Conversational style and its features. Colloquial and colloquial vocabulary, as already noted, is distinguished by varying degrees of stylistic decline. There is no sharp boundary between them. Colloquial and colloquial vocabulary serves as an important constructive element


1) use of extra-lexical means (intonation, pauses, speech rate)

2) Vocabulary:

Common words (day, year, work, sleep, early, possible, good, old);

Colloquial words (potato, reader, zapravsky, persevere).

It is also possible to use colloquial words, professionalisms,

dialectisms, jargon, that is, various extra-literary elements,

reducing style. All this vocabulary is mainly household maintenance, specific. At the same time, a very narrow circle book words, abstract vocabulary, terms and little-known borrowings. The activity of expressive-emotional vocabulary (familiar, affectionate, disapproving, ironic) is indicative. Evaluative vocabulary usually has a reduced color here. The use of occasional words (neologisms that we come up with on occasion) is typical.

In conversational style, the law of “savings” applies speech means", so instead of

For names consisting of two or more words, one word is used: evening newspaper - vecherka.

In other cases they are converted stable combinations words and instead of two words

one is used: restricted area– zone.

Words with the most general or undefined, which is concretized in the situation: thing, piece, matter, history.

3) strong reduction of sounds associated with a rapid rate of speech

4) often – incorrect stress

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Features of conversational style at the phonetic and lexical levels.

relevant scientific sources:

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion


Everyday vocabulary is vocabulary that serves non-productive relationships between people, that is, relationships in everyday life. Most often, everyday vocabulary is represented by colloquial speech. Conversational speech is a functional variety literary language. It performs the functions of communication and influence. Colloquial speech serves a sphere of communication that is characterized by informality of relations between participants and ease of communication. It is used in everyday situations, family settings, at informal meetings, meetings, informal anniversaries, celebrations, friendly feasts, meetings, during confidential conversations between colleagues, a boss and a subordinate, etc.

Important feature colloquial speech are its unpreparedness, spontaneity (Latin spontaneus - spontaneous). The speaker creates, creates his speech immediately “completely”. As researchers note, language conversational features often not realized, not recorded by consciousness. Therefore, often when native speakers are presented with their own colloquial utterances for normative assessment, they evaluate them as erroneous.

Next characteristic feature colloquial speech is the direct nature of the speech act, that is, it is realized only with the direct participation of speakers, regardless of the form in which it is realized - dialogical or monological.

The activity of the participants is confirmed by statements, replicas, interjections, and simply sounds made.

On the structure and content of colloquial speech, the choice of verbal and non-verbal means communication is greatly influenced by extralinguistic (extra-linguistic) factors: the personality of the addresser (speaker) and the addressee (listener), the degree of their acquaintance and proximity, background knowledge ( total stock knowledge of speakers), speech situation(context of the utterance). Sometimes, instead of a verbal answer, it is enough to make a gesture with your hand, to give your face the right expression- and the interlocutor understands what the partner wanted to say. Thus, the extra-linguistic situation becomes component communications. Without knowledge of this situation, the meaning of the statement may be unclear. Big role Gestures and facial expressions also play a role in colloquial speech.

Colloquial speech is uncodified speech, the norms and rules of its functioning are not fixed in various kinds dictionaries and grammars. She is not so strict in observing the norms of literary language. It actively uses forms that are classified in dictionaries as colloquial. “The litter does not discredit them,” writes the famous linguist M.P. Panov. “The litter warns: the person with whom you are strictly official relations, don’t call him darling, don’t offer to shove him somewhere, don’t tell him that he’s lanky and sometimes grumpy. In official papers, do not use the words lo and behold, to your heart's content, back home, penny. Surely this is reasonable advice?" Zaretskaya E.N. Rhetoric: Theory and Practice speech communication. - M.: Delo, 2001 In this regard, colloquial speech is contrasted with codified book speech. Colloquial speech, like book speech, has oral and written forms. Active study of spoken language began in the 60s. XX century. They began to analyze tape and manual recordings of relaxed natural oral speech. Scientists have identified specific linguistic features of colloquial speech in phonetics, morphology, syntax, word formation, and vocabulary.

conversational style speech Russian

Features of conversational style

Conversational style- a style of speech that has the following characteristics:

used in conversations with familiar people in a relaxed atmosphere;

the task is to exchange impressions (communication);

the statement is usually relaxed, lively, free in the choice of words and expressions, it usually reveals the author’s attitude to the subject of speech and the interlocutor;

Typical linguistic means include: spoken words and expressions, emotionally - assessment tools, in particular with the suffixes - ochk-, - enk-. - ik-, - k-, - ovat-. - evat-, verbs perfect form with the prefix for - with the meaning of the beginning of an action, treatment;

incentive, interrogative, exclamatory sentences.

contrasted book styles generally;

inherent function of communication;

forms a system that has its own characteristics in phonetics, phraseology, vocabulary, and syntax. For example: phraseology - escaping with the help of vodka and drugs is not fashionable these days. Vocabulary - high, hugging a computer, getting on the Internet.

Colloquial speech is a functional type of literary language. It performs the functions of communication and influence. Colloquial speech serves a sphere of communication that is characterized by informality of relations between participants and ease of communication. It is used in everyday situations, family settings, at informal meetings, meetings, informal anniversaries, celebrations, friendly feasts, meetings, during confidential conversations between colleagues, a boss and a subordinate, etc.

The topics of conversation are determined by the needs of communication. They can vary from narrow everyday ones to professional, industrial, moral and ethical, philosophical, etc.

An important feature of colloquial speech is its unpreparedness and spontaneity (Latin spontaneus - spontaneous). The speaker creates, creates his speech immediately “completely”. As researchers note, linguistic conversational features are often not realized and not recorded by consciousness. Therefore, often when native speakers are presented with their own colloquial utterances for normative assessment, they evaluate them as erroneous. Babaytseva V.V., Maksimova L.Yu. Modern Russian language: In 3 hours - M., 1983

The next characteristic feature of colloquial speech: - the direct nature of the speech act, that is, it is realized only with the direct participation of speakers, regardless of the form in which it is realized - dialogical or monological. The activity of the participants is confirmed by statements, replicas, interjections, and simply sounds made.

The structure and content of conversational speech, the choice of verbal and non-verbal means of communication are greatly influenced by extralinguistic (extra-linguistic) factors: the personality of the addresser (speaker) and the addressee (listener), the degree of their acquaintance and proximity, background knowledge (the general stock of knowledge of the speakers), the speech situation (context of the utterance). For example, to the question “Well, how?” depending on the specific circumstances, the answers can be very different: “Five”, “Met”, “Got it”, “Lost”, “Unanimously”. Sometimes, instead of a verbal answer, it is enough to make a gesture with your hand, give your face the desired expression - and the interlocutor understands what your partner wanted to say. Thus, the extra-linguistic situation becomes an integral part of communication. Without knowledge of this situation, the meaning of the statement may be unclear. Gestures and facial expressions also play an important role in spoken language.

Colloquial speech is uncodified speech; the norms and rules of its functioning are not recorded in various kinds of dictionaries and grammars. She is not so strict in observing the norms of literary language. It actively uses forms that are classified in dictionaries as colloquial. “The litter does not discredit them,” writes the famous linguist M.P. Panov. “The litter warns: do not call a person with whom you are in strictly official relations a darling, do not offer to shove him somewhere, do not tell him that he is lanky and sometimes grumpy. In official papers, do not use the words look, to your heart's content, away, penny. Sound advice, isn't it?"

In this regard, colloquial speech is contrasted with codified book speech. Colloquial speech, like book speech, has oral and written forms. For example, a geologist writes an article for a special magazine about mineral deposits in Siberia. He uses book speech in writing. The scientist gives a report on this topic at international conference. His speech is bookish, but his form is oral. After the conference, he writes a letter to a work colleague about his impressions. Text of the letter - colloquial speech, written form.

At home, with his family, the geologist tells how he spoke at the conference, which old friends he met, what they talked about, what gifts he brought. His speech is conversational, its form is oral.

Active study of spoken language began in the 60s. XX century. They began to analyze tape and manual recordings of relaxed natural oral speech. Scientists have identified specific linguistic features of colloquial speech in phonetics, morphology, syntax, word formation, and vocabulary. For example, in the field of vocabulary, colloquial speech is characterized by a system own ways nominations (titles): different kinds acquisitions (evenings - evening newspaper, motor - powerboat, To apply to educational institution); non-word combinations (Do you have something to write with? - pencil, pen, Give me something to cover myself with - blanket, rug, sheet); single-word derivatives with transparent internal shape(opener - can opener, rattle - motorcycle), etc. Colloquial words are highly expressive (porridge, okroshka - about confusion, jelly, knucklehead - about a lethargic, spineless person).

Vocabulary of the Russian language from the point of view of its use

In the vocabulary of the modern Russian language, from the point of view of the scope of its use, two main layers are distinguished: national words and words limited in their functioning by dialect and social environment. Common vocabulary is common vocabulary for all Russian speakers. It is the necessary material for the expression of concepts, thoughts and feelings. The bulk of these words are stable and used in all styles of speech (water, earth, book, table, spring, author, alphabet, promise, walk, talk, start, kind, good, red, quickly, beautiful, etc.).

Dialectal vocabulary is characterized limited use. She is not included in lexical system national language. This or that dialect word belongs to one or more dialects (dialects) of the national language. Vvedenskaya L.V., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech. - Rostov n/d,: Phoenix, 2004

A dialect is a type of language operating in a certain territory and is characterized by specific dialect features(in addition to features characteristic of the entire language).

These features are the result of local changes in the national language at different times. The history of the development of dialects is connected with the history of their speakers. At present, only traces of the distant past have been preserved in dialects.

Dialectal vocabulary is words that are characteristic of one dialect or several dialects: susa"ly "skul" (Smolensk), beckon "to wait, hesitate" (Arkhangelsk), basko "good, beautiful" (Novgorod), pokhleya " “put” (Vladimir), borsha”t “grumble” (Vologda), o”taka “father” (Ryazan), zubi”sha “gums” (Bryansk) and words known to all dialects of Northern Russian, Southern Russian dialects and Central Russian dialects. Compare: Northern Russian dialect words: yell “plow the ground”, plow 1) “sweep the floor”,

2) “it’s bad to cut bread, in thick slices”, dragging “to harrow the ground after plowing”, lonis “last year”; South Russian: skorodit “to harrow the ground after plowing”, letos “last year”, paneva “peasant homespun woolen skirt of a special cut (rubbed)”, kachka “duck”; Central Russian: bridge 1) “seni”,

2) "floor",

3) “steps leading from the entryway to the courtyard”, Anadys “recently”, behind the “pop” apron.

The Northern Russian type of residential building is designated by the word izba, and the Southern Russian type by the word hut, but the word izba is known far beyond the borders of the Northern Russian dialect. Probably because in Old Russian language the word isba meant a heated room.

Based on the nature of the differences in dialect vocabulary, non-opposed and contrasted dialect words are distinguished.

Non-opposite lexical units are words that exist in some dialects and are not used in others due to the lack of corresponding objects, concepts, etc.

In this dialect vocabulary there are the following groups words:

Words associated with the features of the local landscape, with local natural conditions.

For example, Smolensk, Pskov - bachio "swamp, swampy place", harrier "especially swampy place in the swamp." In areas where there are no swamps, such words are absent.

Words denoting features material culture edges (ethnographic dialectisms), for example, types of clothing that are common in one territory and absent in another. Wed. the already mentioned southern Russian word paneva (panya "va): in the territory of northern Russian dialects, peasants wore sundresses rather than panevas; in Pskov and Smolensk regions andara "ki ("skirt made of homespun linen canvas"). The Smolensk casing, burka and, accordingly, the Tula fur coat, short fur coat are not different names the same object, but denote various items- specific local types of clothing.

This also includes a group of words that denote different household items with the same or similar function. For example, a bucket - tse "bar - a bowl - a tub - the names of objects in which water is stored in the house in winter, but there is a difference between them: a bucket is a metal or wooden vessel with handles in the form of a bow, a tse" bar is a large wooden bucket with ears, only cattle are allowed to drink from it, a dezhka is a wooden vessel, but without ears and a handle, a tub is a wooden vessel (barrel), different in shape from both the tsebra and the dezhka. Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of the culture of speech. - M., 1988

Different types of dishes for storing and settling milk in different areas are called by different words: stolbu"n - jug (kukshin) - ku"khlik - pot - makhotka - gorlach - jug (zban).

Most of the dialect vocabulary consists of words that are opposed to the corresponding names in other dialects. Their oppositions can be expressed by the following differences:

actually lexical differences when to designate the same object, phenomenon, concept in different dialects (adverbs) are used different words: pole - rubel - stick “an object used to fasten sheaves, hay on a cart”; jelly - well (kolo"dez); grip - rogach - forks "an object used to remove pots and cast iron from the oven"; squirrel - veksha - vave"rka; cloud - gloomy; boring - dreary, etc.;

lexical-semantic differences, in which, as in the previous case, different words denote similar phenomena and concepts, but these differences are associated here with additional shades in the meaning of words. For example, the word moos (about a cow) in many dialects means general concept, and in some dialects it has the connotation “quietly”; This word is contrasted with the verb roars, which in some dialects denotes a general concept, and in others has the additional connotation of “loudly.” Wed. adjectives sick - sick - kvely, which in some dialects are used to mean “sick in general”, and in others have additional connotations: sick when talking about a person with a cold, kvely when talking about a person with poor health, sick has the general meaning of “sick at all";

semantic differences, when the same word in different dialects has different meaning: weather - “weather in general”, “good weather”, “bad weather”; gai - “forest in general”, “young forest”, “young birch forest”, “small area in the forest”, “tall large forest”;

word-formation differences, when the same-root words of different dialects differ from each other in word-formation structure with the same meaning: scourge - biya "k - bichik - bichu"k - bichovka "scourge, part of the flail"; povet - povetka - subpovetka - povetye - subpovetie "building for agricultural implements"; here - that car "here"; there - that "poppy - that" lobes "there";

phonetic differences, in which the same root morpheme can differ in different dialects separate sounds, however, this does not depend on the features of the phonetic system of the dialect and does not affect the latter, since it concerns only single word: bathhouse - bathhouse; trouser - hook - rutabaga - belly "rutabaga"; karomysel - karomisel - karemisel “a device on which buckets are carried”; estate - usya "dba; log - berno" - berveno";

accentological differences in which words of different dialects that are identical in meaning are contrasted according to the place of stress: cold - cold (liter, holodno), studeno - studeno (liter. studeno); morkva - morkva, carrot - carrot (liter, morko "v) ; talk - talk (liter, talk).

Dialects are one of the sources of enrichment vocabulary Russian literary language in different periods his existence. This process was especially intense during the formation of the Russian national language. The assimilation of dialect words into the literary language was caused primarily by the absence in it necessary words to designate certain realities that characterize different sides life of man and nature.

Slang vocabulary (or jargon) is words and expressions found in the speech of people related by occupation, pastime, etc. In the past, social jargons were widespread ( slang language noble salons, the language of the merchants, etc.). Nowadays, they usually talk about the jargon of people of a certain profession, student, youth, slang words in the speech of schoolchildren; for example, common words among students are; grandmothers “money”, cool “special, very good”, sachkovat “idle”, hut “apartment”. Jargons are conventional, artificial names and have correspondences in the literary language. Zaretskaya E.N. Rhetoric: Theory and practice of speech communication. - M.: Delo, 2001

Jargons are very unstable, they change relatively quickly and are a sign of a certain time, generation, and in different places The slang of people of the same category may be different. One of the characteristic signs student jargon late 70s was the use of distorted foreign words, mainly anglicisms: shoes, label, mafon, etc. A type of jargon is argot - conditional lexical groups, used mainly by declassed elements: feather “knife”, plywood “money”, stand on a nix, etc.

It develops and changes under the influence of material production, public relations, level of culture, as well as geographical conditions and has a huge impact on other aspects of people's lives. Everyday vocabulary is vocabulary that names the sphere of non-productive relations between people, that is, everyday life. Everyday vocabulary can exist in both written and oral form. But most often everyday vocabulary is the vocabulary of oral speech.

Like vocabulary writing, the vocabulary of oral speech is stylistically marked. It is not used in special forms written language and has a conversational flavor.

Unlike written speech, in oral speech there is no emphasis on the formality of communication: it is characterized by ease of communication, unpreparedness, situationality, most often physical contact of communication, and dialogicity.

These features of oral speech largely explain stylistic features her characteristic vocabulary. The vocabulary of oral speech in comparison with neutral appears as a whole as stylistically reduced.

The scope of its use is the area of ​​everyday everyday, as well as, to a large extent, professional communication of an informal nature.

Depending on the degree of literariness and stylistic decline, two main layers of oral vocabulary can be distinguished: colloquial and vernacular.

Colloquial vocabulary is words that are used in informal, relaxed communication. Being a stylistically colored layer of vocabulary, colloquial vocabulary does not go beyond the vocabulary of the literary language.

Most colloquial words are characterized to one degree or another by evaluative use: reveler, neat, crammed, big-eyed, big-nosed, shove (“stuck in”), dumbfounded (“greatly perplex”), fearful (“to avoid something, to get rid of someone— anything"), etc.

Conversational markedness is characteristic of the most various groups this vocabulary.

A significant number of colloquial words are formed by semantic contraction of phrases through suffixal derivation: soda (< газированная вода), зачетка (< зачетная книжка), зенитка (< зенитное орудие), читалка (< читальный зал), электричка (< электрический поезд) и мн. др.

The everyday and stylistically reduced nature of such words is well realized when comparing them with compound nominations. The second component of the combinations (nouns) is represented in these words colloquial vocabulary suffix: carbonated water "carbonated water"

With semantic contraction, there may be a complete elimination of one of the components of the phrase, and then the omitted word does not receive any reflection in the structure of the colloquial nomination. Can be eliminated as a defined word (chemistry< химическая завивка, декрет < maternity leave; Wed: She gave herself chemistry; She is on maternity leave), and the defining one (garden, kindergarten< kindergarten, language< foreign language; Wed: Petya stopped going to kindergarten. He is already learning the language). These processes are characteristic phenomenon colloquial speech. Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M.: Education, 1977

Colloquial vocabulary also includes many words of a professional and business nature used in informal communication: steering wheel "steering wheel", brick "sign prohibiting passage", stake out (stake out a topic - "make an application for research"; direct nominative meaning verb - “to put up a pole to indicate something: a border, a site, the beginning of some work”), to defend oneself “to defend a dissertation”, to settle down “to receive academic degree", sign "register, formalize marriage", etc.

Colloquial vocabulary is stylistically reduced words that, unlike colloquial vocabulary, are outside the strictly standardized literary language.

Colloquial vocabulary is used for a reduced, rude assessment of the denoted. Such words are clearly characterized pronounced expression negative assessment: big guy, ugly, dismissive, “go a long distance.”

Spoken and colloquial vocabulary, as already noted, differ varying degrees stylistic decline. There is no sharp boundary between them. Colloquial and colloquial vocabulary is important structural element organization of conversational and everyday style.

general characteristics colloquial speech

Colloquial speech is used in cases where there is unpreparedness of the speech act, ease of the speech act and direct participation of the speakers in speech act. Immediacy of communication excludes written form speech, and ease is typical only for informal communication, therefore colloquial speech is oral informal speech.

Philologists discuss the question of which factor in colloquial speech determines its essence, about the boundaries of colloquial speech. But what remains undoubted is that the features of colloquial speech are most clearly expressed when communicating with relatives, friends, close acquaintances and less clearly when communicating with strangers who meet by chance. This property of colloquial speech can be called personal communication (a person addresses personally Ivan or Peter, whose interests, understanding capabilities, etc. are well known to him). The features of colloquial speech also appear more clearly in those cases when the speakers not only hear, but also see each other, those objects from which we're talking about, and less brightly - in conversations on the phone. This property of colloquial speech can be called situational communication (reliance on the situation, the use of not only words and intonation, but also facial expressions and gestures to convey information).

In cases where the conversation takes place between little or no acquaintances strangers or the use of facial expressions and gestures is excluded (talking on the phone), colloquial speech loses a number of its characteristic features. This is like the periphery of colloquial speech.

Peripheral spoken language and non-spoken spoken language are often difficult to distinguish. Colloquial speech has much in common with non-literary speech ( dialect speech, various jargons), since they are united by oral form, unpreparedness, informality and spontaneity of communication. But dialects and jargons (as well as vernacular) are outside the boundaries of the literary language, and colloquial speech is one of its functional varieties. Zaretskaya E.N. Rhetoric: Theory and practice of speech communication. - M.: Delo, 2001

Colloquial speech, unlike other varieties of literary language, is uncodified speech, therefore, when using colloquial speech, the question of the admissibility or inadmissibility of using this or that does not arise. grammatical form, designs, etc. The speaker is free to invent new formations (Poems cannot be read in a whisper; Is there something on TV today?), to use inaccurate designations: We arrived with these. spacesuits or something (instead of gas masks), “Seda” (the second dish made from chicken with onions and tomatoes according to the recipe of a woman named Seda). He can sometimes use a non-literary word because of its expressiveness (mura) and rearrange the phrase on the fly (He had nothing to do with linguistics; Bagrin had nothing to do with linguistics).

However, all this does not mean complete freedom. Colloquial speech is an uncodified but standardized variety of literary language. The norms of colloquial speech are based on those features that are widespread in the speech of cultural native speakers of the Russian language and do not cause condemnation in conversational conditions. The use of jargon (Where are you going?), expressions unacceptable in a literary language (expletive), illiterate phrases like I didn’t hold you back a bit violates the norms of colloquial speech; She's skinny all the way. Of course, outside the norms of colloquial speech there are dialectal errors in pronunciation (s "astra), word usage (chapelnik instead of frying pan), etc. These are the norms of colloquial speech as a type of literary language.

But there are certain norms inherent in colloquial speech that distinguish it from other varieties of literary language. Thus, incomplete answers are normative for colloquial speech, and complete answers are non-normative (although they can occur); a normatively collectively closed designation of objects, institutions, city districts, etc. He lives behind Sharik, i.e. further than where the ball bearing factory is located). II non-normative official expanded designations (universal steam juice cooker, stationery glue, casein glue) and names (Saratov Order of the Red Banner of Labor State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky). Let us consider sequentially the phonetic norms of colloquial speech, as well as lexical, morphological and syntactic features inherent in it.

Unlike the phonetic norms of the official literary speech conversational speech is characterized by significantly less clarity of pronunciation. Due to the fact that, as a rule, it is reported about acquaintances, known to the interlocutor facts, the speaker does not strain his speech organs. Every teacher knows very well from his own experience that if he has a sore throat or cough, it is much more difficult for him to speak in class than at home. Formal speech for a whole class causes a sore throat and cough, as it requires greater clarity of pronunciation, i.e. tension of the corresponding muscles. The same is observed when talking on the phone (lack visual perception interlocutor also requires greater clarity of pronunciation). In an informal home environment, when the interlocutors understand each other literally, there is no need for special strain on the speech organs. Sounds are pronounced unclearly, the ends of words and especially phrases are swallowed, the pronunciation of many words is so simplified that entire syllables are dropped out (tery instead of now, gar"t instead of says). Such unclear pronunciation can lead to mishearings and incompleteness: What salary did they give her? ( was heard as “How much sugar should I put”), I have an apron here (was heard as “I’m having a heart attack”), etc. Such facts of incorrect perception of what was said are rare, not because the clarity of pronunciation is usually sufficient (when listening to tape recordings of spoken language mishearings occur all the time), and not because there is little in the language similar words(tape recordings are transcribed), but because the interlocutors know what is being discussed. Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M.: Education, 1977

The rhythm of spoken speech arises not only due to the unstressed nature of those words that are not important or informative for the interlocutor (in the given phrase today they were), but also due to words that are superfluous from the point of view of written speech. These are endless, well, this, this is, in general, there, the use of the same people in the speech of some people introductory words(that means, so to speak, you know, you understand, etc.).

The intonation of phrases in colloquial speech differs sharply from official speech. Usually, being in the next room without seeing those who are talking and without understanding the words, you can determine with whom only by intonation there is a conversation going on: with loved ones, relatives or with a guest (especially if the relationship with him is official). Official speech is less rhythmic and contains fewer unstressed words.

In colloquial speech, intonation is rhythmic, but varied: stressed word occupies the initial, then the middle, then the final position: Now vaccinations will begin. There will be a temperature. I do not know. Children are flowers. I don't know what to do with him anymore. Then this is such a problem, the same gas and no.

Colloquial speech differs from all other varieties of literary language in its relative lexical poverty. In conditions direct communication, on the one hand, there is no possibility of “sorting through thousands of tons of verbal ore,” and on the other hand, there is no need for this. The fact is that gestures, facial expressions, and the objects themselves that are in the speaker’s field of vision will help to understand what is being expressed if the expression is inaccurate. And most importantly, the speaker does not care about the form of expression of thoughts, since he is confident that there will be no misunderstanding: if they do not understand, they will ask again.

This lack of concern for the form of expression can develop into linguistic and spiritual laziness, leading to tongue-tiedness. But even in conversation recordings cultured people, known for their excellent oral official speech, there are frequent repetitions of the same words, “extra” words, and very inaccurate expressions.

As we have already noted, only an insignificant part of the vocabulary wealth of the Russian language is used in colloquial speech. A person often uses words that are quite unintelligible to an outsider, but quite understandable to the interlocutor, albeit insignificant.

Usually, the synonymous capabilities of the Russian language are hardly used in conversation. Often, not only book synonyms are missing, but also “colloquial” synonyms: many appeared 90 times, and quite a few, beyond counting, never even once; stupid was recorded 5 times, and stupid, narrow-minded, headless, empty-headed, brainless - not once.

Colloquial speech is characterized by the use of the most common, most common words. The fact that these words are too general in meaning, and sometimes do not even accurately reveal the essence of what is being communicated, is explained by the fact that speakers use additional means: intonation, gestures, facial expressions, pointing to the objects in question.

The vocabulary poverty of colloquial speech is, of course, its disadvantage. In Russian language lessons, it is necessary to expand the active vocabulary of schoolchildren and help them master the synonymous richness of the Russian language. Of course, colloquial speech can never achieve the variety and accuracy of word use of prepared speech. But expansion vocabulary person is very important.

So, forced by the conditions of use of colloquial speech and acceptable under these conditions, vocabulary poverty and inaccuracy of colloquial speech outside of it interfere with the understanding of what is said.

The second feature of the use of vocabulary in colloquial speech is the potential freedom of word use. We have already talked about the possibilities of using words with imprecise, approximate momentary meaning. But in colloquial speech it is also possible to use words created in given cases(cunning), words whose meaning changes as the conversation progresses. Zaretskaya E.N. Rhetoric: Theory and practice of speech communication. - M.: Delo, 2001

The conditions of colloquial speech give rise to designations (nominations) of objects that are unusual for official speech. In official speech, subject nominations must include a noun, for example, house: red house; the house that stands on the corner; house on the corner. In colloquial speech, designations without nouns are also used.

The bulk of words in colloquial speech are the most ordinary, general literary neutral ones, and not at all special “colloquial” words. The abuse of book vocabulary is also a violation of the norms of spoken language. Although modern colloquial speech over the past decades has been significantly replenished with book words (objects, details, perspective, food, inform, contact, personnel, etc.), many of which have ceased to be perceived as something alien to colloquial speech, still with the possibility of choosing a book or colloquial, bookish or neutral variants, non-bookish variants should be preferred.

One of the characteristic features of colloquial speech is active use pronouns. On average, for every 1000 words in spoken language there are 475 pronouns (130 nouns, and only 35 adjectives). Wed. V scientific speech: 62 pronouns with 369 nouns and 164 adjectives.

Pronouns in colloquial speech not only replace already used nouns and adjectives, but are often used without reference to context. This is especially true for the pronoun such. Thanks to intonation, this pronoun acquires a special heightened emotionality and either simply serves as an amplifier. The generality of the meaning of the pronoun, as can be seen from the examples, is preserved. But colloquial speech is characterized by situational, rather than contextual, specification of this generality. The decrease in the proportion of nouns and adjectives in colloquial speech is associated not only with widespread use pronouns. The fact is that in colloquial speech, as already mentioned, a huge number of insignificant words are used, various kinds particles. On the one hand, due to their unstressed nature, they are a means of creating a colloquial wave-like rhythm of speech. On the other hand, they are forced pause fillers. Conversational speech is relaxed speech, but since a person is forced to think and speak at the same time, he pauses, looking for the necessary word.

In addition to obvious pause fillers, insignificant or insignificant words that signal inaccuracy of expression and approximation are widely used in colloquial speech. Approximation in conveying the meaning of what is being said, an attempt to find the right word signaled also with the help of pronouns this, this is the most. In conversational speech, all these signals of approximation, inaccuracy and simple pause fillers are necessary. It is no coincidence that they also appear in speech. characters in films, television and radio shows. The fight against clogging speech with “unnecessary” words must be carried out carefully.

Colloquial speech knows almost no participles and gerunds. Their use in Russian is limited by a number of conditions, which are almost impossible to observe in conversation. Even in the speech of very cultured people, the use of gerunds in oral speech, as a rule, leads to a violation grammatical rules. Colloquial speech is also not characterized by the use of short forms of adjectives. The use in colloquial speech of not full, but short forms of adjectives of this type is explained by their proximity to the verb (they do not form degrees of comparison, qualitative adverbs with o, and do not have antonyms with the particle not). Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture. - M., 1988

In addition to differences in frequency of use different parts speech, colloquial speech is characterized by a peculiar use case forms. This is manifested, for example, in the fact that written speech is characterized by the predominant use of forms genitive case, and for colloquial - nominative and accusative. These features of colloquial speech are a consequence of the conditions of its existence: forms that are difficult to perceive in oral communication (gerunds, participles, chains of the genitive case) are not used in colloquial speech; nouns and especially adjectives are used relatively little in oral speech, since objects and their signs are more often are generally visible or known to the interlocutors, pronouns and particles are widely used, which is due to the direct contacts of the speakers and the spontaneity of their speech.

The syntactic originality of colloquial speech is especially great. First of all, it is due to the fact that colloquial speech is often used in conditions where the subject of speech is in front of the eyes.

The inability to think through phrases before pronouncing them prevents the widespread use of expanded and complex sentences. As a rule, speech consists of a chain short messages, as if strung on top of each other. In conditions of direct personal communication, such speech is natural and normal. On the contrary, it is difficult organized offers violate the norms of colloquial speech, making it bookish, clerical, and somewhat artificial.

The use of colloquial style in a literary work

IN literary works the use of a colloquial style of speech has become widespread. Writers and poets introduce colloquial vocabulary into the text of a work of art with various tasks: more capacious creation of an image, the ability to more accurately describe the character using it speech characteristics, convey the national flavor of speech, everyday life, etc.

In the process of development of the Russian nationality, and then the nation, everything vital, typical, and necessary for language as a means of communication was selected from the dialect vocabulary.

Thus, the literary language includes the words balka, taiga, foliage, roadside, fishing, ushanka, very, annoying, roach, particulate (type of fish), doha, strawberry, strawberry, spider, plowman, plowing, upper reaches, smile, etc. In In agricultural terminology, the use of dialect words as terms continues in our time: stubble, stubble, harvested field, pull, collect, pull out flax by the roots, etc.

The meanings of many words found in the Russian literary language can only be explained with the help of dialect words. For example, the word careless “stupid, disorderly” becomes understandable if it is compared with the Kalinin dialect alabor “order, arrangement” and dialect word alaborit "to move things around, turn them over, redo them, put them in order in their own way."

Dialect words are introduced into the language by writers works of art with different stylistic purposes. We find them in the works of N.A. Nekrasova, I.S. Turgeneva, I.A. Bunina, L.N. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin, M.A. Sholokhova, V.M. Shukshina and others. Northern Russian dialect vocabulary is used by N.A. Nekrasov in the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'." Dialecticisms are introduced by the author not only into the speech of the characters, but also into the author’s speech. They perform a nominative-stylistic function and are used for the purpose of outlining the morals and customs of the people, reproducing local color: at ease, strained, from there, pokudova, voster, picuga, ochep, vesmo, blizzard, muzhik (in the meanings of “husband” and “peasant”) and others. South Russian dialect vocabulary is widely represented, for example, in “Notes of a Hunter” by I.S. Turgenev. The writer knew the Kursk, Oryol and Tula dialects well, and from there he drew material for his artistic works. Using lexical dialectisms, I.S. Turgenev often gave them explanations, for example: He was built awkwardly, “sbitem,” as we say (“Singers”). They immediately brought us riding horses; we went to the forest or, as we say, to the “order” (“Burmist”). Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M.: Education, 1977 The author’s speech is dominated by words that name things, objects, phenomena characteristic of the life of the characters depicted, i.e. ethnographic vocabulary: He was wearing a rather neat cloth tunic, worn on one sleeve (“Singers”) (chuika - “long cloth caftan”); Women in checkered coats threw wood chips at slow-witted or overzealous dogs (“Burmistr”). In the language of the characters I.S. Turgenev dialect elements serve as a means of socio-linguistic characteristics. “Let him sleep,” my faithful servant remarked indifferently (“Yermolai and the Miller’s Wife”). Jargons are expressive, so they are sometimes used in fiction as a means of creating an image, mostly negative (see the works of L.N. Tolstoy, N.G. Pomyalovsky, V. Shukshin, D. Granin, Yu. Nagibin, V. Aksenov, etc. .).


Everyday vocabulary is vocabulary that serves non-productive relationships between people, that is, relationships in everyday life. Most often, everyday vocabulary is represented by colloquial speech. Colloquial speech is a functional type of literary language. It performs the functions of communication and influence.

Colloquial speech serves a sphere of communication that is characterized by informality of relations between participants and ease of communication. It is used in everyday situations, family settings, at informal meetings, meetings, informal anniversaries, celebrations, friendly feasts, meetings, during confidential conversations between colleagues, a boss and a subordinate, etc., that is, in non-production situations.

The topics of conversation are determined by the needs of communication. They can vary from narrow everyday ones to professional, industrial, moral and ethical, philosophical, etc.

Conversational style is a style of speech that has the following characteristics: used in conversations with familiar people in a relaxed atmosphere; the statement is usually relaxed, lively, free in the choice of words and expressions, it usually reveals the author’s attitude to the subject of speech and the interlocutor; characteristic linguistic means include: colloquial words and expressions, emotional - evaluative means, addresses; is opposed to book styles in general, it has an inherent function of communication, it forms a system that has its own characteristics in phonetics, phraseology, vocabulary, syntax

Conversational style is widely used in literary works.

List of used literature

1. Babaytseva V.V., Maksimova L.Yu. Modern Russian language: In 3 hours - M., 1983.

2. Vakurov V.N., Kokhtev N.N. Stylistics of newspaper genres. - M., 1978.

3. Vvedenskaya L.V., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech. - Rostov n/d,: Phoenix, 2004.

4. Vovchok D.P. Stylistics of newspaper genres. - Sverdlovsk, 1979.

5. Gvozdev A.N. Essays on the stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1965.

6. Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture. - M., 1988.

7. Zaretskaya E.N. Rhetoric: Theory and practice of speech communication. - M.: Delo, 2001.

8. Ikonnikov S.N. Stylistics in the Russian language course: A manual for students. - M.: Education, 1979.

9. Kovtunova I.I. Modern Russian language. - M., 1976.

10. Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M.: Education, 1977. - 223 p.

11. Kryuchkov S.E., Maksimov L.Yu. Modern Russian language. - M., 1977.

12. Lvov M.R. Rhetoric. - M., 1995.

13. Nemchenko V.N. Modern Russian language. - M., 1984.

14. Panfilov A.K. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1986.

15. Rosenthal D.E. Practical style Russian language. - M, 1973.

16. Modern Russian language // Edited by V.A. Beloshapkova. - M., 1981.

17. Modern Russian language // Ed. L.A. Novikova. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2003. - 864 p.

18. Modern Russian language // Ed. P.A. Lekant. - M.: graduate School, 2004.

19. Solganik G.Ya. Stylistics of the text. - M., 1997.

20. Soper P.L. Fundamentals of the art of speech. - Rostov n/Don: Phoenix, 2002.

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The conversational style performs the main function of language - the function of communication, its purpose is the direct transmission of information, mainly orally (with the exception of private letters, notes, diary entries). Linguistic features conversational style is determined special conditions its functioning: informality, ease and expressiveness of verbal communication, lack of pre-selection linguistic means, automaticity of speech, ordinariness of content and dialogic form. The vocabulary of conversational style is divided into two large groups: 1) common words (day, year, work, sleep, early, possible, good, old); 2) colloquial words (potato, reading room, zapravsky, perch). It is also possible to use colloquial words, professionalisms, dialectisms, jargon, that is, various extra-literary elements that reduce style. All this vocabulary is predominantly of everyday content, specific. At the same time, the range of book words, abstract vocabulary, terms and little-known borrowings is very narrow. The activity of expressive-emotional vocabulary (familiar, affectionate, disapproving, ironic) is indicative. Evaluative vocabulary usually has a reduced connotation here. The use of occasional words (neologisms that we come up with on occasion) is typical - opener, pretty, nutcrackers (instead of nutcrackers), uvnuchit (modeled on adopt).

In the colloquial style, the law of “saving speech means” applies, so instead of names consisting of two or more words, one is used: evening newspaper - vecherka, condensed milk - condensed milk, utility room - utility room, five-story building - five-story building. In other cases, stable combinations of words are transformed and instead of two words one is used: forbidden zone - zone, scientific council - council, sick leave- sick leave, maternity leave - maternity leave. The conversational style is rich in phraseology. Most Russian phraseological units are of a colloquial nature (at a stone's throw, unexpectedly, like water off a duck's back, etc.), colloquial expressions are even more expressive (no law is written for fools, in the middle of nowhere, etc.). Colloquial and colloquial phraseological units give speech vivid imagery. In the field of morphology, the colloquial style is distinguished by the special frequency of verbs; they are used here even more often than nouns. Significant and especially frequent use of personal and demonstrative pronouns. Of the adjectives in colloquial speech, possessive ones are used (mother’s work, grandfather’s gun), but short forms rarely used. Participles and gerunds are not found here at all, and for particles and interjections, colloquial speech is the native element Morphological:

1. Nouns general kind(reveler, greedy, sneak, quiet).

2. Nouns female, denoting professions with an ironic connotation (headmistress, shafinya, teacher).

3. Adjectives with an expressive connotation (rabid, avalanche, unbridled).

4. A large number of pronouns.

5. Using the present tense to mean the future: “I have everything ready, I’m leaving after lunch.”

6. Using the past tense to mean the future: “So I married him.”

7. Expressive forms of the past tense (pissed, chuckled, visited - suffix -IVA-).

8. Use of the particle “happened”.

9. Verbs emphasizing the speed of action (take it and start the engine, but it’s expensive and you’ll get sick).

10. Verb interjections (jump, bang, bam, push, knock).

The syntax of colloquial speech is very peculiar, which is due to its orally and bright expression. Here they dominate simple sentences, often incomplete, of the most varied structure (definitely personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal and others) and extremely short. The order of words in living speech is also unusual: as a rule, the most important word in the message is placed first. The use of a pronoun that duplicates the subject: Faith, she comes late; The district police officer noticed it.

Bringing an important word from the subordinate clause to the beginning of the sentence: I like bread to be always fresh.

Use of sentence words: Okay; Clear; Can; Yes; No; From what? Certainly! Still would! Well, yes! Not really! Maybe.

The use of plug-in structures that introduce additional, additional information, explaining the main message: I thought (I was still young then) he was joking; And we, as you know, are always happy to have a guest; Kolya - he in general a kind person- wanted to help...

Activity of introductory words: maybe, it seems, fortunately, as they say, so to speak, let's say, you know.

Wide use lexical repetitions: Well, well, just about there, barely, far, far, quickly, quickly, etc.