Scheme of classes on the Federal State Educational Standards in the dow. Sample



Practical advice for conducting classes on Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education

  1. Think over the organization of children in class (alternating various types children’s activities: sitting, standing, on the carpet, in groups, in pairs, etc.)
  2. Quality preparation visual materials classes (accessibility to every child, modernity, quality and size of illustrations, multimedia presentations can be shown)
  3. Compliance with the structure of the lesson:
  • Introductory part (creating motivation and “not forgetting” about it throughout the entire lesson. For example, if Dunno came, then throughout the lesson he “participates” in activities with children, at the end of the lesson you can summarize the results on behalf of the character)
  • Also, in the first part of the GCD, it is necessary to create a problem situation (or a problem-search situation) for children, the solution to which they will find throughout the entire event. This technique allows preschoolers not to lose interest and develops mental activity, teaches children to interact in a team or in pairs.

During the main part, the teacher can use various techniques guides: visual, practical and verbal, allowing you to solve software tasks classes and assignments

  • problem-search situations.
  • After each type of children’s activity, the teacher must conduct an analysis of the children’s activities (either on his own behalf, or on behalf of the character or with the help of other children) - this is a requirement
  • In cases where something is not working out for children, the teacher can use a technique such as pedagogical support. For example, the teacher says: “I really liked how Seryozha, Marina and Lena made the traffic light, but Maxim and Oleg’s parts came off, but I think that next time they will definitely try and do everything well”)
  • Throughout the entire lesson (especially in groups of senior preschool age), the teacher must monitor and encourage children to engage in speech activity with the help of questions. Therefore, questions for children must be thought out in advance; they must wear a search or problematic character; strive to ensure that children answer “completely.” You also need to control your own speech and build speech phrases from a third person. For example, moving away from the expression: “I want to invite you on a trip...” is not correct, because... the teacher seems to “impose” the upcoming activity. It would be more correct to address the children in this way: “Let's go on a trip...”
  • Also in accordance with the new educational standards the teacher can use educational technologies: problem-based learning, research activities, project activities, health-saving technologies and more. (Depending on their type of children’s activity and on the assigned tasks in the lesson) For example, in a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “On a visit to Cockerel”, the teacher can conduct articulatory gymnastics on the development of breathing, etc.
  • The final part of the lesson should be organized in such a way that the solution to the problem and search situation can be traced (so that children see the solution to the task: either a verbal conclusion, or the result of a productive or research activities etc.).
  • It is also necessary to summarize the entire lesson: evaluate the children’s activities (you can use pedagogical support, analysis of each other’s children, themselves, praise the children on behalf of the character, etc.). The main thing is not to forget about motivation (which is set at the beginning of the lesson, see point above)

4. A distinctive feature of classes in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is the active speech activity children (questions to children should be problem-solving in nature), and also carefully thought out.

For example, children need to help the Chicken find chickens. The teacher may ask: “Do you want to help the Hen find the chickens? How can this be done? That is, the question is problematic in nature and forces children to think through possible answers: call the chickens, follow them, etc.

5. The teacher is simply obliged to provide children with “freedom of choice” upcoming activities and, at the same time, with his skill to captivate children with him. For example, the teacher of the first junior group on educational activity told the children the fairy tale “Kolobok”, and then offered motivation for the upcoming activity (collective application of the character Kolobok)

“Guys, Kolobok ran away from his grandparents, they are crying bitterly. How can we help our grandparents? Then he offers possible answers: maybe we should draw a Kolobok and give it to our grandparents? Thus, she captivated the children, organized motivation for drawing, got them interested, and also decided educational task: make children want to help their grandparents in search of Kolobok.

Thus, it should be concluded that currently the requirements for conducting classes have changed, because There are pedagogical technologies that must be used in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Thank you for your attention!

Dubovikova Natalya Vyacheslavovna

MBDOU No. 170, Deputy Head of Educational and methodological work, Izhevsk city

Memo in preparation of writing a synopsis directly educational activities at preschool educational institution

When writing notes, the teacher must:

*formulate the goals and objectives of the GCD and its individual stages,

*reveal the structure and subject content of the GCD,

*demonstrate mastery of methods and techniques for motivating educational activities and organization educational activities students,

*illustrate accounting with examples individual characteristics pupils and specific characteristics of the group in which the ECD will be carried out.

The abstract assumes a reflection of the main stages of the GCD:

1. GCD topic;

2. organizational moment;

3. setting goals and objectives;

4. survey of students on the material covered;

5. explanation of new material;

6. consolidation of new material;

7. summing up.

Stages of work:

Introductory part: Organizing time, including: setting a goal that must be achieved by students at this stage GCD (what must be done to get them further work was effective); determining the goals and objectives that the teacher wants to achieve at this stage of the educational process; description of methods for organizing the work of students initial stage and topics of educational activities (taking into account the real characteristics of the group with which the teacher works).

Main part: Getting to know new material. Didactic game(game situation), creating motivation for activity. Children are offered a game during which they remember what will help them get acquainted with new topic(updating knowledge and skills). The game should be such that during its course there are no difficulties in the child’s activities.

Difficulty in a game situation. At the end of the game, a situation should arise that causes difficulty in the children’s activities, which they record in speech (we don’t know this yet, we don’t know how...). The teacher encourages them to ask questions and, together with the children, determines the topic of the upcoming activity. As a result, the children conclude that it is necessary to think about how everyone can get out of a difficult situation together.

Discovering new knowledge or skill. The teacher, with the help of introductory dialogue based on the subject (game) activity of children, leads them to the discovery of new knowledge or skill. Having formalized something new in their speech, children return to the situation that caused the difficulty and go through it using new way activity (action).

Final part : Fixing the material. Reproducing something new in a typical situation. At this stage, games are played where children use new knowledge or skills. At the end, a game situation is created that records each child’s individual mastery of new material. The child self-assesses his activity in mastering new things.

Repetition and developmental tasks. Provided in notes at the request of the teacher.

Summing up the lesson; description of positive actions of students, determination of the prospects of the acquired knowledge (what new things have been learned, where new things will be useful).

Title page: The name of the preschool educational institution (in full, according to the charter), the topic of the educational activity, a summary of direct educational activities, compiled by: full name, city.

Educational area: social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development and speech development;

Type: integrated

Children's age:

Forms of direct educational activities: Team work.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup.

Target: the end result is what we strive for.

Tasks: educational, developmental, educational

Dictionary of new words:(if there is)

Preliminary work:(if carried out)

Equipment and materials:(attributes, material)

Progress of direct educational activities (DEA)

A detailed summary is presented, which describes the activities of the teacher and children with the direct speech of the teacher and the expected answers of the children.

Nadezhda Anatolyevna Volkova
Self-analysis of the lesson preschool teacher according to Federal State Educational Standards

Why is the analysis carried out? classes at preschool educational institutions according to Federal State Educational Standards

How it affects children attending kindergartens, introduction Federal State Educational Standard?

Previously priority educational The process in preschool institutions was preparation for school. Those who have familiarized themselves with the program Federal State Educational Standard, noticed that now kindergarten graduates are no longer required to be able to read and write. Now he must leave the walls of the preschool educational institution harmoniously developed personality ready to fit in school system and withstand life's troubles. The emphasis is on raising modern children, which are growing in the age of global information attack.

Accordingly, and classes in groups must comply with innovations. This is why the analysis is carried out classes at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard by a senior teacher or self-analysis direct teacher. Both working moments and final results are assessed.

Teaching is a creative profession that at the same time requires high professionalism. Therefore, most teachers and preschool employees improve their skills, improve their activities, important factor the effectiveness of which is the competent implementation self-analysis activities with children.

Self-analysis of preschool teacher classes according to the Federal State Educational Standard

This type of work helps the teacher determine whether all objectives have been achieved and identify positive sides, decide what else needs to be worked on and what to pay attention to.

For correct analysis teacher Before starting work, you should make a list of questions that need to be answered during the process. For example:

Do children understand why this is being done? class;

Are they ready for it;

What is the form of the class;

How accessible is the material?

Are children interested?

How the material is prepared;

Does it help class creative activity.

After identifying the questions, the teacher must act in accordance with this list.

Stages of work

Sample self-analysis of preschool teacher classes according to the Federal State Educational Standard will help you do the job correctly. The plan includes the following Aspects:

1. Characteristics of the children's group.

2. Comparison of material and program.

4. Task.

5.Usage visual aids.

6. Stages and sequence classes.

7. Atmosphere class.

8. Childish behavior.

9. Result.

The first thing to do is to characterize the group. It should be clarified whether any work was carried out in advance, whether the capabilities and characteristics of children were taken into account during planning classes. Then the material used is compared with the program, age, and the goals and objectives set are announced. The reasons for failure and success are revealed. Determines how good the quality was didactic material, visual aids, their aesthetic appearance. Was the structure maintained? classes and clear transitions between stages. Active methods are highlighted.

The following is a description of the atmosphere at class: how enthusiastic are the children, were they present? positive emotions, why the kids were interested, who spoke and how often, the reasons for the silence of the others. The shape is determined work: group, collective, individual.

Educator must analyze his ability to organize children, establish contact with them, and also characterize the accessibility of speech.

Summing up: whether the goal was achieved, whether all tasks were completed, what did not work out and how to get out of the situation then.

What will help you at work?

One of the most effective methods increasing the competence of personnel is self-analysis of an open lesson for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard. IN in this case big role plays psychological factor. In the open class Colleagues and management are present, which makes the specialist worry. It is in such a situation that all the shortcomings appear, strengths, which will be pointed out by those present at the end classes.

Requirements Federal State Educational Standard for future students

In accordance with the standards, children, leaving a preschool institution, must have communication skills, imagination, be proactive, cultured, with a friendly attitude towards others, with the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, sympathize, empathize, not conflict, and express their thoughts through coherent speech. These are all teachers preschool institutions begin to lay at an early age.

To instill such skills, it is necessary to improve the qualifications of a specialist, one of the most important methods of achieving which is self-analysis of preschool teacher classes according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Publications on the topic:

Self-analysis of the activities of the teacher of preparatory group No. 1, Olesya Alexandrovna Pashina 2nd shift (12.00-19.15) Present: 24 children. Based long-term plan work and daily routine were organized and carried out by me.

Self-analysis of the teacher’s direct educational activities “Sense Organs” Self-analysis of the direct educational activities of the teacher Kargapolova Larisa Vladimirovna MBDOU d/s general developmental type “Rainbow”.

Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of a preschool teacher Introspection pedagogical activity teacher of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 93", building 2 Martynova Tatyana Nikolaevna MDOU "Kindergarten No. 93".

Self-analysis of the pedagogical activities of the teacher of secondary group No. 5 for the 2015–2016 academic year During 2015-2016 school year I built the entire educational process with children on the basis of an exemplary general education standard.

Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of a secondary group teacher for the 2015–2016 academic year Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 29 “Baby” in Essentuki Professional self-analysis.

Self-analysis of a teacher’s professional activity I, Klementyeva N.V., born in 1967, secondary pedagogical education, graduated from APU in 1986. Qualification: primary school teacher.

How does the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard affect children attending kindergartens? This question worries every parent. Previously priority educational process in preschool institutions there was preparation for school. Those who have become familiar with the Federal State Educational Standards program have noticed that kindergarten graduates are no longer required to be able to read and write. Now he must leave the preschool walls as a harmoniously developed personality, ready to fit into the school system and withstand the troubles of life. The emphasis is on raising modern children who are growing up in the age of global information attack.

Accordingly, group classes must comply with innovations. Therefore, constant monitoring of the team’s work is necessary. To do this, an analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out by a senior educator, methodologist, or self-analysis by a direct teacher. Both working moments and final results are assessed. The main thing for the inspector is to decide for what purpose he is conducting the research. This could be a study of working methods, the level of knowledge of a specialist, methods pedagogical impact. In every specific case the subject of analysis will vary.

Why is the analysis of classes in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education carried out?

Parents should know that classes in kindergartens carry a certain meaning. They pursue two goals: developmental and educational. An analysis of classes at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard helps determine the direction of activity. The table shows a step-by-step lesson for preschoolers. Filling it out helps the teacher take all these points into account when preparing for classes.

Developmental classes can only be conducted after training sessions. They are an indicator of the child’s accumulated experience and acquired knowledge. If a preschooler has not acquired the necessary skills, he is not ready to accept independent decisions based on them.

Questions to consider

A methodologist or teacher must answer several basic questions in order to correctly analyze a lesson in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The sample questionnaire may not be suitable for some specialized kindergartens, but for most preschool institutions it will be useful. Here are some of them:

  • Are the children ready for the upcoming lesson, do they understand why it is being held?
  • What form does the lesson take? Is the material perceived, is it accessible?
  • Is the amount of information exaggerated?
  • Which baby senses are involved?
  • Are the actions that students perform meaningful?
  • Which psychological climate in a children's group?
  • Are preschoolers interested in what they are doing?
  • What is the quality of the prepared material?
  • Did the activity promote children's creative activity?

These questions will help at the initial stage and will be useful if, for example, an analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard in mathematics is carried out.

Lesson Analysis Plan

Acting in accordance with a certain list is what the one who analyzes classes at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard should do. A sample presented by experienced colleagues will help with this. What points need to be included in it?

2. Date of the event.

3. Venue.

4. Full name the one who conducts the lesson.

5. Age of children and name of group.

6. Set tasks and methods for solving them.

7. Justification of the selected material and method of conducting the lesson from the point of view psychological characteristics pupils.

8. Description of the learning process from the children's point of view. Monitoring the impact of the training carried out in accordance with individual characteristics.

9. Evaluation of the teacher’s actions. Justification for both positive and negative points. Studying children's opinions.

10. Summing up. Analysis of the teacher’s personality, his character traits that contribute or hinder the learning process.

According to this plan, you can control any training in kindergarten and perform, for example, an analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard in fine art.

Teaching preschoolers fine arts

If kindergarten teaches fine arts, which means it is necessary to analyze the implementation of this subject. To begin with, a parallel is drawn between the age of the children, their drawing abilities and the proposed teaching program. Assess the load, educational and emotional; the quality of the selected material and visual aids. The way the teacher knows how to teach knowledge and involve students in educational process. It is important that the teacher’s explanations are accessible and correct.

The analyst must imagine the difference between teaching in junior and senior groups when analyzing a lesson in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The sample, if provided, must correspond to the age of the students. The duration and breakdown of the lesson into stages is important for proper organization process in a preschool team, the same as comparing children's works with each other.

In drawing lessons, it is important to evaluate such criteria for completed tasks as correctness of form, proportionality of individual parts, compliance with the task, design, use of paper space, location of the drawing on the plane. It is necessary to note the child’s independence, his skills, and the development of motor skills.

Independent analysis of classes in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

A sample drawing lesson fully reflects the control process pedagogical work. But the teacher can evaluate his activities independently. In this case, you must act in accordance with the same plan. For example, how self-analysis is carried out in a lesson on telling time.

First, the teacher formulates general theme lesson. Then he sets goals that need to be achieved in the process of work. They can be specific: learn to tell time by watch, have an understanding of instruments that measure time. And developing: to activate memory and attention, develop logical thinking, determine cause and effect.

Then set goals for yourself. Most likely, they will be educational.

  • Understand the use of technologies: information, gaming, personal, communication.
  • Track the relationship between all actions performed.
  • Describe the procedure and tools for its implementation.
  • Analyze the children’s actions, their reactions, perception of the lesson and the teacher.
  • Note whether the situation in the group contributed to maintaining the health of the students.

What should a child become according to the Federal State Educational Standards plan?

Analysis of classes is carried out to ensure that preschoolers develop in the conditions provided for by the State Standard. Children, having graduated from kindergarten, should, according to the compilers of the Federal State Educational Standard, be cultured, proactive, with developed communication skills, capable of joint activities.

The attitude towards the world should be positive. The main skills are the ability to negotiate, joy for other people's successes, understanding other people's feelings, non-conflict. Developed imagination should help the child in future activities and social life. Speech should become an instrument for expressing one’s own thoughts and desires. A preschooler must have certain knowledge and skills that facilitate adaptation to a new team.

Will they prepare for school?

Reading and writing are no longer top priorities preschool education. The main thing is to develop a stress-resistant personality that can easily cope with difficulties adult life. But preparation in kindergarten should help to successfully master school curriculum. Children are different, and the approach to teaching them must be appropriate. But the development of psychological, physical, communicative activities child.

Therefore, in the future, a preschooler will be happy to go to school, as he will be physically and mentally prepared for it. Children in modern world receive more information than previous generations. Therefore, classes with them should reach new level. Already in junior preschool age The child masters complex gadgets. And the learning process in a preschool educational institution should raise his knowledge to a new level, and not slow down the development process.

2 V modern conditions one of the most pressing problems preschool education is such an organization cognitive development, which will allow the child to realize the needs of understanding the world around him and at the same time will not overload the preschooler with information, will not violate the condition of harmonious, equal and equal intellectual, personal and physical development child.

3 Requirements for the structure of classes according to the Federal State Educational Standard: Clarity, compactness, conciseness educational material. The thoughtfulness and logical interrelation of the studied material of the program sections in each lesson. Interdependence, interconnectedness of the material of integrated subjects at each stage of the lesson.

4 primary educational programs general education and achieving planned results, as well as the mechanism for their formation.” Large information capacity of educational material used in the lesson. Systematic and accessible presentation of the material. The need to adhere to the time frame of the lesson.

6 Introduction to the topic (creation problematic situation) Draw the children’s attention to the hare (puppet doll) walking around the group. Take the hare on your lap and invite the children to sit on the rug to get to know him. Together with the children, find out where the hare came from and how it got into our group. It turns out that the hare lives in the forest and invites everyone to visit to meet other forest inhabitants.

7 Motivation for children’s activities Find out how far the hare lives, you need to go or visit him, decide what kind of transport they will use (bicycles). Goal setting Find out what the hare didn’t tell: who lives in the forest, what the home looks like, what they eat.

9 Updating previously acquired knowledge Note that everyone has arrived in the forest, ask the hare if he lives in this clearing. Offer to carefully look at the puzzle pictures (Wild animals) and find a “house” for each animal. Discuss the results of the game, note that all the animals went to their “homes”, no one got lost.

10 Obtaining (communication and acceptance) of new knowledge Invite the hare to introduce his friend to the squirrel. Carefully examine its hollow. Discuss with children the external signs of a squirrel, the differences in the lifestyle of a hare and a squirrel, note how these animals are similar and how they differ. Draw the children's attention to the barrel. Whose barrel is this? Offer honey to the hare and squirrel. Offer to look at the bear in the picture ( appearance where he lives, what he eats).

11 Independent activity children to consolidate new knowledge Outdoor game “At the Bear in the Forest” (physical training) Modeling (treats for animals - fruits and vegetables (carrots, nuts, apple); choosing plasticine taking into account the color of the fruit, adding details: leaves, cuttings)

14 Further development of the theme Conversations alone with the teacher Illustrations by E. Charushin with wild animals. Message additional information about animals in a conversation initiated by the child. Artistic and creative activity Study by a child and his parents of a family photo archive based on a walk through the forest, a visit to local history museum (animal world region)

15 Preschool childhood is a very important and difficult stage development of the child's personality. It must be lived to the fullest with all the crises of three and seven years, with the manifestation of negativism. At this time, fantasy, speech, social skills, and role-taking are formed. If this period is not crumpled, then further studies at school and the person’s whole life will be more successful. Children in kindergarten do not need to be taught school sense this word. They are not ready for this yet. The content of the outline of educational activities should be aimed at ensuring that the child has motivation for learning, cognition and creativity.