The current stage of development of chemistry teaching methods. Modern didactics of school chemistry

Chemical Institute named after. A.M. Butlerova, Department of Chemical Education

Direction: 03/44/05 Pedagogical education with 2 training profiles (geography-ecology)

Discipline:"Chemistry" (bachelor's degree, 1-5 years, full-time/correspondence study)

Number of hours: 108 hours (including: lectures – 50, laboratory classes – 58, independent work – 100), form of control: exam/test

Annotation:the course of study of this discipline examines the features of studying the “Chemistry” course for non-chemical fields and specialties, questions of a theoretical and practical nature, test assignments for self-testing and preparation for tests and exams. The electronic course is intended for use in classes and during independent study of the discipline.


1. PTB. 2. Structure of chemistry. The basis of the concept and theory, stoichiometric laws. An atom is the smallest particle of a chemical element. Electronic structure of atoms. 3. Periodic law and periodic system of elements D.I. Mendeleev. 4. Chemical bond. Molecular orbital method. 5. Chemical systems and their thermodynamic characteristics. 6. Chemical kinetics and its basic law. Reversible and irreversible reactions. 7. Solutions and their properties. Electrolytic ionization. 8. Physicochemical theory of dissolution. 9. Redox reactions.10. General information.

Keywords:school chemistry course, chemistry, theoretical questions, practical/laboratory work, control of students' knowledge.

Nizamov Ilnar Damirovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Education,email: [email protected], [email protected]

Kosmodemyanskaya Svetlana Sergeevna, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Education, email: [email protected], [email protected],


When passing the candidate's exam, the graduate student (applicant) must demonstrate an understanding of the patterns, driving forces and dynamics of the development of chemical science, evolution and the basic structural elements of chemical knowledge, including fundamental methodological ideas, theories and the natural scientific picture of the world; deep knowledge of programs, textbooks, educational and methodological aids in chemistry for secondary schools and the ability to analyze them; reveal the main ideas and methodological options for presenting the most important sections and topics of the chemistry course at the basic, advanced and in-depth levels of its study, disciplines of the chemical block in secondary and high school; a deep understanding of the prospects for the development of chemical education in educational institutions of various types; the ability to analyze one’s own work experience, the work experience of practicing teachers and innovative teachers. Those taking the candidate exam must be proficient in innovative pedagogical technologies for teaching chemistry and chemical block disciplines, be familiar with modern trends in the development of chemical education in the Republic of Belarus and the world as a whole, and know the system of school and university chemical experiments.

The program provides a list of only basic literature. When preparing for the exam, the applicant (graduate student) uses curricula, textbooks, collections of problems and popular scientific literature on chemistry for secondary schools, reviews of current problems in the development of chemistry, as well as articles on methods of teaching it in scientific and methodological journals (“Chemistry in school”, “Chemistry: teaching methods”, “Chemistry: problems of presentation”, “Adukacy and education”, “Vestsi BDPU”, etc.) and additional literature on the topic of your research.

primary goal of this program - to identify in applicants the formation of a system of methodological views and beliefs, conscious knowledge and practical skills that ensure the effective implementation of the chemistry teaching process in educational institutions of all types and levels.

Methodological preparation involves the implementation of the following tasks:

  • formation of scientific competence and methodological culture of graduate students and candidates for scientific degrees of candidate of pedagogical sciences, mastery of modern technologies for teaching chemistry;
  • developing in applicants the ability to critically analyze their teaching activities, study and generalize advanced teaching experience;
  • formation of a research culture of applicants for the organization, management and implementation of the chemical education process.

When passing the candidate exam, the examinee must discover understanding of the patterns, driving forces and dynamics of the development of chemical science, evolution and the basic structural elements of chemical knowledge, including fundamental methodological ideas, theories and the natural scientific picture of the world; deep knowledge of programs, textbooks, educational and methodological aids in chemistry for secondary and higher schools and the ability to analyze them; reveal the main ideas and methodological options for presenting the most important sections and topics of a chemistry course at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of its study, as well as courses in the most important chemical disciplines at a university; understanding the prospects for the development of chemical education in educational institutions of various types; the ability to analyze one’s own work experience, the work experience of practicing teachers and innovative teachers.

The person taking the candidate exam must own innovative pedagogical technologies for teaching chemistry, be familiar with modern trends in the development of chemical education in the Republic of Belarus and the world as a whole, know the system and structure of school and university chemical workshops.

Applicants must know all the functions of a chemistry teacher and a teacher of chemical unit disciplines and the psychological and pedagogical conditions for their implementation; be able to apply them in practical activities.

Section I.

General issues of theory and methods of teaching chemistry


Goals and objectives of the training course on methods of teaching chemistry.

The structure of the content of the methodology for teaching chemistry as a science, its methodology. A brief history of the development of methods for teaching chemistry. The idea of ​​the unity of the educational, educational and developmental functions of teaching chemistry as a leading one in the methodology. Construction of a training course on methods of teaching chemistry.

Contemporary problems of learning and teaching. Ways to improve chemistry teaching. Continuity in teaching chemistry in secondary and higher schools.

1.1 Goals and objectives of teaching chemistry in secondary and higher schools.

Model of a specialist and content of training. Dependence of learning content on learning goals. Features of teaching chemistry as a major and as a non-core academic discipline.

Scientific and methodological foundations of chemistry.Methodology in philosophy and natural science. Principles, stages and methods of scientific knowledge. Empirical and theoretical levels of chemical research. General scientific methods of knowledge in chemistry. Particular methods of chemical science. Chemical experiment, its structure, goals and significance in the study of substances and phenomena. Features of modern chemical experiment as a method of scientific knowledge.

Construction of a chemistry course based on the transfer of the science system to the education system. Basic teachings of chemical science and intrascientific connections between them. The influence of interscientific connections on the content of the academic discipline. Showing interdisciplinary connections between courses in chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, geology and other fundamental sciences. The connection of chemistry with the sciences of the humanities.

A set of factors that determine the selection of the content of the academic subject of chemistry and didactic requirements for it: the social order of society, the level of development of chemical science, age characteristics of students, working conditions of educational institutions.

Modern ideas implemented in the content of the academic subject of chemistry and disciplines of the chemical block: methodologization, ecologization, economization, humanization, integrativeness.

Analysis and justification of the content and construction of a chemistry course in a mass secondary school, disciplines of the chemical block in the higher education system. The most important blocks of content, their structure and intra-subject connections. Theories, laws, systems of concepts, facts, methods of chemical science and their interaction in the school chemistry course. Information about the contribution to science of outstanding chemists.

Systematic and non-systematic chemistry courses. Propaedeutic chemistry courses. Integrative science courses. The concept of a modular structure of content. The concept of linear and concentric course construction.

Standards, chemistry programs for secondary and higher schools as a normative document regulating the education of secondary school students and students, the structure and methodological apparatus of the program standard.

1.2. Education and development of personality in the process of teaching chemistry

The concept of student-centered learning by I.S. Yakimanskaya in the light of the idea of ​​humanization of chemistry teaching. Humanistic orientation of the school chemistry course.

Issues of environmental, economic, aesthetic and other areas of education in the study of chemistry. Program for an ecologized chemistry course by V.M. Nazarenko.

Psychological theories of developmental education as a scientific basis for optimizing the study of chemistry in secondary schools.

Problem-based teaching of chemistry as an important means of developing students’ thinking. Signs of an educational problem in the study of chemistry and stages of its solution. Methods of creating a problem situation, the activities of the teacher and students in the conditions of problem-based teaching of chemistry. Positive and negative aspects of problem-based learning.

The essence and ways of using a differentiated approach in teaching chemistry as a means of developmental education.

1.3. Methods of teaching chemistry in secondary and higher schools

Methods of teaching chemistry as a didactic equivalent of methods of chemical science. Specifics of chemistry teaching methods. The most complete realization of the unity of the three functions of teaching as the main criterion for choosing teaching methods. Necessity, validity and dialectics of combining methods of teaching chemistry. The concept of modern teaching technologies.

Classification of methods of teaching chemistry according to R.G. Ivanova. Verbal teaching methods. Explanation, description, story, conversation. Lecture and seminar system for teaching chemistry.

Verbal and visual methods of teaching chemistry. Chemical experiment as a specific method and means of teaching chemistry, its types, place and significance in the educational process. Educational, educational and developmental functions of a chemical experiment.

Demonstration experiment in chemistry and requirements for it. Methods for demonstrating chemical experiments. Safety precautions when performing them.

Methods of selection and use of various visual aids when studying chemistry, depending on the nature of the content and age characteristics of students. The concept of a set of teaching aids on specific topics in a chemistry course. Methodology for compiling and using reference notes in chemistry in teaching.

Management of cognitive activity of pupils and students with various combinations of the teacher’s words with visualization and experiment.

Verbal-visual-practical methods of teaching chemistry. Independent work of pupils and students as a way to implement verbal, visual and practical methods. Forms and types of independent work in chemistry. Chemistry experiment: laboratory experiments and practical lessons in chemistry. Methodology for developing laboratory skills and abilities in students.

Programmed training as a type of independent work in chemistry. Basic principles of programmed learning.

Methodology for using chemical problems in teaching. The role of tasks in realizing the unity of the three functions of learning. The place of tasks in a chemistry course and in the educational process. Classification of chemical problems. Solving calculation problems at the stages of teaching chemistry. Methodology for selecting and composing tasks for the lesson. Using quantitative concepts to solve calculation problems. A unified methodological approach to solving chemical problems in high school. Solving experimental problems.

Methodology for using TSO in teaching chemistry. Methods of working with a graphic projector, educational films and filmstrips, transparencies, tape recorders and video recorders.

Computerization of training. The use of programmed and algorithmic teaching methods in computer-based chemistry teaching methods. Controlling computer programs.

1.4. Monitoring and evaluation of chemistry learning results

Goals, objectives and significance of monitoring the results of teaching chemistry.

System for monitoring learning results. Credit rating system and final control system. Contents of tasks for control. Forms of control. Classification and functions of tests. Methods of oral control of learning results: individual oral questioning, frontal control conversation, test, exam. Methods of written verification of results: test work, written independent work of a controlling nature, written homework. Experimental verification of learning results.

The use of computer technology and other technical means to monitor learning outcomes.

Assessing the results of chemistry learning on a 10-point grading scale in secondary and higher schools, adopted in the Republic of Belarus.

1.5. Means of teaching chemistry in secondary and higher schools.

Chemistry room

The concept of the system of chemistry teaching aids and educational equipment. A high school chemistry lab and a student workshop laboratory at a university as a necessary condition for full-fledged chemistry education. Modern requirements for the school chemistry laboratory and student laboratory. Laboratory premises and furniture. Arrangement of classroom-laboratory and laboratory rooms. System of educational equipment for the chemistry classroom and chemical laboratories. Equipment of workplaces for teachers, students, students and laboratory assistants.

Tools for ensuring safety requirements when working in a chemistry room and chemical laboratories. Work of a teacher of pupils and students on self-equipment of a chemical laboratory and laboratories.

Textbook of chemistry and chemical disciplines as a teaching system. The role and place of the textbook in the educational process. A brief history of domestic school and university chemistry textbooks. Foreign chemistry textbooks. The structure of the content of a chemistry textbook and its difference from other educational and popular science literature. Requirements for a chemistry textbook, determined by its functions.

Methods of teaching pupils and students to work with the textbook. Maintaining a workbook and laboratory notebook in chemistry.

Technical teaching aids, their types and varieties: chalk board, overhead projector (graphic projector), slide projector, film projector, epidiascope, computer, video and sound reproducing equipment. Tables, drawings and photographs as teaching aids. Ways to use technical teaching aids to increase the cognitive activity of students and increase the efficiency of knowledge acquisition. Didactic capabilities of technical teaching aids and assessment of the effectiveness of their use.

The role of the computer in organizing and conducting extracurricular and extracurricular cognitive activities of students. Computer tutorials for chemistry courses. Internet resources on chemistry and the possibilities of their use in teaching in secondary and higher schools.

1.6. Chemical language as a subject and means of knowledge in teaching chemistry.Structure of chemical language. Chemical language and its functions in the process of teaching and learning. The place of chemical language in the system of teaching aids. Theoretical foundations of the formation of chemical language. The volume and content of language knowledge, skills and abilities in school and university chemistry courses and their connection with the system of chemical concepts. Methods for studying terminology, nomenclature and symbolism in school and university chemistry courses.

1.7. Organizational forms of teaching chemistry in secondary and higher schools

The lesson as the main organizational form in teaching chemistry in high school. Lesson as a structural element of the educational process. Types of lessons. Lesson as a system. Requirements for a chemistry lesson. Structure and construction of lessons of different types. The concept of the dominant didactic goal of the lesson.

Educational, educational and developmental goals of the lesson. Lesson content system. The meaning and methodology of selecting methods and didactic tools in the classroom.

Preparing the teacher for the lesson. Lesson concept and design. Determining lesson objectives. Methodology for planning a lesson content system. Step-by-step generalizations. Planning a system of organizational forms. Methodology for establishing interdisciplinary connections between lesson content and other academic subjects. Methodology for determining the system of logical approaches to teaching methods and means in relation to the goals, content and level of training of students. Planning the introductory part of the lesson. Methodology for establishing intra-subject connections between a lesson and previous and subsequent material.

Techniques and methods for drawing up a plan and notes for a chemistry lesson and working on them. Modeling a lesson.

Conducting a lesson. Organization of class work. Communication between teacher and students during the lesson. The system of tasks and requirements of the teacher for students in the lesson and ensuring their implementation. Saving time in class. Chemistry lesson analysis. Lesson analysis scheme depending on its type.

Optional classes in chemistry. The purpose and objectives of school electives. The place of elective classes in the system of forms of teaching chemistry. The relationship between elective classes in chemistry, their content and requirements for them. Features of the organization and methods of conducting optional classes in chemistry.

Extracurricular work in chemistry. The purpose of extracurricular work and its importance in the educational process. System of extracurricular work in chemistry. Contents, forms, types and methods of extracurricular work in chemistry. Planning of extracurricular activities, means of organizing and conducting them.

Organizational forms of teaching chemistry at a university: lecture, seminar, laboratory workshop. Methodology for conducting a university lecture in chemistry. Requirements for a modern lecture. Organization of lecture form of training. Communication between the lecturer and the audience. Lecture demonstrations and demonstration experiment. Lecture control over knowledge acquisition.

Seminar in teaching chemistry and types of seminar classes. The main goal of the seminar is to develop the students’ speech. Discussion-based way of conducting seminars. Selection of material for discussion. Methodology for organizing a seminar lesson.

Laboratory workshop and its role in teaching chemistry. Forms of organization of laboratory workshops. Individual and group laboratory work. Educational and scientific communication when performing laboratory tasks.

1.8. Formation and development of systems of the most important chemical concepts

Classification of chemical concepts, their relationship with theories and facts and methodological conditions for their formation. Concepts: basic and developing. The relationship between systems of concepts about matter, a chemical element, and a chemical reaction.

The structure of the system of concepts about substances: its main components are concepts about the composition, structure, properties, classification, chemical methods of research and application of substances. The connection of these components with the system of concepts about chemical reactions. Revealing the dialectical essence of the concept of matter in the process of studying it. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of a substance.

The structure of the system of concepts about a chemical element, its main components: classification of chemical elements, their prevalence in nature, the atom of a chemical element as a specific carrier of the concept of “chemical element”. Systematization of information about a chemical element in the periodic table. The problem of the relationship between the concepts of “valency” and “oxidation state” in a chemistry course, as well as the concepts of “chemical element” and “simple substance”. Formation and development of concepts about the natural group of chemical elements. Methodology for studying groups of chemical elements.

The structure of the system of concepts about chemical objects and their models. Typology of chemical objects (substance, molecule, molecular model), their essence, interrelation, invariant and variable components. Typology of models, their use in chemistry. The problem of the relationship between a model and a real object in chemistry.

The structure of the content of the concept of “chemical reaction”, its components: characteristics, essence and mechanisms, patterns of occurrence and progression, classification, quantitative characteristics, practical use and methods for studying chemical reactions. Formation and development of each component in their interrelation. Connection of the concept of “chemical reaction” with theoretical topics and with other chemical concepts. Providing an understanding of a chemical reaction as a chemical form of motion of matter.

2. Methodology of chemical and pedagogical research

2.1 Methodology of chemical and pedagogical research

Science and scientific research

Pedagogical sciences. Types of scientific and pedagogical research, Structural components of research work. The relationship between science and scientific research.

Chemical-pedagogical research

Chemical-pedagogical research and its specificity. Specifics of the object and subject of scientific and pedagogical research By theory and methodology of chemical education.

Methodological foundations of chemical and pedagogical research

Methodology of science. Methodological approaches (system-structural, functional, personal-activity). Integrative approach in chemical-pedagogical research.

Psychological and pedagogical concepts and theories used in research on the theory and methods of teaching chemistry. Taking into account the specifics of teaching chemistry in the study, due to the specifics of chemistry.

Consideration of the methodological system in the trinity of training, education and development, teaching and learning, theoretical and axeological stages of knowledge.

Methodological foundations for identifying natural connections in learning (adequacy of the target, motivational, meaningful, procedural and effective-evaluative aspects of learning).

2.2. Methodology and organization of chemical and pedagogical research

Methods in chemical and pedagogical research

Research methods. Classification of research methods (by degree of generality, by purpose).

General scientific methods. Theoretical analysis and synthesis. Analytical review of methodological literature. Modeling. Study and generalization of teaching experience. Questionnaires of closed and open type (advantages and disadvantages). Pedagogical experiment

Organization and stages of research

Organization of chemical and pedagogical research. The main stages of the study (ascertaining, theoretical, experimental, final).

Selecting an object, subject and purpose of research in accordance With problem (topic). Setting and implementing tasks. Formulating a research hypothesis. Correction of the hypothesis during the study.

Selection and implementation of methods to evaluate the effectiveness of the study, confirmation of the hypothesis and achievement of the research goal.

Pedagogical experiment in chemical education

Pedagogical experiment, essence, requirements, plan and conditions of implementation, functions, types and types, methodology and organization, project, stages, stages, factors.

2.3 Assessing the effectiveness of chemistry-pedagogical research

Novelty and significance of the researchCriteria for the novelty and significance of chemical and pedagogical research. The concept of criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical research. Novelty, relevance, theoretical and practical significance. Scale and readiness for implementation. Efficiency.

Measurement in Educational Research

Measurement in educational research. The concept of measurement in educational research. Criteria and indicators for assessing the results of the educational process.

Parameters of the effectiveness of the educational process. Component analysis of education and training outcomes. Operational analysis of the quality of students' knowledge and skills. Statistical methods in pedagogy and methods of teaching chemistry, reliability criteria.

Generalization and presentation of scientific results

Processing, interpretation and consolidation of research results. Processing and presentation of the results of chemical and pedagogical research (in tables, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, graphs). Literary presentation of the results of chemical and pedagogical research.

A dissertation as a final research project and as a genre of literary work about the results of chemical and pedagogical research.

Section III. Particular issues of theory and methods of teaching chemistry

3.1 Scientific foundations of school and university chemistry courses

General and inorganic chemistry

Basic chemical concepts and laws.Atomic-molecular science. Basic stoichiometric laws of chemistry. Laws of gas state.

The most important classes and nomenclature of inorganic substances.General provisions of chemical nomenclature. Classification and nomenclature of simple and complex substances.

Periodic law and atomic structure.Atom. Atomic nucleus. Isotopes. The phenomenon of radioactivity. Quantum mechanical description of the atom. Electronic cloud. Atomic orbital. Quantum numbers. Principles of filling atomic orbitals. Basic characteristics of atoms: atomic radii, ionization energies, electron affinity, electronegativity, relative electronegativity. Periodic law D.I. Mendeleev. Modern formulation of the periodic law. The periodic table is a natural classification of elements based on the electronic structures of their atoms. Periodicity of properties of chemical elements.

Chemical bonding and intermolecular interaction.The nature of the chemical bond. Basic characteristics of chemical bonds. Basic types of chemical bonds. Covalent bond. The concept of the valence bond method. Bond polarity and molecular polarity. s- and p-bonds. Multiplicity of communication. Types of crystal lattices formed by substances with covalent bonds in molecules. Ionic bond. Ionic crystal lattices and properties of substances with an ionic crystal lattice. Polarizability and polarizing effect of ions, their influence on the properties of substances. Metal connection. Intermolecular interaction. Hydrogen bond. Intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonds.

Theory of electrolytic dissociation.Basic principles of the theory of electrolytic dissociation. Reasons and mechanism of electrolytic dissociation of substances with different types of chemical bonds. Ion hydration. Degree of electrolytic dissociation. Strong and weak electrolytes. True and apparent degree of dissociation. Activity coefficient. Dissociation constant. Acids, bases and salts from the point of view of the theory of electrolytic dissociation. Amphoteric electrolytes. Electrolytic dissociation of water. Ionic product of water. pH of the environment. Indicators. Buffer solutions. Hydrolysis of salts. Product of solubility. Conditions for the formation and dissolution of sediments. Proton theory of acids and bases by Brønsted and Lowry. Concept of Lewis acids and bases. Acidity and basicity constants.

Complex connections.Structure of complex compounds. The nature of chemical bonds in complex compounds. Classification, nomenclature of complex compounds. Stability of complex compounds. Instability constant. Formation and destruction of complex ions in solutions. Acid-base properties of complex compounds. Explanation of the hydrolysis of salts and the amphotericity of hydroxides from the point of view of complex formation and the proton theory of acid-base equilibrium.

Redox processes.Classification of redox reactions. Rules for drawing up equations of redox reactions. Methods for setting coefficients. The role of the environment in the course of redox processes. Electrode potential. The concept of a galvanic element. Standard red-ox potentials. Direction of redox reactions in solutions. Corrosion of metals and methods of protection. Electrolysis of solutions and melts.

Properties of basic elements and their compounds.Halogens. General characteristics of elements and simple substances. Chemical properties of simple substances. Preparation, structure and chemical properties of the main types of compounds. Biogenic significance of elements and their compounds. p-elements of the sixth, fifth and fourth groups. General characteristics of elements and simple substances. Chemical properties of simple substances. Receipt. Structure and chemical properties of the main types of compounds. Biogenic significance of elements and their compounds.

Metals. Position in the periodic table and features of physical and chemical properties. Natural metal compounds. Principles of receipt. The role of metals in the life of plant and local organisms.

Physical and colloidal chemistry

Energy and direction of chemical processes.The concept of internal energy of a system and enthalpy. Heat of reaction, its thermodynamic and thermochemical designations. Hess's law and consequences from it. Assessment of the possibility of a chemical reaction occurring in a given direction. The concept of entropy and isobaric-isothermal potential. Maximum process performance. The role of enthalpy and entropy factors in the direction of processes under various conditions.

Rate of chemical reactions, chemical equilibrium.The rate of chemical reactions. Factors influencing the rate of a chemical reaction. Classification of chemical reactions. Molecularity and reaction order. Activation energy. Reversible and irreversible reactions. Conditions for the onset of chemical equilibrium. Chemical equilibrium constant. The Le Chatelier-Brown principle and its application. Concept of catalysis. Catalysis is homogeneous and heterogeneous. Theories of catalysis. Biocatalysis and biocatalysts.

Properties of dilute solutions.General characteristics of dilute solutions of non-electrolytes. Properties of solutions (saturated vapor pressure above the solution, ebullioscopy and cryoscopy, osmosis). The role of osmosis in biological processes. Dispersed systems, their classification. Colloidal solutions and their properties: kinetic, optical, electrical. The structure of colloidal particles. The importance of colloids in biology.

Organic chemistry

Saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes). Isomerism. Nomenclature. Synthesis methods. Physical and chemical properties of alkanes. Radical substitution reactions S R . Radical halogenation of alkanes. Haloalkanes, chemical properties and applications. Unsaturated hydrocarbons. Alkenes. Isomerism and nomenclature. Electronic structure of alkenes. Preparation methods and chemical properties. Ionic addition reactions at a double bond, mechanisms and basic principles. Polymerization. The concept of polymers, their properties and characteristics, use in everyday life and industry. Alkynes. Isomerism and nomenclature. Preparation, chemical properties and applications of alkynes. Alkadienes. Classification, nomenclature, isomerism, electronic structure.

Aromatic hydrocarbons (arenes).Nomenclature, isomerism. Aromaticity, Hückel's rule. Polycyclic aromatic systems. Methods for obtaining benzene and its homologues. Electrophilic substitution reactions in the aromatic ring S E Ar, general patterns and mechanism.

Alcohols. Monohydric and polyhydric alcohols, nomenclature, isomerism, methods of preparation. Physical, chemical and biomedical properties. Phenols, methods of production. Chemical properties: acidity (influence of substituents), reactions at the hydroxyl group and aromatic ring.

Amines. Classification, isomerism, nomenclature. Methods for obtaining aliphatic and aromatic amines, their basicity and chemical properties.

Aldehydes and ketones.Isomerism and nomenclature. Comparative reactivity of aldehydes and ketones. Preparation methods and chemical properties. Aldehydes and ketones of the aromatic series. Preparation methods and chemical properties.

Carboxylic acids and their derivatives.Carboxylic acids. Nomenclature. Factors affecting acidity. Physico-chemical properties and methods for producing acids. Aromatic carboxylic acids. Preparation methods and chemical properties. Derivatives of carboxylic acids: salts, acid halides, anhydrides, esters, amides and their mutual transitions. Mechanism of esterification reaction.

Carbohydrates. Monosaccharides. Classification, stereochemistry, tautomerism. Preparation methods and chemical properties. The most important representatives of monosaccharides and their biological role. Disaccharides, their types, classification. Differences in chemical properties. Mutorotation. Sucrose inversion. Biological significance of disaccharides. Polysaccharides. Starch and glycogen, their structure. Cellulose, structure and properties. Chemical processing of cellulose and the use of its derivatives.

Amino acids. Structure, nomenclature, synthesis and chemical properties. a-Amino acids, classification, stereochemistry, acid-base properties, features of chemical behavior. Peptides, peptide bond. Separation of amino acids and peptides.

Heterocyclic compounds.Heterocyclic compounds, classification and nomenclature. Five-membered heterocycles with one and two heteroatoms, their aromaticity. Six-membered heterocycles with one and two heteroatoms. An idea of ​​the chemical properties of heterocycles with one heteroatom. Heterocycles in natural compounds.

3.2 Features of the content, structure and methodology of studying chemistry courses in secondary and higher schools.

Principles of construction and scientific and methodological analysis of educational support for chemistry courses in the main one. full (secondary) and higher schools. Educational value of chemistry courses.

Scientific and methodological analysis of the section “Basic chemical concepts”.The structure, content and logic of studying basic chemical concepts at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of studying chemistry. Analysis and methodology for the formation of basic chemical concepts. Features of the formation of concepts about a chemical element and substance at the initial stage. General methodological principles for the study of specific chemical elements and simple substances based on atomic-molecular concepts (using the example of the study of oxygen and hydrogen). Analysis and methodology for forming quantitative characteristics of a substance. The concept of a chemical reaction at the level of atomic-molecular concepts. Interrelation of initial chemical concepts. Development of initial chemical concepts when studying selected topics in the eighth grade chemistry course. The structure and content of an educational chemical experiment in the section "Basic chemical concepts". Problems of methods of teaching basic chemical concepts in secondary school. Features of studying the section "Basic chemical concepts" in university chemistry courses.

Scientific and methodological analysis of the section "Main classes of inorganic compounds".The structure, content and logic of studying the main classes of inorganic compounds at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of chemistry. Analysis and methodology for studying oxides, bases, acids and salts in primary school. Analysis and methodology for forming the concept of the relationship between classes of inorganic compounds. Development and generalization of concepts about the most important classes of inorganic compounds and the relationship between classes of inorganic compounds in complete (secondary) school. Structure and content of an educational chemical experiment in the section "Main classes of inorganic compounds." Problems of teaching methods for basic classes of inorganic compounds in secondary school. Features of studying the section “Main classes of inorganic compounds” in university chemistry courses.

Scientific and methodological analysis of the section "Structure of the atom and the periodic law."The periodic law and the theory of atomic structure as the scientific foundations of a school chemistry course. The structure, content and logic of studying the structure of the atom and the periodic law at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of chemistry. Analysis and methodology for studying the structure of the atom and the periodic law. Problems associated with radioactive contamination of the territory of Belarus in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Structure, content and logic of studying the periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of studying chemistry. Analysis and methodology for studying the periodic system of chemical elements based on the theory of atomic structure. The meaning of the periodic law. Features of studying the section “Atomic structure and periodic law” in university chemistry courses.

Scientific and methodological analysis of the section "Chemical bonding and structure of matter".The importance of studying chemical bonds and the structure of substances in a chemistry course. The structure, content and logic of studying chemical bonds and the structure of matter at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of studying chemistry. Analysis and methodology for forming the concept of chemical bonding based on electronic and energy concepts. Development of the concept of valence based on electronic representations. The degree of oxidation of elements and its use in the process of teaching chemistry. Structure of solids in the light of modern concepts. Disclosure of the dependence of the properties of substances on their structure as the main idea of ​​studying the school course. Features of studying the section "Chemical bonding and structure of matter" in university chemistry courses.

Scientific and methodological analysis of the section "Chemical reactions".

Structure, content and logic of studying chemical reactions at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of studying chemistry. Analysis and methodology for the formation and development of a system of concepts about chemical reactions in basic and full (secondary) schools.

Analysis and methodology for generating knowledge about the rate of chemical reactions. Factors influencing the rate of chemical reactions and methods for developing knowledge about them. Worldview and applied significance of knowledge about the rate of chemical reactions.

Analysis and methodology for developing concepts about the reversibility of chemical processes and chemical equilibrium. Le Chatelier's principle and its significance for using a deductive approach in studying the conditions for shifting equilibrium during the occurrence of reversible chemical reactions. Features of studying the section "Chemical reactions" in university chemistry courses.

Scientific and methodological analysis of the section "Chemistry of solutions and the fundamentals of the theory of electrolytic dissociation."The place and significance of educational material about solutions in a school chemistry course. Structure, content and logic of studying solutions at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of studying chemistry. Analysis and methodology for studying solutions in a school chemistry course.

The place and significance of the theory of electrolytes in the school chemistry course. Structure, content and logic of studying the processes of dissociation of electrolytes at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of chemistry study. Analysis and methodology for studying the basic provisions and concepts of the theory of electrolytic dissociation in a school chemistry course. Disclosure of the mechanisms of electrolytic dissociation of substances with different structures. Development and generalization of students' knowledge about acids, bases and salts based on the theory of electrolytic dissociation.

Analysis and methodology for studying the hydrolysis of salts in specialized classes and classes with in-depth study of chemistry. The importance of knowledge about hydrolysis in practice and for understanding a number of natural phenomena. Features of studying the section "Chemistry of solutions and the basics of the theory of electrolytic dissociation."in university chemistry courses.

Scientific and methodological analysis of the sections "Non-metals" and "Metals"..Educational tasks of studying non-metals and metals in a high school chemistry course. The structure, content and logic of studying non-metals and metals at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of chemistry. Analysis and methodology for studying non-metals and metals at various stages of chemistry education. The importance and place of chemical experiment and visual aids in the study of non-metals. Analysis and methodology for studying subgroups of nonmetals and metals. Interdisciplinary connections in the study of nonmetals and metals. The role of studying the systematics of non-metals and metals for the development of general chemical and polytechnic horizons and the scientific worldview of students. Features of studying the section "Non-metals" and "Metals".in university chemistry courses.

Scientific and methodological analysis of the organic chemistry course.Objectives of the organic chemistry course. The structure, content and logic of studying organic compounds at basic, advanced and in-depth levels of studying chemistry in high school and university. The theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds as the basis for the study of organic chemistry.

Analysis and methodology for studying the basic principles of the theory of chemical structure. Development of concepts about the electronic cloud, the nature of its hybridization, the overlap of electronic clouds, and the strength of communication. Electronic and spatial structure of organic substances. The concept of isomerism and homology of organic compounds. The essence of the mutual influence of atoms in molecules. Disclosure of the idea of ​​the relationship between the structure and properties of organic substances. Development of the concept of a chemical reaction in the course of organic chemistry.

Analysis and methods for studying hydrocarbons, homo-, poly- and heterofunctional and heterocyclic substances. Relationship between classes of organic compounds. The importance of the organic chemistry course in polytechnic training and the formation of the scientific worldview of students. The relationship between biology and chemistry in the study of organic substances. Organic chemistry as the basis for the study of integrative disciplines of chemical-biological and medical-pharmaceutical profile.

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The subject of the chemistry teaching methodology is the social process of teaching the younger generation chemical science at school.

The academic subject, teaching and learning are three indispensable and inseparable components and aspects of the learning process.

An academic subject is what students are taught; it is the content of learning. The content of chemistry as an academic subject includes:

  • studying the foundations of chemical science, i.e. its main facts and laws, as well as leading theories that unite and systematize scientific material and give it a dialectical-materialist interpretation;
  • familiarizing students with the basic methods and techniques of chemistry, with its most important applications in the practice of communist construction;
  • instilling in students practical skills that correspond to the nature of chemical science and are necessary for life and work;
  • formation of a communist worldview and behavior of students.

The content of chemistry as an academic subject is revealed by the curriculum, which indicates the volume, system and sequence of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in students and, partly, the depth of study of chemistry. More specifically, the content of the academic subject and especially the depth of coverage of scientific issues is revealed by textbooks, which no longer provide a list of knowledge, but present it in the form in which it is acquired by students. However, textbooks do not always indicate what observations, experiments and practical work students will carry out, and what practical skills they will gain. This book is given for practical laboratory work, for practical exercises and observations in production. It is also not always clear from textbooks what stoichiometric calculations students master, what qualitative and design chemical problems they will learn to solve using the acquired knowledge. Collections of problems and exercises give an idea of ​​this. Thus, in its concrete form, chemistry as an academic subject is revealed in the program, textbooks, books for practical laboratory classes, collections of problems and exercises.

Teaching is the activity of a teacher, consisting in the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to students, in organizing their independent work to acquire knowledge and skills, in the formation of a communist worldview and behavior, in guiding and managing the process of preparing students for life and work in a communist society.

The components of teaching chemistry are arousing and maintaining students’ interest and attention to learning; providing schoolchildren with knowledge of chemistry in close connection with labor, production, and the practice of communist construction; the use of a variety of teaching methods (verbal presentation, demonstration of experiments and visual aids, work with handouts, laboratory exercises, problem solving, excursions, practical work and observations in production, etc.); introducing students to socially useful work; repetition and consolidation of knowledge; organizing independent work for students at school and at home; formation of practical skills, including skills of applying knowledge in practice; checking, correcting and assessing students’ knowledge, skills and abilities; conducting optional and extracurricular activities; development of students' abilities and talents; educating them in the learning process in the spirit of communist consciousness; creation of material conditions for teaching chemistry.

Teaching is the activity of students, consisting in mastering the academic subject presented by the teacher. In the complex process of learning, the following points can be distinguished: students’ perception of the educational material taught by the teacher, comprehension of this material, firmly consolidating it in memory, application in mastering new educational material and in solving educational and vital practical problems, independent educational and socially useful work of students, pursuing the goal of perceiving, comprehending, consolidating and learning to apply scientific knowledge and skills in practice. These moments are interconnected, transform into each other, often occur simultaneously, and therefore they cannot be considered as stages of learning. In each of these moments, students’ speech plays a huge role, since the results of cognition and thinking are consolidated and recorded in words and phrases, and thoughts arise and exist only on the basis of linguistic material. To learn science well, students must learn to work independently and actively: listen, observe, think, perform laboratory work, solve problems, work with books and textbooks, etc.

To find out what an academic subject and teaching are, it is very important to consider the relationship of the academic subject to science, and the teaching to scientific knowledge.

An academic subject differs from science, and teaching differs from knowledge in that, while studying, students do not discover new truths, but only assimilate those obtained and tested by social and industrial practice. In the learning process, students do not master the entire content of chemical science, but only learn its basics. They study chemistry not in the historical or logical sequence of scientific discoveries, but in a sequence determined by didactic requirements that facilitate the assimilation of a system of scientific knowledge. They are not trained in scientific research, but only become familiar with the methods of science. When transferring knowledge to students, the teacher uses only those evidence of the reliability of the relevant scientific provisions that are available to the students.

At the same time, the academic subject and science, teaching and scientific knowledge have much in common. During the learning process, students learn the basics of science using methods that correspond to the specifics of science. Thus, in the process of teaching chemistry, a major role is played by direct familiarization with substances and their transformations through observation and experiment, the development of scientific hypotheses and testing them experimentally, theoretical generalization of facts, laws, etc. In this case, students use analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, induction and deduction and other techniques that are used in science in the study of chemical phenomena. The method of teaching scientific knowledge in a unique form repeats the scientific path of knowledge: “From living contemplation to abstract thinking and from it to practice...”.

The academic subject, teaching and learning are in mutual connection and conditionality. The content of an academic subject determines both the nature of teaching and the nature of learning, and this content is built taking into account the characteristics of both learning and teaching. Teaching is the more successful the more the peculiarities of teaching are taken into account, as well as the peculiarities of programs, textbooks, individual methods, techniques and organizational forms of teaching. The learning process changes under the influence of the applied programs, textbooks, methods, and organizational forms of teaching and has a reverse effect on them, that is, it affects the construction of the educational subject and the methodology of its teaching.

Marxism-Leninism irrefutably proved that upbringing, education and training are determined by the prevailing political, philosophical, legal and aesthetic views and institutions, the production relations that give rise to them and, ultimately, the development of the productive forces of society. For Soviet pedagogy, this means that the requirements of communist construction determine the types of schools, their goals and objectives, and the goals and objectives of each type of school are the selection of educational subjects, content, organization and methods of teaching in them.

In a class society, education has always had and continues to have a class character, introducing the ideas of the ruling class into people's consciousness. In a class society based on exploitation, there were and are two systems of education: one for the children of exploiters, the other for the children of the exploited.

Of course, the content of educational subjects is also determined by the logic of the development of science and the state of scientific knowledge, but this determining role is manifested through the requirements for education by educational policy. From the treasury of science into the educational subjects of the Soviet school is transferred what constitutes its foundations and is necessary for life and work to build a communist society, for the fight against capitalism, for the triumph of socialism and communism on a worldwide scale.

The above is entirely relevant to teaching chemistry. In the Soviet school, chemistry as an academic subject and its teaching are built taking into account the logic and prospects for the development of chemical science and in full accordance with the requirements of life and the practice of communist construction. In schools in capitalist countries, the teaching of chemistry is subordinated to the tasks set by the bourgeoisie in the field of education. In England and the USA, the children of the bourgeoisie receive good training in chemistry, and the children of working people receive only the knowledge that is necessary to become highly productive workers and provide maximum profit to the capitalists.

The contradiction between the demands of life and new achievements of scientific knowledge, on the one hand, and the content of education existing in schools, on the other hand, is the driving force for the development of education, including chemistry. First, the purpose and objectives of education change, and then its content and principles of teaching. Changing the content and principles of teaching does not take place without a “struggle” with the old content and old principles. Bringing the content of an academic subject and the principles of teaching it into conformity with the requirements of life and the development of relevant sciences receives full scope only in a socialist society, since the socialist system requires that the entire younger generation master science at the current level of its development, so that, having mastered it, they can to move forward the development of production on the basis of higher technology. In capitalist countries, the inclusion of new issues and the liberation from outdated ones is limited by the relations of production and the ideological considerations of the bourgeoisie. Many theoretical questions of chemistry are still not included in the chemistry curriculum of those schools where children of working people are taught, since the bourgeoisie pursues the goal of equipping the children of working people mainly with utilitarian knowledge. In addition, many questions of theoretical chemistry are not introduced into these schools because the bourgeoisie is afraid of the penetration of materialistic conclusions arising from chemical theories, and if it dares to introduce them, it puts the study of these theories somewhere at the end of the course in an informational order in order to reduce it to zero ideological significance of the educational subject. Such a fate, for example, is experienced in capitalist countries by the periodic law, the periodic system of chemical elements by D. I. Mendeleev, and the theory of chemical structure by A. M. Butlerov. But in the programs of schools that train personnel for production management, these questions are usually included in the middle of the course in order to use them as a means of in-depth study of chemistry.

Changes in the content and principles of teaching academic subjects, occurring under the influence of the requirements of life and the development of science, further determine changes in the nature of teaching, since the content is not independent of the methods, but is decisive in relation to them (the method is the consciousness of the form of the internal movement of the content), changes in the principles and methods of teaching cause changes in the learning process. This is how education in general and chemistry in particular develops.

Now we can give a specific definition of the subject of Soviet chemistry methodology.

The subject of Soviet chemistry methodology is the study of problems: why to teach (the purpose and objectives of teaching chemistry), what to teach (academic subject), how to teach (teaching) and how students learn (teaching), the development of these problems in their interrelation and development according to the requirements of communist construction, taking into account the development of chemical science and the age characteristics of students.

Types of combining the activities of a teacher and students aimed at achieving any educational goal are called teaching methods.

In accordance with didactic goals, the methods used are distinguished:

1) when studying new educational material;

2) when consolidating and improving knowledge;

3) when testing knowledge and skills.

Teaching methods, regardless of didactic goals, are divided into three groups:

I.Visual methods– these are methods associated with the use of visual aids. Visual aids can include objects, processes, chemical experiments, tables, drawings, films, etc.

Visual aids, when using visual methods, are a source of knowledge for students; they acquire knowledge by observing the object of study. For a teacher, visual aids are a means of teaching.

II.Practical methods:

1. Laboratory work;

2. Practical exercises;

3. Solving calculation problems.

Students also observe when performing chemical experiments. But in this case they change the object of observation (perform an experiment, obtain a substance, weigh it, etc.).

III.Verbal methods(use of the word):

1. Monologue methods (story, lecture);

2. Conversation;

3. Working with a book;

4. Seminar;

5. Consultation.

Verbal methods

1. Monologue methods - This is the presentation of educational material by the teacher. The presentation of the material can be descriptive or problematic, when any question is raised, in the solution of which students are somehow involved. The presentation can be in the form of a lecture or a story.

Lecture is one of the most important forms of communication of theoretical scientific knowledge. The lecture is used mainly when learning new material. Recommendations for greater use of lectures in high schools were made as early as 1984 in school reform regulations.

The following requirements can be made for the lecture:

1) strict logical sequence of presentation;

2) accessibility of terms;

3) correct use of notes on the board;

4) dividing the explanation into logical, complete parts with a step-by-step generalization after each of them;

5) requirements for the teacher’s speech.

The teacher should name substances, not their formulas, etc. (“let’s write the equation”, not the reaction). The emotionality of the presentation, the teacher’s interest in the subject, oratory skills, artistry, etc. are also important;

6) there should be no excessive demonstration material so as not to distract the student.

Lectures, as a teaching method, can be used at school in the case when the teacher, in the process of work, can rely on some information the student has about the subject of a given science or the system of other sciences. This determines the peculiarities of this method in the conditions of school, technical school and university.

School lecture , as a teaching method, can be used already in the 8th grade, but after studying the Periodic Law and the structure of matter. Its duration should not exceed 30 minutes, since students are not yet accustomed to it, quickly get tired and lose interest in what is being communicated.

The main points of the lecture should be given on the record.

Lectures are used somewhat more often in older (10-11) grades. Their duration is 35-40 minutes. Lectures are recommended for use when:

b) its volume cannot be divided into parts;

c) new material does not rely sufficiently on previously acquired knowledge.

Students learn to take notes and draw conclusions.

In secondary specialized educational institutions, lectures are used more often than in schools. They take up 3/4 of the time allotted for the lesson, 1/4 is used for questioning before or after the lecture.

A university lecture usually lasts two academic hours. Students receive concentrated knowledge of a large volume of material, the concretization of which occurs through practical knowledge and independent work with literature.

Story . Sharp boundary between lecture And story No. This is also a monologue method. The story is used much more often in school than the lecture. It lasts 20-25 minutes. A story is used if:

1) the material being studied is difficult to understand;

2) does not rely on previously covered material and is not connected with other subjects.

This method differs from a school lecture not only in the duration of the presentation, but also in the fact that in the process of communicating new material, the teacher turns to the knowledge of the students, involves them in solving small problematic problems, writing equations of chemical reactions, and invites them to draw brief and general conclusions. The pace of the story is faster. There is no recording of story material.

2. Conversation refers to dialogic methods. This is one of the most productive methods of teaching at school, since when using it, students take an active part in acquiring knowledge.

The virtues of conversation:

1) during the conversation, through old knowledge, new, but of a higher degree of generality, is acquired;

2) active analytical-synthetic cognitive activity of students is achieved;

3) interdisciplinary connections are used.

Preparing a teacher for this method of teaching requires a deep analysis of both the content of the material and the psychological capabilities of the contingent of a given class.

There are different types of conversations: heuristic, generalizing And control and accounting.

To task heuristic conversations includes the acquisition of knowledge by students using a research approach and maximum student activity. This method is used when learning new material. Target generalizing conversations– systematization, consolidation, acquisition of knowledge. Control and accounting conversation assumes:

1) control over completeness, systematicity, correctness, strength, etc. knowledge;

2) correction of detected deficiencies;

3) assessment and consolidation of knowledge.

In grades 8-9, mainly combined presentations are used, that is, a combination of explanations with different types of conversations.

3. Working with textbooks and other books. Working independently with a book is one of the methods that students should get used to. Already in the 8th grade, it is necessary to systematically teach schoolchildren how to work with books and introduce this element of learning in lessons.

1) understanding the title of the paragraph;

2) the first reading of the paragraph as a whole. Careful examination of the drawings;

3) finding out the meaning of new words and expressions (subject index);

4) drawing up a plan for what you read;

5) repeated reading in parts;

6) writing all formulas, equations, sketching instruments;

7) comparison of the properties of the studied substances with the properties of previously studied ones;

8) final reading in order to summarize all the material;

9) analysis of questions and exercises at the end of the paragraph;

10) final control (with assessment of knowledge).

This plan should be used to teach how to work with a book in the classroom, and the same plan can be recommended when working at home.

After working with the book, a conversation is held and concepts are clarified. An additional film or chemical experiment may be demonstrated.

4. Seminars can be used in lessons for learning new material and summarizing knowledge.

Objectives of the seminars:

1) instilling the ability to independently acquire knowledge using various sources of information (textbooks, periodicals, popular science literature, the Internet);

2) the ability to establish a connection between structure and properties, properties and application, that is, learning the ability to apply knowledge in practice;

3) establishing a connection between chemistry and life.

Seminars can be in the form of reports, in free form, when all students are preparing on the same general issues, or in the form of business games.

The success of the seminar depends:

1) on the ability of students to work with a source of information;

2) from teacher training.

When preparing for a seminar, the teacher must:

2) compose questions that are accessible in content and scope for students to master;

3) think over the form of the seminar;

4) provide time for discussing all issues.

An important point is the development of students' speech. The ability to formulate your thoughts and speak using the language of this science.

5. Consultation contributes to the activation of schoolchildren in the learning process, the formation of their completeness, depth, and systematic knowledge.

Consultations can be conducted in and outside of class, on one topic or on several, individually or with a group of students.

1) the teacher selects material for consultation in advance, analyzing the student’s oral and written answers, and their independent work;

2) several lessons before the consultation, students can drop notes with questions into a specially prepared box (you can indicate your last name, then this will facilitate the teacher’s individual work with students);

3) in direct preparation for consultation, the teacher classifies the questions received. If possible, you should select the central one from among the questions received and group the rest around it. It is important to ensure a transition from simple to more complex;

4) the most prepared students can be involved in consultations;

5) at the beginning of the consultation, the teacher announces:

The topic and purpose of the consultation;

The nature of the questions received;

6) at the end of the consultation, the teacher gives an analysis of the work done. It is advisable to carry out independent work.

The main concept of the article “Teaching Chemistry in Secondary School” is a presentation of one’s own teaching experience, providing assistance to teachers on methods of teaching chemistry at school. Perhaps, with greater or less success, it can be applied to the teaching of other natural sciences (physics, biology, geography) and mathematics. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the effective implementation of professional activities requires both the ability to carry out this activity and the desire to carry it out (motivation).

This article examines the role of interactive techniques in teaching. The author introduces various forms of using these techniques in chemistry lessons.

We live in an era of rapid growth of scientific knowledge. From the point of view of system analysis, the educational process in secondary school and scientific knowledge are complex, endless, interacting systems, and the educational process is included as a subsystem in the system of scientific knowledge. Therefore, the rapid growth of scientific knowledge should inevitably lead to natural variability in the educational process in secondary school, and improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process, in turn, will increase the rate of growth of scientific knowledge.

The laws on education of the Russian Federation indicate the need to improve education, improve the quality of educational work, and purposefully develop the creative abilities of students. Also K.D. Ushinsky, the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia, wrote that teaching is work full of activity and thought. But it is the active activity and mental creative side of learning that is not sufficiently updated in the traditional organization of training. Increasing the effectiveness of the lesson is one of the urgent tasks of improving the quality of the educational process.

Who is he today - a modern teacher: a source of information, a carrier of innovation, a consultant, a moderator, an observer, a resource, a reference book, an adviser - one who teaches others or constantly learns himself? What kind of a modern teacher is he: creative, self-critical, enterprising, stress-resistant, knowledgeable, psychologist?

The times of encyclopedists with an extensive but constant store of knowledge are over. In the age of information technology, with constantly growing market conditions, specialists who are able to find, using multimedia, and analyze rapidly changing information are valued. Therefore, the goal of modern education is not memorizing a large amount of factual data, but teaching effective ways to obtain and analyze available information. Considering that learning is a purposeful process of interaction between a teacher and a student, discourse is the active principle in the pedagogical system. The “teacher-student” system has the potential to increase the activity of students, and the effectiveness of the educational process depends on coordination and synchronization in the actions of both parties. One of the conditions for increasing the effectiveness of teaching is the establishment of a favorable psychological climate in the learning process, that is, a change in the teacher’s position in the educational process is necessary. The main task of the teacher is not the transfer of knowledge, but the organization of the activities of students. The teacher should act as a mentor and organizer of a constantly changing learning environment, and not as a mere carrier of information. The role of the student becomes more complicated, since he must turn from a passive consumer of ready-made knowledge into an active researcher, interested not so much in obtaining specific knowledge, but in new technologies and methods of research and obtaining the desired result. These can be interactions "teacher - student", "student - student", "student - educational book", "teacher - student - educational material".

New knowledge is better perceived when students clearly understand the tasks facing them and show interest in the work ahead. Setting goals and objectives always takes into account the students’ need to demonstrate independence, their desire for self-affirmation, and their thirst for learning new things. If there are conditions in the lesson to satisfy such needs, then students get involved in the work with interest.

My experience in secondary school has shown that in developing interest in a subject one cannot rely entirely on the content of the material being studied. Reducing the origins of cognitive interest only to the content side of the material only leads to situational interest in the lesson. If students are not involved in active activities, then any meaningful material will arouse in them a contemplative interest in the subject, which will not be a cognitive interest.

At school, students come to my lesson with their attention switched, so the main task for me as a teacher is to switch the brain path to the perception of chemical material. The student’s brain is designed in such a way that knowledge rarely penetrates into its depth; it often remains on the surface and is therefore fragile. A powerful incentive in this case is interest.

The development of cognitive interest is a complex task, the solution of which determines the effectiveness of a student’s educational activities. Conscious work begins with students understanding and accepting the learning tasks that are set before them. Most often, this situation is created when repeating what was learned earlier. Then the students themselves formulate the goal of the upcoming work. Due to the need to improve academic performance, the development of students' cognitive interests in the learning process is of great importance for any academic subject. The desire of every teacher is to instill interest in their subject, but the chemistry program in high school, which promotes memorization, does not always develop the creative thinking activity of students.

No matter how good knowledge of the subject or high erudition the teacher has, a traditional lesson does little to contribute to the emotional mood of students for further perception of educational material, activation of their mental activity, development and realization of their potential mental abilities. The most active forms, means and methods of teaching (frontal experiments, research activities, competition lessons, computer technologies) contribute to relieving fatigue, better mastery of the academic subject, development of scientific interest, intensification of students’ educational activities, and increasing the level of practical orientation of chemistry.

Every student has a passion for discovery and research. Even a low-performing student discovers interest in a subject when he discovers something. Therefore, in my lessons I often have to conduct frontal experiments. For example, 9th grade students on the topic “Chemical Properties of Oxygen” experimentally find out and discover the conditions for better combustion of some simple and complex substances.

The location of the frontal experiment is not an end in itself for me, but it is aimed at the students’ mental actions. Frontal observations convince students that each of them can make a discovery of something, the impetus for which is given by experience.

I also conduct research lessons with students, where the subject of their research is the rediscovery of what has already been discovered in science, and the students’ performance of research work is the knowledge for them of something not yet known. During the lesson, students themselves accumulate facts, put forward a hypothesis, conduct experiments, and create a theory. Tasks of this nature arouse increased interest in children, which leads to a deep and lasting assimilation of knowledge. The result of the work in the lesson is the conclusions that the children independently obtained as an answer to the teacher’s problematic question. For example, we identify the essence, mechanism and reason for the occurrence of ion exchange reactions, based on the theory of electrolytic dissociation with 9th grade students. Since an integral part of chemistry is the implementation of practical work, I almost completely moved away from the textbook and its instructions and invite the children to suggest the procedure for performing the work and all the equipment necessary for this. If a student finds it difficult to complete the work, he can use the textbook. I believe that this teaches children to think independently, and to consider the lesson as a research method.

To correlate new information with the system of previous knowledge, I work with generalizing diagrams and tables in lessons. For example, while studying the topic “Special chemical properties of nitric and sulfuric acids” in grade 9, we draw up diagrams with the help of which, using the method of comparison, we explain the oxidative properties of these acids depending on their concentration when they interact with non-metals and with metals of varying activity.

Chemistry has lessons that involve problem solving. I teach kids how to solve problems using an algorithm and create it themselves. For example, in the 11th grade, students solve all problems on the topic “Solutions. Methods of expressing the concentration of solutions” using an algorithm. I pay special attention to solving high-quality problems in organic and inorganic chemistry, where children learn to think and apply knowledge in practice. I believe that even in weak classes a good result is visible. I see one of the ways to develop cognitive interest by using various types of knowledge such as crosswords, puzzles, and chainwords in a general lesson. Such tasks contribute to the assimilation of certain chemical quantities, concepts, laws, memorization of the names of scientists, names and purposes of instruments and laboratory equipment.

To enhance the cognitive activity of students in the classroom and develop their interest in learning, I conduct competition lessons. Such lessons help improve academic performance, because not wanting to lag behind their friends and let their team down, students begin to read more on the subject and practice solving problems. Such lessons lead to diversity in the learning process.

In order for students to have sufficient background knowledge, without which they cannot advance in their studies, I use work with reference notes. Basic notes allow the student to draw up a plan for studying a chemical phenomenon or law, and also, if necessary, very quickly complete and repeat the material covered in subsequent courses. For example, a note on the topic “Chemical Kinetics” can be used in both 9th and 11th grades.

In order to test and correct students' knowledge on any topic, I work with test cards. They allow me to see the level of training of students, their level of preparation.

I consider one of the interesting forms of organizing the collective and cognitive activities of students to be a public review of knowledge, which is a test for them. The review develops the active cooperation of children in their main work - learning, helps to create an atmosphere of goodwill in the youth team, foster mutual assistance, and form a responsible attitude not only to their studies, but also to the successes of their classmates. Knowledge reviews deepen children's knowledge of the subject and serve to reinforce larger topics or the most complex sections of the chemistry course. For example, in the 11th grade I conduct reviews on the topics “Main classes of inorganic compounds”, “Periodic law and D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of Chemical Elements”, “Structure of the Atom and Chemical Bonds”; in grade 10 - “Hydrocarbons”, “Oxygen-containing organic compounds”; in 9th grade - “Theory of electrolytic dissociation”, “Metals”, “Non-metals”.

The best place to establish a dialogue between teacher and students is also a lesson using computer technology. It is in such a lesson that it is possible to ignite the feelings of students. And this is our relationship with the guys to each other, to school, to family, to the team, to knowledge. Our emotional relationships to the world constitute beliefs, the soul of a person, the core of his personality.

The computer as a teaching tool is now becoming an indispensable tool for teachers. This problem seems relevant, since the pedagogical capabilities of the computer as a teaching tool in many respects far exceed the capabilities of traditional means. The use of computer technology makes it possible to produce a significant number of visual aids, print out lesson texts, assessments, tests and much more, increasing the visibility of the material being studied. For example, when studying the topic “Structure of the Atom,” you can use a fragment of the “Chemistry, 8th grade” program, which allows you to consider the structure of the atom, the model of the distribution of electrons across energy levels, as well as the mechanisms of chemical bond formation, models of chemical reactions, and much more. This use becomes even more relevant when studying the course "Organic Chemistry", which is based on the spatial structure of many organic substances. This seems extremely important, since students usually do not develop the idea of ​​molecules as spatial structures. The traditional image of molecules of substances in one plane leads to the loss of an entire dimension and does not stimulate the development of spatial image. A significant achievement of computer technology in this matter is also the fact that the structure of molecules can be viewed from different angles - in dynamics.

The use of multimedia programs makes chemical experiments more accessible. For example, in the school chemistry curriculum there are no experiments with harmful substances, although the demonstration of some of them has educational value: there are experiments that formed the basis of historical discoveries and are necessary to form a complete picture of the development of chemical knowledge (production of oxygen, hydrogen), the properties of individual substances need to be known not in words, since they form the rules of correct behavior in extreme situations (the interaction of sulfur with mercury). The use of CDs to demonstrate a chemical experiment can also reduce the time required to demonstrate long-term experience (oil distillation) and facilitate the preparation of equipment. This does not mean that experimentation should be completely replaced by demonstration. So, before starting practical work, I prepare for it with my students using the “analyst” program (author - A.N. Levkin). This allows you to work out the sequence of experiments and saves reagents.

Computer technologies provide ample opportunities for studying chemical production. When we consider these issues, we as teachers rely on static diagrams. Multimedia programs allow you to demonstrate all processes in dynamics and look inside the reactor.

At our school, based on ready-made didactic materials, I created a set of tests on all topics of the school chemistry course. I use them to test my initial understanding of the material or as a test on theoretical questions.

The use of computer technologies not only improves the quality of subject teaching, but also develops such personal qualities of a school graduate as professionalism, mobility and competitiveness, which will make him more successful in further studies in other educational institutions.

All my actions when using visual and technical teaching aids in the learning process are aimed at creating students’ knowledge, and the information that I give in lessons and extracurricular activities leads to the development of their cognitive interest and increases the efficiency of the educational process.

The state, I believe, should be interested in using human potential as efficiently as possible, i.e. that the appropriate positions are filled with people who can use the relevant responsibilities properly.

When it comes to pedagogy, we must understand that the fates of specific people who may be placed on the “Procrustean bed” of the existing educational system are on the scales.


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