Is it possible to shave during a session? Student signs

Signs for good luck in the exam will be useful for schoolchildren, applicants, and students. They are relevant in any situation related to testing knowledge, whether it is writing an essay in the 9th grade or taking a test at a university. Even psychologists do not speak out against various conspiracies and superstitions, since they contribute to the student’s confidence in his abilities. So, what actions attract and deprive you of luck?

Signs for good luck in the exam: catching a “freebie”

Perhaps, among all the strange actions that students perform before tests and tests, there is none more popular than this. Other signs, superstitions and conspiracies before exams can be forgotten if the student does not forget about the main thing - catching “freebies”. The ritual is practiced at night, which precedes the test of knowledge.

Anyone who has a record book can take advantage of the simple practice. This element must be set to open window, take your lungs into the air and loudly shout the call: “Get caught, freebie!” Then it is immediately closed, hidden from prying eyes until handed over to the teacher. It is advisable that the scream be loud, otherwise the “freebie” may not hear it.

Doctors do not like these signs for good luck in the exam, since cases of voice failure in the most diligent catchers have been recorded. However, the students are convinced of the main thing - the method works.

Superstitions related to hair

Popular rumor says that the most important signs of good luck in the exam are associated with the student’s head. Clarifying point - we're talking about First of all, about hair. It is advisable to postpone purchasing a new hairstyle until successful completion testing knowledge, receiving a positive mark. It is highly not recommended to get a haircut if there is less than a week left before the exam. It is believed that the student cuts off knowledge along with the hair strands.

Signs for good luck during the exam also do not tell you to wash your hair immediately before taking it. It is assumed that the shampoo will have the same negative effect on acquired knowledge as if the student took up scissors. This rule does not mean a ban on using a comb.

There is no exact information about whether you can use a razor before testing your knowledge. To avoid problems with fortune, it is best not to touch the stubble a day or two before the appointed date.

Clothes and exams

There are also certain superstitions associated with the attire of a student or schoolchild going to take a test. First of all, you should give up the idea of ​​putting on a new suit. An untested wardrobe item may turn out to be “unlucky,” and the teacher may not recognize the student and decide that he missed all classes.

Signs for good luck before an exam - a set of rules that recommend wearing old things. However, this does not mean that a student can wear any outfit taken from the wardrobe. It is advisable to focus on things in which the test has already been successfully passed. If it is not possible to wear only “lucky” sweaters, trousers, skirts, shirts, you can limit yourself to one such detail.

How to prepare properly

Good luck signs before exams unanimously advise students to prepare for them. In the process of cramming the material, we must not forget about some rules, failure to comply with which can ruin everything. It is strictly forbidden to combine preparation and eating. After taking a break, you should definitely take care of bookmarking the textbook you are using, otherwise the acquired knowledge will be “lost.”

If little time has been allocated for classes, you should definitely enlist the support of a brownie living in an apartment or dormitory. Ordinary lump sugar will help to appease it. The product must be put in the record book, this gift must be put away in a corner. This action is performed the night before the test; there should not be a lot of sugar - a couple of pieces. The main purpose of the ritual is to lure the five into grade book.

Should you study or not the night before an exam? The answers to this question are very contradictory. Some superstitions do not recommend cramming in last hours, others, on the contrary, welcome this activity. In the second case, you should definitely place the textbooks and notes used in the learning process under the pillow. The missing knowledge will certainly come to light and be reliably recorded in memory.

Sleep and exam

The success of a student (applicant) depends on how correctly he prepares for bed before testing his knowledge. Signs for good luck in exams at school and other educational institutions even allow you to “calculate” your ticket. To do this, it is enough to prepare several small pieces of paper, focusing on the number of questions, number them and leave them under the pillow. When you wake up, you need to immediately take out one of the sheets, regardless of what is written on it. The indicated number is the ticket option.

Signs before the GIA exam for good luck prohibit jumping out of bed abruptly before taking it. The student must get out of bed by stepping on the “correct” foot. He will definitely be lucky if that leg turns out to be his left one. It is precisely this that must be used at the moment when the student crosses the threshold of the audience. This rule works for all exams without exception: university, school.

The theory that success depends on the hand that the student uses to select a ticket has also become widespread among the people. The effectiveness of this superstition is unknown, but you should still take the sheet with your left hand.

Road to the exam

Home rituals are important, but don’t forget about correct actions on the way to the institution where knowledge testing will take place. About which foot is best to use when crossing the threshold of an apartment and vehicle, schoolchildren and students already know. What are some signs before exams that are directly related to the road?

When putting on shoes, it is important to place iron money under the heel. The denomination of the coin also plays a role; ideally, there should be a five among the numbers. There is another superstition related to money. On this day it is strictly forbidden to use public transport in the role of a “hare”, travel must be paid.

When leaving home, you should definitely grab a talisman. You should take care of choosing a lucky item in advance. It’s great if it has already brought the owner good luck in previous tests and tests. It is important not only to place the talisman in your bag or pocket, but also to remember to touch it before entering the classroom. This action has a direct impact on future assessment.

Significant meetings

What are the pre-exam meeting related subjects? It’s great if a student going to college encounters a pregnant woman along the way. Such a collision promises not only high score, but also the examiner’s abstention from complex issues. Meetings with representatives of certain professions have a negative connotation, first of all this concerns police officers and firefighters. To prevent getting bad grades, it’s better not to look out the windows on the road.

On the way to educational institution not only important the right people, but also objects. It’s great if the student can find a route that involves driving under a bridge, even for a short time.

What can relatives do?

Parents are often more concerned about passing exams than the students themselves. In this case, you should keep mom and dad busy with useful things, distracting them from excessive worries. The task is simple - do not stop scolding the examinee with bad words while taking the test.

It is also advisable to remember one universal ritual that works in absolutely all situations. It is necessary to sincerely wish the student “no worries”, hearing in response the classic “to hell.” If you have free time, you can do other things useful action- turn all the chairs in the house upside down. You don't have to touch the chairs.

What are some signs before an exam that guarantee failure? Absolute leader Among them is forgetting your grades at home. Therefore, you should not put this item in unexpected places like the freezer, as some superstitious people advise. The above actions are quite enough to attract fortune.

Perseverance, erudition and long hours spent with a tutor are not at all the key to success when entering higher educational institutions, as well as passing exams there, some applicants and students believe. Therefore, many student signs and superstitions associated with the exam period were invented. For example, in order to remember what you have learned well, when going to bed, you need to kiss the textbook on both sides and then put it under your pillow.

With a fig in your pocket

If a student does not want the teacher to ask him seminar lesson, he must definitely keep figs in his pockets.

“To pass the exam with flying colors,” you need to go to an open window with a record book at midnight the night before, open it in the right place, blow non-existent dust from it into the wind and say three times: Freebie, come in!”

Washing your hair before an exam is a pretty bad omen: they say that you will wash away everything you have learned.

Before the exam, you should also never clean your apartment or room - you will fail.

When going to the exam, you need to put a coin under the heel of your right foot for good luck.

No matter how many exams there are, you should wear the same clothes to them. It should be remembered that it cannot be erased until the end of the session.

If you got a bad mark on your first exam, perhaps it’s all because of your unlucky clothes, and you need to change them.

For the exam, you should only wear the clothes you were most successful in in previous exams. You should not forget about lucky amulets that bring good luck to you. This could be an ordinary badge, a comb, or other small things.

Try to be the first to greet the examiner so that he doesn’t accidentally jinx you.

You should only take the ticket with your left hand while standing on your right foot. Having taken a ticket and sat down, you need to hold on to your right ear with your left hand, not letting go of it for a second until you leave the office.

The night before the exam, you can put a coin or a stack of pieces of paper with ticket numbers written on them under your pillow for good luck. When you wake up in the morning, pull out one piece of paper without looking - you will most likely pull out the same ticket during the exam.

During the exam, your friends who know about this should scold you, but you cannot use words such as “fool”, “idiot”, or swear words.

If you rub the dog's nose, you'll get a test!

For additional guarantees of passing exams, students and applicants often turn to famous monuments that, in their opinion, have mystical powers.

In Moscow, one of the places of pilgrimage for “abitura” is the fountain complex at Manezhnaya Square. There are two magical “points” here, which, according to students, help them get into university. The first is a fountain with horses. To pass without any problems entrance exams, you should climb into the fountain, walk around it in a circle, touch the hoof of one of the mares and then plunge headlong into the water.

The second “point” is a sculpture of an old man with a goldfish. To make your wish come true, you need to rub the fish three times clockwise.

Young people come to the “Revolution Square” metro station to ask for good luck before the exam from the “Scout with a Dog” sculpture. If you rub the dog's nose, you'll get a test; rub your paw, and you'll pass the exam. In the middle of a session to stroke marble dog, sometimes a whole line of superstitious students forms here.

But these are not the “main” Moscow monuments associated with student signs. The main one was installed a couple of years ago in the capital’s Maryino district. It is a bronze structure, including worn-out shoes, a record book with the coveted “excellent” mark. and a huge nickel.

In order to pass the exams with “excellence,” you should put on bronze shoes, take a small coin and try to get into the very center of a large nickel.

“There is a tradition among students of the Moscow Conservatory to thank the statue of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky standing in front of their alma mater for successfully passing their exams. According to the ritual, the future musician, apologizing, climbs onto the monument and inserts a festive bouquet into his bent hand. Those jokers who decide to put a bottle instead of a bouquet, according to the sign, can easily lose their hearing.”

The patron of future writers is the monument to Herzen, standing in front of the Literary Institute.

“Students of the Socio-Economic Institute are trying to climb the horse monument in Kuzminki Park. The horse lost its tail somewhere (or it was knocked off) and now young people periodically climb onto the animal, who believe that this will allow them to pass the test without tails.”

By the way, near one of the buildings of the state university in Tula in 2007, a monument to the academic Tail was erected! On their first birthday, students from different countries They staged a costume show around it, in which plush dragons performed along with rather aggressive-looking African shamans. As the students explained, both help in passing exams.

The student “tail” is depicted in the form of a dragon (without a tail) a little over 20 cm high. During the time that the monument has been standing on the pedestal, Tula students have already developed new sign- touch it before the exam for luck. They say it helps.

The tail is made of “lucky” copper nickels. A total of 91 coins were included in the alloy.

Among St. Petersburg students, the monument to Catherine the Great, erected in the Catherine Garden, enjoys special veneration. During the examination period, the Empress's cleavage shines brightly: it is the students who are constantly stroking the intimate part of the great woman before the exam.

Students of Samara pedagogical university believe that you can get a good grade if you pass between two big ones before the exam stone balls located in front of the entrance to the university building.

In Kazan state university best friend students before exams is considered a bronze monument to the young Vladimir Ulyanov. Many students and applicants try to sit for at least five minutes on a bench next to the pedestal of the future leader of the world proletariat and ask him for help.

On the campus of Sevastopol national university A monument to the ball, the Ukrainian sister of the Russian Freebie, was erected. This is a hollow, transparent ball containing a bottle of vodka and cheat sheets. Before exams, students dance around Shara or shower her with small coins.

Dark night in the cemetery

Which ticket will you get in the exam? This sacramental question worries some students more than anything else. Knowledgeable people In this case, it is advised to take exam papers an hour before bed, tear them into small pieces, put them in a kettle with water and put them on the fire. After boiling, pour the “infusion” into a mug and, when it cools down, drink it, then go to bed. If you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, immediately look at your watch: how many minutes there are on it, that’s the ticket number!

To find out in which subject a teacher might fail you in an exam, on a full moon, lay out your textbooks on the floor in a dark room around you, light a candle and start reading the following verse out loud:

“Marie Curie cooked puree,

And Herodotus is compote,

One, two, three, here..."

At the same time, very quickly bring the burning candle to the next textbook with each word. The moment the candle goes out is the exam you’ll cut your teeth on!

To successfully pass the exam, you should look for a lilac flower with five petals before it and, having found it, eat it immediately. But if you eat a flower with three petals, it means bad luck.

Finding a four-leaf clover is also considered a sign of great luck everywhere, and some students, aware of this, spend a free half hour before an exam walking in the city park in the hope of finding such a clover.

The glory of the four-leaf clover comes from ancient legend According to which Eve took this particular plant with her when she and Adam were expelled from paradise.

It is also believed that young man with a four-leaf clover in his buttonhole, they would never be drafted into the army.

Cemetery fortune telling is considered the most powerful and effective among students.

You should come to the cemetery at night, find a grave with the same age and name as yours, pick the seeds of the grass growing nearby with your left hand, and immediately count them. Remember the number and return home.

At home, add to this number the number of the day on which the exam is scheduled. For example, there were 20 seeds in my hand, and the day was May 19th. If the number is odd, then you will fail miserably in the exam, and if it is even, everything will be fine. At the same time, naturally, it should be taken into account that cemetery fortune-telling is valid only for those students who chronically do not prepare for exams, hoping for chance.

Students also have “their own” saints. The holy Great Martyr Tatiana is considered the main intercessor and helper of all student youth, because it was on her day that the famous Moscow University was founded. You can also pray to St. Nicholas - he helps everyone. But Sergei of Radonezh patronizes mainly those who studied hard. Brothers Cyril and Methodius will also help you pass the exam well if you ask them nicely...

Let's start with the main student sign: “If, when entering the classroom, you are asked to pull out a ticket, then most likely you are taking an exam.” If the night before the test and exam you decided or decided not to prepare and get a good night’s sleep, then to calm your nervous system you should perform one or, for complete calm, better several of the given rituals. As a result, you will be guaranteed a sound sleep with 800x600 pictures in True Color mode!


  1. You cannot cut your hair before a test or exam. For those who go to extremes, it is better not to cut your hair at all from the very beginning of your studies, then closer to the session you will be enviably different from your classmates in terms of shaggy hair. You can safely hide a microphone under your luxurious hair (hands free). Or, in extreme cases, the teacher will no longer want to see you on numerous retakes and will put at least something more or less satisfactory in your record book :). Your hair resembles Einstein’s hairstyle, you are incredibly lucky - it can become a powerful argument when giving a grade or test! You also can’t cut your fingernails before a test or exam (most likely, because we hold the pen with our hands, so nothing is said about toenails, it’s better not to cut them either, who knows!) On the eve of exam tests, the male half of humanity is not allowed to shave, no There are no restrictions on shaving for the female half of humanity!
  2. My head is dirty, unwashed, terrible. The day before a test or exam, you should not wash your hair. This is most likely due to the fact that all the knowledge accumulated in this small gap time, they are simply washed off with water and shampoo... For the bravest ones, you don’t have to wash at all, but for those who like to surprise others with their behavior, you can stop washing not only your hair, but also your body about a month or more before the session, Then, during a test or exam, the green teacher, tired of inhaling the aromas of a month-old student’s body, will either have to let the student go in peace, or put on a gas mask and continue asking tricky questions. Relaxation - washing half of the head: if exams exact sciences, then you cannot wash the left half of your head, so as not to wash away the knowledge that has settled in the left hemisphere; if in the humanities, you cannot wash the right half, so as not to lose knowledge from the right hemisphere.
    An explanation for this ritual has been found - in distant, distant times, when all the water in the dorm was turned off during the summer session and therefore students went to exams not shaved, not washed, not combed. During the session, one could see a picture of how at 9 o’clock in the morning a crowd of sleepy, bearded, and not very fresh students went to the next exam. But one day, one small but very smart student noticed that exams during the summer session began to be much easier to pass, and more often freebies visited students’ books. And so it happened...
  3. Left-handed life. We woke up, don’t rush to get out of bed, remembered that in about an hour the “student apocalypse” would come, and got up on the left foot, brushed our teeth with our left hand, which we also use to comb our hair, eat, and hold a mug of tea or coffee, say hello the left hand is not recommended (they may be considered an adherent of Hitler’s ideas, only the Fuhrer gave left hand!), waved to the mourners with their left hand, if there are none, then you will have to lock the door with your left hand too. We enter a bus or car with our left foot, and we enter the classroom too. If you feel like spitting, spit only over your left shoulder :). Before entering the classroom, standing on your left leg, we wish the required assessment. In front of the table with exam papers, we stand on our left foot; you can also grab the table, or if the table is wooden, knock on it three times. To pull Examination ticket follows with your left hand, and you can pull not just the ticket you like, but a specific one according to the account ( lucky numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, some take the thirteenth in a row), for those who like extremes - look at everything that happens with the left eye. The explanation for this belief is based on the belief that the heart is located on the left side, and the heart doesn’t know which ticket is just waiting for you to pull it out and crack it like a nut! Before reaching for a ticket, be extremely careful and do not mix up your hands; perhaps you should sign your left hand with a felt-tip pen so that in the pre-exam jitters you don’t grab the ticket with your right! The only misunderstanding that can happen is the teacher forcibly handing out tickets! The only way to resist the authoritarianism of the teacher is to put the spurs in your left pocket, but using your right hand, which will then need to be used to quietly remove them!
  4. Reading notes. If you have time left to prepare for the exam, then here are a few beliefs so that your efforts do not come to naught: “Don’t read notes while eating” (you jam your memory), “Don’t watch TV while reading notes” (a powerful distraction), “ Don't listen to loud music while reading notes" (an alternative is quiet music) classical music, they say helps to better remember information). When organizing a break, it is forbidden to leave notes and textbooks open so that what you remember does not disappear!
  5. Excellent student, where are you? The sign is as follows - for successful completion exam, you need to hold on to the person who has just passed it perfectly! Maybe the remnants of light energy of knowledge that has not yet had time to evaporate help. They held on, crossed their index and middle fingers on your hands, and on your feet, just in case, so as not to jinx it - make an estimate and go ahead and get a ticket!
  6. Household signs.“You can’t come back after you’ve left the house” - if the situation forces you to return, notes, spurs, a working iron are forgotten, even worse, when your record book is forgotten (as an option - in the freezer), then the counteraction to this sign is to look in the mirror and show it yourself your tongue :) Going for an assessment may end in failure if you come across a grandmother with an empty bucket on the way, so you can neutralize superstition by throwing a candy wrapper into the bucket, or at worst, spit in it :) If a black cat crosses the road (those who cross this path will suffer failure...), then you need to go the other way, and if time is short, then let someone pass in front of you or spit over your left, or even better, over both shoulders, and best option, have time to cross the road before the cat, may your poor four-legged friend be unlucky today! If you meet a man first on your way, you’ll be lucky, but if a woman doesn’t, there’s nothing you can do about it - “that’s fate”! And if you take into account your professional affiliation: meeting a pregnant woman or a naval officer is a good time (you will pass the exam or receive a test); a homeless person, a fireman or a policeman - to a loss (you won’t see the credit for your ears). It is not recommended to step on sewer manhole covers - the bad energy circulating under our feet through the metal penetrates into our body - if you were unable to miss the “sewer coin”, then you can neutralize the threat by crouching or touching something or someone with your hand in order to give it away bad energy... Before the exam, you shouldn’t take out the garbage that has accumulated in the trash can yourself; apparently, along with the “dirty laundry”, the accumulated knowledge goes down the garbage chute! And if before the exam you sweep the floors in the apartment, wash them, and then take out the bucket, then it’s better not to go to the exam - there won’t be any time left to prepare anyway :)

The following rituals require systematic preliminary work- make a wish for passing exams when receiving a successful ticket on the bus, make a wish while sitting between two namesakes, twins or namesakes (it is better to ask permission first, anything can happen - there was a case when the namesakes flatly refused to have anyone sit between them, citing this by the fact that “your wish will come true - but we will have more troubles”), to wish good grades on a falling star or passing under a bridge over which a train passes. Before the exam, you can count rare objects, the number of which potentially ranges from 2 to 5, for example, fire trucks, ambulances, counting minibuses, like blondes, it is not recommended, but pink-haired girls on roller skates, please...

  1. Scold the student in absentia. While the student is taking the exam, his relatives, acquaintances, acquaintances and friends sitting at home criticize him with all sorts of dirty words, remembering all the bad things that he managed to do! The effectiveness of this method is enhanced by imagining the dealer or reading from a photograph. With limited vocabulary A dictionary of original Russian words and expressions will help you with curses. The more perverted the curses are, the greater the effect, and a three-story one is even welcome! You can increase the effectiveness of the spell by saying curse words out loud! Be careful with this belief, as there is a side effect: as soon as a person begins to remember, he develops incessant hiccups! Countermeasures side effect- inhale and hold your breath (weak effect), reach the upper palate with your tongue (does not help everyone), drink water while holding your hands behind your back (ballerinas use this technique - very effective method, the effect is instantaneous). Use without the consent of the examinee is PROHIBITED...
  2. Fists. On the day of the exam, you need to ask a friend or girlfriend to “keep their fists for you” while you take the exam. Let them just clench their fists at a certain time interval (not necessarily strongly...). I’m not sure that the success of passing the exam will increase with the increase in the number of people holding their fists for you :), so the most effective option would be to have your boxer friend clench his fists!
  3. Clothes and exams. You cannot come to the exam wearing new clothes or clothes that you have not worn for a long time. The meaning of this commandment is probably explained by the fact that a teacher in a new outfit simply will not recognize you and will claim that you are a malicious truant and have missed all lectures. Girls can fend off these attacks by saying: “What are you talking about... I just cut my hair and dyed my hair!” The best option would be to wear their socks, panties or a hat that bring good luck... What, you still don’t have lucky clothes - then remember the first year, how deftly you passed exams, unclouded brains and ebullient energy (where has all this gone now...) , and now the most difficult thing is to strain yourself to remember what clothes you were wearing then! We remembered - I was sure that everything would work out - now we put on a good piece of clothing and, turning to our favorite blouse, belt or suspenders, we whisper - “Baby, thank you for helping me out when I was still very young, help me now , when my mind was clouded by studying and mountains of material learned during the first years of study... Save me, as has happened more than once!” And don’t forget to stroke the little thing - it’s a trifle, but it’s nice... If you have already managed to pass one exam perfectly, then it is recommended to wear the same clothes for the next exams; for those who like extremes, you can also prepare in these clothes... Schoolgirls in Poland they wear red underwear for success in the exam - I don’t know who checked :)
  4. “Go to hell, go to hell!” The sign is as old as time, but it is used by the majority of respondents... Before the exam, mourners and condolences wish the person going to the exam “No feathers, no feathers!” to which the already nervous student must respond “To hell!” and with your head held high, head to the place where you take the exam... Honestly, it’s not at all clear what this pre-exam dialogue influences, but you shouldn’t neglect it! As they say, “what the hell is not joking”... When entering an institute/university, the phrase is modernized: “No fluff, no feather, no deuce, no stake!” to which the student must also respond “To hell!”
  5. Take care of your record book like the apple of your eye. When passing the session, do not show your record book to anyone, so as not to jinx it! The only exceptions are teachers... By the way, it’s a good excuse not to show off your successes to your parents :) And one more observation - you can’t take the physical education test first, you’ll get too busy later...
  6. It's not an elbow - it's a NOSE! Rub your nose... not your own, but at the monument! From time immemorial, the size of the nose testified to a person’s mental abilities, so in this ritual “size matters:)” At UGATU, for example, we rub the nose of the monument to Sergo Ordzhonikidze, located in the vestibule of the eighth building, what a big-nosed fellow...
  7. Food studies. Everyone is familiar with the student drug - chocolate, which replenishes mental strength, allowing you to learn a dozen more tickets in one day! Here is a ritual of eating chocolate: at night we place a bar of chocolate in the area of ​​​​the legs, all night the chocolate absorbs the knowledge that comes out through the legs, and in the morning it is eaten by a hungry student in order to return all the knowledge to its place... You will find out where the student gets knowledge from at night by reading the following believe me! Remember how in childhood everything stuck to your sticky hands, and how well the plastic parts of the construction set were held together if you dipped them in jam or compote... So here is the following belief: before the exam, rub something sweet in your hands (prunes, raisins, dried apricots) and pull out the ticket so that only the good ones stick... You can try not drinking for three days before the exam, yes..., after all, it will be better to pass sober :)
  8. Diffusion of knowledge. The night before the exam, if you plan to go to bed, you need to put lecture notes or a couple of textbooks on the subject under your pillow. The meaning of this commandment is truly explained by the fact that in a sleepy state, information from a note or textbook easily penetrates the brain through the pillow! The main thing is not to forget to take notes to the university in the morning... Hypothesis “As the number of books increases, the amount of knowledge in the sleeper’s head increases in proportion to the number of pages in these books!” remained unconfirmed. Sleeping with books in your arms is not recommended, but for a change you can try... Although the process of acquiring knowledge in in this case is not effective because it occurs in the lower hemispheres of the brain :). In order to and in hindsight be strong too - sit down and take notes... for a little while :)
  9. A copper Soviet coin is placed in the shoes under the left heel. Student superstition does not reveal the technology of putting a coin in a shoe - put a coin in socks or tights, and maybe you shouldn’t put anything extra on your feet - it’s closer to the body... The meaning of this commandment is probably that copper helps from a headache or a nickel, acting on certain points on the heel, gives the student access to the subconscious!
  10. “Get caught, freebie.” The night before taking an exam or test, we open the grade book (our own, the opening of someone else’s can be unpredictable) and place it on the floor, then grab a broom and turn around the axis 5 times (or any number of times a multiple of 5), sweep away specks and dust , household garbage on our little book (opened on the page where the test or exam should be entered), saying “Freebie, get caught!”, then without shaking it off, we close it and wait for tomorrow. The most important thing is that at the moment of asking for a freebie, no one scares her off with shouts of “We need to learn!” Only a specialist from our company can decipher this ornate cryptographic pattern on the pages of your record book left by household garbage, so we strongly recommend that you contact us, cryptanalysis specialists... This method should be used rarely, as the quality of the record book is lost...
    There is a gentle option - waving your open record book out the window at midnight, singing the strange words “Freebie, come!” For those who have very little knowledge, you can try more complex options- lean out the window along with your record book, go out onto the balcony and from there shout “Freebie, come!” For those whose situation is worse than ever (forgot the name of the item), there is the most effective version of the ritual - jump out into the street in underwear and already there wave your record book! In any of the options, after the magic phrase is said, you should slam the record book, tie it with thread and, for complete safety, put it in the freezer so that the freebie does not jump out! You can open your record book only during the exam! The result of this procedure is that you will get a “lucky” ticket in the exam, and the teacher will not bother you with additional questions! Options were considered when they tried to catch Freebie, and who wants to be caught - so it’s better to feed him, for example, pour bread crumbs into the record book (on the right page), smear the desired line with vodka or alcohol, so Freebie sticks to the record book and does not try to escape.. And how pleasant it will be for your grade book to smell fragrant in the morning, although some teachers show a dislike for this aroma, and oh how difficult it is to write anything on alcohol-soaked paper! You can appease Freebies by doing good deeds, for example, cleaning the apartment, not quarreling with parents, sisters and brothers, and fulfilling the requests of household members as much as possible... On the day of the exam, to appease Freebies, you can throw candy on the way to the university...
  11. Talismans. A talisman is a useful and irreplaceable thing in a student’s household... A random talisman can be a locker room number with numbers divisible by five, a lucky ticket on the bus, or with the sum of the first three digits divisible by five. In general, everything related to numbers that are multiples of five can be your personal talisman, but no one should know about it, otherwise its effectiveness decreases! A favorite “lucky” fountain pen or a car keychain can serve as a talisman (I remember how a friend constantly clicked the keychain before tests; by the way, this belief in the talisman did not prevent him from successfully completing assignments, and my sister took her with her to school until the eighth grade school for test papers her favorite baby doll). A good talisman can be a stone (don’t laugh, not on your neck...), suitable for your zodiac sign, mounted in a ring, brooch, bracelet! A pebble for luck can also be simply an unusual pebble, for example, with a hole, and natural origin! All possible figures, erasers, clocks, melodies listened to before the exam, all this can instill in you faith in successfully passing the exam, but you just have to really believe that the exam will be passed and everything will come true!
  12. Religion and exams. If you are a follower of any religion, then most likely you know rituals that help you study... For example, take an icon to the exam, go to church before the exams and ask the saints to patronize you in passing these difficult but inevitable exams! You can always ask God for help...
  13. “Grandma said it in two” The sign is mainly used by schoolchildren (students are usually not familiar with the number and contents of tickets), who on the day of the exam try to find out the number of the ticket they come across from a passing granny... Only the effectiveness of this sign is directly proportional to whether you thank your grandmother or not, Therefore, if you don’t have some candy in your pocket, you should definitely say thank you with at least a sincere “Thank you”! And don’t forget to warn your grandmother about the range from which you need to choose... By the way, in addition to the old woman, in the implementation of this sign, in extreme cases, your grandfather or any person you don’t know can help... and why exactly a person, even ask your cat or dog - let him poke his nose into the sheet of tickets... maybe you'll get lucky!
  14. “Dance while you’re young, single, have a day off, THE SESSION HAS NOT COME” So, believe it or not, don’t want it - whatever you want... Based on our own observations - the first-year students who went to celebrate their admission (it doesn’t matter where it takes place - the main thing is the mass participation) are making plans for the future! Since they haven’t passed the first session yet, but are already marking... Take it first, study, get comfortable - and then mark the remaining courses with young people :) Here are the statistics that mainly those who attended it are expelled from the first session and beyond event ahead of time!!!

Algorithm for successfully passing exams:

In order to successfully pass any exam according to the Universal Scheme (developed by students of all times and peoples, systematized and supplemented by QSA inc.), you must:
1). Skip as many classes as possible during the semester, and if you this moment If you are within the walls of the university, you can safely catch the eye of your teachers. They will not recognize you, especially if you began to adhere to the rules for growing hair and refusing to wash, given above;
2). Pay minimal attention this subject in terms of its study;
3). During the session (see point 2);
4).* The night before the exam you must(!):
4.1). Get drunk (get high, do some other experiment with own consciousness) half to death;
4.2). Go to a club, cinema, billiards, strip bar, skating rink or other establishment that was not enough “for complete happiness” or “which you were going to go to during the session, but could not get out” and get this happiness in full;

5). At 24:00, while in the window opening (if steps 1-4 have been completed before, it is recommended to tie yourself with suspenders or other durable products to the battery) with your record book at the ready, shout 3 times “GET OUT, FREE!” (while waving your open notebook, if steps 1-4 have been completed before, then it is recommended to glue the notebook to your palm with “MOMENT” glue) and go to bed with a feeling of complete moral satisfaction (or continue the banquet).

Entries in school diary Vovochki (so this is where the signs come from):
“Dear parents! Come to school immediately! Otherwise I'm doing well. I kiss you warmly, your Maria Fominichna...”
“...Your son runs around the desks during class. Bad sign..."
“...I read a book in physical education class...”

It's a bad omen when a black cat with empty buckets crosses your path.

In order to successfully pass the exam, the student needs to have knowledge and need to be in good psychological form to present everything correctly and to the point. Therefore, here is the conclusion: knowledge is the best sign! As one of the greats said, “the exam is the last opportunity to gain at least some knowledge on the subject,” otherwise there is always not enough time to read all the lectures during the session (tell me, how many times after passing the exams did you swear that you would take up the next semester mind and will study during the session... well, well, don’t make excuses - I myself know what happened, but in the next semester nothing special happened and the lectures were read en masse the night before the exam... Therefore, I believe that exams are a fair form help the student in learning new knowledge :)).

Karina Akhmetgalina (IST-202v) shared her sign; I think that this thesis will help many students justify their behavior “STUDY, TEACH - YOU GET TWO!” And the history of this statement is as follows: “before my eyes, a teacher of economic theory searched the student from head to toe in search of spurs, did not find them, but said: “You copied everything - it’s impossible to learn!” And she kicked him out. And he really knew this subject (smart guy)!!!"

A few folk signs:

  1. If you don’t feel like studying for the third day, then today is Wednesday;
  2. If you wake up in the morning and don’t have to get up, it means you slept standing up;
  3. If you drank well, it means it’s bad in the morning! If it’s good in the morning, it means you drank poorly!!!
  4. If you are driving in a car and you are hit hard, get out and look: if it was hit from behind, your money will increase, and if it hits you from the front, your money will decrease;
  5. A condom found by your wife in your coat means buying suitcases...
  6. If your head hurts, it means you have one...
  7. If a husband opens the car door for his wife, then this is either new car, or a new wife;
  8. The better the breasts are visible, the worse the face is remembered;
  9. If children go to school dressed up and bring flowers, then soon they will have to dig potatoes;
  10. If, when leaving the room, you grab the door handle, you will definitely return there;
  11. If circles appear around the sun, it’s time to ventilate the room and wash the windows;
  12. If vodka is drunk heavily and strained, expect it back!
  13. Low-flying pigeons overhead - for washing;
  14. If you forget your umbrella in rainy weather, you will definitely get wet;
  15. If you swear quietly, it means you have a cold in your throat;
  16. If the dandruff moves, it's lice!
  17. He who seeks knows something!
  18. A minute of laughter adds a year to your life. Conditionally...
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And who would have thought that modern students are so superstitious and believe in all signs like little children. You know, I used to think so too, until I became a student. But then for me, student signs before the exam became a kind of tradition and norm of life.

In general, this is normal, since the student is ready to believe in any nonsense just to pass the next exam safely. For example, I often remember how my best friends with unwashed hair shook in front of the examination committee.

They, being naive, sincerely believed that washing your hair and clearing your head were about the same thing, so they tried with all their might to retain in their minds at least a small amount of useful, and most importantly, necessary information during the exam.

As a rule, all teachers are clearly confident that best omen For a student, only a learned and prepared exam can become, because it was then that not a single exam task will not cause absurd surprise, and will not cause tears in the eyes of emotionally unstable students.

However, students are always looking for easy ways to solve their problems, and instead of cramming notes, they try to find that effective sign that will allow them to get a positive mark in their grade book “for free.”

It has long been clear to everyone that such signs do not work, but this understanding does not diminish students’ faith in their power. And this is understandable: it is much easier to believe in all sorts of nonsense, scientifically unfounded, than to finally engage in intensive preparation for the subject.

But here students are divided into three categories, where the first are sure that superstitions cannot be trusted, the second doubt the effectiveness of superstitions, but are afraid of incurring the “wrath of God,” and the third are convinced that even a perfectly studied subject will pass without any signs. positive assessment, alas, it will not be possible. In general: almost all students of higher education believe such predictions. educational institutions, or they really want to believe it.

My signs from student life

I learned about the existence of signs when I was in my first year at university, namely on the eve of the first session. No, of course, I prepared the exam program perfectly, but just in case, I slept the night medical reference book, and in the morning, as if by chance, I forgot to wash my hair.

I came for the exam, but I’m eager to become, I can’t stand it. And then to enter the audience: a friend pushes me in the side, saying, “enter with your right foot, otherwise you won’t pass.” I was so nervous that I mixed up my legs and did everything as usual. I slept through the entire exam: no, of course, I created the appearance of presence, but in my heart I was asleep and didn’t even think about waking up. The result is the first “failure”, and the bad omen stamp worked.

From then on, I, like all my classmates, blindly believed in omens, and entered the classroom only with my right foot. By the way, I never stopped appearing in a medical reference book, and not a single teacher saw me with my hair washed during the exam. But what, it’s much better to use several signs at once, so that one will work.

Common signs among students

Well, now it’s clear that you can only enter the exam with your right foot, otherwise passing the exam is simply doomed to failure. However, among other equally effective signs, the following points should be highlighted:

1. If on the way to the university you meet expectant mother, then you should stop her and politely ask any number. The value that she names will correspond to the exam card number. So such a hint helps to prepare in advance for the answer to the specified ticket.

2. Before going to the exam, do not forget to ask your family, friends and acquaintances so that they certain time remembered you " kindly, quiet word" As you know, if a person is scolded, this means that it will not be difficult for him to pass even the most difficult exam.

3. Before leaving, all students are advised put a nickel under your heel, which, in theory, should bring luck, fortune, clarity of mind and the ability to get out of any situation. Yes, by the way, it is desirable that it does not ring and does not attract unnecessary outside attention.

Perhaps these signs are the most common, although superstitions for modern students quite enough. You shouldn’t take other people’s signs, but it’s best to choose your own, which have been tested in practice more than once and really contribute to the successful passing of exams.

Popular folk signs among students

My friend prefers sleep on notes before the important delivery day. Not only she, but also other students are absolutely sure that knowledge will independently enter the brain at night and be stored in in the right places. However, for this sign to work, it is important to remember that the textbook or notes under the pillow should only be open, otherwise access to the brain will be blocked.

To enhance the attack of brain activity, it is advisable to sleep not only with notes, but with a bar of chocolate, which you put at your feet in the evening, and eat entirely after waking up. They say that chocolate helps stimulate the brain, which means that there is good chances pass the exams safely. So on the day of passing, you can forget about allergies and extra centimeters at the waist, since a favorable grade in the grade book is much more important on this day.

Another sign that does not meet sanitary standards is reluctance students on the eve of the exam get a haircut, wash your hair and take a bath. Indeed, as practice shows, exams are much easier to pass if you are unwashed and unshaven.

Therefore, students, noting this pattern, decided to use it. So, advice to all students: on the day before the test, it is advisable to ignore going to the bathroom so as not to wash away all the knowledge accumulated during the preparation period.

There is an opinion that taking the exam don't wear brand new clothes, since it still does not carry its own semantic energy. That is why it is advisable to dress up in a proven ensemble, which the teacher has seen more than once in his classes, and especially in lectures. However, in your desire to get an excellent grade, you should not reach the point of fanaticism, and flies should not give hints during the exam or die during an unplanned passage.

Gradebook - the path to success

Many students sincerely believe that the key to success in the exam is, of course, the grade book, which this period has the so-called " magical power " That is why many student signs associated with the successful passing of the session refer specifically to the student’s record book, which, by the way, should still be present in the exam.

According to the first sign, on the eve of the exam, you should open the grade book to the page where the mark will be written, and then point it out the open window and say loudly: “ Shara come" And so three times. Many students are confident that after such a conspiracy, the exam grade will definitely be no lower than “satisfactory.”

There is another conspiracy with a record book, but to implement it you need to send a record book through the window at midnight on the eve of an important exam and say three times: “Catch, catch, freebie”! It is also allowed at this time to go out onto the balcony with an open grade book and loudly ask for a freebie to help with the exam. If the neighbors don’t calm this down on their own active student, then in the morning there is a chance to pass the exam safely.

There is also a third option, and to implement it you again need to put the open record-book on the floor at midnight, take a broom, turn around its axis five times, and then place more on the record-book with the words: “Get a freebie.” Close the book and go to bed, and open it for the first time during the day only in front of the examiner. The main thing here is that he doesn’t start sneezing from the dust, otherwise he will expose all the students’ witchcraft tricks.

Everyday signs for a student

As practice shows, even the most non-superstitious students are afraid of certain signs, so they avoid them on an intuitive level. For example, it is very difficult to meet a student before an exam who is unexpectedly returning from home. If circumstances oblige, then before re-entry definitely required watch your own reflection in the mirror.

Not a very good omen black cat and grandmother with an empty bucket drinking. In such cases, it is extremely important that neither the first nor the second “conditional pest” can cross your path. If this does happen, then you should definitely let passersby ahead of you.

When you meet a pedestrian on the way to the university, a lot also depends on his gender: a man means luck, and a woman means bad luck. In this case, nothing can be done, and you can resign yourself to fate.

On the way to the exam It is not recommended to trample manhole covers, otherwise unfavorable energy penetrates the body, which can reduce academic performance and the quality of knowledge. But closing an open hatch before passing is a feat, that is, it is possible that in this case the exam will go quite well. So heroism in this situation will certainly not be superfluous.

Conclusion: So now all readers know what the most common student signs are before an exam, and what their subtleties are. However, it is not always worth believing in these superstitions, because a person is an independent creator of his own future and happiness; and it’s simply a sin not to use this simple truth in practice.

Now you know what exist student signs before the exam.

Oh, this one student life! The most best years life, if only...Well, of course! If it weren't for the exams. This is where it begins to seem how hard the life of a poor student really is.

Although today students are far from poor, and student life is not so difficult. This is because they have somewhat stopped being nervous, knowing certain signs before the exam.

Signs for students related to body parts

Do you want to pass the exam?

Before an exam or even before the start of the exam session, students who know the signs stop cutting their hair so as not to cut the last knowledge out of their heads. And now in long hair, more precisely, under them, you can easily place a mini-microphone with an earphone in order to have tips from students who do not have exams that day, for example, from their neighbors in the dorm, students in the next group.

Students do not cut their nails during the session or on the day of the exam. Just in case! And the guys don’t even shave on the day of the exam: with this kind of student, will the teacher want to see him again?
You should not wash your hair on the day of the exam. There is one clarification here. For precise, for example, mathematical sciences, answers left hemisphere the brain, and the right side of our brain is responsible for the humanities, for example, history. Therefore, only part of the head is allowed to be washed. If there is an exam in exact sciences on this day, you only need to wash the hair on the right side of your head so that you don’t wash out all the formulas on the left side. And if someone passes the humanities, then they are only allowed to wash left side without touching the hairs on the right side of the head.

The heart is located on the left side of our body. After all, only it can tell how a student will pass the exam today. Therefore, another very common sign among student world- a sign associated with the left side of the body. You need to get up on your left foot, hold everything in your left hand if possible, eat in the morning with your left hand, comb your hair with your left hand, and of course, you should also pull the exam card with your left hand, and it’s better to make a pocket for cheat sheets on your left hand inside jacket

Other household signs before the exam

Freebie - come

After studying the material, the summary must be closed so that the knowledge does not disappear from it. It’s best to put the notes under your pillow the night before the exam and not talk to anyone else: this way the knowledge will be firmly embedded in your head. It’s better to carry out this ritual every night throughout the entire session, then you certainly won’t get a bad grade in the exam.

You cannot eat and read a note at the same time. You can’t watch something on TV and read a summary at the same time. You cannot talk to other students while reading notes. If you accidentally left something at home, you cannot return to pick up the forgotten item on the day of the exam. You should also avoid black cats and people with empty buckets. And if you have already returned home, you need to look in the mirror and say three times:

"Hello! Hello! Hello!"

If someone before you has already successfully passed this exam, you must definitely hold this person’s hand so that he can positive emotions and passed on the knowledge to you. Then silently enter the audience and pull out the ticket with your left hand.

It is better to choose clothes for the exam that you have already worn for the exam and that you undoubtedly brought positive result. You should not wear new clothes to the exam. The best one is one that has many pockets and compartments for various cheat sheets.

The most common sign among students is catching so-called freebies. You need to catch a freebie when everything has already been learned or not learned, it’s a freebie, after all. You need to open a window or window, open your record book and shout at the top of your lungs:

“Catch freebies big and small!”

Any freebie on exam day will help the student. Then the grade book should be closed and placed under the pillow, without talking to anyone that evening.

Signs for people who know the examinee well

Relatives and friends should also know the signs concerning their student so that he successfully passes the entire session. On the day of the exam, all relatives, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, and all acquaintances who know that their friend is taking an important exam today should scold him at all costs. Anyone can go swear words and expressions, as long as they are useful.

It is customary for a student to keep his fingers crossed: gathering all his will into a fist, they seem to help him, pushing him to pass the exam as quickly as possible. It is best to keep your fingers crossed at the very moment of taking the exam, so the student should warn friends and acquaintances in advance at what time he plans to enter the classroom, during the day, in the morning or in the evening.

Everyone knows this sign when they don’t want either fluff or feathers. In this case, the student must send all those who do not want to, you know where. And students sometimes ask a random passerby for their ticket number, but in this case they must thank the random passerby with at least a piece of chocolate.

Mothers and grandmothers who are worried about their son and grandson should go to church and pray for him, they usually light a candle for successful completion sessions and passing all exams of your favorite student.