Non-traditional forms of lessons in the pedagogical process. Non-standard forms of lesson organization

It's no secret that every teacher should be creative in their work. When preparing for lessons, he must think through everything clearly. However, if this is an ordinary lesson, then children, especially middle-level ones, will not be interested in sitting for 45 minutes and listening to the words of the lecturer-teacher. The event should be exciting and quite varied. Only in this case will students listen carefully to the teacher in the classroom. At the end of the lesson, it is very important that the teacher summarizes the knowledge gained and asks the children whether they liked teaching in this form.

Interest during non-standard lessons

A lesson can only be interesting when the teacher uses interdisciplinary connections and provides memorable facts. When planning a lesson, it is important to properly think through its course, not forgetting that it is necessary to repeat the knowledge that the children received in the past.

In this regard, non-standard lessons can be interesting, which will allow the child to think creatively, express his opinion, and also take into account the wishes of his peers. Today, teachers of various subjects can practice non-standard ones. It is very important that every lesson conducted by a teacher is not only interesting, but also educational.

Non-standard lessons in elementary school

Today, non-standard lessons are best practiced in low-performing classes. With the help of such classes you can significantly increase your level of knowledge. By improvising, the teacher can pay attention to students with different levels of development, asking them to solve complex problems. It should be noted that non-standard lessons in elementary school can attract the attention of schoolchildren and even teach them perseverance.

Sometimes it is very difficult for elementary school students to sit in one place for 45 minutes. There are two ways to go here. At the administrative level, this issue can be resolved by reducing class time to 40 minutes. The second way involves careful preparation of the teacher for the lesson and the interest of the student.

Conducting open lessons at school

Very often, teachers hold open lessons at school. As a rule, in such classes the leading role is given to the teacher, and schoolchildren only participate in the process. When conducting non-standard lessons, you must remember that you should not deviate too much from the program, which is designed for a specific secondary school. Everything must be within the rules.

Of course, non-standard lessons at school can be in different subjects. Each teacher is considered an expert in his or her field. That is why it is necessary to find that creative component that will help it arouse interest in the subject among schoolchildren. High-quality non-standard lessons allow the teacher to improve his category, while improving his professionalism.

How to develop a non-standard lesson?

The development of a non-standard lesson must be approached with maximum responsibility. At this stage, it is important to take into account the characteristics of schoolchildren and the specifics of the subject. To draw up a script or plan for such a lesson, you need to become thoroughly familiar with the topic and select the most interesting material.

The development of a non-standard lesson may include several stages. First, you need to assess the level of knowledge and capabilities of schoolchildren who could actively participate in the event. Then it is important to choose and design the material correctly.

Using computer technology in the classroom

It is advisable that innovative technologies be used during the lesson, with which you can watch videos and listen to audio material. This approach is possible in literature, natural history, history and music lessons. It can be interesting to use a computer in Russian language classes while studying a new topic. What other non-standard lessons could there be? You can make a presentation. The slides will display useful information and the teacher will comment on it. By the way, the material can be presented not only in text form - it can also be graphs, pictures, which will make the event more understandable and memorable.

Features of non-standard lessons

Today, non-standard lessons can be held not only within the walls of the school. The very form of the lesson already provides for the place where it will be held. For example, an observation lesson when studying a new topic in natural history can be organized in the fresh air. The kids will definitely like this. When choosing non-standard forms of lessons, you must remember that there should be no amateur activity in this matter. It is important that the school administration knows that the teacher gives an open lesson, thereby increasing the level of knowledge of schoolchildren.

Various forms of conducting lessons

Within the framework of the stated topic, when conducting a non-standard lesson, the teacher can additionally use extracurricular material that will be easily perceived by schoolchildren. Quite often, teachers of secondary schools practice non-standard lessons in the form of competitions between students, and also stage theatrical shows. However, in this case, it is necessary to be guided by the peculiarities of the educational process and the specifics of a particular subject.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that conducting a non-standard lesson involves the involvement of schoolchildren. The lesson can be interesting if the students themselves talk about how they can solve the same problem. Information about the personal life of a writer or scientist can be no less interesting. Previously unknown facts can force students to listen carefully to information that will be useful to them at the end of the year when taking the exam.

Conducting a non-standard lesson in mathematics

It's no secret that in mathematics lessons you need to think not creatively, but accurately. Here you definitely need to repeat the multiplication table, and also be able to build logical schemes for solving various problems. The activity can be interesting if the form is chosen correctly. Today, a non-standard lesson in mathematics, as well as in any other discipline, must be conducted with prior agreement with the director or head teacher. Mostly teachers choose a form of event such as competition.

In such classes, it is best to divide schoolchildren into small groups and give them tasks to solve similar problems. The winner is the team that solved the problems first and correctly compiled the algorithm. At this stage, auction lessons can be organized, where students will need to calculate, for example, the cost of things that can be sold.

Formula lessons are no less interesting. Each group of students can be asked to create a specific formula that reflects a specific topic. You can only use real life examples (selling potatoes, purchasing cabbage, selling carrots). If you calculate correctly and come up with a logical scheme, then students can be delighted with the problematic tasks that will need to be solved in class. Life situations always arouse great interest among children.

Conducting a literature lesson in a non-standard form

When organizing an open lesson on literature, the teacher must choose the right topic for the lesson. In this matter, you need to focus on the curriculum. However, even here it is worth taking into account the characteristics of schoolchildren and their age. If the personality itself is not interesting, then it is better not to bring it up for discussion with the guys. Before you start choosing a writer, you need to familiarize yourself with his work. A novel or story that is submitted to schoolchildren must be read by them. Only in this case will it be possible to correctly determine the theme of the work, as well as compile a quotation description of the system of images.

Today, a non-standard lesson in literature can take the form of a creative dialogue. Quite often, a philologist teacher practices a fantasy lesson, an excursion lesson, a seminar lesson, and also a conference lesson. Such forms of classes will allow you to study the biography of a particular writer, as well as analyze the work indicated in the curriculum, without falling asleep from boredom.

When organizing a non-standard lesson in literature, you can focus on concert classes in which the main role is given to the writer himself. Such an event will be interesting for high school students, since their program includes studying the works of modern writers. A poet, prose writer or publicist can be invited to class and find out about the nuances of writing specific works. Such an introduction lesson will allow the teacher to interest the students. The children will probably want to study the works of the presented author more thoroughly.

Conducting a fairy tale lesson in literature lessons

The fairy tale lesson is of great interest to the children. This form is possible if the children have distributed all the roles in advance with the help of the teacher, while correctly setting priorities and emphasis. At such classes, jokes, interesting sayings, and proverbs can be voiced. It is very important that during the staging of a particular fairy tale, good defeats evil.

Preparation for conducting non-standard lessons in the Russian language

When organizing a non-standard lesson, the teacher can hire assistants who will prepare a presentation on a specific topic at home. This is a kind of practice for little researchers. Such inquisitive students need to be appreciated to the maximum. The form of such a lesson can be an interview. The teacher will ask the children a series of questions to which they must give the correct answers. The teacher’s task is to correctly select the material to create a bank of questions.

When organizing a non-standard lesson in the Russian language, it is necessary to focus on the level of knowledge of the children, their vocabulary, as well as age characteristics. At such events, children can use previously created dictionaries, which will make them more relaxed and advanced.

A form of conducting classes such as a tournament is very popular among schoolchildren. You can do a warm-up that will allow children to remember the words that were studied in the previous lesson. It is important not to forget about vocabulary dictation. Tournament lessons are best practiced in lower grades. By solving puzzles, crosswords, riddles and riddles with students, you can develop memory and thinking in the classroom.

Non-standard lessons include games, performances, improvisations, and video lessons. The choice of lesson form depends entirely on the teacher and students. The team must work in harmony. A non-standard lesson is a great way to break up a boring educational program.

lesson non-standard law systematization

Non-standard lessons are introduced into the pedagogical process as an alternative to traditional ones. They make it possible to ensure the development of the student’s personality from the standpoint of a personality-oriented approach to training and education. The term “non-standard lesson” was introduced by I. P. Podlasy - this is “an impromptu educational lesson that has a non-traditional structure” Podlasy I. P. Pedagogy. M., 2000. P. 351.. In pedagogical science there is also the definition of “non-traditional”, along with the term “non-standard”. Non-traditional lessons are “classes that absorb methods and techniques of various forms of teaching. They are built on the joint activity of the teacher and students, on a joint search, on an experiment to develop new techniques in order to increase the efficiency of the teaching and educational process." Shirobokova T. S. Methodology for organizing and conducting non-traditional lessons in the educational process of secondary vocational institutions // Scientific Research in Education . 2012. No. 12. P. 1..

It is necessary to diversify the educational process with non-standard activities in order for students’ mental activity to develop more successfully, their creative abilities to reveal themselves, and their motivation to learn to grow. It should be noted that the non-traditional form of open lessons is also very advantageous, because it can demonstrate game moments, original presentation of material, as well as the activity of students and their employment in various types of work, both collective and individual.

Based on the dissertation of N. G. Prashkovich Prashkovich N. G. Design of non-traditional lessons in a secondary school. dis. Ph.D. ped. Sci. Arzamas, 2005. pp. 131 - 146., we can highlight the essential features of a non-standard lesson, such as:

1. rearrangement, reduction or combination of structural components of the main didactic structure of the lesson (organizational moment, survey, presentation, explanation, homework assignment);

2. deviation from the traditional organizational structure of the lesson in the aspects of grouping students, their interaction with each other (educational cooperation), interaction of the teacher with students (educational guidance);

3. integration of educational material;

4. giving educational and cognitive activities the form of leisure, socially useful, artistic, creative, professional and other socially significant activities.

The peculiarity of a non-standard lesson lies in the special role of the teacher, not only as a subject teacher, but for the most part as an organizer of educational activities of the student team. It is within his competence to pose a lesson problem, create study groups, develop students’ skills in working with various sources of information and its further processing.

A non-traditional lesson is characterized in a very diverse way by its characteristics, thanks to which the significant differences of this type of lessons from standard ones are more clearly visible, as well as the reasons for the need to use them along with the traditional form of lessons.

1. an unconventional lesson has the character of novelty;

2. use of program and extra-program material;

3. organization of collective and individual activities in the aggregate;

4. conducting lessons in non-traditional places or in originally designed classrooms;

5. use of musical and cinematic components, multimedia equipment and information computer technologies;

6. revealing the creative potential of students;

7. serious and thorough preliminary preparation of the lesson.

For a deeper acquaintance with the creative features of a non-traditional lesson, which generally set the general direction for pedagogical creativity and focus on specific learning activities, you should refer to the article by T. S. Shirobokova T. S. Shirobokova Decree. op. S. 2.:

1. rejection of stereotypes and formalism when organizing a lesson;

2. maximum involvement of students in active activities in the lesson;

3. entertainment and passion as the basis of the emotional tone of the lesson;

4. support for multiple opinions of students, assistance in proving points of view;

5. developing a relationship of mutual understanding with students;

6. respectful attitude towards students’ knowledge and ignorance, assistance in eliminating gaps

7. use of assessment as a resulting and formative tool.

Non-standard lessons perform a number of different pedagogical functions: develop and maintain students’ interest in learning, help realize their abilities and capabilities; allow you to combine various types of group and collective educational work of students; develop students' creative abilities; contribute to a better understanding and comprehension of the material being studied; are a good remedy for information overload Bobyrev A.V. Pedagogical essence of non-standard lessons in the conditions of specialized training // News of the Southern Federal University. Technical science. 2007. T. 73. No. 1. P. 274..

There are a lot of forms of non-traditional lessons, but at the same time there is a problem of lack of consensus on their typology. Turning to the article by L. N. Sokolova Sokolova L. N. Non-standard lesson in high school: essence, features, typology, functions // Bulletin of the Baltic Federal University. I. Kant. 2008. No. 11. pp. 111 - 112., we can familiarize ourselves with two classifications of forms of non-traditional activities. Let's consider the typology proposed by T. A. Stefanovskaya, which is based on the form of the lesson.

1. Lessons in the form of competitions and games (competition, tournament, business or role-playing game);

2. In the form of public communication (press conference, auction, debate);

3. imitating social and cultural events (correspondence excursion, excursion into the past, literary lounge);

4. based on fantasy (fairy tale lesson);

5. combined lessons with other organizational structures (lesson-consultation, lesson-seminar);

6. transferring traditional forms of extracurricular work into the lesson (KVN, performance, “club of experts”), etc. Stefanovskaya T. A. Pedagogy: science and art. Lecture course. Textbook for students, teachers, graduate students. M., 1998. P. 318.

Now you can turn directly to the classification of L.N. Sokolova, which is a unified typology of non-standard lessons depending on their goals:

1. Lessons for learning new material: lesson-lecture, film lesson, lesson-travel, lesson-correspondence excursion, lesson-dialogue, lesson-conversation, etc.

2. Lessons for improving knowledge and skills: lesson-workshop, lesson-research, lesson-business game, lesson-role-playing game, lesson-consultation, lesson-competition, lesson-debate, lesson-meeting, lesson-intellectual games, etc.

3. Lessons for generalizing and systematizing knowledge: lesson-creative report, lesson-conference, lesson-court, lesson-auction, lesson-academic council meeting, lesson-concert, lesson-portrait, etc.

4. Test lessons: test lesson, seminar lesson, etc. Sokolova L. N. Decree. op. P. 112.

From the proposed typologies, one can highlight the continuous connection between traditional and non-traditional forms of lessons. In modern pedagogical practice, both of these forms take place, complementing each other and providing the teacher and students with the opportunity not to focus on one thing, but to constantly vary, expanding cognitive capabilities and strengthening the educational aspects of teaching.



INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………….. 3


    1. “Pros” and “cons” of a non-traditional lesson…………………6

      Signs of a non-traditional lesson …………………………. 7

      Principles of a non-traditional lesson ………………………… 7

      Periods of preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons. 8

      Non-traditional lessons - as a form of increasing cognitive interest 9 2.METHODOLOGY OF CONDUCTING NON-STANDARD LESSONS

      Classification of non-standard lessons (types of lessons)...….. 11

      Groups of lessons.……………………………………………………….…….. 11

1.8. Classification of lessons based on not quite ordinary and completely unusual methods and forms of their implementation...........……….. 13

    1. Lessons with modified methods of organization…………… 14

      Lessons with a competitive game basis..………….…….. 15

      Control of different levels of mastery of educational material in non-traditional lessons.…………………………..……….. 21


LITERATURE ………………………………………………………


A modern lesson is a democratic lesson. It is conducted not for students, but together with students. Among the children there are no stupid ones, there are simply those who have already become interested and those who have not yet managed to be interested. A teacher must understand and imagine his role in the life of the state, school, in the life of his students, systematize knowledge, skills, study new technologies that will help him make the learning process interesting, effective, and democratic. We need to discard verbal learning and move on to learning by doing.

“The goal of school is to introduce people to life, understand it, find their place in it,” wrote Sofia Russova.

Interest arises when a person works himself, that is, when

AND individual,

N harnessed,

T creative,

E daily

R work.

E naturally

WITH humor.

A modern school is looking for various ways to implement its functions, one of which is the use of non-traditional forms of education. Currently, a new education system is being formed, focused on entering the global educational space. We must develop in students new thinking, a new approach to life.

Non-traditional lessons develop students' thinking and creativity.

“Creativity is not a luxury for a select few, but a general biological need that is sometimes not realized by us.” - G. Ivanov.

Of course, something is given to a child by nature, something by upbringing. But we can develop the student’s abilities that he already has. And it all starts from the student’s interest (the word “interest” can be perceived with a slightly different connotation: the parents promised to buy a computer - so the student became interested). And to awaken the student’s interest, there is no better way than using non-standard forms of teaching. This:

Makes the learning process attractive and interesting;

Teaches to use knowledge in practical activities;

Develops analytical and logical thinking;

Promotes the creative growth of the teacher;

Promotes student activity.

Using non-standard lessons as repetition and generalization

material ensures not only time savings, but also the success of learning, attracting an increasing number of students. In such lessons, the acquisition of knowledge

occurs more intensively, student activity increases, educational material is processed faster and mainly in class, and the amount of homework decreases.

You can use modern pedagogical literature for this, which recommends possible topics for non-traditional lessons, and also offers many ready-made lessons. For example, Nedbaevskaya L. S., Sushenko S. S. “Development of the creative potential of students in physics lessons. Non-standard physics lessons”, S. Borovik “Methodology for conducting non-standard physics lessons”, Lanina “Non-standard forms of organizing physics lessons”, in the book by M. Bravermann “Physics lesson in a modern school. Creative search for teachers” used materials from the experience of teachers.

These authors in their works emphasize the high effectiveness of non-standard lessons, their ability to intensify the cognitive activity of students, and also provide various classifications of lessons and methods for conducting them.

In my work, I will try to show all the pros and cons of a non-traditional lesson, the feasibility of its use, effectiveness, and the influence of this form of lesson delivery on increasing the cognitive interest of students and developing their creative abilities.

Non-traditional lessons are designed for the active activity of students and are the basis for the acquisition of knowledge.


1.1. Pros and cons of a non-traditional lesson

Today, there are a huge number of unusual teaching methods and entire lessons, but not all of them correspond to generally accepted ideas about non-standardization in education, about the unusualness of the lesson, and, finally, do not correspond to ideas about either the lesson or the method. When choosing from this array exactly the information that is necessary, the teacher, as a rule, relies on his intuition, and not on any scientific grounds.

This “choice” leads to significant disadvantages that reduce the pedagogical effectiveness of the educational process:

    spontaneity and unsystematic use. The only exceptions are the lessons of the lecture-seminar system, which came from the practice of higher education and are therefore relatively fully justified. But this system is used mainly in high schools and does not include a number of new forms of lessons;

    lack of forecast for positive changes - growth in the quality of knowledge and skills, changes in the development of students. Not all teachers can determine the main idea of ​​the lesson, its developmental opportunities;

    the predominance of reproductive learning technologies. Attention is paid primarily to the form of organization of the educational process, and not to its content. This affects the number and content of conclusions and conclusions, the final forms of activity;

    overloading of some lessons with educational material, often

factual. This especially applies to integrated lessons,

educational conferences, sometimes entertaining forms of lessons. Retreat

stages of generalization, work with factual material predominates, not

of special educational value. Facts involved

are interesting to students, however, their educational and developmental load


    Unusual forms are used unmotivated, as single lessons, without a noticeable connection with previously taught lessons. Final forms predominate (tests, seminars, solutions, crossword puzzles, etc.) The objectives of the lessons do not provide for the increase in new knowledge and skills, the development of students

in any respect.

1.2. Signs of a non-traditional lesson

It carries elements of the new, the external framework and venues change.

Extracurricular material is used, collective activities are organized in combination with individual ones.

People from different professions are invited to organize the lesson.

Emotional upliftment of students through the design of the office, blackboard, music, and the use of video.

Organization and implementation of creative tasks.

Mandatory self-analysis during preparation for the lesson, during the lesson and after it

carrying out.

A temporary initiative group of students must be created to support

preparing a lesson.

Mandatory lesson planning in advance.

Clearly define 3 didactic objectives.

Students' creativity should be aimed at their development.

Each teacher has the right to choose those pedagogical technologies that

They are comfortable for him and correspond to the individual characteristics of the students:

c) innovative (researchers, experimenters);

d) traditional (do as I do);

e) use non-traditional lessons.

1.3. Principles of a non-traditional lesson

Principles are especially “unworthy” of teacher attention. This category, according to the fond memory of university pedagogical training, is perceived by teachers as something abstract, having nothing to do with practical activity.

At the same time, if we consider the principles as a guide to very specific activities, it turns out that their uselessness is a figment of our lazy imagination. Evidence of this is the same experience of innovative teachers who, in order to generalize their activities and present them more clearly, resorted to the principles of cooperation pedagogy.

In general, these are the principles: relationships of mutual understanding with students; teaching without coercion; difficult goal; the principle of support for the student, which can be a guiding thread of a story, a rule, or a method of solving a problem; the prince of appreciation, as a respectful attitude not only to children's knowledge, but also ignorance, encouraging a sense of duty and responsibility; principles of self-analysis, appropriate form, intellectual background of the class and personal approach.

Crimean teachers present creative principles somewhat differently:

    Refusal from a template in organizing a lesson, from routine and formalism in conducting.

    Maximum involvement of class students in active activities during the lesson.

    Not entertainment, but fun and passion as the basis

emotional tone of the lesson.

4. Support for alternativeness, plurality of opinions.

    Development of the communication function in the lesson as a condition for ensuring mutual understanding, motivation for action, and a feeling of emotional satisfaction.

“Hidden” (pedagogically appropriate), differentiation of students

according to educational capabilities, interests, abilities and inclinations.

    Using assessment as a formative (and not just a resultant) tool.

    Both the first and second groups of principles set the general direction for pedagogical creativity, focusing on very specific learning activities.

1.4. Periods of preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons

In addition to the principles, researchers consider the periods of preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons to be very significant. There are 3 periods: preparatory, the lesson itself, and its analysis.


Both the teacher and students take an active part in it. If, when preparing for a traditional lesson, only the teacher performs such activities (writing a summary plan, making visual aids, handouts, supplies, etc.), then in the second case, students are also involved to a large extent. They are divided into groups (teams, crews), receive or are assigned certain tasks that must be completed before the lesson: preparing messages on the topic of the upcoming lesson, composing

questions, crosswords, quizzes, production of the necessary teaching material, etc.

2. THE LESSON ACTUALLY (there are 3 main stages):

First stage.

It is a prerequisite for the formation and development

motivational sphere of students: problems are posed, the degree of readiness to solve them, to find ways to achieve the goals of the lesson is determined. Situations are outlined, participation in which will allow solving cognitive, developmental and educational tasks.

The development of the motivational sphere is carried out more effectively the more effectively the preparatory period is carried out: the quality of students’ performance of preliminary tasks affects their interest in the upcoming work. When conducting a lesson, the teacher takes into account the students’ attitude to the original form of the lesson; their level of preparedness; age and psychological characteristics.

Second phase.

Communication of new material, formation of students’ knowledge in various

“non-standard” forms of organizing their mental activity.

Third stage.

It is dedicated to the formation of skills and abilities. Control is usually not allocated in time, but “dissolves” in each of the previous stages.

During analysis of these lessons, it is advisable to evaluate both the results of teaching, education, and development of students, and the picture of communication - the emotional tone of the lesson: not only in the communication of the teacher with students, but also in the communication of students with each other, as well as individual work groups.

    1. Non-traditional lessons - as a form of increasing cognitive interest

Since the mid-70s. In the Russian school, a dangerous trend has been revealed of a decrease in the interest of schoolchildren in classes. Teachers tried to stop the alienation of students from cognitive work in various ways. Mass practice responded to the aggravation of the problem with so-called non-standard lessons, which have the main goal of arousing and maintaining students’ interest in the academic subject.

A non-standard lesson is an impromptu training session that has a non-traditional (not established) structure.

The views of teachers on non-standard lessons differ: some see in them the progress of pedagogical thought, the right step towards the democratization of the school, while others, on the contrary, consider such lessons a dangerous violation of pedagogical principles, a forced retreat of teachers under the pressure of lazy students who do not want and cannot work seriously.

So, the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the teacher’s ability to properly organize a lesson and wisely choose one or another form of conducting a lesson.

A child’s development in the classroom occurs in different ways. It all depends on what exactly is meant by development.

If we keep in mind that development is the increase in knowledge, skills and abilities to perform certain actions (add, subtract, analyze, generalize and develop memory, imagination, etc.) - such development is ensured precisely by traditional lessons. It can go fast or slow.

If you prefer a quick option, then you need to turn to a non-traditional lesson organization.

When conducting open lessons, this form is always advantageous, because it presents not only game moments, original presentation of material, and student engagement not only in preparing lessons, but also in conducting the lessons themselves through various forms of collective and group work.

The tasks that students receive in non-traditional lessons help them live in an atmosphere of creative exploration. Tasks can be completely different.

The organizational aspect, the course of the lesson, and the outcome of the lesson can be non-traditional. It depends on the professionalism and creative talent of the teacher.

Students' creative abilities can only develop in the process of creative activity. Since thinking is a creative and productive process through which new knowledge appears and the unknown is revealed, training must be organized in such a way that the student discovers something subjectively new for himself in the lesson, although this scientific information may already be known to humanity. In this case, “His Majesty” a non-standard lesson comes to our aid.


2.1. Ordinary and unusual lessons

Lessons with modified methods of organization: lesson-lecture, lecture-paradox, protection of knowledge, protection of ideas, lesson for two, lesson-meeting.

Lessons based on fantasy: a fairy tale lesson, a creativity lesson: an essay lesson, an invention lesson, a creative report lesson, a comprehensive creative report, an exhibition lesson, an invention lesson, an “amazing thing is nearby” lesson, a fantastic project lesson, a story lesson about scientists: benefit lesson, portrait lesson, surprise lesson, lesson - a gift from Khotabych.

Lessons that imitate any classes or types of work: excursion, correspondence excursion, walk, living room, travel to the past (future), traveling around the country, train trip, expedition lesson, defense of tourism projects.

Lessons with a game-based competitive basis: a lesson-game, a lesson-domino, a test crossword puzzle, a lesson in the form of the game “Loto”, a lesson like: “Experts lead the investigation”, a lesson - a business game, a generalization game, a lesson like KVN, a lesson "What? Where? When?”, relay lesson, competition, game, duel, competition, etc.

Lessons that involve the transformation of standard methods of organization: paired survey, express survey, test lesson, assessment defense, consultation lesson, workshop lesson, seminar lesson, reader's form defense, television lesson without television, lesson - public review of knowledge, lesson - consultation, final interview, student conference.

2.2. Classification of non-standard lessons (types of lessons)

There are a great many classifications of conventional methods and lessons. But these are well-known, traditional classifications. As for the not quite ordinary ones, there are attempts at classification, but the traditional typology of the lesson is used, supplemented by their non-standard forms. Typology is a distribution by type, i.e. according to various samples of something, and not according to reasons.

In I. P. Podlasy’s textbook “Pedagogy,” dozens of types of non-traditional lessons are highlighted (36 are listed), including business game lessons, game lessons, role-playing game lessons, “Field of Miracles” game lessons, etc. They are classified as different types, although it is obvious that these are lessons of the same type, at least close to each other. At the same time, the unconventionality of these lessons is very doubtful, since the lesson-game has been known for a very long time.

The “classical” typology for the main didactic goals is based not only on the planned learning outcomes, but also on the stages of the learning process (learning new material - forming new knowledge and skills, consolidating and systematizing them, monitoring and evaluating the results obtained).

The development of the theory of problem-based learning led to the division of lessons into problematic and non-problematic. This classification records the nature of students’ cognitive activity. At the same time, this classification applies primarily to lessons in learning new material.

Depending on the planned goals, individual forms of lessons can be classified into different types, for example, integrated research lessons. Thus, in integrated lessons, students can acquire new knowledge in different academic subjects; they are often taught by two or three teachers. However, if they are conducted on material known to students, then these are rather lessons in systematizing knowledge, generalizing it and repeating it. The same can be said about travel lessons and expeditions.

If they end with a description of the territory or the components of its nature, then these are lessons in acquiring new knowledge, and if the teacher distributes the roles of students and teaches them to describe natural phenomena, then these are most likely lessons in the formation of new knowledge and skills. It is possible to include similar lessons in the combined group.

It is especially difficult to classify game-based lessons. Game-based learning technologies are exceptionally diverse. The main motive of the game is not the result, but the process. This enhances their developmental value, but makes the educational effect less obvious. Undoubtedly, game lessons also have educational opportunities if they are considered not separately, but as a system. You can, for example, move from the assimilation and use of facts to their connections (from solving crossword puzzles to compiling them), from descriptions (travel lessons) to explanation (expedition lessons, research).

Classifications of non-traditional lessons in individual subjects are being actively developed.

N.V. Korotkova proposes a new classification of forms of educational activities, based on various types of educational activities:

reconstruction games (the presence of an imaginary situation that occurred in the past or present, distribution of roles);

discussion games (the presence of a situation that models various forms of discussion, the creation of a conflict of opinions, analysis of the past by experts from the point of view of modernity);

competitive games (the presence of fixed rules, the absence of a plot and roles, the foreground of subjective-objective relations).

Based on discussion activities:

Seminars (individual work);

Structured discussions (group work);

Problem-based and practical discussions (collective class activities).

Based on research activities:

Practical exercises (collective class activities);

Problem-based laboratory classes (group work);

Research lessons (individual work).

The wonderful book “Physics Lesson in a Modern School: Creative Search for Teachers” is devoted to the methodology of conducting non-traditional physics lessons, which is based on general ideas, the development of lesson systems, descriptions of new types of lessons, individual creative teaching methods and the organization of student work in the lesson.

The desire for transparency was expressed in lessons such as: “Public review of knowledge” and “Press conference”; a desire for reflection, discussion and debate, during which only the correctness of any point of view can be proven - in debate lessons; the need for initiative, creatively thinking people and conditions for their manifestation - in lessons based on children's initiative, in invention and writing lessons, creative exhibitions and reports.

A clear awareness of the importance of business partnerships, creative collaboration and the ability to lead them, to which we are still poorly accustomed, in lessons using group forms of work; the need to respect a task, to be able to carry it out competently and to judge a person by his specific achievements (and not just by words) - in organizing lessons - role-playing games.

The turn of society towards a person - his inner world, aspirations, needs - in consultation lessons and lessons with didactic games that are so well consistent with the characteristics of a teenager’s nature, as well as in the use of various techniques in lessons, expanding and strengthening human contacts - in those types of organization educational work in the lesson, where mutual assistance of students is widely used (lessons of mutual teaching of new material in micro-groups - “crews”, activities in the “first aid” lesson, student consultants and assistants).

2.3. Lesson groups

Teachers identify the following groups of lessons:

    Lessons reflecting modern social trends: lesson. Built on the initiative of students, the lesson is a public review of knowledge, a debate lesson, a lesson using computers.

    Lessons using game situations: lesson - role-playing game, lesson - press conference, lesson-competition, lesson-KVN, lesson-travel, lesson-auction, lesson using a didactic game, lesson - theatrical performance.

    Creativity lessons: an essay lesson, a lesson on publishing a “living newspaper”, an invention lesson, a comprehensive creative lesson, a lesson on visiting an amateur exhibition.

    Traditional lessons with new aspects: lesson-lecture, lesson-seminar, lesson-solving problems, lesson-conference, lesson-excursion, lesson-consultation, lesson-test.

We believe that a lesson, as a work of authorship, should be characterized by consistency and integrity, a unified logic of joint activity between teacher and students, subordinated to common goals and didactic tasks that determine the content of educational material, the choice of teaching tools and methods. Only under these conditions the process of cognitive activity and behavior of schoolchildren become developmental.

2.4. Classification of lessons based on not quite ordinary and not at all

unusual methods and forms of their implementation

The not so common ones include:

    lessons with modified methods of organization: lesson-lecture, lesson-paradox, protection of knowledge, protection of ideas, lesson for two, lesson-meeting;

    lessons based on fantasy: a fairy tale lesson, a creativity lesson: an essay lesson, an invention lesson, a creative report lesson, a comprehensive creative report, an exhibition lesson, an invention lesson, an “amazing thing nearby” lesson, a fantastic project lesson, a story lesson about scientists: benefit lesson, portrait lesson, surprise lesson, lesson - a gift from Hottabych;

    lessons that imitate any classes or types of work:

excursion, correspondence excursion, walk, living room, trip to the past (future), travel around the country, train trip, expedition lesson, defense of tourism projects;

    lessons with a competitive game basis: a game lesson: “Come up with a project”, a “domino” lesson, a test crossword puzzle, a lesson in the form of a “Loto” game, a lesson like: “The investigation is carried out by experts”, a business game lesson, a generalization game, lesson like KVN, lesson: “What? Where? When?”, lesson relay race, competition, game, duel, competition: lesson-magazine, lesson-quiz, lesson-football match, lesson-test, lesson-game for parents, lesson-role-playing game: “The family discusses their plans”, lesson-didactic game, lesson-crossword, game-generalization, lesson-“lucky trade”, lesson-game “Climbing”;

    lessons involving the transformation of standard methods of organization: paired survey, express survey, test lesson, assessment defense, consultation lesson, workshop lesson, seminar lesson, reading form defense, TV lesson without television, general knowledge review lesson, lesson- consultation, final interview, student conference.

2.5. Lessons with modified ways of organization


A school lecture involves an oral presentation of educational material, which is distinguished by greater capacity than a story, greater complexity of logical constructions, images, evidence, generalizations, when it is necessary to form a holistic idea of ​​the subject.

Basic conditions for organizing a lesson in the form of a lecture.

1.If the educational material is difficult for independent study.

2. In the case of using an enlarged didactic unit.

3. Lessons on generalizing and systematizing knowledge both on one topic and on several, as well as final for the entire course.

4.Introduction to the topic.

5.Lessons that cover new methods for solving problems.

Methodology for conducting a lesson-lecture.

When preparing for a lecture, the teacher must have a clear plan for its implementation. When teaching a lesson through lectures, techniques and forms are needed to make students active participants. Therefore, one should prefer a problematic presentation of the material. A problematic situation arises as a result of the teacher’s purposeful activities.

Ways to create a problem situation:

Presenting a theoretical problem to students, explaining external contradictions, observations in facts, evidence obtained from observations or as a result of measurements;

Creating a problem by presenting a theory of the emergence and development of a concept;

Statement of the problem by analyzing and generalizing previously acquired knowledge and skills;

The emergence of a problem as a result of finding ways and means of solving problems.

The teacher poses problems and solves them himself, revealing all the contradictions of the solution, all its logic and an accessible system of evidence. Students follow the logic of presentation, control it, and participate in the solution process.

The teacher accompanies the presentation with questions that he answers himself or involves students. The teacher’s speech is of great importance: bright, emotional, logically impeccable. Students take notes in their notebooks. Therefore, the teacher must think through the content and form of writing on the board and, accordingly, in notebooks.

Various options for organizing work are possible.

For each student, tables can be prepared with an outline of the material, with gaps that are filled in while listening to the lecture.

Such tables already contain secondary text material; students do not waste time reproducing it, but fill out the part that is the topic of this assignment. Such tables are prepared in the case of systematization of knowledge and classification of concepts.

When studying certain material, analogies, comparisons, and generalizations become active methods of cognition. On the eve of the lesson, students are asked to divide the page into two parts as part of their homework. On the left side, write down the necessary definitions, theorems, etc., which will be actively used in the lesson.

The right part is completed in class under the guidance of the teacher.

In problem-based developmental education, the following typology of lectures is proposed.

1. Problem lecture. It models the contradictions of real life through their representation in theoretical concepts. The main goal of such a lecture is for students to acquire knowledge on their own.

2. Lecture-visualization. The main content of the lecture is presented in figurative form (in drawings, graphs, diagrams, etc.). Visualization is considered here as a method of information using different sign systems.

3. Lecture together. It is the work of two teachers (teacher and student) giving a lecture on the same topic and interacting on problem-based material both with each other and with students. Problematization occurs both through form and content.

4. Lecture – press conference. The content is compiled at the request (questions) of students with the involvement of several teachers.

5. A lecture-consultation is similar in type to a lecture-press conference. The difference is that the invitee (a competent specialist) has little knowledge of the methods of pedagogical activity. Consulting through a lecture allows you to activate students' attention and use their professionalism.

6. Lecture-provocation (or lecture with planned errors). Forms students’ skills to quickly analyze, navigate information and evaluate it. Can be used as a "live situation" method.

7. Lecture-dialogue. The content is presented through a series of questions that the student must answer during the lecture. This type includes a lecture using feedback techniques, as well as a programmed lecture-consultation.

8. Lecture using game methods (brainstorming methods, case study methods, etc.). Students formulate the problem themselves and try to solve it themselves.


The goal is repetition of material, development of attention and critical thinking.

Organization of the lesson: based on the basic material of the history of the discipline.

1. The teacher gives a lecture, the content of which includes erroneous information, contradictory statements, and inaccuracies.

2. Students discuss the lecture, complete assignments - make a plan and find answers to the questions posed by the teacher in the material.

3. Students record mistakes “made” by the teacher.

4. Make notes in a notebook in the form of a table:

lecture plan


answers on questions

5.Records are checked by a teacher or student laboratory assistant.

6. One of the students names the mistake made, the teacher reproduces the corresponding passage from the lecture.

7. Discuss the error and find out why the noted statement is incorrect.

8. Discussion of the following inaccuracy.

All works are evaluated, including the reasoning of the “error”.

These lessons activate attention, develop analytical skills, and change the motivation for learning.

The requirements for a lecture are well known: scientific character, integrity of the topic, connection with life, clarity of argumentation, evidence of conclusions, emotionality of presentation.

Paradox lectures are practiced in high schools. Their duration is 25-30 minutes, the rest of the lesson is devoted to discussion and evaluation of the work done by the students.


The review lecture is practiced before studying a large topic. Students are given an idea of ​​further work and its content. At the end of some questions, additional material is presented - this is a list of literature that is advisable to read. Ahead of events, the names of the laboratory (practical) work to be done are indicated; speaking about their goals, possible ways of implementation, you are invited to think and give your own version of their implementation. In addition to program work, we can recommend performing home experiments.


This lesson is taught with a guest expert in a particular field.

A special feature of these lessons is careful preparation. During the lesson there is a dialogue between the teacher and the specialist. Sometimes the guest evaluates various situations from life. The final part of the lesson is important (about a third of the time), when students are given the opportunity to ask questions and freely communicate with the guest.


The goal is to “revive” modern history.

Invited: those who have visited abroad or those who are going to.


    The guest himself, having previously prepared according to a special plan developed jointly with the teacher, talks about his impressions, then answers the students’ questions.

    The teacher introduces the guest, talks about the country he visited, and then the students ask him questions.

2.6 Lessons with a competitive game basis

“A significant part of a child’s games is designed to refresh and excite the processes of reproduction in the mind, in order to inextinguishably support the sparks of thought...”I. A. Sikorsky.

“We need to drive the god of sleep Morpheus away from lessons and invite the god of laughter Momus more often.”Sh. A. Amonashvili.

Game forms of the lesson include role-playing, simulation, business, etc. games. In each of them, students play different roles.

Game forms are distinguished by the fact that the learning process is as close as possible to practical activity. Students must make practical decisions consistent with the nature and interests of their role. Most often, they have to play their role in a conflict situation inherent in the content of the game. Decisions in many games are made collectively, which develops students' thinking and communication skills. During the game, a certain emotional mood arises, activating the learning process.

Educational games are used to develop the ability to use acquired knowledge in practice. This is a complex form of educational activity that requires a lot of preparation and a lot of time.

Main features of educational games:

Modeling certain types of practical activities;

Modeling the conditions in which activities take place;

The presence of roles, their distribution between the participants in the game;

- difference in the role goals of the game participants;

Lessons using game methods significantly increase students’ interest in the subject, allow them to better remember formulations and definitions, and “liberate” the student and his thinking.

Game stages include:

    Preliminary preparation: the class is divided into teams of approximately equal abilities, and homework is given to the teams.


    Conclusion on the lesson: conclusions about the work of the game participants and grading.

Let me give some examples:

I. KVN lessons

Idea: repetition of topics and sections.

The competition consists of several competitions - stages:

    warm-ups (answering questions from teams);

    checking homework;

    captains competition.

II. Brainstorming lessons

Idea: maximum ideas are processed in minimal time. The brainstorming method is used. To solve the problem, extraordinary solutions and a choice of options are proposed.

III. Lessons - “get-togethers”

Idea: The topics of the final lessons are worked out in free form. Physical readings based on press materials are possible, students’ worldview is formed through the prism of understanding the subject from the standpoint of science, etc.

IY. Lessons – eureka

Idea: lesson is a game. There are two teams working - theorists and entrepreneurs.

Y. Role play

Idea: for example, a production meeting to solve economic or environmental problems of a district, city, region, republic.

YI. Lesson press conference

Idea: the most prepared students act as a press center. Other students are “journalists”, “scientists”, “experimenters”. The press center answers questions raised.

YII. Auction lesson

Idea: During the lesson there is an “emotional awakening of the mind.”

What's on sale? Items made by students. Who is the buyer? The one who answers the questions better.

Yiii. Lesson “Business Game”, for example “Design Bureau”

Idea: The class is divided into groups of designers and engineers. Group leaders and VTK are appointed. The customer-teacher uses didactic material on the topic covered and instructions - an algorithm for completing orders. After listening to the instructions, the design bureau gets to work.

IX. Lesson-competition

Idea: students participate in various knowledge competitions.

X. Integrative lesson

Idea: inter-cycle lesson of several subjects.

XI. Lesson-debate

Idea: The class is divided into sections of different professions. Material is collected according to its “profile”; the problem is considered from the point of view of the specialty for which it is relevant.

XII. Binary lesson

Idea: the principles of connecting theoretical training with practical training are implemented.

The principles of training are implemented:

    professional orientation;


    relationship between theory and practice;

    the only approach to considering problems and demands on students.

XIII. Block-modular training lesson

Idea: the content of topics and sections of the program is “reduced” to the required time intervals, then constructed into separate block modules and presented to students using specific forms of educational organization. The content of educational material is being optimized:


    interdisciplinary coordination (content-savings);

    highlighting the main, essential.

In any of these lessons, the focus should be on the person. Physics as a means of educating the individual, developing students’ self-esteem, and motivating them to cognitive action. Isn't this a modern item? Learning should come from the “student”: from his surprise to interest, from question to reflection and conclusions that explain the world around him.

2.7. Control of different levels of learning material in non-traditional lessons

In non-traditional lessons, you can control different levels of learning material:

I level the assimilation of knowledge occurs as thinking like “yes-no”, “this-isn’t that”, without establishing internal connections. Elements of the game with such tasks are present in each lesson.

Level II – the student must know the essence of the concept, its definition, connection with other concepts (for example: indicate the sequence of the occurring phenomenon). Logical chains in tasks of non-traditional lessons for students of this level of knowledge. They clearly know their “start and finish”. There are also “doses of help” for them.

Level III provides the ability to analyze concepts and connections between them, apply them in non-standard situations within the educational material of the textbook. The expression “tasks for the average student” refers precisely to this level. That is, active participants in non-traditional lessons are students with a sufficient level of knowledge, because the tasks are mainly designed for them.

IY level – students are able to analyze concepts and connections and apply them in non-standard situations, deviating from the program of activities learned in the lesson.

Children whose level of knowledge is defined as high are extraordinary individuals. They get distracted if they are not interested, they can do extraneous things, or even simply not hear anything, immersed in their thoughts. Therefore, they constantly need to be shaken up by presenting problems to them. Such children need to be noticed in time, since they are not necessarily excellent students in humanities subjects, most likely they are not. They have an unusual type of thinking. Teachers call them “why girls.” In my practice there were several such students: Dima Kalmykov graduated from Sevastopol Technical University. He works at the plant as a chief designer and has a state award. Ilya Matsievsky graduated from the ship-mechanical department of Odessa Maritime University. Berednikov Alexander and Tsisar Sergey are students of KhAI. Kirill Karakulov, an 11th grade student, and Pavel Tukhar, a 9th grade student, I hope, will make great discoveries in science.

It is an unconventional lesson, in which there are tasks of increased complexity, that develops such students, promotes their creative thinking, and shapes them into a bright, extraordinary personality that any university would be happy to hire. It is these students who make great discoveries.

Non-traditional lessons help to instill interest in the subject of physics, intensify educational and cognitive activity of students, and develop independence in working with various sources of knowledge.


In recent years, interest in non-traditional lessons has increased significantly. This is due to various transformations taking place in our country, which have created certain conditions for restructuring processes in the field of education, the creation of new types of lessons, the active introduction into lessons of various pedagogical methods and ways of developing interest among schoolchildren, proprietary programs and textbooks.

Organizing a non-traditional lesson involves creating conditions for schoolchildren to master the techniques of mental activity. Mastering them not only provides a new level of assimilation, but also gives significant changes in mental development.

So, the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the teacher’s ability to properly organize a lesson and wisely choose one or another form of conducting a lesson.

Non-traditional forms of conducting lessons make it possible not only to raise students’ interest in the subject being studied, but also to develop their creative independence and teach them how to work with various sources of knowledge.

There is no doubt that a teacher should not encourage learning only through entertaining means. Otherwise, we will be forced to admit that “there is hardly anything more disgusting than that light buffoonish shade that some teachers try to give to teaching, trying to gild the bitter pill of science for a child.”

(K. D. Ushinsky)

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude:the use of non-traditional lessons gives a reliable effect. This is possible in the case when the teacher correctly understands entertainment as a factor that determines mental processes, when he clearly understands the purpose of using entertainment at the moment. Naturally, for students to successfully master knowledge and develop their cognitive aspirations, non-traditional elements must be used in the lesson in combination with other didactic means.

Active cognitive activity of students in the classroom not only makes learning interesting, but also develops inquisitiveness, diligence, and willingness to work.

So that children do not lose interest in the subject, I always take into account age characteristics and think about how to diversify the forms and methods of educational activities. The development of mental flexibility and flexibility of thinking in a child depends on imagination, the ability to come up with new images, unusual conditions, and foresee their consequences.

As a result of many years of practice, I have become convinced of the effectiveness of conducting non-traditional lessons. Their main advantage isindependent preparation of students (under the guidance of a teacher!), development of thinking abilities and imagination.I often use game elements in my lessons (quizzes, relay races, physical lotto, physical dominoes, cubes, pictures, etc.), and sometimes I teach a full lesson in an unconventional way. I try to make such lessons systematic, so that the characters move from lesson to lesson. This allows you to create a holistic view of this topic.

Such forms of conducting classes “remove” the traditional nature of the lesson and enliven the thought. However, it should be noted that too often resorting to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate, since non-traditional lessons can quickly become traditional, which will ultimately lead to a decrease in students’ interest in the subject.


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    Korobova I. V. Accepting the development of creative scientific research in the process of unlinking physical problems /Physics: Problems of Science.-1998.Vip. 1-2.

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    Moiseyuk N.E. Pedagogy. Basic textbook.-5th edition, additional. and processed –K., 2007. -656 s.

    Tikhomirova L.F. Development of schoolchildren's intellectual abilities. Popular manual for parents and teachers.-Yaroslavl. Academy of Development, 1997.-240 p.

    A word about science: Aphorisms. Sayings. Literary quotations. Book 2nd / Comp., author. Prefaces and introductions to the chapters by E.S. Linkhteinstein-M. Knowledge, 1986.- 228 p.

    I.P. Podlasy. One hundred questions and one hundred answers - M. - 1996

    Podlasy I.P. “Pedagogy” - M. – 1997

    Razumovsky V.G. Development of students' creative abilities in the process of teaching physics. – M.: Education, 1975, - 272 p.

    Lanina I.Ya. Formation of cognitive interests of students in physics lessons: A book for teachers. – M.: Education, 1985, - 128 p.

    Blinov V.N. Tests in physics - Saratov: Lyceum, 1999. - p.44.

    Physics lesson in a modern school. Creative search for teachers. Book for the teacher / Comp. EM. Braverman; Ed. V.G.Razumovskrgo. – M. Education, 1993. – 281 p.

    Perelman Ya.I. Entertaining physics: in 2 books. M.: Nauka 1979

The purpose of non-traditional lessons is development of new methods, forms, techniques and means of teaching, which leads to the implementation of the basic law of pedagogy - the law on the activity of learning.

Non-traditional forms of education involve:

  • · use of collective forms of work;
  • · instilling interest in the subject;
  • · development of skills and abilities of independent work;
  • · activation of students' activities;
  • · use of auditory and visual aids;
  • · adaptation of the material to the age characteristics of students;
  • · when preparing for a lesson, students themselves look for interesting material;
  • · more complete implementation of practical, educational, educational and developmental learning goals;
  • · activation of mental processes: attention, memorization, perception, thinking;
  • · formation of new relationships between teacher and students.

Classification of non-traditional lesson forms

The lesson was, is and in the figurative future will remain the main form of organizing the training and education of students. All attempts to find an equivalent to a lesson, to replace it with other forms of organizing educational activities, either in Russia or abroad, were unsuccessful. However, this does not mean that the lesson is something frozen and indestructible.

Searching for new forms of lesson organization, preparing and conducting such lessons requires a lot of effort, energy, and time.

One of the effective forms of non-traditional forms of training is seminars. Their effectiveness is greatly enhanced by the use of group work.

The seminar is:

  • - type of student activities, discussion by students under the guidance of a teacher of prepared messages or reports;
  • - a form of the student process, built on the independent study of students on the instructions of the leader of individual issues, problems of topics with the subsequent preparation of the material in the form of a report, abstract and its joint discussion.

A research seminar is a form whose meaning is to acquire and partially implement knowledge with the involvement of scientific research components in this process. The term research means “to subject to scientific examination for the purpose of knowledge, identification of something; study, study."

The research seminar includes three stages and often goes beyond the time and content of one or two lessons:

  • Stage 1. Preparatory work:
    • - formulation of the problem;
    • - formulation of the initial problem;
    • - seminar planning;
  • Stage 2. Discussion of the seminar topic:
    • - implementation of the functions of the seminar (cognitive-research, educational, practical, methodological).
  • Stage 3. Final - orienting:
    • - evaluation of the seminar and participants;
    • - determining the degree of completion of the study of the topic;
    • - identification of issues for further research.

Seminar - research can be strengthened or weakened or changed in some aspects. When introducing elements of research into a lesson, it significantly increases students’ interest in history, makes them think more, see patterns of development, appreciate historical experience, and more purposefully seek answers to complex life questions.

Also in modern schools, this type of seminar lesson is practiced as “Round table”.

The expression “round table” is considered as a meeting, conference:

  • - “on equal rights and conditions”;
  • - forms of public discussion or coverage of any issues, when participants speak in a certain order;
  • - “a meeting, a discussion of something with equal rights for the participants”;

The term allows you to calculate its three components:

  • 1) unresolved issue;
  • 2) equal participation of representatives of all interested parties;
  • 3) development of proposals and recommendations on the issue under discussion acceptable to all participants.

Its distinctive feature is the combination of individual and group forms of activity. Some groups work on the questions posed, while other groups perform practical tasks: make a crossword puzzle, lotto, game, make a plan. At the end of the lesson, students talk about the results of their work.

A “round table” is a seminar session that is deliberately based on several points of view on the same issue, a discussion that leads to positions or solutions acceptable to all participants.

Recently, such an unconventional form of lesson organization as “Brainstorming” has been increasingly used.

“Brainstorming” in the classroom is a seminar method that contains targeted orientation of students to perceive and comment on a solution to a complex issue based on the maximum mental stress of the participant in the session; expedient, active thinking and discussion of the issue.

Quite often, teachers conduct competition lessons. This form of organizing a lesson allows you to: test the strength of theoretical knowledge, practical abilities and skills for the entire course of study, systematize students’ knowledge, develop in students a conscientious attitude to work, a conscious attitude towards fulfilling work tasks: cultivate the will to win, develop students’ independence of thinking, creative initiative, activity.

Along with lessons, educational work at the school is carried out in the form of excursions. The word excursion is of Latin origin and translated into Russian means an outing, a visit to a place or object with the purpose of studying it.

An excursion is understood as a form of educational organization in which students perceive knowledge by going out and to the location of the objects being studied (nature, factories, historical monuments) and directly familiarizing themselves with them.

Excursions are a very effective form of organizing educational work. In this regard, they perform the following functions:

  • 1) with the help of an excursion, the principle of visual learning is implemented, because in the process, students directly become acquainted with the subjects and phenomena being studied.
  • 2) excursions make it possible to increase the scientific nature of learning and strengthen its connection with life and practice.
  • 3) excursions contribute to technical training, as they provide an opportunity to acquaint students with production.

The curriculum for each subject establishes a mandatory list of excursions and determines their content.

Excursions are:

  • - local history: organized for the purpose of studying the nature and history of their native land.
  • - complex excursions.

The classification of student excursions depends on what didactic tasks are solved during their implementation. From this point of view, two types of excursions are distinguished. Some of them serve as a means for students to learn new material, while others are used to reinforce material previously studied in class.

The main objective of the excursion is to study new material, which is to visually communicate new knowledge to students.

When conducting a reinforcement of this or that material during an excursion, the most important task of the teacher is to achieve a thorough understanding of it. The excursion is preceded by a lecture in which its problems are revealed. Before the excursion, students receive questions about its content. They will answer them after the excursion during the final review lesson.

A relatively new form of lesson is the discussion lesson. The essence of the discussion is that as a result of researching an issue (topic) and identifying difficulties in solving it, students, during the dispute, outline attempts at a way out (favorable outcome) to resolve the problem situation. At the same time, students identify the prerequisites for the emergence of this problem, its origins. This is how projects are born - various hypotheses for solving it. Each group prepares its own solution to the problem, and they are discussed during the discussion.

At the present stage of development of education, history teachers increasingly began to conduct lessons - presentations. Presentation is the presentation of any information. A presentation (slide movie) on a computer is a series of slides. The slides are designed in the same style and contain the information necessary for illustration during the lesson. Proper use of presentation enhances learning motivation and the effectiveness of students' perception of information. The use of presentation fills teaching methods with new content, as it offers new options for solving pedagogical problems and is considered as a new didactic tool for organizing the student process.

Computer presentations can be used at various stages of the training session to achieve your specific goals:

  • - when updating knowledge, it is advisable to use a computer presentation primarily as a means of illustrating previously studied material, basic definitions of a topic or section of educational material;
  • - when forming new knowledge, a computer presentation is used as an illustrative demonstration tool when explaining new material and as a means for students to independently study the basic definitions of a topic or section;
  • - when forming new and developing existing skills - to illustrate, demonstrate how this or that teacher’s task is performed;
  • - when summarizing, systematizing and repeating the theoretical material of a topic, section or previous lesson - to highlight the most important educational information;
  • - when assessing and monitoring students’ knowledge, it is possible to use a mini-presentation in which the teacher’s tasks are given. A form of control in the form of a written survey, with questions illustrated on the monitor screen, is also possible.

Thus, we can conclude that it is necessary to introduce non-traditional forms of lessons into the pedagogical process, since they make it possible to make the educational process truly attractive for students, that is, to increase the motivation of knowledge.

Types of non-standard lessons

Let's take a closer look at the features of organizing and conducting the most common non-standard forms of lessons.

Lesson - game

In the process of working on the topic, the conviction was formed that after studying each topic, it is necessary to conduct a final lesson to systematize the students’ knowledge and skills, activate their mental activity and independence. To make it interesting for students to engage in repetition, new elements are introduced into the lesson (for example, crosswords), the types and forms of control are changed, and testing is used. The creation of a play situation allows you to relieve the child’s tension and give him the opportunity to show his knowledge to the fullest extent.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Without play there is and cannot be full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world.

A game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity." It is in play that the child develops the ability to create generalized typical images and mentally transform them. Creating a playful atmosphere in the classroom develops students' cognitive interest, relieves fatigue, and allows them to maintain attention.

The introduction of game situations creates a positive emotional mood. When using games as a form of organizing the educational process, a number of problems are solved.

Involves students into active independent learning and consolidation of the material;

Reveals the level of their knowledge and skills;

Forms the need to realize one’s capabilities in practical activities.

The scale of use of gaming activities in teaching is quite large - from the inclusion of individual gaming moments in the fabric of the educational process to the organization of an entire lesson in a playful form.

The goal of game-based learning is to ensure the personal and active nature of the acquisition of knowledge and skills, cognitive activity aimed at searching, processing and assimilation of information, and involving students in creative activities.

To solve educational problems and form the spiritual and moral qualities of an individual in the classroom, you can use proverbs and sayings. It happens that, when brought to the right place and on time, they bring understanding faster, more accurately and more effectively than a long explanation. Their use in lessons allows students to develop respect for work, a thrifty attitude towards their own and other people’s time, intolerance towards laziness, boasting, and careless work, teaches them to be proud of firmly acquired knowledge, acquired work skills, and teaches mutual assistance and responsibility. In this regard, it should be noted that only with the full development of students’ speech is it possible to develop their thinking and imagination, and cultivate emotions. The entire world around us is reflected in the vocabulary of the language. Educational material in primary grades allows you to use fairy tales in the classroom, provide historical information, proverbs and sayings, read poetry, and make riddles.

Games and game moments are used in lessons of literary reading, Russian language, mathematics (“Aquarium”, “Zoo”, “Shop”, “Walks in the forest or park”, “mail”, “Day. Night”, etc.) .

A separate type of organization of gaming activities should include

Lessons - role-playing games

In play activities, favorable conditions are created for the development of the child’s intellect, for the transition from visual-effective thinking to figurative and elements of verbal-logical thinking. The systematic use of role-playing games in the educational process leads to the fact that gaming interests stimulate cognitive ones, which subsequently become leading in educational activities. Lessons - role-playing games give a great charge of positive emotions and help increase interest in the subject.

Role-playing play is an activity in which children take on certain roles (functions) and, in a generalized form, reproduce the activities of those individuals whose roles they took on.

Role-playing games have been proven to achieve a number of educational goals:

Stimulating motivation and interest in the field of the subject of study, in general education, in continuing the study of the topic;

Maintaining and enhancing the meaning of previously received information in a different form;

Development of critical thinking and analysis skills; decision making; interactions with other people; communications; specific skills (summarizing information, preparing a speech, etc.); readiness for special work in the future;

Changing attitudes of social values ​​(competition and cooperation); -perception of the interests of other participants in the role-playing game;

Self-development or development thanks to other participants: awareness of the level of one’s own education, acquisition of skills required in the game, leadership qualities; teacher's assessment of the same students' skills.

Role-playing games are most often carried out in lessons of literary reading and familiarization with the surrounding world. Children are given the opportunity to transform into literary characters or “try on” this or that profession.

Lesson - a fairy tale

Famous mathematician A.I. Markushevich noted that “a person who is not brought up on fairy tales has a more difficult time perceiving the world of ideal aspirations,” that “thanks to a fairy tale, a child begins to distinguish the real from the unusual,” that “it is impossible to develop, bypassing a fairy tale, not only imagination, but also the first skills of critical thinking.” .

The following stages of preparation for a fairy tale lesson can be distinguished:

Choosing a fairy tale plot;

Developing the course of the lesson (where to start, what task to give, in what form, think through the independent work of students, an individual approach),

Thinking over the outcome of the lesson (it can be carried out in the form of “The hero says goodbye”, “The hero praises”, etc.)

Such lessons allow you to diversify the types of work and find something for every student. In addition, the material of such lessons broadens the horizons of students.

In these lessons, learning new material and consolidating previously learned material is presented in the form of a fairy-tale narrative. The fairy-tale form allows you to introduce unusual fairy-tale situations, in the resolution of which children consolidate the material they have learned or make discoveries, acquiring new knowledge. Meeting children with the heroes of fairy tales does not leave them indifferent. The desire to help a hero in trouble, to understand a fairy-tale situation - all this stimulates the child’s mental activity, develops interest in the subject, observation, reconstructive imagination, the ability to empathize, emotional and figurative memory, a sense of humor, develops the ability to master evaluative terminology, gives rise to the ability to be surprised , to see the unusual in the ordinary. The children's sympathies are on the side of the positive heroes. Fairy tales continue to educate children through lessons. The use of a fairy tale plot will give the lesson a creative and educational character, helps to instill in children hard work, a sense of compassion, and develop logical thinking. A fairy tale plot allows for a smooth transition from one type of activity to another and ensures the formation of a foundation of knowledge. This type of non-traditional lesson is conducted both on Russian folk tales and on original fairy tales.

As in any fairy tale, in such a lesson there are positive characters (a scientist, an old man, any animal or bird) and negative ones (an evil cold wind, Baba Yaga, Karabas - Barabas). A fairy tale must have a plot: a problematic issue, an unusual situation, a riddle, the appearance of a hero from a fairy tale in an unusual costume. This is followed by the climax, the development of the plot, where the struggle between good and evil, unusual new information about the heroes of the fairy tale, disputes, jokes, overcoming difficulties, etc. are obligatory. During this stage of the lesson, children quietly answer the teacher’s questions about the material covered and learn new additional material on the topic of the lesson. Overcoming obstacles together with fairy-tale characters gives learning a bright emotional coloring, which helps to increase the level of mastery of the lesson material. At the end of the lesson, children can be encouraged to continue the story.

Lessons - travel

A travel lesson in primary school should be a combined type lesson. The individual stages of the lesson are connected by the semantic content of the plot. Travel lessons are mainly recommended to be used at the stage of generalizing knowledge, skills and abilities on a specific topic. Their possibilities are not limited. A travel lesson requires a lot of preliminary preparation, a special selection of material, and a logical connection of each exercise with the idea of ​​the lesson. In elementary grades, the following types of lessons are acceptable:

Lesson - a journey with your favorite hero;

Lesson - a journey through the plot of a fairy tale;

Lesson of a correspondence trip to a selected object (forest, factory, etc.);

Lesson - travel along the chosen route (through hero cities, regional cities, countries, planets, fairy tales);

Lesson - traveling on a certain transport (by bus, ship, rocket, train, car, plane, etc.).

During travel lessons, vocabulary is unobtrusively enriched, speech develops, children's attention is activated, their horizons are broadened, interest in the subject is instilled, creative imagination develops and moral qualities are nurtured. Travel contributes to the deepening and consolidation of educational material, and allows one to establish patterns in it. A travel lesson in primary school should be a combined type lesson. The individual stages of the lesson are connected by the semantic content of the plot. Their possibilities are not limited. A travel lesson requires a lot of preliminary preparation, a special selection of material, and a logical connection of each exercise with the idea of ​​the lesson. But the effect of such a lesson is colossal. There is not a single bored child in class and there is no need to remind about discipline. The stages of this lesson are stops along the route. The guide (instructor) can be a teacher or a previously prepared student. Students are given a route sheet, which they use to determine the direction of movement. Then the children choose transport, clothing, equipment - everything that is necessary for the trip. The lesson can be structured in the form of practical tasks, work with visual aids, conversations and reports about the objects being studied that are “encountered” at stops during the trip. The teacher plans the stops in advance. During the trip, children keep travel notes and sketches. At the end of the trip, a report is drawn up. When compiling travel lessons, it is necessary to change not only the type of transport on which the trip will be made, but also the route and its content.

Lessons - excursions

Educational excursions are a form of organizing training in landscape conditions. A characteristic feature of the lesson: the study of objects is associated with the movement of students.

Excursions set the task of developing students’ abilities to act from a cognitive position in the world around them, to directly perceive and study life processes and phenomena, they help to form the emotional qualities of students: feelings of beauty, a sense of the joy of learning, the desire to be useful to society. In the field, in the forest, on the river, schoolchildren are in the natural world, learning to understand its beauty, and then reproduce what they saw and felt in drawings, herbariums, poems, stories, and crafts.

During lessons, excursions to enterprises (post office, canteen, kindergarten) were carried out several times. The children got acquainted with the specifics of the profession and its various aspects. Excursions are also made to natural sites, where natural material is selected that children will need in subsequent art and technical lessons, observations are made of seasonal changes in nature, the behavior of birds, etc.

Lessons - hiking

Hiking lessons are one of the most difficult, but at the same time interesting forms of lessons. This is a kind of synthesis of an excursion, a practical lesson with theoretical material. Hiking lessons are a training day along the hiking route. Its main task is to instill in schoolchildren an interest in various subjects, generalize the material and show the connection of each subject with life. And the variety of tasks allows all students, without exception, to participate in competitions. The use of hiking lessons can significantly reduce the fatigue of schoolchildren, confronts students with the need to participate in various forms of collective work (assembling and dismantling a tent, making a fire, preparing lunch in camp conditions, observing the rules of conduct in nature, etc.), and helps improve knowledge , abilities, skills, including finding practical application of the theoretical foundations of science.

Lessons - competitions

This form of lesson allows the teacher to solve several problems:

Firstly, it provides the opportunity to use differentiated tasks taking into account the strengths and capabilities of students;

Secondly, it promotes the development of cognitive activity and interest in the subject.

Thirdly, the problem of discipline in the classroom is eliminated.

An essential feature of this type of non-standard lessons is the presence in it of elements of struggle and cooperation. Elements of competition are predominant, and cooperation - as specific tasks are formulated and solved. An important pedagogical point of such a lesson is to help students realize that learning together is easier than learning alone.

The use of this type of lesson requires the teacher to have a good knowledge of the characteristics of his students. When introducing lessons - competitions, you must always remember whether the capabilities of the children participating in the game are equal, and select tasks that are appropriate in complexity.

Lesson - competition puts students in search conditions, stimulates interest in winning, therefore, children strive to be fast and resourceful, accurately complete tasks, and follow the rules. In games, especially collective games, a child’s moral qualities are also formed. During the competition, children learn to help a friend, take into account the opinions and interests of others, and restrain their desires. Children develop a sense of responsibility, collectivism, discipline, will, and character.

You can conduct a lesson in the form of a competition at the stage of consolidating knowledge on the topic studied. During this game, not only team, but individual championship can be established. Some students can get a large number of points and take their team ahead. Thus, in one lesson it is possible to assess the knowledge of all students. When organizing such lessons, the level of preparedness of children is taken into account. When holding competitions, one should not focus on failures. The results are summarized step by step, and in the final - the overall result of the lesson.

Lessons - KVN

This form of lesson “came” from extracurricular activities and became popular. The scope of its application is mainly the repetition of topics and sections. The use of this type of lesson gives the teacher the opportunity to repeat and consolidate the studied material, develops speech, thinking, and creative abilities of students, allows them to unite the class team, create a friendly atmosphere of support and mutual assistance.

It is held in the form of competitions between teams. The stages of the lesson are tasks for teams; warm-up, practical tasks, captains' duel, physical education sessions. At the beginning of the lesson, each team chooses a name (preferably based on the topic of the lesson) and a team captain. The jury is invited (parents, etc. Questions and tasks in content are informative, educational, problematic in nature, and in form they can be entertaining, comic, or playful.

The lesson is a competition to review knowledge.

This type of lesson allows you to solve many didactic problems. He:

Summarizes and systematizes students’ knowledge not only on one topic, but also on a group of topics;

Forms a system of knowledge on the subject;

Develops a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, etc.

Preparation for the competition - review of knowledge includes the following stages:

The topic for which schoolchildren should be prepared is determined;

A questionnaire on the topic is compiled, which is then offered to children for preliminary preparation;

The terms and form of the knowledge review are discussed.

As a rule, the class is pre-divided into two teams, each with a captain selected. Both teams choose a name for themselves, prepare emblems and a motto. Answers are scored by jury members. Points are given in a grade book or grade sheet for each task completed: for oral answers, for working on cards, at the board, for a captain’s competition, etc. Then the total score is summed up and the winning team of the knowledge competition is announced. The competition itself - a review of knowledge - proceeds as follows: the teacher asks a question, and the jury calls a team and a member of this team, who must give a complete answer to the question posed. If the answer is not complete, then this team is given the right to supplement the answer of their friend. In case of difficulty, the right to answer passes to the other team. The answer is scored on a five-point system.

Group lesson.

Used when learning simple new material. The class is divided into groups of 5-6 people. The strongest students are selected into one of the groups. At the beginning of the lesson, each group completes a test task on homework (written tasks on cards, punched cards; oral tasks on puzzles, crosswords, textbooks). At this time, the teacher works with a group of strong students, explains a new topic to them, reinforces the material, gives instructions, completes diagrams, drawings, and tables. Trained “teachers” sit one by one with other groups and explain the new topic to their classmates. Students immediately consolidate the material in their groups and complete drawings and diagrams in their class notebooks. At the end of the lesson, the teacher tests the students' knowledge either orally or in writing. The work of “teachers” and their “students” is evaluated. The collective form of work is difficult for primary school students. Children need to be prepared for such a lesson gradually, introducing elements of CSE in other subjects as well. Much depends on the thoughtfulness of the tasks (instructions and supporting diagrams) when explaining new material to a group of strong students.

Health lessons.

It is believed that health is our personal matter, and we do not feel guilty before the people around us for its loss. But it is our loved ones who suffer most from our illnesses. Therefore, it is so necessary, even in elementary school, to teach children to perceive their life and health as the greatest value given to us based on the school’s task “to create optimal health-preserving conditions for learning and education for every child.” The valueological approach in such lessons should be seen both in the selection of content, and in taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of schoolchildren, and in the forms of presenting information important for maintaining health.

In addition to specially organized lessons, we always spend recreational minutes at each lesson, usually in the middle of the lesson, when rest is needed after hard work. In wellness minutes, first of all, we pay attention to the correction of posture, the ability to “hold your back,” training the respiratory system, eye muscles, teaching self-massage skills, preventing flat feet, musculoskeletal disorders, etc. In order to help children maintain physical and mental health, you don’t need to organize anything incredible. They need motor moments that will allow them to “stretch” their body, take a break and relax, listen to themselves and benefit their body.

Systematic use of physical education minutes leads to an improvement in psycho-emotional state and a change in attitude towards oneself and one’s health. You can offer to give some physical education to one of the children. They carry out this assignment with great pleasure.

After physical education, children become more active, their attention is activated, and interest in further acquisition of knowledge appears.

Health-improving physical education sessions are part of the system of using health-saving technologies in school.

In addition, active changes are being carried out. They help unite the team and change the status of children in the team. Such changes increase the efficiency and activity of children in subsequent lessons, and help overcome fatigue and drowsiness.

Let us give as an example exercises, the psychological purpose of which is to develop observation, the ability to understand each other without words, the ability to communicate, empathize and help each other. So, there is still a huge number of little-used or not yet tested various non-standard forms of lessons (this is a matter for the near future). But they all have a common meaning - to attract the attention of students, increase their performance, and increase the effectiveness of the lesson.

Non-traditional lessons still occupy a significant place in primary schools. This is due to the age characteristics of younger schoolchildren, the game basis of these lessons, and the originality of their implementation.

In such lessons, vocabulary is unobtrusively enriched, speech develops, children’s attention is activated, interest in the subject is instilled, creative imagination develops, and moral qualities are cultivated. The main thing is the enormous effect: not a single yawn in class! Everyone is interested. Children play, and while playing, they involuntarily consolidate and improve their knowledge.

Thus, in light of new requirements for school, teachers are looking for forms that would best contribute to their solution. This allows us to draw the following conclusion:

Non-traditional lessons are only one type of lesson, so they can be held infrequently, however, there must be a certain system in their implementation;

Not always and not all the content of the material of a topic or topics can be presented in a playful form, but this can be done at a separate stage of the lesson;

These lessons require preliminary preparation, both on the part of the teacher and on the part of the students, so the possibilities for conducting them are somewhat limited; in this case, it is possible to involve older schoolchildren, parents, and other teachers.

A teacher always has to search, think, try in order to make his lessons interesting, which means that the development of such lessons develops the creative potential of not only schoolchildren, but also the teacher himself.

1. Non-standard lessons should be used as final ones when generalizing and consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

2. Too often resorting to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate, as this can lead to a loss of sustainable interest in the academic subject and the learning process;

3. A non-traditional lesson should be preceded by careful preparation and, first of all, the development of a system of specific training and education goals;

4. When choosing forms of non-traditional lessons, the teacher must take into account the characteristics of his character and temperament, the level of preparedness and the specific characteristics of the class as a whole and individual students;

5. It is advisable to integrate the efforts of teachers when preparing joint lessons, not only within the framework of the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle, but also in the subjects of the humanities cycle;

6. When conducting non-standard lessons, be guided by the principle “with children and for children,” setting one of the main goals to educate students in an atmosphere of kindness, creativity, and joy.

7. The location of the lesson can be not only a classroom, but also a company office, theater, museum, exhibition, forest, field, factory workshop, etc.

8. During the lesson, it is possible to use extracurricular material and in-depth consideration of the selected topic.

9. To organize and conduct a lesson, it is possible to involve people from different professions.

10. Strive to create an emotional uplift, a situation of success for each student, taking into account his age, personal characteristics, abilities and interests.

11. When preparing for a lesson, it is possible to create a temporary initiative group from among students.

12. Self-analysis and mutual analysis of activities during preparation for the lesson and during the lesson are necessary.

13. When incorporating ICT tools into various stages of a lesson, it is necessary to realistically assess the level of information technology culture of both teachers and students.