Questionnaire for heads of preschool educational organizations. Concept of the draft federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation"


Department of Theory and Practice of Educational Management



Management of educational institutions in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards IIgenerations: Workbook. – Publishing house of the Institute of Russian History of the Republic of Belarus. - Ufa, 2010. – 82 p.


This workbook “Educational Institution Management in the Conditions of the Introduction of the Second Generation Federal State Educational Standard for the Module “Modern Approaches to Educational Institution Management” is included in the modular program of the Department of Theory and Practice of Educational Management of the IRO RB “Theory and Practice of Educational Management in the Conditions of Modernization”, intended for advanced training courses heads of educational institutions. The materials are practice-oriented in nature, aimed at the active development of the theoretical foundations and legal framework of management activities in the context of the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards. This kit can be used with equal success both for advanced training courses and for independent work.

The materials are addressed to heads of educational institutions, heads of municipal education authorities, and specialists in the system of advanced training for education workers.

Latypov O.F., © Bulatova Z.A., 2010 Publishing house IRO RB, 2010

Task 1. Test your management skills in the context of the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards.

for managers receiving professional training in the advanced training system (input and output control)




Day off


Regulatory and legal framework of educational institutions in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation

Develop normative and organizational documentation (agreements, charter, rules, regulations, job descriptions) in the context of the introduction of the 2nd generation Federal State Educational Standards

Criteria for the readiness of an educational institution for the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards

Develop an educational program for primary general education

Management of the educational institution in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation

Criteria for the readiness of the head of an educational institution for the introduction of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards

Project activities at the educational institution

Evaluate human, material, technical, methodological, didactic resources of the educational institution

Select criteria for adequate assessment of a teacher’s activities

Select criteria for adequately assessing the activities of members of the administration

Select criteria for adequate assessment of student achievements

Criteria for the effectiveness of the educational process in educational institutions in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation

Methods of controlling op-amps in modern conditions

Use interactive conversation, individual, group, team forms of work

Algorithm for introducing II generation Federal State Educational Standards into educational institutions

Results of universal learning activities

Plan work at the educational institution in the context of the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards

Develop extracurricular activity programs

Identify, study and summarize software

Assessment of students' education on a diagnostic basis

Educational and methodological complex in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation

Basic national values

National educational ideal

Use modern information and innovative teaching technologies at educational institutions

The concept of spiritual and moral education and personality development of a Russian citizen

Tasks 2. Study the criteria for the readiness of an educational institution for the introduction of the 2nd generation Federal State Educational Standard and the legal and regulatory support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEOs. Are all criteria specified?

2.1. Criteria for the readiness of an educational institution for the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards

1. The basic educational program has been developed and approved.

  1. The regulatory framework of the educational institution has been brought into compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, including the development of local acts regulating the establishment of wages for employees in accordance with the NSOT.

  2. Job descriptions for employees have been brought into compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and new qualification characteristics.

  3. A list of textbooks and teaching aids has been determined.

  4. A model for organizing the educational process has been defined that ensures the organization of extracurricular activities for students.

  5. A plan of methodological work has been developed to support the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

  6. All primary school teachers received advanced training.

  7. Personnel, financial, material, technical and other conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education have been provided in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
2.2. Regulatory support for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards N OO

1. Regulatory and legal support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO

1.1. Certified (agreed upon) with the founder Minutes of the meeting of the state and public management body of the educational institution (School Council, Governing Council, Board of Trustees), at which the decision was made to introduce the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO in the educational institution.

1.2. The Regulations on the Council for the Introduction of New Federal State Educational Standards for General Education have been developed.

1.3. A project has been developed and approved for the modernization of the primary school educational system in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard (Indicate when and by whom it was approved).

1.4. A schedule for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO in the educational institution has been developed and approved (Indicate when and by whom it was approved).

1.5. A system for monitoring the progress of work on the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the initial stage of the educational institution has been developed and approved (Indicate when and by whom it was approved).

1.6. The basic educational program of primary general education (GEP) of an educational institution has been developed and approved, containing the following sections (Indicate when and by whom approved):

1.6.1. Explanatory note

1.6.2. Planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education

1.6.3.Curriculum of primary general education (by years of study)

1.6.4. Program for the formation of universal educational activities for students at the level of primary general education

1.6.5. Programs of individual academic subjects, courses (for 1st grade - 11 programs):

Russian language

Literary reading

Foreign language (from 2nd grade)


The world

Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia (from 2nd grade)



Physical Culture

1.6.6. Program for spiritual and moral development, education of students at the level of primary general education

1.6.7. Healthy and Safe Lifestyle Culture Program

1.6.8. Corrective work program (developed when organizing the training and education of children with disabilities in an educational institution)

1.6.9. System for assessing the achievement of the planned results of development of the OOP LEO.

1.7. A document is presented certifying the approval of the OOP NOO OU (When and by whom the OOP was approved).

1.8. A list of textbooks and teaching aids for use in the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) was determined and approved by the order of the director (Indicate the list of teaching materials and % of provision).

1.9. A program for extracurricular activities has been developed and approved (Indicate when and by whom it was approved).

1.10. Agreements have been concluded with institutions of additional education or individuals for the implementation of extracurricular activities.

1.11. The “Full-day School” schedule has been drawn up and approved (Indicate when and by whom it was approved).

1.12. The form of a tripartite agreement on the provision of general education has been developed and approved (Indicate when and by whom it was approved).

1.13. Information is presented on changes in the Charter of the educational institution due to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOOs.

1.14. The following orders are presented:

·Order “On the creation and powers of the Council for the introduction of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards”

·Order “On the creation and powers of working groups for the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards”

·Order “On the distribution of responsibilities for the development of a project for a modernized educational system at the primary level of an educational institution”

·Order “On approval of the project of a modernized educational system at the primary level of educational institutions and the schedule for introducing the Federal State Educational Standards of non-governmental educational institutions in educational institutions”

·Elementary school teacher's order"

·Order “On the introduction of a new job description for the deputy director for educational work at the initial level of educational institutions”

·Order “On the introduction of a new job description for the director of an educational institution”

2.Financial and economic support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO

2.1. Local acts are presented that regulate the establishment of wages for employees of educational institutions, including incentive bonuses and additional payments, the procedure and amount of bonuses in accordance with the NSOT:

·Order “On payment for extracurricular activities”

·Order and Regulations on industry wages for employees of educational institutions

·Order and Regulations on the fund of allowances and additional payments for employees of educational institutions

2.2. Additional agreements to the employment contract were concluded with teaching staff.

2.3. Information is presented on the financial conditions created in the educational institution for the implementation of the educational educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of the non-public educational institution.

3. Organizational support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO

3.1. An optimal model for organizing the educational process has been determined, ensuring the organization of extracurricular activities for students.

3.2. A plan for the methodological work of the educational institution has been developed, taking into account the model and algorithm of the educational institution's activities for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the New Education, one of the sections of which contains information on the preparation and conduct of scientific and methodological seminars (in-school professional development) with a focus on the problems of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard of the New Education.

4. Personnel support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO

4.1. The job descriptions of employees of educational institutions have been brought into conformity with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Institutions and new qualification characteristics:

· primary school teachers,

·Deputy Director for educational work at the primary level of the educational institution,

· director of the educational institution.

4.2. A plan-schedule for advanced training of teaching and management employees of an educational institution has been developed in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Non-Educational Education.

4.3. Information is presented on the advanced training of all primary school teachers (possibly in stages as the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is introduced). Indicate the proportion of teachers who have undergone advanced training according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

4.4. Information about teaching staff is provided.

5. Information support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO

5.1. A study of public opinion (parents (legal representatives) of students) on the introduction of new standards was organized. (Indicate the proportion of parents covered by the survey).

5.2. Local acts have been developed and approved regulating the organization and conduct of public reporting by an educational institution.

5.3. Information resources of the educational institution are involved: website, Internet page, etc. (Indicate types and addresses of resources).

6. Logistics and technical support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO

6.1. The material and technical support of the educational institution is brought into compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO (see Appendix). Details of documents on the compliance of the material and technical base of the educational institution with current sanitary and fire safety standards, labor safety standards for employees of an educational institution are presented.

6.2. Information about the electronic educational resources (EER) used is provided.

6.3. Local acts have been developed and presented that establish requirements for various infrastructure facilities of an educational institution, taking into account the requirements for the minimum equipment of the educational process (for example, regulations on a cultural and leisure center, an information and library center, a sports and recreation center, a classroom, etc.)

Task 3. What criteria for the readiness of educational institution managers for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard are necessary in the conditions of your educational institution?

Criteria for the readiness of educational institution managers for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards,

developed by Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Educational Management of the Institute of Educational Education of the Republic of Belarus M.A. Abdullina

1. The head of an educational institution must master the basic concepts that allow him to understand, evaluate and explain the mechanisms of existence of an educational institution as an open system that meets the challenges of the time with its changes. For example, tolerance, civil society, personality development, universal learning activities, forms of communication, civic identity, national, personal professional values, value orientations, motives and motivation, success-failure, success, search methods, communication, virtual communication, mental operations, reflection, self-reflection, strategies for resolving various types of conflicts, subject results, linguistic and cultural space, reading competence, speech and non-speech behavior, logical and algorithmic thinking, health-saving behavior, spiritual self-development, personality setting, human goals and values, aesthetic and cognitive, faith and religion, spiritual and material culture, etc.

2. The head of an educational institution must be able to reflect on his management activities regarding the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and its consequences for the innovation process in the educational institution.

3. Be able to determine:

1) new educational results;

2) new ways of organizing the educational process and interaction with students;

3) changes in educational culture/way of school life.

4. Must be able to select effective ways to manage change.

5. Be able to monitor changes, i.e. continuously monitor the process of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard, evaluate components and effectiveness, compare planned and actual results, analyze problem areas and ways to resolve them, master the algorithm for making management decisions.

6. Be able to identify the key stages of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and analyze them from the point of view of the logic of the strengthened cycle.

7. Be able to motivate the majority of members of the teaching staff (since there will be resistance to change) to be involved in the implementation of a new project:

1) plan and organize problem-based seminars for teachers, for leaders of professional associations of teachers in order to increase their competence in the field of Federal State Educational Standards;

2) for members of the administration and school team.

8. Plan and organize problem-based seminars with the participation of psychologists in order to increase psychological and pedagogical competence in personal reflection, self-esteem, assessment of the activities of colleagues, goals and values ​​of the activities of all participants in the educational process.

9. Be able to develop a criterion basis for assessing the educational results of participants in the educational process:

1) students;

2) teachers;

3) the head of the educational institution himself;

4) deputy heads of educational institutions;

5) in general – management.

10. Be able to assess the levels of required competence according to the Federal State Educational Standard. All participants in the EP to determine the degree of readiness of members of the teaching and student teams for the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

11. Be able to manage the quality of management and self-management for the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

12. Be able to analyze the changes that occur as a result of a new project:

The way of school life;

Relationship between teachers and students;

Teachers and administration;

Teachers with parents;

Schools and public, etc.

13. Be able to describe the results obtained in terms of the Concept of the Federal State Educational Standard.

14. Be able to quickly analyze the progress of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard: give interviews, attend lessons, talk with teachers and students, hold meetings, etc.

15. Be able to draw up an analytical report on the implementation of changes occurring during the introduction to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
Task 4. Study the regulatory framework for the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the federal and regional levels.

  1. Federal Law of December 1, 2007 No. 309-FZ
a new understanding of the content and structure of the concept of “federal state educational standard” (FSES)

  1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Article 7
“In the Russian Federation, federal state educational standards are established, which are a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education...”

4. Regulations on the Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on federal state educational standards

5. Concept of the draft federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 142 of February 24, 2009

7. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia “On approval of the Regulations on the Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on federal state educational standards” dated April 10, 2009 No. 123 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 2009 N 13830 24

Task 5. Are all republican programs for the development of education indicated in this list?

Republican target programs for the development of education:
1. “Children of the Republic of Bashkortostan” for 2006-2010.

2. “Republican program for the development of education” for 2009-2013.

3. Teaching staff of the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2010-2012.

4. Republican program for computerization of the education system of the Republic of Belarus for 2006-2010.

5. Development of the preschool education system in the Republic of Belarus for 2008-2010.

6.Development of rural schools in the Republic of Belarus.

7. Concept for the development of national education in the Republic of Belarus.

8. The concept of forming a regional system for assessing the quality of education.

9. Concept for the development of the system of recreation, health improvement, employment of children, adolescents and youth for 2008-12.

10. The concept of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.

11. The concept of forming a citizen of the new Bashkortostan.

12. Republican target program “Development of the system of additional education for children in the Republic of Belarus” for 2007-2011.

13. Program for the prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking.

14. Development program for small schools.

Task 6. Study the draft proposed local acts required for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Develop local acts necessary for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in your educational institution.

ORDER No.... (draft)

from __________ 2010

“On the creation and powers of the Council

on the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards.”


1. Create a Council for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education, consisting of:

2. Instruct the Council for the Introduction of New Federal State Educational Standards of General Education to provide information, consulting and scientific and methodological support for the process of introducing the new generation Federal State Educational Standards.

3. Enact the Regulations on the Council for the Introduction of New Federal State Educational Standards of General Education.

Director of the educational institution….

Addendum to the order...


on the Council for the Introduction of New Federal State Educational Standards of General Education
I. General provisions

Council for the Introduction of New Federal State Educational Standards of General Education (hereinafter - Advice) created in accordance with the decision of the Pedagogical Council of a general education institution dated ____ 200_g. No. ... for the period of introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education for the purpose of information, consulting and scientific and methodological support of this process

The Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other normative legal acts of the subject of the Federation, the Charter of the educational institution, as well as these Regulations.

The composition of the Council is determined by the decision of the Pedagogical Council of the educational institution from among the most competent representatives of the teaching staff, administration, parents and representatives of the municipal education authority and is approved by order of the director.

The Council is headed by the Chairman.

II. Tasks of the Council

The main objectives of the Council are:

Formation of working groups for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of educational institutions;

Nomination of candidates for project leaders to introduce the Federal State Educational Standard of general education at all levels of a general education institution;

Information, scientific and methodological support for the development and implementation of complex and individual projects for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of educational institutions;

Examination of individual projects for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of a general education institution;

Examination of complex projects for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of educational institutions;

Approval of plans and schedules for the implementation of complex projects for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of a general education institution;

Approval of the results of the examination of individual projects for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of a general education institution;

Presentation of information on the results of the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of a general education institution.

Preparation of proposals to stimulate the activities of teachers in the development and implementation of projects for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of educational institutions.

III. Functions of the Council

In order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, the Council:

Forms a list of criteria for expert assessment of the performance of teachers and their associations on the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at the levels of a general education institution;

Studies the experience of introducing new Federal State Educational Standards for general education in other educational institutions;

Provides the necessary conditions for the implementation of design technologies when introducing new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at the levels of a general education institution;

Takes part in resolving conflicts when introducing new Federal State Educational Standards;

Periodically informs the pedagogical council about the progress and results of the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at the levels of a general education institution;

Makes decisions within his competence on the issues under consideration.

IV. Working procedure of the Council

The Council is a collegial body. The general management of the Council is carried out by the Chairman of the Council.

Chairman of the board:

Opens and conducts meetings of the Council;

Signs requests, letters, resolutions of the Council on behalf of and on behalf of the Council;

Reports to the Pedagogical Council on the work of the Council;

At the first meeting, the Council elects a Secretary of the Council from among its members.

The Secretary of the Council keeps minutes of Council meetings, which are signed by all members of the Council. The minutes of the Council are stapled in accordance with the rules for office work and deposited. The minutes of the Council are public and available for review.

Members of the Council are obliged to:

Attend Council meetings;

Carry out instructions in accordance with the decisions of the Council.

Members of the Council have the right:

Get acquainted with materials and documents received by the Council;

Participate in the discussion of the agenda, make proposals on the agenda;

Express dissenting opinions in writing;

Upon achievement of the tasks assigned to it by the Council, and upon completion of its activities, the Chairman of the Council binds all documents of the Council and deposits them.

V. Rights of the Council

The Council has the right:

Submit for consideration by the Pedagogical Council issues related to the development and implementation of the project for introducing new Federal State Educational Standards;

Make proposals and draft decisions on issues within the jurisdiction of the Council;

Make proposals to the school director and other members of the school administration on issues within the jurisdiction of the Council;

Require from project managers the necessary certificates and documents related to the activities of the Council;

Invite project developers to participate in the work of the Council;

Involve other specialists to carry out individual assignments.

VI. Responsibility of the Council

The Council is responsible:

For the objectivity and quality of the examination of complex and individual projects for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of a general education institution in accordance with the developed criteria;

For the timely submission of information to the Pedagogical Council on the results of the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of a general education institution;

For the quality and timeliness of information, consulting and scientific and methodological support for the implementation of individual projects for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education;

For the timely implementation of decisions of the Pedagogical Council related to the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at all levels of a general education institution, schedules for the implementation of complex and individual projects for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education;

Competence of decisions made.

Note: This provision must be discussed at the Pedagogical Council of the general education institution and adjusted in accordance with the operating conditions of the general education institution.

ORDER No....

from __________ 2010

“On the creation and powers of the working group

on the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards"

In order to ensure the effective introduction of training in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standards based on .... (link to the document that served as the basis for the adoption of the order, if any)


1. Create working groups to introduce new Federal State Educational Standards for general education.

The working group on the introduction of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard at the initial stage of a general education institution includes:

The working group on the introduction of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the main level of a general education institution includes:

The working group on the introduction of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the senior level of a general education institution includes:

2. Assign:

The head of the working group on the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the primary level of a general education institution is .....

The head of the working group on the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the main level of a general education institution is .....

The head of the working group on the introduction of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the senior level of a general education institution is .....

3. Instruct working groups to conduct an analysis of the educational system and prepare proposals for changes that will be presented to the Council for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards for general education... (due date).

Director of the educational institution….

ORDER No....

from __________ 2010

“On the distribution of responsibilities for project development

modernized educational system

primary level of a general education institution"

In order to ensure the effective development of a project for a modernized educational system at the primary school level in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard


1. Create ... (total number) of groups for the development and implementation of individual projects for changes in the educational system at the primary level in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standards of general education, consisting of:

Group 1: ….

Group 2: ….

2. Entrust the groups with the development and implementation of projects for modernizing the educational system of the primary school level in accordance with the tasks received.

3. Assign:

responsible for the development and implementation of project 1 – ….. (full name)

responsible for the development and implementation of project 2 – ….. (full name)

4. Approve the form of assignment for the development and implementation of a single project for the modernization of the educational system at the primary level of an educational institution.

5. Entrust control of the activities of groups for the development of projects for modernizing the educational system of the primary level in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standards of general education to the head of the working group on the introduction of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards at the primary level of a general education institution.... (FULL NAME)

Director of the educational institution….

Addendum to the order...

Assignment form

for the development of a single project for the modernization of the educational system at the primary level of an educational institution


(indicate the changes that a single project is aimed at implementing)

The goal of the project is development of content for implementing changes

__________________________________________________________________ (indicates the component of the educational system and the necessary changes in it)

The project should include:

  • determination of general and specific goals;

  • description of ways to implement changes;

  • connections of the project with other projects (what should be developed within the framework of other projects; what developed should be taken into account in other projects);

  • composition of performers and distribution of responsibilities between them;

  • necessary financial, material and technical resources;

  • expected results of the project;

The project executors are: ….

Responsible for the development and implementation of the project: ...

The project must be developed and submitted to the head of the working group no later than ... (date indicated).

ORDER No....

from __________ 2010

“On approval of the project and schedule for the introduction

Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation at the initial stage

educational institution"

In order to ensure the effective introduction of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the initial level of a general education institution


1. Approve:

Project for the modernization of the primary school educational system in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard;

Schedule for the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the initial stage

educational institution;

A system for monitoring the progress of work on the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the initial level of a general education institution;

2. Carry out further work in accordance with the schedule.

Director of the educational institution….

Appendix 1 to the order...


modernization of the educational system at the primary school level

in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standards
Appendix 2 to the order...


introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the initial stage

educational institution

Appendix 3 to the order...

Control system

progress of work on the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the primary level of a general education institution

ORDER No.... (draft)

from __________ 2010

“On the introduction of a new job description

primary school teachers"


1. Introduce a new job description for a primary school teacher during the implementation of the project for the transition to training in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation at the primary level.

2. Introduce the new job description of a primary school teacher to all teachers at the primary level of a general education institution.

3. Entrust control over execution to the head teacher of the primary level...

Job description of a primary school teacher (draft)

I. General requirements for a primary school teacher

1. The teacher must know:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on educational issues; Convention on the Rights of the Child;

  • fundamentals of general theoretical disciplines to the extent necessary for solving pedagogical, scientific-methodological and organizational-administrative problems at the initial stage of a general education institution, pedagogy, psychology, age-related physiology, school hygiene;

  • requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards and recommendations for their implementation in educational institutions;

  • methods of teaching subjects and educational work, programs and textbooks that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

  • requirements for equipment and equipment of classrooms and utility rooms;

  • teaching aids and their didactic capabilities;

  • main directions and prospects for the development of education and pedagogical science;

  • fundamentals of law, scientific organization of labor, design technologies and effective means of business communication;

  • rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
2. Job responsibilities

A primary school teacher performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Carries out training and education of students taking into account the specific requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards, conducts lessons and other activities in accordance with the schedule in the specified premises.

Provides a level of training that meets the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards, and is responsible for their implementation not in full.

2.2. Provides support and accompaniment to the personal development of students. Identifies their educational requests and needs. Collects data about students' plans and intentions, their interests, inclinations, motives, strengths and weaknesses. Helps students identify and solve individual problems associated with mastering educational programs.

2.3. Draws up thematic work plans for academic subjects and extracurricular activities for the academic quarter and a work plan for each lesson and lesson.

2.4. Monitors the availability of notebooks in academic subjects for students, compliance with the order of their design and maintenance established in the school, and compliance with a unified spelling regime.

2.5. Follows the following procedure for checking student workbooks: in grades 1–4, all class and homework of students is checked daily.

2.6. Conducts the number of tests established by the program and curriculum, as well as the necessary educational excursions and classes, in a timely manner in accordance with the schedule.

2.7. Checks control dictations and tests in mathematics in grades 1–4 for the next lesson.

2.8. Enters into the class journal all grades for tests for the day of the month when they were conducted.

2.9. Works on errors after checking test papers.

2.10. Keeps student test books throughout the school year.

2.11. Organizes, together with the school librarian and parents, extracurricular reading for students.

2.12. Ensures the inclusion of students in various forms of extracurricular activities.

2.13. Works closely with other teachers, parents (persons replacing them).

2.14. Ensures compliance of curriculum in subjects, as well as programs of extracurricular activities with the new Federal State Educational Standards.

2.15. Masters and implements new educational programs, uses a variety of techniques, methods and means of teaching and education to ensure the achievement of educational goals.

3. Rights.

A primary school teacher has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, the School Charter, the collective agreement, and the Internal Labor Regulations.

The teacher has the right to make decisions that are binding on students and to take disciplinary measures in accordance with the Charter of the institution.

4. Responsibility

4.1. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the teacher is responsible for:

  • for the implementation of educational programs not in full;

  • for the life and health of students during the educational process and extracurricular activities conducted by the teacher;

  • for violation of the rights and freedoms of students determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local acts of the institution.

  • implementation of orders “On labor protection and compliance with safety regulations” and “On ensuring fire safety”;

  • safe conduct of the educational process;

  • taking measures to provide first-aid to the victim, promptly notifying management about the accident;

  • instructing students (pupils) on labor safety during training sessions, educational events with mandatory registration in the class register or the Journal of student briefing on labor protection and safety;

  • organizing the study by students of rules on labor protection, traffic safety, behavior at home, etc.;

  • monitoring compliance with labor protection rules (instructions).
4.2. In case of violation of the institution's Charter, the terms of the collective agreement, the internal labor regulations, this job description, or the director's orders, the teacher is subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For the use of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, a teacher may be dismissed under Art. 336, clause 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

ORDER No.... (draft)

from __________ 2010

“On the introduction of a new job description

Deputy Director for Educational Work

at the initial stage of an educational institution."

In order to ensure the effective introduction of training at the primary level in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standards based on .... (link to the document that served as the basis for the adoption of the order, if any)


1. Introduce a new job description for the deputy director for educational work at the primary level of an educational institution for the period of implementation of the project for the transition to training in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation at the primary level.

Addendum to the order...

Job description

Deputy Director for educational work at the primary level of an educational institution


1. General Provisions

1.1. The deputy director for educational work at the initial stage of an educational institution is appointed and dismissed by the director. During the period of vacation and temporary disability of the deputy director for educational work at the primary level of an educational institution, his duties may be assigned to other deputy directors or teachers from among the most experienced teachers. Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of an order from the director, issued in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

1.2. The deputy director for educational work at the primary level of an educational institution must have a higher professional education and work experience of at least 3 years in teaching or management positions, as well as be proficient in design technologies, know the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation of the primary level and recommendations for their implementation in a general education institution.

1.3. The deputy director for educational work at the primary level of an educational institution reports directly to the school director.

1.4. Primary school teachers and educators working at the primary level of the educational institution are directly subordinate to the deputy director for educational work at the primary level of an educational institution.

1.5. In his activities, the Deputy Director for educational work at the initial stage of an educational institution is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and regulations of the subject of the Federation and bodies education management at all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students; administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the charter and local legal acts of the educational institution (including internal labor regulations, orders and directives of the director, this job description), employment agreement (contract). The Deputy Director for educational work at the primary level of the educational institution complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. Main activities

The main areas of activity of the deputy director for educational work at the initial stage of an educational institution are:

2.1. Organization of the development and implementation of an educational program at the initial stage of a general education institution;

2.2. Management of the activities of the teaching staff at the primary level of an educational institution;

2.3. Monitoring the conditions, processes and results of educational activities at the initial stage of an educational institution;

2.4. Ensuring compliance with safety standards and regulations in the educational process at the initial stage of an educational institution.

3. Job responsibilities

The Deputy Director for educational work at the initial stage of an educational institution performs the following job responsibilities:

3.1. Organizes the process of development and implementation of a project for modernizing the educational system of the primary level of a general education institution in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard:

  • prepares proposals for the composition of the working group on the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the initial level of an educational institution;

  • distributes responsibilities between members of the working group:

      • to determine the necessary changes to the goals of the primary school level;

      • to determine the necessary changes in the primary school curriculum;

      • to analyze the compliance of the content of existing subject educational programs with the new Federal State Educational Standards and determine the necessary changes;

      • to analyze the compliance of the educational technologies used with the new Federal State Educational Standards and determine the necessary changes;

      • to analyze the compliance of the existing conditions for the implementation of the educational program with the new Federal State Educational Standards and determine the necessary changes;

      • to analyze the compliance of existing methods and organizational mechanisms for monitoring the educational process and assessing its results with the new Federal State Educational Standards and determining the necessary changes;

      • on the formation of a list of individual projects for the modernization of the educational system of the primary school level

      • by assessing the duration of development of individual projects and the duration of their implementation;

      • to determine the necessary connections between individual projects;

      • to coordinate connections between individual projects;

      • on the development of an enlarged plan-schedule for the implementation of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard;

  • coordinates activities to develop individual projects to modernize the educational system at the primary school level;

  • participates in the design and implementation of an organizational mechanism for managing the implementation of a project for modernizing the educational system of the primary level of a general education institution in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard, including:

    • organizational mechanism monitoring the progress of development and implementation of a system of individual projects;

    • organizational mechanism analysis of the status of work on a complex project;

    • organizational mechanism developing decisions to adjust plans.

  • ensures the preparation and conduct of final certification of students at the primary level of an educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation;

  • carries out work with parents (legal representatives) to identify educational needs and requests, receives parents (legal representatives) on the organization of educational and extracurricular activities at the initial stage of an educational institution.
3.2. Manages the activities of the teaching staff at the primary level of the educational institution:

  • motivates the educational and innovative activities of the teaching staff at the primary level of an educational institution;

  • carries out the prevention of organizational conflicts in educational and innovation activities at the initial stage of an educational institution and takes part in their resolution;

  • provides the conditions necessary for the development of the teaching staff at the primary level of an educational institution;
3.3. Controls:

  • the process of developing a project for modernizing the educational system of the primary level of a general education institution in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard, including:

      • identifying necessary changes to the goals of the primary school level;

      • identifying necessary changes in the primary school curriculum;

      • analysis of the compliance of the content of existing subject educational programs with the new Federal State Educational Standards and identification of necessary changes;

      • analysis of the compliance of the educational technologies used with the new Federal State Educational Standards and identification of necessary changes;

      • analysis of the compliance of the existing conditions for the implementation of the educational program with the new Federal State Educational Standards and identification of necessary changes;

      • analysis of the compliance of existing methods and organizational mechanisms for monitoring the educational process and assessing its results with the new Federal State Educational Standards and identifying the necessary changes;

      • compiling a list of individual projects to modernize the educational system at the primary school level

      • assessment of the duration of development of individual projects and the duration of their implementation;

      • identifying the necessary connections between individual projects;

      • coordination of connections between individual projects;

      • development of an enlarged plan-schedule for the implementation of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard.

  • the process of implementing a project to modernize the educational system of the primary level of a general education institution in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard:

  • identifies deviations in the timing of the project work from the planned ones;

  • identifies deviations in the results of implementation of individual projects from the planned ones;

  • analyzes the results, processes and conditions for the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards;

  • predicts possible failures in the implementation of individual projects;

  • determines decisions required to expedite project completion;

  • methods of implementation and conditions of educational and extracurricular activities at the initial stage of an educational institution:

  • the teaching load of students at the initial stage of an educational institution;

  • students studying the rules for students at the elementary level of an educational institution;

  • maintenance by primary school teachers of class registers and other established reporting documentation;

  • equipping primary school classrooms with modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids;

  • improving the qualifications and professional skills of primary school teachers;

  • replenishment of the library with educational, methodological and fiction literature, magazines and newspapers;

  • development and periodic revision at least once every 5 years of instructions on labor protection at the initial stage of an educational institution;

  • with the participation of the deputy director for administrative and economic work, timely and high-quality certification of classrooms, as well as premises for extracurricular activities at the initial stage of the educational institution;

  • work to comply with labor safety standards and regulations in the educational process at the primary school level;

  • safety of use, storage of educational instruments and equipment, visual aids, school furniture. Timely takes measures to confiscate educational equipment, devices not provided for in the standard lists, including homemade ones installed in educational and other premises without the appropriate permit, suspends the educational process on the premises of an educational institution if conditions are created there that are dangerous to the health of workers, students and pupils.
3.4. Periodically informs the pedagogical council and the management of the educational institution about the progress and results of the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at the initial stage of the educational institution.

4. Rights

The deputy director for educational work at the initial stage of an educational institution has the right, within his competence:

4.1. Be present at any classes conducted with elementary school students (without the right to enter the classroom after the start of classes unless absolutely necessary and to make comments to the teacher during the lesson), having warned the teacher the day before.

4.2. Give mandatory instructions to teachers at the primary level of an educational institution and junior service personnel.

4.3. Bring to disciplinary liability students at the initial stage of an educational institution for offenses that disrupt the educational process, in the manner established by the rules on rewards and penalties.

4.4. Participate:

  • in the development of educational policy and school strategy, in the creation of relevant strategic documents, in the development of a project for the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards;

  • in the development of any management decisions relating to issues of educational activities and methodological work at the initial stage of an educational institution;

  • in negotiations with school partners on educational and methodological work at the initial stage of an educational institution;

  • in the certification of teachers and the work of the pedagogical council, the Council for the introduction of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard;

  • in the selection and placement of teaching staff at the initial stage of an educational institution.
4.5. Make suggestions:

  • on the beginning, termination or suspension of specific innovative projects at the initial stage of an educational institution;

  • to improve educational activities and methodological work;

  • on encouragement, moral and material stimulation of participants in educational activities at the initial stage of an educational institution.
4.6. Establish, on behalf of the school, business contacts with individuals and organizations that contribute to the improvement of educational activities at the initial stage of the educational institution.

4.7. Request for control and adjustments the working documentation of various departments and individuals directly subordinate.

4.8. Conduct acceptance of work commissioned by an educational institution by various performers (both from among its employees and from third-party organizations) for the initial stage of the educational institution.

4.9. Monitor and evaluate the progress and results of group and individual activities of teachers at the primary level of an educational institution, veto developments that are fraught with overload of students and teachers, deterioration of their health, violation of safety regulations, which do not provide for prevention, compensation and overcoming possible negative consequences.

4.10. Improve your skills.

5. Responsibility

5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the charter and internal labor regulations of the school, legal orders of the school director and other local regulations, job responsibilities established by these instructions, including for failure to use the rights granted by these instructions, as well as making management decisions, resulting in disorganization of the educational process (for the low quality of the project for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at the initial level of a general education institution; for untimely submission to the Council for the Introduction of New Federal State Educational Standards of reports on the progress of introducing new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at the initial level of a general education institution; for failure to implement the schedule for the implementation of a comprehensive project for the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at the primary level of a general education institution and the discrepancy in the quality of the results obtained from the Federal State Educational Standard), the deputy director for educational work at the primary level of an educational institution bears disciplinary liability in the manner prescribed by labor legislation. For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.

5.2. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, the deputy director for educational work at the initial stage of an educational institution may be relieved of his position in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation. Federation "On Education". Dismissal for this offense is not a disciplinary measure.

5.3. For violation of fire safety rules, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing the educational process, the deputy director for educational work at the initial stage of an educational institution is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by administrative legislation.

5.4. For damage caused to the school or participants in the educational process (including moral damage) in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, as well as failure to use the rights granted by this instruction, the deputy director for educational work at the initial stage of the educational institution bears financial responsibility in in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Procedure and communication

Deputy director for educational work at the primary level of an educational institution:

6.1. Works irregular working hours according to a schedule based on a 36-hour work week and approved by the school director.

6.2. Independently plans his work for each academic year and each academic quarter. The work plan is approved by the school director no later than five days from the beginning of the planned period.

6.3. Submits to the director a written report on his activities of no more than five typewritten pages within 10 days after the end of each academic quarter.

6.4. Receives information of a regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological nature from the school director, and familiarizes himself with the relevant documents against signature.

6.5. Endorses the orders of the school director on the organization of the educational process at the initial stage of the educational institution.

6.6. Systematically exchanges information on issues within his competence with teaching staff at the primary level of the educational institution, deputy directors, and the Council for the Introduction of the New Generation Federal State Educational Standard.

6.7. Acts as the director and his deputies during their temporary absence (vacation, illness, etc.). The performance of duties is carried out in accordance with labor legislation and the charter of the school on the basis of the order of the director.

6.8. Transfers information received at meetings and seminars to the director immediately after receiving it.

The information you provide to us in this form is confidential. won't see your replies nobody, with the exception of researchers from the Louisiana Department of Education. Reports will be generated based on data aggregated at the school level, and no individual will be identified as the source of any information. After the information from the questionnaires is entered into the computer, it will be destroyed. Complete confidentiality is guaranteed. It is very important that you are sincere in your answers.

Answer the following questions or express your opinion on the statements by circling the number on the right that best applies. Each question can only have one answer!

1. How long have you worked as a principal (including other schools)?

This is my first year - 1
2–4 years – 2
5–9 years – 3
10 years or more – 4

2. How long have you been a principal at this particular school?

This is my first year - 1
2–4 years – 2
5–9 years – 3
10 years or more – 4

3. What formal training have you received?

Bachelor's degree – 1
After graduating from university, I studied for some time, but did not receive a master’s degree - 2
Master's degree – 3
After receiving a master's degree, he completed additional training, but did not receive a doctorate – 4
Doctoral degree – 5

4. How many days were you absent from work this school year?

1 or 2 days – 1
3 or 4 days – 2
5 or 6 days – 3
7 or 8 days – 4
9 or more – 5

5. How did you feel about your assignment to this school before you first came here?

Great joy – 1
Was pleased – 2
Didn’t experience any negative or positive emotions – 3
Not too happy – 4
Very dissatisfied – 5

6. What is the general reputation of this school among education staff who do not work there?

One of the best - 1
Above average – 2
Average level – 3
Below average – 4
Bad – 5

7. Would you say that your school provides a safe environment for its staff?

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

8. If members of the teaching staff are experiencing discipline problems, you and other administration staff provide them with the support and assistance they need.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

9. Your school provides a safe environment for students.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

10. Most discipline problems are resolved at the classroom level.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

11. Your school is a safe place to work and study.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

12. The school constantly monitors compliance with established discipline rules.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

13. What level of average performance can be expected from students at your school?

Much higher than national standards – 1
Slightly higher – 2
Approximately at the level of national standards – 3
Slightly lower – 4
Much lower – 5

14. What percentage of children do you predict will graduate to high school?

90% or more – 1
70–89% – 2
50–69% – 3
30–49% – 4
Less than 30 – 5

15. What percentage do you predict will go to college?

90% or more – 1
70–89% – 2
50–69% – 3
30–49% – 4
Less than 30 – 5

16. How many of the students at your school are able to get A's and B's?

90% or more – 1
70–89% – 2
50–69% – 3
30–49% – 4
Less than 30 – 5

17. How would you rate the learning abilities of students at your school compared to other educational institutions?

Much higher – 1
Slightly higher – 2
About the same level – 3
Slightly lower – 4
Much lower – 5

18. Do you encourage under-resourced students to attend college or some other form of higher education?

Always – 1
Usually – 2
Sometimes – 3
Rarely – 4
Never – 5

19. How many teachers in your school encourage students to study extra to improve their grades?

Almost everything – 1
Majority – 2
About half – 3
Some - 4
Almost no one – 5

20. Do many students at your school make special efforts to study better than their friends?

Almost everything – 1
Majority – 2
About half – 3
Some - 4
Almost no one – 5

21. How many students at your school would agree to take extra classes to improve their grades?

Almost everything – 1
Majority – 2
About half – 3
Some - 4
Almost no one – 5

22. With the support of teachers, the principal can turn poor school performance into good performance.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

23. As a principal, I am able to ensure that all students achieve at a high level.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

24. What influence do you feel you have on the ability of teachers in your school to provide an effective classroom learning experience?

Very large – 1
Significant – 2
Some – 3
Very small – 4
None – 5

25. Teachers at your school regularly take part in the development of school policy.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

26. Teachers at your school are often involved in activities to improve the school.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

27. I encourage the active participation of members of the teaching staff in the process of improving the life of the educational institution.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

28. I place special emphasis on the participation of members of the teaching staff in decision-making in my school.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

29. How often do you suggest ways for your teachers to improve student achievement?

Very often – 1
Often – 2
Sometimes – 3
Rarely – 4
Never – 5

30. I often engage in informal communication with teachers and students during the school day.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

31. How often do you meet with teachers as a group to discuss ways to improve the curriculum in your school?

Very often – 1
Often – 2
Sometimes – 3
Rarely – 4
Never – 5

32. I actively protect study time by controlling interruptions, creating a schedule that maximizes learning opportunities, etc.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

33. I am convinced that the administration of the educational institution is doing a very good job of attracting resources for the school.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

34. Our school does a good job in preparing students in mathematics and humanities subjects.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

35. At our school, students are taught using methods that connect the subject matter they are studying with their daily lives.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

36. Teachers use a variety of teaching strategies and instructional activities to help their students learn.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

37. In most lessons, children receive practical experience supported by activities.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

38. Pupils' progress is assessed in a variety of ways, providing ample opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

39. How many parents want to receive feedback from the principal and teachers about how their children are doing at school?

Almost everything – 1
Majority – 2
About half – 3
Some - 4
Almost no one – 5

40. How many students' parents do you recognize at first sight?

Almost everyone – 1
About 75% – 2
About 50% – 3
About 25% – 4
Only a few - 5

41. Most parents of students at your school provide their children with an effective learning environment at home.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

42. How many parents worry about the grades their children get?

Almost everything – 1
Majority – 2
About half – 3
Some - 4
Almost no one – 5

43. Many parents are often involved in school activities (participating in fundraising events, acting as assistants, etc.).

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

44. The profession of a teacher (working in the school education system) is highly respected in my city.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

45. I usually look forward to the start of the working day.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

46. ​​How much do you enjoy being the director of your educational institution?

Very strong – 1
Very – 2
Average – 3
A little - 4
Don't like it at all – 5

47. If I had a choice - to become a director at another school or to stay here, I would stay.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

48. The primary goal of professional development in your school is to help teachers develop skills that directly impact classroom learning.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

49. I often plan professional development activities together. with members of their teaching staff.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

50. The professional development program at your school is regularly assessed by members of the teaching staff.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

51. Over the past two years, professional development activities for teaching staff have been aimed at solving problems and developing skills that are truly important for teachers.

Absolutely agree – 1
Agree – 2
I don't know – 3
Disagree – 4
Completely disagree – 5

52. How would you rate the professional development activities at your school compared to the experiences of other educational institutions?

Much higher – 1
Slightly higher – 2
About the same – 3
Slightly lower – 4
Much lower – 5.