In a state of anger. A good way to “let go of your thoughts” is writing

Anger as an emotion is perceived negatively by people. A person in anger rarely controls himself, as in principle with manifestations of other feelings. However, anger causes a person to act badly towards those with whom he is angry. The feeling in question has reasons for its appearance and ways to control it. How to cope with anger is the main topic of this article.

Many people confuse anger with aggression. However, these concepts have differences. The emotion that a person experiences is the same - there is indignation, indignation at what is happening. However, anger differs in how it manifests itself.

Anger can be defined as the internal state of a person who is offended, dissatisfied with something, or hates. Aggression is often associated with violence. If during anger a person tries to offend his offender, then during aggression he seeks to cause him physical or material harm.

These emotions themselves are similar, but there are differences. You can read all about aggression on the psychological help website

What is anger?

It is fairly easy to recognize anger, since it often occurs in people who are dissatisfied with something. What is anger? This is a negative emotion, which is expressed in a flash of indignation and indignation at what is happening. Anger is a precursor to aggression when a person directly begins to commit negative actions.

We can say that anger is an emotion, and aggression is a violent action.

During anger, a person turns off his rational thinking, decency and morality. Instinctive mechanisms are activated when a person directs destructive energy towards what has caused his anger. In rare cases, a person controls himself, because he often believes that he is doing the right thing in a state of anger. He is not the one who is wrong, but other people should be punished for the offense they caused him.

Anger is an emotion of an aggressive nature, directed towards an animate or inanimate object with the goal of destroying, suppressing or subjugating it. This negative emotion cannot last long. However, it completely covers a person’s consciousness, subordinating it to itself:

  • The muscles of the face and body tense.
  • Fists and teeth clenched.
  • The face is burning.
  • The body tenses like a string.
  • Everything is boiling inside.

At any moment a person can explode, and the sensations that he experiences are similar to a “boiling kettle” that is already whistling and ready to burst into flames.

Anger is one of the ways people communicate. Being dissatisfied with their own lives, people take it out on everyone who offends them in some way. Naturally, the response will be the same anger or even more, since the feelings of other people are already hurt. It turns out to be a vicious circle when some people splash out their anger because of their own dissatisfaction on those who respond with the same anger, thereby dissatisfying the former.

Anger has become the norm in modern society. However, this does not change the fact that anger emits negative energy and leads to various types of disorders. Despite all the dangers and undesirability of communicating through anger, people continue to express it at every opportunity. And in all this confusion, it is very important to skillfully use that feeling that usually destroys a person and his life. It is important to learn to understand the nature of anger and be able to manage it for your own good.

Reasons for anger

When you observe another person's angry behavior, the natural question to ask is, “Why are you angry?” What are the causes of anger that overwhelms a person so much that he stops reasoning, thinking and remaining calm?

Anger is classified as a negative emotion, since in the modern world this expression of feelings is unacceptable. However, anger is a natural, natural feeling that is aimed at the survival of a living being. If a person were not angry, then he could not protect himself, his property or his relatives.

However, over time, social foundations have changed, rules and frameworks have been invented that now restrain people in their natural manifestations. Anger cannot be eradicated from a person because it continues to preserve his life, integrity and rights. However, society does not accept the expression of anger, since it is often associated with committing bad actions that infringe on the rights and freedoms of others.

Psychologists identify the main cause of anger - it is aggression that occurs in response to an external stimulus. Sometimes anger can be triggered by fear and other negative emotions. The body begins to produce a large amount of energy, the pulse quickens, the skin turns pale or red. These are all natural manifestations of anger.

Anything can lead to a state of anger and rage:

  • Getting a bad grade in school.
  • Criticism of a loved one.
  • Rejection of feelings and refusal to create love relationships.
  • Delay of salary.
  • Dismissal.
  • Aggressive attitude of others.
  • Infringement of human freedom, etc.

People have a negative attitude towards anger, because under its influence a person rarely controls his actions. And in a state of anger, you can only do bad things - cause harm or commit violence. In a cultural society, this behavior infringes on the rights and freedoms of others, so there is constant propaganda that anger should be managed.

A common cause of anger is frustration - when a person cannot achieve his goals due to external circumstances or interference caused by another individual. Frustration is failure, disappointment, lack of purpose. A person in this situation is angry at those people or circumstances that have become obstacles to achieving what he wants.

Often anger is directed towards removing these obstacles. This can be either verbal or physical influence.

Another reason for anger can be a situation when a person succumbs to moral pressure. This phenomenon is common in modern society. How else can you express your anger in a cultural society where any physical violence is punished? Only words in the form of criticism and dissatisfaction. People have already learned to skillfully use words and put pressure on others in such a way that they have a natural feeling of anger when their freedom, rights and self-dignity are suppressed.

In the emergence of anger, attachment to the person who offends often plays an important role. If a loved one refuses, insults, or demonstrates disrespect for the partner’s feelings, then internal indignation, resentment, and anger arise. The more that is expected of another person, the stronger the anger becomes when expectations are not met.

Intense anger leads to nervous exhaustion. Therefore, first of all, the person who experiences it should learn to cope with anger.

Anger management

Modern society is structured in such a way that acceptable manifestations of people are respect, good nature, calmness, etc. A feeling such as anger is one of those manifestations that should be suppressed. That is why the development of methods for managing one’s own anger is actively underway.

Unfortunately, people are still unable to manage anger, which is quite natural:

  1. It is impossible to suppress what is given to a person by nature. Fighting anger is like fighting your own appetite. Sooner or later a person will not be able to stand it and will break down.
  2. It is impossible to get rid of what subjugates a person. While an individual is in a state of anger, he is completely surrendered to his own feelings.
  3. It is impossible to fight what seems right. No person will give up what seems right to him. Only after the anger ends can he see the negative sides of his actions.

Anger management is possible only when the person himself, in a state of anger, does not want to succumb to his own emotions and does not consider it right to commit bad deeds. In this case, you can use all the exercises that psychologists offer.

A negative emotion occurs in a situation where it seems that something wrong is happening and needs to be corrected. At the stage of the initial appearance of emotion, a person faces an unconscious choice: calm down and go into decline, or succumb to anger and reach a state of rage. It is at this moment that anger can be controlled before it consumes a person.

If an individual succumbs to his own anger, then he experiences and commits many actions:

  • The nerves are compressed, and there is a feeling of lack of air.
  • There is a desire to fight, destroy, break, jump, run, etc.
  • There is a surge of discontent and indignation.
  • The voice becomes hoarse and constricted.

Society condemns precisely the actions that a person commits in a state of passion. After all, under the influence of anger, he commits destructive acts. That is why it is recommended to move away from an aggressive or angry person until he expresses all his emotions.

Anger is sometimes divided according to gender:

  • Male aggression is perceived as a manifestation of strength.
  • Female aggression is considered a manifestation of weakness and irrationality.

Although we are talking about the same reasons and manifestations of anger. Only in society is one gender allowed to express it, while the other is prohibited.

Anger arises quickly and passes just as quickly. Society's attitude towards him is based solely on the actions that a person commits in a state of anger. If they bring destruction and pain to those around them, then anger was bad. If a person has done a noble deed, then people praise him.

Anger manifests itself in all people. However, in order to control his expression, various manipulative slogans are invented. For example, it is believed that a person matures when he learns to manage anger. In other words, it is beneficial for society that people strive to restrain their natural emotion, which disturbs the peace of citizens.

How to deal with anger?

Do you need to learn to manage your anger? Everyone must answer this question for themselves. It is worth noting just one advantage that a person receives when he learns to cope with anger - he can now control his actions in any situation.

To cope with anger, it is necessary to stop its development at any stage.

  1. Firstly, you can stop anger at the stage of a situation that causes negative emotions. You can stop talking to a person who is annoying. You can briefly leave the room where unpleasant events are happening. As soon as you feel that you are starting to become aggressive, you should isolate yourself from the negative situation.
  2. Secondly, you can stop anger at the stage when it either subsides or begins to rage. Tell yourself that you don't want to be angry, and start doing whatever you can to help you get there.

Additional techniques for eliminating anger can be:

  • Listening to calm music.
  • Restoring breathing.
  • Solitude for the purpose of relaxation.
  • Relaxation of all muscles of the body.
  • Thinking through a situation in order to solve it, rather than find someone to blame.
  • Meditation.
  • Mentally moving to places where it is pleasant to be.
  • Switching attention.

Train yourself to see in anger not a personal insult, but the natural aggressiveness and savagery of people. People are not accustomed to managing their anger, so they use it like little children who are simply capricious because they didn’t like something.

If something annoys you, you shouldn’t keep it inside yourself - say it in a non-rude and humane way. Your task is not to swallow your own anger in order to be cultured outwardly. You must learn to get rid of the charge of negative energy through calm speaking.

How to make your anger noble?

  1. Admit that you are angry.
  2. Understand your anger. What are the reasons for its occurrence? What made you angry?
  3. Use anger to your advantage. Focus on solving the problem and use anger as a source of energy for further action.

Make your anger an assistant that will accompany you until you solve the problem. After all, in the whole situation, when something annoys you, the important thing is that there is simply some kind of problem. And while you waste your energy and time expressing dissatisfaction with another person, you are not solving the problem. You are trying to offend, blame, humiliate someone, but this has nothing to do with the situation that angered you. It is better to direct your anger towards solving the problem, rather than simply insulting the other person.

Bottom line

When talking about anger management, people often point out that it is necessary to suppress it. However, scientists say the opposite: the result of suppressed emotions can be psychosomatic diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. Heart attacks and strokes are often associated with unexpressed negative emotions.

At the same time, there is an opinion that anger cannot be expressed every time it appears. Because a person develops the habit of not holding back his emotions, but freely pouring them out on others. In turn, an aggressive person begins to take pleasure in the suffering of others, which in the future forces him to provoke or look for situations where he can again be aggressive.

In any case, it is up to each person to decide what to do with their own emotions. However, it should be understood that the constant experience of negative emotions leads to serious illnesses that can affect life expectancy.

There are times when one sarcastic or offensive word, phrase, action or incident is enough for a person to burst into anger and say a lot of unnecessary things. Then he himself will be surprised at his temper and begin to ask for forgiveness for what he said, but it is often impossible to regain former trust.

Psychologists have long noticed that the subconscious causes of anger can be completely different, but in any case they do not bring anything good to the relationship, destroying what was achieved with great difficulty. So what are they and what exactly causes attacks of rage, anger and sudden anger. Here are some of the main subconscious causes of anger.

Background voltage

It is rarely noticed by the person himself, but at the same time it prevents him from rejoicing, feeling relaxed and free. It may be associated with anticipation, the uncertainty of the situation, which often does not have clear time boundaries or requires quickly mobilizing one’s strength to resolve a stressful situation.

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For example, a student subconsciously feels that he is “floating” in some issues. He cannot remember information on the eve of an exam and any call or assignment can make him furious and angry, although in another situation he is friendly and calm. Background voltage requires discharge. The more pronounced it is, the greater the likelihood of flaring up and getting angry. Therefore, if a person is expecting an unpleasant but necessary situation, he may burst into unjustified anger.

Law of Three Troubles

Psychologists have noticed that in order to flare up and get angry, only 3 troubles are enough, no matter how big or small. At the same time, they all must demand a quick solution. Anger arises in a person when he subconsciously feels that he can quickly resolve the situation, but does not know how best to do it. Otherwise, there is a feeling of pain and powerlessness.

For example, someone is waiting in line for an important question, a negative answer to which can lead to great difficulties (one possible problem). A person’s time is limited, the queue is long (the second possible nuisance) and then someone blatantly skips the queue and sits in the office for a long time (the third nuisance).

These reasons are enough to erupt in anger, which can be directed both at the one who prevented the issue from being quickly resolved, and at the authorities, the government, etc. Therefore, only 3 reasons are enough to cause an attack of unexpected anger and rage. It has also been noticed that the bosses lose their temper the third time they are faced with a failure to fulfill an order or the same mistake of their subordinates.

Disturbed balance between positive and negative emotions

For a normal mood, an emotional ratio of negative to positive emotions of 7:1 is sufficient. More often it happens the other way around, and a person who has not received anything positive for a long time begins to shout about little things in order to relieve tension.

Therefore, you need to dilute negative stimuli with positive ones in order to neutralize internal anger. With the inverse ratio of 1 positive emotion to 7 negative emotions, feelings of anger, malice and irritation arise.

Undischarged Anger

When something causes protest, but it cannot be expressed, there is a possibility of strong anger over trifles. At this time, he throws out everything that is in his soul on a child who spilled cherry juice on a white suit or on his wife, who, in his opinion, cooked scrambled eggs poorly.

Attempt No. 5

If a person is 5 times unlucky in resolving an important issue and again finds himself in a vicious circle of troubles, anger arises in response to any trifle. Especially if he himself cannot figure out how to cope with a trifling and annoying task.

Lack of attention

This reason may have deep roots from childhood, when they do not pay attention to a person and value only success in him and, not without reason, believe that their child is “the best and most correct, healthy and beautiful.” Then he begins to notice early the shortcomings of others and gets irritated when they do wrong, contrary to expectations. As a result, he begins to believe in his infallibility and gets angry every time someone turns out to be worse than him, as he thinks.

These are the main causes of subconscious anger and irritation that lead to quarrels over minor reasons. Very often there are several of them in each conflict, so it is worth paying attention to their source and trying to neutralize it.

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The modern world is full of resentment, evil and anger. However, each person reacts differently to manifestations of anger and aggression. Someone is silent, someone makes excuses, someone rushes into a fight, and someone, unable to control themselves, simply cries. Everyone tries to defend themselves in different ways. Let's, after all, try to figure out how to react correctly when a person is angry, how to behave in order to resolve the conflict with minimal losses for both sides.

How to deal with someone who is angry

In any situation, control yourself. When faced with a barrage of angry shouts and aggression, remain calm and self-controlled. Having flared up, you will incur an additional portion of negativity on the part of your interlocutor, and will only ignite a storm of passions, because when a person is angry, he does not think well.

Try to cope with any sudden surge of emotions. Even if you are touched to the quick, do not rush to attack the offender with your fists or insult him in response. If you resort to using your opponent's methods, you will show weakness, accept defeat, and completely lose your sense of self-worth.

The best reaction to anger in this case would be to refuse to communicate until the interlocutor deigns to change his tone to a calm and even one. Announce to the person in anger that you do not want to continue the conversation and go about your personal business.

Take constructive responses. If the anger of a stranger, a stranger, falls on you (for example, if you were cursed in transport or in another public place), then you can safely put what happened out of your head.

Most likely, you will never see your opponent again. If you happen to experience the anger of a person with whom you have to spend a lot of time, then you simply need to make one of two decisions for yourself, which will depend on your attitude towards the offender and the degree of closeness of the relationship between you:

· you forgive your opponent, and what happened does not affect your relationship in any way;

· you forgive the person whose anger you had to experience, but change your attitude towards him (try to stay away from him).

In any case, when deciding how to react to a person in anger, proceed from the fact that most often negative statements and accusations are showered on you not as an individual, but as the first object of release that comes to hand. Therefore, under no circumstances should you begin to feel guilty, doubt yourself, and under no circumstances take everything that is said to you in a fit of anger to heart.

A man in anger: what does anger mean?

Let's try to figure out what anger indicates. As we said above, if there have already been tense moments between you, then the person’s anger you notice may have nothing to do with deception. It is quite possible that this is just a reaction to a poorly developed and unproductive relationship between you.

What does anger mean? Remember that a person experiences anger when they are depressed and unable to cope with the current situation. We have already discussed several key elements of anger that create major obstacles to effective communication. Firstly, anger builds a kind of mental fortress in a person’s soul.

A person feels that a lot of problems have appeared in his life that have no solutions. He sees no way out and is ready to defend his position, no matter how long the siege. Secondly, a person in anger loses the ability to listen carefully to his interlocutor.

A person becomes so accustomed to his point of view that he enters a state of complete refusal of agreements. He begins to reject all possible solutions, even those that are useful for him and for everyone related to this problem. And finally, anger completely suppresses a person’s mental, emotional and physical strength.

There are several ways to relieve a person's anger during interpersonal communication. Theories and techniques for managing anger and hostility are numerous and very effective. Your main task is to reduce the moment of anger and aggression during a conversation. And the first step towards achieving this goal is to remember all the reasons why your interlocutor seeks refuge in anger.

The main reason why a person takes refuge in anger is that he feels overwhelmed by the current circumstances and believes that the situation is out of control. First, you should pay attention to what topics were discussed in the conversation.

It will become clear to you that you were trying to embrace the immensity. Break down the main topics of conversation into smaller, manageable questions. This will help your interlocutor feel a sense of control again and the angry person will be able to calm down. He will stop feeling depressed.

Then start with the issues that pose the least threat to the other person's emotional safety and well-being. Finally, don't allow yourself to become angry because someone else's hostile and negative reactions irritate you.

Remember that one of you must remain in control of the situation, and in this case, that person should be you. If you allow yourself to be aggressive, you will only stir up the anger of your interlocutor, and it will become even more difficult to control him. The relationship between you and your interlocutor may deteriorate completely and forever.

How to stop someone's anger towards you

The modern hectic pace of life, and complex problems that often arise, provoke aggressive manifestations on the part of a certain category of people. Not knowing how to stop a person’s anger, people with their behavior are capable of causing physical impact from a belligerent person. To avoid such a situation, you must follow some rules:

In order not to be drawn into a quarrel with a person who is in an excited state, you need to learn to control your own emotions and not provoke the beginning of a scandal or its further development;

When communicating with a person in anger, you should not stand against him, it is better to move a few steps to the side, and if this is not possible, it is recommended to stand next to him;

A direct open gaze can only increase the excitement of an already poorly controlled person in anger. For this reason, you can monitor the development of an aggressive situation only by casting rare, short glances at the object of aggression;

To stop a person’s anger, it is necessary to take time, since these attacks do not last long, so you can ask for a few minutes to think;

You can only talk to a person in a state of aggression calmly, without shouting, but not very quietly, avoiding a sharp contrast in the sound of his and your voices;

An aggressive person in anger can be cooled by any question asked if it is not related to the topic that caused such a violent reaction. A request involving the provision of some small service can also have an effective impact on him.

An angry person can show his aggression for various reasons. They may be due to individual events in his life. In this case, the person's painful reaction is temporary and will pass when circumstances return to normal. Knowing , how to stop a person’s anger, you can not only protect yourself, but also help a loved one overcome the crisis situation that has arisen.

It’s a completely different matter if such a person’s behavior has long become habitual for him, and is an integral part of his lifestyle, and he does not want to change anything about it. Such a person, when angry, does not think about the fact that his attacks of aggression are very dangerous for the people around him. In such a situation, you should not expose your health and life to real danger, and therefore you must stop all communication with him.

Man's anger is a negative emotional outburst that is a harbinger of aggression. It can literally burst a person from the inside. Strong anger is often characterized by negative emotions with a flow of destructive energy, marked by a shutdown of the ability to analyze actions. The sudden manifestation of such behavior in an individual causes bewilderment among the people around him, as well as anxiety in the person himself.

Anger is an emotion, often of an aggressive nature, directed towards something or someone with the goal of destruction, suppression, subjugation (usually inanimate objects). Often the reaction of this negative emotion is short-lived. During an emotional outburst, a person’s facial muscles tense; the body becomes like a stretched string; teeth and fists are clenched, the face begins to burn; there is a feeling as if something is “boiling” inside, while there is no control over the mind.

Reasons for anger

Anger is a basic human emotion that was originally necessary for the individual to survive. However, due to the development of society, the need to express one’s negative emotions has gradually decreased, and humanity has not been able to completely get rid of anger. Unfortunately, in the modern world, people still continue to create artificial troubles for themselves, which encourage them to express this kind of discontent.

The cause of strong anger is often anxiety, which accumulates due to various circumstances. Even an elementary trifle can often lead to this negative emotion, or, which can also be the cause of this emotion.

Anger is a state of both physiological and psychological. In principle, its manifestation is attributed to the normal reaction of the psyche to an external stimulus. It is accompanied by increased heart rate, pallor or redness of the skin due to the body producing a huge amount of energy that needs to be put somewhere.

There are no people who never experience negative emotions and are always in a balanced state. Anything can throw you off balance: traffic jams, an unfair boss, children's pranks, bad weather, etc.

Anger management

A negative emotion arises when a situation develops in such a way that something does not suit a person and there is a feeling that it can be dealt with.

Anger grows up to a certain point, after which there is either a decline until it calms down, or a sharp jump upward, manifested in the form of attacks of rage. There is such a stable expression - “choked with anger.” This condition is characterized by compression of the nerves and shortness of breath. Negative emotional outbursts during this state are always marked by a desire for physical activity: to destroy, fight, run, jump, clench your hands into fists, break. At a moment of strong anger, a bursting wave of indignation in a person, caused by an emotional outburst of dissatisfaction, rises from the pelvis upward, reaching the chest. This condition will be characterized by a hoarse, choked voice, a feeling of constriction in the chest, and coughing.

People treat the occurrence of instant anger, which is beyond a person’s control, naturally and not reprehensibly, but actions that are committed under the influence of this emotion are already condemned.

Managing anger in moments of aggression can be almost impossible, since a person, being in a state, often does not understand what he is doing. At this time, it will be better if there is no one next to such an individual, since a person in aggression with a clouded mind poses a danger and can harm and even cripple the people around him.

Anger and aggression often do not last long and are short-lived. An individual in such a state quickly “boils” and also quickly “fades away.”

It is believed that if the emotion of anger is caused by a sense of justice at the time of a criminal act, then this is commendable. In other cases, negative emotion is condemned and people are advised to be more restrained and be patient.

There are interesting facts about this emotion. Male anger is perceived as a manifestation of strength, and female similar behavior is treated as irrationality and weakness.

Anger and rage are among the most dangerous emotional outbursts. When a person experiences these emotions, he often deliberately causes harm to other people, often losing control over himself, so skillfully managing anger and rage should be the primary task of individuals when negative emotions arise.

Adult personalities are often characterized by how they are able to cope with their resentment and are given the following definitions: hot, restrained, explosive, cold-blooded, hot-tempered.

Manifestations of anger are marked by specific facial expressions:

  • bare teeth, open mouth in height when inhaling;
  • knitted, lowered eyebrows;
  • widened eyes and focused attention on the object of aggression;
  • horizontal folds on the bridge of the nose;
  • expansion of the wings of the nose.

How to deal with anger

To learn how to cope with anger, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence and master effective techniques to relieve aggressive behavior.

Anger is not the best human emotion, which always has a harbinger. There are several ways you can protect yourself from sudden outbursts of emotional outbursts so as not to harm others. A person must learn to listen to himself and feel those moments when it is necessary to avoid sudden outbursts of negative emotion. This could be poor health, depressed mood, irritability. For example, an individual, talking to a person, feels how everything begins to boil inside him. This means the approach of anger, namely a violation of psychological balance, so you immediately need to assess the true cause of this emotion. Next, for maximum calm, you need to close your eyes for a while, trying to abstract yourself from the outside world and begin to control your breathing, taking a deep and then a slow breath.

How to deal with anger? There is an opinion that it is harmful for a person to restrain negative emotions and it is better to get rid of them. In fact, this is not so. Scientists have proven the following fact: the disruption of negative emotions in the immediate environment is akin to a drug and it gives great pleasure to the aggressor. Frequent breakdowns of an individual in close circles make him want to do this with a certain frequency. Over time, the individual himself is no longer able to notice that he unconsciously creates situations in which he becomes angry. Noticing this feature, ordinary people begin to avoid the scandalous person, and he, in turn, finds the same unbalanced people who adore such outbursts.

So how do you control your anger? When negative emotions approach, you can go to the mirror and see which muscles are tense. In a state of calm, you need to learn how to control your facial muscles: tense and relax them. When another outbreak of negative emotion occurs, you should relax your facial muscles.

How to get rid of anger? It is recommended to eliminate attacks of anger by switching attention to something pleasant or distracting. It is necessary to mentally transport yourself to those places where you can replenish positive energy, and immediately transfer unpleasant conversations to neutral topics.

If an individual follows his emotions and does not fight emotional outbursts, then in the future there is a risk of developing acute diseases of the cardiovascular system. This is worth thinking about, since scientists have discovered a direct connection between the occurrence of stroke and myocardial infarction after suffering an emotional outburst within 48 hours in people with acute coronary occlusion (blockage of the heart arteries).

The reason lies in the fact that periodically the arteries are subject to attacks by stress hormones and experience pathological changes that lead to serious diseases. To avoid possible irreversible consequences, experts recommend carefully monitoring your nervous system and, if necessary, seeking urgent help from a doctor.

Anger is an ambiguous feeling. It is generally accepted that showing anger is bad, because it leads to quarrels, resentments and fights. But we must not forget that there are such concepts as “righteous anger” or “sports anger”. Therefore, to understand this feeling, it is necessary to consider the causes of anger, manifestations and consequences.

Anger - definition

Dictionaries give different definitions for this feeling, but the approximate meaning is the same. Anger is a reaction to dissatisfaction with some phenomenon or indignation that has arisen in a person as a result of the actions of the object of his anger, which clearly infringes on his rights. Another meaning of the word anger is a state of quickly arising and quickly passing affect. The dictionaries give the following chain of similar words: anger - disfavor - discontent - rage - malice - aggression.

Stages of Anger

Psychologists distinguish four stages of anger:

  • internal dissatisfaction does not manifest itself externally;
  • emotional arousal reflected only on the face;
  • transition from angry excitement to active actions: screams of anger, angry gestures, insults, assault;
  • extinction of anger.

First stage- hidden anger. This look is good for others, but bad for the angry person himself. If the stage stops at this point, without developing further, then the accumulated anger will one day break out with incredible force. Therefore, perhaps you shouldn’t think about how to contain your anger, but rather look for ways to express it constructively.

Second stage- the best option. It is reflected in facial expressions, gestures, evidence of one’s rightness, but a person does not transgress the boundaries of what is permitted, expressing his dissatisfaction in civilized ways.

Third stage- an outburst of uncontrollable anger. A person at such a moment is capable of any madness.

At the last stage, the person calms down and often repents of his behavior.

Types of Anger

Anger in psychology is divided into three types:

  • Righteous anger. This is a person's response to injustice.
  • Provoked anger. This is a human emotion caused by the negative actions or verbal insults of the offender.
  • Random anger. This form of anger can be caused by anything; a person flares up with or without cause. This type is characteristic of mentally unbalanced individuals and must be treated.

Displays of anger

The emotion of anger can manifest itself in different forms: separately or in combination with other feelings and behavioral traits. It is generally accepted that the concepts of aggression - rage - anger - anger are identical. Let's look at the similarities and differences between these emotions.

Anger and aggression can be expressed in different ways, or they can be expressed in the same way. As we have already said, anger has different stages, types and forms, some of them are acceptable and even desirable (righteous anger, emotional arousal, etc.), and aggression always has a negative connotation. She cannot be righteous or justified. Aggression is most often expressed in physical violence and is criminally punishable. Anger results in aggression only in a painful, uncontrollable stage. Anger and rage are similar to aggression, but differ in the time course. Anger can last for years, rage is a short-term manifestation of negative emotions.

Anger and fear can also manifest themselves separately, or they can accompany each other. Both of these emotions arise in emergency situations and activate energy for fight or flight. In case of fear, the human body prepares to retreat from danger, and anger mobilizes all forces to attack the source of anger. But these emotions can then be combined, the danger threatening a person causes fear, he is afraid, but is in no hurry to retreat, but strives to prove he is right by any means.

In addition, anger can be combined with love. In this pair of “love and anger,” love should prevail, and all negative emotions should be destroyed under its power. But, unfortunately, it often happens that a guy or girl breaks off all their relationships in anger and then suffers because of this all their lives.

Anger patterns

There are many models for expressing anger:

The energy of anger is like a black clot in our body, it is ready to break out at any moment and destroy any relationship. Control your anger, don’t be led by it, and it will soon leave you forever.