How to stop being afraid of food and gain weight. Obesophobia: overcoming the fear of getting fat

I'm very afraid of gaining weight! I eat a piece of something low-calorie or not very high-calorie and immediately feel how my stomach has grown and my hips have sagged. I quickly run to the scales and... PHUGH!!! Everything is fine, I didn’t dial!!! But this is also not a guarantee... What if the scales break...

A constant, consuming fear inside my head about extra pounds. What to do? I can’t think about anything, I want to eat all the time and I’m always afraid of gaining weight.

What should I do? My life is turning into a relay race called “getting to the scale”!!! And studying all kinds of magazines in search of even more healthy nutrition and a list of foods that you can eat without fear of gaining weight.

But even after checking the weight, the internal gnawing feeling does not go away. It is unbearable to be with him, and impossible to get rid of or let go. Yes, that's right, I can't let go. It’s like a controller, but in advance so that you don’t eat anything. And if you let go, it means even more fear that I’ll let everything take its course and become ugly.

What to do? They give absolutely nothing to advice that if you are afraid of gaining weight, then drink a glass of water before eating. Fasting days don't help.

There are people who don’t think about it, or at least don’t obsess over their weight and the desire to lose even more weight. Well, okay, if we are talking about a pregnant woman, whose body changes a lot during nine months and subsequent feeding. What if it’s just like that? Constant thoughts about what I already ate today, in what quantities, then thoughts and fears that after all, this is too much for today... and again I am very afraid of gaining weight...

We offer a completely new look at this problem

If you are tired of struggling with invisible extra pounds and want to get rid of the fear of gaining weight, sign up for the free online training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

I have been married to my husband for 14 years and about a year ago I began to notice strange things in his behavior, in his attitude towards me, in the mood in which he comes home and communicates with me. This was especially evident in bed, it’s incredibly offensive when I want it, and he has all sorts of excuses from the series “I’m tired at work, I don’t feel well, I’m not in the mood” and stuff like that. This has never happened before. Of course, the first thought was that a mistress appeared. I carefully didn’t want to believe it, because I know my husband very well, but as it turned out, I didn’t know him at all. While he was sleeping, I took his phone and looked at all the text messages, it was clear that he was cleaning them, but he apparently forgot to erase one message from the subscriber “Grisha locksmith”. The message said “Sweet dreams, kisses” and a heart emoji. At that moment, it was as if lightning had struck me right through, I wanted to cry, scream, but I didn’t wake up my husband to throw a tantrum, I collected my thoughts and wrote out this girl’s number for myself. When my husband left for work, I looked up the number on the Internet and found this girl’s VKontakte page. It turned out to be his colleague from work, I recognized her. When I came to my husband’s work to pick up the keys, I immediately noticed her, long legs, short skirt, firm breasts, beautiful appearance, to say the least. I had to do something urgently, I called my best friend and told about what happened. My plans were to sit down and talk when my husband returned; I wanted him to confess to me, but at the same time I was very afraid of what he would do next. I simply can’t live without him, I love him incredibly. I needed something that would definitely help me return my husband to the family, but nothing came to mind. I told my friend about all this, but at some point she interrupted me by saying that she knew how to solve my problem. I was almost speechless, too many thoughts were spinning in my head: “is she mocking me now or will she decide to joke or cheer up or does she really know what to do?” A friend started telling me about a fortune teller who, a long time ago, helped her classmate solve a similar problem and returned a man’s love. At that moment, I was overcome by vague doubts, because I had never encountered anything paranormal, especially ecrosensory and magic. But my situation left me no choice, because no other logical paths would have helped me get my husband back, but I needed it at any cost and I decided. That evening, a friend gave me the number of a fortune teller (her name is Stella). I sat in front of the phone for a long time, dialed the number, and then hung up, different thoughts were spinning in my head, and maybe this is all not true, magic doesn’t exist and all that kind of thing, but when I again imagined that my husband was leaving me for this Nastya, then I immediately dialed Stella. Stella invited me to her session and I went. At the session itself, Stella said after the ceremony that I had become a victim of a targeted magical influence, popularly called damage. I was in a HUGE SHOCK. Who could have done this? Who did I displease? But that's not the point! The main thing is that Stella removed the damage from me, and also performed a ceremony to return the man. After that, I began to wait for the result, the first days I did not notice any changes in my husband’s behavior, he still came, ate and went to bed, dropping a few words to find out how I was doing. But after about a week, what I call a real miracle happened! On an ordinary Wednesday of the simplest week, my husband returned home with FLOWERS, bought a lot of goodies and wine. When I saw it, I almost fainted. My husband came and said that he loved me very much, that I was his best and everything like that, we had a great time that evening, I remembered it for the rest of my life! After this incident, I began to believe in miracles, thank you very much, Stella! Girls, if anyone has any problems in life, I highly recommend Stella, she is truly a master of her craft and a real magician, she really helps!!!

People suffering from anorexia nervosa, a mental disorder, are terrified of gaining weight. Trying to get rid of this unjustified fear, a person focuses all his attention on diet and controlling body weight.

Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa

The most characteristic symptom of anorexia nervosa is severe weight loss. Body weight deficiency can reach 15% of the norm for a given age and height.

Anorexia nervosa causes a number of emotional and behavioral disorders:

  • panic fear of gaining weight;
  • confidence in your own completeness even with a lack of body weight;
  • mood swings;
  • hiding a starvation diet;
  • ritualizing food intake (for example, cutting it into tiny pieces);
  • preference for hanging, baggy clothes;
  • obsessive physical activity;
  • inducing vomiting or taking laxatives.

In girls and women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted (menstruation may stop altogether). Men lose libido. Other symptoms include:

  • constipation and abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of small hair on the body and face;
  • chilliness due to poor circulation;
  • dry and pale skin;
  • swelling of the face and ankle area;
  • attacks of lightheadedness and fainting;
  • anxiety, hyperactivity.

Anorexia nervosa is easier to identify than bulimia, although the latter is more common. Anorexia mainly affects girls and young women, although it also affects men and even children.

With anorexia nervosa, food and drink intake is limited not because of a lack of hunger and thirst, but because of an unwillingness to satisfy them. A person has mixed feelings: eating habits become a way to solve emotional problems.

The reasons are different. Genetic factors and personality type predispose people to anorexia. People with low self-esteem who are prone to depression may strive for an “ideal” figure to relieve stress and improve their mood. Anorexia nervosa is provoked by psychological trauma: the death of a loved one, sexual violence, divorce. Around the world, approximately 1% of girls and women suffer from anorexia nervosa.

Help from others with anorexia nervosa

In such a situation, medical assistance is necessary, but usually the patient himself believes that he does not need it. And without the desire to be treated (as in the case of alcoholism), all other measures are ineffective. Relatives should try to maintain a trusting relationship with the patient without forcing him to change his behavior. When talking, focus on restoring your emotional state rather than adjusting your menu or weight. The main thing is to eliminate the cause of the problem, not its manifestation.

Contact a nutritionist, psychotherapist or psychologist (the latter may prescribe cognitive behavioral therapy). Melotherapy (music), dance therapy, drama therapy or art therapy often helps.

Aromatherapy, massage and reflexology contribute to a more adequate attitude of the patient towards his body. Extremely low weight requires hospitalization.

Long-term consequences and recovery

Long-term refusal of adequate nutrition threatens a deficiency of essential nutrients, which can ultimately lead to death. In women, menstruation disorders, infertility, and osteoporosis are possible. Many problems caused by anorexia disappear when diet is normalized. It is more difficult to overcome the psychological barrier - to help the patient understand the reason for his voluntary fasting and find other ways to relieve stress and normalize his emotional state.

"Weight loss, fear of gaining excess weight and other symptoms of anorexia nervosa" and other articles from the section

If thoughts about the fear of gaining weight are constantly spinning in your head, then the tips below will help you stop being afraid of gaining excess weight.

So, if fear has come into your life, then right now we begin to fight it, and now we will find out what needs to be done for this!

1. Stop being afraid. Fear gains more and more strength when a person begins to be afraid of something. Every day it “eats” the subconscious; as a result, a person stops enjoying life and withdraws “into himself.” Fear is a dangerous weapon that not only affects the human psyche, but also adversely affects health in general. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is simply stop being afraid. What we fear most often happens. As soon as you block fear, you will immediately feel liberated and life will sparkle with bright colors again, and most importantly, you will realize that your fears were in vain!

2. Find a passion. Nothing helps you forget about everything and look at life in a new way than doing what you love! Have you always dreamed of dancing? - So what are we waiting for? After all, there is only one life and you need to have time to try everything so as not to regret missing out on your dream. Instead of constantly looking at yourself in the mirror and looking for excess fat, do what you love!

The dream has come true, you have lost 5 - 20 kg, but along with the desired weight comes an obsessive fear of getting fat. This fear haunts many women who are outwardly slender and successful.

Fear of gaining weight can arise for various reasons.

  • The woman lost weight with great difficulty, and now she doesn’t want to go through all the ordeals again.
  • Looking at corpulent mothers and grandmothers, many girls do not want to become like them in the future.
  • Reluctance to grow up and acquire the forms inherent in a woman by nature.
  • The ideal of female beauty of our time is a thin figure, unattainable for many girls because of their constitution, hence the complexes and fear.
  • Fear of pregnancy, which will lead to weight gain.

Fear of getting fat sometimes leads to psychological disorders, which in turn threatens cardiac arrest.

The roots of fear lie in the absence

Fear of getting fat and fear of food are practically the same thing.

If you analyze the topics of the forums, it turns out that the fear of getting fat haunts many girls.

"Anna, Moscow.

Hello, I am 19 years old, height 169 cm, I weigh 57 kg. I know that this is a normal weight, but I am very afraid of gaining weight, I constantly only think about it, when I eat I feel guilty. I do not know what to do????"

Fear of getting fat otherwise called obesophobia.

How to cope with obesophobia

  1. Important admit there is a problem, gradually the fear will begin to subside.
  2. Imagine the worst case scenario and accept it As a rule, it never comes. You've already lost weight once, so you can do it again.
  3. Sometimes fear is the body's defense mechanism. don't let your body down. If you are in good shape, maintain it.
  4. Eat right. Develop a rational nutrition system.
  5. Don't eat before bed.
  6. Play sports, lead an active lifestyle.
  7. Separate food into dangerous and safe, which is useful.
  8. Change your idols. Suffice it to remember Anfisa Chekhova, a large number of men like her, this is a fact.

Often To get rid of fear, willpower alone is not enough, you need the help of a psychologist.

With age, in most cases, a woman gains weight - these are the laws of nature. You cannot think that if at 15 years old you weighed 50 kg, then this weight will accompany you throughout life. Try to come to terms with the imperfections of the world.

Fear focuses you on the negative. If you live in constant fear, you need to stop Your attractiveness depends on how you feel.

Especially for - Elena

Attention, TODAY only!

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