Scenario for International Mother Language Day. Scenario of the holiday for the International Mother Language Day “O native language, melodious...

international day native language

Target: introduce children to a little-known holiday - International Mother Language Day, form careful attitude, both to the native and other languages, pride in one’s native Russian language, a sense of belonging to one’s ancestors, people, culture, to cultivate patriotism, tolerance, to develop children’s speech, memory, thinking, oratory, to reveal the talents of the children.

Preparatory work:selection of information by 4th grade students about the life of Russians and Bashkirs, selection of photographs for presentation. Organization of an exhibition of folk crafts. Learning a skit (Appendix 1). Decorating the hall with sayings famous people about the Russian language (Appendix 2).

Progress of the event

1. Today we will talk about language as a means of communication. It is no coincidence that February 21 is International Mother Language Day! It was established in 1999.

2. On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each is uniquely suited to human purpose and each represents a living heritage that we should protect.

3. I love my native language!

It is clear to everyone

He is melodious

He, like the Russian people, has many faces,

How powerful is our country...

4. He is the language of the moon and planets,

Our satellites and rockets,

On the council

At the round table

Speak it:

Unambiguous and direct

He is like the truth itself.

5. International Mother Language Day is primarily aimed at protecting languages ​​that are disappearing. And this task is important, because nowadays two languages ​​disappear in the world every month.

6. On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each one is unique. In Russia there is one official language – Russian. IN Chelyabinsk region native speakers live different languages.

7. It is no coincidence that today we appear before you in Russian folk costumes. We are representatives of this nationality. It's important to remember that

Russia is a multinational state, on whose territory more than 180 people live; the importance of this fact is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Russia is a mono-national state, since more than 67% of its population is of one nationality, while in official documents UN Russia is a multinational state. Let's remember what national culture is.

8. National culture- this is the national memory of the people, what distinguishes given people among others, it protects a person from depersonalization, allows him to feel the connection between times and generations, receive spiritual support and support in life.

9. “Tradition”, “custom”, “rite”- essential elements culture of every nation, these words are familiar to everyone, evoke certain associations and are usually associated with memories of that “gone Rus'”. The invaluable value of traditions, customs and rituals is that they sacredly preserve and reproduce the spiritual image of a particular people, its unique characteristics, and bring into our lives the best of the spiritual heritage of the people. Thanks to traditions, customs and rituals, peoples are most different from one another.

10.Each nation has its own costume. You can see the features of Russian folk costume on us; they are also presented on the slide. Did you know thatLapti are one of the most ancient types of shoes. Bast shoes were woven from the bast of various trees, mainly linden.

11. Russians, like other peoples, have their own traditional holidays. Such asChristmas weeks, Maslenitsa, Easter, Gatherings (supredki), which were held in the autumn-winter period, Gatherings (round dances, streets), which is presented as summer fun young people near the village, on the river bank or near the forest.

12. Russian hospitality– Same an integral part of our cultural traditions. Guests were also always welcome and the last piece was shared with them. No wonder they said: “What is in the oven, swords are on the table!” Guests were greeted with bread and salt. With the words: “Welcome!” The guest breaks off a small piece of bread, dips it in salt and eats it

We welcome dear guests

A lush round loaf.

It's on a painted saucer

With a snow-white towel!

We bring you a loaf of bread,

We bow down and ask you to taste!

13. Did you know, Not a single house in Rus' could do without folk amulets. The Russian people believed that amulets reliably protected against diseases, the “evil eye”, natural Disasters and various misfortunes, to protect the house and its inhabitants from evil spirits, diseases, to attract the brownie and appease him. Going to long journey, a person took a talisman with him so that the goodness and love put into it would warm the soul and remind him of home and family.

14. Russian folk doll is a historical part of the culture of the peoples of Russia. The doll, as a play image, symbolizes a person, his era, the history of the culture of peoples (Russian rituals and customs). Rag dolls were made in folk traditions using ancient techniques and technologies. Since ancient times, folk dolls have been made from twigs, scraps, and dry grass. Dolls symbolized everything secret and magical that exists in the human soul.

This is only a small part of the customs and traditions of the Russian people. Our small exhibition presents only a hundredth part of Russian culture.

Guys, do you know how many nationalities live in the Chelyabinsk region? The slide shows data from the 2010 census, the table shows.....

Our institution cannot be called single-national, since children of such nationalities as Tatars, Uzbeks and Bashkirs study together with you in the institution. And today we would like to present a short story about the culture of the Bashkirs. And will help me with this (invited guest)

Getting to know the Bashkir culture.

15. Guys, today you clearly saw representatives of two nationalities.Each nation has its own unique culture, history, traditions, way of life. And, of course, the language. Preserving it is a very important task.

And in order to preserve your language, you need to speak and write it correctly."To write well, you need to know your native language well." (Maksim Gorky). Look what ignorance of the simplest rules can lead to.

A scene about an orange, a ring and a pine tree. (Annex 1)

16. Just as it is impossible to imagine the earth without a sower, life without bread, a person without a homeland, so it is impossible to imagine any language without proverbs and sayings.

Game collect a proverb.

Proverbs. On the slide “Collect proverbs”

Think first - then speak.

Don't be brave in word, but show it in deed.

Talk less, do more.

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Talk without thinking, shoot without aiming.

Among the people, speech is an ally,

He poured his whole soul into her,

In the very heart, like in a forge,

He tempered all his words.

17. Love your native language, respect traditions. After all, respect and recognition of all languages ​​is one of the main conditions for maintaining peace on the planet. All languages ​​are unique in their own way. They have those words, expressions and phrases that accurately reflect the customs and mentality of the people. Like our names, we learn and acquire our native language in deep childhood from the lips of our mother. It shapes our perception of life and consciousness, permeates national culture and customs.

18. Native language!

I've known him since childhood,

It was the first time I said “mom”

On it I swore stubborn allegiance,

And every breath I take is clear to me.

19. Native language!

He is dear to me, he is mine,

On it the winds whistle in the foothills,

It was the first time I heard

I hear the sounds of birds in the green spring...

20. Our event dedicated to International Mother Language Day has come to an end. Love the Russian language! It contains our past, present and future!

Annex 1

Sketch “Ring Words”.

Sad, sleepy, cheerless

Our Zhenya came from school.

(A student enters with a backpack)

He sat down at the table. He yawned once.

And fell asleep over the books.

Three words appeared here


(Three girls enter. They are holding drawings in their hands: an orange, a pine tree, a ring.)


What have you done to us, Zhenya?

We'll complain to mom!


I am not some kind of “OPLESSON”!

Ring (crying).

I am not a “CRAP” at all!

I'm outraged to tears!


Only possible from sleep

Write that I am “SASNA”!


We, the words, are offended

Because they are so distorted!

Zhenya! Zhenya! Stop being lazy!

It’s no good studying like that!


Impossible without attention

Get an education.

It will be late! Just know this:

The lazy person will become ignorant!


If you ever

You will cripple us, boy -

You and I will do something cool:

Treasuring our honor

Name Zhenya in half a minute

Let's turn it into a hedgehog.


You will be a prickly hedgehog!

This is how we'll teach you a lesson!

Zhenya shuddered, horrified,

I stretched and woke up.

Suppressed a yawn

Got to work.

Appendix 2

Sayings about the Russian language:

"Language is the history of the people. Language is the path to the civilization of culture: that is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but urgent need". (Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin)

“To write well, you need to know your native language well.” (Maksim Gorky)

"The Russian people created the Russian language - bright, like a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate, like arrows, melodious and rich, sincere, like a song over a cradle: What is the Motherland? This is the whole people. This is its culture, its language. (Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy )

“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this state passed on to us by our predecessors. Treat this powerful weapon with respect: in the hands of skilled people it is capable of performing miracles!” (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev)


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Slide captions:

International Mother Language Day 21 February 1 It was established in 1999 by the decision of the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO. Celebrated since 2000.

Mother Language Day is a holiday that began to be celebrated not so long ago. On this day, everyone should think about their attitude towards their native language, whether we are polluting it in the right words, are we speaking correctly? And on this day we must remember how many languages ​​there are on earth, and each one should be appreciated. After all, language is the culture of a people. Getting to know other languages ​​helps you understand how interesting and diverse the world is.

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“Native Language Day” is held for students of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 107

Coordinator – Kuzemina O.A.

Idea: "Language is the most powerful tool preservation and development of our cultural heritage in its tangible and intangible forms. Any activity to promote the dissemination of mother tongues will contribute not only to linguistic diversity and multilingualism, but also to a fuller understanding of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world, as well as solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue" (UNESCO)

Target: arouse students’ interest in learning and preserving their native language, instill respect for the culture and traditions of their people.

Script for the radio program “International Mother Language Day.”

(Throughout the entire broadcast of the radio program, the music of A. Vivaldi “The Seasons” is heard. At the beginning - loudly, then - a barely audible background).

1 presenter:

The whole life of a person is inextricably linked with language. As children we listen with rapture folk tales, songs, epics. Later, he gets acquainted with classical literature, with the creativity of such wonderful masters of words as A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov.

2 presenter:

Twelve years ago, at the 30th General Conference of UNESCO, International Mother Language Day was proclaimed. This happened in November 1999, and it began to be celebrated in February 2000. The measure adopted by the world community is designed to promote recognition of the diversity of languages ​​and cultures and the freedom of their expression.

3rd presenter:

The holiday is celebrated annually on February 21. And we, the hosts of today’s radio program, would like to dwell in more detail on the importance of learning and loving one’s native language. After all, language is the whole world, full of charm, charm and magic. He is the living memory of the people, their soul, their heritage.

1 presenter:

And how beautifully the Russian writer and historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin said about his native language: “Let there be honor and glory to our language, which flows like a proud majestic river - makes noise, thunders - suddenly, if necessary, softens, gurgles like a gentle brook and sweetly flows into soul."

3rd presenter:

Agree, friends, it’s nice to listen to correct, beautiful and smooth speech. One involuntarily recalls the lines of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin about the Swan Princess: “Speech speaks sweetly, as if a river is babbling.” After all, in fact, human speech reminds me of the murmur of a river. It is not for nothing that “speech” and “river” are words that arose from the same root.

2 presenter:

Today you and I are just like everyone else global community, we celebrate Mother Language Day. In this regard, we invited to our studio the Diploma winner of the recitation competition “I dedicated the lyre to my people...”, 7th grade student “A” Ruduya Alina, who will read us the poem “Native Language”.

(The background music intensifies, then becomes quieter)

Our precious language -

Rich and sonorous

That powerful and passionate

It’s tenderly melodious.

He also has a smile,

Both accuracy and affection.

Written by him

And stories and fairy tales -

Magic pages

Exciting books!

Love and keep

Our great language!

(Musical digression)

1 presenter:

Today is a very important day. After all, when we speak our native language, we preserve the culture and traditions of our people.

2 presenter:

Dear Guys! Love and take care of our native language, speak correctly and beautifully, do not clutter your speech with rude and meaningless words.

3rd presenter:

Remember that the native language has absorbed the centuries-old experience of the people. It was created over thousands of years by many generations of our ancestors, and every word in it is like a grain of pure gold!

1 presenter:

The remarkable Russian writer Maxim Gorky wrote about the Russian language: “If you don’t know how to wield an ax, you can’t cut down a tree, but the language is also a tool, musical instrument, and one must learn to wield it easily and beautifully.”

2 presenter:

I would like to conclude our radio broadcast dedicated to the International Mother Language Day with an excerpt from the poem “Two Languages” by the Kabardino-Balkarian poetess T. Zumakulova:

Native language!

I've known him since childhood,

It was the first time I said “mom”

On it I swore stubborn allegiance,

And every breath I take is clear to me.

Native language!

He is dear to me, he is mine,

On it the winds whistle in the foothills,

It was the first time I heard

I hear the sounds of birds in the green spring...

(Music sounds)

Tatyana Maltson
Event scenario for International Day native language for children of senior preschool age

Goals and objectives: Develop aspirations to be tolerant in human society; foster internationalism; promote development oral speech students.

Equipment: interactive board, computer.

Integration of educational regions: cognition, socialization, health.

Progress of the event:

Leading: Russia is a multinational state. Each nation has a unique culture, history, traditions and, of course, language. More than 130 languages sound in our country.

What is the name of the republic in which we live? (answers children) .

Leading: Correct, Republic of Tatarstan.

Show presentation "Republic of Tatarstan" (accompanied national anthem Tatarstan).

And what languages can we hear in our region? (answers children) .

Leading: What is the name of the city in which we live? (answer children) .

Leading: That's right, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Now we will see how beautiful our city is and listen to the city anthem.

Show presentation "Naberezhnye Chelny".

Leading: In our city and republic we can hear Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Mordovian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Georgian and others languages. In our country, all citizens can use their native language, but the means of interethnic communication is Russian language.

Guys, in our republic the second state language is Tatar language . There are guys among us too different nationalities. IN kindergarten we speak not only in Russian language, but we also study Tatar. But still language The language in which you and I communicate in order to understand each other is Russian.

There is such a good word - "our".

And may you be a Tatar, Yakut or Chuvash,

Was he born Russian, Mordovian, Ossetian,

Be a kind and loving son to your Motherland!

If you want to beat fate,

If you are looking for joy in a flower garden,

If you need solid support,

Learn Russian language!

He is your great, mighty mentor,

He is a translator. He is a guide.

If you storm knowledge steeply,

Learn Russian language.

Leading: Every year since 2000, February 21 is celebrated international mother language day. This holiday is still very young. He is only 13 years old. We believe that this holiday is very important and necessary. Without language the world would not exist. Just as a fish cannot live without water, so a person cannot exist without language. On the language we think, communicate, create. IN International Mother Language Day All languages ​​are recognized as equal, because each uniquely responds to human purpose, and each represents a living heritage that we must take seriously and protect.

Each nation has its own characteristics, traditions, culture and language. All this distinguishes each nation from each other. This is what makes people proud of belonging to a particular nation. And in language all the features of the people’s way of life are conveyed. Therefore, many of them, even small ones, are trying by all means and forces to save your language, your pride, paying tribute to your ancestors and your uniqueness.

Let's play translator.

A game: "Translators"

Let's remember what words you know in Tatar language. How will it be Tatar: dad, mom, grandma, girl, boy, house, dog, cat. (answers children) .

And now we will listen to the poem, dedicated to the day native language, which will be read by Yaroslav.

In a day native language

I wish you to keep it,

So that speech is easy,

Without repeating swear words,

Speak well -

A kind word is nice!

For that tongue came,

To communicate clearly on it.

Leading: Each people praised its language. On poems written in native language, songs, epics, legends

Now let's listen to the poem "Tatar tele" Nazhipa Madyarova.

Tatar tele-minem tugan tele,

Soyleshuye rahet st telde.

Shul tel belen koilim.

Shul tel belen soilim

Milletteshem bulgan kherkemge.

Donyalar kin, anda iller bik kup.

Tugan ilem minem ber gene.

Tugan ilemde de teller bik kup,

Tugan telem minem ber gene.

Leading: You and I also know Tatar and Russian folk games:

Let's play one of them: "We sell pots" ("Chulmek satu uyen").

Purpose of the game: development of agility, speed motor reaction, strengthening the muscles of the musculoskeletal system.

Progress of the game:

The players are divided into two groups: potty children and potty owner players.

Children potty form a circle, kneeling or sitting on the grass. Behind everyone

The player who owns the pot stands with the pot, his hands behind his back. The driver stands for

all around. Then he approaches one of the owners of the pot and begins talk:

Hey buddy, sell the pot!

Buy it!

How many rubles should I give you?

Give me three.

(Driver three times (by price) touches the owner's hand, and they start running along

circle towards each other (run around 3 times). Who will reach the fastest? free space in the circle, he takes this place, and the remaining one becomes the leader.

Leading: And now the song will play "Tugan tel" (« Native language» ) from the repertoire of Zulfiya Minkhazheva.

Listening to an audio recording "Tugan tel".

Each of the peoples of our region has wonderful dances; they are connected with its culture and way of life. Dancing is the embodiment of the soul of the people, their national traditions.

Let's dance our favorite dance "Samovar".

From birth, the child hears sounds native language. The mother sings lullabies, the grandmother tells fairy tales. In every language have their own proverbs and sayings:

ide kat lch, ber kat kis. - Seven times measure cut once.

ytkn sz - atkan uk. - The word is not sparrow: If it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Sabyr itkn - moradyna itkn. - Patience and work will grind everything down.

Sabyr tbe sary altyn. - Patience and work will grind everything down.

Tyryshkan tabar, tashka kadak kagar. - Patience and work will grind everything down.

Kem eshlmi - shul hashamy. - Who does not work shall not eat.

Kartlyk - shatlyk tgel. - Old age is not a joy.

Kz trigger - cool Ashley. - The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Without kapchykt yatmyy - You can’t drown an awl in a bag.

Kitap - belem chishmse. - Books don’t tell, but they tell the truth.

Tamchy tama-tama tash tish. - A drop chisels a stone.

Drop by drop and the stone is chiseled.


There are many big countries in the world,

And there are many small ones,

And for any nationality

Your own language is an honor.

You have the right to be proud, Frenchman,

French tongue.

You always say Indian

ABOUT in your own language.

Chinese, Turkish, Serbian or Czech,

Dane, Greek or Finn, -

Of course, you are dearer to everyone one native language.

Russian in Russia language is language interethnic communication. But there is also international language communication - English. Every country in the world studies and speaks English language wherever you go on a trip, English language your main assistant.

Now listen to the song in English language"How are you my friend?".


It's time for the holiday

There is laughter and song.

The game is calling us to visit us -

It will be interesting.

Russian folk game"Fishing rod".

All players form a circle. One driver is selected to stand in the center of the circle. The driver is given a rope. The driver can also be an adult. The driver begins to rotate the rope. The task of all players in the circle is to jump over it and not get caught.

1st option: without changing the driver (adult). IN in this case those who fall for the bait are eliminated from the game and go outside the circle. The game is played until the most agile and jumping children remain in the circle. (3-4 people). 2nd option: with a change of driver. The “fish” that takes the bait takes a place in the center of the circle and becomes the “fisherman”.


There are no distances for friendship,

There are no barriers for hearts.

Today we are on this holiday

Hello to the children of the world.

Leading: Guys, do you like watching cartoons?

Now we will watch a cartoon "Seven Captains".

This cartoon tells how seven captains from different countries world, speaking different languages languages, helped a little girl. (watching a cartoon)

Leading: The poet Vyazomsky owns such words:

« Language- there is a confession of the people.

His nature is heard in him.

And the soul. And life native»

Indeed, everything languages ​​are beautiful, every beautiful language. Don't forget, love yours native language, take care of him, be proud of him!

Leading: Live together in peace and harmony with children of different nationalities. I wish you happiness, health, kindness.

This concludes our holiday.

Russian folk dance sounds. Dancing, they go out
Presenter and Presenter.I

Presenter. What kind of holiday are we celebrating today, celebrating with joy and joy?

Leading. The holiday is unusual, but very nice. Russian Language Day, what a holiday.

Presenter. Ah-ah-ah, that's it. Probably, this day is celebrated today in schools all over the world, because it is an international holiday.

Leading. That's right, it was created quite recently - since 2000 on the initiative of the international children's organization UNESCO with the aim of preserving the cultural traditions of all peoples.

Presenter. So they celebrate it today on different languages- in Germany in German, in France in French, in England in English. And we speak our own, our native Russian.

Leading. Oh, this is a great language. How many wonderful words it contains! And you can study the Russian language ad infinitum, learning more and more new aspects of it, making more and more new discoveries.
Presenter. Learn Russian for years in a row
With soul, with diligence and with mind.

A great reward awaits you,

And that reward is in himself.

Leading. Let's try to conduct a short quiz on the Russian language.

Stage 1 What do we know about the word?

Everything in the world consists of something: clouds are made of droplets, a forest is made of trees. Speech is made up of sentences, and sentences are made up of words. Words are made of their own building material and the most important thing is the root.

ROOT: For words, the root is the most important, the most important thing. He takes on his shoulders the meaning of not only one word, but many. And these many words with the same root turn out to be related.

PRESIDENT: A prefix is ​​located to the left of the root and gives a new meaning to the word. Prefixes are used to represent great opportunities formation of new words. It is the prefixes that create a special expressiveness of verbs, indicate the degree of intensity of the action, the various shades of its manifestation.

Suffix To the right of the root is a suffix, which also gives the word a new meaning. In some words, suffixes reflect positive assessment objects, in others - negative. Some words sound affectionately, others - dismissively, ironically.

ENDING: There is a ending at the end of a word. Endings serve to connect words in a sentence.

You get used to words day by day,

And they are full of original meaning...

And when I hear:

- I'm sorry!

This means:

- Exclude me from the blame!

The word has the color of its own fire,

Your own space, your own boundaries,

And when I hear:

- Protect me!

This means:

Surround me with shores.

The word has roots. And there are relatives.

It is not a foundling under an orphan bush.

When I hear:

- Protect me!

This means:

Cover me with a shield!

Listen up! Get into it! Don't forget!

The word has its own temper. Your gut.

And if you get into the essence of this -

The word will do you good.

Presenter.. Here is your first task.

Guys, what word did the word excuse me come from?

— What word does the word amulets come from?

- What is the root of this word? Name the prefix.

(Children's answers)

- What is the root of the word protect? Name the prefix

- What is the ending in these three words?

Presenter And here is the second task.

You should have looked in explanatory dictionary the meaning of the words witch, bear and answer the question: “What color is the Ryaba chicken?”

Teacher Are the words witch and bear related?

Children. The words witch and bear are related. They come from the same word to know, that is, to know. A witch is a knowledgeable, healer. Once upon a time this word was good, the witch knew medicinal herbs and how to treat the sick with them. And then fairy tales about evil witches appeared, and the word became bad. A bear is an animal that knows, knows where the honey is.

U. Name the roots in these words.

Children's answers.

And who will answer what color the Ryaba chicken is? Why was she called Pockmarked, and not Chernushka or Belyanka?

D. Ryaba hen - pockmarked, motley.

- Tell me, what kind of berry is it?

It's bitter in the hayfield,

And it's sweet in the cold.

D. Rowan.

W. Why was she called that?

If the children do not explain, then the teacher shows them a drawing with a bunch of rowan and says that the word rowan, like Ryaba, comes from the Slavic word ryab, which means “pockmarked”, “variegated”. After all, the combination of bright green small carved rowan leaves and orange-red berries of this tree causes a sensation that dazzles the eyes.

What do you think is the root of the word rowan?
Children's answers.

Some say that the root is rowan, while others say it is rowan. Who
right? This means that not only but-
old words, but even new roots. The suffix in has grown so much in
the word rowan to the root of the ripples that turned out new root rowan And new words grew from it.

- Tell me in a minute related words with this root.

D. Rowan, mountain ash, mountain ash, mountain ash, mountain ash

Leading. Well, the guys successfully completed these tasks. Then the task is more difficult. Let's try to learn how to write poetry. I will give you rhymes for the endings of poetic lines, and you come up with beginnings for them.

Presenter. I know: this game is called the beautiful French word “burime”. So, guys, let's play burime, write poems

Leading. Here last words in the lines: puppy - bye, help - find it.

Presenter. Here's another one interesting game, which is only possible in Russian - deciphering catchphrases

Leading.. Idioms- these are combinations of words that have become familiar to everyone. For example, when a person goes to difficult task, it is customary for him to wish him neither fluff nor feather. Who knows where this expression came from? It turns out that it was invented by hunters. When they went hunting, they were afraid to frighten away their luck and pretended to wish each other not to bring home anything - neither fluff nor feather. Now this is a common expression that means a wish for success.

Presenter. Who can figure out what the following expressions mean?

at your fingertips, a teaspoon per hour, carelessly.

Stage 4. Invisible words.

Leading. Now let's try to meet invisible people in the words of the Russian language.

Presenter. With invisible ones? And what is it?

Teacher: These are words that are hidden in other words. Let's try to find them. (Hangs out a poster with the words barn, spit, crevice, bison, post, prick, fishing rod, duck written.) Let’s agree this way, guys. I will read one word at a time, and everyone who finds another in it will raise their hand and tell about their discovery. (Reading words, schoolchildren complete the task.)

Presenter But the task is more difficult.

There are no more cunning words in the world,

They hid themselves so that not everyone would notice.

But we will be able to find them with you.

First, read the words on the signs.

And remember: all letters are from the first word

Must appear as part of the second,

But you just need to arrange them differently.

Try to cope with this task.

The spaniel gallops.

I mistook the orange for a ball.

There is a golden carriage in the museum,

A rocket launched towards a distant star.

The pump inflates the tire,

A pine tree grows among the plain.

The stern of the boat split on the rocks.

My brother flips through the atlas thoughtfully

My sister is eating a salad in the kitchen.

Chamomile blooms in the field.

A midge flies above her

Leading. It is not without reason that they say that the Russian language differs from others in its melodiousness, musicality, and poetry. That’s why there are so many songs, poems and jokes, proverbs, riddles written in Russian

Leading. Moreover, we note that they were composed from time immemorial, when the people were still mostly illiterate, were passed on from mouth to mouth and this received the name “oral folk art" Let us recall episodes from such treasures of oral folk art.

Teacher. Name the proverbs associated with all the depicted objects.

(Put a pig at the table, and he and his feet are on the table. Chickens are counted in the fall. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree. The dog barks, the wind blows it away. You can’t hide an awl in a bag.)

Presenter. That's how much new we learned today about our native language - Russian.

Leading. And how good it is that there is such a festive Mother Language Day, when we Once again we can be convinced that Russian is one of the most best languages worldwide.

Teacher. Our holiday is ending. I hope that today you are convinced that studying such a subject as the Russian language is not at all boring, but on the contrary, it is very exciting and interesting.

If you master its mysteries and secrets, the Russian language will serve you faithfully throughout your life.

Methodological development holiday dedicated to

To International Mother Language Day “In the beginning was the word”,

intended for students in grades 9-11


1) promoting respect, as well as the promotion and protection of the mother tongue, linguistic diversity and multilingualism, raising public awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue; protection of the intangible heritage of humanity and preservation of cultural diversity;

2) introduce students to the holiday - International Mother Language Day, develop a caring attitude towards both their native and other languages, pride in their native Russian language, a sense of belonging to their ancestors, people, culture, cultivate patriotism, tolerance, develop children's speech, memory , thinking, oratory, to reveal the talents of children.

Progress of the event

2 reader

Today all the dialects of the planet

They march with one step,

Carrying the culture of sweet speech,

And uniqueness among equal masses.

Mother tongue is a rich heritage,

Coming from time immemorial.

You reflect a person's thoughts

You help express love.

You create poems from letters.

Keeping hundreds of thousands of words in stock.

The blessing that has descended upon us is

A native language that has penetrated our blood.

1 reader

Everyone is interested in Arabic
everyone was drawn to the east,
Spanish, Polish, Italian,
the train carried everyone to the west

How easy it is to drop everything and hide,
and tell us all later
that happiness is abroad,
and laugh at your own

now it’s a native dialect,
now in a completely different country,
I'm happy for them, but life is not eternal,
and only the native language is in the soul

1 presenter

International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on November 17, 1999, has been celebrated annually on February 21 since 2000 to promote language and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

2 presenter

The date for the Day was chosen to commemorate the events that occurred in Dhaka (now the capital of Bangladesh) on February 21, 1952, when students who demonstrated in defense of their native language Bengali, which they demanded to be recognized as one of the state languages countries

1 presenter

On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each one is unique. In Russia there is one official language – Russian. Speakers of various languages ​​live in the Stavropol Territory and the Mineralovodsk region. Let's listen to the greetings of the guys in their native languages.

Children greet guests of the holiday in Azerbaijani, Ukrainian, Greek languages holding flags of these countries in their hands.

2 presenter

But, like a native, I love the Russian language,
I need him like the sky, every moment,
On it, living, tremulous feelings were revealed to me
And the world opened up in them.

[ ]

1 presenter

Russian alphabet - absolutely unique phenomenon among all known methods alphabetic letter. In it, and only in it, there is content. It represents messages. Let's read it.

Children go out in groups primary school, each student holds a letter

1 lesson AZ - “I”

2 lessons BUKI - “Letters, letters”

3 lessons VEDI - “to know, to know, to know”

Together: AZ, BUKI, VEDI - “I know the letters”

4 lessons VERB - “word”

5 lessons GOOD - “property”

Together: VERB GOOD - “speak kindly”

6 lessons IS - “to be”

7 lessons LIVE - “to live in work, and not to vegetate”

8 lessons ZELO - “zealously, with zeal”

Together: EAT, LIVE, GREEN - “work hard”

2 presenter

The set of phrases constitutes an elementary message.


I know the letters:

Writing is an asset.

Work hard, people of earth,

As it should be reasonable people -

Comprehend the universe!

Carry your word with conviction -

Knowledge is a gift from God!

Dare to delve into

To comprehend the existing light.

Russian folk song "Russia"

1 presenter

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent,

Only the word is given life.

From ancient darkness in the world graveyard,

Only letters sound.

2 presenter

Light-colored and red-decorated Russian land.

You surprise us with many beauties.

Let us come together, brothers and friends, Russian sons.

Let's put it together word by word and glorify the Russian land.

1 presenter

And how can you not love this land?

Where are the maidens like swans,

Where under the gentle sky

Everyone will share with everyone

God's word and bread.

Leaves dripping from the tree

Into serene waters

And they sound like snowstorms,

Round dances above the ground.

Round dance to the song “Fly away”

1 presenter

Famous scientists, writers, and statesmen made an invaluable contribution to the development of science, culture, and the native language.

2 presenter

It is impossible not to mention the great educator A.S. Pushkin, because it was he who created the civil Russian language.

1 presenter

Who doesn’t know the wonderful creations of A.S. Pushkin about good and evil, about beauty and ugliness and, of course, about love.

Staging of a fragment of the work by A.S. Pushkin "Gypsies"

Song "Blue Swans"

2 presenter

Russia! Her fields, mountains, valleys, her forests and rivers, her storms and dreams, all that deep voice, full of thoughts and feelings native nature, which expresses itself so clearly in the native song, in the native tunes

Russian folk dance"Boots"

1 presenter

Russia is my homeland!

There are other lands on earth,

Where is the noise of the forests and the ringing of the stream

Almost the same as in Russia.

But equal to the sky alone

Above your head in width,

You are the first to be named, country,

The hope of peace in the whole world.

Song "Bells"

Reader 1

If you want to beat fate,
If you are looking for joy in a flower garden,
If you need solid support,
Learn Russian language!

Presenter 1

So our holiday in honor of our native language has ended. May this holiday in honor of the human mind and the polyphony of Russian culture always be in your soul. And let every year on February 21st you feel like a part of the whole world.