Short-term book project one week. Calendar and thematic planning (preparatory group) on the topic: Book Week is sweeping the planet

FGBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 1387" UDPRF

Educational project in
in senior group No. 4

"Book Week"

Bolotenkova O.E.

Teacher of 1st qualification category

Moscow, 2014

Educational project

In senior group No. 4

B2013 - 2014

Topic: “Book Week”

Project type: group, information-practice-oriented

Project duration: short-term

Project participants:children of senior group No. 4,

educators, specialists, parents of students.

Program area: cognitive and speech development; reading fiction


Availability of interdisciplinary connections:physical culture, socialization, cognition,

communication, artistic creativity, music, labor

Significant issue. Preschool children have little knowledge of literary

heritage, show insufficient interest in books, and have poorly developed coherent speech.

Objective of the project:

Introduction to practice of various forms and methods of working with literary

works that help children engage with books for development

cognitive, creative and emotional activity of children;

Reveal knowledge of children's fairy tales through various types of games;

Involve parents in joint creativity as part of “Book Week”;

Cultivate a desire for constant communication with books and caring attitude towards



Promote a more in-depth perception of the material read;

Help broaden children's horizons;

desire for constant communication with a book;

Unleash the child’s creative abilities through theatrical activities,

quizzes, competitions, role-playing games;

Promote joint creativity between children and parents in promoting

family reading.

Relevance of the topic:All over the world, interest in traditional books is gradually fading.

Printed publications are unfortunately fading into the background, giving way to a variety of

devices: TVs and computers.

Without denying the importance of electronic sources of information, it is impossible not to notice that exactly

books contribute to a greater extent in the education of feelings, deeper development

knowledge, increasing interest in the book.

As a result of a survey of parents, it turned out that in all families daily reading

is not a tradition. Mostly they read to children when the children themselves ask. Not

Many parents, after reading a book, discuss the content of the works with their child,

and rarely or most often do not visit the children's library.

Nowadays, the question of what to read to children is especially relevant, because based on this, it happens

the formation of a children's reading circle is the circle of those works that are read

(listen) and perceive by children. This includes: children's literature, children's creativity,

children's newspapers and magazines taking into account age characteristics - fatigue, poor concentration, difficulty switching attention, insufficient volume

memory, lack of personal experience.

Today, when children are just learning the basics of reading, it is necessary to help them fall in love with a book, since this has a positive effect not only on the child’s academic performance, but also on overall development.

An independent, individual visit to the library by a child is difficult due to his age, so the “function” of the reading room should be taken over by a “book corner” in the group, where children can take a book to view or read at any time.

Expected results of the project:

Creation of necessary conditions in kindergarten, group, family for familiarization

preschoolers with works of fiction.

Development of children's curiosity, creative abilities, cognitive

activity, communication skills.

Children's ability to express ideas and suggestions.

Active participation of presumably parents in the implementation of the project.

Parents' understanding of the importance of family reading.

The significance of the Book Week project is that thanks to the project

interaction between preschool educational institutions has expanded, new directions in joint

collaboration with families to introduce children to the wonderful world of literature.

Project implementation stages

Before the project, a developmental environment was created in the group. Decorated

exhibitions of books on the following topics: “I love this book!”, “Books - anniversaries”,

“Writers – celebrants of the day”, “The most fabulous writer”, “My favorite book!”, “Books

different ones are needed, all sorts of books are important"; a long-term plan was drawn up;

conversation about the upcoming holiday; memorized poems to participate in literary competitions

quiz; guidelines for parents were presented in the locker room; children

preparing a greeting card.

Children and parents were given homework:

“publish” your little book on any topic,

Collect unwanted books, magazines, and newspapers at home and from friends.

Stages of work:

Stage 1 – preparatory. Setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods, preliminary work with children and parents, choosing equipment and materials. Survey of children “My favorite book”, survey of parents “Introducing a child to fiction”, identification of the problem. Processing the information received, selecting visual and gaming material. Studying methodological literature, developing a plan for joint activities.

Stage 2 – practical. Finding answers to the questions posed in different ways, through the practical activities of children. Implementation of a plan of joint activities through the integration of different types of children's activities.

Forms of organization of work at stage 2:

Forms of working with children.

Thematic conversations:

Situational conversation: “Do you need to take care of a book? »

Conversation: “What does a book consist of? »

Conversation “The History of the Book” (Teacher’s story about the development of writing with illustrations shown - clay tablets, scrolls, papyrus, parchment, birch bark, handwritten books, early printers, printing press)

Conversation on the topic “What is a library? ";

Conversation “A Journey through the Shelf of Smart Books” Purpose: to introduce the benefits of books-encyclopedias, to teach how to find answers to questions in books, to expand natural scientific understanding.

Screening of the quiz presentation “Guess the Fairy Tale”

Children's survey: “My favorite book.”

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” for children of the younger group.

Introduction to proverbs about books.

Emotional speech warm-up “PROBERDS”. (Children pronounce proverbs about books with different intonations: cheerful, questioning, surprised, affirmative)

Reading fiction

Getting to know books celebrating anniversaries

Listening to songs on fairy tales.

Artistic and productive activities:

Modeling “My favorite fairy tale hero”;

Application “Bookmark for books”;

Drawing “My favorite book characters”;

Drawing “Cover of your favorite book”

Intellectual quiz game “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Consultations for parents:

“How to teach a child to love books”, “Reading aloud to a child”, “So that a child loves to read. Advice from psychologist V. S. Yurkevich"

Didactic games: “Collect a fairy tale”, “Finish the sentence”, “Say a word”. “Tell your favorite fairy tale”, cut-out pictures, puzzles “My favorite fairy tales”, “How to behave with a sick person? "; Fold the picture" game "Which fairy tale is the hero from? »

Design of the exhibition of children's encyclopedias "The Smartest Books"

Role-playing games:

"Library", "Bookstore"

Construction using mathematical sets: “Assembling a bookshelf, cabinet”; from the constructor: “Building a library.”

Outdoor games: “Confusion.” "Who is faster". “Find and remain silent.” “We are funny guys”;

Repair of “sick” books in the book corner “Knizhkina Hospital”

A journey through the Fairy Tales exhibition - looking at books that differ in content, design, and focus.

Stage 3 – generalizing(final). Summarizing the results of work in a game form, analyzing them, consolidating the acquired knowledge, formulating conclusions. The best works of children, photographic materials and the final event for the project week will be included in the work experience.

. Activities with parents:

1. Drawing your favorite literary characters.

2. Individual conversation “What books are they reading at home”

3. Exhibition of favorite home books.

4. Replenishment of the group library.

5. Printed information for parents (“How to teach a child to love books”, “How

Advice from educators”, “Cultivating a love of reading using Art Therapy methods”

6. Making baby books.

Result of the project implementation:

1. As a result of the project, children became acquainted with the work of children's writers.

2. Children learned to recognize writers and poets in reproductions and photographs.

3. The children met the illustrators of a children's book.

4. Thematic exhibitions were organized for children.

5. The children learned how to repair books.

6. The children created creative works based on the works they read.

7. The children watched a performance based on the work they had read in

performed by pupils of the preparatory school group.

8. Parents of pupils got acquainted with information on nurturing love for


During the week, the children got acquainted with the history of the “Book Week”, its

the creator, with writers - celebrants and their works, books - celebrants;

completed collective work; prepared material for exhibitions; together with

parents “published” children’s books, painted the covers of their favorite books; accepted

participation in various competitions; learned to “treat” and take care of books.

The children were left with good impressions, their vocabulary was enriched, and their horizons were broadened.

home reading or a bedtime story is an integral part of emotional and speech

child development.

Plan for Children's Book Week

In senior group No. 4

2013-2014 academic years

Day 1




* conducting a conversation - presentation on the topic "And the book

name day!” – a message from the teacher about where and when she was born

"Children's Book Week";

* journey through the exhibitions “I love this book!”, “My

favorite book!" (opening day of covers) - presentation of the beloved





* "Books - anniversaries"

(introduction to fairy tales: “The Snow Maiden” by A. R. Ostrovsky (140

years), "The Scarlet Flower" S. T. Aksakov (155 years), "Little

Prince" A. de Saint Exupery (70 years old).

* Didactic game “Which fairy tale is the hero from?”;

Second day







* creative workshop “Work with hands brings joy to heart” -

modeling "Through the pages of your favorite works";

* continuation of the journey through exhibitions - an exhibition of drawings

"My favorite fairy tale"

* didactic game “Find the fairy tale heroes”;

* outdoor game “Mice dance in a circle.”

* "Children's Books" - presentation of books produced

together with parents.

Day three




Gaming mathematical entertainment “Visiting a fairy tale”

* didactic game “Say the Word”;




* outdoor game “The gray bunny washes itself”;

* poetry hour “Kaleidoscope of Poems” - a competition for the best reading of your favorite poem;

Day four




* Literary quiz "On the roads of fairy tales";

* board games “Collect and guess”, “Correct the mistake”, puzzles

"Russian folk tales




* repair of “sick” books in the book corner “Knizhkina”

hospital "

* continuation of the journey through the exhibitions: "Museum of Fabulous


Day five




Calendar and thematic planning of educational work

Subject weeks: "Book Week" in senior group No. 3

Month: MarchImplementation deadlines topics: from 13.03 to 17.03.2017

Target: 1. Writers, poets. Some facts from their biography, some features of their work.

2. The history of the book.

3. Reading room. Mail.

Date of the final event. 17.03. An exhibition of portraits and works of art by writers familiar to children.

Responsible for the final event: Nesterchuk N.A.

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Group, subgroup

Monday 1 March, 3rd


reception and examination of pupils






Morning exercises According to the plan of the additional education teacher. Goal: development of physical qualities; accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience.

Pronouncing phrases:

Az-az-az - we read the story together,

Shu-shu-shu - I'm in a hurry to the library,

Ke-ke-ke - books in the library,

Al-al-al - we were given a magazine,

Ta-ta-ta interesting newspaper.

Ts: Practice pronouncing pure phrases, immerse yourself in the topic of the day.

P/I “Blind Bear” - development of coordination of movements, dexterity.

Conversation “The History of the Book” (Teacher’s story about the development of writing with illustrations shown - clay tablets, scrolls, papyrus, parchment, birch bark, handwritten books, early printers, printing press). Target: Expand natural history concepts

D.I. “What kind of object” - Learn to describe objects according to a certain plan; highlight their characteristic features; indicate the material from which they are made, who uses them and for what.

D / game “Guess - ka” - learn to describe objects of various categories according to a certain plan, highlight essential features, recognize objects by description, give reasons for the answer (Amir, Senya, Denis, Diana)

Enriching the creativity corner: “Fairy Tales” coloring pages.

Albums: “Children's Writers”

In children’s independent activities, develop the ability to find activities of interest, unite in groups for joint games.

1 FCCM “Russian Folk Tales” Literature: N.V. Aleshina “Familiarization of preschoolers with the world around them and social reality” p.143.

2. Physical culture. According to the plan of the additional education teacher

Games, preparation for a walk.


Card index of walks card No. 38

Removable material: jump ropes



Continue to develop cultural and hygienic skills: exercise “Keeping an eye on your appearance”

2 Reading p. n. fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Goal: continue to introduce children to folk art; develop memory, speech.





Gymnastics awakening after sleep (Card index complex No. 5)

Ind. Work on FEMP is to strengthen children’s ability to compare adjacent numbers based on visual material; form the idea that the number of objects does not depend on the area (Roma, Ruslan, Vera, Egor R.)

Replenishment of the “Creativity” corner with objects of Gorodets painting; Filimonovsky Dymkovo toys;

Zagorsk and Semyonov nesting dolls.

Creative game “Restoring the poem” (Children independently insert the missing syllables (zhi and shi) into the poem.Goal: To develop attention to the spoken word, practice reading, train intelligence, attention, and grammatical skills

- Orienteering game "Archaeologists". (Children become a group of archaeologists, go on a journey, look on the map for “ancient books” hidden in the group, and draw up search patterns for various objects themselves). Purpose: Develop the ability to navigate according to a diagram

Teacher's story with discussion: “ Russian national clothes"

Target: cultivate interest and respect for the culture of the Russian people, develop curiosity and speech.




Musical development. According to the plan of the additional education teacher.


    Card index card No. 43

Remote materials: cars, buckets, scoops, molds, balls

Involving parents increating folders with biographies of writers

Consultation upon request of parents

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative

(independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality

Tuesday 1 March 4


reception and examination of pupils






Verbal game “Which fairy tale is the word from” (Invite children to guess the names and authors from the quote (fairy tales of Marshak, Chukovsky, Pushkin) Purpose: To consolidate knowledge of poetic fairy tales, their authors, to train memory and attention.

Game “Literary Concert” (Children read comic poems, nursery rhymes, fables by heart, competing in the expressiveness of reading) Purpose: To develop the expressiveness of oral speech, improve facial expressions and pantomime.

D. and. "Who needs what for work"

Goal: to teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships, speech.

P/game “Moon and Sun” - teach children to act in a team

Board and printed game “Mathematical Lotto” Teach children to correctly name numbers from 1 to 10, correlate the number with the number of objects on the card (Vera. Alyosha, Diana G.)

Speech game “Look at the animal and come up with a nickname for it” (Arkady Nastya)

N.P.I. “Come up with a fairy tale” - development of creative imagination, speech

Organized educational activities

1 Speech development. L. Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog”, L. Mityaev “The Tale of the Three Pirates” Literature: Golitsina N.S. “Notes of complex thematic classes...,” p. 261

2 Productive Drawing topic: “Bookmark for a book” (Based on Gorodets painting) Literature: Komarova T.S. page 96

Games, preparation for a walk.


Card file of walks No. 41

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment on the site:Remote material:

Returning from a walk , KGN,dinner , work before bed



Conversation “Table behavior.”

Goal: To develop self-service skills and cultural and hygienic skills, teach children to eat independently, pay attention to the fact that they need to hold a tablespoon correctly and lean over the plate.

Reading fiction.

E. Nosov “Thirty Grains” - discussion of what was read (moral assessment of the content of the work) See e-book





Gymnastics awakening after sleep (Card index. complex No. 5)

work on sensory “Arrange the figures by size” (we repeat and reinforce the concept of size); (Polina E., Senya, Arkady)

Games based on interests;

Games with sports equipment - balls, hoops;

Board games-mosaics, puzzles;

Coloring books, pencils - shading;

D/i "Magic clothespins" corners

Role-playing games

- “Journey into the past of the book” - introduce children to the history of the origin and production of the book; show how it was transformed under the influence of human creativity; arouse interest in human creative activity; develop a caring attitude towards books. O. Dybina, p. 113

S.R.I. “Library” - teaching children to implement and develop the plot of the game. Creating interest in the work of a librarian. Introduce the rules for using the book.

D/I “Sound chain” - consolidate children’s ability to divide two- or three-syllable words into syllables.

Activating communication. “How I repaired a book” - to cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

Organized educational activities

Physical development (Swimming). According to the plan of the additional education teacher.



Card index card No. 41

Interaction with families of pupils

Interaction with parents when receiving and leaving children home - individual conversations and consultations

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative

(independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality

Wednesday 1 5th of March


reception and examination of pupils






Morning exercises according to the plan of the additional education teacher. Goal: development of physical qualities; accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience; developing in pupils the need for physical activity and physical improvement

- Game “Rhymes” (children come up with rhymes for given words, make couplets and quatrains) Expand children's vocabulary, develop phonemic hearing, and practice speech creativity.

- Russian folk outdoor game "Carousel". Goal: development of general motor skills, development of attention

- Finger gymnastics "Potters". Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Work in a corner of nature: caring for indoor plants Purpose: to clarify and supplement children’s knowledge about caring for plants, to teach how to keep them clean; teach how to choose, use correctly, organize and put equipment in place. (Slava, Usman, Andrey, Gleb)

- work in notebooks, making patterns according to the sample; development of attention; development of fine motor skills of the hand (Denis O., Ksenia N)

Replenishment of the “Creativity” corner: albums for children’s creativity “Dymkovo Toy”, “Gorodets Toy”, “Wooden Toy”.Paper, pencils - drawing according to the children's plans;

Games in a corner of nature;

Constructor “Builder” for completing buildings and playing with the result;

Games in the doll corner

Organized educational activities

Cognitive FEMP Topic: “Orientation in time” Literature: Novikova, p. 65

Physical development Swimming. (According to the plan of the additional education teacher)

Games, preparation for a walk.


Topic: Introducing the life of animals. Rules of behavior in nature. “Birds” (Exploratory activities on walks p. 68)

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment on the site:

Remote material:

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bed



- During the 2nd breakfast (fruit, juice) talk with children about the benefits of fruits containing vitamins.

During security moments: discussion of the differences and similarities of safety conditions at home and in kindergarten. Situational conversations “How do we take care of each other in the group?” - Reading and discussion. L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland” (first chapters) - to cultivate interest in great works.





Gymnastics awakening after sleep (Card index complex No. 4)

finger game “Two Little Goats” (speech development, hand motor skills) (Matvey, Timosha, Daniil)

Role-playing game"Guests have come to us"Goal: to teach children to enter into role-playing interactions, the ability to negotiate with other children.

Games with water (a container with warm water, toys);

Listening to children's songs, performing free dance movements;

Floor mosaic “Polyanka”;

Games in play corners based on interests

Gymnastics for the eyes card file No. 4

Purpose: strengthening the eye muscles; stress relief; prevention of visual impairment

Experimentation "Black and White"

Purpose: to introduce children to the influence of sunlight on black and white; develop observation skills

N.P.I. “What first? What then? - develops the ability to generalize, understand sequence, and speech development. Creative game - - - “Cover of your favorite book” (Children invent and draw covers for their favorite books). Develop imagination, practice writing and drawing

Manual labor “Book Workshop” Develop manual labor skills, restore books in a group, teach how to take care of books.

O. o. action

Productive. Modeling. Topic: “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” Literature: I.A Lykova p. 156



Card index card No. 44

Interaction with families of pupils

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process. Parental counseling

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative

(independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality


reception and examination of pupils






Morning exercises according to the plan of the additional education teacher. Goal: development of physical qualities; accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience.

Emotional speech warm-up “Proverbs”. (Children pronounce proverbs about books with different intonations: cheerful, questioning, surprised, affirmative). Develop speech skills, consolidate knowledge of proverbs

P/game “The Third Wheel” - teach children to run on their toes and navigate in space. - Word game “Call me kindly.” Goal: to teach how to form diminutive adjectives and expand children’s vocabulary.-Finger gymnastics “Pipe”. Purpose: To develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Exercise children in distinguishing by ear the sounds “ch” and “sch” that are similar in articulation. Improve the ability to come up with words with these sounds, determine the place of the sound in a word. (Nikita, Ksenia, Denis O.)

- “Getting to know the work of a librarian” - clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the work of a librarian. Foster respect for work and respect for books (Egor T., Fedya)

Replenishment of masks of fairy-tale characters for story games

Organized educational activities

Speech development. Retelling of L. Tolstoy's story “Fire Dogs”. Literature: “Classes on speech development”

Ushakova O.S. page 254

Productive (Drawing) Topic: “Fairytale bird.” Literature: Golitsina N.S. “Notes of complex thematic classes...,” p. 336

Games, preparation for a walk .


Card file No. 38

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment on the site:

Remote material:

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bed



- Conversation “Visiting the artist” - Develop the ability to identify the social significance of the artist’s work, its necessity; show that the products of his work reflect feelings, personal qualities, interests.





Gymnastics awakening after sleep (Card index. complex No. 4__)

d/i “Put the picture together” (cultivating the ability to compare, generalize, and enjoy the final result); (Egor R., Daria, Ruslan)

Sensory work “Group by color” (Roma, Lenya, Kira, Lisa)

Games in a corner of nature with natural materials: pebbles, shells, cones;

Looking at illustrations in books

Games based on interests

Mosaics, puzzles

- S.R.I. Role-playing game “Book Publishers” (Children role-play all the professions involved in the creation of a book - from a lumberjack, a paper mill worker to a bookseller) C: Expand natural science concepts, clarify children’s knowledge about the process of making paper, about the long path that the book passes before it falls into their hands.

P/game “The Bear and the Bees” - explain how players should act in various game situations.

Vocabulary game “The letter is lost” (Children place missing letters in given words, invent and solve puzzles) C: Practice reading, develop arbitrary attention

Organized educational activities

Physical development. According to the plan of the additional education teacher.



Card index card No. 8 crayons

Interaction with families of pupils

Informing parents about the benefits of walks and excursions for obtaining a variety of experiences that evoke positive emotions and sensations (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.)

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative

(independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality


reception and examination of pupils






Morning exercises. According to the plan of the additional education teacher.

Game “Good Fairy Tale” (Based on a fairy tale with a sad ending, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”. Children are given the task of thinking about how this fairy tale can be remade, using characters from other fairy tales, so that it ends happily) C: Develop imagination, coherence children's speech, activate children's imagination and creativity

D. and. “Who needs what for work”

Goal: to learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships, speech.

P/game “Corners” - Teach children to follow the rules of the game.

Game-competition “Lukoshko with fairy tales” (Children are divided into two teams. The presenter conducts a quiz. The team that gives the most correct answers wins) C: Develop memory, attention, skills in team play, mutual assistance.

Working with the nature calendar. Goal: to teach to establish interdependence between living and inanimate nature; give an idea that events in nature increase gradually; introduce the symbols when filling out the calendar. (Senya, Amir, Denis, Diana B)

In the educational corner, add educational games with puzzles

Organized educational activities

1 Cognitive - research activity. Topic: “Fairytale batik” Literature: I.A. Lykova p. 60

2 Musical development. According to the plan of the additional education teacher.

Games, preparation for a walk.


Game “Castles and fairy-tale buildings” (Invite children to compete in the construction of fairy-tale buildings). Develop creativity and imagination.

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment on the site:

Remote material:

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bed



Practical exercise “Clean – Clean”

Goal: continue to form the habit of washing hands with soap after a walk, check the quality of hygiene skills

Reading. L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland” (continued) – to cultivate interest in great works





Gymnastics awakening after sleep (Card index. complex No. 4)

D/I “Greedy Little Bears” - to form an idea of ​​measuring volume using a measure, of the dependence of the measurement result on the size of the measure, L. Peterson, p. 134 (Kira, Daniel)

Replenishing the creativity corner with attributes and costumes forrole-playing games Design according to children's choice. Metal set

Dramatization game “Thumbelina” (Children act out scenes of dialogue between fairy tale characters).Ts: To improve the emotional and expressive performance of the role of a character in a familiar fairy tale, to improve oral speech, facial expressions and pantomime:

Creative game "Paper cutting"

(Introduce children to H.H. Andersen’s hobby - fantasy paper cutting, show photographs of the storyteller’s works, offer to make silhouette cutting according to any design) Ts: Improve skills in working with scissors and paper, develop fine motor skills.

"Solve the Riddle"

Target: expand ideas about folk art, teach children to create descriptions of objects according to a specific plan, promote the development of coherent speech, compare, and the ability to draw conclusions.

Organized educational activities



Card index card No. 41

Interaction with families of pupils

Weekend itinerary: visiting museums and exhibitions with children

Tatiana Goryacheva

Dear Colleagues!

I welcome you to my page and thank you for taking the time to visit me.

Spring brings us many holidays. And one of them is the Holiday of the Book. It so happens that in the last week of March, which coincides with the spring school holidays, Children's Book Week takes place across the country. International Children's Book Day is traditionally celebrated on April 2, the birthday of the Danish king of fairy tales, Hans Christian Andersen.

The impact of fiction on the formation of a child’s personality is well known. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of a preschooler. The importance of introducing children to the beauty of their native word and the development of a culture of speech was pointed out by teachers, psychologists, and linguists (K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheyeva, E. A. Flerina, L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. A. Leontyev, F. A. Sokhin, A. M. Shakhnarovich, L. I. Aidarova, etc.).

At the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, the whole world is faced with the problem of maintaining interest in books, in reading as a process and a leading human activity. Audio and video technology, influencing people in a special way, weakened interest in the book and the desire to work with it. After all, a book requires intense thought, analysis of what has been read, awakens the reader’s creative consciousness, promotes the generation and development of new ideas, but subject to an attentive and thoughtful attitude to it and systematic reading. Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child’s thinking and imagination, generalizes his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

Having conducted a survey of parents on the topic “Children and Books,” we summarized the results:

1. Parents of our students consider familiarity with literature as important as achieving success in reading, writing and arithmetic. And parents of graduates, that is, children who read and count, recognize the even greater importance of literature in children’s lives.

3. The ability to listen carefully, according to parents, develops in children with age.

4. The need for listening to reading constantly competes with passive watching of TV, video, and gambling on computer games.

5. By the age of 7, children equally prefer reading fairy tales, poems, about nature, about animals, about children, and interest in encyclopedic literature is growing.

6. At the same time, many parents find it difficult to name children's writers; most remember no more than three.

7. As the child grows, parents more actively offer him certain books.

Purpose of book theme week

To develop in children a sustainable interest in the book as a source of knowledge, fostering a caring attitude towards books, nurturing the culture of young readers, updating the importance of parental participation in the formation of children’s book culture, creating conditions for the active introduction of literary experience into the creative activities of students.

The following events are held as part of Children's Book Week:

Grand opening of "Children's Book Week" in the music hall;

Thematic exhibitions (“My favorite book”, “Our family’s favorite books”, “Anniversary books”, “Baby books”);

Reading fiction;

Joint creativity of children and parents - homemade books;

Fairy tale dramatizations;

Productive activities: drawing illustrations for literary works, applique and sculpting favorite characters, making bookmarks;

Organization of the "Book Hospital" (revision and repair of books)

Conversations about caring for books;

Conversation “Where the book came to us”;

Didactic games “Guess the fairy tale”, “Guess who drew me”, “Recognize the hero”, “What does the book like”, etc.

Excursions to the library - Purpose: to instill love and respect for books; introduce the past of the book, find out children’s knowledge about the purpose of the book (problematic question: what would happen if there were no books);

Viewing presentations about the creation of books, about illustrators;

Viewing cartoons - filmed works of fiction;

Work in book corners;

Reviews and competitions of book corners;

Reading competitions - the goal: to bring children joy from the competition, remember poems by children's poets, develop interest in fiction, develop the ability to listen to your friend;

Campaign “Give a book to a kindergarten”;

Consultations for teachers “Book corner in kindergarten”

Questioning of parents "Children and Books";

Consultation for parents “Family Reading”

It has already become a tradition to hold “Book Name Days” in our kindergarten. Together with the music director and the deputy head of music and musical performance, teachers develop a script, select poems, songs, costumes and attributes.

In 2011, the “Book House and We Are in It” holiday was held.

Book came to visit the children. These were real name days - songs, dances, and the traditional game "Loaf" in honor of the book's birthday.

2012 would have marked the 130th anniversary of the birth of K.I. Chukovsky. The educational project “Our Grandfather Korney” was implemented in our nursery. This project was awarded at the All-Russian competition of interdisciplinary projects and programs based on new FGT.

An exhibition of children's drawings "Chukoshe -130!" opened in the foyer of the kindergarten.

Children's works took part in the All-Russian competition of drawings and crafts "Korney Chukovsky", where they took prizes.

Drawing "Moidodyr"

Crafting their salt dough "And Aibolit sat on a whale."

Theatrical games for children with characters from literary works:

Leisure activities for children of pre-school groups "Travel to the country of Chukkokalu." The script and photos can be found on my blog.

A reading competition “What do you have?” was held, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of S. V. Mikhalkov. You can find the script and photos on my blog.

Poem by S. Mikhalkov "The Tailor Hare"

Dramatization "How an old man sold a cow"

Watching cartoons:

Looking at the illustrations:

Excursions to the library have become an integral part of teaching work during Book Week.

Productive activities of children:

We hope that preschoolers’ interest in books and reading will grow, and we will apply all our knowledge and strength to this. After all, teaching to understand and love a book means teaching to think and feel.



Entertainment - quiz on the topic: “My favorite books”

Purpose and objectives of the event:

  • introduction into practice of various forms and methods of working with literary works that contribute to the familiarization of children with books for the development of cognitive, creative and emotional activity of children;
  • identify knowledge of children's fairy tales through various types of games;
  • consolidate children's knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales
  • develop logical thinking and ingenuity
  • involve parents in joint creativity as part of “Book Week”;
  • cultivate a desire for constant communication with the book and careful attitude towards it.
  • enrich your vocabulary, broaden your horizons.
  • find out what fairy tales and what fairy-tale characters children know, introduce new concepts of “folk” and “literary” fairy tales, identify the best experts on fairy tales; promote the development of children's speech, imagination, thinking, memory; cultivate a love of reading fiction.

Preparatory work:

  • invite parents to read fairy tales familiar to their children at home and bring their child’s favorite book to the group.
  • drawing covers of favorite books together with parents,
  • reading children's fairy tales, stories in a group, memorizing poems,

Attributes and inventory:

  • portraits of children's writers,
  • portraits of writers - storytellers,
  • “Tree of Riddles” (texts of riddles about the names of fairy tales and their main characters),
  • Book exhibition
  • cut pictures, puzzles "My favorite fairy tales",
  • game - lotto "Tell a story"
  • recommendations for parents.


Only one name day lasts for people,

And the name day book has seven whole fun days!

Name day! Name day!

At Volodya's? Shura? Nina?

The girls? The boys?

No! Our children's books!

Spring blue day!

March is rushing towards April

And brings along

Book week.

This book week

It will fly across the country.

Like a harbinger

Like a greeting

Children's Book Week has been celebrated in our country for more than half a century. Since March 26, 1943. Quite a long time, if you think about it! The history of this holiday goes back to wartime 1943, when children’s voices rang under the arches of the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions. These Moscow children gathered to meet their favorite writers, some of whom came straight from the front. There was a war going on, there was not enough food, it was cold in the houses - and in the Hall of Columns the children listened to speeches by their favorite writers and poets: Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, Agnia Lvovna Barto, Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin, Lev Abramovich Kassil, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. The initiator of the holiday was L. A. Kassil. For wartime children, meeting famous writers was the best gift. This week is celebrated at the end of March throughout our country. Children's writer Lev Kassil called it “Book Name Day.”

K.I. Chukovsky equated good children's literature with good-quality nutrition for the child's soul, as necessary for the development of personality as ordinary food is for physiological development.

Every year our kindergarten hosts a children's book week. It doesn't require much effort. Parents and educators are assistants in carrying out Children's Book Week.


Name day! Name day!

At Volodya's? Shura? Nina?

The girls? The boys? No!

Our children's books!

In poems, stories, fairy tales

And thick stories...

See how much at once

We have guests!

It's a holiday, really.

How the boys are waiting for him!

Lasts a whole week

Name days here and there!

Speech therapist: Today you brought your favorite fairy tales from home, name them (he looks at the covers of fairy tale books together with the children). Fairy tales tell about the adventures of people and animals. Who are the main characters in the fairy tale? Are these fairy tales magical or not?

We read books together

With dad every weekend

I have 200 pictures

And dad has none.

I have elephants and giraffes

Every single one of the animals

And bison and boas,

And dad has no one.

In my wild desert

A lion's footprint is drawn.

I'm sorry dad. Well, what kind of book?

What if there are no pictures in it?

Today, guys, we will visit a fairy tale.

From early childhood we hear fairy tales. Mom reads them to us when she puts us to bed, grandmother tells us on quiet winter evenings. We listen to fairy tales in kindergarten and encounter them at school. Fairy tales accompany us all our lives. Not only children, but also adults love them.

Listening and reading a fairy tale, we find ourselves in a magical world where miracles happen, where good always defeats evil.

Today we will try to remember fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, play games, learn a lot of new and interesting things, relax with a fairy tale, listen to a fairy tale, visit an exhibition of books and drawings.

Let's sit comfortably and fly to the magical land of fairy tales.

We sat down on the carpet and flew into a fairy tale.

Almost all fairy tales always have three parts - beginning, middle, end. Remember how fairy tales usually begin? (“Once upon a time there were...”, “In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state...”, etc.) Such a beginning - the beginning of a fairy tale - serves to help listeners to be transported into a fairy-tale world, to name the place and time of the fairy tale or its heroes.

During the examination of books, the most vivid figuratively words and phrases are quoted, and the beginnings, sayings, and endings from various fairy tales are read out.

What words do fairy tales usually end with? (“And I was there, I drank honey and beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth,” etc.) Such words are usually called endings. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there was a profession of storyteller, and the storyteller received a reward for his work. At the end, the storyteller made it clear to the listeners what he wanted to get for his work: “Here’s a fairy tale for you, and for me a glass of butter.” Now the ending simply sums up the tale and ends its action. Different fairy tales can have the same ending: “They began to live - to live well and make good things.”

How many wonderful tales you brought today! So that each of you can read these books more than once with me or with your parents, you need to handle them carefully and store them in a specially separate place. What is the name of this place in our group? (Book corner).

Selection of riddles about the book

I know everything, I teach everyone, Reveal your secrets

And I myself am always silent. Ready for anyone.

To make friends with me, But you are from her

You need to learn to read and write. (Book.) You won’t hear a word. (Book.)

There is a leaf, there is a spine.

Not a bush or a flower. She speaks silently

No paws, no hands. And it’s understandable and not boring.

And she comes to the house as a friend. Talk to her more often -

He will lie on his mother's lap, and you will become four times smarter. (Book.)

He'll tell you everything. (Book.)

Even though it’s not a hat, but with a brim, It’s small, but it’s made me smart. (Book.)

Not a flower, but with a root.

Talking to us

In a language everyone can understand. (Book.)

Glued, sewn, the wise men settled

No doors, but closed. In glassed palaces,

Who opens it - In silence alone

Knows a lot. (Book.) They reveal secrets to me. (Books.)

I took a book from the shelf, put “A” on it,

And suddenly it became painfully offensive:

There is no trace left of the book,

And it’s not visible even with a microscope. (Tom - Atom.)

He doesn’t have a language, but whoever visits him knows a lot.

(Book, newspaper, magazine.)

Quiz questions:

A GAME: “Complete the name.”

Some fairy-tale heroes have double names. I will name the first part of the name, and you name the second. Let's see which of you remembers more names of fairy-tale characters.

Baron (Munchausen), Old Woman (Shapoklyak), Winnie (Pooh), Nightingale (Robber), Grandfather (Frost), Old Man (Hottabych), Doctor (Aibolit), Sister (Alyonushka), Brownie (Kuzya), Finist (Yasny Falcon) , Uncle (Styopa, Fedor), Turtle (Tortilla), Elena (Beautiful), Red (Capka), Iron (Lumberjack), Ivanushka (Fool), Serpent (Gorynych), Kroshechka (Khavroshechka), Ivan (Tsarevich), Koschey ( Immortal), Cat (Leopold, Matroskin), Crocodile (Gena), Fly (Tsokotukha), Dad (Carlo), Postman (Pechkin), Ilya (Muromets), Vasilisa (the Wise), Little Humpbacked Horse, Baba (Yaga).

A GAME: What fairy tales do you know with heroes - little people?
(“Thumbelina” and “Ole Lukøje” by H.-H. Andersen; “Nils’s Journey with the Wild Geese” by S. Lagerlöf; “Thumb Thumb” by the Grimm brothers; “Muff, Half Boot and Mossy Beard” by E. Raud; “ The Extraordinary Adventures of Dwarf and Valya" by Y. Lari; "Gulliver in the Land of the Lilliputians" by D. Swift; "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" by N. Nosov; "The Miners" by A. Norton; "The Hobbit or There and Back" by R. Tolkien).

GAME: What magic spells do you know?
(“Crex-fex-pex”, “At the behest of the pike, at my will”,
“Fly, fly, petal...”, “Mutabor”, “Sim-sim, open the door”, “Snip-snap-snurre...”, “Susaka-musaka, pikapu-tricapoo, skoriki-moriki, loriki- yoriki");

GAME: “Magic bag”.

(The speech therapist takes objects out of the bag. The guys name which fairy tale they are from and who these objects belong to.)

  • Pot of honey
  • Jar of jam
  • Pot of oil
  • Pea
  • Golden Key
  • Ball of thread
  • glass slipper
  • Arrow
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • The Scarlet Flower
  • Mirror
  • Money
  • Matches
  • Doctor Aibolit's suitcase
  • Baba Yaga's Broom


Let's play a game of additions, where you have to finish the sentence correctly and in rhyme.

1. Ok - ok - ok - standing in the field (teremok)

2. Ok - ok - ok - rolled (bun)

3. Yat - yat - yat - the gray wolf didn’t eat (the kids)

4. Su - su - su - The Cockerel drove away (the Fox)

5. Tso - tso - tso - the chicken laid (the egg)

6. Yok - yok - yok - don’t sit on a tree stump.

Game “Say the Word.”

Long unknown to many, I'll tell you, guys,

He became everyone's friend. Very difficult riddles.

An interesting fairy tale for everyone You'll guess, don't yawn,

The onion boy is familiar. Answer in unison!

Very simple, although long,

He's called...(Cipollino).

He loves everyone invariably, Calm down, calm down, evil witch,

Whoever came to him. Don't get your hopes up,

Did you guess it? This is Gena, I met seven dwarfs in the forest -

This is Gena...(Crocodile). Ours will be saved...(Snow White).

He is kinder than everyone else in the world, an enemy of people and an enemy of animals.

He heals sick animals, an evil robber...(Barmaley).

And one day the hippopotamus loves honey and meets friends

He pulled him out of the swamp. And he composes grumbling stories.

He is famous, famous, And also puffs, chants, sniffles... Wow!

This is the doctor...(Aibolit). Funny bear...(Winnie the Pooh).

My father had a strange boy, she easily, like on a tightrope,

Nice, wooden, will go along a thin rope.

And the father loved his son - She once lived in a flower.

Playful...(Pinocchio). Well, her name is... ( Thumbelina).

And I washed it for my stepmother,

And sorted out the peas

At night by candlelight.

And she slept by the stove.

As beautiful as the sun.

Who is this?(Cinderella)

The horse gallops is not easy,

Miracle golden mane.

He carries the boy through the mountains,

But it won’t reset him.

The horse has a son

Amazing horse

Amazing horse

By nickname...(Little Humpbacked Man).

Competition "Find a fairy tale."

A new game has arrived -

Not an easy task.

It's time for you to get down to business

And show diligence.

(Students choose one of 3 cards, select cards with illustrations for a given fairy tale, put them in order, name the fairy tale.)

Competition "Help the Mouse".

(The Mouse appears. She is crying. The Mouse asks the guys to help her. We need to remember the fairy tales with the participation of the Mouse.)

  • Turnip. Puss in Boots.
  • Teremok. Spikelet.
  • Swan geese. How the Chicken baked bread.
  • Thumbelina. A wonderful bell.
  • You can show a scene from a fairy tale.

Competition “Name the fairy tale and the hero of the fairy tale.”

Here's another game

You'll like her.

I want to ask a question.

It's your job to answer.

Who didn't want to work, On a winter morning, a woman and her grandfather

Did you play and sing songs? The granddaughter was made from snow.

To the third brother later, but this little one didn’t know,

We ran to a new house. That trouble threatens her in the summer.

We escaped from the cunning wolf,(Snow Maiden from the fairy tale “Snow Maiden”)

But the tails shook for a long time.

The fairy tale is known to every child

And it's called...(“The Three Little Pigs”, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf, Nif-Nif)

A girl walked through the forest and sheltered Pinocchio

And I came across a house. And she treated and taught,

He sees that there are no owners. When did he start getting mischievous?

There is lunch on the table. She had to punish him.

I sipped from three cups, (Malvina from the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or Adventures”

IN I lay in three beds. Pinocchio")

(Masha from the fairy tale “Three Bears”).

The capricious princess strictly ordered

Bring flowers from the forest in winter.

Who was able to collect those flowers in winter?

I remember that girl! Do you remember?

(Stepdaughter from the fairy tale “Twelve Months”)

Appeared from a flower, persuaded her brother

She was just an inch tall. Older sister:

Mole wanted to marry her, “Don’t drink from the puddle.”

But the Swallow took flight. Muddy water."

And she saved the girl. The boy did not listen -

From the old gloomy Mole. He turned into a kid.

(Thumbelina from the fairy tale “Thumbelina”) (Alyonushka from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and

brother Ivanushka")

Blitz tournament. (Quick question, quick answer.)

Baba Yaga's home.

Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of Ivan Tsarevich?

The device on which Baba Yaga flies.

What did Cinderella lose?

What flowers did the Stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”?

Cheerful onion man.

A fairy tale hero traveling on a stove.

Who made Pinocchio?

Who did the ugly duckling become?

Postman from the village of Prostokvashino.

Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka.

The turtle who gave Pinocchio the Golden Key.

What did the Wolf fish from the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”?

In which fairy tale does the Ogre turn into a mouse and the cat eats it?

Who did the old man and the old woman sculpt out of snow?

Russian folk tales and more

1. The poultry that laid the golden egg. (Rock hen)

2. What vegetable did several generations of people and animals try to pull out of the ground? (Turnip)

3. What was the name of the very little boy in the fairy tale. (Tom Thumb)

4. A fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich, Vasilisa the Wise, a frog and other heroes. (Princess Frog)

5. What were the names of the three heroes from fairy tales and epics? (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich)

6. A harmful ball that rolled away and ran away from everyone. (Kolobok)

7. A fairy tale in which there are three club-footed people. (Three Bears)

8. A lazy person who loves to sleep on the stove. (Emelya)

9. A fairy tale about a gray predator and seven children of a mother goat. (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

10. A house in which many different animals lived. (Teremok)

11. Pushkin’s tale about the Tsar. (The Tale of Tsar Saltan)

12. The heroine of fairy tales, who was called beautiful and wise. (Vasilisa)

13. A tale about a priest and his worker. (The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda)

14. A very sad fairy-tale princess. (Princess-non-smeyana)

15. A fairy tale about a granddaughter who usually goes with Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden)

16. A bull, but made of unusual material. (Straw bull)

17. A fairy tale about the months of the year. (12 months)

18. Three small animals that built houses on different soils. (3 little pigs)

19. The tale of the prince and the toothy beast. (Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf).

20. What was the name of Alyonushka’s sister’s brother. (Ivanushka)

21. A fairy tale in which porridge was cooked from an unusual product. (Porridge from an ax)

22. An unusual ship that could move through the air. (Flying ship)

23. A fairy tale about a sea dweller who was caught by an old man and for whom she made wishes come true. (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

24. Russian fairy tale about a goat. (Goat-dereza)

25. A fairy tale about a cockerel with a beautiful comb on his head. (Cockerel - golden comb)

26. The name of the miracle horse from a Russian folk tale. (Sivka-burka)

Foreign fairy tales

1. A meowing animal in shoes from a fairy tale. (Puss in Boots)

2. Fairy tale - Scarlet...? (The Scarlet Flower)

3. A poor and hardworking girl who later became a princess. (Cinderella)

4. The little girl who lived in a flower. (Thumbelina)

5. Troubadour and a company of animal musicians. (The Bremen Town Musicians)

6. Wooden man with a long nose. (Pinocchio)

7. Fairy-tale heroine, Pinocchio’s friend. (Malvina)

8. The Tale of a Soldier. (The Steadfast Tin Soldier)

9. A pampered princess who loved very soft and lush feather beds. (Princess on the Pea)

10. Adventures of a girl in an unusual country. (Alice in Wonderland)

11. A flower whose torn petals granted wishes. (Flower - seven-flowered)

12. The heroine of a fairy tale in a beautiful colorful bright hat. (Little Red Riding Hood)

13. The baby’s flying friend, who really loves raspberry jam. (Carlson)

14. Girl in stockings and pigtails. (Pippi - long stocking).

15. A fairy tale in which vegetables act as heroes. (Cippolino)


This is a fabulous, flying, Word is a fairy-tale hero,
Fire-breathing, powerful, more often good, less often evil,
(Often a multi-headed) snake. Magician, sorcerer and sorcerer.
Call him quickly! Call him quickly. (Wizard.)
(The Dragon.)

Who knows the city of Emerald, He sewed clothes peacefully,
It won't be difficult for me to help. But he said bravely:
I read: there was a wizard in it, “It’s not for nothing that I am known as a strongman,
I forgot what his name was! Seven - with one blow!
(Goodwin.) (Brave Tailor.)

Know this rogue, although he was steadfast and brave,
No one can be outwitted: But he did not survive the fire.
Ogre, like a mouse, The youngest son of a tablespoon,
Managed to swallow it! He stood on a strong leg.
And the spurs ring on his feet, Not iron, not glass,
Tell me, who is it?... There was a soldier... (Tin.)
(Puss in Boots.)

I'm wearing a red cap, When I was a child everyone laughed at him,
Pies in a basket. They tried to push him away:
Here I am walking to my grandmother, After all, no one knew that he
Along a forest path. Born a white swan.
If I meet a Wolf,
I won't cry (Ugly duckling.)
I'm then the hunters
I'll call you loudly.
(Little Red Riding Hood.)

I must warn you: To save a faithful friend,
I’m so fragile, I’m so tender, I had to go through half the country:
Why run away from robbers in a thousand feather beds?
One pea to freeze in a snowstorm,
I will feel all night crossing the ice,
And I still won’t fall asleep! Fight with the queen.
(The Princess and the Pea.) (Gerda.)

A girl appeared
In the cup of a flower. The cleverness of this boy
And there was that girl who saved him and his six brothers,
A little bigger than a marigold. Although he is small in stature and brave,
In a nutshell So how many of you have read about him?
The girl was sleeping. (Tom Thumb.)
This is the girl
How sweet she is!

Mirror, say, be nice, He made porridge for everyone,
Who is the whitest person in the world? - I don’t have the strength to eat it.
Once my stepmother asked, (Pot.)
The one who is more cunning and meaner than everyone else.
And she answered, sparkling,
Mirror, after hesitating a little:
- The most beautiful young woman of all
Stepdaughter... (Snow White.)

I have never been to a ball, unknown to many for a long time,
She cleaned, washed, cooked and spun. He became everyone's friend.
When did it happen that I got to the ball? It’s an interesting fairy tale for everyone.
Then the prince lost his head from love. The onion boy is familiar.
I lost my shoe at the same time. Very simple, although long,
Who am I? Who can tell me? He's called... (Cipollino.)

Red, pot-bellied, he could almost be a mountain,
In the family, the gardener Mog is no more than Lilliputians.
"Senior" yourself The name of this hero
He calls it proudly. Tell me without confusing me.
In vain he is angry, Why did he “change the size”
In vain he threatens: Famous...? (Gulliver.)
His Cippolino
Not afraid at all.
(Senor Tomato.)

In a cap and a beard Now another hint:
She's looking for treasure with a pickaxe. She's an animal from a fairy tale.
A small man Where the villain wolf almost ate him
Fairytale city. All seven of her children.
(Dwarf.) (Goat.)

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids.)

Sanctuary of the Little Mouse, This tablecloth is famous
The green frog, the one who feeds them to their full,
And other animal company. That she is herself
Tell me the name in unison. Full of delicious food.
(Teremok. (Self-assembled tablecloth.)

It was baked from flour,
It was freezing at the window.
Ran away from my grandparents
And he became lunch for the fox. (Kolobok.)

The swan geese were flying,
They wanted to take the children away.
What kind of tree stood
And he hid the guys from them? (Apple tree.)

At Alyonushka's sister's
The birds took my brother away.
They fly high.
They look far away. (Swan geese.)

He managed to catch the wolf.
He caught a fox and a bear.
He didn't catch them with a net,
And he caught them sideways.
(Goby is a tar barrel.)

What did the mouse break?
Gray baby? (Testicle.)

I'm not alone in the family,
Third, unsuccessful son,
Everyone who knows me
Calls him a fool.
I don't agree at all -
I'm not a fool, but a kind person. (Ivan the Fool.)

She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,
Showing skill in any matter.
I baked bread and wove tablecloths,
I sewed a shirt, embroidered a pattern,
She swam like a white swan...
Who was this craftswoman? (Vasilisa the Wise.)

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who said goodbye to green skin?
Did you instantly become beautiful and comely? (Princess Frog.)

Plumage of grief,
Everything sparkles like the dawn,
And Ivan is a fool at night
He catches her for the king.
He managed to grab her tail,
And her name is... (Firebird.)

It's not an ordinary horse galloping,
Miracle golden mane.
He carries the boy through the mountains,
There's no way he'll be reset.
The horse has a son -
Amazing horse
By nickname... (Humpbacked Man.)

I am a young princess,
I shine with beauty, with intelligence,
But with just one flaw:
I am the princess... (Nesmeyana.)

The beautiful maiden is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
The poor thing is shedding tears. (Snow Maiden.)

I fly in a mortar,
I'm covering my tracks.
No miracles for the old lady
It's boring to live in a hut. (Baba Yaga.)

Like Baba Yaga
No leg at all.
But there is a wonderful one
Aircraft. Which? (Mortar.)
Stands in front of the forest
And it smokes through a crooked pipe.
There Yaga - the forest grandmother -
He yawns sweetly on the stove. (A hut on chicken legs.)

I am rich, omnipotent,
Very slender, terribly feisty,
But I'm not afraid of death
Guess what my name is? (Koschei the Deathless.)

The duck knows, the bird knows,
Where Koshchei death lurks.
What is this item?
Give me a quick answer, my friend. (Needle.)

Gobbling up rolls,
A guy is riding on a stove.
Goes straight to the palace
Who is this fellow? (Emelya.)

He's tired of
Sit on the window
And he rolled
Into the forest along the path. (Kolobok.)

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds and pillows.
Someone came to their house,
He created a mess in it.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears.)

Girl sitting in a basket
Behind the bear's back.
He himself, without knowing it,
Carrying her home? (Mashenka.)

Little brother didn't obey her
And then he turned into a kid,
When water comes from the hoof
On a hot day he decided to get drunk.

In this fairy tale, Coal
He burned the bridge across the river.
Call me quickly
You give me three more friends.
(Bubble, Straw and Lapota.)

Once upon a time in a dense forest
A house grew up under ... (bush).
Happy scratching mouse
And green... (frog).
Glad and a runner,
Long-eared... (bunny).
It's okay that he's short
Fur house, -
And the boar got there,
And the fox and... (bear).
There was enough room for everyone in it.
This is such a wonderful... (house).
Ding-la-la - the titmouse sings!
This is the fairy tale “…” (“Mitten.”)

Once upon a time there were seven guys -
Little white... (kids).
Mom loved them
Milk... (drinking it).
Here the teeth click and click,
A gray... (wolf) appeared.
I put on a white skin,
In a gentle voice... (sang).
That beast sang like a goat:
- Unlock, kids... (door).
Your mother has arrived
Milk for you... (brought).
We will answer without prompting,
Who managed to save the guys?
We know this from a fairy tale:
"... And........... ........". ("The wolf and the seven Young goats".)

Masha is sitting in a box,
She is far away... (looks).
Who carries it, answer
Quick steps?
And she’s carrying it... (a bear)
Along with... (pies).
The path is not close
Long journey.
Misha wants... (to rest).
Sit on a tree stump
And a rosy pie
On the way... (eat).
The baby spent it,
He will be smarter in future.
Here we have such a book,
This is "... and...". ("Masha and the Bear.")

Ga-ga-ga - green meadow
Birds walk... (one after another).
The blue river splashes,
The sun is setting:
"Don't rush to eat us yet,
Red... (fox).
Eat us later, eat us later,
Give us a song... (let's sing)."
Oh, like a song of duty,
All you can hear is: ... (ha-ha-ha).
The fox has been waiting for many years,
And the song has no end... (no).
That's how grandma's birds are
In that fairy tale "... and...". ("The Fox and the Geese.")

Three cups and three beds,
There are also three chairs, look
And the residents here really are
Lives exactly... (three).
As you will see, it is immediately clear:
Going to visit them... (dangerous).
Run away quickly, little sister,
Fly out of the window like... (a bird).
She ran away! Well done!
So, the whole fairy tale... (end).
Fedya reads syllable by syllable:
This is a fairytale "... ............".
("Three Bears".)

Who loved to play and sing?
Two mice - Cool and... (Turn).
Who woke up the mice in the morning?
Who went to the mill... (went)?
Have you ground a bag of flour?
This is Petya-... (cockerel).
He baked a lot of pies
And he asked his friends strictly:
- What were you doing, little mice?
From dawn to dusk)?
We had fun all day long
You had to work... (too lazy)!
Now sit down at the table.
Raise your voice
No, work hard first
And read "........".

It was baked from flour,
It was mixed with sour cream.
He was chilling at the window,
He... (rolled) along the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And on the way he sings a song... (sang)
The Bunny wanted to eat him,
Gray wolf and brown... (Bear).
And when the baby is in the forest
Met a redhead... (Fox),
I couldn't leave her.
What kind of fairy tale?

In the garden, near the hut,
The harvest is growing richly.
There they sit in the beds thickly
Turnips, beets and... (cabbage).
And they burn like the suns
Yellow... (sunflowers).
Who's puffing in the garden there?
Who is this grandfather from?
Runs away without... (looking back),
And his grandmother follows him?
The granddaughter went out into the garden:
“Where is the terrible beast... (lives)?”
I looked under the leaf,
He sees a ball lying there.
He's covered in gray needles all over,
Who is this? This is ... (hedgehog).
Came from the forest lands
The prickly beast in the fairy tale "...".

Far away on the warm sea
Suddenly a boy appeared -
Wooden, with a long nose,
They created a book about him.
There are many adventures in the book
That boy experienced
Golden magic key
He finally got it.
Turtle Tortilla
This key was given
And another boy met
Good loyal friends.
Although he had a hard time -
Karabas was defeated.
What was that book called?
Will you tell me now?
("The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio")


Proverbs are short, but they contain whole books of wisdom.

The pen is big, but it writes big books.

Az and Beeches save us from boredom.

Read books, but don’t forget things to do.

A book is not beautiful in its writing, but in its mind.

Books are books, and move your mind too.

From time immemorial, books have raised a person.

The book will help you in your work and help you out in trouble.

He who works without books draws water with a sieve.

If you get used to the book, you will gain intelligence.

A book is a mirror of life.

A book is for the mind what warm rain is for seedlings.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

I read a book and met with a friend.

A good book is your best friend.

A book is your friend, without it it’s like being without hands

Take care of the book - it will help you live.

I am literate and have a book in my hands.

An unfinished book is a journey not completed.

Books are in his hands too.

Books don't tell, but they tell the truth.

Whoever knows Az to Buki will get the books.

Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge comes from books.

A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

It is wasted effort to fish without a hook and to study without a book.

Passport of the pedagogical project: Project “Book Week”

Project: “Journey through Book Week with a stop at the Biblioteka station,” for older children

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: The material will be useful and interesting to educators, teachers of primary and additional education, parents, and senior educators.
Target: Fostering love and respect for books. Forming children's interest in children's books through creative and cognitive activities.
- Introduce children to the types and purposes of books.
- Clarify the role of writers, illustrators and designers.
- Teach children to create a book with their own hands.
- Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy.
- Create conditions for the development of children's creative abilities.
- To form in children an idea of ​​the role of books in human life.
- Introduce children to different genres of books.
- Give children knowledge about the role of the library.
- Foster love and respect for books.
- Encourage children to write.
- Activate children's speech, enrich and expand their vocabulary.
- Involve parents in creative activities with their children.
- Enrich the development environment with creative games “Library”, “Bookstore”.

Project "Book Week"
Project type: short-term,
Implementation period: 2 weeks.
Availability of interdisciplinary connections: integration of educational areas - cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.
Project type: artistically - creative.
Project participants: teachers, older children, parents.
Material and technical resources necessary to complete the project:

- selection of visual material (illustrations, posters, photographs, books - encyclopedias; primers; alphabet books; fairy tales);
- didactic games;
- selection of cartoons; presentations on the topic;
- an exhibition of books, drawings, an exhibition of creative works of parents and children.
Necessary conditions for the implementation of the project:
- interest of parents and children;
- methodological developments.

Relevance of this project. Recently, interest in the book has decreased significantly throughout the world. Books are increasingly being replaced by computers, electronic and digital media. Books become unclaimed, gather dust on shelves, and sit idle in libraries and stores. The book gradually fades into the background, reading ceases to be a process of educating one’s own soul, requiring a lot of work of the mind and heart, experience, and comprehension from a person. A reading person is a thinking person. That is why it is so important to instill in children a love of books, starting from preschool age. Reading experience begins to develop in childhood. This is the age at which the ability to perceive a work of art with hearing, vision, touch, and imagination most clearly appears; sincerely, from the heart, to sympathize, to be indignant, to rejoice. With this project I would like to help parents and children find books that will help them acquire the joy of communication.

Project methods:
- gaming: didactic games; Board games; outdoor games; games - dramatization; plot-role-playing games;
- verbal: reading and telling poems, fairy tales, riddles; conversation, conversation; looking at pictures; looking at books; encyclopedias;
- practical: exercises (providing assistance), joint actions of the teacher and the child,
- visual: showing presentations, using illustrations, paintings, photographs, showing cartoons; thematic exhibition.

Three question method:
What do we know?
We know that there are books.
We know that they are different.
What do we want to know?
How did the book come about?
Where are the books kept?
What kind of books are there?
What is a library?
And many many others…
Where and how do we find answers to questions?
Going to the library;
Let's ask the adults for the answer;
Let's read literature.

Tasks for working with parents:
- Enrich parents’ knowledge about the role of reading on the development of thought processes and creative abilities.
- Increase the competence of parents on the topic of the project week.
- Involve families to participate in the educational process on the basis of pedagogical cooperation.

Expected result:
- exhibition of children's works (modeling, applique, drawing, crafts...);
- joint work of parents and children;
- speech creativity of children;
- didactic games and manuals;
- GCD;
- game - dramatization of children;
- game - dramatization of parents.
- name your favorite works;
- can retell short texts, compose fairy tales, read poems expressively, and dramatize them independently;
- know how to properly and carefully handle books: repair them, use bookmarks.
- children learned about the importance of books in human life;
- understand the concept of “Library”;
- they know that they need to take care of the book;
- know how to make their own books.

Project stages:
Before the Book Week, a developmental environment was created in the group. Exhibitions of books were organized on the following topics: “Smart Books”, “Little Books”, “Magic Fairy Tales”, “My Favorite Book”, and a conversation was held about the upcoming holiday.

Children and parents were given homework:
- re-read your favorite books,
- make illustrations for the fairy tale “Flower - Seven Flowers”.
Collaborative work between children and parents.

Stage 1– preparatory (term 03/19/2015 – 04/03/2015). Setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods, preliminary work with children and parents, choosing equipment and materials. Survey of children “My favorite book”, survey of parents “Introducing a child to fiction”, identification of the problem. Processing the information received, selecting visual and gaming material. Studying methodological literature, developing a plan for joint activities.
- determine children’s current knowledge about books;
- arouse interest in solving the problem.
Forms of organization of work at stage 1:
- planning project activities on the topic “Books. Library" based on methodological literature;
- selection of methodological and fiction literature;
- selection of didactic, mobile, sedentary;
- drawing up a plan for interaction with parents and children.

Stage 2– practical. Finding answers to the questions posed in different ways, through the practical activities of children. Implementation of a plan of joint activities through the integration of different types of children's activities.
- creating a problematic situation;
- develop expressiveness of speech;
- develop cognitive abilities in children in the process of joint theatrical activities;
- fill a corner of the book with materials on the topic of the project;
- cultivate accuracy when working with a book.

Forms of organization of work at stage 2:
- Work with children (organization of educational activities, organization of motor mode)
Forms of working with children.
Thematic conversations:
- Situational conversation: “Do I need to take care of the book?”
- Conversation: “What does a book consist of?”
- Conversation on the topic “What is a library?”;
- Conversation “The book is our friend.”
- Conversation “I want to know everything!”
- Conversation “HISTORY OF THE BOOK” (Teacher’s story about the development of writing with illustrations shown - clay tablets, scrolls, papyrus, parchment, birch bark, handwritten books, early printers, printing press).
- Emotional speech warm-up “PROBERDS”. (Children pronounce proverbs about books with different intonations: cheerful, questioning, surprised, affirmative).
- Acquaintance with the work of K.I. Chukovsky.
- Examination of illustrations to the works of K.I. Chukovsky.
- Display of the quiz presentation “Guess the Fairy Tale.”
- Children's survey: “My favorite book.”
Making a homemade book theme: “Spring is coming, spring is making way”;

"Flower - seven-flowered"

Introduction to proverbs:
A spoken word will be forgotten, a word written in a book will be remembered.
From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.
He who reads knows a lot

Reading fiction:
Reading the poem "Doctor Aibolit" using sound effects.
"Fly Tsokotukha".
"Flower - seven flowers."
Russian folk tales, poems, stories, studied poems, encyclopedias.
Watching the cartoon “Lessons from Aunt Owl. Baby's ABC"

Listening to songs on fairy tales.

Artistic and productive activities:
- Making invitation cards for the fairy tale: “Teremok in a new way”;

- modeling “My favorite fairy tale hero”;
- application “Bookmark for books”;

- drawing “My favorite book characters”;
- drawing “Cover of your favorite book.”

Theatrical activity: Game – dramatization “Tsapping fly”

Intellectual quiz game “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”
Consultations for parents:
“How to teach a child to love books”, “Reading aloud to a child”, “So that a child loves to read. Advice from psychologist V.S. Yurkevich,”
Questionnaire: “What books do they read at home?”
Questionnaire: “Introducing a child to fiction”,

A selection of children's works:
- “Teremok”;
- "Fly Tsokotukha";
- “Flower – seven-flowered.”

Didactic games:“Compose a fairy tale”, “Finish the sentence”, “Say a word”. “Tell your favorite fairy tale”, cut-out pictures, puzzles “My favorite fairy tales”, “How to behave with a sick person?”; Fold the picture” game “Which fairy tale is the hero from?”;
Design of the exhibition of children's encyclopedias "The Smartest Books"
Role-playing games:
"Library", "Bookstore"

Construction using mathematical sets: “Assembling a bookshelf, cabinet”; from the constructor: “Building a library.”

Outdoor games:"Confusion". "Who is faster". “Find and remain silent.” “We are funny guys”;
Repair of “sick” books in the book corner “Knizhkina Hospital”
A journey through the Fairy Tales exhibition - looking at books that differ in content, design, and focus.

Stage 3– generalizing (final). Summarizing the results of work in a game form, analyzing them, consolidating the acquired knowledge, formulating conclusions. The best works of children, photographic materials and the final event for the project week will be included in the work experience. Exit to the library.
- develop creative abilities;
-develop interest in reading books;
- develop the ability to analyze, generalize and draw simple conclusions;
- develop observation and curiosity, cognitive activity
- develop independence in various activities.

During the project implementation“Book Week” the expected results were achieved:
- As a result of the project, children became acquainted with the work of children's writers.
- Children learned to recognize writers and poets in reproductions and photographs.
- The children met children's book illustrators.
- Thematic exhibitions were organized for children.
- The children learned how to repair books.
- The children created creative works based on the works they read.
- The children watched performances based on the works they had read.
- Parents of pupils got acquainted with information on nurturing a love of reading.
- We went to the library.