When there is no point in living anymore... Kate Ferazzi "Never Eat Alone"

A book, like a word, can heal or kill. A work that gives a new taste for life is priceless. The destinies of millions of people were changed in better side reading only some 100-200 pages. At the same time, a book whose author is disappointed in life leaves its “followers”: dissatisfied, with pain in their souls, hating the very fact of existence.

Sometimes the book makes you wonder what life really is: a precious gift from the Creator or unbearable torture. Everyone will answer in their own way, and everyone will be right in their own way. However, those who choose happiness will never be a loser.

All-conquering optimism

Life is just a game, whether we like it or not. Don't take her too seriously. And if it is impossible to refuse the game itself, then you can always set your own rules.

"Pollyanna" E. Porter

Seeing the positive in everything seems strange to many. Can a little girl consider herself lucky to be left an orphan, having been sent to be raised by a not-so-friendly aunt? Pollyanna succeeded. After the death of her father, the girl had to live with her mother’s sister, who did not want to raise her niece at all. Aunt Polly, guided by a sense of duty, still leaves the girl with her, but immediately sets a boundary between herself and Pollyanna. The girl’s love of life and optimism change not only the life of the little orphan, but also the lives of the people around her.

"The Yes Man" by D. Wallace

Main character Danny Wallace refused everyone and everything, believing that it was more rational. His life was insipid and colorless, people didn’t like him, his girlfriend left him. A chance meeting on a bus changed everything, when a mysterious stranger said 3 magic words

"Ice and fire"

How much time does a person need to enjoy life? 80, 90 or 100 years? Or maybe this is not enough? Ray Bradbury came to the conclusion that it is not the quantity, but the quality of the years lived that matters. A talented writer imagined that one day a catastrophe would occur on the planet that would change natural conditions. Duration human life will be no more than 8 days. Bradbury's heroes do not expect to die soon. They live according to full program": they study, fall in love, get married, get jealous, leave offspring and even fight. These people live tens and hundreds of lives in just 8 days, while their ancestors could not enjoy one in 70-80 years.

Change my destiny

We run through life, not noticing that we are moving completely in the opposite direction from our happiness. Random encounters make you stop and think. A look from the outside often helps to see the right way.

Abdel Cellou is trying to answer the question: which of the two main characters is happier - an unemployed emigrant or a rich French aristocrat? At first glance, the answer is obvious. However, money and high position in society they do not make a paralyzed rich man happy. He needs a soul mate with whom he can share all the sorrows and joys. In turn, the emigrant is looking for more than just a wealthy patron in his new homeland. He wants to find someone who will see him as his equal. Only after meeting, two dissimilar people finally find long-awaited happiness.

Joys of life

The little joys of life are pearls collected on the thread of existence. The happiest of us is the one on whose string there are the most pearls. A man who spent his life chasing high social status and wealth, at the end of the journey he notes with horror that his thread remains empty.

"My Family and Other Animals"

Gerald Durrell will be able to convince his reader that life can be interesting not only for people. In animals it is sometimes even more interesting. The naturalist writer spent his childhood on the island of Corfu. Childhood curiosity forced little Gerald to observe the animal world. As an adult, Darrell decided to introduce other people to the world of “our little brothers.” The life of animals seems chaotic and illogical to us. Meanwhile, they also have their own rules and laws, maybe even customs and traditions.

"The Sailor's Song"

Ken Kesey did not please his fans long years. But this time was not wasted. The writer was in a creative search. As a result, it was written beautiful song about harsh Alaska, about its hardworking residents. Few readers are familiar with this magnificent region. People living in more favorable conditions, they rarely appreciate what they are given, they complain about trifles. The inhabitants of Alaska enjoy every warm day. Their guiding star is an indomitable desire to live.

"Manyunya" N. Abgaryan"

The happiest moments often remain in childhood. The child does not know the unpleasant sides of this world, which makes him truly happy. The story about girl friends Manyuna and Nara is a reason to remember best years own life. Numerous relatives main character They constantly get stuck in the most unexpected situations. Narine Abgaryan I am convinced that life without adventure is boring and uninteresting. Perhaps many readers will find this book childishly naive and suitable only for younger children school age. The author will not argue with such readers. But while getting carried away with reading serious books, do not forget that every adult comes from childhood.

"Standing Under the Rainbow"

Rainbow is a symbol of joy and fulfillment of desires. For your dream to come true, you need to stand under the rainbow and think about what you want most. There is only one problem: how to get to the seven-color arc, because it is nothing more than a beautiful mirage? Is it worth wasting your life chasing mirages?

What can attract more in a book than an unexpected and unusual ending? We offer you descriptions that will make you spend more time reading.

How and where to get opportunities for this? You will find answers to these questions in our article, which lists simple recommendations and tricks on how to devote more attention favorite thing.

Imagine that you are in a small locality. You know every resident here. You know how each family lives. At the same time, you never get tired of watching people you know well. Their life, so simple, unpretentious and full of monotony, hypnotizes the reader and forces them to read the book to the end. Fanny Flagg knows how, even in boredom and monotony, to consider the small delights of life.

Just relax

Even having received everything that the soul strived for, the rich and influential understands that the most important thing remains unattainable. The main thing is to relax in time.

Since childhood, we have heard that only such a person who is constantly engaged in self-development can be called an accomplished Personality. And, of course, everyone wants to develop, but not everyone knows how to do it effectively and quickly. The whole problem is that few people really understand what self-development is.

Many people are mistaken in believing that self-development is a method that gives:

  • Power and the ability to manipulate other people;
  • Discovering some superhuman capabilities in oneself;
  • Obtaining secret information inaccessible to the uninitiated;
  • The opportunity to reach the top and say “I have achieved everything”;
  • A set of specific rules that must always be followed in life.

If you think that personal growth and self-development will allow you to influence the lives of other people - you are also wrong.

By developing his soul, a person receives unique opportunity change ourselves, and the consequence of these changes is a change in the attitude of others towards us.

When people’s erroneous expectations are not met, they become disappointed in self-development and begin to live “ automatic life", without realizing its laws and without controlling it. We can say that such a person is in the “Comfort Zone”; he does not want to change anything.

What is self-development?

Under effective self-development people today understand:

  • The most effective, but far from the easiest and fastest, road to prosperity and success in life;
  • Qualitatively new stage Personality development;
  • Awakening the energy of creativity, creating opportunities for changing lives;
  • Healing from psychological and physical trauma;
  • The transition from traditional thinking to creative, constructive thinking;
  • Constant self-observation and self-analysis, allowing you to adjust personal qualities and develop new ones;
  • Learning among like-minded people.

Moreover, in this process people are in two forms at once: Student and Teacher. Self-development not only allows a person to master new heights of knowledge, but also creates the conditions for helping other people master the stages that you have already passed. Teenagers feel especially good in this process.

Everyone has their own path of self-development, some follow
a short road, some a long one, but it is never easy. True personal growth requires constant and regular work on oneself, improving existing ones, and developing new ones. personal qualities. In the process of constant self-development, a person is focused on own purposes and desires, all the time acquiring knowledge to achieve them. This process of self-discovery is the basis for successful life, allows a person to overcome his “Comfort Zone”, forces him to constantly move forward, fills his entire existence with meaning.

Ways of self-development

Any self-development is based on 3 foundations - physical activity, healthy eating And mental self-regulation. Everyone begins to take care of themselves differently: some first want to put things in relative order physical body, and then engage in spiritual development, and some, on the contrary, first look for ways of spiritual self-improvement, and then begin to engage in the physical body. The best thing is to simultaneously engage in body and spirit, and not go to extremes and neglect your body while engaging in active spiritual development. There is a wonderful phrase:

The human body is a bag, and spiritual knowledge is gravel. If you fill a leaky bag with gravel, it will tear.”

This means that the physical body must correspond to the knowledge received.

You can try out several methods of self-development until you find the one that will most effectively move you forward. It is difficult to predict in advance which method will suit you better than the others, but you can always choose. We bring to your attention a small list of self-development methods.

How you can engage in self-development:

Books and audiobooks on spiritual and personal self-development- one of the simplest, most accessible and low-cost ways to work on yourself and your potential. If you need advice on what to read for self-development, pay attention to the following recommendations.

Self-development through books (top list)

So, what should you read for self-development? Everything in a person is interconnected, there is no such thing as spiritual growth without material reinforcement, it is impossible to achieve sustainable financial well-being, if you don’t work with your soul at the same time. Therefore, all recommended books that help our self-development can be divided into two categories:

  1. The best books and audiobooks for spiritual self-development.
  2. The best books and audiobooks for achieving financial independence.

List of books for spiritual self-development

  1. Indian books spiritual mystic and leader Osho (Rajneesh) do not speak the truth, but awaken your own thoughts.
    • “The Mustard Seed” is Osho’s commentary on the fifth Gospel of St. Thomas in a completely incredible interpretation. This book can be re-read endlessly, like the Bible.
    • “Be Simpler” is a poetic cycle of conversations between Osho and Zen master Ikkyu about the ease of being.
    • “The Keys to a New Life” - Osho’s reflections on the development of inner courage. Bravery according to Osho is not the absence of fear, but its acceptance with full awareness.
  2. Louise Hay's self-development books and audiobooks are based on her personal experience.
    • - The book explains the causes of illness and offers keys to healing through positive affirmations.
    • - written for women, but men will also find a lot of interesting things in it.
  3. The main idea of ​​many bestsellers is to enjoy self-development.
    • - the author reveals to the reader the causes of many diseases and indicates the path to healing.
    • "The Great Encyclopedia of Essence" - more than 500 spiritual articles about essence and being, arranged in alphabetical order.
  4. Mysterious Russian writer and esotericist Vadim Zeland became famous thanks to his book “Reality Transurfing”. This book is a kind of teaching about the multivariance of the world, in which a person can consciously achieve the impossible. By abandoning the linearity of the world around them, men and women can become true masters of their lives and the world itself.
  5. Writer and homeopath Valery Sinelnikov has written many books and audiobooks on improving the quality of life of both men and women.
    • “The Power of Intention” - talks about how to realize desires and dreams. What is Intention? How can it be accumulated correctly? Can Intent be used for harm? All the answers will be found in this book.
    • “Love your illness” presents the reader with a non-standard approach to recovery. Valery Sinelnikov tells how and why people create diseases in themselves, how to enter into dialogue with the subconscious, like our negative emotions(selfishness, pride, hatred, etc.) affect health. The book also contains whole list unique practical exercises.
  6. The incarnation of a Tibetan lama and astral traveler, the British Lobsang Rampa accessible form introduces us to Buddhist teachings.
    • "The Third Eye" - describes a unique third eye enhancement surgery that was allegedly performed on the author.
    • “The Saffron Robe” tells about the author’s childhood spent in the monasteries of Tibet. The book is literally crammed with all sorts of esoteric experiences and incidents.
    • The Thirteenth Candle is Rampa's thirteenth book about his mystical experience of a visit to Venus. Reflects the author's views on the structure of the Universe and the Universe.
  7. Anastasia Novykh is a modern Russian writer and artist. In their art books and journalism, she shares her vision of the world. This girl has a very unconventional psychology and ideas about life.
  8. A series of books by the Bulgarian occultist, astrologer and alchemist, founder of one of the branches of the White Brotherhood, Omraam Mikael Aivankhov, describes the cosmic laws that govern the world and each person through mutual exchange, the laws of interaction among women and men.
  9. Work famous physicist, esotericist and inventor Drunvalo Melchizedek " Ancient mystery Flower of Life" takes us on a journey through the world of sacred geometry. Everything in the world is drawn to simple forms, and the most simple form has spirituality - the Flower of Life.
  10. "The Journey Home" is a unique parable novel written by real person Lee Carroll in invisible collaboration with a disembodied spirit named Kryon. How to go through the seven initiations? Will the hero of the work be able to become a Warrior of Light and return home to Earth? Despite the fact that the book is easy to read, today it is considered one of the best practical modern aids in metaphysics.

In addition to these authors, books and audiobooks by Sri Aurobindo, Katsuzo Nishi, Bob Frisell, Richard Bach will make you think about a lot. It is also worth reading Barbara Marciniak, Alexander Asov, Alice Bailey, Sergei Alekseev.

We are all so busy with ourselves, work and everyday responsibilities that we ourselves do not notice how the bustle drags us into a whirlpool of events, often not colored with all the colors of the rainbow and not filled with joy. There's just something going on all the time. And we flounder, as if in a river, now appearing on the surface, now plunging headlong into the abyss of affairs. True, sometimes we begin to guess that we are missing ourselves - our willingness (or ability, if you want) to be present in our own lives.

Selected 10 books for conscious life- they will teach you to live it as if it really means something in the only moment that we will ever have and have - that is, here and now.


Have you ever wanted to change yourself - to become Human 2.0 - “like in your dreams”? Learn not to focus on problems and appreciate every moment of life? For sure. The goals are laudable, but there is one catch - when solving them, we usually look in the wrong direction. We change our lives externally, although all we need is... to find ourselves in our lives.

Calm your mind - let it become smooth like mirror surface lakes. See, feel, let life lead you by the hand. Let life live through you.

Book of the Lazy Guru

A fresh and inspiring illustrated guide to mindful self-development without the fuss or stress. Meet the Lazy Guru - a serene creature who lives on the banks of a quiet river in a hidden corner of your soul. The Lazy Guru is your guide to a world where you achieve more by doing less.

We have to compensate for all the holes where we no longer feel anything. We tell ourselves that we will feel good tomorrow, Wednesday evening, in a month. But it could be good now.


This book contains advice for all of us who are mired in bustle and routine. Forgotten peace. For us, whose days are filled with responsibilities and activities. This book will help you take the first step towards being in the present. Without missing anything. Now.

Older and sick people look back on their lives and regret that they missed the moment too often. If you and I think about it, we will feel the same.


How much time we spend chasing happiness, not noticing that the world around us is full of miracles. Living and walking on earth is a miracle in itself. And yet most of us rush in our search, as if there could be a more beautiful place. On top of that, the same radio station called “Neverending Thoughts” plays in our heads all the time. Our minds are filled with noise, so we can't hear our hearts. It's time to change that.

Learn to use your most powerful internal resource- silence to live consciously and happily.


Do you feel like you're working too long and getting too little done? Are you constantly busy but not at all productive? Do you feel like your time is being wasted on other people's business? If you answer “yes” to such questions, essentialism will help you. The philosophy of an essentialist is to accomplish more by doing less, and to prioritize correctly.

Your time and energy are priceless and should not be wasted on things and people that are not really important to you.

One year wiser

A philosophical coloring book that will inspire and help you practice mindfulness every day. Whole year. Meditate, reflect on wise quotes thinkers - from Gandhi to Roosevelt - and immerse yourself in the flow of thoughts.

We can go infinitely far beyond our limitations and live in highest degree an outstanding life.

Attentive brain

The first book to combine brain science and ancient art awareness. Famous psychiatrist and bestselling author Daniel Siegel talks about the structure of the brain, the nature of consciousness, explores meditation and various practices, and brings together evidence scientific research about the brain with the practice of mindfulness and sensory perception.

Mindfulness is awakening and letting go of life on automatic, paying conscious and close attention to the experiences of everyday life.

Breathe freely

This book will help you take a closer look at the clutter that has accumulated in your home, in your thoughts, in your relationships and in your deeds - and see that hidden beneath these piles are enlightening spiritual lessons and emotional insights that can free up space not only in your home, but also in your soul. On the pages you will find not only advice from a practicing psychotherapist, but also living examples of people.

Have you met people who find it difficult to concentrate on one thing? They are impulsive and make hasty decisions. Or they are absent-minded and have their head in the clouds. If yes, you are familiar with attention deficit disorder. The book by psychiatrists Edward Hallowell and John Ratey sold 2,000,000 copies. She explains what ADD is. And how to deal with it.

Concentrate on important things. Don't let ideas slip away. Finish what you start. Take control of your life. Now.

While we wait sunny day and looking for happiness in an imaginary future - real life passes by. We need to add awareness to every day we live. And then real changes will not keep you waiting.