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Sea buckthorn has always been considered a very healthy berry, so this year I decided to make jelly from it. Precisely jelly, since my godmother shared this recipe with me. Previously, I only tried it, but then I tried jelly from it and was surprised at how tasty it was. Just in the fall, my grandfather brought me a basket of sea buckthorn. He personally collected it and brought me such a gift. It was difficult to refuse a healthy and tasty gift. Moreover, grandfather tried so hard, because sea buckthorn is very difficult to collect. It has thorns and requires skill to assemble it. I myself never collected sea buckthorn from my grandfather’s village, and then I only found out that my grandfather has a special device with which he easily collects this most useful berry. Sea buckthorn has such a unique set of vitamins that you will be provided with good health for the whole winter. In addition to vitamins, sea buckthorn also helps with throat diseases, improves appetite and promotes good digestion. The main thing is not to miss the sea buckthorn harvest. You need to get there before frost, because after it gets below zero at night, the berries become watery and will be difficult to pick. Sea buckthorn will burst after frost and as soon as you catch it on a branch, it will crack. It will be difficult to pick whole berries. Be sure to prepare delicious and healthy sea buckthorn jelly for the winter without cooking using this recipe.

- 500 grams of sea buckthorn,
- 700 grams of granulated sugar.

Recipe with photos step by step:

I sort and wash the berries. I transfer it to a sieve and let the drops of water drain completely.

I grind sea buckthorn berries through a meat grinder. But this is only half the battle, the main task is still ahead, because such twisted sea buckthorn will not make jelly.

I cut off a large piece of gauze fabric and fold it into two layers. I transfer the sea buckthorn mass into gauze.

I squeeze sea buckthorn juice by hand. It doesn't make a lot of juice, but it's enough to make a jar of jelly.

Pour the resulting juice into a clean jar.

I pour all the sugar into the jar and get a full container.

I stir with a spoon and the jelly is almost ready.

I close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for storage. This jelly stores wonderfully, and after cooling it becomes thick. Bon Appetite!
We also recommend that you close

Fruits and berries


Sea buckthorn jelly for the winter Although not the most popular preparation, it is very healthy and tasty. You will only need to cope with the preparation of such a dessert once, and then prepare it every winter. If you have never made jelly for the winter before, then our step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you in detail how to make it from sea buckthorn. The process of creating conservation will require a lot of time and patience from you, however, the result is worth it. In addition to the fact that sea buckthorn berries contain a lot of vitamins, they also contain natural acids that will support your body and immune system in winter.

The most popular medicinal product made from these berries is sea buckthorn oil. It is used for stomach ulcers, as well as for healing various burns. Many dermatologists recommend using sea buckthorn to treat various skin diseases. Besides useful qualities, our preparation will also have outstanding taste characteristics. You’ve definitely never tried jelly like this before in your life: it’s light, bright, aromatic and slightly tart at the same time. Sugar, which we will also use during the cooking process, will cover both the bitterness of the berries and their acidity. Let's start preparing sea buckthorn jelly for the winter at home.



    The first thing to do is to collect sea buckthorn berries. This is not difficult to do, since sea buckthorn trees can often be found even just on the street. When picking, remember that sea buckthorn berries are very tender and burst easily, and their juice is absorbed and practically does not wash off, so take care of the appropriate clothing and gloves.

    All berries collected at home must be carefully sorted; in the process, spoiled specimens, all debris, branches and leaves must be removed. Peeled berries must be poured into a large basin and poured cold water(1 kg of peeled berries will require approximately 500 ml of water).

    Place the bowl of sea buckthorn berries on the stove, bring the liquid to a boil and prepare the jelly base over low heat for the next 20 minutes.

    The contents of the pan or basin are first passed in portions through a very fine sieve.. We need to not only separate the juice from the pulp, we need to carefully rub the berries through a sieve as shown in the photo.

    Next, the separated juice must be filtered again, but now through gauze folded in several layers or through a clean cotton cloth. Carefully place the fabric on top of the container, pour the juice into it and leave it like that for a while..

    Already at the final stage, you can help the juice separate with your hands, wrapping the remaining pulp in a kind of bag and applying some effort.

    As a result, we form the purest sea buckthorn juice, from which we will now continue preparing jelly for the winter.

    We measure the volume of juice, pour it into an enamel pan and add the appropriate amount of sugar indicated in the ingredients. Bring the liquid in the pan to a boil, stir constantly and cook for 10 minutes over low heat, then bring to a boil again and so on until the consistency is suitable for freezing. You can check this in the following way: pour a little sea buckthorn mass into a bowl, cool and place in the freezer; if it hardens, then the base is ready and you can turn off the heat. It is best to remove foam from the surface of the liquid during the cooking process so that the result is a beautiful and transparent jelly.

    The finished mass will change its color to a much more saturated one; you need to pour the hot liquid into pre-sterilized glass jars small volume, and then tighten with screw caps. After cooling, the jars must be placed in the refrigerator and the jelly must be completely frozen, where it must be stored until use. Healthy and tasty sea buckthorn jelly is ready for the winter according to a simple recipe..

    Bon appetit!

For those who want to maintain their health in bad weather, sea buckthorn should be a must-have item in the pantry. This multivitamin plant is one of the most accessible and widespread guarantees of beauty and health, which is used in cosmetic and medical production. For those who do not want to spend money on store-bought vitamins or prefer proven homemade and natural preparations, we have prepared a number of sea buckthorn jelly recipes for every taste.

Sea buckthorn jelly for the winter


  • sugar.


Before making sea buckthorn jelly, you need to squeeze the juice out of the fruit. To do this, you can use a juicer, meat grinder, blender, or simply mash the berries with a rolling pin in an enamel bowl. Place the remaining pulp after squeezing into cheesecloth and once again carefully squeeze out the remaining liquid into juice. The last step is necessary so that the natural thickener (pectin) comes out of the skin of the fruit, which will turn sea buckthorn juice into real jam.

After the juice is ready, it can be poured into a clean and dry enamel pan, mixed with sugar and put on fire. On at this stage It’s better to get a culinary thermometer, since we will need to make sure that the temperature of the jam is approximately 70°C. Once the juice has warmed up to the specified temperature, continue cooking for about half an hour, until the contents of the pan are reduced to 2/3 of the initial volume. The readiness of the jam can be checked using a cold saucer test: just drop the jam onto a cold saucer or plate, if it hardens, then it is time to remove the pan from the heat and pour its contents into sterile jars.

You can extend the life of delicious sea buckthorn jelly by additional pasteurization of jars of jelly in a water bath.

Sea buckthorn jelly with grapes


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g.


We pass sea buckthorn and grapes through a meat grinder or puree the berries using a blender. Squeeze the resulting puree through several layers of gauze so that you get pure juice without seeds or skin. Mix the resulting juice with sugar, put the mixture on medium heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the base for our jelly thickens to the consistency of jelly.

While the sea buckthorn is boiling down, we can sterilize the jars in any convenient way: in the oven, microwave or the old fashioned way, in a water bath.

Pour the hot jelly into sterile jars and roll up the lids. Before storing the jars, the jelly must cool completely in a warm place.

Sea buckthorn jelly without cooking

Since vitamins are easily destroyed during heat treatment, healthy sea buckthorn jelly should not be exposed to heat. Of course, preserving such a product all winter will be problematic, since a non-sterile product deteriorates much faster, but storing it in an airtight container in the cold will help keep the jelly fresh for a long time.

To prepare jelly according to this recipe, we, of course, need sea buckthorn and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. We pass the washed, peeled and dried berries through a meat grinder, grind them using a blender or manually. We pass the resulting mass through several layers of gauze or nylon. The result will be thick and clear juice with pulp, which will need to be mixed with sugar. Immediately after adding sugar, the mass will begin to gel due to sea buckthorn pectin. The process will become noticeable after 3-4 hours, when the berry juice turns into a thick amber-colored mass. After this, the jelly can be poured into clean and dry jars or airtight containers.

There are a lot of recipes for sea buckthorn jelly for the winter, and the dessert turns out to be very tasty and healthy. This berry is superior to black currants, strawberries, cranberries, and citrus fruits in terms of the content of vitamins and beneficial microelements. It contains A, B, C, E vitamins necessary for the body and strengthening the immune system. It is worth noting that it contains more ascorbic acid than lemon, which makes it an indispensable remedy for colds.

The cooking features are as follows:

  1. Prepared from ripe, high-quality raw materials.
  2. Provides for a heat treatment step or without it.
  3. Jelly can be made from juice and pulp. And also separate only the liquid. To do this, after squeezing, hold the mass: the pulp will rise to the top, and the clear liquid will be located at the bottom of the jar. Using a thin siphon tube, strain the juice for further use.
  4. If desired, you can use the pulp with skin and seeds. The benefits of the product increase several times.

Selection and preparation of the main ingredient

Sea buckthorn jelly for the winter is prepared from fruits collected in the first half of autumn. Collecting is quite a labor-intensive task, but it is worth it. It’s not for nothing that they call it the “royal berry”:

  1. The berries should be a rich orange hue.
  2. Separate the fruits from the branches (if purchased with branches). They may choke, but this should be done carefully.
  3. Fill with water so that all excess (twigs, leaves) floats up.
  4. Rinse the berries and dry.

Methods for preparing sea buckthorn jelly

The recipe for sea buckthorn jelly for the winter is quite simple, it involves several methods of production: with cooking, in several ways, and without it, with the addition of various ingredients.

A simple recipe for the winter

The jelly of this plant turns out to be a pleasant amber color with a delicate consistency. Sea buckthorn juice can be prepared in two ways.

Required components:

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1.1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 950 g.

Action plan

  1. Place the fruits in a container, crush a little and cook over low heat, stirring, wait until the liquid comes out and boils. There is no need to add water, the berries will give a lot of juice.
  2. Rub the hot mixture through a sieve to remove the skins and seeds.
  3. Pour sugar into the hot liquid with pulp, boil, boil for about a quarter of an hour and place in sealed dry containers.

  1. Prepare juice using a juicer.
  2. Add granulated sugar, stir, boil, and boil to 2/3 of the initial volume.
  3. Place in a dry, hermetically sealed container.

With gelatin

It will not be difficult to prepare sea buckthorn jelly with gelatin. a lot of work. The main thing is to correctly observe the proportions of the ingredients.

Important! The gelatin should swell and dissolve evenly.


  • berries - 1.1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 950 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g.

Action plan:

  1. Soak gelatin in 120 ml of water.
  2. Prepare the juice, add granulated sugar, dissolve and bring to a boil.
  3. Add gelatin to sea buckthorn syrup and stir until completely dissolved.
  4. Pour into dry, airtight containers.

Without gelatin

Making jelly without gelatin is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the technology correctly so that it thickens and has the required consistency.


  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 900 g.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Make juice from the berries.
  2. Add sugar, boil, stirring.
  3. Boil for a quarter of an hour. Leave for eight hours to thicken.
  4. Transfer to dry, sterilized containers and close tightly.

No cooking

Sea buckthorn jelly for the winter without cooking undoubtedly stands out from all the cooking methods. This is how you can preserve the maximum of useful components.

Required components:

  • granulated sugar - 650 g;
  • sea ​​buckthorn - 900 g.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Make juice from the berries using a sieve or juicer.
  2. Place the juice and pulp into dry, sterilized containers. You need to fill half the container.
  3. Pour granulated sugar until the jar is full, stir, wait until dissolved.
  4. Make a crust of sugar on top, cover and put in the refrigerator.

With grapes

Required components:

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • grapes - 900 g;
  • sugar - 950 g.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Pass the berries through a juicer.
  2. Combine with sugar and cook until the consistency of jelly.
  3. Place into pre-sterilized jars and seal tightly.

With honey

Sea buckthorn prepared in this way is a storehouse of vitamins and useful components.


  • berries - 1 kg;
  • honey - 700 ml.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Prepare juice from washed and dried berries.
  2. Mix with honey and place in a dry container, close tightly.

With agar-agar

Agar-agar - product plant origin, obtained from seaweed, an analogue of gelatin. It contains iodine and magnesium.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1.1 kg;
  • sugar - 850 g;
  • water - 350 ml;
  • agar-agar - 8 g.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Pour agar-agar with water and leave for about an hour until it swells.
  2. Prepare sea buckthorn juice and mix with sugar.
  3. Let it cook, stirring the swollen agar-agar occasionally.
  4. Pour in sea buckthorn and boil.
  5. Quickly transfer to a dry container, as the jelly thickens quite quickly. Close tightly.

From frozen sea buckthorn

The advantage of this method is that the jelly is prepared before direct use.


  • berries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • gelatin - 7 g.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Thaw the berries and prepare the juice.
  2. Soak gelatin in 20 ml of water. After swelling, heat until completely dissolved.
  3. Mix juice with sugar.
  4. Pour in warm gelatin.
  5. Mix and pour into molds. If desired, you can decorate the bottom of the molds with whole sea buckthorn berries, citrus slices or other berries.

Storage rules

Storage rules vary depending on the cooking method:

  1. Jelly prepared without cooking is stored in the refrigerator.
  2. The product that has undergone heat treatment can be stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 o C in a dark place.

No matter how the jelly is prepared, it will be a wonderful addition to tea drinking on a cold winter evening.

Sea ​​buckthorn! It is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology, which means that in terms of usefulness it occupies one of the first places among summer berries. There is already a selection on our culinary website.

Just recently I told you how to prepare a medicinal one, and today we have a living medicinal dessert - sea buckthorn jelly.

This little miracle berry is bright yellow or orange color really does great wonders for your health. It has no equal in terms of the amount of vitamin C. Just one spoon of medicinal living sea buckthorn jelly, and you will not be afraid of flu and colds. We will take sea buckthorn jelly medicine every day for lunch as a dessert, starting today.

To prepare sea buckthorn jelly for the winter without cooking, you will need ripe sea buckthorn berries and sugar.

Sea buckthorn must first be sorted out, sorted from overripe soft berries.

Rinse with cold water over a sieve. Dry on a towel.

To prepare sea buckthorn jelly for the winter without cooking, we will use thick sea buckthorn juice. Grind the berries using a juicer or meat grinder. If you are using a meat grinder, you will then need a sieve.

Let's take the thick part of the sea buckthorn juice and put the thinner part into syrup. Add sugar to the pureed juice and mix thoroughly with a plastic spoon.

Leave for 5-7 hours. During the process, we will stir several times until the sugar is completely dissolved. Sea buckthorn juice contains a natural gelling agent - pectin. That's why healthy living sea buckthorn jelly can be made without additives.

Pour the finished jelly into small glass jars. The container must first be heated in the oven and the lids must be boiled.

Close the lids and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

Our jelly will differ in consistency from the usual store-bought version with gelatin. Sea buckthorn jelly prepared for the winter without cooking is more tender, more lively and more healthy.