New statistical forms for agriculture and the environment. New statistical forms for agriculture and the environment Who must take the 2nd standard hunting

Document's name:
Document Number: 44
Document type: Rosstat Resolution
Receiving authority: Rosstat
Status: Inactive
Acceptance date: 01 October 2004
Start date: 01 October 2004
Expiration date: September 12, 2005

On approval of the Procedure for filling out and submitting the federal state statistical observation form N 2-TP (hunting) “Information on hunting farms”



No longer valid as of the 2005 report based on
resolutions of the Federal State Statistics Service
dated September 12, 2005 N 67

Federal State Statistics Service


1. Approve the attached Procedure for filling out and submitting the federal state statistical observation form N 2-TP (hunting) “Information on hunting farms” and put it into effect, starting with the report for 2004.

2. With the introduction of the Procedure specified in paragraph 1 of this resolution, the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 07.07.97 N 48 regarding the approval of instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 2-tp (hunting) “Information on hunting farms” is declared invalid.


Federal service
state statistics
dated October 1, 2004 N 44

The procedure for filling out and submitting the federal state statistical observation form N 2-TP (hunting) “Information on hunting farms”

I. General provisions

1. The following basic concepts are used in this Procedure:

hunting farm- a system of measures aimed at the integrated and sustainable use of game animals (including shooting and trapping), their protection, reproduction, as well as the preservation and improvement of hunting grounds in order to meet the spiritual and material needs of society;

hunting animals- objects of the animal world (mammals and birds), classified in accordance with the established procedure as objects of hunting;
The list of species of game animals classified as hunting objects on the territory of each subject of the Russian Federation is established by the executive government body of the corresponding region on the basis of the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1995 N 1289 (as amended from November 23, 1996, July 30, 1998), taking into account the species of game animals living on the territory of a given subject of the Russian Federation.

territory, water area provided for long-term use of game animals- habitat for game animals, including all land, water-covered and forested areas where hunting and hunting can be carried out (hunting grounds);

huntinguser- a legal entity (separate division) conducting a hunting enterprise on the basis of a long-term license for the use of wildlife and an agreement on the provision of hunting grounds;

long-term license- special permission to carry out economic and other activities related to the use and protection of game animals and other objects of the animal world.

2. Federal state statistical observation form N 2-TP (hunting) “Information on hunting farms” is submitted by legal entities and their separate divisions, regardless of the form of ownership, conducting hunting on the basis of a long-term license for the use of wildlife and an agreement on the provision of hunting grounds for territory of the Russian Federation.

Federal state statistical observation form N 2-TP (hunting) includes information on the legal entity as a whole, i.e. for all divisions of this legal entity conducting hunting or providing services in this area, regardless of their location.

If a legal entity has separate divisions (including branches) located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation (republics, territories, regions, autonomous districts), then a form containing information on of this organization with the exception of separate divisions located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Separate divisions, both with and without a separate balance sheet, located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, submit the federal state statistical observation form to the statistical authorities at their location (indicating their status and the main legal entity in the address part of the form).

Legal entities submit the specified form of federal state statistical observation, as a rule, at the place of their state registration. An exception to this rule are cases when a legal entity registered on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation does not carry out activities on the territory of this constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In this case, the federal state statistical observation form is submitted at the place of actual implementation of hunting activities and/or provision of services in this area.

Hunting users - sports and hunting societies, societies of hunters and fishermen, etc. - reflect in the form only information on activities in the field of hunting and breeding of wild animals, including the provision of services in these areas. If the work listed in Form N 2-TP (hunting) was not carried out by the hunting user in the reporting year, then a notification about this is sent to the state statistics bodies at their location by telephone or other means.

Subsidiaries and dependent business entities (hunting users) submit the federal state statistical observation form N 2-TP (hunting) on ​​a general basis. The main business company or partnership (hunting user) that has subsidiaries or dependent companies does not include information on subsidiaries and dependent companies in the federal state statistical observation form.

Indigenous peoples and ethnic communities leading hunting and long-term use of game animals using traditional methods of obtaining wildlife, creating associations on various basis (family, clan, territorial-economic communities, hunters' unions and others) and registered as legal entities , represent the form on a general basis.

Legal entities, their separate divisions that are not hunting users, but perform work for the needs of hunting or provide services in this area, do not submit a report in this form.

3. In the address part of the form, the full name of the reporting organization is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code.

If the actual address does not coincide with the legal one, then the postal address where the legal entity is actually located is also indicated.

The reporting organization enters the OKPO code in the address part of the form. The remaining codes are determined by the territorial bodies of the Federal State Statistics Service and are used in subsequent automated processing of the information contained in the form.

4. All information included in the report is based on primary accounting materials.

The primary accounting documentation for recording activities aimed at the protection and reproduction of game animals are: acts, orders, work acceptance sheets, materials on recording the number of game mammals and birds; on accounting for the area of ​​assigned hunting grounds: agreements on assigning the area; for labor and wage accounting: personal cards, orders (instructions) on hiring, transfer to another job, termination of an employment contract, settlement, payroll, and other accounting documents; for registration of farms for breeding wild animals: licenses for organizing farms; for the protection of game animals: protocols, a log of violations of hunting rules and other documents.

Data for indicators in physical terms are given in whole numbers: thousand hectares, units, heads, and indicators in value terms - in thousands of rubles with one decimal place.

5. This Procedure comes into force with the report for 2004.

II. Filling out the indicators of form N 2-TP (hunting)

Section 1. Measures for the protection and reproduction of game animals

6. Line 01 includes data on all costs of carrying out measures for the protection and reproduction of wildlife objects classified as hunting objects: recording the number of game animals, their protection (including in places of their concentration, reproduction, on migration routes ), implementation of biotechnical measures for the conservation and reproduction of game mammals and birds, and other activities. The data in line 01 must be greater (by the amount of other activities) or equal to the sum of lines 02, 03, 04.

7. Line 02 includes costs associated with taking into account the number of game animals: tagging of game animals; tracking daily trails, counting game birds on draft and other works; the acquisition of low-value equipment necessary for carrying out registration work, as well as payment for transport hired for these purposes, wages of non-scheduled employees performing registration work (including payments of field allowances), the cost of cartographic material and other costs associated with recording the number of game animals.

8. Line 03 shows the costs: for patrolling the habitat of game animals (forest, field, wetland, agricultural), incl. using vehicles (including rented ones) in order to prevent violations of hunting or poaching rules; for the maintenance of state hunting supervision, huntsman service; for communications, fuel, and other costs associated with the protection of game animals.

9. Line 04 shows the amounts spent on biotechnical measures for the conservation and reproduction of game animals.

The costs of biotechnical measures include amounts spent on the purchase and distribution of fertilizer for game animals; reducing the number of predators and birds (wolves, jackals, foxes, crows) in order to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases; purchase of medicines and treatment and prophylactic special means and equipment, ammunition, special clothing; cage equipment, enclosure for overexposure, examination, treatment; purchase of game animals for the purpose of release into hunting grounds, their transportation, holding, feeding, vaccination, treatment; preventive measures to reduce morbidity among game animals and carry out work to prevent epizootics; registration of forest tickets for the right to mow hay and cut down trees for feeding the cutting residues to game animals; measures to reduce the negative impact of human economic activity on game animals and their habitat; construction of feed fields, healds, artificial watering places, nests, feeders of various types, sheds, feed storage sheds, silos, observation towers; for other work related to biotechnical activities.

These costs include: wages of unpaid workers performing the above work, as well as the costs of maintaining farms for breeding game animals (page 20, gr. 5), transportation and other costs associated with carrying out biotechnical activities.

Not included in the costs of biotechnical measures for the protection and reproduction of game animals are the cost of labor participation of members of the hunter society in carrying out biotechnical measures, the wages of workers involved in the hunting industry, as well as the costs of maintaining and feeding hunting dogs, construction and maintenance of hunters’ houses, access roads .

10. Line 05 from line 04 shows the costs of purchasing, importing and releasing game animals into hunting grounds to increase their productivity. The data for this line includes: the cost of animals, equipment for their transportation, transportation costs and expenses for surveying hunting grounds for the resettlement of game animals and their survival rate, as well as wages of non-scheduled employees.

11. Line 06 from line 04 identifies the costs of purchasing and laying out feed for game animals (hay, grain, grain fodder, grain waste, compound feed, mineral feed, salt, bran, root vegetables, brooms, etc.).

12. Line 07 reflects information about the area of ​​the territory, the water area in which a set of measures was carried out during the reporting period to organize scientifically based management of hunting, including measures to organize the territory, preserve and rationally exploit the hunting fund, regulate the number of game animals, and improve the health of populations, biotechnology and other game management work completed in the reporting year.

Section 2. Costs of hunting, number of personnel; area of ​​territories, water areas provided for the use of game animals

13. Line 08 shows all expenses for hunting, regardless of sources of financing. Costs include amounts spent on the protection and reproduction of game animals (p. 01), wages of workers engaged in hunting (p. 15), unified social tax and contributions to extra-budgetary social funds (p. 16), costs for maintenance of hunters' houses, hunting bases, huts, office premises and production facilities (heating, lighting, routine repairs), access roads, transport, depreciation charges for the corresponding fixed assets, maintenance and feeding of hunting dogs, decoy and hunting birds, horses, purchase and repair of hunting weapons, low-value equipment, activities for hunting dog breeding (organization and maintenance of nurseries, conducting breeding work, holding exhibitions, tests), forest management and hunting management work (survey of territories, carrying out on-farm and inter-farm hunting management), scientific research on issues of protection, reproduction and use of hunting resources and other expenses for hunting activities.

The costs of construction and major repairs of hunting and related facilities, as well as the cost of labor participation of members of the hunters’ society in performing biotechnical activities and other work are not included in the total costs of hunting.

Organizations running (along with hunting) pond farming and carrying out other activities not related to hunting do not include the corresponding non-core expenses in the total costs on line 08.

14. Line 09 from line 08 reflects only federal budget funds (expenses) for hunting provided in the reporting year.

15. On line 10, from the total costs of hunting, the amounts spent on the maintenance and arrangement of bases, hunting lodges, ranger cordons, road networks, and boat docks are allocated; keeping hunting dogs, decoy ducks, horses, carrying out work on training and conditioning hunting dogs, keeping animals for baiting hunting dogs; production, installation and repair of full houses, shooting towers; purchase of special protective equipment; cutting of glades and clearing of roads; acquisition of low-value and wear-out equipment and other expenses.

16. Line 11 shows the total number of employees on the hunting farm payroll at the end of the reporting year. These include: heads of departments for the protection, control and regulation of the use of game animals; directors of state forestry (hunting, experimental forestry, experimental hunting) farms; chief game wardens; heads of departments for the protection, control and regulation of the use of game animals; heads of hunting areas; hunting specialists (p. 12, excluding chief game managers); full-time hunters (p. 13); full-time rangers (including senior ones) (p. 14); other hunting workers, including workers on game farms.

The total number in line 11 does not include employees carrying out activities not related to hunting, except in cases where it is combined with hunting activities or the provision of services in this area.

17. Line 15 from line 08 identifies the amounts of remuneration accrued by the organization in cash and non-cash forms to employees on the payroll of the hunting farm, including workers breeding game animals, for worked and unworked time, additional payments and allowances, compensation payments related to working hours and working conditions, bonuses and one-time incentive payments, as well as payments for food, housing, fuel, which are regular.

18. Line 16 from line 08 reflects the unified social tax and contributions to extra-budgetary social funds. These deductions are not included in the cost of paying employees on the payroll employed in the hunting industry (p. 15).

19. Line 17 shows the amounts received during the implementation of hunting activities and farming: shooting, catching and selling game animals (meat, skins, skins, fat, horns), making stuffed animals and other products, as well as providing services to hunters ( transport, housing, clothing and others). These incomes do not include entrance and membership fees, as well as other targeted revenues.

Income of organizations from pond farming, as well as from other activities not related to hunting, are not included in line 17.

20. Line 18 shows the area of ​​land assigned to the hunting user by decisions of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This area must correspond to the territory in the agreement concluded on the basis of a long-term license for the use of game animals.

21. Line 19 from line 18 identifies the area of ​​territories and water areas where game management work was carried out, including data for the reporting year on line 07.

Section 3. Artificial breeding of game animals and birds

22. Farms for breeding game animals include farms where game mammals and birds are bred in order to ensure biological diversity, preserve biological resources and the genetic fund of wild animals.

Line 20, column 3 indicates the total number of farms for breeding game animals that are available in the hunting sector.

Column 4 of line 20 is filled in only if one type of game animal is bred on farms; if there are several (different) species, a dash is placed in column 4 of this line. Data in column 4 are provided as of the end of the reporting year.

Column 5 of line 20 shows the amounts of all expenses associated with maintaining the activities of farms for breeding game mammals and birds (costs of feed, repairs of farms, maintenance of animals) without wages of service personnel, which is reflected in line 15.

The data in line 20 of column 5 is included in the costs of biotechnical measures (line 04).

23. The subsequent lines of Section 3 provide data on the number of farms for breeding each (specific) type of game animal, information about the livestock, and the costs of maintaining animals on farms. If the number of fixed lines is insufficient to provide this information, the reporting entity will provide an additional insert.

In the species composition of column 2, mammals should be listed first, then birds.

Column 3 shows the number of farms keeping each type of game animal. In this case, the data on line 20 of column 3 may be less than the sum of the data on the remaining lines of this column in the case when different types of animals are bred on the same farm.

Column 4 indicates the number of adults of each species retained to produce offspring.

Column 5 shows the amount of costs spent on maintaining each type of game animal.

With the entry into force of this Procedure, the previously in force Instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 2-tp (hunting) “Information on hunting farms”, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 07.07.97 N 48, are cancelled.

Statistics Department
enterprises and other
economic entities

On approval of the Procedure for filling out and submitting the federal state statistical observation form N 2-TP (hunting) “Information on hunting farms” (lost force from the report for 2005)

Document's name: On approval of the Procedure for filling out and submitting the federal state statistical observation form N 2-TP (hunting) “Information on hunting farms” (lost force from the report for 2005)
Document Number: 44
Document type: Rosstat Resolution
Receiving authority: Rosstat
Status: Inactive
Published: The document was not published
Acceptance date: 01 October 2004
Start date: 01 October 2004
Expiration date: September 12, 2005

font size


Instructions for filling out form N 2-TP (hunting)

1. Federal statistical observation form N 2-TP (hunting) “Information on hunting and hunting management” is filled out by legal entities, as well as individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs) who have entered into hunting agreements with the executive body authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as hunting users).

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs provide primary statistical data in the above form to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the assigned hunting grounds. If hunting agreements have been concluded with the hunting user in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation, then he submits a report in Form N 2-TP (hunting) to the relevant territorial bodies of Rosstat separately for each territory.

If several hunting agreements have been concluded with the hunting user within the boundaries of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation, then primary statistical data in total for all assigned areas are provided to the territorial body of Rosstat.

Hunting users - legal entities, individual entrepreneurs who have a long-term license for the use of game animals, the validity of which has not expired, who have not concluded hunting agreements in relation to hunting lands specified in agreements on the provision of territories or water areas for use, also provide primary statistical data in Form N 2-TP (hunting) in the order established above.

Hunting users - sports and hunting societies, societies of hunters and fishermen, etc. reflect in the form only information about activities in the field of hunting and breeding of wild animals, including the provision of services in these areas.

Subsidiaries and dependent business entities (hunting users) provide primary statistical data in the form of federal statistical observation N 2-TP (hunting) on ​​a general basis. The main business company or partnership (hunting user) that has subsidiaries or dependent companies does not include information on subsidiaries and dependent companies in the federal statistical observation form.

Hunting users using the simplified taxation system provide this form on a general basis.

Bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy administration has been introduced are not exempt from providing information in the specified form. Only after the arbitration court has issued a ruling on the completion of bankruptcy proceedings and entry into the unified state register of legal entities of its liquidation (clause 3 of Article 149 of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”) The debtor organization is considered liquidated and is exempt from providing information in the specified form.

Legal entities, their separate divisions and individual entrepreneurs who are not hunting users, but perform work or provide services in the field of hunting, do not provide a report in the specified form.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity.

2. In the address part of the form, the full name of the reporting organization is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual postal address is also indicated.

A legal entity or individual entrepreneur enters the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) in the address part of the form on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to them by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

3. Information included in the report is based on primary accounting materials.

The primary accounting documentation for recording activities aimed at preserving and reproducing hunting resources are: hunting agreements, contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting (vouchers), agreements for the provision of territory, water area necessary for the use of game animals, permits for keeping and breeding hunting resources in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats, permission for acclimatization, relocation and hybridization of hunting resources; acts, orders, work acceptance sheets; documents on accounting of inventories (contracts, invoices, etc. for the acquisition, acceptance and sale (use) of feed and other inventory items); materials on the annual (current) accounting of the number of hunting resources; for labor and wage accounting: personal cards, orders (instructions) on hiring, transfer to another job, termination of an employment contract, payroll, employment agreements (contracts), civil contracts, pay slips and other documents .

4. Section 1 reflects general information about the hunting user. Data on line 01 is given as a decimal fraction with one decimal place, and in lines 02 - 06 - as integers.

Line 01 reflects the area of ​​the assigned hunting ground at the end of the year in accordance with the hunting agreement concluded by the hunting user with the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. It also reflects the area of ​​land assigned to the hunting user by decisions of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the provision of territory, water area necessary for the use of game animals (i.e. under a long-term license).

On line 02, legal entities show the average number of employees, which includes:

Average number of employees;

Average number of external part-time workers;

The average number of employees performing work under civil contracts.

The payroll employees include: director (manager) of a forestry and hunting enterprise, chief accountant, chief engineer, chief mechanic, chief power engineer, head of a laboratory, head of a department, head of a department, head of a station, chief game warden, manager, head of a laboratory, head of a department, head of the station, head of the department, head of the site, chairman of the cooperative, technical director, game wardens (p. 04); full-time hunters (page 05); regular rangers (page 06); other hunting workers, including workers in nurseries for breeding game resources.

The procedure for reflecting data on lines 02, 03 for legal entities is carried out in accordance with the Instructions for filling out the federal statistical observation form N P-4 “Information on the number, wages and movement of workers.”

Individual entrepreneurs on line 02 reflect the number of partners helping family members, the number of employees who worked in the reporting year under a written contract or oral agreement: permanent employees; workers hired for a certain period or to perform a certain amount of work; workers performing temporary, seasonal or casual work. The average number is determined in accordance with the Instructions for filling out Form N of the individual entrepreneur “Information on the activities of an individual entrepreneur” in total for all categories.

To do this, the number of persons who worked in each calendar month, including those temporarily absent (sick, on vacation, etc.), should be added and divided by 12. If the individual entrepreneur worked for less than a full year, then the resulting amount is divided by the number of months the entrepreneur worked. The resulting data is rounded to a whole number (for example, 1.5 and above should be rounded to 2; less than 1.5 - to 1).

For example, during the reporting year the following employees worked for the hunting user:

Business partners are persons participating in a business on the terms of a property or other contribution and performing certain work in this business; they may or may not be members of the same household. Partners do not include persons whose funds are the source of financing for this business activity, but who do not carry out any work in this activity.

Helping family members are individuals who work as helpers in a business owned by a household member or relative.

Employees are persons who perform work for hire for compensation (cash or in kind) on the basis of a written contract or oral agreement.

For line 03, individual entrepreneurs provide data without taking into account employees.

From line 03, hunting users distinguish: on line 04 - the number of game wardens (excluding chief game wardens), on line 05 - employees of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur performing duties related to hunting and the conservation of hunting resources, on the basis of an employment or civil law contract (full-time hunters) and on line 06 - full-time rangers.

5. Section 2 of the form reflects the funds spent by the hunting user in the reporting year on hunting. All section indicators are given in the form of a decimal fraction with one decimal place.

Line 07 reflects the total costs of running a hunting farm (excluding VAT and other mandatory payments) regardless of the sources of financing.

These lines 07 may be greater than the sum of lines 08 - 15, 17 by the amount of depreciation deductions, deductions for the repair of fixed assets and other costs.

Line 07 takes into account funds for paying for the services of third-party organizations, costs incurred by the hunting user for activities related to hunting dog breeding (organization and maintenance of nurseries, conducting breeding work, holding exhibitions, tests, training, training and baiting of hunting dogs, training (bearing) birds of prey, their maintenance, feeding, etc.); the cost of bait and other odorous baits of natural origin, decoy (semolina) ducks or stuffed animals and decoys purchased this year.

It also takes into account the amounts spent for the extraction of hunting resources for the intended purpose of hunting (commercial, amateur and sporting, hunting for the purpose of scientific research activities, educational activities, hunting for the purpose of acclimatization, relocation and hybridization of hunting resources, hunting for the purpose of maintenance and breeding hunting resources in semi-free conditions or artificially created habitats).

If in the reporting year, hunting was carried out on the territory of the assigned hunting ground in order to ensure the traditional way of life and the implementation of traditional economic activities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, hunting carried out by persons who do not belong to these peoples, but permanently reside in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity and for which hunting is the basis of existence (hereinafter referred to as hunting in order to maintain a traditional way of life and carry out traditional economic activities), then the costs of the hunting user are also taken into account on line 07. This also includes the costs of acquisition and repair hunting weapons, equipment, equipment, transport, other expenses for hunting.

If in the reporting year, individual entrepreneurs hired hired workers to run the hunting farm under employment agreements (contracts), civil contracts or by oral agreement, then the cost of labor participation of the hired workers who participated in the hunting farm is reflected in the corresponding lines of the form.

The cost of labor participation of members of the hunters’ society in recording the number of game animals, in performing biotechnical measures and other work is not included in the total costs of running a hunting farm.

Hunting users who run (along with hunting) a pond farm and carry out other activities not related to hunting do not include the corresponding non-core expenses in the total costs on line 07.

Line 08 shows the costs for the purchase of feed, seeds, materials for the construction of hunting infrastructure, stationery and other supplies for recording the number of hunting resources, ammunition, traps, self-catchers, special clothing, etc.

Line 09 shows the cost of goods purchased externally, received from other legal entities and individuals under an exchange agreement, trade credit or free of charge in the reporting year and capitalized upon receipt of fuel of all types, spent on technological purposes, generation of all types of energy (electric, thermal, compressed air, cold and other types), heating of buildings, structures, operation of agricultural machinery and vehicles, transport work performed by the hunting user's vehicles, regardless of what part of the fuel was used (consumed) in the reporting year for various needs or remained in storage in the form of leftovers.

Expenses for the purchase of fuel in this line are reflected at purchase prices (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments), including transportation and procurement costs associated with its purchase; insurance costs; costs of bringing the fuel to a state suitable for use for the intended purposes; other costs directly related to the purchase of fuel, as well as non-refundable taxes paid in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Line 10 reflects the cost of all types of purchased energy (electricity, heat, compressed air, cold and other types) spent on the needs of the hunting user (lighting, heating of buildings and other needs).

Line 11 takes into account the cost of purchased water spent on the needs of the hunting user.

Line 12 includes labor costs, including external part-time workers (for legal entities) and hired workers (for individual entrepreneurs), in monetary and non-monetary forms for worked and unworked time, compensation payments related to working conditions and working hours, additional payments and allowances, bonuses, one-time incentive payments, as well as payments for food and accommodation, which are systematic.

Line 13 from line 07 reflects contributions to extra-budgetary social funds that are not included in line 12.

Line 14 reflects the actual amount of annual fees for the use of wildlife objects, specified in the hunting agreement, paid annually by the hunting user.

Line 15 takes into account rental (including leasing) payments for leased (including leased) property in accordance with the contract: land and forest plots and other isolated natural objects, enterprises and other property complexes, buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles, etc. property owned by the organization. Thus, this line reflects rental (including leasing) payments accounted for by the tenant (lessee) on the Debit of accounts 20, 23 (25, 26), 44.

If the lease agreement stipulates that the hunting tenant pays rent and separately pays for utilities on the leased property, then the tenant on line 15 shows the amount of the rent, and the costs of paying for electricity, heat, water, communication services, utilities farms and other costs are shown on lines 09 - 11 of form N 2-TP (hunting).

From line 15 to line 16, the annual rent is allocated for land and forest plots provided for lease and located within the boundaries of the hunting area, calculated on the basis of the minimum rent and specified in the hunting agreement.

Line 17 reflects the costs of paying for the work and services of third-party organizations: development of a project for on-farm game management, development of projects for organizing nurseries, carrying out aerial survey work, drawing up a long-term plan for the development of the hunting industry, conducting an audit of the hunting industry, calculating damage to the hunting industry due to the destruction of hunting resources and violation of hunting lands from the implementation of economic activities, the preparation of a scientific justification for the hunting user to carry out measures for acclimatization, relocation, hybridization, regulation of the number of hunting resources, and other consulting services regarding the management of hunting.

This line also reflects the amount of non-refundable VAT for work and services paid for by the hunting user, performed and provided by third-party organizations. This line does not reflect the services of third-party organizations included in transportation and procurement costs taken into account as part of the purchase price of goods, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and components.

Lines 18 - 20 reflect the costs of running hunting by individual sources of funding: the federal budget (line 18), the hunting user’s own funds spent in the reporting year on running hunting (line 19), membership fees (contributions of members of the society of hunters and fishermen, sports, etc., including entry fees) (line 20).

If in the reporting year the hunting user attracted funds from the sale of hunting products or the provision of services to hunters (in particular, from the sale of vouchers), then this amount of costs is reflected in line 19.

The amount of data on lines 18 - 20 may be less than data on line 07 due to other sources of financing.

6. In section 3, from the total costs of running a hunting enterprise (line 07), the costs of on-farm hunting management, measures to create hunting infrastructure, to preserve hunting resources and their habitats and conduct censuses carried out in the reporting year within the boundaries of the assigned hunting area are highlighted land. It also takes into account the remuneration of workers who performed these types of work, and contributions to extra-budgetary social funds, which are distributed on lines 21 - 27 in proportion to the specific weight of the costs of each type of work.

The data in Section 3 is given without VAT on other mandatory payments in the form of a decimal fraction with one decimal place.

Line 21 reflects the costs of the hunting user for on-farm hunting management carried out in the reporting year, including payment for the services of organizations hired for these purposes.

The on-farm hunting management document is a scheme for the use and protection of the hunting area, which defines measures to preserve hunting resources and their habitat (line 23) and create hunting infrastructure (line 22). According to clause 6 of the Procedure for organizing on-farm hunting management, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated December 23, 2010 N 559, when carrying out on-farm hunting management:

The following is being developed: cartographic material containing graphical display and data on the areas of categories and classes of elements of the habitat of hunting resources; a project for dividing the territory of the hunting ground into ranger patrols, identifying zones for the protection of hunting resources, zones for training and training dogs of hunting breeds; hunting infrastructure planning project;

The following is determined: a list of types of hunting resources living on the territory of the hunting ground, in respect of which it is planned to carry out assessment; the maximum and minimum numbers of the main types of hunting resources on the territory of the hunting ground; calculation of the carrying capacity of the hunting area; biotechnical activities; volumes of permissible production of hunting resources; veterinary preventive and anti-epizootic measures to protect hunting resources from diseases; measures to create hunting infrastructure.

Line 22 reflects the costs of the hunting user for the creation of hunting infrastructure completed in the reporting year: for the construction of hunting bases, hunter's houses, ranger cordons, other stopping points, boat docks, nurseries for wild animals, canine facilities and nurseries for hunting dogs, shooting towers, shooting ranges , feed storage facilities, feeding structures, swaths, clearings, other temporary buildings, structures and improvement facilities intended for carrying out activities in the field of hunting; forest roads and other linear objects necessary for carrying out activities in the field of hunting. In addition, line 22 reflects the costs of purchasing equipment, transport, etc., and ongoing repairs of hunting infrastructure.

Line 23 reflects the costs of carrying out measures to preserve hunting resources and their habitat, of which biotechnical measures are distinguished (line 24) and the costs of maintaining and breeding hunting resources in nurseries (line 35 of column 3 of section 5).

The data in line 23 may be greater than line 24 by the amount of the hunting user’s costs for carrying out other measures to preserve hunting resources and their habitat, as well as for maintaining hunting dogs, paying for the services of organizations that carried out work on the scientific substantiation of measures for the reproduction of hunting resources, for carrying out production control (including payment for services hired for these purposes in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated March 26, 2012 N 81 of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), etc.

Line 24 reflects the funds spent by the hunting user on carrying out biotechnical activities in accordance with the types and composition of biotechnical activities, as well as the procedure for their implementation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated December 24, 2010 N 560 (with the exception of biotechnical activities carried out in the nursery), to which include: 1) preventing the death of hunting animals, 2) feeding hunting resources and improving the feeding conditions of the habitat (line 25), 3) reclamation of hunting lands, improving the conditions for the protection and natural reproduction of hunting resources, 4) resettlement of hunting resources (line 26), 5 ) selection work on the formation of certain sex and age structure of populations of hunting resources, as well as parameters of their exterior, 6) prevention of diseases of hunting resources.

Measures to prevent the loss of hunting resources include: eliminating illegal extraction of hunting resources, destruction and destruction of their habitat; regulation of the number of wildlife objects that affect the reduction in the number of hunting resources; preventing the loss of hunting resources from vehicles and production processes; preventing the loss of hunting resources from natural and man-made disasters, as well as the direct rescue of hunting resources during natural and man-made disasters; creating hunting resource protection zones in hunting areas.

Protection zones are specially protected areas of forests and other zones for the protection of hunting resources, in which their use is limited; the designation on the ground of the boundaries of zones for the protection of hunting resources, including through special information signs, is carried out in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body. The hunting user's costs for the production and installation of such signs in the reporting year are included in line 24.

Line 24 also includes costs: for the purchase of special clothing; on registration of forest tickets for the right to mow hay and cut down trees for feeding the cutting residues to hunting resources; wages of workers who performed the above work, transportation and other expenses associated with biotechnical activities.

Not included in the costs of biotechnical measures for the protection and reproduction of hunting resources, the cost of labor participation of members of the hunter society in carrying out biotechnical measures, the cost of maintaining and feeding hunting dogs, birds of prey, the construction and maintenance of hunters’ houses, access roads, as well as the costs of carrying out biotechnical events in the nursery.

From the total amount of work for carrying out biotechnical activities, line 25 allocates costs for activities to feed hunting resources and improve the feeding conditions of the habitat (laying out feed, planting and cultivating forage plants, creating artificial watering places, providing access to feed, creating structures for laying out feed , arrangement of fodder fields).

If the hunting user grows food on his own, then line 25 costs include the cost of seeds purchased for sowing, spare parts for special equipment, fuels and lubricants, rental of transport (tractors, etc.).

The cost of labor participation of members of the hunting community in performing these works is not included in the costs of purchasing and laying out fertilizing for hunting resources.

From line 24 to line 26 the costs of resettlement of hunting resources are reflected (their acclimatization and re-acclimatization, resettlement, placement of hunting resources in their habitat, raised in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitat), the cost of animals, equipment for their transportation, transportation costs ( including fuels and lubricants) and expenses for surveying territories for the resettlement of hunting resources and their survival rate, as well as wages of workers, rental of vehicles used for the resettlement of hunting resources.

The costs of dispersing hunting resources do not include the cost of labor participation of members of the hunting community in performing this work and the costs of maintaining and feeding hunting dogs and birds of prey.

It also does not take into account the costs incurred by the hunting user in the reporting year for the resettlement of hunting resources in the nursery.

Line 27 from line 07 shows the costs associated with recording the number of game animals: the purchase of equipment necessary for carrying out registration work, as well as payment for transport attracted for these purposes, incl. air transport (both own and leased), wages of employees performing accounting work (including field allowance payments), labor costs of hired workers hired by individual entrepreneurs to perform the specified work, contributions to extra-budgetary social funds, cost of cartographic material, fuels and lubricants, office supplies and other costs associated with taking into account the number of hunting resources, etc.

7. Section 4 reflects information on revenue from the sale of hunting products and services provided by the hunting user in the reporting year. The data in Section 4 is given as a decimal fraction with one decimal place.

Line 28 shows the funds received from carrying out hunting activities and running subsidiary farming: shooting, catching and selling game animals (meat, skins, hides, fat, horns), making stuffed animals and other products, as well as providing services to hunters (transport, housing, clothing and others). This also includes revenue from the sale of permits (licenses) for the extraction of hunting resources, from the sale of hunting products obtained from regulating the number of hunting resources.

Also, line 28 takes into account the funds received by the hunting user from the sale of hunting resources grown in the nursery (line 37 of section 5).

This line does not include entrance and membership fees, other targeted revenues, revenue of hunting users from pond management, as well as from other activities not related to hunting.

The data on line 28 may be greater than the sum of the data on lines 29-33 by the amount of other services provided by hunting users in the reporting year in the field of hunting.

Line 29 reflects: funds received by the hunting user from the sale of hunting products to organizations engaged in purchasing them.

Line 30 reflects the funds received by the hunting user from the provision of services to hunters, incl. from the provision of vehicles, hunting lodges, clothing, carcass cutting services, sale of permits (licenses) for the extraction of hunting resources, etc.

If, during amateur or sport hunting within the boundaries of a designated hunting ground, a game animal was caught as a result of a shooting (unintentional catch) that did not exceed the quota for the production of hunting resources of a given type, determined in relation to this hunting ground, then line 30 also reflects the reimbursed cost of services for organization of hunting in accordance with the price lists established by the hunting user.

Line 31 shows the funds received by the hunting user from the provision of services to scientific organizations, incl. from the provision of vehicles, hunting lodges, clothing, etc.

Line 32 reflects the funds received by the hunting user from the sale of hunting resources for placing them in a new habitat for them (outside the assigned hunting area).

Line 33 reflects the proceeds from the sale of obtained hunting resources during hunting in order to regulate the number of hunting resources to organizations engaged in the purchase of hunting products not used for personal consumption by an employee of the hunting user, who performs duties related to hunting and conservation of hunting resources, on based on an employment or civil law contract.

8. Section 5 is completed by hunting users who have permits for the maintenance and breeding of hunting resources in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats, which are issued for the duration of hunting agreements.

This section reflects information about hunting resources kept in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats (nurseries) and bred by the hunting user in order to ensure biological diversity, preserve the biological resource and genetic fund of wild animals, their movement, as well as the costs of their maintenance, revenue from the sale of hunting resources grown in nurseries. The data in columns 1, 2 on line 34 and subsequent lines, as well as line 36, are given in integers; the data in column 3 on lines 34 - 35 and line 37 - in the form of a decimal fraction with one decimal place.

Line 34 and subsequent lines reflect information on the types of hunting resources bred in the nursery.

Column B indicates the name of the hunting resource, and column C - the code in accordance with the application.

If the number of rows is insufficient, additional sheets must be included in the report.

Column 1 of line 34 and subsequent lines provides data on the amount of hunting resources released from the nursery to assigned hunting grounds in the reporting year.

Columns 2, 3, lines 34 and subsequent lines provide information about the types of hunting resources kept in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats.

Column 2 indicates the total number of adult individuals available in the nursery at the end of the reporting year, and column 3 reflects information about the costs of the hunting user (excluding VAT and other mandatory payments) spent on the maintenance of each species for the reporting year: purchasing the animal, keeping it, costs for the purchase of fertilizing, mineral nutrition, medicines, the creation of fertilizing structures, the installation of watering places, measures to restore plant resources on the territory of the nursery.

This also includes funds spent by the hunting user in the reporting year on the purchase of equipment and inventory used in the nursery, funds for the construction of structures for maintaining parent herds and young animals, egg laying, hatchery, costs for disinfection and storage of eggs, veterinary preventive and veterinary sanitary measures , for the creation of fodder fields, costs for protecting the territory of the nursery, remuneration of workers in the nursery, funds spent by the hunting user on regulating the number of predators.

If, for the efficiency of breeding and maintaining hunting resources in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats, the hunting user used the services of organizations specializing in the implementation of scientifically based recommendations and projects, then payment for the services of these organizations is also reflected in column 3.

The data in column 3 of line 35 is equal to the sum of 34 and subsequent lines in column 3 and is taken into account as part of the costs in line 23 of section 3.

Line 36 shows the total number of nurseries for breeding hunting resources (species, complex) that the hunting user has at the end of the reporting year.

Nurseries for breeding hunting resources include nurseries (aviaries) in which game mammals and birds are bred in order to ensure biological diversity, preserve biological resources and the genetic fund of wild animals.

Species nurseries contain one type of hunting resource, while complex nurseries contain several types of hunting resources simultaneously.

Line 37 shows revenue from the sale of hunting resources grown in the nursery and sold by the hunting user in the reporting year. The data from line 37 is included in line 28 of section 4.

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    legal entities and entrepreneurs who have long-term licenses for the use of game animals or who have entered into hunting agreements with the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    legal entities that are in charge (management) of specially protected natural areas (SPNA).

According to the new rules, if in the reporting period there was a reorganization, a change in the structure of a legal entity, a change in the methodology for calculating indicators, or significant changes in the volume of current costs for environmental protection, or fees for negative environmental impact compared to the previous year, then this information must be given in the explanation to the report.

The previous form No. 4-OS, approved by Rosstat order No. 344 dated July 28, 2015, will no longer be valid.

Form No. 2-TP (air)

Annual form No. 2-TP (air) “Information on the protection of atmospheric air” for 2016 should be submitted by 01/23/2017 to legal entities (including bankrupt organizations that have entered into bankruptcy proceedings, as well as branches, representative offices and divisions operating on territory of the Russian Federation of foreign organizations) and individual entrepreneurs who have stationary sources of emissions of pollutants into the air (including boiler houses), regardless of whether they are equipped with treatment plants or not:

    with a volume of permitted emissions of more than 10 tons per year;

    with a volume of permitted emissions from 5 to 10 tons per year inclusive, if the emissions contain air pollutants of hazard class 1 and (or) 2;

    based on actual emissions using the same criteria as for persons with permits.

According to the new rules, when filling out the form, control and instrumental measurements, operational and adjustment tests, the development of draft standards for maximum permissible emissions and other activities, the implementation of which is not directly related to the reduction of emissions of air pollutants from stationary sources, are not taken into account.

The previous form No. 2-TP (air), approved by Rosstat order No. 344 dated July 28, 2015, will no longer be valid.

Forms No. 1-LH and No. 12-LH

Annual form No. 1-ЛХ "Information on forest reproduction and afforestation" for 2016 must be submitted by 01/16/2017 to legal entities (including bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy management has been introduced) and individual entrepreneurs carrying out activities for forest reproduction and afforestation:

    on forest lands (in forests, the exercise of powers for the reproduction of which has been transferred to the state authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation);

    lands of other categories (on forest plots located on protected areas of federal, regional and local significance; on defense lands in federal ownership; on lands not related to the forest fund and owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation; on lands owned by municipal education), including in areas subject to radioactive contamination.

The new edition of form No. 1-ЛХ has been shortened - lines that had numbers 04, 13, 14, 30, 31, 46 – 51, 55 in the previous form have been excluded. Accordingly, arithmetic and logical controls have been clarified.

Annual form No. 12-LKh "Information on the protection of forests" for 2016 should be submitted by January 16, 2017 to legal entities (including bankrupt organizations that have been subject to bankruptcy management) and individual entrepreneurs carrying out measures to protect forests from pests:

    on forest lands (in forests, the exercise of powers to protect which has been transferred to state authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation);

    lands of other categories (on forest plots located on protected areas of federal, regional and local significance; on defense lands in federal ownership; on lands not related to the forest fund and owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation; on lands owned by municipal education).

According to the new rules, when filling out forms No. 1-LH and No. 12-LH:

    tenants of forest plots submit reports in accordance with the forest development project for the activities carried out in the reporting year on forest reproduction, afforestation and forest protection both on leased forest plots and on subleased plots;

    in case of delegation of authority to provide statistical reporting on behalf of a legal entity to a separate division, the separate division in the code part of the form indicates the OKPO code (for a branch) or identification number (for a separate division that does not have the status of a branch), which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat at its location separate division.

The previous editions of forms No. 1-ЛХ and No. 12-ЛХ, approved by Rosstat order No. 441 dated 08/09/2012, will no longer be valid.

Form No. 2-TP (hunting)

Annual form No. 2-TP (hunting) “Information on hunting and hunting management” for 2016 must be submitted by 03/21/2017 by legal entities (including bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy management has been introduced), as well as individual entrepreneurs who have entered into hunting leases. agreements with the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

According to the new rules, in case of changes in the boundaries and area of ​​assigned hunting grounds, it is necessary to attach to the report an explanation of the reasons for these changes, as well as additionally indicate the details of the legal act (type of document, name of the authority that adopted the document, date of adoption and number of the document, full name of the document) . In addition, it is noted that the costs of the hunting user for payment of state duties, fees, payment rates (per unit area of ​​the hunting area when concluding a hunting agreement or re-issuing a long-term license for the use of hunting resources for a hunting agreement) in the reporting year are included only in line 07 and are not reflected along other lines of the form.

The previous version of form No. 2-TP (hunting), approved by Rosstat order No. 540 dated August 29, 2014, will no longer be valid.

Form No. 5-SB

Annual form No. 5-SB "Information on the processing of potatoes, vegetables and fruit and berry products" for 2016 must be submitted by 01/10/2016 to legal entities processing potatoes, vegetables, food melons, fruits, berries and grapes. The previous version of form No. 5-SB, approved by Rosstat order No. 166 dated August 10, 2009, will no longer be valid.

Form No. 21-СХ and its appendix

Annual form No. 21-СХ "Information on the sale of agricultural products" and the annual supplement to form No. 21-СХ "Information on the export of agricultural products" for 2016 will have to be submitted before 01/09/2017 to legal entities of all forms of ownership engaged in agricultural activities (in accordance with with the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) codes 01.1, 01.2, 01.3, 01.4), including bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy proceedings have been introduced, as well as branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating in the Russian Federation, except for small businesses and peasant (farm) farms.

According to the new rules, in section 1 of form No. 21-СХ, the quantity of products sold is filled in according to the following rules: eggs - thousands of pieces; karakul and smushka - pieces; silkworm cocoons - kilogram; skins of fur-bearing animals - pieces. Control ratios are now given not only for section 1, but also for the form as a whole (you will find them in the final part of the instructions for filling out the form).

    are given in the Instructions for filling out the federal statistical observation form No. 21-СХ "Information on the sale of agricultural products", approved by Rosstat order No. 208 dated September 25, 2009;

    posted in the public domain on the official website of Rosstat on the Internet information and telecommunications network - tools, methodology and normative reference information/Forms of federal statistical observation/Album of forms of federal statistical observation, collection and processing of data on which carried out in the system of the Federal State Statistics Service/Agriculture.

In the appendix to form No. 21-СХ in the case of export of agricultural products to the territory of the autonomous okrugs of the Arkhangelsk and Tyumen regions, data must be filled out separately for export to the territory of the autonomous okrugs that are part of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, and for export to the territory of the Arkhangelsk region (without an autonomous okrug) and Tyumen region (without autonomous okrugs).

The following version of form No. 21-СХ, approved by Rosstat order No. 319 dated September 17, 2010, and the previous version of the annex to form No. 21-СХ, approved by Rosstat order No. 336 dated July 29, 2011, will become invalid.

Form No. 24-СХ

Annual form No. 24-СХ "Information on the state of livestock husbandry" for 2016 will be submitted by legal entities of all forms of ownership engaged in agricultural activities (in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) codes 01.1, 01.2, 01.3, 01.4) by 01/10/2017 , including bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy proceedings have been introduced, as well as branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, except for small businesses and peasant (farm) farms.

According to the new rules, in the case of delegation of authority to provide statistical reporting on behalf of a legal entity to a separate division, it indicates in the code part of the form the OKPO code (for a branch) or identification number (for a separate division that does not have the status of a branch), which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat for location of the separate unit.

The previous version of form No. 24-СХ, approved by Rosstat order No. 319 dated September 17, 2010, will no longer be valid.

Form No. P-1 (СХ)

Monthly form No. P-1 (SH) “Information on the production and shipment of agricultural products” will have to be submitted from January 2017 by legal entities of all forms of ownership engaged in agricultural activities (in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED2) codes 01.1, 01.2 , 01.3, 01.4, 01.5, 01.6), including bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy proceedings have been introduced, as well as branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating in the territory of the Russian Federation, except for small businesses and peasant (farm) farms.

According to the new rules, temporarily non-operating organizations that carried out agricultural activities during part of the reporting period submit Form No. P-1 (CX) on a general basis, indicating since what time they have not been working. If the structure of a legal entity changes in the reporting year, in Form No. P-1 (CX), data for the reporting period of the current year are given based on the new structure of the legal entity. All indicators in form No. P-1 (CX) are filled in in whole numbers without a decimal place.

The rules for filling out form No. P-1 (CX) have been adjusted and are now set out separately for each section.

The previous version of form No. P-1 (SH), approved by Rosstat order No. 344 dated July 28, 2015, will become invalid.

Form No. 3-farmer

Annual form No. 3-farmer “Information on the production of livestock products and the number of livestock” for 2016 should be submitted no later than 01/09/2016 to peasant (farm) households, as well as entrepreneurs conducting agricultural activities and having a number of farm animals.

Monthly form No. 3 - farmer will be submitted with the report for January 2017 - no later than the 2nd day after the reporting month - small businesses whose main activity is agricultural activity (in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED2) codes 01.1, 01.2 , 01.3, 01.4, 01.5, 01.6), having livestock of farm animals, including bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy proceedings have been introduced, as well as branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the new edition, section 4 and the order of filling in lines from 56 to 58 have undergone targeted changes.

The previous version of form No. 3-farmer, approved by Rosstat order No. 344 dated July 28, 2015, will no longer be valid.

Form No. 1-СХ (balance sheet) - urgent

Quarterly form No. 1-СХ (balance sheet) - urgent "Information on the movement of grain and products of its processing" starting from the report for the first quarter of 2017 must be submitted no later than the 7th day after the reporting quarter to legal entities purchasing, storing, processing grain and products grain processing (except for agricultural enterprises, peasant (farm) farms).

The form is filled out on the basis of data from the primary accounting of the movement of grain and grain processing products. It must reflect all operations on the movement of grain and grain processing products in the organization for the reporting period. In the new instructions for filling out form No. 1-СХ (balance sheet) - urgent, there is no longer any reference to the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated October 26, 2001 No. 77. Now the rules for filling out are fully given in the appendix to the order that approved the form.

The previous version of form No. 1-СХ (balance sheet) - urgent, approved by Rosstat order No. 344 dated July 28, 2015, will become invalid.

Form No. 2-farmer

Form No. 2-farmer “Information on harvesting of agricultural crops” will be submitted to:

    legal entities - small businesses whose main activity is agricultural activity (in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED2) codes 01.1, 01.2, 01.3, 01.4, 01.5, 01.6), including bankrupt organizations for which bankruptcy proceedings, as well as branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    peasant (farm) farms;

    individual entrepreneurs with crops and perennial crops.

The previous version of form No. 2-farmer, approved by Rosstat order No. 344 dated July 28, 2015, will no longer be valid.

Form No. 29-СХ

Form No. 29-СХ "Information on the harvest of agricultural crops" should be submitted once a year from the report in 2017 to legal entities of all forms of ownership engaged in agricultural activities (in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED2) codes 01.1, 01.2, 01.3, 01.4, 01.5, 01.6), including bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy proceedings have been introduced, as well as branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, except for small businesses and peasant (farm) farms.

The reference to the fact that the deadline for submitting the form is set by the territorial body of Rosstat depending on the timing of completion of harvesting work has been removed from the instructions for filling out the form.

The previous version of form No. 29-СХ, approved by Rosstat order No. 344 dated July 28, 2015, will no longer be valid.

Reporting on paper and electronically

As you remember, Rosstat is obliged:

1) inform free of charge (including in writing) organizations and other respondents about the federal statistical observation carried out against them. For this purpose, territorial bodies of Rosstat can:

    publish on your website a list of organizations that are required to submit the appropriate forms. You can find the website of your territorial authority on the Internet (using an interactive map) at;

2) provide free of charge, at the request of a small enterprise, statistical forms and instructions for filling them out;

3) post on your website on the Internet statistical forms and instructions for filling them out, as well as a list of small enterprises in respect of which statistical observation is carried out.

In any case, to obtain information, you have the right to contact your territorial division of Rosstat.

All documents named in the order can be submitted in electronic form using the TKS, provided that the corresponding XML templates are posted on the official website of Rosstat at At the moment, XML templates are available in the “Information for respondents/Statistical reporting in electronic form” menu. All XML templates of statistical forms posted as of 08/30/2016 are available at

Please note: federal statistical observation forms received by Rosstat electronically via TKS not in accordance with the XML templates in force for the reporting period and posted on the official website of Rosstat are considered not provided (clause 7 of the Regulations on the conditions for the mandatory provision of primary statistical data and administrative data to subjects of official statistical accounting, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 620, clauses 3.1, 3.2 of the Procedure for organizing the processing of primary statistical data according to federal statistical observation forms received from respondents electronically via telecommunication channels, approved by order Rosstat dated October 27, 2010 No. 370).