Why is emotional stability needed? Catchphrases about resilience

Resilience as a personality quality - ability resist external influences, achieve the goal at any cost.

One day the students asked their Teacher: - Tell me, Teacher, why do some people break down in difficult situations, while others show perseverance? Why does the world collapse for some, while others find the strength to continue living; the former go into depression, but for the latter it is not scary? “This is because,” answered the Teacher, “that the world of each person is like a star system.” Only the first in this system have only one single celestial body - themselves. Their entire universe revolves exclusively around themselves, and therefore any catastrophe leads to the death of the entire world. The latter live surrounded by other celestial bodies; they are accustomed to thinking not only about themselves, but also about those who are nearby. In difficult moments of life, their thoughts do not focus only on their own problems. The need to care and help others takes precedence over difficult thoughts. By participating in the lives of others and supporting them in difficult times, such people, without realizing it, save themselves from death.

Resilience becomes a manifested quality of personality in unison with perseverance, perseverance, determination and endurance. You won't see durability at the bar counter. After the stormy “introductory” procedures, the “stoic” can only demonstrate his resistance to alcohol by independently reaching the exit in a state of equilibrium. A favorable environment for resilience is particularly difficult and dangerous circumstances, challenges and life lessons, manifested in the difficulties and adversities that arise.

A persistent person is a person with an “iron” inner core. Possessing strong convictions, being a principled and highly moral person, a persistent person is able to martyrically endure severe pain, hunger, cold and other adversities.

For all generations, the ancestral Siberian Cossack, Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev will always be a model of perseverance. In 1941, while trying to escape from encirclement, he was shell-shocked and captured by the Nazis. The Soviet general was offered release from the camp, the opportunity to move to a private apartment, as well as full financial security. Karbyshev will have access to all libraries and book depositories in Germany, and will be given the opportunity to get acquainted with other materials in areas of military engineering that interest him. If necessary, any number of assistants were guaranteed to set up the laboratory, carry out development work and provide other research activities. Independent choice of topics for scientific development was not prohibited; permission was given to travel to the front lines to test theoretical calculations in the field. True, there was a reservation - except for the Eastern Front. The results of the work should become the property of German specialists. All ranks of the German army will treat Karbyshev as a lieutenant general of the engineering troops of the German Reich. Having carefully listened to the terms of the “cooperation”, Dmitry Mikhailovich calmly replied: “My beliefs do not fall out along with my teeth from a lack of vitamins in the camp diet. I am a soldier and remain true to my duty. And he forbids me to work for a country that is at war with my Motherland.”

The Nazis did not expect such resistance. Karbyshev was thrown into solitary confinement, given salty food, and then denied water. We replaced the lamp - it became so powerful that even closing my eyelids, there was no rest for my eyes. They began to fester, causing excruciating pain. They were almost not allowed to sleep. At the same time, the mood and mental state of the Soviet general were recorded with German accuracy. And when it seemed that he was starting to turn sour, they came again with an offer to cooperate. The answer was the same - “no”. This went on for almost six months. Without breaking the persistent general, the Nazis sent him to a concentration camp, which was distinguished by particularly hard hard labor and inhumane treatment of prisoners. Prisoners worked from morning to night in granite quarries under the supervision of SS men armed with whips and pistols. A minute's respite, a glance thrown to the side, a word spoken to a neighbor at work, any awkward movement, the slightest offense - all this caused the furious rage of the overseers, beating with a whip. Shots were often heard. They shot me straight in the back of the head. One of the Soviet captured officers recalled after the war: “Once Dmitry Mikhailovich and I were working in a barn, cutting granite pillars for roads, facing and gravestones. Regarding the latter, Karbyshev, who had a sense of humor even in the most difficult situations, suddenly remarked: “This is work that gives me real pleasure. The more gravestones the Germans demand from us, the better, which means things are going well for us at the front.”

In February 1945, in the Mauthausen concentration camp (Austria), along with other prisoners (about 500 people), he was doused with water in the cold and died, becoming a symbol of unbending will and perseverance. The death of Karbyshev first became known a year after the end of the war. On February 13, 1946, Canadian Army Major Seddon De-Saint-Clair, who was recovering in a hospital near London, invited a representative of the Soviet mission for repatriation in England to report “important details.” “I don’t have long to live,” the major told the Soviet officer, “so I’m worried about the idea that the facts known to me about the heroic death of the Soviet general, whose noble memory should live in the hearts of people, will not go to the grave with me. I’m talking about Lieutenant General Karbyshev, with whom I had to visit German camps.” According to the officer, on the night of February 17-18, the Germans drove about a thousand prisoners to Mauthausen. The frost was about 12 degrees. Everyone was dressed very poorly, in rags. “As soon as we entered the camp, the Germans forced us into the shower room, ordered us to undress and launched jets of ice water on us from above. This went on for a long time. Everyone turned blue. Many fell to the floor and died immediately: their hearts could not stand it. Then we were ordered to put on only underwear and wooden stocks for our feet and were driven out into the yard. General Karbyshev stood in a group of Russian comrades not far from me. We realized that we were living our last hours. A couple of minutes later, the Gestapo men, standing behind us with fire hoses in their hands, began pouring streams of cold water on us. Those who tried to evade the stream were hit on the head with batons. Hundreds of people fell frozen or with their skulls crushed. I saw how General Karbyshev also fell,” the Canadian major stated with pain in his heart. “On that tragic night, about seventy people remained alive. I can’t imagine why they didn’t finish us off. They must have been tired and put it off until the morning. It turned out that allied troops were approaching the camp closely. The Germans fled in panic... I ask you to write down my testimony and send it to Russia. I consider it my sacred duty to impartially testify to everything I know about General Karbyshev. With this I will fulfill my small duty to the memory of a big man,” the Canadian officer ended his story with these words.

An example of resilience these days is undoubtedly a private in the Russian army, Evgeniy Rodionov. He was 19 years old when Chechen militants cut off his head. Ruslan Khaikhoroev confessed to the murder; in the presence of a foreign representative, he said: “He had a choice to stay alive. He could have changed his faith, but he did not want to take off the cross.” His mother says that Evgeniy was promised that his life would be spared if he converted to Islam and took up arms against Russian federal forces; he only had to symbolically remove the silver cross that he had worn around his neck since he was 11 years old and accept the faith of his tormentors . Eugene refused and chose death.

The mother was told that her son was a deserter, but she did not believe it. In search of the truth, she paid four thousand dollars to her son’s killer, dug up his body with her own hands and delivered it to her homeland. The mother recognized her son by the cross on his headless neck and other signs known only to the mother. In search of her son's skull, she came to Chechnya again. The militants split it in half, fearing persecution from the soul of the murdered man.

In Chechnya, the mother of a staunch warrior was insulted in every possible way and spat on. The brother of Chechen militant Shamil Bvsaev severely beat her and left her to die. “All my teeth were knocked out. When I returned from Chechnya, all my hair was gray. I have no health. When you bury a child, you bury half of yourself with him. I can't laugh and be happy anymore." Having learned that they were going to canonize her son, she said: “God finds a place for everyone. His place will not change if he is made a saint. He's already in heaven. War quickly reveals the true nature of people. If you’re a piece of shit, you’ll quickly get bored, but if you’re decent, then she sharpens you like a diamond, you have to go through a lot to get to this stage.”

Petr Kovalev 2013

The issue of durability is one of the most popular among perfume buyers. But for perfumers this question is not decisive. After all, you can’t call a chef the best just because he cooks the most high-calorie dishes, and in perfumery, the best perfumer is not determined based on the durability of the aroma.

Before studying the issue of perseverance, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video from Guru Elina Arsenyeva:

Classification of perfumes by durability

Longevity depends on the types of perfumes used. Let's look at the main types:

  • - the most persistent and expensive type of perfume. The concentration of essential oils is 20% or more, dissolved in almost pure alcohol (96%). Longevity about 6 hours
  • - the most popular type of perfume. The concentration is about 10%. Longevity is about 4 hours.
  • - light type of perfume. Concentration is about 4-5%. Can be used several times a day. Ideal for summer time. Longevity 2-3 hours.
  • - Concentration 1-2%. Lasts no more than an hour.
  • - Less than 1%. Lasts less than an hour.

Durability of fakes and original perfumes

There is a well-established myth among buyers that originals are different from fakes. resilience. This is far from true!

The original differs from a fake primarily in the sound of the aroma; durability has nothing to do with it! This is the most popular trick of those who sell fakes.

The first thing you will hear about a fake is: “A replica is the same scent, but its longevity is 4 hours, instead of 8 hours like the original.” This is far from true! The fakes open with one single note, without beginning, intrigue or climax. They do not change throughout the day, which cannot be said about a high-quality original scent.

No need to be confused sound of aroma with resilience.

What determines the durability of the original aroma?

1. Prolonged shaking and external influence

During transportation, the perfume may be exposed to the sun or transferred to cold weather. It is recommended to store fragrances in a dry, dark place and not subject them to prolonged shaking. Therefore, immediately after receiving the perfume, especially when shipping within Russia, it is necessary to put the perfume in a dark, cool place and allow the composition to “get into shape” for 1-2 days. Especially in summer and winter, when temperature changes are very significant. At a minimum, the perfume must reach room temperature before it can be sprayed.

Those who are interested in vintage perfumes first-hand know about this important fact. There are special refrigerators in which vintage fragrances are placed for 2-3 weeks so that they gain the desired shape.

2. Your skin chemistry

People are unique not only in appearance: the chemical composition and processes that occur inside each person are unique. This, of course, affects our skin, namely temperature, acidity and oiliness.

In the perfume world, there are 2 types of skin: “cold” and “hot”.

  • With “hot skin” aromas appear brighter and richer, but the brighter the aroma, the faster it fades, which means less longevity. More often, this type of skin is found in people who like to open windows and are very sensitive to stuffiness in the room.
  • On “cold skin,” perfumes take longer to dissipate, but they also reveal less brightly. More often this type of skin is found in frozen people - they are always cold and sensitive to drafts. These are the people who close the windows and turn off the air conditioning.

There is a little trick to determining your skin type. These are cheap plastic rings that define your mood. They are designed in such a way that they turn different colors depending on the temperature of your skin. The darker the ring, the colder your skin.

3. Environment and external factors can increase or decrease the longevity of a fragrance

Sun, frost and humidity. The more aggressive the external environment, the faster the aroma disappears. Some buyers find that the scent dissipates more slowly in winter (the cold helps contain it). This is wrong. This is due to the fact that in winter people dress warmer; when moving, many times more heat is released and accumulated under your clothes.

Notice how the aroma unfolds in rain, sun, frost, or just a comfortable cloudy day. Durability will vary.

4. Different batches of fragrance production

Especially when it comes to natural ingredients, which are typical for expensive perfumes. Only fragrances from 1 batch will have the same aroma and 99% similarity.

Why is this so? External environmental conditions are different. Jasmine collected in 2013 will be different from jasmine in 2016, because the amount of rainfall, average temperature and thousands of other factors were completely different. Just like jasmine grown in the wild will differ from jasmine grown under selective conditions.

Now mass market perfumery is being switched to artificial substitutes for aromatic extracts. Yes, this leads to a predictable aroma and a uniform quality, but, in the opinion of professional perfumers, this leads to a loss of magic and individuality of the aroma. Therefore, when buying perfume made from natural ingredients, be prepared for the fact that the scent you like in a new version may reveal itself completely differently on your skin than your old bottle purchased earlier.

A batch made from the same set of ingredients is then marked with a batch code. The next batch may already be produced from other ingredients, a different year and a different quality. The only way to get the same quality is to buy perfume from the same batch.

5. Storage conditions violated

Unfortunately, almost no online store is able to 100% control the storage conditions of goods from the supplier, because The supplier guarantees ideal storage conditions only legally, by contract. How this happens in practice is not known. Stores check the goods only upon acceptance, based on indirect signs: faded packaging or print color. Unfortunately, there are no other verification methods.

That's why our store has . After all, in order to present a claim to the supplier, the store needs legal grounds that the perfume is of poor quality. Without physical evidence this is impossible. After all, before selling, we cannot open the packaging and check its quality, in which case you will receive an unattractive product.

If there are problems, our store studies the behavior of the supplier, if he takes action, we continue cooperation with him, if the supplier does not solve quality problems, we stop cooperation.

6. Deterioration in quality in production

This applies to a greater extent to mass market perfumes, which are produced primarily for the sake of making money. Once a fragrance gains popularity, manufacturers look for cheaper raw materials, reducing production costs. Here, unfortunately, retailers are powerless, because... We only resell perfumes and cannot influence production.

The only effective measure is to stop buying a fragrance after its quality has deteriorated. Only voting with your wallet helps to correct the quality of any aroma. Since there is no better tone for a manufacturer than a decrease in sales. Before purchasing any perfume, we recommend studying reviews on perfume forums, even for fragrances that you know inside and out.

7. Fragrance fatigue

If you use the same scent for a long time, your sense of smell gets used to it so much that you stop feeling it on yourself. In this case, it is better to stop using the fragrance for 2-3 weeks and return to it later. Or ask someone around you to describe how they feel about the scent on you.

But it’s better not to ask those with whom you live in the same apartment and see each other every day, because... they could also become accustomed to your scent.

This is very dangerous, because... You may start to overdo it with the amount of perfume. You will not feel anything, and those around you will go crazy and may even clear their throats. It’s rare that anyone can admit this; more often those around them simply tolerate it and look askance.

How to determine the durability of perfumes at home?

As you understand, it is incorrect to measure the durability of a fragrance in everyday life, because... no two days are the same. If you want to compare the durability of perfumes in your collection, you can do it as follows:

  • Take a blank A4 piece of paper;
  • Label each strip with the name of the perfume;
  • Spray your perfume onto the strip;
  • Record the spraying time on a piece of paper;
  • At certain intervals, for example, once every 20 minutes, tick the strip until the aroma goes out completely;
  • How many ticks the perfume has scored - multiply by the frequency of checking. For example, 30 ticks every 20 minutes means that the fragrance lasts 600 minutes or 10 hours.

Which long-lasting fragrances should I buy?

To go to the catalog, select a category:

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There are people who, even on the worst days, know how to act as if nothing special had happened. Their whole secret is that they have quite high emotional stability. This resilience helps them find solutions to difficult situations, overcome adversity, and achieve good results—in life, at work, and in relationships—even when things go wrong.

Obviously, this resilience and ability to cope with adversity gives us an advantage. It makes our lives more fulfilling and happier.

What does it mean to be emotionally stable?

Essentially, this concept describes the ability to withstand adverse factors. Our psyche not only successfully copes with stress, but also shows the ability to return to its normal balanced state as quickly as possible after some emotionally difficult events. “What does not kill me makes me stronger,” said Nietzsche. In other words, every time we experience stress and then return to a state of balance, our threshold of resilience moves up and our ability to cope with difficult situations increases.

This also means that we develop our ability to “process” difficult events: what seemed impossible to us just yesterday, today we can easily cope with. Therefore, tomorrow our experience will become even more manageable, although this does not mean that we will stop experiencing pain. It’s just that tomorrow we won’t panic and helplessly whine because of what yesterday seemed simply impossible to survive. We have shown the ability to adapt, learn and grow.

Emotional resilience is dynamic; For a long time it is “built” brick by brick, and over time it becomes different from what it was at our birth. It determines our ability to adapt and recover from circumstances such as loss, hardship, injury, threat, illness, accidents and the like. The power of resilience affects our mood and physical well-being during a crisis, as well as the duration and severity of the impact of a traumatic event on us. This allows us to develop basic life skills, shapes our character and will. But each of us develops emotional stability differently, which is why we all react differently to stressful situations. The threshold of stability is different, so it turns out that under the same conditions one person will be “strong”, and another will be called “weak”. But even the same person can be “weak” in one situation and “strong” in another.

Everything depends on our experience, which, as we know, comes with time. But our experience also depends on the severity of the events that we must endure. Unfortunately, sooner or later literally everyone will have to experience the loss of a loved one - at least once in their life. But not everyone has the experience of accidents, tragedies of violence, natural disasters or war. Everyone has their own experience - so it turns out that everyone also has their own emotional stability. But in any case, being emotionally stable does not mean that we turn into bulletproof vests and lose the ability to experience mental pain. The difference is that a strong person controls himself and knows how to control his emotions. And it recovers faster, of course.

4 Habits That Create Emotional Strength and Stability

If you want to know what it takes to develop emotional resilience, then you need to understand some habits without which it will be difficult to achieve success in this. Try to develop them in yourself! They will act as an invisible shield around you, helping you to motivate yourself no matter what happens.
  1. Awareness: Know your Achilles heel

    Your Achilles heel is your personal weakness, your weak link. It always makes you a scapegoat and makes you constantly look for excuses. For example, for some this is time. There are some ladies who never manage to do anything on time. And not because they don’t have enough time, but simply because they don’t know how to manage it correctly. Such a young lady should take control of every minute of her time, literally write down point by point what she needs to do and when. And even if it seems boring and tedious, take it and hold on for several days or weeks. She could make amazing discoveries for herself! Surely it would turn out that she spends too much time on unimportant matters, while the main work remains unfulfilled. What kind of emotional stability is there if the bosses once again threaten with dismissal for failure to fulfill their work responsibilities!

    Once you identify your weaknesses, begin to work on them to prevent them from getting the better of you. Of course, we talk about awareness as a habit only in a figurative sense. But, nevertheless, this is a very useful quality - to be able to see your weaknesses and be able to influence them. Ultimately, this helps restore your control over your habits and helps build resilience.

  2. Personal Development: Invest in Yourself

    If you clearly understand that your shortcomings and weaknesses prevent you from achieving your goals in life, it means that you need to develop the missing qualities in yourself. You, and only you, should be responsible for your life, and only you have the power to change it for the better. Think about how you could improve your personal qualities and skills, and invest in development in this direction. This way you can increase your chances of achieving success in life.

    The need to pay is often a reason to avoid or delay learning and personal development. While money is important, just think about how much more it will cost in the end to do nothing. Investing in yourself means giving yourself the opportunity to take responsibility for improving your life. And it's a habit that makes it much easier to achieve what you want to achieve in life.

  3. Inner peace: stop yourself

    Our internal monologues with ourselves determine how we look at the world around us. Are all your thoughts positive? In other words, are there thoughts running through your head that are getting in the way of what you really want? Such thoughts can attack you for quite a long time before you realize that they are beginning to affect you in a negative way. What to do in this case?

    You need to do the following. Imagine that your thoughts are the soundtracks that play in your head. What do you usually do when there is a song on the player that you don't really like? You turn it off, right? Stop the soundtrack with a negative thought too! At first, this will not be entirely easy, so help yourself switch your thoughts with the help of some physical actions. If you are lying in bed at this time, get up and write, for example, a shopping list for tomorrow. If you were sitting on the couch and watching TV, go get a vacuum cleaner or start washing the dishes. Your “sound track” will not disappear immediately, but gradually you will notice that it becomes shorter and shorter. Stop yourself every time you catch yourself having anxious thoughts. Even if you initially reduce the amount of time you listen to negative “soundtracks” by just two hours a week, you will give yourself eight hours of inner peace in a month!

    Of course, there are very unpleasant issues that need to be resolved. But if you develop the habit of stopping heavy thoughts, then it will help you here too. Instead of constantly thinking about it, you'll write it down on paper so you don't forget to resolve the issue, and spend the rest of the time thinking about what you really want to do now. And as soon as you provide yourself with inner peace, it is likely that you will find a way to overcome the problem much faster. And your emotional stability will become much higher!

  4. Integrity: Accepting Bad Days

    Sometimes it happens that we unexpectedly encounter some obstacles, and everything does not go at all the way we would like it to. On such days, everything will depend on how you perceive current events. There are people who give up when faced with failure and even become depressed. Day after day they think about how they were unable to withstand difficulties, feeling more and more inferior.

    And there are people who perceive failure as a signal to look for other options. Instead of occupying their brains with thoughts about their inferiority, they turn on completely different “soundtracks” - they think about possible solutions to the problem. They are whole because no part of the personality has been damaged by failure. Integrity did not allow them to label themselves as failures, and the emotional stability of the individual only became stronger after the ordeal.

Building or restoring resilience

Your environment and social circle are the main factors that shape your ability to deal with stressful situations. Therefore, it is very important that you know exactly which situations you can easily handle and which situations you may have problems perceiving and processing. In order for you to develop emotional stability as stable as possible, listen to the advice of psychologists:
  • Talk about your feelings with people who are close to you and whom you trust. You may discover that the people around you once faced the same circumstances that you are experiencing. They can understand you, share your anxiety and help with advice, since they already have experience in getting out of a similar situation.
  • Look for all the information about the difficult situation you might find yourself in. This will give you a better understanding of what is happening, and you will be able to see the crisis not as a hopeless problem, but as a situation in which you can act decisively because you know what needs to be done. Good problem orientation helps combat fear, which tends to be exaggerated when stress levels increase.
  • Agree that sometimes there are situations that we cannot change. Learn to accept such situations while maintaining your personal integrity.
  • Spend time developing, strengthening and maintaining relationships with partners, children, family members, friends and acquaintances. The closer and more meaningful your relationship is, the better your ability to cope with problems and stress will be.
  • Cultivate hope and optimism. Visualize the positive results of your actions. Even in the most difficult times, don't forget that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Let your life always go on as usual, and show the whole world that no difficulties or stress can change the normal course of your life.
  • Come up with a new hobby for yourself - new ideas and interests will fill your free time. This will significantly add positive emotions to you and will greatly distract you from problems.
  • Help other people, voluntarily, without waiting for a request for help. By providing support to others, you will increase your ability to cope with difficulties. This will make you feel more confident.
  • Mentally reviewing your lessons from the past and how you handled events back then will be another opportunity for self-discovery and acceptance, and will also help you develop confidence in your ability to cope with future challenges.
  • If you already have experience in overcoming stressful situations, create a set of recovery measures for yourself based on those events (for example, spending time with close friends), and be prepared to repeat them if necessary. Please note that important decisions should be put on hold during recovery.
  • Try to improve your physical health by eating healthy, exercising, getting rest and getting enough sleep. This will help you avoid stress.
The main thing you must remember is that good emotional stability will help you cope with any troubles. So don't forget to work on yourself!

In perfumery, each type of product, be it eau de toilette, perfume or other types of aromatic products, is a composition made up of various components: ingredients of animal origin, artificial aromatic substances, plant essential oils, etc. Moreover, each component plays its important role in the formation and sensation of aroma.

What influences the durability of a perfume? The durability of perfume products is, of course, one of the most important indicators of their quality. Each type of perfumery product undergoes a testing procedure for “persistence”, carried out in special enclosed rooms. Perfume should retain its aroma for 60 hours; for perfume this figure is about 50 hours, and for eau de toilette - about 40 hours. Any perfume product contains volatile essential oils that can evaporate quite quickly from the surface of the skin - this is how the aroma of perfume spreads. The most volatile components are floral compositions, while fantasy perfumes, which have a spicy and tart aroma, have greater durability.

The characteristics of aroma persistence depend on the content of special components in perfume products - odor fixatives.

Quite important is the choice of fixatives - substances that consist of heavy products and create the final notes of the smell, ensuring its necessary duration. Substances of animal (ambergris, musk, beaver stream, etc.) or plant origin (sandalwood, oak moss, vetiver, sage, etc.), as well as synthesis products (artificial musk, vanillin, ionones, salicylates, coumarin) can be used as fixatives etc.).

For example, resins are obtained from cuts from trees that grow in hot climates. The most commonly used are: styrax - liquidambra resin, incense - from cistus and benzoin resin - from plants of the styrax family. Civet is the ointment-like secretion of the glands of a civet cat. The beaver stream is a product of the secretion of the paired glands of the male Siberian river beaver. Musk is a granular, dark brown substance from the dried glands of the musk deer.

Natural fixatives themselves have a sharp, unique aroma. However, in the composition, when choosing the exact dosage, these ingredients give the perfume both durability and exciting mystery and sophistication. For example, substances of animal origin have the ability to round out the smell, ennoble, and add temperament and sophistication to perfumes. In addition, they are valuable for their function of harmonizing the scent of human skin and perfume.

At the same time, in the technology of composing compositions, it is impossible to simply increase the concentration of the fixative - because in this case the harmony, or, in the terminology of experts, “transparency of the aroma” will be disrupted. The essence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that the essence of a flower arrangement is the slow, gradual disclosure of its natural “bouquet”. In the case when the content of the odor fixative exceeds the proportion, the individual properties of essential oils are easily destroyed.

It should be borne in mind that high-quality products practically do not contain synthetic substances - they are not used at all in “extra” class perfumes. Musk, amber and beaver stream are used in large concentrations in the development of “evening” perfumes, which, as a rule, have a tart or sweet aroma.

The use of synthetic fixatives (benzoin gum, coumarin, salicylates) is envisaged in the production of inexpensive perfumes.

The perfume industry is growing in volume every day. Literally every day new fragrances appear from different brands and concerns: starting from the world famous Estee Lauder Companies, which own DKNY, Editions De Parfums Frederic Malle, Kilian, Michael Kors and others, and ending with small but no less interesting brands, for example, this like Brocard, who became the hero of perfume news in 2017.

Along with this, you can increasingly hear the words: “This scent doesn’t last on me,” “I don’t feel it after ten minutes.” In fact, fragrance durability is an extremely controversial indicator. Everyone already knows that the aroma reveals itself differently on each person, but with longevity the situation is different.

The scent doesn't last on me - what should I do?

Do not panic. Let's talk about what resilience is and what it depends on. As everyone knows, perfume components can be divided into the following categories - plant, animal and synthetic. Plant oils are produced from natural ingredients by distillation and extraction of essential oils. Animal components, such as musk, amber, castoreum and others, mainly serve to fix the aroma on a person. Synthetic ones are extracted from natural ingredients, for example, from anise oil, through special chemical processes. In this way, aromatic substances are obtained that you will not find in nature.

How long you will feel the aroma is determined by the following parameters - the composition of fragrant substances, their concentration and, oddly enough, you yourself. The same scent lingers and reveals itself differently on different people, since each person’s skin has its own characteristics. The second reason why the aroma does not last on you is that over time the body simply stops feeling it. And it’s not you who are to blame here, and not the fragrance manufacturers, who, as some people think, are trying to deceive buyers, and not the perfumers, who allegedly chose an unsuccessful composition, but just a case. Every person has odors that he practically does not perceive. And if it seems to you that another perfume composition has disappeared after five minutes, ask those around you - maybe they can still smell your perfume?

In addition, we know how to get used to external stimuli: this is how our brain perceives the aroma that we use. Therefore, if the aroma does not change over time, then we may simply stop feeling it.

Now that we have taken a thorough and detailed look at what longevity is and how it should be understood in a perfume context, let's go over the myths associated with it.

Myth #1: You can’t rub the area on your skin where you’ve applied perfume.

On many forums, some argue that this should not be done, since the aroma disappears in just a few seconds. In fact, when you rub an applied perfume composition, you heat up the skin, and therefore the top notes of the composition that you smell at the beginning fade much faster.

Myth No. 2: the best perfume is long-lasting and leaves a trail

Perfumery, fortunately, was not created to make everyone around you choke on your perfume. Perfumery is for feelings and sensations. If only bright and suffocating compositions bring you joy and pleasure (and these are the ones that most often leave a trail behind you), then we advise you to experiment and try something more lyrical.

Myth #3: Perfume lasts longer than eau de toilette.

It is not known where this myth came from, but, according to it, everything depends on the concentration and amount of fragrant substances. So, perfumes account for 20-30% of fragrant substances, eau de parfum - 15-20%, eau de toilette contains approximately 5-15%, cologne - 2-4%, fragrant essence - 1-3%.

In fact, intensity and longevity have nothing to do with the concentration of fragrances in your product. Each substance included in the composition has its own intensity of odor and its own physical properties, on which the rate of evaporation from the surface of your skin depends. For example, bergamot essential oil will evaporate in seconds, no matter how much you increase the concentration. Therefore, the latter has nothing to do with durability, but the composition of the composition has to do with it.

Myth No. 4: perfumes without synthetic fragrances are more durable

As you might have already guessed, this is also not true. Most often, the opposite happens: for example, the natural aroma of a herbal or citrus group will last much less time than its synthetic counterpart, to which fixatives will be added. And the same aforementioned natural bergamot, like its synthetic analogue linalyl acetate, will evaporate very quickly. Resistance in this case depends on the volatility of the substance - as a rule, light molecules are more volatile than heavy ones.

Myth No. 5: long-lasting perfumes are the best quality

This myth has its roots in the Soviet past, when perfume was almost impossible to get and women mostly used the same scent. Therefore, the longer it lasted, the better quality it was considered. Nowadays, durability is not the main argument when buying a perfume product, and in selective perfumery this quality has practically no effect on anything.

In conclusion, I would like to mention once again that perseverance does not always rule the roost. Choose those compositions that you like, but do not forget: if the perfume does not last on you, this does not mean that it is bad. Maybe you just don't smell them.