Types and causes of language errors. Types of regulatory errors

Content Linguistic errors around us: the reasons for their occurrence and classification. Linguistic errors around us: causes of their occurrence and classification. A) Language norm and deviation from it a) Language norm and deviation from it b) Types of errors. b) Types of errors. c) Causes of occurrence. c) Causes of occurrence. d) Fighting errors. d) Fighting errors. e) “Slang” words in our school. e) “Slang” words in our school. Conclusion and work prospects. Conclusion and work prospects.

Purpose of the work: to draw the attention of schoolchildren to linguistic errors in our speech and to correct them. draw the attention of schoolchildren to linguistic errors in our speech and their correction. Objectives: Objectives: -to study theoretical material about the language norm and deviations from it, -study theoretical material about the language norm and deviations from it, -collect typical mistakes and classify them, - collect typical errors and classify them, combat errors. Deal with mistakes.

Linguistic norm and deviation from it Norm is the generally accepted use of words, their forms, syntactic constructions, enshrined in dictionaries, reference books and recommended by them, as well as confirmed by the use of words by authoritative writers, scientists, and the educated part of society. Norm is the generally accepted use of words, their forms, syntactic structures, enshrined in dictionaries, reference books and recommended by them, as well as confirmed by the use of words by authoritative writers, scientists, and the educated part of society. An error is a violation of norms. An error is a violation of norms.

Types of errors Spelling Spelling Punctuation Punctuation Grammar Grammar Speech Speech Factual Factual Logical Logical Outdated spelling Outdated spelling Non-existent spelling Non-existent spelling Mixing Latin and Cyrillic Mixing Latin and Cyrillic

The fight against mistakes First, carry out campaigns to promote literacy and education among the population. Firstly, carry out campaigns to promote literacy and education among the population. Secondly, open sites that ridicule the errors and also contain an explanation of how they need to be corrected. Secondly, open sites that ridicule the errors and also contain an explanation of how they need to be corrected. Thirdly, monitor your speech and spelling and help your friends with this. Thirdly, monitor your speech and spelling and help your friends with this.

Slang words in our school B last years jargon has overwhelmed our speech. People seem to forget the literary language, gradually switching to slang expressions. In recent years, jargon has overwhelmed our speech. People seem to forget the literary language, gradually switching to slang expressions.

Questionnaire questionnaire Questionnaire questionnaire Do you use jargon? Do you use jargon? Why: Why: –You want to better express your thoughts; – you don’t want to be different from your peers; – afraid of being ridiculed by others; -cannot replace jargon literary words; -other options. What jargon do you use most often? What jargon do you use most often? How do you understand the meaning of these words? How do you understand the meaning of these words? How many times a day do you use these words: How many times a day do you use these words: –15 times; –610 times; – more than 10 times. Do you think, as a result, speech becomes... Do you think, as a result, speech becomes... -better; -worse; – I find it difficult to answer.

Conclusion A person’s speech is a litmus test of his general culture, proficiency in literary language is necessary component education and, conversely, “linguistic illiteracy,” as M. Gorky also said, “is always a sign of low culture.” A person’s speech is a litmus test of his general culture, mastery of a literary language is a necessary component of education and, conversely, “linguistic illiteracy,” as M. Gorky also said, “is always a sign of low culture.”

Research project

"Linguistic errors around us"

Completed by students of grade 7A

MBOU Secondary School No. 14, Pyatigorsk

Head - Mitrakova O.V.


Subject our research: “Linguistic errors around us.”

We want to continue the work started in the past academic year. We put forward the slogan: “Error is the enemy of man!” In order to overcome what spoils the Russian language, we continue to work on the research we have begun.

We collect clippings from newspapers, magazines, packaging for various products, photograph slogans, price tags, advertisements in transport, and store signs. We classify all found errors.

Linguists are sure that spelling, punctuation, and speech errors make it difficult to perceive the text and prevent one from understanding the meaning of the sentence.

Target given research work: identifying spelling, punctuation, speech errors in advertisements, texts on packages and labels

Tasks research:

Explain the causes of common errors

Object Research for this work includes articles in newspapers and magazines, signs on city streets, advertisements, labels, packaging.

Item research: spelling, punctuation, grammatical, speech errors in advertisements, on labels, packaging, stands.

Hypothesis: the spelling mode of advertisements needs control and correction; if advertising is based on the principle of error, illiterate and inaccurately composed, then it leads to the consolidation of speech, spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors verbally and writing.

Basic methods and techniques: collecting information (advertising with errors), working with scientific literature, analysis of errors made in advertisements.

The material for the research work was collected in the city of Pyatigorsk.


Having analyzed advertisements, texts on packages and labels, we found errors in the spelling of vowels and consonants, errors in combined, separate or hyphenated writing words, errors in the use of lowercase and capital letters.

In the advertising brochure of the Magnit store we read: “Kefir. Nalchi N"skiy dairy plant". However, even students primary school they know that if an adjective is formed from a noun, then the letters of the base of the original word are preserved without changes. Therefore, NalchiK is NalchiKsky. Slide 3

Incorrect spelling NOT (combined or separate) is a very common mistake in advertising. The reason for its occurrence may be that computer programs do not highlight spelling data with errors.

This is a photo of an advertisement that we saw in the Sinta shoe store. The word “respected” should be written with the letter A (the unstressed vowel at the root of the word). Also missing a comma when addressing. Slide 5

It is very common to encounter spelling errors. difficult words.

The word "working clothes" is a compound abbreviation. It should be written together. (This is a photo of a business card). Slide 6

The words “anti-stain” and “anti-grease” should also be written together. (Words with the foreign language part ANTI are written as one word).

And this is what an advertising poster looks like, containing information about the sale of inexpensive clothing and shoes. Its authors offer to buy boots produced by Bel ABOUT Rus". Correct writing- “Bel A Rus". Slide 8


Unfortunately, errors can be found almost everywhere these days. The authors of the publication for schoolchildren “Chemistry. Typical OGE assignments» are not familiar with the rules for placing a colon.

In a sentence " This collection contains 30 standard exam options, corresponding to the project demo versions of the OGE 2017" is missing introductory word. Therefore, there is no need to put a colon.

Slide 9

booklet “Stations young technicians» Pyatigorsk Slide 10

Of course, the teachers of this educational institution can give children knowledge in the field of physics, mathematics, and drawing. But they probably forgot the rules of punctuation of the Russian language.

Missed a comma when referring. Slide 11

There's an extra colon. Slad 12

The photo shows the logbook for registration of verifications carried out by authorities state control hairdressing salon "Triumph" on Ukrainskaya street.

There is also a punctuation error in the text placed on its cover: a comma is missing when participial phrase. Slide 13

And in this ad there are no punctuation marks at all. Slide 14

In a magazine article, there is an unreasonable colon between the subject and the predicate.

Slide 15


Speech errors are errors in the use of words, i.e. violation of lexical norms.

Speech errors are quite common in both formal and informal speech. Many of them become so typical that we hardly notice them.

This is a page from a women's fashion magazine. Neither the author of the article nor the editor apparently distinguishes between the paronyms “dress” and “put on.” Still, you need to write “What to Wear on New Year». Slide 16

Very often in texts you can find cases of unjustified repetition of words with the same root.

An example of a tautology: “combing - comb.” Slide 17

Reading a phrase from the store's brochure household goods: “This is a new air freshener that... eliminates unpleasant odors and allows you to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of pleasant aromas 10 times stronger than conventional products.” Slide 18

“Immerse yourself 10 times harder” is an example of a speech error. Submerge stronger it is forbidden! The verb in the sentence is like wounds unsuccessfully.

Another phrase from the same magazine: “What color should an evening dress be, based on eastern traditionsSlide 19. It is not clear what should be “based on Eastern traditions.” The word "based on" is inappropriate in this context.

And this is an article from the newspaper “Health Recipes”. Letters are placed in it ordinary people. But this does not justify an editor who does not correct numerous errors in such messages.

An older man writes that he was “watching his diet. Slide 20. Of course, he didn’t “follow”, but “follow a diet.”

Slide 21. It is correct to say apply cream.


Grammar errors are errors in structure linguistic unit; this is a violation of any grammatical norm- word formation, morphological, syntactic.

People often construct sentences incorrectly in speech and writing. Slide 22

"A series of shampoos is enriched Y natural extracts." There would be no error if the authors added the pronoun “which” to the sentence. "Series of shampoos that s enriched s…»

Let us turn once again to the magazine “Recipes for Health”. Slide 23. We read a phrase from a reader’s letter: “My husband and I WITH one village." Certainly, FROM sat down!

Another letter. Slide 24.“I worked a lot, lived BEHIND kopecks." Lived ON pennies!

Unfortunately, errors can be found not only in free booklets or newspapers.

Unforgivable speech error we meet in the collection on preparation for the OGE in the Russian language, edited by Senina. Slide 25

« every drop of blood shed... A drop (what?) is shed AND I.


After analyzing the collected material, we found out that errors in advertising products associated with violations of spelling, punctuation and speech norms(the object of our research) is a consequence of ignorance of the norms of the Russian language and the inability or unwillingness of advertising product manufacturers to use dictionaries.

The identified errors are the result not only of low literacy, but also

with the irresponsible attitude of advertisers to their work, the inability to connect punctuation norms language and graphic design capabilities to highlight the most significant in advertising speech units. One might say that preference is given to design at the expense of literacy.

The practical orientation of our work lies in the desire to draw the attention of every person to what kind of advertising products he consumes.

Used Books:

1.Akishina A.A., Formanovskaya N.I. Russian speech etiquette. M.: Russian language, 1978.

2. Andreev V.I. Business rhetoric. Kazan: Kazan University Publishing House, 1993.

3. Atwater I. I’m listening to you. M., 1988.

4. Golub I.B., Rosenthal D.E. Secrets of good speech. M.: International relations, 1993.

5. Culture of oral and written speech business man: Directory. Workshop. M.: Flinta, Nauka, 1997.

6. Muchnik B.S. Culture of writing. M.: Aspect Press, 1996.

The legal nature of a legal text requires special precision and care in the formulation of legal regulations, thoughtfulness and consistency in the structure of the document, and does not allow for polysemy, vagueness, or inconsistency of its norms. IN known sources Legislative and legal techniques are described quite fully and in detail. It is closely related to the organization of lexical-legal material, its syntactic structure and semantics, aimed at external presentation, designed to improve the language of a legal document, making it more understandable, accurate and literate.

The meaning (content side) of a legal text appears as a result of reading. There is a text, and there is an interpreter who gives meaning to this text. But since interpreters have different intellectual capabilities (education, level of culture, including legal), the general goal of legislative technology is to achieve accessibility of the text of legal norms in terms of their meaning, which, however, should not come at the expense of its legal accuracy or distort meaning of the law. The external presentation of a legal act assumes that law influences the will and consciousness of people only through language. It is language that serves as a means of transmitting information about the content of legal regulations; with its help, the legislator’s thought is formalized and becomes suitable for external use.

Meanwhile, modern legislation, both at the federal level and at the level of constituent entities and municipalities, suffers from many shortcomings, including technical ones. There is a lag in rule-making activities and the appearance of linguistic errors in the texts of regulatory legal acts. Bad text legal act, the inaccuracy of its definitions and terms create the opportunity for misuse legal norms. Thus, in order for the will of the legislator to be accessible and its meaning not to diverge from the textual design, a clear presentation and clear linguistic formulation of the norms of the law are necessary. Therefore, one of the conditions for successful law-making activity is compliance with a system of certain requirements for legal acts. It is the knowledge and competent use of techniques legal technology allows you to create high-quality and easy-to-read legal documents.

Both at the federal and regional level provisions have been developed on the linguistic examination of legislative acts that define the goals, objectives and procedure for its implementation and the main points relating to the use of lexical, grammatical, syntactic and stylistic language means. It is also important to work on the language and style of a legal document at the stage of not only its discussion and adoption, but also its preparation and writing. The presence of errors and shortcomings is explained both by the incredible rush in preparing legal documents and the lack of opportunities for their competent editorial editing, therefore it is necessary to develop a clear system of rules (lexical, grammatical, syntactic) for the use of language means when writing legal documents, strictly corresponding to the norms of modern Russian literary language and facilitating compliance with certain requirements for the language and text of regulatory legal acts (uniformity, accuracy, clarity, consistency in the presentation of legal material, etc.). Exist electronic dictionaries definitions Russian legislation(information legal systems“Consultant Plus”, “Garant”), defining terms (and their meanings) existing in Russian legislation, legal acts by which they are introduced. All this should facilitate the work of the legislator in drafting regulatory texts and the perception of such documents by the reader.

Any text has a linguistic, logical, grammatical and graphic basis. A legal text that has a functional and stylistic affiliation is also a combination of these fundamentals. And one of the most important tasks is to develop rules for improving the language, style and logic of law.

Any emotional overtones must be avoided in the text of a legal document. This is due to its functional and stylistic affiliation with formal business style. The language of a regulatory legal act must be neutral so as not to cause unnecessary emotions and not to distract from the essence of its meaning. Solemnity, pathos, rhetorical questions, usage stylistic figures. Some texts (complaints, diplomatic documents) are characterized by some figurativeness, but it is unacceptable to overstep reasonable limits, since the neutrality of the language primarily increases the effectiveness of the interpretation of the text and the implementation of legal norms.

In the presentation of legal information, it is necessary to maintain consistency and semantic completeness, since the lack of logic, breaks in the sequence of content, jumping from one subject of consideration to another, etc. make it difficult to interpret, disrupt the relationship and internal unity legal material.

Any, even the most minimal, ambiguity in the design of a legal text is fraught with the emergence of inconsistency and contradictions in its interpretation. Accuracy (i.e. correspondence of the semantic content of the text to the information that forms its basis) involves the use of words, phrases in their direct meaning, which does not allow ambiguity, arbitrary interpretation, distorting the meaning of the regulatory document and which can affect the process of implementation of legal norms. Clarity of the language of legal texts is achieved through the use of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, syntactic), widely used and easily understood for the most part subjects of application of law, however, such accessibility should not come at the expense of content.

The language of a legislative act is concise, since its main function is the transmission of a prescription or order. Consequently, the most economical language tools are needed, which creates favorable conditions to understand and apply the law.

Features of the language of legal texts relate to specific areas linguistics.

138 SCIENTIFIC GUIDELINES KY Series Philosophy. Sociology. Right.

2012. No. 14(133). Issue 21

UDC 340:001.4(470)


The article analyzes two types of linguistic errors found in Russian legislation: violation lexical compatibility and unsuccessful formation of legal neologisms. The authors illustrate the issues raised with specific examples taken from texts modern laws, and propose a system of legal measures to improve the linguistic quality of Russian legislation.

Keywords Keywords: linguistic error, Russian legislation, official style, legislative activity.

e-mail: [email protected]


e-mail: [email protected]

Belgorod State National Research University

Existing problem, associated with the error in the use of legal terminology in Russian legislation, is largely determined by the violation by participants in lawmaking activities of the postulate of the inextricable connection between the term and the concept, and failure to comply with the requirement of necessary accuracy (truth) linguistic expression legal norms.

A constant that reveals the essence of necessary interaction and existence in common space Legislative thought and words, concepts and terms, serve the accuracy of their implementation. According to the fair remark of N.V. Belokon, “accuracy (i.e. the correspondence of the semantic content of the text with the information that forms its basis) presupposes the use of words and phrases in their direct meaning, which does not allow ambiguity, arbitrary interpretation, distorting the meaning of the normative legal document and which can influence the process of implementation of legal norms”2. Largely on the accuracy of use legal terms is based required quality legislative act, the correspondence of the plan and its linguistic embodiment determines the level of cognitive perception by the user of the text of the law. Relevant in this regard is the opinion of E.V. Syrykh, according to which “the accuracy of the language of the law, understood as the degree of compliance of the text of the law with the normative thought of the legislator, is the first and a necessary condition the effectiveness of legal norms enshrined in law”3. In this case, we can add that the accuracy linguistic manifestation legislative thought is not just a condition for the real existence of a specific legal norm, but a prerequisite for its adequate application. And Yu.S. Vashchenko is absolutely right when he asserts that “the accuracy of the plan and its implementation is the complete compliance of the meaning of the statement updated by the legislator with the conveyed legal meaning”4.

Russian legislation plays key role V social development and therefore represents the zone special attention. As V.N. Kartashov rightly noted, “taking into account the fact that in various communication systems the meaning of words and other means of expressing concepts is sometimes distorted, both in theory and in practical

1 The article was prepared within the framework of project No. 6.2866.2011, carried out within the framework of State assignment The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to subordinate universities to carry out R&D.

2 Belokon N.V. Linguistic errors in regulatory documents // URL: http://law.edu.ru/doc/document.asp?docID=1120608 (access date: 01/11/2011).

3 Syrykh E.V. General criteria quality of law. - Diss...cand. legal Sci. - M., 2001. - P.158.

4 Vashchenko Yu.S. ABOUT communicative precision legislative text in lawmaking // Russian justice. - 2006, No. 4. - P.60.

In legal activities, it is especially important to strive for accuracy, certainty and clarity of terminology.”5 Let us note that such a desire is extremely important in the process of formulating a legislative text, since the accuracy of the use of legal terminology determines the reliability of legal norms and increases the accessibility of their perception. The genuine linguistic implementation of legislative thought has a direct impact on the formation of the ideology of respect for the law, the establishment of a regime of durability of normative regulations, after all, “in legibus salus” (salvation in the laws).

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the fact that each law must strengthen the responsibility of the authorities to citizens, implement the main tasks facing rule of law. Since legal terminology is, in particular, the official linguistic conductor of government decisions, its importance in the process of formation and application of legal norms is very high. However, it should be noted that in modern Russian legislation there are often terminological errors. Some of them related to negative political or legal consequences, are more obvious and, often, they are eliminated with the help of amendments to laws, others are less obvious, and attention to their existence is drawn only to the scientific legal community.

From our point of view, all errors made when using legal terminology in Russian legislation, based on their sectoral nature, can be divided into four groups:



Brain teaser;


Of course, such a division is very conditional, since almost any law represents a unity of legal, political, logical and linguistic principles. Therefore, when assigning terminological errors present in Russian legislation to any group, we proceed from the principle of priority of the beginning that is for everyone specific case dominant in its essence. In this article we will try to dwell on the study of perhaps the most diverse group of errors that are united by linguistic roots.

Let us note that insufficient linguistic elaboration of the legislative text negatively affects its quality, and, therefore, is one of the main prerequisites for the possible ambiguous perception of each specific legal norm by the interested party.

It should be noted that in legal science Linguistic errors present in the language of laws related to synonymy, homonymy, antonymy, and polysemy are being actively studied.6 At the same time, for example, practically no attention is paid to issues of violation of lexical compatibility. In this regard, we will try to concentrate attention on two types of linguistic errors, associated primarily with lexical flaws that negatively characterize the language of modern Russian laws, and, at the same time, are little studied in legal science: violation of lexical compatibility and unsuccessful formation of legal neologisms.

1. Violation of lexical compatibility.

5 Kartashov V.N. Legal activity: concept, structure, value / Ed. Doctor of Law, Prof. N.I.Matuzova. - Saratov, 1989. - P.23.

6 Bogolyubov S.A. Legal terminology: issues of synonymy /// Problems of improving Soviet legislation. Proceedings of VNIISZ. - M.: Publishing house VNIISZ, 1987, Issue. 40. - pp. 25-35; Gubaeva T.V. Literature in jurisprudence. Diss... doc. legal Sci. - Kazan, 1996; The language of the law / Ed. A. S. Pigolkina. - M.: Legal. lit., 1990; Khabibulina N.I. The language of the law and its comprehension in the process of linguistic interpretation of law. Diss... cand. legal sciences. - Moscow, 1996; Vasilyeva L.N., Vlasenko N.A. Textual foundations of legal technology / in the book: Doctrinal foundations of legal technology / Responsible. ed. Doctor of Law, Prof. N.A. Vlasenko. - M., 2010. - P.234-241.

For correct use terms in the language of laws, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of lexical compatibility of words, based on their ability to connect with each other. Let us note that the boundaries of the lexical compatibility of words in the language of laws are determined, first of all, by their semantics, stylistic affiliation and grammatical properties. In turn, violation of lexical compatibility is associated with the combination of words that are not compatible with each other, “failure to distinguish between concepts that are similar in any respect.”7 We believe that it is necessary to pay attention to some examples of violation of lexical compatibility of words in the texts of modern Russian laws.

Thus, in the text of Article 27 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation contains the following wording: “if, as a result of committing an intentional crime, grave consequences are caused...”. In this case, the combination “causes consequences” was mistakenly used. It seems obvious that the consequences can only occur, but harm or damage is caused. Accordingly, in the context under study it was necessary to use the expression “consequences occur.”

The text of Article 40 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes a provision according to which “it is not a crime to cause harm to interests protected by criminal law as a result of physical coercion, if, as a result of such coercion, a person could not control his actions (inaction).” Note that the expression “manage by inaction” is also an example of a violation of lexical compatibility. You can lead or not lead your actions for some reason, but it is not possible to lead your inaction. One can only remain in inaction (be in a state of rest, immobility). Therefore, in the text of Article 40 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it is quite possible to use the following wording: “it is not a crime to cause harm to interests protected by criminal law as a result of physical coercion, if, as a result of such coercion, the person could not direct his actions or was inactive.”

In addition, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation uses such erroneous phrases as “make amends” and “active repentance” (for example, in the text of Article 75 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Note that the harm in Russian law V certain cases subject to compensation, not “smoothing out.” The procedure for “making amends” is not defined in legal science. The right to exist in the legislative text of the phrase “active repentance” also raises certain doubts. The fact is that repentance can hardly be active. The term “repentance” is interpreted only as “awareness of one’s guilt, regret about the offense committed”8. In other words, repentance is not an action, it is a process directly related to a person’s emotional experiences and rethinking of what they have done. Any actions in this case can only be a consequence of repentance, but not part of it. Therefore, active repentance is impossible, and in Russian legislation and law enforcement practice we can only talk about “actions as a result of repentance.”

In modern Russian legislation, such an erroneous phrase as “regulation of legal relations” is actively used, which is involved, for example, in Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and on Religious Associations”,9 in Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Postal Services”,10 in Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation”

7 Rosenthal D.E., Dzhandzhakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. A guide to spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. - M., 1998. - P. 171.

8 Dictionary of the Russian language in 4 volumes /AS USSR. Institute of Russian Language / Ed. A.P. Evgenieva. - M.: Russian language, 1983. - T.3. - P.642.

9 the federal law dated September 26, 1997 No. 125-FZ “On freedom of conscience and religious associations” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1997. No. 39. Art. 4465.

10 Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 176-FZ “On Postal Communications” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1999. No. 29. Art. 3697.

Series Philosophy. Sociology. Right. 2012. No. 14 (133). Issue 21

Federation”,11 as well as in the text of some other regulatory legal acts. At the same time, we note that its very existence is on the verge of legal absurdity, because a legal relationship is already “a social relationship regulated by the rules of law, the participants of which are bearers of subjective rights and obligations.”12 Even more absurd is the use of such an expression as “legal regulation of legal relations” , which is involved, for example, in the title of Article 3 of the Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.”13 It is obvious that certain social relations can be regulated, but not legal relations. Accordingly, in the legislative text it is only possible to use the term “regulation public relations».

Let us note that the reasons for the problem associated with violation of lexical compatibility in the language of laws are very different. In some cases, these are obvious omissions of the subjects of legislative activity (there is hardly an explanation for the introduction into the legislative text of such expressions as “consequences are caused”, “to make amends”, “regulation of legal relations”, “legal regulation of legal relations”), in some cases - In some cases, these are unfortunate names of legal institutions (“active repentance”), and in some cases, this may be an unjustified desire to shorten the legislative text (the expression “manage your actions (inaction).” Of course, these language solutions significantly reduce the quality legislative text, have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the application of legal norms.

2. Unsuccessful formation of legal neologisms.

A neologism is “a new, recently appeared word in speech, an innovation in vocabulary language.”14 Various events contribute to the emergence of neologisms public life, occurring primarily under the influence scientific and technological progress. It should be noted that a word (or expression) remains a neologism as long as its novelty is clearly perceived by users. As soon as a given word (or expression) becomes sufficiently common, it automatically becomes active lexicon. So, for example, at the end of the 20th century, the words “perestroika” and “glasnost” were neologisms, which soon lost their connotation of novelty, as they were mastered in oral and written speech.

Legal neologisms are new words or expressions used in legal language and denoting the corresponding legal concepts. We believe that legal neologisms in modern language laws can be considered such relatively recently appeared expressions as “central depository”15, “microfinance organizations”16, “economic partnership”17. However, not all neologisms introduced into the legislative text can be considered successfully formed. Thus, from our point of view, the use in some legislative acts of such legal neologisms as

11 Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2001. No. 51. Art. 4832.

12 Big legal dictionary/ Ed. A.Ya.Sukhareva, V.D.Zorkina. - M.: Infra-M, 1998.

13 Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2006. No. 19. Art. 2060.

14 Chernykh P.Ya. Historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language: In 2 volumes - M., 2001. - T.1. - P.569.

15 See: Federal Law of December 7, 2011 No. 414-FZ “On the Central Depository” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, December 12, 2011, No. 50, Art. 7356.

16 See: Federal Law of 07/02/2010 No. 151-FZ “On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 07/05/2010, No. 27, Art. 3435.

17 See: Federal Law of December 3, 2011 No. 380-FZ “On Economic Partnerships” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, December 5, 2011, No. 49 (Part 5), Art. 7058.

“non-public railway transport”, 18 “ railways non-public use"19, "non-public use roads".20 We believe that in the above cases we should talk about transport, tracks, roads for special use. Then the norms of the Russian literary language will be observed (the word “non-general” is not contained in explanatory dictionaries modern Russian language), and also maintains the logical antithesis “general-special”. Unsuccessfully formed legal neologisms are also present in regional regulatory legal acts. For example, in article 1 of the law Yaroslavl region“On state support and development of leasing in agro-industrial complex Yaroslavl region"21 uses the neologism "breeding livestock products", which is not used in federal legislation. At the same time, the Federal Law “On Livestock Breeding”22 uses the terms “breeding animal”, “breeding products (material)”, which cover the meaning of the linguistic innovation proposed at the regional level.

The unsuccessful formation of legal neologisms is sometimes directly related to the lexical incompleteness of the formulation, which consists in the omission of a necessary word (several words) in a sentence or phrase. For example, the text of the Federal Law “On Transport Security” uses the neologism “act of unlawful interference” (Articles 1, 2, etc.).23 In our opinion, this term is lexically formulated incompletely. Therefore, it allows us to interpret the corresponding concept much more broadly than is necessary to regulate social relations emerging in the field of transport security of the country. We believe that in this case it is only possible to use such a term as “an act of illegal interference in the activities of transport complex”, that is, language specification is needed here.

It should be noted that, unfortunately, the modern Russian language is often perceived in society only as a tool for everyday communication, and not as a standard of oral and written speech. This misconception is based, in particular, on those linguistic errors that are present in the texts of laws. At the same time, it is the law that should be a model of official style and linguistic literacy.

The presence of linguistic errors in the use of legal terminology in modern Russian legislation indicates the need to develop a system of measures to neutralize them and prevent their occurrence in the future. We believe that such a system should include:

Carrying out an audit of Russian legislation to identify various errors associated with the use of legal terminology, as a result of which the language of laws should be brought into compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On state language Russian Federation" (Articles 1, 3);

18 See, for example: Art. 1 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 17-FZ “On railway transport in the Russian Federation” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2003. No. 2. Art. 169.

19 See, for example: Art. 55 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 18-FZ “Charter railway transport Russian Federation" // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2003. No. 2. Art. 170; Art. 21 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 No. 261-FZ “On sea ​​ports in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation" // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2007. No. 46. Art. 5557.

20 See, for example: art. 5 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ “On highways and on road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2003. No. 46. Art. 5553.

21 Law of the Yaroslavl Region dated March 4, 2003 No. 10-Z “On state support and development of leasing in the agro-industrial complex of the Yaroslavl Region” // Provincial News. March 10, 2003 No. 16(1224).

22 Federal Law of August 3, 1995 No. 123-FZ “On Livestock Breeding” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 32. Art. 3199.

23 Federal Law of February 9, 2007 No. 16-FZ “On Transport Security” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2007. No. 7. Art. 837.

Development and officialization of a set of rules for the use of legal terminology in the language of laws;

Implementation of a set of educational and educational measures for persons engaged in or seeking to engage in professional legal activities (propagation of a culture of written and oral speech lawyer in means mass media, Introduction to educational process Russian universities of legal and linguistic disciplines).


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22. Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 18-FZ “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2003. No. 2. Art. 170.

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24. Federal Law of November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ “On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2003. No. 46. Art. 5553.

25. Law of the Yaroslavl region dated March 4, 2003 No. 10-Z “On state support and development of leasing in the agro-industrial complex of the Yaroslavl region” // Provincial News. March 10, 2003 No. 16(1224).

26. Federal Law of August 3, 1995 No. 123-FZ “On Livestock Breeding” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 32. Art. 3199.

27. Federal Law of February 9, 2007 No. 16-FZ “On Transport Security” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2007. No. 7. Art. 837.


Belgorod National Research University


The article considers two types of the linguistic mistakes in the Russian legislation: violation of lexical compatibility and unsuccessful formation of legal neologisms. The authors illustrate the mentioned problems by means of the concrete examples taken from texts of modern laws, and offer a system of legal measures for improving the linguistic quality of the Russian legislation.

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Keywords: linguistic mistake, Russian legislation, official style, legislative activity.