Nurturing a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age. Development of a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in a playful form of education

The main task of working with children of senior preschool age is to assimilate phonetic aspect of speech and the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language is the further improvement of speech hearing, consolidation of the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech.

Children can already clearly differentiate what a sound, a word, a sentence is. To practice diction, voice strength, and tempo of speech, tongue twisters, pure twisters, riddles, nursery rhymes, and poems are used.

“What is a sound, a word, a sentence?”

Target:to clarify children’s ideas about the sound and semantic side of a word.

An adult asks: “What sounds do you know? (Vowels - consonants, hard - soft, voiced - voiceless.) What is the name of the part of the word? (Syllable.) What does the word... table mean? (Item of furniture.)".

Everything that surrounds us has its own name and means something. That’s why we say: “What does the word mean (or designate)?” The word sounds and names all the objects around, names, animals, plants.

What is a name? How do we tell each other apart? By name. State the names of your parents, relatives and friends. We have a cat and a dog in our house. What are their names? People have names, and animals... (nicknames).

Each thing has its own name, title. Let's look around and say: what can move? what might it sound like? what can you sit on? sleep? ride?

Think about why they call it this: “vacuum cleaner”, “jump rope”, “airplane”, “scooter”, “meat grinder”? From these words it is clear why they are needed. Each letter also has its own name. What letters do you know? How does a letter differ from a sound? (The letter is written and read, the sound is pronounced.) From letters we add syllables and words.

Name which children's names begin with the vowel sound “a” (Anya, Andrey, Anton, Alyosha). What sound do the names Ira, Igor, Inna begin with? Choose names that begin with a hard consonant (Roma, Natasha, Raya, Stas, Volodya) or with a soft consonant (Liza, Kirill, Lenya, Lena, Mitya, Lyuba).

We will play with words and find out what they mean, how they sound, and what sound they begin with.

"Find the Sound"

Target:find words with one and two syllables.

Find words with one and two syllables. How many syllables are in the word "chicken"?(The word “beetle” consists of one syllable, “fur coat”, “hat”, “toad”, “fence”, “heron” - of two, “chicken” - of three.)

Which words start with the same sound? Name these sounds.(The words “hat” and “fur coat” begin with the sound [w], the words “beetle” and “toad” - with the sound [zh], the words “fence”, “castle” - with the sound [z], the words “chicken” , “heron” with the sound [ts]).

Name vegetables, fruits and berries with sounds[р](carrot, grapes, pear, peach, pomegranate, currant), [р] (pepper, turnip, radish, tangerine, cherry, apricot), [l] (eggplant, apple, dogwood), [l] (raspberry , lemon, orange, plum).


Target: find words with three syllables, select words that sound similar.

Together with the child, the adult examines the drawing, which depicts: a picture, a rocket, a frog.

How many syllables are there in the words “picture”, “frog”, “rocket”? (Three.)

Choose words that sound similar to these words: “picture” (basket, car), “frog” (pillow, tub), “rocket” (candy, cutlet), “helicopter” (plane), “birch” (mimosa) .

What is the frog doing (jumping, swimming), the rocket (flying, rushing), the picture (hanging)?

The child pronounces all the words and says that each of these words has three syllables.

"We're going, we're flying, we're sailing"

Target: teach children to find a given sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

There are six pictures depicting transport: a helicopter, an airplane, a bus, a trolleybus, a motor ship, a tram.

Name all the objects in one word. (Transport.)

Tell me, how many syllables are there in these words? (All words except the word “tram” have three syllables.) What sound occurs in all these words (at the beginning, middle, end of the word)? (The sound [t] occurs at the beginning of the words “trolleybus”, “motor ship”, “tram”, in the middle of the words “helicopter”, “bus”, at the end of the words “helicopter”, “plane”.)

Make up a sentence with any word (“The plane flies fast”).

Tell me what flies? (Plane, helicopter.) What's coming? (Bus, trolleybus, tram.) What floats? (Motor ship).

Guess by the first and last sound what type of transport I have in mind: [t-s] (trolleybus), [a-s] (bus), [s-t] (airplane), [v-t] (helicopter), [ m-o] (metro), [t-i] (taxi).

Section 3. Examination of the state of speech development of children of senior preschool age based on materials

A.I. Maksakova

In modern preschool pedagogy, the issue of examining children’s speech is not sufficiently covered. In the methodological literature, as a rule, only individual techniques are presented, with the help of which the teacher establishes which aspects of speech have not been mastered by children, for example, the presence of deficiencies in sound pronunciation, identifying different types of grammatical errors, etc. There is no clear data on what parameters to analyze speech development preschoolers, what is considered the norm of speech development at a particular age stage.

Fundamental research and special observations on the acquisition of speech by individual children (for example, the work of A. N. Gvozdev) cannot be taken as a basis, since individual differences in its acquisition are often very large.

Numerous observations show that among children, even of the same age, there is often a large range in speech acquisition. This complicates the selection of criteria by which the level of speech development could be distinguished. Another difficulty is that the level of speech mastery by children is usually determined by the level of mastery of its various sections: phonetics, vocabulary, grammatical structure, etc. However, as practice shows, the same child can have a rich vocabulary, but at the same time have deficiencies in phonetic design (for example, incorrectly pronounce certain sounds) or make grammatical errors, but be able to consistently and accurately describe the events that he witnessed .

Correctly and clearly organized work on speech development in kindergarten is possible only if the teacher knows well the state of speech development of all children in the group. This helps him plan his activities correctly, and, depending on the strength of the children’s mastery of the material, adjust classes in the group. A selective examination of children’s speech gives the teacher the opportunity to monitor their assimilation of material and to clarify in the classroom the effectiveness of individual teaching techniques, didactic games, and exercises.

Systematic control over how children acquire speech material is important for establishing continuity between kindergarten and school. By the time they enter school, children should have approximately the same level of speech development.

Knowledge of the criteria and methods for identifying the state of children’s speech development will help the heads of preschool institutions (senior teacher, head of a kindergarten, methodologist of the district department of public education) to monitor the activities of educators and determine the quality of their work. Thus, when conducting a thematic test, using tasks of various types, the Fleece methodologist can get a fairly clear idea of ​​the level of speech development of children in the groups being surveyed and, on the basis of the test, establish how program tasks are solved in this section in kindergarten.

An individual comprehensive examination helps to most accurately determine the level of development of a child’s speech, but it requires a lot of time. To reduce the testing time, in addition to a sample survey, you can combine a number of tasks, simultaneously identifying the state of development of different sections of speech. Thus, when establishing a child’s knowledge of fiction and inviting him to tell a fairy tale (or read a poem), the examiner simultaneously records sound pronunciation, diction, ability to use the vocal apparatus, etc.; When a child compiles stories based on a picture (identifying the development of coherent speech), the examiner notes which sentences are used (identifying the formation of the syntactic aspect of speech), which lexical means (identifying vocabulary), etc.

Some methodological techniques and tasks can be used to test the mastery of material simultaneously by a whole group or subgroup of children, for example, knowledge of the genre.

When identifying the state of speech development of children, a special place should be given to special observations that are carried out in the process of educational work and everyday life: a teacher or examiner not only observes for a certain time, but also records the speech of children, noting both its shortcomings and positive ones. shifts (the appearance of grammatical forms that did not exist before), as well as the difficulties that children experience when mastering program material.

Speech examinations can also be carried out during control and testing classes, when the teacher or examiner sets the task of finding out how children have mastered this or that speech material: for example, whether they correctly use indeclinable nouns, unconjugated verbs, etc.

If there are serious deviations in the speech development of children, conversations are held with parents, during which possible reasons for the child’s lag are identified.

The materials proposed below for examining the speech of children of the sixth year of life provide for various types of tasks aimed at establishing the development of preschoolers’ speech communication skills (culture of communication), identifying the state of development of the pronunciation aspect of speech and its perception, determining the vocabulary of children, and the ability to compose stories etc.

I. Development of verbal communication skills (culture of communication) with peers and adults

1. Verbal communication skills:

– whether the child willingly or not enters into verbal communication with adults and peers;

– whether or not the child can support a conversation with adults and peers on a familiar topic;

- as a child says to children: a lot, a little, silent.

2. Communication culture:

– does the child know how to politely address adults and peers;

– how he calls adults: by name and patronymic, by “you” or otherwise;

– is he the first to greet adults and strangers or does he need a reminder, does he remember to say goodbye;

– does he know how to thank for the help provided, does he use words like “thank you”, “sorry”, “please”, etc.;

– whether non-literary vocabulary occurs in the child’s speech;

– can the child, depending on the circumstances or communication situation, use different voice strengths ( while eating, going to bed, speak in a whisper, quietly; in class – loud enough);

– whether he knows how to listen to his interlocutor to the end or is often distracted, whether he has a tendency to interrupt the speaker;

– does the child know how to calmly negotiate with other children: distribute roles in play, responsibilities in work, coordinate their actions;

– what is the child’s tone of communication? friendly, condescending, demanding;

– does he listen to the comments of his elders about the culture of his communication, does he strive to get rid of his shortcomings;

– is he able to speak freely in front of children and strangers, or is he shy and afraid.

Methods of examination: observations (in classes, during play and everyday life); conversations with teachers and children.


Lashkova, Liya Luttovna

Academic degree:

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Place of thesis defense:


HAC specialty code:


Theory and methodology of preschool education

Number of pages:

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the problem of educating the speech culture of preschool children

1L. Historical and philosophical approach to the study of the problem of culture 11 speech

1.2. Speech culture as a linguistic and pedagogical phenomenon

1.3. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of developing speech culture in preschool children

1.4. Folk pedagogy as a means of educating the speech culture of preschool children

Chapter 2. Experimental work to determine the characteristics and levels of speech culture of older preschoolers

2.1. The state of pedagogical work of preschool institutions in developing the speech culture of older preschoolers

2.2. Peculiarities of manifestation of speech culture in children of senior preschool age

Chapter 3. Pedagogical technology for educating the speech culture of older preschoolers

3.1. Planning work with teaching staff and parents

3.2. Organization of pedagogical activities to educate the culture of speech in preschool children

3.3. Results of experimental work on developing speech culture among older preschoolers

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) On the topic “Cultivating a culture of speech in older preschoolers using folk pedagogy”

THE RELEVANCE OF RESEARCH. At the present stage of development, society needs an educated and well-mannered individual. In accordance with the “Concept of Preschool Education,” the basis of education and training in preschool childhood is speech acquisition. This document notes that preschool childhood is especially sensitive to speech acquisition, and if a certain level of mastery of the native language is not achieved by 5-6 years, then this path, as a rule, cannot be successfully completed at later age stages.

With the further development of personality, a high culture of spoken and written speech, good knowledge and flair of the native language, the ability to use linguistic means of expression, and the stylistic diversity of linguistic means will become the most reliable recommendation in public life and creative activity.

Currently, in language practice, the loss of the best speech traditions can be traced; the process of “coarsening” the mores of society continues to gain momentum, which entails the decline of general culture. In speech activity, this is expressed in an increase in vocabulary with a reduced emotional-expressive coloring, colloquial forms, vulgarisms, and jargon. Research by F.A. Sokhina /152/ prove that a child cannot independently master the speech norm. At this stage, the problem of preschool children mastering correct, logical, precise, expressive speech arises. Therefore, the introduction of elements of speech culture into the general education system will have an unconditional impact on the spiritual world of the child and will contribute to the solution communicative tasks in a children's team.

One cannot ignore the fact that the best examples of speech culture are offered by folk pedagogy, reflected in folklore. The works of oral folk art contain linguistic norms, examples of Russian speech, raised to the height of an aesthetic ideal.

Research by L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, JI.A. Wengera et al. proved that preschool age is the period of the most intensive formation and development of personality /48, 72, 39/. As the child develops, he actively learns the basics of his native language and speech. In older preschool age, according to V.V. Gerbova, F.A. Sokhina, O.S. Ushakova, the child’s speech activity increases: the vocabulary is growing rapidly, children use words in a wide variety of syntactic combinations, express their thoughts not only in simple, but also in complex sentences; learn to compare, generalize and begin to understand the meaning of the abstract, abstract meaning of a word. This proves that education of the basics of speech culture must begin at preschool age /168/.

THE DEGREE OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROBLEM AND THE THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE RESEARCH. F. Sokhin notes that psychological and pedagogical research on children’s speech is carried out in three directions:

Structural - questions of the formation of different structural levels of the language system are studied: phonetic, lexical and grammatical (A.I. Maksakov, M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashina, E.M. Strunina, A.G. Tambov-tseva, M S. Lavrik, A. A. Smaga, L. A. Kolunova, etc.);

Functional - the problem of developing language skills in the communicative function is studied (M.I. Popova, L.V. Voroshnina, G.Ya. Kudrina, O.S. Ushakova, A.A. Zrozhevskaya, E.A. Smirnova, L. G. Shadrina, N.V. Gavrish, etc.);

Cognitive - the problem of the formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech, the features of children's nominations, the process of preschoolers mastering nominative units is studied (D.B. Elkonin, F.A. Sokhin, G.P. Belyakova, G.A. Tumakova, etc.).

Analysis of research data made it possible to establish that some indicators of speech culture were considered by individual scientists. So, O.S. Ushakova, E.A. Smirnov studied the features of composing a coherent narrative by older preschoolers, determined the possibility of developing in children the concept of plot development in a story, developed an understanding of the structural elements of composition, the types of connections between semantic parts of the text, between sentences and within them /129/.

Considering the development of coherent speech in younger preschoolers, L.G. Shadrina paid attention to how children establish logical and formal connections, connect sentences with each other, and what linguistic means they use /129/.

N.V. Gavrish was searching for ways to form coherent speech in preschoolers based on the use of different genres of literature and oral folk art /49/.

The subject of scientific research by JI.A. Kolunova was focused on the accuracy of word usage, understanding the semantic nuances of the meanings of words, their role in the development of verbal creativity /86/.

However, in general, raising the culture of speech in preschool children was not the subject of independent research, although there is a need for it.

Thus, there is a CONTRADITION between the existing potential opportunities in educating speech culture in children of senior preschool age and the lack of pedagogical technologies necessary for the implementation of these opportunities, which constitutes an area of ​​​​unknown knowledge, the content of which should be presented in the model of work on educating speech culture in older preschool children.

The revealed contradiction made it possible to identify the RESEARCH PROBLEM: what is the pedagogical technology for educating the culture of speech in children of senior preschool age using folk pedagogy.

The urgency of the problem determined the choice of RESEARCH TOPIC: “ Nurturing a culture of speech in older preschoolers using folk pedagogy».

LIMITATIONS have been introduced into the study. 1) We are considering the problem of educating a culture of speech in children 6-7 years old; this limitation is due to the fact that during this period children are developing an elementary awareness of the language system, covering all its aspects (phonetic, lexical, grammatical). 2) Speaking about the speech culture of preschoolers, we consider it as a set of communicative qualities of speech, turning to the formation of such qualities as logicality, accuracy, expressiveness, because they are most significant and formable in preschool children. 3) Among the means of folk pedagogy necessary for developing a culture of speech in older preschoolers, we have highlighted oral folk art. The appeal to folklore is due to its developmental and educational potential (L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva, etc.).

THE PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the technology of educating speech culture in older preschoolers using folk pedagogy, ensuring the effectiveness of the process of developing cultural and speech skills in older preschoolers.

THE OBJECT OF THE RESEARCH is the process of developing a culture of speech in children of senior preschool age.

THE SUBJECT OF THE RESEARCH is the technology of educating the culture of speech in children 6-7 years old using folk pedagogy.

During the study, a HYPOTHESIS was formulated, namely that the education of speech culture in older preschoolers using folk pedagogy will be effective if:

Speech culture is considered as a set of communicative qualities that are formed in speech activity and include the conscious assimilation of expressive and figurative means of speech, including the material of oral folk art, and their appropriate use in one’s own speech;

A technology for educating a culture of speech has been determined, taking into account the step-by-step familiarization of children with riddles, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings; the use of different types of creative tasks based on folk pedagogy, ensuring the formation of such communicative qualities of speech as logic, accuracy, expressiveness;

A set of methods was used to stimulate independent the use of riddles, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings in one’s own speech activity and creating motivation for the independent use of speech means expressiveness.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis, the TASKS of the study were determined:

Specify the content of the concept “”;

Set indicators and criteria formation speech culture of older preschoolers;

To experimentally test the pedagogical technology of educating the culture of speech in children of senior preschool age;

To determine correlation indicators between the level of formation of speech logic, accuracy, expressiveness and the level of formation of speech culture of an older preschooler.

The METHODOLOGICAL AND THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE DISSERTATION RESEARCH is the psychological and pedagogical concepts of children's speech development (A.N. Leontiev, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, etc.); theory of speech development in preschool children (E.I. Tikheeva, F.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova, M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashina, etc.); linguistic doctrine of the literary language as a standardized language and the foundations of speech culture (D.E. Rosenthal, L.I. Skvortsov, B.N. Golovin, etc.).

To solve the set tasks, we used RESEARCH METHODS: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, observation, questioning, conversation, analysis of plans for educational work of teachers, pedagogical experiment, statistical methods of data processing.


The first stage (1996-1997) is search and theoretical. In the process of analyzing psychological and pedagogical literature, the research methodology and methodology, its conceptual apparatus, problem, object, subject, tasks, methods and research hypothesis were determined.

The second stage (1998-1999) is experimental. At this stage, an experimental test of the hypothesis was carried out, systematized the obtained material related to the selection of folklore works to solve the assigned problems. The work included the development of technology for educating the culture of speech in children of senior preschool age.

The third stage (2000) - final and generalizing - was devoted to systematization, testing, written presentation of the dissertation, and implementation of the results into practice. The data obtained as a result of the study were subjected to statistical processing.

RESEARCH BASE. The study was carried out on the basis of preschool educational institutions No. 24 and No. 6 in Shadrinsk, Kurgan region. Research at the stage stating The experiment involved 102 children aged 6-7 years together with their parents, 57 educators, of whom 8 acted as experts; at the stage of the formative experiment - 30 children preparatory to the school group.

THE SCIENTIFIC NOVELTY OF THE RESEARCH consists in proving the possibility of forming a speech culture in older preschoolers using folk pedagogy and in identifying criteria and levels of formation of a speech culture in older preschoolers.

THE THEORETICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH lies in the specification of the concept “ speech culture of senior preschool children"and theoretical justification for the technology of educating speech culture in older preschoolers.

PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH. The theoretical and scientific-methodological materials contained in the work on educating the speech culture of preschool children using folk pedagogy can be used in the system of pedagogical education of parents, in the system of advanced training for employees of preschool institutions, in the development of a lecture course on the methods of speech development of preschool children for pedagogical students colleges and universities.

RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF THE RESEARCH RESULTS is ensured by a methodological approach to solving the problem posed, analysis and use of the achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science, a complex of scientific research methods adequate to the subject, purpose and objectives of the study, representativeness of the sample, as well as the availability of data indicating positive changes in the process nurturing a culture of speech in children of senior preschool age.

APPROBATION OF THE WORK. The main provisions of the research results were reported at a meeting of the Department of Preschool Education Methods of TPGGI (1998-2000), at the II festival-competition of scientific research, technical and applied creativity of youth and students (Kurgan, 1999), at the regional scientific and practical conference " Russian language, literature and culture: problems of preservation and development"(Shadrinsk, 1999). The author presented certain aspects of the problem at meetings of pedagogical councils in preschool educational institutions and to parents, at scientific conferences.

THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS ARE MADE FOR DEFENSE: 1. The speech culture of preschool children is considered as a set of communicative qualities that are formed in speech activity and include the conscious assimilation of expressive and figurative means of speech, including the material of oral folk art, and their appropriate use in one’s own speech.

2. The technology of instilling a culture of speech in older preschoolers using folk pedagogy includes a number of stages: explanatory and motivational (teaching the correct understanding of the allegorical meaning of figurative words and expressions); theoretically and practically developing (forming an idea of ​​the expressive potential of linguistic units); reproductive-creative (development of the ability to correctly and appropriately use a variety of figurative words and expressions in one’s own, logically constructed speech utterances).

3. The criteria for the development of a speech culture in older preschoolers are the ability to build the composition of a statement, the use of lexical means that provide a logical connection between parts of the text (logic); the use of words in exact accordance with the phenomena of reality denoted by these words (precision of word use); use of intonation, lexical and grammatical means of expression.

STRUCTURE AND SCOPE OF THE DISSERTATION. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and an appendix.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "Theory and Methods of Preschool Education", Lashkova, Liya Luttovna


A qualitatively new level of development of society requires an educated and culturally developed personality. The repository of folk culture is the language of the people, which preserves the memory of the people, forming their historical consciousness. Nurturing a culture of speech is a very long and complex process, which, in our opinion, needs to begin at an early stage of human development - in preschool childhood. Our research confirmed the hypothesis and allowed us to formulate the following conclusions.

1. In modern conditions of social development, solving such a problem as developing a culture of speech is of particular relevance. By speech culture of preschoolers we mean a set of communicative qualities that are formed in speech activity and include the conscious assimilation of expressive and figurative means of speech, including the material of oral folk art, and their appropriate use in one’s own speech.

2. Based on theoretical analysis and experimental work, the qualities of speech culture (logicality, accuracy, expressiveness) and levels formation each of them. The identified criteria and levels made it possible to trace the dynamics of the formation of speech culture after the formative experiment. The most significant achievement can be considered a reduction in the number of children who were classified at the beginning of the experiment as having a low level of speech culture development (up to 6%) and a significant increase in children who could be classified as a high level group (up to 77%). This proves the effectiveness of the pedagogical technology we have developed for instilling a culture of speech in older preschoolers.

3. The necessary level of formation of a speech culture is ensured by introducing technology for educating a speech culture, focused on the use of folk pedagogy and including the following stages: explanatory and motivational (formation of a correct understanding of the generalized, allegorical meaning of riddles, figurative expressions in fairy tales, proverbs and sayings); theoretically and practically developing (formation of ideas about linguistic means of creating generality and allegory of these genres of folklore); reproductive-creative (learning the accurate and appropriate use of figurative words and expressions, proverbs and sayings in one’s own speech statements).

4. The effectiveness of the process of educating speech culture depends on the use of a set of methods that stimulate independent the use of riddles, figurative expressions of fairy tales, proverbs and sayings in one’s own speech activity and communication (dramatization games, staging performances, problem situations, composing one’s own fairy tales, etc.).

5. Successful implementation targeted The work is facilitated by the pedagogical education of teachers and parents on instilling a culture of speech in preschoolers through the means of folk pedagogy (methodological seminars, individual and group consultations, parent meetings, design of parent corners, etc.).

6. Correlation coefficients of the general level of development of speech culture with individual qualities (logicality, accuracy, expressiveness) -0.9. This connection is close to functional, which indicates the dependence of the level of speech culture of preschool children on the formation of such qualities as logic, accuracy and expressiveness.

7. The methodological recommendations we have developed for developing a culture of speech in children of senior preschool age using folk pedagogy, including long-term plans, diagnostic methods, lesson notes and games, can be used by teachers of preschool educational institutions, as well as teachers universities in the system of advanced training of teaching staff.

Our study does not exhaust all aspects of the work on educating the speech culture of older preschoolers using folk pedagogy. In the future, it is necessary to study other qualities of speech culture (relevance, accessibility, effectiveness, etc.) and the possibilities of their formation, as well as the use of an individual approach to children in the process of mastering the expressive language means of folklore works.

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87. Kushaev N.A. Chronicle of culture (1600-1970). M., 1993. - 492 p.

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91. Lvov M.R. Methods of speech development for junior schoolchildren. M.: Education, 1985. - 176 p.

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93. Leontiev A.A. Psycholinguistic units and the generation of speech utterances. M.: Nauka, 1969. - 397 p.

94. Leontiev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. M.: Education, 1969.-214 p.

95. Leushina A.M. Development of coherent speech of preschoolers // Scientific records: Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.I. Herzen. -T.Z5, 1941. P. 21-72.

96. Luria A.R. Language and consciousness. M.: Publishing house Mosk. Univ., 1979. - 320 p.

97. Lyustrova Z.N., Skvortsov L.I. The world of native speech. Conversations about the Russian language and speech culture. M.: Knowledge, 1972. - 159 p.

98. Lyustrova Z.N., Skvortsov L.I. About the culture of Russian speech. M.: Knowledge, 1987.-176 p.

99. Maksakov A.I. Does your child speak correctly? M.: Education, 1992.- 160 p.

100. Maksimov V.I. Precision and expressiveness of the word. L.: Education, 1968.- 184 p.

101. Thinking and speech. M.: APN RSFSR, 1963. - 271 p.

102. Naydenov B.S. Expressiveness of speech and reading. M.: Education, 1963. - 263 p.

103. Folk pedagogy and modern problems of education: Materials of the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference. Cheboksary, 1991. - 338 p.

104. Negnevitskaya E.I., Shakhnarovich A.M. Language and children. M.: Nauka, 1981. -111 p.

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114. Penevskaya A.A. Teaching the native language // Issues of teaching in kindergarten / Ed. A.P. Usova. -M., 1955. P. 92-125.

115. Permyakov G.L. From proverbs to fairy tales / Notes on the general theory of clichés. -M.: Nauka, 1970.-240 p.

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117. Poddyakov N.N. A new approach to the development of creativity in preschoolers // Issues of psychology. 1990. - No. 1. - P. 16-19.

118. Poddyakov N.N. Features of mental development of preschool children. M., 1996. - 32 p.

119. Pomerantseva E.V. Russian folktale. M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1963. - 128 p.

120. Proverbs, sayings, riddles / Comp. A.N. Martynov. M.: Sovremennik, 1997.-502 p.

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122. Potebnya A.A. From notes on Russian grammar. M.: Uchpedgiz, 1958.-536 p.

123. The problem of studying the speech of a preschooler / Ed. O.S. Ushakova. M.: RAO, 1994. - 129 p.

124. Problems of the philosophy of culture: Experience of historical-materialist analysis. /Ed. V.Zh. Kelle. M.: Mysl, 1984. - 325 p.

125. Program and methodology for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten /Auth.-comp. Ushakova O.S. M.: APO, 1994. - 63 p.

126. Propp B.JI. Historical roots of fairy tales. JL: Leningrad State University Publishing House, 1986.-364 p.

127. Propp V.L. Morphology of a fairy tale. 2nd ed. - M.: Nauka, 1969. - 168 p.

128. Propp V.L. Folklore and reality: Selected articles / V.L. Propp. -M.: Nauka, 1976.-325 p.

129. Psychology of consciousness and speech. Pyatigorsk, 1974. - 123 p.

130. Pustovalov P.S., Senkevich M.P. A guide to speech development. 2nd ed., additional and processed - M.: Education, 1987. - 286 p.

131. Development of speech in preschool children / Ed. F. Sokhina. M.: Education, 1984. - 223 p.

132. Development of speech and verbal communication / Ed. O.S. Ushakova. M.: RAO, 1995.- 152 p.

133. Speech. Speech. Speech: Book. for teachers / Ed. T.N. Ladyzhenskaya. M.: Pedagogy, 1990. - 356 p.

134. Rosenthal D.E. How can I say it better?: A book for old school students. 2nd ed., corrected and supplemented. - M.: Education, 1988. - 176 p.

135. Rosenthal D.E. A culture of speech. 3rd ed. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1964. - 140 p.

136. Rubinstein C.JI. Problems of general psychology. M.: Education, 1973.-433 p.

138. Skvortsov L.I. Fundamentals of speech culture: Reader (for philological special universities) / Comp. L.I. Skvortsov. M.: Higher School, 1984. - 312 p.

139. Skvortsov L.I. Ecology of the word, or let's talk about the culture of Russian speech. -M.: Education, 1996. 158 p.

140. Dictionary of figurative expressions of the Russian language / Ed. V.N. Telia. M.: Fatherland, 1995. - 368 p.

141. Smaga A.A. Peculiarities of understanding the semantic side of a word by children of the fifth year of life: Diss. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences M., 1992. - 165 p.

142. Smolnikova G. Formation of the structure of a coherent statement in older preschoolers: Dissertation for Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. M., 1986. - 156 p.

143. Soboleva O.V. About the understanding of a mini-text or a proverb of centuries will not break // Issues of psychology. 1996. - No. 1.

144. Solganik G.L. Syntactic stylistics. M.: Higher School, 1973-214.

145. Sorokoletov F.P., Fedorov A. Correctness and expressiveness oral speech. L.: Lenizdat, 1963. - 59 p.

146. Sokhin F.A. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of speech of preschoolers in kindergarten //Increasing the effectiveness of educational work in preschool institutions. -M., 1988. P. 37-45.

147. Speransky M. Rules of higher eloquence. St. Petersburg, 1984.

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149. Stanislavsky K.S. Collected works: In 8 volumes. T. 2,3. M.: Art, 1954.

150. Stepanov A. About the culture of speech. -M.: Art, 1961.-63 p.

151. Stepanov V. Russian proverbs and sayings from A to Z: Dictionary-game. -M.: AST-PRESS, 1999. 240 p.

152. Steshov A.V. Oral presentation: logic and composition. L.: Knowledge, 1989.-32 p.

153. Strunina E.M. Work on the semantic side of the word in the process of speech development of older preschoolers in kindergarten: Dissertation for Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. M., 1984.- 132 p.

154. Suprun A.E. Lectures on the theory of speech activity: A manual for university students. Minsk, 1996. - 287 p.

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157. Tivikova S.K. Development of speech of primary schoolchildren using folk poetic language: Diss. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Nizhny Novgorod, 1993. 220 p.

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171. Kharchenko V.K. The figurative meaning of the word. Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House. Univ., 1989.- 196 p.

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188. Slobin D.I. Imitation and Grammatical Development in Children. Contemporary issues in Developmental Psychology, N.Y., Osser, 1968. - P. 15-55.

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As a manuscript

NIKIFOROVA Tatyana Ivanovna


Grigorieva Antonina Afanasyevna

Official opponents: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Polikarpova Evdokia Mikhailovna

FAO GOU VPO “Yakut State

University named after M.K. Ammosov”

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Grizik Tatyana Ivanovna

Yakutsk, MDOU Kindergarten No. 52 “Squirrel”, Yakutsk.

The study was carried out in stages from 2003 to 2007.

Stage 1(2003-2004) – search and theoretical. Studying scientific literature on the research topic. Analysis and assessment of the current state of the research problem, organization of the ascertaining stage of the experiment.

Stage 2(2004-2005) – experimental. Implementation of the formative stage of the experiment, during which the effectiveness of approaches, principles, forms and methods was determined, the conditions were clarified to ensure the development of a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in a playful form of education.

Stage 3(2005-2007) – generalizing. Completion of the experiment, systematization and generalization of the research results.

The following provisions are submitted for defense:

1. The development of a culture of speech communication in children of senior preschool age is carried out in unity with the formation of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical as a necessary condition for the formation of a culture of speech as a whole.

2. The technology for developing a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in a playful form of education is based on the principles of the relationship between sensory, mental and speech development, integration of all types of activities, expanding the child’s connections with the outside world, ensuring active verbal communication, developing linguistic flair, speech action , methodological interpretation of the potential of folk pedagogy.

3. The effectiveness of the process of developing a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in a playful form of education is ensured by the following conditions: the creation of a subject-developmental environment based on the use of activity-based humanistic, personality-oriented, cultural approaches, active forms and methods of teaching and upbringing; use of game opportunities that activate the process of development of a culture of verbal communication.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, defines the goal, object, subject, formulates the hypothesis, objectives and research methods, reveals the scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research, and sets out the provisions put forward for defense.

In the first chapter“Theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in a playful form of learning” presents an analysis of scientific and theoretical approaches to the study of the problem of developing a culture of verbal communication, reveals the essence and features of the culture of verbal communication, identifies and theoretically substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the development of a culture of verbal communication children of senior preschool age in a playful form of learning.

Culture is a certain level of development of society, creative powers and abilities of a person in the types and forms of organization of people’s lives and activities, in their relationships, as well as the material and spiritual values ​​they create. The concept of “culture” indicates both the difference between human life activity and biological life, and the qualitative uniqueness of specific manifestations of this life activity.

In the modern interpretation, human speech culture includes spirituality, intelligence, a harmonious combination of the best human qualities, moral culture, education, a body of knowledge, professional skills and abilities, i.e. it presupposes a general human culture.

In domestic pedagogical literature, speech culture is considered in three senses: 1) as a system of signs and properties indicating the communicative perfection of speech; 2) as a system of knowledge and skills that “ensure the expedient and easy use of language for communication purposes.” In most works, the correctness of speech is associated and explained through a linguistic norm: it is correct if it does not violate the linguistic norm, and vice versa, speech is incorrect if the norm is violated. According to B.N. Golovin, from the relationship between language and speech, such qualities of speech as “correctness, purity and richness, diversity” are derived; from the relationship between language and thinking - logic and accuracy; speech and consciousness - expressiveness, effectiveness, imagery, appropriateness. In the understanding of B. N. Golovin, the theory of speech culture should be based on the entire range of descriptive linguistic disciplines, as well as on psychology, logic, aesthetics, sociology, pedagogy, and not on linguistics.

The study of the literature devoted to the theory of speech culture made it possible to conclude that the conceptualized sphere has its own, separate status within the science of language. Speech culture is a multi-valued concept; it includes two stages of mastering a literary language: correctness of speech, i.e. mastery of the norms of oral and written literary language (rules of pronunciation, stress, word usage, vocabulary, grammar, stylistics) and speech mastery. A culture of speech presupposes a high general level of human culture, a culture of thinking, and a conscious love of language.

In our study, we consider the concepts of “culture of speech”, “culture of speech communication” as an essential component of a person’s general culture. The central issue in the culture of speech these days is the question of how to speak effectively, well, and not just correctly.

The development of a culture of verbal communication as a problem of psychological and pedagogical research in preschool childhood requires the use of new approaches, which are based on the provisions and ideas developed in the general pedagogical theory.

The problem of communication receives the attention of researchers of various specialties: philosophers (A. S. Arsentiev, V. S. Bibler, F. T. Mikhailov), linguists (K. Gausenblas, L. S. Skvortsov), psychologists

(L. S. Vygotsky, A. A. Bodalev, N. P. Erastov, A. V. Zaporozhets,

A. N. Leontiev, M. I. Lisina, T. A. Repina, A. R. Luria, V. M.,

D. B. Elkonin), teachers (R. S. Bure, R. I. Zhukovskaya, O. M. Kazartseva,

S. E. Kulachkovskaya, K. M. Levitan, V. G. Nechaeva, L. A. Penkovskaya, T. A. Markova, V. N. Myasishcheva, A. P. Usova).

Articulatory gymnastics, so necessary for correcting deficiencies in sound pronunciation, was also carried out in a playful form of training.

A model for the development of a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in a playful form of education

Repeated repetition of sounds and syllables in exercises

Developing the correct pronunciation can be tiring for a child, so a playful approach is most appropriate here (fairy tales

“About the master of sounds, Yazyk Yazykovich”).

In addition to the harmonious development of all aspects of speech, which determine the formation of culture as part of their general culture, an equally important component is mastery of the richness of the literary language, skillful use of its visual means in various communication situations. Following this definition, second direction, is an introduction to fiction and oral folk art. Fiction and oral folk art are rich material that reveals the norms of human relationships. In a dialogical conversation when discussing literary works, the child becomes familiar with speech etiquette and moral standards.

The works were selected in such a way as to introduce children

With different aspects of life: the world of relationships in everyday life and family, with the norms of relationships towards people. This area of ​​work is designed to launch the mechanism of relationships between children and adults in a variety of activities (active listening, dramatization play, communication activities). The method of artistic explanation and analysis of the work, the method of comparative analysis, the method of thematic selection of works of art by children were used; a method for solving communication problems based on the analysis of problematic artistic situations; a method for creating situations of emotional decentration, a method for developing emotional and sensory empathy for artistic images; a method of creating situations of shared experiences; a method of mutual enrichment with the moral feelings of others; a method of pedagogical modeling of dramatization games with a visual demonstration of alternative forms of behavior by preschoolers, a method of problem-moral situations that encourages children to real moral activity, stimulating humanistic-oriented behavior patterns.

Third direction: use of folk games. The Russian educator K.D. Ushinsky, referring to folk experience and traditions, paying attention to folk games, called for “developing this rich source, organizing them and creating from them an excellent and powerful educational one.” The specificity of the folk game is its spontaneous, unpredictable nature. Folk games, being a phenomenon of traditional culture, can be one of the means of introducing children to folk traditions, which in turn represents the most important aspect of education, spirituality, and the formation of a system of universal values. In the modern situation of social development, appeal

Towards folk origins, to the past is timely. Every nation today connects its future with its national culture. National culture is the guarantor of life and integration

Into global culture.

Thus, by including folk games in the educational process, we unobtrusively and purposefully introduce children into the world of folk culture, which in turn is the most important aspect of the education of spirituality, the formation of a system of universal values ​​and a culture of communication.

At the third stage The experiment traced the development of the culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age.

During the experiment, changes in the level of development of children's verbal communication culture were observed in the areas of assessment that corresponded to the selected criteria. After completing the formative experiment, control sections were carried out to check the effectiveness of the research program in order to determine the level of development of the culture of verbal communication in children.

We assessed the results according to the criterion of assessing the level of development of the fundamentals of the culture of speech communication in children of senior preschool age: vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound culture of speech, coherent speech, speech etiquette, levels of sociability and contact.

The table data (see table 1) indicates that

At the ascertaining stage of the study of children

Both in the experimental and control groups (44% and 45%) have average indicators of the development of a culture of verbal communication. A high level is typical for small preschoolers: 18% in the experimental group, 17% in the control group. A low level is noted at 38%

In the experimental and control groups.

Table 1

Indicators of the development of a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age at the ascertaining and control stages of the study

The control stage of the experiment showed a predominance in children, as

In the experimental and control groups the average level of development of the culture of verbal communication (EG - 48%; CG - 44%). But the indicators in the experimental group changed qualitatively significantly, where 38% of children showed a high level of verbal communication culture, an increase of 20%, in the control group the positive dynamics was 11%. The number of children with a low level of verbal communication culture in the experimental group decreased by 24%, and in the control group by 10%.

Thus, experimental work has proven the effectiveness, feasibility and effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions we have developed for the development of a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in a playful form of education.

In conclusion, the results of the study are summed up, conclusions obtained as a result of a theoretical analysis of the problem are formulated.

And experimental work, the provisions of the hypothesis are compared

And the results of the study. In general, summing up the results of the dissertation research, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. In the conditions of humanization and democratization of the spheres of life of modern society, many variable training and education programs have appeared, where the priority direction was the mental education of a preschool child and moral education was lost sight of. In this regard, in the modern education system, the problem of moral education, in particular, the development of a culture of verbal communication, is again becoming particularly relevant. A sufficient level of culture of verbal communication is the main condition for the successful adaptation of an individual in any environment.

2. The development of a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in a playful form of education is based on the principles: the relationship of sensory, mental and speech development, integration of all types of activities, expansion of the child’s connections with the outside world, ensuring active verbal communication, development of linguistic flair, speech action, methodological interpretation of the potential of folk pedagogy.

3. The effectiveness of the development of a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in a playful form of education is ensured by the following pedagogical conditions: the creation of a subject-developmental environment based on the use of activity-based humanistic, personality-oriented, cultural approaches, active forms and methods of teaching and upbringing; using the possibilities of the game to activate the process of development of a culture of verbal communication.

4. The identified criteria and levels made it possible to trace the positive dynamics of the development of the culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age.

5. preschool educational institution and family is an important factor in solving a common problem - the development of a child’s verbal communication culture. Parents creating conditions for the development and preservation of the child’s spiritual world, family cooperation

And kindergarten has a huge impact on moral development

Without pretending to exhaust the problem, our research can serve as the basis for further research and creative searches

In the field of developing scientific foundations for the development of a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in a playful form of education.

The main provisions of the dissertation research are outlined

1. Nikiforova, T. AND. Speech development in children of senior preschool age /T. I. Nikiforova // Preschool education. – 2007. – No. 3.

– P.114-115.

2. Nikiforova, T. I. Magic fingers - Aptaakh tarbakhchaannar: for preschool children / T. I. Nikiforova. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Yakutsk, 2004. – 32 p.

3. Nikiforova, T.AND. Work with students to educate the sound culture of speech of children of senior preschool age / T. I. Nikiforova // Comprehensive assessment of the activities of the university as monitoring of the quality system

And education. Materials of the interregional scientific and methodological conference. – Yakutsk: YSU Publishing House, 2005. – P.150-151.

4. Nikiforova, T.AND. Experience of preventive work to eliminate deficiencies in sound pronunciation in Sakha children in a Russian-language kindergarten / T. I. Nikiforova // Chөmchүүk saas. – 2006. – No. 1. – P.61-63.

5. Nikiforova, T.AND. Dorghoonton dorkoon. From sound to sound: oҕo tylyn sideyytyn berebierkeliirge anallaah album / T. I. Nikiforova. – Yakutsk: YSU Publishing House, 2006. – 34 p.

6. Nikiforova, T.AND. Sitimneeh sagany sayynnarar oonnyuular

/T. I. Nikiforova, M. P. Androsova. Yakutsk: YSU Publishing House, 2007. – 36 p.

7. Nikiforova, T.AND. Folk game as a means of developing a culture of communication among preschool children / T. I. Nikiforova // Implementation of the priority national project “Education”. rep. scientific and practical conference. – Yakutsk: YSU Publishing House, 2007. – P. 36-38.

By the age of 5, the formation of correct sound pronunciation ends. Normally, all children should learn to clearly pronounce all sounds in words and sentences. There are no physiological substitutions: a sound that is easier in terms of articulation is used instead of a more complex one - this should no longer remain, but this does not always happen. Some children have various deficiencies in sound pronunciation associated with disturbances in the structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus, or with underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. In general, after 5 years, most children begin to develop a conscious orientation in the sound composition of a word. If earlier speech acted only as a means of communication, now it is becoming an object of awareness and study. The first attempts to consciously isolate a sound from a word, and then establish the exact location of a particular sound, are necessary prerequisites for learning to read and write. Isolation of sound from a word appears spontaneously in preschool children, but complex forms of sound analysis need to be taught specifically. At the age of five to six years, a child can, with appropriate training, master not only determining the position of a sound in a word - beginning, middle, end of a word - but also positional sound analysis, establishing the exact place of a sound in a word, naming sounds in the order in which they appear in the word .

By the age of 6, children’s sound pronunciation has completely normalized, and work is underway to improve diction. Children do not find it difficult to pronounce words of any structure; they use polysyllabic words in sentences. Six-year-old children clearly distinguish by ear all the sounds of their native language. Including those that are close in their acoustic characteristics: dull and voiced, hard and soft. The inability to distinguish pairs of sounds by deafness and voicedness most often indicates deficiencies in physical hearing. The ability to recognize sounds in a stream of speech, isolate them from a word, and establish the sequence of sounds in a particular word develops, that is, the skills of sound analysis of words develop. It should be noted that a large role in the development of these skills belongs to adults working with children in this area. It can even be argued that without the participation of adults, these very necessary skills may not be formed at all. The vocabulary of preschoolers six to seven years old is quite large and can no longer be accurately counted. Six-year-old children begin to comprehend and understand words with a figurative meaning (time is crawling, losing your head). If children have begun targeted preparation for school, the first scientific terms appear in their active vocabulary: sound, letter, sentence, number. At first, it is very difficult to separate the concepts of sound and letter, and if you introduce these terms into your work, then try to use them correctly yourself, and make sure that the child does the same.

Innovative work experience

Formation of sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age in a playful way

Recently, the number of children with speech disorders of varying severity has increased significantly. Which, in turn, cannot but cause concern among both specialists and educators. The speech of speech-language pathologist children is characterized by incorrect pronunciation of sounds: omissions, distortions, substitutions. Such disturbances in sound pronunciation in children may be due to immature phonemic hearing.
Parents and educators have a great influence on the formation of a high speech culture in children. In kindergarten, the teacher is faced with the following tasks: nurturing in children a clean, clear pronunciation of sounds in words, correct pronunciation of words according to the norms of orthoepy of the Russian language, nurturing good diction, nurturing the expressiveness of children's speech.
The relevance of the implementation of this project is due to the search for ways to improve the conditions and content of educating the sound culture of speech of children of senior preschool age, taking into account the development trends of the entire system of lifelong education, modern scientific and scientific-methodological literature, suggesting the unity of the content and methods of preparing children for teaching their native language at the level kindergarten and primary school.
Practical significance The research is as follows: the conditions for the effective use of methodological techniques for the formation of sound culture of speech in older preschoolers have been determined; A control and diagnostic toolkit has been developed to assess the level of formation of speech sound culture.
The contradiction between the need to form a sound culture of speech and the imperfection of the pedagogical conditions under which the formation takes place has led to the search for new forms and methods that help improve the quality of work on the formation of a sound culture of speech.
Theoretical basis of experience. As studies by R.E. show. Levina, N.A. Nikashina, L.F. Spirova and others, the readiness for sound analysis in preschoolers with oral speech disorders is almost two times worse than in normally speaking children. Therefore, children with speech impediments are usually unable to fully master writing and reading in a public school setting. Therefore, all speech deficiencies must be eliminated in preschool age, before they turn into a persistent and complex defect.
In preschool age, the most effective means of developing speech sound culture is play. Play is important in the mental, physical and aesthetic education of children. Didactic games are one of the means of educating and teaching preschool children.
The scientific novelty of the research lies in an attempt to summarize and systematize modern literature on the problem; to experimentally identify the optimal conditions for the implementation of the declared system of work that contributes to improving the quality of education. The study examined aspects of the problem, the essence of the concept of “sound culture of speech”; a set of games and play exercises has been selected that allows children to develop an active interest in the learning process and develop a sense of language; criteria for assessing the level of formation of speech sound culture have been developed.
However, problems have also been identified that are a limiting factor in the development of speech sound culture: difficulties in attracting parents with antisocial behavior to participate in the project; difficulties in the formation of sound culture in children with complex speech disorders caused by complex neurological symptoms.
The implementation of the declared project helps to significantly intensify the process of forming the sound culture of speech, increase the interest of students, which affects the final results. The developed system for the formation of sound culture of speech can be considered ergonomic, since it is effective, safe for the health of pupils, creates a situation of success, and contributes to the development of the personality of a preschooler.
Conditions for implementing changes. In order to successfully form the sound culture of speech, the following conditions are necessary: ​​motivational (contributing to sustainable positive motivation of students to practice); organizational (using this experience systematically and comprehensively); scientific and methodological (providing educators and parents with methodological knowledge on the formation of sound culture of speech in the system).
The result of the changes. Monitoring the work of a teacher in developing the sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age confirmed the positive dynamics and effectiveness of the experience being implemented.
Children master articulation exercises much faster, there is significant progress in the development of correct sound pronunciation, an active interest in training the prosodic components of speech is formed, and the quality of the functions of phonemic perception, analysis, and synthesis improves.
Targeted experience. Experience in the formation of sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age will be useful for creative educators who have some experience in teaching practice. It can be used in various classes and at different stages of education, as well as in free activities and individual work with children. The proposed games and exercises can be used by parents for home activities with children and improving sound pronunciation. The optimality of the experience lies in the fact that it requires minimal labor input for preparation on the part of the teacher and students.