What is socio-psychological climate. Social and psychological climate in the organization

1. The concept of socio-psychological climate.

2. Diagnostics of the socio-psychological climate of the team.

3. Factors influencing the moral and psychological climate.

4. Ways to regulate the socio-psychological climate.

1. The concept of socio-psychological climate

Socio-psychological climate defined as the relatively stable psychological mood of its employees that prevails in a team, manifested in various forms of their activities. Formed on the basis of emotional and labor relations in the group, individual value orientations, the socio-psychological climate, in turn, itself determines the system of relationships of team members to each other, to their work, to all other forms of life (to everyday life, leisure, etc.) .).

The most important feature of the socio-psychological climate is that it provides a generalized, integral characteristic of the psychological state of all manifestations of the life of the team, since it combines the interaction of the entire variety of social, group and personal factors as conditions of work activity.

The attitude of one person influences the attitude of another communicating with him. Thus, emotional interdependence is formed, which includes feelings, emotions, opinions, and moods of people. The socio-psychological climate affects the work spirit of each employee and the entire team as a whole. A positive, healthy socio-psychological climate promotes the desire to work with desire and high dedication, while an unhealthy, negative climate sharply reduces work motivation.

The state of the socio-psychological climate is one of the leading indicators of a manager’s work. It depends on good, friendly relationships, enhanced by positive motivation, mutual respect, successful leadership, good communications, cooperation, and mutual assistance.

To determine the quality of the socio-psychological climate, it is necessary to analyze all its structural components. In the structure of the socio-psychological climate, B. D. Parygin identifies 2 main divisions - people’s attitudes towards work and their attitudes towards each other. The entire diversity of these relationships is viewed through the prism of two main parameters of mental attitude - emotional and objective.

By subject-matter we mean the direction of attention and the nature of a person’s perception of certain aspects of his activity. By emotional - the attitude of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with these aspects of activity.

SEC structure

In addition, B. D. Parygin emphasizes, the socio-psychological climate determines people’s attitude towards the world as a whole and their perception of themselves in it. And this, in turn, can manifest itself in the entire system of value orientations of an individual who is a member of a given team. Climate manifests itself in a certain way in the attitude of each member of the team towards himself. Thus, structure of manifestations The socio-psychological climate consists of people’s attitude towards each other, towards the common cause, towards the world and towards themselves.

The most important signs of a favorable socio-psychological climate are:

Trust and high demands of group members towards each other;

Friendly and businesslike criticism;

Free expression of one’s own opinion when discussing issues affecting the entire team;

Lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of their right to make individual decisions that are significant for the group;

Satisfaction with belonging to a team;

A high degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance in situations that cause a state of frustration in any of the team members;

Acceptance of responsibility for the state of affairs in the group by each of its members.

In the conditions of scientific and technological progress, the nature of work places higher demands on the psychological characteristics of a person - on his thinking, speed of reaction, etc. The sophistication of equipment and technology has made it possible to reduce the share of physical labor and increase the share of mental labor of the worker. On the other hand, a working person spends most of his life in a work collective, and this collective gives him psychological support, helping him feel that he belongs and fill his image of “I” with content. For these reasons, labor results now largely depend on the mental state of the employee.

The task of the leader in this situation is to use individual personality traits (psychic characteristics, character, abilities, etc.) and optimally regulate relationships between people in the team. The more people are close to each other, the more comfortable their working conditions are, the higher their productivity. The opposite is also true. Contacts between people and their emotional saturation form the socio-psychological climate of the team.

The socio-psychological climate is defined as the relatively stable psychological mood of its employees prevailing in a team, manifested in the diverse forms of their activities. Formed on the basis of emotional and labor relations in the group, individual value orientations, the socio-psychological climate, in turn, itself determines the system of relationships of team members to each other, to their work, to all other forms of life (to everyday life, leisure, etc.) .).

The most important feature of the socio-psychological climate is that it provides a generalized, integral characteristic of the psychological state of all manifestations of the life of the team, since it combines the interaction of the entire variety of social, group and personal factors as conditions of work activity.

Each person, faced with any social phenomenon, first of all judges it in evaluative categories: good-bad, necessary-not necessary, comfortable-dangerous, etc. Then these dichotomies fall into a finer evaluation scale: if it’s good, then to what extent, and whether it is worth striving for this “good”; if it is “dangerous”, then what risk can you take to achieve your goal. These assessments influence the motives of a person’s behavior and the style of his communication with colleagues.

The attitude of one person influences the attitude of another communicating with him. Thus, emotional interdependence is formed, which includes feelings, emotions, opinions, and moods of people. The socio-psychological climate affects the work spirit of each employee and the entire team as a whole. A positive, healthy socio-psychological climate promotes the desire to work with desire and high dedication, while an unhealthy, negative climate sharply reduces work motivation.

Many managers believe that the socio-psychological climate is something difficult to perceive: on the one hand, it seems to exist, but on the other, it is quite difficult to feel. In this case, you should turn to the opinion of a particularly sensitive category of employees who have worked at the enterprise long enough to be able to assess the peculiarities of the relationship, and not long enough to get used to it and give up on this relationship. According to psychologists, these are people who have worked in a team for 10-15 years.

The state of the socio-psychological climate is one of the leading indicators of a manager’s work. It depends on good, friendly relationships, enhanced by positive motivation, mutual respect, successful leadership, good communications, cooperation, and mutual assistance. Achieving a high level of socio-psychological climate is a long process, which is almost impossible to implement in a short time on the basis of appeals and slogans.

A healthy socio-psychological climate in a team matures slowly and is difficult to maintain at the required level. The state of the microclimate in a team, like the weather, can change from day to day. Fluctuations in people's moods and states can quickly change under the influence of unexpected, both favorable and unfavorable conditions. Unfortunately, the nature of human memory is such that he often forgets the good and remembers the bad for a long time, and therefore negative, negative emotions can sharply worsen the positive attitude of the employee and affect his performance of production tasks for a long time.

To determine the quality of the socio-psychological climate, it is necessary to analyze all its structural components. In the structure of the socio-psychological climate, B. D. Parygin distinguishes 2 main divisions - people’s attitudes to work and their relations to each other. The entire diversity of these relationships is viewed through the prism of two main parameters of mental attitude - emotional and objective.

By subject-matter we mean the direction of attention and the nature of a person’s perception of certain aspects of his activity. By emotional is the attitude of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with these aspects of activity.

Rice. 6. SEC structure

In addition, B. D. Parygin emphasizes, the socio-psychological climate determines people’s attitude towards the world as a whole and their perception of themselves in it. And this, in turn, can manifest itself in the entire system of value orientations of an individual who is a member of a given team. Climate manifests itself in a certain way in the attitude of each member of the team towards himself. Thus, structure of manifestations The socio-psychological climate consists of people’s attitude towards each other, towards the common cause, towards the world and towards themselves.

The most important signs of a favorable socio-psychological climate are:

Trust and high demands of group members towards each other;

Friendly and businesslike criticism;

Free expression of one’s own opinion when discussing issues affecting the entire team;

Lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of their right to make individual decisions that are significant for the group;

Satisfaction with belonging to a team;

A high degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance in situations that cause a state of frustration in any of the team members;

Acceptance of responsibility for the state of affairs in the group by each of its members.

Thus, the socio-psychological climate as a qualitative aspect of interpersonal relationships manifests itself in the form of a set of psychological conditions that promote or hinder productive activity and personal development in a group.

The most important problem in studying the socio-psychological climate is identifying the factors that shape it. The most important factors that determine the level of the psychological climate of the team are the personality of the leader and the system of selection and placement of administrative personnel. It is also influenced by the personal qualities of the leader, the style and methods of leadership, the authority of the leader, as well as the individual characteristics of the team members.

Global macroenvironment: the situation in society, the totality of economic, cultural, political and other conditions. Stability in the economic and political life of society ensures the social and psychological well-being of its members and indirectly influences the socio-psychological climate of working groups.

Local macro environment, i.e. an organization whose structure includes a workforce. The size of the organization, the status-role structure, the absence of functional-role contradictions, the degree of centralization of power, the participation of employees in planning, in the distribution of resources, the composition of structural units (gender, age, professional, ethnic).

Physical microclimate, sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Heat, stuffiness, poor lighting, constant noise can become a source of increased irritability and indirectly affect the psychological atmosphere in the group. On the contrary, a well-equipped workplace and favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions increase satisfaction from work activity in general, contributing to the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate.

Job satisfaction. Of great importance for the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate is how interesting, varied, creative a person’s work is, whether it corresponds to his professional level, whether it allows him to realize his creative potential and grow professionally. The attractiveness of work is increased by satisfaction with working conditions, pay, the system of material and moral incentives, social security, vacation distribution, working hours, information support, career prospects, the opportunity to increase the level of one’s professionalism, the level of competence of colleagues, the nature of business and personal relationships in the team vertically and horizontal, etc.

The attractiveness of work depends on the extent to which its conditions meet the expectations of the subject and allow him to realize his own interests and satisfy the needs of the individual:

in good working conditions and decent material remuneration;

in communication and friendly interpersonal relationships;

in success, achievement, recognition and personal authority, having power and the ability to influence the behavior of others;

on creative and interesting work, opportunities for professional and personal development, and the realization of one’s potential.

The nature of the activity performed. The monotony of the activity, its high responsibility, the presence of a risk to the health and life of the employee, the stressful nature, emotional intensity and more - all these are factors that can indirectly negatively affect the socio-psychological climate in the work team.

Organization of joint activities. The formal structure of the group, the method of distribution of powers, and the presence of a common goal influence the socio-psychological climate. The interdependence of tasks, unclear distribution of functional responsibilities, employee incompatibility with his professional role, psychological incompatibility of participants in joint activities increase the tension of relations in the group and can become a source of conflicts.

Psychological compatibility is an important factor influencing the socio-psychological climate. Psychological compatibility is understood as the ability to work together, which is based on the optimal combination of the personal qualities of the participants in the team. Psychological compatibility may be due to the similarity of characteristics of the participants in joint activities. People who are similar to each other find it easier to interact. Similarity promotes a sense of security and self-confidence and increases self-esteem. Psychological compatibility may also be based on differences in characteristics based on the principle of complementarity.

The condition and result of compatibility is interpersonal sympathy, the attachment of the participants in the interaction to each other. Forced communication with an unpleasant subject can become a source of negative emotions.

The degree of psychological compatibility of employees is influenced by how homogeneous the composition of the work group is in various social and psychological parameters.

There are three levels of compatibility: psychophysiological, psychological and socio-psychological:

the psychophysiological level of compatibility is based on an optimal combination of features of the sensory system (vision, hearing, touch, etc.) and temperamental properties. This level of compatibility becomes especially important when organizing joint activities. Choleric and phlegmatic people will complete the task at different paces, which can lead to disruptions in work and tension in relations between workers;

the psychological level presupposes the compatibility of characters, motives, types of behavior;

the socio-psychological level of compatibility is based on the consistency of social roles, social attitudes, value orientations, and interests. It will be difficult for two entities striving for dominance to organize joint activities. Compatibility will be facilitated by the orientation of one of them towards subordination. For a quick-tempered and impulsive person, a calm and balanced employee is more suitable as a partner. Psychological compatibility is promoted by self-criticism, tolerance and trust in relation to the interaction partner.

Harmony is the result of employee compatibility. It ensures the highest possible success of joint activities at minimal cost.

The nature of communications in an organization acts as a factor in the SPC. The lack of complete and accurate information on an issue important to employees creates fertile ground for the emergence and spread of rumors and gossip, weaving intrigues and behind-the-scenes games. The manager should closely monitor the satisfactory information support of the organization's activities. Low communicative competence of employees also leads to communication barriers, increased tension in interpersonal relationships, misunderstanding, mistrust, and conflicts. The ability to clearly and accurately express one’s point of view, mastery of constructive criticism techniques, active listening skills, and much more provide the conditions for satisfactory communication in an organization.

The leader influences almost all factors that determine the socio-psychological climate. The selection of personnel, the encouragement and punishment of team members, their promotion, and the organization of workers’ work depend on it. Much depends on his leadership style.

The role of the leader in creating an optimal socio-psychological climate is decisive:

The democratic style develops sociability and trust in relationships, friendliness. At the same time, there is no feeling of decisions being imposed “from above.” The participation of team members in management, characteristic of this leadership style, helps to optimize the socio-psychological climate;

The authoritarian style usually breeds hostility, submissiveness and ingratiation, envy and mistrust. But if this style leads to success that justifies its use in the eyes of the group, it contributes to a favorable socio-psychological climate, such as in sports or in the army;

the permissive style results in low productivity and quality of work, dissatisfaction with joint activities and leads to the formation of an unfavorable socio-psychological climate. A permissive style may be acceptable only in some creative teams.

If the manager makes excessive demands, publicly criticizes employees, often punishes and rarely encourages them, does not value their contribution to joint activities, threatens, tries to intimidate with dismissal, deprivation of bonuses and behaves in accordance with the slogan “the boss is always right”, does not listen to the opinions of his subordinates, is inattentive to their needs and interests, then he creates an unhealthy working atmosphere in the team.

The lack of mutual respect and trust forces people to take a defensive position, defend themselves from each other, the frequency of contacts is reduced, communication barriers and conflicts arise, there is a desire to leave the organization and, as a result, there is a decrease in productivity and product quality.

Fear of punishment gives rise to the desire to avoid responsibility for mistakes made, shifting the blame to others, and searching for a “scapegoat.” As a rule, a person (group of people) is selected for this role who is not guilty of what happened, but is different from the majority of employees, is not like them, is weak and is not able to stand up for himself. He becomes the object of attacks, hostility, and unfounded accusations. Having a scapegoat allows group members to release tension and frustration that easily builds up in an atmosphere of mutual mistrust and fear. Thus, the group maintains its own stability and cohesion. This seems paradoxical, but no matter how hostile and hostile the “scapegoat” is, the group needs it as a “safety valve” that allows it to free itself from aggressive tendencies. The search for a “scapegoat” plays the role of a mechanism for integrating and stabilizing relationships in a group, allowing one to avoid acute and intense conflicts. But this process provides only a partial, immediate effect. The source of tension and dissatisfaction in the organization remains, and the incorrect behavior of the leader plays a significant role in its emergence.

Even if a manager uses an authoritarian management style, he can be positive if, when making a decision, he takes into account the interests of employees, explains his choice to them, makes his actions understandable and justified, in other words, he begins to pay more attention to establishing a strong and close connection with subordinates.

Socio-psychological climate is the psychological mood in a group or team. The main factors of the psychological climate: vertical and horizontal relationships, their style and norms, and then various components of the production environment (organization and working conditions, stimulation system). The nature of the socio-psychological climate generally depends on the degree of development of the team. There is a direct positive connection between the socio-psychological climate of the team and the effectiveness of the joint activities of its members.

The socio-psychological climate is the result of the joint activities of people and their interpersonal interaction. It manifests itself in such group effects as the mood and opinion of the team, individual well-being and assessments of the living conditions and work of the individual in the team. These effects are expressed in relationships associated with the labor process and the solution of common tasks of the team. Members of a team as individuals determine its social microstructure, the uniqueness of which is determined by social and demographic characteristics (age, gender, profession, education, nationality, social origin). Psychological characteristics of the individual contribute to or hinder the formation of a sense of community, that is, they influence the formation of the socio-psychological climate in the work team.

A favorable socio-psychological climate is one of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of production activities. Table 1 shows the factors of socio-psychological climate.

Table 1 Factors of socio-psychological climate



Working conditions and workplace equipment; provision of labor with equipment, communications, protective equipment, etc.; labor organization, work and rest schedule, work schedule; validity and clarity of distribution of functions between employees; functional clarity of the structure of each employee’s activities, clarity of his duties, rights and responsibilities; management’s attitude towards the organization of employees’ work, etc.).

Economic forces

Remuneration system; timely receipt of salary; setting salary limits in accordance with labor costs; fair (or unfair) distribution of material rewards; benefits, bonuses, allowances, etc.).

Managerial factors

Style and methods of personnel management; attitude of managers towards employees; management cohesion; continuity in assessing and choosing methods of influencing subordinates; social distance between managers and subordinates; ethics of interaction between management and executive management, etc.).

Psychological factors

Relationships between employees; degree of socio-psychological compatibility; level of conflict; relationship between employees and managers; code of Conduct; the nature of employees’ perception and evaluation of each other.

Factors of professionally qualified characteristics of personnel

Number of staff; compliance of personnel qualifications with the activities performed; ensuring adaptation and entry into position; prospects for advanced training; prospects for career growth and career; validity of selection and placement of personnel, etc.).

Legal factors

Optimality and consistency of legal acts regulating professional activities; compliance of legal acts with the requirements of modern activities; the presence of a job description for each position indicating the scope of duties, rights and responsibilities; form and content of legal acts; ease of use.

Several factors influence the formation of a particular atmosphere in a team. In order to understand how you can influence the climate in a team, you need to study all these factors. Some factors, of course, are beyond your influence, but some you can quite easily influence and change them.

The first thing that can influence the team is the environment outside your enterprise: economic stability, political situation, mood in society. The more stable and predictable the situation in the outside world, the calmer and more prosperous the people in your team will feel. If, for example, a storm warning has been announced in a given area, or some other natural disaster, it is hardly worth requiring a person to fully concentrate on the work task. Inevitably, the employee will be caught up in his thoughts at home, with his family, and worry about them. At this moment, it is better not to demand an immediate report or other urgent work from him - otherwise a conflict is inevitable.

The situation at the enterprise itself, the role and participation of employees in the affairs of the entire company. The higher their participation in planning, the more meaningful the work, the higher their job satisfaction will be and the more prosperous the working atmosphere in the team will be.

Physical working conditions influence the fact that the more physical inconvenience an employee experiences in his place, the more irritable and quarrelsome he will be. Even the noise level and the degree of pollution and clutter in the workplace affect the atmosphere. This was quickly realized in Japan, where a bonus is awarded for the cleanest workplace, and fines are given for litter on the table. In our country, the search for the necessary piece of paper can develop into a storm of indignation, and woe to a colleague who fell under the hot hand at the wrong moment. It’s bad if it’s a colleague, but several times worse if this poor fellow is a subordinate. Therefore, to prevent such explosions, introduce a rule in your team about mandatory cleaning of the workplace every time before leaving home, and believe me, there will be many fewer scandals in the team about lost pens or a stolen calculator.

Job satisfaction means that the more interesting and varied the work, the more it allows you to grow professionally and career-wise, the higher the person’s satisfaction, the lower, accordingly, his desire to make trouble. All means of material and non-material stimulation of the employee play a significant role here. Certificates, bonuses, praise, additional days of rest, training increase a person’s loyalty to a given company and a given team. The attractiveness of work directly depends on the possibility of one’s self-realization in a given place, the ability to achieve desired goals. At the same time, job satisfaction is influenced by both wages and the opportunity to receive additional non-material bonuses, as well as the opportunity to communicate with colleagues, respectful attitude from co-workers, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

The nature of the activity performed takes into account the monotony or variety of work performed, increased responsibility, the stressful nature of the work performed, the high cost of an error, and emotional stress. By influencing a person’s mental state and increasing his emotional stress, this factor inevitably affects the behavior of a person in a group, leaving a certain imprint on the entire atmosphere in the team. And at the same time, it is this factor that can be weakened with support within the team. If in response to your mistake there is general condemnation and reproach, this is one option, if words of encouragement and support are completely different. It's the same with stress. In this case, friendly participation and a word of support, a cup of tea served on time can be simply priceless.

Organizing joint activities means a lot in the work of a team, and depends on the structure of the group itself: how many people are there, what is the distribution of responsibilities between people, how similar qualifications are, how interdependent the employees are. If experienced and knowledgeable employees depend on the actions of newcomers, the level of conflict in the department increases, which is sometimes fraught with scandals and accusations, especially if the unprofessional actions of newcomers led to the failure of the project.

It’s good if a beginner admits his mistake and learns quickly, but worse if he blames others for the lack of help and support on their part. Although, on the other hand, the lack of training and withholding details from newcomers also does not indicate well-being in the team. This situation can be corrected if at first we pay extra or otherwise reward those who train newcomers.

The direct factor influencing the developing atmosphere is, of course, the psychological compatibility of employees, i.e., the extent to which people with different psychological abilities are able to work side by side. The more similar people are, the more similar their interests, the easier it is for them to adapt. But it happens that people of opposite character begin to complement each other - that’s when a team is formed. Therefore, the main ability that should be present in a real team is tolerance towards another person and his opinion, the ability to negotiate and come to an agreement.

The leadership style adopted at the enterprise, of course, has a direct impact on the collective atmosphere. One of the most common is authoritarian, when one person leads and decides, he does not need the opinions of others. Very often this style leads to success. Remember the indisputable opinion of coaches or generals, under whose leadership sports and military battles are won.

An authoritarian leader tends to make decisions alone and demand unquestioning execution of his decisions from his subordinates. This style of leadership gradually discourages employees from making independent decisions, leads to a constant need for the director’s word, and independence and initiative disappear. This leadership style is accompanied by a disdainful and arrogant attitude towards one’s subordinates, public insult, ridicule of any alternative solution, and the unacceptability of criticism of one’s decisions. A bad mood is often taken out on subordinates, as a result of which some employees develop fear, servility, ingratiation and insincerity, others develop depression and a constantly low mood, others try to become invisible and hide in far corners, which sometimes does not save them from the righteous anger of their boss . Employees tend to accept negative evaluations and very rarely object. The result is unpaid overtime, constant fear of making a mistake, a depressed state, nervous tension, sometimes developing into stupor. And if an extreme situation occurs in the absence of the boss, there is complete indecision and confusion in actions, which leads to disastrous consequences. This leadership style is characterized by a lack of delegation of authority; the boss keeps everything under his control - from shipping goods to paying bank bills. At the same time, the manager does not trust his subordinates so much that he even checks the accuracy of invoicing with his accountant. This leadership style often develops in a person a persistent aversion to the work he does, an unwillingness to go to work, and a desire to avoid it by all possible means. An authoritarian style is quite acceptable in leadership, especially in moments of crisis, when there is no time for thinking and discussion, when decisions need to be made quickly. And if it is not associated with insults, if you, as a leader, convey to your subordinates why you chose this or that decision, without even considering or listening to their opinions, then the atmosphere will become much friendlier, the oppressive uncertainty will subside. One of the main conditions for influencing the climate in a team is informing your employees about goals and objectives and preventing possible rumors.

A democratic management style presupposes a friendly atmosphere in the team, mutual respect for each other, issues and problems are resolved collectively in the process of general discussion. At the same time, employees do not have a feeling of coercion; everyone feels their importance in solving the problem, offers their own solution, and shows initiative. In this case, the manager always makes the final decision himself, but chooses the best of those proposed during the discussion. With this style of communication, the employee can solve many problems himself; he has enough authority, which is delegated to him by the manager. The meetings are more characterized by encouragement and praise, while punishments and suggestions to the employee in the event of any violations occur face-to-face. This management system, as a rule, unites the team and allows it to feel like a single whole. The atmosphere is characterized by goodwill and trust in each other. A democratic management style does not always lead to the same labor productivity as an authoritarian one; as a rule, output may fall, but at the same time, a creative approach to business and the number of ideas put forward increases. Job satisfaction increases, independence and responsibility increase, and a positive moral attitude is formed. Therefore, a loss in tactical tasks is more than compensated by a victory in strategic ones. An established team is able to solve even the most difficult problem. This style of management is not always suitable; it is unlikely to be applicable in a workshop, warehouse or store, but without it it is practically impossible to imagine publishing, marketing and advertising, where a creative approach to business is required.

The last type of management style is liberal, also popularly called laissez-faire. The boss seems to be absent, leaving all decisions to the team. At the same time, labor productivity drops and morale often worsens. Subordinates begin to doubt their usefulness and ability to cope with the task; they do not have a unifying and directing principle. This style of leadership, without compromising production, is only possible in an already established and well-established team, which can independently distribute the work and complete it, controlling both deadlines and quality. But this style develops responsibility for a common cause in the team, brings a sense of pride for the team and unites the team, therefore, in stable, established teams it can improve the microclimate. The same style in an emerging team will bring confusion and chaos and further divide people.

Therefore, in the same company at different stages, in different situations, even at different stages of team formation, different management styles must be used, and a reasonable balance must be maintained between achieving the goal and maintaining relationships in the team. Power should ensure results, but not cause rejection or rejection among team members.

1. The role and importance of a favorable socio-psychological climate for increasing the efficiency of an organization

The cohesion of the workforce depends on the socio-psychological climate that characterizes the social face of the team and its production potential.

The quality of the socio-psychological climate in the team determines the leader’s attitude towards society as a whole, towards his organization and towards each person individually. If, in his understanding, a person is represented as a resource, a raw material and production base, then such an approach will not give the desired result; in the management process, there will be imbalances and shortages or recalculation of resources to perform a specific task.

The socio-psychological climate of the work collective should be understood as a system of socio-psychological relations that reflect the subjective integration of individual workers and social groups to achieve common production goals. This is the internal state of the team, formed as a result of the joint activities of its members and their interpersonal interactions.

The influence of the socio-psychological climate on the cohesion and development of a team can be twofold - stimulating and restraining, which is the basis for its differentiation into favorable (healthy) and unfavorable (unhealthy).

A favorable socio-psychological climate is characterized by optimism, joy of communication, trust, a sense of security, safety and comfort, mutual support, warmth and attention in relationships, interpersonal sympathy, openness of communication, confidence, cheerfulness, the opportunity to think freely, create, grow intellectually and professionally, contribute to the development of the organization, make mistakes without fear of punishment, etc.

An unfavorable socio-psychological climate is characterized by pessimism, irritability, boredom, high tension and conflict in relationships in a group, uncertainty, fear of making a mistake or making a bad impression, fear of punishment, rejection, misunderstanding, hostility, suspicion, distrust of each other, reluctance to invest efforts in joint product, in the development of the team and the organization as a whole, dissatisfaction, etc.

The socio-psychological climate is the result of the joint activities of people and their interpersonal interaction. It manifests itself in such group effects as the mood and opinion of the team, individual well-being and assessment of the living and working conditions of the individual in the team. These effects are expressed in relationships associated with the labor process and the solution of common tasks of the team. Members of a team as individuals determine its social microstructure, the uniqueness of which is determined by social and demographic characteristics (age, gender, profession, education, nationality, social origin). Psychological characteristics of the individual contribute to or hinder the formation of a sense of community, that is, they influence the formation of the socio-psychological climate in the work team.

A favorable socio-psychological climate is a condition for increasing labor productivity, employee satisfaction with work and the team. The socio-psychological climate arises spontaneously. But a good climate is not a simple consequence of the proclaimed mottos and the efforts of individual leaders. It is the result of systematic educational work with team members, the implementation of special events aimed at organizing relations between managers and subordinates. Forming and improving the socio-psychological climate is a constant practical task for managers of any rank. Creating a favorable climate is not only a responsible matter, but also a creative one, requiring knowledge of its nature and means of regulation, and the ability to foresee likely situations in the relationships of team members.

The formation of a good socio-psychological climate requires, especially from managers and psychologists, an understanding of the psychology of people, their emotional state, mood, emotional experiences, worries, and relationships with each other. To do this, it is necessary to know the patterns of its formation and carry out management activities taking into account factors influencing the socio-psychological climate of the team.

2. Factors that influence the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team

There are a number of factors that determine a favorable socio-psychological climate in a team:

1. The global macroenvironment is the social background against which people’s relationships are built and developed. These factors include: the situation in society, the standard of living of the population, the organization of life of the population, socio-demographic factors, a set of economic, cultural, political and other conditions. Stability in the economic and political life of society ensures the social and psychological well-being of its members and indirectly influences the socio-psychological climate of working groups.

2. Local macro environment , those. an organization whose structure includes a work collective (size of the organization, status-role structure, absence of functional-role contradictions, degree of centralization of power, participation of employees in planning, in the distribution of resources, composition of structural units (gender, age, professional, ethnic), etc. .).

3. Physical microclimate, sanitary and hygienic working conditions (heat, stuffiness, poor lighting, constant noise can become a source of increased irritability and indirectly affect the psychological atmosphere in the group). On the contrary, a well-equipped workplace and favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions increase satisfaction from work activity in general, contributing to the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate.

4. Job satisfaction.

Of great importance for the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate is how interesting, varied, creative a person’s work is, whether it corresponds to his professional level, whether it allows him to realize his creative potential and grow professionally. The attractiveness of work is increased by satisfaction with working conditions, pay, the system of material and moral incentives, social security, vacation distribution, working hours, information support, career prospects, the opportunity to increase the level of one’s professionalism, the level of competence of colleagues, the nature of business and personal relationships in the team vertically and horizontal, etc.

The attractiveness of work depends on the extent to which its conditions meet the expectations of the subject and allow him to realize his own interests and satisfy the needs of the individual:

In good working conditions and decent material remuneration;

In communication and friendly interpersonal relationships;

Success, achievements, recognition and personal authority, having power and the ability to influence the behavior of others;

Creative and interesting work, opportunities for professional and personal development, realization of your potential.

5. The nature of the activity performed.

The monotony of the activity, its high responsibility, the presence of a risk to the health and life of the employee, the stressful nature, emotional intensity, etc. – all these are factors that can indirectly negatively affect the socio-psychological climate in the work team.

6. Organization of joint activities.

The formal structure of the group, the method of distribution of powers, and the presence of a common goal influence the socio-psychological climate. The interdependence of tasks, unclear distribution of functional responsibilities, employee incompatibility with his professional role, psychological incompatibility of participants in joint activities increase the tension of relations in the group and can become a source of conflicts.

7. Psychological compatibility is an important factor influencing the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Psychological compatibility is understood as the ability to work together, which is based on the optimal combination of the personal qualities of the participants in the team.

Psychological compatibility may be due to the similarity of characteristics of the participants in joint activities. People who are similar to each other find it easier to interact. Similarity promotes a sense of security and self-confidence and increases self-esteem. Psychological compatibility may also be based on differences in characteristics based on the principle of complementarity. In this case, they say that people fit each other “like a key to a lock.” The condition and result of compatibility is interpersonal sympathy, the attachment of the participants in the interaction to each other. Forced communication with an unpleasant subject can become a source of negative emotions.

The degree of psychological compatibility of employees is influenced by how homogeneous the composition of the work group is in various social and psychological parameters.

There are three levels of compatibility:

The psychophysiological level of compatibility is based on an optimal combination of features of the sensory system (vision, hearing, touch, etc.) and temperamental properties. This level of compatibility becomes especially important when organizing joint activities. Choleric and phlegmatic people will complete the task at different paces, which can lead to disruptions in work and tension in relations between workers;

The psychological level presupposes the compatibility of characters, motives, types of behavior;

The socio-psychological level of compatibility is based on the consistency of social roles, social attitudes, value orientations, and interests. It will be difficult for two entities striving for dominance to organize joint activities. Compatibility will be facilitated by the orientation of one of them towards subordination. For a quick-tempered and impulsive person, a calm and balanced employee is more suitable as a partner. Psychological compatibility is promoted by self-criticism, tolerance and trust in relation to the interaction partner.

Harmony is the result of employee compatibility. It ensures the highest possible success of joint activities at minimal cost.

8. The nature of communications in the organization.

The lack of complete and accurate information on an issue important to employees creates fertile ground for the emergence and spread of rumors and gossip, weaving intrigues and behind-the-scenes games. The manager should closely monitor the satisfactory information support of the organization's activities. Low communicative competence of employees also leads to communication barriers, increased tension in interpersonal relationships, misunderstanding, mistrust, and conflicts. The ability to clearly and accurately express your point of view, mastery of constructive criticism techniques, active listening skills, etc. create conditions for satisfactory communication in the organization.

9. Leadership style.

The role of the leader in creating an optimal socio-psychological climate is decisive:

Democratic style – develops sociability and trusting relationships, friendliness. At the same time, there is no feeling of decisions being imposed from the outside, “from above.” The participation of team members in management, characteristic of this leadership style, helps to optimize the socio-psychological climate;

Authoritarian style - usually generates hostility, humility and ingratiation, envy and mistrust. But if this style leads to success that justifies its use in the eyes of the group, it contributes to a favorable socio-psychological climate;

The permissive style results in low productivity and quality of work, dissatisfaction with joint activities and leads to the formation of an unfavorable socio-psychological climate. A permissive style may be acceptable only in some creative teams.

The leader influences almost all factors that determine the socio-psychological climate. The selection of personnel, the encouragement and punishment of team members, their promotion, and the organization of workers’ work depend on it. Much depends on his leadership style.

If the manager makes excessive demands, publicly criticizes employees, often punishes and rarely encourages them, does not value their contribution to joint activities, threatens, tries to intimidate with dismissal, deprivation of bonuses, etc., behaves in accordance with the slogan “the boss is always right”, does not listen to the opinions of subordinates, is inattentive to their needs and interests, then he creates an unhealthy working atmosphere. The lack of mutual respect and trust forces people to take a defensive position, defend themselves from each other, the frequency of contacts is reduced, communication barriers and conflicts arise, there is a desire to leave the organization and, as a result, there is a decrease in productivity and product quality.

Fear of punishment gives rise to the desire to avoid responsibility for mistakes made, shifting the blame to others. As a rule, a person (group of people) is selected for this role who is not guilty of what happened, but is different from the majority of employees, is not like them, is weak and is not able to stand up for himself. He becomes the object of attacks, hostility, and unfounded accusations. Having a scapegoat allows group members to release tension and frustration that easily builds up in an atmosphere of mutual mistrust and fear. Thus, the group maintains its own stability and cohesion. This seems paradoxical, but no matter how hostile and hostile such a person may be, the group needs him as a “safety valve” that allows him to free himself from aggressive tendencies. The search for a “scapegoat” plays the role of a mechanism for integrating and stabilizing relationships in a group, allowing one to avoid acute and intense conflicts. But this process provides only a partial, immediate effect. The source of tension and dissatisfaction in the organization remains, and the incorrect behavior of the leader plays a significant role in its emergence.

Even if a manager uses an authoritarian management style, he can be positive if, when making a decision, he takes into account the interests of employees, explains his choice to them, makes his actions understandable and justified, in other words, he begins to pay more attention to establishing a strong and close connection with subordinates.

Thus, the manager can significantly influence the nature of interpersonal relationships in the work team, the attitude towards joint activities, satisfaction with the conditions and results of work, i.e. socio-psychological climate, on which the effectiveness of the organization as a whole largely depends.

3. Characteristics of the organization

The analyzed enterprise is the Limited Liability Company "Lesstroyservis", registered by the administration of Blagoveshchensk on December 9, 1992, No. 1192-a.

The company was registered for taxation with the Interdistrict Tax Inspectorate of Russia No. 1 for the Amur Region (certificate series 28 No. 000452029 dated 05.05.95). The company was assigned INN 2801029397, KPP 282801001. Location: Russia, Amur region, Blagoveshchensk, st. Textile, 198.

LLC "Lesstroyservis" is an enterprise that studies, records and reproduces forests, protects them from fires, diseases and pests, reforestation and afforestation, regulates forest use, and increases forest productivity. Complex processing of wood obtained from thinning is carried out in the woodworking shop.

The forest fund of the enterprise, according to the relevant legal acts, is classified as the first group of forests. The classification of the enterprise into the first group corresponds to the economic and social purposes of the region’s forests.

Deciduous farming accounts for 86% of the area of ​​forested land, coniferous – 14%. The species composition is represented by the following tree species: birch makes up 77% of the area of ​​forested land, pine – 14%, poplar – 5%, aspen – 4%.

The forest fund is currently increasing due to the overgrowing of unused farmland. The increase in forest cover and the preservation of rural forests is facilitated by the transition to a selective form of management using final felling.

The forestry activities of the enterprise have a positive impact through the implementation of a set of reforestation, forest protection and forest protection measures. In the last decade, there has been a steady process of overgrowing of agricultural lands unused for a long time (arable lands, pastures, hayfields), which were previously formed on uprooted forest lands.

The Company is managed by officials included in the management apparatus in accordance with the staffing table.

The structure of the management apparatus is represented by the following persons:


Deputy General Director;

Commercial Director;

Financial Director;

Legal consultant;

Chief Accountant;


Chief Engineer;

HR Inspector – Clerk;

Labor safety engineer.

The responsibilities of employees are specified in job descriptions.

To analyze the economic indicators of the economic activity of the forestry enterprise, a system of internal information is used, in which a special place is occupied by accounting and statistical reporting, operational and current accounting data.

One of the areas of performance analysis is to assess the scale of the enterprise's economic activity. The scale of activity is manifested in the dynamism of the organization’s development and its achievement of its goals, which is reflected in the absolute cost and relative indicators in Table 2.1.

The table shows that the scale of production and activity in general of Lesstroyservice LLC is increasing from year to year. This is confirmed by the growth in sales of lumber, services provided (protection, reforestation), the growth in the size of fixed production assets and the growth in the number of employees. From all this we can conclude that the company’s management is constantly striving to expand the scope of its activities.

Table 2.1. Analysis of the scale of economic activity of Lesstroyservis LLC


Growth rate 2006/2004, %

Growth rate 2006/2005, %

1. Products sold, thousand rubles.

2. Average annual cost of fixed production assets, thousand rubles.

3. Average annual balances of working capital, thousand rubles.

4. Average number of employees, people.

5. Net profit, thousand rubles.

6. Overall profitability, %

The efficiency of the analyzed enterprise is evidenced by profitability indicators. The overall profitability of the enterprise was: in 2004 - 22%, in 2005 - 35.8%, in 2006 - 47.21%. The growth of this indicator is a positive trend.

4. Analysis of the socio-psychological climate in the team of Lesstroyservice LLC

Socio-psychological methods and techniques of influencing the process of formation and development of a team, the processes occurring within it are based on the use of socio-psychological mechanisms operating in a team, which includes formal and informal groups, individuals with their roles and statuses, connected by a system of social relationships and needs. Social psychological methods, first of all, differ in their motivational characteristics, which determine the direction of influence.

In solving the problems of moral and psychological impact on the individual and the team, a special role belongs to moral stimulation, which allows workers to better understand the social significance and necessity of their work as a moral duty to themselves, the team and society. Methods of moral stimulation are designed to provide a clear differential connection between the results of work and the measure of moral encouragement. At the same time, moral encouragement should be closely connected with material encouragement.

The main emphasis in the organization of Lesstroyservis LLC is placed on a system of material incentives: wages are used as the most important means of stimulating conscientious work, incentives are practiced through the appointment of bonuses and their deprivation. The existing moral stimulation in the organization is negative and manifests itself through reproach, criticism, changes in the tone of the conversation, the type of phrases, and the volume of the voice.

Among the methods of moral and psychological stimulation, it should also be noted the optimization of the workplace in accordance with the standards (modernization of fixed assets, improvement of working conditions, improvement of design and other aesthetic aspects). Organization of holidays: company birthday, New Year, February 23, March 8, builder's day. The company provides special clothing (in this industry this is not an incentive, but the direct responsibility of the employer), and organizes high-quality medical care.

It is also used to provide interest-free loans for improving housing conditions, purchasing durable goods, gratuitous assistance to the company (birth of a child, wedding, serious illness or death of a close relative, payment for mobile phones when used by employees for business purposes, payment of travel tickets for employees who are on duty services are forced to use public transport).

The model of the socio-psychological climate in Lesstroyservice LLC is characterized by a high level of development of the psychological potential of the team with an extremely low degree of its implementation at the moment, which is associated with the imperfection of the organization of work and management that has developed within the framework of the system that goes beyond the boundaries of this team. Hence the emerging trend of curtailment of the socio-psychological potential of the team and a decrease in the overall level of its professional socio-economic efficiency and a trend of growing dissatisfaction with the system of organization and management that goes beyond the scope of this team and the escalation of this dissatisfaction into conflict.

The employees of the Company's team correspond, in terms of the personal capabilities of each employee, to the structure and content of its activities, which ensures its normal course; unfortunately, there is envy of the successes of others. There is no closeness and coincidence of moral positions, homogeneity of the main motives of activity and aspirations of each member of the team, a rational distribution of the functions of the team in which no one can achieve success at the expense of another.

Often people appear at Lesstroyservice LLC who are dissatisfied with some aspects of the activities of the team or individuals. In this case, personal hostility, excessive adherence to principles, etc. may serve as a cause or occasion for conflict.

In general, the socio-psychological climate of Lesstroyservice LLC is unfavorable, there is no trust with high demands on each other, friendly and business-like criticism, free expression of one’s own thoughts when making decisions, at the same time high emotional tension, the inability of employees to restrain emotions and a complete lack of business ethics. There is no rational combination of workers by age and gender. The personnel policy is aimed at rejuvenating the team; the team is predominantly male (91.3%).

It is a well-known fact that the solution to one problem often naturally leads to the solution of related problems; the same thing happens when this problem arises and remains unresolved for a long time - a number of other problems arise. Many difficult problems of Lesstroyservice LLC cannot be solved; they entail the need to solve a number of other problems.

Conflicts within the enterprise arise due to delayed wages. The chronological structure of the conflict is such that management evades and ignores the claims of subordinates, workers become dissatisfied with working conditions and pay, and subordinates are forced to come to terms with the fact that their demands are not satisfied. As a result, dysfunctional consequences of the conflict arise: employee dissatisfaction; high staff turnover at the enterprise; decreased labor productivity; reluctance of employees to take creative part in the activities of the enterprise and make their own contribution; lack of interest of personnel in contacts and cooperation with management structures.

You can be in a conflict situation for a very long time and get used to it as an inevitable evil. But we must not forget that sooner or later a certain confluence of circumstances will occur, an incident that will certainly lead to open confrontation between the parties. Consequently, there are many causes of conflicts in the Company that need to be managed with the least loss for both management and employees of the Company.

5. Proposals for changing the structure of the team, improving relationships between its members

Socio-psychological management methods are based on moral values. They are developed in relation to the conditions of a particular culture, reflect its system of values ​​and norms of behavior: individual and group interests, interpersonal and intergroup relations, motivation and management of human behavior. As a result, transferring them to other conditions is ineffective and often impossible. Reward methods that stimulate individual performance will not produce positive results in a collectivist society; methods for increasing the efficiency of an enterprise based on confrontation cannot be used where the core values ​​include harmony and the absence of conflicts; problem solving methods based on demographic principles are difficult to apply in a traditionally autocratic culture; The matrix system of organization cannot work effectively in conditions where people highly value unity of command and prefer to receive orders from one authority figure.

I believe that for success, the team of Lesstroyservice LLC needs a strong leader, to whom people are ready to obey and with whom they are ready to follow the goal, despite difficulties and adversity.

An excellent measure for stimulating staff may be the participation of employees in the management process, but the situation should be assessed objectively, since there are circumstances when an authoritarian, unilateral solution to the problem is appropriate.

In addition to wages as a source of financial incentives, it is possible to introduce a bonus system - one-time payments from the organization’s profits.

The following can be added to the methods of moral and psychological stimulation used at the enterprise: a showcase of successes or a board of honor; a sheet of shame with the names of those who caused disruptions in work, grossly or maliciously violated the standards adopted at the enterprise; verbal praise at general meetings and holidays, presentation of certificates; prescribed criteria and stages of horizontal and vertical career growth; inclusion of employees in the decision-making process and others.

Material incentives include increased wages, payment of various bonuses, provision of vouchers, and non-material incentives include the opportunity for professional growth, the opportunity for self-improvement, and self-realization.

When creating the proposed incentive system at the enterprise at Lesstroyservis LLC, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of system flexibility. Flexible incentive systems allow management, on the one hand, to provide the employee with certain guarantees of receiving wages in accordance with his experience and professional knowledge, and on the other hand, to make the employee’s remuneration dependent on his personal performance indicators and on the results of the enterprise as a whole. .

Fair remuneration for managers, specialists and employees should also be based on the same principles, but using indicators specific to these categories of workers, taking into account the complexity of the tasks being solved, the level of responsibility, the number of subordinates, etc.

In Lesstroyservice LLC, informal relationships prevail over professional ones, and only on the basis of established trust can professional relationships be built. But with informal friendly relations it is impossible to build a management system. Most of the bosses of Lesstroyservice LLC treat the staff slightly dismissively: there are no sick days, vacation is only two weeks and not always, not everyone is allowed to attend family events, etc. Hence the misunderstanding that the success of a company depends on the interaction between all employees.

The manager is responsible for the successful operation of the enterprise, so it is important that he wins the respect and trust of his subordinates, and that they willingly work under his leadership. To work successfully, a manager must be consistent in his relationships with workers, impartial and not prefer one to another.

If an employee has done something wrong, the manager should talk with him in private to repeat the prevention of mistakes, and not scold employees in the presence of other subordinates.

It should be understood that qualified specialists are not easy to manage by pressing only material or career levers. Maximum performance from such employees can only be expected if they reach mutual understanding. For them, the predominant motive for working in a company is not money or a sense of duty, but the coincidence of their value systems.

It is considered obligatory for a manager to keep his word, so as not to lose the trust of his subordinates, and not to make unfounded promises.

Make decisions that best serve your goals and are ethical;

Don't promise what you can't deliver;

Surround yourself with good specialists you can rely on;

Instill confidence in your employees, give them the opportunity to express themselves in their work and feel that they are indispensable;

Help employees advance their careers;

Enlist the support of subordinates;

Be with people more often, do not isolate yourself from your subordinates with an office door;

Keep employees in the loop;

Listen to your subordinates;

Know how to listen and listen;


1. Vakova D.V. Social management - M.: Academy of Labor and Social Updates, 2002.

2. Organizational personnel management: workshop: textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002.

3. Dolyatovsky V.A. Research of control systems: educational and practical manual - M.: IKD "MarT", 2003.

4. Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Enterprise personnel management. – M., 2000

5. Dyatlov V.A. etc. Personnel management. – M., 1998

6. Romashov O.V. Sociology of labor - M., 1999.

7. Kabachenko T.S. Psychology of management: textbook - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002.


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Introduction. 2

The concept of a team. 3

The concept of socio-psychological climate. 7

The structure of the socio-psychological climate. 8

Models of socio-psychological climate. eleven

The role of the leader in the socio-psychological climate of the team. 12

What is conflict. 13

Types of conflict. 14

Structure of the conflict. 16

Stages of the conflict. 16

Methods of conflict resolution. 17

The positive meaning of organizational conflict. 23


With the course of modern scientific, technical and social progress, with its contradictory social and socio-psychological trends and consequences, many acute problems of the socio-psychological climate of the team are inextricably linked.

However, climate is not only a problem of today’s socio-psychological complexities of social and scientific and technological progress, but at the same time it is also a problem of solving tomorrow’s long-term problems associated with modeling new, more advanced than before, human relations and human communities.

The formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate of the workforce is one of the most important conditions in the struggle for increased labor productivity and the quality of products.

The socio-psychological climate can be considered as a multifunctional indicator.

– the level of a person’s psychological involvement in activity;

– measures of the psychological effectiveness of this activity;

– the level of mental potential of the individual and the team, not only realized, but also hidden, untapped reserves and opportunities;

– the scale and depth of barriers that stand in the way of realizing the psychological reserves of the team;

– those changes that occur in the structure of the mental potential of the individual in the team.

Team concept

A team is a type of small group. Small groups can be different in size, in the nature and structure of relationships existing between their members, in individual composition, characteristics of values, norms and rules of relationships shared by participants, interpersonal relationships, goals and content of activities. The quantitative composition of a group is called its size, the individual composition is called composition. The structure of interpersonal communication, or the exchange of business and personal information, is called communication channels, the moral and emotional tone of interpersonal relationships is called the psychological climate of the group. The general rules of behavior that group members adhere to are called group norms. All of the listed characteristics represent the main parameters by which small groups are identified, divided and studied.

Among highly developed small groups, collectives stand out. The psychology of a developed team is characterized by the fact that the activity for which it was created and which it engages in practice undoubtedly has a positive meaning for many people, not only for members of the team. In a team, interpersonal relationships are based on mutual trust of people, openness, honesty, decency, mutual respect, etc.

In order to call a small group a team, it must meet a number of very high requirements: successfully cope with the tasks assigned to it, have high morals, good human relations, create for each of its members the opportunity to develop as individuals, be capable of creativity, i.e. e. as a group, giving to people more than the sum of the same number of individuals working individually can provide.

Psychologically developed as a collective, a small group is considered to be one in which a differentiated system of various business and personal relationships has developed, built on a high moral basis. Such relationships can be called collectivist.

Collectivist relations are defined through the concepts of morality, responsibility, openness, collectivism, contact, organization, efficiency and information content. Morality means the construction of intra-collective and extra-collective relations on the norms and values ​​of universal morality. Responsibility is interpreted as the voluntary acceptance by a team of moral and other obligations to society for the fate of each person, regardless of whether he is a member of this team or not. Responsibility is also manifested in the fact that team members confirm their words with deeds, are demanding of themselves and each other, objectively assess their successes and failures, never abandon a job halfway, consciously submit to discipline, and place the interests of other people no lower than their own, according to - take good care of the public good.

The openness of a team is understood as the ability to establish and maintain good relationships built on a collectivist basis with other teams or their representatives, as well as with newcomers to one’s team. In practice, the openness of the team is manifested in the provision of comprehensive assistance to other teams, not members of the team. Openness is one of the most important characteristics by which a team can be distinguished from social associations that are externally similar to it.

The concept of collectivism includes the constant concern of team members for its successes, the desire to resist what divides and destroys the team. Collectivism is also the development of good traditions, the confidence of everyone in their team. The sense of collectivism does not allow its members to remain indifferent if the interests of the collective are affected. In such a team, all important issues are resolved together and, if possible, with general agreement.

Genuinely collectivist relationships are characterized by contact. It means good personal, emotionally favorable friendly, trusting relationships among team members, including attention to each other, goodwill, respect and tact. Such relationships provide a favorable psychological climate, a calm and friendly environment in the team.

Organization is manifested in the skillful interaction of team members, in the conflict-free distribution of responsibilities between them, and in good interchangeability. Organization is also the ability of the team to independently detect and correct shortcomings, prevent and promptly solve emerging problems. The results of the team’s activities directly depend on organization.

One of the conditions for successful team work and the establishment of trusting relationships is a good knowledge of the team members of each other and the state of affairs in the team. This knowledge is called awareness. Sufficient awareness presupposes knowledge of the tasks facing the team, the content and results of its work, positive and negative aspects, norms and rules of behavior. This also includes good knowledge of team members about each other.

Efficiency is understood as the success of a team in solving all its tasks. One of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of a highly developed team is the super-additive effect. It represents the ability of the team as a whole to achieve results in work that are much higher than can be achieved by a group of people of the same size working independently of each other, not united by the system of described relationships.

In reality, there are almost no such small groups that would fully meet all the listed requirements of the collective. Most actually existing small groups occupy an intermediate position between an underdeveloped group and a highly developed team. In some of their socio-psychological parameters, these groups may well qualify to be called collectives, but in others they are seriously inferior.

The presented model should be viewed more as an ideal to which a team should strive in the process of its development, rather than as something that reflects the reality of the existence of small groups.

A team is a highly developed small group of people, relationships in which are built on positive moral standards, and have increased efficiency in their work, manifested in the form of a super-additive effect.

The effectiveness of a team’s work largely depends on its socio-psychological climate.

The concept of socio-psychological climate

This term, now widely used, is often put on a par with the concepts of spiritual atmosphere, team spirit and prevailing mood.

The SBC of a team is always characterized by an atmosphere specific to the joint activities of people, the mental and emotional state of each participant, individual, and undoubtedly depends on the general state of the people around him. In turn, the atmosphere of a particular community or group is manifested through the nature of the mental mood of people, which can be active or contemplative, cheerful or pessimistic, purposeful or anarchic, everyday or festive, etc.

Not only in sociology, but also in psychology, the point of view has been established, according to which the main structure of the forming SPC is mood. Let us refer, in particular, to the statement of the famous Soviet psychologist K.K. Platonov, according to whom the socio-psychological climate (as a property of a group) is one (albeit the most important) of the components of the internal structure of a group, is determined by interpersonal relationships in it, creating persistent moods of the group, on which the degree of activity in achieving goals depends.

The climate of the collective is the prevailing and relatively stable mental mood of the collective, which finds diverse forms of manifestation in all its life activities.