Writing unstressed vowels at the root of a word. How you shouldn't check some unstressed vowels


Letters o, e (e) after sibilants and Ts.

Spelling O; e; e after the hissing and C depends on the part of speech and morpheme.

1. At the root of the word it is written yo, if you can choose a test single-root word so that in place of this letter you can hear e. In other cases it is written O.(cheap - cheaper) (hood, seam)

2. In foreign language nouns unstressed position is written O(Scotland Highway)

3. B ^ and at the endings of nouns and adjectives with an accent o – without stress e (wolf cub, little bag, candle, hedgehog).

4. In ^ adverbs with stress o – without stress e(hot O, crush e.). Exception: yet.

5. B ^ passive past participles, in verbal adjectives and in ^ verbal nouns under stress е - without stress e ( condensed, condensed milk, stewed ) . In suffixes yovk, nouns (overnight, uprooting)

6. At the end of verbs under stress e- no accent e(baking, busy.)

7. In a foreign language ^ -er- in nouns it is written e

(conductor, traveler and Russian word"suitor")

Ticket No. 3

Use of hyphen

1) Compound adjectives and nouns can be hyphenated if!

A) The noun has double meaning(rocking chair, sofa - bed)

B) Units of measurement. Exceptions: workday.

C) Nouns denoting cardinal directions, and adjectives formed from them.

D) Foreign roots - ober -, - unter -, - vice -, - ex -.

D) Some geographical names and names of animals and plants containing a conjunction or preposition.

E) Adjectives denoting complex colors.

2) Root - FLOOR- written with a hyphen if:

A) The word begins with capital letter(half of Moscow).

B) The word begins with a vowel.

C) The word begins with the letter l

3) Indefinite pronouns with attachment something - written with a hyphen unless there is a preposition.

Indefinite pronouns with suffixes

- then -, -either -, - either – written with a hyphen.

4) Indefinite adverbs with a prefix some and suffixes - something - -either- -something – are written with a hyphen.

Complex adverbs formed by repeating words with the same root or synonyms are written with a hyphen (barely, little by little, as quickly as possible, exactly)

If an adverb is formed in a prefixal-suffixal way using prefixes BY-; V-(VO-) and suffixes -OMU; -TO HIM; -Х; -THEIR; -AND, then it is written with a hyphen with a prefix.

After consoles ON-;VO-(V-), if there are suffixes - OMU-, -HIM, - YH, -IH, -I- (do it my way, first)

5) Particles -TO with all words are written with a hyphen. Particle -KA A hyphen is written with verbs. Particle -SO written with a hyphen: with particles, with adverbs, with verbs, with other words separately.

Ticket No. 1

Spelling unstressed vowels

1) Roots with an unverified unstressed vowel must be memorized or looked at spelling dictionary(vinaigrette - ham).

2) Roots with unstressed vowels must be checked by selecting words with the same root or word forms with a stressed root vowel.

3) Roots with alternating vowels cannot be checked by stress.

Roots with alternating vowels are divided into groups.

1) The spelling of an alternating vowel depends on the final consonant.

Rast - rasch - ros excl: rostok, Rostov, Rostislav, moneylender, industries.

(plant, grow, grew.)

Lag - lie (attach - attach)

Jump - skoch excl: jump, jump, jump.

D) The spelling of vowels depends on stress

The most a large number of spelling is associated with the spelling of vowels at the root of a word. Three types need to be distinguished unstressed vowels at the root of the words:

  • not verified by stress;
  • unstressed vowels at the roots of words verified by stress;
  • alternating unstressed vowels at the roots of words.

There are words in which the vowels in the root are always in an unstressed position, so it is impossible to check their stress, for example: cabbage - cabbage, sapo'g - shoemaker. Spelling You need to remember such words, and if in doubt, consult a spelling dictionary.

To check an unstressed vowel at the root, you need to choose a word with the same root or change the word being tested so that this sound is under stress, for example: nos'it - no'sit, no'sha;

Rules for spelling roots with alternating vowels a – o

They can be combined into three groups:

  • the spelling of roots depends on the place of stress;
  • the spelling of roots depends on the sound following the root;
  • the spelling of the root depends on its lexical meaning.

1 The spelling of roots depends on the place of stress -zar (-zor) ; -gor (-gar); -clone (-clan); -tvar (-tvor); -pud (-pozd); Under the stress in all these roots we write the vowel we hear: dawn, roar; tan; bend down, bow down; creature, creativity; to be late, late. In an unstressed position only at the root zar(-zor) is written A. In the remaining listed roots it is written about: dawn, but sunbathe, worship, creation, delay. Exception words: dawn, dawn, dawn;

2 From last letters The spelling of the vowel depends fundamentally: grew, but grow, offer, but offer. Exception words: Rostok, Rostov, moneylender, Rostislav, industry. Canopy.

3 At the root -kas (-kos) the letter a is written if the root also has the letter a: touch, BUT touch.

4 The spelling of the root depends on the lexical meaning -equal (- equal). The letter o is written at the root if the word means “smooth”, the letter a is written if the word means “identical”: trim the beds, but isosceles triangle . Exception words: plain, level up (in a line).

5 At the root - pilaf (- swim) in only two words the letter o is written: swimmer And swimmer. The remaining words are written with the letter a: float, float, etc.

Spelling of roots with alternating vowels e – i

In the roots with alternating vowels e - and is written and, if after the root there is a suffix -a-. In other cases it is written -e-. die - die, spread - lay, shine - shine, lock - lock, collect - collect, wipe - wipe.

In roots with alternation a (ya) - im (in) it is written im, in, if they are followed by the suffix -a-. For example: shake - shake, hush - hush.

Methodology for working on the spelling rule for unstressed vowels at the root of a word


    Introducing the rule of spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word in a Russian language lesson.


1. Zhurzhina Sh.V., Kozlova V.P. Studying the topic “Spelling unstressed vowels in the roots of words”: Method. recommendations. – M., 1977.

2. Tarasova L.E. Spelling of unstressed vowels at the roots of words. // Elementary school - No. 2. – 1988. – P.23-28.

1. The main causes of errors in the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word.

The spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word remains actual problem school teaching practice in the field of teaching children spelling. In teaching the spelling of unstressed vowels at the roots of words Primary School has achieved significant success. However, errors in spelling the unstressed vowel of the root are the most typical and consistent in all grades, especially in elementary ones.

An analysis of students' mastery of spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word shows that errors can be very diverse in nature. The main reasons causing their appearance are the following:

    Inability to find the object of application of the rule:

a) the child cannot identify an unstressed vowel in a word, this is usually due to poor stress placement skills;

b) the child does not have the skill of morphemic analysis of a word for special spelling purposes, i.e. cannot identify the root in which the unstressed vowel is written. This often leads to the fact that the student not only does not see the unstressed vowel, but also begins to expand the “boundaries” of application of the rule, using it to check the vowel in a prefix, suffix, or ending.

2. Inability to practically use the rule:

a) the child cannot change words so that the root vowel in it is stressed. Particularly difficult is the spelling of the unstressed vowel in the roots of verbs, checked using inflection: dragged-drags, lucky-vez, etc.

b) the student selects a cognate word for testing based on a false analogy. For example, the word TENT correlates with the word FLOOR; CRAWL correlates with the word FALLED; GRAZED – with the word FAST, etc.

c) an error may also arise because there is no test cognate word in the students’ vocabulary. Thus, some students cannot find test words for words found in the textbook with an unstressed vowel in the root VILAS, READING, SHOOTING, etc.;

d) the student, using the rule, selects a word with an unstressed vowel as a test word, for example: turn gray from old age (gray-haired), sit on a bench (sit), which often leads to mistakes.

To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to develop the following skills in students by the time they learn the rules:

    The ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants, to find stressed and unstressed vowels in a word, as well as to transfer stress from one syllable to another (in cases where the student changes a word or selects a word with the same root);

    Ability to produce purposefully morphemic analysis, i.e. isolate exactly that part of the word that contains the spelling being studied;

    The ability to distinguish among words of the same root and various forms of the same word are those that can be tested.

All these skills are developed through repeated exercises. The formation of these skills is impossible without certain knowledge from the field of phonetics, graphics, morphology, as well as without a sufficiently developed vocabulary.

The basis of the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of words, like many other spelling rules, is phonemic principle Russian orthography, according to which “the same letter denotes a phoneme in strong and weak position" Relying on this principle, it is important for the teacher to show that pronunciation cannot be trusted when writing. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to determine which morpheme contains a dubious sound, and to develop their ability to find test words.

The ability to identify a dubious sound will be helped by the distinctive particular features of the spelling rule for unstressed vowels in the roots of words, revealed by M.R. Lvov:

    1. unstressed, lack of stress, unclear sound;

      vowels [a], [o], [e], [i] as the most dangerous;

      place in a word: root.

The rule on the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, as defined by D.N. Bogoyavlensky, refers to the type of spelling rules that do not provide a graphic example of spelling, but indicate a method for checking the spelling. These types of rules are difficult for students and require detailed work above them. Rules of this type require analysis from the structure. Considering features rules for spelling unstressed vowels in the roots of words, you can determine the structure of this rule.

The rule itself can be divided into 4 parts:

    What should I check? You need to check the unstressed vowel.

    Where should I check? It is necessary to check the unstressed vowel at the root of the word, since the spelling of unstressed vowels in other parts of words does not follow the rule.

    How should I check? To check the unstressed vowel in the root of a word, you need to select a related word for this word or change the form of the word.

    What to check ? It is necessary to check the stress, since in the position under stress the spelling of the vowel corresponds to the pronunciation.

In the process of working on the content of each part of the rule, the teacher points out to students the knowledge and skills that they need to practical use rules. The mastery of each part of the rule is reinforced in practical exercises.

    Varieties of exercises for developing the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

Exercises in practical application The rules for spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word require students to develop, firstly, the ability to find words whose spelling is regulated by this rule, and secondly, the ability to operate with the rule itself, i.e. find test words (same root or word form) and thirdly, apply this rule in various kinds independent or creative work.

Exercises aimed at finding the object of the rule

These exercises develop students' spelling vigilance. Spelling vigilance, i.e. "the writer's ability to see in readable text those “dangerous” places in a word, the spelling of which is regulated by this rule,” is one of the most necessary conditions in developing correct writing skills. In relation to the spelling rule for unstressed vowels, the student should be able to identify the following identifying features of a given spelling:

    The vowel is in an unstressed position.

    The unstressed vowel is at the root of the word.

The development of spelling vigilance will be facilitated by exercises aimed at finding the stressed and unstressed vowel in various parts words, to compare the pronunciation and spelling of stressed and unstressed root vowels and to highlight words in which the spelling of unstressed vowels is regulated by the rule being studied (among words with the same root, among words based on previously studied rules, in sentences, in connected texts).

Exercises in the practical application of the spelling rules for unstressed vowels in the root

The instructional part of the rule indicates two ways to check words with an unstressed vowel: changing the word or selecting a word with the same root. Therefore, the system of spelling exercises should help students grasp the essence of what linguistic phenomenon, which underlies the application of the spelling rule for unstressed vowels in the root of a word:

1) in an unstressed position the same vowel is written as under stress;

2) the test can be a word with the same root or a form of a word in which the vowel of the root is stressed.

Thus, we need exercises that will equip students with knowledge identifying features test word, the ability to isolate this word from a number of cognate words or word forms at his disposal. These include the following types exercises:

    Comparison of words with stressed and unstressed vowels in the root.

    Selecting a test word from two words of the same root.

    Selecting a test from several words or forms of the same root.

    Selection of test words denoting an object, a sign of an object, the action of an object, as well as the forms of these words.

    Distinguishing between a test word with the same root and a test word that represents a change in the form of the same word.

    Selection of several test words.

Exercises in speech development in connection with the study of spelling unstressed vowels in the root

Exercises related to the development of students’ speech permeate the entire system of exercises during the study of this topic.


1. Exercises in word formation, aimed at replenishing the child’s vocabulary with a number of cognate words, at the ability to operate with the meaning of a word when selecting cognate words.

2. Exercises related to working on the meaning of a word (ambiguity, direct and figurative meaning; words with similar and opposite meanings). These exercises instill in students the habit of delving into the meaning of a word, limiting words of the same root from words that are similar in meaning (synonyms), forming the skill of using words in accordance with their meaning, and developing the skill of speaking accurately and expressively.

3. Exercises in composing phrases and sentences.

4. Exercises related to performing various tasks during the process of copying or dictation, aimed at compositional and stylistic processing of text.

This system of exercises is implemented on specific lexical material, taking into account the requirements for it. software requirements. When selecting material, it is necessary to take into account following conditions:

1. The words that are most common in children’s speech are selected of this age, the meaning of which is either known to students or can be learned by them as a result of selecting words with the same root and synonyms.

2. The work is carried out mainly with words that are transparent in their composition. You should not offer words with alternating vowels in the root, with alternating full vowels and incomplete combinations, for example, gate - gate, etc. the number of words with alternating consonants in the second class should be limited to those whose meaning is easily correlated with the meaning of words with the same root, for example, snow-snowball, etc.

3. The selection of words should be given taking into account the abilities of second grade students in inflection and word formation. So, for example, a word like CHATTE (loose) requires developed word formation skills, and words like TEACHER require skill structural analysis, and therefore cannot be offered to students as exercise material.

    Root-word work in the rule work system.

Root word work (term by D.N. Bogoyavlensky) means work with groups (nests, families) of related words, including: determining the meaning of each of the words “family”, establishing semantic connection“relatives” words, their difference from synonyms and homonyms; highlighting "relative with index finger" - and on this basis the establishment of commonality (uniformity) in the spelling of the root.

Root-word work helps enrich children's vocabulary, develop the ability to quickly and correctly establish interword connections, and thereby facilitate later (after learning the rules) the assimilation of the principle and techniques of checking spellings at the root.

To organize root word work, nests of related words can be used, the list of which is compiled taking into account:

    frequency of use of their constituent words;

    accessibility lexical meanings words, semantics of their roots for understanding by younger schoolchildren;

    clarity of the morphemic composition of words included in the nests.

Each root nest is built in this way: root - related words, arranged according to the frequency of their use in speech. The list of root nests is given in Appendix No. 3. The roots are arranged in alphabetical order.

Let's consider the organization and conduct of root word work in Russian language lessons when studying the rules of spelling unstressed vowels in the root of a word. In the lesson structure this stage called “Working with Roots”.

Let's look at fragments of Russian language lessons on organizing root word work to reinforce the spelling of roots with unstressed vowels.

Fragment No. 1. Working with roots. Root GREEN-.

1. Write down words of the same root with the root green, denoting an object, a sign of an object, an action of an object (greens, green, green, green).

2. Indicate in what meaning the word GREEN is used in the sentences read?

Meanings of the word GREEN: 1) color; 2) consisting of greenery; 3) unripe, unripe.

1) And the green forest is quietly dozing. 2) When he comes to the forest, he won’t break a branch in vain, he’ll take a ripe berry and leave a green one on the bush: let it ripen (S. Marshak). 3) In the summer, children were often given green cabbage soup for lunch. 4) among the green bushes near the silver river, a fawn is walking - a spotted calf (P. Komarov).

3. Make up phrases, choosing a word close in meaning to the word “green”.

Green face, green apple. Words for reference: unripe, pale.

    Listen to the text.


This expression perfectly shows how our language is changing. A hundred years ago, it caused horror in everyone: two ranks of soldiers were then called GREEN STREET. Each of the soldiers had in their hands a flexible rod made of wicker - spitzruten. Convicts were driven or dragged along such a “street.” Often at the end of this terrible green street a person died.

Now - GREEN STREET - a continuous chain of green semaphore lights, which make it possible for the train to rush without any delay. IN figurative meaning“green street” - straight, free, open path. (according to E. Vartanyan)

What did the expression GREEN STREET mean in the past? In what meaning is this expression used in modern Russian?

Fragment No. 2. Working with roots. Root ZVON-

    Guess the riddle and write down the answer.

Unprepossessing, round and small,

He is used to living near doors.

If you press a little, it will raise a cry.

Everyone will understand his language. (call)

2. Write down related words, underline the root, and put a dot under the unstressed vowel.

Beller, ring, ringing, ringing, bell, chime.

3. Write down the word CALL so that it answers the questions asked, pay attention to the emphasis, learn to pronounce these words correctly.

What to do? We're calling

What is he doing? They're calling

What are we doing? Call

What are they doing? Calling

4. Read, put the correct emphasis in words with the root ZVON-



Make up sentences or a story on the topic “Telephone”, using the words: ringing, call, call.

5. Read the proverb.

He heard a ringing, but he doesn’t know where it is.

In what cases is it used?

Root word work should be aimed primarily at helping children to establish the relatedness of words based on determining the commonality of their meanings. Mastery specified skill causes the greatest difficulties in children, because requires a certain level development abstract thinking, the ability to abstract from the specific lexical meanings of words and, on this basis, establish the similarity of their semantics. At the same time, it is this skill that is the most important supporting skill for later mastering the principle and methods of checking spellings at the root.

4. Acquaintance with the rule of spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

Let's look at a fragment of a lesson on how to spell unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

1. Preparing to work on the rule.

Listen to the text and answer why Vanya didn’t understand his father?


Vanya and his father went hunting. Ahead there was a dense pine forest. The father noticed a fox there. She jumped into the bushes, waving her large tail. The father exclaimed: “What a fox! What a tail!” Vanya said to his father in surprise: “This is the first time I’ve heard that there are pine forests with a tail!”

Why did this error occur? (It is established that the pronunciation of the words “fox” and “forest” is the same)

What needs to be done to write these words correctly?

It turns out that the unstressed vowel at the root of the word needs to be checked. Students remember earlier known method checking by inflection: one-many; many-one (fox - foxes, forests - forest). The goal of the lesson is formulated - familiarization with new ways of checking words with an unstressed vowel at the root.

2. Organization of student observations on the method of checking an unstressed vowel in the root using cognate words:

Write down two columns of words, put emphasis, highlight the root.

Forest - forestere

Feed – feedO

Clean – purityAnd

Meat - meatI

Pathetic - sorryA

In which column of words is the vowel written as it is pronounced, and in which does it need to be checked?

(Children, answering a question, pronounce each pair of words, for example, forest - the vowel “e” in the root is under stress, it is written as it is heard, in the word “forester” the vowel in the root is unstressed, its pronunciation changes, so its spelling is necessary check, etc.)

In each pair of words with the same root, name something that can be used to check the unstressed vowel in the root.

Why can it be called a test word? (Children must point out two signs of the test word: 1) the test word is a single root word or the same word; 2) in the test single-root word, the vowel in the root is stressed).

Which unstressed vowels in the root need to be checked? (a, o, i, e, z)

What new way of selecting test words have you now become acquainted with?

3. Consolidating knowledge of the spelling rules for unstressed vowels:

a) Reading the rules from the textbook. Working on the rule structure:

Read the part of the rule that says what to check.

Listen to the words and select from them those that are checked according to this rule:escape, feeding trough, in the grove, little white, table, shady .

The student should reason like this: in the word “escape” the stress falls on the vowel of the root, the unstressed vowel is in the prefix, which means that the spelling of the word is not checked according to this rule; in the word “feeder” - the stress falls on the vowel of the suffix, the unstressed vowel is in the root, its spelling must be checked according to the rule, the test word is “feed”, in it the vowel in the root is stressed.

b) Read the part of the rule that says what you need to do to find the test word.

Work on the second part of the rule can be associated with the analysis of a table containing the main methods for selecting test words.

To select a test word you need to:

Change the word Choose a word with the same root

river - rivers ( one - many ) rug-rug ( small item)

color-color ( item)

steps - step ( many-one ) darkness-dark ( attribute of an object )

walking-walking ( action of the object )

Read the table and determine how many ways to check the unstressed vowel in the root.

Describe how an unstressed vowel in the root is checked by selecting a word with the same root.

c) – Explain why in the test word the vowel in the root should be stressed.

Copy, from the words with the same root, underline those that can be tested.

Top, top, top, top, top.

Spend the night, night, night, night, spend the night.

Choose a test word from two words, write it down, insert the missing vowel in the roots of words with the same root.

Glass, glazed - glass...cloud

Next, footprints – we’ve...enjoyed.

Salt, salt, salt.

A gift, given - crap.

Request, petitioner - please.

4. Consolidation of the learned rule.

a) Precautionary dictation.

Woodpecker's Nest

In the summer we found a woodpecker's nest. The chicks lived in the hollow of an old aspen tree. When adult woodpeckers flew up to the hollow, the babies screamed loudly and poked their big-nosed heads in red scarves out of the hollow.

(according to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

While working on the text precautionary dictation Students practice writing words with an unstressed vowel at the root. The explanation should be carried out in the following sequence:

1. Find a word with an unstressed vowel in the root.

2. Indicate the verification method (single root word or word change).

3. Prove which vowel should be written in the root.

Doing exercises in the textbook “Russian Language”.

b) Working with roots. Root of NESTS-.

Listen to the text and write down words with the same root to the root NEST-

Seabird nesting sites are always well protected. Here is a small blackish bird with crimson-red legs and beak. This is a guillemot. She likes to nest on large rocky islands. Most During their lives, guillemots live in the open sea and only come ashore during nesting. They make their nests among the stones. This is where guillemot chicks grow up.

In which of the cognates used in this text, can an unstressed vowel be checked? What word can you check and why?

Change the word "nest" for the questions what are they doing? what did you do?

On initial stage When applying a rule, it is useful to accompany the actions performed by reasoning out loud in accordance with the recommendations in the rule. Such a prescription of actions can be offered to students in finished form on a poster or instruction card, which will help them comment on their actions and remember necessary steps while working on the rule:

1. Place the stress, determine in which part of the word the unstressed vowel is located.

2. To check the unstressed vowel of the root, change the word or select a word with the same root so that the vowel being tested in it is stressed.

3. Write the same vowel in the word as in the test word.

There may be such a variant of reasoning:

When checking an unstressed vowel in a word, think like this:

a) an unstressed vowel at the root of the word...;

b) test word - ...;

c) in the test word the vowel is written...;

d) at the root of the word I write a vowel….

Teaching the spelling of unstressed vowels at the roots of words will be successful if the teacher not only clearly defines for himself theoretical basis this topic, but will also be able to competently organize root word work using different kinds exercises.

Open lesson on the subject:

« Russian language »

Class3 "G"

Subject: "Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word »

St. Petersburg2016

Technological lesson map

Spelling an unstressed vowel at the root of a word ».

Goal: To develop the ability to recognize unstressed vowels in words and to correctly check words.

Objectives: to develop spelling vigilance, attention, thinking, speech; cultivate a love for your native language.

Type: Consolidation of learned material.

Planned results


Master the studied norms of the Russian language, the basics of literate writing; select similar roots
words and forms of the same word to check the spelling of the word.


Show interest in learning the Russian language; develop elements of communicative, social
and educational and cognitive motives for studying the Russian language.


Cognitive: analyze the studied linguistic objects, highlighting their essential and non-essential features; make up the simplest instructions that determine the sequence of actions when solving a linguistic problem.

Regulatory: master the methods of solving educational task, choose one of them to solve the educational
tasks, take into account the rule (algorithm) in planning and controlling the solution method.

Communicative: express their thoughts and feelings, observing norms literary language; ask questions necessary to organize their own activities.

Lesson Resources

For the teacher: a picture of Winter, cards with the letter Zz, an algorithm for the board and on cards, riddles, students’ technological maps, cards with letters and magnets.

For students: notebook, textbook, pen, pencil, eraser.

During the classes

Methods and techniques

Control techniques

Contents of teacher activities

Content of students' activities

1.Organizational moment:

Greets students and introduces guests.

Hello guys! Today we have guests at our lesson! Let's welcome them!

Check your readiness for the lesson!

Welcome teachers and guests!

Check the availability of individual educational supplies
on the table.

Frontal, verbal.


2. Update necessary knowledge, setting the goal of the lesson.

Motivates students to learn.

What date is today?

What day is this?

Open your notebooks and write down the number, great job.

So, today Zimushka-Winter came to visit us! (show a picture of Winter) She has prepared tasks for you, but in order to complete them, we need to remember what topic we covered in the previous lesson? What sound did we learn to test? Which part of the word did we check? unstressed sound? Why do we need to check the spelling of words?

Let's remember the algorithm of actions using an example. Posts an algorithm of actions.

Read the word.

Put emphasis.

Select the root.

Identify the unstressed vowel.

Choose a test word.

(example on the board: tables-table) is disassembled by the teacher.

Let us recall the rule for selecting test words to check the unstressed vowel in the root.

Think about learning how to quickly and correctly check the spelling of words, which we

need to do? So, let's talk about the purpose of our lesson: to practice spelling the unstressed vowel in the root. (speak in unison).

Answer the questions:

December 1!
-First day of winter!

Unstressed vowel.


In order to write without errors.

We need to change the word so that the unstressed vowel becomes stressed!

Learn the rule and practice!

Repeat the purpose of the lesson in chorus.

Frontal, dialogical.

Control of attention and concentration.

3 .Physical education minute.

Let's stretch our fingers!

They tapped their fingers on the table and showed the sun!

Perform movements.

Collaborative, hands-on.


Now let's move on to a moment of penmanship. The first task that Zimushka has prepared for you: following the example, write down the first letter of her name beautifully!(sample on the board and cards for each)

Organize a minute of penmanship.

(show a sample on the board, distribute individual cards).

- Don't forget about proper posture while writing!

Did you manage?

Now take your technological maps and evaluate the first task you completed!

Complete the letter according to the sample.


Frontal, individual, practical.

4. Vocabulary work. (4 min)

Organizes vocabulary and spelling work:

Our second task:

Zimushka asked some riddles, can we guess them?

1. So that autumn doesn’t get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy. (freezing) Speak in unison.Write it down in your notebook.

2. Spruce swaddled in snow
With a sad song...(blizzard)

Write it down, place emphasis, underline the spelling.

Well done! What are these words? Why are they called that?

Check the spelling with the example on the board.Open sample. Have you checked? Now evaluate your work in your technological maps.

And we completed this task!

They guess riddles, say them out loud, write them down in a notebook, place emphasis, and underline the spelling that needs to be remembered.


2. Snowstorm.


Because you need to remember their spelling! We check it in the dictionary.

Conversation, letter.

Correct writing, self-test.

5.Work on the topic of the lesson.

Here we are starting the third task of our Winter.

There are words written on the board with missing letters, you need to insert these letters using the cards on the board and explain your choice using an algorithm, for example: sn..govik, the stress falls on i, the root snow, the unstressed vowel in the root e, so As we select the test word snow, unstressed became stressed.

(words on the board, with missing letters, cards with letters and magnets).

Now, one by one, we go to the board and insert a letter, but only with an explanation of why this particular letter.

Well done! Let's talk again about how we select a test word to check an unstressed vowel at the root!?

They work at the board.

Insert the missing letters and explain your choice.

They say the rule together.

Frontal, problem-based, practical, commented work at the board.

Application of spelling rules in practice.

6 .Physical education minute.

Organizes physical education.


Let's warm up!

We'll warm up a little We rub our shoulders
We'll clap our hands Let's clap our hands
Let's stamp our feet We stomp on the spot
And let's give ourselves a pat. Slap your knees

Perform movements.

Collaborative, hands-on.

Proper execution movements.

7 .Work on the topic of the lesson. Continuation.

Organizes independent work.

Have you warmed up? Great!

Open the textbook on page 101, ex. 233. Read the assignment carefully (reads with children and explains ). And do it yourself using the algorithm on the board.

Did you manage? Now exchange notebooks, check each other on the answer cards, and give a rating.

Now take your technological maps and evaluate the third completed task.

Listen to the teacher's assignment and complete it independently.

They exchange notebooks, check them against the sample, and evaluate them.

Individual, work in pairs.

Checking each other.

8 .Results of the lesson.

Asks questions, sums up.

So what was our goal?

What did we use to test the words?

How do we select a test word?

Can we conclude that we have achieved the purpose of our lesson?

Well done!

They answer questions and draw conclusions.

Practice spelling the unstressed vowel in the root.

Test words!

We change the word so that the unstressed vowel sound becomes stressed.


Frontal, verbal, dialogical.

Correct answers to questions.


Announces homework.

Open your diaries and write down your homework. Textbook ex. 245

Record homework in diaries.

Verbal, individual.


11.Self-assessment stage.

Please count the points on your lesson cards. Convert to assessment.Helps.

Fill out the cards and announce the result.



12. Reflection stage.

Asks questions and gives students the opportunity to speak.

They answer questions, express opinions, talk about their mood and difficulties.



Spelling unstressed vowels

§ 33. General rule. The writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels is established by checking other words and forms, where in that

In the same significant part of the word (in the same root, in the same prefix, suffix, ending), the vowel being tested is under stress, for example: mountain? (cf. mountains, mountainous), dial (na?brazny), earthen (oat?), in the house (in the table?).

Note. When checking, you should take into account the regular relationships of letter pairs a - i, y - yu, o - ё (o - e, ё - e), and - ы, the members of which can replace each other (see the section “Rules for the use of letters. General rules"). Wed, for example: deer - boar?, blue - red?, early - golden, home - ship, guard - knife, clumsy - fresh?, go ?rtsev - father, industry - ruble, you? carries - carries - carried, key - brocade.

Below is general rule, deviations from it and difficult cases its applications are considered separately for different significant parts words (morphemes).

Unstressed vowels in roots

§ 34. In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in roots is established by checking words and forms with the same root in which the vowel being tested is stressed, for example: water (cf. water, water), gardens (garden, kindergarten), pig (pigs), egg (eggs), talk (talk, conversation), young (young, youth, young), heat (heat, hot), naughty (prank).

Wed. in pairs of words: frequency? (frequent) and cleanliness? (clean), caress (laska) and stripe (rinses), pairs? (plural, cf. pairs) and for the time being? (cf. so far), forests? (plural, cf. forest) and a fox? (cf. li?sy, li?sonka), sit?t (si?dya) and grey?t (grey, cr. f. from grey-haired), develop?t (develop) and flutter (ve? yat), discharge?t (discharge?d) and thin?t (rare), illuminate (light, illuminate) and sanctify (holy, holiness), try on (measure ) and reconcile (peace).

Note 1. The letter e after paired soft consonants and sibilants is written in accordance with both stressed e and o (in the letter е). Wed, eg: beli?t (white) and ve?la (led), village? (village and rural), rustle (rustle) and silk? (silk), pearls? (zhe?mchug) and acorn?y (acorn).

Note 2. When choosing to write about or a in unstressed verbal roots, you should not use verbs for checking imperfect form with the suffix -yva- (-iva-). For example, to check the unstressed vowel in the roots of the verbs throw?t, tramp?t, look?t, silent?t, one should use words and forms such as throw, pered?ska, scatter?s, trample?t, smo? trit, look, silently, be silent, but not verbs like scribble, trample, consider, be silent, which are characterized by the alternation of vowels o - a (cf. earn - earn , assimilate - assimilate, etc.).

Note 3. Special cases spellings of vowels in specific roots are set out below in § 35, § 36.

The writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels of the root, which cannot be established according to the general rule (unverifiable vowels), is determined in dictionary order, for example: lurid, pineapple, atavism, twine, cheesecake, vinaigrette, esaul, ikebana, abbot, quotation marks, loaf , corridor, little finger, month, pancakes, ferry, gudgeon, fire, syrup, dog, plate, hurricane, elixir, train, January, tongue, amber.