School discipline. Reasons for violation of discipline

How you want to go into the classroom, and there - the board is ready, the class stands at attention, everything is in place, everyone is waiting for the teacher, ready to absorb the eternal, good, bright. If discipline in the classroom is at its best, then studies give good results.

But dreams and reality often do not coincide...

So you come to class, you want to “sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal.” And there are small (or not at all small) animals sitting there. And their first desire is to eat you. And at first they test the teacher’s strength. If you can stand it, contact appears, but if the gallery doesn’t accept you, there will be no discipline!

When discipline in a teacher’s class is stressful and does not allow him to properly explain the lesson material, it is very difficult to work. Indeed, in this case, instead of teaching, what comes to the fore is full height issues of discipline and order in the classroom.

A sore point is discipline in the classroom. No matter how much I prepare for the lesson, everything goes down the drain because there is no discipline.

Children are not afraid of anything, do not understand the teacher’s requirements, go about their own business, etc. The worst thing is that this is not only in my class.

(quotes from teachers forum)

Teachers write that sometimes they simply give up, the situation becomes entangled in some kind of chaotic tangle, which is not possible to untangle. The teacher simply does not understand why some methods of maintaining discipline work in one class and do not work in another. What is this connected with? It seems that the children are the same age, the same educational material.

Why do discipline problems arise? How to deal with naughty children and implement the lesson plan? Finally, how can a teacher stop feeling angry and irritated with children?

In this article we will give several effective advice, how to maintain discipline in the classroom, using the latest discoveries in psychology - system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

System-vector psychology has revealed and systematized all the deep unconscious desires of a person. When the teacher understands all these undercurrents of the unconscious that move both separate child, and the class staff, it is much easier for him to establish discipline in the class. If this understanding is not there, then the teacher acts using a non-systematic “poke” method, sometimes hitting the mark and sometimes not.

Discipline in primary school

Discipline in 1st grade is only the first steps in developing organizational skills in children. Further interest in learning and discipline in the classroom depend on the foundations laid in first grade.

For first-graders, the leader becomes educational activities, at the same time, the need for the game also remains high. Children still have a fairly high interest in learning. At the intersection of two desires - cognitive interest and the need for play - discipline is best formed in the first grade.

At the same time, discipline is not only about managing the attention of schoolchildren, but also about understanding the deep laws of team formation. These laws unconsciously arrange children into a hierarchy according to their mental properties. Knowing this coordinate system, it is much easier to manage a team - simply because you understand which “keys” and what “melody” should be played.

For training and instilling discipline skills, system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan recommends using team games and competitions, as with us. When common goals are achieved by a team of students, it is always better. Because if everyone contributes their efforts to a collective cause, then the victory becomes even sweeter.

Therefore, the teacher, even emphasizing the merits of an individual student, always needs to emphasize that he sets an example for other children or has made the greatest contribution to making the lesson interesting.

Varied gaming techniques allow you to better concentrate on tasks and study with greater interest. Naturally, a primary school teacher works closely with parents.

Parents who are also concerned about discipline in 1st grade cannot give advice to the teacher. Although a lot depends on them. After all, the child carries his fortunes from the family. And if he does not feel support from his mother, then his behavior becomes “strange.” And parents and teachers continue to put pressure on the child who has not yet had time to adapt to school.

The worst thing is when yelling at a child is used. And some even begin to beat careless (in their opinion) or lazy kids. It is important to understand that such actions immediately lead to a delay in the psychosexual and mental development of the child. And then a “vicious circle” begins: if interest in learning drops, then problems with discipline in the classroom immediately arise.

When a child has a normal family environment, then discipline at school and in the classroom will no longer suffer. But we should not forget this point: a child can feel much more protected at school, where they do not humiliate him, but try to help him. In any case, teachers know that children from disadvantaged families have an impact on general discipline in class. It is these children who most often behave inappropriately to the situation: they become hysterical, offended or hyperactive.

In any case, the teacher takes adult position. Obviously, blaming a child for difficulties in adapting to school is unreasonable. However, the teacher, knowing the characteristics of such a student, can provide him with support and become that bright ray of soul that will lead the child through life. Will be able to correctly tell the child what are real values ​​and what is just “foam” or soap bubbles, which are not worth wasting your efforts on. That is, direct the child’s efforts towards his optimal development.

Don't yell at your child

The most important rule: You cannot shout at children. This destroys the neural connections in their brain!

A teacher who does not understand these postulates and continues to shout at children and humiliate them becomes even more difficult to achieve discipline in the classroom. Unconsciously, in order to feel safe, children begin to flock together and resist the teacher’s disciplinary measures as a group.

Discipline problems in 5th grade

The transition to middle school brings with it other problems with classroom discipline. This is due to the fact that instead of one teacher there are many teachers and each has their own requirements. At the same time, some teachers are able to maintain discipline in the classroom, while others are worse at it. But children accurately read all these moments. They have a great sense of which teacher they can “take advantage of” in class, and where they won’t be allowed to go down.

According to system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan, man is built on the principle of pleasure. This is most pronounced in children. If they don't want to do something, you can't force them. But knowing individual characteristics children, it is much easier to approach them not through the “stick”, but through the “carrot”.

Moreover, for each child, depending on his innate characteristics (vectors), the “prize”, that is, the same “carrot”, can be a separate encouraging word from the teacher. For smart and active children with a skin vector, this is an opportunity to be the first. This means we praise them for their speed, while pointing out the mistakes they make.

But for thorough students, owners anal vector, main value- this is an opportunity To be the best. Therefore, they should be praised for their quality and perseverance.

Emotional children need to be encouraged for the beauty of completing tasks and celebrate these works in front of the class. It is always better for closed introverts, owners of the sound vector - potential geniuses - to be given an additional task of higher complexity. Their abstract intelligence is capable of solving very complex problems.

By giving the children a load according to their properties, we... When children learn with pleasure, discipline problems most often do not arise.

Of course, we do not forget that now is the age of clip thinking. Modern children find it difficult to focus on the same thing for a long time, they lose interest, so the lesson itself should be filled with a variety of material.

Will I command the parade?

Organizing discipline in the classroom is a process that requires systematic approach. First of all, there must be clearly defined rules of behavior in the classroom. After all, discipline is also goals, objectives, plans and deadlines for their implementation. Of course the teacher has syllabus and through joint efforts it must be accomplished.

When a teacher tries to influence students only through harsh disciplinary measures, that is, without internal agreement, recognition by the collective of the fairness of these rules, nothing happens.

This is very interesting point, which system-vector psychology accurately shows. And it is connected with unconscious reactions and characteristics of our mentality. Let me remind you that we have a collectivist communal mentality. And for us the concept justice and mercy are much higher than the law.

The teacher will simply confront the students, and this unconscious struggle will only make the situation worse. The schoolchildren will stick to their line, the teacher will try to appeal to discipline, rules, and apply punitive measures, but the general tension will only grow.

Where does this fine line lie between strict discipline and the desire to learn? The answer is simple - in the field of cooperation. When can a teacher organize the learning process in such a way that there is discipline without getting lost? cognitive activity Guys.

How to establish discipline in the classroom - confrontation or cooperation?

In fact Discipline in the classroom is the creation of conditions for cooperation between teachers and students and students among themselves.

Here are some systemic tips from collaborative pedagogy.

Using the pleasure principle, attract children of any age to cooperation when teaching a lesson. These can be very simple steps and actions: distributing notebooks, preparing the board and class for the lesson, conducting physical education during the lesson and selecting musical breaks for them.

When children are involved in the process and invest even a little effort into the lesson, their interest in learning increases and discipline problems fade into the background.

For example, organize a competition “Talents of our class”, where each student - who can do what - makes his creative contribution and shows, for example, English / mathematics / biology in song, dance, edits a film, draws, sculpts, screams like a savage (than not a nomination). By allowing children to express themselves, we allow students to look at a subject from a different perspective. Often through moments like these you can discover different ways of explaining even very complex tasks.

I had a girl who couldn't get the stars out of the sky in math. But the way she painted and felt color was simply her unique gift. As a class, we asked her to illustrate mathematical fairy tales written by other students. As a result, simply masterpieces appeared in both design and content. These works decorated our classroom for many years.

Cooperation between children is always positive. When we show the kids this opportunity to show their talents, they are ready to continue on this path themselves and often help each other in various subjects.

Discipline in high school - working through cooperation

Discipline in the 9th grade is a different issue, since teenagers begin puberty, which means they want to try their independence more and more, and, of course, they consider themselves already adults, smart and do not obey discipline in class, sometimes just out of protest.

What can be done? Here again, gaming techniques help. Games on self-government days, when the same teenagers must prepare a lesson for 45 minutes and conduct it in junior classes. Yes, yes, just like that - on opposites! When they themselves, faced with discipline problems in the 7th grade, see this holiday of disobedience in all its glory, they will be able to change their view of discipline in the classroom. In general, role reversal has a very positive effect on students.

You can then even assign high school students to hold a conference on various topics. For example, “Peculiarities of discipline in 6th grade.” Another is preparing a report on the topic of discipline problems in the 5th grade, and so on, to the point that teachers themselves can learn from teenagers various techniques maintaining attention.

You can understand something through opposites. When a holiday of disobedience is organized, and then there is a discussion about it, then reasonable rules are very easily formed, which are recognized by the group of children.

Obviously, for quality educational process Discipline must be maintained at school and in the classroom.

Modern children are polymorphic, that is, they have several vectors. Recognizing their internal motives for a particular action makes it easy to learn how to maintain discipline in the classroom by accurately using pedagogical techniques.

Discipline will never be perfect, this must also be understood. Children go through different periods of their development, their family situation changes, which also affects the discipline and behavior of schoolchildren. But precisely because the work of a teacher requires a creative approach and knowledge of the mental characteristics of children.

With Yuri Burlan's knowledge of system-vector psychology, working with children and maintaining discipline in the classroom becomes easy and simple. Here are reviews from teachers about applying the latest discoveries in the field of psychology in their work.

You can unravel the tangle of contradictions and misunderstandings between teacher and students at a free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

This is a unique practical tool in the work of a teacher.

System-vector psychology has precise answers to all questions about how to establish discipline in the classroom. Register for free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

How do you resolve the issue of discipline in your class? Your opinion is very important. Perhaps you have personal experience, different from mine? Share your finds in the comments.

The article was written using materials from online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan


Can we hope that we will be able to say the final word on the issue of discipline in school? Many teachers talk about it, and there is literally no end to the conversations on this topic. We could not, however, devote any more or less detailed chapter. Why? For the simple reason that we do not consider the question of discipline as special, independent question; it is entirely related to the problem of learning in general. In our opinion, the question of discipline is inseparable from the questions of didactics and, if not entirely coincides with them, then its solution in any case is a consequence of the solution of these issues. A true didactus also establishes discipline; Anyone who is intimately familiar with the matter of teaching knows how discipline of students is achieved; who teaches well, disciplines well. Subjects of study (according to the old, but often forgotten view) are called disciplines. These provisions, the number of which could be significantly increased, were unknown pedagogical world, while they saw the teacher’s calling only in teaching (to inform, instruct, present by the dogmatic method). In those days, one could know a lot, speak well, “teach”, and at the same time not be able to maintain discipline in the classroom at all. However, now they began to see in teaching something more, something other than the communication of knowledge, namely, by training they began to understand the arousal of spiritual forces to their initiative. Now we can no longer talk about a good teacher who could not at the same time establish good discipline in his class. The educational power of a teacher and his Influence in this regard are entirely proportional to his ability to teach. Modern teacher knows no other occupations than working at school from morning to evening; he is completely absorbed in his duties as a teacher. 61 The title of teacher is not a fictitious nickname that could be replaced by another, better one. The old Schulmeisters73 have now grown to become teachers. The teacher keeps the entire student under his control: his attention, diligence, desire for knowledge, ability to perceive, ability to speak, initiative, self-control - in a word, all his spiritual powers, related not only to the field of knowledge, but also to the strength of character. He manages his students, guides and disciplines them externally and internally. The student receives a certain school. External order, decency and good manners, courtesy and obedience, self-control in all external behavior (manner of walking, sitting, etc.) and in work (in doing it and in responding), love for the work, the teacher and the school, therefore, also sincerity and truthfulness - all these qualities are the result of the action of the living educational principle of the school, i.e. living, thinking, strong willed teachers. The essence of all means of discipline is concentrated in the following requirement in relation to the teacher: teach with didactic, and therefore with disciplinary power. The principle of learning is at the same time the principle of school education. It goes without saying that a teacher who reflects on his teaching method must also think through the entire external order of his work. He must clearly establish the requirements and train students to comply with them. It is also clear that in a school where several teachers work, they must establish a certain consistency regarding the external order, so that one does not destroy what the other creates. The teacher's true instinct will tell him the real path. Do we need to name separate rules? There are countless of them. However, we will indicate the most important ones: 1) Strict monitoring of the timely arrival of all students at school: not too early, not too late, but before the bell. Therefore, the teacher must be at school before the bell rings. It's necessary. Which student was late for the bell? worth-for the entire first lesson, and then sits on last place. 2) Students should sit quietly in their seats and quietly prepare for the start of the lesson. 3) Immediately after the bell, the lesson should begin with singing or prayer, always short. It is enough to sing one stanza from the chant. Those who adhere to a routine are forced to sing entire chants, forgetting that this singing should only give exercise to work. 4) The teacher should sit (or stand) in front of the whole class at his desk, and not walk back and forth. All students must be visible to him. He addresses everyone, asks questions to everyone, excites everyone as one. 5) Students should express their readiness to answer by raising a brush right hand(or index finger), but not the whole hand. The answer to a question should be given by only one student, upon call from the teacher. ! 6) The student must answer standing; speak loudly, clearly and clearly. No mistakes, no hesitation, no ambiguity or reticence. No hint (it's a school plague). 7) Reassignment of students based on their success can be used only after summing up the results of their work. Anyone who constantly needs this means to maintain students' attention is a mediocre or completely weak teacher. 8) The student should be praised for every energetic effort, even if it is accompanied by weak results. This kind of recognition is invigorating. Reproach suppresses vigor, especially undeserved reproach. 9) It is necessary to briefly and definitely formulate your demands, and not read moral lectures. Both encouragement and reprimand should be brief. Good teacher stingy with words. 10) Patient attitude towards the weak, tireless work with those who want to work. An intolerant attitude towards someone who does not give everything that he is able to give. 11) Students should follow the teacher with their eyes, as a planet follows the sun or a satellite follows its main planet (this is done by itself, without constant instructions, otherwise it is artificial and devoid of value). The student must sit straight, but not like an idol, do not dangle his legs, and keep his hands on the desk. 12) Upon completion school activities The children calmly say goodbye to the teacher and calmly return home. Are these 12 rules enough? Should we still give instructions on how students should behave when a stranger, inspector, etc. visits their classroom? How should a teacher behave when parents receive complaints, how and with what (with canes?) to punish, or not to resort to punishment at all? There are a thousand such questions, there is no end to them. Those who have genuine pedagogical tact will find the right line of behavior themselves. Therefore, the teacher must purchase it. Without it, everything else - wood, straw, shavings - everything becomes a victim of fire 74. Whoever has this tact can make mistakes - “a person makes mistakes while he strives for something” - but will never completely lose sight the right way. Experience explains and guides. Not everything is given to everyone at once. “When two people do the same thing, it is still not the same” - this aphorism applies not only to erring students, but also to disciplining teachers. “The same thing is not equally suitable for everyone.” What one person succeeds, often fails another. There is no ready-made recipe for the many thousands of possible cases of discipline. Real teachers and educators are born. Let others learn from them by observing their work. A strong character and a strong will directed towards good do a lot of good. And here everything depends on aspirations. Right aspirations lead to right understanding. Where there are the first, there will be the second. We better not talk about punishments. They for the most part and are useless and unnecessary where teaching is carried out correctly, that is, according to the nature of the child and the nature of the subject of teaching itself. It is only necessary that the student work at school willingly. Where this occurs, there can be no and no cases of student disobedience. Where this is not the case, one has to constantly and unsuccessfully come up with punishments. Punishment in general should have as its goal the elimination of punishments. Punishment is prevented by love of work, and love of work can and should be developed through work. x Goethe says: “Love, joy, active participation in affairs are the only real ones, they give rise to the real; everything else is vanity and leads only to vanity.” The feeling of continuously developing strength only excites the desire for further development. The principle of teaching becomes the principle of education, and the method of teaching becomes the method of education. Young teachers have difficulty disciplining students because they do not yet know how to teach. A significant part of scientists do not know how to discipline their students because they do not know how to teach. If they learned the teaching method - this, in their opinion, "nonsense", then they would know how to discipline their students. This can be seen in the example of teachers' seminaries. Where young people receive good guidance during their studies, everything goes well for them. The proposition that the principle of teaching is also the principle of education is not just made up. Where both of these principles are scattered, where teaching in itself is not educational, but consists only in the communication of knowledge, there can be no talk of developmental training.

School discipline- one of the forms of manifestation of social discipline. This is the accepted order within the walls educational institution, this is students’ compliance with the rules of relationships with students and teachers, this is the obligation for all members of the team to comply with the accepted rules and regulations. Being integral part morality, discipline of students consists of knowledge of the rules of behavior, the established order and their conscious implementation. Fixed rules of behavior determine the actions and actions of an individual. School discipline prepares the child for social activities which is impossible without discipline. She is the result moral education, it is no coincidence that A. S. Makarenko considered discipline as a moral and political phenomenon, incompatible with indiscipline and disrespect for public order.

Compliance with school discipline presupposes submission to the demands of the team, the majority. The work of schools and teachers to instill conscious discipline and a culture of behavior should be aimed at explaining to schoolchildren the need to maintain discipline in the interests of the individual, the team and society. But the discipline of an individual cannot be considered only as subordination; it must be considered in the context of his freedom, as the subjective ability of an individual to self-organize and achieve his own goals in a historically developed way. The ability of an individual to choose his own line of behavior in various circumstances (self-determination) is a moral prerequisite for responsibility for his actions (O. S. Gazman). Possessing self-discipline, the student protects himself from random external circumstances, thereby increasing the degree of his own freedom.

Discipline as personal quality It has different levels development, which is reflected in the concept of culture of behavior. It includes various aspects of an individual’s moral behavior; it organically merges the culture of communication, the culture of appearance, the culture of speech and everyday culture. Fostering a culture of communication in children requires the formation of trust and kindness towards people, when politeness and attentiveness become the norms of communication. It is important to teach children how to behave with family, friends, neighbors, strangers, in transport, in in public places. In the family and school, care must be taken to familiarize children with the rituals of congratulations, giving gifts, expressing condolences, the rules of conducting business, telephone conversations, etc.

The culture of appearance consists of the ability to dress elegantly, tastefully, and choose your own style; from observing the rules of personal hygiene, from the peculiarities of gestures, facial expressions, gait, movements. Speech culture is the student’s ability to conduct a discussion, understand humor, and use expressive language. language means in different communication conditions, master the norms of oral and written literary language. One of the areas of work to develop a culture of behavior is the cultivation of an aesthetic attitude towards objects and phenomena of everyday life - the rational organization of one’s home, accuracy in household, behavior at the table during meals, etc. The culture of children’s behavior is largely formed under the influence personal example teachers, parents, older students, traditions, public opinion prevailing in school and family.

Ecological culture of students. A rapidly growing conservation movement is sweeping the world. The question of how a person should relate to environment, V equally stood before every inhabitant of the planet. In modern science, the concept of “ecology” is characterized by the unity of biological, social, economic, technical, hygienic factors in people’s lives. On this basis, it is legitimate to distinguish social, technical, and medical ecology, which consider human behavior in nature.

Purpose of formation ecological culture schoolchildren is to educate responsible, careful attitude to nature. Achieving this goal is possible subject to targeted systematic work schools to develop students' system scientific knowledge aimed at understanding the processes and results of interaction between man, society and nature; environmental value orientations, norms and rules in relation to nature, skills and abilities for its study and protection.

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Average comprehensive school

Abstract on the topic: School discipline

student of class 10-A

Ablyakimova Elmara

Head: teacher

in jurisprudence

Gubin. G.A.

Romashkino - 2012

A little about Discipline

DISCIPLINE (lat. disciplina) - certain order behavior of people that meets the established norms of law and morality in society, as well as the requirements of a particular organization.

I think the theme of discipline is very close to the theme of authority. Final decision Both issues depend on the solution to the topic of freedom in education. Freedom is a factor that connects and deepens these two topics. The topic of discipline is, of course, much easier compared to the topic of authority. However, this view is correct only with a narrow understanding of the term discipline. If the topic of discipline is expanded to the question of coercion in education in general, then the topic, of course, deepens significantly.

Discipline, in essence, is organized coercion. Organized in the sense that not all coercion (for example, random) is discipline. Discipline, being organized coercion, is at the same time an organizing principle, a principle that organizes an order established in advance. Of course, any discipline in itself is not a goal, but only a means to achieve specific purpose.


Regarding school discipline, which serves to solve internal tasks schools. At school, however, there is external and internal coercion; the presence of external coercion of children at school gives rise to the question of school discipline, because Discipline has always been considered the main rule of the internal structure of the school.

School discipline is a certain order of behavior of schoolchildren, determined by the need for successful organization of the educational process. Usually there are external and internal discipline.

External discipline is obedience, obedience and submission, which are based on external positive and negative sanctions - encouragement and punishment.

Internal discipline is the ability of a student to inhibit unwanted impulses and independently manage his behavior. It is based on the assimilation of rules and norms, which acts as an internal need.

The main condition that ensures disciplinary behavior of schoolchildren in the classroom is a carefully designed lesson. When the lesson is well structured, all its moments are clearly planned, if all the children are busy with activities, they will not violate discipline. The child regulates his behavior unconsciously: he is attracted by a situation of interest. Therefore, as soon as the lesson becomes uninteresting, disciplined behavior disappears.

But a teacher cannot make every lesson interesting, and the secrets of pedagogical skill are not learned immediately. Discipline is needed in every lesson, from the very first day of a child’s stay at school. Is there a way out?

An important factor influencing the disciplined behavior of schoolchildren in the classroom is the type of relationship between the teacher and children.

The main criterion of the type is the position that the teacher takes in relation to the class, organizing and regulating the disciplined behavior of students in the lesson.

In a democratic style, the teacher organizes joint activities with children to manage their behavior; he is inside the class

With a liberal-permissive style of relations, the teacher does not control the behavior of children and is aloof from them. Doesn't set goals for children.

The teacher’s position is expressed, first of all, in what methods of behavior management the teacher uses. In my practice I use 3 methods: persuasion, demand, suggestion.

The method of persuasion brings to the consciousness of schoolchildren the norms and rules of behavior. The child must feel and realize the value and significance of discipline for himself and others.

Look, when you are not distracted and the letters come out beautiful, and when you are spinning and the letters are jumping.

If anyone wants to ask anything, raise your hand. You cannot shout from your seat and disturb your comrades. They are busy working, they are thinking.

The requirement to comply with the rules of behavior in the classroom is usually expressed in categorical forms:

orders: Everyone sit down!, Hands on desks!;

prohibitions: Do not leaf through textbooks, Do not swing your legs;

orders: Touch the backs of the desks, We work in silence! Absolute silence in the classroom.

A benevolent suggestion can accept confidential instructions. Sasha, you are talking and disturbing us, Seryozha, I am afraid that because of you we will not be able to solve the problem, Kolya, you will spin around and not understand anything.

I like teachers who use a mixed authoritarian-democratic leadership style to instill discipline. In this style, everything is subordinated to work, the teacher convinces students that discipline is the key to successful studies. Children's disciplined behavior is stable. The skill of self-regulation of behavior and the skill of subordination to the teacher are developed.

middle School of General education

Abstract on the topic: “School discipline”

student of class 10-A

Ablyakimova Elmara

Head: teacher

in jurisprudence

Gubin. G.A.

Romashkino - 2012

A little about “Discipline”

DISCIPLINE (lat. disciplina) is a certain order of people’s behavior that meets the established norms of law and morality in society, as well as the requirements of a particular organization.

I think the theme of discipline is very close to the theme of authority. The final solution to both questions depends on the solution to the topic of freedom in education. Freedom is a factor that connects and deepens these two themes. The topic of discipline is, of course, much easier compared to the topic of authority. However, this view is correct only with a narrow understanding of the term discipline . If the topic of discipline is expanded to the question of coercion in education in general, then the topic, of course, deepens significantly.

Discipline, in essence, is organized coercion. Organized in the sense that not all coercion (for example, random) is discipline. Discipline, being organized coercion, is at the same time an organizing principle, a principle that organizes an order established in advance. Of course, any discipline in itself is not an end, but only a means to achieve a certain goal.


As for school discipline, which serves to solve the internal problems of the school. At school, however, there is external and internal coercion; the presence of external coercion of children at school gives rise to the question of school discipline, because Discipline has always been considered the main rule of the internal structure of the school.

School discipline is a certain order of behavior of schoolchildren, determined by the need for successful organization of the educational process. Usually there are external and internal discipline.

External discipline is obedience, obedience and submission, which are based on external positive and negative sanctions - encouragement and punishment.

Internal discipline is the ability of a student to inhibit unwanted impulses and independently manage his behavior. It is based on the assimilation of rules and norms, which acts as an internal need.

The main condition that ensures disciplinary behavior of schoolchildren in the classroom is a carefully designed lesson. When the lesson is well structured, all its moments are clearly planned, if all the children are busy with activities, they will not violate discipline. The child regulates his behavior unconsciously: he is attracted by a situation of interest. Therefore, as soon as the lesson becomes uninteresting, disciplined behavior disappears.

But a teacher cannot make every lesson interesting, and the secrets of pedagogical skill are not learned immediately. Discipline is needed in every lesson, from the very first day of a child’s stay at school. Is there a way out?

An important factor influencing the disciplined behavior of schoolchildren in the classroom is the type of relationship between the teacher and children.

The main criterion of the type is the position that the teacher takes in relation to the class, organizing and regulating the disciplined behavior of students in the lesson.

In a democratic style, the teacher organizes joint activities with children to manage their behavior; he is “inside the class”

With a liberal-permissive style of relations, the teacher does not control the behavior of children and is aloof from them. Doesn't set goals for children.

The teacher’s position is expressed, first of all, in what methods of behavior management the teacher uses. In my practice I use 3 methods: persuasion, demand, suggestion.

The method of persuasion brings to the consciousness of schoolchildren the norms and rules of behavior. The child must feel and realize the value and significance of discipline for himself and others.

-Look, when you are not distracted and the letters come out beautiful, and when you are spinning and the letters are jumping.

-If anyone wants to ask anything, raise your hand. You cannot shout from your seat and disturb your comrades. They are busy working, they are thinking.

The requirement to comply with the rules of behavior in the classroom is usually expressed in categorical forms:

orders: “Everyone sit down!”, “Hands on your desks!”;

prohibitions: “Don’t leaf through textbooks”, “Don’t swing your legs”;

orders: “Touch the backs of the desks”, “We work in silence!” "Absolute silence in the classroom."

A benevolent suggestion can take the confidential instructions “Sasha, you are talking and disturbing us”, “Seryozha, I am afraid that because of you we will not be able to solve the problem”, “Kolya, you will spin around, you will not understand anything.”

I like teachers who use a mixed authoritarian-democratic leadership style to instill discipline. In this style, everything is subordinated to work, the teacher convinces students that discipline is the key to successful studies. Children's disciplined behavior is stable. The skill of self-regulation of behavior and the skill of subordination to the teacher are developed.

Fostering conscious discipline, a sense of duty and responsibility. Life demands from a person high discipline and performance clarity - traits that are too poorly represented in our character. In their formation, a significant role belongs to the educational process of the school, in particular school discipline. School discipline is the observance by students of the rules of behavior at school and outside it, the clear and organized performance of their duties, and their obedience to public duty. Indicators high level discipline is students’ understanding of the need to comply with it at school, in public places, and in personal behavior; readiness and need to perform generally accepted norms and rules of discipline of work, training, free time; self-control in behavior; fight against discipline violators at school and beyond. Conscious discipline is manifested in the conscious, strict, unswerving implementation of social principles and norms of behavior and is based on the formation in students of such traits as discipline and a sense of duty and responsibility. The basis of discipline is the desire and ability of the individual to manage his behavior in accordance with social norms and requirements of the rules of conduct. Responsibility is a person-conscious system of social and moral requirements dictated by social needs and specific goals and objectives of a certain historical stage development. Responsibility is a personality quality characterized by the desire and ability to evaluate one’s behavior from the point of view of its expediency or damage to society, to measure one’s actions with the prevailing requirements, norms, laws in society, and to be guided by interests social progress. School discipline is a condition for normal educational activities of the school. It is quite obvious that in the absence of discipline it is impossible to carry out either a lesson or educational event, nor any other matter. It is also a means of educating schoolchildren. Discipline helps to increase the educational effectiveness of students' activities and allows them to limit and inhibit the reckless actions and actions of individual schoolchildren. An important role in instilling a sense of duty and responsibility is played by the work of teachers regarding students’ assimilation of the rules of behavior at school. It is necessary to accustom them to comply with these rules, to formulate in them the need for constant observance of them, to remind them of their content and requirements. It is inappropriate to divide the rules of conduct into primary and secondary ones, when violation of some teachings is responsible, while non-compliance with others goes unnoticed. Corresponding work should also be carried out with the parents of students. After all, the rules cover the basic responsibilities of schoolchildren, the conscientious fulfillment of which indicates their general good manners. To help the school develop in students the qualities provided for by these rules, parents must know them and master basic pedagogical techniques to develop these qualities. Cultivating the habit of following the rules of behavior and discipline begins from the first days of a student’s stay at school.

Teacher primary classes must clearly know what methods to achieve it, remembering that even the youngest first-grader student is already a citizen, endowed certain rights and responsibilities. Unfortunately, elementary school teachers very often see him only as a child. Some of them influence schoolchildren only through harshness and strive to achieve obedience by breaking the child’s will. In this case, students develop mindless obedience or defiant disobedience. In middle and high schools, individual teachers, through excessive severity and straightforwardness of judgment, often suppress the interests of schoolchildren and create reluctance to go to school. Vigilant control, constant restrictions lead to the opposite results, comments cause irritation, rudeness, and disobedience. The exactingness and severity of the teacher should be benevolent. He must understand that a student can make mistakes not only in class when answering questions, but also make mistakes in behavior due to a lack of life experience. Harsh and kind teacher knows how to forgive such mistakes and teaches minors how to behave in a difficult life situation. A. Makarenko assigned a large role in disciplining students to the school regime, believing that it fulfills its educational role only when it is expedient, precise, general and specific. The expediency of the regime lies in the fact that all elements of students’ life activities at school and at home are thoughtful and pedagogically justified. The accuracy of the regime is manifested in the fact that it does not allow any deviations in the time and location of the planned events. Precision must first of all be inherent in teachers, then it is passed on to children. The universality of the regime means that it is binding on all members of the school community. Regarding the teaching staff, this trait is manifested in the unity of demands that teachers make of students. Each student must clearly understand how he should act when performing certain duties. This regime contributes to the development in students of the ability to manage themselves, useful skills and habits, positive moral and legal qualities. An important place in teaching students appropriate behavior at school and outside of it belongs to clear control over their behavior, which includes recording their attendance at lessons and taking appropriate measures against those who are systematically late or do not show up for lessons without good reason. Some schools keep special journals of student behavior, in which the director or his deputy for educational work regularly records all cases of gross violation of order by students at school, on the street, in public places, as well as educational influences applied to them, and the results of these influences. This helps teachers timely analyze the state of discipline in the student body, outline and take measures to improve it, study the living conditions of students in more detail and more fully, get to know their families better, delve deeper into inner world individual students and thus identify shortcomings in the educational work of the school and improve it. Such a behavior log makes it possible to specify individual educational work with students prone to violations of moral and legal norms and contributes to their prevention. In some schools, instead of a behavior log, they keep a special file for student offenders. The attempts of individual teachers and parents to hide cases of violation of discipline so as not to compromise the class hinder the development of discipline in students. By not reacting to such actions, they instill in minors a sense of irresponsibility. If at a certain stage of education the student begins to be reproached for bad behavior, he cannot understand why his latest act is worse than the previous ones, which no one remembered, that his sense of responsibility has dulled, and he has developed insolence. Taking this into account, each case of violation of the rules of conduct should be analyzed in detail and given an appropriate assessment.

In disciplining students important role diary plays. The teacher should require them to keep a diary carefully. When assessing a student’s behavior for the week, one should also take into account his appearance and participation in cleaning the classroom, duty in the cafeteria, attitude towards friends and adults. Systematic control over the behavior of students in school and outside of it accustoms them to daily discipline. Such control is especially necessary for children who have formed negative habits. It creates conditions for them to develop positive habits and blocks the emergence and consolidation of negative ones. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to control students all the time if they accidentally violated the rules of conduct. When they are “educated” in many instances, often reminded of the slightest offenses, this does not contribute to their compliance with the rules of behavior, but encourages them to think that they are “Incorrigible”. Control must be tactful so that the student feels respect for himself as an individual. External control to a certain extent is coercion towards positive behavior. Together, internal control operates when certain norms of behavior have been internalized to such an extent that they have become a person’s internal beliefs, and she carries them out, often without even thinking about why she acts this way and not otherwise. If you can avoid fulfilling the requirements of the school regime, control on the part of teachers or a group of students can be avoided, then it is difficult to hide from your own conscience. Therefore, in education one should strive for a reasonable combination of external and internal control monitor the behavior of pupils, teach them “To do the right thing when no one hears, sees and no one knows.”

In education in general and in strengthening discipline in particular, establishing the correct tone and style in the activities of the student body is of particular importance. If a cheerful tone prevails, based on conscious discipline, unity and friendship, a feeling self-esteem each member of the team, issues of student education are easier to resolve. Prevention is effective conflict relations and preventing negative behavior. Violations of discipline and the requirements of the school regime more often occur where student activities are not well organized. If the pet has nothing to do in class or in the workshop, if his leisure time is not organized, then there is a desire to fill his time with something. free time, organizing it in your own way is not always reasonable. Violations of the school regime by individual students are also caused by the inability of some teachers to work with pedagogically neglected children, mistakes and mistakes in working with them caused by the fact that teachers do not reveal the motives for their negative behavior, knowledge of which makes it possible to effectively build educational work with them. So, if a pet is treated poorly for lack of prospects, for indifference to his future, then all the work of the teacher is aimed at developing his faith in this future, in the opportunity to achieve it on our own. The school loses a lot in instilling conscious discipline because it does not always adhere to strict regulation of the life and activities of students. A. Makarenko wrote on this occasion that it is “the school that, from the very first day, must set before the student firm, undeniable demands of society, equip the child with standards of behavior, so that she knows what is possible and what is not possible, what is commendable and what will not be praised.” This regulation is determined by the rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren, provided for by law Ukraine “On Education”. Students have all the conditions for studying and working at school, so each of them must conscientiously and consciously fulfill their duties. Students’ respect for the law lies in conscious adherence to the rules of behavior, discipline, combating violations of the requirements of the school regime, assistance teaching staff in the organization of the educational process. In short, the student must deeply understand that behavior and attitude towards learning are not only his personal business, that his duty as a citizen is to study conscientiously, behave exemplarily and restrain others from unworthy actions.

behavior education schoolchild lesson

Children and the problem of school discipline

To understand the specifics of discipline in the moral system, it is necessary to keep in mind that the same rule of behavior in one case acts as a requirement of discipline, in another - as an ordinary norm of morality. If, for example, a student is late for class, this is a violation of discipline, but if he is late for a meeting with a friend, this qualifies as a deviation from moral rules, as a manifestation of disrespect or lack of precision.

The fact that discipline as an ethical category is associated primarily with the implementation of mandatory norms and rules of behavior dictated by the official duties of an individual is also evidenced by the features that it has in various public spheres. There is, for example, military discipline, labor discipline, etc. Naturally, there is also school discipline. It includes the whole system mandatory rules and requirements for student behavior and activities. These rules are developed by the students themselves and are called “Rules of Behavior at School.” In addition, the rules are part of the internal labor regulations. They are also stated in the school charter.

In this sense, the essence of conscious discipline of students consists in their knowledge of the rules of behavior and the order established in school, understanding of their necessity and an established, stable habit of observing them. If these rules are fixed in the behavior of students, they turn into a personal quality, which is usually called discipline.

Discipline is the most important thing moral quality. Every person needs it. No matter who the schoolchildren become in the future, no matter where it takes them life path, everywhere they will have to meet the demands of discipline. It is needed in educational institutions and in production, in any institution and in everyday life, at home. At school, as in all areas of life, organization, clear order, and accurate and conscientious fulfillment of teachers’ requirements are necessary. School discipline must be conscious, based on an understanding of the meaning and significance of the requirements of educators and children's collective bodies. Students must not only comply with school requirements themselves, but also help teachers and school leaders deal with discipline violators.

Discipline at school is firm discipline. It requires mandatory compliance with the orders of elders and the requirements of the children’s collective bodies. It is characterized by children’s recognition of the authority of teachers and parents, and a clear organization of individual and collective work of schoolchildren.

Violation of discipline at school makes it difficult to study and interferes with the preparation of schoolchildren to comply with the rules of socialist life. Undisciplined students often violate labor discipline even after graduating from school and take the path of hooliganism and offenses that harm society. Therefore, during school years, a lot of educational work is carried out aimed at preventing violations of discipline and order.

There is no legal norm in domestic legislation regarding student labor discipline yet. When considering problems of student compliance with discipline, they rely on local acts educational institution.

Students' responsibility for maintaining discipline arises when they commit disciplinary offenses. These include: violation of the charter of an educational institution, hooliganism, cheating, disrespectful attitude towards adults, leading to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements for students.

It is necessary to distinguish undisciplinary actions from disciplinary offenses. The latter are qualified as offenses and are subject to legal regulation. In accordance with the legislation on education, students are subject to legal liability in the event of illegal actions, gross and repeated violations of the institution’s Charter.

Actions that give rise to disciplinary liability of students, as well as types disciplinary sanctions must be included in the institution's charter.

Note that a number of disciplinary actions are manifested in the indiscipline of students. Indiscipline can be of two types: malicious (not situational and has a stereotypical character) and non-malicious (manifests itself in mischief, pranks). Indiscipline can be presented in such forms as rudeness, insolence, and lack of restraint.

Federal legislation provides for only one penalty for a student’s disciplinary offense: expulsion from the educational institution for committing illegal actions. For offenders in this situation, the following expulsion procedure applies: if the student has reached 14 years of age, then expulsion for committing a disciplinary offense is carried out with the consent of the education management body to which the given subject is subject. educational institution. If a student is under 14 years of age, expulsion is possible only with the consent of his parents. The level of conscious discipline and general education of the individual is reflected in the concept of culture of behavior. As a specific term, this concept means high degree refinement, polishing of a person’s actions and deeds, the perfection of his activities in various fields life. The content of school discipline and student behavior culture includes following rules: do not be late or miss classes; conscientiously complete educational tasks and diligently acquire knowledge; treat textbooks, notebooks and textbooks; maintain order and silence in lessons; do not allow hints and cheating; take care of school property and personal belongings; show courtesy in relationships with teachers, adults and friends; take part in social useful work, work and various extracurricular activities; avoid rudeness and offensive words; be demanding of your appearance; maintain the honor of your class and school, etc.

Compliance with the norms and rules of disciplined behavior should become a habit for students and become their internal need. Therefore, already in primary school Practical teaching of schoolchildren to disciplined behavior occupies an important place. Particularly a lot of effort and energy has to be spent on teaching students to disciplined behavior at the beginning of the year. During the summer holidays, some students lose the skills of organized behavior. To restore them, you need time in class, during breaks.

Ample opportunities for teaching schoolchildren to disciplined behavior are provided by their joint socially useful activities and work for the common benefit. In such work, schoolchildren acquire and consolidate the skills of organized behavior, learn to accurately carry out the orders of teachers and student bodies, and become accustomed to mutual responsibility and diligence. That's why proper organization varied activities of students is a necessary condition for educating them in the spirit of conscious discipline. The teacher usually monitors how individual students behave during the process. labor activity, gives advice, shows how to act in a particular case. Gradually, the active members of the class are involved in monitoring the behavior of students. This allows students to overcome disobedience and teach them disciplined behavior. But modern education denies physical labor of students. And some parents protect their children from work, forgetting that it was work that turned a monkey into a man

The design of a classroom, school, or school site also helps instill discipline. External order disciplines students. From the first days of schooling, it is necessary to accustom children to order and cleanliness in the classroom, to careful handling of school property. Big role Student duty plays a role in solving these problems. The attendants monitor the order and cleanliness of the classroom, ensure that the classroom is ventilated during breaks, and ensure that all leftover food and papers are thrown into a special box. The attendants also monitor whether children handle school property carefully, whether they damage desks, walls and school equipment, whether they take care of their belongings, and whether their books are clean. Thus, duty becomes an important means of teaching the observance of discipline and order at school. It was. What now? Children are not allowed to sweep, dust, or work. What kind of helpers do we want to raise? What kind of labor discipline can we talk about?

We must not forget that compliance with the norms and rules of discipline, culture, and behavior ensures success in all areas of human activity. If he clearly follows the norms, rules and requirements necessary to carry out the duties assigned to him, if he shows punctuality, accuracy and a conscientious attitude to work, this creates the prerequisites for achieving high results in this activity and improving its quality, which is certainly important both for society and for the individual himself. At the same time, discipline and culture of behavior have great educational potential. Here we should also say something about school uniforms. They make a person fit, restrained, contribute to the formation of the ability to subordinate one’s actions and actions to achieving set goals, encourage self-control and self-education and overcoming existing shortcomings. All this makes the cultivation of conscious discipline a very significant task. moral formation personality.

From the conversation class teacher and the mother of one student:

“Why, he couldn’t. My son is a very calm boy. He is never rude to adults.” Do parents know what their beloved children, deprived of parental control, are capable of? Why are the actions of children at school so unexpected for fathers and mothers? ? Confusion, amazement and distrust of the words of teachers are sometimes combined with aggressiveness and a desire to defend the “innocently accused". Notes in the diary, summons to school... The most common reason is violations of school discipline by children. What is the general situation with discipline in our school?

As the study of this issue showed, the following forms of violation of school discipline were mainly identified.

1st place in terms of prevalence among all forms of discipline violations was taken by schoolchildren's conversations in class;

2nd place - late for lessons;

3rd place - games with the phone; Also mentioned:


damage to school property and equipment;

The latter type of violation seems like petty fun compared to such forms as verbal abuse of a teacher; ignoring his questions; “throwing” various objects (papers, buttons). These facts make an extremely unfavorable impression. It is noteworthy that the range of discipline violations by schoolchildren is quite wide. It should be noted that the most difficult situation is observed in classes where teenage children study (“they experience a sharp change in mood and behavior”). Analysis of the responses showed that older teachers work very hard at school. The practice of “testing the strength” of new teachers is widespread. The reasons for violations of school discipline also included the negative influence of television programs, the preaching of violence, and the topic of crime. This is what often happens behind the closed doors of school. How is it that children who are polite and calm at home do such things?

There is no doubt that in many cases the herd effect operates. Especially in adolescence strong desire to become “one of us” in certain group, gain recognition from classmates, which often pushes children to the most extravagant disciplinary violations. Not everyone can resist the pressure of a group in which certain norms of behavior are accepted.

Ways to solve the problem of discipline

I believe that discipline is not a means of education, but the result of education. Thinking that discipline can be achieved through some special methods aimed at creating discipline is a mistake. Discipline is the product of the whole sum educational influence, including here and educational process, and the process of character organization, and the process of collision, conflict, and conflict resolution in a team, in the process of friendship, and trust. To expect that discipline can be created by preaching alone, by explanations alone, means counting on an extremely weak result.

It is precisely in the area of ​​reasoning that I have encountered very stubborn opponents of discipline among students, and if you prove to them the need for discipline verbally, you can encounter the same vivid words and objections. Thus, instilling discipline through reasoning and persuasion can only lead to endless debate. How can this conscious discipline be achieved? In our school there is no theory of morality, there is no such subject. And the task is next year will consist in developing and searching for such a program.

The primary conditions for good education for students are a healthy lifestyle in the family and at school. The correct daily routine, normal conditions of study, nutrition and rest, the absence of conflicts with parents and teachers create the necessary basis for a healthy mood, a balanced mental state of students, and therefore even behavior. The starting point for the formation of education is the students’ conviction that it is necessary to ensure the success of the overall work and to ensure the physical and moral security of everyone. The behavioral attitudes of students should be based on norms of universal morality, based on respect for another person. It is from these principles that the feelings of dignity, conscience, honor and duty grow, such strong-willed qualities like self-control, restraint, organization.

Explaining the rules of behavior as the best ways to achieve common goals, using vivid examples from works of art, ethical conversations and debates, discussing with students the consequences of certain incidents in the life of the class, acting out and analyzing situations that present the possibility of moral choice - all this helps pupils to master socially approved norms of behavior, to become convinced of their reasonableness, fairness and necessity. An important means The formation of D. is a moral and legal assessment of actions (by a teacher, parents, a group of peers), stimulating self-esteem. The effectiveness of an assessment depends on the credibility of its source. The teacher and educator work to develop habits and behavioral skills, relying on the student’s family and student body.

An indispensable condition for the emergence of individual and public self-discipline is the joint collective development of a code of rules, the laws of life of the class, school and the conclusion of a kind of society, an agreement between students and teachers for their implementation. “Discipline cannot be prescribed, it can only be developed by the entire school community, i.e., the teacher and students; otherwise it will be incomprehensible to students, completely inexpensive for them and morally optional.” The routine and standards of life of an educational institution are established not only by the state, but also public organizations: school, etc. councils, bodies student government. They take upon themselves the development of rules for students and the organization of school activities in accordance with them. Collective introspection of the life of the team, the actions of its members, the development of societies, opinions on events that destroy the contractual order, help consolidate the positive experience of relationships, and understand the causes of disciplinary violations.

What exactly is school discipline? First of all, it requires students to carefully attend classes, conscientiously complete homework, maintain order in lessons and during breaks, and strictly carry out all educational assignments. School discipline also provides for the student’s conscientious fulfillment of the requirements and instructions of teachers, school administration and student organizations. It obliges everyone to strictly observe the rules concerning his attitude towards other people, as well as those expressing requirements for himself.


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