Influence on a person’s emotional state. The influence of emotional states on employee performance

Annotation: Every day a person receives an unlimited amount of information about the world around him. To ensure normal functioning, it needs to respond to external and internal stimuli. According to the reaction, they are provided by emotions and feelings that reflect the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with respect to a particular stimulus. Considering the fact that a person is a social being who spends almost all his time surrounded by a variety of people, the question arises: Does the emotional state of others influence the occurrence of thoughts?

The conclusions will give us the opportunity to clearly understand whether to instill in others those emotions that they would not actually experience at the moment if it were not for us, and that the results obtained cannot be used, for example, to maintain the emotional state of people who are in depressed, apathetic and depressed states.

Correspondent: Can we confidently say that emotions are the cementing factor in the mutual attachment of mother and child?

Expert: The proof can be a simple experiment. Leave a one-year-old baby without a mother in an unfamiliar room for a few minutes. Most children will react to separation with intense emotion. It is the emotional bond between mother and child that ensures survival in the first days of every person's life.

Correspondent: Who was the first to speak out about the importance of the role of emotions in human behavior?

Expert: Leeper, a leading specialist in personality theory, and Maurer, an outstanding specialist in educational psychology, were among the first to speak on this topic. Maurer argued that “emotions are one of the key, indeed indispensable, factors in those changes in behavior or its results that we call “learning.” Maurer had to admit the depravity of the distrustful and contemptuous attitude toward emotions generally accepted in Western civilization and their humiliation before the intellect (mind, logic). “If the presented reasoning is correct, then emotions are extremely important for the very existence of a living organism and do not at all deserve such a contrast with “mind.”

Correspondent: Characterizing emotions in a purely phenomenological, descriptive way, what can be identified, what signs?

Expert: 1) representation of emotions in consciousness in the form of direct experiences; 2) the dual, psychophysiological nature of these phenomena; on the one hand - affective excitement, on the other - its organic manifestations; 3) a pronounced subjective coloring of emotions, their inherent quality of special “intimacy”.

Correspondent: Tell us about “emotions” in a narrow and broad sense?

Expert: In a broad sense, emotions refer to any possible mental experiences. In a narrow sense, emotions (from Latin Emoveo - excite, excite) are relatively simple and short-term emotional experiences that characterize a person’s situational attitude to the world around him and to himself. An example of emotions is satisfaction and dissatisfaction, joy and sadness, fear, anger, etc.

Correspondent: Describe six properties of emotions and give examples for each?

Expert: Firstly, emotions and feelings are characterized by subjective coloring. This means that they bear the imprint of a person’s individuality and characteristics, reflecting the uniqueness of his life experience, interests, attitudes, etc. This distorts reality to a certain extent. The subjective factor in emotions and feelings plays a major role.

Secondly, emotions and feelings are polar. If some experience has a positive pole, then you can always find the opposite one. For example, pleasure - displeasure, joy - sadness.

Third, in complex human experiences there is a fusion of these polar emotions, resulting in ambivalence, or duality, of emotions and feelings.

Fourthly, a person’s emotions and feelings can be of varying intensity. For example, suffering or ambivalence can be strong, and, fifthly, emotions and feelings are characterized by a certain duration, which is associated with the depth of experience: the deeper the feelings, the longer they last.

Sixthly, emotions are characterized by objectivity - the degree of awareness and connection with a specific object. For example, if a person experiences fear, then this fear is caused by a specific object or phenomenon.

Ecology of cognition: A person has a right and a left side of the body. The right is associated with the will, the masculine principle, the left is associated with emotions, the feminine principle. Any emotional overload causes disturbances on the left side. Volitional problems - inability to relax

A person has a right and left side of the body.

Right associated with will, masculine principle, left associated with emotions, feminine. Any emotional overload causes disturbances on the left side. Volitional problems - inability to relax, internal tension - cause problems on the right side. This applies to everyone, regardless of gender.

Each organ has its own character, that is, it has a certain emotional state. And since it is the mind that controls human health, each organ has its own connection with character. If a person's character traits are weak, the corresponding organs will also suffer.

Spine associated with such fundamental traits as vigor and passivity, desire and reluctance to live. If a person takes an active life position, wants to work on himself, fight difficulties and is not lazy, then his spine will be healthy one way or another. There is a category of people who concentrate very much on the negative, constantly try to overcome the bad with their psyche, become deeply immersed in relationships with the negative - they get spinal lesions. Spine– this is the tree of life, its trunk. If a person has a positive attitude towards life, knows how to forgive, loves work, then the spine will be healthy. Therefore, any negative situation must be overcome with positivity, not negativity.

Heart– the maximum concentration of close relationships, that which is very closely connected with us. Relatives, favorite work. And when a person becomes very attached to this, wants to receive constant happiness from this closeness, and not give and help, then the heart suffers. When we want something from loved ones, and they don’t give it to us, it is expressed in the form of resentment, some kind of internal trauma, which affects the corresponding part of the heart.

The heart rhythm suffers when a person is very focused on what is important to him and cannot relax. A person is very immersed in a problem in a negative way, takes it to heart - the heart will suffer. If a person is very immersed in some activity, which also has very strong meaning for him, his heart will suffer. For example, hypertrophy of the heart muscle occurs in athletes who overexert themselves. They play sports not for health, but for results.

Liver associated with volitional activity of a person. An angry person is one who wants everything to be according to his will. Forces people to live the way he wants. Often this is a function of bosses who torture their subordinates, forcing them to live their own way. As a result, they can get hepatitis - the liver overheats and inflammatory processes begin. On the contrary, with a weak-willed character, when a person thinks that everything is hard, difficult, the liver loses strength - the normal production of bile stops. Sluggish inflammatory processes begin.

Understand mind– this is what we always have. Character traits are present from birth in young children. Character traits– this is an innate thing. Even trees, not to mention animals, have character.

All organs that are located in front– are connected with human consciousness, our active life.

All organs that are located behind- are connected with our subconscious, with what sits deep inside us.

So, for example, a person’s bronchi are connected with his desire to achieve something in a straightforward manner in this life. People with bronchitis, for example, go to the door and if it is closed, they will break into it. The tendency to have things happen the way I want, even if it doesn’t happen, gives a tendency to bronchitis.

Asthma– this is an already neglected case, people of one-directional categorical thinking.

Hypertension– increased vascular tone, inability to rest. Most often this is associated with emotions. If a person is held in one emotion, his vascular tone increases. In most cases these are negative emotions. If a boss keeps the team tense with the same emotion, it never relaxes – hence strokes and heart attacks. Extreme responsibility often means a negative impact on the team, which keeps them in a constant state of negativity.

Pancreas reacts very strongly to disgust and hostility. An offended state of strong hostility can lead to pancreatitis.

People with diabetes very sensitive to the world around them. They are very selective, sensitive and find it very difficult to live because of this.

Intestines associated with human activities and activities. If a person by nature works very hard, the intestines are also tense. Accordingly, there may be inflammatory problems and constipation. If a person works lazily, he may have constipation due to intestinal hypotonicity. If a person works with hostility, not in an environment where he is comfortable, pain in the intestines may appear without any signs of any illness.

If people experience negative emotions during work, argue with others, or simply work with anger, such people receive stomach diseases. Stomach diseases can also arise from a simple reason that we all know well - gluttony.

Cravings for spicy foods arises from an uncontrollable character.

If a person is very emotional and behaves aggressively, he is drawn to spicy food, as a result of which he gets gastritis.

Each taste is associated with certain character traits.

Excessive predilection for any taste is due to corresponding character traits. Excessive addiction to sweets is associated with laziness and the desire to live at someone else's expense. Students love to eat sweets and for this reason, they just want to be happy.

Tart taste- loved by those people who tend to get busy at work, that is, to work a lot and constantly.

Sour taste loved by those who are emotionally unstable, touchy, and in a depressed mood. That’s why in winter I so often want to eat sauerkraut. Sauerkraut mood - sauerkraut. Thus, the sour taste increases with emotional instability, when a person does not have everything as he would like. Even just the absence of sun for several days can provoke a desire to eat sour foods. Metabolic disorders are the result of the influence of sour taste.

Spicy taste characteristic of passionate people. Their emotions fly in all directions, they behave very expressively. We know many such nations, for example the Georgians. That's why they love spicy food so much. Red pepper is the main dish. Indians are also expressive people, just watch their films. The Indian roots of the gypsies are also clearly visible in their behavior. Phlegmatic nations use less spicy food. This is mainly due to the sun. But there are also non-temperamental southern peoples.

Salty taste associated with mental stress and inability to rest. If a person needs mental concentration, he needs more salty food. Therefore, if you cannot relax, perhaps you have eaten too much salty food. Hypertension is also possible due to excess salt. You can read more about the properties of salt and its role in our lives here.

Understand tastes are emotions of the mind . Therefore, if a Georgian is deprived of spicy food, he will turn into a Chukchi. But there are extreme tastes, as well as emotions, which destroy health. Therefore, if a person is healthy and eats spicy food, let him eat it. But if he has a stomach ulcer, it’s time to think about the amount of spicy food in his food.

Bitter taste- the result of a bitter life. Taste, which is associated with a person’s depression and in general, when the body gets sick, it enters a state of depression. That's why most medicines are bitter. The bitter taste excites, activates the body, gives the will to win. Therefore, sour and bitter tastes are often very necessary in life.

A person can have several emotional states - these are different temperaments of the mind, this is the activity of emotions.

Choleric- excessive uncontrolled activity of the senses.

Sandvinik- excessive and positive activity of the senses.

Phlegmatic person– positive inhibition of sensory activity.

Melancholic– negative inhibition of sensory activity.

Introverts and extroverts - This is already the direction of the human psyche inward or outward. Introvert- this is not the inner life of a person, it is simply sucking on oneself, digging into oneself. A extrovert- this is digging into others.

Lungs associated with fear of the future, hopelessness. For example, when World War II began, outbreaks of tuberculosis began. People did not know what would happen next; they lived in fear of their fate. The condition of the lungs is a reflection of the desire to live. Breathing means living. Bronchial disease- excessive adherence to principles, straightforwardness.

Kidneys associated with a person’s ability to accept living conditions. If a person easily adapts to the living conditions that life provides him, the kidneys will be strong and strong. In general, it is difficult for a person with weak kidneys to experience comfort in life.

Colon suffers from stubbornness. If a person is very stubborn and always stands his ground, overload of the large intestine begins.

Sense organs associated with a person’s congenital or acquired life position.

If it is difficult for a person to concentrate, to accept this world, then he will have poor vision and weak eyes in general. People with strong eyes adapt easily to this world. They notice everything and live in very close interaction with this environment. People with poor vision don’t care what happens around them; for the most part, they are not interested. They are more interested in what's inside. In general, there is no desire to explore this world. Vision is associated with light, and light is knowledge of this world.

In people with hearing impaired egoism is very much immersed in sounds. They tolerate various noises very poorly. For example, a person may not react to the noise of cars while on the street, but at home the noise of cars can simply make him angry. This all means that your ears will suffer.

There are people who constantly think about their skin, about their face. This will cause the skin to become more and more sensitive. Fewer and fewer creams and masks will be suitable for such skin. The number of irritations will increase. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: what you fought for, you ran into. Often skin diseases arise due to climate or habitat intolerance. Skin allergies are the result of intolerance to pollen from flowers and plants.

Migraine– a reflection of intolerance to a certain mental tone of the environment. A person enters a tone that does not correspond to a comfortable state. Tension accumulates in the head, which leads to wild pain. Sometimes people simply react to a closed space, being in a certain room for a long time. Women get more migraines simply because they are six times more sensitive to the environment than men. There are also reactions to the Moon. There are many options, get the point - the inability to adapt to the environment.

Pituitary associated with life goals. This is already connected to the human mind.

If a person sticks to negative goals, he gets pituitary gland diseases. Wrong life goals lead to hormonal diseases of the brain organs. If a person accepts a problem with his heart, the heart suffers, if with his head, the head suffers.

Joints suffer when a person works in despair, with negative emotions. That is, there is a mental zone, at home or at work, where he works with despair.

Vascular disease associated with emotional stress. And vice versa - complete emotional indifference leads to vascular weakness.

Smell associated with concentration. Excessive concentration of attention leads to excessive tension in the sense of smell, which can result in its complete or partial loss.

Inability to relax after concentrating on one goal, it leads to nasal congestion and sinusitis. And if you take the problem to heart, it will hit your heart.

If a woman resists her feminine nature, you can get hormonal diseases of the appendages.

Thyroid associated with increased sensitivity and emotional reaction to external environmental influences.

Generally, nervous system suffers from one-pointedness of life goals, doom. Not tension, but doom. If a person does not know how to switch from one goal to another, this leads to diseases of the nervous system. Stakhanov movement: we dig the mine, if we don’t dig it, then we sleep, then we dig it again.

It is often very difficult to explain in words the causes of an illness; it is necessary to understand the emotion itself. If there is any degree of doom, the nervous system suffers. And exactly where it will hit depends on the specific reasons for the doom.

If a person takes on too much responsibility, they begin to suffer hair. Women take responsibility more easily, which is evident from their hair. Outwardly, she may be worried, but internally she can say - yes, you are all vulgar.

Different types of aggression towards this world give different types infectious and viral diseases. If a person thinks that he is fed up with everything, he will suffer from colds.

Oncology arises from anger, depression, when these feelings become prohibitive. Different types of resentment will affect different organs on the left side. The genitals suffer from boorish and irresponsible behavior.

At first glance, it may seem that all of the above has nothing to do with health. But Eastern medicine is exactly like that.

It deals with more subtle things compared to modern medicine, so it is not so obvious at first glance. Try reading Tibetan medicine - everything there is allegorical compared to Ayurveda. All winds, lights, etc.

All of the listed diseases can be treated with the help of appropriate fasts, which will inevitably lead to correction of character.

Although you can try correct your character, which will inevitably lead to recovery.

What is easier for you is up to you to decide, for the basis of the universe is the law of free will.

God, who created us without us, cannot save us without us... published

Any professional human activity has a certain emotional content.

Emotions- these are mental states that reflect a person’s relationship to himself, other people, and the real world.

The source of emotions and feelings are objects and phenomena of objective reality, the process of cognition, activities performed, changes occurring in the body.

The physiological mechanism of emotions is associated with the excitation of subcortical centers, with corresponding changes in the autonomic nervous system, which is externally manifested in redness or pallor of the skin, dilated pupils, increased sweating, changes in pulse and pressure. The cerebral cortex controls the manifestation of emotions and feelings and has an inhibitory effect on the subcortical centers.

IP Pavlov associated the manifestation of emotions and feelings with the violation or reinforcement of dynamic stereotypes. First of all, this relates to labor processes and the development of working dynamic stereotypes. Reinforcement of the working dynamic stereotype in the form of good organization of the workplace, scientifically based work and rest regimes, compliance with production, technological and labor discipline causes positive emotions and a feeling of satisfaction. Conversely, violation of the working dynamic stereotype due to unfavorable working conditions causes negative emotions. Modern researchers have established that the emotions of higher animals and humans are determined by some actual need and an assessment of the likelihood (possibility) of its satisfaction. “A low probability of achieving a goal leads to negative emotions (fear, anxiety, anger, grief, etc.), which are actively minimized by the subject. An increase in the probability that the need will be satisfied (compared to the previously existing forecast) generates positive emotions of pleasure, joy and triumph, which the subject seeks to maximize, i.e. strengthen, extend, repeat." This dependence is called the general pattern of human emotions.

Emotions perform two functions: regulatory and signaling. The regulatory function is expressed in the fact that persistent emotions and feelings guide and regulate the behavior of the employee, and the signaling function is that emotions arise and change in accordance with changes occurring in the external and internal environment, i.e. signal them.

The employee’s emotions are accompanied by expressive movements: facial movements (facial muscle movements), pantomimic (gestures, body muscle movements), as well as changes in voice tones and speech expressiveness. A person with expressive facial expressions and speech is easier to understand when speaking. These qualities are professionally important for teachers and team leaders, managers, because they need to convey thoughts, feelings, and significant information. At the same time, you need to be able to control and manage emotions.

Based on their impact on performance, emotions are divided into two groups: stepic (invigorating) - emotions that increase a person’s vital activity, activity, performance, and asthenic (oppressive) - emotions that reduce a person’s vital activity, activity and performance.

The dynamics of performance is the physiological basis for changes in individual labor productivity. Their relationship is direct. An increase in working capacity, other things being equal, leads to an increase in labor productivity. Considering this pattern and the influence of emotions on performance, enterprises need to create conditions for the emergence and maintenance of sthenic emotions among employees. Such conditions include a fair incentive system, a clear organization of production and labor, rational work and rest schedules, the use of functional music, etc.

Based on the strength of manifestation, four types of emotions are distinguished: affect, passion, mood, stress.

Affect - This is a violent, short-term emotional reaction, such as anger, despair, fear. Affects are characterized by dynamism and increasing strength. These are states of excessive intensity, sometimes accompanied by even a temporary loss of a person’s conscious control over his behavior. The physiological basis of affect is the liberation of the subcortex from control by the cerebral cortex. People with unbalanced processes of excitation and inhibition are prone to affects. It is possible to prevent an affective outburst by mobilizing willpower or switching to another type of activity.

Passion - it is a long-term, stable and intense emotional state. Passion is always objective, selective in nature. The subject of passion in the world of work can be various areas of knowledge and areas of activity, for example, rationalization and inventive activities. This emotional state helps to increase the activity and effectiveness of the individual in achieving the goal. Passion has a social orientation and can be positive or negative. Passion aimed at satisfying needs that go against the moral and ethical norms accepted in society (gambling, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.) can undoubtedly be called negative.

Mood - This is a relatively weakly expressed, more or less long-lasting emotional state. The mood can be quite stable and last for months, or it can be short-lived. A cheerful mood is a good stimulator of work activity, creates a desire to achieve good results and, naturally, helps to improve production performance. At the same time, success at work, its social recognition, and interesting, meaningful work create a good mood. Bad mood has a negative impact on work performance.

Many professions require workers to be able to manage their mood. This applies to professions related to working with people: leaders of any rank, managers, teachers, workers in the service sector, trade, etc.

Stress - an emotional state caused by an unexpected and stressful situation. There are professions whose features can cause stress in workers. These include professions associated with risk, possible emergency situations, and the need to act under time pressure. Stressful situations can arise in the practice of relationships between people, in a conflict situation. Stress negatively affects mental processes, affecting the readiness of memory and the quality of the mind, causing errors of perception and general inhibition of the body. Behavior in a stressful environment is largely determined by the individual psychological characteristics of the individual, including abilities, character and temperament.

The main way to combat unwanted emotional stress, which can have a negative impact on human activity and health, is to maximally inform the employee about the ways and means of solving the task facing him, to maximally equip him with the relevant knowledge and skills, professional experience, including the ability to use this experience to achieving the goal. It is important that in any extreme situation a person continues to actively search for ways to overcome it, to search for a way out of it. Even if the situation remains complex and intractable, active activity prevents the disorganizing influence of negative emotions.

  • Fundamentals of psychophysiology / ed. Yu. I. Alexandrova. M.: IPFRA-M, 1997. pp. 143, 149.
  • Simonov P.V., Ershov P.M. Temperament. Character. Personality. M.: Nauka, 1984. P. 160.

How to influence your emotional state

Emotions influence behavior, both positively and negatively. If you feel that you are somehow uneasy or that your urge to act is not strong enough, this will certainly be reflected in your behavior - for several hours, you may not be able to do anything worthwhile. And vice versa, if you are in good shape and in a working mood, you can do this... Naturally, your actions will be much more effective than at any other time. Normally, we have as little control over our emotions as we do over our habits. If we could always rationally approach our emotions and “turn on” stimulating feelings and moods at will, our lives would change in the most radical way.

  • Emotional Switches

First of all, let's find out how mobile and subtle your feelings are. It is known that a seemingly harmless word, gesture, facial expression, the sound of a telephone ringing, a smell associated with certain memories of the past, even a particular color can easily spoil the mood. Various kinds of “emotional switches” can play a significant role (positive or negative). For example, when communicating, the feelings that the subject of discussion evokes in the interlocutors, or the feelings that they evoke in each other, mean much more than the essence of the conversation. Therefore, the ability to manage your feelings and the feelings of your interlocutor in the process of communication is of great importance, especially in some critical situations.

Exercise: How to influence your emotional state

The more confident you feel in using your subjective experience, your internal ideas, the better you will be able to manage your feelings and behavior. Try the following exercise.

1.Rate your current state (well-being and mood) on a ten-point scale. The highest score - ten - means that you have never felt so good, and the lowest score, on the contrary, means that you have never felt so bad.

    1. Recall some of the most pleasant moments in your life, for example, when you managed to do something truly worthwhile. Or when you received special recognition for your achievements (or when for some other reason you felt on cloud nine). Try to reconstruct your experiences as fully as possible. Start with visual images, then remember the sounds and all other sensations associated with this pleasant event in your memory. Collect all your impressions together and enjoy them to the fullest, as if you were back in a time that had already passed.
  1. Carefully bring yourself back to the present time and re-evaluate your condition. It is very likely that after doing this exercise your health will improve noticeably. This way, you will be convinced that you can consciously influence your emotional state. If you still have some doubts (for example, if you were initially in a state of euphoria), repeat this exercise, but this time remember something extremely unpleasant and observe your state. The conclusion is extremely simple: you can completely control your own emotions if you consider it necessary and know how to do it.