Environmental problems of Sakhalin Island. Role-playing game "environmental problems of the Sakhalin region"

Section 1. The state of water, air, land, soil, flora, fauna, subsoil, natural landscapes and complexes.

In the Sakhalin region there are 65,175 rivers with a total length of 105,260 km, of which 61,178 rivers flow on Sakhalin Island, 3,997 on the Kuril Islands, including watercourses less than 10 km long.

The Sakhalin region, including the Kuril Islands, in accordance with the water cadastre, belongs to the Amur Basin District - a hydrographic unit of the basin level with code No. 20. As part of the hydrographic unit No. 20, the water bodies of the Sakhalin region, including the Kuril Islands, are endowed with river code No. 05, and with In the absence of gradation of the sub-basin level (code No. 00), three separate water management areas (WMU) are allocated in the region: - WMU – Susuya River basin; - VKhU – water bodies of Sakhalin Island without the Susuya River basin; - VHU – water bodies of the Kuril Islands.

River pool Susuya makes up 1.3% of the area of ​​Sakhalin Island and 1.15% of the area of ​​the Sakhalin Region. The Susunai basin is the most populated place on Sakhalin Island, mainly due to residents of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and, to a lesser extent, rural settlements.

Until now, the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk faces an acute problem of outdated technologies and equipment for wastewater treatment. The main violation when the Department carries out supervisory measures in relation to housing and communal services enterprises in the Sakhalin region is exceeding established standards for maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of pollutants when discharging wastewater into water bodies. Discharges in excess of MPC standards for pollutants are carried out due to the unsatisfactory condition of sewerage treatment facilities, their destruction and moral and technical obsolescence, almost 100% physical deterioration of water supply and sewerage networks, insufficient funding for the repair and maintenance of existing treatment facilities or their absence at all. One of the largest enterprises engaged in wastewater disposal in the Sakhalin region is Sakhalin Vodokanal LLC. The receivers of wastewater discharged by the Company are the tributaries of the river. Susuya (Krasnoselskaya river, Rogatka river, Prigorodny river, Elanka river, Vladimirovka river, Lepel river, Zima river). Wastewater is discharged through 16 outlets. Of these, 10 outlets are equipped with biological treatment facilities. When the Department carried out supervisory activities, it was revealed that when wastewater was discharged into the stream. Prigorodny (issue 7a) without treatment, there is an excess of MPC standards for suspended solids, ammonium nitrogen, nitrates, phosphates, phenols, iron, total BOD, surfactants, in the stream. Prigorodny (OSK-7 outlet) through the city wastewater treatment plant (with a capacity of 1737.5 m3/hour consisting of: GKNS, grates, settling tanks, aeration tanks, contact tanks (not used), bioponds, sludge beds, chlorinator) excesses of suspended substances are observed, phosphates, ammonium nitrogen, total BOD, phenols, iron, in the river. Krasnoselskaya through treatment facilities (with a capacity of 700 m3/day consisting of: a sewage pumping station, a receiving chamber, a block of aeration tanks, settling tanks, a chlorination room, a compressor room, rapid filters, biological ponds, sludge beds) there is an excess of chlorides, total BOD, phenols, iron, in the river. In Vladimirovka, through biological treatment facilities (with a capacity of 100 m3//day), excesses of nitrates, nitrites, phenols, and phosphates are observed. The existing treatment facilities mostly require repair and modernization. Unsatisfactory performance is explained by hydraulic overload, imperfect design, violation of operating rules, and unsatisfactory technical condition of structures and auxiliary equipment. At the same time, a positive trend has been outlined in the activities of Vodokanal. Thus, as part of the implementation of the regional target program “Providing the population of the Sakhalin region with high-quality housing and communal services for the period 2014-2020” on co-financing terms (90% - regional budget, 10% - city) for the reconstruction of OSK-7 (wastewater discharge in the . Prigorodny) planned 2.7 billion rubles, taking into account the acquisition of modern equipment produced in Russia, Sweden and Norway. In activities for the development of capital construction projects of engineering infrastructure of local importance with a deadline of up to 2017. included work on the expansion and reconstruction of urban wastewater treatment plants (OSK-7), which will eliminate the releases No. 7a and No. 7b without treatment, switching of low-capacity wastewater treatment plants to the northern regions of the city, the Lugovoe planning area (OSK-4, OSK-4a, OSK-5 ), With. Dalneye (OSK-8) to OSK-7. The reconstruction is carried out in two stages. As part of the first stage (June 2013 - December 2015), it is planned to reconstruct existing facilities with an increase in the productivity of treatment facilities to 60,000 cubic meters per day, including the construction of a new deep biological treatment unit, etc. The second stage will begin in February 2015 and will last until March 2016. It includes the construction of two secondary radial settling tanks, installation of main process equipment, etc. Commissioning of the facility is scheduled for March 2016. Currently, a project for the reconstruction of OSK-7 has been developed, and specialists from the contracting organization have begun work.

Water management area covers the Kuril Islands, which extend from the southern tip of Kamchatka in a southwestern direction to the island of Hokkaido and are the natural border between the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean. The Great Kuril Ridge, stretching for 1200 km, includes about 30 islands, including the largest - Paramushir, Onekotan, Urup, Iturup, Kunashir. According to the state water cadastre, on the territory of the Kuril Islands, 11 wastewater discharges into surface water bodies operated by energy, municipal and agricultural (fish factories) enterprises have been registered. The total capacity of sewage treatment facilities (STP) before release into the water body was 0.66 million m3. The largest in terms of capacity are the treatment facilities of the Ostrovnoy fish processing plant (0.59 million m3). In the Kuril GO there is a centralized sewerage system in the city of Kurilsk, the villages of Reidovo, Goryachiye Klyuchi and Gornoye. Almost all wastewater is discharged without treatment. The treatment facilities available in the area (4 pcs.) carry out only mechanical treatment. A significant part of the housing stock uses cesspools. The capacity of treatment facilities in Kurilsk is 200 m3/day. The length of the street sewer network is 39 km, of which 12 km require replacement. In the city of Severo-Kurilsk, the centralized sewerage system covers almost the entire housing stock. The drainage system is a complete separate sewerage system. The city does not have sewerage treatment facilities. Rainwater is drained without treatment from the territory of a populated area by a system of trays. Stormwater is discharged into streams and onto landforms. The Yuzhno-Kurilsky GO does not have sewerage treatment facilities. As of January 1, 2012, the physical wear and tear of fixed sewerage assets amounted to 52.3 percent. Currently, work is underway on the construction of treatment facilities both on the island. Kunashir, and on about. Shikotan. Receivers of wastewater discharged by enterprises in 2013 are sea waters and land rivers of the basins of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean, including: - in the basin of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk - the Kurilka and Reidovaya rivers with their tributaries, coastal rivers; - in the Pacific Ocean basin - the Matrosskaya and Serebryanka rivers. According to Roshydromet, on the territory of the WCU there are: - an active hydrological observation point on the Kitovaya River - the village. Kitovoe, opened on August 10, 1962 (Sakhalin UGMS), is an operating hydrochemical observation point of category 4 on the Ozernaya River - village. Noisy, opened in 1960 (Kamchatka UGMS). According to other departments, the hydrochemical regime on the rivers of the Kuril Islands has not been studied.

The basis for monitoring surface waters and water management systems on the territory of water management areas of the island. Sakhalin is the state observation network (SNS) of Roshydromet, which is monitored by the federal state budgetary institution "Sakhalin Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring" (FSBI "Sakhalin UGMS"). On the Kuril Islands, the observation network for the state of groundwater is practically undeveloped. Observation points of the state network for studying the hydrogeodeformation field are located only on three large islands: Iturup, Kunashir, Paramushir.

The Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Sakhalin Region, in connection with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 671-r dated 05/06/2008 and the instructions of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor), carries out the formation of statistical reporting in the form 2-tp (reclamation) “Information on land reclamation , removal and use of fertile soil layer”, approved by order of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) dated December 29, 2012 No. 676. After analyzing the information provided on land reclamation, removal and use of fertile soil layer in form No. 2-TP (reclamation) It was found that in 2014 the area of ​​disturbed land was 1118 hectares, which is 2.3 times more than in the previous year; the area of ​​degraded land in 2014 was -383 hectares, which is 1.7 times more than the previous year, the area of ​​reclaimed land in 2014 amounted to 330 hectares, which is 5 times less than the previous year.

The main activity of the reporting organizations is: oil and gas production, mineral development, geological exploration, construction work.

In 2013, reporting was provided by 39 respondents, for 2014. - 57 respondents, which is 46% more than in 2013.

I would like to note that in the region, work has begun on the reclamation of sites of past environmental damage at the fields of subsidiaries of OJSC NK Rosneft; the reclaimed areas are not included in the reporting due to the lack of acceptance certificates from the standing commission on land reclamation issues. Thus, according to information from RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz LLC, according to the Society’s inventory of lands and sludge reservoirs on the territory of fields accumulated before consolidation, the area of ​​oil-contaminated lands and sludge pits in the Nogliki region fields was -67.07004 hectares, in the Okha region fields - 87.346094 hectares. Work on the reclamation of oil-contaminated lands is carried out in accordance with the developed “Program for the elimination of accumulated environmental damage accumulated in the territory of activity of LLC RN - Sakhalinmorneftegaz”: 2012. reclaimed 8.1 hectares, 2013 – 16.2 hectares, 2014 – 5.4 hectares, planned for 2015. – 24.7 hectares.

The excess of disturbed lands over reclaimed ones was 3.4 times in 2014. due to the fact that the respondents have subsoil use licenses with a long validity period from 2015 to 2020, and therefore, carrying out land reclamation work immediately after their violation is not a mandatory condition for license holders.

As of 12.01. 2015, in the Sakhalin region there are 883 licenses for the use of subsoil (including 24 licenses on the Sakhalin shelf), of which 62 licenses for hydrocarbons (land-47, shelf-15), 34 for coal, 6 for precious metals and precious stones, 580 - for groundwater, 1 - ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals, radioactive raw materials, 4 - mining chemical non-metallic raw materials, 53 licenses not related to mining (land - 44, shelf - 9), 143 - common minerals (OPI).

Section 2. Environmental hazards, risks to the environment, as well as chemical, physical and biological impacts on the environment and their sources.

Air pollution is one of the main risk factors for public health. According to Roshydromet, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk has been included in the list of cities with the highest levels of air pollution for 20 years, and this level is determined by the maximum concentrations of soot, formaldehyde and benzo(a)pyrene, which have a pronounced tendency to increase values. This is especially typical for the cold season, when the greatest frequency of weather conditions unfavorable for the dispersion of impurities is observed.
On average, about 82.00% of pollutants from the volume of waste gases from all stationary sources are captured annually. This level was achieved due to the highest degree of capture at power industry enterprises, but it does not provide dust and gas purification to the required efficiency due to the presence of obsolete equipment.
The quality of atmospheric air in urban areas largely depends on the condition of public green spaces - gardens, squares, boulevards, parks, urban forests, which remains unsatisfactory.
The use of outdated and worn-out gas cleaning equipment by enterprises that make a significant contribution to air pollution, the increasing number of sources of emissions from enterprises and organizations due to the installation of autonomous heat supply sources and backup energy supply sources contributes to additional air pollution and deterioration of the living conditions of the population.
One of the main factors in the increase in respiratory morbidity among the population of the Sakhalin region is high air pollution in residential areas.
The list of pollutants, among which exceeding the maximum permissible concentration in the atmospheric air of settlements in the Sakhalin region is recorded, includes: nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon oxide, dust. With chronic inhalation exposure, these chemicals affect the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, hematopoietic organs, central nervous system, in addition, these substances affect the formation of congenital anomalies in children, oncology and mortality rates.
The current critical situation in the region with the generation, use, neutralization, storage and disposal of waste poses a real threat to public health and future generations, and has an extremely negative impact on the environment. The issue of handling production and consumption waste is one of the most important conditions for stabilizing and improving the environmental situation and rational use of the region's resource potential.

Section 3. Activities of organizations and enterprises subject to federal environmental supervision that negatively affect or may affect natural objects and environmental protection measures, including legal, administrative and other measures.

The Sakhalin region is an area of ​​intensive use of natural resources. The leading place in the economic complex of the Sakhalin region belongs to industrial sectors, including the oil and gas industry, the intensive development of which is accompanied by the generation of significant volumes of waste.

Oil and gas producing enterprises in the Sakhalin region are represented by Exxon Neftegas Limited, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd, Petrosakh CJSC, and RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz LLC.

As a positive solution to the problem of waste disposal, we can cite the example of Exxon Neftegas Limited, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd., which in some areas, in order to ensure environmental safety and in accordance with the approved feasibility study for construction, all drilling waste (drill cuttings, waste drilling solutions, including oil-containing solutions, and other technological waste) are placed in rock layers and in deep subsurface horizons through injection wells for waste injection.

The annual increase in the volume of waste generation requires the adoption of effective measures to organize their processing and disposal in order to obtain material and energy resources and improve the environmental situation.

Today, in the Sakhalin region there are no solid waste disposal facilities (solid waste landfills) that meet the requirements of environmental legislation.

In total, there are 3 solid waste landfills and 21 authorized solid waste dumps in the Sakhalin region.

At the same time, 41 objects are included in the state register of waste disposal facilities (hereinafter referred to as GRRORO), which was approved by Order of Rosprirodnadzor dated September 25, 2014 No. 592 “On the inclusion of waste disposal facilities in the state register of waste disposal facilities”. waste disposal .

At the moment, the situation in the Sakhalin region is such that objects associated with burial solid household waste is not subject to inclusion in GRRORO (3 solid waste landfills; 21 authorized landfills), due to the fact that these facilities do not comply with the requirements of legislation on environmental protection and on industrial and consumer waste.

Thus, the solid waste landfill “City landfill “Nogliki” and the modernized solid waste landfill “Korsakov” are located on the lands of populated areas and within the boundaries of populated areas. This is a violation of Part 2 of Article 7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2001 No. 136-FZ (land is used in accordance with the intended purpose established for them), and Part 5 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89 “On production and consumption waste” (disposal of waste within the boundaries of populated areas is prohibited).

The solid waste landfill of the Smirnykhovsky Municipal Formation is located on forest lands, which contradicts Part 2 of Article 7 of the Land Code of October 25, 2001 No. 136-FZ (the lands are used in accordance with the intended purpose established for them). At the same time, according to Art. 25 of the Forest Code of December 4, 2006 No. 200-FZ, the permitted types of forest use do not include the burial of solid waste on lands belonging to the lands of the forest fund.

On the territory of other municipalities, the official solid waste disposal facilities are authorized landfills, which do not comply with the requirements of environmental legislation, and, for the most part, have practically exhausted their capacity or are overcrowded (according to the inventory of these facilities carried out by organizations operating landfills, provided to the Department Rosprirodnadzor for the Sakhalin region).

In addition, almost all solid waste landfills in the territories of municipalities were put into operation in the 80s of the 20th century and are located in the territories of populated areas, which is a direct violation of environmental legislation (Part 5 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89- The Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste” prohibits waste disposal within the boundaries of populated areas).

Decree of the Government of the Sakhalin Region dated 08/06/2013 No. 415 approved the state program of the Sakhalin Region “Environmental protection, reproduction and use of natural resources of the Sakhalin Region for 2014 - 2020” (together with “Subprogram No. 1 “Production and consumption waste in the Sakhalin Region”) . According to the state program, one of the goals is to create conditions for ensuring environmentally safe disposal (neutralization) of waste in the Sakhalin region. Task 1.1 is the construction 11 solid waste landfills.

Main goal subroutines No. 1 is to create conditions to ensure environmentally safe disposal (neutralization) of waste and the elimination of unauthorized waste disposal sites.

The objectives of this subprogram are:

1. Ensure the carrying out of engineering surveys and the development of design and estimate documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of solid waste landfills;

2. Ensure that design and survey work is carried out to carry out reclamation measures at waste disposal sites.

The implementation of this State Program will allow by 2020:

Build 11 solid waste landfills in municipalities of the region:

1. urban district "City of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk",

2. "Tymovsky urban district",

3. Uglegorsk municipal district,

4. "Nogliki urban district",

5. "Tomarinsky urban district",

6. "Makarovsky urban district",

7. "Kholmsky urban district",

8. Korsakov city district,

9. "Aniva urban district",

10. Poronaisky urban district,

11. "Nevelsky urban district"

Conduct remediation of 8 waste disposal sites, with a total area of ​​26.1 hectares in the following municipalities of the Sakhalin region, including:

1. Municipal Municipality "Korsakovsky GO",

2. Municipal Municipality "Tomarinsky GO",

3. Municipal Municipality "Tymovsky District",

4. Municipal Municipality "Okhinsky",

5. Municipal Municipality "Uglegorsk Municipal District",

6. Municipal Municipality "Nogliki".

7. MO "Kholmsky GO"

8. Municipal Municipality “GO “Poronaisky”

Funding in the amount of 814,439.4 thousand rubles is provided for the implementation of activities in 2014, including 12,787.5 thousand rubles from the federal budget, 779,519.0 thousand rubles. from the regional budget, 22132.9 thousand rubles from the local budget.

An assessment of the situation with production and consumption waste on the territory of the Sakhalin region is carried out by the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Sakhalin region on the basis of data from the Federal State Statistical Observation in form 2-TP (waste) “Information on the generation, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of production and consumption waste”, which is represented by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out activities related to the management of production and consumption waste.

In 2014, a total of 14.276 million tons of production and consumption waste was generated in the Sakhalin region (23.432 million tons in 2013), of which:

12.989 million tons were used (in 2013 - 12.222 million tons);

Waste transferred to other organizations for the purpose of using 0.910484 million tons (in 2013 - 0.214227 million tons);

0.032 million tons were neutralized (in 2013 - 0.026 million tons);

Waste transferred to other organizations for the purpose of neutralization - 0.422617 million tons (in 2013 - 0.038709 million tons);

Placed at own accommodation facilities - 11.759 million tons (in 2013 - 1.852 million tons),

Transferred to other organizations for the purpose of placement in 2013 - 0.104407 million tons (in 2013 - 10.747 million tons).

At the end of the reporting year, the presence of waste in organizations was 12.052 million tons (in 2013 - 12.001 million tons).

According to the state statistical reporting form 2-TP (waste) for 2014, 757 economic entities reported

Table Dynamics of generated waste in the Sakhalin region*

Most of the existing solid waste disposal sites on Sakhalin are unauthorized - they do not have approval for land allocation and are on the verge of being filled, or are overcrowded.

In relation to most of the existing solid waste disposal sites, the documentation regulating their operation is not brought into compliance with the requirements of current legislation. Land plots are being transferred to the category of “industrial land”.

In 2014, during raid activities, the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Sakhalin Region identified
564 places of unauthorized disposal of solid waste (on a total area of ​​30.841 hectares) of which: 480 places of unauthorized solid waste dumps (on a total area of ​​12.216 hectares) were identified by the heads of municipalities, 79 as a result of raids, 5 based on received appeals from citizens.

On 84 facts of unauthorized disposal of waste, administrative investigations were initiated, as a result of which decisions were made to terminate administrative proceedings under Article 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation due to the absence of administrative offenses. The materials were sent to the prosecutor's office for prosecutorial response measures.

A total of 181 unauthorized solid waste dumps were liquidated. The amount of liquidation costs incurred was 11,200,418 rubles.

As a result of the raids carried out, the calculated amounts of damage caused to the soil, as an object of environmental protection, as a result of the unauthorized disposal of solid waste waste were not presented due to the impossibility of identifying the persons responsible for committing these violations. The case materials were transferred to the Sakhalin Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office for taking appropriate response measures.

By Order No. 262 of 07/02/2013, an interdepartmental working group was created under the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Sakhalin Region to organize measures to prevent, identify and eliminate unauthorized disposal sites for solid waste, which includes representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Sakhalin Region, the Office of Rosreestr for the Sakhalin Region, Sakhalin Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office. Meetings of the working group are held on a regular basis to discuss the organization of interaction in terms of developing an action plan for carrying out measures to identify and eliminate unauthorized solid waste disposal sites.

Resolution of the Administration of the Sakhalin Region dated September 22, 2008 No. 293-pa approved the Long-term regional target program “Production and consumption waste of the Sakhalin Region (2009-2015)”, according to which the construction of new landfills and landfills is planned in the Sakhalin Region.

The Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Sakhalin Region carries out state supervision over compliance by legal entities in the region with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric air protection. Work is underway to identify, suppress and prevent violations of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric air protection.

Management, in terms of compliance with atmospheric air protection rules in 2014. 11 planned, 36 unscheduled, 2 raid events were carried out.

During supervisory activities in 2014, 45 violations were identified, the main one of which was the lack of permits for the release of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air.

24 violations were eliminated, 30 orders to eliminate violations were issued, 24 were executed.

Persons brought to administrative responsibility: legal entities - 21, officials - 16, individuals - 0.

Fines imposed - 3,662,000 rubles, of which 3,080,000 rubles on legal entities, 582,000 rubles on officials, 1,562,000 rubles collected, of which 1,240,000 rubles from legal entities, 322,000 rubles from officials . The amount of fines totaling 1,620,000 rubles was reduced to 440,000 rubles by court decisions. Payment deadline for the amount of 480,000 rubles as of December 12, 2014. did not come out, the decisions to impose an administrative penalty in the amount of 3,580,000 rubles are being appealed in court. Protocols were drawn up and sent to the Justice of the Peace for consideration under Part 1 of Art. 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - 13, according to Part 1 of Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - 19.

Section.4 Information on the activities of the Rosprirodnadzor Office for the Sakhalin Region for 2014.

In 2014, the control and supervisory activity plan of the Department planned to carry out 42 control and supervisory activities, and completed 42 scheduled inspections. The plan of control and supervisory activities for 2014 was completed 100%.

During the reporting period, 154 unscheduled inspections were carried out, including:

at the request of the prosecutor's office - 4, at the request - 148, at the request of the Government of the Russian Federation - 2.

In 2014, the Department carried out 347 control and supervisory activities, including:

Scheduled inspections - 42, unscheduled inspections - 154, raid inspections -72, administrative cases transferred under jurisdiction from another federal executive authority -79.

In 2014, the Department carried out 347 control and supervisory activities, which is 95.6% compared to the same period in 2013 – 363 activities.

A total of 102 business entities were inspected, of which 54 had identified violations (“violators”), which is 52.9%. In 2013, 143 business entities were inspected, of which 64 had identified violations (“violators”), which is 44.7%.

Based on the results of the control and supervisory activities carried out, business entities were identified as “malicious violators” to which administrative measures had previously been applied by state inspectors of Rosprirodnadzor:

For violation of requirements for the protection of water bodies, which may lead to their pollution, clogging and (or) depletion:

LLC "Sakhalin Municipal Operating Company"

Due to repeated failure to comply with instructions:

LLC Sakhalin Vodokanal

Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Glena";

LLC "Sakhalinugol - 6";

Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Housing and Communal Services Nysh" of the Municipal Municipality "Nogliki";

OAU "Eastern Forestry";

LLC "Uglegorsk Waters"

In 2014, the fact of damage to soils in the territory of the Kholmsk city landfill as a result of pollution by petroleum products from the State Unitary Enterprise of the Sakhalin Region “Waste Management Administration” was revealed. Damage caused to soils in the amount of 300 thousand rubles was presented. The decision was appealed in court. The court hearing date is set for January 14, 2015.

In 2014, 7 damages caused to the environment were calculated and presented for payment on a voluntary basis in the amount of 1 million 143 thousand 694 rubles. of them:

· 4 damage to water bodies, in the amount of 824 thousand 294 rubles, as a result of:

Discharge of wastewater exceeding the established standards for maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in the river. Winter (Sakhalin Energy Investment Company, LTD), r. Langeri (AS "Vostok-2"), r. Kazachka (Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Nevel Communal Networks"),

Accidents on the oil pipeline "TsNK USN "Mongi" - TsSPN "Dagi" LLC "RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz" and the entry of oil products into the river. Dougie.

· 3 damage to soils, amounting to 319.4 thousand rubles. as a result:

Road accident at the railway crossing. Arsentyevka (IP "Stepashko"),

Discharge of household wastewater onto the soil of FKU IK-1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Sakhalin Region,

Accidents on the oil pipeline "TsNK USN "Mongi" - TsSPN "Dagi" LLC "RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz".

2 damages were voluntarily paid (IP "Stepashko" and AS "Vostok-2") in the amount of 124 thousand 531 rubles, statements of claim for 2 damages were accepted by the Arbitration Court of the Sakhalin Region, work is underway to recover 1 damage in court, for 2 damages, the deadline for voluntary payment has not expired.

In total, during the reporting period there were 7 “malicious violators” in the Sakhalin region.

There are no economic entities that consistently implement environmental protection measures agreed with the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Sakhalin Region.

Total results of supervisory activities (inspections, administrative proceedings and investigations):

104 administrative cases were initiated, including:

2 protocols under Art. 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation were drawn up based on the results of inspections of the execution of orders carried out in December 2013 (transferred to magistrates for decision-making, court decisions were made in favor of the Department, the total amount of fines amounted to 20.0 thousand rubles, the fines were paid);

6 protocols under Art. 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation was compiled based on the results of inspections carried out in 2014 (transferred to magistrates for decision-making, 5 decisions were made in favor of the Administration, a fine was imposed in the total amount of 50.0 thousand rubles, 50.0 thousand rubles were paid), materials 1 cases are pending;

4 protocols under Part 1 of Art. 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (transferred to the magistrate for decision-making, 2 decisions were rejected by the Office), at the same time, unpaid decisions were sent to the bailiff service;

1 protocol under Art. 19.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (transferred to the magistrate for a decision, the court decision was made in favor of the Department).

137 administrative cases were considered (including 46 administrative cases transferred to the Department of jurisdiction), 11 of them were terminated, 59 legal entities and 65 officials and 2 individuals were brought to administrative responsibility, for a total amount of 2444.5 thousand rubles. Fines were collected in the total amount of 2,320.7 thousand rubles, taking into account previously imposed ones.

The forecast performance indicators of the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Sakhalin Region for 2014 according to the orders of Rosprirodnadzor dated 04/17/2014 No. 235 and 03/20/14 No. 166 were achieved.

Negative impact on the ecology of the island. Project “Sakhalin-2?

The first, inertial option, will mainly carry the trends of three directions (raw materials conservative, raw materials liberal, paternalistic). That is, its parameters will be weighed by their expected share in the GRP of the Sakhalin region and will experience the maximum influence of foreign companies (Sakhalin-1, Sakhalin-2), which have already invested tens of billions of dollars. USA in the development of the oil and gas complex of the region.

Project “Sakhalin-2? - a gigantic project on an island with a very vulnerable ecosystem.

In 2006, the public organization “Sakhalin Environmental Watch” prepared a review of identified violations of environmental legislation by Sakhalin Energy. Among them were illegal deforestation during the unauthorized rerouting of the pipeline; illegal placement of treatment facilities in the water protection zone of the Val River; the importation of several thousand tons of a dangerous pesticide - ethylene glycol - to the island without permission from the authorities for its use, including in water protection zones; smuggling of devices with high levels of radiation into Russia (Sakhalin); planned discharge of more than 500,000 m3 of wastewater along the migration routes of salmon fish into Aniva Bay; numerous violations of medical, sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements, labor protection, identified by a comprehensive inspection of federal and regional state supervisory authorities. According to environmentalists, the development of oil and gas fields on the shelf of northeastern Sakhalin, primarily the Sakhalin-1? and “Sakhalin-2?, poses a threat to the existence of the Okhotsk-Korean population of gray whales.

The population is classified as Category 1 of the Red Book of the Russian Federation and has been assigned endangered status. Studies of the seismic regime carried out by Sakhalin scientists in the northern part of Sakhalin Island and the adjacent shelf for the years 1930-2009 showed that a sharp change in the regime was discovered near the Piltun-Astokhskoye oil and gas condensate field, expressed in the intensification of seismicity since 2005. According to Boris Levin, director of the Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics (IMGiG) FEB RAS, “the collected facts apparently indicate the occurrence of an induced seismicity effect, apparently caused by the development of the field.”

Understanding the need to develop oil production on Sakhalin, which leads to the creation of the island’s infrastructure, the creation of jobs, economic development, and an increase in budget revenues, it is necessary to take into account that by developing one industry, it is possible to destroy another. Fish, crab and other seafood are what most Sakhalin residents and residents of the entire coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk now live on, and the impact on marine biological resources and the marine environment will affect people too. We must also not forget that fish is a renewable resource, we have it now, and will have it in 100 and 200 years, and oil and gas will dry up in a few decades.

The normal coexistence of the fishing and oil industries is possible only with a reasonable approach, in compliance with strict environmental norms and rules in the extraction and development of oil, and all our efforts are aimed only at ensuring that these norms and rules are actually applied by oil companies.

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Media publications; video materials; illustrations.

Terms and concepts

Ecological disaster, ecological crisis.

Forms of conducting a lesson Lecture, conversation, student messages, discussion “The problem awaits your solution.”

Environmental problems of Sakhalin

1). Problems associated with the impact on rare species of animals, primarily gray whales of the Western Pacific (Okhotsk-Korean) population, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Scientists have already noted a shift of whales, including females nursing their calves, to the north feeding area. In the southern part of the feeding area, the whales are disturbed by constant helicopter flights and ship traffic - the Molikpaq oil platform operates nearby. According to the Sakhalin-2 project, it is planned to build another platform within the feeding area of ​​lactating female whales. Work on the construction of an underwater pipeline is carried out close to the feeding whales and directly through the southern part of the pasture. Experts estimate that the noise impacts associated with construction are unprecedented in their severity and impact on whales.

2). Problems associated with the construction of an onshore pipeline. The most important element of the Sakhalin-2 project is the construction of the pipeline. The approximately 850 km long pipeline is being built in a seismically active zone and will cross 1,103 rivers and streams, most of which are salmon spawning grounds. In 1995, the city of Neftegorsk, located 40 km from the planned pipeline route, was completely destroyed by an earthquake

3). Problems associated with the construction of a liquefied natural gas plant and shipping terminal in Prigorodnoye. During the construction process, it is planned to discharge one million tons of soil removed during dredging into Aniva Bay. The Sakhalin Energy company actually refused to consider the option of dumping dredging waste outside the bay and has already begun dumping. The discharge of soil into Aniva Bay, which is an important fishery reservoir, will lead to unpredictable consequences for its ecosystem (increased water turbidity, oxygen deficiency in the water, which will be caused by the oxidation of soil organic matter), and the construction and operation of the shipping terminal will inevitably disrupt the migration routes of salmon, fisheries which forms the basis of the island's economy.

4). Problems of accidents and oil spills during production and transportation.

Assessments by independent experts show that it will not be possible to quickly eliminate the consequences of a large oil spill in the area of ​​oil production platforms. The spill will destroy the unique feeding habitat of gray whales and the biocenoses of lagoons, which are considered wetlands of global importance. A significant problem is ensuring the safety of year-round tanker transportation of oil from the terminal in Prigorodnoye. The accident of a large tanker will be a catastrophe comparable to the sinking of the Prestige tanker off the coast of Spain in 2003. No insurance will cover the damage caused to nature and the inhabitants of the island, and the entire severity of the consequences will fall on the regional and federal budgets.

5). The problem of burying military shells.

Decommissioned in the 90s, after the reduction of military units in the Sakhalin region, the ammunition was scuttled in Aniva Bay, and not in a specially designated place (in the 132nd square of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk), safe from the point of view of shipping and fishing. The dangerous cargo was lowered into the water from the self-propelled barge "Krasnogorets-11" on the night of June 28-29, 1995. All authorities involved in this issue knew that the ammunition was dumped in violation of established rules. What to do? This question is not difficult to answer: it is urgent to examine the bottom of Aniva Bay, primarily in the Prigorodny area. Moreover, the leadership of the Pacific Fleet offers assistance in this, and on Sakhalin there is equipment and specialists capable of performing this work. In the same branch of the Krasnoarmeysk Research Institute of Mechanization of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Ammunition Agency”, parametric locator search technology has long been introduced. This device is capable of detecting and recognizing any foreign objects at depths of up to 200 m, even those buried in a layer of sand or silt up to 6 m high. For shooting 1 sq. km only 4-5 light days are required, but the detection guarantee is one hundred percent. Survey 1st quarter km will cost approximately 1 million rubles. – the amount is small compared to the possible consequences of a man-made disaster. Unfortunately, I was never able to get clear explanations from the leaders of the Sakhalin Energy company, which is in full swing preparing for the construction of the LNG plant, whether they know about the problem of flooded ammunition and what they are doing to ensure the safety of the work. Nevertheless, we learned that the contract for the inspection and demining of the Prigorodny water area was received by... the security company Armor Group, and four dozen divers brought from Moscow should be engaged in this work. But with their help, 1 sq. km will have to be explored for six months! In addition, divers cannot see what is covered with silt, therefore, they will not give a guarantee that all the shells have been found. And finally, the cost of diving work is tens of times higher than research with a parametric locator. However, it seems that Sakhalin Energy in this case does not care about the amount of costs - after all, under the PSA agreement, any costs are compensated by hydrocarbons produced on the shelf.

6). Problem radioactive contamination.

In 1987 and 1997, helicopters of the Far Eastern Civil Aviation Administration, fulfilling a complex technical assignment from the Ministry of Defense, delivered radioisotope power plants to the lighthouses, and in fact two real nuclear power plants, albeit very compact ones, running on strontium-90. During the flight, due to emergency situations, the helicopter pilots were forced to drop dangerous cargo into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

As is known, sea water is an aggressive environment, and experts believe that the protective housings of the generators, which have lain on the seabed for 18 and 8 years, are about to collapse, and then severe radioactive contamination will occur. The activity of generators lying on the seabed is about 700 thousand curies! If one curie of strontium enters the human body, it can be fatal. And 700 thousand curies is more than enough for all residents of Sakhalin to receive a lethal dose of radiation, which, by the way, knows no boundaries. It will destroy unique fish and biological resources and cause irreversible environmental consequences for the entire Asia-Pacific region. Moreover, the search for generators has not yet yielded any results.

6) The problem of forest fires. Every year, localized forest fires occur on Sakhalin. Forests are burning in the Nogliki, Smirnykhovsky, Poronaysky and Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky districts of the region. The main cause of fire is most often careless handling of fire. In 2002 alone, 38 forest fires broke out on Sakhalin, covering a total of more than 4,220 hectares. Such large losses are largely explained by the poor material and technical support of the civil defense and emergency departments of the Sakhalin region.

7) Problems of general industrial pollution of the environment. They are explained by a lack of funds from industrial enterprises for environmental protection measures.

Discarded ship "Christopher Columbus"

to the Kholmsky coast

Forests are an environmental problem

fires shown in satellite image.

According to the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Sakhalin Region, Nikolai Smirnov, the first plan in Russia, approved by the regional governor, is already undergoing examination by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. The creation of an oil spill response system will be agreed upon with the federal and Far Eastern authorities, in particular, the parties intend to interact with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Ministries of Transport and Communications and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, as well as with the Governments of the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories. The Sakhalin authorities are ready to present to these authorities their results on the development of OSR (oil spill response) operations. For the next three years, Sakhalin will also adopt a regional target program “Creation and development of a territorial system for responding to oil spills in the Sakhalin region,” which will also be developed on the basis of joint financing. Representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations highly appreciate the signing of this agreement. According to them, it will help better and faster coordinate the work of emergency services. The problem is waiting for your solution

Group environmental projects to study problems that are socially significant for the Sakhalin region.

It is carried out in three stages. Stage I – preparatory. The purpose, objectives and method of research are formed, the research area is determined, and the research area is determined. Groups of students are formed, each of which will solve specific problems. With the help of the teacher, questionnaires are compiled for questioning and interviewing the population. Stage II – research of the problem. Students conduct observations or interviews of the population, get acquainted with documents related to the problem studied, and prepare photographic materials. Stage III – final. The collected material is systematized and summarized. Each group prepares a report on the work done, draws up social maps, tables, diagrams, etc. Presentation of research results. Familiarization with them to all students can take place in the form of: speeches at a conference, debate, examination, etc., in the form of defending projects, role-playing games, organizing an exhibition, best works, etc. The topics of creative works are determined by the choice of students and teachers .

Section VI

Lessons 30-32

Hometown Economy


Goals and objectives of the lesson Introduce the children to the economy of their hometown; its role in the regional economy; to form in students an idea of ​​the most important problems - economic, social, environmental, and the reasons for their occurrence; continue to develop students’ ability to work with various sources of geographic information and make a geographic forecast. Educational and visual complex

Video materials; media publications; photos; illustrations.

Terms and concepts

City-forming and city-servicing enterprises.

Forms of conducting a lesson Lecture, conversation, student messages.

Materials for lessons

The largest enterprises in the city.

Kholmsk is the main sea gate of Sakhalin.

NWMP is undergoing a period of improvement. Modernization of the Sakhalin Western Seaport in Kholmsk

is carried out jointly by the companies: Exxon Neftegas Limited (ENL), operator of the Sakhalin-1 project, and Sakhalin Energy, operator of the Sakhalin-2 project. Taking into account the importance of uninterrupted and safe logistical support for maritime operations on the Sakhalin shelf, in July 2004 the companies created a joint committee that developed a draft agreement and terms of reference for the modernization of the existing port.

The final agreement outlines ways to modernize existing equipment (32-ton Sokol crane) and purchase new equipment (gantry cranes, forklifts, pipe carriers, a powerful 60-ton Condor portal crane). In the shortest possible time, it is also planned to build modern warehouses on the port territory for storing pipes and supplying floating drilling platforms, equipped with a modernized stacking system, as well as a comfortable port administration office building with a canteen, a medical center, and showers. Overall, the planned modernization expands the port's ability to serve the entire maritime traffic flow of Sakhalin, in addition to the vessels needed to support offshore oil and gas operations (such as the FESCO Sakhalin icebreaker, designed to ensure year-round delivery of materials and equipment to the area production).

The modernization project of the Sakhalin Western Seaport was financed by the participants of the Sakhalin-1 consortium and the Sakhalin Energy company on a parity basis, with the latter taking over the management functions of all work. A 5-year contract for managing the operation of the port was concluded with the Sakhalin company Sakhalin Shelf Service.

According to ENL Vice President Mark Hackney, the modernization of the Sakhalin Western Seaport in Kholmsk is an important component of the successful implementation of the tasks of Stage 1 of the Sakhalin-1 project and will provide additional opportunities for both Sakhalin residents and the Sakhalin economy. “This fundamental upgrade of an important commercial cargo hub will at the same time increase the port's utility for everyone, not just offshore projects. This will be another aspect of the overall infrastructure improvement process resulting from the development of the Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 projects and supporting the economy of the Sakhalin region.” This year, industrial site No. 3 was put into operation - a full-fledged container terminal equipped with seven systems. Here everything is ready for the concentration and temporary storage of heavy-duty containers and other large cargo.

OJSC Sakhalin Shipping Company (SASCO) is the largest shipping company in the Far East. The fleet of the Sakhalin Shipping Company has ice-class vessels and can operate on almost all sea lines of the World Ocean. SASCO is the third shipping company in the country in terms of transportation of transshipment cargo and the first in terms of growth in domestic passenger traffic. This company plays a city-forming role and influences the state of the region’s economy.

LLC "Sakhmortek" - subsidiary of SMP. A transport and forwarding company providing services and agency activities for the transportation of goods traveling in direct mixed rail-water communication by ferries and transport ships on the Vanino - Kholmsk - Vanino line. Provides services for sending goods to the countries of Southeast Asia.

Ferry crossing Vanino-Kholmsk – one of the structural divisions of SASCO. It delivers up to 90% of all cargo arriving in Sakhalin. While reading the local press, I found material that this company is about to undergo big changes. In recent years, it has become a drag on shippers and consignees. Back in 2002, an average of 39 wagons per day were transported from the mainland to Sakhalin, while at the same time up to 300 wagons accumulated on the Far Eastern Railway. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation Vladimir Yakunin at a meeting with the management of Sakhalin Shipping Company OJSC. It is not only the mandatory replacement of wagon wheel sets, taking into account the narrow gauge on Sakhalin, that hinders the transportation of goods. There are only 4 ferries operating on the Vanino-Kholmsk line instead of the previous 10. But they are not fully loaded with wagons, since the ferry takes another 6-8 vans on each trip. The management of the Ministry of Railways made a decision to reconstruct the Sakhalin Railway and transfer it to standard broad gauge.

Kholmsky sea trade port - sea gates of Sakhalin. It receives the main flow of cargo and passengers. The port is ice-free all year round and can accommodate any medium-tonnage vessels up to 5,500 tons with a draft of up to seven meters. The harbor, protected from waves by two breakwaters and with depths of more than 9 meters, can accommodate domestic and foreign ships with a displacement of up to 7 thousand tons. The port has three berths 360 meters long for processing the transport fleet and two specialized berths 130 meters long for receiving Sakhalin ferries. The port is a highly mechanized enterprise with 13 portal cranes from 5 to 40 tons, 35 forklifts from 1.5 to 10 tons and other handling equipment. Cargo such as coal, metals, pipes, equipment, and containers are serviced here. The port's marine terminal houses customs, quarantine, migration and passenger services. There is a parking lot and gas station on its territory. The port accepts medium-tonnage vessels and ferries all year round. In 2005, the Kholm Sea Trade Port received income of 79 million rubles, which is 23.8% more than the period of last year. 62 cargo ships and 380 ferries were processed. Cargo turnover amounted to 1146.9 thousand tons. The volume of loading and unloading operations in value terms increased by 42.3% compared to last year and amounted to 25.6 million rubles. The company operated with a profit in the reporting period, but had a negative financial result in the corresponding period last year.

Dredging work was carried out in 2000-2001, and the port's ship handling capabilities increased. The company has begun processing large-capacity vessels for the Sakhalin-2 project.

CJSC "Marine Company "Sakhalin - Kuriles" carries out regular sea transportation of goods and passengers on the Sakhalin – Otaru line by the vessels “Marina Tsvetaeva” and “Igor Farkhutdinov”.

Fishing enterprises.

In the total industrial production of the Kholm region, the fishing industry accounts for 70 to 80%. According to the results of the 1st half of 2005, the largest share in the total volume of production for the main types of economic activity falls on fishing - this is 47.4%. The production volume amounted to 114.4% compared to 2004.

In the first half of 2005, enterprises of the fishing industry transferred tax payments to the local budget in the amount of 12.5 million rubles, which is more than 10% of the total tax revenue. The arrears in tax payments as of July 1, 2005 amounted to 17.6 million rubles and doubled compared to last year, which is explained by the bankruptcy of two large enterprises in the industry (Sakhrybkom CJSC and Kholm Sea Resources RKZ-28 OJSC) and the difficult financial situation of OJSC "Sakhalin Fisherman".

In 2005, the enterprises of the Kholmsky region received quotas for the catch and production of aquatic biological resources for industrial purposes in the amount of 83.6 thousand tons and 14.9 thousand tons for coastal fishing, including 208.8 tons of pink salmon. In the first half of 2005, enterprises have already used 40% of the allocated limits, although the fishing situation in the fishing areas was quite difficult. All enterprises (except for JSC Sakhalin Fisherman) issued permits for fishing in a timely manner. The fish catch for January-June 2005 amounted to 34.5 thousand tons, an increase compared to 2004 levels of 39.1%. The output of food products has been significantly increased. The production of canned food in the reporting period decreased by 40.3% compared to last year. The reduction was made due to the bankruptcy of one of the large canneries on Sakhalin, Kholm Sea Resources RKZ-28 LLC, downtime due to financial problems and the lack of raw materials of La Peruz LLC. Now the crisis situation has been eliminated and the RKZ-28 plant has been operating again since the summer of 2005 under the new name Kholmskekoproduct LLC (RKZ-35). Despite difficulties with raw materials, the output of Sakura Company JSC has been increased. The status of a port city is maintained by Sakhalinremflot JSC, the only enterprise in the island region that carries out comprehensive ship repairs with a warranty period. This company now also owns the Baikovsky Shipyard. 120 ships in Kholm ship repairers are ready to take on the slipway for a year. Poseidon LLC - one of the largest enterprises in the fishing complex of the Sakhalin region. Created in 1991. The company has a fishing area in the south of Sakhalin, several units of a small fleet, and the freezer trawler “Cape Kurbatova”, whose daily capacity is 50 tons of finished frozen products. The company's products have received recognition in the Russian market and abroad. The company has been awarded the “Best Exporter of the Russian Federation” memorial badge more than once. Fishing collective farm "Priboy" (pravda village) is a leading enterprise operating in the field of extraction and processing of raw fish and seafood in the region. The enterprise has a fishing fleet, a coastal fish processing plant, and refrigerators. The collective farm produces about 60 types of products: frozen, salted, smoked, dried fish, preserves (herring, cod, seafood); chopped frozen seaweed; cooking; frozen minced fish; Salted salmon caviar. The company employs 220 people. The collective farm has repeatedly presented its products at the international specialized exhibition-fair “Fish Industry”, thanks to the high quality of its products. CJSC "Company "Sakura" (pravda village) – is engaged in the production of canned fish and preserves, fish cooking, and seafood processing. 12 types of fish dishes are produced to suit the taste of the discerning consumer. The production is equipped with modern canning lines. The production and management system have been completely modernized. A variety of containers are used: tin, aluminum, plastic, corrugated containers. Production capacity is 7,200 tons of fish and 800 tons of seaweed per year. The products are in wide demand among buyers and have won prizes in the tasting councils of the “Vprok” program, the “Spros” magazine, exhibitions of the Central Social Media Center and the Fisheries Department of the Sakhalin Region Administration.

OJSC "Kholmskaya Tin Can Factory" is the only enterprise on Sakhalin that produces jars for the fish processing and food industries of our region and other regions of Russia. The main type of product is can No. 6 for canned food - salmon, saury. Additionally, it produces several types of cans. For example, No. 22 is for caviar, traditional can No. 25 is for herring.

The structure of the enterprise includes: a varnish printing area, a photo area, a main production workshop for the production of bank containers No. 6, No. 5, No. 28, No. 22, No. 25, whole cans, SKO lids, a mechanical, construction, energy, loading and unloading area and an instrumentation area .

As well as a product quality laboratory, garage and quality control department.

Product manufacturing technologies are also being improved. The company has three automatic lines for the production of cans with a welded seam. This product manufacturing technology meets international standards and is safe for storing canned food. Now there has been a transition to the production of stamped jars, intended mainly for storing caviar. The caviar jar was improved and equipped with a key. There are intentions to improve the consumer properties of other cans - also by providing them with a key.

As you know, packaging is already half the success when selling a product. The plant has been using lithography in the production of containers for over 30 years.

First - sketchy, and now - bright, clear and colorful. In recent years, new ways of making it have begun to be developed. For the production of lacquered jars, modern technological equipment from Toyo-Sekan (Janonia), Continental (USA), Mavag AG, Sudronik AG, Frey AG (Switzerland), Krup, Blema is used. , "Karges-Hammer AG" (Germany). The company cooperates with large domestic and foreign companies in the supply of varnishes, tin and other materials. Among them are the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the Novosibirsk Tin Plant, and various Japanese and German companies. All factory products are certified.

Kholm Tin Can Factory is one of the largest manufacturers of metal canning containers in Russia. For achieving the highest results and contribution to the development of the fish processing and food industry of the Sakhalin region, the staff of the enterprise was repeatedly awarded honorary diplomas. At the annual specialized exhibitions "Fish Industry" in the Sakhalin region, the factory's products are invariably awarded high awards. The Kholm bank is valued not only in Russia, but also abroad. Thus, in 2001 in Frankfurt, at the 29th ceremony of awarding international quality prizes, JSC Kholmskaya Concrete Concrete Plant was awarded the European Prize in the category “For Quality” (award of the new millennium).

Enterprises of the transport and communication system.

A developed infrastructure has been created in the Kholmsky district.

Kholmskaya Motor Transport Company LLC has a fleet of passenger buses and heavy vehicles. You have to work in difficult terrain, with dirt roads poorly suited for transporting goods. But the cars of this company can be found on all the roads of Sakhalin and the Far East. The volume of transportation of goods and passengers by all types of transport in the Kholm region has been constantly growing since 2000. THE CITY OF Kholmsk is connected with the regional center and other cities of Sakhalin by a federal highway that passes through the Kholmsky Pass. The radical reconstruction of this road was carried out by the enterprises Vostok - Pereval LLC, Stroy Dortrans CJSC, Stroyavto LLC and others. Highways within the district are maintained by the state unitary enterprise Dorozhnik.

The rapid development of all sectors of industry, energy, transport, population growth and urbanization, chemicalization of all spheres of human activity have led to certain environmental changes, including unfavorable ones. The impact of harmful substances of anthropogenic origin on the natural environment is becoming global.
Every year natural resources are used more and more intensively for the needs of humanity. This is especially true for water resources, since no sector of the economy can develop without water. Recently, water supply problems have become more acute; under the influence of economic activity, the hydrological regime of natural water bodies and the qualitative composition of the water in them are changing.
The problem of rational use and protection of natural resources from pollution and depletion requires a set of environmental measures and, above all, observations, assessment and forecasting of their condition. An optimal solution to the issues of use and protection of natural resources is possible only if there is objective information about the state of the water quality of water bodies, scientific substantiation of anthropogenic impact on water bodies.
On Sakhalin, environmental monitoring is carried out by a single service - the Sakhalin Territorial Administration for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. Control over the state of the natural environment is carried out by the State Environmental Committee for the Sakhalin Region and the Sakhalin Committee of Natural Resources.
Surface waters of watercourses in the Sakhalin region are polluted by wastewater from oil and gas production, pulp and paper, coal, food industries, housing and communal services, agriculture, road transport, housing and civil construction, etc.
Typical indicators of water pollution are oil products, phenols, copper compounds, suspended and organic substances.
The main reasons for the pollution of water bodies are the lack of necessary treatment facilities, the unsatisfactory performance of existing ones, as well as an open oil collection system and oil losses during its transportation.
Enterprises discharge 42,267.4 thousand cubic meters into the water bodies of the Sakhalin region. m/year of wastewater, of which insufficiently treated - 22749.4 thousand cubic meters. m/year, biologically treated - 17152 thousand cubic meters. m/year, standard clean - 2366 thousand cubic meters. m/year 4361.6 thousand cubic meters are dumped onto the terrain. m/year of wastewater.
Recently, there has been an improvement in the environmental situation in our region, but despite this it remains quite unfavorable. The improvement of the environmental situation is not associated with the construction of new treatment facilities, nor with the stability of existing ones, but occurs through conservation, shutdown and closure of enterprises.
Observations of the quality of surface waters are carried out by specialists from the laboratory for monitoring pollution of sea and surface waters of the Environmental Pollution Monitoring Center of the Sakhalin UGMS. Water sampling for hydrochemical analysis is carried out on 41 rivers and one lake at 61 sites at 47 observation points.
A site is a conventional cross-section of a watercourse or reservoir in which a set of works is carried out to obtain hydrochemical data about the water body.
An observation point is a place on a watercourse or reservoir in which a set of works is carried out to obtain hydrochemical data on water quality. Observation points for the water quality of a watercourse are usually organized in areas where cities and towns are located, in places of wastewater discharge, in river mouths, in places of spawning and wintering grounds of valuable and especially valuable species of fish. Observation points are divided into four categories. The frequency of observations of hydrochemical indicators depends on the category of the observation point.
The rivers of the Sakhalin region belong to the second to fourth categories. Only two rivers belong to the second category - the Poronai River and the Susuya River; observations on them are carried out every ten days, monthly and in the main hydrological phases (in winter at the lowest water level, during spring floods, during rain floods and in summer-autumn low water). On rivers of the third category, which include more than half of the rivers, observations are carried out monthly and during the main hydrological phases, while in the fourth category - only during the main hydrological phases.
In our region, 7% of the rivers on which observations are carried out belong to the class of clean waters. These are the Rogatka river, the Komissarovka river and the Arkovo river. But in 1993, cases of high pollution with petroleum products were observed on the Rogatka River; the average annual content of the latter exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) by 40 times. At this time, logging and construction of the Santa Hotel were underway. And despite the fact that the clean water of the river can become very dirty in an instant due to human negligence, in 1996, due to lack of funding, monitoring of the water quality of the Rogatka River was stopped.
The class of very dirty rivers includes Susuya, Naiba, and Avgustovka.
In the Susuya River, the average annual concentrations of petroleum products almost reach high pollution and are at the level of 8-9 MPC, and the average content of copper compounds exceeds the maximum permissible concentration by 17-18 times. The average values ​​of phenols are 2-3 times higher than normal. During the spring flood, when there is intense washout from the soil, the concentration of nitrite nitrogen increases to 10-15 MAC, and this is already considered high pollution.
In the Naiba River, the average content of petroleum products exceeds the maximum permissible concentration by 3-5 times, copper compounds reaches the level of 3-10 maximum permissible concentration. Average annual concentrations of phenols are also 1-2 times higher than normal.
In the Augustovka River, cases of high pollution with copper and zinc compounds are observed annually, which is most likely due to the discharge of mine wastewater from the Boshnyakovo mine.
70% of our island's rivers are considered moderately polluted. Statistically, these are good indicators, but in reality this does not mean that the waters of these watercourses are not polluted. During the period of spring floods, when there is intensive snow melting and wash-off from soils, a significant increase in the content of pollutants is observed in rivers during rain floods. It should be noted that in these rivers with moderately polluted water, the average annual concentrations of petroleum products, phenols, and copper compounds exceed the maximum permissible concentration by 1-2 times.
And the most polluted river is about. Sakhalin has remained the Okhinka River for many years. The water of this river belongs to the class of extremely dirty waters. Extremely high pollution with petroleum products is observed here every year. The average annual content of this ingredient exceeds the norm by 100-120 times! The main sources of river pollution with petroleum products are oil and gas production enterprises, which are located along the entire length of the river. In addition, formation water contaminated with oil products enters the Okhinka River. Incoming wastewater from oil refineries is the result of an increased content of phenols in the river water; the average annual values ​​of phenols exceed the maximum permissible concentration by 5 times. In winter, there is a deficiency of dissolved oxygen in the river. The amount of dissolved oxygen decreases to a critical level - 2-3 mg/l.
In almost all rivers where water quality is monitored, the content of petroleum products, phenols, and copper compounds is 1-2 times higher. But we should remember that all our rivers are spawning grounds and wintering grounds for valuable and especially valuable fish species. The toxicity of many organic and inorganic substances for fish and invertebrate inhabitants of the aquatic environment is several hundred times higher than for warm-blooded organisms, since polluted water is a habitat for fish. The sensitivity of fish to the odors of many chemicals is several times greater than that of humans. For example, fish are able to detect phenol in water at a concentration of 0.001 mg/l, and some species even at a concentration of 0.0005 mg/l, which is significantly lower than the sensitivity threshold of the human body. When the concentration of petroleum products is 0.01 mg/l, a film is formed on the surface of the water, preventing oxygen saturation and the penetration of microorganisms that decompose many impurities in the process of self-purification of river water. And the cold, microorganism-poor Sakhalin rivers have a relatively low self-purifying ability.
As human influence on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of river flow and the process of its formation increases, the problems of rational use of water resources, protection from depletion and pollution of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and inland seas become especially acute.
The most active form of protecting water resources from pollution is waste-free production technology, i.e. a set of measures in technological processes that allows to reduce the amount of harmful discharges to a minimum and reduce the impact of waste on water quality to an acceptable level. The range of such events includes:
creation and implementation of new processes for obtaining products with the formation of the least amount of waste;
development of various types of drainless technological systems and water circulation cycles based on wastewater treatment methods;
development of systems for processing industrial waste into secondary material resources;
creation of territorial-industrial complexes with a closed structure of material flows of raw materials and waste within the complex.
Unfortunately, it will still be a long time before waste-free technology is fully implemented. And now we must at least try to improve technological processes and develop equipment with a lower level of discharge of impurities and waste into water bodies, neutralize toxic waste, dispose of the latter, take measures to limit the discharge of municipal wastewater, wastewater from industrial and agricultural production into water bodies .
All these activities require huge capital investments. And in our time, problems related to the protection and protection of the environment fall only on the shoulders of people who are trying to save our nature or at least reduce its “diseases”. And to be honest, what kind of measures to minimize negative environmental consequences can we talk about in our time, when in the last year alone the observation network for the quality of surface waters of land in the Sakhalin region alone has been reduced by 34%, and instead of 41 watercourses, observations are carried out on only 27 rivers
My opinion may seem controversial or incorrect to some, but, as the great French naturalist Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine Lamarck (1744-1829) said, “perhaps it is better that a newly discovered truth be doomed to a long struggle, without meeting the attention it deserves, than so that any creation of human imagination will meet with a guaranteed favorable reception.”
And I would like to finish my essay with an excerpt from a poem by the Sakhalin poetess L. Vasilyeva, who left Sakhalin Island, but misses him very much:
A valley leads to Snegorye,
River, pebbles, waterfall.
More amazing than Sakhalin
Is it just the Garden of Eden?


1. A.A.Becker, T.B.Agaev. Protection and control of environmental pollution. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1989.
2. Edited by L.V. Brazhnikova. Dynamics and quality of surface waters of the Soviet Union. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1988.
3. M.Ya. Lemeshev. Nature and us. Moscow, “Soviet Russia”, 1989.
4. V.G. Orlov. Surface water quality control. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1991.
5. Yearbooks of the quality of land surface waters and the effectiveness of water protection measures taken. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 1993-97.

Sections: Chemistry, Biology, Ecology

Goals of the game:

  • draw students' attention to environmental problems and show what they themselves can do to improve the environment;
  • identify the environmental problems of the region, the need for collective efforts to prevent environmental disasters and the responsibility of each citizen in relation to the nature of their native land;
  • To familiarize students with the environmental situation of the region and city where they live.

Equipment: environmental posters, presentation, interactive whiteboard, business cards.


  • Leading
  • Ecologist
  • UNEP expert
  • Representative of the Sakhalin Environmental Watch
  • Geologist
  • Chemist
  • Biologist
  • Researcher at the regional museum of local lore
  • District Civil Defense and Emergency Specialist
  • The rest of the students are observers and experts.

Preparatory stage: Students draw posters on environmental issues in advance (the results are summed up at the end of the game).

Progress of the game:

HOW DO WE LIVE IN THE XXI CENTURY? (Appendix 1; slide 1)

What have we done in the twentieth century!
What happened to the ecology of the earth.
Forests were burned and rivers were polluted.
We could not have done this.

Could not spoil the internal waters,
Man could get along with nature.
They might not have built factories in cities,
But how can we live the coming century?

Live without man-made disasters,
And without the risk of dying in the smoke.
With water that is harmless to the body...
Listen, people, to my word

So that humanity does not die from gases,
To protect living things from extinction,
We need to understand one rule.
We need to protect the environment.

Leading: Each of us, each of those who consider themselves a part of global humanity, is obliged to know what impact our activities have on the world around us and to feel a share of responsibility for certain actions.

From the very beginning of his development, man felt himself to be the master of everything that surrounds him. A well-known proverb says: “Don’t cut the branch you’re sitting on.” One wrong decision and it may take tens, or even hundreds of years to correct the fatal mistake. The natural balance is very fragile. And if you don’t seriously think about your activities, then this very activity will certainly begin to strangle humanity itself. This suffocation has already, to some extent, begun, and if it is not stopped, it will immediately begin to develop at an incredible speed.

At our conference today, we gathered to discuss those environmental problems that are relevant for our Sakhalin region, for our island, and therefore for you and me. (slide 2)

But to move on to this discussion, let’s figure out what environmental pollution is and what danger it poses to humanity.


To fight against human influence on the environment, it is necessary to find out the impact of human activity on individual sections of nature and develop optimal plans to correct the situation.

By scale, environmental pollution can be divided into: local, regional and global. (slide 3) These three types of pollution are closely related. Local pollution is primary, and if its speed is higher than natural purification, then it soon turns into a regional and then a global change in the quality of the environment.

The resources of the biosphere for natural self-healing have their limits. At current levels of pollution, harmful substances from the source of pollution spread over tens and hundreds of kilometers.

Modern industrial production has a significant impact on nature. (slide 4) Although most pollutants and thermal energy are generated in a limited area, mainly in industrial areas of North America, Europe and Asia, due to atmospheric circulations and movements of the Earth's water shell, a significant portion of some long-lived pollutants is dispersed over vast areas across the Earth, leading to regional and global pollution.

The scale of anthropogenic impact on the environment and the level of danger resulting from it require fast and effective methods of protection against pollution, forcing the development of technological processes that would not only be economically beneficial, but would also surpass existing ones in terms of environmental cleanliness.

UNEP expert (UN body in the field of ecology):(slide 5)

December 15, 1972 The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), approved by the UN General Assembly, was adopted. UN experts comprehensively reviewed issues related to the human impact on the environment.

Impact– direct impact of human economic activity on the natural environment. All types of impact can be combined into 4 types: intentional, unintentional, direct and indirect. (slide 6)

Intentional impact occurs in the process of material production in order to satisfy the individual needs of society. These include: mining, construction of reservoirs, irrigation canals, hydroelectric power stations, deforestation to expand the area of ​​agriculture and for timber, etc.

Unintended Impact arises incidentally with the intentional one. For example, during open-pit mining of minerals, the groundwater level decreases and man-made landforms (quarries, waste heaps) are formed. When receiving energy from traditional sources (coal, oil, gas), the atmosphere, surface watercourses, and groundwater are polluted. And this list goes on.

Both intentional and unintentional impacts can be direct and indirect.

Direct impacts occur in the case of direct influence of human economic activity on the environment.

Indirect impacts occur indirectly – through chains of interconnected influences. Thus, the use of fertilizers affects crop yields, and the use of aerosols affects the amount of solar radiation.

Human impact affects not only the state of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, but also the animal world of the Earth, as well as the planet’s climate.

According to UNEP since 1600. 94 species of birds and 63 species of mammals became extinct on Earth. Animals such as the tarpan (slide 7), tur (slide 8), marsupial wolf (slide 9), European ibis (slide 10), etc. have disappeared. The number of animals such as rhinoceros, tiger, cheetah, bison, condor, etc. has decreased alarmingly.

Every year, as a result of human economic activity, the following enters the atmosphere: 190 million tons of sulfur dioxide, 65 million tons of nitrogen oxides, 25.5 million tons of carbon oxides, more than 700 million tons of other dust and gaseous compounds. They have a significant impact on the global climate, causing negative consequences: the greenhouse effect, depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain, photochemical smog, etc.

Such unidirectional activities can lead to colossal destruction in the natural ecosystem, which will lead to high restoration costs.

Leading: Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands are part of the global ecosystem. And we are also not spared from many environmental problems.

Representative of the Sakhalin Environmental Watch(slide 11) : “Sakhalin Ecological Watch” is an independent, non-political regional public organization aimed at protecting the natural ecosystems of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Our organization was founded in 1995, and in 1997 it was registered and received official legal status.

The main directions of our work are forest conservation and increasing environmental safety during exploration and production of oil and gas on the shelf.

In addition, we monitor and try to counteract other environmental violations, and we have a lot of them on our island (slide 12):

  1. Poaching of wild animals, pushing many species to the brink of extinction; freshwater and marine fish, causing damage to fisheries.
  2. Forest fires that destroy entire ecosystems and forests.
  3. Infestation of salmon spawning grounds and loss of recreational areas.
  4. Poorly equipped, outdated sewer systems leading to chemical and sewage contamination of rivers and streams, groundwater and soils.
  5. Poorly located garbage dumps, poisoning water bodies, groundwater, soil and air with dioxins.
  6. Increasing pollution with plastic waste and scrap metal, in almost all inhabited territories, unauthorized landfills.
  7. Pollution of water bodies due to the general habit of washing cars along the banks of rivers and lakes
  8. Storage facilities for fuels and lubricants that do not meet environmental safety.
  9. Abandoned oil pipeline wells and much more.

Ignoring all these facts can plunge Sakhalin into a deep abyss and deprive it of prospects for improving the situation. After all, the main thing is to build a society that prospers economically, socially and environmentally.

Leading: As it became clear from the speech of the representative of the “Environmental Watch”, one of the main activities of the organization is environmental safety during the exploration and production of oil and gas on the island’s shelf. The next speaker will tell us how this industry developed on Sakhalin.

Geologist(slide 13): The Sakhalin region is one of the most developed oil and gas producing regions of the Far Eastern economic region and is one of the oldest in Russia.

In total, 69 hydrocarbon deposits have been discovered in the region, including:

11 oil, 17 gas, 6 gas condensate, 14 gas oil, 9 oil and gas and 12 oil and gas condensate.

For the first time, centralized production of raw materials began in 1923, after the Okha oil field was put into development. Already in 1925, the annual oil production from the field amounted to about 20,000 tons.

Currently, the island's shelf is the most studied area of ​​the Far Eastern seas. Total gas reserves are about 1.2 trillion cubic meters, oil – 394.4 million tons, condensate – 88.5 million tons.

The development and development of offshore projects continues, and in connection with this, the need to solve a number of critical environmental problems increases (slide 14):

  1. Application of the most advanced and effective technologies of international level
  2. Creation of reliable services for the prevention and response to oil spill emergencies.
  3. Finding optimal ways to dispose of drilling and construction waste
  4. Training.
  5. Organization of environmental control and monitoring services at all levels.
  6. Finding a reasonable balance between oil and gas production and the preservation of the unique island ecosystem, fish and other marine biological resources.

Leading: What danger does oil production pose to the environment? And especially oil spills?

Chemist:(slide 15) Oil and petroleum products are the most common pollutants in the World Ocean. When oil enters the marine environment, it first spreads as a film, forming layers of varying thickness. You can determine its thickness by the color of the film. A film with a power of 30-40 microns completely absorbs infrared radiation, which leads to the death of many living organisms.

From an environmental perspective, it is important to distinguish between 2 main types of oil spills. One of them involves spills that begin and end on the high seas. Their consequences are temporary and quickly reversible. Another and most dangerous type of spill is when an oil slick washes ashore and causes long-term environmental damage in the coastal zone and littoral zone.

Depending on the duration and scale of pollution, a wide range of damaging effects can be observed: from behavioral anomalies and death of organisms in the initial stages of a spill, to structural and functional changes in populations and communities due to chemical exposure in the littoral zone. (slide 16) (slide 17)

At the same time, the damage from a spill of only 100 tons of oil can reach millions of dollars, not counting the funds for emergency rescue operations and liquidation of the consequences of the accident.

Modeling and analysis of emergency situations for the eastern shelf of Sakhalin show that under the most pessimistic scenarios, the extent of poly-oil pollution of the sea surface will be tens and hundreds of kilometers.

Large masses of oil enter the seas through rivers with domestic and storm drains.

In addition to petroleum products, other products of human economic activity contribute to environmental pollution of the World Ocean. The most dangerous of them in terms of toxicological effects: pesticides (a group of artificially created substances that are used to combat pests and plant diseases), synthetic surfactants (substances that reduce the surface tension of water), carcinogens (chemical compounds that can cause cancer and mutation processes in living organisms), heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, arsenic), as well as various wastes dumped into the sea for disposal.

Leading: Long before large-scale work on shelf projects began in our region, state authorities of the country and region analyzed and took into account the most complex environmental, ice, seismological and meteorological conditions of our northern regions.

Currently, the regional administration, its environmental authorities, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, together with operator companies, are developing issues of environmental safety.

Since 2004 Russian scientists, together with colleagues from other international environmental organizations, are conducting environmental and bioacoustic monitoring of the shelf project area.


The northeastern shelf of Sakhalin lies at the intersection of salmon spawning migration routes. However, when laying trenches and any excavation work, a suspension of mineral substances is formed, covering the spawning areas with a muddy layer, which either makes it difficult for salmon to spawn, or the fish move to other, environmentally friendly rivers.

There are 108 species of marine fish found in the project development area, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk accounts for 70% of all fish caught in Russia. The northern part of the Strait of Tartary, in the area of ​​potential impact of the project, contains the largest pollock spawning area in the Sea of ​​Japan.

The project area is home to 10 species of whales, 4 in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, the remaining 6 in the Red Book of the Sakhalin Region. A special place in this regard is occupied by the problem of whales of the Okhotsk-Korean population. (slide 18) The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources has classified them as a critically endangered species. Gray whales of the Okhotsk-Korean population were considered extinct and were only rediscovered about a quarter of a century ago. At this time, there are about 100 individuals, of which only 23 are females capable of bearing offspring. (slide 19) Since 2000 The Russian-American scientific expedition is leading a project on the so-called photo identification of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk gray whales. Each of them has its own unique skin pattern, by which the animal can be accurately identified. Over the years of work, the scientific team has compiled a unique catalog of a total of more than 130 whales, many of them were even given names. For various reasons, natural and man-made, not all recorded whales have survived to date.

March 30, 2005 Under pressure from a coalition of environmental organizations, the transnational company operator of the Sakhalin-2 project announced a shift in the route of the offshore oil pipeline from the Piltun area 20 km south of the original route. Such changes will reduce the anthropogenic impact on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk gray whale population. (slide 20) However, this is not enough. A big risk is associated with the location of the platform in close proximity to their feeding areas.

The shelf project area is home to 34 species of birds listed in the Red Books, incl. Steller's sea eagle, Okhotsk snail (slide 21), Sakhalin dunlin, long-billed murrelet, Kamchatka (Aleutian) tern (slide 22) are the most vulnerable species that do not tolerate disturbance. Moreover, Chaivo and Piltun bays are the most important nesting sites, which is extremely important for the reproduction of populations.

Leading: To draw up a scientific forecast of changes in the natural environment in the future, to assess the impact of various forms of human activity on natural complexes and to find methods for the most rational exploitation of natural resources, protected areas acquire exceptional importance. There is an obvious need to have standards of all major ecosystems and, therefore, to improve and expand the conservation network. A researcher at the regional museum of local lore will tell us what has been done in this direction in our Sakhalin region.

Researcher at the regional museum of local lore: Currently, specially protected areas such as nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural parks and natural monuments have been created in the Sakhalin region. (slide 23)

Nature reserves are examples of untouched, wild nature - rightly called natural laboratories. They are completely excluded from economic activity and are protected by law. In our region, 2 reserves were created: in 1984. "Kurilsky" and in 1987. "Poronaisky".

Also on the territory of the region a park of regional significance “Moneron Island” was created. It is characterized by pronounced landscape features and is subject to special protection, while it is accessible to tourists and vacationers.

There are 48 natural monuments of regional and local significance on Sakhalin. These are natural objects that have scientific, historical, ecological, cultural and relict significance, which are also removed from economic activity. These include: Lake Tunaicha, Bear Waterfall, Wrangel Islands, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky mud volcano, Mendeleev Volcano, Busse Lagoon, Daginsky thermal springs, Novoaleksandrovsky relic forest, Aniva grove of white acacia, Tomarinsky forest, Lake Izmenchivoe and many others.

Also, specially protected areas in which certain forms of economic activity are prohibited in order to preserve individual biological species or biogeocenosis as a whole are nature reserves. In our region there are 13 of them: 1 federal significance reserve “Little Kuriles”, one biological, complex and scientific reserve each, and 9 hunting reserves, including the “Alexandrovsky” reserve.

Leading: Our region and our city are also part of the global ecosystem.

Civil Defense and Emergency Specialist of the Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin region: The ecological condition of Russian cities is deteriorating every year. Our city is no exception to this. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The housing and communal services system is almost 80% deteriorated, and there are multiple pipeline breaks.
  2. Growth in the number of motor vehicles per capita.
  3. Imperfection, and sometimes complete absence, of filtration and treatment facilities at the main life-supporting enterprises of the city.
  4. The use of coal as an energy carrier, both in the city boiler house and in the private sector.
  5. Untimely removal of waste from courtyard areas
  6. Complete absence of asphalt city surface
  7. A long-term freeze in the construction of housing stock, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

This list can be continued for a very long time.

The environmental situation in the city began to be influenced by offshore projects unfolding on the island. Thus, according to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service, in 2007 in the coastal strip of the city of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, the content of petroleum products increased by almost 30%. Pollution of coastal waters persisted throughout the entire observation period along the entire coast. In addition to petroleum products, pollutants such as mineral phosphorus, nitrates, and salts of heavy metals were found in water samples, the content of which exceeded the maximum permissible concentration.

The city administration and various services are making a lot of efforts to improve the environmental situation, however, the budget deficit, imperfection and lack of modernity of the technologies used do not allow achieving the desired result.

Landscaping of parks, squares and streets plays an important role for the city. Trees clean the air of dust, harmful gases, soot, and protect from noise. Many coniferous trees secrete phytoncides that kill pathogens. The dust content in the air on a green street is 3 times less than on a street without trees.

Our schoolchildren provide great assistance in greening the city, working as part of work teams during the summer holidays.

Leading: We cannot remain indifferent to what is happening in our city, this is our land, our home.

(slide 24) (slide 25)

Students are invited to break into groups and make their own specific proposals to improve the environmental situation in the city (create mini-projects).

At the end, projects are defended (1 representative from the group). The results of the environmental poster competition are summed up.