Locality. Where people live: urban and rural areas



1. Kakoen. a certain place, space, area on earth's surface. Mountainous steppe m. Otkrytaya m.

2. A territory (usually rural) containing several populated areas. Densely populated, sparsely populated metro station Prigorodnaya metro station Dachnaya metro station(region of holiday villages). LOCAL, oh, oh.

1. Relating only to a specific area, not general. M. custom. Local dialects. Local fights.

2. Not national, operating or having significance within a certain territory, region, or community. Local Councils people's deputies. Local industry. M. budget.

3. Local, not a visitor; not imported. Locals. Local products. Ask locals for directions(noun).

4. Relating to a specific place, part of something, not general. Local inflammation. Local network damage.

Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


See what “TERRAIN” is in other dictionaries:

    See place identify the area... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. locality place (location), edge, side, district, country, territory; region, neighborhood, region, balchug... Synonym dictionary

    - [sn], localities, plural. locality, localities (localities, etc. incorrect), wives. (book). 1. Place, some specific space, area on the earth's surface. Mountainous terrain. Beautiful area. The battery was shooting at... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1) any specific place, space, area on the earth's surface (Ozhegov, (1981); 2) part of the territory with all its natural ingredients, communications, settlements, industry, agriculture and socially... Ecological dictionary

    IN in a broad sense part of the earth's surface with all its natural components: relief, soils, waters, vegetation, etc.; as well as with communication routes, settlements, industrial and social cultural sites. In English:… … Financial Dictionary

    In landscape science, the morphological unit of the landscape, naturally territorial complex higher rank than the tract. Is the largest morphological part landscape characterized special option combinations of main tracts ... ... Wikipedia

    terrain- TERRAIN, place... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    1) part of the territory, characterized by the commonality of any characteristics (natural, historical, etc.).2) In physical geography large morphological part geographical landscape, a complex of tracts... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    terrain- locality, pl. locality, family localities (wrong localities, localities). Pronounced [locality]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    terrain- - Telecommunications topics, basic concepts of EN locality... Technical Translator's Guide

    terrain- Part of the earth’s surface with all its natural components (topography, soils, waters, etc.), as well as communication routes, socio-economic and cultural objects... Dictionary of Geography


  • Princely area and the temple of princes in Smolensk. Historical and archaeological research in connection with the history of Smolensk. , Pisarev S.P.. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. The book is a reprint of 1894. Despite the fact that a serious…
  • Moscow. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches. Part IV. The area behind the earthen city, A.N. Noidenov. In the 1880s. V cultural life Moscow Moscow happened significant event Four parts of the Moscow edition were published. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches, containing photographs of all Moscow...

See place identify the area... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. locality place (location), edge, side, district, country, territory; region, neighborhood, region, balchug... Synonym dictionary

- [sn], localities, plural. locality, localities (localities, etc. incorrect), wives. (book). 1. Place, some specific space, area on the earth's surface. Mountainous terrain. Beautiful area. The battery was shooting at... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

1) any specific place, space, area on the earth’s surface (Ozhegov, (1981); 2) part of the territory with all its natural components, communications, settlements, industry, agriculture and social... ... Ecological dictionary

In a broad sense, part of the earth's surface with all its natural components: relief, soils, waters, vegetation, etc.; as well as with communication routes, populated areas, industrial and socio-cultural facilities. In English:… … Financial Dictionary

In landscape science, a morphological unit of landscape, a natural-territorial complex of a higher rank than a tract. It is the largest morphological part of the landscape, characterized by a special combination of the main tracts... ... Wikipedia

terrain- TERRAIN, place... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

1) part of the territory, characterized by the commonality of some characteristics (natural, historical, etc.). 2) In physical geography, a large morphological part of the geographical landscape, a complex of tracts ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

TERRAIN, etc. and, to her, wives. 1. Kakoen. a certain place, space, area on the earth's surface. Mountainous steppe m. Open m. 2. Territory (usually rural), in which several populated areas are located. Densely populated,... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

terrain- locality, pl. locality, family localities (wrong localities, localities). Pronounced [locality]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

terrain- - Telecommunications topics, basic concepts of EN locality... Technical Translator's Guide

terrain- Part of the earth’s surface with all its natural components (topography, soils, waters, etc.), as well as communication routes, socio-economic and cultural objects... Dictionary of Geography


  • Princely area and the temple of princes in Smolensk. Historical and archaeological research in connection with the history of Smolensk. , Pisarev S.P.. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. The book is a reprint of 1894. Despite the fact that a serious…
  • Moscow. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches. Part IV. The area behind the earthen city, A.N. Noidenov. In the 1880s. A significant event took place in the cultural life of Moscow: four parts of the Moscow publication were published. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches, containing photographs of all Moscow...

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Meaning of the word locality

locality in the crossword dictionary

Dictionary of medical terms

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


(sn), localities, plural. locality, localities (localities, etc. incorrect), g. (book).

    Some place a certain space, area on the earth's surface. Mountainous terrain. Beautiful area. The battery was sighting the area. The camp is located in open areas.

    District, district, region. There are many forests in our area. Dacha area - holiday village.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, many -and, -ey, w.

    What? a certain place, space, area on the earth's surface. Mountainous steppe m. Otkrytaya m.

    A territory (usually rural) containing several populated areas. Densely populated, sparsely populated metro station Prigorodnaya metro station Dachnaya metro station (region of holiday villages).

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    What kind of a certain space on the earth's surface.

    Region, region, districts.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    a part of a territory characterized by the commonality of some characteristics (natural, historical, etc.).

    In physical geography - a large morphological part of the geographical landscape, a complex of natural boundaries.


Terrain- in landscape science - a morphological unit of landscape, a natural-territorial complex of a higher rank than a tract.

It is the largest morphological part of the landscape, characterized by a special combination of the main tracts of this landscape. The leading signs of the isolation of areas are the relief or the nature of its dissection. Terrain is not an obligatory element of the morphological structure of the landscape.

Examples of localities:

  • in the floodplain landscape: parallel-ramped floodplain, small-ribbed segmental floodplain, central leveled floodplain;
  • in a moraine-outwash landscape: moraine plain, outwash plain.

Examples of the use of the word locality in literature.

The principle of universality is applicable to the simplest, but vital, without which a warrior will not be able to perform combat operation- commandos must be proficient in uninhabited survival techniques terrain, and also be able to feed themselves throughout the entire operation.

He believed that Agesilaus, who, in his opinion, lacked cavalry, would now march to Caria, where terrain not conducive to the movement of riders.

In fact, if we are guided by the rather rigid standards of the settlers, then even in that terrain, where Hades is located, it is no longer possible to live.

The prisoners were put into carriages and taken to a wooded terrain behind the Verkhne-Sinyachikhinsky plant and here, 11 versts from Alapaevsk, they were shot.

I think Chertolye was cursed before the mother abbess of the Alekseevsky monastery: in this terrain The Oprichnina Court was located.

I don't mean to be harsh, son, but there is a possibility that that witch wasn't there to harass us, but there could have been another person from Alfar's team sent to investigate terrain and spread rumors to alarm the people.

In the morning, while Amok was absent for a short time, Covenant carefully examined his surroundings. terrain.

In this sterile clean, as if sprinkled with antiseptic terrain, more reminiscent of a lunar settlement, she felt out of place.

The French command, considering the Ardennes an impassable area for tanks terrain, also believed that in preparation for crossing the river.

This is especially important for animals whose habitat is in the desert. terrain, as well as in winter time of the year.

At least 15 thousand people were hiding in the hilly terrain near Sfakion, and Freyberg's rearguard fought continuous battles.

That picture - the road and the Africans wandering along it - still stood before my eyes, and I was amazed that this country had been tamed, that in such an unpromising terrain managed to establish a quite decent life, that, in a sense, blood was squeezed out of a stone.

And I, just in case, flew at low level, camouflaging myself in the ravines, copses, as if merging with terrain.

Before him lay an open, treeless terrain, resting in the west on the river.

The only choice was to retreat back into the treeless terrain, or make your way to the right, through the bushes.

The area where Christ's teaching began

The Savior's first miracle convinces us that He did not come to remove His disciples from the world and their ordinary duties, but to teach people to live better, more noble and happier in the world. He wished to see them as spouses, fathers and citizens, and proved that he approved just as much of the ascetic’s enthusiasm in the desert, the vision of mysticism in a cave, as he did of holy joys in the family, of innocent gaiety in public gatherings. He preached sociability and graced innocent gatherings with his presence.

In view of such moral rules, the very area that he chose for his initial teaching represents something significant. John the Baptist preached in the silence of the desert, by the waters of the Dead Lake; his voice was reflected only in the flinty rapids towering above the sultry Horus. The cities closest to the place of preaching were built in case of repelling enemy raids; the path there was filled with human blood. Everything around was reminiscent of the proximity of the criminal past and deathly desolation. The water gave off a resinous smell; the fruits turned to ashes when touched; Hot, white dust rose from under the feet of the traveler, walking over the grave of cities mired in sensuality and buried under the lake. Near such deadly waters, under a copper-red sky, in the midst of a hot desert, pitted with ravines, John preached a baptism of repentance. Jesus Christ, accompanied by his mother, brothers and disciples, chose a beautiful city, seething with activity, as the center of his initial teaching, the marble buildings of which looked into the bright waters of the lake spilling near it.

This was Capernaum, located beneath the beautiful hillsides surrounding an area that could be called an earthly paradise. In the whole of Palestine there are neither such trees nor such gardens as in the country of Gennesaret. Her very name Gannesarim means gardens of abundance. Countless flowers are scattered throughout small plain, which looks like an emerald. It is impossible to choose a more gracious nature, a more picturesque area, and one more in keeping with those words of the gospel in which the most comforting hopes, the purest pleasures were preached to mankind. It was necessary that the first sounds of this gospel should be heard in a country as extraordinarily beautiful as Gennesaret. There was nothing magnificent, nothing colossal in the setting: there was neither mountain severity, nor mountain grandeur; it was not visible that dead one the splendor that strikes our eyes when looking at the fiery peaks of tropical volcanoes or the icy rapids of the northern ridge. Places that are always in danger of fire or drowning could serve him as a symbol of our life only if it were destined to pass constantly in murderous sorrows and inevitable misfortunes. These green pastures, these quiet waters, these colorful birds and blooming oleanders, this deepening surface of the native lake, with its coolness providing true delight to the scorching heat of the country - fully corresponded to the characteristics of life composed of innocent and simple elements and full of simple pleasures, which, like rain and sunshine, are provided in equal measure to one and all. The first thing that the traveler sees, leaving the Dove Valley and casting his first gaze on Gennesaret, is a small, 20 miles long and 9 wide, lake in the shape of a harp, from which, they say, its original name came ( Khinniref, or harp). On the far, or eastern, side there is a green strip about 200 fathoms wide, behind which there is a rise of 300 feet. heights above the level of the lake, slopes of secluded hills, cut by grayish ravines, without trees, without settlements, without any traces of cultivation - an area where the Savior often retired when after hard work sought complete solitude in conversation with God. Lake, - with it clear waters and a border of flowering oleanders, through the greenery of which the light blue wings of sivors shine through, - with many pelicans descending to the water for fish - lies at the bottom of a large hollow, or pool, 500 feet. below Mediterranean Sea. Hence the scorching, sweltering heat in the valley, but also the variety of plants, the fertility of the soil, the luxury of flowers, the abundance of harvests that ripen a month earlier than anywhere else, and the many streams that gurgle, cascading from the hills into the lake. Now, except for the small crumbling town of Tiberias, which has reached the last stage of decrepitude, and the unfortunate village of Medjdel (ancient Magdala), - where the savagery of the inhabitants is best expressed in the fact that children play in the street completely naked - there are no residential places there that once surrounded shore; a pitiful, mangled boat, not always capable of sailing, replaced a cheerful and numerous fleet. The disgusting immobility and apathetic inaction of the real coastal inhabitants clearly proves that there is still a lot of fish. But the beauties of nature have remained the same to this day. Just as invariably the lake lies on the hillside, reflecting the changing colors of the atmosphere, like opal set in emerald; the waters are as clean and transparent as at the time when the boat of the Apostle Peter rocked on their streams, and Jesus looked into their crystal depths; also, turtle doves coo in the groves, a pelican fishes; just as before, palm trees and fields are green there, springs flow, but instead of buildings, gray piles of ruins are scattered. The population and activity decreased so much, solemnity and interest increased. If every last trace of the human population disappeared; the jackal and the hyena will howl near the ruins of the synagogues lying in the shadows, where Christ once taught, and then Gennesaret, chosen by Jesus to begin the teaching, with its solitary streams, will awaken holy delights in us.

But it made a huge difference general form Tennisaret Valley during the time of the Savior. It was much more beautiful because it was thicker, greener and better processed. Josephus, in a fit of ardent delight, having described the beauty of the lake waters, the marvelous temperature, palm trees, vines, oranges, figs, almond trees, pomegranates and the warmth of spring, says that the seasons seem to be arguing here for the honor of owning this area, and nature, in order to achieve diversity, she exhausted all her strength here. Talmudists interpret that this valley, the pride of nature, belonging to the tribe of Nephali, was like this in fulfillment of the Mosaic blessing: Nephalim is filled with favor and filled with the blessing of Jehovah; the sea and the south are his possession. There was even a saying with more deep meaning, than its compilers assumed that “the Lord created seven lakes for the land of Canaan, and reserved for himself one of Galilee.”

But not for beauty alone, central position and the popular activity of Galileo was especially adapted to the perception Christ's teachings, and in fulfillment of the ancient prophecy of Isaiah, that the land of Zebulun and the land of Neuphalim, on the other side of the Jordan, the pagan Galilee will see a great light So what for those who sit in the land and shadow of death, light will shine. Because Jesus Christ, even during his earthly life, had to be light for the enlightenment of the pagans, just like the glory of his people Israel I. People of all nationalities lived in the neighborhood, for this was the road to the sea. “The cities,” says Joseph, “lay there very closely and many settlements were, due to the fertility of the land, so densely populated that the smallest of them contained up to 15,000 inhabitants.” Moreover, he adds that the local residents were active and diligent people; cultivated every piece of rich and fertile soil and were accustomed to war from childhood. About four roads led to the lake. One was lying on west side to the lower reaches of the Jordan Valley; the other, having crossed the bridge to south side lakes, passed through Perea to the waves of the Jordan near Jericho; the third ran through Sepphoris, the cheerful and mountainous capital of Galilee, to the famous port of Acre on the Mediterranean Sea, and the fourth stretched through the mountains of Zebulun to Nazareth and thus through Esdralon to Samaria and Judea. Huge caravans from Egypt to Damascus passed through this section of Palestine, and the pagans who made their way to Julia's Bethsaida or Caesarea Philippi were constantly visible in the streets of Capernaum. At the time of Jesus Christ, Galilee, in terms of population and activity, was an industrial province of Palestine and the waters of this lake were dissected by almost four thousand ships different types, ranging from the warships of the Romans to the crude boats of the fishermen of Bethsaida and the gilded boats of Herod's palace. Ituria, Samaria, Syria, Phenicia were in such close range that to get there you only had to cross a river, lake or hill. The city of Tiberias, which Herod Antipas built, made the capital of Galilee and named after the reigning Roman emperor, was built with amazing speed. At the time when the Evangelist John wrote his Gospel, Lake Galilee had already received, according to the newly created city, the name of Tiberias. If Jesus Christ never entered the pagan amphitheater or the streets of Tiberias, which passed through dug-up cemeteries (which was considered desecration of the graves), then He often had to see in the distance the walls of this city with their fortified towers, as well as the golden house of Antipas, reflecting far in the distance. lake of marble lions and sculpted architraves. Europe, Asia and Africa paid indemnity to this people; people of all nationalities met in its markets. Throughout west bank Gennesaret lived mixed population from Jews and Gentiles; the wild son of the Arabian desert could be seen there side by side with the enterprising Phoenician, the effeminate Syrian, the contemptuous Roman, the resourceful, treacherous and depraved Greek.

The days of pleasant solitude in the happy valley of Nazareth are past; began a life of constant work, deep sorrow, turmoil, travel, struggle, preaching, healing and doing good deeds. Upon joining social activities, Jesus did not remain long in Capernaum the first time; but these days were the type of the rest of His life. He had to preach in a Jewish synagogue built by a Roman centurion, and the work of His mercy at Cana became known to people of all nationalities. It was clear to everyone that the newly risen prophet was different from his great Forerunner; he appeared to reveal that Eternity is not something future, but only invisible. He came to teach that God is not a vague abstract, distant from people by an endless height blue sky, but that He is the Father, about which we live, move and are and that serving Him does not consist in sacrifices and offerings, but in deeds of mercy and justice, in humility and love. He came not in order to disrupt the natural harmony of human life, in order to raise a storm and excitement in it, but to tune every string of this thousand-string harp and harmonize it with the heavenly harmony.

But the area where Capernaum stood is this city, which, according to the Gospel of St. Matthew, Jesus believed yours, who witnessed so many great miracles, heard so many great revelations, remains undiscovered to this day. It is reliably known that it was on the site of Kan-Miniega or Tell-Gum; but in the place of which of the two? Both cities are in the vicinity of Bethsaida and Chorazin; both adjoin the waters of Lake Gennesaret; both are on the road to the lake; the claims of both to be Capernaum are supported by strong evidence; a decision in favor of any of them presents an insoluble difficulty. Having visited the area and carefully studied the voluminous evidence of travelers there, I give preference to Tell Gum. There, on a highly prominent place, littered with fragments of white marble, rise the ruined walls, in which there was, perhaps, a synagogue, built in the flowery, complex style of the Herodian age, and among the greenery and gigantic thicket lie the scattered remains of columns and architrave, proving that In this place stood a beautiful and rich city. There is nothing in Kan-Minieg except an ordinary ruined caravanserai and a number of grayish piles that may or may not be ruined ruins. But no matter in which of these areas there was the house of the Apostle Peter, recognized by the Evangelist Matthew as the dwelling of Jesus, in any case this house was destroyed to the ground. Even a wandering Bedouin tries to avoid these ancient ruins, where only foxes and jackals roam at night. The sad and solemn curse that thundered over this picturesque and flourishing city was fulfilled: you, Capernaum, who ascended to heaven, will be cast down to hell; For if the powers that were manifested in you had been done in Sodom; then he would have stayed to this day. But I tell you that it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom on the day of judgment than for you.

In ancient times, people led a nomadic lifestyle and did not have permanent housing. With the advent and transition to a sedentary lifestyle, the first settlements appeared. Today there are more than 20 million of them. They are very diverse in appearance, according to the size and occupation of people.

What types of human settlements are there?

Places where people live are called settlements or settlements. They are found between 78°N latitude. and 54° S and at altitudes up to 5300 m above sea level. The main types of settlements are cities and rural settlements.

In rural settlements, people's lives are to a greater extent connected with nature. These settlements are small in size and are dominated by low-rise buildings. Residents are engaged in farming and hunting. Currently, about half live in rural areas. But this share is decreasing as more and more rural residents are moving to cities. In cities, the density of population and buildings is much higher. City dwellers are busy with work not related to agriculture.

Rural settlements are diverse both in size and appearance. In some areas, single residential buildings, surrounded by fields, predominate. In others - large villages with a population of several thousand people. On the plains, rural settlements are located freely, occupying large areas. In the mountains, houses are crowded together and seem to “climb” the slopes.

Names of rural settlements in different corners planets are not the same: village and village, ranch and hacienda, village and farmstead, aul and kishlak. TO rural settlements Also include dacha villages, villages of lumberjacks and fishermen.

They are called cities settlements, most of whose residents are engaged in activities not related to agriculture. The first cities arose in the 3rd-1st millennia BC. e. in different regions of the Earth: China, Mesopotamia, . IN modern world cities play a major role in the economic, cultural and political life of people. Typically, the more developed a country is, the higher the proportion of its population is urban. The proportion of city dwellers is also high in countries where a significant part of the territory is occupied by mountains, glaciers or deserts. The number of inhabitants in cities can vary from several thousand to several million people. Cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people are considered large. There are now about 4,000 of them in the world. Three-quarters of all the world’s citizens live in them.

In the life of countries, cities perform different tasks. Main city Each country has a capital. It houses the institutions that govern the country. Big cities play several roles simultaneously. Not only do people live in them, but they also house industrial enterprises, transport, trade, cultural and scientific institutions. Therefore, certain zones are distinguished within cities: industrial, residential, transport, historical and cultural.