Methodological association in preschool on speech development. RMO for pre-school teachers of the Oktyabrsky district "speech development"

Meeting of the city methodological association

“Speech development of preschool children”


On October 22, 2015, the teachers participating in the city methodological association were met by the head of the school in the main building of the MBDOU PGO “Kindergarten No. 51.”

The meeting program included:

8.45-9.00 – meeting of GMO participants, registration

9.00-9.15 – opening remarks. Head of GMO

9.15-9.25 – theoretical part “Development of coherent speech of preschoolers using the method of visual modeling and mnemonics.” Senior teacher MBDOU No. 51

9.25-9.45 – Presentation of manuals and didactic games on speech development, their use in teaching children. Report “Development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age.” Senior teacher of MBDOU No. 60, teachers of MBDOU No. 60,

9.45-10.10 - Presentation of manuals and didactic games on speech development, their use in teaching children. Master class on using these benefits. Educators of MBDOU No. 51, teacher-speech therapist A.

10.10-10.20 – acquaintance with the developing subject-spatial environment for speech development in groups of MBDOU No. 51

10.20-10.30 – exchange of views. Summing up the GMO meeting" width="594" height="334 src=">

In the theoretical part of the meeting, the senior teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 51” presented to teachers a presentation “Development of coherent speech of preschoolers using the method of visual modeling and mnemonics.”

Key points of the presentation:

· familiarity with the concepts of “visual modeling”, “mnemonics”, “mnemonic table”;

· familiarity with the main components and content of each of these concepts;

· familiarity with the stages of work in the process of retelling a text, memorizing a poem, composing a riddle, composing a story;

· the effectiveness of using the method of visual modeling, the use of mnemonics and mnemonic tables in the development of speech and mental activity of preschool children." width="603" height="339 src=">

Educators of MBDOU No. 51, teacher-speech therapist A. presented to the attention of preschool teachers a master class on the use of manuals and didactic games on speech development in teaching children.

The presented manuals and didactic games corresponded to the developmental environment in the field of “Speech development of preschool children” and were distinguished by their quality of execution and aesthetics. During the master class, the teachers clearly formulated the tasks, the purpose of each of the games, and explained the features of their implementation. GMO participants were offered “Games for Speech Development” reminders. Proposal: continue to introduce a variety of didactic aids and games into the developmental environment of preschool educational institutions (including using Internet resources), to help create conditions for the effective organization of work on the development of children’s speech.

Irina Popkova

01/24/2017 at the MDOU "May kindergarten "Solnyshko" methodological association for teachers of secondary groups on the topic " Development of coherent speech and familiarity with the dictionary". The teacher of the middle group, S. D. Filina, prepared and conducted a lesson on development of speech on the topic"Gifts from the Winter Sorceress"

Workshop " Speech development in preschoolers" was conducted by the senior teacher of the MDOU "May kindergarten "Solnyshko" Popkova Irina Pavlovna.

Target: creation of an information space for the exchange of teaching experience and improving the professional competence and skills of teachers of preschool educational institutions in children's speech development

Objectives of the workshop:

Update scientific methodical level of competence of teachers;

Expand the experience of teachers;

Deepen ideas;

Encourage teachers;

Overcome the passivity of teachers.

Publications on the topic:

At the end of September, I was lucky enough to attend the methodological association of teachers of Orthodox educational institutions in Stavropol.

Introductory remarks on the implementation of the regional component in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in the educational program of the preschool educational institution. Head of the Ministry of Defense.

Speech therapy ring Goals and objectives. - Consolidation of methods, techniques, games used in producing sounds. - Consolidation of speech therapy elements.

On November 12, 2015, in kindergarten No. 20 “Gnezdyshko”, a methodological association of music directors of the Regional Educational Institution “Joy” was held on the topic.

Discussion with teachers. Greeting: Someone invented a simple and wise way to say hello good morning when meeting! The problem of child adaptation.

“Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity” Sukhomlinsky V. A. December 8, 2016 on the basis of the MDOU.

Methodological association of preschool teachers in the form of “Fair of teacher’s work programs” Resources used: computer; presentation “Regulatory and legal support of educational activities at the preschool level.

Who is the riddle about: “And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player?” (about a kindergarten teacher) “Autumn Notes” We are greeted by a sunny autumn day.


various forms and methods

methodological association.

Good speech is a clear indicator of a comprehensive development child and his preparedness for school. Almost all children of preschool age have speech impairments and incorrectly pronounce one or more sounds, most of which are temporary and non-permanent. The exception is children under 4 years of age with normal age-related or physiological tongue-tiedness; after 4 years of age, pathology occurs.




various forms and methods

in working with children on speech development"

methodological association.

Prepared by the teacher

Skladchikova N.P.

Good speech is a clear indicator of a comprehensive development child and his preparedness for school. Almost all children of preschool age have speech impairments and incorrectly pronounce one or more sounds, most of which are temporary and non-permanent. The exception is children under 4 years of age with normal age-related or physiological tongue-tiedness; after 4 years of age, pathology occurs.

And only a small part of children going to school have clear, well-developed speech.

The purity of a child’s speech is influenced by such factors as: speech hearing, speech attention, speech breathing, voice and speech apparatus.

Forms of work on the speech development of preschool children under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

According to the federal state educational standard for preschool education:

Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;

Enrichment of the active vocabulary;

Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;

Development of speech creativity;

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

In order for a child to achieve communicative competence, the teacher must help the development of different aspects of the child’s speech in all age groups: the development of coherent speech, the development of vocabulary, the development of grammatically correct speech, the development of sound culture of speech, preparation for learning to read and write. The teacher must organize his work and apply forms of the educational process that are appropriate to the age of the children.

The forms of working with children can be different:

Educational situation;

Communication situation

Project activities,

A game.

The main form of my work on children’s speech development iseducational situation. The educational situation requires the participation of a small subgroup of children: from 3 to 7-8 children, the number depends on the wishes of the children and on the educational situation itself. You can organize several educational situations, but with the same didactic material, this will help to gradually complicate the tasks and successfully solve them. Any manual can be used as teaching material (book, toy, natural material, story picture, etc.)

Communication situation- this is a form of communication specially designed by a teacher or arising spontaneously, aimed at training children in using mastered speech categories (Eltsova O. M., Gorbachaya N. N., Terekhova A. N.). Communication situations can be lexical, verbal - evaluative, prognostic, descriptive, depending on the assigned speech task. When organizing them, it is best to “go from the children,” that is, find these situations in children’s activities and use them to develop the child’s speech. Examples of communication for the development of communication skills can be situations:

"What's wrong?"

Goal: to train children in the ability to correlate the form of greeting with the situation of its use:

Each greeting is appropriate in one situation or another: you can’t say “good evening” in the morning; You can’t say “hello” to someone who is older or less familiar.


Purpose: to practice using non-verbal communication means when greeting:

look a person in the eyes and smile so that he understands: he is welcome, he is the one being greeted.


Purpose: to train children in using forms of gesture greeting, etc.

In these types of children's activities, speech appears in all its diverse functions and bears the main burden in solving practical and cognitive problems. Examples of specially planned communication situations include quiz games:

“Come up with a riddle” (an exercise for children in describing objects and coming up with riddles);

“Who knows the nature of their region better?” (an exercise in the perception and composition of descriptive stories with a regional component);

“What fairy tale are things from” (an exercise in the development of explanatory speech); “Shop of magical things” (an exercise in the use of linguistic expressiveness).

I also use project activities as one of the forms in my work.

The project activity traces the integration of all educational areas, but the basis of this method is the speech development of the child.

In this form of work, there is close interaction between the teacher, the child and his parents, as well as step-by-step practical activities that lead to achieving the set goal.

The implementation of the educational field “Speech Development” is possible through the project method. The purpose and objectives of the special thematic project are aimed at comprehensively solving the problems specified in the Federal State Educational Standards of the Preschool Educational Institution.

And, of course, the main form of speech development in children is play.

It encourages children to contact each other and is a motive for communicative activities. In the methodological literature there are many games with words:

Theatrical games.

Goal: to develop dialogic and intonation speech and acquire communication skills.

Role-playing games.

Children of the sixth year of life can already assign roles before the game begins and build their behavior by adhering to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by speech that corresponds both in content and intonation to the role taken. The speech that accompanies children's real relationships differs from role-playing speech. Children begin to master social relationships and understand the subordination of positions in various types of adult activities; some roles become more attractive to them than others. The organization of the playing space is observed, in which a semantic “center” and “periphery” are distinguished. (In the game “Hospital”, such a center is the doctor’s office, in the game “Barbershop” it is the haircutting room, and the waiting room acts as the periphery of the playing space.)

Finger games and exercises are a unique means for developing fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. These exercises stimulate the development of speech, spatial thinking, and improve reaction speed. Finger games are invaluable in this process. Scientists have established that if the development of fingers corresponds to age, then speech is within normal limits. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, since the formation of speech areas occurs under the influence of kinetic impulses from the hands, and points from the fingers.

Didactic games are a fundamental type of game, since they are the ones that go through all childhood, starting from an early age, and solve various problems, including speech ones.

“When organizing any educational situation, any lesson in a preschool educational institution, it is important for the teacher to:

Firstly, think through the organization of different ways of adult-child and child togetherness,

Secondly, see resources at different stages of the lesson for the development of children’s communicative competence.

Thus, various forms of work are relevant in terms of the development of speech in preschoolers and the formation of children’s communicative competence if:

Children jointly solve an educational and gaming task that is interesting and meaningful to them, acting as assistants in relation to someone;

Enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary by completing speech and practical tasks;

The teacher is not a tough leader, but an organizer of joint educational activities, who does not advertise his communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.

The method of speech development is defined as a way of activity of the teacher and children, ensuring the formation of speech skills and abilities.
Methods and techniques can be characterized from different points of view (depending on the means used, the nature of the cognitive and speech activity of children, the section of speech work).

Generally accepted in the methodology (as in preschool didactics in general) is the classification of methods according to the means used: visualization, speech or practical action.

There are three groups of methods:




This division is very arbitrary, since there is no sharp boundary between them. Visual methods are accompanied by words, and verbal methods use visual techniques.

Practical methods are also associated with both words and visual material. The classification of some methods and techniques as visual, others as verbal or practical, depends on the predominance of visualization, words or actions as the source and basis of the statement.


Visual methods are used more often in kindergarten. Both direct and indirect methods are used. The direct observation method and its varieties include:


inspections of the premises,

looking at natural objects.

These methods are aimed at accumulating the content of speech and providing communication between two signaling systems.

Indirect methods are based on the use of visual clarity. This is looking at toys, paintings, photographs, describing paintings and toys, telling stories about toys and paintings. They are used to consolidate knowledge, vocabulary, develop the generalizing function of words, and teach coherent speech. Indirect methods can also be used to get acquainted with objects and phenomena that cannot be encountered directly.


In kindergarten, mainly those verbal methods that are associated with artistic expression are used. The age characteristics of preschoolers require reliance on visualization, therefore in all verbal methods we use visual teaching techniques:

Brief display of an object or toy;

Examination of illustrations, or demonstration of a visual object for the purpose of relaxation and relaxation for children;

Reading poetry to a doll, the appearance of a clue-object, etc.


The purpose of these methods is to teach children to apply acquired knowledge in practice, to help them acquire and improve their speech skills. In kindergarten, practical methods are most often playful in nature. A didactic game is a universal way to consolidate knowledge and skills. It is used to solve all speech development problems.

According to the work plan of the education department of the administration of the Zhirnovsky municipal district, on October 11, at the preschool educational institution of the municipal kindergarten No. 8 “Semitsvetik” in Zhirnovsk, a methodological association of educators took place on the topic “Speech development of preschool children.” The meeting was attended by 26 teachers from the district. In the welcoming speech, the head of the preschool educational institution G.A. Zakharova spoke about the relevance of this topic, about the place of the educational field of “Speech Development” in the network of educational activities. Senior teacher Sergeeva S.V. set her colleagues up for work by telling them the unification program. Then the teachers, divided into 4 groups, looked at educational activities in four age groups (1st junior group, teacher Gorobchenko O.A. - educational activity “Kitty”, 2nd junior group, teacher N.V. Subbotina - educational activity “The Story of a Stork”, middle group - integrated lesson of teacher Sergeeva S.V. and music director Voronkina E.D., senior group teacher Shlyukhina N.G. - educational activity “On the Road to the ABC”), discussed what they saw, learned something valuable for themselves for further work . In the second theoretical part (teachers of preschool educational institution MDS No. 8 “Semitsvetik” M.N. Popova, M.I. Zolotykh) recalled the goals and objectives of speech development in preschool educational institutions, methods and techniques, work with parents in this area, development of subject-spatial development environment in preschool educational institutions in this educational field. All teachers came to the conclusion that the educational area “Speech development” is the most important of all areas, since speech development is a primary task for preparing preschoolers for school, and later for life.

Effective techniques for forming coherent speech in preschoolers.

Speech at the methodological association of educators.

Solving the problem of forming coherent speech is a hot topic in preschool age. Today, figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon.

So, What difficulties and why does a child experience when constructing a coherent story?

The child must learn to highlight the most important thing in the story, to consistently present the main actions and events.

Today, there are many techniques that can be used to regulate the development of coherent speech in children. I'll tell you about syncwine and mnemonic tables. I worked with them. And in my classes I saw the positive results of their actions.

Famous Russian teacher, writerK. D. Ushinsky wrote:

“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly.”

Since visual material is better absorbed by preschoolers, the use ofmnemonic tables for classes on the development of coherent speech, allows childrenmore efficientperceive and process visual information. Applicationmnemonic diagrams, helps the child enrich a coherent statement.

Mnemonics - translated from Greek -"the art of memorization". This is the systemmethods and techniques, ensuring successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, knowledge about the characteristics of natural objects, about the surrounding world,efficientremembering the structure of the story, and, of course,speech development.

The essencemnemonic diagramsisnext: for each word or small phrase a picture is created(image) ; thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.

To Work withmnemonic tablesIt's better to start with the middle group. Although already at a young age we use the simplest schemes for dressing, washing, building a pyramid, etc.

All work is built from simple to complex. It is necessary to start working with the simplestmnemonic squares, go sequentially tomnemonic tracks, and later - tomnemonic tables., becausechildrenseparate ones remain in memoryimages: Christmas tree - green, berry - red. Later - complicate it or replace it with another screensaver - depict the character in graphic form.For example: fox - consists of orange geometric shapes (triangle and circle, bear - large brown circle, etc.) forchildrenFor older children, it is advisable to draw diagrams in one color so as not to draw attention to the brightness of symbolic images.

Where can I use cards - diagrams?

to enrich vocabulary,

when learning to write stories,

when retelling fiction,

in working with pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters;

when guessing and making riddles,

when memorizing poetry.

What do you think are the stages of usingmnemonic table?

Stage 1: Looking at the table and analyzing what is shown on it.

Stage 2: Information is recoded, i.e., converted from abstract symbols to images.

Stage 3: After recoding, a retelling of a fairy tale or a story on a given topic is carried out.

In younger groups, with the help of a teacher, in older groups, children should be able to do this on their own.


atchildrenthe range of knowledge about the world around us increases;

there is a desire to retell texts and come up with interesting stories;

there is an interest in learning poems and nursery rhymes;

vocabulary reaches a higher level;

children overcome timidity and shyness, learn to behave freely in front of an audience.

Therefore, the sooner we teachchildrentell or retell usingmnemonic method, the better we prepare them for school, since coherent speech is an important indicator of a child’s mental abilities and his readiness for school.

I propose to work in subgroups - to create a mnemonic table on the topic “Winter” for middle-aged children, senior and preparatory groups. Complete the task within 3 minutes; upon completion of work, each subgroup presents its table to all colleagues.

Everyone worked creatively, compiled tables correctly, I think you will agree with me mnemonics is one of the effective ways to develop coherent speech in preschoolers.

Let's move on to the next one.

What is syncwine? Sinkwines are often used by modern teachers for classes in kindergarten and school lessons.

What does this unusual word mean?

Cinquain is an unrhymed poem, which today is a pedagogical technique aimed at solving a specific problem.

Relatively recently, teachers began to use syncwine to enhance cognitive activity and began to use it as a method of speech development.

Cinquain is a French word that means “poem of five lines.” The syncwine form was developed by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey.

To compose a syncwine, you need to learn to find the main elements in the text, in the material, draw conclusions and conclusions, express your opinion, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine and summarize.

We can say that this is a flight of thought, free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules.

Rules for compiling syncwine:

The first line of a syncwine is a title, a topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the object or action in question).

The second line is two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine.

The third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds describing the actions of the subject.

The fourth line is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text.

The fifth line is the last. One word is a noun to express one’s feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, it is the author’s personal expression on the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym.

It is assumed that with preschool children, strict adherence to the rules for compiling syncwine is not necessary.

It is possible that in the fourth line the sentence may consist of 3 to 5 words, and in the fifth line, instead of one word, there may be two words. Other parts of speech are also allowed.

Example of syncwine “Our group”.

our group

Cheerful, friendly

Learn, play, dance

Our favorite region

We are friendly!

In what cases can syncwine be used?

Is it possible to teach syncwines to children who cannot yet read?

Why not? Of course you can. For children who are just learning letters and cannot read, you can offer oral compilation of syncwine with question words. About who about what? Which, which, which? What did you do, what did you do? With the help of leading questions, children learn to highlight the main idea, answer questions and, according to a certain algorithm, create their own oral non-rhyming poems.

Sinkwine is one of the effective methods for developing the speech of a preschooler

What is its effectiveness and significance?

Firstly, its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain.

Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities.

Sinkwine is a gaming technique.

Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered.

Compiling a syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

Let's try to make a “Children” syncwine together

What are they? (beautiful, mischievous)

What are they doing? (playing, playing pranks, making people happy)

A sentence about children, an aphorism or a proverb. (Flowers of our life.)

Associations that evoke the word “children”? (happiness).

When compiling a syncwine with preschoolers, you need to remember that it is necessary to compose a syncwine only on topics that are well known to children and be sure to show a sample.

If compiling a syncwine is difficult, you can help with leading questions.

You need to be prepared for the fact that not all children may like composing a syncwine, because working on it requires a certain understanding, vocabulary, and the ability to express their thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to help and encourage children’s desire to compose a syncwine or answer questions. Gradually, children will get used to the rules of writing unrhymed poems, and composing them will turn into a game. And unnoticed by the children themselves, playing cinquain will become a fun and entertaining activity for them.

Conclusions about syncwine:

Sinkwine helps improve your vocabulary.

Sinkwine teaches short retelling.

Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information.

Writing a syncwine is a creative process. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.

Everyone can make a syncwine.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content.

Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

Tip: Make a piggy bank of syncwines with your child. Based on poems, cartoons, read stories and fairy tales, situations from life...

The problem of forming coherent speech in preschool age is a difficult task, but by using the effective methods and techniques that we talked about today, we can teach children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, grammatically correct, and creatively.

Thank you for your attention. Good luck to everyone in your work!

1. Akimenko V.M. New pedagogical technologies: educational method.
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2. Akimenko V.M. Developmental technologies in speech therapy. - Rostov n/a; ed.
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4. Bannov A. Learning to think together: Materials for teacher training. —
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5. Dushka N. Sinquain in work on the development of speech in preschool children Journal
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Electronic resources:
1. Mordvinova T. Cinquain in a literature lesson. Festival
pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson”.

2. Writing syncwines and working with them. Elements of innovation
technologies. MedBio (Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, KSMU).

3. State budgetary educational institution of the city
Moscow center for psychological, medical and social support "Support" / ?i=2293 ( poleznayainformatsiya/spetsialistam.html ?task=show&id=363)