear diagnosis of the state of muscle tone not only of the muscles involved in articulation, but also of the muscles of the face and neck.
The main types of speech therapy massage include:
classic manual;
Finger massage
massage of the palm surfaces with stone, metal or glass multi-colored balls;
pin massage;
massage with nuts and chestnuts;
massage with hexagonal pencils;
rosary massage;
massage with herbal bags;
stone massage;
massage with probes, probe substitutes;
massage with Su-Jok therapy devices.
Logorhythmics is a system of musical-motor, speech-motor and musical-speech games and exercises carried out for the purpose of speech therapy correction.
Cryotherapy is one of the modern non-traditional methods of correctional pedagogy, which consists in the use of games with ice.
The dosed effect of cold on the nerve endings of the fingers has beneficial properties.
Fairy tale therapy– a method that uses the fairy tale form for speech development of the individual, expansion of consciousness and improvement of interaction through speech with the outside world.
The main principle of fairy tale therapy is the holistic development of the individual, caring for the soul.
Corrective tasks of fairy tale therapy:
creating a communicative focus for every word and statement of the child;
improvement of lexical and grammatical means of the language;
improving the sound aspect of speech;
development of dialogic and monologue speech;
the effectiveness of playful motivation for children's speech;
the relationship between the visual, auditory and motor analyzers;
Elements of fairy tale therapy:
cooperation between the speech therapist and children and with each other;
creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom, enriching the child’s emotional and sensory sphere;
introducing children to the past and present of Russian culture and folklore.
Puppet therapy is a section of art therapy that uses a doll as the main method of psychocorrective influence, as an intermediate object of interaction between a child and an adult.
The goal of puppet therapy is to help smooth out experiences, strengthen mental health, improve social adaptation, increase self-awareness, and resolve conflict situations in collective activities.
Mnemonics is a system of techniques that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity by forming additional associations.
Mnemonics helps in the development of:
coherent speech;
associative thinking;
visual and auditory memory;
visual and auditory attention;
accelerating the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds.
The essence of mnemonic schemes is as follows: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is created.
Thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.
Sand therapy is a therapy method that promotes better speech correction and the development of the emotional-volitional sphere.
Sand therapy promotes:
improving practical communication skills and abilities using verbal and non-verbal means;
enrichment of vocabulary;
development of coherent speech;
encouraging children to take action and concentrate;
development of imagination and imaginative thinking.
Laughter therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps to remove blocks, relax, and get rid of shyness.
Humor and laughter lift your spirits, help establish communication connections, and allow you to effectively cope with stressful situations.
Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils and oil suspensions to improve human health.
Smells control mood, calm an overexcited nervous system, and increase performance.
Children are sensitive and impressionable people who perceive the effects of aromatherapy without any prejudice, so their reaction to essential oils is always positive.
The use of aromatherapy will help maintain a good mood in children, and also help cure colds and sleep disorders.
Children love warm, sweet smells most. However, due to the fact that their body is still in a state of development, aromatherapy products should be used for them in very minimal dosages. It is best if the oils are applied to terracotta and clay figurines, aroma medallions, and pillows. Various products made from untreated wood, orange or grapefruit peels hold odors well.
Types of aromatherapy:
Color therapy (Chromotherapy) – restoration of individual biological rhythm using specially selected color.
The period of preschool childhood is also a period of intensive sensory development of the child. Stimulating the intellectual and emotional development of preschool children with color therapeutic agents is justified and effective.
Working with color helps solve many problems:
increases the level of communication of children, their emotional responsiveness;
enriches children's sensory and emotional experience;
introduces techniques for managing your feelings and develops self-control skills.
Children, even the smallest ones, are naturally programmed to have a certain reaction to a particular color. The mood, behavior and even state of health are influenced not only by the color of the surrounding space, but also by the color of the clothes the child is wearing. The presence of any color in a child’s life (for example, red) can invigorate and improve mood, while at the same time its excess can cause a state of overexcitation and increased motor activity.
Color therapy undoubtedly contributes to:
improving the psychological microclimate in the children's team;
stimulation of the intellectual and emotional development of preschool children;
children's acquisition of psychophysical relaxation skills.
Color therapy is indispensable when used in children's institutions.
Educational information technology is a pedagogical technology that uses special methods, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video, computers, telecommunication networks) to work with information.
Possibilities of using IT in speech therapy:
increasing motivation for speech therapy sessions;
organizing objective monitoring of children’s development and activities;
expansion of the plot content of traditional gaming activities;
the ability to quickly create your own
didactic material;
visualization of acoustic components of speech;
expanding the range of non-verbal tasks;
provide an imperceptible transition for the child from play activities to learning activities;
significant opportunities in the development of HMF: schematization, symbolization of thinking; formation of the planning function of thinking and speech;
Due to increased emotional tone, the material being studied is transferred more quickly into long-term memory.
To interest children and make learning meaningful, we need non-standard approaches, individual development programs, and new innovative technologies.
It is important to preserve both traditional approaches and develop new directions in speech therapy theory and practice, and also to remember that any innovation is not good in itself (“innovation for the sake of innovation,” but as a means, a method that serves a specific purpose. In this regard, it is very important stages of its development and dissemination, which precisely show the need and effectiveness of the new technology.
Innovative methods of influence in the work of a speech therapist are becoming a promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders. These methods are among the effective means of correction and help achieve the maximum possible success in overcoming speech difficulties in preschool children. Against the backdrop of comprehensive speech therapy assistance, innovative methods, without requiring much effort, optimize the process of correcting children’s speech and contribute to the healing of the entire body.

The formulation “Innovative technologies” may imply new approaches to working on eliminating a particular disorder, oral or written speech, as well as software and hardware technologies that help the speech therapist in his work.

Most schoolchildren entering speech therapy centers have deviations in speech development of varying structure and severity. As a rule, children with speech disorders have problems in the development of perception, attention, memory, mental activity, varying degrees of motor underdevelopment and sensory functions, spatial concepts, and features of receiving and processing information. These children experience a decrease in interest in learning and increased fatigue. Children are often ashamed of their speech imperfections, become nervous, irritable, and uncommunicative, which leads to the formation of a feeling of inferiority and the development of a difficult character.

This contributes to the formation of a negative attitude towards learning and is one of the reasons for school failure. Such children need urgent help from a speech therapist, so speech therapy work in secondary schools occupies an important place in the process of preventing and overcoming student failure.

To interest students and make learning meaningful, we need non-standard approaches, individual development programs, and new innovative technologies. The process of presenting material in a speech therapy lesson should be somewhat different, more individualized, than in a classroom lesson. One of these innovations is computer technology, which has recently been widely used in the field of special education as adaptive and easily individualized learning tools.

A personal computer, equipped with a variety of application software, in the hands of a trained specialist, is a powerful development tool that can quickly implement tasks that would take years in traditional approaches.

Thanks to a computer, in a shorter time it is possible to solve such problems as replenishing vocabulary, forming a grammatical system, filling gaps in the development of the sound side of speech, forming coherent speech, developing spelling vigilance, which helps improve literacy. Students become more interested in the learning process and develop skills of independent work and self-control.

In order to increase the efficiency of correctional work, computer technologies are used in speech therapy classes.

The school is equipped with a speech therapy room for biofeedback. The work of the office began in November 2007 in the form of lessons in health-improving breathing exercises and speech correction classes. Classes are held 2-3 times a week with school students. Forms of conducting classes are group and individual. Individual classes for stuttering correction.

The biofeedback method allows the patient to see and hear how his body works. It turns the body's sound signals into an exciting game. Using this method, the child learns to breathe correctly, i.e. We form a diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing with a long, uniform exhalation. As a result of training, the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is synchronized. After developing the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing, we begin speech training using this type of breathing.

At each stage of the work, entertaining stories from a computer program are used.

The practice of using the method has shown that after 12-15 sessions, children’s physiological indicators significantly improve: the DAS indicator increases, the number of respiratory movements approaches the norm. Excessive psycho-emotional and muscle tension was eliminated.

Positive dynamics are observed in speech development. The patients’ speech became clearer, smoother, and freer; speech uncertainty and fear of speech decreased.

The advantages of the program are that all examination results and indicators of the sessions performed are automatically entered into the patient’s individual card, where they are stored in the form of graphs, tables, and audio speech recording files. The results of the session can be saved and printed.

The biofeedback method is used in combination with traditional correctional techniques (relaxation exercises are widely used).

To visualize computer classes and in order to increase the effectiveness of correctional work in speech therapy classes, the “Computer workshop for conducting speech therapy classes in elementary schools” (a computer project developed under the leadership of V.I. Varchenko) is used. It is intended for practical development of knowledge, skills, and abilities with children 6-10 years old. The workshop included 20 computer games and about 1,500 didactic exercises. Its main element is a computer game. The use of animation elements makes it possible to make the learning process in speech therapy classes more interesting and varied. The game situation allows you to assimilate the material as if unnoticed by the child. The game allows you to show initiative and creativity.

Didactic material is selected in accordance with the requirements of the general education program. 1-4 grades, based on programs and methods used in speech therapy (Lalaeva, Levin, Yastrebova, Sadovnikova). The curriculum includes five sections: preparatory; filling gaps in the sound side of speech, filling gaps in the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, developing coherent speech, developing individual qualities of students.

The main advantages of the workshop, which, in our opinion, significantly complement the traditional work of a speech therapist, include the following:

  • a computer game increases the attractiveness of educational material;
  • dividing the material into sections, rather than into classes, allows you to plan lessons in accordance with the characteristics of the program in which the child is studying and the level of his speech development;

It should be noted that the use of computer games when working with problem children is multifunctional in nature. This means that not only the assimilation of knowledge and the development of the basic qualities of students occurs in accordance with the goals of the classes, but also the development of attention, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive activity. Voluntary regulation of students’ activities also develops: the ability to subordinate their activities to given rules and requirements, restrain emotional impulses, plan actions and foresee the results of their actions. We have seen the high effectiveness of classes using specialized computer programs. Real opportunities have emerged for high-quality individualization of children's education, and the motivation and emotional interest of children in classes has increased significantly. This structure of training not only makes the work of a speech therapist much easier, but will also allow one to achieve significantly better and more sustainable results than using only traditional techniques.

What other computerized developments exist that help a speech therapist in his work?

I would like to dwell on one more specialized computer speech therapy program “GAMES FOR TIGERS.” The computer speech therapy program “Games for Tigers” is intended to correct general speech underdevelopment in children of senior preschool and primary school age.

The program allows you to effectively work on overcoming speech disorders due to dysarthria, dyslalia, rhinolalia, stuttering, as well as secondary speech disorders.

The exercises presented in the program are structured in such a way that the child thinks that he is playing with the hero of the program Tiger Cub, talking to him, helping him, traveling through the magical Land of Sounds and Words, in fact he is learning, and each task helps him overcome speech disorders .

Excellent drawings, three-dimensional images, sound accompaniment of actions, cognitive orientation of the exercises, a playful interactive form of presenting educational material and a cheerful presenter Tiger Cub - all this makes the program attractive and helps to increase the motivational readiness of children for speech therapy classes.

It is based on the methods of Efimenkova, Kasha, Levina, Lalaeva. This program allows you to correct speech disorders effectively and in a shorter time. A series of exercises is proposed in 4 blocks: – sound pronunciation, Prosody, Phonematics, Vocabulary. There are more than 50 exercises in total. This allows you to work on:

  • sound pronunciation;
  • prosodic components of speech;
  • phonemic awareness;
  • lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

At the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, in the laboratory of computer technologies for teaching children, specialized educational computer programs have been developed for children with special educational needs. With great pleasure, speech therapists work with such programs as “Timeline”, “The World Outside Your Window”, “In the City Yard”. With their help, you can work quite effectively on enriching your vocabulary, developing coherent speech, learning the ability to conduct a dialogue, etc.


The program is intended for children with a variety of developmental problems studying in special schools, special classes at public schools, preparatory groups in kindergartens, and rehabilitation centers. It can be used by employees of medical and pedagogical consultations, diagnostic and audiological centers, school psychologists, speech therapists, teachers of mass kindergartens and schools, and parents. The program is especially useful for those children who experience difficulties in analyzing the phenomena of the surrounding reality, communicating, systematizing and verbally expressing accumulated impressions and ideas.

First program of the cycle “TIME TAPE” will help to identify, systematize, expand and enrich the experience of impressions that was accumulated by the child himself throughout the entire previous period of life.

“IN THE CITY YARD.” By performing exercises that seem like games to a child, he will master new ways of thinking about the world, learn to reason, and rethink what seemed known and already understood. The authors have created a unique learning tool - “Kaleidoscope”, which allows you to collect dozens of options for pictures of the life of an ordinary city yard in any season of the year, experiment with signs, comprehend the boundaries of permissible changes, and establish a correspondence between an image and a word.

Speech therapists use the program “DELPHA-142”, which helps to work on some pronunciation skills and elements of writing. The speech therapy simulator "Delfa-142" is a comprehensive program for correcting various aspects of children's oral and written speech. The simulator allows you to work with any speech units from sound to text, solve a variety of speech therapy problems: from correcting speech breathing and voice to developing the lexical and grammatical side of speech, introduce game moments into the process of correcting speech disorders, repeatedly duplicate the required type of exercises and speech material, use various stimulus material (pictures, letters, syllables, words, sentences, sounding speech), work at different levels of complexity depending on the student’s capabilities, simultaneously with speech therapy work, carry out correction of perception, attention, memory.
The scientific director of the project and the author of methodological recommendations is professor, head of the department of correctional pedagogy and special psychology of APKiPRO O.E. Gribova.

Computer complex for speech therapy "SPEECH KALEIDOSCOPE" created on the basis of the methodology for staging and automating sounds, working on breathing, voice formation, developed by the Department of Deaf Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen under the guidance of Associate Professor L.P. Nazarova (1992). It can be used in working with children with various speech impairments (speech pathologists, hearing impaired, deaf children), as well as with children who do not have any organic or functional disorders. The application of the program is designed for any age: from preschoolers to adults. There are wide possibilities for using the complex in working on pronunciation: on breathing, voice, intonation, tempo, verbal and logical stress and speech sounds such as vowels and consonants, except for plosives and affricates .

Conventionally, in the computer complex program, 4 groups of modules can be distinguished according to their purpose: Group I is intended for working on breathing and voice; Group II – to work on speech sounds; Group III – to work on pronunciation in general; Group IV – for the development of auditory perception and auditory control of one’s own speech.

The computer complex "Speech Kaleidoscope" can be used at different stages of teaching pronunciation: at the stage of sound production, during the correction and differentiation of sounds from each other and at the automation stage, i.e. allows you to master not only sound pronunciation, but also improve it and pronunciation in general. For this purpose, the program provides 2 game options in almost every module.

Hardware and software system - “VISIBLE SPEECH-3”– is considered the best visualizer in the world today, and has a high cost.

The visual pronunciation simulator is a product of our production, developed at the “Special Educational Technologies” center as a more affordable analogue of the versions of the “Visible Speech” program.

Such computerized developments are auxiliary in speech therapy and education for the deaf. In many cases, they simply revolutionize age limits, the pace and quality of correctional work.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE WORK OF A Speech Therapist “A child is brought up by various accidents” V. F. Odoevsky The world of childhood is next to us, it is inside our adult world, it looks at us through the eyes of a child, speaks in his voice. And modern educational technologies help to open the cherished door to this world ". Therefore, for me, as a special education teacher, it is important not to miss this time to reveal the possible potential of each of my pupils. The world in which a child lives and is raised develops the need to take initiative, build social connections with others. Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education aimed at implementing state standards of preschool education. In my professional activities, I adhered to the position: “Not next to him, not above him, but together!” It is possible to develop a child joyfully, without coercion, if you use innovative technologies in your work. Taking into account educational tasks, age , physical and neuropsychic characteristics of pupils, the individual character of each child when organizing the correctional and developmental process with the goal of developing all components of children’s oral speech: the lexical side, the grammatical structure of speech, the pronunciation side of speech, coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms in various forms and types children's activities, practical mastery of speech norms by pupils; development of literary speech and familiarization with verbal art, I consider it advisable to use in my work the following educational technologies, which have increased efficiency, methods and tools, techniques: gaming technologies in speech therapy correction; art - therapeutic technologies; mnemonics; explanatory and illustrative technology; problem-based learning technology; technology of concentrated training; technology of developmental education; health-saving technologies; modern technologies of speech therapy and finger massage; modern sensory education technologies; body-oriented techniques; “Su-Jok” – therapy; information Technology. Game-based learning technology. Play is the most accessible type of activity for children; it is a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world; this is the type of activity where children fully learn to communicate with each other, make friends, and respect the opinions of their peers. During game-based learning, I used a differentiated approach to children, taking into account their interests, inclinations and level of training. As a result, the indicators of cognitive activity of children in the preparatory school group increased by 14%, and amounted to 91% by graduation. The technology of the game helps students to open up to their fullest potential. “Art therapy” is a means of free self-expression. In a special symbolic form: through drawing, games, fairy tales, music - I help children release their emotions, their experiences, and gain new speech experience. In the process of using elements of art therapy, music therapy (vocal therapy, playing musical instruments); iso-therapy (non-traditional drawing techniques); kinesiotherapy (dance therapy, body-oriented therapy, logorhythmics, psycho-gymnastics); fairy tale therapy; puppet therapy; mnemonics; creative play therapy (sand therapy); laughter therapy; aromatherapy; color therapy (chromotherapy) contributes to the formation of a high vitality in children, the development of mutual understanding between the child and peers, as well as between the child and adults. Thanks to the use of this technology, I develop in my students the skill of self-expression, the ability to manage their feelings, experiences, and emotions. I use mnemonics to facilitate memorization and increase the memory capacity of students through the formation of additional associations. Mnemonics helps me in working on coherent speech, associative thinking, visual and auditory memory, visual and auditory attention, accelerating the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds. Explanatory and illustrative technology, which has a developmental nature of teaching. Demonstration, observation, explanation, conversation, viewing and discussion of videos and presentations, creation of thematic albums and stands - all these visual aids that I use are a support for students’ assimilation of cognitive material. In my work I use various types of visual aids: natural objects (dishes, natural materials), dummies, toys, models, layouts, object images and plot illustrations), educational videos and multimedia presentations, my own practical demonstration of actions. I use problem-based learning technology to develop children’s cognitive activity, because Consistent, purposeful presentation of tasks to students contributes to the active assimilation of knowledge, as well as to the creation of problem situations that were different in the content of the unknown and in the level of problematicity. She created a problematic situation with the help of activating actions, questions emphasizing the novelty, importance, beauty and other distinctive qualities of the object of knowledge. I use the technology of concentrated learning to create educational activities that are as close as possible to the natural psychological characteristics of the perception of preschoolers; thematic planning allows for a more in-depth and comprehensive development of the material. The use of developmental education technologies allowed me to look at the idea of ​​education focused on the development of the child as the main goal of the correctional and developmental process. The knowledge of a preschooler is not the final goal of learning, but merely the environment for children’s development. Using developmental learning technologies, I try to move from what the child can do independently to what he can do in collaboration with a speech therapist. In direct educational activities, she created situations of search, entertainment, and problems, which contributed in 2013–2014 to an increase in the indicators of cognitive development of senior preschool-age students. Life itself confronted me with the need to use computer technology in the correctional and developmental process. ICT is an effective technical tool with which I tried to diversify the educational process. This is the most modern tool for collecting and processing information. I use ICT in working with teachers, parents of students - I make lists of children; - systematize the anamnestic data of the pupils; - I conduct diagnostics of children’s development; - creating various document forms; - compiled a long-term and calendar plan; - designed parent corners; - I create consultations and recommendations for parents and teachers, all kinds of folders, stands, various moving folders, etc.; It is obvious that exposure to various analyzers improves the quality of educational activities with children suffering from speech disorders. The use of information and communication technologies allows you to simultaneously influence the auditory, visual and tactile analyzers, also increases concentration, accelerates the memorization of the proposed material, develops visual, auditory and tactile memory and improves the emotional state of pupils, which has a positive effect on the result of correctional work. I use ICT in correctional and developmental work with children: I select illustrative and educational material for classes (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation). In my practice I use specialized computer speech therapy programs: - “Speech development. Learning to speak correctly”, author L.E. Shevchenko, - “Learning to speak correctly”, author M. Mezentseva, - “Speech therapy for kids. Lessons from the Fairy of Correct Sounds”, compiled by A.S. Alikserova, - “Funny ABC. Magic fairies”, author and publisher of LLC “Bestway”, - “Logopedia.Sounds”, authors T.S. Reznichenko, O.D. Larina, “How to help your baby speak beautifully,” author N.V. Pyatibratova. Also, in the process of educational activities, I use multimedia presentations created independently or downloaded from Mercybo websites, , twirpix, “Speech therapist and psychologist online”, etc. and games for the tablet: - games and tasks on lexical topics, - automation and differentiation of sounds, - games for the development of speech breathing, - logorhythmic games and exercises, - electronic physical exercises for dynamic pauses , - physical exercises for the prevention of visual impairment, - games for the development of higher mental processes, - games for the development of coherent speech, - work with parents and teachers. The ability to use IT in one’s work helps to increase motivation for speech therapy classes and organize objective monitoring of children’s development and activities. expanding the plot content of traditional gaming activities, the ability to quickly create your own didactic material, visualizing the acoustic components of speech, expanding the range of non-verbal tasks. IT helps me ensure a transition from play activities to learning activities that is invisible to the child and, due to increased emotional tone, the material being studied is transferred more quickly into long-term memory. With the help of ICT, I have the opportunity to conduct remote classes with children with disabilities who have been undergoing treatment in a sanatorium for a long time. ICT also helps me in self-development and creative self-realization: I exchange my own experience, get acquainted with the work of other teachers in Russia and abroad. The use of this technology allowed me to show creativity and encouraged me to search for new non-traditional forms and methods of teaching. Health-saving technologies. According to the Federal State Educational Standard: one of the activities of preschool educational institutions is preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. The tendency towards deterioration in the speech of preschool children, a decrease in the level of communication skills (A.G. Arushanova, O.S. Ushakova, T.A. Tkachenko, L.M. Shipitsina) - all this determines the need to increase knowledge about the importance of correctional developmental work and speech development of children. Among pupils with musculoskeletal disorders, there are a significant number of not only children with problems in speech development, but also a high percentage of those who have problems with the development of gross and fine motor skills, respiratory function, articulatory praxis; often these children suffer from higher mental processes: attention, memory, thinking. Accordingly, there is a need to carry out health-improving and correctional work with these children, during which I use: - articulatory gymnastics; -breathing exercises; -logrythmics; - exercises to develop fine motor skills. The use of articulatory gymnastics allows me to develop in my students the accuracy, strength, tempo, and switchability of movements necessary for them to correctly pronounce sounds. I carry out articulatory gymnastics using pictures-symbols, poetic texts, fairy tale therapy, musical accompaniment (audio recording), using elements of bioenergoplastics, and using computer technologies. I use breathing exercises to increase the volume of breathing, normalize its rhythm, and develop a smooth, long exhalation. I use the following types of games: -exercises using turntables and plumes; - “Floating boats.” - “Football”, “Feed the animals”, “Make fruit healthy”. - blowing into a whistle, into a “magic bubble” - blowing soap bubbles, balls, inflatable toys. I use breathing exercises (A.N. Strelnikova) as one of the successful methods of work for the development of speech breathing and sonority of speech, prevention of disturbances in the tempo and rhythm of speech, stimulation of brain function and regulation of neuropsychic processes; Exercises to develop fine motor skills contribute to the development of concentration, develop volitional regulation skills, the ability to control movements and control one’s behavior. Training fine, coordinated movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor stimulating the child’s speech development, helping to improve articulatory movements, preparing the hand for writing and, no less important, a powerful tool that increases the performance of the cerebral cortex, stimulating the development of the child’s thinking. In my work I use the following types of games: -finger gymnastics; -finger games; - games with small objects (cereals, buttons, clothespins); - games using waste and natural materials; - lacing; -finger games with poetic accompaniment; - counting sticks and tactile simulators; - “finger steps” with subject pictures. Self-massage. I use Su-Jok therapy to stimulate the points of correspondence to all organs and systems. The combination of exercises such as self-massage, Su-Jok therapy with exercises for correcting sound pronunciation can significantly increase the effectiveness of speech therapy. In addition to self-massage with Su-Jok therapy devices, I also use: - massage of the palmar surfaces with stone, metal or plastic multi-colored balls; - clothespin massage; -massage with nuts and chestnuts; -massage with hexagonal and triangular pencils. The use of kinesiological exercises helps me, by activating various parts of the cerebral hemispheres, to develop the abilities of children. A set of exercises, such as “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Lezginka”, “Frog”, “Ear-nose”, etc. Help children concentrate during the lesson, become more active, relieve stress and improve achievements. The dynamic pauses I use in combination with speech material, which develop general motor skills, coordination of movements and speech, relieve muscle tension, are used to create increased performance of students during classes during physical exercises on lexical topics. Thus, the daily organization of children’s lives and activities, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, using the technologies listed above allows me to improve the work of the pupils’ HMF and awaken their interest in speech activity. As a result of my use of the above technologies in speech therapy classes, children learn to reason; their active vocabulary is enriched, verbal and logical thinking is formed; spatial orientation, emotional manifestations are aligned. I was convinced that these technologies give sustainable long-term results due to the systematic use of them.