Regime of military occupation. Neutrality in land war


I met a traveler; he came from distant lands
And he told me: in the distance, where eternity watches
Desert silence, among deep sands
A fragment of the statue lies disintegrated.

An arrogant flame shines through half-erased features
The desire to force the whole world to serve you;

An experienced sculptor invested in a soulless stone

Those passions that could survive centuries.

And the fragment of the statue preserved the words:

“I am Ozimanliya, I am the powerful king of kings!

Look at my great deeds,

Lords of all times, all countries and all seas!
There is nothing around... Deep silence...

The desert is dead... And the skies above it...

What understanding of political power is reflected in this poem? What must a ruler serve so that anything remains of him except fragments of statues?

The state is God's providence. People different eras and different countries reflected on how they arise political power And state. There was no consensus on this issue. He is still missing to this day.

The foundations of this theory were laid on Ancient East. The Egyptians revered the good god - Pharaoh, along with the great gods - the creators of the world. After death, the pharaoh also became a great god. The very name of the king of Egypt was not remembered in vain; they spoke about him only in the past tense and certainly in the plural: “Were.” In ancient and medieval China the ruler was called the Son of Heaven, the ruler of the Celestial Empire. The Russian autocrat was also revered as a representative of the people before God, God’s vicar on Earth. Sometimes similar views on the origin of state power are expressed today.

The supreme power, which has such a solid justification (it is the embodiment God's will), should not have raised doubts about its greatness, about its right to decide the destinies of people. She had no need to prove her powers with the help of laws, constitutions, charters. Whatever the power, from the point of view of people, good or bad, one cannot complain about it, one cannot resist it. If the government is self-willed and cruel, then the people themselves are to blame for this, and for their sins the gods send them just such power - as atonement. But what then is a person’s freedom, you ask, his dignity, if he must only obey? Freedom and dignity, supporters of this approach believe, internal state spirit, peace and enlightenment, the human right to offer prayers to the Almighty, to live righteously. And then, in the best of all worlds, he will be rewarded for his humility and obedience. There, and only there, the offenders

and the persecutors of people, despots and tyrants will receive retribution for the evil they have caused to people.

This theory is extremely convenient for the authorities, since it deprives peoples of the right to resist violence. It cannot be disputed. Either we believe it or we don’t (but we will be punished in heaven for not believing).

j Give examples of states in which they deified
d the power of their rulers.

The state is a family. Just as long ago, in the era of ancient states, was born patriarchal theory of the origin of the state (from Latin word“pater”, which means “father”). The already mentioned ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle can be called a supporter of this theory. According to him, man is a “political animal” and finds himself only in communication with his own kind. First, a family arises in which a person learns order, submission, and communication. Then the state grows out of the family.

Who is the head of the family? Father. He directs all life at home. He earns money for food. He takes care of raising children. At the table he says prayers and is the first to taste the food. According to ancient laws adopted in a number of countries, the father was free to control the life and death of his children: he could punish them and even kill them for certain offenses. Main character In the story “Taras Bulba” he says to his son Andriy: “I gave birth to you, I will kill you.”

So, the state grows out of the family, is formed and lives according to its laws. The most natural state system, in accordance with patriarchal theory, is the royal power - the monarchy. The power of the ruler, the king, is likened to the power of the father. The king is the father of the entire people, all people living in a given country. One of the emperor's titles Ancient Rome there was the title “pater patria”, i.e. “father of the fatherland”. , after the Roman Senate and people decided to bestow this title on their commander, they said that there was no one more worthy of this title than Caesar, clearly hinting at his numerous illegitimate offspring.


For all its simplicity and clarity, the patriarchal theory of the origin of the state also has very far-reaching consequences. If the ruler is the father of the people, then does he need laws approved by the people in order to rule? Is there a need for a universal, unified order to which the ruler himself must obey? After all, a father does not need any special permission to punish his son. Based on such a “theory of power,” the ruler and his entourage can govern the country at their own discretion, according to their conscience, if, fortunately for the people, they have one.

The state is the result of an agreement between the government and the people. Third, negotiable, theory of the origin of state power more attention pays attention to the citizens themselves - the residents of a given country, who actively participate in the act of forming power, conceding to it part of their natural freedom.

With the complication of economic activity and all social life, people realized that it was impossible to live as before. They considered it necessary that certain group people took upon themselves concerns about common affairs, about the protection and safety of other members of society, who, in turn, would receive from her the opportunity to calmly work, trade, and engage in their private affairs. In order for the authorities to be able to solve these important questions, she is empowered. Everyone cedes to it a part of their personal independence and freedom, undertakes to carry out its orders, laws, and pay taxes on which the government could exist and perform its functions. So people agreed among themselves, and as a result of this social contract the state arose.

The idea of ​​a contractual structure of state power was expressed in ancient times. The theory of the social contract was most thoroughly developed in the modern era in the works of the English thinkers T. Hobbes (1588-1679) and J. Locke (), the Frenchman J.-J. Rousseau (), eng-

The main thing in the contractual theory of the origin of the state was the provision on the mutual responsibility of the government and the people in relation to each other. The peoples received the right to resist tyranny - a government that violates the social contract.

The social contract theory also determined the limits of state intervention in people's lives. It is not omnipotent; its functions and powers are clearly defined. The priority and value for the authorities should be personal rights, freedoms of people, their lives, dignity, property.

The strength of the state lies in the trust of citizens. But it is difficult for a person to live in such a state, since he must not only obey, but also actively interfere in the process of making government decisions.

In Russian political thought, one of the supporters of the contract theory was, for example, (1749-1802).

^ [Can the constitution be called an example of a contract between societies?
£ wealth and power? Give reasons for your answer.

warfare And voluntary vocation. There is another one

°The approach to the problem of the origin of state power is in

Mkah theory violence (external influence). The meaning of it is

Varyag" href="/text/category/varyag/" rel="bookmark">Varangians. The ambassadors turned to the Varangian princes and kings with the words: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come and rule us.” And the Varangians came to Rus', led by their prince Rurik. He began to rule in Novgorod. The Varangians brought both laws and order to Russia.

However, let us think: can a state arise in this way - as a result of the intervention of one people in the life of another, be it in the form of conquest or voluntary calling? Can only outside intervention create statehood? Scientists have long come to the conclusion that in the life of the conquered people themselves, complex internal changes must first have taken place: the development of the economy, the emergence of a new form of property (private), and the emergence of a nobility. For example, the Varangians were called up for a ready-made reign. Threats from neighbors, invasions and raids, communication between one people and another, standing at different stages of the historical process, can only accelerate the development of society, but not create it.

* d Comment on the statement that in the creation of the Ancient * U I of the Russian state, the leading role was played by the Varangian dynasty

* \ Tia. Is it possible, based on the fact that the Varangians were called, to believe that

that the Slavs were not capable of creating an independent state?

State and natural factors. One of the theories of the emergence of the state is called irrigation. Its supporters believe that state power in ancient states East - in Egypt, Mesopotamia, China - arose due to the need to coordinate the work of a huge number of people in the construction of canals, dams, and cultivation of fields. Without harnessing the waters of the great rivers, the very life of ancient peoples would have been impossible.

A high-ranking official manages the household and administers court. Ancient Egyptian figurines

According to legend, the rulers of the first Chinese dynasty Xia Gong and Yu spent their entire lives sailing up and down the Yellow River, observing the repair of water-damaged dams and the construction of dams. In Egypt during the Middle Kingdom, through the efforts of the pharaohs, significant work was also organized and carried out on the construction of new canals and dams, as well as a huge reservoir - Lake Merida, where the waters of the Nile (the father of the country, as the Egyptians said) were collected during the flood. The ancient rulers of Sumer and Akkad also organized public works. Thanks to the coordinated work of thousands and thousands of people, the swampy lands of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers were turned into fertile fields. Centralization of power, its concentration in one HANDS for the organization of social significant works and led to the fact that the state in the East acquired a despotic character - It created an incredibly cumbersome apparatus of officials, scribes, who took into account and controlled the work of the people. Rule and> Believing in their power, they spent strength and energy not only on what was really necessary, but also on the construction of huge tombs, tombs, and palaces. The power of the oya merged with property - it gave the right to own lands, workshops, etc." height="176 src=">This theory is strong because it is based on the specific conditions for building statehood in a huge region - the Ancient East. It takes into account the peculiarities of people's economic activities and explains the emergence of state power based on internal conditions historical development peoples True, it is not universal, but local (from the Latin “locus” - “place”), since it applies only to certain regions, namely the regions of “water unity” - irrigated agriculture. State of the strong and the weak. One of the theories of the origin of the state is called biological. Its creators and supporters believe that all people, like animals, are divided into two groups: predators and herbivores, strong and weak. The strong are an absolute minority, and in order to survive the struggle against the weak, who, following their nature, “gather in herds,” they also need to organize and seize power. They must make laws for the weak, proclaim their rules, and keep the weak in obedience. The entire history of human development, according to this theory, is just a struggle between the strong and the weak for dominance. If the strong win, they create on the basis own principles state and laws; these are their creations - the Roman Empire, Germany under Bismarck, the Russian Empire. The idea of ​​the weak - Christianity, socialism, anarchism. The seizure of power by the weak, supporters of the biological theory conclude, could lead to the end of the world.

Many, having become acquainted with such a theory, will not consider themselves weak and will rank their own personality in the category of the powerful of this world. Indeed, how pleasant and tempting it is to feel strong: I can do everything, I have been given the power to determine what others can do and what they cannot do. It is especially sweet to feel like the most powerful person who is deprived of luck, envious, and poorly educated. And if, by the will of fate, he really gains access to power, then dark times await the people and the country. The danger of this theory lies in another thing: it blurs the ideas of what is good and what is bad. If I am strong, then I can take away from the weak his house, things, freedom and even life. There is no universal morality. All moral restrictions are only for the weak; the strong have their own morality, their own law. 96

Let's think: can and should the state, politics (remember the original meaning of these words) serve only the strong? How long will such a state exist in historical time? Of course, fear is a great force, it can serve as a support for power, but as soon as the feeling of fear gives the slightest glitch, as soon as doubt creeps into people’s minds and free thought arises, the gigantic and powerful state of the strong, like a colossus on feet of clay, begins to crack and finally collapses overnight. What remains of his strength, of his former greatness?

l [Why do you think in the works popular culture hour-
* then the problem of power based on force is addressed?

Classes and state power. Developed by K. Marx, F. Engels and class theory of the origin of the state. They explained the emergence of the state by internal reasons, that is, processes, phenomena, changes occurring in society itself. The main thing in the process of state formation, from the point of view of F. Engels, was the development of the productive forces of society - their human component, as well as technical (engineering, technology) - and the subsequent social division of labor. As a result, families emerged as independently economic units of society, and private property arose. Society was divided along property lines into rich and poor, oppressors and the oppressed. The state was obliged to serve the interests mainly of the top and keep the working people in obedience.

The state was the product of a long evolutionary process of development of society, and not of external influences or military Expeditions. According to class

ThoseOriya, the main factors of education - k - Marx, F. Engels, .

states do not lie in the sphere of the poster fragment" width="3 height=545" height="545">morality and religion, and in the economic, economic field. However, a person, breaking out of -under the harsh power of nature, thanks to the improvement of tools and methods of labor activity, it becomes dependent on another force. This force is the state, which has become in a society divided into antagonistic (hostile to each other) classes (large groups of people differing in their place in the economic sphere), the main weapon of the oppressors. The most brutal wars came to the world, the purpose of which was to capture booty, prisoners, and turn them into slaves.

The main thing in this approach is the idea that despite the variety of functions of the state - establishing internal life in society, ensuring connections with other states, etc., it is first and foremost an apparatus of violence, class domination and arises as a consequence the split of society into hostile classes of oppressors and oppressed.

I What factors do you think public life promoting
Why the popularity of Marxist theory?

Factors of state formation. Apparently, with all the abundance of theories and approaches to the problem of the origin of the state and state power, it is impossible to single out a single universal model that is equally suitable for all countries and regions of the world without exception. Some factors were important in the East, in the valleys of the great rivers; others in mountainous, sea-surrounded Greece; the third - in Russia. If you try to systematize all the factors of state formation, you will get the following picture.

First group - economic forces, namely: complication economic life, social division of labor, increasing its productivity and the opportunity in this regard for individual person, families not only provide themselves with everything they need, but also produce surpluses for exchange and sale; a change in forms of ownership from primitive public - to private, state, temple. This complication of economic life, of course, requires organization and regulation of social life as a whole and leads to the creation of a state.

Second group - social factors. Society in its development is approaching a stage when tribal communities are replaced by neighbors

“l and not only tribal, family ties connect people, they are connected by a common territory of residence, solving common problems. Priesthood, tribal leaders, and elders begin to stand out in society. Their power gradually acquires a hereditary character. People are also divided according to property - into rich and poor. Contacts of some peoples with others are becoming more active - campaigns and military expeditions are turning into important factor state formation.

As a special group of factors we can highlight ethnicitycues: this or that people realizes itself as a single whole, understands the need for protection from enemies, gives birth to “its own” idea, culture, religion, traditions. He gives birth to his own state.

The area of ​​morality and religion is hardly the main one in the formation of statehood. Its roots are in the socio-economic sphere. A complexly organized society requires regulation. Its contradictions cannot be resolved in the old way, as in the era of the primitive community - at the council of the clan or the council of elders. Customs alone are not enough; Now special norms are required - laws enforced by the power of the state. In turn, the very formation of the state gives a powerful impetus to the further division of labor, the separation of special area mental work, contributes to the development of the economy, spiritual life, and the entire society. So briefly and to the point general view one can imagine the process of statehood formation.

l I What factors of state formation in Rus' would be highlighted
" You? What role did natural conditions play among them?


1. List the theories of the origin of state power known to you. Name their representatives. What factors in the formation of statehood did they consider decisive?

2. Reveal the essence of the theory divine origin states. In which states and why did it receive its most significant development?

3. Tell us about patriarchal theory. Why was the power of the Russian autocrat called “fatherly” rule?

4. The theory of social contract found its supporters both in ancient times and in modern times. What is its essence? Can we call it civilian? What rights in relation to

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aramia For discussions

According to this theory, power is vested in the people? What can an agreement between the people and the government be expressed in? Give examples of documents known to you from history that reflect the essence of the contract theory.

5. What role can violence of one people play against another in the emergence of a state? Express your attitude to the theory of violence.

6. In what regions of the world can the irrigation model of the emergence of statehood be found? Is it universal?

7. What is the meaning of the class theory of the origin of the state?

1. Rank in order of importance the following factors that determined the emergence of the state: f - social division of labor, allocation of managerial labor;

The emergence of private property, social classes, exploitation of some people by others;

Geographical factors: landscape, natural resources (land, water, minerals), borders, waterways etc.;

Demographic and ethnic factors: population size, its density, lifestyle;

Factors of social psychology: the state is the fruit of the human mind, psyche, emotions;

Anthropological factors: state uniform hostels are a human need, a condition for his survival;

Environmental factors: climatic conditions, soil fertility, etc.;

External factors: external threat, danger of war or itself
m, war, borrowing the development experience of other countries.

Justify your choice of preferences.

2. Austrian political scientist L. Gumplowicz (1893-1909) wrote:
""" ""■ "Violence, tribal clashes, wars, brutal superiority
The power of power is the parents and midwife of the state” -

Which theory of the origin of the state would you call L. Gumplowicz a supporter and why?

3. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle argued:
“The power of a father over his children can be likened to the power of a
lord over his subjects: the father rules over the children and by virtue

his love for them, and due to the fact that he is older than them. And this type of power is royal power.”

What theory is this argument an example of?

4. Read a fragment of the work of a social theorist
Treaty of T. Hobbes:

“To establish a general power, it is necessary that the people should appoint one person or assembly of people to be representatives; so that each person considers himself a trustee in relation to everything that the bearer of the common face will do himself or force others to do in order to preserve common world and security, and accepted responsibility for it... This is more than agreement or unanimity. It is a real unity embodied in one person through an agreement made by each person with every other person of the same kind. If this has happened, then the multitude of people thus united in one person is called a state...” What conditions, according to Hobbes, are necessary for the formation of a social contract?

5. reasoned like this:

“We are not England; for so many centuries we have seen the monarch as the judge and recognized his good will as the highest charter. In Russia, the sovereign has a living law: he pardons the good and executes the evil.” “In the Russian monarch all powers are united: our rule is paternal, patriarchal. The father of the family judges and punishes without protocol, and the monarch, in other cases, must act according to a single conscience.”

Why do you think such judgments were widespread in Russia? Try to critically evaluate the statement.

6. Fill out the table “Theories of state formation.”

Name of theory


7. Fill out the table “Factors for the formation of states.”

Geographical and geopolitical

Natural and climatic


Demographic and cultural


1 Regional diagnostic work Grade 9 Social studies Option 1 Part I The answer to the tasks is one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. 1. Which area primarily relates to the influence of literature and art on personality? 1) social relations 2) politics 3) economics 4) spiritual life 2. It is known from history that the great scientist Archimedes continued scientific research even during the Roman siege of his hometown, and the great Soviet composer D. Shostakovich began work on one of the most outstanding of his works - the Seventh Symphony (Leningrad) in a city besieged by the Nazis. Which of their needs did these great people realize when they were in an extremely dangerous situation, on the verge of death? 1) the need for creativity 2) the need for security 3) the need for freedom 4) the need for leadership 3. Are the following judgments about a person true? A. Unlike animals, humans have feelings and emotions. B. Any person strives for self-improvement. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect 4. Are the following judgments about the main issues of economics true? A. The main questions of economics: what, how and for whom to produce. B. The main issues of economics are the problems of accumulating funds and obtaining maximum profits. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect 5. What situation can concretize the concept of “democratic political regime”?

2 1) A traffic police inspector stopped a driver who violated traffic rules. 2) The teacher invited parents to a student meeting. 3) The priest gave a sermon to the parishioners of the church. 4) Censorship in media mass media prohibited. 6. A sixteen-year-old citizen got a job as a loader at a vegetable warehouse without his parents’ permission. According to the employment contract, his working week was 14 hours. When inspecting the enterprise, the commission declared the employment contract invalid and demanded its termination. What is the reason this decision commissions? 1) lack of parental consent 2) harm to mental health 3) length of the working week 4) harm to physical health The answer to task 7 is a sequence of numbers. 7. In state Z, subsistence farming is maintained, and in state Y, the transition to capitalism has begun. Compare two types of farming: natural and commercial. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers common to both types of farming, and in the second column the serial numbers that distinguish these types of farming. 1) the main objective activity making a profit 2) production of agricultural products is carried out for sale 3) production depends on weather conditions 4) in rural areas work is carried out on open space Common to both types of farming Differences in both types of farming Part II Write down a detailed answer to the task. Write down your answers clearly and legibly. 8. List four characteristics of a state. 9. The state owes its birth to wars and conquests. Using social science knowledge, drawing on knowledge from a history course, briefly characterize any two other points of view on the reasons for the emergence of the state. 10. There are authors who argue that attempts to elect a monarch will not lead to more people on the throne. worthy person in comparison with the hereditary transfer of power, and the very idea of ​​an elective monarchy is utopian. Using social science knowledge, provide two arguments to support this thesis.

3 Evaluation system for examination work in social studies Part I For the correct answer to each task in Part 1, 1 point is given. Answer to the task Part II Criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer 8. Indicate four characteristics of a state. The answer may contain the following elements: 1) four characteristics of a state are indicated: the presence of power separated from the population, the collection of taxes, the presence of an army and police forces, the unity of the territory, the creation of laws. Other characteristics may be given. Four characteristics are indicated. 3 Three characteristics are indicated. 2 Two characteristics are indicated. 1 One characteristic is indicated. OR Incorrect answer 0 Maximum score 3 9. The state owes its birth to wars and conquests. Using social science knowledge, drawing on knowledge from a history course, briefly characterize any two other points of view on the reasons for the emergence of the state. The answer can characterize both the above point of view and other points of view on the reasons for the emergence of the state: 1) the state arose as a result of socio-economic processes (an increase in surplus product led to social inequality and the emergence of private property, the preservation of which required a special apparatus and legislation); 2) the power of the ruler is a continuation of the power of the father in the patriarchal family. Other points of view can be named and characterized Two points of view are characterized 2

4 One point of view is described 1 Incorrect answer 0 Maximum score There are authors who argue that attempts to elect a monarch will not lead to the appearance of a more worthy person on the throne in comparison with the hereditary transfer of power, and the very idea of ​​an elective monarchy is utopian. Using social science knowledge, provide two arguments to support this thesis. The following arguments can be given in the answer: 1) the stability of a monarchical state is given precisely by the hereditary nature of the transfer of power; 2) elections for a life term will inevitably be associated with an intense struggle for power among various factions, which may negatively affect the situation in the country; 3) influential groups may strive to elect not the best, but the most convenient. Other arguments may be given Two arguments are given 2 One argument is given 1 Reasoning is given general, which do not meet the requirements of the task. 0 Maximum score 2 Regional diagnostic work Grade 9 Social studies Option 2 Part I The answer to the tasks is one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. 1. Society differs from nature in that 5) it is a dynamic self-developing system 6) its existence is associated with the activities of living organisms 7) there is an interdependence of the elements of the system 8) its development is associated with the concept social progress 2. The citizen is the owner of a small company and the father of a large family. In which two areas of public life does citizen Z participate? 5) spiritual and social 6) political and spiritual 7) social and economic 8) economic and political 3. Are the following judgments about a person true?

5 A. The development of society is connected with the activities of people: by improving oneself, a person improves society. B. Man has gone through a process of complex cultural and social evolution, which is impossible outside of society. 5) only A is true 6) only B is true 7) both judgments are correct 8) both judgments are incorrect 4. Are the following judgments about the budget correct? A. The main source of budget replenishment is tax revenues. B. Budget Russian Federation approved by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. 5) only A is true 6) only B is true 7) both judgments are correct 8) both judgments are incorrect 5. Which of the above situations could only happen in the state? 5) at the council of leaders, a decision was made to unite the tribes 6) at the request of the ruler, officials prepared new law about taxes 7) representatives of the two nations performed a joint ritual 8) in connection with forest fires two warring parties concluded a truce 6. A sixteen-year-old citizen detained on suspicion of theft was denied the right to call his parents by the police. To restore justice, the teenager's parents must contact 5) the Ministry of Internal Affairs 6) the Magistrate's Court 7) a lawyer 8) the prosecutor's office The answer to task 7 is a sequence of numbers. 7. State Z is a unitary monarchy. It neighbors state Y, which has a federal structure. Compare the forms of government mentioned in the assignment: unitary and federal. 1) reflects the organization of state power 2) determines the distribution of powers between central government and subjects 3) involves the allocation administrative districts that do not have sovereignty 4) assumes the presence of three branches of government in each administrative entity. Similarities. Differences. Part II.

6 Write down a detailed answer to the task. Write down your answers clearly and legibly. 8. List any three features of a joint stock company. 9. List three possible reasons for changes in company stock prices. 10. How can we explain the higher returns and lower reliability of stocks compared to bonds? Give an explanation possible reasons the occurrence of each of these stock features (please indicate one reason).

7 System for assessing examination work in social studies Part I For the correct answer to each task in Part 1, 1 point is given. Answer to the task Part II Criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer 8. Indicate any three features of a joint-stock company. The answer may contain the following features of a joint stock company: is legal entity; members of a joint stock company have limited liability; shareholders participate in annual meetings; payment of dividends on shares. Other traits may be given Three traits are listed 3 Two traits are listed 2 One trait is listed 1 The answer is incorrect 0 9. List three reasons for changes in the prices of company shares. Maximum score 3 Possible reasons for changes in stock prices are given: psychological factors, mood of market participants, political situation, change in economic conditions Other reasons may be indicated Three reasons are indicated 2 Two reasons are indicated 1 One reason is indicated OR the answer is incorrect 0

8 Maximum score How can we explain the higher returns and lower reliability of stocks compared to bonds? Give an explanation of the possible reasons for each of these stock features (list one reason at a time). The correct answer may contain the following elements: 1) an explanation is given of the reason for the high return on shares. For example, joint-stock enterprises are created specifically to make a profit and use all opportunities for this, including those associated with risk; 2) an explanation is given for the reason for the lower reliability, for example, income on bonds is guaranteed by the state, and income on shares depends on many factors, in particular on the state of the enterprise itself, which may go bankrupt. Other explanations may be given. Two explanations are given. 2 One explanation is given. 1 Reasoning of a general nature is given that does not correspond to the requirements of the task. 0 Maximum score 2 Regional diagnostic work Grade 9 Social studies Option 3 Part I The answer to the tasks is one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. 1. What sphere of public life do they belong to? historical knowledge about political pamphlets? 9) spiritual 10) religious 11) social 12) economic 2. The basis of the economy of country A is industrial production. In factories and factories, mechanical mechanisms are used, there is a division of labor, and all workers receive primary education. This society is 9) patriarchal 10) industrial 11) informational 12) post-industrial 3. Are the following statements about human needs true?

9 A. The need for education is a spiritual need. B. At all times, people's needs remain unchanged. 9) only A is true 10) only B is true 11) both judgments are correct 12) both judgments are incorrect 4. Are the following judgments about the role of the state in the economy true? A. In a market economy, the state is the only entity with legal coercive power. B. The state acts as an equal economic entity along with private companies. 9) only A is true 10) only B is true 11) both judgments are correct 12) both judgments are incorrect 5. The constitution of state Z stated that the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power is the people, and the highest direct expression of the power of the people is elections. What else should be written in the constitution of state Z in order to conclude that the political regime of this state is democratic? 9) state A is a federation 10) seizure of power is punishable by federal law 11) no ideology can be mandatory 12) the unity of the economic space is guaranteed 6. A citizen stumbled and broke the glass of the front door of the office of the director of the company. What type of liability can be imposed on him? 9) spiritual 10) moral 11) material 12) criminal The answer to task 7 is a sequence of numbers. 7. The owner of a farm grows vegetables for sale at the market, and exchanges a small part with neighbors for livestock products. Compare trade and barter. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers common to both types of activities, and in the second column - the serial numbers that distinguish these types of activities. 1) products of exchange have consumer value 2) exchange is carried out for money 3) it is possible to obtain a certain benefit without producing it

10 4) products of exchange have a price Common to both types of activities Differences in types of activities Part II Write down a detailed answer to the task. Write down your answers clearly and legibly. 8. What forms of morality do you know? Based on social science knowledge, give examples of two moral standards. 9. When discussing in class the question of the role of morality in society, the student expressed the idea that some moral principles, for example, respect for elders, it would be good to give the force of law and establish appropriate sanctions for violation, then people will always follow these norms for fear of punishment. Other students disagreed with this idea, noting the specificity of moral standards. Using social science knowledge and the proposed situation, indicate two differences between morality and law. 10. There are authors who argue that morality is a concrete historical phenomenon. Supporters of another point of view are convinced that moral standards are very stable and practically do not change over time. What arguments might proponents of each position make? Using social science and historical knowledge, give one argument in favor of each point of view.

11 Evaluation system for examination work in social studies Part I For the correct answer to each task in Part 1, 1 point is given. Answer to the task Part II Criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer 8. What forms of morality do you know? Based on social science knowledge, give examples of two moral standards. The answer should contain the following elements: 1) the answer to the question is given: norms of behavior and prohibitions, moral values, self-control mechanisms, religious values; 2) examples of two moral norms are given, for example: norms: “don’t lie”, “honor your elders”; moral values: honesty, mercy; self-control mechanisms: duty, conscience. Other examples may be given The question is answered, two examples are given 3 The question is answered, one example is given OR only two examples are given 2 The question is answered OR only one example is given 1 The answer is incorrect 0 Maximum score 3 9. During class discussion question about the role of morality in society, student A expressed the idea that it would be good to give some moral principles, for example, respect for elders, the force of law and establish appropriate sanctions for violation, then people will always follow these norms for fear of punishment. Other students disagreed with this idea, noting the specificity of moral standards. Using social science knowledge and the proposed situation, indicate two differences between morality and law. The answer may indicate the following differences: 1) moral norms are supported by the internal attitudes of the individual and strength public opinion, and not by the force of state coercion; 2) moral norms are not enshrined in special acts; they exist in the minds of people. Other differences may be specified

12 Two differences are indicated 2 One difference is indicated 1 The answer is incorrect o Maximum score There are authors who argue that morality is a concrete historical phenomenon. Supporters of another point of view are convinced that moral standards are very stable and practically do not change over time. What arguments might proponents of each position make? Using social science and historical knowledge, give one argument in favor of each point of view. The following arguments can be given: in support of the idea of ​​historical variability of morality: in the Middle Ages, morality was of a class nature: what in the eyes of public opinion was acceptable for representatives of privileged classes was condemned in relation to representatives of lower groups; with the transition to an industrial society, moral norms and prohibitions that were uniform for all strata were established; 2) in support of the thesis about the stability of morality: having established itself in the minds of people more than two thousand years ago, the basic moral norms and principles have not undergone changes, although society has passed through several stages in its development. Other arguments may be given Two arguments are given 2 One argument is given 1 Reasoning of a general nature is given that does not correspond to the requirements of the task. 0 Maximum score 2 Regional diagnostic work Grade 9 Social studies Option 4 Part I The answer to the tasks is one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. 1. Distinctive feature patriarchal society is 13) the dominance of the market economic system 14) a high level of development of production 15) the dominance of collectivist values ​​16) the emergence of crises of overproduction 2. In which of the above situations are human actions fundamentally different from the behavior of animals? 1) Freezing outside, Olya quickened her pace to warm up. 2) When choosing what to do in the evening, Vladimir decided that it would be better if he went not to the cinema, but to visit his grandmother. 3) When there was a strong rumble of thunder, Petya hid under the table out of fear. 4) Irina took refuge under a tree from the rain.

13 3. Are the following judgments about a person true? A. Thanks only to labor activity, a person changes the world around him. B. A distinctive feature of a person is the presence of his thinking. 13) only A is true 14) only B is true 15) both judgments are correct 16) both judgments are incorrect 4. Are the following judgments about the rational behavior of the consumer true? A. The consumer is interested in ensuring that the price of a product corresponds to its quality. B. The consumer is interested in saving his money and therefore strives to buy any product as cheaply as possible. 13) only A is true 14) only B is true 15) both judgments are correct 16) both judgments are incorrect 5. In which of the given examples we're talking about about a totalitarian political regime? 1) The citizen appealed to the Constitutional Court with a request about the constitutionality of the order adopted by the ministry. 2) A citizen published an article in one of the central newspapers in which she sharply criticized the government. 3) Citizens of one of the city districts passed a vote of no confidence in the head municipality and demanded his resignation. 4) The newspaper editor was forbidden to publish the story of a writer who had fallen out of favor with the head ruling party. 6. 9th grade students went on an excursion. There was an abandoned monument on their route. There was a sign lying nearby, from which the high school students learned that the building monument belonged to 19th century. Having returned from the hike, teachers and schoolchildren decided to conduct research on the history of the feat in honor of which the monument was built, and organize a fundraiser for its restoration. Their initiative was supported local authorities authorities. What constitutional duty of a citizen of the Russian Federation were fulfilled by the participants in the campaign? 13) treat with care natural resources 14) preserve nature and environment 15) comply with the laws of the country 16) preserve and protect historical and cultural monuments. The answer to task 7 is a sequence of numbers.

14 7. The schoolchildren went on a trip. Stopping at a stream, they set up tents and hung pots over the fire. After dinner, the guys took out a guitar and sang a popular song in chorus. At this moment, many felt the mutual influence of society and nature. Select and write down in the first column of the table the ordinal numbers that are common to nature and society, and in the second column the ordinal numbers that distinguish nature and society. 1) is a condition for the existence of people 2) development may not be associated with the activities of people 3) development is carried out as a result of the activities of people 4) is an integral system Common to nature and society Differences between nature and society Part II Write down a detailed answer to the task. Write down your answers clearly and legibly. 8. Using social science knowledge, indicate the main reason that led to the weakening of the productive role of the family in an industrial society. What exactly is the weakening of this role? List two manifestations. 9. A student, giving an example of an extended family in class, named a family consisting of adults and children. The teacher considered this answer incomplete. What else should you know to classify a family as this type? (specify two criteria). 10. Scientists note that “The reduction of socially significant functions of the family leads to a decrease in its role in society.” Do you agree with this statement? Give two arguments (arguments) in defense of your position.

15 Evaluation system for examination work in social studies Part I For the correct answer to each task in Part 1, 1 point is given. Answer to the task Part II Criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer 8. Using social science knowledge, indicate the main reason that led to the weakening of the productive role of the family. What exactly is the weakening of this role? List two manifestations. The answer calls main reason: transition to industrial production, to industrial technologies. Manifestations may include: the work of spouses and adult children at various enterprises, the ability to satisfy everyday needs outside the home through the sphere of public household services (workshops, laundries, etc.). Other manifestations may be indicated. The main cause is correctly formulated, two manifestations are correctly indicated. The main cause is correctly formulated, one manifestation is indicated. 2 The main cause is correctly formulated. 1 OR one or two manifestations are shown Answer incorrect 0 Maximum score 3 9. Student M., giving an example of an extended family in class, named a family consisting of adults and children. The teacher considered this answer incomplete. What else should you know to classify a family as this type? (specify two criteria) The correct answer must contain the following elements: 1) it is indicated that in order to classify a family as an extended one, one must know its composition and nature family ties: whether it includes, in addition to spouses and children, other relatives; 2) extended includes several generations: grandparents, etc. The missing information is correctly indicated 2 3

16 One criterion is correctly indicated 1 Incorrect answer 0 Maximum score Scientists note that “The reduction of socially significant functions of the family leads to a decrease in its role in society.” Do you agree with this statement? Give two arguments (arguments) in defense of your position. The correct answer must contain the following elements: the student’s opinion is expressed: agreement or disagreement with the thought given in the text; two arguments (explanations) are given, for example: in case of agreement, it may be stated that in modern society the number of young people who are ready and able to lead an independent non-family life is increasing; the family has less importance than before in the lives of older people: social security of a person in old age is increasingly to a greater extent the state takes over; if there is disagreement, it may be stated that while losing some functions, the family strengthens or gains others (emotional support, leisure function, etc.) family values for all age categories remain one of the main ones. Other arguments (explanations) may be given. The student’s opinion is expressed, two arguments are given 2 The student’s opinion is expressed, one argument is given. OR the student’s opinion is not expressed, but is clear from the context, one or two arguments are given. The student’s opinion is expressed, no arguments are given. OR the answer is incorrect 0 Maximum score 2 1

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Cognition Cognition of the world. Sensory and rational cognition. Intuition. Truth and error. Criteria of truth. Truth is absolute and relative. Scientific knowledge. Cognition and creativity. Knowledge and faith.

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1 Selecting items from the list Answers to tasks are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write down the answer without spaces, commas, etc. additional characters. In the country

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Average comprehensive school with in-depth study foreign language at the Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN in New York, USA Reviewed by:

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MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "MAKEEVSKAYA BASIC SCHOOL" p. Makeevo Approved by order of the director dated April 13, 2015 34/5 Control and measuring material for conducting intermediate

2 Adopted at a meeting of the admissions committee of Volgograd State Technical University, protocol 1 dated 11/16/2015 The program of the entrance test in social studies at the Volgograd State University Technical University The program has been formed

Social studies 9th grade Instructions for completing assignments 90 minutes are given to complete assignments in social studies. The task form consists of 30 tasks of varying form, content and complexity, requiring

Municipal budgetary educational institution of Murmansk secondary school 31 Approved by Director S.A. Bagurina Work program in social studies 11th grade level - basic

Social science. Grade 11. Demo 4 (90 minutes) 1 Social studies. Grade 11. Demo version 4 (90 minutes) 2 Diagnostic thematic work 4 on preparation for the Unified State Exam in SOCIAL STUDIES


2. Fundamentals of the constitutional system In this paragraph, we will consider the concept of the constitutional system, the basic principles of this form of state organization. Let us also examine the concepts of the constitutional status of a person

BASIC LEVEL WILL LEARN Module 1. Man. Man in the system of social relations give examples of the manifestation of the social essence of man; distinguish between the concepts material culture" and "spiritual culture",

Military occupation is the temporary seizure of the territory (part of the territory) of one state by the armed forces of another state and the establishment of military administration in the captured territory. The military occupation of any territory does not mean its transition to the sovereignty of the occupying state.

In accordance with provisions IV Hague Convention 1907, IV Geneva Convention of 1949, Additional Protocol I, the occupying state is obliged to take all measures to ensure order in the occupied territory. The population of the occupied territory must obey the orders of the authorities, but they cannot be forced to take an oath of allegiance to the occupying state, participate in military actions directed against their country, or give information about its army. Honor, the lives of civilians, their property, religious beliefs, and family must be respected. The occupying power is obliged to supply civilian population necessary clothing, food and sanitary materials.

In a relationship civilians prohibited:

commit any acts of violence, intimidation or abuse;

apply coercive measures, physical or moral, in particular for the purpose of obtaining information;

use torture Physical punishment, medical experiments, etc.;

apply collective punishments;

take hostages;

deport the civilian population from the occupied territory.

Foreigners who find themselves in occupied territory are guaranteed the right to leave it as soon as possible.

95. Combatants and non-combatants. Legal regime of military captivity

During armed conflicts, the population living on the territory of a state is divided into two groups: those belonging to the armed forces (armed forces, partisans, etc.) and those not belonging to the armed forces (civilian population). In turn, international law distinguishes between two categories of persons belonging to the armed forces of the warring parties: those fighting (combatants) and those not participating in battles (non-combatants).

Combatants- these are persons who are part of the armed forces of the warring parties, directly leading fighting against the enemy with weapons in hand. Once captured, combatants acquire the status of prisoners of war.

Non-combatants- these are persons who are members of the armed forces and do not directly participate in hostilities. These are war correspondents, lawyers, clergy, quartermasters. Non-combatants may carry personal weapons for self-defense. If they participate in hostilities, they acquire the status of combatants.

In accordance with the Geneva Conventions of 1949, combatants include:

personnel regular armed forces;

militia, volunteer units both included and not included in the regular armed forces;

personnel of resistance movements and partisan formations;

persons providing assistance to the armed forces, but not taking part in hostilities;

crew members of merchant ships and civilian aircraft providing assistance to those fighting;

the population who, when the enemy approaches, take up arms, if they openly bear arms and observe the laws and customs of war.

Military captivity regime regulated by the III Geneva Convention of 1949. According to the Convention, the following persons who fall into the power of the enemy are considered prisoners of war:

personnel of the armed forces, militia and volunteer units that are part of the armed forces;

personnel partisan detachments;

members of the armed forces under the authority of a government not recognized by the detaining power;

war correspondents, suppliers, other persons following the armed forces;

merchant marine and civil aviation crew members;

the population of an unoccupied territory who has taken up arms, if they openly bear arms and comply with the laws and customs of war.

Each prisoner of war, when interrogated, is required to provide only his last name, first name, rank, date of birth and personal number.

The Detaining Power is responsible for the treatment of prisoners of war. Prisoners of war cannot be subjected to physical mutilation, scientific or medical experiments. Reprisals cannot be applied to them. Prisoners of war must be protected from violence and intimidation and ensured respect for person and honor. The capturing power may intern prisoners of war. They may also be prohibited from going beyond the established camp line. Prisoners of war are provided with accommodation, food, clothing, and medical care. Medical and religious personnel should be allowed to see them. In captivity, wearing insignia is retained.

Prisoners of war must be given the opportunity to work; forced labor is prohibited. It is prohibited to use prisoners of war in dangerous (such as mine removal) or humiliating work. During work, safety requirements must be observed. Prisoners of war should be allowed to have intercourse with outside world. They are also guaranteed the right to lodge a complaint with the authorities of the power holding them captive.

Prisoners of war are required to obey the laws of the captive state, which has the right to impose judicial and disciplinary sanctions for misconduct. However, a penalty can be imposed only once for one offense. Collective punishments are prohibited. For escape, a prisoner of war can only be subjected to disciplinary punishment.

At the end of hostilities, prisoners of war are released and repatriated (returned to their homeland).

Over time, banners appeared in Rus' in the form of a canvas attached to a pole. They were called banners and gathered warriors around them.
The banners could have been different shapes, but in Rus' they were often found in the form of an elongated triangle.
Since the 15th century, the word “banner” has been increasingly used to denote banners and banners. From now on, the banner was perceived not just as a sign, but as a relic common to the entire army, like an icon, possessing saving properties. The banners depicted the face of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, scenes from the Bible, the text of the Gospel, and a cross. IN medieval Rus' Military units and military regalia were also called banners. The banner is a symbol of unification. The army met around the battle banner. The banner meant the commander's headquarters or the center of the battle formation. The number of troops was determined by the number of banners. Raising the banner meant declaring readiness for battle, lowering it meant admitting defeat. The loss of the banner was a heavy shame on the entire military unit. Capturing an enemy banner in battle was considered special distinction.
It is difficult to judge the color scheme, but in historical sources they are named: red, green, blue, indigo, white.
In the XVII-XVIII, a type of banner appeared in Rus' - prapor (a small banner with long tails). Thus, even in the second half of the 7th century there was no state, national flag in Rus', and the royal banner could not be considered such.
The Russian flag owes its birth to domestic fleet.
In 1667-1669. In the village of Dedinovo on the Oka, the first flotilla of Rus' was built. It was intended to protect trade caravans sailing along the Volga and the Caspian Sea, and consisted of the three-masted ship “Eagle” and four smaller ships.
By that time, the leading maritime powers already had their own flags, which were raised on ships. The flags served as an identification mark of the ship and the state to which the ship belonged. It is from sea flags that many state phages originate.
It is known that the first flag installed on the ship “Eagle” consisted of white, blue and red colors, but they were not arranged in horizontal stripes. Some historians think so. They believe that the flag consisted of four parts. The blue cross divided the panel into 4 parts, and the white and red colors were arranged in a checkerboard pattern. There is another opinion that the flag looked like the modern Russian flag.
It is known that in 1693 in Arkhangelsk on ships Peter I raised a flag with horizontal stripes (white - blue - red), called the flag of the Tsar of Moscow. In 1690, the white-blue-red flag became a symbol Russian state, especially at sea.
The Russian tricolor (three-color flag) probably originated from the Dutch model. Holland in the 17th century was one of the great maritime powers. Its flag combined the colors orange, white and blue. Soon Orange color was replaced by red.
The arrangement of stripes on the Russian flag was different, and the symbolism of the colors reflected Russian traditions. The order of the colors on the flag is white, blue, red.
Red, the color of blood, seemed to mean earthly world, blue - celestial sphere, white – divine light. All three colors have long been revered in Rus'.
The color red was considered a symbol of courage and courage, as well as a synonym for beauty. The blue color was considered a symbol of the Mother of God. White color personified peace, purity, nobility. All three colors also corresponded to the Moscow coat of arms: St. George on a white horse in a blue mantle on a red shield field.
During the era of Peter the Great, other Russian flags appeared. One of them is the St. Andrew's flag - a blue oblique cross on a white field. Apostle Andrew was considered the patron saint of Russia and navigation. St. Andrew's flag has become the flag of the Russian navy; it is hoisted on warships. But the tricolor was not forgotten either. In 1705, the Tsar issued a decree on what the flag should be on Russian merchant ships. The text of the decree was accompanied by a picture of a flag of three stripes - white, blue and red. Choose useful information yourself. I wrote this myself

Option No. 454686

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas or other additional characters; do not copy the answer words from the browser, enter them by typing them from the keyboard. By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills in the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, choose only one of the proposed statements (29.1-29.5).

If the option is given by the teacher, you can enter the answers to the assignments in Part C or upload them to the system in one of the graphic formats. The teacher will see the results of completing assignments in Part B and will be able to evaluate the uploaded answers to Part C. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

A rapid abrupt transition from one socio-political system to another is called

1) progress

2) revolution

3) counter-reform

4) evolution


Absolute truth, as opposed to relative truth, is

1) facts established through observations

2) knowledge that cannot be refuted

3) lack of subjectivity in assessment

4) conclusions obtained experimentally


Which of the following situations could arise only in a post-industrial society?

1) To feed his younger sister and brother, an 11-year-old teenager got a job at a weaving factory.

2) The university opened a faculty for training specialists in banking.

3) The factory workers went on strike demanding the introduction of an eight-hour working day.

4) Residents of the village at a meeting with the head of the administration proposed opening a store selling computers.


Are the following statements about personal freedom true?

A. Personal freedom is manifested in a person’s choice of his life path.

B. Personal freedom is manifested in conscious adherence to established norms.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


In the country's cellular communications market, three large operators stand out, which generally determine the entire policy in the field of tariffs and services. What economic phenomenon does this fact illustrate?

1) perfect competition

2) monopoly

3) technical default

4) oligopoly


A citizen rents out a piece of land he owns to a farm. What is the name of a citizen’s income from the disposal of this real estate?

1) capital

2) profit

4) percentage


During the year, prices for goods and services in country Z increased by 15%, while the quality of goods and services did not change. What economic phenomenon is reflected in this fact?

1) excess of goods and services

2) inflation

3) reduction in demand

4) budget deficit


The figure shows the situation on the mobile phone market: the demand line D has moved to a new position (P is the price of the product, Q is the quantity of demand for the product).

A shift in the demand curve D to a new position can be caused primarily by

1) increased competition among manufacturers

2) a sharp increase in the price of subscription fees for landline telephone points

3) improving the production technology of mobile phones

4) growth in consumer income

5) reducing production costs


Are the following statements about the banking system true?

A. Everyone's bank reserve ratio commercial bank its.

B. In conditions of production growth, banks must reserve more money.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Historical varieties of ethnic communities include

1) states

2) tribes

3) estates

4) denominations


Citizen K., a qualified worker, manager of a company engaged in communication services, married citizen A. What information will allow us to draw a conclusion about the character social mobility in this situation?

1) education received by citizen A.

2) social status citizen A.

3) the age difference between K. and A.

4) K. has his own home


Are the following judgments about trends in family development correct?

A. A number of developed countries around the world are characterized by a weakening of the institution of marriage and family.

B. For many developed countries The world is characterized by a decline in the birth rate.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


TO external function state function

1) cultural

2) diplomatic

3) political

4) economic


Strict party discipline, fixed membership, adherence to ideology are signs

1) parties of voters

2) mass parties

3) personnel parties

4) avant-garde parties


Political reforms are taking place in the country of N. Journalists and analysts evaluate them as democratic. What situation in the ongoing reforms could cause such an assessment by specialists?

1) Duration of stay of deputies Legislative Assembly increased from 4 to 5 years.

2) Instead of a majoritarian electoral system, a mixed one was introduced.

3) Legally guaranteed equal rights all participants in the election campaign, their access to the media.

4) A 5% electoral threshold has been established for parties to enter parliament.


Are the following judgments about types of political leadership correct?

A. For most modern states characterized by rational-legal political leadership.

B. The charismatic type of leadership is based primarily on traditions, foundations, and the laws of dynastic inheritance.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


From what moment does a citizen of the Russian Federation become a subject of legal relations?

1) from the moment of birth

2) from the moment of receiving the passport

3) from the moment of coming of age

4) from the beginning of employment


Who is the participant(s) in civil proceedings?

1) investigator

2) jurors

3) defendant

4) victim


Anton M. bought a ticket to a holiday home. Upon returning, he filed a lawsuit because the travel agency violated the contract for the provision of services: the room in which the client was accommodated did not comply with the terms of the contract. The travel agency will participate in these proceedings as

1) suspect

3) defendant

4) intruder


Are the following judgments about Russian citizenship correct?

A. One of the conditions for admission to Russian citizenship is knowledge of the Russian language.

B. A person who does not have Russian citizenship automatically acquires it by marrying a Russian citizen.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Write down the word missing in the table.



Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “ethnic community”.

1) nationality

6) state

Find two terms that “fall out” from general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer.


Match the types social control and illustrating them with specific examples.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.



Find informal negative sanctions in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

2) applause

3) ridicule

4) reprimand

5) compliments


Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) In conditions of an unfavorable business and investment climate, large-scale government support for small businesses in the real sphere may be ineffective. (B) Currently, it is carried out through preferential lending to small businesses under the guarantee of regional guarantee funds. (B) Today, guarantors are not financially responsible. (D) As a result, small manufacturing enterprises are increasingly taking out loans on commercial terms. (D) The development of small and medium-sized businesses is a necessary condition for economic growth.

Determine which text provisions have

1) factual nature

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

Write down in the table under the letter indicating the position a number expressing its character.



Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Scientists identify several groups of global problems of modern humanity. The first group of problems is related to relations between states. Eliminating _______(A) economic development and preserving peace is simultaneously a solution to both the problem of human health and the problem of the quality of natural resource development. Stopping________(B) also prevents pollution of the natural environment on a planetary scale.

The second group includes problems of direct______(B) nature and society. This is, for example, the depletion of________(G) the interior of the Earth and the World Ocean.

In this case, the problem of nature and society is the problem of the biological foundations of life mediated by ___________ (D).

The third group of problems reflects the interaction between man and society. These include, for example, problems of __________(E), healthcare, and cultural heritage.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.



Find in the list the features that distinguish scientific knowledge from other types of knowledge of the world. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) theoretical basis

2) experimental verification

4) use of special concepts

5) difficulty of learning


Choose a concept that summarizes all other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

State form, methods of state power, form of government, type of political regime, form of government.


<...> <...> <...>

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The complex connections that arise between the state and the individual, and the relationships of people with each other, are fixed by the state in legal form- in the form of rights, freedoms and responsibilities that form the legal status of a person and a citizen. Rights and responsibilities not only set out patterns and standards of behavior that the state considers obligatory, useful, and appropriate for the normal functioning of the social system, but also reveal the basic principles of the relationship between the state and the individual. The relationship between the state and the individual requires clear regulation and orderliness. This is due to the particular importance of this kind of relationship for maintaining the existing system, for its normal functioning.<...>Legal status consists of subjective, including procedural rights: to appeal to government bodies with complaints and petitions, to protect one’s rights and freedoms by all means not prohibited by law, to appeal to court, to interstate protection bodies, and others. The state does not secure individual rights arbitrarily; it legally formalizes natural human rights, as well as a set of rights for the implementation of which socio-political prerequisites have been formed, arising from real social relations.<...>Society and the state are far from indifferent to how a person realizes the opportunities enshrined in legislation; they are interested in the activity of the individual, which is an important condition for the development of a democratic society.<...>The Constitution of the Russian Federation declares that in the Russian Federation “the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are recognized and guaranteed in accordance with generally recognized norms and norms of international law.” This provision of the Constitution gives grounds to understand the legal status of a person and a citizen of Russia as single complex domestic and international norms containing the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Solutions to long-answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

The author argues that “the state does not secure individual rights arbitrarily; it legally formalizes natural human rights, as well as a set of rights for the implementation of which socio-political prerequisites have been formed, arising from real social relations.” Based on the text, knowledge of the social science course and knowledge gained from other social disciplines, name three socio-political prerequisites necessary for the legal registration of natural human rights.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The complex connections that arise between the state and the individual, and the relationships of people with each other, are fixed by the state in legal form - in the form of rights, freedoms and responsibilities that form the legal status of a person and a citizen. Rights and responsibilities not only set out patterns and standards of behavior that the state considers obligatory, useful, and appropriate for the normal functioning of the social system, but also reveal the basic principles of the relationship between the state and the individual. The relationship between the state and the individual requires clear regulation and orderliness. This is due to the particular importance of this kind of relationship for maintaining the existing system, for its normal functioning.<...>Legal status consists of subjective, including procedural rights: to appeal to government bodies with complaints and petitions, to protect one’s rights and freedoms by all means not prohibited by law, to appeal to court, to interstate protection bodies, and others. The state does not secure individual rights arbitrarily; it legally formalizes natural human rights, as well as a set of rights for the implementation of which socio-political prerequisites have been formed, arising from real social relations.<...>Society and the state are far from indifferent to how a person realizes the opportunities enshrined in legislation; they are interested in the activity of the individual, which is an important condition for the development of a democratic society.<...>The Constitution of the Russian Federation declares that in the Russian Federation “the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are recognized and guaranteed in accordance with generally recognized norms and norms of international law.” This provision of the Constitution gives grounds to understand the legal status of a person and a citizen of Russia as a single set of domestic and international norms containing the rights and freedoms of citizens.

The complex connections that arise between the state and the individual, and the relationships of people with each other, are fixed by the state in legal form - in the form of rights, freedoms and responsibilities that form the legal status of a person and a citizen. Rights and responsibilities not only set out patterns and standards of behavior that the state considers obligatory, useful, and appropriate for the normal functioning of the social system, but also reveal the basic principles of the relationship between the state and the individual. The relationship between the state and the individual requires clear regulation and orderliness. This is due to the particular importance of this kind of relationship for maintaining the existing system, for its normal functioning.<...>Legal status consists of subjective, including procedural rights: to appeal to government bodies with complaints and petitions, to protect one’s rights and freedoms by all means not prohibited by law, to appeal to court, to interstate protection bodies, and others. The state does not secure individual rights arbitrarily; it legally formalizes natural human rights, as well as a set of rights for the implementation of which socio-political prerequisites have been formed, arising from real social relations.<...>Society and the state are far from indifferent to how a person realizes the opportunities enshrined in legislation; they are interested in the activity of the individual, which is an important condition for the development of a democratic society. The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

Identify, at your discretion, one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and expand on it (them). When revealing the main idea(s) you have identified in your reasoning and conclusions, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions), illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other educational items.

To illustrate the theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions you have formulated, please provide at least two facts/examples from various sources. Each given fact/example must be formulated in detail and clearly related to the illustrated position, reasoning, and conclusion.

C9.1 Philosophy:“Either humanity will end war, or war will end humanity” (J. Kennedy)

C9.2 Social Psychology:“In order to make it easy to live with every person, think about what connects you, and not about what separates you from him” (L. Tolstoy)

C9.3 Economy:“What makes us a great nation is not our wealth, but how we use it” (T. Roosevelt)

C9.4 Sociology:“A person does not always correspond to his place, but always to his time” (A. Faiz)

S9.5 Political science:“A country deprived of laws and freedom is not a kingdom, but a prison; in it the captives are the peoples” (F. Glinka)

C9.6 Jurisprudence:“The law is the highest manifestation of human wisdom, using the experience of people for the benefit of society” (J. Samuel)

Solutions to long-answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to check them yourself.