Sytin's mood for a woman's good health. Sytin's moods for women: principle of action on the body, rules of use

The lives of many people changed dramatically when they became acquainted with the books of Georgy Sytin, the fate of this amazing man and, of course, with his unique Attitudes that changed the usual ideas about illness and recovery. A significant part of Sytin's Moods is dedicated to women - these texts were created specifically to help maintain health, youth and beauty, and teach the basics of self-healing.

Neither the name of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin nor his amazing legacy have ever been widely advertised, but even without this, the technique has a lot of grateful admirers. A very simple, unconventional method of healing and rejuvenation helps to renew and heal both body and soul. Its essence is in the desire and ability of the person himself to tune himself to goodness and positivity, and the author of the method and his wonderful texts will only help in this matter.

Our thoughts are material - this statement has been used very often lately. This simple thesis, like all ingenious things, forms the basis of the methodology of Georgy Sytin, a doctor and scientist who, either in person or in absentia, helped a huge number of people maintain health, and often, perhaps, life itself.

Georgiy Nikolaevich believed that the thought of a conscious person about himself changes the spiritual structures and anatomical structures of the physical body - to the point that an old body can become young.

Video: mood for rejuvenation and healing of women

My thoughts are my healers

The main tools of the technique are self-persuasion and the mindset for recovery. While still a very young man, finding himself confined to a hospital bed, Georgy Sytin began to stubbornly look for ways to restore his own health and seriously thought about the mechanism of healing with words - a folk technique that simple village grandmothers thoroughly master (the so-called conspiracies).

In all centuries, in all parts of the world, healers healed the sick with sound: words, music, the rhythms of drums and tambourines - and in fact they actually healed, no matter how much you call it superstition.

We still know practically nothing about the capabilities of our brain and hardly use them - this, alas, is a fact. But everyone knows cases of recovery of people whom medicine has already recognized as terminally ill. But the man himself, in spite of everything, decided that he would live - and he survived and was healed. In some incomprehensible way, his brain launched a program for recovery and successfully brought it to a positive result.

Video: getting ready for faster recovery

The Sytin phenomenon

How to help the rescue mechanism turn on? Georgy Sytin devoted his entire life to searching for an answer to this question. The author considers the secret of the success of the method he created to be psychological. This is where the name itself came from - Moods.

Sytin’s phenomenon, cultivated by him on the thousand-year experience of folk healers, consists in the ability to use words, in a certain construction of texts. He managed to find and formulate for himself the patterns of positive effects on the human body, the key to the healing and renewal of which are the famous Attitudes - essentially the same miraculous conspiracies.

The brain of a sick, weakened person is able to perceive simple and precise formulations in order to make them a guide to action. And he receives them - from Attitudes (settings for treatment, rejuvenation, refusal of aging).

Video: getting ready for good health

Nurturing medicine

The young doctor was given the task of creating a new effective treatment method, and Georgy Sytin set to work with all his characteristic enthusiasm. The result was something much more than just a method. Georgy Nikolaevich called the direction in which he worked actively for more than seven decades as a new educational medicine. His technique has received official recognition at many levels - both in the person of scientific organizations and by specific, very authoritative personalities.

Being at a very advanced age, by generally accepted standards, Georgy Sytin assured that his biological age was three times less than his passport age. It’s enough to look at the video or listen to this person at least once to be convinced: that’s how it happened!

By the way, Georgy Nikolaevich’s two youngest children were born when the “young father” was 68 and 70 years old, respectively.

Georgy Nikolaevich was only five years short of his centenary, but almost until the end the doctor worked many hours a day: he received patients, wrote new books, and made plans for the future. Recently, the professor has been actively working on the formula for youth - and managed to give these new Attitudes to everyone.

Video: mood to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body

Youth without braces and other expensive procedures

Most women, noticing signs of aging on their face and body, become seriously saddened and... urgently go to a plastic surgeon. But rejuvenation operations cost a lot and are not always completed successfully.

In addition, surgery alone usually does not end the matter. A woman, in her desire to preserve at least the outward appearance of youth, has to undergo more and more operations. But this in no way returns the skin to its former elasticity, and the results of endless lifts look unnatural and ridiculous - there are many examples of this, at least among the “stars” of show business.

Of course, the method of rejuvenation proposed by Georgy Sytin is by no means a panacea or an option for gaining eternal youth. But women who have tried it on themselves note rapid and positive changes in their appearance. And most importantly, thanks to such a simple, harmless and free technique, the desire and will to become better every day, step by step, are formed. Youth and joy settle in the soul, and this state, like in a mirror, is reflected on the face.

Video: getting ready for non-surgical facial rejuvenation

How to use Settings

It is not difficult to turn the miraculous energy of Attitudes to your benefit - that is what they were created for. Creative thoughts about God, life, love, and loved ones are useful for everyone. Draw them from the Attitudes, direct them in a creative direction, build a new happy life, in which there will be no place for illness, suffering, uncertainty and troubles.

How to work with Sytin's Attitudes? Do it in a way that is convenient for you - the author himself offers many options for introducing these healing texts into the consciousness:

  1. Choose from the book or on Sytin’s website the Attitude that is most relevant to you, and rewrite it 150 times by hand - not mechanically, but each time thinking about the meaning of what was written and, as if pronouncing it to yourself; You can type text on a computer, but also be sure to do it thoughtfully.
  2. Make an audio recording of the Tune with your voice and listen to it whenever you have free time; this does not require any special environment - you can listen to it in transport, and even when you are sleeping - the Tune will work.
  3. Moods have the strongest impact when listening to them at the moment of waking up or before falling asleep; try not to let anything distract you at this time and prevent you from focusing on the melody of the text.
  4. You must listen to the Attitude at least once a day - until you feel it as an integral part of your nature.
  5. Combine listening to rejuvenating Attitudes with appropriate procedures: cosmetic masks, relaxing baths, aromatherapy - create a synergy of beauty.

How to record moods? There are also a few simple rules for this:

  1. You must be in a great mood; It’s good if the whole day goes well, giving you a feeling of success and cheerfulness.
  2. Feel like a victorious hero who can do anything - to do this, remember a dozen of your brightest successes and victories.
  3. The voice on the recording should sound optimistic and life-affirming - this is a mandatory rule.

The more you believe in this method, the more it will help you. Watch, listen, rewrite these and many other Sytin's Moods - Georgy Nikolaevich sincerely, with all his heart, wished that they would give you health, youth and joy of life.

I would like to bring to your attention one small in volume, but very effective Sytin's moods for women. This sentiment was once published in the magazine "Peasant Woman". I really liked it, even though it was aimed at women. I just changed some sentences, threw something out and got the mood for myself. Here I present this attitude of Sytin for women in its original form. Actually the mood is called

And a hundred years later - a beauty

I am setting myself up for an energetic, cheerful, young life: now, and in thirty years, and in a hundred years, I will be a cheerful, indestructibly healthy beauty. I have a whole long, energetic, cheerful, young life ahead of me. A person, inspired by the idea of ​​healing - longevity, surpasses with his power all diseases, all the elements of nature, omnipotent fate, completely recovers, grows healthy, grows stronger, becomes long-lived, indestructibly healthy. I am committed to maintaining youth now, and in thirty years, and in a hundred years, I am committed to the constant energetic development of all my abilities, now, and in thirty years, and in a hundred years.

I feel great that I am getting healthier, stronger, filled with indestructibly good health, and this fills me with the joy of life. Joyful strength pours into me, I am completely filled with joy and joy. An unquenchable cheerful light always burns in my eyes, the sunny joy of life fills my soul and body. Every moment I become more cheerful, cheerful, cheerful. There is always a cheerful spring smile on my face, spring is always blooming, blooming in me, serene, cloudless youth flows into me, I am completely filled with rebellious bliss and happiness.

There is enormous energy in full swing throughout my whole body, all internal organs work energetically and cheerfully, my gait is cheerful, light, fast, I walk like a bird on the wings, I clearly feel my youthful strength.

A steel fortress flows into my psyche, into all my nerves, a steel fortress, a steel fortress flows into my psyche, into all my nerves, I become indestructibly stable in life, my cheerful mood is indestructibly strong. Mighty, indestructible spiritual forces flow into me. I am forever, forever born as a brave man, firmly confident in myself, I dare everything, I can do everything and I am not afraid of anything. I firmly know that if all the difficulties befall me at once, they still will not crush my powerful will, and therefore I I look the world in the face, fearing nothing, and among all the hurricanes and storms of life I stand unshakably, like a rock against which everything is crushed.

The impenetrable castle of female supremacy shines in my eyes, royal pride shines in my eyes, royal grandeur shines in my eyes, the triumphant power of youth shines in my eyes, the triumph of indestructibly good health shines in my eyes, the delight of happy youth shines in my eyes. I am completely filled with happiness, bliss, and the joy of life.

And in thirty years, and in a hundred years, I will be a young, cheerful, indestructibly healthy beauty. Every day I live increases the duration of my future life, I live according to the law: the older, the younger.

The easiest way to assimilate this sentiment of Sytin for women is to listen to it in audio recording. The tone of presentation should be businesslike, firm, without pathos, and very convincing. Say the mood out loud in the same tone. If you do not have the time and conditions for this, read silently (but the tone is still the same). Some people prefer to listen to the mood, while others prefer to read it. Everyone chooses what suits them best. While listening, you can do some housework, but it’s still better if you don’t get distracted while listening and focus on the mood.

You need to start classes, especially in the first days, with an introductory text: “The attitude that I am now acquiring will have a strong influence on me, due to the fact that the body will strengthen ten times, a hundred times its influence and mobilize all its reserves for quick and complete fulfillment of what is said in the mood; I set myself up for a deep, lasting assimilation of the content of the necessary useful mood, I will try to assimilate it as deeply and firmly as possible.”

Regardless of whether a person knows the healing text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or speaking it. This will have to be continued until the person’s state comes into strong agreement with the content of the mood.

When listening to the text, try to be as active as possible (it’s better to walk), make an effort to remember the text. This increases attentiveness, brightness of perception, and thereby the efficiency of assimilation.

Those fragments of text that you like best and have special meaning are useful to listen to or read more times.

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Georgy Sytin
Thoughts that create women's happiness. Express settings

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From the author

Educational medicine gives a person ready-made thoughts that eliminate existing disorders in the body and restore health.

G. N. Sytin

Nurturing medicine

Today's medicine does not aim to completely restore health for every disease. And a person does not set himself such a task. Therefore, today we are all witnesses of how each person has more and more new diseases layered on top of health problems that have not been fully cured, there are more and more of them, they accelerate aging. In the fight against them, vital forces are spent, they become less and less. In the end, the person dies prematurely.

To change this picture and increase human life expectancy, it is necessary to always achieve complete restoration of health in every disease. If a person sets himself such a task, then, as experience shows, completely different neuro-cerebral and spiritual mechanisms are included in the struggle for health, which are capable of completely restoring health. It is clear that for this a person must engage in active work on himself in order to achieve a complete recovery. Medicine must teach a person to correctly set the goal for a complete recovery, teach him how to work on himself and guide the person until his full recovery.

The doctor must be given the appropriate training to be able to do this job.

This book will give every reader the opportunity to work on themselves in order to completely restore heart health.

To speed up recovery, a person must constantly tune himself to speed up recovery and slow down aging. It is absolutely impossible to do this with the help of medications without the participation of the person himself. Consequently, a person must be convinced that he himself can successfully accelerate recovery, slow down aging and increase his life expectancy.

But for this, medicine must teach a person to take care of his own health, strive to lead a healthy lifestyle, and think of himself as a healthy person. A person’s thought about himself creates a body, both healthy and sick.

Modern medicine tries to study and treat a person in isolation from his thoughts. This kind of medicine has no scientific basis. Need to create educational medicine. The one who prescribes treatment must be an educator, a specialist in the field of temperament, character, abilities, will, self-education and the entire spiritual sphere of a person, and not just in the field of the structure of the physical body.

Educational medicine gives a person ready-made thoughts that eliminate existing disorders in the body and restore health. A person must accept these thoughts into his consciousness and make them his knowledge. This knowledge about yourself will create a healthy body.

Educational medicine teaches a person to think of himself as healthy in each specific case of health impairment. It is obvious that medicine should educate a person, develop him and teach him methods of self-improvement in illness and aging.

And this means that all real medicine should be educational and developing.

The new medicine is based on the successful half-century practice of educational medicine, which is reflected in books published in five million copies. This practice has spanned all areas of modern medicine.

On behalf of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences N.A. Razumov organized a review of my ten-volume work at the Center he heads. A positive review with a recommendation for its publication by the publishing house “Medicine” was sent to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and to the author.

The unusually high effectiveness of educational medicine is obviously explained by the fact that it is scientifically based and therefore very promising. The method of educational medicine received a positive assessment at the Institute of Traditional Treatment Methods, at the Cardiology Center, and also passed very successful clinical trials at the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry named after. V. P. Serbsky. The Institute of Biophysics recommended its use in the treatment of exposed people. Director of the Research Institute of Normal Physiology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences K. V. Sudakov, expressed the opinion that “the widespread use of this method will lead to the improvement of large populations of the Russian population.”

The method of educational medicine is highly valued at the Russian Academy of Education. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education G. N. Filonov wrote in his review: “The method of Prof. G. N. Sytin must be made accessible to the entire population of Russia.” For this method, the author was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences at the Russian Academy of Education, in Munich the author was elected an academician of the International Academy of Sciences, the Georgy Sytin International University was established in Brussels with branches in Moscow and New York, and he was appointed vice-president of the World Distributed University.

The method of educational medicine was used by the author himself.

In August 2006, the author turned 85, and the Research Institute of Normal Physiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences examined his biological age and made a conclusion approved by a very authoritative scientist, Academician K. V. Sudakov, that his biological age is 30–40 years lower than the calendar one. The author never applied for a pension for himself, because assigning a pension for him would be as absurd as if a pension were assigned to a young Olympic champion gymnast.

The method contains theory, self-education techniques, attitudes and methods for assimilating them. Attitude is the precise verbal formulation of knowledge. The mood has no expiration date, like all medicines. Attitude is a mental, emotional-volitional self-conviction that is immeasurably stronger than many drugs. The possibilities of drugs are very limited, the possibilities of self-persuasion are almost limitless.

The sentiments reflect the idea of ​​healing and rejuvenation in verbal formulation. Image, feelings and volitional effort, which in their unity create an impulse from the brain into the internal environment of the physical body of such enormous power that it is able to influence not only the activity of any organ and any system, but also eliminate pathological disorders in anatomical structures.

Thanks to this, without surgical operations, it is possible to remove tumors, restore the function and internal anatomical structure of any organ and system of the physical body, and revive a young body, prolonging life.

In many men, as a result of prostatitis, prostate adenoma is formed, which is very dangerous and often turns into a malignant tumor, and people die in their prime.

So what is medicine doing now? She uses Proscar (a drug from the USA) and other similar drugs that turn a person into absolute impotent. Medicine doesn’t even ask him: does he agree to such “treatment”?! And such “treatment” is carried out in the most prestigious medical institutions. In this case, the introduction of nurturing medicine into work with the population will preserve the ability of these men to have children. The same thing happens in the “treatment” of uterine fibroids in women. The uterus is simply radically removed surgically.

Nurturing medicine will be able to cure such women without surgery and they will be able to give birth to children.

Methodology for successfully mastering attitudes

Express settings collected in this book are relatively small in volume and therefore ideal for assimilation during the rewriting process .

After reading one phrase, repeat it out loud and try to write it down completely, observing spelling. During this time, a powerful impulse goes from the brain to the internal environment of the body, under the influence of which all structures of the physical body restore a healthy structure. It is very important to remember the entire phrase, be sure to close the book and then write down the entire phrase. Rewriting the mood in separate words is useless.

It's easier to adopt a mindset if listen to it on tape . You can speak the mood into a tape recorder for yourself. The tone of the presentation should be firm, businesslike, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood out loud, but if there are no conditions, read or pronounce it from memory, to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read it. While listening, you can also do some housework. But it's better if you try not to be distracted and concentrate.

To assimilate attitudes make use of wasted time for example, on the way to work and home.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or speaking it . You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes into full compliance with the content of the mood.

When mastering the mood try to be as active as possible (it’s better to walk), make an effort to memorize the text. This increases absorption activity.

To internalize a mood means to bring oneself into full compliance with its content, and not just to remember it.

Those fragments of text that you like best and have special meaning, it is useful to listen, read or recite from memory a large number of times . It is especially useful when listening to the mood to repeat thought after thought out loud, stopping the tape recorder by pressing the “Pause” button.

Express settings

God created man in his own image and likeness - the creator of his physical body, endowed him with creative thoughts about himself, which have materializing power, the possibilities of which are limitless.

G. N. Sytin

Life's Greatest Perspective

In my kind, angelic, Divine soul from God is the greatest prospect of life for many centuries. In my Divine, kind, angelic soul from God there is the greatest prospect of constant strengthening and strengthening of health - for many centuries. In my Divine, kind, angelic soul from God is the greatest prospect of a young 18-year-old life - for many centuries.

God moves time from the date of my birth to the future at the speed of real current time. The distance from me to the date of my birth remains constant, unchanged - 18 years. For many centuries I will live a cheerful, joyful, happy life. Over the course of many centuries, my body has been constantly reviving its youthful, 18-year-old structure. For many centuries, with the brightness of lightning, I see myself as young, cheerful, beautiful, full of health and strength. And this fills me with a victorious, triumphant joy of life.

Happy morning, happy day

In the morning - a cheerful, quick awakening. As a cheerful, cheerful beauty, I enter a new day of my divinely beautiful life. In the morning, the whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life. In the morning, a cheerful light shines brightly in my eyes. In the morning, the huge, inexhaustible energy of youth is in full swing throughout the body. In the morning, youthful strength is in full swing throughout the body.

I enjoy life all day. All day long the joy of life intensifies, becomes more and more bright, more and more powerful. All day long I rejoice every moment, glowing with the happiness of life in God’s wonderful white light. I rejoice in the sun, I rejoice in the sky. I rejoice in every flower, every tree. I rejoice in all the Divine, eternally youthful nature.

I live in complete harmony with all Divine Nature. I live in complete harmony with the entire Universe. Throughout the day, a cheerful light shines brightly in my eyes. The whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life. The whole body lives a full-blooded, young, cheerful, happy, joyful life.

Young face

All skin, all subcutaneous tissues of the head, face, throat, neck are filled with young structural intracellular and intercellular water, which fills the whole body with the elasticity of youth, making the whole body pristinely fresh, Divinely beautiful. All the skin, all the subcutaneous tissues of the head, face, throat, neck revive the newborn dense network of collagen fibers, which, having appeared, instantly welded the skin with the muscles, with the deep structures of the body, turning the whole body into a solid monolith.

The whole body becomes young and elastic. The face was filled with youthful elasticity. The whole body of the head, face, throat, neck, chest Divinely is now born exactly the same young, 18 years old. The face is born smooth and polished. All wrinkles on the face and neck are smoothed out and disappear forever without a trace. My eyes are bright, bright, huge, 18 years old, gigantically strong, divinely beautiful. My head is reviving its youthful, childlike fullness at gigantic speed.

The face revives youthful, childlike fullness. The face is born full and round. Cheeks are born young, childishly full, round, divinely beautiful. My lips are born childishly full. A beautiful, clear lip pattern is born. The lips are beautiful, like carved, bright red, like poppies. My head is young, exactly the same - 18 years old. Beautiful, young hair stands on the head like a wall. All people who come into contact with me perceive me as an 18-year-old, divinely beautiful beauty, full of health and strength.

Persistent normal young blood pressure – 120/80

Titanically stable, normal blood pressure – 120/80. No matter what I do, the cheerful spring circulation remains. Throughout the body there is divinely free, young, fast, cheerful blood circulation. All blood vessels of the head are divinely expanded along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the head, blood flows in a spring, free, wide stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood.

The blood circulation of the head is cheerful, spring-like, free, wide. There is infinite space in the head - just like in the Universe. The whole head is brightly light throughout. There is a bright, bright light in the eyes. The whole body lives a full-blooded, young, cheerful life. Throughout the body there is divinely free, cheerful, rapid blood circulation. In the tips of the toes of both feet and both hands the pulse is full and strong. Divinely free, cheerful, spring blood circulation. With titanic resistance, with titanic resistance, young, normal blood pressure is maintained - 120/80, 120/80.

Young, divinely beautiful eyes

My eyes are exactly the same now - 18-year-old, bright, bright, huge 18-year-old volume, gigantically strong, expressive, intelligent, Divinely beautiful eyes. My gaze intensifies. Vision is enhanced. My soul is angelic, kind, absolutely carefree, cheerful, playful, humorous.

In my soul there are only pure thoughts, only divinely bright feelings. My eyes are like a mirror of the soul - Divinely pure, like a child’s. The eyes are bright, bright, shiny, 18-year-old with huge volume. The eyes are pristinely wide open. I look at God’s wonderful world with divinely beautiful, pristinely wide open eyes.


Holy Divine steel is poured into all the nerves of the nasal passages, maxillary sinuses, nasopharynx, trachea, and bronchi. God pours gigantic Divine physiological power into all living tissues of the nasal passages, maxillary sinuses, nasopharynx, trachea, and bronchi. The respiratory tract is divinely healthy and young. The nasal passages are completely open. Breathing is free, silent, inaudible breathing. The chest breathes easily and freely. Silent, inaudible breathing. The respiratory tract is pristinely healthy. The respiratory tract is titanically steadfastly healthy.

Frost resistance

I love strong, persistent frost. I feel great in the cold. In the cold you can breathe easily and freely. The entire respiratory system in the cold is divinely healthy, pristinely healthy. The respiratory tract is titanically steadfastly healthy. I love strong, strong frost. In severe frost, I come to life, blossom, become healthier and stronger. Throughout the body there is divinely free, fast, cheerful blood circulation.

I like winter. I love skiing and skating. I love walking in clean snow. I love the strong frost, when fluffy, clean snow flies out from under my feet in fountains. It's easy to breathe in the cold. Breathing is easy and free. With titanic resilience, I maintain excellent health, a cheerful, cheerful mood. In the bitter cold, a cheerful light shines brightly in my eyes. The whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life.

Young slim figure

With gigantic speed, all the excess fat I don’t need in the abdomen, waist, pelvis, buttocks, and thighs disappears from my body with gigantic speed. The pituitary gland is physiologically strengthened millions of times and at a gigantic speed breaks down all the excess fat that my body does not need into carbon dioxide and water.

The entire vast area of ​​the body - the abdomen, pelvis, buttocks, thighs - revives its small youthful volume, and young, beautiful body shapes are born. The stomach quickly loses weight and decreases in volume. A thin, beautiful, young waist is born.

And the head becomes fatter at a gigantic speed, reviving its youthful, childlike fullness. A young, beautiful physique is divinely reborn. A young, flexible, light, slender figure is born. Young, handsome, small, muscular, strong belly. Thin, young waist. And my head is full. The face is full. The cheeks are full and round. Divinely beautiful head, Divinely beautiful face. Light, flexible, slender, divinely beautiful figure.

Angelic, kind soul

My soul is cheerful and happy from God. In my soul there are only pure thoughts, only bright feelings. My soul is newborn-young, cheerful, playful, humorous, absolutely carefree, untouched by life.

My eyes - like a mirror of the soul - reflect an angelic, kind soul. My eyes are like a child’s, divinely pure. My eyes are bright, bright, huge, 18-year-old in volume. The eyes are kind, cheerful, bright, bright, gigantically strong, divinely beautiful eyes.

Normal pulse is 72 beats per minute

My heart is pristinely resiliently healthy, titanically resiliently healthy. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart is gigantically strong, titanically resistant, steel. The nerves of the heart of a newborn are healthy, gigantically strong, titanically resistant, steel. My heart is young, untouched by life.

The heart is pristinely resiliently healthy, titanically resiliently healthy. The pulse is consistently normal, rhythmic - 72 beats per minute. All intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. All pulse beats are of the same, normal strength, of a young, powerful, cheerful heart.

I can steam for a long time in a hot steam room. With titanic stamina, a healthy, regular rhythmic pulse is maintained - 72 beats per minute. Through any bad weather, through any changes in atmospheric pressure, a healthy, regular rhythmic pulse is maintained with titanic resistance - 72 beats per minute. All time intervals between pulse beats are the same. All pulse beats are of the same, normal strength, of a young, healthy, cheerful heart.

To relieve tension

I completely calmed down. The entire nervous system was filled with a very pleasant, healthy calm. My heart felt so light and good like it had never been before. The whole soul calmed down. I am absolutely calm through and through, serenely calm. Holy Divine steel flows into all nerves. With the brightness of lightning I feel like a young beauty with nerves of steel. The whole soul calmed down. My soul is so light, it’s good. A cheerful light shines brightly in my eyes. The face is divinely calm. All the wrinkles on the face and neck smoothed out and disappeared. I am absolutely calm through and through, serenely calm.

Young knees

My knee joints are now exactly the same - 18 years old, Divinely intact, Divinely healthy, untouched by life. The articular surfaces of the knee joints are smooth and polished. The cartilaginous menisci of the knee joints are strong, elastic, and indestructibly durable.

I can run up and down stairs quickly. I can walk fast. There is a pleasant, youthful, healthy calm in the knee joints. Holy, Divine steel is poured into the nerves of the knee joints. All the nerves of the knee joints in a newborn are healthy, young, strong, steel, titanically resistant. The knee joints of a newborn are intact, divinely intact, untouched by life. In the knee joints there is a newborn, Divinely free, full mobility.

I feel with the brightness of lightning: I can freely sit on my heels and dance in a squat. My young legs are strong, fast, tireless. The knee joints are 18 years old, divinely intact, divinely healthy, untouched by life.

Young brain rhythms

My nervous system is now just as young, 18 years old. All the young, 18-year-old brain rhythms are now present, now existing. All brain rhythms now have the same huge, young amplitude, the same young, high frequency.

The functioning of the nervous system is exactly the same now - 18 years old, young, energetic, fast. All brain rhythms are now exactly the same as young, 18-year-olds. Now there is the same huge amplitude of all brain rhythms. The nervous system is the same now, 18 years old, gigantically strong and energetic. The nervous system is now of the same high, young frequency. The nervous system now works just as quickly and energetically. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a young, energetic, fast beauty, full of health and strength.

I am setting myself up for an energetic, cheerful young life: now and in 30 years, and in 100 years I will be a cheerful, indestructibly healthy beautiful beauty. I have a whole long, cheerful, energetic young life ahead of me. I'm getting ready to raise my newborn baby. A person, inspired by the idea of ​​healing - longevity, surpasses with his power all diseases, all the elements of nature, omnipotent fate, completely recovers, becomes healthy - gets stronger, becomes long-lived, indestructibly healthy. I am determined to maintain the ability to bear children now, in thirty years, and in a hundred years. I tune in to the constant, energetic development of all my abilities, now and in thirty years, and in a hundred years.

Sytin's mood for long-term female beauty.

I clearly feel that I am getting healthier - stronger, filled with indestructible - good health and this fills me with the joy of life. Joyful forces flow into me, I am filled with joy and joy. An unquenchable cheerful light always burns in my eyes, the sunny joy of life fills both soul and body. Every moment I become more cheerful, more cheerful and cheerful. There is always a cheerful spring smile on my face, spring is always blooming in me, spring is blooming, serene, cloudless youth flows into me, I am completely filled with serene bliss and happiness.

There is enormous energy in full swing throughout my whole body, all internal organs work energetically - cheerfully, my gait is cheerful - cheerful, fast, I walk - I fly like a bird on the wings, I clearly feel my youthful strength.

A steel fortress flows into my psyche, into all my nerves, a steel fortress flows into my psyche, into all my nerves, I become indestructibly resistant to life, my cheerful mood is indestructible - lasting. Mighty, indestructible spiritual forces flow into me. I am forever - forever born as a brave man, firmly confident in myself, I dare everything, I can do everything, I am not afraid of anything. I firmly know, as a real fact, that if all the difficulties befall me at once, they still cannot crush my mighty will, and therefore I look the world in the face, fearing nothing, and among all everyday hurricanes and storms I stand unshakably like a rock , about which everything is lamented.

The impregnable castle of female supremacy shines in my eyes, royal pride shines in my eyes, royal effort shines in my eyes, the triumphant strength of youth shines in my eyes, the triumph of indestructibly good health shines in my eyes, the delight of happy youth shines in my eyes. I was completely filled with happiness - bliss, the joy of life.

And in 30 years and in 100 years I will be young - cheerful, indestructibly healthy, beautiful. Every day I live increases the duration of my future life, I live according to the law: the older, the younger.

The newborn colossal Divine number of hairs on the head is constantly restored.

To replace lost teeth, new, unusually strong, snow-white teeth are constantly being born.

My whole body is constantly restoring the newborn Divine wholeness. I try to remember very clearly and firmly: my whole body - all my tissues restore newborn wholeness, all my skin restores newborn wholeness, pristine Divine health. My whole body is constantly, continuously restoring pristine Divine health, my whole body is constantly, continuously restoring pristine Divine health. I am constantly, continuously getting healthier and stronger, I am born Divinely healthy.

Divine holy pure power is poured into all systems of the body, Divine pure cosmic energy is poured into all systems of the body. I constantly feel a direct connection with the cosmos. I constantly feel a direct connection with God himself - I constantly feel a direct connection with God himself. I constantly feel the birth of more and more new Divine powers, I constantly feel the birth of more and more new Divine powers, I constantly feel an increase in strength - I constantly feel an increase in energy.

I am born more and more energetic - more and more energetic. Every minute - day and night - around the clock every minute I am born more and more energetic - I am born more and more energetic - every minute I am born more and more energetic - I am born more and more energetic - every minute I am born more and more energetic, in a constant flow Divine cosmic energy of life flows into me.

I always have enough energy to begin to internalize the mood. I always have enough energy to overcome all the difficulties of inclusion in work on myself - I always have enough energy to overcome all the difficulties of inclusion in work on myself. I try to remember this very clearly and firmly: I always have enough energy to overcome all difficulties in order to start working on myself. I always have enough spiritual strength - I always have enough spiritual strength to overcome all difficulties and start working on myself. I firmly know as a real fact: I can always - at any time - start working on myself, I can heal myself - rejuvenate myself. I try to assimilate this as deeply as possible, to fully understand: by the command of the Lord God, I can always, at any time, begin to work on myself. The Savior Himself commanded me, at my first desire, to immediately begin working on myself. The Lord God Himself gave me the opportunity to start working on myself at any time. I try to understand this as deeply as possible: the Lord God himself has endowed me with the ability to start working on myself at any time. I can always, at any time, start working on myself.

When I have difficulties and problems in my body, I always have the strength to eliminate them immediately. The Lord God Himself has endowed me with the ability to immediately eliminate any problems that arise in my body - I try to understand this as deeply as possible. I always have enough will - spiritual strength in order to eliminate all the problems that may arise in my body, I try to understand this as deeply as possible.

I can always immediately overcome any difficulties, I can do anything. By the command of the Savior himself, I can do everything. The Savior Himself endowed me with holy Divine all-conquering spiritual power. The Lord God Himself has endowed me with the ability to overcome all the difficulties of life. I can always, at any time, add energy, I can turn to the Lord God for help and ask the Lord God for energy. And I will immediately feel how additional life energy is pouring into me, how I immediately become even more energetic - even more energetic. If I don’t have enough energy to work on myself, at any moment I can turn to the Lord God for help, ask for energy, and now - right now an additional flow of Divine energy of life pours into me, and I immediately have enough energy and strength to start working on yourself.

I firmly know as a real fact that I am always supported by Divine blessing, I am always, always supported by Divine mercy. I can always get any help from the Lord God - I always try to remember this clearly and firmly. If I lack energy, I can turn to the Savior for help, I can turn to the Mother of God for help - and they will always help me. Immediately I feel an increase in new energy.

I can always overcome all the difficulties of engaging in work on myself, I can always begin to heal myself, I can begin to rejuvenate myself, I can fill myself with more and more life energy, with more and more life forces.

I firmly know as a fact that I can always have enough strength, enough energy to carry out the necessary work in life. I can always have enough strength, enough energy to carry out work pleasing to the Lord God - I firmly know this as a real fact.

The Lord God Himself always helps me maintain pristine Divine indestructible health. I am born divinely healthy - indestructibly healthy.


The life-giving Divine newborn life flows into my head with colossal power. Colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development pours into my head. In a constant continuous stream, colossal Divine cosmic energy flows into my head.

Colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development is simultaneously poured into all billions of nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord.

Divine cosmic power flows into the brain-spinal cord - into all my nerves - into my entire nervous system in a constant stream. Day and night, in a constant, constant, continuous, constant flow, colossal Divine cosmic power flows into my entire nervous system. Day and night, it constantly, constantly, continuously sharply intensifies - the nervous system sharply intensifies, the nerves become healthier and stronger, the nervous system strengthens, the nerves become healthier and stronger.

The colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development flows into the brain-spinal cord - into all my nerves in a constant stream - the colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid creation.

My entire nervous system is born serviceable - increasingly strong - increasingly energetic, perfectly serviceable - absolutely serviceable. All brain mechanisms are born of enormous, colossal power. All brain mechanisms are born serviceable - perfectly serviceable, absolutely serviceable. Energetic, strong, perfectly serviceable - absolutely serviceable - absolutely serviceable brain mechanisms are born. A perfectly serviceable - ideally healthy - absolutely healthy strong - ever stronger nervous system is born - ever stronger - ever more healthy - ever stronger nerves. There is a constant effort of the nervous system.

There is a constant renewal - constant improvement of the entire nervous system.

The life-giving Divine newborn life is pouring into my head with enormous, colossal power - colossal Divine cosmic power is pouring into my head.

My thought sharply intensifies. My thought becomes omnipotent. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. My thought is omnipotent. My thought has the real power of materialization. My thought has the power of real materialization. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. My thought is constantly sharply intensifying, my thought is constantly sharply intensifying. My thought becomes omnipotent. My thought has the power of real materialization. I have long ago completely destroyed all doubts that my thought is omnipotent. With Divine power, I sacredly believe that my thought is omnipotent. My thought has the colossal power of real materialization.

Colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development, colossal Divine cosmic power is pouring into the brain mechanisms of thinking day and night, constantly, continuously, constantly, day and night. Day and night, around the clock, all the brain mechanisms of my thinking sharply intensify. Day and night - constantly, constantly sharply intensifying - all the brain mechanisms of my thinking sharply intensify. My thinking is sharply activated. My thinking sharply intensifies - my thought sharply intensifies. My thought is constantly, continuously, sharply intensifying. The power of materialization of my thoughts is constantly increasing. An omnipotent thought is born. I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible: my thought is omnipotent.