Short sentences to read syllable by syllable. Games to teach your child to read syllables

In this article you will find the simplest cards for reading by syllables, they contain only short sentences that contain up to 5 words.

How to read cards correctly: At first, you yourself read syllable by syllable, moving your finger over the word you are reading, and as soon as you reach words-pictures, let the child name it. So the child will be chained to the picture and text all the time. This is significant will speed up his learning to read syllables.

Cards "Reading by syllables" can be printed.

Rules for teaching a child to read

Don't forget to support child's interest in reading constantly, but without unnecessary pressure. If you read aloud, read to your child. daily short stories, offering to read this or that together word, then phrase, and then the whole offer.

Read names on cans and packaging: let this become a regular activity - then you will very quickly notice the fruits of your labors - the child will automatically want to read everything he sees: signs, names of chocolate bars, names of streets, inscriptions on labels and price tags, names of stores, and so on. Such everyday reading, on the one hand, is unobtrusive, and on the other hand, it forces the child’s brain to work actively and constantly look for new inscriptions to read.

After reading lessons and any lessons in general, give your child détente: laughter, tag (catching game), positive emotions, tickling, speed games with palms, somersaults and other outdoor games should come after mental work. Therefore, feel free to arrange an hour of “moving tomfoolery” after school.

If the child has no desire to study, offer him 1 task to choose from from 5 different ones. For example, in the case of reading:

  1. reading syllables of words,
  2. reading only syllables,
  3. reading short phrases
  4. reading letters,
  5. reading from cards.

If the situation repeats itself several times, see what the child chooses more often: perhaps he finds other tasks difficult? Don't rush him, teach him by playing.

Remember! Your child will always follow your example, so if you read books for yourself, and not only for him, he will be interested in reading even more.


Grandfather rapped and said:

Ras-ti, ras-ti, rap-ka, sweet-ka! Grow, grow, rap strong!

You grew up, sweet, strong, big, very big.

Grandfather went to pick a turnip: he couldn’t pull it out. Grandfather called grandma.

Grandfather for grandfather,

Grandfather for rap -

Pull - they pull, but they can’t pull.

Pos-va-la grandma granddaughter.

Granddaughter for grandma,

Grandfather for grandfather,

Grandfather for rap -

Pull - they will pull, but they cannot pull. Poz-va-la granddaughter Zhuch-ku.

Bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandma,

Grandfather for grandfather,

Grandfather for rap-ku-

pull-nut - pull-nut, you can’t pull. Poz-va-la Zhuch-ka cat.

Cat for Zhuch,

Bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandma,

Grandfather for grandfather,

Grandfather for rap -

pull-nut - pull-nut, you can’t pull. Posed the cat and mouse.

Mouse for cat

Cat for Zhuch,

Bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandma,

Grandfather for grandfather,

Grandfather for rap-ku-

tya-nut - tya-nut - and you-tya-well-rep-ku!!!

Hedgehog in the fog.

Would Yo-zhik live in the forest with honey? We lived well, amicably, but from time to time we didn’t talk to them about it. adventures…

Thirty ko-ma-ri-kovs you played on the la-well and played your squeak-la-violins. The moon came out from behind the clouds and, hooting, floated across the sky.

“Mmm-uh!..” - sighed the cow across the river.For-you-la and forty moon-hares along the road.

A fog rose above the river, and a sad-looking lo-sha-d was chest-deep in it, and now a moose appeared - the big-sha-I-be-la-ya duck swims in that-ma-not and from-sniff-ki-va-yas, oh-let-ka-et into it go-lo-woo .

Hedgehog sat on a hill under a pine tree and looked at the island in the moonlight up to the top of the flax -ma-nom.

It was so beautiful that he would flinch from time to time: was he dreaming about all this?

And the ko-ma-ri-ki can’t play their skri-ki-k-kah, the moon hares dance-sa-li, and the so-ba-ka you-la.

“I’ll tell you - they won’t believe it!” - thought the Hedgehog and began to look at the do-li-well and pay attention, so that he could remember the whole -so-tu.

“Here comes the star,” he noted, “and the grass leaned to the left, and from the tree it remained one -shin-ka, and now it’s sailing next to the horse..."

“And in-te-res-but,” thought Yo-zhik, “if the horse lies down to sleep, won’t there be bread in that place?”

And he began to slowly walk down the mountain, so that he could fall into the fog and see what it was like inside.

“Here,” said Hedgehog. - I can not see anything. And yes, you can’t see your paws. Horse! - he called.

But the horse didn’t say anything.

“Where is the horse?” - Yo-zhik thought. And he crawled straight. It was deaf all around, dark and wet, only the dusk glowed faintly from above.

He crawled for a long, long time and suddenly felt that the ground was falling under him and he was flying somewhere.

“Let the re-ka not bother me!” - he decided. He took a deep breath as best he could, and he was carried downstream.

Re-ka shur-sha-la ka-my-sha-mi, drill-li-la on the per-re-ka-tah, and Yo-zhik felt that he was completely wet and ro u-no.

Suddenly someone touched his back paw.

Fox and crane.

The fox and the bug were friends.

So one day I got the idea to visit Zhu-rav-la, and went to invite him to her place:

- Come-ho-di, ku-ma-nyok, come-ho-di, do-ro-goy! How I feel for you!

And the crane goes to the invited feast, and the li-sa na-va-ri-la man-noy ka-shi and spread it according to the plate. Po-da-la and sweat-chu-et:

- Po-ku-shay, my darling ku-ma-nek! Sa-ma cook-pa-la.

The bug clap-clop-clop-clop-clop-clop-knocks, knocks-knocks, doesn't do anything. And li-si-tsa at this time li-gets herself and li-gets ka-shu - so she’s all bored and bored. Ka-sha eat-de-na; li-si-tsa and says:

- Don’t judge, dear godfather! There's nothing else to sweat with!

- Thank you, ku-ma, and that’s it! Come to visit me.

The next day the fox came, and the crane wiggled about the crumbs, put it in a jug with a narrow neck, and stood on the table and said:

- Ku-shay, ku-mush-ka! Don't be ashamed, go-lu-bush.

Li-si-tsa spins around the jug-shi-na, and so goes in and out, and licks it and sniffs it; There’s no point! Doesn't fit his head into the jug. Meanwhile, the crane pecks at itself and pecks, until it has eaten everything.

- Well, don’t judge, ku-ma! There is nothing more to give.

Took-la-su to-sa-da: I thought-ma-la that I can’t eat enough for a whole lot of time, but I went home like I didn’t-so-lo-but bread-ba-la. Since then, the li-sa and the crane have been apart.

A child who has learned to put sounds into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences needs to improve their reading skills through systematic training. But reading is a rather labor-intensive and monotonous activity, and many children lose interest in it. Therefore we offer small texts, the words in them are divided into syllables.

At first read the work to your child yourself, and if it is long, you can read its beginning. This will interest the child. Then invite him to read the text. After each work, questions are given to help the child better understand what he read and comprehend the basic information that he gleaned from the text. After discussing the text, suggest reading it again.

Smart Bo-bik

So-nya and so-ba-ka Bo-bik go-la-li.
So-nya played with the doll.
Then So-nya ran home and forgot the doll.
Bo-bik found the doll and brought it to So-na.
B. Korsunskaya

Answer the questions.
1. Who did Sonya walk with?
2. Where did Sonya leave the doll?
3. Who brought the doll home?

The bird made a nest on a bush. The children found a nest and took it down to the ground.
- Look, Vasya, three birds!
The next morning the children arrived, but the nest was already empty. It would be a pity.

Answer the questions.
1. What did the children do with the nest?
2. Why was the nest empty the next morning?
3. Did the children do well? What would you do?
4. Do you think this work is a fairy tale, story or poem?

Peti and Misha had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse is it? Did they start tearing horses from each other?
- Give me my horse.
- No, give it to me - the horse is not yours, but mine.
The mother came, took the horse, and the horse became no one’s.

Answer the questions.
1. Why did Petya and Misha quarrel?
2. What did mom do?
3. Did the children play horse well? Why are you so
do you think?

It is advisable to use the example of these works to show children the genre features of poems, stories and fairy tales.

A genre of oral fiction that contains unusual events in everyday life (fantastic, miraculous or everyday) and is distinguished by a special compositional and stylistic structure. Fairy tales contain fairy-tale characters, talking animals, and unprecedented miracles occur.

Poem- a short poetic work in verse. The poems read smoothly and musically, they have rhythm, meter and rhyme.

Story- small literary form; a short narrative work with a small number of characters and the short duration of the events depicted. The story describes an incident from life, some striking event that really happened or could happen.

In order not to discourage him from reading, do not force him to read texts that are uninteresting and inaccessible to his understanding. It happens that a child takes a book he knows and reads it “by heart.” Necessarily read to your child every day poems, fairy tales, stories.

Daily reading enhances emotionality, develops culture, horizons and intellect, and helps to understand human experience.

Koldina D.N. I read on my own. - M.: TC Sfera, 2011. - 32 p. (Sweetie).

It's also the start of the school year in kindergarten. The children are gradually returning from vacation. Many people have learned letters over the summer and are starting to read a little bit by syllable.

Where do the texts for reading syllables come from? Of course, from the ABC book. Interesting are the old primers that grandmothers used to learn. The second source is the Internet. We also prepare texts for our 5-6 year old students depending on their existing skills, starting with simple and short texts. It is better to read a little, but more often.

In the first texts for reading by syllables, each sentence begins on a new line. This makes it easier for children to understand the text. The first texts to be read syllable by syllable should be printed large.

It is useful to accompany them with coloring books, a familiar activity for preschoolers. The tasks are as follows.

  1. First you need to read it to your mother, grandmother or anyone else.
  2. Color it.
  3. Label the items in the picture.

Why is it worth writing words? When a child reads, hearing and vision interact. When writing, I use auditory (I pronounce), visual (I record the image of the word) and motor analyzers.

In addition to narrative texts, it is useful to use short simple poems for reading syllables.

How to prepare texts for reading syllable by syllable?

Parents teaching their child to read can prepare the material themselves. You need to know the following. Texts for reading by syllables may look different. It all depends on how we divide the word into syllables.

1. Divide words into syllables, as in a primer, with hyphens (short horizontal lines). Below several texts are divided into syllables in this way.

2. Words are divided into syllables by vertical lines.

3. Syllables are highlighted from below with arcs.

Like that. It's better to start with the first option with hyphens. The first texts should be very simple in content, as below, gradually becoming more complex.. First, you give a picture to color. And then the child draws himself according to the meaning of the text. Texts for reading can also be downloaded on our website. Just prepare them using one of the methods suggested above.

Texts for reading by syllables

This is the cat Ku-zya.

At night, Ku-zya caught mice.

Then the cat slept on the couch.

And we are sitting in a hole.

  1. Cat's name?
  2. What are his actions?
  3. Why were the mice sitting in the hole?


Sa-ni had a daughter.

Sa-nya na-ko-fell the worm.

He went to the river.

There is a fish swimming in the river.

Sa-nya caught a fish.

  1. Boy's name?
  2. What was he doing?
  3. How many fish did you catch?


This is a tree.

The tree has a trunk.

The tree has a leaf.

The tree has branches.

Question. Na-zo-vi de-re-vo.


Ko-ro-va eats se-no.

Ko-ro-va gives mo-lo-ko.

Ma-sha love-bit mo-lo-ko.

Ma-sha love-bit ka-shu.

Ma-sha has ru-my-ny-e cheeks.

Question. Why do Masha have rosy cheeks? (For some reason, all the mothers thought about diathesis)

In the forest.

The children went into the forest.

They are so-bi-ra-li ma-li-nu.

Near the house behind the bushes.

The children were frightened.

And from the bushes you-be-zha-la with-ba-ka Zhuch-ka.

Everyone felt better.

  1. Where did the children go?
  2. What were they doing in the forest?
  3. Who scared the children?



Why is it red?

Red means beautiful.

Ze-le-ny-e forests.

Blue sky.

Bright colors.


Na-ri-suy le something.

  1. Why is summer red?
  2. What forests?
  3. What a sky
  4. Which flowers?
  5. Why do you like summer?


How many colors are there?

Why do you care?

Because it grows here in the fields and meadows.

Ko-lo-kol-chi-ki si-ni-e

Li-za is walking in the meadow.

Li-za so-bi-ra-et ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

Liza has a va-za at home.

There's a co-lo-kol-chi-ki.

Na-ri-sui ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

  1. Why are bluebells wildflowers?
  2. What color are the bells?
  3. Where is Lisa walking?
  4. Where will Lisa put the bells at home?

Your baby has learned letters and is actively adding syllables and small words. It's time to move on to more complex but interesting tasks - reading texts. But here parents and teachers expect some difficulties. It is impossible to offer a preschooler text cards without taking into account the characteristics of age and the degree of development of syllable reading skills. We will tell you in our article how to choose texts for reading for preschoolers, where to find and how to correctly print out texts for reading by syllables for younger and older preschoolers.

Age characteristics of preschoolers

After 5 years of age, kindergarteners are very active, mobile, and inquisitive. They grow up rapidly, get smarter, develop physically and mentally.
When preparing for school, parents and teachers should pay attention to the following age characteristics of children 4-7 years old:

  • The basic needs of kindergarteners are communication and games. Children ask many questions to adults, themselves, and peers. They learn by playing.
  • The leading mental function is imagination, fantasy. This helps to show creativity.
  • Emotions, impressions, positive experiences are important for further development and the desire to continue activities. A 5-7 year old kindergartener needs praise, support, and no comparison with other children.
  • Cognitive processes are actively developing: attention, memory. At the age of 5-7, preschoolers can remember and analyze a large amount of information. But it needs to be given in doses, trying not to overload the child’s brain in one lesson.
  • Speech becomes more developed. At 5 years old, the child speaks in complex sentences, can choose several synonyms for one word, knows many poems, riddles, and several fairy tales by heart.
  • A kindergartener wants to experience new things and learn. The baby is spurred on by curiosity; he is interested in everything new and unknown.

Consider the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers when choosing texts to read. In this case, training sessions will be more effective.

How to work with texts

Reading poems and short stories for a preschooler is a new type of work. The difficulty in completing the reading task is that the kindergartener does not always understand the meaning of the passage. To avoid this, you need to approach the choice of material and methods of its processing correctly. Organize your learning process as follows:

  1. Select handouts based on the student's age. For children 4-5 years old, cards of 1-3 sentences, for older preschoolers - 4-5 sentences.
  2. Pay attention to the number of words in the sentences. There should be few of them. Simple reading texts for preschoolers are easier to digest, but you cannot stay at the easy level for long.
  3. Proceed to working with text cards after automating syllabic reading.
  4. Read in sequence in a group or with adults when working individually.
  5. Don't rush your child. At the learning stage, reading comprehension is important, not reading speed and the amount of time spent.

Texts for children 4-5 years old

Young preschoolers need special sentence cards. Reading by syllables for children under 5 years of age is best accompanied by text with pictures. For example, coloring pages with comments. Coloring will be an additional task.

If we are reading syllables for the first time, the reading texts should consist of 1-2 sentences. Use small words, 1-2 syllables. You can prepare the cards yourself, find them online and print them.

For young students, it is important that there is a hyphen or other separator between syllables. For printing out reading material for syllables at 4 years old, choose a large, bold font.

  • Learning to read syllables through working with text does not have to begin after learning the entire alphabet. Find reading books for children aged 5 and up and print out individual sentences of words that consist of the letters you have learned. There are many of them in Zhukova's alphabet.
  • At the age of 4 to 5 years, there is no need to offer children the entire fairy tale or book. Large volumes frighten children and distract them with colorful drawings on other pages. Print only the part you need.
  • Play with a passage, a poem. You can read a word separately, then a phrase, then a whole syntactic unit.
  • Work according to the following algorithm. First we read, then we discuss, draw, and fantasize.


After reading the texts, be sure to study the material further. This is necessary for a strong assimilation of information and the formation of meaningful reading skills. Offer preschoolers the following types of tasks for the passage:

  1. A short retelling.
    The kindergartener must tell what he learned, what information was main in the text. It is advisable to use the words you read, name the characters and their actions.
  2. Answer the questions.
    The speech therapist and parent ask 1-3 simple questions about the material read.
    If the child does not answer them, you need to read the passage together, with comments from an adult.
  3. Draw a picture.
    Let's play illustrators. Children come up with a plot picture based on the information received from a passage or poem. This could be homework.
  4. What happened next?
    Invite them to fantasize and come up with what could happen to the characters next.

Reading texts with pictures and tasks:

Texts for children 6-7 years old

If you are preparing reading texts for children 6-7 years old, you can print out entire paragraphs. For work, choose excerpts from fairy tales and short stories. Large works can be worked on in 2-3 lessons. Don't forget about short stories from the alphabet or primer.

  • Work through the sentences in a chain, try to involve each student.
  • After reading a short passage for the first time, discuss the content. If you find any misunderstandings, read the passage again.
  • If we read syllables individually, different texts for reading to children 7 years old need to be printed on separate sheets.

Texts with tails: