Features of working with children who stutter. Speech therapy work to correct stuttering in adults and adolescents

An article about an integrated approach to the correction of stuttering in adults and adolescents, used in the Center for Neurological Neurosurgery in the Department of Logoneurosis.

The article includes a general work plan. In the future, I intend to send material that will tell more specifically about developments in this area.

Speech therapy work to correct stuttering in adults and adolescents

Stuttering is not always eliminated in childhood. Every adult who stutters and decides to get rid of a speech disorder will have to face more established pathological stereotypes of the speech act and more pronounced psychological problems.

A neurodefectologist-speech therapist, working with adults who stutter, needs to help the patient coordinate breathing, vocal and articulatory processes, “feel” this coordination and bring it to automaticity. There are a number of benefits to speech therapy work for adult patients. They study meaningfully and consciously. They can use the will to achieve their goals. At the same time, everyone understands that stuttering is very complex. speech disorder, which requires systematic, consistent work.

Speech therapy work is considered as a system of correctional and pedagogical measures aimed at the harmonious formation of the speech of people who stutter, taking into account the need to overcome or compensate for the defect.

Speech therapy influence in the Center for Logoneurosis in the Department of Logoneurosis is carried out in two directions: direct and indirect.
Direct speech therapy intervention is implemented during group and individual lessons with people who stutter. These classes provide for the development of general and speech motor skills, normalization of the tempo and rhythm of breathing and speech, and activation of verbal communication.

In classes for people who stutter, they eliminate psychological deviations in behavior and develop right attitude to a defect. Individual lessons are conducted in case of necessary additional exercises to develop skills correct speech.

Indirect speech therapy influence is a system of speech therapy for all regime moments for patients. The speech regime of adolescents and adults involves their selection of the necessary speech exercises, their understanding of the requirements of correct speech, and the systematic training of correct speech skills in different conditions.

The speech aspect of speech therapy classes includes the regulation and coordination of respiratory, vocal and articulatory functions, and the education of correct speech.

Based on the position that “stuttering is a discordinative convulsive speech disorder that occurs in the process of communication through the mechanism of systemic speech-motor neurosis, and is clinically represented by primary, actual speech, and secondary disorders, which often become dominant in adults. As with other neurotic disorders, psychological, socio-psychological and biological factors take part in the mechanisms of this speech motor neurosis. In many cases of stuttering, the so-called organic “soil” is noted in the form of cerebral deficiency of various origins.” At the Center for Stuttering, a comprehensive treatment system was developed, which combines speech therapy classes and active psychotherapy, combining various variants of the suggestive method with the work of restructuring disturbed personal relationships, including through the use of modern group psychotherapy. All work is carried out in close contact with a speech therapist, psychologist, psychotherapy doctor, psychiatrist, neurologist, specialists in physical therapy, massage and other methods." book V.M. Shklovsky “Stuttering”. M. 1994. p. 8., p. 176.

Speech therapy work in a day hospital consists of: a diagnostic period and a period of restructuring pathological skills in the system of a comprehensive method of treating stuttering.

Diagnostic period

In order to establish a final diagnosis and outline a treatment plan, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patients by all specialists in the department (psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist and speech therapist).

Survey speech function for those who stutter, it is carried out according to methods generally accepted in speech therapy (L.I. Belyakova, E.A. Dyakova, E.V. Oganesyan, I.A. Povarova). The scheme of speech therapy examination includes the study of the state of structure and mobility articulatory apparatus, speech breathing, voice, speech rate. When studying speech and motor disorders, the localization and form of speech spasms, the duration and frequency of their manifestation, the presence of accompanying movements, verbal, motor and psychological tricks, the attitude of the subject to stuttering, and the degree of fixation on it are considered. Anamnestic and clinical data determining possible reasons appearance of stuttering, the group to which the patient can be classified according to V.M. Shklovsky’s classification is determined:

Group 1 - patients who did not have persistent neurotic disorders. Speech defect(it can be expressed very strongly) of these stutterers did not significantly influence the development of their personal and social status.

Group 2 - patients with persistent neurotic disorders. The speech defect (it can be very pronounced) of these stutterers influenced the development of their personal and social status.

Group 3 - patients who have even more pronounced neurotic disorders, combined with anxious suspiciousness and an insurmountable fear of speech.

The period of restructuring of pathological speech skills consists of three stages:

- preparatory stage

At this time, speech therapy sessions are held to develop speech techniques according to plan:

1. Removing muscle tension. Staging diaphragmatic breathing. Practicing long, uniform speech exhalation on sounds, a standard, automated series, in a phrase.

2. Work on a soft attack of sound, on unity, smoothness of voice, flight, height, strength of voice, prolonged pronunciation of vowel sounds, expanding the range of voice modulations, intonation of speech.

3. Normalization of speech rate.

4. Rhythmic speech with the support of the leading hand, gradual collapse of the external support, transition to the internal rhythm.

5. Pausing speech.

6. Work with articulation.

7. Use of facial expressions and gestures in verbal communication.

- the stage of consolidating rhythmic speech techniques on simple speech material.

1. Reading poetic texts with a short and a longer line.

2. Reading the roles of fables.

3. Reading aloud prepared and unprepared texts of varying complexity.

4. Retelling the texts read.

5. Dialogues based on the material read.

The stage of automation of rhythmic and prosodically colored speech techniques on complicated speech material.

1. Automation of speech technique skills with their introduction into all types of speech activity and different situations.

2. The transition from prepared forms of speech to independent improvisations.

3. Formation of readiness for verbal communication in various life situations.

4. Developing resistance to speech and psychological difficulties that arise in life situations after completing the course of treatment.

Three months of systematic training is the minimum that will allow a stuttering teenager or adult to understand, feel and consolidate the acquired techniques in speech. Further automation of continuous and fluent speech will require at least another year of supervision by a specialist.

Stuttering is not a disease, but a manifestation of the disease, one of its symptoms. Accordingly, in order to talk about treatment tactics for stuttering, it is necessary to establish exactly what disorder it is a manifestation of...

Developed a large number of methods for getting rid of stuttering. Which technique is suitable for each specific case, it's hard to say. Today we bring to your attention the technique described in V.M. Lykov’s book “Stuttering in Preschool Children” (M., 1978).

The essence of stuttering

Stuttering is a fairly common phenomenon. However, everyday observations show that adults do not have a clear idea of ​​stuttering, a clear understanding of the psychology of people who stutter, or knowledge of evidence-based ways of prevention and treatment.

Stuttering is not only difficult speech disorder, but also a disease of the whole organism. And therefore, along with pedagogical measures, children who stutter need special restorative treatment.

Surveys of parents showed that for the most part they understand stuttering as a kind of “mechanical breakdown” of sound pronunciation and do not associate it with complex mental processes. Hence the purely formal approach to the education and training of people who stutter.

How does modern science interpret this phenomenon? Based on the teachings of I.P. Pavlov, stuttering is considered as a particular type of neurosis - logoneurosis (speech neurosis), resulting from a functional disorder of higher nervous activity.

It is known that two interrelated and interdependent processes continuously occur in the cerebral cortex - excitation and inhibition. Normally, balancing each other, they create peace and well-being for the entire body, the so-called state of comfort. But when the mutual balance of these processes is disrupted, a phenomenon arises that I. P. Pavlov figuratively called a “collision.”

The diseased focus formed as a result of such a “collision” changes the interaction between the cortex and subcortex. Having escaped the control of the cortex, subcortical formations begin to send random impulses to the cortex, including the speech production zone, causing the appearance of convulsions in various parts of the speech apparatus (larynx, pharynx, tongue, lips). As a result, some of its components fire earlier, others later. The pace and smoothness of speech movements is disrupted - the vocal cords close or open tightly, the voice suddenly disappears, words are pronounced in a whisper and prolongated (elongated) - pp-field, bbb-be-birch, which is why the thought is expressed vaguely, is not brought to the end, and becomes incomprehensible to those around you.

In this regard, the question arises: “What factors negatively affect the normal course of excitation and inhibition?”

There are several reasons. But the main one is weakness nervous system, most often caused by infectious diseases (complications after measles, encephalitis), sluggish chronic pathology - rheumatism, pneumonia, etc.

Sometimes children are born with a weakened nervous system, which is the result of an unfavorable pregnancy.

We have named a group of causes of a pathogenic nature, but there is also another group - defects in education. An abnormal household environment, quarrels between parents in the presence of a child, an uneven attitude towards him (shouts, intimidation, punishment), and finally, different demands in the family hurt the child’s psyche and lead to a speech disorder.

Many other factors are known to science and practice, for example, left-handedness, imitation, hesitations in speech, impaired sound pronunciation, speech underdevelopment, etc. By the way, both lag and excessive rapid development speech, encouraging children to master difficult words and suggestions. It also happens that a child, imitating the sloppy speech of those around him, tries to quickly express his thoughts, gets confused, gets confused in sounds and begins to stutter.

However, the listed factors are not enough for stuttering to occur. A kind of impetus, a trigger for stuttering, are such irritants as fear, conflict situations, heavy emotional experiences. This makes it clear why children begin to stutter more often after past diseases: a weakened nervous system reacts sharply to strong stimuli, to a rude shout, etc.

Stuttering in most cases is associated with fear (animal attacks, car collisions, fires, drowning, rooster crowing, punishment, emotional stress). Indeed, about 70 percent of stuttering cases are associated with mental trauma.

They may object: “Many children get scared, but not all of them stutter.” What is true is true. To be or not to stutter depends entirely, as we have noticed, on a number of incidental circumstances - the state of the nervous system at the time of mental trauma, the strength of the traumatic stimulus, etc.

Stuttering usually develops in children between two and five years of age, i.e., during the most rapid period of speech development. In the system of other mental processes, speech is the most fragile and vulnerable due to its “youth”, and therefore loads on the nervous system directly or indirectly affect speech activity. Young children lack strong inhibitory reactions. Babies are easily excited, and excitement can lead to convulsions, including convulsions of the speech apparatus - stuttering. Stuttering occurs three times more often in boys than in girls. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that boys, due to their more active lifestyle, are exposed to more frequent traumatic opportunities. Rural schoolchildren exhibit stuttering less frequently than urban students. IN rural areas there are fewer traumatic factors, there is a calmer and more measured rhythm of life.

Symptoms of stuttering

Stuttering occurs in different ways, but identifying the disease is not difficult. It manifests itself either in the obsessive repetition of sounds and syllables, or in involuntary stops and delays, often accompanied by convulsions of the speech organs. The spasms affect the vocal cords, muscles of the pharynx, tongue, and lips. The presence of spasms in the speech stream is the main phenomenon of stuttering. They vary in frequency, location and duration. The severity of stuttering depends on the nature of the seizures. The tension in the organs of pronunciation does not allow a person who stutters to conduct a conversation accurately, clearly, and rhythmically. The voice also becomes upset - in people who stutter, it is uncertain, hoarse, and weak.

There is an opinion that the basis of stuttering is blocking (turning off) voice production. Indeed, a number of experiments confirm this idea. When a child stutters, he spends a lot of physical energy. When speaking, his face becomes covered with red spots and sticky cold sweat, and after speaking he often feels tired.

Individual sounds, syllables, words become so difficult that children avoid using them, as a result of which speech becomes impoverished, simplified, becomes inaccurate, and incomprehensible. Particularly great difficulties arise when reproducing coherent stories. And to make their situation easier, kids begin to use sounds, words or even whole phrases that have nothing to do with the subject of the statement. These "alien" sounds and words are called gimmicks. “A”, “e”, “here”, “well”, “and” are used as speech tricks.

In addition to speech, children who stutter also develop motor tricks: children clench their fists, step from foot to foot, wave their arms, shrug their shoulders, sniffle, etc. These auxiliary movements make it easier for the child to speak, and later, when they become established, they become an integral part of the speech. speech act. Extra movements disrupt coordinated motor skills and load the psyche with additional work.

Some preschoolers develop a fear of speaking. Even before starting a conversation, the child begins to worry that he will stutter, that he will not be understood, that he will be judged poorly. Uncertainty in speech, wariness, and suspiciousness appear.

Children are painfully aware of the difference between themselves and their peers. If, in addition, their comrades laugh at them, imitate them, and adults scold them for speaking incorrectly, stuttering children withdraw into themselves, become irritable, fearful, and they develop a feeling of inferiority, which further depresses the psyche and aggravates stuttering.

Psychological layers can be so pronounced that first of all one has to direct efforts to streamline behavior, and only then to fight stuttering.

People who stutter have poor coordination in their movements. Some have motor restlessness and disinhibition, others have angularity and stiffness. This is why people who stutter usually avoid crafts that require fine finger movements. But the signs of stuttering do not end there. People who stutter develop undesirable character traits - irritability, tearfulness, resentment, isolation, distrust, negativism, stubbornness and even aggressiveness.

Preschoolers who stutter are more susceptible to colds than ordinary children; their sleep and appetite are more often disturbed. If we talk about the dynamics of stuttering, it is striking in a number of characteristic features - inconsistency clinical picture, adaptability and variability. Often a more complex form of speech is pronounced more freely than a simplified one.

In the spring-summer period, stuttering smoothes out, in the autumn-winter period it intensifies. In an unfamiliar environment it manifests itself more strongly than in a familiar one. The severity of stuttering is also influenced by the situation in which the child finds himself. In kindergarten it gets worse; when surrounded by friends and family, the child feels freer. In labor classes, speech is much more confident than in native language classes.

Stuttering gets worse as fatigue increases. At the beginning of the day the defect appears less grossly than at the end. Hence the conclusion that classes with stutterers should be conducted in the morning.

When a child is alone, he does not stutter. Children do not stutter when singing, reading poetry, or reciting memorized stories. From the foregoing, we can conclude that in order to correct the defect, it is necessary to influence not only the speech of the stutterer, but also the personality as a whole.

Overcoming stuttering

Before moving on to specific recommendations for overcoming stuttering, it would be useful to recall some general provisions. The first thing parents should do is consult with a psychoneurologist and speech therapist, together with them, based on the child’s personality characteristics, outline and implement a program of medical and pedagogical influence.

Currently wide use received a comprehensive method for overcoming stuttering, in which parents play a prominent role. What is its essence?

Structurally, it consists of two interconnected parts - therapeutic and health-improving and correctional and educational. Each of them, complementing each other, pursues its own goals and objectives: therapeutic and health-improving is aimed at normalizing neuropsychic processes, at improving the nervous system; correctional and educational - to develop and consolidate correct speech skills.

To improve the child’s health, various activities are carried out, sedatives, calcium supplements, and various vitamins are prescribed. Drug therapy is combined with physiotherapy and climatotherapy, sleep, etc.

It is extremely important for parents to create a favorable, calm environment for the baby, instill cheerfulness in him, and distract him from unpleasant thoughts. The speech of adults should be friendly, leisurely, and simple. Jerking, shouting, and punishment are not allowed.

Since the body of a stuttering child is weakened in most cases, he really needs a correct and solid daily routine, a rational alternation of work and rest. A measured rhythm of life helps to normalize the functioning of the body and, in particular, higher nervous activity. In this case, sleep plays an important role. Children who stutter should sleep 10-12 hours at night and 2-3 hours during the day.

The daily routine includes time for games and walks. Moreover, it is important to choose calm games for active children, and fun, active ones for inert ones.

Parents should pay close attention to the child’s nutrition - make it varied, sufficiently high in calories, well fortified with vitamins. People who stutter are recommended to eat four meals a day with regular meal times.

Hardening procedures—rubbing, dousing, bathing—have an exceptionally beneficial effect on a child’s health. Walking, sledding and skiing are required. We should not forget about morning exercises and physical exercises, which contribute to the development of coordination of movements and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The daily routine should also include elements child labor: the child can bring dishes, remove spoons and pieces of bread from the table, put them in order children's Corner, prepare items for the game. The child is entrusted with caring for plants, etc.

Medical and health activities create a physiological foundation for conducting special speech classes. Corrective and educational measures are aimed at normalizing the tempo, smoothness and rhythm of speech, developing the ability to work purposefully, enhancing speech communication, as well as eliminating defects in sound pronunciation.

The program of correctional and educational activities is implemented in the process of the child’s daily activities, and is as close as possible to his needs, interests, hobbies, in a word, speech correction should take place in natural conditions. Under no circumstances should you force a child to complete certain tasks. He must do everything without much coercion.

Speech classes

Speech classes are built in the form of conversations, viewing didactic materials, filmstrips, and working on crafts. During classes you should use books, toys, and board games. At the same time, parents should monitor their children’s speech, help them express their thoughts correctly, without focusing on the speech defect.

Speech classes should be conducted regularly and in accordance with the principle from simple to complex, from familiar to unfamiliar. From the simplest situational forms to a detailed statement - this is the way to overcome stuttering. This is very not an easy task, and success here accompanies those parents who are not stopped by the first failures.

Typically, overcoming stuttering in preschoolers at home takes 3-4 months. All this time you need to be close to the child and “live” with him all the stages of speech re-education. Never give up hope of improving your stuttering. Remember: stuttering is a removable disease.

The course of overcoming stuttering is conventionally divided into three periods: preparatory, training, consolidative.

Preparation period

This period includes medical, recreational and protective measures: visiting a doctor, speech therapist, organizing a work and rest regime. At this time, it is necessary to limit the speech communication of a stuttering child with other children. Family members should carefully ensure that their own speech is clear, expressive and unhurried. It is necessary to draw up a plan for working with your child every day and make notes on its implementation. They have casual conversations with the child about how together (with mom and dad) he will learn to speak correctly and beautifully, and tell interesting fairy tales or stories. At the same time, play a children's record for your child or let him listen to a tape recording of the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Three Bears” and others. Set it up for the upcoming speech work Games, drawing, modeling help. Practice correct speech while walking and playing outdoors.

During the preparatory period, simple speech classes are organized - three to four times a day, lasting 10-15 minutes each. It is better to start classes with speech exercises. The child is asked to count to five, to ten, and then, following his parents, say short phrases: "I'm learning to speak slowly." "I'm learning to speak loudly."

Excerpts from children's poems can serve as material for speech exercises. The purpose of speech exercises is to prepare the child for the upcoming lesson, to make him feel that he can speak correctly. It is important that during a conversation the child does not tense up, does not raise his shoulders, and breathes silently and calmly.

After exercise, speech classes begin, which consist of special exercises, normalizing speech. Speech exercises are built in a certain sequence - from simple forms of speech to complex ones.

Conjugate speech is the easiest for children who stutter. The child and his parents simultaneously name the objects shown in the pictures, the letters of the alphabet, speak short phrases (based on the pictures), and recite poetry. The training method is quite simple. While looking at the picture, at the same time as your child, smoothly and leisurely say: “This is Mishka. Teddy Bear is bathing. Mishka has big paws.”

You can take any toy and tell what parts it consists of: “This is a Lena doll. Lena has eyes, a mouth, a nose. Lena has a new dress and white shoes.” Seeing objects in front of him, the child expresses his thoughts easier and more confidently.

The lesson can end with playing lotto with pictures or reading a poem. As soon as the child is fluent in conjugate speech, move on to the next form of speech.

Reflected speech is a more complex form that allows storytelling based on objects, pictures, toys. The parents say the phrase, the child repeats: “I have a pencil.” "I'm drawing". “Once upon a time there was a goat, and she had seven kids.” With children it is advisable to recite “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, M. Prishvin’s story “The Brave Hedgehog”, A. Barto’s poems “Bunny”, “Bear”. With older preschoolers you need to learn the alphabet, and you should also teach them to read and write using the ABCs.

During this period, exercises for coordinating words with movement are introduced. March in a circle with your child: “We learned to count: one, two, three, four, five.” And so three times. Or another exercise. Give your child a ball and count each time the ball is thrown on the floor. The lesson ends with a speech board game. For example, you can prepare any subject lotto. Show your child the picture and calmly say: “I have a squirrel.” Then you just show the picture and the child names it.

This is a schematic lesson plan for the education of the reflected form of speech, based on which you can create subsequent lessons yourself.

During this period, learn N. Naydenova’s poem “Spring” with your child. Use days of the week, months, seasons of the year as speech exercises. If your child reads, choose for him folk tales, interesting poems.

After two or three lessons, the child himself begins to be active and confidently repeats the text, willingly plays, throws the ball up, hits the floor or wall. The movement is accompanied by words. Counting rhymes, jokes, and riddles are especially convenient for such exercises (they can be found in the magazines “Funny Pictures” and “Murzilka”).

This concludes the preparatory period. Its duration may vary depending on the success of mastering the conjugate-reflective form of speech. Fluency in them provides the basis for the transition to the next period - training. There are often cases when already initial stage Some forms of stuttering (especially mild ones) are successfully overcome. For preventive purposes, classes should be continued. However, the daily routine and gentle regime should remain the same. After a month, the child can be taken to a regular kindergarten.

Training period

The training period is main period in work to eliminate stuttering. Its goal is to master the most complex forms of speech based on the skills acquired in the preparatory period. The child felt that he could speak freely and confidently, and therefore subsequent classes would not seem overly difficult to him.

The training period begins with mastering the question-and-answer form of speech. Classes are structured in the form of conversation, games, and work activities. Pictures, toys, etc. serve as didactic material. The main thing for parents is to be able to pose the question correctly. In contrast to exercises with reflected speech, the child independently pronounces one word when answering a question. In the future, the answers become more complicated, and the child speaks 3-4 words independently.

Here is an example lesson for one day. Based on this composition, you can build similar activities for the following days.

In the morning

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movement. Stand opposite the child two meters away with the ball.

- Zhenya, what do I have in my hands?
- Ball.
- Catch! (Zhenya catches it).
- Zhenya, what did you do?
— I caught the ball.
- Throw it to me (Throws it).
- What did you do?
— I threw the ball.
- What ball is this?
— Rubber ball (round, small). (At the word “rubber” the child throws the ball). The next exercise is squatting and straightening with emphasis on your toes.
- What will you do?
- I will rise on my toes and squat down.
The exercise is performed as follows: On the count of times - squat.
- Zhenya, what did you do?
— I squatted down. On the count of two - straightening.
- Zhenya, what did you do?
— I stood on my tiptoes.
Answers to questions based on familiar pictures. Prepare a set of subject and plot pictures. Show them to your child one by one:
- Who is this?
- It's a girl.
- What is the girl doing?
— A girl plays with a doll. Next picture:
- Who is this?
- Boy.
-What is the boy holding in his hands?
— The boy has a fishing rod in his hands.
- What is the boy doing?
— The boy is fishing.
In this vein, go through a few more pictures with your child. Do not rush your child, make sure that he answers smoothly, without mistakes. If you have any difficulties, let him repeat after you.
From subject pictures, move on to working with subject pictures cut out from children's magazines. Children willingly study based on the painting by K. Uspenskaya “They didn’t take me fishing.”
First, the child carefully examines the picture, and then answers the questions:
— Zhenya, what is shown in the picture?
- In the picture there is a boy, a chicken, an uncle and another boy.
-Where does the boy live? In the city or in the village?
— The boy lives in the village.
“Where do you think your father and older brother went?”
— They went fishing.
-What do they have in their hands?
— There are fishing rods in my hands.
- Who else wanted to fish?
- This Boy.
- Did they take him or not?
“They didn’t take it, and he’s crying.”
- What is your sister doing?
- Smiles.
As the picture is analyzed, the questions become more complex.
For children 4-5 years of age, select pictures depicting animals and heroes of your favorite fairy tales. Finish the lesson by cutting out the letter “a”. Draw the letter “a” on a piece of paper and have your child cut it out. During the operation, ask:
- Zhenya, what are you doing?
— I cut out the letter "a".
Say “ah-ah-ah” out loud together.

V. M. Lykov

Article provided by the website Kindergarten.Ru

Comment on the article "Stuttering in Children. Part 1"

Stuttering in children. Part 2. Girls, if anyone has a textbook for 5th grade literature by Korovin, part 1 (my child only brought the second part from the library.) Please give me a print screen or hard copy of the fairy tale by A.T. Arsiria “The Parts of Speech Dispute.”


Our children in the class all have a test. There are no failures, the class writes a sample again tomorrow - they practice.

Now I looked at the grades in my daughter’s class - 4 twos, 3 threes, 10 fours, 3 fives. But these are grades in the diary, and they were assessed pass/fail according to all criteria. It turns out that out of 20 people, 4 did not write - it looks like what you have. Mine is sitting, getting ready on her own, there is no hope for school.

Stuttering is a complex speech disorder associated with psychophysiology, in which the integrity and fluency of a person’s speech is disrupted. This manifests itself in the form of repetition or prolongation of sounds, syllables, or words. It can manifest itself in the form of frequent stops or hesitation in speech, as a result of which its rhythmic flow is disrupted. Causes: increased tone and periodically occurring convulsive readiness of the motor endings of the speech centers of the brain; consequences of acute and chronic stress...

Stuttering in children. Part 2. A child plays with a ball and reads S. Marshak’s poem “My cheerful ringing ball". Having become the first word in our year... Russian language - terminology. a common part related words is called ROOT.


Pine, pine and to pine are the same word) And so on.

Different case forms are not related words. For example, pine and pine are just different cases.
1. Pine, pine, pine, pine
2. Window, small window, small window, window sill.
I think so.

If your baby has just started to stutter, there is no “maybe it will pass”!

Stuttering in children. Speech therapy. Pediatric medicine. Child health, illnesses and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. Stutters on the first syllables. I would also be grateful for your thoughts on where to go first - speech therapist? neurologist?

"What to do, what to do? Dry the crackers!" - film “Beware of the car” My child is a thief. Many adults go to extremes when realizing such a thought. They drink valerian in liters, discuss the problem with friends, grab their belts, and run to a consultation with a psychologist. It's scary to be the parents of a thief. However, instead of solving the problem, new difficulties appear. The child continues to steal, becomes uncontrollable and secretive. Why are the old “grandfather’s” methods, along with the advice of educational psychologists...


Every mother wishes the best for her child and wants him to grow up honest man. But the trouble is that we look at our children through the prism of our own worldview, completely not understanding that the child may be completely different from us. What stimulates us and is beneficial for us can be disastrous for a child. And the opportunity to understand the root causes of a child’s behavior is worth a lot - it allows you to eliminate possible pedagogical mistakes.

01/28/2012 21:09:26, YanaSobol

Gee-gee. I finished reading to “With the child of criminals - repeat offenders, everything is immediately clear - an innate attraction to crime”

There is no innate desire for violations. Tell this to the geneticists, they will laugh at you. There is no theft gene and no criminal gene. Conclusion: this does not apply to “innate”.

Stuttering or what? Speech. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Sonya stuttered so much at my first >.


Sonya stuttered so much on the first syllables - I really wanted to say a lot at once! It's probably been a couple of months. Neurologists offer a standard option - remove external stimuli, like TV, calm games to the maximum, and when speaking, ask not to rush and speak calmly...

Does the task ask questions about adjectives or definitions? [link-1]

I have trilingual children. The eldest (7 years old) seems to be right-handed, but somehow unconvincing, perhaps ambidextrous. She never stuttered, although at one time she spoke 4 languages ​​(her study of a fourth language was interrupted 3 years ago, and now she has forgotten everything). The youngest (4 years old) did not stutter, although at 2-3 years old, when he began to speak, he seemed to shut up on one word, repeated it many times and could not find the next one, sometimes in frustration he reported that he could not speak. We always listened to him very patiently, did not rush him, never interrupted or prompted him, gradually everything passed. Now he cheerfully speaks all three languages. I know many bi- and trilingual children, some of them left-handed - not a single one with a stutter. I have my doubts about 80%. IMHO in Russia there is generally a wary attitude towards multilingualism.

I think it's probably just individual feature Your child. Perhaps bilingualism had a negative impact in your situation, but now the child is already bilingual, so IMHO you need to continue to study. The progress may be small and not very noticeable to you. Have you asked the specialist where she notices progress? Unfortunately, I can’t give any advice on methods, but I believe in the power of systematic training.

1) switched to a whisper (with hugs and kisses),
2) sang,
3) they maintained speech calm (I also have chatter) - she explained why it was necessary to remain silent, that “the mouth is tired,” “you see, the tongue can’t handle it anymore.” It worked.

What helped us EXCEPT medical consultations (according to my personal observations).

1) adherence to the regime (it is mandatory to sleep during the day, even if it seems that you will never fall asleep). I went to bed with him however I wanted, but I had to sleep during the day.
2) I removed all the exciting moments (they wrote it correctly for you below) - no circuses, attractions, the TV was removed AT ALL, all visits to relatives and friends in doses, only the “essentials” - grandmothers who will be offended if the child is not taken for half a year.
3) Increased communication with water. Swimming for a long time, splashing, transfusion, etc., etc.
4) I did massage and physical contact (but I generally like to cuddle, sometimes I’m ready to howl).
5) We arrange an emotional release, for example, jumping on a gymnastic mat and squealing, or somersaulting, obviously a release after that :)))

We have been living in this mode for six months now, and progress is obvious. For me personally, this is VERY difficult - EVERYTHING is tailored to the child - the daily routine, all weekends, I have practically no personal time, I’m very tired, but I don’t see any other way out.....

stuttering. My son began to stutter at the age of 3. I would like to talk to parents who have gone through this and recovered, or vice versa. Don't be afraid that there will be an environment with children who stutter. Additional classes with specialists they do simply miracles.


Just in case, I would also have it examined by a neurologist: younger brother stuttering was directly related to cerebrovascular accidents. First he was treated for his stuttering, then he was treated by a speech therapist. Ours cured stuttering in 2-3 months. I don’t remember the technique, it involves “singing” sounds, then words, sentences. Setting up "lower" breathing.

The main thing is to find a good speech therapist.
It is quite possible that you still have a “temporary” stutter.
I would advise you to try to get into a speech therapy kindergarten, in the appropriate group. Organizing such classes even with a visiting speech therapist is very expensive and difficult. And in the kindergarten, in addition to the speech therapist, there will be another adjusted program (there should be).
Don't be afraid that there will be an environment with children who stutter. Additional classes with specialists do wonders.
Another piece of advice is to learn to sing (develop proper breathing).
We have already lived through all this (my son is 16 years old). The defect is noticeable only for knowledgeable specialist and during long-term communication. Although this was achieved with great difficulty and main job, precisely at the age of 4-7 years

Hysteria, stuttering - what to do? Lately some kind of nightmare has been happening to us - I just don’t recognize my child. When a child cannot imagine himself without his mother, it is as if she is part of him. When I first left him for seven hours, I left, and he was with his grandmother, cat...


A very similar situation. Our Toshka was also absolutely normal, and then very suddenly a progressive stuttering began... Plus, the child is very reactive, active, and easily excitable. In short, at one time the sky seemed like a sheepskin. We went through many specialists. As a result, the problem was solved in the following way. Firstly, they transferred the child to a speech therapy kindergarten, where, in addition to playing, a speech therapist worked with him every day. He taught me not only how to speak correctly, but also how to overcome stuttering itself. It turned out that there are a lot of effective methods. Secondly, we began to introduce a system of rituals in the evenings aimed at gradually calming the child and preparing him for sleep. All active games ended 2 hours before bedtime. Then there was dinner. Behind him are mandatory water procedures. Including soothing baths with herbal extracts. Then - the indispensable cocoa. (My son really loved Nesquik... :)) Then - the ritual of putting on pajamas and putting soft toys to bed. And then - a bedtime story. At first it was a little difficult, but after about three months my son got used to this ritual and the process, as they say, began. :)))

I, too (like Svetlana) noticed that my daughter has a time when she easily falls asleep and if she does, then it’s hard for her to fall asleep. I'm the same way, so I understand it. Well, making sure that it doesn’t go overboard is, of course, my concern. We had a difficult period after my birth - I left to give birth at night and returned 2.5 days later, and apparently my daughter still had a fear that her mother might disappear at night. She had a very difficult time falling asleep and waking up at night. It helped her that I sat and reclined next to her. It is very important to be patient and not scold or run away ahead of time. Improvement is not going so quickly, and every mother’s breakdown pushes her back again. It took us, it seems, about 2 months to return to a normal bedtime routine. We don't have rituals. You can really consider washing and brushing your teeth as a ritual. And I also kiss and hug her when she is already lying in bed, and she me.
I would give her the pacifier back. I heard that important changes for a child should be made no more than once every three months. She's already going through a stressful period. Well, you can pick up the pacifier a couple of months later.
Hysterics.. I wouldn’t stop her from doing what she wants. Well, if he wants to jump, let him jump. There are worse vices... :)). And at the same time she would explain that if she talks about it instead of shouting, it will be more pleasant for everyone. I would definitely explain all refusals in detail. Maybe you can take sick leave for a week? Good luck!

Main directions of correctional pedagogical work

An analysis of existing methods for overcoming stuttering in the special pedagogical literature allows us to determine a model for conducting speech therapy work in the following areas:

    I. Creation of a protective speech regime.
    II. Regulation of emotional and muscular state (relieving muscle and emotional tension). Training in relaxation skills, formulas for inducing a state of relaxation.
    III. Development of motor functions. Development of word coordination and rhythmic movement.
    IV. Formation of phonation (speech) breathing.
    V. Work on fluency of speech in its various forms. Development of intonation characteristics of speech.
    VI. Personality education for a child who stutters.
Let us consider in more detail each component of the impact complex.

I. Creation of a protective speech regime.

Limiting speech communication and organizing a gentle speech regime. This mode is introduced at the very beginning of correctional work and helps create conditions for the attenuation of incorrect speech habits and prepare the child’s nervous system for the formation of a new speech skill.

Educational and everyday life for stutterers is organized in such a way as to reduce children's speech to a minimum. During classes, teachers limit themselves to communicating any material and do not require oral answers. During this period, games are organized so that children talk less (drawing, nodding, appliqué, etc.). A gentle speech regime is created by protecting the child from being in conflict situations, by the example of calm, clear speech of adults and their manifestation of subtle pedagogical tact, by excluding the participation of children in emotionally significant events, by organizing a daily routine, etc.

The child’s verbal communication during this period should be elementary in form (use of conjugate and reflected forms of speech) and contain one-word answers. To do this, adult questions must have a keyword for the answer or require a short answer (“Do you want an apple or a banana?” “Banana”; “Do you want an apple?” “No”). Parents must adhere to the speech rules recommended by the speech therapist.

The duration of the speech restriction regime varies; as a rule, it covers a week to a week and a half from the start of correctional work. The child’s activity gradually increases, but a gentle speech regime is maintained.

The organization of a speech restriction regime and a gentle speech regime is most fully presented in the works of V. I. Seliverstov (2001, 1994), I. G. Vygodskaya et al. (1993), the creation of a protective regime at home - in the work of L. M. Krapivina (1993), I. G. Vygodskoy, E. L. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskoy (1995). It offers game situations, “silent games”, for which a special album is prepared. For example, the conditions of the game are given in the form of a fairy tale: “...The good giant worked a lot for people, sowed fields, built beautiful cities. He fell asleep. Therefore, people throughout the city remain silent, no one talks, cars drive without signaling. So don’t wake him up, play silently with your toys, build a city out of cubes. Get busy with the constructor. Draw this kind giant in your album as you imagine him, or draw a city...” As an encouragement, the child can be awarded the title of “Honorary Guard”, and in the evening he is allowed some kind of “small magic” (performing soap bubbles and so on.).

II. Regulation of emotional and muscular state (relieving muscle and emotional tension). Training in relaxation skills, formulas for inducing a state of relaxation.

Teaching relaxation skills begins with exercises that allow the child to feel the difference between tension and relaxation. It is easier to feel the tension of the muscles in the arms and legs, so before relaxing children are asked to strongly and briefly clench their hands into a fist, tense the muscles of the legs, etc. Such exercises are given in the following sequence: for the muscles of the arms, legs, the entire torso, then for the upper shoulder girdle and neck, articulatory apparatus.

Complex relaxation gymnastics (for individual muscle groups)

Sitting. Place your hands loosely on your knees, legs slightly apart. Clench your fingers tightly into a fist and hold for a few seconds. Then straighten your fingers and calmly place them on your knees.
Clench your palm into a fist,
Knock with your fists.
Now, girls and boys,
Your fingers will rest.

Standing. Legs apart, arms down, fingers intertwined. Raise your hands with intertwined fingers and place them behind your head, tense up, and after reading the last lines of the poem by the speech therapist, sharply lower your hands while simultaneously relaxing.
Ay Lyuli, Ay Lyuli!
We intertwined our hands.
We raised them higher
It turned out beautiful!
It turned out not simple,
Golden Gate.

Standing. Imagine that an “icicle is hanging”, raise your arms up and, standing on your tiptoes, try to stretch out as much as possible, tensing your whole body. After the speech therapist says “the sun will rise and the nail will fall,” lower your hands, relaxing them.
Under our roof
A white nail hangs
The sun will rise,
The nail will fall.

Standing. Imagine that “leaves are growing,” stretch your arms upward with tension. After the words of the speech therapist, “And in the fall they fall,” throw your hands down and shake with relaxed hands.
They grow in summer
And in the fall they fall.

Standing. The legs are slightly apart, both feet touch the floor, but the body weight is transferred to one of the legs. Transfer the weight of the body from one leg to the other.
Tick-tock, tick-tock
The clock goes like this:
Left, right,
Left, right.

Sitting. Raise your head and pull your neck up. The neck muscles are tense. Maintain this position while reading the entire riddle. Then lower your head down and relax your neck muscles.
Look, look -
Threads came from the sky!
This thin thread
He wants to sew the earth and the sky together.

Sitting. Clench your teeth and lips. The jaws are tense. Imagine how a strong nut is squeezed and cracked. After the words of the speech therapist, “I came under a hammer...” relax your jaw muscles, open your mouth slightly, part your teeth, part your lips.
Round, mature, tanned
Got caught by the teeth.
Got caught in the teeth
I couldn't break it all,
And I fell under the hammer,
It crunched once and the side cracked.

Speech therapists working with children suffering from a neurosis-like form of speech pathology must remember that complete regulation of muscle tone in this group of stutterers is not achieved. It is important to ensure that such exercises do not increase the amount of convulsive stuttering. In cases where the speech therapist notes that during exercises related to muscle relaxation, the child develops a feeling of irritation and begins to speak worse, such exercises should be abandoned.

Detailed sets of relaxation exercises are given in the methods of I. G. Vygodskaya, E. L. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskaya (1995); L. I. Belyakova, E. A. Dyakova (1998). Etudes for muscle relaxation with musical accompaniment were proposed by M. I. Chistyakova (1995).

After completing the exercises, the speech therapist introduces the “relaxation suggestion formula” at the initial stage: We calm down. We rest. Eyes closed. There is a pleasant warmth throughout the body. Arms are tired, relaxed, resting. Legs are tired, relaxed, resting. Okay, have a nice rest. It's nice to feel relaxed. The whole body: legs, arms, back, neck are warm and relaxed. During relaxation, it is possible to pat each child on the back. Each sentence of the formula is repeated 2 times. The intonation and voice of the speech therapist are important: soft and calm. This exercise is the first stage of autogenic training, therefore, against the background of relaxation, the “formula of correct speech” is introduced. “We speak slowly and calmly.” Such formulas can also be given in poetic form (I. G. Vygodskaya et al., 1993). They should be pronounced by a speech therapist in a fairly loud voice, with confident intonation and in compliance with all speech rules.

III. Development of motor functions. Development of word coordination and rhythmic movement.

Within the framework of this direction, work is carried out on the development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills; on the development of tempo-rhythmic characteristics of movements. To successfully implement correctional tasks, it is necessary to take into account the structure of speech and motor disorders(form and severity of stuttering, level of general speech and psychomotor development, etc.).

For stuttering children with a neurotic form of stuttering, the main focus is on developing accuracy, switchability, and completeness of movements. A special place is given to exercises to normalize muscle tone and the use for this purpose of changing musical material, varied in tempo and rhythm, and motor exercises. Work on the development of articulatory motor skills begins with evoking vowel sounds by imitation, while the speech therapist tries to relieve excessive tension in the child’s labial muscles and cause freely flowing vowel sounds in him. When pronouncing consonant sounds in a syllable, the child’s attention is focused on the vowel sound. Classes with stuttering children with a neurotic form of speech pathology should not be long in time.

Children who stutter with a neurosis-like form of stuttering need long-term training motor reactions with a gradual transition after complete assimilation of the proposed material to another type of exercise. In training, it is necessary to use visual demonstration of motor tasks as widely as possible; repeating instructions until complete understanding. You should start with the simplest rhythms and exercises, bringing them to perfection; Gradually move on to exercises with a change in tempo and rhythm.

The development of articulatory motor skills begins with the development of clear articulatory poses. Attention is fixed on the work of facial muscles. At the same time (if necessary), sound pronunciation can be corrected. The production of sounds is carried out by attracting the child’s active attention to the process of pronouncing and perceiving his speech, including visual and kinesthetic control. Automation of delivered sounds can be carried out by working on a smooth, continuous sound of the voice in syllable combinations, words, etc.

Work on articulatory motor skills for the correct production of sounds can be carried out according to the method of teaching children correct pronunciation by M. F. Fomicheva (1985).

The development of tempo-rhythmic characteristics of motor skills in general (general, fine, articulatory) is successfully achieved with musical accompaniment, i.e. in the process of speech therapy rhythm. Speech therapy rhythm is a necessary component in a complex correctional intervention in overcoming stuttering.

Differentiated conduct of logorhythmic classes and methods of presenting material are widely presented in the works of N. A. Rychkova (1985, 1997, 1998).

To achieve optimal results of logorhythmic exercises, they are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • rhythmic warm-up. Its objectives are to instill discipline and organization, develop coordination of arms and legs, develop correct posture and movement skills in a team, spatial orientation, and the ability to change the pace and rhythm of movement. For this purpose, introductory walking, light running, alternating walking and running, jumping, elements of physical education and dance movements are used;
  • exercises that regulate muscle tone. The purpose of these exercises is to eliminate tension and stiffness in the muscles. Special tasks are used to change tension and relaxation, consisting of a series of sequential movements. Depending on the sound of sounds of different strengths, muscle tone changes;
  • listening to music. Closely related to exercises that regulate muscle tone. Musical works of varied nature are selected, taking into account their emotional impact on creating the desired background mood;
  • exercises to develop coordination of speech and movement. Are used movement exercises to music while simultaneously speaking aloud gradually more complex speech tasks (syllables, words, phrases, poetic and prose texts);
  • singing. Rhythmic and melodic songs are selected, the singing of which normalizes the tempo of speech and speech breathing;
  • a game. Outdoor play serves to consolidate skills. received in class. Also, such games develop dexterity, intelligence, speed of motor reactions, and spatial orientation. The final walk is carried out at a calm pace and rhythm.
Of great importance for normalizing the tempo and rhythm of speech is performing special exercises using auditory control and rhythmic movements (walking, clapping, stamping, jumping). It is allowed to tap rhythms with your feet, clap with your hands or one hand on some object, and conduct accompanied by pronunciation. Stressed syllable(the word) should correspond to a louder clap or kick on the floor, a non-impact one - a quiet one. Exercises must be performed with clear articulation, even distribution of exhalation, maintaining a moderate and slow pace, synchronizing pronunciation and movement. Initially, the syllable rhythm is trained at a slow pace. As you master the skill, the pace of speech accelerates.

Exercise 1
Walking in place and in circles at a slow pace. Pronounce sounds, syllable sequences, then words (counting, days of the week) and phrases (pure sayings, proverbs) together. For each step-syllable:
ta-ta-ta-ta, etc.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
Greek rode across the river. The cancer sees the Greek in the river. The Greek stuck his hand into the river. Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC.

Exercise 2
Jumping right - left to right and left leg. Say as you exhale:
hop-hop-hop-hop, etc.

Exercise 3
Slow clapping of a rhythmic pattern highlighting the stressed syllable with a loud clap or voice:

Exercise 4
Continuous pronunciation of words and conducting in time with the pronunciation. At the same time, the hand moves towards each word from itself and towards itself continuously and smoothly in the process of pronunciation:

Exercise 5
Clapping the rhythm of words and sentences while pronouncing them at the same time. Each stroke of the palm falls on a vowel sound:
legs-leg, satin-satin.
hands-hand, lock-lock.
mountains-mountain, pies-pies.
goats-goats, carnations-carnations,
owls, owls, mugs, mugs.

I'm running, running, running,
I sing, I sing, I sing.

Exercise 6
Rhythmic pronunciation of names, names of trees, animals accompanied by clapping.

Exercise 7
Reproducing the rhythm of a counting rhyme with conducting to the beat. Perform at a slow and moderate pace.
Aty-baty - the soldiers were walking. Aty-baty - to the market.
Aty-baty - what did you buy? Aty-bati - samovar.
Aty-baty - how much did they give? Aty-baty - three rubles.
Aty-baty - show me. Aty-baty - I don’t want to.
Aty-baty - I want to sleep!

Exercise 8
Read the text of the poem melodiously and expressively to the sound of a melody (melody recitation).

Exercise 9

Reproduce the rhythm of the poem by playing with the ball.
My Cheerful, Sounding Ball,
Where did you gallop to? Yellow, Red, Blue,
Can't keep up
Behind you!
(S. Marshak)

Exercise 10
Voice the motive of the song in different keys, combine singing with hand movements, walking, and marching on the spot.
(Techniques for rhythmizing the speech of people who stutter are widely covered in the works of L. I. Belyakova, E. A. Dyakova, L. I. Bogomolova, L. Z. Andronova, V. M. Shklovsky. Methods and techniques of logorhythmic classes for stutterers were developed by E. V. Oganesyan, N. A. Rychkova, G. A. Volkova, in which musical accompaniment is used.)

In the process of speech development, rhythm becomes the “skeleton” of the word and plays an important role in the process of vocabulary acquisition. Poems with a classical meter are selected, they are more sing-song, while speech is slowed down while maintaining the usual stresses, words are connected using vowels. These verses can be conducted. It is good to use poems from the reading program material. For example: The white birch tree under my window / Covered with snow, as if with silver... It is necessary to give children examples of correct, good-sounding speech. You can offer to listen to records with fairy tales and poems performed by artists. When listening to fairy tales, children pay attention to the fact that the speech is clear, clear, expressive due to the fact that all syllables are clearly pronounced in it, it is drawn-out, sing-song, especially in Russian folk tales.

IV. Formation of phonation (speech) breathing.

In the symptoms of stuttering, a significant place is occupied by disturbances in speech breathing: increased breathing during speech, shallow convulsive inhalations, shortened speech exhalation, impaired coordination between breathing, phonation and articulation.

Correct speech breathing is the basis of sounding speech. It ensures normal voice and sound formation, maintains fluency of speech, and creates the opportunity, depending on the content of the utterance, to change the strength and pitch of the voice. Also, the formation of speech exhalation is of fundamental importance for the organization of smooth speech.

Speech breathing is voluntary and differs significantly from breathing at rest - physiological breathing outside of speech. The most favorable conditions for the functioning of the vocal apparatus are created with lower costal breathing, when inhalation and exhalation are performed with the participation of the diaphragm. Your own palm will help you control correct speech breathing if you place it on the area of ​​the diaphragm, that is, between the chest and abdomen. When you inhale, the abdominal wall rises and the lower part of the chest expands. When you exhale, the abdominal and chest muscles contract. Diaphragmatic breathing is established against the background of muscle relaxation. Exercises begin in a lying position. In the future, it is advisable to train the diaphragmatic type of breathing when performing physical exercises (walking, bending the body, etc.). The paradoxical approach is used quite successfully in working with people who stutter. breathing exercises A. N. Strelnikova, where attention is paid to a short breath. At the same time, when working with people who stutter on speech breathing, their main attention and instructions should concern exhalation.

The set of exercises included the following main types of work on the development of speech breathing:

  • general breathing exercises;
  • setting up diaphragmatic breathing;
  • differentiation of oral and nasal breathing, formation of prolonged exhalation through the mouth;
  • the formation of a long phonation and then speech exhalation.
It is necessary to teach children to inhale without tension, without raising their shoulders, so that the inhalation is soft and short, but deep enough, and the exhalation is long and smooth, without fixating attention on these processes. At the same time, children should be constantly reminded that they need to speak only while exhaling. Of particular importance for preschool children is the use of all kinds of games and gaming techniques, poetic texts that arouse interest in classes and make the nature of the exercises involuntary.

The process of voice formation is inextricably linked with breathing. Improper breathing during speech is a common cause of poor-sounding voices. The soft beginning of the voice, the skills of rational vocal delivery and voice guidance are practiced. The main tasks for voice development include: developing the strength and dynamic range of the voice, developing the skills of rational vocal delivery and voice guidance, developing the melodic characteristics of the voice (timbre, pitch, etc.). In addition, voice disorders and melodic-intonation disorders are characteristic of people who stutter. Most often, children who stutter have insufficient voice strength (the voice is weak, quiet, and dries up in the process of speech utterance); disturbances in voice timbre (dull, hoarse, monotonous, strangled, less often nosalized); the voice may be tense, forced, intermittent and characterized by weak vocal modulations (the child cannot voluntarily change the pitch of the voice). Exercises for the development of voice characteristics are proposed in Appendix No. 1. Lips, tongue, soft palate, lower jaw - organs of the articulatory apparatus - take part in voice formation. Good diction depends on how quickly, clearly and consistently this device works. Correct articulation- the key to good diction and sonority of voice. Work on the development of articulatory motor skills is carried out according to traditional methods in speech therapy (M. F. Fomicheva, A. I. Bogomolova, etc.).

V. Work on fluency of speech in its various forms. Development of intonation characteristics of speech.

Work on fluency of speech begins with the formation in children of the concept of vowels as the basis of our speech. The speech therapist explains to the children that the fullness of the voice, the smoothness and pace of speech depend on the correct pronunciation of all vowel sounds. Air is spent mainly on vowel sounds, they are pronounced widely and loudly, and a stressed vowel is always emphasized in each word.

Fluency of speech is first practiced in elementary speech forms:

  • on the pronunciation of individual vowel sounds;
  • on combinations of vowel sounds (two, three, four, five);
  • on syllabic combinations of consonants with vowels;
  • on pronouncing one-word phrases;
  • on pronouncing short phrases;
  • on pronouncing long phrases with a logical pause.
At the same time, work is being done to develop the intonation-expressive side of speech (prolonged pronunciation of vowel sounds, raising and lowering the voice at the end of a phrase). The speech therapist offers children his speech samples, visual and illustrative material, and a specific situation is used. The main types of exercises are: pronouncing speech material together with a speech therapist, following him, naming objects and actions based on a picture or in a specific situation. In all these exercises, the most important element of smooth speech is practiced - unity. This means that all sounds should seem to flow into one another and the entire combination should be pronounced as one long sound.

When performing tasks for combining vowel sounds, it is important to ensure that when moving from one sound to another, the voice sounds continuously, and only the position of the lips and tongue changes. When pronouncing combinations of vowel sounds with consonants, first of all, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements for pronouncing vowels. Then consonant sounds will be freely pronounced along with them. So that these sounds do not cause difficulties, you need to pronounce them easily and without tension (close your lips slightly, lightly touch your teeth with the tip of your tongue, etc.).

When working on phrases, the following speech rules are observed: short sentences are pronounced in one breath; long sentences are divided into semantic segments (3-4 words), between which there is a pause and a new breath is taken; words within a short sentence are pronounced together. The speech therapist should explain to children the importance of pauses and show their meaning using accessible examples.

Then the reading of memorized poetic texts is practiced. Due to the fact that in the poems there is a strict alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables, that they are very rhythmic, that the endings of the lines rhyme and each line in the poems more often coincides with a semantic segment, they are convenient for reinforcing all the elements of correct speech: orderly breathing, leisurely pace, unity , highlighting grammatical and logical stress, dividing into semantic segments.

Only then do they move on to retelling short texts with division into semantic and logical segments. Work on retelling a listened text is made easier by the fact that there is reliance on ready-made language material and the plot of the sequence of events is determined. For preparatory work and in cases of difficulties for children, leading questions, supporting words, and object pictures are used.

Work on retelling the text you listened to includes:

  • retelling the text based on visual material;
  • retelling the text according to plan;
  • retelling the listened text without support;
  • retelling of the text with plot-role content.
The next stage of work on fluency of speech is a transitional step to independent speech and covers the following types of work:
  • work on the question-and-answer form of speech;
  • answers to questions about the picture;
  • answers to questions based on the text;
  • drawing up questions for the picture;
  • composing questions to the text.
Then the fluency of speech is formed into more complex types monologue speech - independent compilation of stories:
  • according to the subject picture using a diagram;
  • a series of plot paintings (from three to eight);
  • according to the plot picture;
  • according to the description of the landscape painting.
This type of work is facilitated by relying on visual material, but there is no language material and a plot of the sequence of events. If children have difficulty composing stories, they can be offered a sample story from a speech therapist based on a picture or a separate part of it; leading questions, and then a preliminary outline of the story; compiling a story based on fragments of a picture; collective writing of a story.

Constructing a story involves composing it within the framework of a known beginning or end, or both, composing it according to a series of supporting words.

Performing these types of work often causes difficulties for children. To facilitate the completion of these tasks, preparatory work is carried out to update vocabulary; on the formation of stable phrases characteristic of the selected themes of the stories. For students who have difficulty composing stories with a known beginning and end, reference words You can offer subject or plot pictures.

The final stage in correctional work with people who stutter is to consolidate the acquired fluent speech skills. They independently compose stories on a given topic about simple incidents from their own lives, by analogy with those they have read, about events at home, compose creative stories and performances on a given topic.

In the process of forming fluency of speech in various forms The speech therapist introduces children to the rules of speech. They contain rules of conduct during a conversation with an interlocutor, the basics of proper speech breathing in the process of pronouncing words and phrases.

The speech therapist explains and shows children by example how to behave with an interlocutor: during a conversation, look into the face of the person listening, do not lower your head and stay straight and confident, do not make unnecessary movements, do not rush to answer and say it first to yourself. Speak only as you exhale and highlight the stressed vowel sound in each word, pronounce vowels broadly and drawn out, pronounce short sentences in one exhalation, and divide long phrases into meaningful segments, between which there is a pause and a new breath is taken. Speak loudly, clearly, expressively.

The rules of speech are constantly reminded to children or learned by heart.

Corrective work on speech development should be differentiated depending on the degree of deviation from the norm.

Specifics of working with children with different levels speech formation, lies in the advantage individual directions work, in the degree of independence of children, in the differentiated selection of speech material.

Those children whose speech development is relatively close to normal can work more intensively on fluency of speech. But since some difficulties are discovered in constructing a coherent speech utterance, additional speech therapy classes are conducted with them to develop oral coherent speech.

For children whose speech is characterized by mildly expressed underdevelopment, speech therapy classes on speech development include special tasks and exercises to correct violations of individual components of speech.

Children whose speech shows all the signs of its general underdevelopment require significant individualization of classes, careful selection of material depending on the speech capabilities of these children, and inclusion of the development of all aspects of speech in speech therapy work.

VI. Personality education for a child who stutters.

The goal of this area of ​​correctional pedagogical work with people who stutter is to develop an adequate attitude towards oneself, others and relationships with them. One of the main methods in this work is psychotherapeutic influence. For children who stutter, general psychotherapy is of great importance - creating a special positive emotional background in the environment (family and teachers).

An important point is that, in fact, every speech therapy session has a psychotherapeutic focus and includes elements of psychotherapy (psychotherapeutic conversations at the beginning of the session as an organizational point, elements of suggestive psychotherapy - suggestions). So, for example, in the process of muscular and emotional relaxation, “suggestion formulas” can be introduced, which are pronounced by a speech therapist at the beginning of the course of classes, then he only gives instructions and the children carry out self-hypnosis (an element of autogenic training), for example: every day, with every lesson, my speech is getting better and better. I speak smoothly, confidently and beautifully. There will be no anxiety during speech. Always and everywhere my speech will be smooth, confident and beautiful. I like to speak rhythmically and evenly. I like to speak well. I don't worry at all when I speak. I am calm, completely calm and confident. I am calm and confident in my speech.

The correct speech skills acquired by children need to be put together and the rules drawn up in a certain sequence. For example, teaching and introducing rules into speech natural speech you can start like this:
“So, we begin the Journey along the River of Consistent Pronunciation with an introductory speech and a conversation about sailors and travel, about what qualities a sailor should have. A real sailor: attentive, collected, knows how to make the right decision so that the ship stays on course and does not run aground "Besides, the sailor is a man of few words."
The children are given the task of keeping a notebook, which will be called “The Logbook,” and as the voyage progresses, the children enter all the rules and their designations in the form of nautical symbols, bringing the laws of natural speech into the system. The motto when preparing for a lesson is: “Say less - think more”, in accordance with it the first law: Think first, speak later.

It will be better remembered if you learn the quatrain:
You have a lot to say
Calmly think first
But there is no need to rush with this.
Then start talking.

The speech therapist gives an example of correct smooth reading of the quatrain, helping himself by conducting and drawing the children’s attention to the fact that if it was read quickly and quickly, they would not understand anything, therefore, the second law: Speak at a calm pace.

And here's how it sounds in rhymed lines:
Who speaks very quickly
He's in a hurry to say without thinking,
And suddenly he loses lines,
Say: Take your time, don't rush,
And our speech will become beautiful,
And clear and unhurried.

In their “Logbook”, children independently draw symbols of smooth speech (this could be a ship sailing on the waves or just waves).

The speech therapist explains that the ship moves slowly and calmly through the waves and asks: “What moves it, what inflates the sails?” "Wind, air." The speech therapist continues:
“And in order to speak, we need air.” (Speech therapist demonstrates speech breath through a slightly open mouth, paying attention to the fact that when inhaling, the shoulders are motionless, and the wall of the abdomen moves forward a little) “Put your palm on your stomach: Inhale-exhale. What movement does the hand make? She's like a wave. During the pause, relaxation occurs and preparation for the next inhalation occurs.” The speech therapist draws on the board, and the children draw waves of speech rhythm in their “magazines.” Therefore, the third law: Always speak while exhaling.
We learn the poem at a slow pace:

We always say when we exhale,
It’s as if we are inflating a sail with our mouth.

We draw the symbol of the third law - a sail. In the still vast ocean of speech there is an island.

The speech therapist hangs on the board a picture of an island on which a castle rises, with a castle hanging on its gate, and asks to compare these two words:
The words are spelled the same, they have identical letters, but when pronounced, different sounds sound in them longer and this changes the meaning of the word. Fourth Law: Emphasize long vowel sounds in words. In order not to get into trouble and not to drown in the ocean of speech, you need a lifebuoy - a symbol of the fourth law, which is easy to remember by learning the following lines:
At sea, support is a life preserver,
If trouble happens,
Also in the word is our long sound
Always serves as a support.

Now let’s relax and play with words. When playing, we pronounce words abruptly because they are not connected in meaning. If they are connected in meaning, then this is a sentence, and here is our fifth law: Pronounce the words in a sentence together.
Speech flows smoothly, smoothly,
This is how water can flow.

A sentence is a complete picture, the word in it is a separate stroke, but a brush stroke in isolation is chaos, in order to make a picture out of a separate chaos of strokes, you need to connect them (children paint a picture of the sea with paints) - the finished picture is a symbol of smooth speech.

On long voyages, sailors receive letters from home, sometimes they are written, and sometimes drawn (give children cards with story pictures and a task: compose a short story of 2-3 sentences from the pictures). Our sixth law: Pause at the end of every sentence.

Talk and relax
Drop the anchor from the ship,
Don't forget the anchor pause
Rest and hit the road again.
The symbol of the sixth law is an anchor.

We need a stop to rest; during the rest we will go fishing (give children cut-out pictures depicting different breeds of fish of different shapes and colors; children select, highlighting the distinctive features). Need to make a small descriptive story everyone about their fish. For example: “This is a perch fish, it lives in the river, it has stripes on its body. The tail and fins are orange." If you want to talk about something in more detail, you must maintain pauses within a long sentence, and divide long sentences into meaningful segments. Seventh law: After a semantic segment, pause:
Do you want to lengthen the sentence?
Know how to divide a phrase.
Say two or three words clearly,
Take a calm breath again.

Retelling training short stories. Pay attention to the fact that the sentences are not always read by children in the same way, for example: The sailor is a brave man // The sailor is a brave man // The sailor is a brave man. Depending on which word is highlighted, it is considered the main one and the meaning changes from this. Let's try to say without logical emphasis it turns out boring, monotonous. In order for our speech to be understandable and expressive, we need to make logical accents. And so we deduced our next, eighth law: In each sentence, highlight the words that are important in meaning - make logical accents.
Let's find the main word.
In every sentence.
We will emphasize any thought,
By emphasizing.

The symbol of this law is a compass.
We practice composing sentences and highlighting the main meaning of a word.

So we have derived the basic laws of correct speech. Have you noticed that rules help you speak calmly? The sailor is not afraid of any storm. He always looks forward confidently and calmly. Likewise, when talking, you need to calmly look at the person you are talking to. Our last ninth law: When talking, calmly look at the interlocutor:
The sailor looks confidently
In the face of any storm.
And to the one we're talking to,
We're not afraid to look
You, like a sailor, look forward,
When communicating, don’t look away!

By learning to use these rules, children will become more confident in their abilities and capabilities.

An integrated approach to overcoming stuttering requires the speech therapist to use in his work the achievements of other specialists in this area.

Currently, the direct involvement of speech therapists in some areas of medicine has increased significantly. Thus, speech therapists are increasingly using some psychotherapeutic techniques, logorhythmic exercises, massage techniques, etc. in speech therapy sessions with people who stutter. All this is of great importance for people who stutter, as it gives a good therapeutic effect.

Psychotherapy occupies one of the main places in the treatment of stuttering. Each speech therapy session, regardless of the age of the stutterer and the method of work, should be maximally saturated with psychotherapeutic influence, give a charge of positive emotions, and instill faith in one’s strengths and capabilities. In this regard, not only the first meeting with a specialist is of great importance, when the stutterer needs to be shown that he can speak well, but also all subsequent classes in which it is necessary to ensure that the child practically does not stutter. Therefore, it is necessary to activate the child’s accessible and preserved speech structures, as well as use various options for muscle relaxation, auto-training, self-hypnosis, and emotional, suggestive, and rational techniques available to the speech therapist.

In modern psychotherapy, there are two main types of word influence:
1) rational (according to Dubois) or explanatory (according to V. M. Bekhterev) psychotherapy;
2) suggestive therapy, which distinguishes between suggestion while awake, during sleep (hypnosis) and self-hypnosis (autogenic training).

In the treatment of stuttering in children, indirect and rational psychotherapy plays a predominant role.

All types of psychotherapy for stuttering are mainly aimed, on the one hand, at eliminating psychogenic disorders in people who stutter (fear of speech, feelings of infringement and depression, obsessive fixation on one’s speech disorder, various experiences in connection with this, etc.), on the other hand, at restructuring in a stuttering child changed under the influence of defective speech social contact with others.

Based on the collected anamnesis and its careful analysis, individual and collective psychotherapeutic conversations are subsequently built, which represent a logical system of explanations, beliefs and training.

The purpose of psychotherapeutic conversations with children who stutter is to explain to them in an accessible, imaginative and convincing form the essence of stuttering, its reversibility, the child’s role in overcoming it, and to critically examine the characteristics of the behavior of stutterers. In this case, excerpts from the diaries of those who have already successfully completed the course of treatment and tape recordings can be used. You can also organize free speech demonstrations for previously stuttering children and much more. Through the power of logical persuasion and example, the psychotherapist strives to help the stutterer in restructuring irregular shapes behavior that aggravates stuttering inspires confidence in one’s strength and in the ability to overcome the painful condition. All this requires a specialist to have a wide range of knowledge, external persuasiveness and skillful use of words as a healing factor.

It should be emphasized that for preschoolers, rational psychotherapy is used in the form of a variety of play techniques using toys, colorful and funny didactic material, work, music, rhythm, etc.

It is mandatory for all people who stutter to master the skills of muscle relaxation and work on breathing and voice.

Breathing work occupies a significant place in most psychotherapeutic systems. In addition to speech therapy techniques for the development of speech breathing, “paradoxical” breathing exercises (author A.F. Strelnikova) are used, during which lower diaphragmatic breathing is automated and persistent pathological respiratory speech stereotypes are destroyed. In addition, “paradoxical” gymnastics has a powerful emotional and positive effect on people who stutter, as well as a general strengthening and health-improving effect, and promotes the rehabilitation of the nasopharynx. During the exercises, vocal capabilities are increased and speech on a held breath is automated (this is natural for healthy speech, excluding speech on a fixed, exaggerated exhalation).

When working on the voice, the goal is to free the laryngeal muscles from “clamps”. People who stutter become familiar with the structure of resonators, their role, and work on voluntarily strengthening and weakening their voice. This work includes the use of syllabic sequences and poetic speech. Particular attention is paid to sonority, timbre richness, melodiousness and other aspects of speech. Speech work includes elements of suggestion and self-hypnosis. For example, phrases are used: “I am strong, brave, confident,” “I can do anything,” etc., which are pronounced in a sing-song rhythm, with the voice rising and falling. Voice exercises are combined with simple movements of the arms, legs, bends, and turns.

Any exercise involves muscle relaxation. Relaxation options are practiced not only at rest, but also while walking and running with alternate relaxation of various muscle groups, especially the neck ones.

IN Lately Experts are increasingly using reflexology to treat stuttering. By influencing certain acupuncture points, it is possible to relieve the increased excitability of speech centers and restore impaired nervous regulation of speech. Massage improves the functional state of the central nervous system, activates the brain and its compensatory capabilities (see Appendix No. 2). In practice, acupressure is used as one of the components of the complex treatment of stuttering. Massage of biologically active points is carried out during the period of speech restriction, simultaneously with teaching children to relax and working on their voice.

Speech therapy classes are the main form of speech therapy work, as they most fully express the direct correctional and educational impact of a speech therapist on a person who stutters. Are used following forms, correctional classes:

  • frontal classes (7-8 people in a group). These are classes in the main areas of corrective action for stuttering;
  • individual lessons (also conducted in microgroups, taking into account the characteristics of speech and psychomotor development identified during the examination, and the personality of the stuttering child). This could be classes on correcting sound pronunciation, psychotherapeutic conversations, etc.;
  • reinforcing classes (classes with a teacher in a speech therapy group or a special educational institution). The material worked out by the speech therapist is fixed on them.
Developing fluent speech skills requires long-term and constant training, not limited to speech therapy classes, but taking place in the process of the child’s daily verbal communication with others. Speech therapy classes should be conducted against the background of the correct attitude of others towards a stuttering child and the system of his upbringing. And all this must be combined with the necessary health and therapeutic measures.

The following requirements are imposed on conducting speech therapy classes with children who stutter (according to V.I. Seliverstov, 2001):

    1. Speech therapy classes should reflect the main objectives of the correctional and educational impact on the speech and personality of a stuttering child.
    2. Speech therapy classes should be structured taking into account the basic didactic principles:
    • the principle of systematicity and consistency. The logical arrangement of the content of speech therapy classes, the communication of certain knowledge and the development of correct speech skills in people who stutter in a strictly systematic and sequential order, gradually taking into account their speech capabilities. Learning from simple to complex, from known to unknown, from easy to difficult, learning new things based on previous material;
    • the principle of consciousness and activity. Conscious and purposeful overcoming by stutterers of the shortcomings of their speech and behavior, their awareness of the important role in eliminating stuttering of systematic training in correct speech. Developing self-control and objective self-assessment skills, knowledge and ability to use speech therapy techniques and knowledge in everyday activities;
    • the principle of an individual approach in conditions group work with people who stutter. A thorough dynamic study of each stutterer and the choice of means of correctional and educational work depending on his mental and speech capabilities;
    • the principle of visibility and use of TSO tools (visual aids, board games, filmstrips, tape recordings, computer technology, specific TSO - the “Echo” apparatus).
    3. Speech therapy classes must be consistent with the requirements of programs for the education and training of children of preschool or school age (primarily with teaching their native language). The connection of speech exercises with general education classes will prepare them for how to speak correctly in different conditions and will make it easier for them to gradually transfer new speech skills into their activities.
    4. Speech therapy classes should provide for the need to train correct speech and behavior in children who stutter in a variety of conditions: in speech therapy room and outside it, in different life situations, in the presence of familiar and unfamiliar people, etc. For this purpose, didactic, active, role-playing and creative games, excursions, etc. are used.
    5. In speech therapy classes, the child must learn to always speak without stuttering. During speech classes, the child must constantly make sure that he can speak well. It is necessary to select speech exercises for him so that they are available for free pronunciation. To do this, the speech therapist needs to know very well the child’s speech capabilities and, in general, the system of consistent, gradual complication of classes.
    6. At speech therapy classes with people who stutter, there should always be samples of correct speech: the speech therapist himself, children successfully studying, tape recordings of masters of artistic speech, demonstration performances of those who have previously completed a course of speech therapy classes, etc.
The quality of formation of fluent speech in people who stutter is largely determined by the form of structure of speech therapy classes. Let us consider the structure and features of the content of speech therapy classes with children who stutter at different stages of correctional intervention.

A speech therapy lesson consists of the following structural parts: preparatory, main and final. The preparatory part contains exercises that include elements of organizing a children's team, conversations of a psychotherapeutic nature, speech exercises, repetition and consolidation of the speech material covered in the previous lesson. The main part of the lesson contains some new type of speech exercises or new conditions in which they are carried out. At the end of the lesson, the speech therapist gives training exercises to consolidate new material, and also sums up the children’s work in the lesson, draws attention to their achievements and progress in this lesson, gives advice and tasks for consolidating these achievements outside of speech therapy classes.

Scheme of speech therapy sessions with children who stutter.

    I. Topic and purpose of the lesson.

    II. Equipment (visual and illustrative, didactic, handouts, speech material).

    III. Plan.
    1. Organizational moment.
    2. Relieving muscle and emotional tension. Relaxation exercises.
    3. Development of phonation (speech) breathing. Breathing and voice exercises. Development of intonation characteristics of speech (pitch, volume, etc.).
    4. Work on fluency of speech:
    a) in its elementary forms (exercises on pronouncing individual vowel sounds - 2, 3, 4, 5; phrases from one word; short sentences, long phrases with a logical pause);
    b) in more complex forms (reading poetry and short prose texts, retelling, story, dialogue, monologue).
    5. Development of coordination of words and rhythmic movement. Logorhythmic exercises.
    6. Exercises aimed at developing speech in general: phonetic-phonemic aspects, lexical-grammatical structure, coherent speech (included in the lesson for children who, along with stuttering, have a mild general underdevelopment of speech).
    7. Summary.
    8. Homework.

    IV. Progress of the lesson (description of the speech therapist’s instructions, basic techniques, speech material).

Based on materials from the book “Psychological and pedagogical correction of stuttering in preschool children” (Leonova S. V.)

A comprehensive method of rehabilitation for people who stutter is recognized by domestic experts as the most effective. It can be divided into three main areas: speech therapy, psychotherapeutic and clinical. The idea of ​​a comprehensive rehabilitation method was first put forward a century ago by N.A. Sikorsky. This position is later developed by V.A. Gilyarovsky and his colleagues (N.A. Vlasova, E.F. Pay, E. Griner, etc.).

A comprehensive method of rehabilitation for people who stutter involves carrying out correctional work in the above three directions. This means that in addition to the general improvement of the body (regime, physical exercise, drug and physiotherapeutic treatment), targeted development of motor skills (coordination and rhythmization of movements, development of fine articulatory motor skills, etc.), speech breathing, self-regulation skills of muscle tone and emotional state(psychotherapy and, in particular, autogenic

training), great importance is attached to the education of the individual and the development of social relationships.

Within the framework of a comprehensive rehabilitation method, there are different systems of correctional work. In each of the systems, one of the areas of the complex method (speech therapy, psychotherapeutic or clinical) is dominant.

3.4.1. Comprehensive systems for stuttering rehabilitation in preschool children

One of the first comprehensive systems of correctional work with stuttering preschoolers in domestic speech therapy is the system proposed ON THE. Vlasova and E.F. Pay(1933, 1959, 1983), which has not lost its relevance to this day. The authors are the first to substantiate a number of principles of a comprehensive method of rehabilitation for people who stutter: 1) before starting correctional work, it is necessary to conduct a thorough medical, psychological and pedagogical examination; 2) corrective influences should be directed not only at the development of fluent speech skills, but at the entire body and personality of the stutterer as a whole; 3) speech therapy work on developing fluent speech skills should be preceded by a “protective speech regime”; 4) the development of fluent speech skills includes a gradual complication of the “degree of independence of speech”: conjugate, reflected, short answers to questions on a familiar picture, independent description of a familiar picture, retelling of a short story heard, a story based on a familiar picture and speech in a conversation (spontaneous).

The organization of the “protective speech regime” is presented in detail in paragraph 3.2.1.

The sequence of using different types of speech corresponds to the main stages of correctional work.

Particular attention in this integrated system rehabilitation is focused on the development of memory, attention, and mental operations. It is recommended to place special emphasis on these types of activities when working with children suffering from a neurosis-like form of stuttering.

In addition, the rehabilitation system includes the following sections: work on the development of general and fine motor skills, which is carried out in logarithmic classes, in manual labor And visual arts children, work on correcting sound pronunciation, work on developing children’s speech, its lexical content and grammatical design.

The main provisions of this system are still widely used by speech therapists in practical work with stutterers of different age groups. (For a more detailed description of the technique, see: Stuttering. Ed. N.A. Vlasova, K.P. Becker, 1983.)

An integrated approach to the rehabilitation of people who stutter mainly in outpatient and inpatient settings of medical institutions has been developed IN AND. Seliverstov (1968, 1994).

IN AND. Seliverstov especially emphasizes the need to individualize corrective action when developing tasks and timing of corrective action. His system places great importance on the active and conscious participation of children in the process of working on their speech and behavior.

This system of speech therapy classes provides for the regular and mandatory use of a tape recorder at all stages of working with children who stutter. This allows children to intensify their attention to “ speech errors”, both your own and other children, it is more correct to evaluate your achievements and shortcomings, etc. Parents become active assistants to the speech therapist in solving correctional and educational problems.

Speech therapy classes for people who stutter are structured depending on the speech capabilities of the individual, i.e. based on the level of intact, stutter-free speech. Speech exercises are offered in accordance with the degree of independence of speech, its preparedness, structural complexity, volume, and also taking into account speech situations.

The author divides the construction of a comprehensive rehabilitation effect into three stages:

1. Preparatory stage. Along with health-improving measures and gentle speech mode During this period, work begins on developing motor skills and expanding vocabulary. Speech therapy work is carried out only with the use of those types of speech in which speech spasms in a stutterer do not appear, i.e. A purely individual approach is taken.

2. Training stage. Along with motor skills, it is carried out targeted development active attention, memory and others mental functions. Speech therapy classes include further formation of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. The process of speech therapy training gradually includes those types of speech in which the child previously had hesitations, i.e., “an attack on the diseased areas of speech” is carried out. 3. Final stage. The complex psychological and pedagogical impact on the personality of the stutterer as a whole continues. At this stage, free speech skills are consolidated in everyday activities.

The system of speech therapy classes also provides for a gradual increase in the complexity of speech situations. In this system, speech therapy classes include methodological material that strictly takes into account the age characteristics of children and the objectives of the education program in kindergarten.

The course of outpatient classes is designed for 3-4 months (32-36 classes). Preparation period takes about 7-8 lessons. At this time, at home, parents provide a gentle regime, which includes a calm environment, a firm daily routine and, if possible, limiting verbal communication with others. During speech therapy classes of this period, several tasks are solved: the speech therapist stimulates the child to actively work on his speech and convinces him of the positive outcome of special classes.

In addition, children memorize special psychotherapeutic texts for morning and evening (before bed) speaking, which are compiled by a speech therapist in accordance with the child’s age. During classes, the child’s attention is fixed on the concepts of “beautiful and correct speech.” These concepts include sonority, expressiveness, leisurely tempo and smoothness. Attention is drawn to the child’s calm, relaxed and free behavior when communicating.

Speech tasks include speech “exercises”, i.e. pronouncing vowel sounds and their combinations with consonants; poetic texts combined with movements; pronouncing automated series (counting, days of the week, months, etc.); exercises on conjugate-reflective speech, answers to specific questions, silent articulation, whispered and rhythmic speech.

Children's speech training is carried out taking into account different conditions: in different positions of the child (sitting, standing, in motion, etc.), during different types of activities (modeling, drawing, etc.), in various didactic games.

Training period(20-22 lessons). During this period, children practice those types of speech and situations that are difficult for them. This involves a gradual transition from answering questions to spontaneous speech, from quiet to loud speech, from quiet activities to emotional ones, etc. Accordingly, at this stage, outdoor games, role-playing and creative games are introduced. Consolidation of acquired speech skills is transferred from office conditions to real-life situations (shop, museum, walk). Consolidation of acquired skills is carried out thanks to the active assistance of parents.

During the consolidation period of speech (6-9 lessons), the child’s smooth speech is consolidated in more difficult conditions. In speech therapy classes, forms of speech such as conversations, stories, etc. are used. Role-playing and creative games are actively used. The speech therapy course ends with a concert in which all children participate.

At all stages of the correctional work proposed by V.I. Seliverstov, attaches great importance to the work of a speech therapist with parents. Thus, during the preparatory period, the speech therapist conducts conversations with parents about the essence of stuttering, the meaning and goals of speech therapy classes and determines the role of parents in the treatment and pedagogical process, so that parents become active assistants to the speech therapist from the very first day. Such conversations are conducted both collectively and individually. Parents regularly attend open speech therapy classes at all stages of correctional work.

One of the areas of correctional pedagogical work with children who stutter is related to psychological schoolR.E. Levina. A galaxy of scientists educated by this school is developing a holistic system of influence on stuttering preschoolers and schoolchildren (N.A. Cheveyaeva, A.V. Yastrebova, S.A. Mironova, O.S. Bot, L.F. Spirova). These researchers proceed from the idea that

Children who stutter, as a rule, have a sufficient vocabulary, sometimes exceeding age norm, at the same time, they do not adequately use vocabulary, formulate thoughts vaguely, and do not sufficiently maintain the logical sequence of speech.

In accordance with this, for normal speech communication, children suffering from stuttering need to correct not only speech hesitations, but also mental activity (attention, memory, thinking), as well as develop the planning function of speech.

The systems of rehabilitation influence developed by these authors combine training and education, the content of which corresponds to the programs of preschool and school institutions, with speech therapy work on the development of coherent speech in people who stutter and re-education of the characteristics of mental processes. To correct speech in people who stutter, the laws of speech ontogenesis are used, i.e. development of speech from situational to contextual.

ON THE. Cheveleva (1976), when working with stuttering preschoolers, includes 5 periods of development of coherent speech.

1st period - propaedeutic;

2nd period - accompanying or establishing speech;

3rd period - final or speech following visual representations;

4th period - planning speech or speech without visual support;

Period 5 - consolidation of coherent speech skills.

During the propaedeutic period, children are taught the skills of organized behavior. A regime for restricting children's speech is being introduced.

During the period of accompanying speech, children’s own speech is allowed only in the situation of actions they perform in speech therapy classes.

During the final speech Children use speech that accompanies their actions and descriptive speech in relation to the action performed.

In the next pre-speech period Along with the forms of speech that were used earlier, the child develops the ability to plan out loud the upcoming work.

At the final stage of speech development, the previously acquired skills of independent, detailed, specific speech are consolidated.

Based on the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” for middle, senior and preparatory groups S.A. Mironova(1975, 1979) proposed a system of education and training, where both programmatic and correctional tasks are set. For correction purposes, rearrangement of types is used program tasks and the time it takes for children to master more difficult speech program material increases. In addition, at the beginning of the school year, children repeat speech material from the previous age group.

In correctional tasks first quarter includes expanding the vocabulary, clarifying the meaning of words, and activating passive vocabulary. All these tasks are implemented using the simplest types situational speech in all classes conducted by both speech therapist and educators.

In the second quarter, children who stutter are taught how to construct a simple and common phrase, the grammatical design of a phrase, the construction of complex constructions, and the ability to compose a coherent story. This quarter reinforces the skills of using situational speech. There is a transition to elementary contextual speech.

In the third quarter, the tasks of developing the speech of people who stutter become identical to the tasks of mass speech kindergarten. People who stutter learn to compose stories By

visual support, speech therapist questions, retelling and independent storytelling.

In the final fourth quarter work continues to enrich the lexico-grammatical structure of speech. Corrective tasks are aimed at the ability to build logical sequence of the transmitted plot.

For stuttering children of preschool age, 2-4 years old, the system of correctional and pedagogical influences has its own specifics. Features of speech therapy work in children of this age are presented L.M. Krapivina (1992).

Speech therapy classes for children aged 2-4 years are conducted in the nursery group of a kindergarten. The number of children in speech therapy classes should be no more than 3-5 people. The rehabilitation effect is complex and includes speech therapy classes, logorhythmic, music, physical education classes and teaching children the elements of muscle relaxation.

The main objectives of correctional influence are: development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills, phonation breathing, intonation aspect of speech, development and clarification of vocabulary and grammatical structures, development dialogical speech. Corrective pedagogical influence on children is carried out differentiated, depending on clinical form stuttering.

Thus, in children with a neurosis-like form of stuttering (they, as a rule, are 3.5-4 years old), a lot of time is devoted to normalizing the sound-pronunciation side of speech and developing vocabulary. With a neurotic form of stuttering in children, attention is paid to normalizing the relationship of parents to the child, general health improvement the child’s body (especially his nervous system), special meaning is given psychotherapeutic influence as part of speech therapy work.

Irina Alexandrova
Specifics of individual work with children who stutter

According to statistical data from a survey of children over the past 5 years at the time of enrollment in the group, the following were identified: indicators:

55% of children with tono-clonic stuttering;

30% of children with clonotonic stuttering;

15% – with clonic stuttering.

40% of children with severe severity, 51% with moderate severity, 9% of children with mild severity of the defect.

Stuttering got worse

60% of children have level 3 OHP;

38% of children have FFND;

All children are characterized by disturbances in the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech,

Widely represented software - methodological complex, used for individual speech therapy work with children who stutter.

"Speech therapy program working with children who stutter» S. A. Mironova

Methodology of L. Z. Andronova - Harutyunyan "How to treat stuttering» ,

Technology of I. G. Vygotskaya, E. G. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskaya “Elimination stuttering in preschoolers in play situations”,

V. I. Seliverstova « Speech games With children» ,

S. Dubrovskoy ,

M. Yu. Kartushina "Logorithmic exercises with children 5-6, 6-7 years old",

N. Yu. Kostyleva "Show and Tell".

I. A. Agapova, M. A. Davydova

Having studied this methodological literature, the structure of speech disorders in children, the goal was determined individual classes – harmonious formation of speech and personality children who stutter.

Tasks set:

o develop and improve speech skills free from stuttering;

o develop speech breathing, correct, non-strained vocal delivery and articulation;

o develop gross, fine motor skills;

o improve prosodic components of speech;

o educate children to behave correctly in the team and society.

Components show clearly specifics of individual work:

Relaxation and relaxation training

Normalization of general, fine and speech motor skills

Smooth speech technique training

Development of facial expressions and prosody

Formation and improvement of correct general and speech behavior

In accordance with the requirements of the Program, in groups for children with stuttering are held daily individually– subgroup lessons lasting 10-15 minutes.

Individual correction work is divided into 3 stages:

First stage:

Formation of muscle relaxation in contrast to tension in individual parts of the body and the whole body per word - symbol "five".

Establishing diaphragmatic breathing, learning to combine long exhalation with relaxation.

Teaching smooth articulation of vowel sounds on a soft attack of the voice.

Learning the correct movements of the fingers of the dominant hand.

Cultivating a bold, unforced posture and a confident look.

Observing a child during a seizure stuttering, Can see how all the muscles of the face, respiratory organs, body, arms, legs tense, as tense muscles "not manageable". When eliminating stuttering individually exercises are carried out that calm and relieve emotional stress.

In sets of relaxation exercises, we use the generally accepted technology of I. G. Vygotskaya, E. G. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskaya “Elimination stuttering in preschoolers in play situations.” The authors suggest teaching relaxation using preliminary exercises to tense certain muscles.

At the beginning, children learn to tense and relax the most familiar, large muscles of the arms, legs, body, neck, and lower jaw.

For example, children are asked to clench their fists forcefully, then relax, while explaining that only soft hands can easily perform any action we desire.

In the future, when performing each exercise, attention is drawn to how pleasant the state of non-tension and calm is.

When teaching children to relax, the speech therapist compares the body with a rag doll, the soft stomach with a deflated balloon, the neck and head with a ball in the water, etc.

Scientists have found that with sufficiently complete relaxation of the muscles, the level of wakefulness of the brain decreases and the person becomes more suggestible. Successful mastery children muscle relaxation makes it possible to move on to targeted suggestion, i.e. influencing their will and consciousness with a word.

U stutterers breathing is shallow, arrhythmic, inhalation and

exhalation. The goal of training correct speech breathing is individual lessons - development long, smooth exhalation, clear and relaxed articulation. Speech breathing training, voice improvement and articulation refinement are carried out simultaneously.

Technologies used:

I. G. Vygotskaya, E. G. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskoy,

V. I. Seliverstova,

S. Dubrovskoy “The famous breathing exercises by Strelnikova”,

M. Yu. Kartushina,

N. Yu. Kostyleva.

It has been established that the most correct and convenient for speech is diaphragmatic-costal breathing, when inhalation and exhalation are performed with the participation of the diaphragm and movable ribs. When establishing speech breathing, we teach children to inhale through their mouths, through slightly parted lips. (slit). A slightly open mouth allows you to remove muscle tension jaw, larynx and is the natural beginning of free speech. After inhaling, we teach you to take a short pause and then exhale long, smoothly. The duration of inhalation and exhalation should be the same.

The child’s palm placed on the diaphragm area helps control correct speech breathing.

Daily from children phonetic gymnastics is carried out.

Sound massage, i.e. singing with hand movements, is the simplest and most accessible way to prevent, improve a child’s health, and eliminate uneven voice development.

Sounds a – massages the chest area,

and - vibrate the throat,

s – brain,

e o u – lungs, heart, liver, stomach,

m – vibration of the lungs, bronchi, trachea,

b d k – when pronounced on a solid attack, contributes to

sputum discharge,

r in combination with vowels helps with asthma.

Beautiful, flexible hands, active, wide movements, positive emotions– all this has a beneficial effect on the psychological and physical health children.

From the first individual lessons, work is being done to normalize

general and speech behavior, the so-called "Pose five", pose of a brave man. It is explained to the children that such a person stands calmly, legs slightly apart, relaxed, mouth slightly open, boldly looking into the eyes. (Compared to a young tree)

Various play situations are created where children can move, but at the teacher’s signal, when they hear a loud, drawn-out FIVE, they must take the appropriate position.

Subsequently, before the beginning and at the end of the speech utterance, the teacher

pronounces FIVE, thereby teaching children to control relaxation in the speech process.

Finger movements help children relax, begin a speech act slowly and smoothly, highlight logical stress in a phrase, set the pace and syllabic rhythm of speech.

For more efficient work teachers of our group a special simulator has been developed.

At the beginning of the correctional work basic exercises are practiced individually.

Stage 2 individual work.

Consolidating the skills acquired by children.

Learning to synchronize speech with the movements of the fingers of the dominant hand.

Job over the expressiveness of speech on memorized texts.

Nurturing bold speech behavior.

Children's relaxation is carried out using the technologies of Vygotsky, Pellinger, Uspenskaya, as well as Agapova, Davydova “Fun psycho-gymnastics, or how to teach a child to manage himself”

For children, relaxation is presented as a special game. Suggestion is carried out in the form of a rhyming text that is understandable and easy to remember children. Subsequently, many children use them independently.

Experience shows that as a result of using relaxation, many children’s sleep improved and they became more balanced and calm.

Stage 3 individual work.

Automation of speaking skills with a hand in the classroom. Introduction of formulas for correct speech.

Improving speech expressiveness.

Conducting speech training with gradual complication of the communication situation.

At the end of the first year of study, formulas for correct speech are introduced, which undoubtedly serves as a reminder for children to construct sentences and calm behavior.

In the second year of study more attention is paid to the prosodic components of speech in various communication situations, improving general and speech behavior. Individual training takes place in a speech therapist’s office, kindergarten groups, on the street, and in social institutions.

Conclusion: Given specificity helps children with disabilities individually improve speaking technique without stuttering, contributes to the further normalization of speech expression, psychophysical state and social behavior children.