Establishing a temporary one until a permanent one is established. The Nikolaev era is a time of rapid development of domestic science - an important component of the European scientific revolution

State Archives Russian Federation

F. 48. Op. 1. D. 333. L. 173–173 vol.

Seized during arrest from S.P. Trubetskoy.

The Decembrists intended to publish such a manifesto if the uprising was successful. Nicholas I wrote about him in a letter dated December 14-16 to his brother Konstantin Pavlovich: “They have just seized from Prince Trubetskoy, married to Laval’s daughter, a small piece of paper containing suggestions about the establishment of a provisional government.”

“The Senate manifesto declares

1. Destruction of the former Board.

2. The establishment of a temporary one until the establishment of a permanent one, [which will be carried out] by elected representatives.

3. Free embossing, and therefore the elimination of censorship.

4. Free worship of all faiths.

5. Destruction of property rights extending to people.

6. Equality of all classes before the law, and therefore the destruction of military courts and all kinds of judicial commissions, from which all judicial cases are transferred to the department of the nearest civil courts.

7. Declaration of the right of every citizen to do whatever he wants, and therefore a nobleman, merchant, tradesman, peasant still have the right to enter into military and civil service, and into the clergy, to trade wholesale and retail, paying the established duties for trading, to acquire all kinds of property, such as land, houses in villages and cities, to enter into all kinds of conditions among themselves, to compete with each other in court.

8. Addition of poll taxes and arrears on them.

9. The destruction of monopolies, such as: on salt, on the sale of hot wine, etc., and therefore the establishment of free distillation and salt production, with payment for industry based on the amount of salt and vodka produced.

10. Destruction of recruitment and military settlements.

11. Reduction of military service life for lower ranks, but its determination will follow the equation conscription between all classes.

12. Resignation of all lower ranks, without removal, who have served for 15 years.

13. The establishment of volost, district, provincial and regional boards and the procedure for electing members of these boards, which should replace all officials hitherto appointed by the civil government.

14. Publicity of courts.

15. Introduction of juries into criminal and civil courts"

Decembrist revolt

Completed by: history teacher of GUNPO PU No. 53

Penkova O.V.


In the depths Siberian ores

Be patient and proud.

Your sorrowful work will not be wasted

And think high aspiration

Unluckily faithful sister,

Hope in a dark dungeon

Will awaken vigor and joy,

The desired time will come:

Love and friendship up to you

They will reach through the dark gates

Like in your convict holes

My free voice comes through.

The heavy shackles will fall,

The dungeons will collapse and there will be freedom

You will be greeted joyfully at the entrance,

And the brothers will give you the sword

A.S. Pushkin

Plan summary history lesson on the topic “The Decembrist Revolt.”

Role and place of the lesson: This lesson occupies an important place among the history lessons of the early 19th century. The liberal movement in Russia arose in the 18th century. IN early XIX centuries after Patriotic War In 1812, movements for civil liberties and the constitutional structure of the state intensified again. The views of the Decembrists and their actions are very important in revealing the features last period the reign of Alexander I and the rise to power of his brother Nicholas I. The attempt made by the Decembrists to restructure Russia largely explains reactionary politics Nicholas I.

Target: to tell about secret societies ah the reign of Alexander I and the Decembrist uprising.



  • reveal to students the situation that developed in society after the Patriotic War of 1812;
  • meet individuals who were members of secret societies;
  • analyze the main ideas of documentary projects on the structure of Russia;

trace the course and results of the uprising, as well as future fate Decembrists.

2. Educators:

  • Foster patriotism and a sense of pride in one’s country;
  • Develop a love for the subject.

3. Educational:

Lesson type: learning new material.


1.Microsoft Power Point

2. Microsoft Word

3. Scanning and image processing programs.

Technical support: multimedia computer, multimedia projector and screen, scanner, printer.

Lesson steps:

1. Organizational moment……………………………………………………………… 3 min.

2.Updating background knowledge students…………………………………………... 7 min.

3. Studying new material according to plan : …………………………………………………………... 50 min.


1. The situation in Russia after the Patriotic War of 1812.

2. Organization of military settlements.

3. “Union of Salvation” and “Union of Prosperity”.

4.Northern and Southern societies.

5. Projects for the new structure of Russia: “Constitution” and “Russian Truth”.

6..Uprising on Senate Square.

7. Results of the uprising.

4.Primary consolidation of acquired knowledge…………………………………………..10 min.


6. Lesson summary………………………………………………………………………………...8 min.

Total: 1 hour 20 minutes.

During the classes:

1. Good afternoon Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the secret societies of the times of Alexander I and the Decembrist uprising, but first let’s remember the situation that developed in the country after the Patriotic War of 1812.

2 ..In what mood do you think people returned after the liberation period? European campaign 1813-1814? What concessions did they expect from the authorities? What was the main issue that was not resolved, but required an immediate solution?

3. Now let's start learning new material.

1.After Napoleonic wars many expected that new times would begin in Russia. Soldiers and officers, having become acquainted with more free life European peoples, perceived the sad Russian reality in a new light. The serf peasants, who had been in the militia, who had experienced all the hardships of camp life, who had looked death in the eyes, were convinced with grave disappointment that they did not even deserve freedom.

2.But a few years after the Patriotic War of 1812 in the politics of Alexander I

openly serf-like features appear. This was expressed not in words, but in deeds. And above all – in the creation of military settlements.

What influenced the formation of the ideology of the Decembrists?

M. Bestuzhev-Ryumin M. Muravyov-Apostol S. Muravyov-Apostol S. Trubetskoy P. Pestel 3. In 1815, several officers of the Semyonovsky regiment organized a “artel”: they prepared dinners together, and then played chess, read foreign newspapers aloud, and discussed political issues. Alexander I made it known that he did not like such “gatherings”. And the officers realized that they could not count on a public discussion of the burning issues of Russian life. In 1816 a secret arose military organization- "Union of Salvation" (it included: A. Muravyov. S. Trubetskoy, N. Muravyov, Matvey and Sergey Muravyov-Apostles, later guards officer Pavel Pestel, Prince Evgeny Obolensky and Ivan Pushchin entered the “Union”). The main goal society was the introduction of a constitution and civil liberties. The charter of the “Union” stated: “if the reigning emperor does not give any rights of independence to his people, then in no case should he swear allegiance to his heir without limiting his autocracy.” The union was built on the basis of deep secrecy and strict discipline. Over the course of 2 years, about 30 people joined the society. In 1818, the Union of Welfare was founded. Created to replace the Union of Salvation. It was headed by the same people as in the previous organization. The new "Union" was more open in nature. It consisted of about 200 people. The new “Union of Welfare,” which set itself the development of charity, softening, and humanization of morals and knowledge, lasted only three years. After the soldier unrest of 1820, most of the officers were expelled from the capital to the south, among them were Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Sergei Muravyov-Apostol and Pavel Pestel P. Kakhovsky K. Ryleev N. Muravyov

4. Two new societies arose: “Northern” and “Southern”. They kept in touch with each other, but at the same time took different paths.

5.Comparison table

"Russian Truth" by Pestel Constitution N. Muravyov
Form of government. Civil society, like anything else, has its own goal and must choose means to achieve it. The goal is the welfare of the whole society in general and each of its members in particular. There must be a republican form of government. A constitutional monarchy; The Emperor is: Supreme Official Russian Government. His rights and advantages are: 1. His power is hereditary in a direct line from father to son, but it does not pass from father-in-law to son-in-law. 2. He unites in his person all executive branch. 3. He has the right to stop the action of the legislature and force it to reconsider the law. 4. He Supreme Chief land and sea ​​power
Supreme legislative power Supreme power is divided into legislative and supreme executive. The first is entrusted to the People's Assembly, the second to the State Duma. In addition, we also need a vigilant power. So that those two do not go beyond their limits. Guardian power is entrusted to the Supreme Council. The federal or union government alone resolved this problem, satisfied all the conditions and agreed on the greatness of the people and the freedom of the citizens. Under the supervision of the sovereign one legislature is in the capital and makes all orders. Common to the entire state; Particular regulations affecting the regions are left to the regional legislative assemblies.
The fate of military settlements These inevitable consequences of Military Settlements sufficiently prove that one of the Primary responsibilities of the Temporary Supreme Government is the Destruction of Military Settlements and the liberation of all Settlements now belonging to them from this terrible yoke. Military settlements are immediately destroyed. The settled battalions and squadrons with relatives of the rank and file take on the rank of common owners.
The fate of serfdom Recognize, declare and proclaim all state-owned and Appanage Peasants as Free and no longer subject to Fortress, include them all in General Composition Russian citizenship, based on general Rules recognizing them Russian Citizens and extending to them all the Rights of the Merchants and Philistines, so that from now on they no longer constitute a special Estate, but belong to the general Estate of Russian Citizens. Serfdom and slavery are abolished. A slave who touches the Russian land becomes free. The division between nobles and commoners is not accepted, because it is contrary to the Faith, according to which all people are brothers, all are born good according to the will of God, all are born for good and all are just people: for all are weak and imperfect. Fortress dungeons and casemates, in general all so-called state dungeons, are destroyed; no one can be imprisoned except in public prisons designated for this purpose.
Capital Capital Russian State Nizhny Novgorod was chosen. The capital remains in St. Petersburg

In a programme Northern Society, compiled by N. M. Muravyov and called the “Constitution,” provided for the transformation of an autocratic monarchy into a constitutional one. Muravyov intended to retain the emperor at the head of the executive branch. However legislature was supposed to leave the control of the monarch and move to an elected body - the People's Council. Voters were expected to have a high property qualification. Muravyov planned to turn Russia into a federation consisting of 14 “powers” ​​and two regions. In resolving all-Russian affairs, the “sovereign” bodies were supposed to be subordinate to the central ones, but in resolving local issues they had very broad autonomy. Serfdom was unconditionally subject to liquidation. The peasants were supposed to be given land, but at a very small rate (2 dessiatinas), which was absolutely insufficient for a normal existence peasant family. The liberated peasants would still have to rent land from the landowners. Nikita Muravyov developed the draft “Constitution”, but he was a very moderate figure Decembrist movement, and in his project tried to bring together the unrealized projects of Alexander I. But positive side Muravyov’s project is that it was basically realistic. The author understood that changes cannot be imposed on a country for which it is not ready.

The program of reforms written by Pestel and called by him “Russian Truth” was more daring, but at the same time much less realistic. Pestel strongly spoke out for the abolition of the monarchy and the transition to a republic. He intended to make the highest legislative body - the People's Assembly - and the highest executive power - the State Duma - elected. At the same time, all men who had reached the age of 20 received the right to vote and be elected to the People’s Assembly, without any property qualification. The State Duma was elected People's Assembly. Local government submitted to the center. Peasant question Pestel proposed a solution by transferring the lands of large landowners (over 10,000 acres of land) to the peasants.

Pavel Pestel, presenting “Russian Truth”, was more radical. But presenting his project to the “northerners,” he could not convince them to accept it. We only agreed that we needed to perform together. It was assumed that this would happen in the summer of 1826.

The king knew about the existence of secret societies, but was strangely inactive. At the end of October 1925, the tsar traveled briefly to Crimea, after which he became very ill and died on November 19, 1825 in Taganrog (at the age of 47). Alexander I had no children left. Brother Constantine, the second son of Paul, was to inherit the throne. But at one time he was so shocked by the death of his father that he vowed not to ascend the throne. And then, having married a Polish noblewoman, he forever cut off his path to the throne. Alexander I bequeathed the throne to his brother Nicholas, but the will was kept secret.

The country swore allegiance to Constantine. In turn, while in Poland, Constantine renounces the throne in writing. Meanwhile, the interregnum dragged on. Many understood that the choice of any of them promised little good: the harsh, hot-tempered, all in the father Konstantin and the cold, arrogant Nikolai. The eyes of many turned towards the secret society, which for some time has ceased to be secret. The core of the opposition was the Northern Society. It was decided not to swear allegiance to Nicholas, but to raise guards regiments and gather them on Senate Square. But within a few days the situation changed dramatically. Through promises and threats, Nicholas won over to his side the overwhelming majority of senior dignitaries and generals. On December 13 they swore allegiance to Nicholas State Council and the Senate. The oath of office of the troops was scheduled for December 14.

The Senate Manifesto declares.

1st. Destruction of the former government.

2. Establishment of a provisional government, until a permanent one is established

3. Free embossing, and therefore, the destruction of censorship.

4. Free worship of all faiths.

5. Destruction of property rights extending to people.

6. Equality of all classes before the law, and therefore the destruction of military courts and all kinds of judicial commissions, from which all judicial cases are transferred to the departments of the nearest civil courts.

7. Declaration of the right of every citizen to do what he wants, and therefore a nobleman, merchant, tradesman, peasant still have the right to enter into military and civil service and into the clergy, trade wholesale and retail, paying the established duties for trading. Acquire all kinds of property, such as: lands, houses in villages and cities; enter into all kinds of conditions among themselves, compete with each other before the court.

8. Addition of poll taxes and arrears on them.

9. Elimination of monopolies, such as: on salt, on the sale of hot wine, etc. and therefore the establishment of free distillation and salt extraction, with payment for. industry from the production of salt and vodka.

10. Destruction of recruitment and military settlements.

11. Reducing the length of military service for lower ranks, and its determination will follow the equation of military service between all classes.

12. Resignation of all lower ranks, without removal, who have served for 15 years.

13. The establishment of volost, district, provincial and regional boards, and the procedure for electing members of these boards, which should replace all officials hitherto appointed from the civil government.

14. Publicity of courts.

15. Introduction of juries into criminal and civil courts.

Establishes a board of 2 or 3 persons, to which all parts are subordinated senior management, that is, all ministries. Council, Committee of Ministers, army, navy. In a word, the entire supreme, executive power, but by no means legislative or judicial. - For this post, a ministry subordinate to the temporary government remains, but for the judgment of cases not resolved in the lower instances, the criminal department of the Senate remains and a civil department is established, which decide definitively, and whose members will remain until the establishment of a permanent government.

The temporary board is entrusted with the enforcement of:

1st. Equal rights of all classes.

2. Formation of local volost, district, provincial and regional boards.

3. Formation of the internal people's guard,

4. Formation of the trial part with the jury.

5. Equation of conscription between classes.

6. Destruction of the standing army.

7. Establishment of the procedure for electing elected representatives to the House of People's Representatives, who must approve for the future the existing order of government and state legislation (WORK WITH THE DOCUMENT).

On December 14, 1825, officers Alexander Bestuzhev and Dmitry Shchepin-Rostovsky led the Moscow regiment to the monument to Peter I. They were joined by the Guards naval crew and the Life Guards Grenadier Regiment - about 3,000 people in total. Troops loyal to Nicholas cordoned off Senate Square, having a fourfold superiority.

The balance of forces between the Decembrists and the tsarist troops.

Senate square.

The Decembrists managed to survive this moral battle almost flawlessly. And only when Miloradovich (the military governor of St. Petersburg) arrived, Kakhovsky’s nerves could not stand it.

Kakhovsky's supporters used the murder of Miloradovich as a reason for decisive action. Nicholas ordered the guns to be used. The soldiers, showered with grapeshot, rushed onto the Neva ice. The cannonballs hit the weak ice and the soldiers began to drown.

On the eve of the events, Pestel was arrested, and then other members of the Southern Society.

7. The trial of the Decembrists took place behind closed doors. The obsequious judges handed down a very cruel sentence. Five Decembrists - K.F. Ryleev, P.I. Pestel, S.I. Muravyov-Apostol, M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, P.G. Kakhovsky - were sentenced to quartering, but Nikolai replaced it with hanging. The execution took place early in the morning of June 13, 1826 in Peter and Paul Fortress. 121 Decembrists were exiled to hard labor or to a settlement in Siberia, imprisoned in a fortress, or sent to the Caucasus to die as ordinary soldiers.

Why do you think the Decembrists were defeated?

Causes of defeat:

We are all used to school years to some unshakable postulate that there were such romantic Decembrists, dashing officers who dreamed of national happiness for ordinary Russian people, who went to Senate Square for this very happiness on December 14, 1825.

And there was a cruel tyrant and despot Nicholas the First, who cruelly suppressed these dreamers, hanged them, exiled them to Siberia, and scattered the dream to the wind. However, the whole dream was not extinguished; a spark ignited a flame that broke out in 1917.

Is it so?

On the eve of the uprising, members of the Northern Society drew up a new policy document - "Manifesto to the Russian people."

“Destruction of the former government;

The institution is temporary, until a permanent elected one is established;"

(the terms of this “temporary reign” are not specified - Parishioner)

And what should this “temporary board” be entrusted with?

“The provisional board is entrusted with the enforcement of:

Equalization of rights of all classes;

Formation of local, volost, district, provincial and regional boards;

Formation of the internal people's guard;

Formation of trial with jury;

Equalization of conscription between classes;

Destruction of the standing army;

Establishment of a procedure for electing electors to the House of Representatives of the People, who must approve for the future the existing order of the Government and State regulations.”

"Yes. The sixth point of the Decembrist Manifesto read: “Destruction of the standing army.”

It is difficult to believe that educated military people really believed that their Motherland no longer needed an army. After a fifteen-year war with Napoleonic France! In conditions when Russia is engaged in an ongoing struggle with its neighbors for a place in the sun! Did the Decembrists really truly believe that, starting in 1825, no one would ever attack us?

We can ask a lot of questions until we finally understand that all our revolutionary movements, were nothing more than a means of weakening Russia in the geopolitical confrontation.” (Nikolai Starikov FROM DECEMBRISTS TO MUJAHIDENS).

How did Russian officers get to such a life?

After winning the war with Napoleon, Alexander I began building military settlements.

The main reason that prompted him to this event was the intention to gain support in creating a MILITARY FORCE DEVOTED TO THE THRONE, which, if necessary, he could oppose to the guard, after foreign trips which became the citadel of Russian Freemasonry and Jacobinism.

Russian Freemasonry, even after the Patriotic War, continues to be completely subordinate to the leaders of foreign Masonic orders, of which Russian Masonic lodges were part.

French Ambassador Count Boileconte in a dispatch on August 29, 1822, he writes: “...The Emperor, who knew about the aspirations of Polish Freemasonry in 1821, ordered the closure of several lodges in Warsaw and PREPARED A GENERAL PROHIBITION, at which time correspondence between Warsaw and English Freemasons was intercepted.

This correspondence, which went through Riga, was of such a kind that the government could not like it.”

August 1, 1822 Alexander I issued the following decree: “all secret societies, no matter what name they exist, such as Masonic lodges and others, are to be closed and their establishments will not be allowed in the future, and all members of these societies will be required to sign that they will henceforth under any guise of either Masonic or other secret societies, neither within the empire nor outside it, will constitute.”

The creation of military settlements greatly worried England and the Russian aristocracy. Colonel General Staff P.N. Bogdanovich in the book “Arakcheev” indicates:

“With the implementation of the Emperor’s plan, its willfulness ended, the role of the guard, like the Janissaries or Praetorians, ended, and the abolition of serfdom would have passed painlessly.”

The Masons and Russian Jacobins were apparently aware that military settlements were a weapon directed against them. On the other hand, they tried to take advantage of the discontent existing among the military settlements and direct it, with the help of deliberate severity, against the government.

The revelation of the Decembrist conspiracy was discovered not just anywhere, but in MILITARY SETTLEMENTS IN THE SOUTH OF RUSSIA. Headquarters southern region settlements were on the trail revolutionary work Freemason Colonel Pestel.

In a letter to Princess S.S. The Meshchersky Emperor mentions “means against the power of evil, which is growing rapidly, about hidden means used by the satanic genius.”

The fact that Alexander I understood international Freemasonry by “SATANIC GENIUS” is clearly evident from his letter to Prince Golitsyn in February 1821:

- “please have no doubt that all these people united INTO ONE COMMON CONSPIRACY, splitting into separate groups and society, about whose actions I have all the documents, and I know that they all act in solidarity.”

Origins political ideas The Decembrists must be sought in the ideas of the “Great” french revolution, which again leads us to Masonic ideas about “universal brotherhood, equality and freedom,” asserted through violence.

Deputy French Ambassador Count Gabriak in November 1820 informs his government: “There is no doubt that many guards officers have their heads filled with LIBERAL IDEAS AS EXTREME as these officers are poorly educated.”

The French ambassador Count Boilconte writes: “I had the opportunity to see a list of Russian masons compiled five years ago: it contained about ten thousand names belonging to 10-12 lodges of St. Petersburg... the vast majority were officers.”

N. Berdyaev writes in “The Russian Idea”: “The Decembrists passed through Masonic lodges. Pestel was a Freemason. N. Turgenev was a Freemason and even sympathized with Weishaupt’s Illuminism, that is, the most left-wing form of Freemasonry.”

Freemasonry pursued, as before, two goals: to undermine Orthodoxy, the basis of the spiritual identity of the Russian people and the source of its spiritual strength, and to finally undermine autocracy - source physical strength Russian people.

In order to overthrow the autocracy, officers who were members of Masonic lodges began preparations for the destruction of the autocracy.


Count de Toll writes: “Out of more than a hundred Decembrists who lived in Chita, only thirteen remained Christians; the majority were either indifferent, skeptical, or downright hostile to the passion for Christianity, in the name of their convinced deism or atheism. They often mocked the faith and, especially, the observance of holidays, fasting and prayers.”


D.S. Merezhkovsky, who sang the praises of the Decembrists, described Pestel this way:

“...He is over thirty years old. Like people who lead a sedentary life, there is an unhealthy, pale yellow puffiness in the face; black, thin hair with beginning baldness; the temples are combed forward in a military style; carefully shaven; cool, smooth, exactly from Ivory chiseled forehead; the gaze of black, shineless, widely spaced and deep-set eyes is so heavy and intent that it seems to be slightly squinting; and in the whole appearance there is something heavy, frozen, motionless, as if petrified.”

While waiting for Pestel, they talked about him.

They talked about his father, the former governor-general, a tyrant and bribe-taker, who was removed from office and put on trial; they talked about Pestel himself - the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree - how he oppressed the officers in the regiment and ordered soldiers to be beaten with sticks for the slightest mistakes.

“He’s as smart as a devil, but he doesn’t have much heart,” noted Kyukhlya. “He’s just a cunning power-hungry: he wants to screw us from all sides...

“I understand this bird,” Bestuzhev decided.

He won’t do anything, but will only destroy us all for no money,” Odoevsky warned.

“He horrified me,” admitted Ryleev: “We need to weaken him, otherwise he will take everything into his hands and rule like a dictator.” “Napoleon and Robespierre together.”

Wait a minute, when he gets to power, Kuzka’s mother will show us! - Batenkov concluded.

From Pestel’s speech: “The main and initial action is the opening of the revolution through indignation in the troops and the abolition of the throne. It should force the Synod and the Senate to declare a temporary government with unlimited power...

“Unlimited, autocratic?” Muravyov interjected quietly.

Yes, if you like, autocratic...

- “And who is the autocrat?”

Pestel did not answer, as if he had not heard.

“First of all, it is necessary that the reigning family does not exist,” he finished.

“Do you understand?”

Of course, if it is absolutely necessary to reprimand - regicide.-

"The Emperor?"

Not just one sovereign..."

Pastor Rainbot , who spoke with Pestel before the execution, wrote: “ HORRIBLE MAN. IT FELT I WAS TALKING TO THE DEVIL HIMSELF ».

Some Pushkin researchers believe that under the name of Herman, who has “the profile of Napoleon and the soul of Mephistopheles,” he brought out Pestel.

In this case, he is one of the few who discerned an insane obsession in Pestel. “He wanted everyone to think the way he did, and was ready to force others to recognize his views as correct.”

Pestel wanted everyone to be equal, but he did not consider it possible to allow everyone to think and act as everyone thinks best: he was for equality, but not for freedom and considered it necessary that even under the new democratic state there was a single strong government.

When the whole people or the one who carried out the revolution, of their own free will and by their own decision, provide to the government unlimited power, then this is called dictatorship. Like this military dictatorship Pestel wanted to establish.


N. Bylov in his book “Black Gospel” aptly notes that Pestel in his “Russian Truth” IT ALREADY GIVES THE WHOLE GAMMA FROM WHICH THE MELODIES OF 1917 WERE COMPOSED.

Nikolai Bylov is not exaggerating at all: “Russian Truth” by Pestel, “The Catechism of the revolutionary Nechaev, articles by Pisarev, Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, articles by Lenin - all these are links of one ideological line.

Anyone who does not see this connection, although the Bolsheviks openly recognize it, understands nothing about the nature of the Russian national crisis.

Ryleev was a member Masonic lodge"Flaming Star"

According to the Decembrist Bulatova , Ryleev’s classmate, “ he was born to brew porridge, but he himself always remained on the sidelines.” .

That is, Ryleev belonged to that class of people who want to both maintain their innocence and acquire capital.

Ryleev wanted the assassination attempt on the Tsar to remain an individual act, and not a matter of society. Then, in case of failure, society would not be in danger of destruction, and in case of success, it would reap the fruits without bearing the burden of moral condemnation and popular indignation. For the idealistic poet, this was not a Machiavellian plan.

The Decembrists strove for a republic, but they were against the abolition of serfdom, in the spirit in which Alexander I wanted to abolish it. He wanted to free the peasants with the land; Decembrists wanted to free the peasants English manner- without land.

Decembrist N.I. Turgenev in the book “Russia and the Russians” he writes:

« I will add that in in this case, like many others, I was very sad and amazed complete absence Among the good intentions proposed in the articles of the society's charter, THE MAIN ISSUE IN MY VIEW: THE LIBERATION OF THE PEASANTS. None of the Decembrists freed their peasants. They were only talking about liberation ".

Meanwhile, all the Decembrists, if they wanted to free the peasants, could give them freedom on the basis of the law “On Free Plowmen” issued by Alexander I.

Decembrist N.I. Turgenev, who, like many, chattered about the love of freedom and the need for “abolition of slavery,” calmly did the same as Herzen, a fan of the Decembrists: he sold his serfs and lived his whole life in London, slandering royal power and Russia in general.


Alexander I, knowing that Constantine has no right to the throne because of his unequal marriage with the Polish countess, and he himself did not want to be king, issued on August 16, 1823 a manifesto on the abdication of Constantine and the appointment of Nicholas as heir to the throne. For some reason, he did not want to announce the manifesto and ordered Moscow Archbishop Filaret to keep the manifesto secret in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral. But the Heir Himself - Nikolai Pavlovich - knew nothing about this manifesto. Therefore, after his sudden death, some troops began to take the oath to Constantine.

Emperor Nicholas ascended the throne with anxiety in his soul. Only the day before he received a report from Taganrog about the existence of a conspiracy among the troops.

In 1825, it was impossible to move a Russian soldier except by appealing to his devotion to the Tsar: only by forgery was it possible to raise troops on the morning of December 14.

Captain A. Bestuzhev said to the grenadiers of the guard: “ We are being deceived. Konstantin sent me to you. If you believe in God, you will refuse to swear allegiance to another king than the one to whom you swore allegiance twenty days ago

Yakubovich advised to break up the taverns and incite the mob to commit robbery.

Alexander Bestuzhev on the day of the uprising, he shamelessly lied to the soldiers of the Moscow regiment: “R fuck! You are being deceived. The Emperor did not abdicate the throne, he is in chains. His Highness, Chief of the Regiment Mikhail Pavlovich was detained four stations away and also in chains ", etc. and so on.

The Senate Manifesto declares.

1st. Destruction of the former government.

2. The establishment of a temporary one, until the establishment of a permanent one, by electives.

3. Free embossing, and therefore, the destruction of censorship.

4. Free worship of all faiths.

5. Destruction of property rights extending to people.

6. Equality of all classes before the law, and therefore the destruction of military courts and all kinds of judicial commissions, from which all judicial cases are transferred to the departments of the nearest civil courts.

7. Declaration of the right of every citizen to do whatever he wants, and therefore a nobleman, merchant, tradesman, peasant still have the right to enter into military and civil service and into the clergy, trade wholesale and retail, paying the established duties for trading. Acquire all kinds of property, such as: lands, houses in villages and cities; enter into all kinds of conditions among themselves, compete with each other before the court.

8. Addition of poll taxes and arrears on them.

9. Elimination of monopolies, such as: on salt, on the sale of hot wine, etc. and therefore the establishment of free distillation and salt extraction, with payment for. industry from the production of salt and vodka.

10. Destruction of recruitment and military settlements.

11. Reducing the length of military service for lower ranks, and determining it will follow the equation of military service between all classes.

12. Resignation of all lower ranks, without removal, who have served for 15 years.

13. The establishment of volost, district, provincial and regional boards, and the procedure for electing members of these boards, which should replace all officials hitherto appointed from the civil government.

14. Publicity of courts.

15. Introduction of juries into criminal and civil courts.

Establishes a board of 2 or 3 persons, to which all parts of the top management, that is, all ministries, are subordinated. Council, Committee of Ministers, army, navy. In a word, the entire supreme, executive power, but by no means the legislative, and not the judicial. - For this post, a ministry subordinate to the temporary government remains, but for the judgment of cases not resolved in the lower instances, the criminal department of the Senate remains and a civil one is established, which decide finally, and whose members will remain until a permanent government is established.

The temporary board is entrusted with the enforcement of:

1st. Equal rights of all classes.

2. Formation of local volost, district, provincial and regional boards.

3. Formation of the internal people's guard,

4. Formation of the trial part with the jury.

5. Equation of conscription between classes.

6. Destruction of the standing army.

7. Establishing a procedure for electing elected representatives to the House of People's Representatives, who must approve for the future the existing order of government and state legislation.

"Decembrist revolt". Materials, vol. 1. Under general ed.. M. N. Pokrovsky. M.-L., Gosizdat 1925 pp. 107-108. N 43.

Read here:

Decembrist movement(Bibliography)

Rumyantsev V.B. And they went out to the square...(View from the 21st century)

Participants in the Napoleonic Wars(biographical reference book)

Historical sources:

Arnold Y.K. Memories(about December 14, 1825)

Butnev A.P. Memories(about December 14, 1825)

At school we are still taught that the Decembrists were romantics who fought for the freedom of citizens. They tell how desperately their wives followed them into exile... Tears just welled up. But these actions don’t smell like romance, they smell like betrayal.

What united the Decembrists? Oddly enough, England united them. For some reason, most of the Decembrists were eager to study there and they were all drawn to join all sorts of nasty organizations. Even A.S. managed to Pushkin was drawn into it, but he promptly realized where this was all leading and left the organization, for which he was killed in a duel under strange circumstances.

What did the Decembrists want? Love, peace and happiness? Perhaps so. Moreover, apparently, they wanted peace especially strongly, because in their writings the desire to disband the regular army is constantly visible. Of course, they never heard from the lips Alexandra III the phrase that our allies are our army and navy. But most of the Decembrists are career officers! How can a career officer come up with the idea of ​​disbanding the regular army?
But the idea came and was formalized, for example, in Trubetskoy’s manifesto:

The Senate Manifesto declares.

  1. Destruction of the former government.
  2. The institution is temporary, until the establishment of a permanent one, by electives.
  3. Free embossing, and therefore the elimination of censorship.
  4. Free worship of all faiths.
  5. Destruction of property rights extending to people.
  6. Equality of all classes before the law, and therefore the abolition of military courts and all kinds of judicial commissions, from which all judicial cases are transferred to the departments of the nearest civil courts.
  7. Declaration of the right of every citizen to do whatever he wants, and therefore a nobleman, merchant, tradesman, peasant still have the right to enter into military and civil service and into the clergy, trade wholesale and retail, paying the established duties for trading. Acquire all kinds of property, such as: lands, houses in villages and cities; enter into all kinds of conditions among themselves, compete with each other before the court.
  8. Addition of poll taxes and arrears on them.
  9. Elimination of monopolies, such as salt, hot wine for sale and so on. and that's why free distilling establishment and the extraction of salt, with payment for. industry from the production of salt and vodka.
  10. Destruction of recruitment and military settlements.
  11. Reducing the length of military service for the lower ranks, and determining it will follow the equation of military service between all classes.
  12. Resignation of all lower ranks without removal who have served for 15 years.
  13. The establishment of volost, district, provincial and regional boards, and the procedure for electing members of these boards, which should replace all officials hitherto appointed from the civil government.
  14. Publicity of the courts.
  15. Introduction of juries into criminal and civil courts.
  16. Establishes a board of 2 or 3 persons, to which all parts of the top management, that is, all ministries, are subordinated. Council, Committee of Ministers, army, navy. In a word, the entire supreme, executive power, but by no means legislative or judicial. - For this latter there remains a ministry subordinate to the temporary government, but for the judgment of cases not resolved in the lower instances, the criminal department of the Senate remains and a civil department is established, which decides finally , and whose members will remain until a permanent government is established.

The temporary board is entrusted with the enforcement of:

  1. Equal rights of all classes.
  2. Formation of local volost, district, provincial and regional boards.
  3. Formation of the internal people's guard,
  4. Formation of the trial with the jury.
  5. Equation of conscription between classes.
  6. Destruction of the standing army.
  7. The establishment of a procedure for electing electors to the House of People's Representatives, who must approve for the future the existing order of government and state legislation.

Having rebelled at the moment of the change of power, they hoped for the lack of will of Nicholas I. But their hopes were not justified and the main conspirators were hanged, and those who served as mere meat were sent into exile for re-education.
What about the wives? Imagine that the wife of a traitor lives among you. The traitor is already in exile, and his wife walks around the salons of St. Petersburg and doesn’t give a damn... Do you think this is possible? It’s hard to be a traitor in Russia and it’s hard to be the wife of a traitor.